TOEFL - Integrated Writing Template

TOEFL: Writing template The Reading-Listening-Writing Integrated Task Introduction The article discusses the topic of [n

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TOEFL: Writing template The Reading-Listening-Writing Integrated Task Introduction The article discusses the topic of [name the topic], and bases its argument on the fact that [describe the topic]. The professor discusses article’s theory/argument and casts doubts on its validity. First paragraph First, the reading passage states that [x]. In contrast, the professor provides information that [y]. Hence, he/she casts doubts on the idea that [not x]. Second paragraph Second, the article pushes forth the idea that [x]. However, the speaker contradicts the idea by [y]. Consequently, we can argue that indeed [not x]. Third paragraph Finally, the professor mentions that [x]. However, the lecturer again contradicts the claim as [y]. Conclusion In summary, the points made in the lecture contrast with the reading. The professor demonstrates that [point made]. Therefore we can say that the passage fails to describe [main topic].

Introduction The article states that…… and provides three reasons of support. However, the professor explains that….. and refutes each of the author's reasons First paragraph First, the reading claims that….. The professor refutes this point by saying that…… He states that……. Second paragraph Second, the article points out that….. However, the professor says that…… According to the professor, …….. Third paragraph third, the reading says that……. The professor opposes this point by explaining that…… We also learn that……

Independent Writing Task

Introduction Some people think that [opinion1]. Others think that [opinion2]. The issue is a controversial one, but in my opinion a closer examination reveals that [take position] for several reasons. I will explain my position providing examples to support my point of view.

First paragraph One reason is [reason 1]. For example, [example 1]. Clearly, [restate position]. Second paragraphAnother reason is [reason 2]. To illustrate this point, I can write about how [example 2]. Therefore, [restate position]. Third paragraph On the other hand, some may argue that [reason other opinion]. For example [examplex other opinion]. However, [cast doubt other opinion]. Conclusion In summary, while there are arguments to be made for both sides, it is clear that it is better to [opinion1/opinion2], because all the reasons mentioned above.

1. General Structure Intro - Restate argument, point out flaws or state intention to discuss them below 1st Para - First,... 2nd Para - Second/In addition,... 3rd Para - Third/Finally,... Conclusion - The argument is flawed/weak/unconvincing

because of the above -mentioned...Ultimately, the argument can be strengthened if/by...

2. Structural Word (should be all over the essays) 1. Supporting

examples - for example, to illustrate, for instance, because, specifically 2. Additional support - furthermore, in addition, similarly, just as, also, as a result, moreover 3. Importance - surely, truly, undoubtedly, clearly, in fact, most importantly 4. Contrast - on the contrary, yet, despite, rather, instead, however, although, while 5. Decide against - one cannot deny that, it could be argued that, granted, admittedly 6. Ying-yang - on the one hand/on the other hand 7. Concluding - therefore, in summary, consequently, hence, in conclusion, ultimately, in closing