Exercises A Checking your understanding. When did Europeans start to come to America? In the sixteenth century Europeans

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Exercises A Checking your understanding. When did Europeans start to come to America? In the sixteenth century Europeans started to come to America and soon after that, they brought workers slaves. Who arrived in Massachusetts in 1620? In 1620 one group of 101 English men, women and children arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Were know as 'Pilgrims', or 'Pilgrim Fathers'. Why were the American people angry with the British government? The American people of the colonies became angry at the high taxes that the government made them pay. Who was the first president of the USA? George Washington.

True (T) or False (F) 1 The northern states kept slaves…(F) The southern states kept slaves. 2 Abraham Lincoln was president during the Civil War… (T) 3 Buffalo were very important to the Native Americans… (T) 4 The immigrants who arrived in the nineteenth century were usually rich… (F) They were farmers or businesspeople.

How many black people are there in the USA today? 30 million of the 252 million people in the USA are black. Who used the famous words, 'I have a dream . . .'? Martin Luther king What are the names of the two big political parties in the USA? The Republicans and the Democrats. What are Americans four favorite sports? Are baseball, basketball, football and ice hockey. Where… 1 . . . is the oldest university in the USA?... Harvard

2 . . . were the first skyscrapers built?... New York 3 . . . are Niagara Falls?... Between Lakes Ontario and Erie 4 . . . is the Grand Canyon?... In Arizona

1 Which city was nearly destroyed by an earthquake in 1906?... San Francisco. 2 Where were the Olympic Games held in 1996?... Atlanta, Georgia. 3 Which state did the Americans buy from Russia in 1867?... Alaska 4 Which was the fiftieth state to join the USA?... Hawai B Working with language Use these words to join these eight short sentences together to make four longer ones. (because/ but/ when/where) 1 The South had some of the best soldiers but they lost the Civil War. 2 The Europeans fought and killed the Native Americans because they wanted to take their land for farms and railways. 3 Immigrants arrived at Ellis Island where they were checked for illness. 4 Many Americans go and live in Florida when they retire. Complete these sentences with information from the book. 1 Pocahontas was . . . who . . . Pocahontas was the daughter of an Indian chief who later married a man called John Rolfe. 2 Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass were . . . who . . . Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass were famous slaves who helped many other slaves escape from the South to the North using a route called the underground railroad. 3 Thomas Jefferson wrote . . . where . . . Thomas Jefferson wrote the famous 'Declaration of Independence', where he said that the king George III had broken his agreement with his people. 4 The Indian wars ended in 1890 with . . . when . . . The Indian wars ended in 1890 with the Battle of Wounded Knee, when many Sioux men women and children were killed by American soldiers 5 The city of New Orleans is famous for . . . when Is famous for its food, which is like French and African food together when people celebrate by dressing in colorful clothes and walking or dancing through the streets, playing music.

C Activities 1 Imagine that you are on holiday in the USA. Write a letter to a friend about

the places that you have visited. Hello I hope you are well, I am writing to tell you that I have decided to take a vacation to relax and decided to travel to the United States. I am currently in Arizona is a warm place and the people are very friendly, the Grand Canyon is an incredible place you should visit it one day. I do not know what to do, I want to visit New York but I still do not decide, anyway, I'll stay in Arizona for more days. I return in a nine weeks. Bye

2 Imagine that you were either a Pilgrim, or a black slave, or an immigrant in the nineteenth century. You are now very old. Write a short paragraph about how you came to the USA, and your life there. Travel to the United States in search of new fertile lands, tell stories that there is plenty of land and travel to try their luck. Travel on a boat from England, here I cannot go on with my life, it was a very long trip I do not remember how many days they were, some say 60 but for me it was an eternity. Many with whom I travel seriously ill, I fortunately I am well. When I arrived it was not what I expected, a cold place and infertile lands and difficult to cultivate. I decided to travel south, other people say that the weather was more warm so I travel with what little I had left. Arrive in south Carolina a pleasant place, warm and fertile land. I started working as a tobacco merchant, it was a good business with which I earned enough to acquire my own land and start a new life.

D Project work Write about the people who live in your own country. Are they all the same? Were any of them immigrants? Did they fight any wars? The people of my country are very happy, the majority are of low stature, they are very religious and traditional people, they like the festivals. They are of numerous families, they speak several languages like the Spanish and the nahualt. Not all are Equal, the Mexican population are Mexican natives, mestizos, immigrants from Spain for example.