
VISE II Practicum Portfolio Name: Camila Trujillo Quevedo Carreer: Pedagogía en Inglés VISE II made in: Joaquin Edwards

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VISE II Practicum Portfolio

Name: Camila Trujillo Quevedo Carreer: Pedagogía en Inglés VISE II made in: Joaquin Edwards Bello

Introduction When I started VISE I it was the first time I ever introduced myself to a classroom, I didn’t expect finding myself dealing with it and accomplishing certain activities with the students. But this VISE II was totally different to me, because I was able to teach students in a matter of minutes and they had a great response. I can define this VISE II as unexpected.




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Course program ................................................................................................ 4-6 School Information ............................................................................................ 7 Reports and Reflections ................................................................................... 8-11 Assignments

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Reference Material and Web Pages and links consulted


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Course program VISE II “Descubriendo la relación entre la Teoría y la Práctica” IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA ASIGNATURA Nombre de la asignatura: VISE II Profesor: Prof. Isabel Vásquez Vicencio / Rodrigo González Salinas. Carrera: Pedagogía en Inglés Pre- requisitos: VISE I DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA ASIGNATURA Curso de modalidad de taller el cual está centrado en la “búsqueda de respuestas sobre actitudes y comportamientos en las interacciones humanas; en su necesidad de teorizar”. Esta práctica, junto con la práctica I (Vise I) deben ayudar al alumno, de manera efectiva, a desarrollar el eje sólido y férreo entre la Universidad, los establecimientos educacionales y la comunidad. Luego de las primeras observaciones en el establecimiento educacional, se pretende que a través de este taller los estudiantes logren encontrar explicaciones teóricas y prácticas acerca de lo que observan. Se solicitará a los alumnos que practiquen un comportamiento libre de prejuicios y estereotipos, que se planteen valóricamente con relación a las interacciones interpersonales, que reflexionen sobre su cultura personal y se abran a su enriquecimiento. Este es el segundo paso del acercamiento gradual y creciente, que deberá hacer todo alumno de pedagogía, a la realidad de los establecimientos educacionales, a su entorno y aula mediante la realización de trabajos prácticos en el desarrollo del currículum. Esta asignatura precede a las metodologías y es la base sobre la cual cada alumno construirá su propia teoría de la enseñanza. OBJETIVO GENERAL Ayudar a que los estudiantes en práctica crean en sí mismos y en sus potencialidades para ser exitosos y así poder tomar decisiones, socializar, llevarse bien con los demás, trabajar en equipo, negociar honesta y hábilmente, asumir liderazgo y compromiso con los conocimientos logrados. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 1. Desarrollar la capacidad de reconocer errores, de reconocerse como modelos para los alumnos y de afianzar la vocación de profesor.


2. Reconocer y fundamentar teóricamente que la afectividad es uno de los principales factores en el logro de los aprendizajes. 3. Apreciar el conocimiento como fuente del desarrollo personal y profesional. 4. Fundamentar teóricamente una cultura de aprendizaje y un ambiente educativo respetuoso y libre de peligros y amenazas. UNIDADES TEMÁTICAS Unidad temática Nº1 “Los errores como fuentes del conocimiento: desarrollo personal y profesional. “ Contenidos: 1. Los errores como fuente de conocimiento. 2. El conocimiento como fuente de desarrollo personal y profesional. 3. Vocación de profesor dentro de una sociedad globalizada. Actividades: Al nivel de Talleres Vises y Escuela · Relatos de experiencias vividas en la VISE I y las que se vivirán en la VISE II, asociarlas con errores vividos u observados.. · Análisis conceptual, bibliográfico y de comparación. · Análisis de situaciones relacionadas con la teoría y la práctica. · Utilización de matrices para identificar errores, proponer soluciones y estrategias de lo observado en la escuela. · Lecturas individuales y/o grupales. Unidad Temática Nº 2 “Las relaciones afectivas positivas: Condiciones necesarias para un ambiente de aprendizaje” Contenidos: 1. Relaciones afectivas positivas. 2. Ambiente de Aprendizaje. Actividades: Al nivel de talleres: · Orientaciones para trabajar objetivos transversales. · Elaboración de una propuesta para la realización de actividades en el aula sobre la base de los OFT presentes en el programa de curso correspondiente al nivel. · Registro, presentación y discusión de eventos pedagógicos relevantes en la escuela. (Portafolio). Énfasis en las relaciones interpersonales. · Análisis de variables o factores que inciden en el ambiente de aprendizaje. Al nivel de Escuela: · Selección de un OFT y desarrollo de un programa que se pueda ejecutar en la ACLES (actividades curriculares de libre elección), de acuerdo a lo planificado en el establecimiento.


· Elaboración de estrategias para mantener, y mejorar las relaciones afectivas y el ambiente de aprendizaje. · Observación, recolección de información y participación en las actividades al interior de la escuela. Unidad Temática Nº3 “Competencias que debe desarrollar el Profesor (a) “ Contenidos: 1. Capacidad de asumir la formación ética de los alumnos de los establecimientos educacionales. 2. Capacidad de creer en la persona y en su potencial desarrollo. 3. Capacidad de apreciar el conocimiento como motor de desarrollo personal. 4. Capacidad de comportarse de manera solidaria con los demás, ( alumnos, compañeros de trabajo, y diversos actores del ambiente educacional) Actividades: Al nivel de talleres · Discusión socializada · Trabajo en grupo cooperativo · Demostraciones · Simulaciones · Análisis de contenidos Al nivel de Escuela · Observación participante · Entrevistas · Elaboración de cuestionario. METODOLOGÍA El curso será entregado de manera teórica-práctica, a través de la modalidad de Taller. En general se trabajará de la siguiente forma: · Análisis crítico y comprensivo de las experiencias vividas y observadas. · Registro de eventos pedagógicos de acuerdo a cada una de las Unidades temáticas del Programa de Curso. (Portafolio) · Confección de un Portafolio pedagógico destinado a la recopilación, presentación, y análisis de las experiencias pedagógicas durante el período de práctica. · Lecturas obligatorias y discusión socializada.


School Information

Joaquin Edwards Bello is a mixed primary school which is located in Rodelillo Avenue 4110. The school counts with a normal size sport field and large halls that lead to the classrooms. Every course has twenty eight students proximally and it is divided by sex excepting for some courses which are mixed or include two or five students’ men or women as a minority. Most of their students have a violent or bad behavior with its classmates or teachers, probably due to family problems. That’s why the school’s gold is to teach them good manners and values as much as possible.


Reports and Reflections A.Observation stage. a)Pedagogical event Nº1 I was with an 8º grade class, from the 28 students, 2 are male and so, when the teacher comes in saying hi “Good morning….” She says “Good morning girls, which I found a little disrespectful and I said instead, “Good morning students”. After that I notice she referred to their students very informal such as: “Cariño tienes que hacer esto, etc.” But the results were surprising, because the students felt warm with her and they felt they could be themselves which sometimes tended to make them cross the line, but she instantly stopped them showing them who is the authority of the class. Another incident that I found interesting is that while I was assisting some students which called me for help, one of the girls got mad because I wasn’t there immediately, instead I told her to wait while I was busy, by the time I was there to assist her, she ignored me like I wasn’t even talking to her. The teacher realized and she called her out of the class, she spoke with her in such way that when she came back to the classroom, her attitude was completely changed and she opened herself to my assistance. b) Reflection Nº1 I think that her attitude was a little bit informal, but then I learned that it shouldn’t be a problem when you are treating students with respect and at the same time making them feeling warm so they can cooperate with you. It is important to make them feel that we are not there teaching because of money but because we love what we do, despite of the stress and hard work. In the matter of that student that ignored me, I thought it was a great management of the situation in order to apply it in the future because, when you call a students’ attention in front of the class, they will feel embarrassed and frustrated but If you tell them they are wrong, privately, you are giving them a chance to improve without putting them in an awkward moment. B. Team-teaching stage. a) Pedagogical event Nº2 In the beginning of June, I asked the teacher when could I make an activity by myself and she immediately propose me to do it next week, she gave me her e-mail address so I could mail it to her and she could print it at school and also to assist me, then we postpone it one week more because her students were taking a test. By the time I had to bring it, we couldn’t do it because of the world cup and she told me to give it to her that she would definitely use it the next time. The subject was “Present Simple” and “How much/How many”, I planned It this way



First I was going to explain the meaning of cryptology so they could understand the game, and I was going to use it with the purpose of hooking them to next assignments, the hidden message was “Have fun at learning!” and then we would work with the present simple. After that I planned to explain with a little more content about the how much and how many but doing some short exercises, changing some words trying to make it a bit funny.


b) Reflection Nº2. “Interactions in the classroom” I did a lot of things during VISE II, such as correcting tests, checking hand outs, assisting students, giving instructions, etc. It was a great experience because If there was any difficulty presented, I was able to handle it and the teacher always stood there supporting me, never quitting her role. The students were sociable and they tended to help me while I was also helping them. It was unfortunate not being able to performance the activity myself but the teacher managed to accomplish it.


Assignments Assignment Nº1 The most shocking factor of observation in the classroom was to see the lack of resources to performance a class, the students were kind of violent and their appearance didn’t always look clean. The teachers’ frustration is huge because of the students’ personal problems, and the lack of resources, etc. Still they try to do their best at teaching them and encourage them to learn. Assignment Nº2

Name of student: Camila Trujillo Quevedo Name of School: Joaquin Edwards Bello School Number of Students: 28 and 33 Grades: 8th and 5th grade Task 1: The School: Joaquin Edwards Bello is a mixed primary school which is located in Rodelillo Avenue 4110. The school counts with a normal size sport field and large halls that lead to the classrooms. Every course has twenty eight students approximally and it is divided by sex excepting for some courses which are mixed or include two or five students’ men or women as a minority. Most of their students have a violent or bad behavior with its classmates or teachers, probably due to family problems. That’s why the school’s gold is to teach them good manners and values as much as possible. The classroom: The classroom size is adequate for its 28 students, they have enough space. The light is favorable, the whiteboard is précised and the classroom has furniture on the back, I’m not sure whether the students use it or not. The students are quite respectful with their teacher and me. Despite they tend to be unquiet, they listen and obey to the teacher’s orders. The activities & resources: a) In this three classes I’ve been in, the teachers has worked by writing on the whiteboard and assigning different exercises to the students such as: Completing sentences, asking questions, translating, etc. The last time they were evaluated while doing a dialogue. They tend to ask a lot since they are not enough engaged to the subject but still they work on what they must and achieve the targets. b) The resources the teacher uses come from the government book (just like all students) and her own researches. The school counts with a library where the students can find magazines, newspapers and some history books. The class hasn’t used so many resources from the school, more than the book and some handouts at least in one of the three classes I have assisted to.


Task 2: 1.- The learners Most of learners aren’t motivated in the language learning. They don’t take part in their own learning. I could find from one to five students who really study for the tests and show interest in English. The rest of the class, most of them expect the teacher do most of the things. Most of them are very lazy and careless about grades but highlighting that the teachers threats them or makes them consider their irresponsibility, they act on this by completing the tasks. 2.- Behavior during class activities The teacher makes them work on many different activities but not quite motivating them. Once they are showing they aren’t interest, the teacher talks to them changing their minds by making them feel comfortable, being funny or warning them. When issues come up, for instance, when a student’s is turning violent or disrespectful, the teacher goes for a first warning, if the student doesn’t listen, the teacher calls her/him outside of the classroom to talk to them, she gives them the opportunity to change their attitude and they come inside with a different and calm air. Some female students are very complicated in terms of managing violence or anger. They need to be treated by making them understand the reality of the situation and sometimes be talked with a strong and respectful voice. 3.- Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom. The styles of English in the classroom are very simple because they have a basic level of English. As many of them present difficulty in the subject, little by little they need to learn a short quantity of information with specific targets. So, they go straight to what they are going to be asked, more than what they could learn about English itself.

Assignment N°3

Name of student: Camila Trujillo Quevedo Name of School: Colegio Joaquin Edwards Bello Date: June 9th, 2010. Task Nº1: Collaboration activities 13

1.- Since I started going to School, I have been able to work as the teacher assistant. The first day I just observed the classroom atmosphere but from then, I have assisted the students while the teacher gives an activity and also to keep the order between them. The last two classes the teacher has given me the opportunity of taking her place by giving instructions of some task or other purpose of attending, assisting and helping me when I was in her position. 2.- The classroom atmosphere is passive. The students pay attention when we direct ourselves towards them. They show respect to me as I to them. Sometimes, some of them don’t focus on the task I’m giving or they are distracted which intercedes with the classroom’s learning. In that case, I call their attention. For instance, I make them focus on me by insisting an answer to what the task consisted on. During this process, she has had the caring of following me with that most of them are girls and two boys. They have shown once or twice some conflicts between them. I have perceived that because of personal problems they have a complex attitude and therefore a complicated reaction to difficulties, between them while we are teaching them. In this case, the teacher talks to them personally and they effectively respond to it. Task Nº2: Reflection Since the very beginning, each day that passes has made me realize that I like the classroom atmosphere. While I assist the students and also the teacher, I feel useful in terms of educating and accomplishing that one or more students may understand the English teaching when they aren’t even fond of it. It is complicated to make students focus on something they may don’t like and then you tend to look for your own ways of getting an answer from them and when you realize you can be able to achieve this, it is a great satisfaction. Maybe they won’t retain the English as a matter itself but they may remember the situation or context where they learned something about it, as a game for example. Another aspect that I liked about assistance is that you can actually start evaluating yourself at interaction with students; you can distinguish your performance by the answers you get at dealing with all kinds of personalities and ages. So then, in the future, you will know what kind of audience you may be able to manage yourself better. In my personal experience, I still don’t know, but I do enjoy the challenge of dealing with 5º and 8º grade.


Assignment N° 4 OFT: Persona y su Entorno referidos a hábitos de trabajo: aplicación de criterio s de sentido, calidad, productividad, responsabilidad, y actitudes respecto al mismo, perseverancia, rigor, creatividad. This activity will be applied to an 8th grade. Since the last subject we saw in classes was the present simple. Students will work in pairs. Each pair will get a handout with cartoons where they will have to create a dialogue by using Present; this activity is totally under their control l because they will get the opportunity to create a situation. They will have 15 minutes to decide what they are going to talk about and then 15 minutes more to check the sentences with me. After, they are ready; I will ask them to perform the dialogue in front of the class. This way, we can help them to start trusting in their partners and also the rest of the class because they will have to listen to them. In the development of this activity they will practice, their pronunciation and their confidence. We will give them the chance of also criticize their classmates by saying what they think about the performances, with respect, in order to make them feel encouraged to improve and lose the fear of accepting advices and criticism to themselves an d their classmates.


Reference Material and Web Pages and links consulted http://www.scribd.com/doc/17547686/Pedagogical-Artifacts