English A2 - JUAN - MAHECHA

English A2 Unit 1: Task 2: Writing Production Juan David Mahecha Cod: 1072749862 Group: 900002_1008 TUTOR Alexander

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English A2 Unit 1: Task 2: Writing Production

Juan David Mahecha Cod: 1072749862

Group: 900002_1008


Alexander Basabe Llanos.

National Open and Distance University -UNAD School of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities -Esach Psychology Program March

Step 1: Read the article 20 Must-Visit Attractions in Colombia and answer the questions. You must share the answers in the forum. Questions:

Which of the 20 Must-Visit Attractions in Colombia (or any other place) is your favorite? And why? Colombians will always have a smile to offer. Their vocation of service, their spontaneity and their solidarity guarantee that the events held in the country not only develop with professionalism and high level, but also have that seal of joy that remains in the hearts of those who live it. Come and make your meetings in Colombia and feel the rhythm of its people! Colombian landscapes are unique. In the land of rhythm and flavor you will find from innovative cities full of cultural and gastronomic richness to quiet villages surrounded by imposing mountains, all in one place and ready to be the scene of the most demanding events. One of the main destinations to know is Monserrate, a magical place within a chaotic and cosmopolitan city where the hustle and bustle of the city becomes a path of peace and tranquility surrounded by nature where at 3152 meters high it offers a view privileged big city

Where is located?

Located in the east of the city of Monserrate, it is located on the hill of the Cordillera Central next to the Guadalupe hill, its location is easy since it is the only hill that is evident from any point of the city

Make a list of ten (10) words to describe that city or place.

The Monserrate can be defined in the following words:



2. Wildlife 3. Freedom 4. love 5. Historic 6. mystery 7. Religion 8. explorer 9. peace 10. imagination

Step 2: Complete the chart

You must complete the chart in the forum.

Name of city or place: Monserrate Where is located? Located in the east of the city of Monserrate, it is located on the hill of the Cordillera Central next to the Guadalupe hill, its location is easy since it is the only hill that is evident from any point of the city

List of ten (10) words to describe it The Monserrate can be defined in the following words:



2. Wildlife 3. Freedom 4. love 5. Historic 6. mystery 7. Religion 8. explorer


9. peace 10. imagination Short story (120 words minimum):

Story: Beloved mother On my vacation I took the opportunity to go to Bogotá with my girlfriend, we have traveled shopping centers, natural parks and fun has been all very nice despite the cold it feels are more the desire to know than to be in the hotel, the day of yesterday we met Monserrate is a magical place surrounded by nature where its great stone path gives you the magic of climbing to heaven where in the end we find a large church adorned by great religious images that give you the opportunity to give thanks for another day of life and Not to mention the beautiful view of a large cosmopolitan city that encloses 8 million inhabitants looking for a life and a chance to succeed. The nature that surrounds Monserrate makes you find yourself and meditate on how small you are in this world but next to my girlfriend we just want to be happy. You have to know is the most magical and meaningful thing that Bogotá has With love your son

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