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UNIT 8: Reading One: ADDICTED TO YOUR SMARTPHONES? Vocabulary: 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A

Preview: 1. The people are using their smartphones ignorantly, and ridiculously merging their personality with it so if they lose the phone they are totally lost weak people. 2. When people are addicted to something, they search for ways to justify their habit. With cellphones, two critical cultured ideals have helped them do so. First, multitasking has long been considered a skill and integral to success. They feel like they can and should do everything at once. Second, society tells us that being constantly connected is not only possible, but necessary and beneficial. 3. For sure there are many negative consequences of owning a smartphone one of which people have become heavily dependent on these devices that made them very far from their parents and siblings that affects their social lives. Moreover even communication has become predominantly through social media it is uncommon to see people physically present together instead of communicating face to face resorting to social media to share conversations with friends and their people even if they are living in the same house. Main Ideas: 1. My ideas helped me to understand the article that talks about smartphones addiction by understanding this type of addiction and knowing the negative effects of owning a smartphone.

2. Part I: Many signs such as the frequent check on your smart phone in offices, public spaces, and texting while driving in spite of the risk demonstrate compulsive use. Part II: Research results concerning whether it’s addiction or not are still foggy. Some believe the potential is high even if we don’t see “actual smartphone addiction” now. Others clearly see signs of addictions. Part III: Smartphones pose a higher threat than any other devices since they are small-portable. This renders them a source of distractions that reduce attention, concentration, reflection and contemplation. Part IV: The writer suggests some tips or steps to control phone usage and illustrates how “The Boston Group” reacted to “PTO”. The result was more work efficiency, better work-life balance. Details: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B

Make Inferences: 1. The author wants to say that matters are in your own hand. Usage can be healthy or unhealthy depending on how you use it. The quote supports the author’s opinion since it defines “unhealthy behavior” as equivalent to “disrupting work family life”. 2. The author wants to say that people’s “checking habits” are signs of a dysfunction regardless of the smartphone which is only a tool. The quote stresses the point that phones encourage people to develop there “checking habits; in other words they are the “hook”. 3. The author believes that smartphones –more than any other gadgets-have a negative effect on our mental functioning. The quote emphasizes the writer’s opinion and names the negative effects particularly.

4. The author believes that certain steps can be taken to manage phone usage and can result in effective consequences. The above quote illustrates how (PTO) experiment succeeded in boosting efficiency and balance to the extent that it is being implemented in different places.

Express Opinions: 1. As a university student, I have to survive the Internet many times in the day. So that the example of browsing and checking can be describing me. But I’m not an addicted because nowadays we are living in a society filled with technology and spreading and communicated via smartphones. So it become a very necessary part of our days to check and review.

2. I believe that pinpointing the source of the problem is very effective. Therefore, asking myself about the reason why I use the phone so frequently can be helpful. Also being strong and resisting temptation as well as exercising self-discipline make me in control of matters which I absolutely enjoy since it shuns mechanical or robotic behaviors. As for me, I have tried to keep my phone away during sleeping hours. I keep it outside my bedroom.

Reading Two: UNPLUGING WIRED KIDS: A VACATION FROM TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA Read: 1. 1.Ensure, literally, relent 2. Literally: with exact equivalence, with the meaning of each individual’s word given exactly. Relent: to become less severe, harsh, or strict usually from reasons of humanity. Ensures: to make sure, certain, or safe. Twitching: to move jerkily Influx: the inward flow of a large amount of something. 2. She’d never thought he meant she’d literally help revive the planet. Because my father is very angry, he won’t relent on my harsh punishment. She froze then looked around to ensure no one was there to overhear them. Comprehension: 1. He was still fixed on missing his electronics and suffered from withdrawal.

2. It was a vacation from technology and electronics. 3. Suggesting doing different activities-outdoor activities. 4. The family’s ability to slowdown, break free from devices and appreciate other aspects of life.

Reading Skill: 1. “We” refers to author’s family “I” refers to the author “He” refers to author’s son 2. 1. “It” refers to the fact that they were going electronic-free for a week. 2. “It” refers to time slowing down. 3. “It” refers to the effect of being away from depending on electronics.



1. Wean yourself away

1. Slowly diminish use

2. PTO

Solutions 1. Turn off alerts Step 2: Synthesize 2. Make specific times smart-phone free 3. Avoid using web browsers browsers

Problem 1 Continuous checking

Problem 2 Anxiety if lost or unavailable

Problem 3 Constant availability

Problem 4 Use at inappropriate times

2. Self-discipline

Solutions 1. No texting and driving 2. Make commitment not to use phone in certain situations


2. PTO

STEP 2: Synthesize Try (PTO) and see if it helps maintain balance. He has to quit his addiction step by step and slowly diminish use of the phone in order to feel self-discipline. I suggest to him to depend on turning off the alerts and make specific times smartphone-free and avoid using web browsers. To keep away the phone when you are driving and try to make commitment not to use phone in certain situations.

Vocabulary Review 1. Trigger 2. Diminish 3. Wean – away from 4. Relent 5. Urge 6. Devices 7. Anxiety 8. Dependency 9. Twitching 10. Dysfunction 11. Temptation 12. Conscious 13. Literally 14. Compulsive 15. Influx Expand 1. 2. 3. 4.

Urge Look Addiction Trigger

5. Turning me out 6. Repeatedly 7. Blinded to 8. Commitment 9. Steals 10. Contemplation 11. Can’t stand 12. Shun Create 1. I constantly feel a compulsion to check my smartphone and what triggers this urge is the influx of received chat messages and emails. 2. I become conscious of my smartphone addiction and decided to make a commitment to diminish my daily use and gradually wean myself away from it. 3. It’s not a true addiction because the dependence on smart-phone usage in not a dysfunction but rather a temptation that might lead to withdrawal from the real world to virtual world. 4. At first I felt anxiety because I was so dependent on my smartphone and diminishing its usage was hard, but later when I contemplate the benefits I gained I feel the urge to ensure that I carry on with my Predictable Time Off. 5. At first I thought it was easy to go electronic free for a week but the temptation to use the device kept repeatedly pushing me towards it. My hands twitched and I felt I couldn’t stand it any longer thus finally I relented.

Grammar 1.1. Get back, turn off, and give up 2. Get: bring, get back: return 3. Turn: change direction or course etc… turn off: switch off 4. Give: offer course, Give up: let go 2.1. Ignore 2. Persuade 3. Examine 4. become popular

5. Conduct 6. Postpone 7. Discard 8. Like 9. Return 10. Invent 11. Meet 12. Cancel 13. Become / stop 14. Extinguish 15. Start 16. Appear 3.1. Think back on 2. Turn into 3. Take to 4. Come up with 5. Get with 6. Getting back 7. Turn on 8. Turning in 9. Throwing 10. Talk 11. Wean / away from 12. Turned out

Final Writing Task: 1. The positive effects: Allows people to stay connected anywhere and anytime, Business opportunities are not missed. The negative effects: You are always potentially working and can never rest, Continuous stream of messages and alerts, feel stressed, diminished ability to concentrate and think deeply, dependency that causes compulsive checking behavior, anxiety if phone is lost or unavailable, you are not aware of what is happening around you and inability to enjoy nature and surroundings which can cause rude behavior, using a smartphone at inappropriate times and in inappropriate places can cause problems with spouses, coworkers, teachers, etc… Both negative and positive: Ability to stay up to date on news. I agreed with my partner on these negative, positive and both…effects of smartphones that are very dangerous and hazardous nowadays.

Write: A Cause Effect Essay 1. Effect 1: keep their smartphone near them. Effect 2: Steal our attention. Effect 3: Diminishing the ability to concentrate. 4. I. The Boston Group participated in an experiment run by Leslie Perlow, PhD. A. Increased collaboration 1. Increase efficiency 2. Took predictable time off 3. Better work-life balance II. Writer’s plan to manage own smartphone use by using multiple strategies. A. Stopped using phone for texting and e-mailing while driving. B. Stopped using phone for web browsing. C. Stopped using phone for social media. D. Slowly diminished time between checking. 1. Overall effects a. More aware of surroundings. b. More relaxed. c. More focused use of smartphone.

Signal Words: 1. so/as/therefore/consequently/because 2. 2.E C (Since) It’s easy to stay in contact with people even when they are not at home since many people have smartphones. (Therefore) Many people have smartphones; therefore it’s easy to stay in contact. 3. E C (Consequently) Smartphones create an environment of constant interruptions and distractions; consequently, people cannot concentrate … (Due to the fact that) People cannot concentrate or think deeply due to the fact that smart phones. 4. C E (As a result) There are applications 40,000 medical apps available today for smartphones and tablets; as a result, it is like … (Thus) There are app. 40,000 medical app. Available… tablets; thus , it is like having a health expert at your fingertips. 5. C E (Because) Homeowners can save money and help to cut down on the use of fossil fuels because smartphone app. Can…. (So) Smartphone app can remotely turn off…, so homeowners can save money and help to cut. 6. E C (For this reason) Many people use tablets and e-readers for most of their reading; for this reason , the number of … (Because of the fact that) The number of hardcover and paperback books being sold has declined because of the fact that many people…

Alternative Writing Topic 2: Computer technologies are by far the greatest and most sophisticated inventions of the human mind in the 20th century. However, they are the most threatening for they present a menace to various aspects of human life. Computer technologies could be a real heaven and haven. They enable individuals and companies to accomplish tasks with facility and speed. They also boost the economy of a country if used effectively and help cut unnecessary expenses. Plus, they are desirable on the social level since they facilitate communication and help save lives in cases of emergencies. Data stored in computers could be an easy target to hackers. Blackmail, espionage and all sorts of cyber-crime are a real threat to human life. In addition, these technologies have the potential of being highly addictive, as they take their toll on adults, teens and children. Moreover, they disrupt communication especially face to face communication and render people void of feelings.