Scientific Writing

Why is publishing important? TOTAL POINTS 1 1.Question 1 Why is publishing important? (multiple good answers) Because i

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Why is publishing important? TOTAL POINTS 1 1.Question 1 Why is publishing important? (multiple good answers)

Because it will improve your career

Because it gives you feedbacks on your own work

To share results with the rest of the society

To advance academic knowledges

Because you have to, as a researcher

Know your community TOTAL POINTS 3 1.Question 1 What is one of the important works explained in the video when you start your research? (one good answer)

To know your research philosophy

To know your research community

To know your research capacity

1 point 2.Question 2 Is there a unique standard way to develop your knowledge on your research community? Or do you learn your way of doing as you go? (one good answer)

Yes, there is a unique standard way to do so! I just need to follow that way!

No, I learn as we go and I need to develop my own way of doing. 1 point 3.Question 3

What are the ways suggested in the video to know your research community? (several good answers)

By identifying research journals

By listening to your favorite music

By identifying research conferences

By visiting nearby research centers

By visiting nearby research laboratories

By making a recent 10 years bibliography of your research topic

By watching your favorite films 1 point

How journals work: the review process TOTAL POINTS 4 1.Question 1 What is the keyword of the video? (one good answer)

Pure revise system

Pier resort system

Peer review system 1 point 2.Question 2 Who does mainly read your article when you submit it to a journal? (one good answer)

Editors of other research journals

Reviewers in your own research field

Writers of other articles

1 point 3.Question 3 Read the following text and choose an answer that properly fill the blank space. The review process is characterized by: 1.



Acceptance ratio,


Time scale,


Content accuracy. (one good answer)



Accountability 1 point 4.Question 4 Each journal tries to ensure the 1.









And the __________ of the review system. In this context, because of recent development of ICT (Information & Communication Technology), some journals try to develop a new publication system. (one good answer)



profitability 1 point

Communication with the editorial board TOTAL POINTS 1 1.Question 1 What key communication elements have to be taken particularly good care of when submitting a paper to an academic journal? (several good answers)

The Bibliography

The Cover Letter

The Methodology

The Abstract

The Literature Review

1 point

Ethical Guidelines and intellectual property TOTAL POINTS 4 1.Question 1 Is citing related to the copyright?


No 1 point 2.Question 2 If I copy a text from another paper is it plagiarism?


No 1 point 3.Question 3 If I cite the person, with quotation marks around the citation, is it still plagiarism?


No 1 point

4.Question 4 Is publishing like writing a patent?


No 1 point

o, what? TOTAL POINTS 1 1.Question 1 How would you define the “so what” test? (one good answer)

The questions you have to ask yourself (who, where, when, why, ...)

I haven't got a clue...

What is the original contribution of your paper to the scientific community?


How would you define the knowledge frontier? (only one good answer)

The separation between what is known and what is unknown in terms of scientific knowledge

The separation between different academic fields and scientific communities

The separation between different types of results (qualitative vs quantitative)

Your own progression in terms of scientific knowledge 1 point 2.Question 2 What quote below could be used to represent scientific research? (one good answer)

"If I have seen further, It is by standing on the shoulders of giants"

"The limits of my language means the limits of my world"

"Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to known a little about everything"

"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail" 1 point 3.Question 3 What different dimensions of originality could you think of for your academic paper? (several good answers)

Interpreting known ideas in a new ways

Producing an original synthesis

Finding a new field of research

Leading new empirical work

Leading trans-disciplinary research 1 point

Main ideas TOTAL POINTS 2 1.Question 1 What is the first thing to do to in order to find references? (one good answer)

Ask your research question to google

Ask to advisor, colleagues for references

Think about keywords that fits your research question 1 point 2.Question 2 How to read an article? (several good answers)

With a pen and a paper (or any other medium, notebook, computer, etc.)

With your memory, because you remember everything

With someone talking with you in the same time about completely something else

With a highlighter, to highlight the most important ideas, concepts... 1 point

The Gap? TOTAL POINTS 2 1.Question 1 How would you define the literature gap? (one good answer)

A too well documented theoretical space that you need to mobilize for your paper

A blank theoretical space, that you really hope at least to partially fill thanks to your paper

The reason why researchers don’t understand the problem you want to resolve

A hole between two scientific papers 1 point 2.Question 2 How would you define the research question? (one good answer)

The keystone of the paper, a question justifying your literature review, data, methodoly, results and contributions

A theoretical blank space needed to be filled by a research program

A theoretical/empirical element you find in every paper you cite in your academic paper

The question you raise at the end of the paper, to further the academic work started in this paper 1 point