Spectrum TRD4 Tests U4 3

Unit 4 test 5 Use the phrasal verbs from exercise 4 to complete the sentences. (5 marks) Listening 1  Listen to autho

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Unit 4 test 5 Use the phrasal verbs from exercise 4 to complete the sentences. (5 marks)

Listening 1

 Listen to author Nina Banks talking about her new book. What sport did she discover she had a passion for? (2 marks) _______________________________________


 Read the journalist’s summary of Nina’s talk. Then listen again and complete the text. (8 marks) Nina Banks is bringing out a new book. After many years working in a (1) __________ , Nina found that she had put on weight and (2) ________________ . She worked (3) _________ hours a week and she ate a lot of (4) _________________ . How did she change her life? One of the first changes she made was to do more exercise. She also joined a (5) _________ class to make new friends, and started playing (6) ___________ . At the end of her year-long adventure, Nina was a (7) ____________ and (8) ___________ person.

Vocabulary 3 Complete the sentences. (5 marks) 1 You should stretch before exercise to avoid a(n) _______________ . 2 My skin is very _______________ . I can’t stop scratching it. 3 Karen has got _______________ muscles after running in the marathon. 4 The doctor examined my leg and said that the bone was _______________ . I can’t walk on it for six weeks. 5 I’ve got a ___________________ shoulder – it happened during the rugby match. 4 Read the definitions and complete the phrasal verbs with the correct prepositions. (5 marks) 1 find yourself in a situation you didn’t expect: end up _________ 2 put on warm clothes: wrap ______ 3 stop (something) escaping: keep (something) ______ 4 spend time doing nothing and being lazy: lie __________ 5 continue: carry ______


1 You’ll _____________________ a cold if you go out without a coat in that rain! 2 It’s important to _________________ when the weather gets below freezing. 3 On Sundays afternoons I like to _____________ ______________ and watch TV; it’s the only time I can relax. 4 We use heavy curtains to _________ the heat _____ during the winter. 5 John managed to _________________ running in the race even though he had hurt his ankle. 6 Make the words in the box into adjectives. Then complete the sentences with the adjectives. (5 marks) access advise caution nation snow 1 The mountain was very _______________ . 2 It isn’t ___________________ to swim in that lake because it is very deep. 3 The ______________ dish of Scotland is haggis. 4 Drivers should be _______________ while driving in the rain because the roads are slippery. 5 The beach is only ________________ by boat.

Unit 4 test 9 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. (10 marks)

Grammar 7 Correct the underlined mistake in the sentences. Write complete sentences. (5 marks) 1 Unless we don’t hurry we will miss the bus. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2 I’ll go for a run if you came with me. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3 If I had known you were ill, I won’t have asked you to help me tidy up. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4 We would go to the beach tomorrow unless the weather is bad. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 5 We would gone on that holiday if we had the money. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 8 Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs in the conditional form in brackets. (10 marks) 1 A What __________ you ___________ if you ____________ the lottery? (second conditional) B A sports car and a big house in the countryside! 2 You ___________________ more energy if you _______ some exercise. (first conditional) 3 We _______________________ in that café and got chatting if I ___________________ from my flat in Madrid to that shared house in London. (third conditional) 4 I ____________________ more vegetables if I ____________ them, but I hate the taste. (second conditional) 5 If I ________ the job, I _______________ a new car. (first conditional)


be become meet not catch win If Paralympian sports star Jonnie Peacock (1) __________________ a childhood disease when he was five years old, and as a result lost one of his legs, would he still (2) __________________ a sports champion? If Jonnie (3) _______________ his hero, David Beckham, when he was seven years old, Jonnie certainly (4) _________________ motivated to take up sports. And it’s true that if Jonnie hadn’t taken part in the London 2012 Paralympics, he (5) ______________________ a gold medal.

Unit 4 test Practical English

Cumulative Review

10 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks) Stacey


Stacey James

Stacey James Stacey

I feel tired all the time. I need to do more exercise but I’m so busy. What do you think I (1) _________ do? Well, (2) _________ I were you, I would make some time to do exercise. It’s important for your health. I know it is … Would you (3) _____________ joining a gym? My advice (4) ______________ be to find a sport you enjoy. Have you (5) ___________ about cycling? I don’t know how to cycle and I don’t have a bike. What about running? That’s a good idea. I quite like running.

11 Choose the correct option. (10 marks) Keeping fit has always been important to my family. So when my parents and I (1) ___ to join some friends on a skiing holiday, my parents were very excited. At the time I was feeling quite low because I was stressed about my exam results. My parents thought a holiday would (2) ___ me up. It started out great. The great thing about skiing is that if you have a few lessons, you’ll get (3) ____ quickly. I soon (4) ____ used to getting on and off the ski lifts and by day two I (5) ____ to ski down the mountain. Skiing is also a really good workout, although after a few days I started to get (6) ____ muscles. On day four disaster struck. I was skiing down a mountain when I (7) ____ into a tree. I soon realized that I (8) ____ my leg. I spent the rest of the holiday lying (9) ____ the apartment. I kept thinking that I wouldn’t have broken my leg if I (10) ____ at home! 1 a invite b were invited c invited d have invited 2 a chill b calm c cheer d cut 3 a involved b permission c better d the most of 4 a got b get c make d made 5 a have learned b learn c learning d had learned 6 a aching b sprained c bruised d itchy 7 a was crashing b crashed c had crashed d have been crashing 8 a had broken b broke c was breaking d have broken 9 a on b with c around d up 10 a had stayed b hadn’t stayed c wouldn’t stay d stayed


Unit 4 test Reading 12 Match sentences A–F with spaces 1–4 in the text. There are two sentences you do not need. (4 marks) A The tiniest task, like walking a few steps, seemed like climbing a mountain. B The hospital staff were amazing. C One of the things that really made me feel bad were my thoughts about the past and the future. D Being grateful helped to shift my attention from what I didn’t have to what I did have. E I felt good when I achieved something. F As a result I was in hospital for six months. 13 Read the text again. Then answer the questions. Write complete sentences. (6 marks) 1 What kind of lifestyle did Duncan have before his accident? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2 What did Duncan do when he was meditating? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3 What was Duncan’s opinion of his roommate? Why did Duncan feel this way? _______________________________________ _______________________________________

www.thepositivityplace.co.gb How I beat my negative thoughts by Duncan Ashworth On 7 July 2012 I was in a car accident and injured my back. (1) ____ Before my accident I was a really active person. I ate healthily, played tennis and swam. I had a busy social life and a job as a lawyer. All that changed after my accident. I had to learn to walk again. (2) ____ The one thing I could still do was use my laptop. So I started to write a diary and reflect on my feelings. (3) ____ I used to think, ‘If I hadn’t been in the accident, I wouldn’t be stuck in this hospital bed. If my back doesn’t get better, I’ll never walk again.’ So I decided that every time I had a thought like that I would replace it with something positive. I used a meditation technique. It involved focusing on my breathing for a few minutes, then thinking about how I was feeling. If I felt stressed I would check my body to find out exactly where I felt stressed; for example, a tightness in my chest, or a pain in my stomach. I would breathe into this area and try to imagine it was relaxing and all the stress was flowing out of my body. Another thing that helped me a lot was laughter. I had a very entertaining roommate in the hospital called Ian. He had broken both his legs in a motorcycle accident. Despite what he was going through, he never lost his sense of humour. He made me laugh and this helped me a lot. Another thing that helped me was being grateful. At the end of every day I made a list of ten things I was grateful for; it could be about the weather, something I achieved or just the simple pleasure of a eating a bar of chocolate. (4) ____ After six months I went home and eventually back to my job. But something had changed inside me. I felt stronger as a person. I felt more able to cope with difficulties and challenges. I believe that if I hadn’t been in that accident I wouldn’t have learned so much about myself and about how we must think positively about what life can throw at you.


Unit 4 test Writing 14 Write a blog about an activity you have recently taken up. You can invent one. Use the prompts to help you. Use informal English. Write about 200 words. (15 marks)

Day 1: Tell readers what activity you have taken up. Say where and when you do it and briefly describe your first experience of doing this activity. Day 2: Give more details about what you do when you are taking part in this activity. Describe what reaction it produces in you and other people. Say how you feel when you finish the activity. Say what changes you think it might produce in you in the future. Day 3: Talk about another experience you had while doing this activity. Reflect on what have you learned from doing it. Briefly outline the objectives that you are meant to achieve by doing it, e.g. becoming healthier. Give your opinion on whether continuing this activity will help you achieve these objectives.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Listening _____ /10 Vocabulary _____ /20 Grammar _____ /25 Practical English _____ /10


Cumulative Review _____ /10 Reading _____ /10 Writing _____ /15 TOTAL __________ /100