Sami Firdavs

Sami Firdavs 8081801005 Oct 2 Scoring Matrix INTEGRATING ACCOMMODATING 2.B 3.B AVOIDING ASSERTING 1.C 4.B Conc

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Sami Firdavs 8081801005 Oct 2

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Concern for other Party’s Interests

Concern for Own Interest

Luna Negotiation Case Analysis In the Luna pen case the parties DGG, Erika Graeper and Global Service had their own interests and alternatives to negotiation. DGG was trying to receive payment for trademark of a pen that Global Service was currently producing they had no intentions of resuming the Luna pen part of their business but still wanted the payment for its use or a potential partnership that would benefit both parties. Global Services’ interests are to possibly expand the pen considering its current success and to stay away from any types of litigations.A dynamic negotiation process as it surfaced gender, cultural, and geographical barriers. In William Ury’s book Getting Past No, each of the five barriers to cooperation was touched upon: your reaction, their emotion, their position, their dissatisfaction, and their power. In the negotiation, Erika Graeper, had to deal with many cultural barriers. German culture, people are direct and detail oriented different with Chinese people communicate indirectly and politely as they pass their opinions through inferences What was ineffective about Erika’s approach to the negotiation were her impersonal forms of communication; she used only letters and faxes to communicate with Mr. Feng one can assume that he may have trouble with proper English and struggled with fluency with Western culture.. With letters and faxes it is quite difficult for the recipient to recognize the intended tone of the author, especially when the two parties speak different languages. Lastly, I see that Mr. Feng had a difficult time communicating with Erika because there was a dynamic of masculinity vs. feminity. In Asian culture, there is a defined hierarchy in the business world where men do not submit to women because of superiority and pride. For instance a good example for cultural differences is that Erika received the first reply from Mr. Feng’s secretary she seemed as if she was offended by the fact that it was Mr. Feng’s

secretary and not Mr. Feng himself who sent the fax. With her new found authority Erika saw the reply from the secretary as a sign of disrespect; that Mr. Feng was not acknowledging her authority over this matter and she let this influence her decision to move ahead with the lawsuit. There was conflict in this negotiation and the different cultures were undoubtedly a major factor. Based on Mr. Feng's constant replies to Erika's superiors, he was either uncomfortable negotiating with a woman or uncomfortable with Erika's status in the company. While there was a noticeable difference in culture, another issue was the very different legal system in China because they do not respect trademarks and copyrights as much as other countries. However, Erika was finally able to realize this cultural difference and complete an agreement in person. While I liked many of Erika's approaches in negotiating, but every person has differentiation on Negotiation skill depending on mood, culture , experience and background skill. According to Ury, 1993 “when you find yourself facing a difficult negotiation you need to step back, collect your wits and see the situation objectively” . When it comes to my own negotiation style, according to the matrix my negotiating style is Avoiding at first because it looks like I’m not that much interested for small amount of value unless Global Service(Mr.Feng) offer higher value. After monitoring the condition I continued with accommodating then integrating in the end asserting . I have a high concern for the other party’s interests as well as my own.. The nature of who I am is based highly off of wanting to please others and making sure that the opposing side is content. I agree with the interpretation as it says, “ceaseless accommodation can invite exploitation. When choosing my solutions to the various scenarios in this case I couldn’t help but notice that my choices were different than those of Erika which led me to believe that my choices could have led to a more positive outcome between the two parties. I would have been more willing to work with Global Service to come to an agreement and I would have put off the lawsuit until there was no other option therefore . I have been said to kill my enemies with kindness and yield to another’s point of view. Me and Mr.Feng have been friendlier with each other and we could have reached a better outcome for both of us. Until there was no other option monitoring the progress Global Service I chose more assertive options in the end. There’s nothing wrong with being inconsistent; after all Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” after the brush off by Mr. Feng. I felt that the threat was fitting in this situation because it was necessary to grab his attention.