Review Summit 2 - Unit 3

Review Summit 2 - Unit 3 28/07/17 21:48 Name: Review Summit 2 - Unit 3 Matching Look at the pictures. Read the senten

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Review Summit 2 - Unit 3

28/07/17 21:48


Review Summit 2 - Unit 3 Matching Look at the pictures. Read the sentences. Choose the sentence that each person is saying. You will not use all of the sentences. a. That must be disappointing. b. I’m at my wits’ end. c. I can’t take it any more! d. You’ll do great! e. Cheer her up! f. I refuse to give up! Example:

b 1.

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Review Summit 2 - Unit 3

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Short Answer Complete each sentence with no matter and the correct question word or the intensifier how. Example:

No matter how nice I am to Mrs. Keiser, she’s never friendly to me.

4. ________________________________________ you want to go, Black and Yellow Taxis can take you there.

5. You can’t lose your temper at work, ________________________________________ frustrated you feel.

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Review Summit 2 - Unit 3

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6. You have to keep trying to reach your goal, ________________________________________ happens.

7. ________________________________________ I talk to, no one knows the answers to my questions.

8. ________________________________________ much you prepare, you’re never really ready for a situation like that.

9. ________________________________________ she does, she can’t seem to lose weight. She’s tried everything!

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Choose the letter of the answer that correctly completes each sentence. Example:

b Although he was scared, John acted _____ and saved three people’s lives. a. heroic b. heroically c. heroism 10. Mrs. Cunningham is very _____ with her time. She volunteers at the public library several hours each week. a. generous b. generosity c. generously 11. The leader spoke _____ and encouraged the people to face their fears. a. confidently b. confidence c. confident

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Review Summit 2 - Unit 3

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12. The soldiers _____ fought the country’s enemies. a. fearless b. fearlessly c. fearlessness 13. Mr. Brooks felt so much _____ when his son won the competition. a. pride b. proudly c. proud 14. Everyone was impressed by the students’ _____ to help in the emergency. a. willing b. willingly c. willingness 15. The general received an award for his _____ during the war. a. bravery b. bravely c. brave 16. The president is a _____ man who leads the people without fear. a. courageously b. courage c. courageous Choose the answer that correctly completes each conversation. Example:


A: How’s your son Andrew? He’s three now, right? B: Yes. He’s fine, but he ran away from me in the store the other day. I couldn’t find him for an hour, and I _____.

a. was going out of my mind b. tried not to let it get to me 17. A: B:

How’s your Japanese class going? It’s hard, but _____. I really want to be able to communicate when I go to Tokyo in the fall. a. I’m sticking with it b. I feel like giving up

18. A: B:

Hey Renee, are you OK? You look a little upset. I’m fine, but _____. I just had an argument with my mother. She’s so overprotective! a. I’m scared to death b. I’m a little shaky

My sister and I almost got into a bad car accident this morning. 19. A: B: Oh, no. You must have been really scared. A: Actually, I wasn’t. _____. But my sister was really frightened. a. I kept my cool b. I kept at it

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20. A: B:

Hey, did you get the card I sent you? Yes, I did. Thanks a lot. I had been feeling pretty bad, and it really _____. a. cheered me up b. got me down

21. A: B:

Have you seen that new movie Terror? Yes, but I don’t recommend it if you don’t like scary movies. To be honest, _____. a. I was scared to death b. I kept my cool

22. A: B:

How’s your new roommate? Well, she’s nice, but she complains about absolutely everything. _____, but sometimes it really bothers me. a. I try not to let it get to me b. I’ve had it

23. A: B:

So how do you like your new house? I like it, but there’s so much work to do! It seems like we’ll never finish. Sometimes _____. A: I understand, but don’t give up. a. it lifts my spirits b. I feel discouraged

24. A: B:

You know, I think my daughter watches too much TV. If I were you, I would _____ a hobby. There are lots of other ways she could spend her time. a. encourage her to take up b. discourage her from taking up

25. A: B:

Did your sister buy that car she really wanted? No, in the end _____ getting it. It was too expensive, and I think she should save her money. a. she felt like b. I discouraged her from

True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Read the article. Then read it again and decide whether each sentence is true (T) or false (F).



hen you hear the word hero,what do

you think of? If you think of a character like

morals, or right and wrong. They are generally willing to risk their own safety in Página 5 de 6

Review Summit 2 - Unit 3

Superman, Batman, or Spider-Man, you’re not alone. Superheroes like these are popular all over the world. A superhero is a fictional character who often performs brave actions. Superheroes appear in comic books, TV shows, movies, and other media. Most superheroes were created in the United States and Japan. Although there are some exceptions, many superheroes share a few qualities. Most superheroes have extraordinary powers, such as the ability to fly or change their physical form. They use their powers to deal with adversity, fight crime, or protect people from evil and danger. Superheroes have a strong sense of

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order to help people or do other good things. They are not afraid of fighting villains that ordinary people would fear. They take pride in their actions, but they generally don’t expect any reward or praise for their work. While they are recognizable in their special costumes, their true identities remain unknown to the public. Most people agree that Superman, who first appeared in 1938, was the first superhero. He possesses many of the qualities that we now usually associate with superheroes, including superhuman powers, a secret identity, and a colorful costume. In fact, the word superhero also comes from his name.


T Batman, Spider-Man, and Superman are examples of superheroes.

26. Superheroes are courageous people that exist in real life. 27. According to the article, one of the qualities that superheroes share is their willingness to put themselves in danger to help people. 28. Some superheroes hide their true identities because they are not proud of their actions.

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