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Learning to ‘picture’ Stars in 紫微: Energetic vs Stable Stars I will try to let everyone understand the concept of ‘pictu

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Learning to ‘picture’ Stars in 紫微: Energetic vs Stable Stars I will try to let everyone understand the concept of ‘picturing’ of stars in ziwei. As we now know, stars are plotted into the various courts of ziwei, and with the stars residing in the courts, the courts come alive with the stars imparting their quality and characteristics to the courts. This is the most important aspect to understand: the Liveliness of the Stars.

A simple way to judge the stars even before moving into their individual characteristics, is to grade them according to their level of ”energy”

Thus one look at a court , and when we see a certain star, we will know what kind of activity is in the court.

The stars can be simply divided into energetic ( even to the point of unstable ) and stable stars.

Energetic stars will bring lots of energy to a court, but with it comes much activity, much life changes. Thus, it things work out well, it will bring the person to a higher level, but unfortunately, if it works out “bad” , the person can end up in quite a bad state and bring much Instability. And within the Energetic stars, the stars can be split into the more energetic ones and the more stable ones ( very much like the concept of yin and yang, but i am deviating ). So, we know there are a group of energetic stars, and within them you have stable ones and more energetic ones. Below i will outline the energetic stars first:

QiSha, PoChun, TanLang 七 杀,破 军,贪狼: These are the most energetic of the the stars. Commonly described as warrior stars, and stars of change. Courts with these stars generally have lots of energy, but just a different quality depending on the stars involve.杀 is firm, persistent and will quietly accomplish a task like a quiet killer in the night,破 is the most dramatic, will do all it takes to accomplish a task,狼 is a diplomat, but still gets the job done. Thus , these stars in a court will bring changes, sudden energy to the court, but on the downside, more issues, more problems if things turn out wrong. Thus instability can be a feature as well.

ZiWei, LianZhen,WuQu 紫微,廉贞,武曲: These stars are the stable stars within the energetic stars. In terms of energy, these are still energetic stars, but definitely more stable than the above. Courts with these stars will have more energy and changes do come on, but not as dramatic in changes as the above stars. Thus we have stability among energetic stars.

The next group of stars are the Stable stars, these stars do not have as much energy as the above stars, thus being stable is a feature, but it can also means more difficult to get out of a ‘bad’ situation. Imagine you are in a stable environment, and it is not good for you ( stable does not mean good or favourable ), it will be difficult to move out of it.

And among the stable stars, we will have more energetic stars as well. Thus in this case, changes occurs in a gentler environment, as compared to the above, where stability occurs in a harsh environment.

Lets start with the stable stars:

TianJi, TaiYang, TianFu 天机,太阳,天府: These are the stable stars, but these stars are the energetic stars among the stable stars. 天机 is about change, movement. But people tend to mis-understand this star and start placing it next to 七 杀, 破 军,贪狼. As explained,七 杀,破 军 belongs to energetic stars , and is at the top of the energetic stars ( when events start to change with 七 杀,破 军,贪狼 , it is a whirlwind , like a storm as you walk through it) while 天机 is actually a stable star, but also filled with changes ( but in this case, it is about changes occurring under s sunny sun, a more gentler environment , unlike a storm ).

太阳: is like a sun. Outgoing, shining on others, giving. 天府: is like a bank, conservative, but itself is like a bank, full of activity , transaction. The next group are the are MOST stable star:( but stable may not mean good , as mentioned previously )

太阴,天同,天梁: (TaiYin, TianTong, TianLiang) 太阴: is the moon. Whether it is full moon or moon hidden behind clouds, it is still a quiet environment and thus the stability that comes with it. Inherently, if the moon is bright, the night will be nice, environment lighted up . But if the moon has no brightness, the environment will be dark and cold, and frankly, it will be impossible to change the environment. 天同: is like a child, and child-like characteristics is imparted to the court. Easily understood. 天梁: This is about elderly luck, like a elder taking care of people. However, it always seems to come at a cost. We tend to need help only when something happens. Thus imagine a stable environment with issues , you are in it, and because the surrounding is so still and unchanging, you will feel quite helpless and basically you will feel like you cannot get out, until elderly/noble luck comes along. After going through the concept of ‘energetic’ and ‘stable’ stars for the earlier post, i went through 12 of the 14 stars, stating their’energy’ level. Now we will deal with the last 2 major stars:巨门


天相. Both of the stars are considered as ‘stable’ stars, but 天相 is considered a energetic star among the ‘stable’ stars with 巨门 is considered a stable star among the ‘stable’ stars.

天相 is described mostly as a prime minister, second most of the time, never first in the court is stands, but it imparts a certain among of authority in the court it stands, depending on brightness. 巨门 is as its name implies, a BIG DOOR. It then depends on which side of the door you are standing. If you are always on the outside, you will never know what is happening in the house, thus most situations are like waiting for things to happen. but if you are inside and looking out, then you know exactly what is happening on the outside.And this star no longer gives much issue, but you will now have the upper hand and will know what to do. Thus to have 巨门 in a court can be a double edge sword, if one looks and plans, it will be quite a good star, but if one lacks the planning , it is just waiting for issues to occur. As it is a stable star, when issues occur, people will feel trapped, unable to change situation and commonly it is trouble through ‘ the mouth ‘

1. Ranking of Stars: The system of 紫微命理 uses ‘stars’ to ‘tell’ a chart. The number of stars that can be used total over 100+ stars. These stars are graded according to ranks. The higher the rank, the more influence it has when it is found in a sector. To make a accurate ‘reading’, we will require only to use 32 of the highest ranking stars that this site will try to cover in the most concise and easy way possible. The later chapters will explain these stars in more detail. The aim is not to explain these stars in totality, but to give the most important features of the stars so that one can use it to make a ‘reading’ after going through this site. This site is not meant to provide a textbook about 紫微命 理 , but it is meant to interest you in this topic and continue to research into 紫微命理. You will find that 紫微命理 is like forming a painting in the mind using the stars. The more u know about the stars, the more u can visualise. I think it is not necessary at this moment to know the exact rankings of the stars, but just understand that the stars listed in this book are the most highly ranked. I will try to make it easy by splitting the stars as below: ● 14 major stars: 紫微,廉贞, 武曲,七杀, 破军, 贪 狼,太阳, 太阴, 天同,天梁, 天府, 天相,巨门, 天机. ( these are the main stars that form the charts ) ● 6 helper stars: 文昌,文曲,左辅,右弼,天魁, 天钺 ● 6 aggressive stars: 火,铃,擎羊,陀骆,地空,地劫 ● 4 wild cards: 化忌, 化禄, 化权, 化科 ● 2 additional stars: 天马, 禄存 1. Brightness of Stars: The stars are graded according to the brightness of the stars. The brightness can be conventionally split into 5 levels. ● 庙: Level 5, the brightest ● 旺: Level 4, bright ● 得: Level 3, just enough brightness ● 平 :Level 2, dim star ● 陷 :Level 1, star with no brightness Each star have their own brightness. Easily put, the brighter the star, the better it is. Each star has their own characteristic, and with a brighter star, the better qualities of the star will be shown. The dimmer the star, the better qualities of the star will not be shown, the bad qualities will be shown instead. You will have a better understanding of this statement when we go into each star

explanation. But the most important rule for a accurate reading is to understand this concept of brightness of the stars. The cut off between a bright star and a dim star is level 3 and 2. Level 3 is acceptable, while level 2 is a dim star. So, if a star is level 3, it still have good qualities showing, while a level 2 star will have bad qualities showing already. 1. Simple Classification of the Main Stars:

There are 14 major stars, each have their own characteristics, but they can also be put simply into several main classification ● Career stars:紫微,太阳,廉贞 , 天梁 (ZiWei-Emperor, TaiYang-Sun, LianZhenPolitician, TianLiang-Blessing) ● Money stars:武曲,天府, 太阴 ( WuQu-Finance, TianFu-Treasury, TaiYin) ● Stars of Change/Movement stars :七杀 , 破军 ,贪狼 (QiSha-Aggressive, PoChunRuinous, TanLang-Flirting) ● Authority star : 天相, 紫微 (TianXiang-Minister, ZiWei-Emperor) ● Intelligence star:天机 (TianJi-Mercy) ● Child star :天同 (TianTong-Fortune) ● ‘Mouth’ star: 巨门 (JuMen-Quarrel) ( mouth star is associated with the issues involving the mouth. Like food, gossip, problems that arise with talking,etc ) We should keep this simple classification in mind when we look into the charts. Example: ● If a chart has 太阳 in the 官 (work) sector: The analysis goes like this we know that the work sector shows us the work condition and what type of work a person is involved in. Then we look at the star in it. If 太阳 is there, we must first know the brightness of the star. If the level is 4 brightness ( 旺 ) , it shows that it is a bright star. Knowing the simple classification that 太阳 is a career star, we can conclude that this person will have good career luck. If the 太阳 is of level 1 ( 陷 ), we will conclude that the person will not have a good career. ● If a chart has 武曲 in the 官 (work) sector: The analysis goes like this we know that the work sector shows us the work condition and what type of work a person is involved in. Then we look at the star in it. If 武曲 is there, we must first know the brightness of the star. If the level is 4 brightness ( 旺 ) , it shows that it is a bright star. Knowing the simple classification that 武曲 is a money star, we can conclude that this person can earn good money through his work. If the 武曲 is of level 2 ( 平 ), we will conclude that the person will not earn as much money through his work. ● If a chart has 巨门 in the 官 (work) sector: The analysis goes like this we know that the work sector shows us the work condition and what type of work a person is involved in. Then we look at the star in it. If 巨门 is there, we must first know the brightness of the star. If the level is 4 brightness ( 旺 ) , it shows that it is a bright star. Knowing the simple classification that 巨门 is a ‘mouth’ star, we can conclude that this person’s work will involve the mouth, like sales, and if the brightness is level 4, he can be do quite good in the work. If the 巨门 is of level 1( 陷 ), we will conclude that the person’s work still involves the mouth, but due to the star being level 1, he will have gossips, problems occurring especially ‘through the mouth’. ● We can use this simple classification and get a rough idea about the various sectors with their stars in it except for the movement stars. We will require more knowledge before we can

adequately interpret them in their sectors. But what we can know is that if movement stars are present, it will require hard work. The following chapters will deal with the individual stars themselves. The major stars, 14 of them, form the highest ranking stars. Using the birth date/time of a person, the major stars will be plotted into the 12 sectors. Subsequently, the 6 helper stars, 6 aggressive stars, 4 wild cards, plus 2 additional stars are also plotted. These 18 extra stars will give different probabilities and will change a chart tremendously depending on where they go. So, besides the 14 major stars, the other 18 stars must be there as well. The next chapter will deal with the 6

helper stars:

● 文昌

& 文曲 ● 天魁 & 天钺 ● 左辅 & 友弼 When we use the words helper stars, we must not get the wrong idea that it is always good to have the helper stars in any sector. Helper stars are also ruled by its own brightness. If found in a sector with a major star, it is the major star that plays a higher influence, and if the major star is dim, the helper star may end up helping a dim star, which makes things worst. Before moving into each star, i will roughly run through in what ways the stars are helperstars. 文昌:this is a academic star. It will help in areas of academic fields that require calculation like money issues, planning, etc. It also makes a person better in the academic field. 文曲 :this is a expressive star. It helps in making a person more expressive, able to articulate. It also makes the environment more lively. 左辅: this is truly a helper star. It multiplies the effects of the major star that it accompanys ( unfortunately it will help any major star, whether the major star has good or bad qualities). 右弼:this is also a helper star. It also multiplies the effects of the major star that it accompanys ( unfortunately it will help any major star, whether the major star has good or bad qualities). 天魁/天钺 :these two helper stars ensures the person receives help from elders. It has the weakest influence compared to the 4 above. It will show these qualities only in the company of stars that exhibit good qualities or when it stands alone in a sector. If the major star has bad qualities, these two stars will be too weak to have any effect.

文昌 / 文曲 Wen Chang (Literature)/ Wen Qu (Eloquence) —————————————————————————————————————— / 昌 (5) /昌(1) /昌(2) /昌(5) / / 曲 (5) /曲(1) /曲(4) /曲(5) / —————————————————————————————————————— /昌(5)/ /昌(5)/ /曲(5) / /曲(5) / ———————— —————————/昌(2) / /昌(1) / /曲(4) / /曲(1) / ———————————————————————————————————————/昌(1) /昌(5) /昌(5) /昌(2) / /曲(1) /曲(5) /曲(5) /曲(4) / ——————————————————————————————————————— – The above chart shows the level of brightness of the star in each of the 12 sectors. Level 5 being the brightest and Level 1 being no brightness. Thus Level 3 – 5: The stars will exhibit its good qualities as stated earlier. Level 5 being the best qualities. Thus 文仓昌 at level 5 will give the sector its good qualities. Example: ● If 文昌 is found at 巳 sector, it will have a level brightness of 5. If the sector is the 兄( brother ) sector, the person’s whose chart is being told, his siblings will be highly educated, academically sound. ● If 文昌 is found at 寅, and it is still the brother sector, it will be the total opposite. The siblings will be not that highly educated. 巳昌5

寅昌 1

From this example we can see the importance of knowing the brightness of the stars in each sector. ● If 文曲 is found at 巳, it has level 5 brightness. If it is at the 财 ( wealth ) sector ( we now know that the wealth sector is how a person earn his money and spend his money), we will conclude that he will earn his money through expression, most likely through articulation, talking. At 巳, he will be able to talk very well and it helps him to earn money. The way he earns money will be very lively, most likely a lively workplace. Thus the 文曲 here in the wealth sector is beneficial to him. ● If 文曲 is found at 寅, it has level 1 brightness. If it is at the 财 ( wealth ) sector , we will conclude that the way he earns money does not require him to articulate well, and he does not know how to articulate well in earning money. His workplace is also not lively. Thus, this 文曲 here in the wealth sector is not beneficial to him.



With the above examples, we now know that the ‘helper stars’ 文昌 and 文曲 must be of adequate brightness before it is really helpful in the chart.

左辅 / 右弼 Zuo Fu (Aide)/ You Bi (Support) 左 / 右 belongs to the class of helper stars. The 2 stars essentially can be viewed to have the same brightness in every sector. When put together with other stars, it will help multiply the effects of the other stars. Thus to make the best use of these 2 stars, these 2 stars must be with stars that are exhibiting good qualities. If with stars that have bad qualities, it will also multiply the bad qualities as well. Thus these two stars are essentially double edged swords. If found alone without any major stars, it will exhibit its own qualities. ● 左 :this star is considered the male half of these pair of stars. It is usually associated with males. To describe its character, i will describe it as one who is willing to help someone in need by moving forward and ‘lifting’ the person, and in helping the person does not expect anything in return and without any motive. When 左 appears in a sector, it usually means the help is from peers ( friends ) and not form elders. Usually peers who are male. ● 右 :this star is considered the female half of the pair of stars. It is usually associated with females. To describe its character, i will describe it as one who is willing to help someone in need by not moving forward but just by holding out her hand so that the person can hold on to it and not fall. Thus this star will not help as much as its counterpart, will generally help those that she knows and not strangers, and in helping someone, she usually has an ulterior motive. When 右 appears in a sector, it usually means the help is from peers who are female. ● Special Scenario: A scenario worth mentioning is when 左 or 右 or both appears in the 妻 spouse sector. When this happen, it is very likely that the person will have more than 1 marriage. This is due to peers ‘helping’ in the spouse sector, which is not considered good. Example: If 左 is found in the 财 wealth sector, together with 太阴: the analysis goes like this ● The wealth sector decides how a person earns money, spend money, how much money he can have at hand. If the 太 阴 is level 4 brightness 旺, and knowing that it is a money star, it means that the person can earn quite a good salary. Thus with 左, accompanying it, it means the person can make a lot more now, and peers who are usually males will help him make more money. ● If the 太 阴 is level 1 brightness in the wealth sector, it means his salary is quite low. With 左 accompanying it, it makes it worse, and the person will end up making even less money. Males around him will ‘help’ him in making less money. ● With the example, it shows again how important the brightness of stars are.

天魁 / 天钺 ● These two

Tian Kui (Status) / Tian Yue (Reputation)

stars are of the less influence as compared to the above 4 helper stars mentioned. When these 2 stars appear in a sector, it usually means help can be obtained from Elders.

● There

is a slight difference between both of the stars, but i think it is not necessary at this stage. Just understand that it means elderly help. ● It will show these qualities only in the company of stars that exhibit good qualities or when it stands alone in a sector. If the major star has bad qualities, these two stars will be too weak to have any effect. Thus it has no multiplying effect on stars like 左 or 右. ● The brightness is considered the same in every sector.

6 Aggressive Stars ● 羊 & 陀 forms a pair. 羊 is always ahead of 陀 by 2 sectors in a clockwise fashion. Eg, if 陀 is in

the 夫 spouse sector, 羊 will be found in the 命 life sector. If 陀 is found in the 命 life sector, 羊 will be in the 福 sector. The method for plotting 羊, 陀 is based on the year the person is born, which i will not elaborate here.

● 羊 & 陀 forms a pair. 羊 is always ahead of 陀 by 2 sectors in a clockwise fashion. Eg, if 陀 is in the 夫 spouse sector, 羊 will be found in the 命 life sector. If 陀 is found in the 命 life sector, 羊 will be in the 福 sector. The method for plotting 羊, 陀 is based on the year the person is born, which i will not elaborate here

擎羊 ,陀骆

(QingYang-Destruction, TuoLuo-Obstruction)

The pair of stars 羊, 陀 is a pair of stars that can create great impact in the charts. 羊: This star be found in all sectors of a chart except, 寅, 巳,申,亥. 羊 will never be found in these 4 sectors. The important association with 羊 is the “knife”, “sword”. When we see 羊 in any sector, this is what should come to mind. As u can see, with such a association, most people will regard this star as a ‘bad’ star. I will simply view this star as a aggressive star, and whenever it is good a bad will depends on where and with what star it accompanys. 巳

羊 is also a star with its own brightness. Instead of 5 grades, we simply grade it as bright or dim. ● The star is bright when found in sectors: 辰,未,戌,丑. ● When bright, the star will display a strong character, wants a certain ‘amount of power’, have plans/ideas to overcome problems. ● The star is dim when found in sectors: 卯,午, 酉, 子。 ● When dim, the star will display a weaker character, may not ‘want to hold on to power’, lack of ideas/plans. Thus to read a chart with 羊 inside, we must remember its brightness and that it is associated with a ‘knife’. In addition, it is also associated with competition, and ‘小人‘, people out to make problems for u. Example: ● If the 财 (wealth) sector has 羊 as well as 武曲 at 戌 sector: the analysis goes like this

Wealth sector is how u earn money, and how u spend money. 武曲 is a money star, and it is level 5 brightness at 戌 sector. Thus it means the person can earn lots of money, and have lots of money at hand to spend. 羊 at 戌 sector is bright. Thus it shows that he shows a ‘strong character, especially in wanting to earn money, has his own ideas/plans, do not like other people to interfere. But 羊 is associated with a ‘knife’, thus imagine a ‘knife’ cutting into the money star. This means the person has the ability to earn money, but it may end up he will lose money when the ‘knife’ cuts into it, by either spending it, losing it at work/business. Competition is also there in that sector.This problem will be less if the way he earns money has something associated with a ‘knife’, like being a surgeon, chef, someone that wields a knife. ( as shown in the example, 紫微 analysis has quite a bit of association and using this association to explain as above. Over the course of this book, more examples will be discussed and you will get a deeper understanding. ) ● If wealth sector has 太阴 and 羊 at 卯 sector: the analysis goes like this Wealth sector is how u earn/spend money. 太阴 at 卯 sector has level1 brightness. Thus it means the person’s salary is not very high. If we add on 羊 to this wealth sector, the 羊 here is dim in brightness. Thus it means he has not much plans, no ideas when it comes to earning money. There will also be competition and competitors. And being a knife, it will cut the 太阴 up, and it makes the money situation worse. To make this situation better is to earn money ‘through’ the knife, so that it does not cut the 太阴. Thus the person may be better in a trade that has ‘knife’ in it as mentioned above. 巳

陀: This star be found in all sectors of a chart except, 卯,午,酉,子. 陀 will never be found in these sectors. The important association with 陀 is a ‘spinning top’. When we see 陀 in any sector, this is what should come to mind. The character is that of going round and round like a top. 陀 ( like 羊 ) is also a star with its own brightness. Instead of 5 grades, we simply grade it as bright or dim. 巳

bright when found in sectors: 辰,未,戌,丑. ● When bright, the star will display a stubborn character. Is willing to do work that seem not too ‘glamorous’, eg. Sweeping floor, washing, etc . ● The star is dim when found in sectors: 寅,巳,申, 亥 ● When dim, the star will display a more stubborn character, will take a lone time to decide, keeping thinking of issues over and over again. Thus it will make the person appear slow and not very bright. ● The star is

to read a chart with 陀 inside, we must remember its brightness and that it is associated with a ‘top’. The difference between 羊 and 陀 is that 羊 is associated with ‘knife’ and it is fast and quick, while 陀 is associated with a ‘top’ and has a tendency to be ‘slow’, not moving but staying in the same place. Example: ● If the 财 (wealth) sector has 陀 as well as 武曲 at 戌 sector:the analysis is As mentioned above, with 武曲 at 戌, the person can earn lots of money. With 陀, accompanying, the person may appear slow, especially in areas of earning and spending money, people may view him as not very bright in issues involving money. Thus with 陀, the person can earn money, but money may be lost due to him behaving like a ‘top’. If 陀 is located in a sector like 寅 which makes it dim, the effects will be worse. ● Thus

火星 , 铃星 (HuoXing-Turmoil, LingXing-Turbulence) 火, 铃 both means FIRE. The characteristic of these two stars will thus reflect that of a fire. ● Like fire, it gives the surroundings a lively nature. ● Fire has a fiery temper, quick temper. ● Fire tend to be fashionable, either in fashion sense or technology sense ● Fire tend to have a good memory ● Fire is a aggressive star, and in giving the above characteristic to a sector, it tends to make a sector more lively(good), fiery (bad). ● 火, 铃 are alike as above, but these two has slight differences as well. ● 铃 tend to bear grudges against people, while 火 usually not. ● In terms of appearance, 火 tend to look better than 铃 . Special Scenario: a special scenario is when 铃 or 火 accompanies with 贪 狼. This is known as 火贪贪 贪 or 铃贪 . This combination will give the sector sudden explosive luck. Example: ● If 火 is found in the 官 ( work ) sector: the analysis is as such The person work is like a ‘fire’. Can mean the person’s work environment is lively, but it can also get very fierce. If there is a actual fire in the environment, its fiery nature will be less felt by the person. The person’s worklife is also like a fire, work life is not constant, likely to work sometimes, and then stop working. ● If 火 and 贪 狼 is found in the work sector, the person can have good explosive luck at work. 火,铃 Brightness in each sector: 巳5






地空 ,地劫 (DiKong-Nullity, DiJie-Calamity) This pair of stars are plotted based on the time of birth. Its effects are not as strong as the above 4 aggressive stars, but it also adds an dimension to the chart.

地空 : This star has the name of Inner Emptiness. 地劫 : This star has the name of External Emptiness. I will bring you through what the 2 stars mean: ● 地空 : This star if present in the sector gives a feel of emptiness. This emptiness is inherent, branches from the inner self. It usually makes one more ‘abstract’, the person with a 空, is quite good in maths,physics, philosophy. But it can make the person more detached, which makes the person stay in a world of his own. 空 makes a person more directed towards religion, philosophy, unconventional thoughts/ideas. A word of caution, if 空 exists in a sector, and it does not have the above character, it is likely the sector will be full of emptiness,eg in child sector, there will be emptiness which means no children.. ● 地劫 : This star if present in the sector gives a feel of emptiness, but this emptiness does not branch from the inner self, but tend to be due to emptiness coming from the environment. The person with 劫 is also more directed towards religion, philosophy, unconventional thoughts like fengshui, fortune telling, etc, but these do not come naturally to the person, but the person tend to be affected by ‘unconvention’ in the environment making him direct towards such ideas. ( thus the name External Emptiness ).In the same way as 空, 劫 can cause emptiness in the sector. Example: ● If 空 is found in the 财( wealth )sector: the analysis is as such Having 空 in the wealth sector can be quite bad. The wealth sector is how we earn money/spend money. 空 is equal to being ‘unconventional’, unconventional ideas. Thus in wealth sector, if the person’s job has nothing to do with ‘unconvention’, like earning money through religion, fenghui master, philosophy, etc, 空 will only create emptiness in the sector, thus making one not being able to earn money. The above is a good example of how we can make use of our 紫微 chart to decide on how we can earn money. [20] ● If 劫

is in the 官 ( work ) sector: the analysis is as such Work sector determines the the work we are doing, how is our work environment. If 劫 is there, it can mean there is a emptiness in the workplace or ‘unconventional’ ideas in environment. The workplace should have ‘unconventional’/philosophy/religion ideas, maybe like abstract art, temple, church. If there is no ‘unconvention’ in the workplace, the person’s working life will be full of emptiness in the environment, and may result in the person unable to work at all. 地空 & 地劫 has slightly different brightness in different sector, but for our purpose, we can assume same brightness in the sectors.

4 Wild Cards / 四 化 The next 4 stars are stars which changes according to the year of birth. To describe them as wild cards is quite appropriate as u will discover as i continue to explain them to you. ● The 4 stars are not actual stars that have their own characteristic, but they are tag-on stars. By tag-on, i mean the 4 wild cards will attach themselves to 4 of the major stars and envelope the stars. ● When the wild card is tagged on the major star, it modifies the major star. The major star still has it own character, but it is modified depending on which wild card is attached to it. ● Thus, to know the actual effect of the wild card, we need to know the character of the major star and the way the wild card modifies it.

Let me introduce you to the 4 wild cards ● 化禄 : (HuaLu-Flow) this wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by increasing its effects terms of improving its effects in terms of improving Relationship,Wealth. ● 化权 : (HuaQuan-Authority) this wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by increasing its effects in terms of improving Authority, ‘ Power’. ● 化科 : (HuaKe-Fame) this wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by increasing its effects in terms of improving Competence, Academic Knowledge. ● 化忌 : (HuaJi-Cloud) this wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by giving problems, creating a flaw in the character of the star. ● A simple understanding is that 化禄, 化权, 化科 will make the star better while 化忌 will not. ● These 4 wild cards has no brightness of its own. Its brightness depends on the brightness of the major stars. In the same way brightness of stars function, the brighter the star the better. So, if 权 , 禄,科 attaches to a level 5 star, it will help to make to make the star better. If 权 ,禄,科 attaches itself to a level 1 star, its effects will not be felt much. The best scenario is for 权 ,禄,科 to attach themselves to a level 5 star, thus making 权 ,禄,科 brightness at level 5 too. ● If 化忌 is attached to a level 5 star, its bad effects will not be felt as much, as a level 5 star will show off a lot of the good qualities of the star. If 化忌 is attached to a level 1 star ( level 1 star has no brightness and will show the bad qualities of a star ), it will make the bad qualities worse. Out of the 14 major stars, only certain stars will 化禄, 化权, 化科, 化忌. I will not go into what stars, but you need to understand the basic principle of the 4 wild cards as stated above. I will give a few examples below to explain: ● 化禄: (HuaLu-Flow) 武曲 has 化禄 attached to it in the wealth sector. 武曲 is a money star, and if 化禄 attaches on ( we know that this wild card improves the wealth/relationship factor), it will help the major star obtain more wealth. 武曲 has a no nonsense, straightward character, but with 化禄, it helps him to relate to people better, thus improving its inter-personal relationship as well when he earns money. However, how much the 化禄 can improve the major star will depend on the brightness of the major star. If 武曲 is level 5 brightness, the wild card also has level 5 brightness and will multiply the good qualities many times. If the 武曲 is like level 2, then attaching a 化禄 to it will not help it as much. The 化禄 will also be level 2 brightness .Thus the 武曲 after 化禄 will be better than not having the wild card. But imagine two level 2 stars compared to two level 5 stars; i believe u can see the difference. If the major star that the wild card is attached to is not a money star, the wild card will help the major star mainly through the relationship factor, and minimally through the wealth factor. Thus, the best scenario is for 化禄 to attach itself to a level 5 money star to achieve the maximum effect. ● 化权: (HuaQuan-Authority) 紫微 has 化权 attached to it in the work sector. 紫微 is a career, authority star. 化权 is a wild card that improves the authority/’power’ factor of a star. Thus with 紫微 it will help the major star improve its authority, and help further improve the career. 紫微 exists from level 3 to level 5 brightness, thus 化权 will help improve it, except it will help level 5 brightness more than level 3. 巨 门 has 化权 attached to it in the work sector. 巨门 is a ‘mouth’ star. Knowing that 化权 is a wild card that improves the authority/’power’ factor of a star. Thus putting these two stars together, 巨 门 will make the star speak with authority. Thus, if the star is at level 5 brightness, then the star will speak with authority at work, and most likely hold a position of authority in

order to be so. However, if the level of brightness is only at level 1, instead of the 化权, the star will still not do well at work. Because the ‘mouth’ star is dim, it will still have problems with gossips at work, and problems will arise when he ‘talks’. In fact, the wild card here actually makes the situation at work worse, because the person still wants to speak with authority inspite of the problems that can arise when he speaks. ● 化科:(HuaKe-Fame) This is the weakest in strength when compared with the other 3 wild cards. 友弼 has 化科 attached in the work sector together with 太阳. 太阳 is a career star and when found in the work sector, it will depend on the brightness of the star. If 太阳 has level 5 brightness, it means he will have a good career, especially among males in the work place. Here there is 友弼 with 化科, which means there is help with females as well (as 友弼 is usually associated with females) and this help are people who are very competent, academically sound ( due to the fact there is 化科 attached to it ).As the major star is very bright, competent help will push the career higher. If the 太阳 is of level 1 brightness, the situation will not be good. Here the career star is dim, meaning the person will not have a good career. The 友弼 with 化科, shows that there are competent female help in the work sector. But in this case, the ‘help’ actually further worsen the career. If 文曲 has 化科 attached to it in the wealth sector. We know that wealth sector is how we earn money , and how we spend money. With 文曲 is there, we need to know the brightness of the star. If it is Level 5, it means he can articulate (express ) himself very well, and he uses it to earn his money. With 化科 attached ( it will also have level 5 brightness) , it adds a new dimension to it. 化科 will make his 文曲 more academic ( like dealing with issues that require calculation like finance issues). It also makes him more competent in earning money. If the 文曲 has only level 1 brightness, it will mean he does not have the gift to ‘talk’, express to earn money. Thus it will decrease his ability in the wealth sector. If 化科 is attached, the 化 科 will make the 文曲 academic. Thus inspite of the 文曲 being level 1, the 化科 actually makes the situation a bit better by making the 文曲 more competent. ● 化忌(HuaJi-Cloud) is a wild

card that can fill a whole book, but it is not the purpose of this book to do so. Let us get a better understanding of the wild card. The wild card is a tag-on to a star, and will give the star problems. The type of problems that the wild card will give will correspond to the characteristic of the star it attaches to. I will give u all the possible examples that can be found with the wild card. The wild card will only attach to 9 stars out of the many stars, and depending on which year the person is born, only one star will be affected by 化忌. Below will show all the stars that 化忌 will attached to. ● 化忌: (HuaJi-Cloud) 1. 太阳: the area of problem is with career, males 2. 太阴: the area of problem is with money, feelings, females 3. 廉贞: the area of problem is with planning, the law 4. 巨门: the area of problem is with the ‘mouth’, gossips 5. 天机: the area of problem is with intelligence, chances 6. 文曲: the area of problem is with expression, articulation 7. 文昌: the area of problem is with academic issues, finance, paper-work

8. 武曲: the area of problem is with money 9. 贪狼: the area of problem is with relationship, talent, ‘luck’ The severity of the problem that the wild card will give depends on the brightness of the star it attaches to. If the star has level 5 brightness, the wild card will also has level 5 brightness and will not give as much problem when compared to a level 1 star, and a level 1 wild card. The topic about 化忌 can create a lot of controversies. Different schools in 紫微 will give different stars that will undergo 化忌. The main aim of the book is to help readers understand the basic concept of the stars / wild cards. Thus i will not go deeper into this topic. As a sidetrack i will mention that different schools also give different importance to the rule of brightness. But i will not deal into this topic as well. Example: ● If 武曲 has 化忌 attached the wealth sector. The wealth sector determines how we earn money, how we spend money, the amount of money we have at hand. 武曲 is a money star and the next step is to look at the brightness of the star. If the star is level 5 brightness, then we can conclude that the person will be able to earn a lot of money. But if the 化忌 is attached here, it means the person will have problems with money as 武曲 is a money star , and being in the wealth sector, it involves how he earns money. Thus the person may have difficulties while earning money. In this case, the star is level 5 brightness, thus the money problems is not that severe. He still will earn good money, but have money problems on/off. If the 武曲 is of low brightness, like level 2, then he will have money problems.

Two Additional Stars (天马-TianMa-Celestial Horse, 禄存-LuCunTreasurer) These two stars are the last 2 stars that we will look into. ● 天马 : This star will only be found in 寅, 巳,申, 亥. ● This star actual describes a horse. Like a horse, it is always on the move, a free spirit. ● Whichever sector it falls into, it will impart this character to it. ● The star is considered the same brightness in any of the 4 sectors. 巳

Example: ● If 天马

is found in the 官 work sector: the analysis goes like this, The work sector tells us how a person works, what the work place is like. Here with 天马 in it, it shows that the person’s work will most probably involve travelling. He will need to move about in his work. Unlikely to be in a deskbound job. But, it can mean the person’s work has a unsteady component to it. If the person’s work does not involve movement/ travelling, this unsteady component will be more obvious in the work.

● 禄存 :

This is known as a small ‘money god’.

will not give a person lots of money, but will provide enough for a person to ‘eat,live’ adequately. ● The star has a character that is conservative (non-risk taking), stingy (very careful with money, not willing to spend, a bit self-centred). ● When in a sector,it will make the sector conservative, provide enough. But if in the company of bright stars, it will make the star conservative, and thus the stars will not perform as well, indirectly reducing the ‘brightness’ of the star. In the company of dim stars, it’s conservative nature will help this dim stars instead and provide enough for the sector. ● It can be considered having same brightness in any sector. ● It is always found in the sector behind 擎羊 and infront of 陀骆. Example: ● It


寅 禄存

丑 陀骆

Special scenario: ● There is a special scenario when both 天马 and 禄存 is found in the same sector. Here we have a star that is constantly on the move together with a conservative star that does not want to move. If both these stars occur together, there will be wealth to obtain. Unlike when there is only 禄存 , where the wealth is limited.

Meaning Of Courts In 紫微 (ZiWei) Posted on February 23, 2011 by admin| Leave a comment

As mentioned in the Introduction to a 紫微 chart , there are 12 sectors in a chart that can stand for various courts like 命宫,父, etc that states the important parts in one’s life. Most books will tell you these courts stands for your parents, wife, etc… I will now try to bring another perspective of a 紫微 chart here. One important fact we must understand is that not only do the 命宫 represents the person, the whole 12 sector chart also represents the person, whose Birth Date and Time is used to generate the chart. So, what does that mean?

Here is the part most books never talk about or try to bring out to you. The different courts represents what that sector thinks/feels about the person, since the whole 12 sector chart represents the person as well,eg; 1. 命宫 represents the person, and it actually only represents the character of the person, the inner self of the person, which most people may not see or understand. Sometimes the person himself may not even know what his character is like. 2. 父 represents a “snap shot” of what the parents are like, but more accurately, it represents what the parents think of him/her and what their relationship is like.

3. 迁 is the external court, which is what the external environment is like, but more accurately represents what people think of him/her when they first meet the person, the First contact Impression.

4.友 is what the friends are like but more accurately describes what the friends think of him or her. thus this principle works for all the courts that can be found in the 紫微 chart.

Doesn’t that add a new dimension to the chart…

Analysis of Life Chart Armed with all the information of the site, you will be prepared to make a analysis of a life chart. A life chart looks like the below, and based on the date and time of birth, all the stars must be plotted into the chart. I have not wrote about plotting of stars in this book. The most important aspect is to understand the stars and how to interpret the chart. Plotting of the chart is computerized nowadays, and can be obtained through certain websites on the internet. Over the next 3 chapters, I will run through the essential steps in analyzing the life chart: we must understand that about 身宫: this court will tell us what the person’s focus in life will be, roughly from 30s onwards.. We look at the various sectors from 父 ,福, 田, 官, etc to find out what the person’s parents, mental health, property, work, etc is like based on the stars inside the sectors. One point to note is that the stars in the various sectors shows the potential of the sector, and we usually look at the more important courts of work 官,external court 迁, wealth 财 , to see the Potential of these courts which directly affect the outcome of this person’s life. Thus, with the Life chart, we have the POTENTIAL of the of the person, but what then determines the outcome of a person’s life? The answer is the LUCK PERIODS. Now lets move to the next chapter……

午 巳 4-13


未 24-33

申 34-43

辰 114-123

酉 44-53

卯 104-113

戌 54-63

寅 94-103

丑 84-93

子 74-83

亥 64-73

Ten Year Luck Reading The Ten Year Luck Period is one of the most essential aspect of chart reading. Ten Luck periods are in 10 year blocks. If the life chart is plotted from the computer, the luck periods will be written at the bottom of each box. Eg. As shown in the chart below, there are numbers at the bottom of each chart, 4-13 means the luck period from the age 4 to 13 ( Chinese age : a person’s Chinese age is usually 1 more than his actual age, thus the actual luck period is from 3 to 12 years of age ). And the rest of the luck periods run as shown using the age provided in the chart.

The luck period means the type of ‘luck’ or what the person will experience in the 10 years period of his/her life. We must take this in context togther with the stars in the various sectors reflecting the potential of each sector, and the 身宫 for the focus in life. But the quickest way to assess a person’s chart is to look at the person’s important courts, which are work 官,external court 迁, wealth 财. These courts give the person’s potential for these areas , and together with the Luck periods, we will know the person’s life quite well. We must understand that the stars within the Luck period during the 10years are the most important, and most relevant, as it tells us what is happening in the 10years. To illustrate: if a person’s wealth sector is ‘bad’, it simply means his potential to earn money is bad. To see what he can actually achieve we need to look at the 10 year Luck periods. If the person has a ‘bad luck’ 10 year period, he/she will do quite badly, and money wise will thus be bad, as his potential is ‘bad’ and the 10 year Luck period is ‘bad’ However, if the person has a good ten year Luck period, and the luck periods shows a good money star, like 武曲 with level 5 brightness, the person will still be able to do very well in this 10 years and earn quite good money, because 武曲 is a money star, and since it is brightest at level 5, it means he can do very well earning money, even though this person has ‘bad’ potential meaning a ‘bad’ wealth 财 court.This is what it means when one say the luck may play a bigger picture than one’s potential. But this is limited to the 10 years of the Luck period. If the court for the next 10 years does not have a ‘good’ money star, the person’s ‘bad’ wealth potential will show up. This is commonly said by people ‘when one luck runs out’. If a person’s wealth court is good, like 武曲 at level 5 brightness, it means the person’s wealth potential is good.Thus, what this person is waiting for is just ‘good luck’ periods to begin accumulating wealth. The person just needs generally ‘good’ 10 year luck, and these 10 year luck does not need to be good money stars. Just stars that is bright . This is in sharp contrast to a person with ‘bad ‘ wealth potential. This person will need good 10 year luck and this Luck period needs to be bright MONEY stars.

巳 4-13

午 14-23

未 24-33

申 34-43



卯 104-113

戌 54-63

寅 94-103

丑 84-93

子 74-83

亥 64-73

Yearly Luck Reading To find out what the year ‘luck’ or what the year will be like, we will simply look at the stars in the sector. If this is the year of the rat, we will look at the rat sector, analyse the stars within the sector, and it will tell us what the year will roughly be like. If the rat sector has eg; 巨门,we will analsye it as such: 巨门 the ‘mouth star’ and its brightness is level 4. This year will have issues of the ‘mouth’, more gossips, more problems arising from people’s problems. As the level is brightness 4, most of the issues will turn out fine, but after much talking/persuasion. But the year luck is simply a modification of the 10 year luck. It means the 10 year luck plays a more important role than the yearly luck. eg, If the person has a ‘good’ 10 year luck star like 武曲 level 5 brightness, it means the person can earn good money for the 10 years. The yearly luck will change according to each year passing, but the main emphasis is still good money luck, but each year brings on more variety to the scenario. If the yearly luck has 巨门 level 4 brightness, then it means more talk, possibly more gossips, more problems solved by talking, and in the meantime, the person can earn good money by using the ‘mouth’, or through back end planning, in the backgound, as 巨门 is a dark star and generally menas nagivating/planning in the ‘dark’ or back end work. If it is the rabbit year, we will look at the stars in the rabbit year, etc

巳 Snake

午 Horse

未 Goat

申 Monkey

辰 Dragon

酉 Rooster

卯 Rabbit

戌 Dog

寅 Tiger

丑 Ox

子 Rat

亥 Pig