Traditional Meals of English Speaking Countries

Different Meals of the different English - Speaking Countries England Roast Beef This is England's traditional Sunday lu

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Different Meals of the different English - Speaking Countries England Roast Beef This is England's traditional Sunday lunch, which is a family affair

Traditional accompaniments to roast meats With beef: Horseradish sauce English mustard Yorkshire pudding Gravy With mutton and lamb: Onion sauce Red-currant jelly Mint sauce Savoury herb pudding With pork: Apple sauce Pease Pudding Roast apples

Yorkshire Pudding This dish is not usually eaten as a dessert like other puddings but instead as part of the main course or at a starter. Yorkshire pudding, made from flour, eggs and milk, is a sort of batter baked in the oven and usually moistened with gravy. The traditional way to eat a Yorkshire pudding is to have a large, flat one filled with gravy and vegetables as a starter of the meal. Then when the meal is over, any unused puddings should be served with jam or ice-cream as a dessert.

Toad-in-the-Hole Toad in the hole is a traditional English dish consisting of sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with vegetables and onion gravy. The origin of the name "Toad-in-the-Hole" is often disputed. Many suggestions are that the dish's resemblance to a toad sticking its head out of a hole provides the dish with its somewhat unusual name. It is rumoured to have been called "Frog-in-theHole", at one time, although little if any evidence corroborates this assertion. It can also be referred to, less popularly, as "sausage toad".

Fish and Chips Fish and chips is a popular take-away food in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. It consists of battered fish which is deep-fried and served with chips. Fish and chips became a stock meal among the working classes in Great Britain as a consequence of the rapid development of trawl fishing in the North Sea, and development of railways connecting ports to cities during the second half of the 19th century.[1] In 1860, the first fish and chip shop was opened in London by Joseph Malin. Fish and chips are not normally home cooked but bought at a fish and chip shop ("chippie" ) to eat on premises or as a "take away".

Ploughman's Lunch Is a cold snack or meal originating in the United Kingdom, served in pubs, sometimes eaten in a sandwich form, composed of cheese (usually a thick piece of Cheddar, Stilton or other local cheese); often cooked ham slices, pickle, apples, pickled onions, salad leaves, bread, and butter.

Cottage Pie It is made with minced beef and vegetables topped with mashed potato.

Shepherd's Pie It is made with minced lamb and vegetables topped with mashed potato.

Gammon Steak with egg

Lancashire Hotpot Is a dish made traditionally from lamb or mutton and onion, topped with sliced potatoes, left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat. Originating in the days of heavy industrialization in Lancashire in the North West of England, it requires a minimum of effort to prepare. It is sometimes served at parties in England, because it is easy to prepare for a large number of people and is relatively inexpensive.

Bubble and Squeak Is a traditional English dish made with the shallow-fried leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potato and cabbage, but carrots, peas, brussels sprouts, and other vegetables can be added. The dish is so named because it makes bubbling and squeaking sounds during the cooking process, and the cold chopped vegetables (and cold chopped meat if used) are fried in a pan together with mashed potatoes or crushed roast potatoes until the mixture is wellcooked and brown on the sides. It is often served with cold meat from the Sunday roast, and pickles or brown sauce.

English breakfast Eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, baked beans.

Bangers and Mash Bangers and mash also known as sausages and mash, is a traditional English dish made of mashed potatoes and sausages, the latter of which may be one of a variety of flavoured sausage made of pork or beef or a Cumberland sausage. The dish is sometimes served with a rich onion gravy. It can also often be found served with fried onions. The reason sausages were nicknamed bangers is that during wartime rationing they were so filled with water they often exploded when they were fried.

Black Pudding Black pudding in the United Kingdom is generally made from pork blood and a relatively high proportion of oatmeal. In the past it was occasionally flavoured with pennyroyal, differing from continental European versions in its relatively limited range of ingredients and reliance on oatmeal and barley instead of onions to absorb the blood. It can be eaten uncooked, but is often grilled, fried or boiled in its skin. In the United Kingdom, black pudding is considered a delicacy in the Black Country and the North West, especially in Lancashire, in particular the towns of Bury and Ramsbottom home of The World Black Pudding Throwing Championships, where it is sometimes boiled and served with malt vinegar out of paper wrapping. (Morcilla)

Bacon Roly-Poly Bacon Roly-Poly is a traditional English specialty. This dish consists of simple ingredients that are self-raising flour, bacon, onions, salt, pepper and shredded suet. Sometimes they add some other ingredients such as parsley, mushrooms and leek. The bacon is wrapped in batter and baked. Bacon Roly-Poly is traditionally served with green vegetable, potatoes and gravy or tomato sauce. The batter should be carefully baked and have a browned colour. The dish has a delicious, a little bit spicy taste.

Cumberland Sausage Cumberland sausage is a form of sausage that originated in the ancient county of Cumberland, England, now part of Cumbria. They are traditionally very long (up to 50 cm), and sold rolled in a flat, circular coil but within western Cumbria they are more often served in long curved lengths. Sometimes they are made shorter, like ordinary British sausages, and sometimes they are coated in breadcrumbs.

Pie and Mash with parsley liquor It’s a very traditional East End London meal. The original pies were made with eels because at the time eels were a cheaper product than beef. About fifty years ago, mince beef pies replaced the eels and have now become the traditional pie and mash that people know. The traditional pie and mash doesn't come without its famous sauce known as liquor which is a curious shade of green and definitely non-alcoholic. The liquor tastes much nicer than it looks (it's bright green!). Jellied eels are also an East End delicacy often sold with pie and mash


Favourite Children Meals Three favourite meals with children are fish fingers and chips, pizza and baked beans on toast.

Scotland Arbroath Smokie A wood-smoked haddock still produced in small family smoke-houses in the East coast fishing town of Arbroath.

Bannocks (or Oatcakes) A barley and oat-flour biscuit baked on a gridle. In modern times bannocks are often eaten with cheese. There are several traditional recipes and many manufacturers in Scotland today.

Scottish Beef The Aberdeen-Angus breed of beef cattle are now widely reared across the world. Reknown for their rich and tasty meat, which makes excellent steaks. Good butchers will still hang and prepare meat in the traditional manner, although these butchers are rare these days and people often complain that even Scotch Beef has lost its taste.

Scotch Broth or Hotch-Potch A rich stock is traditionally made by boiling mutton (the neck is best), beef, marrow-bone or chicken (for a chicken broth). There is also freedom over the choice of vegetables, which should be diced. Carrots, garden peas, leeks, cabbage, turnips and a stick of celery can all be used. The hard vegetables should be added first to the boiling stock, with a handful of barley, with the softer vegetables being added later. The final consistency should be thick and served piping hot.

Black Bun Black Bun is a very rich fruit cake, made with raisins, currants, finely-chopped peel, chopped almonds and brown sugar with the addition of cinnamon and ginger. It takes its name from the very dark colour.

Colcannon A dish found in the Western Islands of Scotland and also in Ireland. It is made from boiled cabbage, carrots, turnip and potatoes. This mixture is then drained and stewed for about 20 minutes in a pan with some butter, seasoned with salt and pepper and served hot.

Crowdie A simple white cheese, made from the whey of slightly soured milk seasoned with salt and a touch of pepper. The seasoned whey is squeezed in a muslin bag to remove excess water, left aside for two days and then rolled in oats and served.

Scottish Salmon The Rivers Tay and Tweed are major salmon fisheries. Since victorian times these and other rivers have hosted wealthy fishing parties on the estates of the aristocracy. There is much more information onfishing on the River Tweed. Poaching (illegally catching) salmon is an equally traditional activity. In recent times, many major fish farms have been established in the Sea Lochs on the West coast of Scotland. These are major commercial sources of fish, although the quality is not considered to be the same as wild river-caught salmon. Today the salmon tends to be smoked, and thinly sliced, served as an entrée.

Forfar Bridies An oval delicacy, similar to the Scotch Pie, described below. Unlike the pie, filling is crimped into the pastry case. The pastry may be either plain or flakey. The plain pastry is made by preparing a stiff paste of flour and water, seasoned with a pinch of salt. This should be rolled out into an oval shape about 5" by 7". In the centre is placed minced beef, a little suet and a sprinkling of very finely chopped onion. The pastry is then folded over along its longest dimension, brushed with milk and cooked until the pastry is golden brown.

Haggis Haggis is perhaps the best known Scottish delicacy, and it is wonderful stuff, with a rich flavour, although those partaking for the first time are often put off when they hear what it is made of... Haggis is made from sheep's offal (or pluck). The windpipe, lungs, heart and liver of the sheep are boiled and then minced. This is mixed with beef suet and lightly toasted oatmeal. This mixture is placed inside the sheep's stomach, which is sewn closed. The resulting haggis is traditionally cooked by further boiling (for up to three hours) although the part-cooked haggis can be cooked in the oven which prevents the risk of bursting and spoiling. Perhaps the best known maker of haggis is the Edinburgh company of Charles MacSween & Son (now relocated to out of the city). Their haggis is widely available in the U.K. and they will happily ship it overseas, although note that the strict agriculture regulations preclude importing haggis into the U.S. MacSweens also make a vegetarian "haggis", which is actually quite tasty, even though the only ingredient it has in common with the real thing is the oatmeal!

Scotch Pies A round crusty pastry pie, approximately 10cm (4") in size. Made without using a pie tin, these self-contained pies are filled with minced meat, although the much of the meat is often replaced with offal. The tradition is that this meat is mutton, although in modern times beef is almost always used. A variation of the theme may contain onion in addition to the beef. Differentiating between the ordinary pie and the onion variety was tradiationally made easier by the number of holes in the top; one for plain, two for onion. This distinction is sometimes also used for Forfar bridies. Perhaps the best known maker was Wallace's Pie Shop in Dundee.

Porridge A simple dish, made of boiled oatmeal. It needs to be boiled slowly and stirred continuously with the traditional spirtle - a wooden stick which is about 30cm (or 12") long - to avoid the formation of lumps! Porridge should be thick and wholesome, not thin like gruel. It has remarkable properties for preventing hunger. Today it is often eaten for breakfast, with the addition of milk, and a small plate keeps you feeling full until lunchtime. Traditionally crofters in the Highlands of Scotland would make a large pot of porridge at the beginning of the week. Once allowed to cool, it would be cut into slices, and the crofter would places a slice in his pocket eack day for lunch. Porridge must be cooked with salt to obtain the correct flavour. Those eating porridge outside Scotland have been know to cook it without salt and indeed eat it with sugar or even syrup, which is a habit which would turn the stomach of any Scotsman (or Scots-woman).

Stovied Tatties (or Stovies) Stovies are a potato-based dish, designed to use up left over meat and vegetables. Several onions should be cut into small pieces and fried in a good amount of beef dripping (fat from the cooked meat) in a large pot. Scraps of meat and left-over vegetables (usually carrots and peas) are then added to the frying onions. Six to eight good sized potatoes are peeled and cut into 3cm (1.5") pieces. Approximately 2.5cm (1") of water is added to the pan containing the fried onion mixture and the potato pieces are added to this, seasoned with salt and then left to simmer until the potatoes are soft. More water is added only if the pan is likely to become dry. The resulting stovies should have the consistency of mashed potatoes, but the potato pieces should still be detectable. Modern cooks would add a beef stock cube to the mixture prior to simmering.

Australia Breakfast The breakfast frequently resembles breakfast in many Western countries, but may include ethnic influences. In warmer areas, breakfast is generally light. In colder seasons, porridge or a full English breakfast may be consumed. The light breakfast commonly consists of breakfast cereal, toast, and fruit. Beverages taken at breakfast include tea, coffee, flavoured milk, or juice. A popular breakfast food in Australia is Vegemite, a spread similar to Marmite.

Vegemite Is a dark brown Australian food paste made from yeast extract. It is a spread forsandwiches, toast, crumpets and cracker biscuits, and filling for pastries. Other unique or iconic national foods include macadamia nuts; Violet Crumble, a honeycomb chocolate bar; Cherry Ripe; Jaffas, chocolate with an orangeflavoured confectioneryshell; the Chiko Roll, a deep-fried savoury roll similar to a spring roll; and the dim sim, a Chinese-inspired dumpling. Other popular Australian foods include Tim Tams, a chocolate biscuit; musk sticks; fairy bread; lamingtons; the Boston bun; the vanilla slice; and the commercial breakfast cereal Weet-Bix. Kangaroo meat is widely available in Australia although it is not among the most commonly eaten meats. In old fashioned colonial recipes, it was treated much like ox tail and braised until tender forming a rich gravy. It is available today in various cuts and sausages.] Also eaten (in specialist restaurants) is camel meat, emu meat, crocodile meat and occasionally (although rarely) wombat. As these need specialist preparation they are not found in mainstream restaurants or at home, however products are now available in supermarkets made of kangaroo, emu or camel meat.

USA Though the United States expresses its culinary culture in many types of regional and ethnic cuisines, there are certain foods that can be found on family dinner tables and restaurants in every region of the country; these dishes make up what may be called standard or classic American cuisine. They tend to be hearty, filling, and simple. It may be a joy to sample these dishes at the table or restaurant of a fine cook; it may be a chore to attempt to navigate these same dishes if they are not lovingly prepared.

The classic heavy American breakfast: eggs (fried, scrambled, poached, or fancy variations like eggs benedict), bacon, sausage or ham, corned beef hash, home-fried or hash brown potatoes, pancakes or waffles (in maple syrup).

The lighter American breakfast: cold cereal (corn flakes, oat flakes, granola, or sweetened children’s cereal) or hot cereal (oatmeal, cream of wheat), cottage cheese.

With either breakfast: muffins, toast, orange juice, coffee or tea. The classic American lunch: hamburgers, frankfurters, sandwiches (BLT: bacon, lettuce and tomato, tuna salad, tuna melt, chicken salad, egg salad, grilled cheese, ham, sliced turkey, salami, roast beef, corned beef), macaroni and cheese casserole.

Cocktail party appetizers: deviled eggs, shrimp cocktail. American classic meat main dishes tend to be based on beef, pork and chicken with some seafood. Pot roast is made from a usually inexpensive cut of beef oven-roasted in liquid with onions and other vegetables. Meat loaf consists of ground meat mixed with breadcrumbs or other fillers and flavorings, oven-roasted in a loaf pan. Pork chops are often pan fried. Chicken is roasted or pan or deep fried. Ribs (beef or pork) are usually slow cooked in a sweet or vinegar-based sauce. Steaks, chops, and fish fillets are pan-fried or broiled. Turkey is prepared for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Casseroles (the term in the United States refers to the food, not the cooking dish) are baked dishes in which a main ingredient—canned tuna or often green beans—is combined with a starch (noodles) and various vegetables and flavorings, a thrifty, nutritious dish, easy to make well, equally easy to ruin.

Pot Pies are basically stew mixtures of chicken or beef cooked inside a pastry shell. These are frequently mass-produced frozen, though the fresh version can be excellent. (GUARNICIONES)Common American side dishes are French fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, egg noodles, rice, baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad, macaroni salad, green salads with a wide array of dressings, and vegetables like carrots, broccoli, or green beans. Corn on the cob is typically American. Among American classic desserts, apple pie has a deep connotation in American culture: mom, grandma, the doting aunt, home, warmth and family love. The adage is that some thing or institution is, “as American as apple pie.” Other fruit pies (cherry, peach, rhubarb) are also popular. Pecan and pumpkin pies may be served for occasions and holidays. A simple chocolate cake and ice cream will round out the meal.

Beverages for lunch or dinner: sodas (cola and citrus-based), juices (apple or orange), and beer. Wine is widely enjoyed but less so than in many other countries. All this said, given American food trends today, these classic American dishes may well share the table, or share ingredients with, exotic foods and ingredients from around the world as well as with regional American staples. The influence of Mexican and southwestern American cooking is particularly strong.

Junk Food: Hamburgers (often now just called “burgers”) can range from simple to elaborate. All types of burgers are commonly sold with French-fried potatoes (“French fries”) on the side. The most common varieties served everywhere in the United States are:  The plain hamburger, garnished with ketchup, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and/or relish.  The cheeseburger, a hamburger topped with melted American, jack, Swiss or cheddar cheese.  The bacon-cheeseburger.  The chili-burger, with or without cheese. Today the top three restaurants in the United States—McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy’s—are all fast food hamburger operators. Hot Dogs The Oscar Mayer company, as a major producer, can give us some guidance. Oscar Mayer wieners contain at least some pork, while the company’s “franks” are all beef. Wieners tend to be lightly spiced, frankfurters made with a bit more spice, though both types of sausage are mild compared to nearly all other sausage varieties sold in the United States; they are also softer in texture. New York style hot dogs, influenced heavily by kosher franks that contain neither pork nor dairy fillers (so as to conform to Jewish dietary laws), are generally preferred boiled. If anything can be said to describe the proud Chicago hot dog it is an aversion to the addition of ketchup. At least a dozen American cities claim to have the best hot dogs, and they are all correct. The hot dogs stands, with or without interior seating or counter space, is an American urban institution. Though hot dogs are available at all sporting venues, the delicacy has a particularly strong association with the American sport of baseball. The corn dog, long associated with carnivals and fairs, is a hot dog dipped into a corn-based batter and deep-fried. Most corn dogs are served on sticks to make them easy to eat with one hand. The thick batter obviates the need for a bun.

Pizza Pizza came to American shores as an import from Italy around the beginning of the twentieth century, initially becoming popular in large eastern cities as an inexpensive, tasty, and quick food. Over the course of that century pizza filtered into every corner of the American food world to become, essentially, an American culinary staple. Pizza restaurants, called “pizza parlors” or “pizzerias” in the original Italian, can be found on every main street and even the tiniest strip shopping centers in the country. Thin crust pizza is available all over the United States, but it is especially popular in Northeastern cities like New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and the many smaller cities in-between, which at one time saw large immigration from Italy. Thick crust pizza, commonly referred to as “Chicago style,” features a doughy, chewy crust with generous toppings.

New England clam chowder: Clam chowder is any of several chowders containing clams and broth. Along with the clams, diced potato is common, as are onions, which are occasionally sauteed in the drippings from salt pork or bacon. Celery is frequently used. Other vegetables are uncommon, but small carrot strips might occasionally be added, primarily for color. A garnish of parsley serves the same purpose. Bay leaves are also sometimes used as a garnish and flavoring. It is believed that clams were added to chowder because of their relative ease to collect. Clam chowder is often served in restaurants on Fridays in order to provide a seafood option for those who abstain from meat every Friday, which used to be a requirement for Catholics before liturgical changes in Vatican II. Though the period of strict abstinence from meat on Fridays was reduced to Lent, the year-round tradition of serving clam chowder on Fridays remains.

Mac & Cheese Macaroni and cheese, also abbreviated as "mac and cheese" in American English, Canadian English, Australian English, and New Zealand English, and "macaroni cheese" in the United Kingdom, is a dish consisting of cooked elbow macaroni and white sauce with some cheese added. Traditional macaroni and cheese is a casserole.

Barbecue The term “barbecue” may have a number of meanings in the United States. Barbecue buffs usually assert that true barbecue involves slow cooking, primarily of meats, using relatively low levels of indirect heat or moderately hot smoke. Confusion arises because of the use of the term “barbecue” to refer to what is better called “grilling:” direct and relatively quick cooking over high heat. A key difference between these two important cooking methods involves the types of meats used. Taking beef as an example, a good quality steak may be grilled to perfection in a matter of minutes; the better quality the meat, the better the result; the key danger is overcooking. Contrast the indirect slow cooking barbecue process: an inexpensive cut of beef, a brisket being typical, will be slow cooked for many hours, tenderizing the meat by breaking down the collagen. To the barbecue purist, the best barbecue should be so tender that it “falls off the bone.” Though restaurants certainly have grills, the grilling phenomenon generally calls up the image of a home griller, usually the man of the house, tending anything from a simple kettle grill using charcoal briquettes to an elaborate, gas-fired grilling machine costing as much as a small automobile. Though home smokers exist, and though home grills may have cool areas to allow indirect cooking, the barbecue phenomenon generally calls up the image of a dedicated professional “pit master” who spends hours tending large quantities of meats using substantial wood-fired ovens in a true barbecue restaurant.

COFFEE Over the course of American food history, coffee has been both a commodity beverage and a luxury beverage; today it performs both functions. The American Revolution was sparked in part when Great Britain levied a small tax on imported tea in 1773; colonists dumped a shipment of tea into Boston Harbor (the “Boston Tea Party”) and started drinking coffee in patriotic protest, mostly as an after dinner drink. During the American Civil War (1861-1865) soldiers on both sides were given substantial coffee rations; the habit stuck, and coffee became the preferred pick-me-up at any point of the day. Coffee roasting companies made regular house-to-house rounds in horse-drawn wagons; most homes had hand-cranked coffee grinders. Tea was relegated to ladies' social gatherings, and people nursing colds. The coffee drinking public was ready to plunk down real money for good coffee in the 1970s when gourmet coffee shops began springing up in America’s rainiest city, Seattle Washington. These coffee shops took advantage of a key scientific fact: green coffee beans keep for years, but roasted beans begin to loose their essential oils and hence their flavor and aromatic qualities almost immediately. Home coffee buffs could grind their own beans, but they could not blend or roast the beans themselves, nor could they afford the specialized machinery needed to prepare Italian espresso. Along with quality came the expansion in the American desire for new taste experiences, particularly the rich taste of quality Arabica-roasted beans. The coffee shop became a place to meet others, socialize, and browse through newspapers (a function European and Middle-eastern coffee shops have performed for centuries). American college students, too young to legally enter bars, flocked to the receptive atmosphere of the coffee house. A key drawing card now, of course, is wireless Internet access, free or for a fee, depending on the shop.

Burrito Is a type of Mexican food. It consists of a wheat flour tortilla wrapped or folded into a roughly cylindrical shape to completely enclose a filling. (In contrast, a taco is generally formed by simply folding a tortilla in half around a filling, leaving the semicircular perimeter open.) The flour tortilla is usually lightly grilled or steamed, to soften it and make it more pliable. In Mexico, refried beans or meat are sometimes the only fillings. In the United States, however, fillings generally include a combination of ingredients such as Mexican-style rice or plain rice, refried beans or beans, lettuce, salsa, meat, avocado, cheese, and sour cream, and the size varies, with some burritos considerably larger than their Mexican counterparts.