Unit 1 - Step 2 - Research Project.

Unit 1 - Step 2 - Chapter 1 of a Research Project. Emily Katerin Ladino Gonzalez Code: 1006514600 Group: 551028_16 Tut

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Unit 1 - Step 2 - Chapter 1 of a Research Project.

Emily Katerin Ladino Gonzalez Code: 1006514600 Group: 551028_16

Tutor Edner Suarez Alomia

Universidad abierta y a distancia UNAD CEAD Zona sur Florencia Licenciatura en inglés como lengua extranjera 2020

Activities to Develop Step 2 – Chapter 1 of a Research Project


1. Review the contents from UNIT 1, the contents of Research process. 2. Think about a problem statement that you have evidenced in the field of languages teaching to carry out chapter one on research project. The problem can be related to language skills, didactics of English, pedagogy, TIC’s, generic competences... it doesn’t matter the topic, the most important thing is that the problem must be related to education 3. Check the all research projects resources from the unit 1. They are in the Knowledge Environment. Then, identify the chapter 1 that shape a research project 4. With this educational resource unit 1, the student will identify step by step each one of the chapters when writing a research project. Read Habib, M., Maryam, H., & Pathik, B. B. (2014). Research Methodology – Contemporary Practices: Guidelines for Academic Researchers. (Part 3. P 50 to 64) from 5. Make sure you include the most important information about the chapter After having cleared your research problem, construct your research project chapter 1st, the chapter must include the following aspects:

Topic “The participation of. Parents in education. Plans and programs.”

Chapter 1: Introduction Many parents tend to momentarily forget about the education of their children, this means that the student has less concentration or participation in a classroom, parents imply that the duty of children is to be no more than a silent viewer inside and out of school, forgetting his duties to this one. Although teachers strive for an improvement in their education, the lack of interest of the parents damaged the scheme, the lack of interest, concern or coexistence means that students do not see it important if their parents do not show it. Something that should change change a few hours of leisure for a well structured calendar for meetings, help and advice.

1.1 General background The lack of parental support at home achieves selflessness of the children (Students), many of these fall into bad steps. Parents often assume that the teacher is in charge of everything related to their child and that he should store everything taught.

1.2 Statement of problem We cannot say as such that the direct problem is the parents, within this are the students, principals and teachers. As such we must and not by obligation, it is something that must be done for pleasure for a good because we are interested in people exceeding themselves and fulfilling their dreams. I must admit that Colombian parents tend to be people grown up in a war where most of the time education was seen as something more useless when the state did so little and that years ago the aid was launched.

It is true that not many suffered these damages but they are factors that influence the little educational interest of their children or even envy for what they have.

1.3 Research objectives 1

Overall objective Creating agendas for parents a few minutes a day or an hour would be enough for them to support their children and help with their jobs.


Specific goal  Support, chat with parents and students  Organize meetings to improve coexistence  Psychologist support if necessary

1.4 Limitations of the research A limitation that I would consider enormous are the same parents many are offended and tend to offend the teacher in my study time I hear many parents shout at teachers "You are the ones who should take care of it not me", "it is your obligation to inform them" "I don't have to pay them for that" "they are useless, my son loses because of him", I never found any meaning to this. Teachers are guidance guides in education. Education should be forged more in a home. It is one of the parts that many parents worry most are not so understanding when it comes to the study of their children.

1.5 Significance of the study The lack of attention by parents in education is very worrisome, it is true that many parents are not so 6 out of 10 parents do not support their children as it should be. I affirm that the teachers must have short meetings groups through social networks where they are informed how the failures they have with some subjects are going in class and what topics to review for evaluations and that these help their children to live in a healthier way so both They learn a little. It sounds somewhat trite more is the only thing that would make the students have a home based on education of concern for their study and not just providing money and parents interest and love for the future of their children.

1.6 Definition of terms "The study without desire spoils the memory and does not retain anything it takes" (Leonardo da Vinci)

I feel that Da Vinci was not wrong in this sentence, many young people study because their parents say so that it is a must if you do not end up in the street and get young people to take so little love for their future and decisions.


 Habib, M., Maryam, H., & Pathik, B. B. (2014). Research Methodology -- Contemporary Practices: Guidelines for Academic Researchers. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from http://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?url=https://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co:2969/log in.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=871029&lang=es&site=ehost-live

 90 frases grandiosas del maestro Leonardo Da Vinci https://www.psicoactiva.com/blog/frases-de-leonardo-da-vinci/