Monologue & Dialogue 14_HOUSING.pdf

TOPIC: HOUSING LEVEL B1 TASK 1_Monologue: Talk about your dream house, describing the ideal location, services and fac

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TASK 1_Monologue: Talk about your dream house, describing the ideal location, services and facilities. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of housing?

Task 1_pre-task:  Use the present simple, the conditional (to talk hypothetically) and expressions of existence: There is/are, It has a..., we find a...  Use expressions and adverbial phrases for location: in the basement/attic, on the ground/fist/second floor, It is near a... /close to a... , in the middle of, etc.  You can use the vocabulary below to enrich your presentation: I live in a …

It’s got…

(semi-)detached / terraced house – a block of

a lift – an attic – a balcony – a fireplace – wooden

flats – an appartment – a cottage /’kɒtɪdʒ/

floors – a good view – high ceilings – stairs – a front/large/back garden – a patio – central heating

I live in… the suburbs /’sʌbɜ:(r)b/ - a

– a fully-equipped /ɪ’kwɪpt/ kitchen – all mod cons

residential area - the town-centre - the

(equipment in a house to make life easy) – an en-suite /ɒn

outskirts of town - a noisy/quiet /’kwaɪət/neighbourhood

‘swi:t/ bathroom – appliance /ə’plaɪəns/

- the countryside It’s overlooking a park – It’s well-connected to…

spacious /’speɪʃəs/ – modern – old-

To worry about something

fashioned - lively /’laɪvli/ – noisy – quiet –

To annoy / stand / endure (ɪn’djʊə(r) – to suffer in a

bright/light – dark – comfortable /’kʌmftəbl/

patient way) your neighbours /’neɪbə(r)/

/ cosy /’kəʊzi/

 Use the comparatives when comparing different kinds of housing: It is quieter – It is closer to main services – there is more space – rooms are bigger, etc.

Trabajo realizado por la ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS DE ESTEPA (SEVILLA) Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

 Organize your information and ideas:

I’m going to speak about my ideal house and then I will compare /kəm’peə(r)/ different kinds of housing.

As I see it… Also, ... In my opinion….

However, but...

The best about…

On the one hand...

Regarding / As for my ideal house, I would like to…

The main advantage /əd’vɑ:ntɪdʒ/ of living in…

On the other hand...

In conclusion, I think that living in a…

The pros /prəʊz/ / cons /kɒnz/ of…


 Related links: (Pam’s House) (Dee’s House) (Vocabulary on Home and Furniture) (Clips about flathunting and homes of the future) (Read article about living in a city or the countryside) (Living on your own) (Renting an apartment);quiz=120_where_pe ople_liv (Quiz – Where people live)

Trabajo realizado por la ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS DE ESTEPA (SEVILLA) Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

TASK 2_Dialogue


ROLE A You are getting married very soon and are looking for a place to live. Tell student B (state agent) about the kind of home that you are looking for and explain the things that are important for you. You might have children in a couple of years and don’t forget your mother in law, who’s moving in with you. You and your partner both work in the city centre and you both have a car. The following phrases/expressions may come in handy: To make a point :

To ask and inform:

Personally, I think that… The way I see it, it’s better… I know what you mean, but… I’m not sure about that. My view is that… The fact is / The point is that we need…

I would like to take a look at the last one. Do you have anything closer to the city centre? I’m looking for a place with easy access to the motorway / all the main services In a really good location / in very good condition


ROLE B You are a state agent. Listen to your client’s needs, ask appropriate questions and try to find the perfect home for him/her. You can’t really tell him, but you are desperate to sell a cottage in the countryside at 20 kms from the city centre, whose price is 160,000 €. The following phrases/expressions may come in handy: To persuade:

To inform:

Surely, it is better to live… Isn’t it true that it is more relaxing to …? Don’t you think that…? Anyone can see that it is better… I can assure you that you will be happy with this purchase /ˈpɜː(r)tʃəs/

It’s in very good condition / well-kept It was recently rebuilt / modernised In a really good location A ten minute’s drive/walk from the city centre It allows you easy access to all the main services Close to the motorway

Trabajo realizado por la ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS DE ESTEPA (SEVILLA) Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.