Taste of Sensuality

Page Contents It’s All About You 3 Preparing the Space 3 Creating Your Own Sensual Retreat 4 Mouth Pleasure 5 A

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Contents It’s All About You


Preparing the Space


Creating Your Own Sensual Retreat


Mouth Pleasure


Allow Yourself To Be Touched


Sleep In Something Sensual


Worship Your Feet


What Goes On Underneath Your Clothing


Take Risks And Be Daring


Unleash Your Fabulous Womanly Curves


Surround Yourself With Bubbles


Connect With Your Body


About Andrea


A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

It’s All About YOU With any of the following information it is important that you do what you want to do, and only go as far as you want to. Trust your intuition, and follow your heart. Give yourself permission to dip in and out. Play with it all. Chose the things that appeal to you, and leave the stuff that doesn’t. This may change at a later date, or never. There’s no right or wrong, fail or pass. Everything is an invitation, and an opportunity to explore your sensuality, to discover what awakens and stirs you, what sets your soul on fire.

Preparing The Space In order to be completely relaxed for any of the exercises in this ebook it’s really important to create a safe and private environment. A time and place where you wont be disturbed and can simply focus on yourself. Ideally use a room or a space that is only used by you, and that doesn’t have anyone else’s energy in it. This may not always be possible, in which case simply cleanse the space by using a sage smudge stick. You can make this quite a ritualistic process and it is a nice way of clearing the space and energy for your own experience. Begin by lighting the sage stick. Allow it to smoulder. Then, starting from the centre of the room, move the sage stick to the north, the south, east and then west. Coming back to the centre of the room. Alternatively, simply start at one corner of the room and work your way round it, coming back to the centre of the room to finish.

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

1. Create Your Own Sensual Retreat Find a time and a space where you can be alone and wont be disturbed. This could even be somewhere out in nature providing you are somewhere safe. You may like to use cushions, throws, or beanbags. Anything that is soft and comfortable and that supports you in relaxing. I love rich coloured fabrics, that are textured whilst still being incredibly soft, such as silk or velvet. I’m extremely tactile, so how things feel is important to me. I also like comfort. It supports my process in being able to totally relax and to be able to put my complete attention and awareness on just being in the moment. You may like to use candles or incense, or even flowers. Use whatever creates the experience of sensual, and peaceful. Once the space is prepared either sit or lay down, and make yourself really comfortable. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and gently exhale, take another deep breath right down into your yoni (vagina), and exhale. As you continue breathing feel your body filling with pleasure. Now begin by inviting the AIR to come and play. Feel the air caressing your skin, either lightly touching or blowing around and through you in an erotic way. Give your body over to the sensations that are aroused. Allow the air to play with your whole body. Surrender to the pleasure. Invite the HEAT to come and play. Feel the warmth of sun, the vibrancy of the heat licking your skin. As your pleasure builds, the warmth oozes all over your body. Breath in the deliciousness caused by the sun, and the fire, and let it radiate through your entire body. Allow your experience. Invite the WATER to come and play. Feel the water as it slips over your skin, caressing you with its moistness. Open your most sensitive places to the water’s touch. Allow yourself to feel the pleasure of being with the water. Let it enfold you and surge your whole body. Give yourself permission to enjoy your experience.

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

Now, when you are ready take a deep breath, and open your eyes. Welcome back!

2. Mouth Pleasure So what is sensual food? Is it the actual food, or how we eat it, or maybe it's who we're eating it with that makes it sensual? It’s really a case of finding what works for you. You can do this purely for yourself or to share with someone. Choose foods that you like, that visually appeal to you, and that you love the taste of. Not just any old food, but the sort of food that could be experienced as sensual. The sort of foods that give you the experience of oral pleasure, or mouth pleasure. Sexy foods. Fruit is great for this. Strawberries, are without a doubt sexy food, as are peaches, mangos, ripe melon, and fresh pineapple. They almost need to be eaten naked to allow the juices to simply run down the body. These are the epitome of pure 'juicy foods' in my opinion.

If you’re doing this with someone you make like to cut whatever foods you choose into small pieces. Decide which one of you will be blindfolded. The other person will do the feeding. The person feeding may like to tease a little by wafting the food under the blindfolded person nose. Allowing them to experience the scent of the tasty morsel they are about to experience. Then gently drape the food across their lips as a way of inviting them to open their mouth. Gently allow them to take the food.

If you are preparing this for yourself you may like to prepare the food in a way that you can eat it with your bare hands. As you begin eating notice the texture of the foods you’re eating, the smell of the different foods you’ve chosen. Do they have a sound as you bite into them? What is it that makes them so appealing? Is it the colour? What do they look like? I have thing for white crockery which I find really sets of the colour of any food that I place on it, whether it be fruit or vegetables, or even chocolate ice cream!

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

3. Allow Yourself To Be Touched Massage is great way to connect with your body, even if you only manage to squeeze in a half hour session every now and then. Whether your massage is aromatherapy, deep tissue, or erotic (Tantric). Massage is one of the most delicious ways of nurturing our need for touch. Especially if you tend to be very tactile. Which I am, so getting massaged regularly is a must for me. Not only is it relaxing, it provides me with an opportunity to stop. There is absolutely nothing I can do other than ‘be’. NOTE: Ensure you book with a Massage Therapist that you know or feel you can be completely relaxed and comfortable with. Do check out their qualifications if you don’t know them, or go to a reputable Health Spa where massage therapists will have to be qualified as part of their job. Remember you will be getting naked or near naked with this person, and the purpose of massage is to relax you.

Then simply turn up, lie back, and enjoy. Notice how you feel throughout your experience. Do you say if you want a harder or softer touch? Are you asking for what you want? It’s your experience. Make sure you have it your way. I usually alternate my half hour each week between upper, and lower body. Which means I need to remember underwear when it’s a lower body session :o)

4. Sleep In Something Sensual What you choose to sleep in can make all the difference to how you feel. And it doesn’t have to be baring it all in a flimsy strappy number if you’re used to curling up in your favourite pair of pyjamas. Silk or cotton (lawn) pyjamas can be just as sensual. It’s all about how YOU feel.

My invitation to you is to play with doing something different. Be open to having a different experience. What is the ultimate sensual sleep wear to you? What would that look like? What would it feel like? It could be stepping out of a silk kimono, and slipping naked

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

between crisp clean sheets. If you’re used to wearing something to sleep in try being naked, or vice versa. Experiment with different fabrics; Silk, satin, cotton lawn, soft fabrics, fabrics that are transparent or cling to the body, anything that is soft on the body. Wrap yourself up in a piece of fabric instead of wearing anything. For a hot summers night I love to simply wrap my body in a silk sari or sarong. I’ve even been known to sleep in a soft clean towel one time when there was nothing else available.

And don’t just stop at what you wear to sleep in. How does your bedroom feel? Are you a duvet person, or do you prefer to only sleep with a sheet to cover you, or nothing at all? Look at expanding the whole experience to include the decoration, the walls, the flooring, the windows, the lighting. Make your environment an all round sensual and delicious experience. If you’re tactile you could play with having something soft on the floor to step onto when you get out of bed. I have a selection of sheepskin rugs. Play with rich fabrics, and different colours. You could include some saris on the wall, or fairy lights, candles. Whatever feels sensual to you.

5. Worship Your Feet There’s nothing more gorgeous than a woman elegantly striding along in a pair of high heeled, open toe, sandals. Or even winter boots, whether they be ankle, calve, or thigh length. Painted toe nails against exposed tanned skin, adorned by a toe thong flip flop is delicious, and extremely practical if you’re the kind of girl who likes to have it all. Play with anything that has a bit of sparkle on it; it could be a bit of diamante or a big fake diamond stuck right in the middle of the toe bar which looks delicious and exquisitely feminine! Why not go the whole hog and have a foot massage and pedicure to set the scene for your sensual footwear. Play with wearing different types of shoes and notice how they make you feel. What do you notice when wearing different height heels? Do you feel mischievous, sophisticated, elegant, chic, naughty, delicious, totally wicked, just plain sensual? Does wearing shoes, sandals or boots make you feel different. Just notice your feelings as you flit between footwear. As I tend to wear flat shoes for my day job I really notice how feminine I feel when I wear heels. I can physically feel the transition into being ‘all woman’.

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

I like to keep some of my shoes purely for lounging around in the privacy of your own home. As a rule I don’t wear shoes in my home which makes it extra delicious to have my own ‘private collection’ of footwear that I wear purely for me. Just for fun why not play with wearing something different whilst you’re doing the ironing or the hoovering, or even just curled up on the sofa reading a book. Discover what’s YOU.

6. What Goes On Underneath Your Clothing Onetime when I was putting on a pair of fishnets, I accidentally ripped them. The tear was near the top of the stocking so it wasn’t going to show under my skirt. I left the tear, as it wasn’t going to run like normal nylons. I discovered that I really liked the contrast of appearing neat and tidy on the outside. I was this very well put together chick wearing an ankle length black skirt, complete with slit up the back, and a crisp well ironed white blouse. And underneath I was wearing torn fishnets which made me feel quite naughty. It was a real contrast to how I looked on the outside, and I was the only one that knew. It was my little secret.

Play with wearing different types of underwear and accessories, and maybe things that you wouldn’t normally associate with wearing under your ‘day clothes’. Things that only you know are there. Just be aware of how you feel about any of the following suggestions, and how you feel doing some of them. Perhaps you’d like to experiment with wearing some pasties* under your bra the next time you’re in the office, or just hanging out with your friends. A corset or basque is delicious if you can get away with wearing it under your clothing and simply ‘do’ your day. Fun to wear with jeans. Play with having a temporary henna tattoo this gives you the flexibility to try them out in different places around your body. Garters with stockings make a change from wearing a suspender belt, and were available well before hold-up’s were invented. They come in a variety of colours and designs, and are really easy to make yourself.** But, the epitome of sensuality as far as I’m concerned is seamed stockings, with fishnets coming a close second.

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

A friend of mine considers that wearing nothing but stockings and a suspender belt act as a beautiful framework to the yoni (vagina), and if you look in the mirror she’s right!

* Pasties - nipple covers often worn by strippers (with or without tassels), particularly burlesque strippers who don’t get completely naked. ** [Simply buy a length of lace or fabric no more than an inch wide, and long enough to go round the

middle of your thigh plus one inch. Stitch it to a length of elastic of approximately 1/2 “ wide and about one inch less than the size of your thigh. First, stitch the lace/fabric to the elastic ensuring the elastic is stretched. Stitch the two ends of fabric/elastic together. Repeat the process to make a second garter.]

7. Take Risks, And Be Daring Even if you only ever do this once in your life, or only ever in the privacy of your home, I still think it is one of the most sensual and juicy experiences you can give yourself.

I remember this occurring one evening as I was just off to meet some friends. I pulled my jeans up over my underwear and in that moment I was just ‘done’ with the whole knicker thing. I felt like one of those women out of Victorian era with all layers of crinolines on and everything was bunched up. So it was off with the jeans and off with the draws and back on with the jeans. And boy did that feel good, such freedom!

My invitation to you is to spend at least one day a month (more if you really find you enjoy the experience) being “knicker-less”!

This is one of the most sensual and juicy experiences you can have. This is particularly lovely if you choose to wear a sarong or a skirt. Flowing fabrics are fabulous for this. You may want to do this when you are at home, or with your friends. It can feel a little vulnerable to begin with, BUT totally sensual ...and there is an element of naughty about it. After all, you are the only person who knows that you have absolutely nothing on underneath. How

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

delicious is that? Not to mention very freeing, and au naturelle.

“…honour your sensuality, unleash your adventurous side, take risks and be daring.”

8. Unleash Your Fabulous Womanly Curves This is great to do after a hard day at the office. As soon as you get home, it’s off with the clothes, into the shower, and then on with something that makes you feel sensual. The all important thing is to leave your bra off! So, whether lounging around in a silk kimono does for you or vest and knickers. Play with wearing soft sensual fabrics like silk, or just being naked. It’s essential to wear something that’s comfortable as well as sensual. This is an ‘all about YOU’ experience. It’s an opportunity to pamper and indulge yourself.

Again, this is something you’d want to do in an environment where you can relax in order to slow the pace right down. Rushing around without any support, particularly if you are large breasted will not work for you. As 21st century women we do our lives very differently to our great grandmothers, where varying degrees of breast support were not required. Life is very different for us today, and it’s important to honour our bodies, give your body a break, allow it to breathe, honour your fabulous womanly curves and just allow them to 'be'.

9. Surround Yourself With Bubbles Bathe in bubbles lit only by the softness of candlelight, with the subtle smell of incense, and the sound of soothing music in the background. Ideally create a space where you can completely relax and give time to yourself. Whilst the bath is running begin lighting the candles or incense. Remember to add bubbles, essential oil(s), or anything that gives you the experience of sensual. It could be something that you’ve been saving for a special

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007


Now, slowly disrobe. Step into the bath and gently lower yourself down into the water. Once you are totally immersed, and have surrendered to the warmth of the water. Allowing the wet heat to seek out all the those places in your body that are tense, and replace them with warmth, relaxation, and openness. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Allow yourself to feel pleasure, ease, and appreciation for the gift of your body and senses. Now begin to focus on each of your senses; sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Imagine for one minute how you would like to sensually experience all of these senses, either one by one or as a whole. Simply go with whatever is pleasurable. Just allow your mind to wander. If there are any judgements or feelings of “should” or “should not” simply acknowledge them and let them pass. Allow yourself plenty of time to be with your experience. (An alternative to this is to just simply relax in the bubbles, and let your mind naturally wander.) When you feel done with the bath, you may like to follow on with this next experience…

10. Connect With Your Body Applying moisturiser to your body is a great way of connecting with your body. Ensure you’re comfortable, you may want to sit on a towel for this exercise. Now, using a body lotion that gives you the experience of “You’re so worth it!” (this could be home made, raw, organic, or natural) pour a small amount into your hands, and slowly begin to apply to your arms and shoulders. Ensuring you slowly stroke your arms and shoulder, and gently massage in the body lotion. Notice how your skin feels. How you feel touching your own body.

Now, making sure you’re sitting comfortably. Extend one leg out in front of you, and holding the lotion bottle upside down, slowly drizzle the lotion along one leg. Using both hands

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

gently begin covering your leg with body lotion. Remember to include your feet as well. As you’re gently massaging your thighs, moving down over your knees to your calves and ankles notice how your skin feels. Be present. Notice how you feel touching your skin. Be aware of any thoughts you have. Repeat the entire process with the other leg. Now move on to moisturising your bum cheeks. You may want to kneel for this so you can get good access, and easily change angles to ensure you get to the underside of the cheeks, and in-between. You can do this in front of a mirror. You decide. Ensure the cheeks are lightly coated with body lotion and begin to slowly rub the lotion in. Again, notice how you feel as you caress and stroke them. Remember that this is self indulgence, pleasure. The slower the better. Enjoy the journey.

When it comes to moisturising your stomach and chest, you may like to lay down on your back. If you prefer to remain standing, try this in front of a mirror. Making sure you have plenty of lotion on both palms. Start by gently brushing the palms of your hands over your stomach. Once the lotion is evenly applied, gently massage in. Now begin moving your hands up your body toward your breasts and chest. Again, gently stroke the breasts with the palms of your hands ensuring the breasts are lightly coated with body lotion. Notice the feel of your breasts, how soft they are, the texture of the skin.

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007

About Andrea Andrea Semple set up Sacred Sensuality as a means of providing a safe, pleasurable and fun environment for women to explore and reconnect with their femininity, and sensuality, totally as women. Through her own journey and experiences she has created a variety of workshops that take women to a deeper level of connection and intimacy with themselves, and ultimately those around them. The Taste of Sensuality workshop has provided women with an opportunity to take a gentle first step into exploring who they are as a woman, and letting go of the old beliefs that prevent us from being more of who we truly are. Andrea’s ebook ‘Secrets To A More Sensual You’ also provides women with a variety of ways to awaken their inner sensual goddess. Andrea's journey of self development began over ten years ago. Discovering her own femininity and sensuality formed part of that journey. Having worked within the construction industry for several years. A passing comment that she 'dressed more like a man' prompted her to start looking at who she was as a woman. This unfolded as both an internal and external journey. Not only did it change the way Andrea felt about herself, it also changed the way she chose to visually express herself. Through her own experiences and her work Andrea has developed a unique approach to letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve us, which in turn frees up our energy so we can be more of who we really are. Although the work is deep it is also about having fun and experiencing pleasure too.

A Taste of Sensuality www.sacred–sensuality.com [email protected]

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© Andrea Semple 2007