Template for TOEFL Writing Section

The Reading-Listening-Writing Integrated Task Introduction The article discusses the topic of [name the topic], and base

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The Reading-Listening-Writing Integrated Task Introduction The article discusses the topic of [name the topic], and bases its argument on the fact that [describe the topic]. The professor discusses article’s theory/argument and casts doubts on its validity. First paragraph First, the reading passage states that [x]. In contrast, the professor provides information that [y]. Hence, he/she casts doubts on the idea that [not x]. Second paragraph Second, the article pushes forth the idea that [x]. However, the speaker contradicts the idea by [y]. Consequently, we can argue that indeed [not x]. Third paragraph Finally, the professor mentions that [x]. However, the lecturer again contradicts the claim as [y]. Conclusion In summary, the points made in the lecture contrast with the reading. The professor demonstrates that [point made]. Therefore we can say that the passage fails to describe [main topic]. Independent Writing Task Introduction Some people think that [opinion1]. Others think that [opinion2]. The issue is a controversial one, but in my opinion a closer examination reveals that [take position] for several reasons. I will explain my position providing examples to support my point of view. First paragraph One reason is [reason 1]. For example, [example 1]. Clearly, [restate position]. Second paragraph Another reason is [reason 2]. To illustrate this point, I can write about how [example 2]. Therefore, [restate position]. Third paragraph On the other hand, some may argue that [reason other opinion]. For example [examplex other opinion]. However, [cast doubt other opinion]. Conclusion In summary, while there are arguments to be made for both sides, it is clear that it is better to [opinion1/opinion2], because all the reasons mentioned above.