The Natural content by RSD Max, notes written by Aichi337

The Natural content by RSD Max, Notes written by Aichi337 The Natural content by RSD Max, notes written by Aichi337 Th

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The Natural content by RSD Max, Notes written by Aichi337 The Natural content by RSD Max, notes written by Aichi337

The Natural Notes

●Introduction #

🔵 Introduction It's everything I need to know about natural game I'm using mother nature's laws (that are given and absolute) to my and her advantage, with consideration of the society I’m gonna be this naturally cool guy not only to get but also to keep successful relationships, even with multiple girls techniques are worth shit unless I'm a naturally attractive man Game is simple but not always easy If I use the principles I will turn every situation to have an epic time It's a process, I WILL NEED TO TAKE ACTION, go through it piece by piece and take action on everything immediately the infield is very real so that it is easy to repeat Max can only show me the right doors, I gotta go through them myself It'll take time and there will be times where I want to give up It's possible I don't use it to pay back nor for my ego nor to lecture my friend, I use it to be happy

●Defining your new world #

🔵What Guy Do Women Want Looks can hinder me but it barely ever happens Looks give me permission, that's all I take the allowance I get from good looks and the need for it disappears I give myself permission and leverage my looks Because I may not be good looking, but have confidence, it makes me look even better I do take care of myself physically and get on top of my hygiene to reflect self respect Hot guy blasé The world does not support beta behavior Money as well doesn't count, it's the attitude that comes with being rich Even though they say they want the nice guy, they respond to something different, Mainstream narrative thinking says its the nice guy but in reality its the assholeish

behavior, I don't take advice from girls, they don't really know what they want because of social conditioning, I’m not an complete asshole I'm a leader, show her and bring her into my world, give her the role that I want her in my life, "I'm doing this anyway" People are sheep, they innately want to follow, I do them the favor to let them follow me, I invite people and organize things, I have a Lighthearted invitational mindset, "Hey guys, let's do this", People will be happy to follow I have Humor about her and myself (not taking us seriously) I'm social (always friendly to people, invite, no judging, always befriending no matter where I go) Judging is always a reflection of self-hate, the more I am positive about others, the more I show confidence about myself Ideally she's waiting, not me I have goals, doesn't let myself go, passion about something reflects my ability in bed I'm unapologetic (have my sets of values, world beliefs and am acting according to them) I might not be perfect, but am perfectly fine with myself If I make a mistake, I have no problem admitting it I'm always in a good mood already, no matter what happens I'm gonna be just fine I'm either going to win or not but at least I learn I have my own reality, playing by my rules and don't make other people's opinion my reality This will be me to the next level/version (ME2.0)

🔵Self Assessment My Personal Shameless Self Assessment: >> WHO AM I? ● Where am I in this journey? / Success with women? (How did any success happen?) ● How do I come across to people? ● What is my personality like? >> WHAT ARE MY GOALS? (be crazy and extreme) ● Short Term goals with women and people + What it will take to get there: ● Midterm goals with women and people + What it will take to get there: ● Long Term goals with women and people + What it will take to get there: ● How do I want to come across to people + What will it take me to get there? ● What do I want my personality to be like ? It's shameless, Where do I want to go in terms of thinking? Where am I? If I don't have results, I'm not good, we build upon my strengths and improve my weaknesses so that they as well become strengths, let's write a contract

I, will do everything in my power to get my life handled, to get better with everything, with people, with girls, I will listen to my excuses and then do it anyway, resistance means I gotta do it, I will take any setback as a valuable lesson and continue my journey to the mastery of a better self. A ME2.0. I will do something I’m afraid of every fucking day. Giving up is not an option for me!

🔵A Natural’s Frames An alphamale is able to switch his frames, A frame is the way I look at the world I am very optimistic and confident, the world is easy and awesome, an amazing place, everybody is my friend, everything will come to me if I do something for it My frame is ultimately supposed to help me, I can change it as much as I want, it's the way to bring deep identity level change, I set the right frames for me and repeat them over and over again "she's just a little girl that wants to be loved, I can make her day, I'm a cool person and just as much a human being as she is, she could love talking to me" I can change that voice, That voice in my head will turn into my motivator Some are accurate, some are wishful thinking Game Frames: "I don't care what other people think of me", "I'm the master of my life", "I know what is best for me", "I'm a confident person 'just don't know what to say'", "I love maintaining eye contact, it makes my heart race, a feeling that makes me feel alive, it's wonderful", "I love staying in set as long as possible, it makes me feel alive and it's a nice challenge" I take a sticking point and formulate it in a very positively reinforcing way, so it's easy for my brain to change the voice from downvoting to supporting An alphamale has boundaries, he's able to say NO (very attractive especially with LSE girls) "I don't want people in my life that believe more in taking than giving, that display any kind of disrespect towards other living creatures, that drag themselves and or others down, that are of manipulating nature, that lie" NoGos for girls: ugly body, unclear skin, bad breath, too hairy, no humor I can always change my frames I should be aware, that I am of value, It doesn't matter what other people think of me, If I have a passion(attractive) that I think makes me interesting I’m good to go I am attractive because: I'm a good listener, a musician, able to work hard, have a vision for my life, am lively, am tolerant, am small, am pretty, have a good body, am intelligent, am interesting, am a nerd, am sporty, manly, good with surprising, am there there are frames for different situations, I play around with them and am able to switch through them, formulate the frames so that they talk to me My main frame:"EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR IMPROVEMENT" my good ol' "every next day is better than the day before" and "the world is a paradise" I read the contract and the frame everyday, it should become the voice in my head, the more repetition, the more it becomes part of me I read one of the frames out loud and dance/walkthrough room while playing epic music in the background

🔵How To Feel Good Enough

I get rid of any question or thought regarding "Am I Good Enough", am self aware=confident -of who I am, -of what makes me me, -of what I like, of what my world reality is, -of the things that make me attractive, -of what I want If I am aware of who I am and what I want my need for external validation is eradicated I go My Way, there's nothing more attractive than a guy who has his way, his vision, his purpose, his passion There are gold diggers but the biggest reason why rich people are so attractive is that they're going their way The hottest thing for a girl is her to be my priority number 2, the most important person but not the most important thing in my life Male energy is this striving, penetrating, powerful force Female energy is soothing, peaceful, relaxing, motherly Man and women have both, having that purpose makes me interesting My main purpose as a man is to give love -in terms of my passion, my gift, my art, my work ,because as a man, one is going to be facing a lot of shit, but I'm still be doing my thing no matter what bullshit is being thrown at me I embrace the unknown, the chaos and failure, core confidence stands for feeling capable of finding a way even when shit hits the fan "No matter what happens, I'll be fine" Either I win or I lose AND get back up and try again, it won't kill me there's no better way to becoming icecold, irresistible, unreactive, not-getting-thrown-offmy-frame than overcoming hardship, with time the little things become this like background buzz and I really don't care anymore I lower her standards, a ten is surrounded by so many try harders=betamales, that when I focus on being, instead of doing, I automatically emanate the I am good enough frame already, 'you're just one out of many other hot girls, you're standards are that I'm a normal guy.' Girls will never fuck me because of my game, only because of me Most common mistakes: premature escalation and premature ejection instead of too fast escalation -just assume the attraction, am physical but not overly physical, I don't need fancy IOIs to know that she likes me, the biggest IOI is that she's there and not running away instead of premature ejection -just stay in set, that is how I feel good enough am I good enough? Why the fuck not?! thoughts can be very deceiving at times, don't believe every thought and replace them with more positive ones self awareness is the basic gist of mindfulness meditation

●Social Dynamics #

🔵Sex and Society Now I'm in the process of slowly redefining my new world with reading out my new frames every day to myself. And now I want to understand social dynamics and how the world works Sex is not what I think it is, what it naturally means to understand it and use it to the girls and my advantage

We've become so ashamed of our sexuality instead of celebrating it I have this thing between my legs and if I play with it the right way it makes me feel good! how cool is that, and even better is that if somebody else, that I find attractive funnels that for me, we have an even better time! In society there has been a huge separation from love and sex Society says women should get a betamale even though they need the alpha Society is full of betamales, so societies view on sex is, that it is something a man takes from the girl that they use them for sex, even though in reality a girl likes it just as much if not even more. Sigmund Freud discovered the Madonna-Whore-Dynamics. The result of society separating both sides of a girl into two different types of girls is suppression of the feminine -very poisonous and misogynistic, it quickly leads to judgement of the feminine because no girl wants to be seen as the whore but as the socially accepted madonna and that's why they suppress their female sexuality the problem is that at the same time, the female body is depicted everywhere (sex sells), while being suppressed. Every girl is trying to tiptoe around their sexuality Around that archaic core, which loves sex, there lays a socially conditioned layer which says that she shouldn't like sex because then she's a whore -slutshaming -be a lady (don't make yourself too easy) -confusion-frustration-irritation. Girl's condition their sexual desire with toning it back and covering it up with being a lady(playing hard to get) Men are supposed to be good with girls and if they aren't and try to be, society says: all men just want sex that feeds into a downward spiral of -confusion-frustration-irritation. betamales can't get sex themselves and rely on the mainstream narrative, so they shame the ones who can as 'players' because they also want to be one of them betamales usually end up with the next best option because their choice is so small Learning pu gives me the power of choice The conditioned frame that a real man puts his entire effort into one women and a real woman doesn't give herself away too easily leads to very huge loss of the basic polarities he demasculines himself and she desexualises herself which takes the whole fun out of the interaction and makes it waaaay too seriously as if it's something bad and no yin yang hollywood notion -nice guy syndrome -no more alphamale, the very thing that girls are attracted to Tyler Quote:"When I pick up a chick, the whole interaction is just fun fun fun, it's just one joke after the other and the last joke is my d inside her" logically the girls respond to alphamale behavior. A keeper can't satisfy the sexual needs so girls break up 'I wish he would be more fun' and then end up with the wrong guy, the douchebag the real victims are actually the girls, they have it even more difficult Sex is wonderful, the most natural thing in the world, everybody likes it and does it -Bees have sex with flowers, since it's so omnipresent it shouldn't be shameful, there's nothing wrong with it If people like each other there's absolutely nothing wrong with hooking up (as long as I use protection), having a good time I never judge her for it, sex is no big deal, it's like eating, sleeping, pissing Every girl has the madonna and the whore side within her, I make her feel comfortable with both of them, I have a lovely time with her and encourage her to live out her sexuality with me, I never ever make her feel like she's being judged for it

Love happens naturally and should never be confined or identified by 'girlfriend' or 'marriage' or sth, Love is based on sexual arousal (and abundance), its intertwined, so I never should say 'I love this girl', if I never had sex with her, it should never come from a feeling of lack or needing, it's more like 'this girl is amazing, I love hanging out with her, it's just so much fun', because I like that person so much, I want to hang out with her all the time, it's beautiful Relationship should always be a result of abundance, I should choose her out of the big pool of all these girls I like and not need her because she's the only one, even the girl comes ideally from abundance I embed the following into my thinking and acting: Sex is natural, it's nothing to be ashamed of, if I fully am able to embrace male and female sexual energy, to enjoy the difference between me as a men and her as a women (without having to try to adhere the political correctness), if I never ever judge a hookup, if I'm not apologetic about my own and anybody else's sexuality and never brag about it and simply see it as something wonderful and natural, if I'm able to love and respect both the madonna and the whore side of a girl, then I'm going to have a hell of a great fucking time, because then I'm that sexually open, attractive dude, that gets away with it Once I have so much sex with all the girls, I don't brag about it but people know it and instead of unfriendly pointing the finger at me they say 'naaah, that's Max, he loves girls, that is just him' and I'm having such a great time and girls wanna fuck me even more, if I'm sexually open and emanate the frame of sex is wonderful and I don't judge anybody; I like sex, they think 'omg this guy is a free pass, I can fuck him and he's not gonna judge me! he's awesome and every other girl thinks that too so he must have a lot of experience, he's not gonna think I'm a slut nor be a needy fucking betamale, he's gonna fuck me and we're gonna have an epic time together, there are no consequences' they want to fuck me and nobody else is going to judge me, but it starts with my frame about sex, hookups, relationships, love, it's wonderful, natural, everybody loves it, and there's a great time to get with me, they will try to bind me and betamales will unsuccessfully try to judge me, what makes me even more interesting, really hammer in what I just learned, It's absolutely amazing, where it will lead me and create a lot easier, happier, nonjudgmental life with more understanding and awareness, be above it and make everybody feel awesome

🔵Girls – Which To Avoid – Which To Engage With There are different types of girls hi/lo-selfesteem/sexdrive and therefore, different ways to engage with them, but we're all built to love sex, even though our society and upbringing makes it hard I can engage with a girl just for social proof or for ons or for being fuckbuddies or for relationship or for just staying friends, which I always can do The thing is, that I'm attracted to the girls that reflect my own self esteem the best, so I can see myself in my own choice of partner The Halo Effect: concluding good character traits because of good looks the majority are LSE Girls: can be highly manipulative, often uses her looks for it, not because she's evil but because her reality consists of such a bad self image that she thinks everyone else must think the same, she doesn't think that anyone would like her simply for who she is and therefore takes manipulating as the only way to make another person stay with her, she just doesn't know any better

she can be passive aggressive and needs drama because of her addiction to emotion, the well functioning relationship doesn't work for her because she needs the friction, when it works well, she loses interest she tests a lot without boundaries, behaves differently to all kinds of people, shittalks people behind their back, subconsciously loves the emotion of being a victim and gets herself in bad situations, forms of escapism, loves validation and validates herself really quickly but adheres to mainstream narrative notion of slutshaming and betamaleshaming, cant take a compliment people can change, the older the girl the higher the chance to be HSC, look at her relationships to see what kind of girl she is with a lack of validation she tries to get it back and if she gets it all of a sudden she doesn't want anything anymore to remain on her self imposed pedestal she gives dichotomous signals: she is open that she wants it but once I make a move she comes up with bizarre excuses or stops responding If I counter their manipulation-attempts, bullshit and validation-seeking with alphamale behavior, not taking her shit, not qualify myself, not take her too seriously, i can get to sex pretty easily, but I only engage with them in terms of ons because otherwise they can fuck up my life very big times, emotional tampon, use me &shit, I just don't let them into my life, avoid them LowSelfEsteem+LowSexDrive is the worst and most horrible version of a girl I can encounter and there's a reason for this, get away from them and don't hate them because they have no idea what's going on, guys do exactly the same, we man are stupid too and blinded by a hot girl and don't realise what goes on until we stop Never change yourself for someone else! HSE+LSD barely occur HSEs don't get influenced by drama as much and use manipulation only for positive things, step up in difficult situations ,she has good relationships and cares about her friends, helps and loves, is motherly, treats me well if I treat her well and vice versa, they still shittest as well and are confrontational but only too make sure that I still am an alphamale as well and not to hurt me, I rather disqualify myself than qualify myself (every qualification is a qualification as a betamale), look how reacts to a compliment HSEs take it well, it's not a big deal because she's aware of her worth, sexually open, love sex, no judging, are cool with it and empowered/feministic HSE+HSD are heaven, amazing, keep her in my life, sex relationships, ons, fuckbuddies, queen, celebrate her to find out which type of girl she is, I have to spend much time with her, see a bunch of her character traits, her true self comes out with time, don't judge too early but be sure to cut the wrong ones out of my life and don't take it too far

🔵Women And (Alpha) Males Further detoxify from mainstream thinking and further demystify the confusion what it means to be naturally attractive to girls Betaization, the excuses for breaking up with a betamale can be very ridiculous when I go from alphamale to betamale in a relationship it's like a model getting extremely fat I do myself and the girls the favour and become an alphamale

A girl wants an alphamales genes cause she's stuck with being pregnant, very vulnerable and dependent on security, protection and access to resources, so she also needs the qualities of a betamale, but once she realises that she owns the alphamale (full betaization), she loses interest because of mother nature the natural goal is to get as much and best quality offsprings and to do that, a woman takes an alpha and turns him into a beta The basic question of a woman to a man (the cause of a shittest) is "How well are you going to survive in this world?", "How well are you staying on purpose and how well is your life independent of anything else?", "How easy is it for me to change your life purpose, your mood and everything else?" and deep down she hopes that my life purpose and striving is not subject to her as a woman A constant battle between her libido that wants an alphamale and her evolutionary biological clock, that wants to make me stay with her to secure resources for her and our offspring Jealousy is one of the biggest shittest baits as well as trying to bind with a relationship or marriage The same shpiel happens in marriage, she marries him because he's an alpha and now makes him into a beta and the relationship gets worse and worse cause the man gives in, but that's just nature, I can complain about it or understand it and play the game to my advantage, girls will tell me so much what I should do but deep inside secretly hope that I don't comply I want to be the wild stallion, the fun guy who fucks well, doesn't take myself or the girl to seriously, treats her well as long as she treats me well, that is striving on my purpose, on my goal and plays by my rules As long that she can never fully feel like she owns me it is a sexually attractive challenge for her It's possible for girls to have multiple man, betas to provide her and an alpha to fuck or to fluctuate between extreme beta and alpha they always try the beta or betaize the alpha till they realize that he lacks sth "I'm gonna give you shit, to ensure, that you actually are and stay the alphamale you are seeming to be, for the sake of my horniness for you and I pray to the universe for you to stay a cool guy and remain an alphamale so I can finally keep fucking you all day long."

🔵Beta-Ization And Shittests A Shittest is basicly a girl trying to make me from an alphamale into a betamale while simultaneously hoping I remain an alphamale, the underlying natural communication is: "Listen alphamale, I'm gonna give you a little bit shit to see how well you're gonna remain on your purpose, hold your frame, stay funny, be in a good mood and fuck me.", women are advanced masters in that, No advanced alpha could possibly see every single betaizationattempt/shittest, since they range from extremely subtle to very obvious, it's enough to pass most of them, cause it does take willpower to pass them They occur in different forms: -Trying to make me jealous of other guys(How self confident are You?), I look her deep in the eyes and say "Wow this guy is amazing, do you have his number? you should call him!" and then change the topic "so anyway..." -"I'm not sure about my feelings about you"(Are you man enough to not be shaken by this little comment?), I say "I totally understand what you mean, girl, how can you ever be sure

about anything? You're great!" give her a little kiss, leave, leave her alone with her shit, have fun, and do cool things with other girls, have an amazing life either way and maybe, later subtly demonstrate how cool my life is even without her(DHV) by telling cool stories in a non try hard way -"Either them or me!"(I love what you're doing, please stay that way!), I listen to it carefully, strong eye contact, smile at her, pull her close, hug her and say "No" calmly -"You're a player!"(OMG I love the way you treat me!, please stay like this), I react with comedy/humor sth like "I beg your pardon, I'm a virgin, this is the closest i've ever been to a girl" and don't take her too seriously or with honesty , sth like "Ya I might be what other people consider a player, I like girls but that doesn't mean, that I don't respect you, you're amazing, funny, smart, gorgeous, I love that look, exactly that look you give me right now and whenever I hang out with you it's just you and me, I don't think about any other girl, I am just there with you and obviously enjoy to hang out with you, I understand that you might want me to be your exclusive boyfriend but in this point of my life I can't give you that, I'm not that person, I love hanging out with you but I also love being free, I would love it if you stay here with me and have a good time, we keep it casual as long as we're both having a good time, if you can't do that I respect that, thats cool we could stay friends, here is the door you can leave anytime" -"You say that to all the girls!/How many girls did you say that to today?", I react with humor "Only you and my Grandma"/"I think you're number 74, I think, yeah 74"/"Yeah usually i let them smell my tissue of chloroform and then drag them into my basement", "I'm sure you had that as well, you meet a person, your eyes lock and never see them again, I think that's sad, why not going up and saying hi?" -"You just wanna fuck me!"(I want to do that too, but wanna make sure that you're not one of these people that is going to judge me, nor take it as a big deal. Are you one of those people that enjoy sex, that think it's completely natural and not a big deal?), I check her looks out and say:"of course I wanna fuck you, you're gorgeous, amazing, cool, so anyway..." -Girl freeze out "I go to the bathroom, wait here for me", I bring her to the bathroom and then have a good time around there, opening other peeps, not risking it(until social hook point) and have an eye on the bathroom to introduce her to my new friends -big freeze out 'not responding/lets me wait'(how well are you still going to handle your life?), I don't care, one girl less, that I doesn't have to take care of now and I have more time to do other cool stuff, happy that she doesn't respond, if I do hit her up I send something of low investment(no question) like a joke or statement, use social media to my advantage, close with it -she shows up late, don't care until 15 mins, open some other girl or call someone, have a good time -she dumps her problems on me, don't become her therapist because she loves her emotions, say "omg that's terrible, give me a hug" hug her(little empathy) and change the topic, not emotional cold but at the same time not her therapist, that can do someone else so generally never am butthurt, never take her too seriously, show her that I have more fun than anybody else, show her that my life is amazing and that I have a strong frame that is not subject to her bullshit and emotional ups and downs Eye Contact: The role of a women is completely different to the role of a man, the role of a hot girl is to screen for the reaction, because she has abundance and a guy could fake almost anything but is never able to fake his realness, the area around his eyes always gives it away, therefore they hold extremely strong eye contact while giving the shit

She doesn't give me the shit to get a real answer, she just want to see my reaction, am I seriously going to think about it or do I think I am the shit anyway, so the logic of my response doesn't matter, important is to hold eye contact with a light smirk on my face I'm not too serious about this whole alpha thing, if the girl has a legitimate better suggestion, I accept that and it's totally cool I gotta be aware of the difference between a shittest and a real comfort test which means "hey I really like you, to such an extent that I'm slightly intimidated by you, please show me that you care to at least to some extent" -it usually occurs after a significant amount of time with an HSE girl that is super interested in me in form of a gift, because she wants me to open up and/or in making sure that I respect her, that I'm not this total playerasshole and that she's something special for me -I play open and show her that I think she's totally cool by using the power of words like 'Can I be honest with you?' and then make her feel safe and secure with full honesty to build great trust

🔵Why Men & Women Are So Different And Why This Is GOOD! This is important because mainstream conditioning tries to make us so similar that we lose the man-female polarity and sex, hooking up and relationships become very dull and boring, especially for the girls The total equality between man and woman from a socioeconomic standpoint that society is striving for is good in many ways, it's obviously amazing to have the same rights and opportunities but not when it comes to relationships, Generally, woman and man couldn't be more different from each other since men's main drive is logic and women's main drive emotion It’s all about the emotions, Women are this highly sensitive beings and emotions are subject to change, so the reality of a women is subject to change a lot more than ours, which is based on logic, As a natural I’m able to play with that and not against that A good example for women’s reality of emotions is flaking which is canceling shortly before a date, In the beginning she’s really feeling like it and all of a sudden her emotions change and she doesn’t feel like it anymore and comes up with an excuse My responsibility is to make her feel like it Or crying, if a man cries because of sadness he’s really really down the bottom, but a girl actually enjoys her full range of emotions, so I let her cry, hug her, give her a bit proximity and let her enjoy her emotions Or gossiping which is basically enjoying the emotion of for example sex scandals and soap operas and other stimulating shit that makes her feel alive Or drama, one of their favorite sources for emotions, they use it to test or to spice up a boring interaction I help her out to make our interaction emotionally interesting together One healthy type of drama is roleplaying, the most innocent version of drama and girls absolutely love it, when a girl comes up with some character role, I play along with it and I can even start little roleplays Another healthy type of drama is negging me (hey play along, neg me back and please be cool about it) Unhealthy types of drama are Jealousy, Ultimatums, Shittests, the lower her self esteem, the more extreme are these Even in the first seconds girls need her emotions spiked a little bit, open with a neg or compliment or relevance etc

For girls, hookups are nothing logical, so being straight forward usually doesn’t work that well, instead of ‘you're hot, I’m ready to go man let’s fuck’ it’s more like ‘how well is he going to be emotionally involved?, stay alpha on his purpose?, hold eye contact?’ unless the alluring sexual offer hits her blueprint and arouses her If I want sexual activities with a girl, I engage her emotions, not her logic

🔵A Hot Girl’s Reality I will be dealing with a lot of hot girls and stand out of the crowd A hot girl gets approached a lot and the hotter she is, the weirder/more beta is the way she gets approached on average Hot girls are overwhelmed with boredom because every beta is trying to do the same, he is trying to play for attraction(trying to show off) instead of arousal, he is not lighthearted, easy or goofy and tries to qualify himself with giving her a compliment because he puts her on a pedestal, therefore he takes it all too seriously, wants a solid conversation and wants to avoid edgy topics and making fun of her and is not enjoying himself, he acts james bondy and try-hard, drinks too much and is not challenging her nor engaging her friends(so she feels bad about it, that they all hate her unattractive friend that will begin to cockblock), he means it well and thinks it does her a favor but it’s actually a disfavor -the awful middleground Girls love the challenge of a cool guy and want to work for it Hot girls often experience a validation overdose, every feedback is good and they feel like the shit, good feedback is obviously good, but too much of it eventually leads to boredom again and completely changes one's reality The Halo effect: the more beautiful a person is, the more we project a perfect lifestyle onto them, which also is not bad but leads to a huge discrepancy between her and other people's perception, people deify her but in reality she does sweat and take a shit, has to wash and shave herself and make herself pretty, just like everyone else, she sees her flaws everyday and deep down inside she knows that she's just a silly, little girl, but people don't perceive her like that Every hot girl wants to be silly, dumb, retarded and be herself openly, but is, however, exposed to such high expectations, that she is uncomfortable with not behaving like a lady Every hot girl wants to be loved for who she is, for every part of her and not just for her beautiful looks, she wants to be loved when looking all fucked up -she often gets reduced to her looks Every hot girl is afraid of getting hurt and gets scared of all these people of which she doesn’t know who actually likes her or who just wants to fuck her or show her off to their friends Every hot girl is afraid of hurting the perfect image that is projected onto her, because she's enjoying that deification and fears to lose it by giving herself away too easily, that leads to the hot girl blasé, which means not investing into the interaction and acting uninterested, because she doesn't perceive me as any different from all the betas yet or she perceives me as interesting and then doesn't want to give herself away too easily, because she might lose that goddess picture and all that is left is that little girl inside her of which she thinks I might not like her for Hot girls are seeking relatability “Where is my prince charming that gets me?”-a guy that likes her for who she is, can be as silly and retarded as she, doesn't try the same as everybody else, doesn't take her too seriously and is just normal around her

A hot girl feels isolated, because her not so hot friends secretly hates her to a certain degree and because she has a massive competition among other very hot girls She does value scanning to see which girl is hotter or less hot than her Hot girls have an abundance of choice, an extremely high amount of options, but still have scarcity of good options “Why can’t it ever be the cool guys hitting on me?” I will stand out and not be another boring guy by not being try-hard, not trying to impress her, going for arousal instead of attraction, spending extra time with her to open up(a hot girl often takes extra much time in order to hold the deification image), never stopping the fun, not seeing her as a 9 or 10 (there is no different kind of game for 9s and 10s), assuming me as of equal value as her by seeing the little girl inside her and the little boy inside me and even getting rid of counting value of others(‘That is a person that is of value’ and done.), just being silly and childish, challenging her so that she convinces me that she is cool, letting her work for the physicality(giving her the physicality only when she deserves it, which elicits a lot more emotions and is a lot better of a challenge for her), not taking myself and her nor our interaction too seriously even though I might not see her everyday, being easygoing and lighthearted amap -so she feels that I relate to her (she’ll think I ‘get’ her, I’m just as much an idiot as her), she knows that I’m not gonna put her on a pedestal and take her to the best restaurant in the city and just make her feel like a normal person, when we ‘get’ each other she feels understood, can let go and relax For us men, we relax after having sex, for the girl, she needs to relax to have sex, they need to feel relaxed, at ease and chill and out of that comfort, sexual arousal can happen, I allow myself and her to feel good and aroused Not being nervous and being relaxed, laughing, goofy and not serious is DHV, it subcommunicates that I am used to girls of her caliber

🔵3 Pillars Of Natural Seduction -Attraction, Arousal, Connection After watching this I already am able to attract the opposite sex in a very natural way Every seduction process is usually a balance of these 3 pillars, individual to the girl Attraction gets me only the attention of the girl, but it doesn’t lead to sex, converting the attention into arousal gets me laid -attraction is the only negligible of the three(because it’s based on outside influence and not from within), it helps me but I don’t need it and it only helps me in specific occasions like being popular, her fetish, having social proof, situational value or even my state I play for the arousal and confidence in any given situation Arousal is the Key to Natural Game, it’s very subtle, very effective and it doesn't look like game at all, a betamale can't see it, it opens me as a natural an entire range of woman, that to the outside observer doesn't look like they’re attracted at all Max shows a little clip where I can see that in the moment he takes her hand, she’s subtly smiling and begins to walk more energetic And another one, where he takes a girl from the dancefloor to the bar and as he has his back towards her she turns her head around and gives her friends a little smile “look what's happening guys I found a cool guy” what she would never show to him, a betamale would react with premature escalation/ejection since it’s so subtle that it's hard to notice Arousal takes time, for girls, it slowly builds up, not like us men where it appears from one second to another, once I know that, I’m able to play along those natural rules very well Max came up with a 3 Step system, that allows the girl to feel relaxed enough to get into an aroused state where sex can happen

Step 1: Take the pressure off yourself FuckFaithFrame: Men and female are meant to attract each other, If I end up with a girl on a desolated island, we would have sex, she's a female, I’m a male, able to speak coherent sentences, to express my emotions, have basic hygiene, we’re both available, FFF: There is gonna be sex!, for sure, at least at some point. Because I have that FFF, I lean back, assume I’m cool, I‘m not try hard, give her space to invest in me, think there is gonna be sex at some point, it takes the pressure off me, the more time I spend with the girl, the higher the chances, that we’re having sex are, I can chill because time is on my side (one of my most important wingmen), because I take the pressure off of me, I take the pressure off of the girl aswell (law of state transference), I relax and let the girl feel relaxed Step 2: The girl feels at ease with the situation She will feel relaxed with the situation, “there is this guy, in the club/bar/café, and he's cool, I don’t need to fear, that he’s going to creep me out, I’m very sure he’s going to handle the situation when my friends come in, I don’t feel a lot of pressure”, she can let go and open herself up slowly and steadily over time Step 3: Sexual arousal We man have sexual arousal first and then we have comfort, as girl, it’s the other way around, she needs to feel comfortable with me, with her and with the situation first, before she can feel that sexual arousal, so I give her time to feel comfortable If I wonder why some not so cool guy has a hot girlfriend, the big reason for this is familiarity bias(we tend to choose things, that we’re exposed to the most, as opposed to unknown things, even though they might be better), she takes him as the safe choice, because she knows him very well and has spent a lot of time with him I spend time with a girl and assume the same value(I’m of value and she’s of value) I gotta be aware that with just spending time together I’m running danger of the whole thing just dying down and getting boring, so I Avoid the set dying down by spicing up the interaction with Expression: I hate that, it fucking sucks/I love it, it’s fucking amazing, I shouldn’t be the super positive or negative guy but be very expressive with both and a little edgy, I show her that I’m able to express myself outside of that awful middleground of talking about the safe topics, or I spice it up with Physicality, which always goes along with calibration, or spicing it up with Not taking her or myself too seriously in form of laughing, making fun which always breaks the ice, or spicing it up with Leading “Hey let’s go there” take her hand, leading usually results in arousal for the girl, as well as Standing my ground in th face of her shittests, or spicing it up with Storytelling to convey emotions, to give myself a little coolness The biggest IOI a girl can ever give me is that she’s still there(if she doesn’t leave, she’s interested), it’s the baseline of a hook, the more aggressive version of a hook is her, giving me shittests, both are good, so stay in there Anything where I try to trigger obvious attraction is going to come across as way to try hard I fully trust on arousal and assume that I’m sex-worthy and that there will be sex in the end, that we’re both of value Connection is basically making myself relatable and it has a humanizing effect to me in the view of the girl, because she knows already that I’m a cool guy, so she trusts to come with me, I talk about my feelings and tell positive things of my childhood to build connection, a girl loves my soft side just as much as my hardcore frame alphamale side, another way to establish a deeper connection and relatability is giving her real answers instead of jokes or qualifying her without expecting anything in return

The girl sees that I am of value, not weird, socially savvy, not try hard, have basic hygiene, doesn’t see her as a threat, a cool Idiot, no social outcast I’m a normal guy, that's all I need for attraction, for arousal: I’m free, cool, not too worried about how I come across, do what I want, can express myself fully, am in the edge zone instead of the boring middle ground, and for connection: she can trust me, I am humane, don’t tell shit about her and care enough about her, talk about my feelings and childhood

●Building A Solid Foundation #

🔵How To Overcome Approach Anxiety One of the most dealt with topics at all in this area, After watching this I’m able to approach at any time of the day, no matter how I feel, without fear or my own excuses fucking me over It’s time to take fucking action and responsibility and realize that my dream girls are not going to magically appear, I have to get out there and get them, I will get them, with my game, my skills and with just myself I have to realize that wherever I am on my journey right now, I am exactly where I am supposed to be, if haven't had any success yet, it’s because I have to deserve it, I change my fate through taking action, through getting out there and gaining massive amounts of reference experiences, so I end up with a lot of girls because I deserve it, because I took in the work for it “Immunization for victimitis occurs when you are both responsible for AND accountable to your actions and the possible poor consequences of those actions. Own your mistakes, failures, and triumphs. Reflect on your choices. Are you in a situation because you delivered yourself there? Did you error in the process? Were you lazy? Most bad situations are consequences of bad choices. Own them and you own your life. No one can steer you off course, because you are in the driver’s seat. And when you own your decisions, something miraculous happens. Failure doesn’t become the badge of victimhood—it becomes wisdom. Deny accountability and responsibility and the keys of your life are given to someone else. In other words, take the damn driver’s seat to your life!” - MJ DeMarco (The Millionaire Fastlane) Approach anxiety will never go away, but that's beautiful, because I learn how to deal with it, how to accept it, how to listen to it and still do it, the biggest part of aa is to Accept it and embrace it, whatever state I find myself in is just fine, instead of fighting it(whatever I resist persists), I accept it and that takes the pressure off me, because I let it happen I take the power away from the paralyzing emotion Transform fear into excitement, because from an evolutionary standpoint it's just our biological system telling us”This is a female you want to mate with, look how beautiful and hot she is, I make your heart pumping faster because I want you to do shit, c’mon do shit, don't be a fucking pussy!”, it's telling me, this is a situation that counts, go and act, that is beautiful, but because of our upbringing, society or experiences, we interpret that excitement as fear, so reframe it into excitement “omg shes so hot my heart starts rushing, I feel alive! aaargh! I wanna do something, she's hot let's go and do it, yeah I love it!” isn’t it

great when a girl awakens that response in me?, I don't even know her, I spot her and get that nice feeling that makes me feel alive “go mate with this girl, she's a nice piece of dna” A big excuse we always tell ourselves as well is ‘other people’, what are they gonna think about me?, we overestimate the shit out of them, we have this narcissism that we’re the center of the universe, that means we think that ‘if I do something that's a little bit out the norm, I’m the total center of attention and everybody is looking at me’ instead of telling ourselves that other people have their own lives and are busy with their own shit, because that is the way, thats how its supposed to be Exercise: walk down a busy shopping street and start clapping full on hardcore, people will look at me for a sec and quickly immerse themselves back into their own lives, I would do the same too Realize, that other people don’t give a shit about me, they're in their own world, mastering those awkward situations without giving much of a fuck gives me situational attraction, don’t mind other people Warmup: Start giving random compliments about whatever I notice about a person walking by, I say something good to proof to myself that it's okay to talk to people, I don’t do them or me any harm with opening my mouth to them and that they’re just friends that I don’t know yet, everybody is there for the same reason, there is no danger and people are nice anyway, the worst that can happen is that they ignore me, what they’d otherwise do anyway, or I do The golden phone call, call a funny buddy and crack a bunch of jokes to drop the barrier of not talking to get into a talkative state, so it's a lot easier for me to transition into talking to a girl, I can also use the phone to open a girl ‘excuse me it's for you’ and give her the phone and let my buddy game for me a bit, or I walk up ‘one sec one sec, yeah, blonde hair?, yeah yeah yeah she's wearing a jeans right?, yeah, ‘excuse me what's your name?, Lisa?’ Lisa. yeah yeah Lisa right? Oh okay, aha okay aha goodbye’ and then talk to her Accept the messiness and awkwardness, embrace it, it is going to be messy and I expect it to be awkward in the beginning and that's totally cool, persist through it, things are not gonna be smooth but who the fuck cares?, sets are supposed to be bumpy, they don’t need to be smooth at all Approach = Open + Calibration (in that order!) I don’t want my brain all winded up with bullshit before the approach, open and I’ll see I want to train myself to just go fucking talk, stop interpreting things and don’t let my ego develop a set of expectations that is pressuring and stifling me and the girl so it’s a lot easier for me and for her The moment I said hi, I already won, I overcame my fear, I stopped listening to my excuses and put myself in situations where cool things can happen and they will, that's all there is, everything else is a bonus “Observe the missed opportunity as it walks away and leaves you alone with your inadequacy. Don’t turn away. Feel the anxiety in your chest as you watch the opportunity vanish, forever. What the flinch just did to you, it will do to your whole life, until you stop it.” -Julien Smith (The Flinch) I have to use missed opportunities as leverage for myself, learn through that leverage The moment the girl looks just close to hot, even if there's doubt, or if I ever find myself hotness-scanning(don’t do it), I open her first and if she’s hot, keep talking and if I end up not liking her, I just ask some question or say sorry I thought you were my friend, there's nothing wrong with opening a person I want to train myself to approach anyway and Stop scanning for hotness, because it only stifles me further

Going out starts in front of my door, I use the opportunities to warm myself up already, open the first person I see, open everyone to get in a warmed up social mood, and take the grip around me from the anxiety, that it would otherwise have if I had let it win all the time, don't judge myself, do the first set no matter what, talk and ask instantly to cross the threshold, don't perfectionize, don't care, embrace the awkwardness, open up and open more girls In the beginning I want to proof myself that Nothing bad happens when I talk to people and that everybody is my friend, there is no threat coming and almost everyone appreciates it to be opened and to have a little more color in their lives, we’re all here to have fun and a good time Call out my fear, “Ah, I was paralyzed, you almost got me there fear, trying to fuck me over, I’m gonna fucking do it anyway!”, acknowledge and allow the fear instead of resisting it, the moment I talk it out I can let it go Resistance means I gotta do it, this rule logically bridges my emotion of fear I don’t want to be reliant on any external source, it denies everything that is natural, ‘I need alcohol to do game is like a comedian who can only be funny when he gets paid” Natural game is nothing I turn on or off, it’s something that is me, no alcohol needed How = why, if I ask how do I overcome approach anxiety, why is a lot better question, a ten is not gonna magically appear, that's mainstream narrative thinking, I’m not gonna magically be rich, I have to work on myself. Ask why am I doing this? Because I wanna have the sexlife of my dreams, I wanna have the girl of my dreams, I wanna be a social guy, I wanna have cool friends, I wanna be a cool person, I wanna be proud of myself, I wanna be happy, that’s why I’m fucking here, and all of the sudden the fear of talking to this one set slips into the background because I know why I wanna do it, alright I go fucking do it I owe it to myself, I owe that great life to myself and to the girls that I’m gonna meet, imagine my life of my dreams, amazing girls left and right, a lot of cool reference experiences looking back, having sex with all these beautiful girls, adventurous times, amazing orgasms, that perfect girlfriend lying next to me we love us so much we’re striving alongside together, this fulfillment,, and then I look back to this very moment where that girl comes towards me and I'm like ‘Oh shit that one thing becomes so insignificant in the shadow of my huge dreams that it's so much easier to do it Now Max didn’t create the natural for people to watch it, he created it for people to go out and take fucking action to get to an epic position, because he’s so happy that he did that and I will do it too, so here comes the experience that I have to have, that will teach me Call to action: Go out there and talk to people, do the clap exercise on the street where many people are, see how little of a fuck they give and go approach min 1 hot girl and as much as I want, don’t worry about what to say or anything else, I just wanna approach a strange person, say hi, introduce myself, give a compliment, I like your _, or open with hey I just wanna tell you I love you, get the fuck out there and go talk to girls

🔵What Do I Say After watching this I will never be stuck with the initial words ‘what do i say to the girl’, I know exactly what to say, because it's a very simple yet very effective structure that Max has been using himself for the first year, it gives me something to hold onto, however over the course we will move more away from precreated things to say and become a natural I can go direct or indirect, but by being direct I have to avoid shit that she hears all the time and make my compliment relevant and different like “I love your style” if i like it, it gotta be congruent, or “I love how your x fits to y”, because girls spend hours looking for things that

match, or “I love the way you walk/smile/talk into phone/just did _” and what I have to add is a Statement of empathy, by acknowledging that it’s kinda weird/I know I might intimidate you now/I know this is crazy (so she knows that I’m not weird because a weirdo wouldn’t know that he's weird) to take the pressure off her and after that, I cold read connected to the compliment because I have to link it to her, interpret it like “I bet you’re a very fashionable person/you walk so energetic, I bet you’re one of those people that have a clear goal in life, that knows what she wants” but cold read in a way where she has to agree and otherwise would look really bad, take something that everybody does like ‘I think you like hanging out with people’ so she thinks I know people, I know her already With going indirect, I take anything the situation gives me ‘excuse me do you like donald trump?, cause I was wondering earlier’, the weather, the place I meet her in, her clothings, anything I noticed is good enough as an indirect opener if I Link it to her and don’t get stuck on the opener -make it relevant to her! ‘Wodka martini? Oh I bet you are a james bond fan/I can see you are a girl that has a sweet tooth, that’s why you drink the tequila sunrise, and then hold on to the next things that just come up During daygame direct works a lot better than during nightgame, because then she's not expecting to be talked to, with the compliment I rip her out of her boring day to day life and during night she would get a lot of validation anyway, enjoy the conversation! I have a mouth, go fucking talk, don’t worry too much about it, if I feel it has a great back and forth, exchange numbers(don’t ask, say hey, let’s exchange numbers)

🔵Becoming Social What I learn watching this, is how to become an easily sociable person, I’m going to do the first steps into forging friendships, becoming an easy to talk to person and I start building a social circle, after watching this I’m able to do the first steps into becoming social One of the most important rules is Start talking to people, it sounds easy and random but it’s fucking key and stop seeing pickup as this chore, I start Being interested in people and show real interest, even if they may not be as cool as me or sth, who cares? Start talking to them!, because the beautiful thing is that it doesn't matter what I say or if they like me or not, because Every single interaction will get me better, doesn’t matter how long, it teaches me about social cues, communication, how to be social, overcome awkwardness/fear of talking to strangers, every interaction is a little brick, a little .1% lesson that will eventually will make me an alphamale, because all this knowledge is an intrinsic part of becoming alpha and a person of value, every single interaction is going to teach me a little bit and those lessons accumulate and I will soak them up like a sponge and get better and better in communicating, so from now on forget my headphones and cellphone at home and talk to the person next to me, to everyone, no more ‘in my head’, I’m gonna open my eyes and talk to people that end up next to me, make positive assumptions about them instead of asking questions, it doesn’t disturb them, they appreciate it, a true alphamale loves broadening his horizon by talking to new people and hearing their life story etc, Max met an olympic athlete and someone who offered him a job and many many girls by doing that, I want to train myself to be social, because there are so many cool people I’ll meet, being social is amazing While I’m being social, practice implementing the natural traits of an alphamale, I don’t have to actively display them, however, if there comes a certain situation that calls for it, I embody these alpha characteristics and am a leader for example in a group project, people love somebody who jumps in as a leader and tells them in a nice and polite way what to do,

or when friends don’t know what we should do, I am the one who suggests things, or with a girl ‘let’s do this and that’, but don’t be a dick about it, a lot of my reality is being created by the words I choose, so use ‘let's do this/why don’t we do this” Use humor - ask myself: Am I having fun? If not, let's make it a little fun, the person will appreciate it because of the law of state transference, that is also super important with people at a work or study environment, be the guy who’s cracking jokes Invite people, be the guy who does cool shit, and also say yes to invitations, it always brings cool situations Be unapologetic, don’t be sorry, be a cool alphamale and have a strong reality and don’t lecture other people unless they ask me for advice, and respect their opinions even if they’re stupid Stay at ease, when everybody freaks out, I am the one who stays at ease and is secure, because I know, whatever is gonna be thrown at me, I’ll be just fine, the world is easy, don’t trust that things will go my way, trust that whatever happens, I’ll find a way, every diversity I overcome is a step towards me being cooler than anybody else When I become a social and alphamale, people will respect me, most of them will like me, because I’m social and open and inviting people Easy rule of thumb: enter any room with having my eyes open on a level with anybody else, chin up and greet everybody loudly and clearly with a smile Call to action: From now on there will not be any single day where I don’t talk to people, min 1 stranger a day, talking to people is now an intrinsic part of my life, it doesn't really matter if the interaction goes well, because everytime I talk to people, I train my wittiness, my subconsciousness to become socially savvy to read social cues and it's one step closer to being a great conversationalist and massively calibrated

🔵Natural Verbal Game After watching this video and doing the call to action, I will never run out of things to say again, because it’s very very simple, the four rules of verbal game and some other cool things that are applicable to my own character, to make it part of who I am, to fully let out my character #1 It’s not about what I say, it’s about how I say it #1A Paint pictures in their head #1B Write songs in their head #1C Talk about my feelings #2 Talk about my passions #3 No filters #4 Chain of associations A guy tends to just deliver the information and a girl tends to just deliver the feeling, if I’m able to deliver that as well(it made me feel like), they understand me a lot better and feel like they relate to me, I just get them When I talk about my passions my whole demeanor changes, I might get more excited, I wake up, so it’s easier to listen to me, again it’s the law of state transference, whenever I am excited, the girl is excited, have 1 or two of your passions back in your head, that I can always talk about, it’s important to know that it doesn’t matter what those passions are, it only matters how it changes me and my demeanor, I don’t have to steer the conversation towards that passion, just talk about it ‘hey, have you ever…’ or ask her about her passion and then talk about my passion, girls love it when I’m unpredictable in the topics I talk

about, for the girl, me talking about my passion is like a preview of what it would look like to have sex with me, if a guy has a passion that is generally perceived as cool but is not able to talk about it in a good manner, in a passionate way, it’s boring but if a guy has a not so cool passion but is able to talk about it in a passionate manner, the girl is like ‘damn when this guy ends up fucking me omg’, that’s the only thing the girl is concerned about, does he have this glaring fire in his chest or is he boring as fuck and she doesn’t care what that fire is burning for as long as it burns I probably don’t have any filters when I talk to my best friends, I’m just able to hang out with them and talk the whole day, anybody who has a golden mouthpiece, doesn’t have that filter, when in pops into their brain, they say it, I have no filters when my focus is not on ‘I wanna get somewhere’, but when my focus is on amusing myself, always ask ‘who is having the most fun in set? Me!’, when I have filters up, it’s because I wanna get somewhere(number/good reaction/take her home), the underlying communication is then that I have an agenda, because I’m thinking about what I want to say, fuck that, I wanna be free and taking the pressure of myself, I get rid of the need to get somewhere with the girl and I will get rid of my filters, dropping that notion will drop my filters, this freedom is one of the most beautiful things in game, I’m free to say and talk about whatever I want Free associations are extremely powerful when it comes to natural game, because whatever a person just said, I can pick one of those words and say the first thing that pops up in my head about it, I can build up on what just was said and that's really helpful when the conversation dies down, ,girls jump from topic to topic as well when they talk to their best friends, girls are excited as fuck when my topics are unpredictable and have zero logical coherence, they will feel like they can talk about anything with me Do the free association practice every day, game a glass or something with freeassociationing my own words for four minutes, if I can do that with a glass that gives me nothing back, I can do it with a girl as well, because the girl will usually give me a little more, make it lighthearted, fun and interesting, she doesn’t know what comes next How to dhv through storytelling, I can convey that I have a cool life by my storytelling if I don’t do it as obvious as the betamales and mention it only extremely subtle, mention the cool thing but actually talk about something else, girls pick up on the subtleties, because they themselves are masters in dhving themselves through storytelling and use it all the time Use trigger words, which are especially potent when it comes to eliciting emotions, for example freedom, love, cliMax, orgasm, use them amap because they have a very strong emotional response by the girl Pauses make the things that I say way more impactful, so talk in a relaxed manner and make sure that the things I say have pauses behind so they can have more impact, change the things by being aware of them and reminding myself over and over again or ask a wingmen to do that for me Intonation is very important (breaking rapport instead of seeking rapport tonality), avoid echoing, it basically communicates that I’m too dumb to come up with shit myself and want extra time to think, there's nothing more boring for a girl as a guy who just repeats what she just said in a sr tonality, so go down with my intonation to give the words more weight while still smiling, holding eye contact and delivering a good mood Don’t give people a choice, whether or not they wanna listen to me, because if they don’t know me they won’t because they want to save energy If I’m too quiet, they don’t know if I opened them or can’t hear me, or in daygame don’t whisper because then I communicate that I think I’m doing something wrong, so don’t give them the choice whether or not they want to listen to me in terms of volume, so be loud and

think that I make them a gift with it, in my own perception; I probably think I’m loud enough but I’m not, write it on my hand so I get constantly reminded infield, singing is a beautiful thing if I want to have a loud beautiful sonorous voice, for speaking loud, belly breathe, think I have a tight corset and want to breathe myself out of it, a sore voice is a good sign Call to action: Do the free association exercise, Go out today, use DHV storytelling, talk about 2 of my passions today, tell a story using 1a, 1b and 1c and share it, be accountable for what I do and write down my experience

🔵Body Language Of A Winner After watching this and following the call to action, I’ll look like a naturally cool guy and as a result of that, feel like a natural Confident body language comes by itself, when I take the pressure off myself, our emotions change our body language but what many people don’t know that is that our body language has an effect our emotions as well, when calling a girl, lean back and smile to feel relaxed because it’s being reflected in the way I talk, tip: observe people to study their behaviour My eyes communicate sincerity, that is why eye contact is so important(actually one of the most important things about natural game), I’m basically saying with my eyes “yes! I’m approaching you, deal with it” what I can only do with the eyes or “fuck yeah! Me!” whenever I’m too freaked out because eye contact subcommunicates honesty and self confidence, it tells the girl “everything I’m telling you is cool, everything I’m telling you is real, I’m me, fuck yeah I’m me!” The general body language I want to have is relaxed, flowing, assertive, leaning back, taking up a little bit of space(but not too much, watch out for overcompensation) The body language towards the girl, don’t give her my full attention already, because it puts immense pressure on the girl and says ‘hey girl you haven't done anything but something as random as you already obstructs my full attention’, which means my life as a guy can’t be that cool, stand or sit next to her and casually initiate the chat over the shoulder, if she says something cool, lean in a bit ah really you’re a karate champion? Thats cool, if she says something dumb lean away a little bit, if she deserves it, I open myself up or I close myself off to her if she doesn’t deserve it, girls will subconsciously feel that and begin to chase a little bit, if she’s standing and I have the opportunity, I square up, if she’s moving somewhere, I walk with her always one to two steps ahead of her, so she doesn’t get the idea of ‘this creepy guy is following me’, if she speeds up, I do too but I never follow behind, never grab her, the only way to keep her hooked is eye contact and my voice, if she walks a little bit to the side, I get a little louder and keep talking to her to give her the freedom to walk closer again, have the hands out of my pocket and use them to underline what I’m saying, show my hands especially when she doesn’t know me, don’t overcompensate, take up a little space and move in a flowing manner, stand with my back against something to be at the position of advantage, ideally I always lean back and the girls stand in the open, talking to me, it puts a little bit of a positive pressure on the girl that keeps her filling the urge of keeping the conversation going instead of awkwardly standing there and it pushes her a little bit on the investment side Be aware, the more I am aware, the more I can fix and work on it and write myself little reminders, my true body language comes out in difficult situations and if i couple that with awareness I’m able to fix my body language super quickly

I’m on the best way to becoming the natural only if I’m already taking action and not just watch the videos, get myself into difficult situations where my body language surfaces in the best, most obvious way to observe it and share it Call to action: Train my awareness in every set + get myself into a difficult situation and observe, feel free to write it down on my hand or background on phone

🔵How To Learn Smarter & Faster After watching this and doing the call to action, I’ll be able to learn smarter and faster, more effectively, what I need to take care of and how I can break down my interactions Max sees many guys that started at the same time as he, take more action than him but are still not as good as him or as they should be, because they never take their time and turn their attention inwards and ask themselves ‘what do I need to change?, what do I do well, what should I build upon?, what should I fix because it went not so well?’ I should never ask those questions while I am still in the field, because it gets me massively in my head, I will never be able to reach momentum, only do it once I’m at home, I can ask myself, analyze and write it down The overall feeling of what it felt like how I was doing and the reactions I got from people (how did I make people feel?), the overall impressions The only exception is the 5sec quick assessment and only if it only stays five seconds and literally everything has been going down to shit for the last hour/half an hour, it is basicly: breathe deeply and ask myself ‘What can I do to make this better?, got it, _’ baam and then I go and do it, I take an estimated guess At home, I can do the field report, I just start writing down about how I felt, about the sets that stood out, how I warmed up, all the way up to the result, just like the 50 shades of Max The other thing is a diary, because it kinda forces me to really turn the attention inwards and ask myself how I am feeling, once I start writing things, my ego doesn’t come in so easily as when I tell it a friend, that true surface/reality is a lot easier when I just write things down Quick bullet points is the short version of it, make three bullet points after every time I go out, 1. What did I do well? 2. What did I do not so well 3. So what should I do better next time?, that always gives me a little call to action of what I should focus on next time Good game makes me happy, if I know I did the best I could do and I improved, it’s all I need to know after an interaction It’s very important to share, share, share!!, field reports, night evaluations, it’s okay to keep the personal stuff personal, but share as much as I can in the natural group, which is there to help me out, to be responsible, it inspires others and myself and I get great feedback Take educated guesses, when I’m self assessing myself, I don’t always know what the problem is because otherwise I would’ve already changed it, I don’t need to know what exactly the problem is, just take an educated guess and then act upon that guess, the educated guess might not help the first time but the next time and the cool thing about that is, that the more and more I take these educated guesses, the more accurate my guesses become and the easier it will be to instruct myself, this is basically how to become my own instructor, how to open my eyes to all the lessons, so I can get better myself, self responsible and self accountable Another thing that is more on the experienced side than the actual self assessment side is The mindset of making things epic, always ask myself ‘Is it epic yet?’ if no, I wanna stay there until it is fucking epic, and that get’s me into experiences, it opens myself up to get

into situations where something cool can happen, the great thing is that I can define that epicness Or the thing Julien apparently always said to Tyler, when Tyler wanted to go home “One More!”, tell myself “one more man one more, c’mon one more!” which tricks my mind into doing one more approach, one more approach and making the approaches easily epic and increase the epicness of the average night a lot, keep myself in the mindset of always creating epic experiences Everything is possible! - Resistance means I gotta do it! Soak up lessons like a sponge, always observe people and let it teach me, these lessons accumulate and are everywhere and those are these lessons that basically define someone that is so good at game that it looks natural, look at other people's interactions and the hierarchy dynamics, what does their body language look like, or how does the busdriver makes me feel when I board the bus?, all these little lessons, they’re gonna help me out a lot I want an epic journey that I can only get, when I do myself the favor of taking action to get to Max’s level if not higher! Call to action: Go out and write my night’s evaluation + share it!

🔵Physicality After watching this and obviously doing the call to action, I’ll be able to touch the girl, to be able to be physical with her in a very comfortable manner and to push the interaction forward without ever being too much or making her feel creeped out, I’ll know how physical I can be, if I do it well enough, it’s the seed that later on grows into instant pulls/makeouts and so on, because I’ll be able to calibrate so fast Physical escalation is one thing and one thing only: calibration, calibration usually has to be acquired through experience by just doing it, but there’s a couple things I can open my eyes to, to make sure to get the right inputs in Everytime I touch the girl, I should ask myself is she cool with that(can I do more?) or is she not cool with it(should I stop it?), I can break it down to the tree responses I can get: Yes, No and Neutral When the girl freaks out and shoves me away when I want to hug her, or when she gives me the cheek when I want to kiss her, or when she’s physically pushing me away, it’s a No response which means ‘I want distance in between us, this is too fast, I’m not into you yet, please no’, whenever I get a No response, I stop whatever I’m doing, depending on how harsh the No is, stopping is already enough, if not the second step is taking a physical step back which communicates back ‘message received, understood, distance, yes, no problem’ and the third step is a statement of empathy, verbalizing it ‘oh sorry, I’m just in a good mood’, the only difference between a creepy guy and a not creepy guy is that he is not aware of what he’s doing, the logic behind the argument doesn’t matter as long as I give her that statement of empathy so she feels like, oh okay he get’s it, the cool thing is, that if I am able to calibrate any response she gives me, my basic fear of physical escalation is just gone, because the fear is basically stemming from the insecurity of not knowing what to do if it doesn’t work, but fortunately now I do, now all I gotta do is escalate, because it either works, I know what to do, I get a Neutral and know what to do or I get a No and know what to do, so I’m free to escalate now, because even when I get a No, I’m able to turn it around and stay in set, I show that I have the balls to escalate on her and no matter what response I get, I’m able to calibrate and be still cool with it, the fourth step to the No response is Stay in a good mood(my confidence is not subject to her reactions)

If a girl let’s it happen, it’s a Neutral, my response to this is: Tone it back, try again later, don’t freak out and don’t plow through beast mode, when I get a ‘Yes’, I stack it up(more and more physicality as long as there’s a yes), for example if she sidehugs me back and reciprocates the physicality, I go for the full hug, and that goes on all the way up to sex, don’t get blown off because the reaction is not the ideal one, if I calibrate, a Neutral can easily change into a Yes I use physicality to ping for her response where I am in the interaction, a natural always assumes that a girl likes him, so don’t ping to know if she likes me or not, but to see where I am in our interaction, if she’s ready for physical escalation yet or not, some girls will make it easy for me, their very open with whether or not they like me, very back and forth, all excited about talking to me, asks me questions and make it very obvious for me so I know that she likes me, but many girls are just not good with that and many guys interpret that as a lack of interest, but if I use physicality with those shy girls, they might be a lot better to relate to me on a physical level instead on a verbal level, so once I start touching them, they might start making out with me, the important point is to start listening to my gut feeling, especially in the beginning I will not be able to react that fast, I will be too slow so I want to automate my reactions, the same thing as with driving a car, with time I’ll be able to do all these things automatically at the same time, all those principles I get here are going to be at the back of my mind and begin to automatically run there in the back, while I should start listening to my gut feelings, because we human beings are innately social creatures, we already have all the calibration there is, we’re literally trimmed to be a social person, unfortunately all this natural calibration is being grounded by logical thinking, fear and past experiences, because our gut feeling is then drowned by all this logical thinking we don’t trust it anymore, so I start trusting my gut feeling again, my gut feeling is right and supergood in determining the situation, with that knowledge in the back I will be able to interpret everything that I see and make logical sense of it, which will as a result increase the trust into my gut and I will able to calibrate faster and faster so if I trained it enough I can calibrate the No before it even comes Be physical with everybody, physicality is something that's a way of life, I don’t just wanna do it with the hot girls, I wanna do it with everybody, pat my friends on the shoulder, hug my family, my friends, it shows that I’m dominant and confident enough to give somebody a good time with my physicality because I trust in it, so I start doing that with everybody, it’s not gay and when I practice it with everybody everyday, it didn’t become awkward anymore, the other person will receive it as cool and natural as well and I’m good to go, my life is not gonna mean shit if I’m not taking this knowledge out in the field and apply it, the ten is not gonna come randomly into my life, only if I deserve it, practice it with whoever there is, and ask myself and start being aware of the response, be responsible and accountable for my own life, let’s go fucking do it! Call to action: Go out and practice physicality (Yes/No/Neutral) & share it with my natural family

🔵How Girls Show They’re Interested After watching this, I know exactly, when a girl likes me, am able to read the signs and trust in myself that I’m cool and attractive anyway A girl will almost never verbalize that she likes me, generally don’t focus on the content of what she says

Her sign’s are very very very extremely subtle, but if I know what to look out for, I’ll be good to go, so keep my eyes open for the little IOIs, since I so rarely see them, I should rather focus on the inner belief of I’m a cool person, because I work on myself, on my inner beliefs, I don’t even need these signs, but I’m aware of them and the more that I train that, the easier I can catch them, be aware of where she looks at, when she looks at my lips, it’s a good sign and if the rest of her behavior towards me matches, it’s because she wants to kiss me, if a girl magically ends up next to me it’s never coincidental, especially if it happens multiple times, she likes me a lot, other IOIs are if she asks me for a cigarette, if she touches her hair or perks her chest out/jumps up and down like ”look what I have”, or if she holds strong eye contact with me, it’s a very good sign which is basically her testing if I stay dominant and assertive or get intimidated by her and some girls are so intimidated by me(even though they would never show it obviously)that they can’t hold eye contact, another wonderful sign is if she’s crossing her legs while standing there with me, which communicates that she’s a little nervous and doesn’t think at all about leaving because she likes it, IOIs can change drastically, she can loose interest very quickly if I do something wrong, another big sign that she likes me, is when the girl is touching me for example when I neg her, or when she laughs at my dumb jokes, some girls show it very easily and are very outgoing with their IOIs and some girls not at all and once I go for the pull and assume that she likes me because I’m attractive anyway, it becomes obvious to me that she likes me and I open up a whole range of new girls I can engage with, just always assume that she likes me anyway, the trick for this is: The biggest indicator of interest a girl can ever give me is that she’s still there, in our free country, the girl can leave if she wants to, but she’s dealing with my shit, thats all I need as IOI, girls that make it easy for me with showing that they like me are girls that are very social and outgoing with everyone, very touchy, love talking and investing, even if they do not like me as much, but as long as the girl is there I assume, that she likes me, shy girls might even come across as uninterested and not giving IOIs up to sex, use physicality to ping where I am in the interaction, in my mindset I assume that she likes me and that I’m the shit as long as she’s there and use physicality to see where I am in the interaction, because it might seem like the interaction is not going anywhere until I start being physical and it works, be aware of the indicators, if I see them, great, keep going, everything cool, but don’t wait for them and assume that I’m the shit as long as she’s there anyway

🔵How To Deal With Rejection After watching this and taking action, I’ll be able to don’t give a fuck about rejection anymore and will be able to enjoy it, because I understand, why it’s an intrinsic part of the journey and why it is so important From an evolutionary standpoint, when we get rejected, our biological system releases real physical pain in us, because thousands of years ago not being afraid of a social rejection from the tribe would lead to death, because the group is literally my means of survival, otherwise I would be alone, have to hunt, gather and protect myself, rejection feels so painful, because our biological system wants to secure our survival Nowadays I can be alone without dying for a very long time, the solution is proving my logical system and in turn my biological system, that nothing bad happens, when I get rejected, I can look at my hands and myself in the mirror or grab my balls and realize, that I am still alive and that I am still the same, to prove to my biological system, that there might

be pain but I am not hurt or injured, and realize that rejection doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would, I am still a man and all good Rejection will never stop, but I learn how to deal with it and change my perception about it to use it to self amuse, and tell myself I suck in a funny way or use the jonah hill analogy to turn the most awkward situations funny or use the rejection to open other girls ‘omg did you see that? Totally scattered on the ground, btw my name is’, I gain a lot of passive attraction if she sees, that I don’t give a fuck about getting rejected and in fact open her, smile, think it’s hilarious, and stay in a good mood, that way, I make rejection work in my favor, when passengers notice me getting rejected, I can say to her ‘call me!’ with a high pitch, turn to the people, say ‘she’s totally gonna call me’ and walk away, have an excited rejection face and open the next girl I have to realize, that rejection is good for me, pain means progress, it means I put myself out there and I’m edgy enough, it makes me grow and destroys my ego which makes my self confidence go down, imagine the ego as a balloon and the self confidence is attached to it, when we get recognition, it goes up, no problem, when we get rejection, it goes down, that means if my mood and self confidence is dependent on the little idea of ego and outside validation, I am subject to this rollercoaster of self confidence that goes up and down, I gotta detach my self confidence from my ego and rejection helps me with that, the more times I get rejected, my ego is scattered and gets smashed on the ground, so it doesn’t tell me shit anymore, so I’m free in the state of flatline of emotions, where my self confidence is always flat, always the same, because I draw it from within, rejection is the key to detach the ego balloon from the self confidence to get the flatline of self confidence, how it’s supposed to be, however, superkey is to still take that feedback from rejection, to grow from that internal introspection and stay away from both extremes, the guy who cares so little about it that he doesn't learn from it and the guy who cares so much that he doesn’t go out anymore because it’s so harsh Every reference experience I get, like an apple from a tree I can put it in the reasons-to-dogame-basket, because it’s good (like an apple that looks good), if I get a lot of it, the basket is very full and when I see a hot girl, I do it, because of all these cool references, however if there’s a bad experience (like a bad apple), the trick is that there is no reasons-to-not-dogame-basket, but only a feedback basket left, so when I get a rejection I think ‘cool! Thank you for the great lesson!’, take that lesson out from the rotten apple, put it into the feedback-basket and throw the rest of it away so all I have is positivity about game and cool feedback for me, so I can get better at game because natural game can be very harsh like a monster and I bring that monster to my side and am one of the most powerful people ever, I’m motivated, I slay it, keep hustling, am on my journey and work on myself to become a better man, but if I let it grow in a negative way and have a reasons-to-not-do-game-basket, this monster will drag me down, I become depressed, misogynistic, hate women and game and become a grumpy, very sad person that is not happy at all, that is why I have only a reasons-to-do-game-basket and a feedback-basket, again here, when I have a shitty night I can use the 5sec quick assessment Confidence doesn't come from winning, but from the thousands upon thousands of times, where I fell on my face, crying, where I lost it and did it anyway, the biggest part of confidence comes from losses, from not winning and getting the fuck back up, it gives me that invincible feeling of no matter what comes to me, I’ll be good to go, and it comes from shameless self assessment, ultimately I wanna be aware of my strengths and my weaknesses and work on them, knowing who I am, being aware and okay with the things I’m not as strong at, self awareness is an intrinsic part of confidence(confidere=having faith in

myself, knowing myself very well), self awareness of my strengths as well as my weaknesses is basically the root of confidence do it for myself, Max already has a good life anyway, because he was striving as well, I do that too and ideally wanna take action after every video, Max takes me by the hand and through the necessary reference experiences that I need to know in order to internalize the important concepts Call to action:”crash and burn” and share it, which means I gotta go out for one entire session, daygame or nightgame and am not allowed to close at all, all I have to do is getting rejected left and right in any way, ideally somewhere I don’t go that often, and still respect the girl, I’ll realize, that it actually takes a loooot to get rejected, if I wanna get rejected I sometimes end up in a set and the girl still likes me and I think ‘damn! What else does it take to blow myself out’ which in turn leads to the notion of ‘I don’t necessarily need to be so afraid of rejection and little mistakes that kick me out’ because usually it takes a lot of mistakes to get blown out of a set and it lets me realize that it isn't that bad when it actually happens

🔵Long Lasting First Impressions (The 3 Rules Of Intensity) After watching this and of course going through the call to action, I’ll be able to get long lasting kickass first impressions just of the top of the open most of the time, Max broke the most important traits of a successful initial first impression, that creates long lasting impact on the girl into these three simple rules of intensity, that emanate confidence and a sexworthy vibe towards the girl I open, they’re basically embodied by any naturally confident attractive man, he knows what he wants and is willing to go for it, he's squaring up and is not afraid of eye contact and so confident that he doesn't need to break it, he’s self aware and non apologetic about what he does which leads to vocal projection, he speaks loudly and clearly, our body language can change the way we feel and the way our mind works, we’re working on our first impression on the inside and on the outside Squaring up means standing in front of the girl and basically communicates ‘hey, yes, I’m opening you and am not afraid of this confrontation and slight awkwardness’, I still need to be aware of calibration because sometimes it’s a little too much pressure for the girl and she takes a step back, then I stay rooted where I am because I don’t want to increase the pressure, I respect if she’s a little too intimidated by my squaring up and takes a step back, because it’s good, then I focus only on the other two rules, eye contact and vocal projection, because these are the only means of communication if she takes a step back, the only exception for squaring up is when she’s walking, then I walk with her one to two steps ahead of her(following her is creepy and weird and puts a lot more pressure on her or if she stands at a bar or sits at a table, then I casually stand or sit and casually talk over the shoulder, while turning away from her if she says something bad, and towards her if she says something cool, don’t give all the attention to the girl, because that gives myself away too easily Eye contact is very important, girls already have very good eye contact because their screening for sincerity, because we can fake a lot, smile, confidence, social proof, but we can’t fake how real we are, our eyes will always give it away, nothing projects that I am a naturally self confident attractive man in a better way, use eye contact to open, it matters way more than the opener, the basic gist of silent opening is, when she stares at me(approach invitation), I hold eye contact, wait until she looks at me again, hold eye contact even longer, smile and tell her to come, when I then actually talk to her, I already

opened her(warm approach), no matter what happens, if something gets between us I hold the eye contact to create this bubble between us Vocal projection comes from the belly and emanates that I am non-apologetic about talking to the girl, every time a person has to spend energy to listen to me they probably won't do it especially if we don’t know us yet, I give them the opportunity and no other choice than to listen to me and therefore I obviously need a loud voice, I imagine to breathe my buddha belly out of my tight corset and I can be beautifully loud, comparatively without almost any effort, the basic gist of game, yell as loud as possible for five seconds, it's liberating, activates and loosens up my vocal chords, teaches me how to store air in my belly and it makes me ready to rock super loud, it’s beautiful and I need to practice it as much as I can, Brad used to yell ‘I have diseases’ as a warm up Do the call to action amap because knowing it is only a ten percent thing and ninety percent is going out and doing it to get the references to clarify and internalize the things I learn in the theory Call to action: Use the three rules of intensity today and share it in the wonderful natural facebook group!, Squaring up, eye contact, vocal projection, getting myself in a situation, where a girl is standing in an open space and I have to square up, getting myself in a situation, where a girl is sitting/standing at a bar or table and I chat casually over the shoulder while controlling my attention towards her, if she’s moving walk one to two steps ahead and get a wingman if I want to that helps me to do the same with me

🔵Closing - Getting Her Number After watching this and doing the call to action, I’ll be able to get the number of every girl or at least go for the number close and it will be the most natural thing in the world for me and the girl, taking the pressure of myself takes the pressure of the girl and it’s just like this automatic thing that happens all the time and it increases the amount of numbers I get, because I’m not scared of doing it yada yada, the term getting a number is not a cool communication(my communication basically creates my reality), because the reality behind it is, that it’s taking something from the girl and she gives it away, so I use the term exchanging numbers, because there the underlying natural communication is, two parties mutually agreeing and finding it exciting that they exchange contact information, so ideally I always tell myself, my thoughts, my friends that I exchanged numbers, because that implies something mutual, and the more advanced I get(and I will, as long as I keep going through this online course together with Max), the more this whole number closing will become more of a plan b, because I focus on pulling, no matter when, and then I use it as a plan b because a pull didn’t work out for logistical reasons or whatever The #1 mistake that many guys do is like ‘I gotta get her number and then I get the fuck outta here”, like he's running away from an explosion, which makes the girl feel bad, because he just wanted her number for the validation and he’s scared that she changes her mind, ideally I nc not as quickly as possible and ideally not in the end, but on a high note, one of the first things I want to do in an interaction is inquiring about her very situation, because that way I can structure either I’m going for the pull or the nc(imagine in daygame I talk to a girl and we chat and all of a sudden she says’ oh here is my bus goodbye’ or at nightgame when she is alone and suddenly their friends come in and off they go), so in daygame I ask things like ‘what are you up to btw?’(btw lets it look like it's not that important), so I can structure the interaction, or during nightgame one of the first things I ask is ‘who are you here with?/where are your friends?’ to make sure she’s not walking to

her friends or the bar etc., to avoid the situation of number closing as quickly as possible and getting out of there, because it most of the time leads to flaking, to avoid that, spending a lot of time with her solidifies the number It’s all about her emotions and not something logical, thinking that number closing means that she likes me means not understanding that she has such a high abundance that there's probably five to ten guys everyday that text her and I’m just one of them, don’t expect miracles from number closing, ideally go through a wide range of emotions with her through as much time as possible, because time equals arousal and trust, so it solidifies the number Nc on a high note, when she’s laughing and all over me, because then the girl is much more inclined to exchange numbers with me as opposed to on a dead note, when I see a good high note and got her logistics earlier, so I know if she’s gotta go or if she’s still there, I definitely go for the number exchange on a high note and then I can still stay in set so the girl thinks ‘oh cool, he doesn’t wanted the number just for the validation’, it's just this natural think that just happened in between, game is messy, but that is the ideal thing, if I can do it that way If I see her being hesitant, I give her a Statement of empathy, it’s very powerful, because sometimes a girl might have had a bad experience, she gave her number away to the cool guy and he was all needy and weird over text (which do 99% of the guys), or she maybe had to block somebody, so many times a girl can be a little hesitant, if most of the girls are hesitant to exchange numbers with me it’s probably a sign that I usually go too fast for the number and I should ideally wait a little more(a 5sec quick assessment could lead me to this idea), but if there’s no other way, I give her a statement of empathy for example “oh look, I know this is totally crazy, we just met” or with humor “ah, don’t worry, I only stalk you on tuesdays”, or “okay listen listen listen, I totally understand, we just met, here’s how we(mutual) gonna do it, I’m gonna text you something funny and if you read the text and you’re like ‘well fuck this guy he's weird, he has a patchy beard/is too short(some self deprecation in a self amusing way)’, then just don’t respond, and if you think ‘naah he he’s cute, I like him, I like the way how his dumb beard looks like’ then just text something funny back”, and this one thing is just so powerful, I say we: ‘here is how we're gonna do it’;’I will text you something funny’;’if you don’t like me, just don’t text back’(ok he’s probably cool with me not texting back, he understands it, not gonna stalk me or keep texting me);’text something funny back’(a little bit of a qualification for her) Qualify her, especially when number closing, for example, when I give the phone to her, I’m like ’OI what's my name?’, because usually she forgot my name, which is funny, if she knows it, I’m like ’ok cool’ and give her the phone back and if she doesn’t I play ‘nana you’re not gonna get my number if you don’t know it’, if she says ‘oh shit I forgot it’(most of the time I forgot it myself, which is not a problem at all, I’m just honest ’fuck, I’m a total idiot, I forgot your name, sorry, ah I’m such a dick/asshole’ and just am totally cool with it), and if she really forgot it and I still know it, I’m like ‘ahh I’m not sure, should I give you another chance now?’ And give her a random reason why she get’s another chance, so the girl feels like she worked on it, they looove working on me, there’s nothing better than giving her the opportunity to invest in me/work on me, she wants to deserve it, it makes her feel good, I can also say ‘you know what lisa, you’re pretty fun so far, are you as fun over text as well?oh cool let’s find out’, or ‘ah you know, you’re pretty cool so far listen, I know this is totally weird(SoE), but let’s see where this can go, maybe(takes the pressure off) we have a cool conversation over the phone as well’ Discretion is a thing I should always be aware of, when it comes to nc (don’t necessarily nc of all her friends!), the social status within this group is her so important, that I don’t wanna

expose her to that pressure and I don’t want to associate to that pressure that ‘I give her’, so I say ‘you guys are cool, I’m gonna say goodbye to Lisa real quick’, I side hug her, turn her away from the group and create this little bubble between me and her only, get out the phone and exchange numbers, or ‘Oh I’m gonna show you something over there real quick, ok friends, we’ll be right back’, isolate her somewhere else, anywhere where it’s a lower pressure environment for her from the group, so she can exchange numbers with me a lot easier, apart from that, I can also hug her friend as well, if I’m cool with her already from earlier before I say goodbye to her real quick, acknowledge the friend and am overly nice to her, she probably knows what's going on and feels it as well but it’s just a lot easier, Ideally close on a high note but if she’s leaving still nc, because AlwaysBeClosing, I either gonna see her again with only a slight chance or I never gonna see her again if I don’t nc, don’t be sure to see her again, at least nc, even when I nc and see her again later, I don’t need to nc her there and can just work on vibing and having a good time with her Sometimes I wanna go for the nc and she say’s something along the lines of “I have a boyfriend”, many times she might just say it as some sort of last test(slutshaming, they do anything to make it a little bit difficult for me while simultaneously hoping that I pass), either way, my default response is, don’t flinch, don’t react, ‘ah ya no worry, tell him I’m gay, ah ya thats cool/ me too, what's your number?/don’t worry/oh ya he can watch’, anything that shows her that I’m not affected by it, except when she get’s serious, but most of the time, I find out that she never had a boyfriend in the first place and just didn’t wanna seem like a slut, anything that is humorous is a good response to that Never fucken ask when number closing(if I do that, I serve her the no on a silver plate, like please say no), always say ‘let’s exchange numbers, your cool’ or ‘hey, what’s your number?’(don’t ask for permission and don’t wait for a response, just assume it), already give her the phone to her solar plexus, where we have the grab reflex Make the nc a mutual thing(starts with the communication), say things like ‘I bet you don’t know how to spell my name, I text you my name’, always text my name to make sure she didn’t mistype her phone number ’just so you know how to spell it’ and that she has my name saved and she already has a texting back and forth, which is easier for her to reply, ideally let her text me ‘actually text me how to spell your name’, yaya I’m dumb(so she sees in the thread that she texted me first), or ‘choose your fav smiley, one that fits well to you’ so I can make fun of her and create a little inside joke, some callback humor for her name on which I can open her up later under with, ‘tell me something funny I can write next to your name, make me smile’, the most important thing is that it is something together, emotions, linked back Nowadays the powerful extension or replacement of the nc is the social media close, exchange facebook's, snapchats, instagrams, the cool thing about that(only if I have a really good profiles)is ‘but only if you promise to not post those little hearts on my wall’, definitely work on having kickass sm it’s gonna payoff for sure, the cool thing is, if I have a natural cool life, the sm kinda builds alongside of that, I basically invite her to get this view into my life, that she doesn’t have from an initial interaction, she’s gonna look at it, girls love stalking, ideally no privacy settings, have a cool life, that is being reflected in my sm passively, don’t overcompensate or be tryhard ‘mirror selfie with sixpack/club selfie with paid hostesses’, be the dorky little nerd(oh, I don’t know why all these cool things happen/oh what’s happening?), (don’t look in the camera because of being engaged while two hot girls look into the camera), just very subtle dhv without looking too try hard ABC, definitely get used to ncing every girl I talk to, because that stops me from waiting for the right moment(which never happens) and trains me to make it natural for me, because I do it so many times in the most awkward situations, that I’m good to go, takes the pressure

off us, low pressure situations are easier for everyone and for us to exchange numbers, close even the ones, I would never fuck, that I’m not attracted to, who cares?, I don't need to call them, or delete their number if I want to, but make it natural for myself Do myself the favor to not just watch these videos and circle jerk on it like ”I’m not ready for it, I need to see the whole program first” Call to action: Go out and ABC! + post in the group, my new rule from now on is to number close every girl I talk to, even if it’s a five sec interaction, it doesn’t need to work, but I should at least go for it, so it becomes natural and takes the pressure off us, I’ll be surprised how many not so promising sets actually end up in a great text conversation and more

🔵Setting Up Dates After watching this and doing the call to action, I finally stop being needy and fucking it up over the phone, Don’t expect miracles when exchanging numbers, logic and emotion, exchanging numbers with me doesn’t mean she likes me, she just felt like it, her emotions can change very quickly, I can never know Solidifying the initial in-persona interaction trumps everything by far, getting many numbers in a short time means nothing to collecting one number and spending much time with a girl, the chances are a lot higher Texting or calling? Both have advantages, texting is low investment, when I call her, she can choose to ignore, I’m asking for more than when I’m texting the girl, people barely call anymore however it includes my tonality, so I can subcommunicate a lot more than over text, the amazing thing about whatsapp are voice messages(she doesn't actively has to pick up my phone, yet it includes my tonality, it depends on the initial interaction, if she invested already a lot, i can call her, but nowadays not everybody is ready for that, when it comes to texting, we have two potential situations, either the interaction was very solid or it was not solid, if it was solid, I get her back into the emotional state she was in when we hung out via text, use callback humor or an inside joke we had The initial text should always be low investment, basically anything that is not a question, it doesn’t ask for feedback, erase shit like “hey how are you, remember it’s Max, the guy from that and that, I was wearing that shit”, only text “hey”, if she asks who I am only text the name “Max”(if she knows multiple Max’s, I’m the best Max, the Max, Max nr one), don’t try to qualify, so when she doesn’t reply(there are thousand reasons for it to happen), it’s not a rejection, she didn’t ignore me, for inspiration write something like “oh I was just in the line of a grocery store and an old granma was skipping the line .. to buy wodka! What’s wrong with that generation”(don’t actually write a question mark), if she’s really into me she’d text back anyway, if not, she doesn’t need to, so it's not an obvious flake and later on, when her emotions have changed, she might hit me up again, another super low key thing is any gif, all leads back to the initial interaction, voice messages, little pictures or low investment texts are cool, anything where, if she doesn’t respond, it’s not a loss, if she responds, go straight for the meetup “what are you doing later”, no matter what she says, unless she’s leaving the country, go straight for the date “cool, let’s hang out, 7pm blablabla” or “okay, let’s meet after that”, ideally I already talked about a meeting in the initial interaction and I’m just hitting her up because there are just logistical details that need to be done, I can send all that text game mayhem if I solidified the initial interaction, if she really says “I can’t”, I’m like “oh yeah, I might have time ..(whenever I have)” and then repeat the first step (LI text, yada yada)

If the initial interaction was very quick or not so solid, ideally I have social media working for me, really, facebook, snapchat, instagram with a lot of followers and a cool lifestyle is gonna save me so much bullshit over text, I’m not just a random number, i have a face and she could look at the cool shit I’m doing, so if the initial interaction was shit, she does get that cool profile, where the dhv is being done for me so she’s like “who is this guy? Omg now he’s texting me”, and then the same shpiel, initial text of super low investment, funny picture or anekdote out of my everyday life, or sth total fake, any cool story and add a little bit of qualifying her in a very subtle manner with the power of words (instead of saying “what are you up to?” which is a boring question, say “what cool things are you up to?”) so she qualifies herself a little bit, then I can flip the script on her like “you know lisa, I thought about us yesterday …” she’s like “wtf I only met him for twenty secs” creepy alert already “... do you always approach guys on the street?” and she’s like “aww you approached me haha” and then like with the initial solid interaction, ask her what cool things she’s up to and go straight for the date, build social media the fuck up, it’s so worth it and let her qualify a little bit, if she does respond and never has time, keep sending her low investment texts as a ping to see whether or not she’s down, rule of thumb for text game is: my investment should always be less than or Maximum equal as hers, it starts with emojis, if the girl doesn’t use them, don’t use them either, if she does use them a lot, I may use it too if I feel like, the amount of text should always be as much or less, if she only texts “haha”, crack really quick one liner jokes, to try to make her invest a little more, but do refrain from sending paragraph after paragraph, it comes across as massively needy, the time she’s taking to respond me, should also be similar to me(if she takes forever, I do too and if she responds quickly I do too), it’s a little game to play along, statements always trump questions, everything with a questionmark doesn’t looks that good and if she flakes on me, she ignores me willingly, sometimes don’t even use the question mark for questions, no punctuation, a thing that helps a lot is write in coherent sentences and use very nice language, it makes me stand out quite a lot, use ‘perhaps/indeed/to a great extent’ because that over text and girls get a lot of texts a day(if a girl gets a dozens of texts a day it isn’t surprising), they all text the same, so stand out with those rules, if she doesn’t reply, many guys get butthurt and call her out, never call her out or be butthurt or double text on one day, keep sending her low investment things, copy paste that shit if needed, once a week, copy past from past chats and send it to all, just pinging, the reason why the girls don’t hit up even though they gave me their number (ok sometimes, when they think it's creepy, they give the number so the guy walks away, but usually their emotions are with me at that time and they think I’m cool), girls have a life next to the initial interaction, maybe they’re seeing this other guy, they’re always seeing a guy, like we see other girls as well, the only difference is that we don’t give a fuck, we don’t have a problem with fucking more chicks than one, if she has this one guy, she might stop replying to all the other guys to avoid fucking it up or they’re busy, they can have a lot of excuses that don’t have anything to do with me, that they can’t text back, but the thing is, if I keep hitting her up once a week with funny low investment stuff, they know ‘ok, there's this cool guy out there, he’s not needy, always funny, I laughed like two three times last week just about this one text already, he keeps sending me low investment stuff, he's not needy, he's cool’, so when the time is right, to fuck some other guy, then they will respond and to that point, I’m that cool guy, that did nothing else than just providing her with value in form of funny LI texts, obviously again, let sm work for me, I can ping her with a funny text, just upload cool pics of me etc., keep them warmed that way, I’ll have girls that like all my shit, social media bump it out there, give value value value and a low investment text that is fun, when the time is right so she hits me back up, a meeting/sex can happen, if I wanna call a girl, because our initial interaction

was very solid or one of us doesn’t like texting, a simple call once doesn’t hurt and is not that needy, sometimes call them twice because a call is a surprise for her and she doesn’t answer the call, or I can baby step: send LI text, wait until she response and the moment she does, I call her, then she knows, that I know, that she’s on the phone, so it would be super weird for her to not pick up, joke around, have a good time, go for the date on a high note, while calling: lean back, smile into the phone(not fake laughter), pump her emotions, always have a funny story that gets even funnier until the end, where I can say ‘ayy that’s so cool yea you're funny too yeah what are you doing later?, cool let’s meet’ and when I spiked her emotions, she’s all giggly and yey and like yes!,let’s do it, or for the call, get myself into a situation, where cool shit’s going on, like calling from a party, constantly girls in the back that shout my name (look from 24:00 for a few call examples) The apocalypse call, call all those numbers out of the blue(still know who one is), be super bossy and really persistent, don’t accept a no, but do it in a funny relatable way Ideal close: solid initial interaction foundation, exchange numbers and sm, set up a date and clear logistical issues ever the phone and go meet her, or if she’s a little more hesitant and it doesn’t work, text her and the moment she responds, get her on the phone, or if she doesn’t respond at all, keep sending low investment things as a ping until she does respond Important: remember, there's always a call to action, this program is based on taking action, I wanna have that lifestyle, otherwise I would never have the natural, so let Max guide me through the mayhem and the references, I need to get, so I am actually becoming the natural Call to action: Follow up with my phone numbers!, many guys get them and am happy about those little successes, but subconsciously never follow up, but I got them because I wanna have sex with those girls, wanna meet them, want them to be my friend, so follow up, text them, call them, no matter what time it is right now, call min 1 girl and invite her on a date tomorrow 🔵(Textgame Infield) Name the girls with SH for super hot, PH for pretty hot, to remember what kind of girl I’m dealing with, make the location so close to my place, that I can ask if she’s there, and once she’s there, I leave my house, so I have zero time wasted, I say oh I’ve been around in the city all day, I’m actually on my way home anyway, saying ‘lol thats where I am’ even if I’m not, to make her feel a lot more comfortable, when something is in brackets, it's even more powerful, make it seem like it’s not my priority to hit her up, seriously go do set up dates myself right now!, follow up with my fucking calls

🔵Little Beginner Tricks Natural game doesn’t have anything to do with tricks, but when Max started out, he adhered to small little routines and tricks, that helped him in the beginning and gave him something to hold onto, just like training wheels, they’re totally cool to use and bring back different reactions for the same thing, but I should never rely on these Remember her fucking name, if I do forget it, it’s not a big deal, be honest ‘ah hey actually damn you’re really cool I’m such a douchebag I forgot your name fuck my life happens all the time’ it’s usually not a big deal many times, she forgot mine too so I can make fun of her back, if I don’t make it into one, if she’s like ‘oh, you forgot my name? Fuck you’, she would’ve never fucked me anyway, what is everybodies favourite word? ITS THEIR OWN FUCKING NAME!, if I hear my name there are like hormones elicited in my biological system,

that make me happy, remembering their name is one little trick and especially call them by their name all the time When I’m searching where the party is, it's not with me, girls fear that, see that, smell that, as an experiment, go to the club with my best friend and in the middle of the dancefloor, stand across from each other and dance, as retardedly as I want, the most important thing is DON’T LOOK AROUND!, choose a spot in my vision and just look there and Don't look for hot girls, if I do that for 10-20 minutes, it will blow my mind, how the girls will come to me, because we’re the only two guys that are not fucking looking around like ‘where's the party, I suck so much where are the hot girls’ no! I'm the fucking party! I’m of course the fucking shit, I don’t need to search for anything, I’m just gonna dance and have a good time, in case I do have to have scan the club a little bit because I want to approach, don’t move my head, just move my shoulders and turn the whole body, or turn to my wingman and slowly spin and actually looking slightly behind him, that's a little trick to look less chody and stand out from the crowd already The poke of truth, girls are smart, if they're a little chubby, they know how to dress, so if I’m not sure if she’s fat or not, because her clothing doesn’t give it away, do THE POKE OF TRUTH, if the finger goes in far, she’s a little chubby When I text her before a date, I give her a little challenge like ‘bring a pen’ and if she asks on the date I say to her draw something for me, let her draw a picture that includes five of the following things(sun, house, mountain, fence and a snake) size and order doesn't matter, let her draw it and cold read into it in a way that is specific enough so it hits her but generalized enough so she doesn’t agree to me or I make her look like a total idiot, “sun represents your mother and then cold read, it looks like she’s overviewing a little bit, of course she’s not the center of your life, god I once had a friend of mine, she drew the sun and then every other thing was inside the sun, so her mother was really like self absorbing apparently, but you drew it like in the corner, she’s overviewing, it kinda backs you up a little bit, you feel like your mom is a good influence for you, then on top of that you have the mountain which symbolizes your family, your family is here for you and also more than one person, there's a little mountain range behind your back and their there behind you so they kinda like have your back so you have the feeling that no matter what happens, your family is there for you, now the house represents you, you drew it very carefully even though it's a little unsymmetrical, so you might think that you're a little asymmetrical as well but you do take care of it as much as possible, you do try to work with what you got in the best possible way, you drew a door, you drew windows, so you do like it, when you're a little transparent, when people can understand you, you have a nice little phallic symbol on the top, so I kinda read that you do think about penis quite a lot, anyway the fence represents your social circle, your friends, the fence is also very detailed, so you do have a lot of friends and good relationships to your friends but the fence is next to you, so sometimes you do want a little distance from them, that's totally cool, you have no problem hanging alone, and now the last thing, the snake, represents your sexuality, you drew a huge snake btw, in relationship to the house, some girls draw it on the house, then they are completely occupied with their sexuality, the snake has the tongue out so you probably like oral sex ahem so anyway, also the snake is awfully close to the mother, so you might have mother issues’ I can totally tease the shit out of her when it comes to the snake, I can do that anywhere, interpret it in anyway, it’s a lot of fun to do the girl loves it, sometimes she lets me draw shit and then I can interpret it Or another cool thing, I stare at her until our eyes meet, and then I’m like looking around “oh ah me?, a okay hi!, this never happened to me, a girl never wanted to talk to me, so cool that

you just wanna talk to me”, that way i frame it like she wanna talk to me, use them a inspiration, routines can be fun but never rely on them Call to action: Go The Fuck Out, seriously go out, cheers and enjoy

●Sharpening The Skills #

🔵Vibing- Irresistible Interactions To Make Her Attracted (Aroused) This is an intrinsic chapter on our way to becoming the natural, we so far rewired our brains, so our mindset is one that helps us in becoming social and good with women that we now went away from the mainstream betamale thinking, then we went out there and gathered first references with a structure to hold onto, because in the beginning, that's very good, now the sharpening the skills is somewhat of an in between chapter with still a little bit of structure to hold onto but slowly and steadily drifting towards the extreme power of the natural game and already stripping back a little bit, until we reach the mastery chapter, we gonna look at the structure underneath vibing, so we understand it and can implement it into our game The basic gist about getting her attracted is not necessarily ‘I gotta get her attracted’, but all I have to do is I gotta get her aroused, which has a lot to do with emotions and the rest is natural, basically there are two kinds of hook points, the social hook point and the sexual hook point, the social hook point is basically the girl, understanding that I am not a threat and that it is okay to talk to me, this can easily be reached with any girl as opposed to the sexual hook point and it means Understanding, when I creep the girl out, to be able to throw out a statement of empathy, if I feel with my gutfeeling or if I see that she’s tensing up, another thing that helps reaching the social hook point is steady eye contact and being able to speak coherent sentences as well as non confrontational body language, saying something lighthearted(taking the pressure off myself), bring value in terms of fun or something interesting for me to say(only with care because it can get me in my head), when it is interesting for me, the law of state transference will also make it interesting for the girl The sexual hook point can not be reached with any girl, sometimes there is just no connection, no chemistry, it just doesn’t work with anybody, but don’t see that as an excuse and also don’t despair if it doesn’t work everytime, but the sexual hook point increases my chances significantly if I do it right, it basically means that I am free in my expressions, not in my head, not putting her on a pedestal, and with being free to say whatever the fuck I want, the underlying natural communication is ‘OK this guy must be an alphamale, because I have no filters, I am aware, that I’m of value’, I’m not taking her too seriously, nor myself and I’m able to have free fun with her, I take the pressure off, on top of that I’m able to be physical but calibrating The Law Of State Transference: don’t see the following things as some sort of button pushing, much rather see it as something, that is gaming myself, because it says, if I have a good time, she has a good time, if I talk about something in a passionate way, she feels that passion as well, the law of state transference is as easy as that, vibe together with buddy, crack up, have a good time and it’s being transferred to the girls we’re talking to, the cool thing is, if the girls wouldn’t be there, it would still be the same, the beauty is, if they’re there, they would not walk away because this is the party, they basically not have the choice to

leave the set and go back to their grey everyday life of not fun or they stay here, where the fun is, that is what brining value stands for, it is just more fun to hang out with us than it would be to leave, this fun even pulls other girls in that then are like ‘finally now I get to talk to the cool guy’, have the most fun of everyone The two basic components of this are also the structure of verbal game: Flatline talk vs. Emotional spikes, every interaction contains them Flatline talk (_) is ‘hello, my name is, where are you from, what's your age, im this age, this is my job, blablabla’, just sheer exchange of information, the pro of that(why I should use it) is, she get’s to know me and actually understands my very human being and knows that I’m real, the contra of that is the so called interview mode, where’s no relevance for the girl, no emotional impact on her, this is what 99% of betamales and even a lot of puas do, flatline talk, no emotional relevance, sheer information exchange and asking dumb questions that nobody gives a fuck about and that she probably heard a million times before, that only results in ‘nice to meet you’, which means ‘no, it is fucking not nice to meet you, you're boring as fuck, which is why I’m leaving now’ Emotional spikes(|) are anything that conveys emotions ‘I love you’(+positive emotional spike) ‘I hate you’(-negative emotional spike), ‘what a lovely country’(+) ‘what a disgusting nation, piece of shithole’(-), it doesn’t have to be directed towards her, I basically wanna show, that I can express myself emotionally, and that has a lot more impact on the girl, it should always include both positive and negative emotional spikes, if I leave out the negative emotional spikes and spike always just positive and omit the entirety of negative emotional expressions, it kinda creates that feeling of distrust in the girl, it’s like ‘he’s too positive, he must have an agenda, like a sleazy salesperson that is only telling about the positivity’, I wanna give her that whole range of emotions, the pro thing about emotional expression is, it makes me different, because 99% of the guys don’t even know and tiptoe around it like ‘don’t say anything emotional appealing’, and it shows her that I am free in my expressions, which means I take the pressure off myself, it’s all being reflected in the way, I’m using my emotional expressions and it’s also relevant, the downside however is that I’m sacrificing relatability, when I’m just like so much fun and everything I say is just fun and hitting her and she’s all like giggly and everything she asks me, I give her a fake answer that is funny, after ten minutes again comes ‘haha nice to meet you’ which means ‘thank you sir for spiking my emotions and giving me a good time, but hell fucking no I would never fuck you, I don’t even know who the fuck you are’, it’s sacrificing relatability for the sake of fun Have a balanced flatline talk plus emotional spikes in between, obviously every girl is different some girls need |||||_ many girls need _ _ _||_ _||, so I should Listen to my gut feeling, natural game is a lot about the gut feeling, if I feel like the conversation is dying down, or most importantly, if I’m getting bored, it’s basically the best indicator, I’ve been having too much flatline talk and I need to spike it up, if I’ve already overwritten my gut feeling to such an extent already, that I can’t listen to it, I can look at the signs, there are very obvious signs a girl can give me, for example she breaks the eye contact and starts looking around, get’s disinterested, or she even verbalizes it ‘oh I think I gotta go back to my friends soon’(red alert! You’re fucking boring, I’m about to leave!), when sometimes she’s looking around, a simple spike does it ‘fuck you’ boom attention back, I have the relevance and can go on ‘btw I like these shoes, the other day I went to mcdonalds’ and I can just keep chatting about whatever I want, if on the other hand I feel like, I’m creeping the girl out and she’s like asking herself ‘ok who the fuck is this guy? Do i really know him? Is he always that funny? Does that mean that he’s weird and not able to be normal?’, if she starts questioning that a little bit, I’ve spiked way too much and need more flatline talk, a very clear indicator of that is ‘I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not’ or ‘are you drunk, high?’ those are very strong signs of ‘ok

mister, you’re fun as fuck but I can’t tell if you’re just a normal human being’ the thing is, I don’t wanna become the dancing clown, girls dont wanna fuck a clown, they wanna fuck a man, a funny man for sure but not a clown, so find that balance, listen to my gut feeling and keep my eyes open for the signs whether or not I’m flatlining or spiking too much, there is some sort of a gotu rule, whenever the girl asks me something, the first answer is a spike(joke answer) ‘how old are you