14 August 8th, 2020 Vocabulary 1. For real: Genuine 2. The real world : In actual fact 3. Distort reality: An experie

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August 8th, 2020

Vocabulary 1. For real: Genuine 2. The real world : In actual fact 3. Distort reality: An experience of an immersive world that can be similar or completely different from the real world 4. Bear no relation to reality: To not be connected in anyway 5. The real thing: Something is genuine and not a copy or imitation. 6. Reality: Perception of truth

Do you agree or disagree with the speakers? I totally agree because it's good to learn about the real world since I like to learn about everything a little bit and documentaries are more didactic to learn about the world.

Documentaries of Cusco We were able to observe the real world because it showed us the beauty of that place in CUSCO even though there was no sound we could appreciate the beauty.

Match the verbs in the box to the two nouns. Which verbs can go with both nouns? The truth: face, learn, reveal, stretch, tell. Lies: expose, make up, tell.

Write four sentences about films and filmmakers. Use a different expression with truth or lies in each sentence  I saw GOT the serie, It was very interesting that I would like to be in that world, but when you face the truth you know that it is impossible  Fast and furious I liked it a lot because they stretch the saga  In each scene that is recorded you learn more every day  The films expose many realities of different

Synonyms:  MEMOIRS: account, remembering  AIM: point, repoint, rank  RETELL: recite, recite, declaim, narrate

What story did Ernest Hemingway tell in six words? Retell it in your own words. I tell the famous story (for sale: baby shoes, never used)

Who wrote the six-word memoirs in this book? Ernest Hemingway

What do these six-word memoirs aim to do? A set of life stories can be told in a short way relate the diversity and experience in bite-sized pieces

Homework How did the film-makers justify portraying something as the real thing when in actual fact it wasn’t? The chances of getting particular shots in the wild are

nearly impossible.

What is your opinion of their arguments? I think they are correct; they are simply light manipulations that give coherence to the script and the purpose of the documentary, without any intention of deceiving the viewer.

Do you think the end justicies the means when it is for an educational purpose? Awakening awareness of animal life is good, but it's necessary to know the results, because this is what counts because there are several animals that can be mistreated or even exaggerated that viewers think differently. August 9th, 2020

MY LIFE STORY IN SIX: WORD Estrella: Life is a constant learning process Because I've learned a lot in every part of my life

Emerson: My life is about helping others Because he's persevering and likes to help others a lot.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Pay the bill Live happily ever after Follow ruler Have an impact Mark time Find true love Quit university

Part 2 1.Quite 2. Find 4. follow 5.mark 6. have 6. live

I dreamt of endless love. He woke up alone. It's true because many times when you are most alone, you dream at night of a partner and love.

Writing I think that one of the most impressive buildings in Trujillo would be the Cathedral of Trujillo but inside, it is very beautiful and has some new paintings on the ceiling that you could spend hours watching, they are very beautiful. All the saints and angels are hand painted and the restoration is beautiful.

Vocabulary NOUN


Precedent Symbol Region Globe Prosperity Comparison Inspiration Ingenuity Possibility Architecture

precedented symbolic regional global prosperous comparable inspirational ingenious Possible Architectural

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the opening of this city’s greatest. Architectural achievement. This building is more than a simple skyscraper, it is a symbol of our modern city. This wonderful tower will be an inspiration to us all, and it stands as an unprecedented commitment to the progress and future of this country.

Vocabulary The stress level rise when you leave everything to the last minute The price of gold began to rise. In my company salaries rise because it is doing great. It is said that talk about politics are always give rise to a problem. In this pandemic, the rise in the price of oxygen has economically affected all people sick with covid Your voice rises in volume when you someone start screaming.

Listening The sun told the phoenix that it would never die. (T) The phoenix lived for 500 years in a desert. The phoenix began to lose its strength. (T)

It built a nest in the tallest palm tree on the highest mountain. The sun shone down on the phoenix and burnt it to ashes. (T) The same phoenix rose from the ashes (T) That new phoenix rose from the ashes which was the same size as the old phoenix, symbol of rebirth, change and survival.

Extend your vocabulary – words beginning with re1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Re-release a CD Refiel a cup Reconsider a decision Reset- a machine Reschedule a meeting Resit an exam Refuel a plane Recycle newspapers Recharge your batteries.

EXPLAIN THE MEANING. 1. Look after its meaning to take care of someone and make sure they have everything they need 2. Came across its meaning find something by chance 3. Give its strength back its meaning to give someone something that they had before 4. Thought the situation over its meaning to consider something carefully 5. Picked up its meaning to lift something from a surface 6. Died down its meaning to become less powerful or less active

7. Set off it’s meaning to begin a journey 8. Stand for its meaning to represent

Grammar  Survivors are people who have gone through very difficult experiences  Survivors are people who have had to pick themselves up and start again  Survivors are people who have learnt to look after themselves  Survivors are people who have positive attitude when they come across difficulties.  Survivors are people who think the possibilities over carefully before acting  Survivors are people who are prepared to set of in search of new challenges.

Reading and Speaking I remember two new weddings, all formal but fun, in the church and until the next day of celebration. I remember that in one of the weddings all my uncles (brothers of the husband) surprised their brother with an unexpected dance and the children were given cameras to photograph the whole wedding and the guests.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

He tries to back away from Beatrice He almost trips over bridesmaid He loses his balance He lurches towars the wedding cake He tries to regain his balance His feet slip under him and he collapses He lands in the wedding cake.

Listening 1. Lurch 2.Lose 3.Land 4.Collapse 5.Trip over 6.Slip

Do you think you'd like to read the rest of the book? -Why or why not? Yes of course, I think it has a lot of dry humor, an intricate plot and coincidences deliberately used to advance the narrative. There is a certain lightness of tone that highlights the often very serious themes that Atkinson deals with.

In history classes when you were in school, did you learn anything about the Roman Empire? What do you remember? Well, in school history classes I didn't learn much about the Roman Empire, we were only taught Roman numbers but I learned about Roman culture in documentaries and in various films. For example that the birth of the Empire was preceded

by the expansion of its capital, Rome, which extended its control around the Mediterranean Sea and the Roman coliseum with the lions where they played various games

Did you study history at school? Did you enjoy it? • Yes, in high school, we have studied Peruvian history, and also in university, as a group opinion, we have enjoyed and understood a little more about the history of Peru, when we have been in university, for example the independence of Peru that we celebrate every year on July 28.

Do you think young people in your country know enough about their history? • Not, I don´t. I watch some videos of Peruvians influencers or youtubers asking random people about some easy history questions and they didn't know that is so embarrassing. how they couldn't know who fight in Angamos Combat or who appear in 10 or 100 Peruvian bill. This is the reason why we are in the last positions in education in Latín América

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.’ What does this quote mean? Do you think it’s true? • It's true, it is important to know our history so as not to repeat the mistake that were made in the past, we can rely on these old events to be able to face with new strategies and be better than before

Vocabulary 1. Due to its size, the empire fell. 2. The Romans couldn't protect themselves against external enemies, which triggered their decline. 3. These problems resulted in farmers moving to the cities 4. A rise in immigration led to the decline of the roman Empire 5. The empire had grown very large and consequently it was hard to keep roads functioning properly.


Function globally conceding points in a discussion (page 110) Warm up 1. Look at the photos. What educational achievements and skills are necessary in today’s world? People should be knowledgeable about computers, science and communication skills. 2. Read the two arguments about educational standards. Tell a partner what your reaction is to what you have read. I agree with the first argument because now people are more concerned about what famous people do than what is happening in their country. This is not correct. Television and social networks have a great influence on this.

Listening 1. Listen to two conversations. Answer the questions for each one. Conversation 1 Who starts the discussion – the man or the woman? The man starts the discussion.

Conversation 2 Who starts the discussion – the man or the woman The man starts the discussion.

What are they talking about?

What are they talking about?

They were talking about math at school.

They were talking about skills at school.

Who concedes the other might be right?

Who concedes the other might be right?

The man The man

2. Listen again. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

a) The man thinks schools aren’t as good as they used to be. (T) b) The woman agrees some young people aren’t very good at maths. (T) c) The woman thinks algebra is important outside school. (F) She says she uses very little algebra. d) The woman thinks a changing world requires new skills. (T) e) The woman thinks if you can use the internet, you don’t need to know anything. (F) Not mentioned by the speakers

Language focus: conceding points in a discussion 1. Look at these sentences from the listening. Underline the phrase that indicates the speaker is conceding a point to the other speaker. Man: What do they teach them in schools nowadays? Woman: All right, all right, calm down. Admittedly, some people today don’t seem to be able to do maths in their heads … 2. Make phrases with a similar meaning to the phrase above by completing them with a word from the box There’s something in what you’re saying. I suppose / guess you’re right. I take your point. You may be right. It may well be true that …

Speaking A: Prepare "Academic

some arguments

for this


qualifications are the key to success in life. B: Prepare some arguments for this topic: "The best education is what you get through experience. Estrella: I failed the last exam, but I didn't know how to feel. Adam: Really? You have to worry about your grades to succeed in life.

Estrella: I don't think so, I think that the importance of grades gives a fundamental tool for signaling our knowledge and abilities, but it is not the only way that it can stay, since it is pure memory and students get anxiety and stress about grades. Adam: I think that the success of a person is not in the notes, they are in how one of them will apply what they have learned in daily life or in a job.

GRAMAR Examples: 1. Recycling helps people establish a link with the environment 2. My father, who is a engineer, likes to camping every weekend 3. The ureters are connected to the bladder, which is why the urine runs into it.

Which of the girls do you think is Marianne? Why? I think the first girl because her face is uncovered and she has a nostalgic look towards the horizon and reminds us that the author tells us that she is the most emotional and sensitive

Why do you think Marianne is sad? Her relationship with Willoughby has come to an end, but the extract does not reveal why.

Who do you think could be Willoughby? Willoughby was her admirer and next husband.

What activities remind her of him? Singing and playing the piano.

Experiencing strong emotions is like being hit, touched or hurt. -The parting from Willoughby hit Marianne really hard. ...means he had a hard blow to his heart -It pained Marianne’s family to see her suffering. ...means that it hurt the whole family emotionally -Marianne was touched by her family’s support. ...means they were either very empathic or moved by the reaction -Willoughby’s lack of communication hurt Marianne’s feelings. means he had a hard blow to his heart for Mariane -When Willoughby didn’t want to see her anymore, it came as a huge blow.

...means that he had an emotionally hard time -She was overcome by grief. ... who could overcome it

Can you remember the last time you really laughed? What was the reason? I remember that the last time I really laughed was when we were with my friends in a meeting and we started to play who laughs first with water in their mouths and nobody put up with more than 10 seconds and we kept on laughing for quite a while.

Look at these proverbs and try to explain what they mean. Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods (Japanese). This means that when you are between laughs, it seems that all your problems disappear Much laughter, little wit (Portuguese) For laughter you should not think much Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and cry alone (American) Laughter is contagious, crying leaves you alone People show their character by laughing (German) The character of someone laughing is better The teeth that laugh are also the ones that bite (West Africa) You may not always trust someone who laughs a lot because it may be something else He who laughs too much hides his pain (Italian) Much happiness always hides something

Can you think of other proverbs about laughter in your language? The one who laughs last didn't get the joke.

UNIT 10 Function globally interrupting

Listening 1. Listen to the two conversations. For each conversation, note down … Conversation 1: A man is speaking to a woman; The man tells an embarrassing story about wearing two different colored boots Conversation 2: It is a formal presentation that takes place in a business environment. 2.Listen again. For each conversation, note down who interrupts and why. Conversation 1: The woman interrupts him to ask him how he realized his mistake. Conversation 2: The audience interrupts to add something to the presentation. Language focus: interrupting

1.Look at sentences from the listening. Underline the phrases used for interrupting.

1 May I interrupt for a moment? Could you just draw the curtains? 2 Just a second, don’t you usually cycle to work? 3 Could I just say something here? Are you sure that … 4 I’d like to say something if I may. I think … 5 Wait a minute, how come you didn’t notice? 6 Excuse me for interrupting, but what I think the others were trying to say … 7 Hang on, didn’t you think it was a bit odd?

2 Put the phrases in exercise 1 on the scale of formal to informal.

FORMAL May I interrupt for a moment?

NEUTRAL Could I just say something here?

INFORMAL  Just a second

I’d like to say something if I may

Excuse me for interrupting

Wait a minute

Hang on

Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Use appropriate phrases from the Language focus exercise to do the following tasks. A: B is your friend. Tell him/her a funny or embarrassing story about something that happened to you or a friend (at work, at home, while travelling, when you were at school). Answer all your partner’s questions or reply to their comments. B: Interrupt when you want more information or something isn’t clear. A: Hello friend, I tell you yesterday I was at a conference on industrial security, that conference was really important to me but something very embarrassing happened to me I did not realize that my microphone was activated and they heard my little dog. B: Just a second, since you didn't realize that your microphone was turned on, you must have pressed some button A: I didn't really realize that, the good thing is that a classmate informed me of my mistake and I turned off my microphone.

Global voices

Listening 1. Listen to people talking about the funniest person they know. For each person write down who the person is and one thing that makes them funny.

Giorgio, Italy: His brother because he always has a joke to tell. Georgios, Greece: His uncle because he is very dramatic. Luisa, Chile: His brother because he is a famous comedian. Erik, Sweden: His friend Faisal always makes him laugh. Quirin, Germany: His friend because he always has fun Raphael, Brazil: His girlfriend because she is good

Language focus: actually 1.Look at the sentences from the listening and the dictionary entry for actually. Which meaning does actually correspond to in these sentences? The funniest person I know is actually a person I met. The funniest person I know is actually one of my friends.

Use the meaning 2(used for emphasising that something is surprising).

2.Write sentences using actually to reflect these situations.

o Emphasise that you have met a famous comedian in reality. That comedian is actually funny that's why he shows up in different places. o Emphasise that you find it surprising that your teacher can tell good jokes. I didn't think my teacher would be able to tell jokes, he's actually very good at it. o Admit that you didn’t understand a joke that was just told. I didn't actually understand the joke you told me.

Speaking Work with a partner. Tell your partner who the funniest person you know is. It can be somebody in your family, a friend or a famous comedian. Explain what makes this person funny.

The funniest person I know is my uncle because he always has a joke to tell you, It’s very nice to talk to him because we always laugh when he is telling something. One time we were going through an uncomfortable moment and he knew how to handle it.

Writing a competition entry Writing Write the competition entry based on your discussion with your partner.

All singers are good; they work hard to further their careers. However, some singers are better; they try harder to make Peru stand out. In my opinion, Eva Ayllon is an excellent singer. She is a proud singer of the country where she was born, very dedicated and that is why I would like to nominate her for the Best Peruvian Singer Award.

I can honestly say that she is one of the best in Peru, she is always bringing out the name Peru, she always wants to excel in that. But more than that, she helps the world to know the beauty of Peru and also the best cultured of the Creole and Afro-Peruvian music, considered a great reference to other Peruvian artists.

In my opinion, perhaps her most important quality is helping the neediest and humility, she knows how to offer her knowledge to singers who are just starting out. The last point I would like to highlight is her patience and her desire to always learn something new, she is very loved by all of Peru for her beautiful way of being.

She is the best Peruvian singer I know and inspires other artists to be good, so I hope they choose her as the best singer in their competition.