Tres en Raya Visual Basic 2014


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1. OBJETIVOS:  Aplicar los conceptosde leguaje de programación a problemas de autómatas celular.  Determinar una aplicación de autómatas celulares.  2. CONCEPTOS GENERALES

CODIGO EN VISUAL BASIC DEL JUEGO TRES EN RAYA CLASE CODIGO.VB Public Class Codigo Private nTablero(2, 2) As Integer Private nGanador As Integer = -1 Private nContar As Integer = 0 Private ub(2) As Integer Public Function getTabler() Return nTablero End Function Public Function EmpezarPartida() For x As Integer = 0 To 2 For y As Integer = 0 To 2 nTablero(x, y) = -1 Next Next nGanador = -1 Return "" End Function Public Function pulsaBoton(ByVal n, ByVal m) If n >= 0 And n < 3 And m < 3 And nTablero(n, m) = -1 Then If nGanador = -1 Then nTablero(n, m) = 0 nGanador = GanarPartida() PonerFichaOrdenador() End If End If End Function Public Function GanarPartida() 'Diagonal \ If nTablero(0, 0) -1 And nTablero(0, 0) = nTablero(1, 1) And nTablero(0, 0) = nTablero(2, 2) Then Return nTablero(0, 0) End If 'Diagonal / If nTablero(0, 2) -1 And nTablero(0, 2) = nTablero(1, 1) And nTablero(0, 2) = nTablero(2, 0) Then Return nTablero(0, 2) End If 'Filas horizontales y verticales

For n As Integer = 0 To 2 If nTablero(n, 0) -1 And nTablero(n, 0) = nTablero(n, 1) And nTablero(n, 0) = nTablero(n, 2) Then Return nTablero(n, 0) End If If nTablero(0, n) -1 And nTablero(0, n) = nTablero(1, n) And nTablero(0, n) = nTablero(2, n) Then Return nTablero(0, n) End If Next Return -1 End Function Public Function GetGanador() Return nGanador End Function Public Function GetUltimoBoton() Return ub End Function 'MINIMAX Public Function TableroCompleto() For x As Integer = 0 To 2 For y As Integer = 0 To 2 If nTablero(x, y) = -1 Then Return False End If Next Next Return True End Function Public Function FinPartida() Return TableroCompleto() Or GanarPartida() -1 End Function Public Function PonerFichaOrdenador() If Not FinPartida() Then Dim f As Integer = 0 Dim c As Integer = 0 Dim v As Integer = Integer.MinValue Dim aux As Integer For x As Integer = 0 To 2 For y As Integer = 0 To 2 If nTablero(x, y) = -1 Then nTablero(x, y) = 1 aux = Min() If aux > v Then v = aux f = x c = y End If nTablero(x, y) = -1 End If Next Next nTablero(f, c) = 1 ub(0) = f ub(1) = c End If End Function Private Function Max() If FinPartida() Then If GanarPartida() -1 Then

Return -1 Else

End Dim Dim For

Return 0 End If If v As Integer = Integer.MinValue aux As Integer x As Integer = 0 To 2 For y As Integer = 0 To 2 If nTablero(x, y) = -1 Then nTablero(x, y) = 1 aux = Min() If aux > v Then v = aux End If nTablero(x, y) = -1 End If Next

Next Return v End Function Private Function Min() If FinPartida() Then If GanarPartida() -1 Then Return 1 Else Return 0 End If End If Dim v As Integer = Integer.MaxValue Dim aux As Integer For x As Integer = 0 To 2 For y As Integer = 0 To 2 If nTablero(x, y) = -1 Then nTablero(x, y) = 0 aux = Max() If aux < v Then v = aux End If nTablero(x, y) = -1 End If Next Next Return v End Function End Class

CODIGO FORM1.VB Public Class Form1 Dim c As New Codigo Dim nGanador As Integer = -1 Dim nTablero(2, 2) As Integer Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load c.EmpezarPartida() nTablero = c.getTabler End Sub Private Sub CheckGanador()

Dim ub(2) As Integer ub = c.GetUltimoBoton If ub(0) = 0 And ub(1) = 0 Then B1.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 0 And ub(1) = 1 Then B2.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 0 And ub(1) = 2 Then B3.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 1 And ub(1) = 0 Then B4.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 1 And ub(1) = 1 Then B5.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 1 And ub(1) = 2 Then B6.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 2 And ub(1) = 0 Then B7.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 2 And ub(1) = 1 Then B8.Text = "O" End If If ub(0) = 2 And ub(1) = 2 Then B9.Text = "O" End If If nGanador = 0 Then Label2.Text = "HAS GANADO =D" End If If nGanador = 1 Then Label2.Text = "HAS PERDIDO =C" End If If nGanador = -1 Then If c.TableroCompleto() = True Then Label2.Text = "EMPATE" End If End If End Sub Private Sub B1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B1.Click If nTablero(0, 0) = -1 Then B1.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(0, 0) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B1.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub B2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B2.Click If nTablero(0, 1) = -1 Then B2.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(0, 1) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B2.ForeColor = Color.Red End If

End Sub Private Sub B3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B3.Click If nTablero(0, 2) = -1 Then B3.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(0, 2) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B3.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub B4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B4.Click If nTablero(1, 0) = -1 Then B4.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(1, 0) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B4.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub B5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B5.Click If nTablero(1, 1) = -1 Then B5.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(1, 1) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B5.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub B6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B6.Click If nTablero(1, 2) = -1 Then B6.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(1, 2) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B6.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub B7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B7.Click If nTablero(2, 0) = -1 Then B7.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(2, 0) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B7.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub B8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B8.Click If nTablero(2, 1) = -1 Then B8.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(2, 1)

nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B8.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub B9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles B9.Click If nTablero(2, 2) = -1 Then B9.Text = "X" c.pulsaBoton(2, 2) nGanador = c.GanarPartida() Call CheckGanador() B9.ForeColor = Color.Red End If End Sub Private Sub BtnReiniciar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnReiniciar.Click c = New Codigo c.EmpezarPartida() nTablero = c.getTabler nGanador = -1 B1.Text = "" B2.Text = "" B3.Text = "" B4.Text = "" B5.Text = "" B6.Text = "" B7.Text = "" B8.Text = "" B9.Text = "" B1.ForeColor = Color.Black B2.ForeColor = Color.Black B3.ForeColor = Color.Black B4.ForeColor = Color.Black B5.ForeColor = Color.Black B6.ForeColor = Color.Black B7.ForeColor = Color.Black B8.ForeColor = Color.Black B9.ForeColor = Color.Black End Sub End Class