false friends falsos amigos

false Friends Falsos amigos frases palabras en apariencia similar pero con significado diferentes ingles Spanish Edition

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Falsos amigos False friends Glenn Darragh

Falsos amigos False friends Written by / Escrito por: Glenn Darragh Published by / Editado por: Editorial Stanley Layout / Diseno y Maquetacitin: Angela G6mez Martfn Front page design / Disefto portada: Disefto Irun6s ® Editorial Stanley Apdo. 207-20302 I RUN-SPAIN Telf. (943) 64 04 12 - Fax. (943) 64 38 63

www.libross.com ISBN: 84-7873-350-7 Dep. Legal: BI-1987-01

First edition / Primera edition 2001 Printers / Imprime: Imprenta Berekintza


¿Necesita usted este libro? .. . .v Cómo usar este libro




Falsos Amigos


Tests de Repaso




Esta página dejada en blanco al propósito.

Necesita usted este libro?

Lea las frases siguientes. 1. Many people in the company think that John will get the actual manager's job. 2. I bought those books in a second-hand library on Charing Cross Road. 3. He's not in the office this week, he assisting a training course in London. 4. I will try to resume the main points of the report. 5. I won't be able to attend the meeting because of a previous compromise. 6. The music contributed to the exit of the party. 7. She works as a dependent in a department store. 8. Eventually I'll accept their offer — I haven't decided yet. 9. He removed the water to dissolve the aspirin faster. 10. It's not convenient to eat, drink and smoke excessively.

Si usted cree que estas frases expresan su significado correctamente y con claridad, entonces es que usted, desde luego, necesita este libro. Ninguna de las diez frases es correcta y todas dejarfan perplejo a un lector de habla inglesa. En cada caso, el problema estS causado por un "falso amigo" es decir, una palabra inglesa que se parece mucho a la palabra espanola, pero que, en realidad, tiene un significado muy diferente. Si usted es capaz de corregir las frases substituyendo las palabras enganosas (mostradas en cursiva) por las palabras apropiadas, entonces, usted probablemente no necesita este libro. Por otra parte, si las frases todavfa le parecen a usted correctas, tiene usted mucho que ganar leyendo las siguientes pdginas.

Soluciones 1. No actual, sino present, 2. No library, sino bookshop.5^321 3. No assisting sino attending. 4. No resume sino summarise. 5. No compromise, sino engagement 6. No exit, sino success. 7. No a dependent, sino an assistant. 8. No eventually sino possibly. 9. No removed sino stirred. ^J 10. No convenient, sino advisable. EDITORIAL STANLEY


Esta página dejada en blanco al propósito.

Como usar este libro. Como cualquier persona de habla espafiola que este estudiando ingle's sabe, hay miles de palabras en este idioma que son "verdaderas amigas": son parecidas, y, a veces, identicas, tanto en apariencia como en significado, a las palabras espanolas, y, por esa raz6n, son facilfsimas de aprender y de usar. Desgraciadamente, tambien existe un pequeno grupo traidor de "falsos amigos": palabras que se escriben de forma muy parecida en los dos idiomas, pero que tienen significados muy diferentes. Este libro presenta 502 de los "falsos amigos" mas comunes. A fin de tener una referenda facil, cada palabra esta numerada, como se muestra en el siguiente ejemplo:


embarrassed Wrong


She is six months embarrassed.

She is six months pregnant.

» Examples He was noticeably embarrassed. I'm embarrassed by what I said. Embarrassed, he mumbled an excuse. She felt embarrassed about telling me.

Estaba visiblemente avergonzado. Estoy aborchornado por lo que dije. Azorado, farfullo una excusa. Le daba verguenza contarmelo.



Embarrassed significa avergonzado, abochornado. No significa embarazada, que se traduce por pregnant.

1. Cuando estaba embarazada se me antpjaban las cosas mas extranas. 2. Esta embarazada de seis meses. 3. Estaba tan apurada que no sabia qu£ decir. 4. En aquel entonces estaba embarazada de Angela.

Los "falsos amigos" se dividen en dos categorfas basicas. Primero estan las palabras que son "amigos completamente falsos", palabras que nunca significan lo mismo en el ingles y en el espanol modernos. Palabras inglesas como actual, eventual, y remove nunca pueden traducirse por sus gemelas espanolas. Tales palabras se indican en este libro, como en el ejemplo anterior con el sfmbolojKLa segunda categorfa, la mas grande de las dos, consiste en palabras que comparten algunos de los significados en ambos idiomas, pero no otros significados importantes. Como ejemplo de esta clase de "amigos medio falsos", esta la palabra assassin:


assassin Wrong


Harold Shipman is the worst serial assassin in British history.

Harold Shipman is the worst serial killer in British history.

Examples Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin of President Kennedy.

Lee Harvey Oswald fue el asesino del Presidente Kennedy.



Assassin significa asesino = magnicida. No significa asesino = criminal, homicida, que se traduce por murderer, killer.

1. El medico Harold Shipman es el peor asesino en serie en la historia de Gran Bretana. 2. El asesino convicto Gary Graham fue ejecutado con una inyeccidn letal el jueves en Texas.

Este libro tiene como objetivo servir, no s6lo como referencia manual, sino tambien como una herramienta practica para autodidactas. De aquf que se ha intentado prestar mucha atenci6n a la clase de errores que los "amigos falsos" pueden causar. La mayor parte de los ejemplos que se dan en este libro comienzan por mostrar tal error, seguido por una versidn correcta de la frase, un breve COMENTARIO explicando el error, uno o mas EJEMPLOS del uso correcto de esa palabra en ingles y varies ejercicios de TRADUCClON. En la seccidn de los comentarios, a menudo se usa el signo "=" con el significado "en el sentido de". Las respuestas a los ejercicios se encuentran al final del libro, junto con algunos tests de repaso. EDITORIAL STANLEY


Esta página dejada en blanco al propósito.

i n d i c e en la página

abandon ... 1 . .. 1 abate abbreviate ... 1 absolve . .. 1 absorbent ... 2 abuse ... 2 accessory ... 2 accord ... 3 accost .. . 3 accuse ... 3 action ... 3 actual . .. 4 actuality ...4 actually .. . 4 actuate .. . 4 addict .. . 5 adept ... 5 adequate .. . 5 adjudicate ...5 admiration .. . 6 admire ...6 admit ...6 advertise ... 7 advise ... 7 affection ... 1 affront ... 8 agenda ... 8 agonize ... 8 agony .. . 8 agreeable ... 9 alcove . .. 9 allocated . .. 9 alter ... 9 alteration .. 10 alternate . . 10 amass .. 10 amorous .. 10 ancient .. 11 angina .. 11 announcement .. . . 11 anticipate .. 11 anxious . . 12 aperture . . 12 apogee .. 12 apology .. 12 apparatus .. 13 apparent .. 13 apparition .. 13 appellation .. 13 application .. 14 .. 14 appoint EDITORIAL STANLEY

en la paging

... 14 appreciate apprehensive .. ... 14 approve ... 15 . .. 15 apt ... 15 arena argument . .. 15 arm ...16 ...16 arrogant arsenal ...16 artifice ...17 . .. 17 artist . . . 17 ascend aspect ...17 aspersion ...18 aspire ...18 assassin ...18 assess ...19 assignation .... . . . 1 9 ... 19 assist assistance .. . 19 assistant ...20 assume ...20 attend ...20 bachelor ...21 balance . . . 21 ballon ...21 barbarity . . . 21 barracks ...22 bigot ...22 bizarre . . . 22 bland . . . 22 bomber ...23 bracelet . . . 23 brave . . . 23 . . . 24 brute cabin ...24 cabinet ...24 callous . .. 25 camp ...25 candid ...25 carbon . .. 26 cardinal . .. 26 career . .. 26 cargo ...26 carpet ...27 carton ...21 cask ...27 casually . .. 27 casualty ...28 category ...28 certify . . . 28

en la pdgina

character . . 28 charlatan .. 29 chimney .. 29 circulation .. 29 civil .. 30 collar .. 30 college . . 30 comedian . . 30 comedy .. 31 commercial . . 31 commodious .... . . 31 commodity .. 31 competence .... . . 32 . . 32 complacent complexion . . 32 compliment .... . . 32 composed . . 33 comprehensive . . . . 33 compromise .... . . 33 concern . . 34 concerto . . 34 concrete . . 34 concurrence .... . . 34 condition . . 35 conductor . . 35 conference . . 35 confident . . 36 confine . . 36 confront . . 36 conjugate . . 36 conjure . . 37 consent . . 37 consequence .... . . 37 consequent . . 38 consistency . . 38 consistent . . 38 conspicuous .... . . 39 constipated .... . . 39 contest . . 39 convenience .... . . 40 . . 40 convenient conviction . . 40 correspondence . . . 41 cost . . 41 . . 41 count courage . . 41 creature . . 42 crime . . 42 crude . . 42 cube . . 42 cup . . 43

en la p£gina

curious .. 43 current . . 43 curse .. 43 deception . . 44 declaration .. 44 . . 44 deduce defraud .. 45 defunct .. 45 delicious .. 45 .. 45 demand .. 46 demonstrate demonstration .. .. 46 department .. 46 dependant .. 46 .. 47 deposit destiny .. 47 .. 47 determined .. 48 device devise .. 48 diary .. 48 direction .. 48 .. 49 discrete .. 49 discuss discussion .. 49 disgrace .. 49 disgraced .. 50 disgust .. 50 disgusted .. 50 dishonest .. 50 dismay . . 51 dispatch .. 51 .. 51 dispense dispose . . 51 disposition . . 52 distinct .. 52 distinctly .. 52 distracted .. 53 distraction . . 53 distress .. 53 diversion .. 54 divert . . 54 dominate . . 54 dormitory . . 54 . . 55 double dramatic .. 55 duel . . 55 .. 56 duress edification . . 56 .. 56 edify edit .. 56 editor .. 57

en la p&gma

educated ...57 ...57 education effectively ...58 . . . 58 elemental ...58 embargo embarrassed ... . . . 5 8 emission ...59 ...59 employ encounter . .. 59 engineer ...59 ...60 engross . .. 60 enterprise entertain ...60 . .. 60 entire envy ...61 epoch . . . 61 equivocate .... . . . 6 1 err . . . 61 ...62 escapade . . . 62 essay .. . 62 estate estimate ...62 ...63 etiquette ...63 eventual ...63 eventually exacting ...63 ...64 exalted ...64 excited . . . 64 exit expectation . . . . . . 64 . . . 65 expedient experiment .... . . . 65 ...65 explode exposition ...65 extension . . . 66 extenuate ...66 extravagance .. . . . 6 6 extravagant ... . . . 6 7 ...67 fabric . .. 67 facility faction . .. 67 familiar ...68 . .. 68 fastidious fatal ...68 ...68 fatality fatigue . . . 69 ...69 fault . . . 69 feast ferment ...69 . . . 70 feud figure ...70 ix

i nd i c e en la pagina

final ...70 finality ...70 .. . 71 firm ...71 florid formal ...71 formation .. . 71 formidable .... . . . 7 2 fume ...72 fund ...72 genial .. . 72 genius .. . 73 gentle .. . 73 gently ...73 gesture ...73 .. . 74 globe grace ...74 gracious ...74 gratification ... . . . 7 4 .. . 75 gratify gratuitous ...75 ...75 grenade guard ...75 guardian ...76 history ...76 human ...76 humid ...76 humour ... 77 idiom ...77 . .. 77 ignore illusion ...77 illustrated ...78 immaterial .... . . . 7 8 import ...78 inadequate .... . . . 7 8 inconsistent ... .. . 79 incorporate .... . . . 7 9 incorrect ...79 indifferent .... . . . 7 9 indignant ...80 industry ...80 inept ...80 infant ...80 ... 81 infidel informal ...81 ingenuity ...81 inhabitable .... . . . 8 1 injury ...82 insane ... 82 inspire ...82 instance ...82 intend ...83 x

en la pagina

en la p^gina

.. 83 intervene . . 83 intimate .. 83 intoxicated intoxication .... .. 84 introduce .. 84 .. 84 invert .. 84 invidious .. 85 involve jubilation . . 85 . . 85 junta ..85 labour ..86 large .. 86 lecture library .. 86 ..86 local . . 87 luxury manifestation .. .. 87 . . 87 marine ..87 marmalade ..88 mascara . . 88 measure miserable ..88 ..88 misery ..89 modest . . 89 molest ..89 moral morose ..89 motorist ..90 ..90 move ..90 mundane ..90 murmur negotiate ,..91 ...91 nerve ..91 nervous ..91 note ..92 notice ..92 notorious ..92 novel ..92 obscure ..93 obsequious ..93 occult , .. 93 occurrence , . . 93 offence ...94 official ...94 officious ..94 ordinary . . 94 ore , . . 95 organism ...95 ostensible ...95 pain ...95 paper

parade parent parsimony particular pastel patron peculiar perceive perfect period pest petrol petulant pinch plausible plus policy politic ponder porter practice practitioner precinct precious precise predicament premises preoccupied preserve presume pretend prevent probe proceed procure profound propaganda proper prospect prove punctuate qualification quiet quit quota range rape rare ration realize recognize

...96 ...96

.. . 96 ...96 ...97 ...97 ...97 ... 97

...98 ...98 ... 98

...98 ...99 ...99 ...99 ...99

.. 100 .. 100

. . 100 .. 100 .. 101

... . . 101 .. 101 .. 101 .. 102

... .. 102 .. 102

... .. 102 .. 103 .. 103 .. 103

. . 103 . . 104 . . 104 .. 104

. . 104

. . . . . 105 . . 105 . . 105 . . 105 . . 106

. . . . . 106 . . 106 . . 106 . . . 107 . . 107 . . 107 . . 107 . . 108 . . 108 . . 108

en la pagina

recollect . .. 108 recollection . . . . . 109 record . . . 109 recur . .. 109 refrain . .. 109 refrain . . . 110 refund . .. 110 regale . .. 110 register . .. 110 regular . .. 111 reign . .. 111 relation . .. 111 relevant . .. 111 remove . .. 112 rent . .. 112 report . .. 112 requirement .. . .. 112 resign . .. 113 resignation ... . .. 113 resist ... 113 resort ... 113 rest . . . 114 result . .. 114 resume . . . 114 reticent . .. 115 retribution .... . . 115 reunion . .. 115 reunite ... 115 reveal . . . 116 revise .. . 116 revolve ... 116 rich ... 116 rope . . . 117 rude . . . 117 rumour ... 117 sack . . . 117 salute ... 118 sane ... 118 sanity ... 118 scandal ... 119 scandalous ... ... 119 scenario ... 119 scheme . .. 120 scholar ... 120 secular . .. 120 secure ... 121 semblance .... . . . 121 sensible ... 121 sentence ... 121 signature .. . 122 sort .. . 122

en la pagina

. . 122 spade .. 122 splendid . . 123 stamp . . 123 stranger stretch . . 123 . . 123 suave . . 124 suburbs . . 124 succeed . . 124 success . . 124 suffocate . . 125 suffocated suggestion .... . . 125 . . 125 support . . 125 suspend sympathetic ... . . 126 sympathize .... . . 126 sympathy . . 126 . . 126 syndicate table . . 127 . . 127 tact . . 127 tenant . . 127 topic . . 128 tramp . . 128 transcend transcendental . . . 128 . . 128 treatment .. 129 trespass


. . 129

ulterior . . 129 . . 130 ultimate . . 130 ultimately unconscious . . . . . 130 . . 130 ungrateful . . 131 vague . . 131 valour vase . . 131 . . 131 versatile . . 132 verse . . 132 vicious .. 132 violent . . 133 voluble . . 133 vote vulgar .. 133


Falsos amigos False friends

Esta página dejada en blanco al propósito.


abandon Wrong


After the play the audience abandoned the theatre.

After the play the audience left the theatre.

' Examples Would you abandon your dog to go on holiday? She abandoned the baby at the entrance to the hospital. He abandoned hisjob and went off travelling.

^Abandonaria a su perro para irse devacaciones? Abandono al beb6 en la puerta del hospital. Dej6 su trabajo y se puso a viajar.



To abandon significa abandonar para siempre. No significa abandonar = dejar un lugar, que se traduce por to leave.

1. El publico abandon^ el teatro. 2. Abandon^ la reunion en serial de protesta. 3. Abandonti Espafia a causa de la guerra civil. 4. Abandonamos la ciudad el viernes.

abate Wrong They abated the old building.

2 Right They knocked down the old building.

Examples We waited until the noise had abated. The storm had abated a little.

Comment To abate significa amainar, calmarse, disminuir (el viento, un dolor, la ira, etc). No significa abatir, que se traduce por to knock down (echar por tierra) o to shoot.

abbreviate Wrong He had to abbreviate his visit.


He had to cut

short his visit.


Words are abbreviated in stenography.

En taquigrafia se abrevian las palabras.

Exercises 1. Abrevia o llegaremos tarde. 2. Vamos a abreviar el camino. 3. Tuvo que abreviar su visita. 4. Abrevia, que se hace tarde.

4 Right The defendant was acquitted by the jury.

Comment To absolve significa absolver = perdonar los pecados en la confesibn. No significa absolver = declarar inocente a un acusado, que se traduce por to acquit. EDITORIAL STANLEY

1. Abatieron el viejo edificio. 2. Nos resguardamos hasta que amaind la tormenta. 3. Abatieron al elefante a tiros.


To abbreviate significa abreviar (una palabra). No significa abreviar=acelerar, apresurar, que se traduce por to cut short, take a shortcut, hurry.

The defendant was absolved by the jury.





Esperamos a que disminuyera el ruido. La tormenta habia amainado un poco.

Examples I absolve you of your sins. The murderer was absolved by the priest but was not acquitted by thejudge.

Te absuelvo de tus pecados. El asesino fue absuelto por el sacerdote, pero no por eljuez.

Exercises 1. El acusado fue absuelto por el jurado. 2. Solicitd la total absolucidn desucliente. 1


absorbent Wrong


His mother-in-law was a very absorbent woman.

His mother-inlaw was a very domineering woman.


Nappies are made of absorbent material. Blotting paper is very absorbent.

Comment Absorbent significa absorbente = que retiene Ifquidos. No significa absorbente = dominante, que se traduce por domineering, overbearing; ni absorbente = que lieva tiempo, que se traduce por demanding, time-consuming.


1. Mi madre fue siempre muy absorbente. 2. Su trabajo es muy absorbente. 3. Tiene un jefe muy absorbente que no le deja solo ni un minuto.


Examples Some youths were abusing the police. She was verbally and physically abused. My question provoked a shower of abuse. Some parents abuse their children.

Comment To abuse, como abusar en castellano, significa hacer mal uso de algo. Pero el verbo ingle's tambien significa insultar, injuriar, maltratar. Notese: el sustantivo abuse = insultos. accessory

The accessory expenses are minor.

Unosj6venes estaban insultando a la policfa. La maltrataron de palabra y de obra. Mi pregunta provocti una rociada de insultos. Algunos padres maltratan a sus hijos.

Exercises 1. Existe una tendencia a que la gente abuse del sistema. 2. Tuvo que aguantar una lluvia de insultos del publico. 3. Abus6 de su puesto para ganar votos. 4. El arbitro tuvo que aguantar carros y carretas. 5. No abuses de mi paciencia.

7 Right The additional expenses are minor.

Comment Accessory significa accesorio = complemento o adorno de una cosa. Pero tambien significa complice. Ndtese: el adjetivo accesorio se suele traducir por additional, incidental.


Los panales se fabrican con un material absorbente. El papel secante es muy absorbente.


Right Some youths were abusing the police.



Examples They have a full range of bathroom accessories. He was an accessory to the murder.

Tienen una amplia gama de accesorios de cuarto de bano. Fue un c6mplice en el asesinato.

Exercises 1. Llevaba puesto un traje gris con accesorios ajuego. 2. Fue ctimplice en el delito. 3. Los gastos accesorios son pocos. EDITORIAL STANLEY





They accorded to meet again.

They agreed to


meet again

Comment El verbo to accord significa dar (la bienvenida), conceder, otorgar, conferir (un honor). Tambien significa concordar pero no significa acordar (hacer algo), que se traduce por to agree (to do something). El sustantivo accord significa acuerdo.

wrong It was late so they accosted the children.

He's a traitor -he accused his comrades to the Gestapo.

Right He's a traitor -he reported his comrades to the Gestapo.

El verbo ingles to accuse significa acusar = culpar. No significa acusar = delatar, denunciar, que se traduce por to snitch (US), to tell on o to report, to denounce.

Wrong My father bought actions in Telefonica.

Exercises 1. La prostituta se dirigiti a mi en la calle. 2. Los periodistas abordaron a I Presidente.

Examples Are you accusing me? He was accused of stealing fifty pounds.

(jMeest£sacusandoa mi? Lo acusaron de robar cincuenta libras.

Exercises 1. Lo acusaron de ser un traidor. 2. Le delate a la maestra. 3. Cada vez que falta algo me acusan a mf 4. Delatb a sus amigos.

11 Right My father bought shares in Telefonica.

Comment Action significa acto, hecho. No significa accitin (en la bolsa), que se traduce por share. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Meaborddenlacalle. Se acercti a mi para pedir fuego. Las mujeres se quejan de ser importunadas en la calle.




Exercises 1. Acordaron reunirse nuevamente. 2. Le dieron una gran bienvenida. 3. Llegaron a un acuerdo. 4. No te acordaste de mi cumpleaftos.

She accosted me in the street. He accosted me for a light. The women complain of being accosted in the street.



• Lo recibieron como a un heYoe. • El gobierno le otorgti una distincitin.


Right It was late so they put the children to bed.

To accost significa abordar, dirigirse a alguien (a veces con fines deshonestos). No significa acostar(se), que se traduce por to put to bed, to go to bed.


He was accorded a hero's welcome. The government accorded him an honour.

' Examples They put the plan into action. Actions speak louder than words.

Pusieron el plan en acciCn. Obras son amores y no buenas razones.

Exercises 1. Las acciones de Amazon.com bajaron tres enteros ayer. 2. Tiene el treinta por ciento de las acciones. 3. Mi padre ha comprado acciones en Telefonica. 3





What do you think about the actual crisis?

What do you think about the present crisis?

Examples She says she's twenty-eight but her actual age is forty. Those were her actual words. He cited actual cases.

Dice que tiene veintiocho afios, pero en realidad tiene cuarenta. Eso fue exactamente lo que dijo. Cito casos reales.



Actual significa real, verdadero. No significa nunca actual, que se traduce por present, current.

1. Murphy es el actual campeon. 2. Mucha gente cree que John va a suceder al director actual. 3. ,-Cual es tu direccitin actual? 4. £ste es el mismisimo documento que descubriti.

actuality Wrong

13 | Right


In the actuality 1 At present he's he's living abroad. | living abroad.

His novel blurs the division between dreams and actuality. Her dream became actuality.

Comment Actualitysignifica realidad. No significa nunca actualidad que se traduce por current situation. En la actualidad se traduce porj currently, at present, nowadays. De ac- \ tualidad se traduce por topical.

En su novela la distincitin entre suefioy realidad se vuelve confusa. Su sueno se convirtid en realidad.

Exercises 1. Es un tema de palpitante actualidad. 2. Esta" evadiendo la realidad. 3. En la actualidad la gente va menos al cine. 4. Siempre tratan temas de candente actualidad.

Examples Wrong


It used to be a luxury but actually it's a necessity.

It used to be a luxury but nowadays it's a necessity.

She's actually very intelligent. I never believed I'd actually win. Actually, I'd rather not go. There's a big difference between saying something and actually doing it.

Comment Actually significa realmente, verdaderamente, en efecto, de hecho. No significa nunca actualmente, que se traduce por at present, currently, nowadays.

En realidad es muy inteligente. Nunca cref que llegaria a ganar. La verdad es que preferirfa no ir. Del dicho al hecho va un trecho.

Exercises 1. En realidad, 61 no es el dueno. 2. Actualmente la situacidn es mucho mcis grave. 3. ^Le vieron ustedes realmente? 4. Se encuentra actualmente en Suecia. 5. Actualmente vivimos en paz.


actuate Wrong


I don't understand the way you're actuating.

I don't understand the way you're behaving.

Examples He was actuated by envy. It was a statement actuated by malice.

Laenvidialemovidaello. Era una declaraci6n motivada por el rencor.

Comment To actuate significa animar, motivar. No significa actuar, que se traduce por to act, to behave. 4

Exercises 1. Tenemos que actuar con rapidez. 2. Movido por la rabia, mato a su amigp. 3. No entiendo tu forma de actuar.



addict Wrong


He's an addict of the nationalist cause.

He's a supporter of the nationalist cause.

Examples She was shocked at the discovery that her son was a drug addict. His children are television addicts. He's addicted to chocolate.

Comment Addict significa adicto (a la droga, etc). No significa adicto (a un regimen, una ideolog(a), que se traduce por supporter, follower.

Exercises 1. Es adicto a la causa nacionalista. 2. Es tan adicto a sujefe que seria incapaz de traicionarlo. 3. Es adicto a los crucigramas.



• Examples

Right In China this sect already has millions of adepts.

Se quedti anonadada al descubrir que su hijo era drogadicto. Sus hijos son teleadictos. Es adicto al chocolate.

She's very adept with a needle. She was adept at avoiding questions. He's always been very adept at carpentry.

In China this sect already has millions of followers.

Tiene manos habiles para la costura. Era muy hdbil para eludir preguntas. Siempre ha tenido gran habilidad paralacarpintena.



Adept significa hdbil, experto. No significa adepto = partidario, que se traduce por supporter, follower.

1. Siempre fue un adepto al regimen. 2. Sus ideas han conseguido muchos adeptos. 3. Es un politico adepto al monetarismo. 4. Mahoma tiene muchos adeptos.


adequate Wrong


I don't think this is the adequate moment to ask him.

I don't think this is the right moment to ask him.

Comment Adequate significa suficiente. No significa adecuado, que se traduce por right o suitable.


Examples Our suppl ies are adequate for our needs. We didn't get adequate notice. It would be adequate grounds for divorce.

Las provisiones que tenemos son suf icientes para nuestras necesidades. No se nos avisti con la suficiente antelacidn. Serfa causa suficiente de divorcio.

Exercises 1. Llevaba un vestido adecuado para la ocasion. 2. No es la persona adecuada para el puesto. 3. No me parece el momento adecuado. 4. Me parece poco adecuado para una ocasion asi. 5. Es el hombre adecuado para ese cargo.




He was adjudicated the first prize.

He was awarded the first prize.


Examples They have to adjudicate some very complex cases. He adjudicated at the competition.

Tienen quejuzgar algunos casos muy cpmplejos. Fuejuez del campeonato.

Comment To adjudicate significa juzgar, arbitrar. No significa adjudicar (un premio), que se traduce por to award. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Exercises 1. Le adjudicaron diez mil libras en concepto de indemnizacioYi. 2. Le pidieron que arbitrara en el conflicto laboral.


admiration Wrong Interjections and exclamations are written with admiration marks.

20 Right Interjections and exclamations are written with exclamation marks.

Comment Admiration significa admiracibn = respeto. No significa admiracidn = sorpresa, que se traduce por surprise, astonishment. N6tese: signo de admiracibn = exclamation point (US), exclamation mark (UK).

admire Wrong The president admired everyone by suddenly resigning.

Examples I am full of admiration for his determination. Their perseverance won them universal admiration. They had a mutual admiration for each other.

Su empeno me llena de admiracioYi. Su perseverancia les valid la admiracitin de todos. Entre ellos existia una admiraciOn reciproca.

Exercises 1. Siento gran admiracidn por su obra. 2. No salgo de mi admiracitin jcua'nto ha adelgazado! 3. Para darle ma's erifasis lo escribir6 entre admiraciones.


Right The president amazed everyone by suddenly resigning.

Examples I admire her generosity of spirit. She's one of the few people who admire him.

Admiro su grandeza de coraztin. Es una de las pocas personas que lo admiran.

Comment To admire significa admirar = respetar, apreciar. No significa admirar = asombrar, que se traduce por to amaze.

Exercises 1.Consuconferenciaprovoc6 la admiracioYi de todo el mundo. 2. Me asombra la ignorancia de esta gente. 3. Admiro su paciencia.

admit Wrong The petrol tank admits 60 litres.

Right The petrol tank holds 60 litres.

Comment To admit significa admitir = dar entrada; reconocer como cierto. No significa admitir = permitir, tolerar, que se traduce por to allow, tolerate, put up with; ni admitir = tener capacidad, que se traduce por to hold.


Examples Under 18's will not be admitted. I admit I was a little hasty. I must admit I'm very tempted.

Se prohibe la entrada a los menoresde18anos. Admito que me precipit6 un poco. Tengo que reconocer que es muy tentador.

Exercises 1. El depdsito admite cincuenta litros. 2. Segun el reglamento, no se admite traer perros. 3. No voy a admitir ese comportamiento. 4. Admiti6 su error de buen grado.


2 3

a d v e r t i s e



Didn't you advertise him of the risk he was running?

Didn't you warn him of the risk he was running.

Examples I saw it advertised in a magazine. Thejob was advertised in yesterday's paper. They advertised in all the local papers.

Comment El verbo ingles to advertise significa anunciar, hacer publicidad. No equivale al espanol advertir, que se traduce generalmente por to notice (observar), to advise (aconsejar) o to warn (prevenir).


Lo vi anunciado en una revista. El anuncio del trabajo aparecid en el diario de ayer. Se anunciaron en todos los peritidicos locales.

Exercises 1. Nos anunciamos en la radio. 2. Nadie advirtiti su presencia. 3. Anuncian mucho ese producto. 4. ^No le advertiste del riesgo que corria? 5. Te advierto que no vayas.

2 4

Examples Wrong


The car pulled out in front of us without advising

The car pulled out in front of us without warning.

He advised me to buy a new one.

Comment To advise significa aconsejar, asesorar. No significa avisar, que se traduce por to warn, inform, let know.


Exercises 1. Te aviso que asi no vas a aprobar el examen. 2. Le aconseje" que no fuera, pero no me hizo ni caso. 3. Avisame cuando estes listo. 4. El coche salio sin avisar.


affection Wrong

Right He suffers from a heart complaint.

He suffers from a heart affection. a

Comment Affection significa afecto, carino. Tambi6n significa afeccion, pero es mucho mas frequente expresar esta idea con las palabras complaint y condition. Una afecci6n cardiaca se traduce por a heart condition.


They were advised not to take any risks. They advised him against marrying so young.

Me aconsejo que comprara uno nuevo. Se les aconsejd que no corrieran riesgos. Le aconsejaron que no se casara tanjoven.

Examples Her affection for him was obvious. The children were in need of affection.

Su carino por el era obvio. Los ninos estaban necesitados de afecto.

Exercises 1. Como sufre una afeccioYi renal, el medico le ha prohibido comer determinados alimentos. 2. Padece una afeccidn del corazdn. 3. Le tengo muchfsimo carino.


2 6

Wrong You have to affront your responsibilities.

Right You have to face up to your responsibilities.

• Examples I was affronted by their indifference. This affronts our dignity. He might take it as an affront if you don't go.

Comment El verbo to affront significa ofender. No significa afrontar, que se traduce por to face up to something (un problema, responsabilidades) o to face (un desafio). Pero an affront es una afrenta. agenda Wrong He made a note of it in his agenda.

Me senti ofendido por su indiferencia. Esto constituye una afrenta a nuestra dignidad. Podrfa ofenderse si no vas.

Exercises 1. Tendra" que afrontar sus responsabilidades. 2. Se lo tornd como una ofensa. 3. Ha llegado el momento de afrontar el problema.

2 7

Right He made a note of it in his

Examples This topic is not on the agenda. This subject must be put on the agenda of the next meeting.


Este asunto no figura en el orden del dfa. Este tema debe incluirse en la agenda de la prtixima reunion.

Exercises 1 . Lo anoto en su agenda. 2. Cada noche anota en su agenda lo que ha hecho. 3. Consulto mi agenda y te digo cuando podremos vernos. 4. Vamos a ocuparnos del siguiente punto del orden del dfa. 5. Escribo en la agenda las palabras que no conozco.

En ingles agenda significa s6lo orden del dfa. No significa agenda (librito de notas), que se traduce por notebook, diary o appointment book. agonize

Examples Wrong

Right She knew that she I She knew that she was dying, was agonizing.


Comment En ingles to agonize significa angustiarse,j atormentarse. No significa agonizar, que se traduce por to be dying. agon y

Wrong He suffered a slow agony.

2 9

Right He suffered a slow death.

Comment El sustantivo agony significa gran dolor o angustia. No significa agonfa (estado que precede a la muerte), que se traduce por death throes. 8

She spent hours agonizing over what to wear. Stopagonizingjustdoit.

Estuvo horas tratando de decidir que ponerse. No te rompas mas la cabeza y hazlo.

Exercises 1. Sabia que estaba agonizando. 2. Lediocienmil vueltas en la cabeza a la idea de comprarse un coche. 3. Era evidente que el enfermo agonizaba.

* Examples • He was writhing about on the floor in agony. He went through agonies making a decision. • She's going through agonies of doubt. She was in agony with her toothache.

Se estaba retorciendo en el suelo de dolor. Se angustio muchisimo hasta que tomo una decision. Las dudas la estan atormentando. Rabiaba del dolor de muelas que tenia.

Exercises 1.Sufrio una lenta agonia. 2. Estos zapatos me estan matando. 3. No le hagas sufrir mas y dfselo ya. 4. La ballena agonizaba.



3 0



The truth is not so agreeable.

We'll do it tomorrow if that's agreeable to you.

We'll go tomorrow if you're agreeable. Bring her along, if she's agreeable,

La verdad no es tan agradable. " I remos manana si estas conforme. s s ? Tra"ela, si quiere venir. •



En ingles agreeable significa agradable. Tambien significa conforme, dispuesto, de acuerdo.

1. Parecia dispuesto a venir el viernes. 2. Lo haremos manana si te parece bien. 3. (f/Esta's de acuerdo con eso? 4. No es muy agradable que despierten a uno a estas horas.

3 1

a l c o v e

Right They're looking for a house with three alcoves.

They're looking for a house with three bedrooms.

Examples The table fits neatly into the alcove.

La mesa cabe perfectamente en elhueco.

Comment Alcove significa hornacina, nicho, rinc6n. No significa alcoba, que se traduce por bedroom.



She always behaves in an allocated way.

She always behaves recklessly.


1. La casa tenia tres alcobas. 2. Se retird a su alcoba.

Examples :

He's been allocated an apartment.

Le nan asignado un apartamento.

£3 million has been allocated to research.

Se nan destinado tres millonesde librasainvestigacitin. J ^*l«s*WN^T-%»*SilS*»»**!!*,W*>J»»'-s* TJWWfrv^

Allocated, participio pasado del verbo to allocate, significa asignado. No significa alocado, que se traduce por wild, reckless, rash.



As the child was late, her mother began to get altered.

As the child was late, her mother began to get worried.

Comment To alter significa alterar = cambiar. No significa alterar = perturbar, que se traduce por to upset o to disturb. Tampoco significa alterarse, que se traduce por to get upset, to lose one's temper, to become worried, etc.





1. Destinaron mas dinero a las artes piasticas. 2. Actua siempre de f forma alocada. !,

Examples That event altered the course of i!; history. |

Aquel suceso cambiti el curso de la historia.

The yacht altered course. It altered the whole political scene 5 in our country. J

Cambiti la faz polftica de nuestro pais.


El yate cambi6 de rumbo.


1. La noticia del golpe alterd visiblemente al embajador. 2. No debes dejar que esas cosas te alteren. 3. Fue acusado de alterar el orden ^ publico. 4. Como tardaba mucho, su madre empezti a alterarse. 5. jNo te alteres! 9


3 4



His illness caused a great alteration in the family.

His illness caused a great disturbance in the family

Examples The alterations should be complete v byJune. •* Do you know a dressmaker who * will do alterations? |

Comment Alteration signified s6lo cambio, modificacidn, reforma, arreglo. No signified alteracion = agitation, que se traduce por agitation, restlessness, disturbance.

Exercises 1. Su enfermeddd causti una gran alteracion en la familia. 2. Las reformas del museo van a tardar seis meses. 3. Su voz demostraba su alteracion.

3 5

a l t e r n a t e

Wrong Socially I alternate with all kinds of people.

Las reformas deberian estar terminadas antes dejunio. ^Conoces a alguna modista que haga arreglos?

Right j i

Socially I mix with all kinds of people.

Examples She likes alternating film work with theatre work. He alternated between euphoria and moments of despair.

Le gusta alternar el cine con el teatro. Alternaba entre la euforia y momentos de desesperacion.

Comment To alternate signified alternar, turnar, cambiar. Pero no signified altemar = confraternizar, frecuentar, que se traduce por to socialize o to mix with.



She was amassing dough to make a cake.

She was kneading dough to make a cake.

Comment To amass signified amasar = acumular, atesorar. No signified amasar = hacer masa, que se traduce por to knead (harina), to mix (cemento), etc.

Exercises 1. Suele alternar con personajes famosos. 2. No alterna socialmente con sus colegas. 3. Alterno con personas muy distintas. 4. Le gusta alternar con todos en las fiestas.

Examples He had amassed a fortune in the twenties. They had amassed a huge amount of information.

Habfa amasado una fortuna en los aiiosveinte. Habian acumulado una gran cantidaddeinformacitin.

Exercises 1. Amas6 harina, agua y levadura para hacer pan. 2. No me gusta amasdrhdrind.

* Examples Wrong


He was very amorous with my children.

He was very loving with my children.

Comment Amorous significa apasionado, enamorado, sensual. No significa amoroso, que se traduce por loving o a veces por love (por ejemplo, cartas amorosas se traduce por love letters).


He started getting amorous. He made amorous advances to his secretary. After two drinks she became quite amorous.

EmpezC' a ponerse demasiado carinoso. Le hizo insinuaciones a su secretaria. Despues de dos copas se puso algo pesado.

Exercises 1. Le pregunW a bocajarro si tenia un lio dmoroso. 2. Hd sufrido muchos desengdfios amorosos. 3. Se le dtribuyen innumerables escarceos amorosos. 4. Hd estddo muy cdrinoso con mis hijos. 5. Con su esposa, Pablo es muy carinoso. •


ancient Wrong


They run a home They run a home for ancient people. for elderly people.

Comment Ancient significa antiguo. No significa! anciano, que se traduce por elderly, old. I

' Examples They have preserved ancient customs. He uses an ancient typewriter.

Han conservado las antiguas costumbres Utiliza una maquina de escribir prehistoYica.

Exercises 1. Es la mujer ma's anciana del lugar. 2. Dirigen una residencia de ancianos




He can't swallow because he has angina.

He can't swallow because he has a sore throat.


An increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood or excessive use of tobacco are factors which can cause angina. Angina is a serious illness characterised by a severe pain in the chest.

El incremento del nivel del colesterol en la sangre o el abuso del tabaco son factores que pueden causar una angina de pecho. La angina de pecho es una enfermedad grave caracterizada por un fuerte dolor en el pecho.

En ingles angina significa angina de pecho. No significa anginas, que se traduce por sore throat, tongillitis.

Exercises 1. No fue al colegio porque tenfa anginas. 2. No puede tragar porque tiene anginas. 3. Las anginas se producen cuando se inflaman las amigdalas.


• Examples They repeated the announcement at hourly intervals. The announcement of his resignation caused great surprise.

He always reads the job announcements in the paper.

Repetfan el aviso a intervalos de ; unahora. i El anuncio de su dimisitin caus6 ! una gran sorpresa. j


Comment Announcement significa anuncio, pero no en el sentido de publicidad, propaganda, que se traduce por advertisement.

1. Insert6 un anuncio en el peritidico. 2. Siempre lee los anuncios de trabajo del peritidico. 3. En estas fechas hay muchos anuncios de juguetes.

anticipate Wrong


They have anticipated him two month's salary.

They have paid him two month's salary in advance.

Comment To anticipate significa esperar, prever. No significa anticipar = adelantar, que se traduce por to bring forward; ni pagar por anticiapdo, que se traduce por to pay in advance. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Examples The exam wasn't as difficult as I'd anticipated. They anticipated that we would want something to eat. We must try to anticipate their tactics.

El examen no fue tan diffcil como yoesperaba. Habfan previsto que querrfamos comer algo. Debemos tratar de prever cuSles seransusta~cticas.

Exercises 1. Anticiparon dos meses de alquiler. 2. Tuvieron que anticipar las elecciones. 3. Me han anticipado la paga de este mes. 11

anxious Examples Right He's very anxious ?; He's very greedy and wants every- , and wants everything for himself. { thing for himself. Comment Anxious significa preocupado, inquieto ademas de deseoso. No significa ansioso = avaricioso, que se traduce por greedy.

He is anxious about the children's safety. I'm rather anxious about her health. I am anxious to see how this problem is solved.

Esta preocupado por la seguridad de los nifios. Su salud me tiene algo preocupada. Tengo muchos deseos de ver cCmo solucionan este problema.

Exercises 1. Cuando of la noticia me inquiete por el los. 2. Es muy ansioso y lo quiere todo para el. 3. Esta ansioso por saber si ha aprobado las matema'ticas.

aperture Wrong The aperture was delayed for more than two hours.

Right The opening was delayed for more than two hours.

Comment Aperture significa abertura (por donde pasa la luz), orificio. No significa apertura (de un festival, de una asamblea, de una nueva etapa, etc), que se traduce por opening o beginning. apogee Wrong The scandal reached its apogee during the elections.

Right The scandal reached its peak during the elections.

Apogee significa apogeo (en astronomfa). No significa apogeo = auge, que se traduce por peak, height. apology

She made an apology for animal rights.

45 Right She spoke in defence of animal rights.

Comment Apology significa disculpa, excusa. No significa apologfa, que se traduce por defence, eulogy, justification. 12

Into this aperture a droplet of mercury was poured. I thought I would get a better picture using a larger aperture.

En esta abertura se vertiC una gota de mercuric. Cref que me saldria mejor la foto retardando el tiempo de abertura.

Exercises 1. El rey asistiti a la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olimpicos. 2. La apertura se demorti mas de dos horas. 3. La sesion de apertura tendra lugar por la manana.





Examples The apogee is the point of greatest distance between the sun and the earth. The apogee between the sun and the earth is about 149,700,000 km.

El apogeo es el punto de maxima distancia entre el Sol y la Tierra. El apogeo entre el Sol y la Tierra esdeunos 149.700.000 km.

Exercises 1. Esta en el apogeo de su carrera. 2. El esca~ndalo alcanzo su apogeo durante las elecciones. 3. En sus anos de apogeo era una tenista excelente.

Examples I think I owe you an apology. If you're not going, you'd better send your apologies. His apology was not very convincing.

Creo que te debo una disculpa. Si no vas a ir, deberfas presenter tus excusas. Sus excusas no fueron muy convincentes.

Exercises 1. No tengo ningun reparo en sacar el tema a colacion. 2. Hizo una apologia de los derechos de los animales. 3. Su discurso fue una apologia de la paz. 4. Musite una disculpa. EDITORIAL STANLEY

apparatus The prince was received with great apparatus.


Right The prince was received with great pomp.

Examples What is that apparatus for? The electrical apparatus must be earthed.

(jPara que es ese aparato? El aparato electrico debe estar conectadoatierra.

Comment En ingles apparatus significa aparato = maquina. No significa aparato = ceremonia, que se traduce por pomp.

Exercises 1. Fue recibido con mucho aparato. 2. Decoraron la sala con gran aparato para la ceremonia. 3. Le gusta rodearse de mucho aparato.

apparent Wrong He's a very apparent man.

Right He's a very good-looking man.

Comment Apparent significa aparente = que parece real, obvio, palpable. No significa aparente = oportuno, adecuado, que se traduce por convenient, suitable. Tampoco significa aparente = de buen aspecto, atractivo, que se traduce por good-looking, nice, attractive.

Examples It was apparent that she wasn't happy. It has become more and more apparent. She started crying for no apparent reason.

Era evidente que no estaba contenta. Se ha hecho cada vez mas evidente. Se puso a llorar sin motivo aparente.

Exercises 1. Ese banco es aparente para ti. 2. No es muy aparente salir a la calle en zapatillas. 3. Es un hombre muy aparente. 4. Tienes un despacho muy aparente.

apparition Wrong


His apparition at the meeting surprised us a lot.

His appearance at the meeting surprised us a lot.

> Examples He assured me that he had seen an apparition during his seance.

Me aseguro que en la sesion de espiritismo hubo una aparicion.



Apparation significa aparicion = fantasma. No significa aparicion = action de hacerse visible, que se traduce por appearance.

1. Su aparici6n fue recibida con un prolongado aplauso. 2. Fue su primera aparicion en las tablas. 3. Me djjo que habfa visto una aparicion. 4. Su aparicitin en la reunion nos sorprendio" mucho. 5. Los actores figuran segun el orden de aparicidn.





He made an appellation to a higher court.

He made an appeal to a higher court.

• Examples The boy's name was James Tubbington Brown, but he was immediately given the appellation of Tubby.

El chico se llamaba James Tubbington Brown, pero enseguida le pusieron el apodo de Tubby.

Comment Appellation significa tftulo, denomination y a veces apodo. No significa apelacion, que se traduce por appeal. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Exercises 1. I nterpondremos un recurso de apelacion. 2. Presento un recurso de apelacitin.



• Examples

Right There have been hundreds of applications for this job.

Comment Application signified aplicacidn = diligencia, dedication. Tambi6n significa solicitud, peticibn. •



The application must be accompanied by the medical certificate. More information will be supplied on application. He stands out for his intelligence and application.

La solicitud ha de ir acompanada del certificado m6dico. Se proportional mayor information a quien la sol icite. Sobresale por su inteligencia y aplicacidn.

Exercises 1. La solicitud debe ser presentada por uno de los c6nyuges. 2. Lamentamos informarle que en esta ocasitin su solicitud no ha prosperado.


appoint Wrong



If I don't appoint the number immediately, I'll forget it.

If I don't write down the number immediately, I'll forget it.

Nieves was appointed director in 1987. They'd already guessed who was going to be appointed.

Nieves fue nombrada directora en 1987. Ya se imaginaban a quieYi iban a nombrar.



To appoint significa nombrar, designar. No significa apuntar, que se traduce por to note, write down; to aim (un arma); to point out.

1. Espera que apunte tu teleTono. 2. Le estaba apuntando a la cabeza con una pistola. 3. El director apuntd la necesidad de construir un nuevo gimnasio. 4. Tienes que apuntar un poco bajo. S.Tengo que apuntarlo, si no, se me olvidara".

appreciate Wrong I've appreciated a change in your attitude, and I don't like it.

Right I've noticed a change in your attitude, and I don't like it.

Comment To appreciate significa apreciar = valorar. Tambien significa agradecer, comprender. No significa apreciar = observar, que se traduce por to notice, observe, make out.

• Examples I would appreciate it if you turned the volume down. We appreciate that there is very little time. I appreciate all she has done for me. We all appreciate her work.

Te agradeceria que bajaras el volumen. Comprendemos que hay muy poco tiempo. Le agradezco todo lo que ha hecho por mi. Todos apreciamos su labor.

Exercises 1. He apreciado en eT un cambio de actitud. 2. En la radiografia se aprecian unas manchas oscuras. 3. Valoro mucho el esfuerzo que has hecho.

apprehensive Wrong I couldn't be a doctor, I'm too apprehensive.

Right I couldn't be a doctor, I'm too squeamish.

Comment Apprehensive significa inquieto, preocupado y a veces aprensivo. Pero no significa aprensivo = temeroso de las enfermedades, de la sangre, etc., que se traduce por squeamish. 14

• Examples I was a bit apprehensive about the interview. They were apprehensive about her reaction.

Estaba un poco inquieta por la entrevista. Temian su reaction.

Exercises 1. No suele entrar en los lavabos publicos porque es muy aprensivo. 2. Estaban inquietos porque su hija no habia llamado. 3. No podria ser medico, soy demasiado aprensivo. EDITORIAL STANLEY

approve Wrong


• Examples Right


He's so stupid, he He's so stupid, can't possibly he can't possibly approve his exams.. pass his exams.


I don't approve of your behavior. The design was approved by the committee. They didn't approve of us getting married.

Me parece mal tu comportamiento. La comisi6n aprobd el disefio. No estuvieron de acuerdo en que noscasaYamos.

Comment To approve significa aprobar, pero no en el sentido de aprobar un examen, que se traduce por to pass an exam.


"\. Aprobti todas las asignaturas. 2. La mayoria de los estudiantes aprobara" los examenes. 3. Fue un milagro que aprobara.




This food is not apt for human consumption.

This food is not fit for human consumption.

He's very apt at picking up new words. It was a very apt remark.

Es muy bueno para aprender nuevas palabras Fue un comentario muy acertado.



Apt significa listo, despierto; acertado, oportuno. No significa apto, que se traduce por fit, good at, suitable.

1. Lo declararon apto para el servicio militar. 2. Es una pelfcula apta para todos los publicos. 3. Este alimento no es apto para el consumo humano. 4. No se le considera apto para el cargo.

Examples Wrong


We will need two truckloads of arena.

We will need two truckloads of sand.


Los gladiadores luchaban en la arena. Un tercer candidate ha saltado al ruedo.


Arena equivale a la palabra espanola arena: = lugar para luchar. Pero no significa arena (en la playa), que se traduce por sand.: argument

1. Con el viento se habia colado arena por debajo de la puerta. 2. No habia mas que arena hasta donde alcanzaba la vista. 3. Necesitaremos dos camiones de arena.




Don't tell me the argument of the film, I haven't seen it yet.

Don't tell me the ? plot of the film, I haven't seen it yet.

Comment Argument significa discusion, rina, polemica o argumento = razonamiento. No significa argumento = trama (de un libra, una pelfcula, etc), que se traduce por plot, story line. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Gladiators used to fight in the arena. A third candidate has entered the arena.

Examples It wasn't really an argumentjust a misunderstanding. Here's the main point of my argument. I prefer to stay out of your argument.

No fue una pelea realmente, stilo un malentendido. He aquf lo esencial de mi argumento. Prefiero mantenerme apartado de vuestra discusion.


1. No me cuentes el argumento de la pelicula, porque todavia no la he visto. 2. El argumento proviene de un viejo cuento de hadas. 3. El argumento de la novela se desarrolla muy lentamente. 51

arm Wrong


We couldn't arm the bed because we didn't have the screws.

We couldn't assemble the bed because we didn't have the screws.

Comment To arm significa armar = proporcionar armas a. No significa armar = causar (un escandalo, un alboroto), que se traduce por to make (a lot of noise, a racket), to kick up a fuss; ni armar = ensamblar, que se traduce por to assemble, put together.

Examples They armed themselves with clubs and knives. He led the armed struggle against the dictatorship.

Se armaron con porras y cuchillos. Condujo la lucha armada contra la dictadura.

Exercises 1. Armo un escandalo porque su camisa no estaba planchada. 2. Armaron muchojaleo al salir de la discoteca. 3. No pudimos armar la cama porque nos faltaban los tornillos.

arrogant Right The younger officers look so handsome and arrogant in their uniforms.

The younger officers look so handsome and dashing in their uniforms.

Examples I can't stand arrogant people. Power made him arrogant. He is so arrogant that he won't even condescend to say 'hello'.

Me cae muy mat la gente arrogante. El poder lo ensoberbecio. Es tan soberbio que ni se digna a saludar.

Comment Arrogant significa arrogante = soberbio, altanero. No significa arrogante = gallardo, que se traduce por dashing.

Exercises 1. Con su porte arrogante era el centra de atencidn de todas las reuniones. 2. Mira que arrogante va con su traje nuevo.

arsenal Wrong


This book is an arsenal of information.

This book is a mine of information.

Comment En ingles, como en espanol, arsenal significa una fabrica o un almacen de armas y municiones. Pero en ingles no significa un establecimiento donde se construyen, reparan y conservan embarcaciones, que se traduce por shipyard. Notese: un arsenal de datos = a mine of information.


• Examples A weapon is missing from the camp arsenal. We found the rifle we were looking for in the arsenal.

Falta un arma en el arsenal del cuartel. En el arsenal encontramos la escopeta que buscabamos.

Exercises 1. Llevaron el buque al arsenal para arreglar la cubierta. 2. Este libra es un arsenal de informacion. 3. En un arsenal fabrican barcos.


artifice Wrong


He was the

He was the

artifice of Italian unity.

architect of Italian unity.

• Examples The characters of this novel express themselves with too much artifice. He invented an artifice for hunting ~ foxes without injuring them. ,

Comment Artifice significa artificio. No significa artifice, que se traduce por author, architect, designer.

Exercises 1. Fueel artifice de la unidad italiana. 2. El director comercial fueel artifice del exito de la campana publicitaria. 3. Es el artifice de su fortuna.

artist After the premiere, the movie artist signed autographs,

Los personajes de esta novela se expresan de forma excesivamente artificial. I nvento un artificio para poder cazar zorros sin herirlos.

Right After the premiere, the movie star signed; autographs.

Examples He bought a painting by a famous artist. The artist has succeeded in combining the colours very well.

Compro un cuadro de un pintor famoso. El artista ha sabido armonizar muy bien los colores.



Artist significa artista de bellas artes. No significa artista de cine, que se traduce por star, film star, movie star.

1. Brad Pitt es uno de los artistas mas cotizados del momento. 2. Esta noche nuestro artista invitado es Tom Cruise. 3. El artista de cine firm6 auttigratbs a la salida del estreno.

ascend Wrong She will probably be ascended to Head of Department.

Right She will probably be promoted to Head of Department.


Comment To ascend significa ascender = subir. No significa ascender = adelantar en empleo, que se traduce por to promote; ni ascender = importar una cuenta, que se traduce por to add up to, come to, amount to. aspect Wrong She's always complaining about my old clothes and untidy aspect.

Ascend ieron por la ladera oeste de la montana.

Exercises 1. La ascendera"n antes de que acabe el afio. 2. La factura ascendia a quinientas libras.


Right She's always complaining about my old clothes and untidy appearance.

Comment Aspect significa aspecto = matiz, faceta. No significa aspecto = apariencia, que se traduce por look, appearance. EDITORIAL STANLEY

They ascended the west face of the mountain.

' Examples You're forgetting one aspect of the problem. There's a further aspect that I think it important to mention.

Olvidas un aspecto del problema. Hay otro aspecto que me parece dignodemencic-n.

Exercises 1. Tenfa un aspecto muy desalinado. 2. Lo apagado de los colores daba un aspecto triste a la habitacitin. 3. Cuando lo vi, no tenia muy buen aspecto. 4. Siempre me esta sermoneando sobre mi aspecto. 17

aspersion Wrong

. Right

They use an They use a sprinaspersion system 1 kler system to to water the crops. 1 water the crops.

Examples You are casting aspersions on my character. He has cast aspersions on my professionalism.

Comment Aspersion significa calumnia. No significa aspersibn (tipo de riego), que se traduce por sprinkling. NOtese: to cast aspersions on somebody = poner alguien en entredicho.

Listed esta poniendo en entred i cho mi integridad. Ha puesto mi profesionalidad en entredicho.

Exercises * 1. Utilizan un sistema de riego por aspersion. 2. Es mas cOmodo regar * el cesp6d por aspersion que con manguera.

aspire Wrong


It's lovely to aspire the fresh mountain air.

It's lovely to breathe the fresh mountain air.

Examples She had always aspired to being a politician. They don't aspire to wealth.

Comment To aspire significa aspirar, desear, pretender. Pero no significa aspirar = inspirar, que se traduce por to inhale, to breathe (in). Notese: aspirar un sonido = to aspirate.

Siempre habia aspirado a ser politica. No aspiran a ser ricos.

Exercises 1. AspirO el aire fresco de la montana. 2. En algunos lugares de Andalucfa y Extremadura los hablantes aspiran la hache. 3. El me~dico le dijo que aspirara aire profundamente. 4. La 'h' de 'hour' no se aspira.

assassin Wrong

? Right

Harold Shipman is | Harold Shipman the worst serial | is the worst assassin in British |serial killer in history. | British history.

Comment Assassin significa asesino = magnicida. No significa asesino = criminal, homicida, que se traduce por murderer, killer.


* , ? | |

• Examples Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin of President Kennedy.

Lee Harvey Oswa Id fue el asesi no del Presidente Kennedy

Exercises 1. El m6dico Harold Shipman es el peor asesino en serie en la historia de Gran Bretana. 2. El asesino convicto Gary Graham fue ejecutado con una inyeccidn letal el jueves en Texas.



assess Right Our company pays him a lot of money to advise us on tax matters.

Wrong Our company pays him a lot of money to assess us on tax matters.

Comment To assess significa evaluar, valorar, tasar. No significa asesorar, que se traduce por to advise.


• Examples They assessed the student's progress. We assessed our chances of success. Assess the situation and take the appropriate action. He assessed his losses at $10,000.

Evaluaron el rendimiento del estudiante. Evaluamos nuestras posibilidades de tener exito. Evalue la situacion y tome las medidas pertinentes. Valoro sus perclidas en $10.000.

Exercises 1. Lo asesoraron sobre c6mo llevar a cabo la compra. 2. Me hice asesorar por un abogado. 3. El nos asesora en los aspectos t6cnicos. 4. Asesoro a la compania en materia de impuestos.


Wrong Her weekly assignation is £25.

Right Her weekly allowance is £25.

' Examples Tiene cita con ella en el Hotel Maria Cristina. No acudio a la cita secreta.


He has an assignation with her in the Maria Cristina Hotel. He did not come to the assignation

Assignation significa una cita, a menudo secreta (de amantes). No significa asignacion, que se traduce por wages (sueldo) o paga (allowance).

Exercises 1. Mi asignacitin es insuficiente para mis gastos. 2. Su asignaci6n semanal es de 20 euros.


* Examples

Right He only attended | a single class.

He only assisted at a single class.

We can assist you in finding | Le podemos ayudar a encontrar alojamiento accommodation. She refused to assist him in his plant Se neg6 a secundarlo en su plan. Comment I She assisted them in organizing the I Les ayudo a organizar la confeTo assist es sinonimo de to help y signi- | conference. I rencia. fica ayudar. No significa asistir, que se f traduce por to attend (una reunibn, un | Exercises 1. Nadieacudiden su ayuda. 2. Asistiba una sola clase. 3. Asistea acto), to go to o to be at. N6tese: v clases nocturnas. 4. Asistiran a la fiesta unas quince personas. assistance = ayuda.

assistance Wrong He had never performed in front of a large assistance.

71 f Right I He had never 1 | performed in § front of a large » • audience. £

' Examples A policeman came to my assistance. They called upon the UN for assistance. He needs medical assistance.

• Unpoliciaacudidaprestarme ayuda. Apelaron a la ONU para que ayudara. Necesita asistencia medica.

Comment Assistance significa asistencia = ayuda. Pero no significa asistencia = presencia, que se traduce por attendance, presence o audience. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Exercises 1. Se celebrd con nutrida asistencia. 2. La asistencia es discrecional. 3. La asistencia del presidente dio realce a la celebracidn. 4. Contamos con su asistencia a la recepcidn. 19

assistant Wronq %.£


The assistants began complaining about the delay.

Those present began complaining about the delay.

Comment Assistant significa dependiente (en una tienda), empleado, ayudante. No significa asistente (militar), que se traduce por batman o orderly. Notese: los asistentes = those present.

Right I assume you've heard the news.

Comment To assume significa asumir = tomar sobre sf o adoptar. Tambien significa suponer, presuponer.

' Examples It's ajob which can safely be left to your assistant. This is my assistant, he'll put you in the picture.

Es un trabajo que puedes confiar a tu ayudante sin ningun problema. Este es mi ayudante, 61 te pondra al tanto de todo.

Exercises 1. Entre los asistentes habia muchos rostros televisivos. 2. Los asistentes empezaron a quejarse por el retraso. 3. Dos de cada tres asistentes eran mujeres. 4. Le confi6 la tarea a un ayudante.

* Examples He assumed control of the company. I'm wi 11 i ng to assume greater responsibility. Let's assume they're right. He assumed an air of cheerfulness.

Asumiti la direction de la compania. Estoy dispuesto a asumir mas responsabilidades. Supongamos que tienen razon. Adoptounairede falsa alegrfa.

Exercises 1. Supuse que no se conocfan. 2. Habiamos supuesto que la tasa de inflacionseriabaja, 3. Supongamos que tienen raztin. 4. Supongoque te habras enterado de la noticia.

attend Wrong


Attend, what I'm going to say is very important.

Pay attention, what I'm going to say is very important.

Comment To attend significa asistir (a una reunibn). Tambien puede significar atender = ocuparse de (pero en este sentido es mas frecuente usar to take care of, to look after). No significa atender = prestar atencion, que se traduce por to pay attention, to heed.


Examples Did he attend the lecture? Will you attend to these customers, please? The meeting was well attended. He attended to some business at the bank.

Asistiti a la conferencia? ^Puedes atender a estos clientes, por favor? Asistiti mucha gente a la reunion. Hizo unas diligencias en el banco.

Exercises 1. Asistid a un congreso de medicina en Barcelona. 2. Atiende, que esto es importante. 3. Afortunadamente atendieron mi petition. 4. Lo explicti pero nadie le atenditi. 5. Atiendeme cuando te hablo. 6. Mucha gente asistid al entierro.


bachelor Right My sister is a bachelor -she'll be going to university soon.

My sister is a school leaver -she'll be going to university soon.

Comment Bachelor significa soltero. No significa bachiHer, que se traduce por school leaver with A levels (UK), high school graduate (US).

Examples He's a confirmed bachelor. This man is Hollywood's most eligible bachelor.

Exercises 1. Mi hermana ya es bachiller y dentro de poco va a ingresar en la universidad. 2. Cuando dejes el institute este ano seras un bachiller.

balance Wronq You have to balance the baby for a while before he'll go to sleep.

Examples Right You have to rock the baby for a while before he'll go to sleep.

Comment To balance significa mantener en equlibrio. No significa balancear, que se traduce por to rock (una si I la, una mecedora), to swing (los brazos, las piernas).

rong The centre forward smashed the balloon into the back of the net.

Es un soltero empedernido. Este hombre es el soltero m3s cotizado de Hollywood.

Right The centre forward smashed the ball into the back of the net.

He was balancing a ball on his head. The climber was balanced on a ledge. He put out his arms to balance himself.

Mantenia una pelota en equilibrio sobrelacabeza. El alpinista se mantenfa en equilibrio en unsaliente. Extendio los brazos para no perder el equilibrio.

Exercises 1. Estaba sentada en el muro balanceando las piernas. 2. Al niiio hay que balancearlo un poco para que se duerma. 3. Balanceen los brazos hacia atras y hacia adelante. 4. jDeja de balancearte en la silla!


Examples The balloon rose high up in the sky.

El globo ascenditi hacia el firmamento.



Balloon significa globo. No significa balon, que se traduce por ball, football.

1. Eljugador botd el balon antes de sacar. 2. Mand6 el balon al fondo de la red de un trallazo.

barbarity Wrong


She spent a barbarity in the sales.

She spent a fortune in the sales.

Examples Comment Barbarity significa barbaridad = acto atroz. No significa barbaridad = desprop6sito, que se traduce por piece of nonsense; ni barbaridad = cantidad excesiva, que se traduce por a lot, (de dinero) a fortune. EDITORIAL STANLEY

During their reign many acts of barbarity were committed.

Durante su reinado se cometieron muchas barbaridades.

Exercises 1. No digas barbaridades. 2. Nos cost6 una barbaridad. 3. Gasto una barbaridad en las rebajas.


barracks Wrong


The barracks are made of mud.

The huts are made of mud.

Comment Barracks significa cuartel. No significa barracas, que se traduce por shacks, huts.

' Examples The barracks occupies a commanding position. The soldiers spent several weeks in barracks. The guerrillas have taken the barracks by storm.

El cuartel ocupa una posiciCn dominante. Los soldados pasaron varias semanas acuartelados. Los guerrilleros han tornado el cuartel por asalto.

Exercises 1. Las barracas estan hechas de barro. 2. Las ultimas lluvias han destruido las barracas que estaban junto at no. 3. El pastor tiene una barracaenlacolina.

bigot Wrong You should grow a bigot.

Right You should grow a moustache.

Comment Bigot significa intolerante, fandtico. No significa bigote, que se traduce por moustache.

* Examples I n the novel he is depicted as a religious bigot. • You can't discuss pol itics with him because he's a bigot.

La novela lo pinta como un fanatico religiose. Con 61 no puedes discutir sobre politica porque es un fanatico.


Exercises I.Tendnas que dejarte bigote. 2. Se afeito" el bigote. 3. El bigote le queda horroroso.

bizarre Wrong That bizarre soldier saved several lives.

Right That gallant soldier saved several lives.

Comment Bizarre significa extrano, singular, extravagante. No significa bizarro, que se traduce por brave, dashing, gallant.

' Examples They have very bizarre customs. His latest film is equally bizarre.

Tienencostumbresmuysingulares. I Su ultima pelfculaesigualderara. I

Exercises 1. Aquel soldado de actitud bizarra salvti la vida a varies companeros. 2. Cayti como un hombre bizarro en la batalla. 3. Esa muchacha tiene ideas muy extravagantes.

bland Wrong


He's too bland to play rugby.

He's too puny to play rugby.

Comment Bland significa soso, insulso, desabrido, insfpido. No significa blando, que se traduce por soft, tender, flabby, weak, puny. 22

• Examples You've put too little salt in the food, it's very bland. This film is another bland American comedy.

Has echado poco sal a la comida, estamuysosa. Esta pelicula es otra insfpida comedia americana.

Exercises 1. Me gustan las almohadas blandas. 2. Es demasiado blando para jugar al rugby. 3. Las galletas se han puesto blandas. EDITORIAL STANLEY

bomber Wrong When I grow up I want to be a bomber and put out fires.

Right When I grow up, I want to be a fireman and put out fires.



Examples At the end of the film, all the enemy bombers were shot down.

^ ;;

Bomber significa bombardero o terrorista (que perpetra atentados colocan- : do bombas). No significa bombero, que | se traduce por fireman. N6tese: los bom- '4 beros = the fire brigade (UK), the Fire & Department (US). I

The bomber flew over the area before attacking.

Al final de la pelicula, todos los bombarderos enemigos fueron derribados. El bombadero sobrevolc- la zona antes de atacar.

Exercises 1. El bombero quedti atrapado bajo una viga caida. 2. Llama a los bomberos. 3. De mayor quiero ser bombero. 4. El bombardero destruy6 la ciudad.

bracelet Wrong He was wearing a black bracelet because his father had recently died.

Right He was wearing a black armband because his father had recently died.

Examples I hadn't noticed that she was wearing a new bracelet.

No me habia fijado en que I levaba j una pulsera nueva. |

Comment Bracelet significa brazalete = pulsera. No significa brazalete = distintivo, que se traduce por armband.

Wrong :" Right Don't get too j Don't get too close, the dog is | close, the dog is brave. a ferocious.

Comment Brave significa valiente, valeroso. No significa bravo = fiero, salvaje, que se traduce por fiery, fierce, ferocious. Ntitese: un toro bravo = a fighting bull. „"•*-"*!»



1. Llevaba un brazalete neqro en el brazo. 2. Le reqalaron un braza- | si letedeplata. I

Examples You have to be brave to do something like that. It was a brave decision.

Hacer algo asi requiere valentia. Fue una decisidn valiente.

Exercises 1. No te acerques demasiado, es un perro bravo. 2. Tienen una ganaderia de toros bravos.

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brute Wrong


He has a brute income of £3,000 a month.

He has a gross income of £3,000 a month.


Comment Brute significa bruto = bestia. No significa bruto = tonto, que se traduce por stupid; ni bruto = grosero, que se traduce por coarse, uncouth. Tampoco significa bruto = sin descuentos, que se traduce por gross.

Examples What a brute! he nearly knocked me over. You hurt me, you brute!

jQu6 animal! casi me tira. Me has hecho dano, eres un bestia.

Exercises 1. Es ma's bruto que un arado. 2. ^Ctimo aprobaron a un bruto como 61? 3. Su sueldo bruto es de cuatro mil euros al mes.

cabin Wrong


You can call a taxi from the cabin at the end of the street.

You can call a taxi from the phone box at the end of the street.

Comment Cabin significa cabana o camarote. No significa cabina, que se traduce generalmente por box, booth. Ntitese: cabina telefbnica = phone box, cabina electoral = polling booth.

Examples That cabin provided shelter for travelers. The cabin stood a little aside from the path.

Aquella cabana era amparo de caminantes. La cabana se hallaba algo apartada del camino.

Exercises 1. No tengo teiefono, te Hamate desde una cabina. 2. Bajo un momento a llamar desde la cabina.

cabinet Wrong


The doctor examined the patients in his cabinet.

The doctor examined the patients in his surgery.

Comment Cabinet significa armario, vitrina, archivador, botiqufn y gabinete = consejo de ministros. No significa gabinete (de un medico), que se traduce por surgery, consulting room.


Examples The china was kept in a glass cabinet. The composition of the new cabinet still hasn't been announced.

Guardaba la porcelana en una vitrina. Todavfa no han anunciado la composition del nuevo gabinete de ministros.

Exercises 1. El m6dico examina a sus pacientes en el gabinete. 2. En su gabinete s6lo tiene una mesa y una Camilla.


callous Wrong Bricklayers often have callous hands.


Right Bricklayers often have callused hands.

j | f : ;

' Examples People were horrified by the callous nature of the crime. He's so cal lous! he's gone to the football on the day of the funeral!

• La crueldad del crimen horrorizti a la opinidn publica. • jQu6 insensibilidad! jmira que irse al futbol el dia del entierro!

Comment Callous significa insensible, cruel. No significa calloso, que se traduce por rough, callused, hard.

Exercises 1. Losalbanilessuelentenerlasmanoscallosas. 2. Loquemedisgust6 fue la brutalidad con que lo dijo.

camp Wrong She's attracted by a career in the camp of engineering.


Right She's attracted by a career in the field of engineering.

Comment Camp significa campamento. No significa campo, que se traduce por field, country.

They pitched camp at midday. Facilities at the camp were rudimentary. All trace of their camp had been blown away by the wind.

Instalaron el campamento al mediodia. Las instalaciones del campamento eran rudimentarias. El viento no habia dejado ni rastro del campamento.

Exercises | l. Se quejaba de los inconvenientes que tiene vivir en el campo. 2. Me * encanta ir al campo. 3. Le atrae una carrera profesional en el campo ' de la ingenierfa. | >


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candid Wrong He's so candid he believes everything they tell him.

Right He's so naive he believes everything they tell him.

Examples He was very candid with me. What's your candid opinion?

Fue muy sincero (franco) conmigo. Dime francamente lo que opinas.

Comment Candid significa abierto, franco, sincero. No significa ca*ndido, que se traduce por naive, innocent.

Exercises "\. Juan es un ca"ndido, jse cree todo lo que le dicen! 2. 0 es increfblemente Candida o es tonta. 3. Habld con una franqueza inusual. ^




> Examples Right The fireman's j face and hands : were as black as ; coal. :

Wrong The fireman's face and hands were as black as carbon.

It's a molecule formed by a chain of carbon atoms. Carbon occurs naturally in the form of diamond or of graphite. Carbon dioxide is used in fizzy drinks.


Comment Carbon significa carbono. No significa carbbn, que se tradmce por coal o charcoal. { ,

cardinal Wrong He was covered with cardinals after the fight.

Es una moiecula formada por una cadena de atomos de carbono. El carbono se presenta en la naturaleza en forma de diamante o de grafito. En las.bebidas efervescentes se utiliza el didxido de carbono.

1. La industria del carbdn ha resultado gravemente afectada. 2. Se abastecieron de carotin antes de que subiera el precio. 3. Le hizo un retrato al carbtin. *J*!l






: Right J He was covered ^ $ with bruises ;f ^ after the fight. |

• Examples The archbishop was elevated to cardinal.

El arzobispo fue elevado a la dignidadde cardenal.

Comment Exercises 1. Tenia los brazos llenos de cardenales. 2. Estaba cubierto de cardenales despu6s de la pelea.

Cardinal significa cardenal (de la Iglesia). No significa cardenal = morattin, que se traduce por bruise.

career Wrong He finished the career in third place.

94 i i 1

Right \ He finished the race in third , place. |

• Examples Le atrae una carrera profesional en el campo de la ingenieria. Se forj6 una carrera en el periodis- ' mo. ,"


She's attracted by a career in engineering. He made a career for himself in journalism.

Career significa carrera = profesidn. No significa carrera = estudios universitarios, que se traduce por university studies. Tampoco significa carrera = competicitin, que se traduce por race.

Exercises 1. Esta haciendo la carrera de quimicas. 2. ^Quieres que vayamos a las carreras el domingo? 3. La bebida arruinti su carrera. 4. Termin6 la carrera en decimo lugar.

cargo • Examples

Wrong Right f He has an impor- I He has an impor- ; The dockers refused to handle the cargo. tant cargo in the i tant position in I The ship began to list after the carcompany. ^ the company. ~~ go shifted. Comment


Cargo significa carga, cargamento. No | significa cargo, que se traduce por post, 1 position (puesto); charge. S 26

Los estibadores se negaron a tocar el cargamento. El busque escor6 al desplazarse la carga.

Exercises 1. Desempena un cargo importante en la empresa. 2. Hoy toma posesi6n de su cargo. 3. Se retiraron todos los cargos en su contra. 4. Tengo la admihistracidn a mi cargo. EDITORIAL STANLEY



Wrong He keeps his notes for each subject in a different carpet.

I " I f

Right He keeps his notes for each subject in a different folder.

• Examples Changing the carpet really made a difference to the room. She burned a hole in the carpet.

Comment Carpet significa alfombra, moqueta. No significa carpeta, que se traduce por folder. Notese: cerrar la carpeta = to close the file.

carton Wrong

I Right

They recycle J They recycle carton to make cardboard to make high-quality high-quality paper. paper.

Comment Carton significa caja de carton. No significa cartbn (el material), que se traduce por cardboard.

Al cambiar la moqueta, la habitation tenia un aspecto totalmente distinto. Hizo un agujero al quemar la moqueta.

Exercises 1. Qu6date con estas carpetas, yo tengo muchas mSs en casa. 2. Guardo todos los apuntes de cada asignatura en una carpeta diferente para encontrarlos fdcilmente. 3. La casa tiene alfombra de pared a pared.

Examples Do you likethisjuice? I've brought two cartons of it. You can use the big carton to pack things in.

Je gusta este zumo? He traido dos cartones. Puedes utilizar la caja de cartdn grande para empaquetar cosas.

Exercises 1. El carton es un material que puede reciclarse para volverse a usar. 2. ^Puedes comprar dos cartones de huevos? 3. Pusieron el gatito en una caja de cart6n.

cask Wrong


Protect yourself

Protect yourself

from falling objects by wearing a safety cask.

from falling objects by wearing a safety helmet.

Comment Cask significa tonel, barril. No significa casco, que se traduce por helmet; empty bottle; (de un barco) hull.

• Examples Wine ages in oak casks.

El vino madura en toneles de roble.

Exercises 1. Insistiti en la importancia de llevar casco. 2. Tenemos que recoger todos los cascos. 3. Todo el personal tiene que llevar puesto el casco protector. 4. El torpedo abriti un boquete en el casco del barco.

casually Wrong Casually Isaw

him yesterday.

Right As it happens I saw J him yesterday.

Comment Casually significa informalmente, con toda tranquilidad. No significa casualmente, que se traduce por as it happens, coincidentally, funnily enough. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Examples We have discussed the matter, but only casually. She dropped it into the conversation quite casually. They were casually dressed.

Hemos discutido el asunto, pero s6lo de manera informal. Lo dej6 caer descuidadamente. I ban vestidosde sport.

Exercises 1. Casualmente vi el otro dfa uno igual. 2. Pues casualmente acabo de comprar uno. 27


« Examples



It was by pure casualty that we met.

It was by pure chance that we met.

Comment Casualty significa vfctima (muerto o herido en un accidente), baja. No significa casualidad, que se traduce por coincidence, chance, accident. category Wrong Their new offices have more category than the previous ones.

There were many casua Ities after the explosion. The Russians suffered heavy casualties. The casualty figures were two dead and thirteen injured.

• La explosion cause* muchos heridos. • Los rusos sufrieron numerosas bajas. • El balance de bajas fue de dos muertos y trece heridos.

Exercises 1. Fue por pura casualidad que nos encontramos. 2. Trasladaron a los heridos al hospital. 3. ^No conoceras a Jim por casualidad? 4. Sufrimos numerosas bajas. 5. jQue casualidad, venir a cenar al mismo restaurante!


Right Their new offices have more class than the previous ones.

It is divided into three categories. There are several categories of music.

Se divide en tres categories. Hay varias categories de musica.



Category significa categoria = clase. No significa categoria = calidad, prestigio que se traduce por class, prestige.

1. Es un restaurante de categoria. 2. Es una revista de poca categoria. 3. El nuevo local tiene ma's categoria. 4. Esta marca tiene mas categoria.





There's a certified letter for you - you have to sign for it.

There's a registered letter for you - you have to sign for it.

Comment To certify significa certificar = afirmar la verdad de algo. No significa certificar (una carta), que se traduce por to register, to record. character

• Examples I had to certify that it was her signature. The notary certified the deed as genuine.

Tuve que dar fe de que era su firma. El notario certif ic6 que la escritura era autentica.

Exercises 1. Envie la carta certificada. 2. Hay una carta certificada para ti.

Examples Right The novel's main character is a 16th century explorer.

They're completely different in character. She's a goodjudge of character. The main character is an old man. Barbara's a real character.

Tienen caracteres completamente distintos. EsbuenapsicoToga. El personaje principal es un hombre viejo. Barbara estodoun caso.


Character significa caracter. Tambien significa personaje, protagonista (de una novela, pelfcula, etc.) y tipo, caso, persona excentrica. 28

Exercises 1. El restaurante tiene mucho caracter. 2. Me dio la impresi6n de ser un tipo poco fiable. 3. El actor se desdoblaba en dos personajes. 4. Las hadas son personajes del reino de la fantasia.



Wrong She's a real charlatan, she just never stops talking.

Right She's a real chatterbox, she just never stops talking.

Comment Charlatan significa solo farsante, vendedor deshonesto. No significa charlatan = alguien que habla demasiado, que se traduce por chatterbox.

Examples Politicians are only charlatans. She was tricked by a charlatan and ended up losing all her money.

Los polfticos no son mas que unos embaucadores. Un charlatan la engantiy acabo perdiendo todo su dinero.

Exercises 1. No seas tan charlatan y atiende un poco. 2. La maestra lo castigo" por ser tan charlatan.


Wrong On winter evenings we used to sit by the chimney telling stories.

Right On winter evenings we used to sit by the fireplace telling stories.

' Examples The chimney was smoking in the distance. She smokes like a chimney.

Comment Chimney significa la parte de la chimenea por donde sale el humo (la parte exterior). No significa la parte donde se encuentra el fuego (la parte interior), que se llama fireplace.

Se vefa a lo lejos el humo de la chimenea. Fuma como una chimenea.

Exercises 1. Habfan tapado la chimenea con maderos. 2. Estaba sentada de espaldas a la chimenea. 3. Escondio el dinero en la chimenea.

circulation Right This newspaper has a daily circulation of more than 3,000,000.

Examples Her ring was so tight it stopped the circulation. The newspaper has a small circulation.

El anillo le quedaba tan apretado que le impedia la circulacic-n. El peritidico tiene una tirada reducida.

Comment Circulation significa circulation = movimiento (de la sangre, de vehiculos, etc). Tambien significa tirada (de un periodico o de una revista).


Exercises 1. Es un peritidico con una tirada de 300.000 ejemplares diarios. 2. Este es el peri6dico de rna^s tirada de la region. 3. Esta moneda esta" fuera de circulacidn.



* Examples Right

They were married in a civil ceremony. Civil and military power resides in the King himself. That's very civil of you. I think I'm entitled to a civil reply.

I never did anything to offend her, yet her tone was barely civil.



Civil signifies civil = no mi I i tar, no religioso. Tambien signifies cortes, educado. N6tese: civil servant = funcionario.




WTL ->o^ »

Se casaron por lo civil. En la persona del Rey se concentra el poder civil ymilitar. Es muy gentil de su parte. Creo que merezco una respuesta cortes.


Exercises 1. Se trata del derribo de un avi6n comercial. 2. Era un funcionario de escasa cuantfa. 3. Su tono fue apenas cortes.

collar Wrong


She gave me her. pearl collar as a present.

She gave me her pearl necklace as a present.

Comment Collar significa cuello. No significa collar (= adorno que rodea el cuello), que se traduce por necklace. Notese: collar de pero = dog collar.

• Examples The coat has a detachable collar. The policeman seized me by the collar. This damned collar is too tight, it's choking me.

El abrigo Neva un cuello de quita y pon. t El policfa me agarrti por el cuello.

i Este maldito cuello me aprieta, me esta * estrangulando.

Exercises 1. Me regald su collar de perlas. 2. Me mostrti un collar de piedras de colores brillantes. 3. El cuello de la camisa esta sucio.

college * Right %

His four-year-old , His four-year-old daughter is daughter is already at college, already at school. Comment College significa generalmente universidad. Pocas veces significa colegio, que se traduce por school. Ntitese: technical college = institute de formacitin profesional. comedian Wrong

„ Right

Don't be such a ; Don't be such a comedian, stop |fraud,stop crying. It's only a | crying. It's only scratch. $ a scratch.

• Examples Where did he go to college? My new assistant is fresh from college. He was thrown out of college.

iEn que universidad estudid? Mi nuevo ayudante acaba de salir de la universidad. Lo expulsaron de la universidad.

Exercises 1. Su hijo va muy adelantado en el colegio. 2. Es el ma's alto del colegio. 3. De sus dos hijas, la mayor ya va al colegio.

• Examples The audience immediately understood the comedian's meaning. Your brother is a real comedian. Bob Hope was a comedian with brilliant timing.

Los espectadores captaron ensegui- * da la intenciCn del humorista. 4 Tu hermano es un verdadero payaso." Bob Hope era un ctimico con un ge- ^ nial sentido de la oportunidad. ,



Comedian significa humorista, cdmico. No significa comediante, que se traduce por actor (actress) o por fraud, hypocrite.

1. Los antiguos comediantes recorrian los pueblos con sus espectciculos. 2. Es un comediante, mira la que esta armando por una heridita de nada. 3. No seas comediante y deja de llorar. No es ma's que un rasguno.




comedy Wrong His headache is pure comedy - all he wants is to get some attention.

Right His headache is just an act - all he wants is to get some attention.

Comment Comedy significa comedia = obra de teatro o pelfcula cbmica. No significa comedia = fingimiento, que se traduce por an act, playacting.

Examples The play is a comedy, but with * elements of tragedy. Her new play is witty and original.

La obra es una comedia pero tiene elementos de tragedia. Su nueva comedia es chispeante y original.

Exercises 1. Su conducta exagerada no es mas que comedia para ocultar su timidez. 2. No hagas tanta comedia. 3. Su dolor de cabeza es pura comedia, solo quiere llamar la atencidn.

commercial • Examples

Right They show far too many commercials on TV.

It is not good commercial practice. This commercial has been shown on TV many times.

No es una practice comercial recomendable. Han puesto varias veces este anuncio en la tele.

Comment Exercises 1. Pasan diez minutos de pelfcula y quince de anuncios. 2. La idea resultd ser un desastre desde el punto de vista comercial. 3. Hay demasiada publicidad en la tele.

El adjetivo ingles commercial significa comercial. El sustantivo significa spot publicitario, anuncio, aviso (en radio o television).

commodious > Examples

Right I don't care

I don't care what

what you wear as long as you're commodious.

you wear as long as you're comfortable.

Comment Commodious significa espacioso, amplio. No significa cbmodo, que se traduce por comfortable, convenient, useful, handy.


We'd like to exchange this flat for something more commodious. , The table and armchair will fit in easily, it's a very commodious room.

Nos gustaria cambiar este piso por otro ma's espacioso. Caben de sobra la mesa y el sil!6n, es una habitation muy espaciosa.

Exercises 1. Me voy a poner algo ma's comodo. 2. No me siento cfjmodo cuando hablan de tales cosas. 3. Me da igual lo que te pongas con tal de que estes ctimodo. 4. Es muy comodo no tomar responsabilidades. 5. Compr6 una casa amplia.

commodity Wrong Shop in the commodity of your own home.

Right Shop in the comfort of your own home.

Comment Commodity significa producto, mercancia, articulo. No significa comodidad, que se traduce por comfort o convenience. Notese: household commodities = artfculos para la casa. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Examples They live in comfort. It's not a basic commodity. Even classic music has become a mass-market commodity. Water is a precious commodity.

Viven con todas las comodidades. No es un artfculo de primera necesidad. Hasta la musica clasica se ha masificado. El agua es un bien precioso.

Exercises 1. Aparcamos cerca de la estacion para mayor comodidad. 2. Le gusta viajar con comodidad. 3. Compre desde la comodidad de su hogar. 31

competence Wrong There is strong competence between car manufacturers.


Right There is strong competition between car manufacturers.

Examples Her competence is not in doubt.

Comment Competence significa competencia = capacidad, aptitud. No significa competencia (entre competidores), que se traduce por competition. Tampoco significa competencia = responsabilidad, que se traduce por field, province, responsibility.

Nadie pone en duda su competencia.

Exercises 1. Ese asunto no es de mi incumbencia. 2. Le reveld nuestros planes a la competencia. 3. Hay mucha competencia para optar a las plazas en la universidad. 4. La conservacion de los monumentos es competencia del ayuntamiento.

complacent Wrong He's very complacent, he'll be delighted to take you home.

Right He's very helpful, he'll be delighted to take you home.

Examples I can't stand my brother-in-law. He's so complacent. You've won the first round, but don't get complacent.

Comment Complacent significa satisfecho de sf mismo, displicente. No significa complaciente, que se traduce por kind, helpful, obliging, indulgent.

No aguanto a mi cunado, esta tan satisfechode si mismo. Has ganado la primera vuelta pero no te duermas en los laureles.

Exercises 1. Tuvo una actitud complaciente con los periodistas. 2. John es muy complaciente, estara encantado de acompafiarte a casa. 3. Era muy complaciente con su nieto.

complexion Wrong She can do hard, physical work —she has a strong complexion.


Right She can do hard, physical work —she has a strong constitution.


Compliment significa cumplido, halago. No significa complemento, que se traduce por complement o supplementary payment. 32


It's marvellous for your complexion.

Es maravilloso para el cutis.


Right The wine is a complement to the meal.


Tiene buen cutis.

She has a dark complexion.

Exercises 1. Es una chica de complexion robusta. 2. Kevin era de complexitin fuerte. 3. Es de complexion menuda. 4. Lazarillo era de complexion recia.

Comment Complexion significa cutis, tez. No significa complexitin, que se traduce por constitution.

Wrong The wine is a compliment to the meal.

She has a good complexion.

I'll take it as a compliment. He's received many compliments on his cooking. He's always paying them compliments. \

Lo tomare como un cumplido. Le ban alabado mucho lo bien quecocina. Siempre les esta echando flores.

Exercises 1. Un buen vino bianco seria el complemento ideal para este plato. 2. La lectura es un complemento indispensable para el desarrollo intelectual de la persona. EDITORIAL STANLEY

composed Wrong


The past participle The past participle is used to form is used to form composed tenses. compound tenses.

Comment Composed significa sereno, tranquilo. No significa compuesto, que se traduce por ready o compound. Ndtese: compuesto de = consisting of, formed of, composed of.

Examples She seemed very composed. He was very composed at the funeral. Although the plane was lurching about she remained quite composed.

Pareciamuytranquila. Se mostrti muy entero en el funeral. Aunque el avitin daba tumbos el la segufa imperturbable.

Exercises 1. El participio pasado sirve para formar los tiempos compuestos. 2. Ya estoy listo, podemos irnos. 3. He escrito un poema compuesto de ocho versos. 4. El tren estaba compuesto por ocho vagones.


• Examples



He's a comprehensive and supportive person.

He's an understanding and supportive person.

Comment Comprehensive significa completo, exhaustive, global. No significa comprensivo, que se traduce por understanding.


Tenemos una amplia gama de productos. Hizo un estudio exhaustive de la fauna de la zona. Tiene ampl ios conocimientos de informa'tica.

Exercises 1. Fue todo por culpa nuestra, pero 61 estuvo muy comprensivo. 2. Fue de lo mas comprensivo cuando muri6 mi mujer. 3. Es un hombre comprensivo y solidario.




I can't come because of a previous compromise.

I can't come because of a previous engagement.


Compromise significa compromiso sdlo en el sentido de acuerdo mutuo, arreglo. No significa compromiso en los sentidos de obligacitin, cita, garantfa o apuro, que se traducen por obligation, engagement, guarantee y awkward position o tight corner. EDITORIAL STANLEY

We have a comprehensive range of products. He made a comprehensive study of wildlife in the area. He has a comprehensive knowledge : ofcomputing.

Examples They tried to reach a compromise. We found a compromise between our differing requirements. We had to compromise over the price. They refused to compromise on the issue of pay. The management reached a compromise with the unions.

Interrtaron llegar a un acuerdo. Encontramos una solucidn intermedia entre lo que cada uno pretendfa. Tuvimos que llegar a un acuerdo sobre el precio. Se negaron a hacer concesiones en el temade los salaries. La direccitin Ileg6 a un compromiso con los sindicatos.

Exercises 1. La invite por compromiso. 2. No me sera posible asistir debido a un compromiso previo. 3. Esta noche no tengo ningun compromiso. 4. Ese es nuestro compromiso de calidad. 5. Me pones en un compromiso. 6. Solicite, sin compromiso alguno, nuestro folleto informativo. 7. Tiene muchos compromisos sociales.



Examples I'm concerned that they haven't written to us yet. Comment To concern significa concemir = ataner, incumbir. Tambi6n significa preocupar, inquietar. |

Wrong In summer there are many open-air concertos.

No es un problema que me conciema. En lo que respecta al dinero, es un caso perdido No se preocupo en absolute por la salud del nino.


1. Me preocupa que no me hayan contestado todavia. 2. Lo que me preocupa es su actitud. 3. Esta preocupada por su future.


Right In summer there are many open-air concerts.


It isn't a problem that concerns me. Where money is concerned, he's hopeless. He wasn't at all concerned about the child's health.

The date of the concert has been changed. This concerto is practically impossible to play.


Han cambiado la fecha del concierto. Este concierto es pra"cticamente imposibledetocar.


1. Beethoven compuso este concierto en un mes. 2. El concierto coConcerto significa concierto = obra mu- ^ sical. No significa concierto = funci6n | menz6 con el himno nacional. 3. En verano abundan los conciertos al musical, que se traduce por concert. i aire libre. concrete Wrong


They had no concrete plans for the weekend.

They had no par- \ ticular plans for I the weekend. i




Concrete significa concreto = precise,; real (lo contrario de abstracto). No sig-| nifica concreto = particular, que se tradu- * ce por specific, definite, particular, etc. * Tambien significa hormigon, de hormigon.;

• Examples An object is something concrete, as opposed to an idea, which is something abstract. It's an enormous concrete and steel ^ building. iVWB*

Un objeto es algo concreto, frente a una idea, que es algo abstracto. Es una enorme edificacitin de hormig6n y acero. *s*»»,u* J*^«, «(SS. J*»*«M«S J?-9WPrt*»,«*»,W-A

Exercises 1. Hasta la fecha no hemos organizado nada concreto. 2. Fyemos una fecha concreta. 3. No tenfan planes concretes para el fin de semana. 4. Quiero saber, en concreto, cuanto me va a costar.

concurrence Wrong


The comedian greeted the concurrence warmly.

The comedian | greeted the au- » dience warmly. ]

Comment Concurrence significa acuerdo, conformidad. Tambi6n significa concurrencia = simultaneidad, pero no significa concurrencia = publico, asistentes, que se traduce por audience o attendance. 34


Examples There was no concurrence of ideas. He attributed his delay to the concurrence of various factors. A concurrence of tragedies forced us to leave the city.

No hubo acuerdo de ideas. Justified su retraso por la concurrencia de diversos factores. La concurrencia de desgracias nos obligoadejarlaciudad.

Exercises j 1. La concurrencia aplaudi6 a rabiar. 2. Se espera la concurrencia dej personas muy importantes. 3. Dirigi6 un caiido saludo a la concurrencia.; EDITORIAL STANLEY

condition Wrong He attended the reception in his condition as mayor.


a * ," *

Right He attended the reception in his capacity as mayor.

| ~ ;

Examples You should read the conditions of Deberfas leer las condiciones de purchase. , compra. The roads are in very poor condition.; Las carreteras estan en muy mal estado. •i I'll lend it to you on one condition. ' Te lo presto con una sola condici6n. His condition has improved slightly. ? Su estado ha experimentado una ligera mejorfa.


Comment Condition significa condicitin = estado y requisite. No significa condition = calidad, situation, que se traduce por capacity. N6tese: en condicibn de = in the capacity of; as.

conductor K-j

Exercises 1. Asistid a la recepcidn en su condicidn de cdnsul. 2. En su condici6n de diplomatico tiene inmunidad. 3. Su condicidn de empleado de la empresa le impide participar en el concurso.


Wrong The conductor lost control of the s> vehicle and it I crashed. J;

Right The driver lost control of the vehicle and it crashed.

i 1 | I

Examples I paid the conductor for my bus ticket. The conductor of this orchestra is very young.

Pague mi billete de autobus al cobrador. El director de esta orquesta es muyjoven.

Comment Exercises 1. Es un conductor muy negligente. 2. El conductor perdid el control 3. Prohibido distraer al conductor.

Conductor significa cobrador (de autobus) o director de orquesta. No significa conductor, que se traduce por driver. * -



conference Wrong He gave a very interesting conference on Shakespeare.

* -5 I .

Right He gave a very interesting lecture on Shakespeare.


Comment Conference significa conferencia en el sentido de congreso o de reunion. No significa conferencia = discurso, que se traduce por lecture, talk. Ndtese: una conferencia interurbana / internacional = a long-distance call.


I ii

128 »

i ? t

Examples The conference closed on an optimistic note. They met each other at a conference. The French delegation withdrew from the conference.

El congreso acab6 en un ambiente deoptimismo. Se conocieron en una conferencia. La delegacies francesa abandon^ el congreso.

Exercises 1. No vino nadie a la conferencia. 2. Aderezd la conferencia con varias an6cdotas. 3. Asistieron a la conferencia delegados de todo el mundo. 4. Dio una conferencia sobre los problemas del medio ambiente


confident Wrong My sister is my confident, I tell her everything.

Examples Right

He was confident that he would pass. She is certainly very confident for her age. She was confident that everyone would come.

My sister is my confidante, I tell , her everything.

Comment Confident significa seguro de si mismo o hecho con confianza. No significa confidente, que se traduce por confidant (f. confidante) o informer (de la policia). confine

Tenia mucha confianza en que aprobaria. No cabe duda de que es una persona muy segura de si misma para su edad. Conf iaba que todo el mundo viniera.

Exercises 1. Esta confiado en que todo saldrd bien. 2. Mi hermana es mi confidente, siempre le cuento todas mis cosas. 3. Dejoven tenia mucha seguridad en si misma. 4. Pagaron a los confidentes con una parte del botin.

• Examples



His strange behaviour confines with madness.

His strange behaviour borders '" on madness.

She confines her analysis to one country. Rain confined them to the house. Drug addiction is not confined to large cities.

Comment To confine significa encerrar, limitar. No significa confinar = lindar, asemejarse, que se traduce por to border on. confront


Limita su analisis a un pais. La lluvia los oblige a permanecerenlacasa. La drogadiccion no afecta unicamente a las grandes ciudades.

Exercises 1. Su extrana conducta confina con la locura. 2. Limitese el testigo a relatar los hechos. 3. El incendio se localiz6 en el sotano. 4. Francia confina con Espafia.


Examples Right When you confront the two versions, you can see many similarities.

When you compare the two versions, you can see many : similarities.

Comment To confront significa confrontar = hacerle frente a, enfrentar. No significa confrontar = cotejar, que se traduce por to compare; ni confrontar = carrear, que se traduce por to bring ... face to face.

He refuses to confront the problem. Police were confronted by a group of demonstrators. He demonstrated his bravery when he confronted the thieves. I'm confronted with a dilemma.

Se niega a afrontar el problema. La policia se vio enfrentada a un grupo de manifestantes. Demostrti su valor enfrentandose a los ladrones. Estoy frente a undilema.

Exercises 1. El juez confront^ a los testigos con el acusado. 2. Al confrontar las dos versiones se descubren las semejanzas. 3. Se encard con el jefe y casi la despiden. 4. Si confrontamos los dos cuadros podremos descubrir cual es el aut6ntico.

conjugate Wrong


To run a good race, you need to conjugate speed and stamina.

To run a good race, you need to combine speed and stamina.

Comment To conjugate significa conjugar (un verbo). No significa conjugar = unir, acordar, que se traduce por to bring together, to combine. 36

Examples I'm going to conjugate the present indicative of the verb "beber".

Voy a conjugar el presente de indicative del verbo "beber".

Exercises 1. Ha logrado conjugar elegancia y sencillez. 2. La novela conjuga diferentes estilos literarios. 3. Para hacer una buena carrera debes conjugar la velocidad y la resistencia. EDITORIAL STANLEY





They conjured against the director of the institute.

They conspired against the director of the institute.


Examples He conjured a rabbit out of a hat. She conjured up a delicious lunch. He'd conjured up some figures out of nowhere.

Sac6 un conejo del sombrero. Hizo un delicioso almuerzo en un sartiamen. Habia sacado unas cifras no s6 de dOnde.


To conjure significa hacer magia, invocar (espiritus), hacer aparecer (como por ante de magia). No significa conjurar, que se traduce por to conspire, to plot. |



1. Cree que los criticos se han conjurado en su contra. 2. Sentfamos que! hasta los elementos se habian conjurado contra nosotros. 3. Se conju-1 raron en contra de la directora del institute. j

consent Wrong



He consents his children by giving them everything they want.

He spoils his children by giving them everything they want.

| • | !

Comment To consent significa acceder. No significa j consentir = permitir, que se traduce por to allow, to permit. Tampoco significa consentir = malcriar, mimar, que se traduce por to spoil.

• Examples He consented to being interviewed. They will consent to anything we propose. I wi 11 not consent to it under any j circumstances.

Consintid en ser entrevistado. Aprobaran cuanto les propongarnos. No lo consentir6 bajo ningun pretexto.

Exercises 1. No me consienten que llegue a casa tarde. 2. Es el tipico padre que consiente a sus hijos. 3. Consientes demasiado a tus hijos.

consequence Right

• Examples

She was an ordinary woman of little consequence.


Do what you like, but you'll have to accept the consequences. This may have very serious consequences for us. That's of no consequence. |



1. Barthes es el unicojugador francos de cierta talla. 2. Por consiguiente, nos veremos obligados a cerrar.

Consequence significa consecuencia. ; TambiSn puede significar importancia. |


Haz lo que tu quieras, pero luego atente a las consecuencias. Esto puede tener consecuencias muy graves para nosotros. Eso no tiene importancia.


consequent Wrong These measures

are consequent with our general policy.

136 Right These measures are consistent with our general policy.

Comment Consequent significa consiguiente. No significa consecuente, que se traduce por consistent. consistency

• Examples There may be different exams for each region, with a consequent disadvantage for certain students. Through the I nternet each employee can access the information, with a consequent saving on costs for the company.

Puede haber examenes distintos en cada regi6n, con el consiguiente perjuicio para algunos alumnos. A trav6s de Internet cada empleado puede acceder a la information, con el consiguiente ahorro de costes para la empresa.

Exercises I I 1. No se puede decir una cosa hoy y otra mariana, hay que ser conse- s cuente. 2. Estas medidas son consecuentes con nuestra polftica ge- | neral. 3. Eljefe no es consecuente con su manera de pensar. 4. No es ! consecuente en su conducta. I

137 Right There is a lack of consistency between what they practise and what they preach.

There was great consistency between what she said and what she did. The custard had the wrong consistency.

Habia mucha coherencia entre sus palabrasysusactos. La crema no tenfa la consistencia adecuada.

Comment Consistency significa consistencia (de una mezcla, masa, salsa , etc.). Tambien significa regularidad, coherencia.

Wrong The first course wasn't very consistent.

Right The first course wasn't very substantial.

Exercises | 1. No hubo concordancia entre las declaraciones de los testigos. 2. Hay S una notable falta de coherencia entre lo que predican y lo que hacen. ]

Examples He is a very consistent player. His reasoning is not consistent. This is not consistent with their attempts to modernize the country. We have to be consistent in our approach. This is consistent with the general tendency of their reforms.

Es unjugador muy constante. Le falta coherencia a su razonamiento. Esto no es coherente con sus intentos de modernizar el pais. Tenemos que ser consecuentes en el enfoque. Esto es coherente con la tendencia general de sus reformas.

Comment Consistent significa constante, coherente. No significa consistente, que se traduce por thick, solid, substantial. Notese: consistente en algo = consisting of something. 38

Exercises 1. La masa del bizcocho te ha salido demasiado consistente. 2. El primer plato fue muy poco consistente. 3. Gano un premio consistente en un viaje a Paris. 4. Su conducta no estS de acuerdo con sus promesas. EDITORIAL STANLEY

conspicuous Wrong



He comes from a conspicuous family.

He comes from a distinguished family.

1 |




• Examples We need to make the sign more Es precise hacer la serial mds visible. conspicuous. Tenia la impresi6n de que iba llamanShe felt conspicuous in her new do la atencidn con la ropa nueva. clothes. He was conspicuous by his absence. | Brill6porsuausencia.

Conspicuous significa llamativo, mani-| fiesto, muy visible. No significa conspi-1 Exercises cuo, que se traduce por eminent, I "\. Pertenece a una conspicua familia. 2. Es un personaje conspicuo. 3. distinguished, illustrious. | Con este sombrero tengo la sensacitin de que todo el mundo me mira.




I can't come to the party, I'm constipated.

I can't come to the party, I have a cold.

This medicine might make you constipated. I don't feel very well because I've been constipated for three days. He has to take laxatives because he's constipated.

Es posible que esta medicina le produzca estrenimiento. Me encuentro mal porque llevo tresdfas estrenido. Tiene que tomarse laxantes porque esta" estrenido.

Comment Exercises

Constipated significa estrenido. No significa const! pado, que se traduce por a cold o having a cold.

"\. Tenia un constipado muy fuerte. 2. No puedo venir a la fiesta, estoy constipado. 3. Me has pegado el constipado. 4. Dicen que el arroz estririe.

contest Wrong


I phoned several times but nobody contested.

I phoned several times but nobody answered.


Comment To contest significa luchar por, presentarse como candidate (elecciones), refutar. No significa contestar, que se traduce por to answer.


' Examples He contested his opponent's theory. He contested the umpire's decision. Six candidates were contesting the seat.

Mostr6 desacuerdo con la teorfa de su oponente. Protestti contra la decisitin del arbitro. Seis candidates se disputaban el escaiio.

Exercises *\. Contestti a todas nuestras preguntas. 2. Me escribid pero no pienso contestarle. 3. Llame varias veces, pero no contestaba nadie.


convenience Wrong


She made me see the convenience of phoning before going j to their home.

She made me see the advisability | of phoning before | going to their home. I


Comment Convenience significa comodidad, ventaja. No significa conveniencia = interes, provecho, que se traduce por benefit, ni conveniencia = utilidad, que se traduce por advisability, usefulness. Ndtese: conveniencias sociales = social conventions.

Examples We parked close to the station for convenience. Do it at your convenience. Are you sure the date is to your convenience?

Aparcamos cerca de la estacidn para mayor comodidad. Hcigalo cuando le venga bien. ^Esta" seguro de que la fecha le viene bien?

Exercises 1. Te hizo el favor por conveniencia. 2. Actua unicamente por su propia conveniencia. 3. Le hizo ver la conveniencia de utilizar crema solar. 4. Me hizo ver la conveniencia de avisar por teleTono antes de ir a su casa.


• Examples



You have a fever, it would be convenient for you to stay in bed.

You have a fever, it would be advisable for you to stay in bed.

We'll do it today or tomorrow, whichever is more convenient for you. Would eleven o'clock be convenient? The train is more convenient for her. This bank is very convenient for you. Tuesday is not convenient for me. It is not a convenient moment. It's convenient for the market. Which day is it convenient for you to come? Frozen food is very convenient.

Comment Convenient significa conveniente = oportuno. Tambien significa socorrido, practice. No significa conveniente = aconsejable, que se traduce por advisable, a good idea. conviction

144 Right He had several previous convictions for theft.

Comment Conviction significa conviction = creencia firme. Tambien significa condena, sentencia de culpabilidad. 40

Lo haremos hoy o manana, como le resulte m^s conveniente. iLe viene bien a las once? Le es ma's comodo ir en tren. Este banco esta muy bien situado parausted. El martes no me resulta conveniente. No es un momenta conven iente. Es practice para iral mercado. ,:,Qu6 dia le viene bien venir? La comida congelada es muy socorrida.,

Exercises 1. El martes no me resulta conveniente. 2. Es conveniente beber mucha agua. 3. No es un momento conveniente. 4. Sena conveniente que se lo dijeras. 5. No es conveniente que tome el sol. 6. Nojuzgti conveniente aceptar. 7. Sena conveniente que guardaras cama. 8. Resulta muy practice tener la escuela tan cerca. 9. Es muy practice tener el coche para hacer las compras.

Examples He spoke without much conviction. She said it with such conviction that there could be no doubt about 5 her sincerity. ; He has had four convictions for « burglary. | With that evidence they managed 3 to secure a conviction.

Habld sin mucha convicci6n. Lo dijo con tal convicci6n que no dejti lugar a dudas sobre su sinceridad. Ha sido condenado por robo cuatro veces. Con esas pruebas lograron su condena.

Exercises 1. Creciti con la conviccidn de que su padre estaba muerto. 2. Tenia varias condenas previas por robo 3. No tenfa antecedentes penales. a^^ii»>«?«®i«ga**asi«wfc«9S«*«*J>«Tw*«.*\ i


correspondence Wrong You can get a correspondence to the Central Line from this station.

Right You can get a connection to thet, Central Line from I this station. s H, ^

Comment Correspondence significa correspondencia = relation por correo; equivalencia. No significa correspondencia (en el metro), que se traduce por connection.

Examples I'm doing a correspondence course. There's very little correspondence between spelling and pronunciation.

Estoy haciendo un curso por < correspondencia. J Hay muy poca relacitin entre la * ortograffa y la pronunciation.

Exercises 1. Perdi correspondencia. 2. Mantuvieron correspondencia durante muchos afios. 3. Esta estacitin tiene correspondencia con la linea tres.

cost Wrong He's such a liar — it costs me to believe him.

Right He's such a liar — I find it difficult to believe him.

Comment To cost significa costar = tener un precio. No significa costar = resultar diffcil, que se traduce por to find it difficult. Tampoco significa costar = llevar tiempo, que se traduce por to take.

Examples How much did the suitcase cost you? How much will it cost to fix my watch?

Exercises 1. Le cuesta mucho la fisica. 2. Me cuesta 45 minutos llegar a la oficina. 3. Cuesta entender por qu6. 4. Me cuesta creerle. 5. Me ha costado dos horas llegar aqui. i

Right She spent the She spent the VVMUIC evening cvciiiiiy * whole WMUIC evening cvcuiiiy whole counting us stories, telling us stories.

(jCuSrrto te costd la maleta? ^Cucinto me costard arreglar el relqp

* ^

,^-v-* ,, „ T.HsX-


Examples You must count everyone who comes in. You can count them on the fingers of one hand.

Tienes que contar a todos los que entren. 1 Se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano.

Comment To count significa contar = numerar. No significa contar = relatar, que se traduce por to tell, to talk about.

Exercises 1. ^Me cuentas un cuento? 2. Estuvo toda la tarde conta~ndonos an6cdotas. 3. No se lo cuentes a nadie.

courage It gives me courage when people arrive late.

Right It makes me mad when people arrive late. ^

Comment Courage significa coraje = valor. No signi-; fica coraje = irritacitin, ira, rabia, que se traduce por anger; ni coraje = cara, que se ! traduce por cheek, nerve. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Examples She didn't have the courage to say ^ No tuvo el coraje de decfrselo a la it to his face. Si cara. I plucked up courage and I told 1 Me arm6de valor yselo dije. them. I

Exercises 1. Encima tuvo el coraje de pedirme dinero. 2. jQu6 coraje! 3. Me da coraje que la gente llegue tarde. 4. Me da coraje ofr esas cosas. 41





We can't go out unless we find someone to look after the creature.

We can't go out unless we find someone to look after the baby.


Biology studies living creatures. They're friendly little creatures. They didn't find a living creature in the abandoned village. 1

Creature significa criatura (ser vivo). Pero I no significa criatura = nino pequeno, que! se traduce por baby, child. 5 crime Wrong You have been found guilty of cold-blooded crime.

150 Right You have been found guilty of cold-blooded murder.


«t f 1


They used crude stone tools.

He likes eating raw carrots.

The price of crude oil continues to fall.

Crude significa crudo (petrbleo), rudimentario, vulgar. No significa crudo = sin cocinar, que se traduce por raw; ni crudo (clima, realidad), que se traduce por harsh.


Habia cometido un delito. Esta aumentando la delincuencia. Confess su participation en el delito. Es un crimen no salir con el buen tiempo que hace.

Empleaban utiles de piedra rudimentarios. El precio del crudo sigue a la baja.

Exercises 1. Le gusta comerse las zanahorias crudas. 2. La pelfcula tiene unas escenas muy crudas. 3. Fue un invierno muy crudo. 4. Se lo comieron crudo, lo cual me dio un asco espantoso.


I |i Right


She threw a cube : | She threw a ? of water over j• bucket of water ; | him. 1I over him.

Comment Cube significa cubo = cuerpo geomeirico. No significa cubo = recipiente, que se traduce por bucket. Notese: cubo de basura = rubbish bin, dustbin (UK), garbage can (US). 42

Examples He had committed a crime. Crime is on the increase. She admitted her involvement in the crime. It's a crime to stay in on such a nice day.





Exercises 1. Las criaturas precisan del cuidado de sus padres. 2. jPobre criatura! llora porque le estSn saliendo las dientes. 3. La campana es su criatura.

Exercises 1. Todavia se desconoce el movil del crimen (del asesinato). 2. Fue complice en ese delito. 3. Lo declararon culpable de homicidio a sangre fria. 4. Robar es un delito.

Crime significa delito o delincuencia. No significa crimen = asesinato, que se traduce por murder.

Wrong He likes eating crude carrots.

El objeto de estudio de la biologfa son los seres vivos. Son unos animal itos muy simpSticos. No encontraron ser viviente en el pueblo abandonado.

Examples A cube has six surfaces. What is the cube of five?

Un cubo tiene seis caras. CuSnto es cinco al cubo?

Exercises 1. Le echrj un cubo de agua. 2. Ten cuidado de no volcar el cubo. 3. El cubo estaba ll.eno hasta los topes de basura. EDITORIAL STANLEY

cup Wrong They went down to the pub for a cup or two.

Right They went down to the pub for a drink or two.

Comment Cup signified taza. No significa copa, que se traduce por glass o drink.

Examples She ordered a cup of tea. I bought six coffee cups. He held up the cup. Add one cup of flour.

PidiO una taza de te. Compr6 seis tazas de cafe. Alz6 la copa. Anada una taza de harina.

Exercises 1. Salieron a tomar unas copas. 2. Llevaba una copa de mSs. 3. Cuando se ha tornado unas copas le da por hablar. 4. Anda, no pasa nada si te tomas otra copa.

curious Wrong Her room is always curious and tidy.

Right Her room is always neat and tidy.

Examples Aren't you curious about her husband? I was curious to see her house. She had a curious way of pronouncing her "R's".

^No tienes curiosidad por saber cOmo es su marido? Tenia curiosidad por ver su casa. Pronunciaba las erres de una maneracuriosa.

Comment Curious significa curioso = indiscrete; extraho. No significa curioso = limpio, que se traduce por neat, tidy.

current Wrong J Right It's a very current I It's a very cornmistake. I mon mistake.

Comment Current significa corriente = actual, presente. No significa corriente = comun, que se traduce por common, ordinary,

Exercises 1. Tiene la habitacitin muy curiosa. 2. No deberfas sertan curioso. 3. Es muy curioso con su coche.

> Examples The current rate of inflation is 4%. He likes to keep abreast of current events. They have no knowledge of his current whereabouts.

El tipo actual de inflation es del 4%. Le gusta estar al dfa en todo. Desconocen su paradero actual.

Exercises 1. Los ordenadores son una cosa muy corriente en las escuelas. 2. La malaria es algo corriente en los trdpicos. 3. Es un error muy corriente. 4. Es un tipo de lo mas corriente.

curse Wrong The illness is following its normal curse.

Right The illness is following its normal course.

Comment Curse significa maldicion. No significa curso, que se traduce por course. EDITORIAL STANLEY

* Examples There seemed to be a curse on the project. The witch put a curse on him. They bel ieve that there's a curse on the family.

Parecfa que pesaba una maldiciOn sobre el proyecto. La bruja le echo una maldicitin. Creen que una maldiciOn ha caido sobre la familia.

Exercises 1. La enfermedad sigue su curso normal. 2. Esta haciendo un curso acelerado de italiano. 3. Cogi6 el curso con mucho entusiasmo. 43



Wrong Losing in the final is always a terrible deception.

Right Losing in the final is always a terrible disappointment.

I refuse to take part in this deception. She was the victim of a cruel deception. The deception was brought to light.


Me niego a ser c6mplice en este engano. Fue victima de un cruel engano. El engano fue descubierto.

Exercises 1. Sufrimos una gran decepcitin. 2. Ha sufrido muchas decepciones en la vida. 3. La exposicidn resultd una verdadera decepcitin. 4. Lo que ma's me duele es el engano.

Deception signified engano. No significa deception, que se traduce por disappointment, letdown.




Wrong ) Right | 1 He refused to f He refused to make any declara- | make any tions to the press. Icomments to the t press. |

» Examples


His unexpected declaration of love filled her with confusion. This speech amounts to a declaration of war.

Declaration significa declaration = afirmaciOn, proclamation. No significa declaration (a la prensa), que se traduce por statement, comment; ni declaration (ante el juez), que se traduce por statement, testimony, evidence.

Exercises 1. No tengo nada que afiadir a mi declaration previa. 2. Se neg6 a hacer declaraciones a la prensa. 3. Prestti declaration bajojuramento. 4. Hizo una declaration por escrito. 5. Tuvimos que prestar declaration en la comisaria.

deduce Wrong Because I was absent for a few days, they deduced part of my salary.

Su inesperada declaraci6n de amor la IIen6de confusion. Este discurso viene a ser una declaracitin de guerra.


| I I i I I

Right Because 1 was absent for a few days, they deducted part of my salary.



1 1 i

As there was no reply, I deduced there was nobody there. We deduced that he was the only one who could have done it. What do you deduce from all this?


^ 1

Como no contestaban deduje que no habia nadie. Dedujimos que s6lo 61 podria haberlo hecho. (;/Qu6 deduces de todo esto?




To deduce significa deducir = inferir. No , significa deducir = descontar, que se tra-* duce por to deduct.


Exercises 1. El impuesto sobre la renta se deduce automaticamente. 2. Se le descontara" el dinero del sueldo. 3. Del total tenemos que deducir los gastos. 4. Me descontaron parte del sueldo.


defraud Wrong The film defrauded me -I was expecting something much better.

Right The film disappointed me -I was expecting something much better.

Examples They defrauded the state of millions of dollars. It was a clever scheme to defraud his employers.

Estafaron millones de dolares al estado. Era un habil plan para estafar a su patron/empresa

Comment To defraud significa defraudar = estafar. No significa defraudar = decepcionar, que se traduce por to disappoint, to let down. Notese: defraudar a Hacienda = to evade taxes.

Exercises 1. La excursion me defraudo mucho. 2. Lo acusaron de defraudar a Hacienda. 3. Estoy seguro de que no me defraudaras. 4. La pelfcula me defraudd.

defunct Wrong A monument was erected to the memory of the defunct mayor.

Right A monument was erected to the memory of the late mayor.

• Examples I was worki ng for the now defunct Burka Organization. He was a member of the defunct Democratic Party.

Trabajaba para la desaparecida Burka Organization. Fue miembro del extinguido Partido Democratico.

Comment Defunct significa caduco, desaparecido (cosa, idea). No significa difunto (persona), que se traduce por deceased, late.

Exercises 1. El difunto no ha dejado testamento. 2. El partido aun tiene vida. 3. Se levantfj un monumento al difunto alcalde.

delicious Wronq Aren't you going to have a swim? the water's delicious.

Right Aren't you going to have a swim? the water's lovely.

Comment Delicious significa delicioso (comida, bebida, sabor). No significa delicioso (tiempo, velada, nino, sonrisa), que se traduce por delightful, lovely, charming.

demand £ jf

The beef stew was del icious. A delicious smell was coming from the kitchen.

El guisado de ternera estaba delicioso. Llegaba un delicioso aroma de la cocina.

Exercises 1. ^No te barias? el agua esta deliciosa. 2. Tiene un humor delicioso. 3. Es una mujer deliciosa.


4* ~

Wrong Right She demanded She sued him for him for defama- , defamation of tion of character. character.

Comment To demand significa exigir, requerir. No significa demandar (judicialmente), que se traduce por to sue.



• Examples Lionel demanded an apology. They are demanding better working conditions, This exam wi 11 demand a lot of hard work. The opposition demanded her resignation.

Lionel exigiO una disculpa. Exigen mejorescondiciones laborales. Este examen requerira mucho trabajo. Los partidos de la oposicion exigieronsudimisioYi.

Exercises 1. Demandd a la compania por negligencia. 2. Lo demandaron por calumnia. 3. Me arrincon6 y me exigi6 una explicacitin. 45

demonstrate Examples 4 Right


She demonstrated how to put the lifejacketon. We're demonstrating against the new motorway.

| A hundred thousand | 9 people demonstrated f .; in the Basque Country. | Comment


To demonstrate significa demostrar.

Tambien significa manifestarse.



Exercises 1. DemostrrJj c6mo se hace la mayonesa. 2. Mas de 10.000 personas se manifestaron ayer en Bilbao. 1

Right The military government banned the demonstration.

Comment Demonstration significa demostracibn. Tambien significa manifestation.
-M^ a i \^. \ «ww^,j«iMDitiwea«ws

' Examples The visit wasjust to gratify his curiosity I was gratified to learn that he had enjoyed the book.

Fuimos de visita cer su curiosidad. Me produjo una enterarme de que l< el libro.

Exercises 1. La familia gratificarci a quien de informacitin sobre su paradero. 2. El jefe gratified a toda la plantilla.

gratuitous Wrong Right Admission to the Admission to museum is gratui- £ the museum is tous. I free of charge. Comment Gratuitous significa gratuito = infundado, injustificado. No significa gratuito = gratis, que se traduce por free, free of charge.

Examples The violence in the film is completely gratuitous. He witnessed the gratuitous destruction of beautiful buildings.

La violencia en esta pelicula es totalmentegratuita. PresenciO la injustificada destrucciOndebellosedificios.

Exercises 1. La entrada al museo es gratuita. 2. jNo critiquen la educacitin gratuita!

grenade Wrong Some kinds of grenade are eaten as a dessert.

Right Some kinds of pomegranate are eaten as a dessert.

* Examples The soldier threw a grenade at the | El soldado lanzO una granada al tank and destroyed it. j tanqueylodestruyO. The grenade exploded seconds after I La granada explot6segundosdespu6si the safety pin had been pulled. I deextraerlaanilladeseguridad. fc»H** staring at her -she was wearing a very peculiar hat. •^ ^X^

"^N ^^V^-i vV' **

£. ^


>^ **• "- -v&* V*

-! v- j

Comment Peculiar significa peculiar = caracterfstico. Tambien significa extrano, raro, excentrico. perceive Wrong

Exercises 1. Me sentfa un poco extrano. 2. jQu6 sombrero mas raro! 3. Tiene una manera peculiar de hablar.




He perceives a He gets a perpercentage on all . centage on all the sales. the sales.


Comment To perceive significa percibir (a traves> de los sentidos) y entender. No signifi-x ca percibir = recibir, obtener, que se tra- * duce por to get, to receive, to earn, etc. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Llevaba un sombrero de lo ma's extrano. Es una planta que sOlo se da en el surde Africa. Esunbichoraro.

I could perceive a ship in the distance. That is not how I perceive the situation.

Percibf un barco a lo lejos. No es asi como yo entiendo la situacitin.

Exercises 1. No percibe ningun dinero por lo que hace. 2. Ya he percibido mi paga de la semana. 3. Percibe un tanto por ciento de todas las ventas. 4. ^Que sueldo percibe en su actual empleo?


perfect Wrong He went to Paris for two weeks to perfect his French.

366 R

'9nt 1 He went to Paris | for two weeks to ; improve his I French. f

1 ^ 1 , f

Examples The crawl is a difficult stroke to perfect.

El crol es un estilo muy diffcil de perf eccionar.

Comment Exercises 1. Quiero perfeccionar mi aleman. 2. Se ha ido a Francia a perfeccionar el francos.

To perfect significa hacer perfecto. No significa perfeccionar = mejorar, que se traduce por to improve. '

period Wrong

367 Right




j I said you're not j: I said you're going to go, and )| not going to go, | I point. ;I period. !I


Examples She is away on business for long periods. They were there for a period of four years. Put the period at the end to mark the end of the sentence.

Pasa largos periodos fuera en viajes de negocios. Estuvieron allf durante un periodo de cuatro aiios. Pon un punto al final para marcar que se acaba la frase.

Comment Period significa periodo. Pero tambieYi significa punto final.




1. El punto indica el fin de una frase. 2. He dicho que no, y punto.


| Right

Ugh! what a hor- | rible pest! There's! something rotten ? in here. !

Ugh! what a horrible smell! There's something rotten in here.

Comment Pest significa cualquier insecto o animal danino; (persona) pesado, lata. No significa peste (bubtinica), que se traduce por plague; ni peste = mal olor, :|ue se traduce por stench, stink.

Examples Squirrels are considered to be a pest. Stop being such a pest!

Las ardillas son consideradas una plaga. j No seas tan pesado! s


I.Huyodeeicomode la peste. 2. La casa apestaba a comida podrida. f 3. jllf! jqu£ peste! 4. jQu6 nino ma's movido!, no me ha dejado des- i cansar ni un momento. I *W*!«^^

petrol Wrong


The price of petrol reached forty dollars a barrel.

The price of oil reached forty dollars a barrel.

' Examples We ran out of petrol. We managed to cut down on petrol consumption. The tank was leaking petrol.

Nos quedamos sin gasolina. Hemos conseguido reducir el consume de gasolina. El dep6sito estaba perdiendo gasolina.

Comment En ing!6s britSnico petrol significa gasolina. No significa petr6leo, que se traduce por oil, petroleum. 98

Exercises 1. El precio del petrOleo alcanzb los 40 ddlares por barri1.2. Paramos a echar gasolina. 3. El pais se autoabastece de petrdleo.


petulant Wrong


He's a petulant guy, I mean he really has a high opinion of himself.

He's a conceited guy, I mean he really has a high opinion of himself.

Comment Petulant signified irascible, de mal genio, impaciente. No significa petulante, que se traduce por smug, conceited, self-satisfied.

Examples He became petulant because he couldn't get his way. I'm not coming, he snapped petulantly.

Se enfurrufid porque no se pudo salirconlasuya. Yo no voy —dijo enfurrunado.

Exercises 1. No eres ma's que un presumido muy petulante. 2. Es un tio petulante, se cree que no existe nadie tan bueno como el. v. » w

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pinch Wrong


She pinched her finger with the needle and a spot of blood appeared.

She pricked her finger with the needle and a spot of blood appeared.

Comment To pinch significa pellizcar; robar. No significa pinchar, que se traduce por to prick; to burst, to puncture (una rueda); to give an injection.

plausible Wrong She deserves only praise; her behaviour was most plausible.

Examples She pinched his cheek. Someone has pinched my wallet.

Lepellizctilamejilla. Me han soplado la cartera.

Exercises 1. Cuidado, te vas a pinchar con la aguja. 2. Se nos pinch6 una rueda. 3. No Ilor6 cuando el medico la pinchti. 4. Pincharon las cuatro ruedas.

372 t

^ , f 1

Right She deserves only praise; her behaviour was most commendable.

| | , | |

Comment Plausible significa verosimil, admisible, convincente. No significa plausible = loable, que se traduce por commendable, praiseworthy.

Examples That doesn't sound very plausible tome. His story sounded so plausible that I fell for it.

Eso no me parece muy convincente. Su explicacitin me pareciti tan convincente que me la trague.

Exercises 1. Tuvo un comportamiento plausible. 2. Su eficacia es muy plausible. 3. Su coartada parece bastante verosimil.

plus Wrong


He gets a plus for working at night.

He gets extra pay for working at night.


Comment El sustantivo plus significa una ventaja,; un punto a favor. No significa plus = gra- [ tif icacitin, sobresueldo, que se traduce por \ bonus, extra pay. Notese: plus de peligrosidad = danger money. EDITORIAL STANLEY

Examples It's a big plus that the house is close to the station. The pluses outweigh the minuses.

Es una gran ventaja que la casa este tan cerca de la estacitin. Son ma's los pros que los contras.

Exercises 1. Le dan un plus de nocturnidad. 2. Cobra un plus de peligrosidad. 3. El hecho de que el colegio este cerca es una gran ventaja. 4. Cobra un plus por estar disponible para emergencias. 99



Wrong Mrs Clinton entered policies when she was still very young.

Right Mrs Clinton entered politics when she was still very young.

Comment Policy significa pdliza y politica = tactica. No significa polltica = actividad publica, que se traduce por politics.

politic Wrong Man is a politic animal.

, Right Man is a political animal.

Comment Politic significa diplomStico o prudente. No significa politico, que se traduce por political.

Examples The period of validity is stated in the policy. This government has no wage policy. He refused to associate himself with their policies. He pursues a monetarist policy.

El plazo de validez figura en la pdliza. Este gobierno no tiene una polltica salarial. No quiso verse vinculado a sus polfticas. Sigue una polftica monetarista.

Exercises 1. IniciC su carrera polltica siendo aun muyjoven. 2. La polltica acabti desilusionandome por completo. 3. Podemos adaptar la pdliza a sus circunstancias personales. 4. En polltica de lo que se trata es de conveneer a la gente.

• Examples It would not be politic to refuse. It would be politic to follow their advice. Leaving the meeting was hardly politic.

No seria prudente negarnos. Te convendria seguir sus consejos. Que se fuera de la reunion fue muy poco diploma~tico.

Exercises 1. Lo analizaron desde el punto de vista politico. 2. El hombre es un animal politico. 3. ^Estci afiliado a un partido politico?


ponder Wrong The critics unanimously pondered the film, pronouncing it a classic.

Right The critics unanimously acclaimed the film, pronouncing * it a classic.

Comment To ponder significa considerar, examinar con cuidado. No significa ponderar = elogiar, que se traduce por to acclaim.

Examples I'm pondering the possibility of buy ing a car. We're pondering over what we should do now.

Estoy considerando la posibilidad de comprar un coche. Estamos considerando qu6 es lo que deberiamos hacer ahora.

Exercises 1. Ponderaron mucho su novela. 2. Ponderalo bien antes de decidirte. 3. La critica pondero unanimemente la calidad fotogrcifica de la pelicula.

porter Right : I looked for a porter • to take the luggage to the train.

Examples The porter was loaded down with suitcases. We got upstairs without the porter noticing.

El mozo i ba cargado de maletas. Subimos sin que se diera cuenta el portero.

Comment To porter significa portero (que cuida y vigila un edificio). Tambien significa mozo de estacibn.


Exercises 1. El mozo llevd el equipaje al tren. 2. El portero controlaba las entradasysalidas. EDITORIAL STANLEY

practice Right As a lawyer, your first priority is to build up your practice.

• Examples Fluency comes through practice. The practice has grown since last year. This is a very large practice.

La fluidez se adquiere con la pra~ctica. Tenemos m3s clientela que el ano pasado. Es una consulta muy grande

Comment Practice significa prtctica. Tambie'n significa clientela = la consulta de un medico o el bufete de un abogado.

Exercises 1. Se ha creado este bufete a base de esfuerzo y trabajo. 2. La pra"ctica* hace al maestro. 3. Ha decidido instalar una consulta. •

practitioner Right I didn't see a doctor I didn't see a —a practicioner doctor —a medigave me the injeccal assistant gave tion. me the injection. Comment Practitioner significa medico o por lo general profesional. No significa practicante, que se traduce por medical assistant, nursing auxiliary.

Do not use this product if the precinct has been removed.

Right Do not use this * product if the £ seal has been i , removed. ^


precious Right The cherry blossom is beautiful this year.

Comment Precious significa precioso = valiosisimo o querido. No significa precioso = bonito, que se traduce por lovely, beautiful, gorgeous. EDITORIAL STANLEY

He is my general practitioner (GP). It isn't necessary for you to see a specialist; your general practitioner will do.

Es mi medico de cabecera. No es precise que Names al especialista; basta que lo vea su medico de cabecera.

Exercises 1. El practicante me puso las inyecciones que me habia recetado el medico. 2. Ha ido al practicante para que le pusiera una vacuna.

* Examples They are building a new shopping s precinct. t Steve Carerra works i n the 87th ~ precinct. |

Estan construyendo una nueva zona comercial. Steve Carerra trabaja en el distrito policial 87.

«S" \*

Precinct significa zona comercial o dis-1 trito policial (US). TambieYi significa IK mites. No significa precinto, que se tradu- ^ ce por seal. 1

The cherry biossom is precious this year.

• Examples

Exercises 1. Advertencia: no consumir si el precinto estci roto. 2. Lo siento, no le puedo cambiar este software porque le ha quitado el precinto. 3. Cada votante tiene que ir a votar al distrito electoral indicado.

• Examples Capture those precious moments with your camera. We're wasting precious time. This watch is very precious to me.


Capte esos mementos tan preciados con su camara fotograTica. Estamos perdiendo un tiempo precioso. Este reloj me es muy querido.


1. Fue una boda preciosa. 2. Tiene una sonrisa preciosa. 3. Las flores i de los cerezos estan preciosas este ano. 4. Eran tratantes de piedras { preciosas. 101




Right Don't worry, I'll do whatever is necessary.

Wrong Don't worry, I'll do whatever is precise.

It weighs three point seven kilos, to be precise. At that precise moment the phone rang. You have to be very precise in your calculations.

Pesa tres coma siete kilos, para ser preciso. En ese preciso momento son6 el te!6fono. Hay que ser muy exacto en los caiculos.



Precise significa precise = exacto, detallado. No significa precise = necesario, que se traduce por necessary.

1. ^Es preciso que tu hermana oiga esto? 2. Si es preciso se pide un prestamo. 3. Tendra que ser ma's preciso. 4. Hare lo que sea preciso. 5. Es preciso que te vayas inmediatamente.

predicament Wrong He is an expert on the subject and his views are held in great predicament.

Right He is an expert on the subject and his views are held in high regard.

We found ourselves in a predicament. \ Her departure has left us in a predicament.

Comment Predicament significa predicamento = situacibn dfficil. No significa predicamento = prestigio, que se traduce por prestige, high regard, high standing.

Nosvimosenunlio. Su partida nos ha dejado en una situation muy apurada.

Exercises 1. Sus opiniones gozan de gran predicamento. 2. Esta marca de ropa goza de predicamento entre losjbvenes.

premises Right Our new premises are in Oxford Street.

Premise significa premisa = proposicibn. En plural, premises significa tambien local (espacio en un edificio).

Wrong Your parents are preoccupied because they love you.

385 Right Your parents are worried because they love you.

Comment Preoccupied significa absorto, ensimismado, obsesionado, abstraido. No significa preocupado, que se traduce por worried. 102

That doesn't follow from our premise. They've moved to new premises.



•Examples Eso no esta contemplado en nuestra premisa. Se han mudado a un nuevo local.

Exercises 1. Prohibido tener animates en este edificio. 2. Consiguib entrar al local por la fuerza. 1

Examples He became increasingly preoccupied with his work. He's preoccupied with trying to find a newjob. He seemed rather preoccupied.

Cada vez estaba mSs obsesionado con su trabajo. No piensa en otra cosa que encontrar un nuevo trabajo. Lo not6 como abstraido.

Exercises 1. ^Estabas preocupado? -En absolute. 2. Esta preocupado por su salud. 3. Estamos tan preocupados como el 4. Tus padres esta"n preocupados porque te quieren. „__. EDITORIAL STANLEY

preserve Wrong He tried to preserve the children from danger.

386 Right He tried to protect the children from danger.

• Examples The United States tried to preserve the peace in the Persian Gulf. He did it in an attempt to preserve his good reputation.

Estados Unido trat6 de mantener la paz en el Golfo P6rsico. Lo hizo en un intento de mantener su buena reputacitin.



To preserve significa conservar, mantener, o poner en conserva. Tambien puede significar preservar = proteger.

1. Tenemos que aprender a conservar los recursos de la naturaleza. 2. Echa este producto de vez en cuando en las puertas para preservar la madera de la humedad. 3. Intentaba preservarla de todo mal.

presume Wrong


I'm sure it's not true, she's only saying it to presume.

I'm sure it's not true, she's only saying it to show off.

Comment To presume significa suponer o atreverse. No significa presumir, que se traduce por to show off, to boast, to brag, o to suspect.

pretend Wrong She was pretending to make me change my mind.

Right She was trying to make me change my mind.

Examples I presumed they knew each other. I presume you know why I 'm asking. I would not presume to tell you what to do. I would never presume to question your authority.

Supuse que ya se conocian. Supongo que sabe por qu6 lo pregunto. No me atreverfa a decirte lo que tienes que hacer. Jam& me atreverfa a poner en duda su autoridad.

Exercises 1. Seguro que no es cierto, lo dice para presumir. 2. Esta siempre presumiendo de lo ricos que son sus padres. 3. Presume que van a reducirlaplantilla.

' Examples He didn't really hurt himself, he's pretending. She's not as stupid as she pretends. He pretends he doesn't care. They pretended to be students.

No se ha hecho dano, esta fingiendo. No es tan tonta como quiere aparentar. Fingequenoleimporta. Se hicieron pasar por estudiantes.


Comment To pretend significa fingir, aparentar. No significa pretender, que se traduce por to try, to intend, to aim.

prevent Wrong


Drivers were prevented that the road was in bad condition.

Drivers were warned that the road was in bad condition.

1. Pretendfa hacerme cambiar de opini6n. 2. Pretende enganarme con sus mentiras. 3. Pretende adjudicarse todo el m6rito. 4. No se" lo que pretende. 5. Pretendemos no s6lo instruirlos sino formarlos como individuos.

• Examples We need to prevent this happening again. I warn you that he's a liar. Police intervention prevented a major incident.

Hay que impedir que esto vuelva a suceder. Te prevengo de que es un mentiroso. La intervention de la policfa impidi6 que seprodujera un incidente grave.



To prevent significa impedir, evitar. No significa prevenir = advertir, avisar, alertar, que se traduce por to warn.

1. Previnieron a los conductores del mal estado de las carreteras. 2. Me habfan prevenido. 3. Me previnieron contra ellos. 4. El mal tiempo impiditi que fu6ramos de excursion.



probe Wrong He's in prison because his lawyers were unable to probe j his innocence.

Right J He's in prison . because his lawyers , were unable to prove his innocence. I

Comment To probe significa investigar; sondar. No significa probar, que se traduce por to prove; to | test to

• Examples They probed into his background. • Investigaron su pasado a fondo. Police are probing into his . • La policia esta investigando sus business affairs. actividadesfinancieras. Exercises 1. Puede probar su inocencia. 2. No puedes probar esa acusaci6n. 3. Me gustarfa probar el windsurfing. 4. Prueba el agua para asegurarte de que no esta demasiado caliente.

proceed Wrong Many English words proceed from French.

Right Many English words come from French.

Comment To proceed significa proceder = actuar. No significa proceder = provenir, que se traduce por to come from; ni proceder = ser pertinente, que se traduce por to be appropriate.

Wrong Procure to be on time.

Right Try to be on time.




Deberfas proceder con cautela. No nos dieron ninguna orientacioYi sobre cc-mo proceder. ,,





Exercises 1. Su familia precede de Alemania. 2. El ruido procedia de fuera. 3. Creo que precede realizar una votacidn. 4. Esa palabra procede del aYabe.

Intentti conseguir la libertad de los rehenes. Lo acusaron de proxenetismo.

Exercises I.Procura I legar pronto. 2. Procuraqueelnifiocoma. 3. Me procuro" un buen trabajo. 4. Procuraremos que llegue intacto.

393 Right | The children shouldn't swim here — the water's too deep.

Comment Profound significa profundo (de pensamiento). No significa profundo (en el espacio), que se traduce por deep. 104


He tried to procure the release of the hostages. He was accused of procuring.

To procure significa conseguir, obtener; o dedicarse al proxenetismo. No significa procurar, que se traduce por to try; to provide with.

Wrong The children shouldn't swim here — the water's too profound.

You should proceed with caution. ; We were given no guidance on how to proceed. ,




* Examples

Examples That was a very profound statement. She had a profound dislike of flying. His ideas on this subject are very profound.

Esa fue una afirmacibn muy profunda. Le tenfa una enorme aversi6n a volar. Sus ideas sobre este tema son muy profundas.

Exercises 1. Esta piscina es muy profunda. 2. Es un texto muy profundo. 3. Nos bafiaremos en una parte del rio que sea menos profunda. 4. Se cortrj con el cuchillo y se hizo una herida muy profunda. EDITORIAL STANLEY

propaganda Right Most companies spend a lot on propaganda.

Most companies spend a lot on advertising.

Examples The streets are ful I of election propaganda.

Las calles estan llenas de propaganda f electoral. i

Comment En ingles la plabra propaganda se usa s6lo en polftica. Propaganda (en ventas) se traduce por publicity, advertising.

Exercises *: 1. Habia un chico repartiendo propaganda. 2. Lo que se gasta en pro- | paganda es desmesurado. Examples



He doesn't need to work, he lives on his rents.

He doesn't need > to work, he lives on his private income.

Comment Rent significa alquiler. No significa renta, que se traduce por private income, income, o interest.

You have to pay a month's rent as a deposit. The rent is payable on the first of the month. I'm £300 behind with my rent. They lived off the rent from their tenants.

Hay que pagar un mes de renta comofianza. El alquiler vence el primero de cada mes. Debo 300 libras de alquiler. Vivfan de las rentas de sus inquilinos.

Exercises 1. Vive de sus rentas. 2. Le proporciona una renta anual de $100.000. 3. Puso el dinero en el banco y vive de las rentas.

report Right It was only a small company but it reported him a lot of money.

It was only a small company but it earned him a lot of money.

• Examples They reported on the efficiency of the service. He failed to report for his medical. I reported all of this to my boss.

Comment To report significa informar de, presenter un informe; presentarse. No significa reportar, que se traduce por to earn, to bring in.

Presentaron un informe sobre la eficacia del servicio. No se present^ para el reconocimiento medico. Inform6 a mijefe de todo esto.

Exercises 1. La venta le reporto mil dtilares. 2. Esto podria reportar beneficios' aun mayores. 3. Ese negocio le ha reportado mucho dinero.

requirement Wrong The witness appeared at the judge's requirement.

Right The witness appeared at the judge's request.

Comment Requirement significa requerimiento = necesidad o solicitud. No significa requerimiento = acto judicial por el que se obliga hacer algo, que se traduce por request, summons. 112

* Examples We bear in mind our customers' requirements. Choose a car that suits your requirements. You must satisfy these requirements.,

Tenemos en cuenta los requerimientos de nuestros clientes. Elija un coche adecuado a sus necesidades. Debe satisfacer estos requisites.

Exercises 1. Compareci6 a requerimiento del senorjuez. 2. Fue extraditado a requerimiento de las autoridades alemanas. 3. Declare en el juicio a requerimiento del fiscal.


resign Right Because of the scandal, he was forced to resign. Comment To resign oneself to something significa resignarse a algo. Pero la acepcion ma's importante de to resign es dimitir o renunciar (de un puesto).

Examples She has resigned from the board. He resigned from hisjob because of illness. He resigned himself to not making the trip.

Ha dimitido del consejo de administracibn. Dimitib de su puesto debido a problemasdesalud. Se resign6 a no hacer el viaje.

Exercises 1. Dimititi de su cargo. 2. No se resigna a estar paralizado en una silla de ruedos. 3. No te queda otra alternativa que dimitir.

resignation Right The opposition demanded the minister's resignation. Comment Resignation significa resignation = aceptacidn de las adversidades. Tambien significa renuncia, dimision.

He keeps playing that awful music - I can't resist any more.

Right He keeps playing that awful music - I can't take it any more.

Examples She handed in her resignation. A mood of resignation was evident among the players.

Exercises 1. Su dimisioYi fue muy oportuna para la empresa. 2. Los partidos de la oposicidn exigieron su dimisibn. 3. Tienes que llevarlo con resignaci6n, no tiene remedio.

Examples I had to buy it, I couldn't resist it. She was charged with resisting arrest. I couldn't resist taking a peep.

Comment To resist significa resistir (una tentacibn) y resistirse = oponer resistencia. No significa resistir = aguantar, soportar, que se traduce por to stand, to bear, to take it, etc.

Present^ su dimision. Se notaba un clima de resignacitin entre losjugadores.

Tuve que comprarlo, no me pude resistir. Fue acusada de oponer resistencia a su arresto. No pude resistir la tentaciCn de echar una ojeada.

Exercises 1. No resistia ma's el frio que hacfa alii. 2. No resisto ma's. 3. Su corazon no resistiria un golpe tan fuerte. 4. Lleg6 al Kmite de lo que un ser humano puede resistir.

resort Wrong A resort prevented the door from remaining open.

Right A spring prevented the door from remaining open.

Comment Resort significa lugar de vacaciones; recurso. No significa resorte, que se traduce, por spring; means (para lograr un fin).


Examples This is Turkey's most important tourist resort. As a last resort we put an ad in the paper.

Este es el principal centra turistico deTurqufa. Como ultimo recurso pusimos un anuncio en el peri6dico.

Exercises 1. En la puerta habia un resorte que impedia que quedara abieita. 2. Toc6 todos los resortes para conseguir el contrato. 3. Los resortes de la cama estSn rotos. 113

rest Wrong


If you rest 10 from 50, the answer is 40.

If you subtract 10 from 50, the answer is 40.

Examples You need to rest. She won't rest until she knows the truth.

Comment To rest significa descansar. No significa restar, que se traduce por to subtract, take away; to undermine (autoridad); to play down (importancia); to return (en tenis); to remain, be left.


Tienes que descansar. No descansar^ hasta saber la verdad.

Exercises 1. Los nifios aprenden a sumar y a restar. 2. Resta cuatro a doce. 3. Este asunto le ha restado autoridad. 4. El doctor le restd importancia. 5. Aun me restan dfas de vacaciones.




Right I tried to persuade I tried to perhim but it didn't suade him but it result. He refused didn't work. He to listen. refused to listen.

If we tell her, heaven knows what will result. This resulted in increased productivity. What could result from this decision? This error resulted in a disaster.

Sabe Dios qu6 puede pasar si se lo decimos. Esto resultd en un aumento de la productividad. iQue podria resultar de esta decisi6n? Este error provocd un desastre.

Comment Exercises 1. La casa resulto mas cara de lo que pensabamos. 2. Sus consejos resultaron (ser) inutiles. 3. Resulttital como lo habiamos planeado. 4. Su idea no resultd. 5. Todo el problema resultti ser un malentendido. 6. Trate" de convencerle pero no resultb. 7. La casa nos resulta demasiado grande ahora que los nifios no esta"n.

To result significa resultar = ser consecuencia. No significa resultar = ser, que se traduce por to be; ni resultar = ser finalmente, que se traduce por to turn out to be, to prove to be; ni resultar = dar resultado, que se traduce por to work.

resume Wrong


I will try to resume the main points of the report.

I will try to summarize the main points of the report.

Comment To resume significa reanudar. No significa resumir, que se traduce por to



* Examples We stopped for lunch and resumed an hour later. They resumed theirjourney the following day. He resumed his seat. They resumed their march at dawn.

Paramos para almorzar y reanudamos el trabajo al cabo de una hora. Reanudaron el viaje al dia siguiente. Se volvid a sentar. Reanudaron la marcha al amanecer.

Exercises 1. Resumiendo, nos han negado el permiso. 2. Todo lo cual se resume en lo siguiente... 3. Resumiendo, creo que fue un encuentro positive. 4. Intentare resumir los puntos principals de su artfculo. EDITORIAL STANLEY

reticent Right She was clearly reluctant to open the door.

Wrong She was clearly reticent to open the door.

Comment Reticent significa reservado, callado, reticiente a hablar. No significa reticente = reacio, que se traduce por reluctant; ni reticente (de un discurso), que se tradixe^rfullof insinuations. ,al>

She is rather reticent about her I • Es un tanto reservada en cuanto a su emotional life. I vida afectiva. He was reticent about the matter. I Se mostrti reticente a hablar del asunto. Exercises 1. El hecho de que se mostrara tan reticente a abrir la puerta me hizo sospechar. 2. Semuestranreticentesadarexplicaciones. S.AIprincipio se mostrO reticente.

t, fc

retribution t j f w*
the bath.

Examples She reached out for the rope. They secured the load with a rope.

Estirti el brazo para coger la cuerda. Sujetaron la carga con una cuerda.

Comment Exercises 1. No te puedes poner esta ropa sucia. 2. Llevaban ropa ligera. 3. Puso la ropa en la silla.

Rope significa cuerda, soga. No significa ropa, que se traduce por clothes, clothing.



{ Right I don't like this • \ don't like this material, it's too Examples He has devised a newjob-creation * scheme. He pays into a pension scheme. ^ It's another of her schemes. **

Ha ideado un nuevo plan para la creation de empleo. Cotiza a un plan de pensiones. Esotrodesusardides.

Exercises 1. Me gusta el esquema, pero tienes que darle ma's cuerpo. 2. El gobierno ha declarado su interes en el proyecto. 3. Haz un esquema del articulo antes de empezar a escribir.

scholar Wrong The school accepts scholars from the age of five.

Right The school accepts pupils from the age of five.

Examples She was a famous Latin scholar 6| Scholars have been unable to agree | on a date. I

Fue una famosa latinista. Los especial istas no se nan puesto de acuerdo en la fecha.

Comment Scholar significa erudito, especialista o becario. No significa escolar (alumno), que se traduce por pupil, schoolboy, schoolgirl.



Wrong I Right | Bullfighting is a Bullfighting is secular tradition an age-old in Spain - it tradition in Spain - it dates dates back back hundreds hundreds of years. of years.

Comment Secular equivale a la palabra espanola secular = no religiose. Pero no significa secular = duradero, centenario, que se traduce por age-old, centuries-old.


Exercises 1. Ha habido un accidente de un autobus de escolares que iban de excursitin. 2. Los escolares mas pequenos salen media hora antes que los mayores.

Examples He made the transition from monastic to secular life without any problems. The bishop also has secular duties.

Paso de la vida monastica a la secular sin problemas. El obispo tambie~n tiene deberes seculares.

Exercises 1. Todavia mantienen tradiciones seculares. 2. El toreo en Espana es una tradicidn secular. EDITORIAL STANLEY




« I



' I'm not really sure, | I'm not really secure, but 1 think • but 1 think he lives | he lives in Hendon. in Hendon. 1

Comment Secure signified seguro = sin peligro, estable. No significa seguro = sin dudas, convencido, que se traduce por sure, certain, definite. semblance Right

The interviewer gave a short semblance of his guest.

The interviewer gave a short biographical sketch of his guest.

| t Semblance significa apariencia. No sig- | nifica semblanza, que se traduce por , portrait, biographical sketch. :

sensible Right

Babies are very sensible to heat.

Babies are very sensitive to heat. I


^ ^

Sensible significa sensato, practice, : prudente. No equivale al espanol sensi- ^ ble, que se traduce por sensitive, o (im- * portante) marked, appreciable. V




Exercises \ 1. La profesora nos ha mandado hacer una semblanza de este personaje.; 2. Tras hacer una semblanza del homenajeado, el director propuso un| brindis. 3. El entrevistador realize una breve semblanza de su invitado.;

You made a very sensible decision. Be sensible, you can't do it all on your own. I think that's the most sensible thing to do.

Tomaste una decision muy sensata. S6 razonable, no lo puedes hacer todo tu solo. Me parece que es lo ma's sensato.

Exercises | 1. Los bebes son muy sensibles al calor. 2. Hasta ahora todas sus " acciones nan sido prudentes. 3. Es una chica muy sensible. 4. Ha habi- * do una sensible disminucioYi en el numero de accidentes. 5. Ha mos- I trado una sensible mejorfa. | i


S3M*w»fir*MiM^flwjoiii!WiA*-»wv t. •« .*.««»»T

; « :

o regale sino give. ^sJS& 14.Norega/esinogive. 15. Noo concrete sino particular, specific. ^^2A 16. Noo florid s\no in bloom, blooming. flor/c/sino blooming.5feL259 17. No D accorded sino agreed. ^ 18. No sino lust. ^^ o luxury /uxu/ysino 19. No o elemental elementalsino sinoelementary. elementary.^^^^ ^^ 20. No o vulgar sino common. ^-^ ^^ 21. Noo actually sino at actua//ysino at present, now. now. ^^ 22. Noo registered sino searched. 5&41Z 23. Noo due/ sino mourners. ^^SS. 24. Noo contested sino answered. answered. ^^^^ 25. NoD experimented sino underwent, experienced (perienced.ifeL23e

. ,


Tests de Repaso 5 En las frases siguientes las palabras en cursiva son falsos amigos. Corrya las frases. 1. The damp and the cold make the house inhabitable . 2. It was by pure casualty that we met. 3. You have to double the sheet of paper in four to put it in the envelope. 4. You can't trust him to do anything right, he's too informal . 5. He rejected mundane pleasures and went into a monastery. that she would agree to meet him. 6. He called her with the illusion 7. He keeps his notes for each subject in a separate carpet 8. My doctor recognizes me once a year. 9. I couldn't quit the stain from the blouse. 10. They inverted all their money on the stock market. 11. You never know how she'll react - she's very versatile 12. He was rather disgusted that she hadn't invited him. 13. He really made us laugh with his occurrences . . to the customers, 14. The young shop assistant was very incorrect in controlling the ball. 15. The centre forward displayed great of/stress 16. He presented me to all the members of the team. 17. He finished the career in third place. 18. At that age young people are often very unconscious . 19. It was quite ostensible he was annoyed. Everyone noticed it. 20. He only mixes with people of his own range . 21. I've been very busy ultimately and haven't had time to write. all over his face. 22. The child had strawberry marmalade for a wedding. 23. The clothes he wore were inadequate 24. The doctor examined the patients in his cabinet, 25. It takes years and years to dominate a foreign language. Soluciones •••••••••••••••••••

1. No inhabitable sino uninhabitable. &£-$& 2. No casualty sino chance, coincidence 3. No double sino fold. Ver 197 4. No informal sino unreliable. Ver*M 5. No mundane sino worldly. ^33g 6. No /7/us/on sino hope.Ver28S 7. No carpet sino folder. ^^ 8. No recognizes sino examines. 5feLifli 9. No qu/t sino remove. ^-^ 10. No /wertecf sino invested.Ver 312 11. No versatile sino fickle, changeable. ^^ 12. No disgusted sino displeased. ^J50 13. No occurrences sino witty remarks. ^^LMS


14. No incorrect sino rude, impolite. 15. No distress sino skill. 'i^sl 16. No presented sino introduced. 17. No career sino race. ^-^ 18. No unconscious sino irresponsible. 19. No ostensible sino obvious.ife-555 20. No range sino class. ^-m 21. No ultimately s\no recently, lately. 22. No marmalade sino jam. ^-^ 23. No inadequate sino unsuitable. 24. No cabinet sino surgery. 25. No dominate sino master.


Esta página dejada en blanco al propósito.


Esta página dejada en blanco al propósito.

1. The audience left the theatre. 2. He left the meeting in protest. 3. He left Spain becau se of the Civil War. 4. We left the city on Friday. 1. They knocked down the old building. 2. We took shelter until the storm abated. 3. They shot the elephant. 1. Hurry up or we'll be late. 2. Let's take a shortcut. 3. He had to cut short his visit. 4. Cut it short, it's getting late.


1. The defendant was acquitted by thejury. 2. He asked the court to acquit his client on all counts. 1. My mother was always very domineering. 2. She has a very demanding job. 3. He has an overbearing boss who doesn't give him a minute's peace.

D 1. There's a tendency for people to abuse the system. 2. He was subjected to a torrent of abuse from the audience. 3. He abused his position to win votes. 4. The referee had to put up with a lot of abuse. 5. Don't take advantage of my patience. 1. She was wearing a grey suit with matching accessories. 2. She was an accessory to the crime. 3. The additional expenses are minor.

goes missing they accuse me. 4. He denounced (repotted, informed on) his friends. 1. Shares in Amazon.com fell by three points yesterday. 2. He owns thirty per cent of the shares. 3. My father has bought some shares in Telefonica. 1. Murphy is the present (current) champion. 2. It is widely believed that John will succeed the present manager. 3. What's your present address? 4. This is the actual document he discovered.

11 1. The prostitute accosted me in the street. 2. The reporters accosted the President. 1. He was denounced as a traitor. 2. She went to the teacher and told on him. 3. Every time something


1.1 have great admiration for your work. 2.1 can't get over (my surprise at) how much weight he's lost. 3. To give it more strength, I'll write it with an exclamation mark. 1. He amazed everybody with his lecture. 2. I'm amazed at the ignorance of these people. 3. I'm amazed at their patience.

1. It's a highly topical subject. 2. He's running away from reality (actuality). 3. People go less often to the cinema nowadays. 4. They always deal with highly topical issues.

1. The tank holds fifty litres. 2. According to the regulations, you are not allowed to bring dogs. 3.1 will not tolerate that behaviour. 4. She admitted her mistake with good grace.

1. He's not actually the owner. 2. At present the situation is much more serious. 3. Did you actually see him? 4. She is currently in Sweden. 5. At present we are living in peace.

1. We advertise on the radio. 2. Nobody noticed he was there. 3. They're advertising that product a lot. 4. Didn't you warn him of the risk he was running. 5.1 advise you not to go.

1. We must act quickly. 2. Actuated by anger he killed his friend. 3.1 don't understand the way you're behaving (acting).

1. I'm warning you: you won't pass the exam if you carry on like this. 2.1 advised him not to go but he ignored me. 3. Let me know when you're ready. 4. The car pulled out without warning.

1. He's a supporter of the nationalist cause. 2. He's such a keen supporter of his boss that he couldn't betray him. 3. He is addicted to crosswords.

D 1. They agreed to meet again. 2. He was accorded a great welcome. 3. They reached an accord (an agreement). 4. You didn't remember my birthday.

1. She was awarded ten thousand pounds damages. 2. He was asked to adjudicate on the labour dispute.

1. He was always an ardent supporter of the regime. 2. His ideas have won him a lot of supporters. 3. He is a politician who supports monetarism. 4. Mohammed has many followers. 1. She was wearing a dress which was suitable for the occasion. 2. She is not the right person for the post. 3.1 don't think this is the right moment. 4.1 don't think it is very suitable for such an occasion. 5. He's the right man for that job.

1. As he suffers from a kidney complaint, the doctor has forbidden him to eat certain food. 2. He suffers from a heart condition. 3. I have great affection for her. 1. He will have to face up to his responsibilities. 2. She took it as an affront. 3. The time has come to face up to the problem. 1. He made a note of it in his diary. 2. Every night he writes down what he has done in his diary. 3. I'll consult my appointment book and let you know when we can meet. 4. Let's deal with the next item on the


agenda. 5.1 write the words I don't know in my notebook. ••« 1. She knew that she was dying. 2. She agonised over whether to buy a car. 3. It was obvious that the patient was dying.

1. He suffered a slow death. 2. These shoes are absolute agony. 3. Put him out of his agony and tell him. 4. The whale was in its death throes. 1. He seemed quite agreeable to coming on Friday. 2. We'll do it tomorrow if that's agreeable to you. 3. Is that agreeable to you? 4. It's not very nice being woken at this time of night. 1. The house had three bedrooms. 2. He went to his bedroom. 1. More money was allocated to the Arts. 2. She always behaves thoughtlessly. 1. The ambassador was visibly upset by the news of the coup. 2. You shouldn't let those things upset you. 3. He was charged with disturbing the peace. 4. As she was late, her mother started to get worried. 5. Don't get upset! 1. His illness greatly disturbed the family. 2. The alterations to the museum will take six months. 3. Her agitation could be heard in her voice. 1. She often mixes with famous people. 2. He doesn't socialise with his colleagues 3.1 mix with all kinds of people. 4. He likes to mix with everybody at parties. 1. She kneaded the dough (of flour, water and yeast) to make bread. 2.1 don't like kneading dough. 1. She asked him point-blank if he was having an affair. 2. She has had many disappointments in her love life. 3. He's said to have had count146

less affairs. 4. He was very loving with my children. 5. Pablo is very amorous with his wife. 1. She's the oldest woman in the village. 2. They run a home for the elderly. 1. She didn't go to school because she had a sore throat. 2. He can't swallow because he has a sore throat. 3. A sore throat occurs when the tonsils are inflamed. 1. He put an advertisement in the newspaper. 2. He always reads the job advertisements in the newspaper. 3. At this time of the year there are many advertisements for toys. 1. They paid two months' rent in advance. 2. The elections had to be brought forward. 3. They've paid me this month's salary in advance. 1.1 was anxious for their safety when I heard the news. 2. He's very greedy and wants everything for himself. 3. He's anxious to find out if he has passed in maths. 1. The King attended the opening ceremony of the Olympics. 2. The opening was delayed for more than two hours. 3. The opening session will take place in the morning. 1. He's at the peak of his career. 2. The scandal reached its height during the election. 3. When she was at her peak, she was an excellent tennis player. 1.1 make no apology for bringing up the subject. 2. She spoke in defence of animal rights. 3. His speech was an a eulogy of peace. 4. He murmured an apology. 1. He was received with great pomp. 2. The room was decorated for the ceremony with great pomp. 3. He likes to surround himself with great pomp.

1. That bank is convenient for you. 2. Going out into the street in one's slippers isn't very suitable. 3. He's a very good-looking man. 4. You have a very nice office. 1. Her appearance was greeted by prolonged applause. 2. It was his first appearance on the stage. 3. He told me he had seen an apparition. 4. His appearance at the meeting surprised us greatly. 5. The actors are listed in order of appearance. 1. We shall lodge an appeal. 2. He made an appeal. 1. Either the husband or the wife should submit the application. 2. We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful. 1. Wait while I write down your telephone number. 2. He was aiming a gun at her head. 3. The principal pointed out the need for a new gymnasium. 4. You have to aim slightly low. 5.1 must write it down or I'll forget it. 1.1 have noticed a change in his attitude. 2. Some dark areas can be seen on the X-ray. 3.1 really appreciate the effort you've made. 1. He doesn't usually go into public lavatories because he's very squeamish. 2. They were apprehensive because their daughter hadn't rung. 3.1 couldn't be a doctor, I'm too squeamish. 1. She passed all her subjects. 2. Most of the students will pass their exams. 3. It was a miracle that he passed. 1. He was declared fit for military service. 2. It's a film which is suitable for any audience. 3. This food is not fit for human consumption. 4. He's not considered to be suitable for the job. EDITORIAL STANLEY

1. Sand had blown in under the door. 2. There was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see. 3. We'll need two truckloads of sand. 1. Don't tell me the plot of the film because I still haven't seen it. 2. The plot is from an old fairy tale. 3. The plot of the novel unfolds very slowly. 1. He kicked up a fuss because his shirt wasn't ironed. 2. They made quite a racket as they left the disco. 3. We couldn't assemble the bed because we didn't have the screws. 1. With his dashing air, he was the centre of attention at all the meetings. 2. See how dashing he looks in his new suit. 1. The ship was taken to the dockyard to have the deck repaired. 2. This book is a mine of information. 3. They build ships in a shipyard. 1. He was the architect of Italian unity. 2. The marketing manager was the author of the successful advertising campaign. 3. He's a self-made man. 1. Brad Pitt's one of today's most popular stars. 2. Our guest star tonight is Tom Cruise. 3. The movie star signed autographs after the premiere. i. She will be promoted before the end of the year. 2. The bill amounted to five hundred pounds.

1. He inhaled the fresh mountain air. 2. In some parts of Andalucia and Estremadura, speakers aspirate the 'h'. 3. The doctor told her to breathe in deeply. 4. The 'h' in 'hour' is not aspirated. 1. Doctor Harold Shipman is the worst serial killer in the history of Great Britain. 2. The convicted murderer Gary Graham was executed by lethal injection on Thursday in Texas. 1. They advised him on how to negotiate the purchase. 2.1 sought the advice of a lawyer. 3. He advises us on technical matters. 4.1 advise the company on tax matters. 1. My allowance is not enough to meet my expenses. 2. Her weekly allowance is three thousand pesetas. 1. Nobody came to their assistance. 2. He only went to one class. 3. He attends (goes to) evening classes. 4. There will be about fifteen people at the party. 1. It took place in front of a large audience. 2. Attendance is optional. 3. The president's presence lent importance to the event. 4. We are counting on your presence at the reception. 1. Among those present were many television personalities. 2. Those present started complaining about the delay. 3. Two out of every three people attending were women. 4. He entrusted the task to an assistant.

nobody paid any attention to him. 5. Pay attention when I'm talking to you. 6. Many people attended the funeral. 1. My sister is a high school graduate and shortly she'll be going to university. 2. When you finish secondary school this year, you'll be a school leaver. 1. She sat on the wall, swinging her legs. 2. You have to rock the baby for a while before he'll go to sleep. 3. Swing your arms back and forth. 4. Stop rocking your chair! 1. The player bounced the ball before throwing in. 2. He smashed the ball into the back of the net. 1. Don't talk nonsense. 2. It cost us a fortune. 3. She spent a fortune in the sales. 1. The huts are made of mud. 2. The recent rains have destroyed the shacks which were beside the river. 3. The shepherd has a cabin on the hill. 1. You should grow a moustache. 2. He shaved off his moustache. 3. His moustache looks terrible. 1. That gallant soldier saved the lives of several of his fellows. 2. He fell like a brave man in the battle. 3. That girl has very bizarre ideas. 1.1 like soft pillows. 2. He's too puny to play rugby. 3. The biscuits have gone soft.

1. She had a very untidy appearance. 2. The dullness of the colours gave the room a sad appearance. 3. He didn't look very well when I saw him. 4. She's always lecturing me about my appearance.

1.1 assumed they didn't know each other. 2. We had assumed that the rate of inflation would be low. 3. Let's assume they're right. 4.1 assume you've heard the news.

1. The fireman was trapped under a fallen beam. 2. Call the fire brigade (the Fire Department). 3. When I grow up, I want to be a fireman. 4. The bomber destroyed the city.

1. They use a sprinkler system to water the crops. 2. It's more convenient to water the lawn by sprinkler than by hose.

1. He attended a medical conference in Barcelona. 2. Pay attention, this is important. 3. Luckily they heeded my request. 4. He explained it but

1. He wore a black band around his arm. 2. They gave her a silver bracelet as a present.



i. Don't get too close, the dog's ferocious. 2. They breed fighting bulls. 1. He's as thick as a plank (he's completely stupid). 2. How could they pass someone as stupid as him? 3. His gross income is four thousand pounds a month. 1.1 haven't got a telephone, I'll call you from a phone box. 2. He just went out a moment to make a call from the phone box. 1. The doctor examines his patients in the surgery (consulting room). 2. He has only a desk and an examining couch in his consulting room 1. Bricklayers often have callused hands. 2. What shocked me was the callous way he said it. 1. He complained about the inconvenience of living in the country 2.1 just adore going to the country. 3. She's attracted by a career in the field of engineering. 1. Juan is so innocent, he believes anything he's told! 2. She's either incredibly naive or very stupid. 3. She spoke in a refreshingly candid way. 1. The coal industry has been hard hit. 2. They laid in a stock of coal before the price went up 3. She did a portrait of him in charcoal. 1. Her arms were black with bruises. 2. He was covered with bruises after the fight. 1. She's studying chemistry at university. 2. Shall we go to the races on Sunday? 3. Drinking wrecked her career. 4. He finished the race in tenth place. 1. He has an important position in the firm 2. He takes up his post today. 3. All charges against him were 148

dropped. 4.1 am in charge of the administration. 1. Keep these folders, I have plenty more at home. 2. He keeps his notes for each subject in a folder so he can find them easily. 3. The house has wall-to-wall carpeting. 1. Cardboard is a material which can be recycled in order to be used again. 2. Could you buy two boxes of eggs? 3. They put the kitten in a cardboard box. 1. He stressed the importance of wearing a helmet. 2. We must pick up all the empty bottles. 3. All personnel must wear safety helmets. 4. The torpedo opened a hole in the ship's hull. 1. As it happens I saw onejust like it the other day. 2. Funnily enough, I've just bought one. 1. It was quite by accident that we met. 2. The casualties were taken to hospital. 3.1 don't suppose you know Jim, by any chance? 4. What a coincidence, coming to the same restaurant for dinner! 1. It's a high-class restaurant. 2. It's a second-rate magazine. 3. The new place has more class. 4. This brand has more prestige. 1. 1 sent the letter by recorded delivery. 2. There's a registered letter for you. 1. The restaurant has lots of character. 2. He struck me as an unreliable character. 3. The actor played two different characters. 4. Fairies are characters from the realm of fantasy. 1. Don't be such a chatterbox and pay a little attention. 2. The teacher punished him for talking so much.

1. The fireplace had been boarded up. 2. She sat with her back toward the fireplace. 3. He hid the money up the chimney. 1. It's a newspaper with a daily circulation of 300,000 copies. 2. This is the newspaper with the largest circulation in the region. 3. This coin is no longer in circulation. 1. It deals with the shooting down of a civil aircraft. 2. He was an insignificant civil servant. 3. Her tone was barely civil. 1. She made me a gift of her pearl necklace. 2. He showed me a necklace of brilliantly coloured stones. 3. The shirt collar is dirty. 1. Their son is doing very well in school. 2. He's the tallest boy in the school. 3. The elder of their two daughters is now at school. 1. The old actors used to go from town to town with their shows. 2. He's such a fraud, look at the fuss he's making over a tiny little cut 3. Don't be such a fraud, stop crying. It's only a scratch. 1. His loud behaviour isjust an act to cover up his shyness. 2. Don't put on such an act. 3. His headache is just an act - all he wants is to get some attention. 1. They show ten minutes of the film and fifteen of commercials. 2. The idea was a commercial disaster. 3. There are too many commercials on TV. 1. I'm going to change into something more comfortable. 2.1 don't feel comfortable when they talk about things like that. 3.1 don't care what you wear as long as you're comfortable. 4. It's very easy not to take on responsibility. 5. They bought a commodious house. EDITORIAL STANLEY

i. We parked close to the station for convenience. 2. She likes travelling in comfort 3. Shop in the comfort of your own home.

1. I'm concerned that they haven't replied yet 2. Her attitude is what concerns me. 3. She is concerned about her future.

1. That question is outside my field. 2. He revealed our plans to the competition. 3. There is stiff competition for places at university. 4. The upkeep of monuments is the town hall's responsibility.

1. Beethoven composed this concerto in a month. 2. The concert opened with the national anthem. 3. In summer there are many openair concerts

1. He had a helpful attitude with the journalists. 2. John is very helpful, he'll be delighted to take you home. 3. She was very indulgent with her grandson.

1. We haven't arranged anything definite as yet. 2. Let's fix a definite date. 3. They had no particular plans for the weekend. 4. What I want to know specifically is how much it is going to cost.

1. She's a girl with a strong constitution. 2. Kevin was strongly built. 3. She's of slight build. 4. Lazarillo had a strong constitution.

1. The audience clapped enthusiastically. 2. Some very important people are expected to attend. 3. He greeted the audience warmly. ^•mmmm

1. A good white wine would be the ideal complement to this dish. 2. Reading is an indispensable complement to an individual's intellectual development.

1. He attended the reception in his capacity as consul. 2. As a diplomat, he has immunity. 3. As an employee of the company, he is not permitted to enter the competition.

i. The past participle is used to form compound tenses. 2. I'm ready, we can go 3. I've written a poem consisting of eight lines. 4. The train was formed of eight cars.

1. He's a careless driver. 2. The driver lost control of the lorry and it crashed. 3. Do not distract the driver.

1. It was entirely our fault, but he was very understanding about it. 2. He was most understanding when my wife died. 3. He's an understanding and supportive person. 1.1 invited her because I felt I had to. 2.1 will not be able to attend because of a prior engagement. 3. I'm free this evening. 4. That is our guarantee of quality. 5. You're putting me in an awkward position. 6. Send for our brochure without obligation. 7. She has a lot of social engagements o commitments.


1. No one showed up for the lecture. 2. He livened up his lecture with various anecdotes. 3. Delegates from all over the globe attended the conference. 4. He gave a lecture on the problems of the environment. 1. He's confident that everything will turn out well. 2. My sister is my confidante, I always tell her everything. 3. She was very confident when she was young. 4. The informers were paid with part of the loot. 1. His strange behaviour borders on madness. 2. The witness will please confine his testimony to the facts. 3. The fire was confined to the basement. 4. France borders on Spain.

1. The judge brought the witnesses and the accused face to face. 2. When you compare the two versions you can see the similarities. 3. She confronted the boss and nearly got fired. 4. If we compare the two pictures, we'll be able to discover which one is authentic. 1. She has managed to combine elegance with simplicity. 2. The novel combines different literary styles. 3. To run a good race, you need to combine speed and stamina. 1. He thinks that the critics are conspiring against him. 2. We felt that even the elements had conspired against us. 3. They plotted (conspired) against the director of the institute. 1. I'm not allowed to come home late. 2. He's the kind of father who spoils his children. 3. You spoil your children rotten. 1. Barthes is the only French player of any consequence. 2. In consequence, we shall be obliged to close. 1. You can't say one thing one day and something different the next, you have to be consistent. 2 These measures are consistent with our general policy. 3. The boss's actions aren't consistent with his beliefs. 4. He isn't consistent in his behaviour. 1. There was no consistency between the witnesses' statements. 2. There is a conspicuous lack of consistency between what they preach and what they do. 1. Your sponge-cake mixture has turned out too thick. 2. The first course wasn't very substantial. 3. He won a prize consisting of a trip to Paris. 4. His conduct is not consistent with his promises.


1. He belongs to a distinguished family. 2. He's an eminent figure. 3.1 feel rather conspicuous in this hat.

1. Will you tell me a story? 2. She spent the whole evening telling us stories. 3. Don't tell anyone.

1. He had a heavy cold. 2.1 can't come to the party, I have a cold. 3. You've given me your cold. 4. They say that rice makes you constipated.

1. He even had the cheek to ask me for money. 2. What a cheek! 3. It infuriates me when people arrive late. 4. It infuriates me when I hear that kind of thing.

1. He answered all our questions. 2. She wrote to me but I don't intend to answer. 3.1 phoned several times but no-one answered. 1. She only did you the favour because it was in her own interest. 2. He acts solely for his own benefit. 3. She made him see the advisability of using sun cream. 4. She made me see the advisability of phoning before going to their home. 1. Tuesday is not convenient for me. 2. It is advisable (a good idea) to drink plenty of water. 3. It is not a convenient moment. 4. It would be a good idea for you to tell him. 5. It is not advisable for her to sunbathe. 6. She did not think it advisable to accept. 7. It would be advisable (a good idea) for you to stay in bed. 8. It's very convenient having the school so near. 9. It's very convenient having the car to do the shopping. 1. She grew up in the conviction that her father was dead. 2. He had several previous convictions for theft. 3. He didn't have any previous convictions. 1.1 missed my connection. 2. They wrote to each other for many years. 3. You can get a connection to line three at this station. 1. He finds physics very difficult. 2. It takes me 45 minutes to get to the office. 3. It's difficult to understand why. 4.1 find it difficult to believe him. 5. It's taken me two hours to get here. 150

1. Babies need parental care. 2. Poor baby! She's crying because she's teething. 3. The campaign is her baby. 1. The motive for the murder is still unknown. 2. She was an accessory to the crime. 3. He was found guilty of cold-blooded murder. 4. Stealing is a crime. 1. He likes eating raw carrots. 2. The movie has some very harsh scenes in it. 3. It was a very harsh winter. 4. They ate it raw, which I found disgusting. 1. She threw a bucket of water over him. 2. Be careful not to overturn the bucket. 3. The bin was full to the brim with rubbish. 1. They went out for a drink. 2. He had one drink too many. 3. She gets quite talkative when she's had a glass or two. 4. Go on! one more glass won't hurt. 1. She keeps her room very tidy. 2. You shouldn't be so curious. 3. He keeps his car very neat and tidy. 1. Computers are common in the schools. 2. Malaria is common in the tropics. 3. It's a very common mistake. 4. He's just an ordinary guy. 1. The illness is following its normal course. 2. She's doing a crash course in Italian. 3. She began the course very enthusiastically.

1. We were bitterly disappointed. 2. She has suffered many disappointments in her life. 3. The exhibition was a real letdown (disappointment). 4. It was the deception that upset me most. 1.1 have nothing to add to my previous statement. 2. He refused to make any comment to the press. 3. He gave evidence under oath. 4. He gave a written statement. 5. We had to make a statement at the police station. 1. Income tax is deducted automatically. 2. The money will be deducted from your salary. 3. We have to deduct the expenses from the total. 4. They deducted part of my wages. 1.1 was very disappointed by the trip. 2. He was accused of evading taxes. 3. I'm sure you won't let me down. 4. The film disappointed me. 1. The deceased has left no will. 2. The party is not yet defunct. 3. A monument was erected to the memory of the late mayor. 1. Aren't you going to have a swim? the water's lovely. 2. He has a delightful sense of humour. 3. She's a charming woman. 1. She sued the company for negligence. 2. He was sued for slander. 3. He cornered me and demanded an explanation. 1. He demonstrated how to make mayonnaise. 2. More than 10,000 people demonstrated in Bilbao yesterday. 1. They gave a demonstration of their artistic ability. 2. During the demonstration they all shouted the same slogan. 3. The government banned the demonstration.


1. He works in another department. 2. The suitcase is divided into several compartments to keep things in order. 3. This is a no-smoking compartment. 1. She works as a sales clerk in a department store. 2. I've taken on another assistant at the shop. 3. They were very rude to the shopkeeper. 4. A very nice shop assistant served me. 1. The petrol tank is empty. 2. Reservations are accepted on payment of a deposit. 3. The tank has a capacity of holds about 40 litres. 1. He left quickly for his new destination. 2. She boarded the boat for Majorca. 3. The plane to Madrid has been delayed. 4.1 start my new job on Monday. 5. Larkin's first post was in Northern Ireland. 1. At a certain point he got up and left. 2. The work has to be handed in before a certain date. 3. They agreed to meet at a certain place. 4. At a certain point I realised that she had gone. 1. The banks will exchange foreign currency. 2. Live for the moment, that's my motto. 3. The eagle is the emblem of the U.S. 4. The device can detect an intruder at fifty metres. 1. I've pencilled the date in my diary. 2. Every afternoon he went to the cultural club and read all the daily newspapers. 3. He made a note of it in his diary. 1. She gave me directions to her office. 2. They had put the wrong address on the envelope. 3. Please inform us of any change of address. 4. The management reached a compromise with the unions. 5. He entrusted the management of the company to his son. 6. You gave me the wrong address.


1.1 promise you I'll be discreet. 2. They made a discreet exit. 3. Be discreet or people will talk. 1. She's always arguing with her father. 2. They are arguing about the heating bill. 3. Let's not argue over something silly. 4.1 don't want to argue with you. 1. They got into a violent argument. 2. They had an argument about money. 3. The argument degenerated into a fight. 4. We had an argument last week and she's been very cool since. 1.1 had the misfortune to lose my ticket. 2. She brought this misfortune on herself. 3. Their father's illness was a tragedy for all of them. 4. They've had one disaster after another. 1. She leads a miserable life. 2. He is a very unlucky person. 3. He was very unhappy in his marriage. 1. They were looking at me in distaste. 2. She was very upset when she found out. 3. She could not disguise her dislike. 4. He causes unpleasantness whenever he comes. 5. Her life has been full of misfortune. 1. He was rather displeased that she hadn't invited him. 2.1 came out absolutely disgusted. 3. I'm very upset about what you did. 4. He was upset about his exam result.

1. A very nice shop assistant served me. 2. They fired five employees. 3. The government dispatched troops to the area of the disturbances. 1. He gave us a warm welcome. 2. Let's dispense with formalities. 3. He was excused from attending the ceremony. 4.1 hope you will forgive me for arriving late. 1. They do not have the necessary funds. 2. It is equipped with a device for regulating the humidity. 3. Have you got a minute? 4. You have four years in which to pay. 1. It did not comply with the regulations (legal requirements). 2. They showed their willingness (readiness) to improve the conditions. 3.1 am at your disposal for any questions you may have. 4. We will place an office at your disposal. 5. We are always at your disposal. 6.1 was very impressed by her readiness to learn. 7.1 don't like the layout of the rooms. 1. This problem is quite distinct (totally different) from the previous one. 2. Things have taken a distinct turn for the worse. 3. It's a distinct advantage. 4. He sounded distinctly Scottish. 5. Her ideas are distinctly radical. 1. Couldn't you word it differently? 2. His laughter was distinctly audible.

1. He was accused of making indecent suggestions. 2. He tried to seduce her with indecent looks and words. 3. Many children had been indecently assaulted (sexually abused). 4. He made improper advances to her.

1. It's a very entertaining movie. 2. You'll have to remind him, he's very absent-minded. 3.1 was miles away and I didn't notice. 4. He corresponds perfectly to people's idea of an absentminded professor. 5. This writer's stories are original and very entertaining.

1. He fainted. 2. We were dismayed by the news. 3. He fainted from hunger. 4. He never lost heart. 5. The unexpected news made him faint.

1. His slowness drives me to distraction. 2. The war was a distraction from the country's internal problems. 3. She loves him to distraction.


1. He has great skill in carpentry. 2. We made it thanks to her skilful driving. 3. She is quite insensible to his distress.

1. They use diamonds because they are so hard. 2. The Latin teacher treated his pupils harshly. 3. The severity of the punishment was excessive.


1. Duty comes before pleasure. 2. You need a bit of enjoyment (fun). 3. They mix business with pleasure. 4. She plays the piano for her own amusement. 1. She amused (entertained) us with her jokes. 2.1 was greatly amused by his reaction. 3. The river was diverted to create a lake. 4. Traffic has been diverted through Ballymena. 1. We could make out the island in the distance. 2. You could make out the castle from there. 3.1 managed to make him out spot him in the crowd. 1. I'll never be able to master English. 2. The visiting team dominated in the second half. 3. From there you can look out over the whole bay. 1. The bedroom is right over the living room. 2. My bedroom faces south. 3. Her bedroom was adjacent to mine. 4. Take your things up to your bedroom. 1. He folded the tablecloth and put it away. 2. You have to fold the sheet of paper in four. 3. Go round the corner and carry straight on. 4. Foreign films are usually dubbed. 1. The dollar's fall was dramatic. 2. The business has suffered a dramatic decline. 3. There's no need to be dramatic. 4. The team staged a dramatic recovery. 1. She's in mourning for a relative. 2. The mourners accompanied the coffin to the cemetery. 3. We share in the nation's grief. 4. Signs of mourning were visible everywhere.


1. It was an enormous concrete and steel building. 2. They've put up some new buildings beside the sea. 1. They've put up a four-storied building on the old piece of land. 2. While the workers were building our new house, we lived with my grandparents. 1. They publish nothing but filth. 2. She edited Hamsun's correspondence for publication. 3. Who published that book?

1. When I was pregnant, I had cravings for the strangest things. 2. She is six months pregnant. 3. She was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say. 4. At the time she was pregnant with Angela. 1. There are sometimes discrepancies between different news broadcasts. 2. The broadcast was heard nationwide. 1. He spent a lot of time building his house. 2. They don't know what to do with their money. 3. He doesn't know what to do with his free time. 4. They spent three years building the bridge.

1.1 went to see my publisher. 2. I've had an approach from a publisher. 3. The publisher bought the rights to her latest book.

1.1 have to find that piece of paper. 2. He found the novel pretty boring. 3.1 went into his room and found him crying. 4.1 came across fifty euros on the floor.

1. Charles is a very well-mannered little boy. 2. She's a very polite person, she came to greet us as soon as she saw us.

1. The engineer has come to fix the packing machine. 2. They sent an engineer to mend the washing machine.

1. He has no manners. 2. It's rude to speak like that. 3. I've had enough of his rudeness. 4. That was very impolite of you.

1. Most of the money goes to fill the state's coffers. 2. He increased his fortune. 3. If you eat too much, you'll put on weight.

1. "So all we can do is wait." —"That's right." 2. He said he'd be there at seven and, sure enough, there he was. 3. It's their car sure enough. 4. "I see you went to Cambridge." —"That's right."

1. He works for a construction company. 2. The firm has survived by absorbing its competitors. 3. He built the firm up from nothing.

1. "How do you know, Holmes?" —"Elementary, my dear Watson." 2. She teaches elementary chemistry. 3. She has a rudimentary knowledge of English. 1. The judge ordered the seizure of his assets. 2. The UN ordered an embargo.

1. He entertained us with stories of his travels. 2.1 won't keep (detain) you any longer. 3.1 was detained by his call. 4. She kept us entertained with her humorous remarks. 1.1 hope the china arrives in one piece. 2.1 went to see her after the funeral and found her very composed.


1. He is eaten up with envy. 2. The remittance of the money was authorised. 3. His father sends him money periodically.

1. We have to be prepared for a possible increase in taxes. 2. Nothing you say will affect the eventual result. 3.1 have a temporary job.

1. It was an age (period, time) of great discoveries. 2. Air fares are cheaper at this time of year. 3. It dates back to the time of Philip II. 4. It is abnormally cold for the time of year. 5. Topless sunbathing was illegal at that time.

1. I'm going to talk about the difficulties which might possibly arise. 2. Eventually all the doubts were cleared up.

1.1 admit that I made a mistake. 2. If you don't concentrate, you'll make a mistake. 3. It's only human to make mistakes. 1. The dog wandered through the streets limping. 2. His thoughts wandered to far-off places. 3. The forward missed the shot. 4. He shot the arrow but missed the target.

1. Your version isn't entirely accurate. 2. It's difficult to get accurate information about the country. 3. She exacts a high standard of work from her students 1. The angry demonstrators hurled insults at the police 2. A group of hotheads broke several shop windows. 3. He was really worked up and didn't know what he was saying.

1. A group of convicts were planning a breakout. 2. He made a short trip to the country.

1. He couldn't sleep because he was so worked-up. 2. I'm so excited about the trip. 3. Don't get too excited. 4. He was really worked up and didn't know what he was saying.

1. We'll have another rehearsal nearer to the actual day. 2. When's the deadline for this essay? 3. He was present at some of their rehearsals. 4. We create a vacuum inside the test tube.

1. They contributed to the success of the party. 2. Success has gone to his head. 3. She congratulated them on their success. 4. She achieved success in the last years of her life. 5. The book was a great success.

1. They warned us about the bad state of the road. 2. The troops are in a state of alert. 3. The patient's condition is critical.

1. The hall buzzed with anticipation. 2. The King's visit caused great excitement. 3. It created an atmosphere of great expectation on the stock exchange.

1.1 do not consider it necessary to take those measures. 2. He was held in high regard (esteem) by the people of Madrid. 3.1 estimate that it must be about seven metres long. 4. They hold his professionalism in high regard (esteem). 1. The price is written on the tag. 2. Can you remove the price tag? 3. Formal dress must be worn. 4. Cover the address with a sticky label. EDITORIAL STANLEY

1. The file was lying wide open on the desk. 2. The investigation is still being conducted. 3. He has a spotless record. 1. They experienced serious difficulties. 2. They are experimenting with steroids and other related products. 3. His condition has shown (undergone) a slight improvement. 4. The city underwent a period of considerable growth.

1. A consortium has been formed to exploit the coal deposits. 2. She knew how to exploit this idea to the full. 3. He takes advantage of his friendship with the boss. 1. He is planning to mount an exhibition of his paintings. 2. There is an exhibition of Egyptian bronze statues. 3. The sculpture will be on exhibition from June. 1. It has an area of 20 hectares. 2. It takes up a large expanse of land. 3. They are having an extension built. 1. That walk in the mountains has exhausted me. 2. The runner was exhausted after the race. 3. Wash the dishes, it won't kill you. 1. He's capable of doing some outrageous things. 2. His eccentricity borders on madness. 3. His eccentricities (outrageous acts) have made him famous. 1. He's very extravagant. 2. Everyone was looking at her because of her outrageous (extravagant) hat. 3. The wedding was a very extravagant affair. 4. I'm feeling extravagant today. 1. It's not certain that the factory will close. 2.1 like the colour of that fabric. 3. The waste from the factory is a health hazard. 1. The village lacks certain basic facilities. 2. She has a great facility for maths. 3. The hotel has conference facilities. 1. She has a thin face with sharp features. 2. The right-wing faction won. 3. He has delicate features. 1. It was a family reunion. 2. Don't get too familiar with the students. 3. He never had the benefit of a stable family atmosphere. 4. She thought that the teacher was becoming too familiar. 153

1. What an annoying (irritating) noise! 2. He's a very annoying child. 3. Don't be so fastidious. 1. The late night, coupled with too much alcohol, made him feel terrible. 2. She was feeling awful so she went home. 3. We had terrible weather all week. 1. He had the misfortune to fall very near the finishing line. 2. You cannot fight against fate. 3. It was bad luck that you should fall sick the day before the exam. 1. He can't run because he immediately experiences breathlessness and nausea. 2. He had great difficulty in finishing his degree. 3. She has had a great deal of hardship in her life. 1. The project was abandoned through lack of capital. 2. The situation was made worse by the lack of water. 3. She pointed to her lack of experience to justify the mistake. 4. Some money is missing from the till. 5. Three members of the group were missing. 6. He lacks ambition. 1. The 19th of March is a public holiday. 2. They organised a farewell party. 3. There was a great atmosphere at the party. 1. It was the rise in prices that sparked off the rebellion. 2. The nation was in ferment. 1. The team lost at home again. 2. The subject lies outside their domain. 1. Focus the camera on the central figure. 2. Production figures are down. 3. She still has a good figure. 4. She's good at figures. 5. Multiply the first figure by the second.


1. He's giving it the final touches. 2. These marks count toward the final grade. 3.1 don't want to see her, and that's final! 4. His decision is final and binding on the parties. 1. What was the purpose of calling the meeting? 2. The ultimate aim is to lower this figure 3. The purpose of the concert was to raise money for charity. 1. The firm went bankrupt last year. 2. They were present at the signing of the agreement. 3. His signature is just a scrawl. 4. The signing of the contract has been jeopardised by the strike. 1. He has a garden full of flowers. 2. The rose bush is in full bloom. 3. It was attended by the cream of society. 1. Of course he'll pay you, you can trust him 2. You should make a formal complaint. 3. It is a very reliable firm. 4.1 can't imagine him in formal dress. 1. They are improving in-house training. 2. We made a lot of sacrifices to pay for his training. 1. He's a wonderful person. 2. The problem grew to enormous proportions. 3. He's a fantastic soccer player. 1. Smoking in this area is strictly forbidden. 2. He left fuming because he lost the game. 3. He decided to give up smoking. 1. The company was founded by her grandfather. 2. He needs someone to fund his research. 1. What seemed a mad gamble turned out to be a stroke of genius. 2. You got the job? that's great (brilliant)! 3.1 have a brilliant idea. 4. She does a great imitation of the

President. 5. They described her as a brilliant painter. 6. He makes some very funny (witty) remarks. 1. He has a very bad temper. 2. She greeted me with her customary bad temper. 3. He's a real genius at physics. 4. You must learn to control your temper. 1. Thank you, you're very kind. 2. It was very kind of him to take us to lunch. 3. She treated me in a very pleasant way. 1. She dances very gracefully. 2. She touched his face gently. 1. He pursed his lips in an expression of disapproval. 2. An expression of disgust came over her face when she tasted the food. 3. It was a gesture of revolt against her parents. 1. The balloon rose up into the air. 2. The balloon burst with a bang. 3. She made a lob and sent the ball into the corner. 1. The story he told was very funny. 2. He is a very witty storyteller. 3. She moves very gracefully. 1. We watched a very funny television programme. 2.1 suppose you think you're funny. 3. It's funny that we've been sent to the same place. 4. She's got a really cute laugh. i. They're offering a reward to whoever finds the cat. 2. She was given a bonus for the splendid work that she had done. 1. The family will reward anyone who can provide information on her whereabouts. 2. The boss gave the entire staff a bonus. 1. Entrance to the museum is free of charge. 2. Hands off free education!



1. The pomegranate is a red, hardskinned fruit containing seeds which are edible. 2. Some varieties of pomegranate are eaten as a dessert while others are used to obtain grenadine. i. Do you exercise to keep your figure? 2. Vegetables should be stored (kept) in a cool place. 3. Save (keep) him a piece of cake. 4. The house is heavily guarded. 5. We'll keep your letter on file. i. The parent or guardian must sign the consent form. 2. He has proclaimed himself the guardian of good manners. 1. I've heard several versions of that story. 2. She told us a very funny story. 3. She's always been good at history. 1. He's a very humane man. He always looks after the others. 2. As time passed by, he became much more sensitive and humane. 3. He's a very humane person. 1. It's a very damp flat. 2. Wipe it with a damp cloth. 3. On the coast the climate is more humid. 4. The clothes are still damp. i. He's in a terrible mood. 2. I'm not in the mood for going to the movies. 3. Don't take your bad mood out on me. 4. Seeing him always puts me in a good mood. 1. What language are they speaking? 2. The characters use the local idiom. 3. The emphasis is on conversational use of the language. 4. She speaks seven languages. 1. They do not know what caused the accident. 2.1 advised him not to go but he ignored me. 3. She pretended not to know his name. 4. He completely ignored my presence. 5.1 didn't know that he was ill. EDITORIAL STANLEY

1. Don't get your hopes up too much, there are a lot of candidates. 2. Are you excited about going on holiday? 3. I'm really looking forward to her coming. 4. He called her in the hope that she would agree to meet him. 5. He lost his enthusiasm for travelling. 1. His great devotion to study has made him a highly learned person. 2. He's a very cultured person -he has travelled all over the world. 1. It's immaterial whether it goes today or tomorrow. 2. It is immaterial to me. 3. As for me, it's immaterial whether you stay or not. 1. It doesn't matter if it's expensive as long as it's good quality. 2. What does it matter if he doesn't come? 3.1 don't mind coming back later. 4. All that matters to me is your happiness. 5. Would you mind coming this way? 1. The suit he wore was inappropriate for a wedding. 2. She behaves inappropriately for someone of her age. 3. This game is unsuitable for children under five. 4.1 don't think this film is suitable for children. 1. His arguments were rather weak. 2. We made a hut of sticks and branches but the materials were too flimsy and it fell down. 1. He sat up to take the medicine. 2. Sit her up so that she can breathe better. i. His behaviour was very rude. 2. He was very rude to the visitors. 1. You can take either path, it makes no difference (it's immaterial). 2. Tea or coffee? — It makes no difference (it's immaterial). 3. They remained indifferent to my pleas.

1.1 consider the proposal totally outrageous. 2. They treated her outrageously. 3. She stood up indignantly. 1. Success comes with industry. 2. The coal industry has been hard hit. 1. His attempts to calm the crisis were totally inept. 2. You're useless in the kitchen, you'd better find another occupation. 1. Nowadays any child can handle a video recorder better than an adult. 2. Armed to the teeth, the marines took the city in a few hours of combat. 1. He was hurt when he discovered she was unfaithful to him. 2. She was unfaithful to the cause. 3. Her husband has been unfaithful to her. 4. He is unfaithful to his religious beliefs. i. He's very unreliable. 2. An unreliable student never hands in his essays on time. 3. I'm sure he'll be late, since he's a really unreliable person. i. He is so naive that he trusts people too much and thinks ill of noone. 2. She has a delightful naivety. 1. That house has been declared uninhabitable. 2. The damp and the cold make the house uninhabitable. 1. Everything the witness said at the trial was insults and lies. 2. He sued her for slander. 1. Smoking is an unhealthy habit. 2. The island has an unhealthy climate. 3. The air you're breathing in this room is unhealthy, it's full of smoke. 1. To get rid of the hiccups, breathe in deeply and let the air out slowly. 2. The doctor listened to the patient's chest as she breathed in and out. 155

i. He submitted an application (official request) to the competent authority. 2. He had to submit a written request to the principal. 3. They are decisive moments in our history. 4. As a last resort we could sell the car. 1. Don't give up, try again! 2. I'll try to persuade him. 3. He doesn't even take the trouble to try to do it well. 4.1 intended to finish it last night, but I got sidetracked. i. He didn't want to take part in the discussion. 2. My class is not taking part in the show. 3. He was about to continue, but the bell intervened. 4. He was operated on in a private clinic. 5. He never takes part in the seminars we organise. 1. He called on them to surrender. 2. She called on him to moderate his language. 3. We never became very close. ^^^^^^^H

1. When the gas leak happened, some of the neighbours were poisoned. 2. She got poisoned eating toadstools. 1. There has been another food poisoning scare. 2. Lead poisoning can be fatal. 1. He introduced John to her. 2. They introduced new farming methods into the region. 3. Allow me to introduce my wife 4. When we were introduced, he kissed my hand. 1. They invested on the stock market. 2. She invested a great deal of time in writing it. 3. He invested two million in treasury bonds 4. We are investing in the future. 1. You got what you deserved for being so jealous. 2. He is envious of his brother.


1. She spent the whole night wrapping the presents. 2. She wrapped the baby in a blanket. 3. Shall I wrap it for you? 4. She wrapped herself in the blanket and fell asleep. 1. It makes sense to plan ahead for your retirement. 2. He was given a watch on the occasion of his retirement. 1. This will be discussed at the board meeting. 2. His proposal met with strong disapproval from the rest of the committee. 3. The residents' meeting is this evening 4. They've moved the meeting to next week. 1. Where have I put my knitting (sewing, etc.)? 2. This land needs two more plough!ngs before it's sowed. 3. He was sentenced to four years hard labour. ^^^^^^m

1. For long journeys I prefer to take the train. 2. The coat is too long for you. 3. He paid us a long visit. 4. It's quite a long film. 1. She loves reading. 2. The newspapers provided them with plenty of reading material. 3. She was too immersed in her reading to hear us. 1. There's a bookshop in the village. 2.1 bought it in a second-hand bookshop. 3. The library is the building facing the Town Hall. 1. For further details visit our premises at number 5 Aduana Street. 2. They insured the premises against burglary. 3.1 asked one of the locals. 4. They've moved to new premises. 1. Lust is one of the seven deadly sins. 2. When he saw that woman, the lust he felt robbed him of his sleep. 1. Her comments on television were very controversial. 2. There were pro-

test demonstrations all over the country. 3. We don't agree with the statement he made to the press. 4. It was a very orderly demonstration. 5. Thousands turned out for the demonstration. 1. He enlisted in the Navy. 2. His father was a sailor. 3. He served in the navy for three years. 1. She had smeared strawberry jam on the clean tablecloth. 2. Every day I have a piece of bread with butter and rhubarb jam for breakfast. 1. He wore a mask so as not to breathe in dust as he sanded down the wood. 2. Beneath that mask of kindness he has evil intentions. 1. There's no harm in drinking if you do it in moderation. 2. The opposition argued against the measure. 3. She knows no restraint when it comes to spending money. 1. He acted in an evil, unscrupulous manner. 2. Some wicked bastards stole everything she had. 1. He lives in abject poverty. 2. She is paid a pittance. 3. In her autobiography she relates all her misfortunes. 4. There's still a lot of poverty in this country. 5. He gave me chicken feed for the car. 1. His home is modest but comfortable. 2. She was wearing a very modest bathing costume. 1. Sorry to bother you, but I'd like to ask you something. 2. Is this man bothering you, Miss? 3. Don't disturb her, she's studying. 4. Don't let anybody disturb me, I'm going to take a nap. MMMH

1. The news was good for his morale. 2. The team's morale is at an all-time low. 3. It was a great boost for our morale 4. Who are you to criticise the morals of young people today? EDITORIAL STANLEY

an ordinary bike. 3. Speaking with 1. Some of the neighbours are slow to pay up, with light bills left unpaid for several months. 2. It's a slow-moving film. 3. The company has publicly condemned its slow paying customers. 1. The bike race finished when the motorcyclists reached the finishing line. 2. A motorcycle policeman stopped us and gave us a speeding ticket. 1. They moved to a bigger house. 2. As far as I know, they haven't moved yet. 3. I have to move out of here by Friday. 1. He rejected worldly pleasures and went into a monastery. 2. Let's not talk about such a mundane subject. ^••^^

1.1 don't care if they gossip about me. 2. The child was murmuring in his sleep. 3. Your neighbour never stop gossiping about the whole district.

1. His father deals in wine and spirits. 2. He deals in second-hand clothes. 3. A peace treaty has been negotiated. 1. He had the nerve to phone me. 2. She had the nerve to tell me that it was my fault. 3. In the end he didn't have the nerve to ask her. 1. She always gets nervous before a concert 2. She's nervous of traffic since the accident. 3. There's no need to be nervous, he won't eat you 1. The teacher gave me a very bad mark. 2. He passed with the highest possible grade. 3. What's the pass mark? 4. He's always boasting about his marks. 1. He was greatly affected by the news. 2.1 don't know how she will take the news. 3. They put the notice up on the notice board. 4. The state radio station broadcast the news. EDITORIAL STANLEY

1. It's a well-known fact. 2. They are two of the best-known figures of the opposition. 3. Your fear is obvious, you can't hide it. 1. It's difficult for a new (inexperienced, unestablished) writer to get his work published. 2. In spite of his being an inexperienced (new, beginner) writer, the critics predict that he will be a great artist. 3. It's a novel idea.

one's mouth full is typical of people who are common. 1. He won two gold medals at the Olympics. 2. She was wearing a gold chain. 1. This matter must be dealt with by the appropriate body. 2. It is the body responsible for coordinating the various initiatives. 3. The or-

1. It's only four o'clock and it's dark already. 2. He's got dark eyes. 3. It stands out against the dark background. 4. She's got dark brown hair. 1. He has been so obliging with us that I suspect he wants something. 2. The way he served us was obsequious.

ganization is short of funds.

1. It was obvious he was annoyed. 2. He made his displeasure quite clear. 3. He made an obvious error.

i. He's in the pub drowning his sorrows. 2. It's a pity you can't come. 3. He went crazy with grief. 4. He came to tell me his troubles.

1. The robber was hiding under the bed. 2. They stayed hidden until the danger had passed. 3. The path is hidden by the trees. 4. He has secret intentions. 1. He really makes us laugh with his witty remarks. 2. It has become an everyday occurrence. 3. She had the crazy idea of going to the mountains without warm clothing. 1. She has taken it as a personal insult. 2. Her absence was a calculated insult. 3. These exams are an insult to our intelligence. 4. It's an offense punishable by life imprisonment. 1. It's unheard of for an officer to behave like that. 2. Army officers stood sentinel over the grave. 3. A young officer was courting her. 1. According to unofficial sources the government is proposing to move the elections forward. 2. The news is still unofficial but it looks as though we are going to get a pay rise. 1. He's always using bad language, he's a very vulgar person. 2. He has

1. She was playing the part / role of Yerma. 2. It's made of paper. 3. On a piece of paper write everything you want to ask before you forget it. 4. He's very good in the part of James Bond. 1. There was a five-minute stop to change drivers. 2. We walked with her as far as the bus stop. 3. I'm getting off at the next stop 4. We stopped several times on the way. 1. He only has two living relatives. 2. John and I are distantly related. 3. He's no relation of mine. 4. The weeping relatives followed the coffin.

1. He crossed the street very calmly (unhurriedly). 2. She explained it very calmly. 3. He moves in such an unhurried manner that I don't think he'll be on time. 1. She has a private helicopter. 2. She has a private teacher at his home. 3. We attach particular importance to punctuality.


1. Spread the melted chocolate evenly over the cake. 2. He took another slice of cake. 3. He divided the cake into four portions. 1. You decide, you're the boss. 2. He works as a skipper sailing yachts for wealthy owners. 3. He's cut to the same pattern as all politicians. 4. Many protested against the employers' decision. 1.1 felt a bit peculiar. 2. What a peculiar hat! 3. He has a peculiar (distinctive) way of speaking. 1. He doesn't get any money for what he does. 2. I've already got my week's wages. 3. He gets a percentage on all the sales. 4. What salary are you getting in your present job? 1.1 want to improve my German. 2. He's gone to France to improve his French. 1. The period indicates the end of a sentence. 2.1 said no, period. 1. I'm avoiding him like the plague. 2. The stench of rotten food filled the house. 3. Ugh! what a horrible smell! 4. That kid's a real pest, he hasn't given me a moment's peace 1. The price of oil reached $40 a barrel. 2. We stopped for petrol. 3. The country is self-sufficient in oil. 1. You're nothing but a self-satisfied bighead. 2. He's a very conceited guy, he believes nobody's as good as he is. 1. Careful, you'll prick yourself with the needle. 2. We had a puncture. 3. She didn't cry when the doctor gave her the injection. 4. They punctured all four tyres. 1. Her behaviour was highly commendable. 2. Their efficiency is most praiseworthy. 3. His alibi sounds quite plausible. 158

1. He gets extra pay for working at night. 2. He gets danger money. 3. The school being nearby is a real plus. 4, He gets a bonus for being on emergency standby. 1. She entered politics when she was still very young. 2.1 became thoroughly disillusioned with politics. 3. We can tailor the policy to suit your personal circumstances. 4. Politics is all about persuading people. 1. They studied it from the political point of view. 2. Man is a political animal. 3. Do you belong to a political party?

for a loan. 3. You'll have to be more precise. 4.1 will do whatever is necessary. 5. You must go right away. 1. His views are held in high regard. 2. This brand of clothing enjoys high prestige among the young. 1. Animals may not be kept on these premises. 2. He gained entry to the premises by force. 1. Were you worried? - Not at all. 2. He's worried about his health. 3. We're just as worried as he is. 4. Your parents are worried because they love you. MMM

1. His novel was highly acclaimed. 2. Think it over carefully before you make up your mind. 3. The critics unanimously acclaimed the quality of the film's photography. ••••M

1. The porter took the luggage to the train. 2. The porter kept a check on everyone who came in or out. 1. He has built up his practice through hard work and effort. 2. Practice makes perfect. 3. He has decided to open a practice. ^^^^^^^m

1. The nursing auxiliary gave me the injections prescribed by the doctor. 2. He went to the medical assistant to get vaccinated.

1. We must learn to preserve natural resources. 2. Put this product on the doors from time to time to protect the wood against humidity. 3. He tried to protect her from harm. 1. I'm sure it's not true, she's only saying it to show off 2. He's always bragging about how rich his parents are. 3.1 suspect they're going to cut the workforce. 1. She was trying to make me change my mind. 2. He's trying to trick me with his lies. 3. She is trying to take all the credit for herself. 4.1 don't know what he's trying to do. 5. We aim not only to educate them but also to guide their development as individuals.

1. Warning: do not use if the seal has been broken. 2. I'm sorry, I can't change this software because the seal has been removed. 3. Each voter has to vote in his or her assigned precinct.

1. Drivers were warned of the bad state of the roads. 2.1 had been warned. 3.1 was warned against them 4. The bad weather prevented us from going on an outing.

1. It was a beautiful wedding. 2. She has a beautiful smile. 3. The cherry blossom is beautiful this year. 4. They dealt in precious stones.

1. He can prove his innocence. 2. You can't prove that accusation. 3. I'd like to try windsurfing. 4. Test the water to make sure it isn't too hot.

1. Is it necessary for your sister to hear this? 2. If necessary we can ask

1. His family comes from Germany. 2. The noise came from outside. 3.1 EDITORIAL STANLEY

think it would be appropriate to take a vote. 4. That word comes from Arabic. 1. Try to arrive early. 2. Try to make the child eat. 3. He provided me with a very good job. 4. We'll try to get it there in one piece. 1. This swimming pool is very deep. 2. It's a very profound text. 3. We'll bathe in a part of the river which isn't so deep. 4. He cut himself with a knife and made a deep wound. 1. There was a boy handing out advertising leaflets. 2. A disproportionate amount of money is spent on advertising. 1. I like being my own boss. 2. Each person has their own computer. 3. She wore a very suitable dress for the occasion. 4.1 saw it with my own eyes. 1.1 had a look at the leaflet. 2. Did you read the leaflet before taking those tablets? 3. It isn't an encouraging prospect. 4. In the mailbox, along with the letters, there's always some brochure or other. 1. They took the car to have the brakes tested. 2. I've never tried caviar. 3. I'm prepared to try anything if it helps me to get better. 4. They left the money there to test him. 1. The teacher was marking the examinations. 2. She scored very well in the first two rounds. 3. Jones scored very little in the last event. 1. She got bad marks (o grades) in the exam. 2. These results count toward the final grade (o mark). 3. The teacher gave the marks on the basis of their classwork. 4. Unlike her brother, she got very good grades. 1. Can't you be still for two minutes? 2. Isn't it quiet in here! 3. Be good and keep still. 4. They live in a quiet EDITORIAL STANLEY

suburb 5. Keep still while I take your photograph. 1.1 couldn't remove the stain from the blouse. 2. We removed the paper from the four walls. 3.1 quit, I'm too tired to carry on. 4. You don't have to take off all your clothes, just your shirt. 1. They pay a modest amount for board and lodging. 2. Members voted to raise subscriptions. 3. He pays a monthly subscription to belong to a football club. 4. I've paid the membership fee for a year. 1. He rose to the rank of general. 2. Several high-ranking officials were involved in the affair. 3. He only deals with people of his own social standing. 4. He is a high-ranking official in the ministry. 1. He shaved his head. 2. On the first day they shave the heads of all the new recruits. 3. 1 just wanted a trim, but she scalped me. 1. The strangest thing happened to me yesterday. 2. How strange that she didn't mention it! 3.1 rarely see my sister. 4. He looked odd (strange, funny). 1. The helpings are very generous. 2. A portion of octopus, please. 3.1 only want half of that portion. 4. He's already had his share of misfortune. 1. He achieved (realized) his dream of becoming an architect. 2. Now I realize they were only doing it for my own good. 1. He will be thoroughly examined by the doctor. 2.1 recognized him in spite of his beard and glasses. 3. After examining me, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with me. 1.1 don't recollect seeing them there 2. She collected a lot of money for

the trip. 3. Thanks to machines, they can now reap the harvest with much less effort than before. 1. During the harvest the children didn't go to school. 2. At harvest time many peasants from other parts come to work here. 3. My recollection of the party is a blur. 1. My grandfather likes remembering the old days. 2. The program is recorded before a live audience 3.1 don't remember what you said. 1. They resorted to drastic measures. 2. We should never resort to violence. 3. He resorted to blackmail. 4. They had to resort to strike action. 1. As the saying (proverb) goes: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 2. It's like looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack. 1. You should control your instincts. 2.1 had to restrain myself from taking her in my arms. 3.1 refrained from criticising him. 1. He has rewritten the play to make it more relevant to the present day. 2. They're going to recast the gold ingots to make coins. 3. They refunded my money. 1. If you don't want it, why don't you give it to me? 2. What can we give her (as a present)? 3. He regaled us with stories about his travels. 4. They're giving away tickets for the concert. 1. They searched him for drugs. 2. Who took my keys? — Search me! 3.1 sent the letter by registered mail 4. They searched the woods for the missing child. 1. What was the movie like? — Nothing special. 2. He comes back at regular intervals. 3. I did about average in the test. 4. The


meal was very ordinary. 5. It's an average-sized house. 1. The country is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2. His reign lasted for ten years. 3. Fairies are characters from the realm of fantasy. 1. A list of successful candidates was published. 2. She listed (made a list of, catalogued) his virtues. 3. The incident caused diplomatic relations to be broken off. 1. His work was considered to be outstanding. 2. The Prado is one of the most remarkable,museums in the world. 3. His presence at this meeting is important, we'll wait a little before beginning. 4. It is the most outstanding feature of her personality. 5. He has an important job in the company. 6.1 don't see how that's relevant. 1. Add the lemon juice while stirring continuously. 2. He removed all the obstacles from my path. 3. Stir the sauce until it is smooth. 4. He stirred the water to dissolve the aspirin. 1. He lives on his private income. 2. It provides him with an annual income of $100,000. 3. He put the money in the bank and he lives off the interest. 1. The sale realised a thousand dollars. 2. This could bring even greater profits. 3. That business has earned him a lot of money. 1. She appeared at the judge's request. 2. He was extradited at the request of the German authorities. 3. She testified in the trial at the request of the public prosecutor. 1. He resigned from his job. 2. He doesn't resign himself to being stuck in a wheelchair. 3. You have no alternative but to resign. 160

1. His resignation was most convenient for the firm. 2. The opposition demanded her resignation. 3. You must bear it with resignation, it's hopeless.

1. The meeting didn't achieve much. 2. I managed to gain admittance to the meeting. 3. The meeting was well attended. 4. Reporters were barred from the meeting.

1. It was so cold there, I couldn't take it any more. 2. I can't take any more. 3. His heart wouldn't stand a shock like that. 4. He reached the limits of human endurance.

1. The prime minister met his Italian opposite number. 2. She couldn't raise enough money. 3. Candidates must satisfy the following requirements... 4. The first thing is to gather all the necessary information.

1. There was a spring in the door which prevented it from remaining open. 2. He used every means he could to get the contract. 3. The springs in the bed are broken. 1. The children learn to add and subtract. 2. Subtract four from twelve. 3. This affair has undermined his authority. 4. The doctor played down its importance. 5.1 still have some holiday left. 1. The house turned out to be more expensive than we had thought. 2. His advice proved (to be) useless. 3. It turned out just as we had planned. 4. His idea didn't work. 5. The whole thing turned out to be a misunderstanding. 6.1 tried to persuade him but it didn't work. 7. The house is too big for us now the children are no longer at home. 1. To summarise, they've refused us permission. 2. All of which may be summed up as follows... 3. To sum up, I think it was a positive meeting. 4. I will try to sum up the main points of her article. 1. The fact that he was so reluctant to open the door made me suspicious. 2. They are reluctant to provide explanations. 3. He was reluctant at first. 1. Salary negotiable. 2. If I do this for you, what's my reward? 3. The post doesn't have a very high salary, but it's an interesting job.

1. You can get photos developed in an hour. 2. She took off her scarf, revealing the scar on her neck. 3. It isn't difficult to develop a photo. 1. Have you checked the spark plugs? 2. The gearbox has been thoroughly checked. 3. He has his teeth checked every six months. 1. She rummaged around in the drawer. 2. He was rummaging around in the suitcase for his socks. 3. He had been rummaging around in my things. 1. What a lovely child! 2. This tastes delicious! 3. She looks cute/lovely in that dress. 4. All the puddings were too rich. 1. You can't wear these dirty clothes. 2. They were wearing light clothes. 3. He put his clothes on the chair. 1. That is very hard work. 2. He is a poor, ignorant peasant. 3. I don't like this material, it's very rough. 4. He's a bit rough in his manners, but he's a very good person. 1. The murmur of the waves could be heard from the room. 2. When he announced his resignation, murmurings could be heard in the room. 1. We must take out the rubbish. 2. I took the meat out of the freezer. 3. He pulled a gun out of his pocket. 4. He took out his diary. EDITORIAL STANLEY

1.1 went to say hello to him. 2. He greeted the crowd with a clenched fist. 3. He never says hello to anyone when he comes into the office. 4. Say hello to your brother from me. 1. The child was growing up healthy and strong. 2.1 have healthy teeth because I take good care of them. 3. Walking is very healthy 4. She grew up in a very healthy family atmosphere. i.The public health system in this country has improved. 2. They had a visit from a health inspector. 3. In this city we have sanitation problems. 1. What's all this racket about? 2. Why does she have to make such a fuss? 3. The press have had a field day with the scandal. 4. A drunk was causing a disturbance in the street. 1. These children are very noisy, they never stop shouting. 2. Don't be so noisy. ••••^^^H

1. He walked across the stage. 2. This city was the scene of an important battle. 3. They made a makeshift stage by putting some tables together. 4. It was the perfect setting for a wedding. 1.1 like the outline, but you have to put some flesh on it. 2. The government has declared its interest in the scheme. 3. Make an outline of the article before you start writing. 1. There has been an accident with a bus carrying schoolchildren to an excursion. 2. The youngest schoolchildren leave half an hour before the eldest. 1. They still keep up age-old traditions. 2. Bullfighting is an age-old tradition in Spain.


1. I'm sure she'll come. 2. I'm not really sure but I think that's his name. 3. I'm sure we can come to some arrangement. 1. The teacher asked us to write a portrait of this character. 2. After making a biographical sketch of the guest of honour, the director proposed a toast. 3. The interviewer gave a short biographical sketch of his guest. 1. Babies are very sensitive to heat. 2. All her actions so far have been sensible. 3. She's a very sensitive girl. 4. There has been a marked drop in the number of accidents. 5. She has shown marked improvement. i. According to the saying, the early bird catches the worm. 2. Many maxims capture popular sentiments with wisdom. 3. He always quotes some maxim or proverb to back up what he's saying. 1. She passed in all subjects. 2. The catalogue number of the book is 862. 3. English is a compulsory subject. 1. They drew lots to decide the starting positions. 2. They managed to get around the problem. 3. A car will be raffled. 4. We'll try to find a way around the difficulties. 1. He stood, sword in hand, poised to strike. 2. He thrust his sword into the ground. 1. He was very lavish with the champagne. 2. Your gift was really generous. 1. It's a fascinating picture of life in imperial Russia. 2. They're the very picture of brotherly love. 1. Being a foreigner he had more difficulty finding work. 2. They are nuances that a foreigner would find

difficult to understand. 3. The state of the economy discourages foreign investment. 4. Many foreign influences have been assimilated into our culture. 1. After the match they shook hands. 2. They tightened the net around the group. 3. The road narrows at the bridge. 1. The material is very soft to the touch. 2. This region has a mild climate. 3.1 like the gentle rocking of the boat on the waves. 4. There was a gentle breeze. 1. Many poor people live in the slums. 2. They live in a quiet suburb. 1. What's happened to Ram6n? 2. It has succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. 3. It was bound to happen sooner or later. 4. A strange thing happened to me this morning. 1. That event stirred public opinion. 2. He described it as the most important event of the year. 3. They went to the scene of the incident. 1. They extinguished (put out) the fire with sand. 2. He got upset because the doorman tried to prevent him from going in. 3. It took them several hours to put out the fire. 4. Don't get upset, everything will be ok. 1. He arrived very out of breath. 2. She's out of breath from running so much. 1. You're not ill, it's all in the mind. 2. He is very persuasive. 3. The suggestion was received with guffaws of laughter. 4.1 don't think it can be a ghost, it's all in your mind. 1. He couldn't stand the pain. 2. We can't stand each other. 3. She bore all her troubles without complaint. 4.1 couldn't stand that climate any


longer. 5. She'll have to put up with me the way I am. 1. They failed her in physics. 2. My friend failed maths. 3. The bus service has been suspended until further notice. 1. He's a really nice fellow. 2. He wasn't very friendly to her. 3. She likes him, but she doesn't love him. 4. My neighbours are not very friendly. 1. At first we didn't get on (well together). 2.1 hit it off with them straight away. 3.1 sympathise, but this cannot go on. 1.1 have a great liking for him. 2. His friendliness isjust a front. 3. She soon earned our affection. 4. The Andalusians are famous for their friendliness. 1. The managers finally gave in to the union's demands. 2. The trade union leaders were leading the demonstration. 3. They tried to avoid a head-on clash with the union. 1. He bought a few boards to use as shelves. 2. A skateboard consists of a board with wheels. 3. He had sawn the plank in half. 1. This towel is rough to the touch. 2. She has a highly developed sense of touch. 3. That wasn't very tactful of him. 1. The tenant must give a month's notice. 2. The cupboard is a legacy from the previous tenant. 3. Lieutenant is a military rank. 1. His idea of love is based entirely on literary clich6s. 2. The topic of the debate was immigration. 3. There are a lot of cliche~s about the inhabitants of this region. 1. You've fallen into the trap. 2. The police had set a trap for them. 162

1. The problem goes beyond my area of responsibility. 2. The strike has spread to other departments. 3. The programme goes beyond national borders. 4. The news has leaked out. 1. It was hardly an earthshaking discovery. 2. The signing of the treaty was a momentous occasion. 3. Her help was crucial in enabling them to finish on time. 1. He addresses her as "usted". 2. It's the form of address used when speaking to a judge. 3. Treatment of the waste is a complicated process. 1. The nail has gone right through the wall. 2. He crossed the border. 3. The sauce went right through the tablecloth. 4. He transferred the business to his son. i. He's a really nice chap. 2. The actress has a very good figure. 3. He thinks he's a tough guy. 4. The exchange rate is very advantageous to us. 1. The agreement that was reached then was invalidated by a subsequent one. 2.1 cannot believe that they don't have ulterior motives for helping. 1.1 last saw her two days ago. 2. We sat in the back row. 3. You have the last word. 4. He hasn't changed very much since the last time we saw him. 1. She hasn't been around here very much lately. 2. Have you seen anything of Christopher lately? 3. She's been keeping bad company recently. 1. How irresponsible to give up his studies at this stage! 2. He was unconscious for five minutes. 3. Only a thoughtless person would leave the car open. 4. At that age young people are very irresponsible.

1. Housework is such a thankless task. 2. I've been given the unpleasant task of breaking the news to them. 1. He was sacked for being lazy. 2. The instructions were very vague. 3. He's as lazy as they come. 1. He lacks the courage to do it. 2. These documents are of great historical value. 3. She had the nerve to ask me for more money. 1. He's drunk four glasses of water one after the other. 2. She knocked the glass out of his hand. i. He's very changeable. 2. They don't like fickle employees. 1. The sonnet is a composition in fourteen lines. 2. He analysed the poem line by line. 3. Little is known about her verse (poetry). 1. He's addicted to videogames. 2. They know the dissolute people who frequent those dives. 3. You really are hooked! how many's that you've smoked? 4. It's a vicious circle. 1. She felt a bit awkward. 2. It was a very awkward situation. 3.1 was embarrassed by his generosity. 4. She was close to tears, which was very embarrassing. 1. She's very fickle in her tastes. 2. I'm not relying on what she's told me because she's very changeable. 1. She took a vow of poverty. 2. He had taken a vow of celibacy. 3. She can attend the meeting but she doesn't have the right to vote. 1. She's wearing a very ordinary dress. 2.1 was treated like a common criminal. 3. It's just a common cold. 4. What's the common name for this plant? EDITORIAL STANLEY















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