
IDIOMS IDIOMS WITH CLOTHES WORDS 1. Have something up my sleeve Meaning: Have an idea or plan which you have not told an

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IDIOMS IDIOMS WITH CLOTHES WORDS 1. Have something up my sleeve Meaning: Have an idea or plan which you have not told anyone about 2. Take my hat off to someone Meaning: to admire someone for his achievements 3. As comfortable as an old shoe Meaning: very familiar and uncomfortable 4. Pull your socks up Meaning: to try to improve someone’s work or behavior because it hasn’t been good enough. 5. Stuffed shirt Meaning: arrogant and think they are important. IDIOMS RELATED TO COMPUTERS 1. Spread like wildfire Meaning: something becomes popular fast 2. Dotcom phenomenon Meaning: a web company that is successful 3. Silver surfer Meaning: a person who is over 50 years old and uses the internet very well 4. Boot a computer up Meaning: start up a computer 5. Be a cog in the machine Meaning: Feel I am not important or necessary in a job

IDIOMS ABOUT TRAVELING/ WITH TRAVEL WORDS 1. Get itchy feet Meaning: to start to want to travel or do something 2. Sail through (something) Meaning: to do something easily and confidently

3. In the same boat Meaning: in the same difficult situations as someone else 4. Hit the road Meaning: to leave a place or begin a journey 5. A mile a minute Meaning: very quickly IDIOMS TO DO WITH ANIMALS 1. Have a whale of a time Meaning: to have a great time 2. A wolf in sheep’s clothing Meaning: a person who pretends to be friendly but is actually evil. 3. Take the bull by the horns Meaning: to do something difficult in a brave and determined way 4. Never look the gift horse in the mouth Meaning: to be ungrateful to someone who gives you something 5. A fish out of water Meaning: feel uncomfortable in a specific situation

IDIOMS DESCRIBING FEELINGS OR MOOD 1. Keep your chin up Meaning: something to say to someone in a difficult situation in order to encourage them. 2. Be on cloud nine Meaning: to be extremely happy and excited 3. Under the weather Meaning: to feel ill 4. Jump out of your skin Meaning: to be extremely surprised of something 5. Be in two mind Meaning: to be unable to decide about something 6. Be in a black mood Meaning: a very unhappy feeling

IDIOMS RELATED TO PERFORMING ARTS 1. Keep your chin up Meaning: something to say to someone in a difficult situation in order to encourage them. 2. Be on cloud nine Meaning: to be extremely happy and excited 3. Under the weather Meaning: to feel ill 4. Jump out of your skin Meaning: to be extremely surprised of something 5. Be in two mind Meaning: to be unable to decide about something 6. Be in a black mood Meaning: a very unhappy feeling