Pref - 3 - Grammar 3

Página Principal ► VILLAVICENCIO ► VILLAV ► 9175 ► Third Term ► pref_3_Grammar 3.3 Comenzado el miércoles, 17 de mayo d

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Página Principal ► VILLAVICENCIO ► VILLAV ► 9175 ► Third Term ► pref_3_Grammar 3.3 Comenzado el

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017, 21:34

Estado Finalizado Finalizado en

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017, 21:39

Tiempo empleado 5 minutos 52 segundos Cali៯�cación

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Pregunta 1 Correcta Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00

RELATIVE CLAUSES Firts, we need to give a de៯�nition of clause. A clause is a statement or a question that generally consists of a subject and a verb phrase and constitutes a complete thought. Sentences can consist of a single clause, but they often include two: a main, or independent, clause and a subordinate, or dependent, clause. A main clause can form a complete sentence. (The preceding statement is both a clause and a sentence) A subordinate clause, by contrast, depends on a main clause to provide the primary proposition of the sentence, which is why it’s also called a dependent clause. Now, relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to de៯�ne or identify the noun that precedes them. Here are some examples: Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week? Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning? A notebook is a computer which can be carried around. I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke. I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.  Yesterday was a day when everything went wrong! Take a look to the following chart.

In order to clarify this topic better, please check the following presentation:  

Relative clauses. ( Por Kelly Paola Peña Rodríguez



Now, let's practice. Can you leave out (omit) the pronouns shown in red in each sentence?  What's the name of the girl who you were speaking to in the cafeteria today?   Sally, who I saw in town yesterday, is a friend of my sister.  Thank you very much for the present that you sent me.  She was dancing with a boy who had green hair.  The boy who she was dancing with had green hair. 



No Yes

Romeo and Juliet were lovers whose parents hated each other. 




Choose the best relative pronoun to complete each sentence. Do you know anyone ..... could help me ៯�x my computer?   A hammer is a tool ..... is used to knock nails into wood.   The shop ..... we usually buy our bread has closed down.  

who that where

The boy ..... dog was hit by a car has not been to school for 3 days,  


My friend, ..... doesn't have a cell phone, suddenly knocked on the door last night.   Can you please return the calculator ..... you borrowed yesterday?   The horse ..... was hit by the car was only slightly hurt.  




An orphanage is a place ..... children who have no parents can live and be looked after.  


I didn't realize I had forgotten my passport until I reached the airport, ..... was very annoying.   The students ..... test grades were low had to come back after school for an extra lesson.    



Pregunta 2 Correcta Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00

PHRASAL VERBS A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition. A phrasal verb has a meaning which is di៛�erent from the original verb. That's what makes them fun, but confusing. You may need to try to guess the meaning from the context, or, failing that, look it up in a dictionary. Phrasal verbs are usually used informally in everyday speech as opposed to the more formal Latinate verbs, such as “to get together” rather than “to congregate”, “to put o៛�” rather than “to postpone”, or “to get out” rather than “to exit”. They should be avoided in academic writing. For more information about what is a phrasal verb, click HERE. There are many di៛�erent phrasal verbs. In this lesson, we are going to study phrasal verbs with "get": PHRASAL VERB



get out

leave or move

I don't want you here. Get out of my way!

stop thinking get over about (something) something

I can't get over how hard that test was.

get away do something with wrong without (something) punishment

The bank robbers got away with robbing the bank. The police never found them.

get on with continue with (something) something

Listen everyone, it's time to stop talking and get on with our class.

get around

way to go places

I get around by bicycle, but my brother gets around on foot.

get around ៯�nally do to something.  (something)

I ៯�nally got around to doing my homework. I didn't do it for several days.

get along with

be friendly with

My neighbor and I get along very well. We talk everyday.

get by

have enough to I have enough money to get by survive until next week.

get down to

become serious Dinner is ៯�nished and now it's about time to get down to business.

  If you need more information, please click HERE and you get some extra explanaiton.    

Now, let's practice! Choose the best phrasal verb to complete the sentences.  

Sheila can ___________ on only one meal each day. She doesn't need any more.

Linda and James _______________town in that little car. They are able to go everywhere.

Jimmy doesn't ______________his brother. They are always ៯�ghting or saying bad things to each other.

I don't know when I can __________________helping you. I have been really busy. But I promise I will help you soon.

Renee couldn't _________________ the death of her husband. In her mind she could see his face and hear his voice.

Children, it's time to stop playing around and ៯�nally __________ studying. Sarah had ៯�nished watching the video, so now it was time to _______________ preparing her presentation. She had stopped working on it and now it had to be ៯�nished. The teacher told Joey to __________of the classroom. He was causing problems and the teacher wanted him to leave.

get by

get around

get along with

get around to

get over

get down to

get down to

get out

Those little kids ____________making a lot of noise because they are so cute. How can I punish them?

Respuesta correcta

get away with