Unit 12 JETSTREAM PRE-INT- ciberwork

Unit 12 JETSTREAM PRE-INT- ciberwork LESSON 1 My partner and I are planning (to get married) (get married) next year. I

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Unit 12 JETSTREAM PRE-INT- ciberwork LESSON 1

My partner and I are planning (to get married) (get married) next year. I’ve always imagined (having) (have) a summer wedding, so we hope (to have) (have) the wedding in August. We both have big families, so we intend (to have) (have) a big wedding. I love (organising) (organise) events, so I will enjoy (planning) (plan) the wedding. I’m sure I’ll spend a lot of time (looking for) (look for) a wedding dress and dresses for the bridesmaids. The only problem is, we can’t afford (to pay) (pay) for a big wedding. We need (to start) (start) saving now. This means (spending) (spend) less money each month. Wish us luck!

CELEBRATED) (WEDDINGRING) (BRIDEGROOM) (WEDDINGDRESS) (CEREMONY) (BRIDE) (GETMARRIED) (GUESTS) A Nick and I are (getting married). B Really? Congratulations. When is the (wedding)? A It's on the 27th of June. That's my birthday. It means we can (celebrate) our wedding and my birthday on the same day. B Oh, lovely – a summer wedding. How many people are you going to invite? A I think we'll have about a hundred (guests). B That's a lot of people. It's going to be a big wedding. Have you chosen a (wedding dress) yet? A No, I haven't. My mum's going to make it for me. She's a dress designer.

Sofia is going to get married next year. (TRUE) Married women didn't use to wear rings on their fingers. (TRUE) The Romans said that a ring was, ‘without beginning and without end'. (FALSE) Italians use to believe that diamonds were created from the flame of love. (TRUE) Everybody wears their wedding ring on their left hand. (FALSE) Brides used to wear circles of string round their (wrists and ankles). In Roman times rings were made of (iron). People use to believe that (gold) was a pure metal. Diamonds were first used in engagement rings by (Italians). People use to believe a vein ran from the (fourth finger) to the heart. LESSON 2

A Where (did) you (use to go) (go) on holiday with your mum and dad? B We (used to go) (go) to different places each year. Sometimes we stayed in England and sometimes we went abroad. What about you? A We (didn't use to go) (not go) on holiday abroad at all. We always (used to stay) (stay) at my grandparents' house near Aberdeen in Scotland. We (used to love) (love) going there. B (Did) it (use to rain) (rain) all the time? A I'm sure it rained some of the time but I don't remember the rain. We (used to have) (have) so many adventures there. It was a big old stone house with a big garden. We (used to pretend) (pretend) it was a castle. We (didn't use to get) (not get) bored at all. (Where did you use to live?) (I used to live in Manchester.) (Did your brother use to work for an I.T. company?) (No , he didn't use to work for an I.T. company.) (Did your mum and dad use to have a car?) (Yes , they used to have a car.) Where does the balloon festival take place? (It's held in New Mexico in North America.) How many days is the balloon festival on for? (It's on for nine days.) When does the Taiwan lantern festival take place? (It's put on during the Chinese New Year, so the date changes every year.) What kind of art can you see at the Chinese festival in Harbin? You can see some amazing ice sculptures. Why is the festival in St Petersburg called the White Nights Festival? (At that time of year, the nights are very light, as the sun doesn't set until very late.) At the Albuquerque festival, the sky is full of colourful (balloons). They used to release the Taipei Pingxi Sky Lanterns to show that (the town was safe from disease). The owner writes his/her (wishes) on the lantern. You can watch (ballet and opera) performances at the White Nights Festival. Most of the audience at the Scarlet Sails Celebration are (students from schools and colleges). LESSON 3 We might go to Granada in Spain on holiday next year. (a possible future event) I have lived in this house for twenty years now. (a period from past to present) He went to school in France. (something that happened in the past) They used to go to Germany a lot when they were young. (something that happened a few times in the past) I have just passed my driving test. (a recent event) We won't be home in time to watch the news on TV. (a future event) A (Have you seen) Amy recently? B No, I haven't. I (used to see) her every day when we were at university.

A Where (are you going to go) on holiday this year? B We haven't decided yet. A Maria (is catching) the train at six o'clock this evening. B She'll be home around seven then. A If I had a ticket, I (would) come with you to the concert. B I know. I wish you could come. A If Ahmet's team win the football match, he (will) be very happy. B I hope his team wins. I think they will.

A You look (miserable). What's the matter? B I've just heard that I've lost my job. A What's the matter with you? B I'm (disappointed) that I didn't get a part in the school play. A Don't you like the present? B Yes, of course I do. I'm just (embarrassed) because I didn't buy you one. A I'm (delighted) to hear that you can come to my wedding. I didn't think you would be able to come. B Yes, it's good news. I'm really looking forward to coming. A I saw Tim yesterday. He looked terrible. B Yes, he's been (depressed) for weeks – ever since he lost his job. A You're (cheerful) today. B Yes, I've just had some really good news. I've got a promotion at work.

A What's your brother (like)? B He's very amusing. He always makes me laugh and he's very kind and friendly. You'll (like) him.

A Does he (look like) you? B Yes, he does a bit. He's got the same colour hair and eyes and similar features. A I ('d like) to meet him. B Well, he's coming to stay this weekend so you can come over and meet him. (Would you like) to come for dinner on Saturday? A Yes, I'd love to. B Do you (like) fish? I'm thinking of cooking it on Saturday night. A I quite (like) fish. B OK – good!

1 / 5 points (20%)

Well done! (I've passed my driving test.) Happy anniversary! (It's our tenth wedding anniversary today.) Good luck! (I've got my driving test tomorrow.) Safe journey! ​I'm flying to Berlin tomorrow. Get well soon! (I've got flu.) A (What are you doing) on Saturday night? B I haven't got any plans for Saturday. A (Do you fancy) going to the cinema? B I'm not keen on going to the cinema. A (Shall we) go to the theatre instead? B No, that's boring. A (How about) going for a meal somewhere? B (Yes, I'd love to.)

(​A​ Would you like to go out for a meal on Thursday after work?) (​B​ I'm afraid I'm busy on Thursday evening.) (​A​ What about on Friday evening?) (​B​ I'm busy then too. It's a bit of a busy week.) (​A​ How about next week? We could go out on Monday night.) (​B​ Yes, I'd love to. I'm free on Monday.) (​A​ We could go to that new Thai restaurant on the High Street.) (​B​ That sounds great! Everyone says the food's fantastic there.)