Mo du le 6: ex tra Ma ter ial

e6 M Ex t M ate ra od ria ul l Vocabulary & Communication A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. It has always been a(n) a. weakn

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M Ex t M ate ra od ria ul l

Vocabulary & Communication A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. It has always been a(n) a. weakness

of hers to become a famous poet. b. intelligence

2. You shouldn’t

the secret to anyone!

a. blame

b. maintain

3. Johnny, you shouldn’t make fun a. about

b. by

5. Eric is quite

b. irrational


and his clever sense of humor. 2. We held a charity event to raise

about AWARE

global warming. 3. Our new secretary is

c. of

d. in


4. The topic you are suggesting is completely


You’ll have to come up with something else. 5. Shouting at everyone at the meeting was very



of going to an interview THINK

makes me feel nervous. to tell us what happened


and was quiet all evening. 8. A small car is totally

for a family

of five. Something bigger would be more convenient. 9. Mountain biking has grown in


the years. 10. I sometimes find it hard to control my


C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need to use.

phrases a-g. There is one extra phrase that you do not need to use. Then listen and check your answers. a. Let’s look at the pros and cons. c. You may be right, but I’ll be taking a risk. d. There are several reasons why I believe this. e. Let’s discuss it. f. First, you should have a look at both sides of the matter. g. But on the other hand, if you quit, you might find something you’re more interested in. A: I’m thinking about quitting my job. I don’t know what else to do. B: Really? Wait a minute. 1 you want to quit? A: Well, I’ve been working there for years, and I keep doing the same things. It’s becoming very boring for me. B: Well, you shouldn’t make a decision A: OK, then. 3 B: On the one hand, you’ve gotten used to the job you are at and it pays well.

1. Peter is the type of person who always


a goal that he has set. to come to our barbecue this weekend. from routine is to go on a

weekend trip. 4. You shouldn’t let all these clothes go to


5. Martin always went after his dreams and never had any about himself.

18 – PIONEER intermediate B1 American Edition

You’ve always said that your

passion is writing. A: 5

I might not succeed.

B: 6

I think the most suitable

solution is for you to send your résumé to interesting job advertisements and

You can give them to charity.

6. I heard the woman’s

Why do

without thinking about it well. 2

victories escape intends accomplishes demanding laughter waste

3. An easy way to

d. mature

b. True, but you can at least give it a try.

but she

is very eager to learn the job.

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d. at

D. Complete the dialogue with the

1. My grandfather was known for his

2. Jill

c. with

c. realistic

B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.


d. reveal

for his age. He is a serious and reliable young man.

a. illogical

7. Pete was

c. exist

nature a very positive person.

a. with

6. Even the

d. devotion

the other children.

b. of

4. Katie is

c. ambition

from the other room.

maybe go to an interview. Then, you can make a decision. A: I guess you’re right.

Grammar A. Choose a, b or c. 1. I

this project by the end of the day.

a. am finishing 2. Rose

c. finish

b. visits

c. will have visited

us this weekend.

a. is visiting 3. By the time John

home, I will have prepared dinner.

a. is getting 4. Danny

b. gets


b. won’t have dropped

c. isn’t going to drop

me with this assignment, please?

a. Will... help 6. I

c. will get

by because he has a doctor’s appointment.

a. doesn’t drop 5.

b. will have finished

b. Are... going to help

c. Are... you helping

the e-mail as soon as I finish lunch.

a. will send

b. am sending

c. will have sent

B. Complete with the correct form of the words in parentheses. 1. Suzy will come over if you

(invite) her.

2. Who would you want to meet if you 3. You

(not get) accepted to college unless you study hard.

4. If you still 5. Kevin

(can) meet anyone in the world?

(not feel) well tomorrow, you should go to the doctor. (go) to the gym more often if he had more time.

6. If I were you, I 7. When the weather

(not behave) in such an irresponsible way. (be) hot, we go to the beach.

8. James might move to Spain if he

(find) a job there.

9. Greg would cook dinner if you 10. The machine

(ask) him to. (turn) off when you press this button.

Listening Listen to a psychologist giving a talk about the “Marshmallow Experiment” and write T for True or F for False. 1. The Marshmallow Experiment was done recently. 2. According to the experiment, successful people are able to control themselves. 3. During the experiment, the children were given as many marshmallows as they wanted.

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4. The experiment, among other things, tested how patient the children were. 5. None of the children managed to wait for 15 minutes without eating the first marshmallow. 6. Psychologists believe that the children who delayed gratification were more successful than the rest.

PIONEER intermediate B1 American Edition –



A. Read the text and answer the questions.

Fearless Felix

Felix Baumgartner 127,851 ft.

Joe Kittinger 102,800 ft.

weather balloon 80,000 ft.

On August 16 th , 1960, a man named Joe Kittinger jumped from a height of 102,800 ft. (19.5 miles). He fell for 4 minutes and 36 seconds, reaching a top speed of 614 mph before opening his parachute at 18,000 ft. In a matter of minutes, Kittinger had made history. He set records for highest ascent*, highest parachute jump and fastest velocity*. 52 years later, Kittinger was first on the list of a highly-experienced crew when skydiver Felix Baumgartner decided to break the record and go even higher.

Felix Baumgartner was born on April 20th, 1969 in Salzburg, Austria. He is a professional BASE jumper and skydiver, and has accomplished many amazing feats. In 1999, he claimed the world record for the highest parachute jump from a building after leaping 1,479 ft. from The Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia, which were the tallest buildings in the world at the time. In 2004, Felix jumped off the highest bridge in the world, the Millau Viaduct in France, from an altitude of 1,125 ft. In 2007, Felix jumped to the bottom of the world’s second biggest cave, called “Seating of the Spirits,” located in Oman. The depth of the cave (only 395 ft.) and its tube-like shape made this challenge seem impossible. Felix, however, jumped into pitch darkness and landed unhurt six seconds later with only two seconds to open his parachute!

Before attempting the highest skydive on record, Felix had made two successful stratosphere* test jumps from 71,581 ft. and 96,650 ft. Weather conditions on October 14th, 2012 were perfect as the helium balloon and capsule* moved upwards into the sky. However, when it reached 62,000 ft., Felix reported that his visor heater wasn’t working properly. The ground crew briefly considered aborting the mission, but decided to continue. It took him two and a half hours to climb to 127,851 ft. (over 24 miles) and as he prepared to jump, Kittinger told him via radio, “OK, we’re getting serious now, Felix.” Along with the many dangers of skydiving, the main fear for Felix was what would happen to his body if he broke the sound barrier at 768 mph. No human had traveled faster than the speed of sound before without a vehicle. 8,000,000 people were watching the live stream on YouTube as Felix looked down at the Earth below him and said, “I’m coming home.” Then he jumped. After 42 seconds of freefall, he reached a top speed of 843.6 mph. Soon after, the atmosphere became thicker and slowed him down a little. Approximately four minutes later, he opened his parachute and was safely back on the ground eleven minutes after leaving the capsule. Felix had once again succeeded, therefore proving his ability to achieve his goals. Felix broke three records and gained international fame. What will his passion make him do next?

* ascent = the act of climbing or moving upwards * velocity = the speed of something that is moving Boeing 747 46,000 ft.

* stratosphere = the outer part of the air surrounding the Earth, from 32,808 ft. to 164,041 ft. above the Earth * capsule = the part of a spacecraft in which people travel

1. What did Joe Kittinger do to make history?


 2. What did Felix decide to do 52 years later?  3. What exactly did Felix do to claim a world record in 1999?

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 Mt. Everest 29,029 ft.

4. Why was the jump in the “Seating of the Spirits” considered something that cannot be done?  5. What were the altitudes that Felix jumped from during his stratosphere test jumps?

6. What did Felix use to go up into the sky before attempting the highest skydive on record?  7. When did the ground crew consider aborting the mission?  8. What was everyone afraid of?  9. What did Felix do before he jumped?  10. How long did the jump from space last? 

B. Discuss. What do you think is the most amazing part of Felix’s achievement? 20 – PIONEER intermediate B1 American Edition