Job Hunting ExtraActivities PDF

Professional English Cambridge English for Job-hunting UNIT 1 EXTRA ACTIVITIES Researching yourself Researching yo

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Professional English

Cambridge English for




Researching yourself

Researching yourself boardgame Students work in small groups and take it in turns to roll the dice and move a counter around the board. Players must follow the instructions written on the squares they land on and the winner if the first person to get to the end. This could be played at any stage during the course. It works well with Unit 1 as students are researching themselves but can also work well as general interview practice.


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


UNIT 1 Researching yourself Extra Activities

Ask another player a question of your choice

Go forward two squares Go back three squares

Go forward three squares Ask another player a question of your choice

Ask another player a question of your choice

Go back three squares

Ask another player a question of your choice

Go forward three squares

Ask another player a question of your choice


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


Professional English

Cambridge English for


UNIT 2 a


Describing character

Match an adjective in the box with the descriptions of the people. punctual    ambitious    impulsive    persuasive reliable    patient    careless    flexible    decisive industrious    sociable    optimistic    careful organised    reserved    imaginative    honest

1 Rafal is always on time.


2 Lidia is good at making decisions. 3 Mai always does what she says she will do. 4 Charles doesn’t mind waiting. 5 Camila finds it easy to talk to other people. 6 Paul never tells lies.

b Make the answers to Exercise a negative by using a prefix in the box. in-    un-    im-    dis-

1 2 3 4 5 6



Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


UNIT 2 Describing character Extra Activities


Complete the crossword.  

































































































































































































































































Across 3 A person who tells the truth is


4 A person who is always on time is

(6) (8)

6 A person willing to talk and interact with other people is


8 A person having or showing creativity or inventiveness is


9 A person who does things suddenly without considering the consequences is (9) 10 A person hopeful and confident about the future is


Down 1 A cautious person who avoids potential danger or harm is 2 A diligent and hard-working person is

(7) (11)

5 A person having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed is (9) 7 A person giving insufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors is (8)


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


Professional English

Cambridge English for


UNIT 3 a


Word formation

Change the following verbs into nouns. Noun

































b Complete the sentences taken from real cover letters with the correct form of words in Exercise a.

1 The manager of your Tokyo branch regarding the opening for a media consultant.

that I contact you

2 I a copy of my CV, and look forward to examining the ways in which you feel my professional experience and skills would benefit Williams & Atkinson’s. 3 I am writing in response to your Manager in the Economist. 4 I am writing to

advertisement for a Business Development for the position of financial administrator.

5 I would like to thank you in advance for your time and


6 I am writing in to your job posting for a supermarket supervisor advertised on your company’s website. 7 As you will see from CV my professional experience and the requirements for the advertised position


8 Should you any further information regarding my application, please do not hesitate to contact me. 9 I 2009.

from university with an MA in International Relations in

10 I am writing to whether you currently have any vacancies in your human resources department.


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


UNIT 3 Word formation Extra Activities


Complete the sentences with the most suitable word. 1 I am writing in


to your advertisement in the Independent of 20th March.

a  reference    b  respond    c  response

2 I realised I was working

the wrong field and needed a complete change.

a  on    b  in    c  under

3 I am very good at prioritising my workload and always manage to


a  miss    b  extend    c  meet

4 I enjoy fresh challenges and work well


a  in    b  under    c  on

5 As you graduating from University.

see from my attached CV I have been in full time employment since

a  will    b  must    c  might

6 I

university in 2008 with an MA in Ancient History. a  graduated    b  am graduated from    c  graduated from

7 My proposals were implemented, which lead to a 20% increase in sales. As a result I was . a  given the sack    b  given a promotion    c  made redundant

8 I am

for interview at your convenience.

a  ready    b  open    c  available

9 Should you contact me.

information regarding my application, please do not hesitate to

a  want any    b  be needing extra    c  require any further

10 I greatly

from you.

a  look forward to hear    b  look forward to hearing    c  looking forward to hear


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


Professional English

Cambridge English for




Common interview questions

These flashcards feature the common interview questions listed on page 110 of Cambridge English for Job-hunting. There are a number of ways in which you might choose to use them in class with your students. Here are a couple of suggested activities. 1 Cut out and, if possible, laminate the cards. Randomly divide the cards and distribute a selection to students working in pairs or small groups. Each group/ pair should place their cards in a single, face down, pile. One student then picks up the top card and, assuming the role of interviewer, asks their partner the question on the card. After the questions have been answered, the students swap roles and draw another card from the top of the pile. Once all of the questions have been asked, students should swap their pile of questions with another pair/group sitting nearby and repeat the task. The exercise could continue until everyone has asked and answered each question however this might take up too much time, so the cards could be used as a short warmer or revision activity. 2 Ask students to organise the questions cards into groups and to catergorise the groups they have chosen. For example Professional experience/Personal/Questions requiring specific examples/etc. 3 Give each student a single card and ask students to mingle in the classroom and find a partner. After both questions have been asked and answered, students swap questions and go off in search of a new partner. 4 You could ask students to write their own interview question flashcards.


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


UNIT 4 Common interview questions Extra Activities

What skills did you develop at university?

Tell us something about yourself?

Why should we hire you?

What will you do if you don’t get this job?

What did you most / least enjoy about your time at university?

How will your degree help you in this position?

Why do you want this job?

What do you consider to be the key skills necessary for this position?

Why did you choose your degree subject?

What was the most challenging aspect of your degree course?

What do you like doing in your spare time?

What can you bring to this position?


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


UNIT 4 Common interview questions Extra Activities

What are your strengths/weaknesses?

What is your biggest achievement?

What attracted you to our company?

What do you think of our website?

What trends are likely to affect our industry over the next few years?

How do you typically approach new projects?

Describe your management style.

What sorts of things do you like to delegate?

What qualities do you look for in a manager?

How do you handle stress?

Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008

What do you know about our company?


UNIT 4 Common interview questions Extra Activities

What interests you most/least in your current work?

In what environment do you work best?

What motivates you in terms of work?

What would you change about your current job if you could?

Why are you considering leaving your current job?

Why did you leave your last job?

What are you looking for in a job?

What do you think will be the most challenging aspect of this role?

What kind of decisions do you find difficult to make?

Tell us about a time when you demonstrated good customer service / leadership skills …

Tell us about a time when you have been innovative at work.

Tell us about a time you encountered a problem and how you resolved it.


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


UNIT 4 Common interview questions Extra Activities

Tell us about a time when you had to make a difficult decision.

Tell us about a time when you successfully managed a difficult situation at work.

Describe a situation in which you took a risk. What were the results?

How do you work in a team?

How would your colleagues describe you?

How would your manager describe your work?

You seem not to have too much experience in X. Do you think this would be a problem?

Do you think you are overqualified for this position?

How have you changed over the last five years?

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

How do you hope to develop your career further?

Do you have any questions you would like to ask us?


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


Professional English

Cambridge English for


UNIT 5 a


STAR Anecdotes

Complete the following interview responses using the phrases in the box. Each gap needs a different phrase. At the time    This resulted in    On this occasion Our main priority was    In the end    It was important for    I decided to    I suggested that    I contacted    The problem was  

Question 1 Tell us about a time when you solved a problem. In August 2008, within in my role as training manager at ‘IT Solutions’ based in Helsinki, I was responsible for developing and running internal training courses. there was a general lack, within the company, of employees with sufficient project management training. ‘IT Solutions’ to provide greater project management training in order for the company to implement a new way of developing and monitoring the IT software packages it produces. Therefore, invite two external project management consultants to deliver a series of tailored specialised courses to meet this demand. I worked with the consultants to negotiate the aims of the training courses. I also ensured that two internal trainers were given training to enable the course to be cascaded throughout the organisation. specialised training for senior managers as well as a sustainable training model, which can be replicated and repeated internally in future.

Question 2 Tell us about a time when you demonstrated good people management skills. In my last job, running a small music charity, I was responsible for managing the charity assistant – Beatrice. Every year the charity held a big annual fundraiser in famous jazz club. I put Beatrice in charge of producing the programme for the event. Despite several reminders in the weeks leading up to the fundraiser, Beatrice left it until the last minute and we we’re in real danger of not getting the programme printed in time. Beatrice was having real difficulty e-mailing the document to the printers – as the file was really large - and burst into tears – unable to cope with the stress. to get the programme printed. After I had calmed Beatrice down, she burned a copy of the programme onto CD and walk it down to the printers whose office was less a mile away from our own. In this way I managed to ensure the responsibility for this task remained with Beatrice, even when she encountered a problem. Beatrice managed to get the programmes printed on time and that the fundraising event was a great success.

b Practice answering the questions in Exercise a with your own responses using the ‘STAR’ structure.


Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008


Professional English

Cambridge English for


UNIT 6 a


Speaking appropriately

Read the following dialogue in which Tomasz Filipek turns down a job offer. Identify any language used by Tomasz which you feel is inappropriate. What is wrong with the language you have chosen and how could it be improved? Receptionist: Future Designs, Charlotte speaking. Tomasz: Hi. My name’s Tomasz. I had interview for the graphic designer’s job. I want to speak to Ms Johnson? Receptionist: Yes of course. I’ll just put you through. Ms Johnson: Hello. Tomasz. It’s good to hear from you. Tomasz: Hi. Thanks for offering me the graphic designer’s job. Ms Johnson: You’re very welcome. Have you made a decision yet? Tomasz: Yes, I’m not going to accept the job. Ms Johnson: Oh that’s a shame. Can I ask why? Tomasz: Well. I like what your company does, and I really like your advertising campaigns, and I know it would be a good job for me to take. But a couple of days ago I was offered another job, which will pay me more. Ms Johnson: I appreciate the fact that you’ve called to let me know. Although, it’s a shame you won’t be joining us. I wish you the best of luck for the future. Tomasz: Thanks. Ms Johnson: You’re welcome. Goodbye. Tomasz: Bye.

b Rewrite Tomasz’ lines in the dialogue using more appropriate formal language. Receptionist: Tomasz: Receptionist: Ms Johnson: Tomasz: Ms Johnson: Tomasz: Ms Johnson: Tomasz: Ms Johnson:

Tomasz: Ms Johnson: Tomasz:



Future Designs, Charlotte speaking. Yes of course. I’ll just put you through. Hello. Tomasz. It’s good to hear from you. You’re very welcome. Have you made a decision yet? Oh that’s a shame. Can I ask why?

I appreciate the fact that you’ve called to let me know. Although, it’s a shame you won’t be joining us. I wish you the best of luck for the future. You’re welcome. Goodbye.

Listen to audio 6.8 and read the audioscript on page 94 of Cambridge English for Job-hunting. Compare it with your version of the conversation.

Cambridge English for Job-hunting Cambridge University Press 2008
