n1-u1-1st Quiz English II

PREGUNTA 1 In a party after a concert, Mathew and Camila are in the VIP section and they are having a good time. Camila:

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PREGUNTA 1 In a party after a concert, Mathew and Camila are in the VIP section and they are having a good time. Camila: The party is so good! Mathew: yes, I’m having a great time… oohh, look who is there!!! Ricky Martin! Camila: Where? Mathew: He is _______________ the woman and the man.


on the corner of


in the corner of


in front of


between 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 2 It is a sunny day. Mathew and his friend Claudia want to take a walk, so they decide to go to the beach. Mathew: Let’s go to the beach, it is a beautiful day! Claudia: sure! Let’s go, but I need to find my sunglasses. Mathew: ______________________.


It is in the bag.


They are in the bag.


They are on the bag. d.

It is on the bag.

5 puntos PREGUNTA 3 Mathew and his Dad are at home, but Mathew has a problem... Mathew: Dad, Do you know where my cell phone is? Father: The white one. Mathew: yes… I can’t find it. Father: __________ the desk. a.

It is across and between


He is between


It is on


He is on 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 4 Mathew’s Mom wants to eat some noodles. Mom: I am hungry Mathew. Do we have any noodles? Mathew: _____________________________. a.

Yes, we have any.


No, we don’t have some.


No, we don’t have any.


Yes, we have some any. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 5 In the morning, at home, Mathew and his grandmother are going to prepare breakfast, but they have different alternatives…. Mathew: Good morning Grandma! Grandma: Good morning Mathew. Mathew: What do you want for breakfast? Grandma: ___________________. a.

Any bread and a orange juice.


Cereal and a beef.


Some orange juice and bread.


Any fish and a rice. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 6 Mathew and his friend Antonia are hungry and they want to prepare some fajitas. They are at home. Mathew: Let’s prepare some Fajitas.

Antonia: mmm, delicious!! But we don’t have anything, so we need to buy ______________, ______________... Mathew: and ________________. a.

a onion/a meat/ cheeses


some cheese/ a meats/ some onions


a meats/ a carrot/ a cheeses


some meat/ an onion/ some cheese 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 7 Mathew is talking with his family about food... Mathew likes to eat fruit and vegetables, so which of these foods does he like? a.

Apples, broccoli, lettuce, oranges and tomatoes


Tomatoes, apple, bread, lettuce and orange


Fish, broccoli, orange, lettuce and tomatoes


Broccoli, beef, lettuce, tomatoes and orange 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 8 At the gym, Mathew and his friend Susan are doing exercises… Mathew: Hi Susan, Do you know I’m training for a marathon? Susan: Really? Wow, you have to watch your diet then. Mathew: Yes, I know. Susan: You can eat different types of food, except for ___________________. a.

oil, fat and sugar.


proteins, dairy and candies.


vegetables, sugar and grains.


cereal, sugar and pasta.

5 puntos PREGUNTA 9 Charles and Mathew are at the Gym talking about food. Charles: Hey, What is your favorite food? Mathew: I eat all kinds of food but I eat a lot of eggs, meat, lettuce and carrots. Charles: oh! So, you prefer the ____________________. a.

proteins and vegetables group.


fat and grains group.


fruit and vegetables group.


grains and dairy group. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 10 Look at the map and give Mathew’s Mom directions: How can Mathew’s mom go to the theater?

a. b. c. d.

Walk down Mallory Street; it’s on the corner of Mallory St. and First Avenue. Go up Mallory Street and walk two blocks. It’s on Mallory Street, across from the university. Go down Mallory Street and walk one block. It’s on Mallory Street, across from the Gas Station. Go down Mallory Street and walk one block. It’s on Tortie Lane, across from the Flower Shop. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 11 Look at the map and give Mathew’s Mom directions: How can she go to the supermarket?

a. b. c. d.

Go up Mallory St. and turn left on Third Avenue. It’s on Third Ave Go down Mallory Street and turn right on Third Avenue. It’s on the corner of Third Ave. and Tortie Lane. Go down Mallory St. Turn right on First Avenue. It’s in front of the library. Go down First Avenue and turn right on Third Avenue. It’s on the corner of Tortie Lane 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 12 Look at the map and give Mathew’s Mom directions: How does Mathew’s mom get to the Toy Shop?





Go down Tortie Lane, turn left on Second Avenue, go five blocks. Turn left on Mackerel Boulevard and walk one block. It’s in front of the beauty shop. Walk down Mallory Street, turn right on Second Avenue and go two blocks. Turn left on Mackerel Boulevard and walk one block. It’s across from the church. Walk down Mallory Street, turn right on Second Avenue, go two blocks. Turn left on Mackerel Boulevard and walk one block. It’s across from the library. Walk up Mallory Street, turn left on First Avenue and go one block. Turn right on Mackerel Boulevard and walk two blocks. It’s across from the city hospital. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 13 It is Christmas, and Mathew invites his girlfriend to have dinner with his family. Mathew’s mother: You have to tell me what kind of food she prefers. Mathew: She _____________ eat meat, she is a vegetarian. Mathew’s mother: ok, so I will cook __________________. a.

doesn’t / salad and pasta.


doesn’t / salad and chicken.


don’t / French fries.


don’t / beef. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 14 Mathew and his family are talking about Mathew's dog. What do the pictures represent?


The dog don’t likes its food.


The dog doesn’t likes its food.


Mathew’s dog doesn’t like its food.


The dog like its food.

5 puntos PREGUNTA 15 Mathew and his family are talking about food. Mathew's sister doesn’t eat much chicken, eggs or fish because... a.

she doesn’t like meat or proteins.


she don’t like meat or proteins.


she like meat and proteins.


she likes meat and proteins. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 16 Mathew is talking with a friend about technology and business. Mathew’s friend: I want to have my own business when I finish the school. Mathew: First, You have to learn how to ___________________, and then you can start your business. Nowadays, Social networks are very important for making money. Mathew’s friend: you are right, but first I have to pass Math, so I have to ___________________. a.

learn to drive / study French.


tutor a student / learn to drive.


study for an exam / study Italian.


create a website / study for an exam.

5 puntos PREGUNTA 17 Mathew and Susan are talking about life and the new activity he wants to do…. Mathew: I’m a little bored, I want to do something different. Susan: Why don’t you __________________? Mathew: mmmm, that sounds interesting. I like Italian.


takes driving lessons


learn another language


taking dance class


reads a mystery book 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 18 Mathew and his friend are talking about their hobbies. Mathew: Hey Robert, Do you like Soccer? Robert: yes, I do. I like to __________ soccer. a.







look for 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 19 Mathew visits his uncle, and he needs to know how to get to some places in the new city. There isn’t any map, just apply the rules of “prepositions of place”. Mathew: Uncle Tom, can you tell me where the Bank is please? Tom: Of course Mathew, ______________________. a.

It is next to the Police, in 2nd Avenue.


It is across from the Supermarket in the 1st Street.


It is on the corner of Hill Avenue and King Street.


It is in the corner of King Street. 5 puntos

PREGUNTA 20 A friend of Mathew, who is new in the city, needs to buy some clothes… There isn’t any map, just apply the rules of “prepositions of place”. Mathew’s friend: hi Mathew, I need a favor. Mathew: tell me… Mathew’s friend: I need to buy some shoes and clothes, where can I go? Mathew: There are some department stores, ________1st Street. There is one _________ 1st Street and Lincoln Street. a.

on / on the corner of


in / behind


in / next to


on / in