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I'I'II-I:%' 10/9/2014 Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Order Of Draco Slayers (G.O.O.D.S) Welcomes you! Wed

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Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Order Of Draco Slayers (G.O.O.D.S) Welcomes you!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Grand Order Of Draco Slayers (G.O.O.D.S) Welcomes you! Brothers and Sisters of Divine Humanity, we call to you! We are the Grand Order Of Draco Slayers or the G.O.O.D.S. We are a true magickal order of spiritual warriors dedicated to the eradication of the Reptilian (Alpha Draconis) and the Illuminati currents that have been strangling the life and blessings out of humanity for thousands and thousands of years now. We seek to stomp out the serpent threat, to untangle our spiritual values from their web of lies and manipulation, and to set the course of human evolution on a natural path by declaring full mutiny of the scaly hands that have been at the helm for so long. The G.O.O.D.S is NOT a religion. We are an order that has thrown off the chains of religious slavery. We believe that any God(s) or Goddess(es) who demand that you live in fear, guilt and shame, that you grovel for their love and beg for their mercy is an abomination to Divine humanism and their roots can be traced but to the blood crusted draco claws who planted the seeds of slavery in the astral/magickal/spiritual realms and filtered down into human consciousness. We believe that the worship of such God(s)/Goddess(es) is really the worship of this greedy lizards in disguise. This includes the current incarnation of the Chirstian religions. The G.O.O.D.S has but only one being who we “worship”. That is the Prime Creator. The Prime Creator is a being of endless love and strength. The Prime Creator, created the entire Universe and ALL the inhabitants of the Universe. All the Prime Creator wants is for its creations to discover and live up to their full potential. Because YOU are a creation of the Prime Creator is are already divine and you are already in its grand and “Highest of the high” image. Your worship… if you want to call it that; will come from realizing and releasing your greatest aspects and living by EXAMPLE for others. We at the G.O.O.D.S believe that anything other belief is slavish and certainly NOT part of the Prime Creator’s wishes for its creations. The G.O.O.D.S works in the magickal realm of “hero veneration”. Hero veneration is a powerful practice used to align yourself with some of the greatest examples of bravery and courage in all of human history and in direct benefit finding your own inner hero and BEING that hero for others, for yourself and for human divine. Heroes like Hercules who strangled two serpents as an infant and went on to slay the terrible Hydra or Thor whom twice showed his strength over the Midgard serpent and then finally killed the abomination. We also venerate Saint George who lanced the dragon/reptilian who had devoured human children and demanded gold donations for generations. These are but a few of the heroes we venerate within our order. We work with their stories, symbols and direct communication with them, called “Holy Communication”. We see their stories not just as parables but as stories to http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/05/grand-order-of-draco-slayers-goods.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Order Of Draco Slayers (G.O.O.D.S) Welcomes you!

emulate, in essence to BECOME. The G.O.O.D.S also uses “vibrational correspondence”. This means that through the use of color, symbol, sound and scent as well as intent and will force we create a space of vibration to allows better communication and helps use step into the roles of those heroes we work with and gradually, safely and powerfully, reshape our personal sphere of influence/bubble into the image of a grand hero which speeds up our own evolution and transformation the inner hero contained in us, bring it forward and ready to do battle for the liberation and continuity of humanity. The G.O.O.D.S is steeped in the magickal mottos “As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without”. This means that what happens in the astral realms ultimately becomes manifested into the physical world. The Astral realm is STRONGLY linked to your imagination/dream space. So, how you see yourself and circumstances or your residual mental/emotional image built through years of continual reinforced imaging is ultimate how you will manifest your life. The “inner” dialogue in your subconscious mind that continual tells the “story” of who you are, powerfully and subtly directs your life and your actions. These are POWERFUL secrets and humans MUST BE MADE AWARE for how this works. The Reptilian/Illuminati KNOW these things and have built an illusionary matrix of lies and manipulation to make sure you see yourself as weak and afraid, that the story you tell your self is bleak and dim. This keeps you a SLAVE and they your master. They have exploited religion and have convinced most of humanity that they are “sinners” and “unworthy” of love and to be “humble” by censoring their light and talents. That some “savior” will come save them… just have faith. What utter deceit! Like the fake political scheme they have set up, each president “promising” the fix the mistakes of the last and yet nothing ever really gets down, other than further imprisonment… It’s time to wake up!!! YOU need to BECOME the change, the light, the strength, the freedom you want! The REAL teaching of Christ was the style of hero veneration, they were… no… ARE meant to inspire YOU to LIVE THE LIFE OF A CHRIST FIGURE! Yes… YOU have that kind of power within you, it’s the Reptilian/Illuminati programming that tells you that you don’t. The REAL “second coming” will happen ONLY when a huge multiple of the human population wakes up the realization that they must become the heroes they need. Christ means “King” and a TRUE King fights for his or her people and does what is best for them. So Jesus was A Chirst… and you have FULL permission to be one too. The G.O.O.D.S wants you to awaken your inner hero and help stem the tide against hideous tyranny from otherworldly and inter-dimensional overlords. The G.O.O.D.S uses dream control to make you more self aware and for you to see what is on the edges of becoming manifested into your physical reality. Here lies Reptilian/Illuminati influences, sickness, and other dangers that through taking control of your dreams/lucid dreaming and dream journaling you can directly confront and change before it becomes real or have a great deal of foresight into http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/05/grand-order-of-draco-slayers-goods.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Order Of Draco Slayers (G.O.O.D.S) Welcomes you!

the future. In your dreams you can also see what positive things are coming into your reality also, such as love, relationship and health, and help and shape that, as well as have deeper insights into them as they happen. The G.O.O.D.S is also highly active in the astral realms. Out of body/Astral projection unleashes your mental/emotional body in a realm where true change and power happens every moment of every second or every day. It is here that the Reptilian/Illuminati is hard at work, directing the power they cultivate from their dark workings, the fear and terror of human torture, rape and humiliation, the blood they drink, and the global catastrophes they cause are all energy/power builders they use to direct and effect change in the astral realms which then manifest into the physical realty they want. The G.O.O.D.S enter into astral battle with these monsters with the aid of heroes and their absolute love of Human Divine, this is where Draco Slayers seek to be “Saint George rides to where the dragons are” and here you will serve humankind in a powerful and deeply meaningful way. There is of course on the very, very rare case that it can be a physical encounter and our great stories of human heroes that challenged Draco/Reptilians face to face, riding to the entrances of their underground caverns and giving them the tip of their lance rather than see yet another human child (think about how early women/maidens married back then, a human virgin was basically a child…why so many missing children that are NEVER found?) or gold go to fill their bellies or their greed. I can only think of ONE brief physical encounter of possible reptilian contact in all of the years of the G.O.O.D.S history, one which WE WON btw. 99.9% of what we do is in the astral realm. This is where the major war rages on. To the winner go the spoils….literally. As stated before the outcome of the astral world is to become the physical world. If imitation into the G.O.O.D.S is what you want then you are more than welcome to petition. All you need to do is before you sleep “see” a power and impenetrable sphere of white light around you; this is the light of the Prime Creator. Ask that Saint George visit you. If you can print out the image of Saint George and place it next to your bedside. When Saint George appears in your dream and or you kill a dragon in your dream, you are a member of G.O.O.D.S. I can’t say when or how this will happen but if you keep petitioning it will. Contact us will it does at [email protected]. We will have more information for you coming soon. PLEASE share it with your friends and contacts. Any army of astral dragon slayers will turn the tide in rapid fashion. Remember “Dragons may sit on gold, but the G.O.O.D.S walks in lizard skin boots!” -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Saint George the Dragon Slayer

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Saint George the Dragon Slayer Saint George is a powerful friend and ally. He is essential to the work of the G.O.O.D.S and to the spiritual, magickal and physical development of all the current and would-be members of the G.O.O.D.S. He is a Cavalier, he is a great mentor and highly encouraging. His words spurn you on to progress and his praises are inspiring to say the least. Saint George encourages physical fitness, which will challenging to some, but he doesn’t treat you as a drill sergeant would, he knows your limitations as he encourages progression on levels you can handle. Initiation into the G.O.O.D.S is carried out by him. It’s said that “Saint George rides to where the dragons are”. When you are ready he will arrange a battle in your dream. When you have killed a dragon in your dream, you will be a member of the D.O.O.R.S. Until that time keep petitioning him into your Sphere of Influence before you sleep at night, ask for holy communication with him and let him know your intentions. Get an image of him as detailed in the video or the one that is on the top of this blog page. Print it out and place it next to your bedside. That image will help draw him near to you and it’s a powerful astral symbol that the Reptilian forces and Illuminati fear and tend to stay away from. When you are ready to begin doing vibrational correspondence work, find a place that you can set up a make shift altar or “focus point” for him. This can be a temporary spot or permanent depending on your circumstances. Use an image of him; stand it up right or hang it on a wall or lay it on the floor or table. Light a red and blue candle, they don’t have to be big or expensive and if you can burn some Dragon’s Blood incense (Fresh dragon’s blood is great smell to any draco slayer). Stare softly at the “focus point” and allow his energetic vibrations to enter into your sphere of influence. Sit with him and ask for holy communication, tell him you are ready. He may answer he may not. Sometimes he will answer but you are not harmonically in-sync enough with him to hear his reply. Don’t worry, n time you will be and his reply will come across very clear. “If” you can, give him a knife or sword and maybe a white horse figurine as a gift, this will help you focus and invite his energy into your life better and his presence will charge this items and you can keep them close to where you sleep or when you just want something he has touched to be on your person or close to it. His day is April 23, it’s nice to read some of his stories maybe ask him what he might want to eat or drink and give him a glass and plate of it, don’t be surprised if he says something like, “Only water for me and no food I need to watch what I eat”. But he has asked for a shot of Beef Eater gin before too… so who knows. A prayer you can use after you have set up his “focus point” and cleared and brightened your Sphere of Influence with the light of the Prime Creator which http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/05/saint-george-dragon-slayer.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Saint George the Dragon Slayer

helps him come into your personal space very strongly is; “Mighty George the dragon slayer. Invincible champion of all that is righteous and just. I ask for your guidance, your blessing over my spirit and on my body. I ask you to show me your strength and how I might achieve it, to show me your valor and how I might attain it. Be with me in my spiritual and physical battles. Stand with me as I go toe to toe with the scaled hoard of sickness and greed. Like yours, may my lance always find its mark and the servants of the vile serpents be trampled underfoot. To the highest of the high goes the glory, may divine will be done and divine way be made real. May I be as brilliant as Tipareth(Sun), as terrible as Geburah(Iron Knight), and as merciful as Chessed(Kind and courageous king)”. “May I be as brilliant as Tipareth, as terrible as Geburah, and as merciful as Chessed”. Is a line for the true mystical Qaballa/Tree of Life. The Qaballa is a scared and powerful tool of manifestional and mapping out the forces of the Prime Creator. The Reptilians and the Illuminati are NOT able to work with this symbol/glyph as it stands so they needed to profane and make it unholy in what is known as the Qillopth. Stars such as Madonna as servants of the serpents and she is probably just a useful idiot in their schemes, but she is selling the Qillopth or “Reversed” Tree of Life… the twisted Black Tree that grows out of suffering, greed and pain and feeds only on such. Make it a point to spend a couple times a week working with Saint George. If at any time you encounter him and he is hostile, insulting, menacing or anything other than a true paladin or “Knight in shining armor on a white horse” then you are NOT communicating with Saint George and you MUST IMMEDIATELY STOP and call for the Light of the Prime Creator to banish what is either a impersonator spirit or an illuminati or reptilian entity trying to deeply disturb you and scare you away from this practice. Saint George can be “gruff” at times and he will tell you the truth but he will NEVER assault you verbally or any other way, unless you’re a member of the Illuminati or a reptilian and then you deserve that and worse.





Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Intorducing General George Washington

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Intorducing General George Washington I am beyond excited to introduce the next and major hero of G.O.O.D.S, a powerful military leader(strategy) and expert horseman(astral traveler) and master of hand to hand combat (astral battle), not to mention one tough as nails SOB and Father of this great American country, General George Washington. Where Saint George is the consummate Draco/Reptilian slayer, George Washington is a true prodigy of defeating magicks, agents and summoned wretches using Transplutonian magick, which is a form of magick that calls to being who are so alien to this universe that they are true horrid to look upon. They are from beyond the light of the sun in our solar system and are so bizarre any mind trying to communicate with them would go insane and be complete over taken by evil. General George Washington warns that only the light the Prime Creator can banish them and your astral weapons must by bathed in the Prime Creator’s light before they will have any effect. He also tells that many of Illuminati members of simply just spiritless human meat bags now, their souls devoured by these entities and their bodies animated and control by them, as where the Reptilians possess their Illuminati slaves from time to time, this “creatures” drink the soul and infest the body on a permanent level. General George Washington says that the Reptilians has struck an uneasy truce between these beings and will work with them as long as there is mutual benefit between them. The origins of these creatures are to awful to speak of and he will not divulge that information, other then they come from the black and twisted tree of the Qillopth, or EVIL side of the Qaballa. General George Washington will teach you how to energize and cleanse you and your astral weapons before and after battling them and under NO circumstances should you every go seeking these things out without him with you. General George Washington was probably poisoned by the Illuminati, and he seeks to rid them from this world. Anyone battling the Illuminati would be well advised to honor General George Washington, ask him for help and pay him his deserved respects. The “point of focus” for General George Washington should have an American flag, red, white and blue candles, his picture like in the video or one with his horse being shown (very important), he enjoys a glass of Whiskey, Rum punch, Potter, or fortified sweet wines. Instead of a “prayer” the Pledge of Allegiance is said to welcome him. A figurine of a horse, and or an eagle is appreciated and if and when possible a curved blade or an actual saber. He will empower this for you by his presence alone. Place his picture and the curved blade by your bedside, reptilian energies fear it and Illuminati forces run from it. If and when you are ever attacked or go to battle in your dreams it will often by the saber of General George Washington that appears in your hand or Saint George’s blade that becomes your “astral sword” http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/05/intorducing-general-george-washington.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Intorducing General George Washington

depending on who and what you encounter. Working with General George Washington with Saint George is like the left jab and right cross combination of American boxing, they are incredibly powerful on their own and downright invincible together. General George’s day is his birthday 2/22, always give with a drink and a cigar followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, and thank him for the country he helped make and ask him for advice on how to keep this republic strong and free. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Here comes The March Rider

Monday, May 31, 2010

Here comes The March Rider The March Rider Few entities are as hard charging and fiery as The March Rider. His singular focus on the obliteration of the dark energies and spiritual influences of “unnatural” death and decay upon this world and the righteous devastation of their kind he leaves in his wake boarders on appalling. Some who work with him find him a little frightening in his eagerness to meet the “sick hoard” of reptilian and illuminati scum head on, suggesting that his himself is a hot-tempered psychopath who uses the convenient excuse of the eradication of something as disgusting and repugnant as the reptilian/illuminati agenda to satisfy his violent desires, other say he has been utterly convinced to fight and kill them without mercy to preserve humanity that the ends will justify the means. Having worked with The March Rider I can say he stands somewhere in-between. When asked directly he has answered the G.O.O.D.S with this “If a man has a job to do, he might as well find pleasure in it. I can name thousands of brave men who found both comfort and immense satisfaction in killing members of the Nazi party. It’s wise to ask the Prime Creator not to hate what you know you must destroy, but who says you can’t hate the act of destroying?” The March Rider is also called “The thorn whom protects the rose” and he is patron of an inner circle of the G.O.O.D.S known as “The Red Knights of the thorn”. The March Rider has said he is a manifestation of the Roman deity Mars, but that he should not be viewed as “just an aspect” of Mars, that he is a self standing entity and to be seen as such. Rather than appearing as Roman, he appears in a very outlandish old world European manner, almost “foppish”, sometimes wearing blush and foundation on his face, with a long exaggerated plume from his helmet. I have very rarely seen him out of his full plate armor, but never once he I seen him not dressed fully in every shape of red possible. Even his horse is red with some sort of bizarre but fully functional braiding…red of course. The horse’s eyes and hooves are smoldering embers and ignite into flame when he charges. The March Rider seems to be a contradiction of terms, his appearance foppish, comical and even effeminate, but his raw power, fiery nature and will to do violence is deadly serious. The spear he carries is among the most savagely wicked and lethal looking weapons I have ever seen, the blade is always dripping with http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/05/here-comes-march-rider.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Here comes The March Rider

blood, and he is ALWAYS within reach of it. The mystery of why he looks the why he does is a profound one and the discovery of this is the key into “The Red Knights of the Thorn”, however, even if you never intend to join “The Red Knights of the Thorn”, The March Rider is a worthwhile ally and one that scares the hell out of ALL entities of darkness and “unnatural death”. The March Rider is a fountain of life, health and masculine energy, so he defeats disease, decay and low energy and can teach use to use the elemental force of fire in magick and how to empower your ceremonies with fiery energy and how to protect yourself in astral battle with fire armor. To attract the attention of The March Rider place a red cloth (any fabric, but he really likes satin and or silk) on it put some cloves of garlic, a red onion, straw berries, and a pinch of thyme and basil, even a tomato, a pinch of cayenne, and if you can manage, some cinnamon. He likes candies like Red-Hots, Cinnamon bears, Hot-Tamales, Red liquorish whips, and Big-Red gum. Get a red candle, with a tooth-pick or knife carve in the planetary symbol of “mars” and burn it to him. Place the candle on a red, white or clear dish to avoid setting a fire. If you can pluck a couple of thorns off a rose bush and place them on the “point of focus” too. Pour him a glass of red wine or red Kool-Aid or Hawaiian punch. Draw or paint a red triangle on a piece of paper, red construction paper if you can and you can use the Knight of Wands card from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Ask The March Rider to aid you in your magickal battles, that you are dedicated to the protection of life and the destruction of darkness and “unnatural death” and to the reptilian/illuminati agenda. Ask him energize you and cleanse your blood and restore vitality to your health. He will probably direct you to make food dishes using garlic and onions herbed with basil and thyme, but not always. He can be used to resolve sexual issues and restore masculinity. The March Rider is also VERY eager to help punish and harm pedophiles and rapists… which pretty much will cover all members of the Illuminati. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Taking back our Father

Monday, May 31, 2010

Taking back our Father The G.O.O.D.S is an inner order of a very powerful and very tight Wiccan coven. In response to the questions we get regarding magick orders and "religion" and because our coven is dedicated to establishing a serious and legitimate form of Wicca I bring you this, to help you better understand what Wicca is. The G.O.O.D.S and its purpose are specialized and not representative of generally practiced Wicca. Our Wicca is however based strongly in ritual drama, wild hunts, initiation-quests and hero cult/veneration and physicality. ___________________________Taking back our Father____________________________ The followers of the Wiccan path must come to understand the definite difference between bowing before our great and beautiful Mother Goddess in honor and worship of her divine sacredness, adoring her flawless feet with kisses born of prefect love an' prefect trust, given with strength and dignity, or, in quite the opposite fashion, groveling at her feet like a castrated and desperate cripple, which is no doubt an abomination to her worship and a slander to the true art, craft and hearth. If Wicca is to really step up as a true and worthwhile religious path, leading to Divine ecstasy, a doorway to experiencing true union with and of God and Goddess, the practicing Wiccans must reclaim and strive to restore the place of the Lord our Father God whom is the first love and most vigilant defender of our Mother Lady Goddess. The imbalance in the world never once lay with the union of our God and Goddess. At no point did God or Goddess abuse or deceive the other. They have perfectly kept their eternal union of Beauty and Strength, loving and honoring, never denying to either any other their aspects, warrior and warrior-ess, priest and priestess of the other, lover of man and lover of women, Lord and Lady, through and through. The imbalance lies solely with us, their children, whom seemed doomed to repeat the awful mistakes of the past. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/05/taking-back-our-father.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Taking back our Father

Men of Wicca, understand now that Goddess worship is best done embodying a divine aspect of your Father God, how can you being to honor our Mother Goddess without knowing your source of strength and divine masculinity? The Lord is now, has forever been and will forever be her greatest lover and deepest devotee, without knowing an aspect of him you are incomplete and can never know how to love or show devotion to her your Lady Goddess or any of her aspects, be they mortal women or divine. Woman of Wicca who are hateful and resentful of truly strong, powerful, fierce and wild men, men who WILL NOT whimper at your feet, but only bow before and show honor to a true priestess of the Goddess, you misguided women must realize your priestess hood is a false, an abomination to the Lady Mother Goddess. For it is that our Lady is never without her strong and mighty God, and would never accept a weak and lowly weakling at her feet, begging for her grace and affections. Neither would the God subject himself to such treatment, nor would he expect his sons to do so. The gross LIE of Goddess as keeper of a cuckold/consort God is purely a human and neo-pagan design and further serves to help demonize the validity of the Wiccan path. I urge strong caution and encourage people to beware of pagan communities where worship of the Lord and Lady are not equal, where the Lord and his priests are weak and sad at best, where the High Priest is little more than a cuckold, weak and submissive, wrenched about on a short leash. Such High Priestess in this example are lacking integrity and her title would need to be questioned, for there is a clear line between the honor of being a Crone within the craft, or being just a plain vile Hag. Men of Wicca, reclaim you’re Father, remember your God. Only in this way are you fit to wear the Crown and wield the Sword, to worship before the Goddess, mortal and divine. To stand as a true Priest-King, a warrior and lover, for the Goddess delights in such things. Woman of Wicca, Love the God, Honor and empower his sons, for the Lord our Father brings untold pleasure and comfort to our Goddess, for he is her first love and greatest worshiper. Blessed Be




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Feel the strength of Hercules

Monday, May 31, 2010

Feel the strength of Hercules I am happy to say that Hercules is a hero brought into the G.O.O.D.S by me personally. I have always been interested in connection between strength of spirit and strength of body and deities such as Hercules and Thor have always been part of my devotional focuses because my gifts of unusually high physical and spiritual strength. For some reason the G.O.O.D.S where hesitant to want to include him in the Order’s major rites. Maybe it’s because on the surface he seems like just a big brute and a number of stories put him in less than flattering light and over estimate his darker and more “bully” nature. The life of Hercules is a bitter-sweet story, blessed and cursed by his super human strength, used and abused for it, scammed and schemed, people were fearful and jealous of him, & true friends few and far between. I could relate in a lot of ways. When I first became truly aware of how real the Reptilian/Illuminati threat was I was beyond terrified, Hercules and Thor where the first entities that gave me the feeling hope and comfort. That was years ago. Now it’s no longer fear, but a overwhelming sense disgust at the atrocities these putrid humans and non-humans commit.

Hercules has shown himself to the G.O.O.D.S in only two ways, one as an infant strangling two serpents sent to kill him by Hera and second slaying the Hydra of Lerna, neither of which is surprising due to our cause and we are only all to happy to both honor him and request his help in those ways. Hercules strangling the life out of the murderous and foul sneaky serpents sent to kill him as a baby contains profound implications. One it shows that he is deeply concerned with the cowardly, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/05/feel-strength-of-hercules.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Feel the strength of Hercules

detestable, and absolutely villainous actions of the Reptilian/Illuminati actions towards children. These wretches love nothing more than to sexually violate children, torture them, frighten them and humiliate them and then eat their flesh and drink their blood, laced with the child’s adrenaline it acts as a potent narcotic, and shows their true feelings towards humanity, that we are less then cattle and they are above human, if they can get us to give them our children… they own us. We give them our children, through conditioning “education” in schools, fluoride in the water, brain decaying sugar, etc. In practice we offer our children to them everyday… in their warped minds… we are just saying “here, eat our children”. Hercules…says FUCK THAT & FUCK THEM. (FT&FT) Hercules knows about the loss of family. He knows what it’s like to be driven insane by an outside force (Hera) and wake up with the blood of your wife and children on his hands… and staining his teeth… a sorrow that wracks him with horrible soul crushing guilt. In his image as an infant strangling a serpent in each hand he says he will inspire our youth to grow in strength and awareness, that defiling our youth has serious consequences and that he will help make sure that the Reptilian/Illuminati filth pay 10 times over for each one child they harmed. His other image is powerful as well. The slaying of the Lerna Hydra shows us that few can come against many and win. That not only do we need to cut them down and crush them, but with the fire of truth expose them for the rotten cancer they are. To work with Hercules build a “point of focus” using a red candle and a white candle. Place the image of infant Hercules strangling serpents next to the white candle and the image of Hercules slaying the Hydra next to the red candle. Hercules doesn’t smoke but he is a man’s man and enjoys an ice cold beer, so pour him one he also enjoys a ham sandwich. Lit the candles and invite him to enter into your sphere of influence. You might even show him your devotion and do some exercising and working out in front of him, 10-15 minute of calisthenics is a good sign to him that you take this seriously. Ask him to aid in your spiritual, magickal and physical strength, ask him to fight with you and watch your back in the astral and the physical world. Hercules is NOT an entity other spirits want to pick a fight with and most will flee screaming rather than fight him. Hercules will also help defend children and protect them other these Reptilian/Illuminati assholes in their formulative years, nor growing up so brainwashed and conditioned to fear or respect those dirt bags. Hercules will teach you how to make your magick very powerful and if you’re lucky… how to exercise and build up your astral body… a true secret and found only with the G.O.O.D.S via Hercules. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword The G.O.O.D.S is an order of a powerful and very well trained and established Wiccan coven/Magickal Lodge. Because of this, the Coven's traditions and the traditions of the G.O.O.D.S sometimes over lap. This does create some challenges. We at the G.O.O.D.S was for awhile a secret society and the Wiccan coven had a "open/outer" circle and a "closed/inner"" circle that only full initiates where allowed entrance, the G.O.O.D.S is an order formed for inner circle members of the coven. However the G.O.O.D.S began receiving encouragement from its spiritual patrons to make public the traditions of the G.O.O.D.S and create a vast army of spiritual/astral "Knights of the G.O.O.D.S" that would greatly wound the Reptilian/Illuminati strangle hold information concerning the astral/magickal realms, and restore some accountability and sanity to the "New Age" movement. We need to honor our vows to keep the traditions of the inner circle of the Wiccan coven secret, but also need to release the traditions of the G.O.O.D.S in a fully functional fashion that will work but not have parts missing because of its intertwining with the traditions of the "closed/inner circle" of the coven. My first impulse was to release the FULL ritual for the formation and consecration of the Magickal/Astral Sword. But, because the foundations of the Magickal Sword are part of not only the "inner" circle, but the initiation and rite of passage to becoming a High Priest of our coven... the impulse was quickly dismissed. However through working with the patrons of the G.O.O.D.S we have developed a G.O.O.D.S only process of formulating and consecrating a Magikcal/Astral Sword and I present that in its FULL entirety. The process is two-fold, not only are you Formulating and Consecrating a Magickal Sword for yourself, you and Formulating and Consecrating yourself into a soul that is worthy of wielding such a powerful weapon on the Astral world. Because this ritual is guided by the G.O.O.D.S and its patrons, any evil act preformed with the sword will cause the owner sever repercussions. REMEMBER, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/formation-and-concencration-of-magickal.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword

the sword cuts BOTH ways. I will detail the HOW and the WHY behind the ritual; You will need a sword, one that you "could" use in a real fight, these include ceremonial blades, knives also, or authentic swords, but if for some reason all you can find is a butter knife... even a plastic one... it could work... I hope however that is not the case.

1. During a Tuesday (Day of Mars) on the beginning of the hour of Mars and for the full assume the "sleeping knight pose" like on the 4 of swords tarot card from the Rider-Waite deck. Lay the sword on your chest so the tip in pointing to your genitals and the "cross" of the guard and handle near your "heart center" to end of the handle near under your chin, like you could make the "sign of the cross". For the full hour lay with the blade and think about all the conditions of your life effected by the Reptilian/Illuminati agenda, how they have made you and others suffer, how they have harmed countless millions of people with their actions, how they have sexually violated children, how they have drank the blood of humans and eaten their flesh, how they have offered human sacrifice to their Draconian masters, let that angry transfer to the sword, let that program the sword to its purpose. This part of the ritual declares your intent to fight the Draconian/Illuminati agenda, gives you clarity as to why you would do it and with what you will fight it with. Anger is NOT a "sin", neither is revenge. Ever notice who it's the scum bags who deserve your anger and revenge who try and make you feel bad for wanting to give them what they deserve... interesting isn't it...Your "mars" energy will fuel your power and the sword will be a channel for that. 2. The next Friday which is the day of Venus, during the hour of Venus, lay as you did before on Tuesday with your sword. This time however think of all the people your efforts will help. Think of all the people you love and would give your life for to protect from the Draconian/Illuminati sickness. Think of all the great and wonderful things the Illuminati hold back from the world, how much suffering would be ended by your involvement and inspiring others to stand against the Draconian/Illuminati agenda. Let this energy transfer into the sword. This "Venus" energy of love will keep in check your "mars" energy and help you perform what http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/formation-and-concencration-of-magickal.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword

must be done with love of your fellow man in your heart while anger my burn and fuel your passion, it's love that will temper it from spilling over into other areas of your life and keeping you from destroy yourself in the process of helping eradicate the Draconian/Illuminati attack against humanity on the astral/magical realms. Fire and Water to temper the steel... 3. On Sunday during the hour of the Sun perform the following: Set up a table or altar with a white cloth... try and buy or find one that is very clean if at all possible. Make an incense of crushed dried Bay Laurel (Bay) leaves and Cypress. In a small cast iron bowl/cauldron or appropriate bowl/plate/surface place a burning charcoal piece and sprinkle in the incense to release its smoke, not very much, just enough to get smoke and scent but not over powering so. Get a cup of water and small container of SEA salt and place that on the altar to. Finally place a pure white candle on the altar. Once the hour of the Sun begins, make sure you have all these things on your altar. A white cloth, an appropriate place to burn incense and a charcoal and a small bowl of the incense. A cup of water with a small container of SEA salt and your sword. A. Light the white candle and prayer to the Prime Creator, ask for its divine light to wash over you and to witness your formation and consecration of Magickal Sword. You aid in its power and purpose to defend of your world from the Draconian and Illuminati threat, next ask that all of the patrons of G.O.O.D.S come and witness your working, this will include the patrons already introduced and the ones that have yet to be. B. Next light the charcoal and get it good and hot (use a lighter and a pair of tongs to hold the charcoal and get it burning and all sides) lightly drop it into the bowl and then sprinkle in the incense of crushed and dried bay laurel and cypress, allow the smoke to raise and breath it in while standing at the altar. Say: By this smoke, the scent that has inspired the greatest heroes of our race, by the herbs they wore as crowns for their bravery and victories, by the strength of this intoxicating perfume that repeals the phantoms from Hades gloom and cures the sickness of evil and greed, of lethargy and sloth, caught and snuffed out with its fumes. I exorcise you, abominations of air. I return purity to this space and to my soul; I return strength, courage and steadiness to my mind, in the name of that which is most high! http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/formation-and-concencration-of-magickal.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword

C. Pick up the cup of water and throw in 3 pinches of salt, hold the cup in both hands. Say: By the lustral waters of the loud and resounding sea! I do cleanse myself and this space, in the presence of the Most High and the mighty patrons of my order. I baptize myself, restore healing to my spirit and wash away all the filth that dims my light, like rain washes dirt off a plane of glass so that the following sunshine may shine brightly in! Take your fingers and dip them in the water and like you where throwing a pinch of salt, flick the blessed water on you altar, your sword and at your feet. Now dip your thumb in and wipe/anoint your third eye. If you naked (like I was) or if you don't mind you can pour the water over your head as a "head washing" baptism. D. Pick up the sword and hold it and a "offering" way (whatever manner feels comfortable) the 4 directions and back to facing your altar. Holding it close your eyes and "see" your astral body holding the astral body of the sword. The sword often looks like a glowing or flaming sword in its astral form. See the words "Quis Ut Deus" appears on the blade in fiery writing. Say: Quis Ut Deus! (?) (It is a question, means "Who is like God?") Then Say: I am! (You are answering the question... that is like God... I am... you are made from the Prime Creator... you are like the Prime Creator) Next see the word "Malkuth" written on the OTHER side of the body of the astral sword in the same fiery writing. Say: "From the Earth and for the Kingdom!" (This relates to the fact that the sword and you come from the earth, Malkuth is the "physical world or KINGDOM of man" that you and the sword are "for" the kingdom, or champion and defender of the kingdom/earth/physical plane.)

E. Now hold the sword to your face (like LionO when he used his sword to "see" or summon the thunder cats...sorry I could find a better example...lol) See the on the astral body of the sword, on the right side of the guard the planetary symbol for Mars, and the words Geburah (G'bur-Rah) and Hod (H-ood) written in the fiery lettering.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword

Say: G-bur-Rah! H-ood! By power of Mars, bestow on me strength and tactics!

Now on the left side of the guard on the astral body of the sword see written in the fiery writing, the Symbol for Venus and the words Gedulah (Ged-u-lah) and Netzach (Net-zack). Say: Ged-u-lah! Net-Zack! By the grace of Venus, bestow on me benevolence and victory!

Now see on the astral body of the sword right in the center of the guard and right on the same level of your 3rd eye, the planetary symbol of the sun appear with the word Tiphareth(Tip-are-eth) right below it in the fiery lettering. Say: Tip-are-eth! By the light of Sol, may my higher self and high aspirations shine like the sun in a world descending into a sea of night! D. Now see your astral body and the body of your astral sword blazing with the light of the sun and raise the sword above your head. Say: "May this sword become a weapon of might to scatter the being of the unseen world! May its use in war bring peace? May it be as brilliant as Tip-are-eth (Tiphareth), as terrible as G'-bur-Rah(Geburah) and as merciful as Chessd(H'est)! So mote it be!!" E. Make sure all that nothing will burn from the charcoal and that the fumes from the incense are not too strong. Lay down for the remaining of the hour of the Sun like you did on Tuesday and Friday and allow yourself and your magickal sword to become "one". Just let the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/formation-and-concencration-of-magickal.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formation and Concencration of the Magickal Sword

experience of the ritual run through you and the sword and let your energies mingle. Don't try to make this look like anything, just know that is what you are doing. Once the hour is up and or when you are ready. Wrap your magickal sword in a red cloth and then wrap that in a green cloth (Red/power and aggressiveness of Mars held by Green/the compassion and love of Venus). Keep this sword by where you sleep and or on your personal altar. The Astral body of the blade will forever be on your astral body and usable whenever you need it. -G.O.O.D.S Some notes: The tip of the sword points to the genitals to signify that your sexual organs are greatly linked to your physical health and fighting spirit, your masculinity and femininity are vital to life, both in its creation and its protection. The guard and handle making the “cross” on your chest places you at the center/cross roads of the universe and states the awesome power of your sexuality is controlled and wielded with your heart, head/mind and hands. The Ritual done on Sunday on the hour of the Sun is a declaration that you will fight with the Magickal Sword with the aspirations of your Higher Self (Inner Sun) every hour of ever day. In the exorcism of the air, the line “cures the sickness of evil and greed, of lethargy and sloth, caught and snuffed out with its fumes” relates the diseases of the spirit that the word “influenza” comes from…meanings astral “influence”…or sickness in the air, sickness cause of evil spirits. “Air” means air like you breathe but also the astral realm and all forms of cursing/hexing and blessing with words.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formulation of Spiritual Armor

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Formulation of Spiritual Armor Now that you have your astral sword you will absolutely need to formulate your spiritual/astral armor. This is a daily process and one that is important and so many levels, the practice really is spiritual armor because keeping your aura/sphere of personal influence strong, healthy and bright keeps you contained, keeps you from being influenced by entities that would use and abuse you and keeps all your personal power intact and that is vital to your physical well being. A weak and damaged sphere of influence manifests in disease, accidents, bizarre thoughts and depressions and a myriad of other maladies. The process is simple, but powerful. Light a pure white candle and stand sit or lay next to it. This is a ritual cue that you are contacting the Prime Creator, a being who encompasses all things and represents the highest potential for good and balance that ever and will ever exists. Ask the Prime Creator to be with you to hold you and bathe you and your personal sphere of influence of its divine and awesome light. Ask that the Prime Creator heal and repair your aura and strengthen it and brighten it, cleanse it for all perversity and evil. Ask that through its help you may attain your highest potential. Now bask in the Prime Creator's love and light for as long as you want. Slowly you will begin to see a personal suit of armor develop around you. Let this armor be whatever it will be. Do not try and shape it yourself. Sometimes it will appear different then other times, sometimes it will be the same... it doesn't matter, let it be. It is what you NEED it to be at the time and the most powerful protection depending on your current situation. Do not get caught up in the "style" Let yourself wear this astral armor for a little while and feel it strength and protect your astral body. Let your personal sphere of influence shine as bright as possible. The patrons of our order will rush to you, the ones you know and the ones you http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/formulation-of-spiritual-armor.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formulation of Spiritual Armor

don't know, also your personal heroes will come too, ask that they help you and protect you also. In the presence of such heroic personages and holy beings recite this prayer: "Be favorable to me, oh ye Powers of the Kingdom Divine. May glory and eternity be in my left and right hands, so that I may attain to victory. May pity and justice restore my soul to it's original purity. May understanding and wisdom Divine conduct me to the imperishable crown. Spirit of Malkuth, Thou who hast labored and hast overcome; set me in the path of good. Lead me to the two pillars of the temple, to Beauty and to Strength, that I may rest myself upon them. Angels of Netzach and of Hod, make ye my feet to stand firmly on Yesod. Angel of Gedulah, console me. Angel of Geburah, strike, if it must be so, but make me stronger, so that I am worthy of Tiphereth and that I do not shrink in the hour of my trial. Oh Angel of Binah, give me light. Oh Angel of Chokmah, give my love. Oh Angel of Kether, confer upon me unshakable faith and inexhaustible hope". This is a powerful prayer and one that will garner Divine blessing and protection and over time establish that you are a champion... a HUMBLE champion of Humanity and all things good and decent. Perform the Formulation of Spiritual Armor whenever you feel like you need to, but once a day is best. ALWAYS see yourself surrounded by the light of the Prime Creator and in your Spiritual Armor before you sleep... this is a MUST. Meditate on the 4 of swords tarot card from the Rider-Waite deck, this is will give you a good picture of what that looks like. The more work you do with your spiritual armor, the more you will develop it on your astral body and that in turn will manifest back to your physical body in terms of protection and health. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/formulation-of-spiritual-armor.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Formulation of Spiritual Armor





Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Calling the Knights of the Round, ritual for protection.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Calling the Knights of the Round, ritual for protection. With the ritual formulation and consecration of the astral/magickal sword and the formulation of the spiritual armor ritual, there is one more foundational astral protection ritual utilized by the G.O.O.D.S. This ritual can be done whenever you wish, but doesn't need to be reinforced like the formulation of spiritual armor. This ritual is done when you are going to perform some type of magickal work, when we or now, you, have a meeting with other G.O.O.D.S, or when you feel particularly at risk... by whatever and for whatever reason. It’s not uncommon on the rare occasion when I have a wickedly evil astral experience and come back to my body that I immediately perform this ritual. The ritual restores your sense of security and calls to you very capable astral defense and guides that you will begin working with on a "seasonal" basis here very soon... so it is good to get to know them. But, like I said, this ritual can be done at anytime, for any reason, and definitely when you are performing a magickal work and having a meeting with other G.O.O.D.S. There are two variations of this ritual, both are astral and one is a combination of a physical and astral ritual. What this means is that you can either "see" your astral body perform the ritual or you can physically perform the ritual while you see you astral body do it at the same time. Reason being is that sometime you are not able to do the ritual physically without drawing attention. I was in a police interrogation room one time, listening to them try and get me to confess to trumped up charges. I simply said "5th Amendment" and closed my eyes as these two sub-humans squealed at me about "constitution free zones". I had my astral body perform the ritual and then do the formulation of spiritual armor ritual. Suddenly all fear went away and a demanded a lawyer and 5th Amendment MEANS 5th Amendment. Not 5-7 minutes later I was walking out the Police doors and wasn’t bothered again. So... take that story as you will… but it is a true story. The ritual is simple and doesn't require much as at all. It’s based on directions, but in our occultist knowledge, anywhere you are facing is considered "magickal east" and so that becomes east for the purpose of the ritual. ----------Knights of the Round ritual-----------------1. Stand facing and with your "power hand" give a "military" salute to "magickal east".




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Calling the Knights of the Round, ritual for protection.

Say: "Mighty Knight of the East! Champion of Winds and Breezes and master of the sword. Attention! Hail and welcome! You are needed and your skills required! Good knight, watch over me (us, if a group) from the east! Hold the line kind knight, but if our enemies advance, ride forth and swiftly cut them down!"

(See a tall golden/yellow knight appear, sword in hand on a powerful white horse. He has come to fight and looks eager to engage).

2. Turn to your right, and salute the south. Say: "Mighty Knight of the South! Champion of lighting, thunder and flame and master of the truncheon (club/mace). Attention! Hail and Welcome. You are needed and your skills required! Good knight, watch over me from the south! Hold the line kind knight, but if our enemies advance, charge forth and reign down thunder upon their heads!"

(See a dangerous looking red and orange knight appear, truncheon raise of overhead on a red/brown and restless looking horse. The knight is seething and his eyes are full of rage). 3. Turn to your right again and salute the west. Say: "Mighty Knight of the West! Champion of the waves and water, master of the axe. Attention! Hail and welcome. You are needed and your skills required! Good knight, watch over me from the west! Hold the line kind knight, but if our enemies advance, wash over them and hew them to pieces!"




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Calling the Knights of the Round, ritual for protection.

(See and large and calm looking knight in blue and white appear, a large battle axe held effortlessly in his hand. His horse is strong and white and stands eerily calm. The knight seems almost aloof, but his icy stare tells you he is cold and calculating). 4. Turn to your right and salute the north. Say: "Mighty Knight of the North! Champion of the Wild and Fertile lands, master of the shield. Attention! Hail and Welcome. You are needed and your skills required! Good knight, watch over me from the north! Hold the line kind knight, but if our enemies advance, go forth and be the rock they break themselves against!"

(See a massive and solid Knight appear in green and black. He holds a large and incredibly durable looking round shield made out of dense materials; a pentacle is on its face. His horse looks more like a giant stone statue and in black and brown. The knight is absolutely silent and still, but seems to have a almost visible magnetic field around him). 5. Turn to your right again, facing east or magickal east and raise you "power hand" (the hand you write with) in a victorious gesture. Say: "The Knights have circled round! The watch towers are manned and orders been given. You have been given fair warning, ye misshapen wretches and servant pig-dogs of crusty serpents, come not one step further! For if you do, know this, to enter this circle is to abandon all hope! In the name of that who is most high, to your glory we seek not conflict but only to keep peace and our liberty, but if need be, we shall do so at the tip of a lance!" This completes the Knight of the Round ritual for protection. It’s a highly inspiring and empowering ritual and can never be done too much, but is really only required in times of magickal working, meeting and whenever you feel really threatened. -G.O.O.D.S http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/calling-knights-of-round-ritual-for.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Path Working & Seasonal Equaliberum

Monday, June 21, 2010

True Path Working & Seasonal Equaliberum With the major protection rites of the G.O.O.D.S now made public and sealed in the name of who, that is most high and under the protection of the spiritual patrons of the G.O.O.D.S, thereby making them effective ONLY for a heart who is looking to become a member of the G.O.O.D.S and who opposes the Illuminati/Reptilian slime, we can now assume you are receiving spiritual protection and are keeping your sphere of influence free from "unwanted" and evil influences and entities. Now it is time for you to begin "path working" and gaining deeper insight through "holy communion" and balancing out your base elemental energies and personality traits through a very powerful method of "Seasonal Equilibrium". Much has been written about Path Working, and like Astral Projection, much has been written and much of that is complete and utter bullshit. Whether this done by writers to intentionally confuse and or, equally by lying hacks who have absolutely no experience at all (follow books with the "crescent moon" to find writers and a publishing company who are the biggest contributors to new-age horse shit and without question an Illuminati front company.) The biggest thing to remember is that you exist on ALL levels of experience and awareness. Bare that is mind... always. Path Working is a simple practice and a powerful one at that. There are "some" dangers and I will cover them. Path Working is really a process of "putting" yourself is a symbol, or picture and experiencing the power of the image or picture directly, allowing it to speak to you...directly, rather than just letting someone else tell you what it means you can "go see" for yourself. The Rider-Waite Tarot card deck is absolutely sublime for Path Working. The dangers come when you are path working with pictures that you don't know what going in the picture, or pictures that have captured crime scenes, ghosts or criminals. I have a close ally and friend who is a very skilled and experienced Path Working. He was consulted to Path Work into a picture that depicted a crime scene with a "ritual" look to it. He experience was seriously disturbing and he was able to glean a lot of valuable information of his experience, but the cost was the week of nightmares that followed and that his astral body was seemingly stuck in that same Path Working location for a very long time. The Rider-Waite Tarot deck is a complete and very well developed picture with http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/true-path-working-seasonal-equaliberum.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Path Working & Seasonal Equaliberum

correct Cabalistic symbolism. They are completely safe and very profound. The Aliester Crowley deck is symbolically correct in regards to the Black Tree/Qillopth and is rife with Aliester Crowley’s delusions, pedophilic desires, black magick, Illuminati connections and the many evil/vamparic spirits who rules that shit bag's broken and feeble mind. In other words, to use the Crowley deck is a step into depravity that you will be tainted with for a long time to come. To practice Path Working it's vital to have a pen and paper next to you, I would suggest that you get a journal that you solely use of Path Working as this will trigger your mind to enter into the correct frame work to make it easier and more profound each time. Begin by establishing your sphere of Influence, asking the Prime Creator to heal, strengthen and repair your sphere and be with you, allow your spiritual armor to appear and if you want perform the "knights of the round" rite. I usually assume the "resting knight pose" (see the 4 of swords Rider-Waite card) and hold the picture, in most cases a Rider-Waite Tarot card in front of my eyes and relax my gaze. I let my eyes "soak" in the card image…but very softly, there is a powerful occult adage "The bird of paradise graces only an open hand". This means that images in the mind stay longer when you hold them gently and not strangle them through straining to keep the image. After I have a comfortable idea of the image, I lower the card and place it on my chest and gently close my eyes and ALLOW the image of the card to surround me, effectively becoming aware of the part of me that is ALREADY within the image. From there I ALLOW the image to interact with me. I will look around, I will engage the individuals in the image in conversation and I will engage in the activities in the card, but I let the image or card speak to me and direct the experience… DO NOT try and control the situation, especially in the Rider-Waite deck, allow the card to teach YOU. Do not Path Work for longer than 15 minutes. After 15 minutes you will begin projecting yourself into the image and at that point any value to be gained is lost. ALLOW yourself to gently return to your physical consciousness and immediately begin journaling your experience. Write down EVERYTHING, I can't tell you how many times things have given me bizarre sounding names or symbols or stories that made no sense, only latter to see the name given to me as the last name of an author whose book I happen to walk by at the library the next day and find exactly the information I was looking for... etc. So…write EVERYTHING down.

Now that you know how to Path Work you should begin practicing with a type of http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/true-path-working-seasonal-equaliberum.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Path Working & Seasonal Equaliberum

"Seasonal Equilibrium" practice. "Seasonal Equilibrium" is a powerful way of enhancing and balancing out your base elemental energies while gaining valuable insight through direct Holy Communion with the four Knights of the Round. Holy Communion is a serious practice and more about it is to follow but this will prepare you for that and add in your skills and self mastery of your base elemental energies and empower your astral body and your own personal magickal practices. Seasonally the break down is this. Spring (March, April, May) Knight of Swords (East/Air) balanced with Knight of Pentacles (North/Earth) Summer (June, July, and August) Knight of Wands (South/Fire) balanced with Knight of Cups (West/Water) Autumn (September, October, and November) Knight of Cups (West/Water) balanced with Knight of Wands (South/Fire) Winter (December, January, and February) Knight of Pentacles (North/Earth) balanced with Knight of Swords (East/Air). For example, it’s the month of June. I am developing my base elemental energy of fire under the guidance of the Knight of Wands. His fiery nature, demeanor and knowledge take my base elemental energy of fire to a new level. He is teaching me how to more effectively use my passion, anger, rage, lust, violence and generative bodily functions, sexual prowess and heat through physical exercise as a form of purification and transformation. All this can be applied magickaly/astraly for ceremonies and rituals and for my personal life in general. This knight also introduces me to elemental spirits of fire or "salamanders" who are very knowledgeable in particular aspects of the elemental force of fire. These knights are fully immersed in their elements; they can exist in their element without worry of becoming unbalanced. We however cannot and it is vital we do not become unbalanced. In working with the Knight of Wands I will at least once a week Path Work with the Knight of Cups so that his watery nature can help "cool" all that fiery energy. Mostly while working with the "balancing" Knight, it will be just being in their presence, on some occasions they will teach you something about their element or introduce you to elements of their particular element, but this is rare. They will do this during their seasonal time. The time spent with them is to counter act the abundance of raw elemental energy received from the other knights. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/true-path-working-seasonal-equaliberum.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Path Working & Seasonal Equaliberum

Elemental beings of the Elements are; Air-Sylphs Fire-Salamanders Water-Undines Earth-Gnomes I will make a full release of what each element is most concerned with in a upcoming blog, but for now here is a quick summery of what to expect from each Knight. Knight of the East; He is quick is his movements and speech. He is very tall and very thin; his body is very muscular, like steel cables. He is very analytical, very logic based demands that you practice your speech craft, your writing and your ability to visualize. He will give you exercises to do this. He will give you breathing exercises, and tell you to find activities that involve developing your focus and spatial relationships, such as archery, knife throwing and darts, he may even ask you to get into fencing or some other sort of sword play, like Kendo, etc. He may ask you to mentally map rooms with your mind and teach you practices like remote viewing. He will also begin teaching you astral projection and how to call an astral horse. He will show you how to overcome mental conditioning and how your thoughts liberate you or enslave you and how to guard your mind from Illuminati/Reptilian influences. Signs that you have become imbalanced are quickly changing thoughts, inability to put thought into action, being flighty, unrealistic, and begin all start and no finish, rapidly switching from one unfinished task to the next. Knight of the South; He is very aggressive, and is restless and always seems somewhat angry. He average height but stout like an old time boxer and or wrestler, very athletic and looks very hard/tough. He is very passionate, things seem to consume him and fuel his drive. His voice is forceful, authorities and demanding. He will encourage you to perform calisthenics and exercise routines. He will challenge you to get into boxing and or wrestling.... even MMA. He will teach you that the healthier and stronger your physical body the stronger and more powerful spirit can reside there. He will teach you that there is nothing wrong with feeling anger, being aggressive, sexual, passionate about your beliefs, strong willed and determined, it what you do with all that, that matters. He will teach you your sexual power is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. He will teach you to have a strong sense of right and wrong. He will show you special exercises for increasing your life force and developing a personal sense of self and thereby a powerful and forceful will that commands instant authority in the astral world. Signs that you have become imbalanced are a quick and sudden temper, uncontrolled anger, excessive sexual activity, being a bully and inability to sleep or relax. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/true-path-working-seasonal-equaliberum.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Path Working & Seasonal Equaliberum

Knight of the West; He is seems aloof, uncaring, and cold. While that might be true, he is also serene, very calm and calculating. He is very large, tall and a little pot bellied but with big muscular arms, neck and legs. His eyes are deep and reflect a giant ocean and clouds that span out of an eternity. He speaks in a sleepy voice that is low and echoes. Many people find him unnerving mostly because of all that he represents. He is the beauty and depth of the ocean and at the same time the terror of the deep, the fear of being lost at sea during a storm and the emotionless almost mechanical actions behind a great white shark attack. He is forever dethatched emotionally but asks and gives you methods to fully embrace your emotions and feels. He teaches you how to explore your subconscious your "inner sea" he will encourage you to explore your dark side without becoming submerged in it. He will begin teaching you dream control and use your dreams for prophetic purposes and introduce you to scrying and introduce you to magic mirrors. He also teach you how to keep your emotions and feelings in check and give you a method to actually watch yourself and observe your actions in a non judgmental way, and a method of bio-location. He will also teach you the practice of purification. Signs that you have become imbalanced are excessive day dreaming, sleepiness, depression, melancholy and apathy. The Knight of the North; He is absolutely stoic and NEVER speaks. He will communicate to you with a form of telepathy, words, images and symbols, but never a discernable voice. He appears as a gigantic stony statue of various rocks, gems and metals. He seems to have field of magnetic energy that is "just" visible always surrounding him. He is kind and seems to truly care about you. He seems nurturing and will teach you methods of self healing and regeneration. He teaches the action of non-action. He is very into meditation and will teach you how to very effectively ground yourself and manifest your dreams and teach you to increase your personal magnetism through the law of attraction and quicken the process of manifesting astral actions into physical reality. This knight will also encourage you to get a lot of sleep (the body only REALLY heals during sleep) and will teach you to begin developing telepathic abilities. He will also teach you how to really get in touch with your physical body and will encourage you to get into yoga and hold static postures for health and meditation. He will also encourage you to sit and breath and clear your mind on a regular basis to control your actions and not to do anything overly rash or impulsive. Signs that you are imbalanced are laziness, excessive inaction, overly stubborn, afraid of change; life becomes stagnant and trapped in a rut. These are merely brief descriptions of what to expect. Because this is a form of Holy Communion, each time you Path Work into one of the Knight's cards from the Rider-Waite Deck, call to the "wind" of that direction as the Knight comes into view, this will help purify the area and strength the communication between you both. There is a deeper mystery here and one that will be revealed at some point, but not now. Just know that it blesses and strengthens http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/true-path-working-seasonal-equaliberum.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Path Working & Seasonal Equaliberum

the experience and aids you in remembering the experience which you should right down immediately after. East Wind’s name is “Erus who is sweet and kind”. South Wind’s name is “Auster who is cheerful and brave”. West Wind’s name is “Zephyrus who is bold and wise”. North Wind’s name is “Boreas who is ancient and strong”. The process looks like this: 1. Feel your sphere of Influence around you. 2. Ask the Prime Creator to heal, strengthen and mend your sphere and bath you in it’s light. 3. Formulate your spiritual armor around you. 4. Perform the “Knights of the Round” protection rite. 5. Find the Rider-Waite Tarot Knight card that relates to the season and month you are in. 6. Assume the “Sleeping Knight pose”. 7. Gaze softly at the card and let your eyes gently soak the image in. 8. When you are ready place the card on your chest and allow the images to appear around you. 9. Salute the Knight and greet the Wind of that direction by saying its full name and to carry the words spoken between you and the knight to every kind and well wishing ear in their realm. 10. Allow the Knight to interact with you, hold nothing back, and explain your situation, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, and your concerns. They will help. 11. Gently allow yourself to become aware of your physical body. 12. Write down the experience. Perform this Seasonal Equilibrium/Holy Communion 2-3 times a week. With the Balancing energy Knights only once a week is needed. This is a powerful method and one that will directly teach you how to battle the Illuminati/Reptilian influences and defend yourself from then on the astral/magickal realms as well as ask assistance in your everyday life and even seemingly mundane situations. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Black Sun/Global Extermination Plot

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Black Sun/Global Extermination Plot For the first time The Black Sun Society and its modern manifestation of the Illuminati is revealed. The Black Sun is the source of all decay and death in this world. Death and decay are vital to the natural balance, but what the Black Sun Society seeks to do is NOT natural. Our world has never had the chance to evolve without the meddling scaly hands (claws) of the Alpha Draconic race. We have never been allowed to mature and grow without the manipulation of this alien race's greed and desire for power. The humans they are tricked into helping them push their agenda are nothing more than meat puppets for them, they lodge themselves inside their waking consciousness and wear humans like we wear clothes and gorge themselves in our earthly delights and in depraved and perverse acts and in the ultimate form of humiliation and subjection, command their pet humans (Illuminati) to eat other humans. The Black Sun is a force that consumes and rots all organic matter. The purpose of the Black Sun Society is to enact the "Global Extermination Plot" and slay 95%-99% of the world population, including animals and most plants. That is why they have gigantic seed banks and huge underground bunkers with special zoos so that once the world is "cleansed" they will abandon their Black Sun Society and return to the worship of the Golden Sun and renew life in a "higher" state. BULLSHIT!!! The moment that happens the Reptilian agenda goes into effect. They will enslave what little humans are left, use them as slaves, sex toys, and food and THEY (Reptiles) will inhabit this earth, now cleansed of their ancient genetic experiment that revolted from their rule so many centuries ago. The Illuminati is so fucking insane now that they believe themselves to be above even the Reptilians… how utterly ridiculous, most Illuminati members, and especially the higher level members have little to none in the way of individual thinking, they have been so twisted and their minds so warped and have had individual inter-dimensional (astral/spirit) reptilian personality so deeply imbedded in their minds that who they “once” where is now just an empty flesh shell… their own personal consciousness drugged and beaten into submission it’s not even there anymore. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/black-sunglobal-extermination-plot.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Black Sun/Global Extermination Plot

Part of the Reptilian "strangle hold" on these seriously misguided few is that they know one of the best methods of control is to LET their human flesh puppets THINK that THEY have the power and that they are vital to the Reptilian agenda... they are vital ONLY to the completion of the Global extermination plot or the "Black Sun Rise". Past that... they are seen as a source of amusement, slavery and then food. That is why "death cults" are such a prominent fixture in the Anglo-Saxon conspiracy. Some legitimate Death Cults did and do exist. The Norse god Odin had a death cult which women wept for the dead and men prepped the bodies and "took them under" or where "undertakers" and laid the bodies to rest as an act of respect and ancestor worship. In fact most of the undertaker's dress and record keeping comes from this exact cult of Odin. I am taking about the Death Cults like the Skull and Bones which is nothing more than a watered down and preparatory society of the modern manifestation of the original Black Sun cult, the Illuminati. To condition and brain wash the minded of the young elite to accepting this absolute EVIL as “necessary” for the greater good… The Black Sun cult was a Reptilian manipulation that corrupted the minds of Humans that their race was "imperfect" and needed to be "purified" or "refreshed". This idea lead to all the classes of man, the elite believing they were "above" the lowly ones, the "impure" below them and that they needed to keep their blood line intact so that they could create a race of god/humans once the earth had been wiped clean and the Golden Sun raised once more upon a clean earth and they would return to their original Golden Sun Worship and make sure every child born had a distinct purpose and great destiny to fulfill. These inbreed scum taught this murderous idea to their children and then to their children and we have been under generations of psychopaths who believe they must kill off 95-99% of the non-pure blood lines and begin again. This IS THE END GAME! Forget money, forget power, forget world domination, these are all just steps in order to bring about the Black Sun. They are getting closer, but now people are waking up and destroying their infrastructure, they are revealing their underground bases and genetic testing and manipulation experiments. The Global extermination plot is being uncovered! We need to act NOW! The more we fight them and destroy their spiritual assistance and army of Reptilian and Transplutonian entities, the less insight and less magickal strength they will have. The “Transpultonian” creatures, often summoned into service by the Illuminati http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/06/black-sunglobal-extermination-plot.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Black Sun/Global Extermination Plot

come from a region of the universe where the Black Sun is their prevailing life force; having destroyed their Golden Sun so long ago it’s just about erased from their ancient memories. They have no organic bodies but can take shape using etheric energy. Part of the Chem-trails (Terra-forming) taking place is to dumb down and make docile the human population enough so that when these inorganic beings take humans as “hosts” few people will have the awareness to notice something is wrong. These “Transplutonian” creatures also have a very hard time existing in the rays of our Golden Sun, that is why “phantoms” dissipate in sunlight and “vampires” die in the sun. The Terra-forming also darkens the skies and blankets out our Golden Sun making their lives here easier. Earth is NOT the first planet this has happened too! You NEED to wake the fuck up! These beings exist within the earth’s own sphere of personal influence, they are lurking in the astral realms and when the G.O.O.D.S does battle with them, they really do die and our victories manifest in our reality! We NEED astral warriors! ALL THAT HAPPENS IN THE ASTRAL WORLD WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME MANIFESTED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD! This is why the maxim “As above, So below, As within, So without” is probably the strongest and most profound statement of ALL humanity. Knowing this… are you ready? Call of the Prime Creator, break the Faustian Pact, call on Saint George the Dragon Slayer, formulate your spiritual armor, and consecrate your magickal sword. The fight is NOW! Part of the manipulation of Christianity is to make the “lowly sheep” (non-elite humans) believe that a “savior” will come, a son or SUN of God to rescue them. A lie wrapped in truth. We must ALL become the light of the SUN and become that Christ energy to repeal the Black Sun and cleanse the earth the Illuminati/Reptilian agenda a return to the original worship of realizing and achieving our highest potential. Not by forcing others but by leading by example and through our actions we inspire others to do that same. That is TRUE enlightenment! The Black Sun is enlightenment only is the sense that you are BLINDED by the light and step in madness, folly, terror and death! -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Automatic writing with a Transplutonian entity

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Automatic writing with a Transplutonian entity This is the written message I awoke to find after I lost consciousness doing some astral/mirror scrying. I have changed nothing and have omitted nothing, I didn’t even change any of the spelling, it was all spelled correctly and I HAVE to use the spell checker before I post anything…. If you understand this, if this is your dream or your memory, contact me immediately! -G.O.O.D.S "I dream about a dead dog. Sometimes it’s lying up against a chain fence, and other times a fence made of brick. The dream always takes place in my backyard. The dog is sometimes black, most others the dog is brown. It is not a large dog. The dog is always lying on its side with its back to the fence. It is always during the day, sometimes I get the feeling others are around me, other times I am alone. Never is there a lot of noise, a dull hum of flying insects, maybe a slight breeze, my visual focus is always fixed on the dead dog. In some dreams there is a belly wound, usually I can see broken ribs poking out through the opening, sometimes I can catch an intestine, there is blood, but not more then there should be. In some dreams there are no ribs, the belly wound is lessened, the limbs are mangled, and the dog's fur is matted, in all dreams the dog is a stray. The dream progresses as my eyes further scan the animal, up to the head, the nose looks torn, blood has dripped out of the dog's ear and crusted around the neck. Out of the dog's eye leaks out a yellow custard fluid, this is in all dreams, the eyes are wide open, and in only one dream did they blink. The mouth of the dog is always open, always is the tongue out, caked with dirt. I feel like the dog might have tried to breathe through its mouth and sucked in dirt. In some dreams there are flies, others not. In all dreams there are ants, red ants, and a line crawling in the dog's mouth and a line carrying bits and pieces crawling out. In my dream my inner sight takes me to inside the dog's mouth as I watch the ants march up over the tongue and into the darkness and an exiting line of ants back over the tongue. There is a horse behind the fence, in every dream at this time is whinnies, a surreal feeling of pressure lays across me and I realize the sunny sky has turned grey, the sun is black. It’s not cold, but I think it should be."




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Automatic writing with a Transplutonian entity




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Wayland the Smith, father of the forge, healer of the soul.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wayland the Smith, father of the forge, healer of the soul. Much of the G.O.O.D.S information on Wayland the Smith has been posted on the YouTube page. But there are some finer details that will greatly enhance both your ability to contact and work with Wayland and your overall understanding of how various cultures told different stories about the same all prevailing concepts. The Black Smith, the Iron Worker, the Machinist are all magicians, shamans, seers and sages. Their ability to work such a skilled craft and produce such fantastic and in some cases world history changing tools while harnessing fire made them awed and feared by their fellows. “To terrifying to live but too powerful to die”, is a good quote to capture that idea. Solitude was common to the live of a Black Smith and many times children born with physical deformities would be sent away to labor in the hot forge with the Black Smith and eventually learn the craft. There is something iconic about the ugly or misshapen being able to create something of immense beauty. Demonstrating that the depth and candor of someone’s inner realms are not always apparent in their physical appearance. That the human mind is capable of producing thought provoking and emotional stirring work, no matter what they look like. Iron Workers not only produce works of art but functional tools. They must need the need for something and fill it, much like a Magician calls to his or her side them appropriate aid/assistance for the task at hand. Wayland the Smith is a prime example of an entity who is an absolute MASTER of manifesting dreams, making dreams real, in other words giving “form”(physicality) to “force” (astral fluid). To LITERALLY pull something from the astral world and create it on the physical plane is the very act of magick, the seeing the need, the work/ritual/ the manifesting/building… simply inspiring. Wayland can also fix what is broken. His skill to mend magickal swords and forge armor of renown crosses over to repairing the astral body and mind. He can help heal your body, your broken heart, and your broken thoughts, build you courage, build and repair relationships, mend “fences” and “burnt bridges”, etc. The fire, the hard work and the long hours are also a clue to adding stability to your life, hard honest work purify the soul, the sweat purifies the body, the long hours gives the mind time to think. Asking Wayland to repair your body, bring you back to wholeness and temper and sharpen your spirit does not come without trials. It means time under his skillful hammer, time in the fire, time on the anvil… trials and tests to purify and http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/wayland-smith-father-of-forge-healer-of.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Wayland the Smith, father of the forge, healer of the soul.

strengthen you. It won’t be a walk in the park… but its well worth your time to endure it. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”. There is also a “dark side” behind Wayland, but not just Wayland, all grand smiths of divinity. This relates back to the Dark Magnetic force that is the “king/queen” of the physical realm, the task master who whips its many little builders to building the world, and who’s blue prints are the astral world and the sustained activities there. Calling this force the devil greatly underscores its existence and twists what it really does. The force is dark, uncaring, unflinching and unmoved by the good, the bad, the beautiful or vile it commands it’s underlings to construct. This being gladly accepts trades or contracts and will only to happily enslave others into its service. The REAL mystery here is that you must choose, make dark pacts with this being that guarantee your dreams will manifest and as payment you spend your afterlife as a slave or you can place it into your service as its master and take full responsibility, the good and the bad, for what you direct it to build for you. That is freedom… the ability to make your own choices and reap the results… the good and the bad, the thick and the thin. Much like Wayland the Smith who was kidnapped by the evil king Nivhad, the great Machinist Daedalus was enslaved by the greedy king Minos. Both kings represent the “dark magnetic force”. Both Wayland and Daedalus were forced to create powerful artifacts for their “kings” and both where “hobbled” is some way to prevent them from escaping. Wayland had his hamstrings cut and there are various stories on how Daedalus was entrapped, most by threats of violence against others he loved. The question then is how did Wayland find himself kidnapped and enslaved? Asking him this reveals a number of answers, all of them suggest he, be his nature, is a builder and therefore works in conjunction, but where the “Dark Magnetic force” is tyrannical and oppressive, we all know who easy it is for our possessions to possesses us, Wayland and in retrospect Daedalus, build implements that have the power to set us free, to liberate and fight against this oppression, our captors and slavers, as example wings. Like Daedalus, Wayland also crafted a set of wings for a young hero who used them to soar to freedom and experience the good and bad of his choices. Wings are a powerful symbol of freedom from material entrapment, soaring above the dull, the drudge, and the mundane, the Earth element in its unbalanced extreme. Wayland the Smith is absolutely aware of the reptilian and Illuminati agenda. In a number of poems about him there is a line that suggests he has tasted the venom of serpents and dragons, heard their lies and tasted their poison. “Wayland tasted misery among snakes.” Wayland the Smith also forged many of the magickal swords that have exterminated dragons and slimy serpents and the great armor that has protected from the venom and attacks of the same. They have been wielded and worn by the greatest of heroes and dragon slayers humanity has yet had to offer, there is no indication that Wayland has given up on forging new weapons of armor for a new http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/wayland-smith-father-of-forge-healer-of.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Wayland the Smith, father of the forge, healer of the soul.

generation of would be dragon slayers… One last point. Wayland says he was one of the “builder” deities for Humanity’s evolution, its ORIGINAL evolution. The alien influence and manipulation has been both a curse and a same blessing on humanity. The reptilians implanted a great deal of “foreign” programming to both our deepest molecular/sub-atomic and spiritual levels. While it did indeed kick our natural evolution into hyper drive, it also corrupted our original programming. Humans are now driven to highly egotistical actions, greed, lust for power, material hoarding (why dragons are said to hoard treasure), and controlling the lives of others around them. These are Reptilians traits. Humans are most naturally tribal, caring for each other, fully aware that the survival of others leads to better chances of survival for the individual. This doesn’t mean the individual isn’t important and is lost in the identity of the tribe, but enriched by it and the deeper for profound insights one person has, the greater the chances they will share them with others. Ask Wayland to remove this Reptilian alien programming and improve on what little of it is truly helpful for us. I promise you, you will see things in such clarity and purity, it will make you weep. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Daily vibrational correspondence

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Daily vibrational correspondence Along with Seasonal attument/elemental energy balancing through path working with the 4 knights the G.O.O.D.S maintains a daily vibrational/harmonic correspondence practice. While not "vital" it does place you in correct universal harmonics and increase your personal power in relation to plantary energies, elemental energies and seasonal energies that go a long way to strengthening your sphere of personal influence and keep you emotionaly and spiritualy sharp and protected. In days long ago a practicing Magician would be employed by a wealth family or govermnetal offical. They would spend their lives in full dedication to the "Art" and preform prophecy, ceremony and ritual for the family or officals in exchange for sponsorship. To some degree that even occurs today, but in much rarer cases. It would be easy for a magician in this type of employment to be surrounded with all tyoe of apporpirate attaire for each day, but for the rest of us this is of course very unlikely to extermely impractical so we do with what we can and make it work. The list I am about to detail is the "unedited" version, its exactly as we (G.O.O.D.S) recieved it. We use it as a guideline and have ever personal aquired a few of the more "fantasic" iteam, but most of us just stick to colors and carrying specific gems on particular days and have found it very effective. This will also serve to prove that European Magicians where indeed VERY "shamanic" and had and still have a very deep and powerful tradition of magick, sybolism and awareness. Sunday is the day of the Sun and all it's attributes. You must wear a purple robe, a tiara, and golden bracelets; you must arrange about the altar garlands of laurel, heliotrope, or sun flower; you must use as an incense cinnomin, franklincense, saffron, and red sendle wood; you require at your right hand a golden wand set with a ruby or chrysolite. (Like we said, most of this would be near impossible, BUT carrying a citrine stone, burning some franklincense, mayble wearing a gold piece of jewelry and a iteam of purple clothing certainly is not) Monday is the day of the Moon and all its attributes. You should wear a white rob with silver oranaments, with a collar of three rows consisting of pearls, crystals, and selenites; a tiara of yellow and silver. The proper incense and perfumes are camphor, white sandle wood, amber, and cucumber seed; the garlends for the altar should be armoise, mugwort, artemisa, and evening primrose. A piece of http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/daily-vibrational-correspondence.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Daily vibrational correspondence

moonstone should also be carried on your person. Tuesday is the day of Mars and all it's attributes.YOu should wear a fiery, rust or blood red robe with braclets and a gridle of steel. A sword and or a dagger should also be carried also with a magnetised wand; garlends of absinthe and rue; an amethyst, blood stone and garnet with a ring of steel should be worn. Incense of Dragon's blood should be burned liberaly. Wednesday is the day of Mercury and all it's attributes. A robe of green should be worn; the necklace of pearls or glass beads filled with mercury; the perfumes are benzion, myrrh, and storax, the flowers for the altar are lily, narcissus, the annual or perennial mercurialis, fumitory, or marjoram; the stone is agate. Thursday is the day of Jupiter and all it's attributes. A robe of scarlet, a lamen of tin upon the forehead bearing the plantary symbol of jupiter; the perfumes for incense should be ambergris, cardamon, grains of paradise, balm, mace and saffron. The ring should contain an emerald or a sapphire; the garlends of oak, poplar, fig tree or pomergranate. The wand should be glass or resin. Friday is the day of Venus and all it's attributes. A robe or azure blue, its decorations of green and or rose color; the wand of polished copper; crown of violets; garlends of roses interspered with myrtle and olive; the ring ornamented by turquoise. Lapis lazuli and beyrl should decorate the crown. The magician should hold a fan formed of swan feathers and should wear a girdle of copper. Saturday is the day of Saturn and all it's attributes. A robe of black or very dark brown should be worn with the appropirate designs embroidered in orange silk. Around the neck should be worn a chain and lamen formed of lead engraved with the name of Saturn and his sigil. The proper incenses are scammony, aloes, sulphur, and asafoetida. The wand should be ornamented with an onyx stone and the proper garlends are of ash, cyprus, and black hellebore. On the wand should be engraved a figure of the double-faced Janus. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Dream Control

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dream Control

Of all the most important exercises a Magician must master, dream control is perhaps on the top of the list. Dream control is the intent that you will become aware when you are dreaming and that you will actively engage in your own dream time and no longer just be a passive witness to it. Imagine the Astral realm as the ocean. Dream is the sandy beach and lucid dreaming is like walking barefoot in the tide. Lucid dreaming, for most, is the most practical doorway into the astral world and second to that is the best way to become aware of how much control you can have of the circumstances of your life and how you can pursue the depth of the "rabbit hole" on purpose and with better information retention. Even if you don't have a lucid dream, dream control will make your recollection of your dreams stronger and your experience more vivid and the symbolism even more meaningful. Lucid Dreaming takes you from out the of back seat and puts your behind the wheel of your own life. Actively dreaming lets you rehearse all sorts of life situations and practice skills, talents and circumstances in very real ways while programming these skills deeper into your subconscious. This process also helps you see the REAL you and reveals your deepest most intimate desires, wants, dreams and ambitions, which could seem scary if not even guilty at first, but once you understand the nature and power behind these realization, the fear and guilt fades and the strength that comes from truth, clarity and self acceptance shines through.

I spent 6 months in a Dream Walker initiation process where I spent seven days in complete solitude and isolation in the wilderness before bringing brought to a sweat lodge at the end of the seventh day and then brought back to my camp spot and left to be alone again... again this cycle went on for 6 months. Some 15 miles away a friend of mine who went through this process with me was http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/dream-control.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Dream Control

going through the same experience; our mentor stayed in a hidden location and would drop off food and some very basic supplies sometime in the dead of night and would lead us to the sweat lodge and then back to our camp spots. Only on the end of every seven days did I see anyone. I was alone for all the other days. Because my friend and I was not Native American, our mentor said we needed to develop a ceremony that fit with our ancestral linage. We spend months in preparation re-working the initiation Dream Walking story using European mythology and two Shakespeare plays, the Tempest and A midsummer night's dream. The European version fit amazingly well and I hope one day to perform this for others of European decent. I basically lived inside a 6 month long ceremony, in the "in-between" where my awareness of my "Dream body" was ALWAYS in the fore front of my mind. There were NO cell phones, No News, NO distractions, NO idle gossip, NO internet, e-mail, NO communication with anyone other than my mentor and friend at the end of every seventh day and only then it was limited to dreaming and dream control. After a few weeks I lost track of the days, time meant nothing and I became very accustom to being alone with my thoughts, so much so, my thoughts sounded like voices outside my head. My camp site of very small, a had a small wooden shelter, a broom, a cot, blankets, a knife, a club, a small caliber handgun, some ceremonial objects, very bland food, clean water, a number of journals and pens and a few different change of clothes. That was it. My camp with surrounded by a circle of stones that I was not to leave under any circumstances. Because I was living within a ceremony and my dreaming body being under so much awareness and observation, I was told that it would be very easy for less than "friendly" influences to mess with it, and the circle of stones would hold me in protection. I spent my days in meditation, prayer, doing morning, noon, evening and midnight rituals, doing daily automatic writings and journaling all my dreams, visions and visitations. After about 4 months I began dreaming of my friend and finding him in my dreams very easily and going on adventure with him. The first time in the sweat lodge when we passed our dream journals to each other read word for word the exact same dreams and adventures and things we had said each other was beyond surreal. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/dream-control.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Dream Control

It’s one thing to hear about it, but another to realize that it’s not only possible but actually doing it, going back to the mundane world as we understood it could never happen again. The understanding that we are some much more then debt slaves for bankers and captives of corrupted governments is liberation at its highest. To know that the majority of other people are sleeping their lives aware in a manufactured reality based on fear and greed, a reality that is meant to keep people sleeping with their eyes wide open and their dreams even more bland and meaningless then their physical lives is a hard pill to swallow and the desire to wake people up becomes stronger than ever. Dream Walkers speak with Gods one on one and the King and priest become less and less a necessity. Towards the end of my Dream Walker initiation I began having regular visitations from spirits, deities and even aliens and UFO encounters. I began suspecting that they are actually pretty common and have the ability to move through subtle dimensions that our physical sense are not acute enough to detect regularly. My last night I awoke to thunder and explosions all around me. I crawled outside and saw a herd of wild horses as big and wide as the ocean running directly towards me. I knew if I left the circle I would break the initiation process so I stood straight and tall and didn't blink as they looked like then would trample me into a mush. Right as they reached the stones they dissipated into mist and when they had all but disappeared a large figure walked into my circle of stones and I knew him as the Norse God Frey, which I know him be his true name which I won't reveal here nor can I talk about what we discussed face to face, almost immediately after then and before the sun rose, I was also vested by Oberon and Puck… also conversations that I have sworn to keep secret. Dream Control is based on a few major practices that are simple in application but must be applied daily. 1. The journaling of your dreams. Leave nothing out, even if you find the content of the dream unpleasant, shameful, or embarrassing. Dreams are powerful messages that need to be heard and seen. A friend of mine dreamed he raped a girl. Nothing he would ever do. However through mediation on the meaning he discovered he was forcing himself into a situation that was delicate and vulnerable and without knowing it causing someone a great deal of harm, in essence he was committing the feeling of “rape”, but he himself is not a rapist. Nothing worse than people who have absolutely no business examining dreams interjecting their worthless and invalid opinions where they are neither needed nor helpful. Keep your dreams to yourself; dream books with “meanings” are also for the most part worthless. In your dream NOT in past tense, but as if you are right there. So NOT I was in a blue car and there was someone in the passenger seat, he wore a top hat. Write it http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/dream-control.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Dream Control

like this; I AM in a blue car there IS someone in the passenger seat, he IS wearing a top hat. Also, as obvious as this should be, don’t add or make anything up, even to try and fill in gaps between your dream recall. Many people do this and it ends up corrupting the purity of the dream and twisting its intended meaning. 2. Dreaming seems to be a life in constant action; your dream body is always doing something or engaged in some type of activity. When you fall asleep and find your awareness transferred to your dream body, you are entering into a situation “already in progress”. You find yourself in a bizarre situation, like an Asian themed city that is floating and being held up by many different colored and gigantic hot air balloons. You instantly think… wow how did I get here. You won’t be able to come up with an answer… your dreaming. Throughout your waking life ask yourself “how did I get here”? You don’t need to be dogmatic about it, just as you remember to do it, do it. This is cuing you subconscious mind to begin question where you are and how you got there and that will carry over into your dreaming. The question will inevitably make your conscious mind do a back flip onto its head when you can’t answer how you got to a certain location, thus proving that you are in a dream. 3. Look for your hands in your dream. You go throughout your entire waking life looking at your hands, opening milk, to reading a book, to typing on the computer. They are almost always in view, so much so you actually don’t consciously notice them. During your dreams you will almost always been engaged in some activity where you are using your hands. Asking yourself “Am I dreaming?” every time you see your hands in your waking life will again also plant the question in your subconscious mind and it will become habit over time. Your subconscious mind with trigger the question while you are dreaming and when you see you hands while dreaming, you will realize that you are dreaming, and more than likely the lucid dream will begin. 4. You should also begin developing a personal sigil or symbol that only YOU know. This sigil should be developed over a long period of introspection and looking for a symbol that repeats throughout your life and that you see a number of times in your dreams. This symbol will occur sporadically in your dreams and since no one else will know what it is, you will know that you are dreaming, or that something “auspicious” is going on at the very least. When you become aware that you are indeed dreaming you MUST be calm. If you get overly excited you will wake up. If this happens, its ok; you will have many other chances. Again, dream control should be an organic process, don’t have expectations other than that you will have lucid dreams, nothing else. Don’t beat yourself up over anything; let it be as it is. There is a saying “The bird of paradise will only grace an open hand”, this means you have to hold dream control gently, trying to force it will only make it more and more unlikely that you will have lucid dreams and hurt not help your dream control. When you realize your dreaming stay still and allow the dream to come into better focus, tell yourself to be calm and do your best to still your mind and “gently” http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/dream-control.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Dream Control

move around. At this point you are free you try and read books…. Yes…. You can read in dreams… but it’s difficult. You can talk to individuals you meet, ask them anything you want, ask them to point you in the direction or introduce you to spirits and deities, sometimes you will actually get to meet them, sometimes you won’t and you will have messages passed to you. Also there are sometimes objects that will be given to you, or they will be so fantastic that you will pick them up and suddenly wake up into your physical life. These items are now yours to use and many times you will find their manifested counter parts on the physical plane. Sometimes you will even get the chance to look at yourself or see your reflection in a mirror, DO NOT be disturbed at what you see, take it with a grain of salt. Many times your dream body will be misshapen, weak looking or grossly deformed. Sometimes you will see strange looking instruments in or on you or that you have been injured. Feel free to remove these strange devices from yourself immediately. They are either astral “junk” or devices placed on you to make aspects of your life difficult and many health problems result from these. A friend of mine saw his dream body’s reflection and noticed he had a breathing mask on and it attached to a solid looking brick, making it difficult to breath. He had suffered from asthma all his life and thought it could be a part of it. He tore off the device and over the next couple weeks his exercise induced asthma went away. Sometimes even more disturbing are living beings or “leeches” on your dream body. I actually had one of these. I realized I was dreaming and found myself lying in bed. I felt the pressure on my back when I used to have a pet cat and he would sleep on me, but at this point in my life I didn’t have a cat. I turned my head and saw what looked like a cross between a baby and a very incetiod looking creature. It said some of the foulest things I have ever heard anything or anyone say. Now I had been warned about these “parasites” and they will do and say anything to keep you as a convenient “meal” over a long period of time. I waited for it to stoptalking and then laughed at it and said a few choice words to sit back and proceeded to rip it off my back and dissect it with my astral/magickal sword… a somewhat satisfying experience. If you find yourself wound, rub the wound and tell your dream body to heal and it will. A Member of the order found herself with a huge bloody hole were her pregnant belly was and screamed out for a divine doctor to come heal her and the arch angel Raphael appeared and healed all her wounds and gave her some metallic/golden looking medicine to drink and said her and her baby would be healed now. In your lucid dreams you can do all of the above and more. Do you see how liberating and empowering dream control is? Do you see why group like the Illuminati and the Reptilian agenda don’t want you to know that is exists, they don’t want you to have contact with powerful earth based deities that REALLY DO CARE about you and are not manipulated and corrupted entities of Christianity that you need a twisted and brainwashed priest to act as a middle man. They want you watching TV and being afraid of the terror and boogey men THEY http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/dream-control.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Dream Control

dream up, they want you to focus on paying taxes and buying worthless shit you don’t need to keep them living the “good” life and keep you a debt slave. They don’t want you painting the picture you saw in a dream or composing beautiful music or practicing fire magick you learned in a dream or building fantastic inventions that benefit all of humanity, etc. These crusty snaky fucks are masters of dream control and want it all for themselves… It’s tame to take your dream time back and dream the life you want and truly reach for the stars… the only limitations you have are the limitations you agree too…. Here are SOME things I have done while lucid dreaming that defies what “experts” have claimed is impossible. • Watch TV, some of the BEST programs I have ever seen I watched in a lucid dream. • Get on the internet and checked e-mail. The CIA run Google isn’t on the lucid dream internet (fucking bastards) so you can look up anything you want… this is the new “Akashic Records”, and I checked my e-mail and had a message from the Voudu loa Baron Samedi, the contents I will keep secret of course. • Met Thor many times. • Met Odin. • Met Zeus. • Met The Dagdha. • Had a message delivered to me from priestess of Hera…FROM Hera. • Fought and killed may Greys and Reptilians. • Watched Tiamat get her ass kicked by Marduk. • Killed a huge giant with Thor’s hammer Mjilnor. • Listened to the most beautiful and haunting music I have ever heard by an orchestra of fairies. • Taught Judo and Catch Wrestling holds by a long dead and famous wrestler/fighter (This is called a transmission). • Was taught a method of art by the Voudu Loa Ogoun Domenaye. • Was lead into a Voudo house by the Voudu Loa Ogoun Fe • Rode a bicycle with the God Mercury. • Was healed by a North American shaman who gave me bitter tasting medicine. • Wrote a love poem to BEAUTIFUL water elemental and remembered it in my waking life and it won a number of awards and even a cash prize. • Made love to many, many, many spirits, nymphs and a few goddesses. • Learned shape shifting From Odin and from Frey. • Protected an astral sabbat of pagans from a group of reptilians dressed as catholic priests wearing the cloths of and wielding the club of The Dagdha. • Read from an astral grimmore and learned a number of sigils and summoning that are written in no other book except mine. • Traced Norse runes into my body. • Found a number of crystal skulls, some human… some not. Had one placed inside my own head. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/07/dream-control.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Dream Control

• The arch angel Michael blessed my astral/magickal sword as did Thor and taught me a powerful fire ritual for purification and protection. • Ate red and blue cookies baked in a car engine and told a small Haitian child about the mysteries of Ogoun. • Ate an entire deck of Tarot cards and now I do numerous readings for many different people and get a nice little sum of money for being extremely accurate in my readings. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Gaia Paradox/The uncaring mother

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Gaia Paradox/The uncaring mother Something that has come up recently and a topic that occasional gets asked of the G.O.O.D.S is our stance on "Mother Nature". As a magickal order and one that is an inner circle of a large but mainly closed circle of a Wiccan coven we do hold a special reverence for nature and how we as humans need to treat and respect our earth. But... that is where it ends. Contrary to popular misconception, the Pagan people of old and their religions where HIGHLY humanistic. They prayed and developed relationships with spirits who would aid them in their continued survival, they sought wisdom on hunting and growing and warfare to feed their peoples and to protect them. They did not worry about pollution because... well they had no potential to pollute on a mass scale, it was unthinkable, nor did they care about preservation outside of over hunting a population of animal and the results of their poor decisions where almost immediate in form of starvation. We at the G.O.O.D.S are also HIGHLY humanistic, we believe strongly in divine humanism and the on-going potential and development of the human soul, mind and body. While we find the current mass-consumption based society abhorrent and completely against humanity's true nature and most assuredly a form of reptilian fear rooted programming, we at the G.O.O.D.S find "Gaia Worship" and the "Mother Earth" cults to be just as backwards and ultimately misguided. What is more interesting is groups like the WWF and Greenpeace are funded and at the top controlled by Illuminati families, namely the Rothschild. They use truly passionate people and steer them into promoting fear over a false climate crisis i.e.: Global Warming. Even more confusing is that the world's most polluting and nature raping corporations are also Illuminati owned, and the Illuminati are all deeply involved in a form of Gaia Worship. Seems strange that Gaia Worshiping Illuminati would sponsor the end of pollution through Green Peace with one hand and then profit from pollution and environmental poisoning on the other? Makes PREFECT sense to us. But isn't Gaia Worship about protecting Mother Nature? http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/gaia-paradoxthe-uncaring-mother.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Gaia Paradox/The uncaring mother

The simple answer... NO. You MUST understand who and what Gaia is. Gaia and ALL other SUPER earth goddesses who compose the entirety of the earth are largely completely uncaring entities. Now what does uncaring mean? Uncaring means that they cannot be reasoned with; they will not perform works or acts on anyone's behalf and generally do not respond to summoning and channeling attempts. Are they evil? Absolutely not. They just are not sympathic to human needs. Keeping on a more focused track, let’s just take Gaia. Gaia is/was a titan a being of immense power, but very, limited and focused power. Gaia is more a "function" given limited intelligence. Gaia is all about Birth/Death. The statue found at Willendroff is a prefect representation of a Gaia type Goddess. The huge belly, plump vagina and pendulum breast highlight her function of birth and nourishment, while her facelessness and undeveloped limbs shows that she doesn't have the capability to listen, speak or act on the behalf of humans or anything else that might offer her prayers or rituals. But, to individuals who understood Gaia's true nature could use her powers of impregnation, gestation, birth and nourishment to their advantage. Gaia performs a grand function but nothing else. She will take in, hold, give birth to and nourish ANYTHING. The Illuminati know this and use Gaia to manifest their twisted agenda. To make matters worse they have manipulated the "Neo-Pagan" movement into believing Gaia to be a "Mother" Goddess who would hear their prayers and aid them...and who like the Christian folk will be manipulated into giving their energy to "priests" who would shape their emotional offerings into the TRUE agendas. It has long been the suspicion of the G.O.O.D.S that the manipulation of a God the Father religion(Christianity) and the creation of Goddess the Mother religion(Gaiaism) is a crafted plot to play a powerful feminine and masculine polarity off one another, thus giving birth to a "new" ONE WORLD religion a religion, which isn't really a "new" religion, just a very old religion of Oligarchy, or royalty worship, where the royal families are viewed as descended from the "Gods" and chosen to protect the earth. You can already see how they are trying to portray David Rothschild and "Prince" William, as "savior" figures. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/gaia-paradoxthe-uncaring-mother.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Gaia Paradox/The uncaring mother

In this way the TRUE family bloodlines of Illuminati who are really just flesh hosts for Reptilian entities, can be begin again to live as Gods on earth and when the Reptilians once again show their true faces, Humanity will accept them more openly and they will inhabit the earth. Most of humanity will have already been killed off and the human illuminati families WILL be double crossed and they will become the new source of slaves and food. So what can we do? Well, we can use Gaia's power for our purposes. She will give birth to hope and freedom also, we just need to begin placing our dreams in her. That will become a major group working of the G.O.O.D.S here in the very near future. We suggest that humans embrace their divine humanism and worship TRUE mother Goddess, Goddess that actually tend over the birth of human babies and are deeply concerned with humanity's well being and progress. Venus and Frigga instantly come to mind as does Demeter, Juno/Hera (Hera CAN be temperamental, but she does truly love humans), Freyja, Sif and Danu also are powerful and available TRUE mother Goddesses. These Goddesses represent some of the highest potential for human women to attain too, they are also highly active in the astral realms and a few members of the G.O.O.D.S have actually visited a number of their astral temples on a regular basis. Protecting the environment is very important, but what is even more important is the development of the human mind, body and soul. Part of that development is highly dependent on the environment we cultivate ourselves in and thus we would seek to be responsible for our planet, but this is a BI-PRODUCT. Nature Worship like in those Illuminati overrated crap piece called Avatar, will ONLY fall on deaf and uncaring ears and that is the point. While the Neo-Pagans pray for their VERY selective and narrow view of "peace" to a super spirit who doesn't hear them, the Illuminati use Gaia TRUE power to give birth to a world of their design, where we are all slaves... to them... and we KNOW about the real power structure of the Illuminati pyramid, it’s a scaly fucking lizard on top. We want you to develop yourself as the most powerful, formidable and loving human as possible, identifying with a powerful, human promoting mother Goddess is an important step in that process. Use Gaia for what she is for, you serve her by letting her aid you in birthing your dreams into reality, and that is a beautiful and essential function... but for the sake of everything holy... don’t fall into the Gaia Worship TRAP. -G.O.O.D.S http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/gaia-paradoxthe-uncaring-mother.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Gaia Paradox/The uncaring mother




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Channeled writting form THE Pan

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Channeled writting form THE Pan

Bear-Heart (the voice in our videos) has been on a long retreat seeking an audience with one of the most, noticeable, powerful and elusive deities’ earth has even known. Pan. We received word that late last night after days of fasting, rituals and callings Bear-Heart was blessed with a meeting with Pan. What transpired is exactly as we received his writings. Half awake and half dream, alone on a windswept hill, under a lonely and leaning tree thrusting out of a patch of datura flowers, even in the night wind their smell hung thick. A heavy pressure came over me, my skin prickled and my hair stood on end. The electrical current now running through my body was the old tell tale sign. A powerful spirit had drawn close to me/ Magick in its purest, religious ecstasy, so strong did it wash over me I wept like a widow, I laughed like a wild man, I lamented like a sage and confounded around like a madman, before me stood he who was more than the sum of all my parts. He who knows why I laughed, why I cried, why I lamented and why I confounded so even when I hadn’t a clue. He who was primal before primal became primal. He stood before, knelt down to me, sat next to me and stepped into me all at the same time. There was no angle he did not cover, no space he did not fill, no level he did not inhabit no spot he did not hold. I saw my face in his, amplified a million times. I there was more of me reflected back in his deep eternal pools of amber eyes then there was of me looking into them. “I am Pan”, he said to me. I don’t know why he told me that, as if he could be anyone else, as if anyone else could be him, but he just saying it sent me over whatever edge of remaining consciousness I was teetering on and I began spiraling backwards through myself and Pan followed. It was like a dream in full surround sound, I was just “there” a recorder for him to speak into. Pan was all that Pan was supposed to be, only sharper, stronger, faster, more http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/channeled-writting-form-pan.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Channeled writting form THE Pan

beautiful, primal, compassionate and fierce. “It’s up to them and only them Bear-Heart. You can only deliver the message and hope it takes root. Like the stud Elk that bugles out the warning to its herd that trouble is coming, you stand on that hill top, not as a king but a champion, humble and true to your intent of compassionate action so that others my help defend others, others may help build better defenses, others who are stronger and smarter than you can get to work and once you are done with your bugle you can join them, you together, stronger than the sum of all your parts. I was here long before the scaled ones came. I watched them twist and corrupt your fellows chase them through two tunnels, one red and one green, watched them implant alien programming into their sub-atomic, near their most subtle forms of existence. I watched them teach your fellows greed, sexual extortion, fear, humiliation, pain compliance and psychological warfare. I watch them cull the weakest, most fearful, most willing to submit before the scaled king and queens and elevate them to the status of “royalty” among your fellows. Those who descend from those original humans so willing to become traitors to their own race are now the same humans who fill positions of false power and hold worthless titles around the world. Their power did not come from strength or courage, but from fear and betrayal. It will be up to your fellows to see through that crafty web of illusion these rotten and foul few have spun. Your fellows are like a towering hill full of fire ants, whose number is truly awe inspiring. You all want the same things. At your core you’re all basically the same. You want love, shelter, food and people to play your games with. It’s the rotten few of you, like a couple diseased serpents who have slithered in and threaded to tear down your hill if you don’t fall in line. What you need to do is begin to march again them, like a fiery vortex of stinging and pinching mandibles devouring, burning and eroding all the vile and tainted in your path, like the forest fire clears away the dead and decaying to give nourishment to the soil and clear away for fresh new life, the Illuminati is dead crusted lizards who have forgotten that they can die and who would turn on each other like rats on a sinking ship. There leadership is weak, pedophilic, they have surrounded themselves with only the most groveling and lowest level pukes, they have held there positions of power for too long, they are stale, stagnant, like a swamp filled with fecal matter, that are insane and ripe for the cleansing fire of freedom. Freedom is always fresh, it is always new. The fire of freedom is eternal, is eats away at the old so seamlessly and so diligently that it is hardly noticed and barely felt. The putrid swamp of your world leaders has poisoned it’s self. The fish there are dead or dying, their crocodiles have lost their bite, for all the poisons that that have sprayed on you, they have ingested just as much if not more, they souls and spirits are no longer their own, they limp forward like a maggot ridden Moose, once powerful trampling monster, now so horribly crippled and staggering around like a zombie, the fear it evokes is one of not wanting to be anywhere near it, rather than http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/channeled-writting-form-pan.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Channeled writting form THE Pan

of the strength it once possessed. It’s up to them to see that now. It’s up to them to see the Illuminati puppet masters who hide in the cesspool that is Israel leading the American war machine around be the nose like a blind and castrated bull. It’s up to them to finally see it. Its time they get past the religion of the lazy, the man who sacrificed himself on the cross was no friend of his so called followers of today. They have corrupted his memory, violated his teaching and paired him with a God who was known as a God of desert heat, sun stroke and rape, the hateful and despised Lord of all but the Levics. It is now he who commands love? Love at his terms only and that is no love at all. Love at the threat of fear is so ridiculous that only a reptilian mind could understand it. Their book is mind poison, it’s a giant pile of dead animal shit only sweetened with the honey of truth. Armageddon was the “boogey man” the fear used to force the original agenda, the one “true” king Jesus to rule the world under a one world government is no different than if it was Jesus or some Rockefeller child molester, it’s the same enslavement, same end of near all the human population, it’s the same lose of humanity, it’s the same shit, told by the same assholes, and they don’t care if you wave your flag for Jesus or not, it’s the end result they care about, not how you arrive at it. The end will be the same. So much corruption and decay in one place will rot the ivory towers they dwell in from the inside out, the illusion is crumbling and years before they through it would and paradoxically years later then they had hoped the illusion would need to be supported. Like the Emperor with no clothes, you see these sick, bent old men dancing in the streets, the saggy fat rolls and like tits on a boar, their tits like on a boar dangle near their waist lines and if you look really, really close you could almost make out a pathetic tiny numb of a limp useless penis that as seen the backside of a number of young men, forced, drugged and tortured, you and your awakened folk see them for who they really are, they rest of your fellows unfortunately see them in fine silks and fancy ties… all lies, all deceptions and if you want brutal truth, what they REALLY see is the gross bodies and minds of this awful men is tiny reflections of themselves. It’s a hard truth, but once your folk can all be strong enough to admit they we have all been duped, all been corrupted and poisoned to some extent because you have been trained, taught and condition by THEM to be more like them. Then and only then will they see them as the naked and exposed evil that they really are and then little by little, slowly at first, the true light of the inner sun will shine in all of them, tiny specks of star fire will swirl together and begin a firestorm of change and renewal, the old winter of trickery, of enslavement, of rape and torture and murder and forced conversions will end and new fertile fields ready to be sowed with the seeds of freedom and passion and wild ecstatic love of both Human and animal will be ready to be tilled. Only then could you find me in an easy way, only then will my music be heard over the suffering of the wounded and imprisoned, over the sound of financial http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/channeled-writting-form-pan.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Channeled writting form THE Pan

exchange, embezzlement and printing worthless money, heard over the blood fueled war machines, heard so that you can come sing and dance, join with other humans and laugh, love and cry together in joy, in strength and courage. To live so connected but remain fierce and independent, like a pack of wolves rushing, hunting down a brighter future, howling, snarling, nuzzling, and playing with one another. Love is not surrender. Love is furious, strong and brave, it overcomes without conquering, it defends without destroying and it fuels the heat of passion without scorching all around it. This is the true destiny of your fellows, this is the divine potential for humanity and when and one when you can find me among the trees, the rocks and empty stretches of beaches, then and only then with you see my face in the stars and when you are ready I will lead you and your fellows up into them and there you will find me in the vacuum of starry space and I will lead you to other worlds where you can find me in their natures as well and you will see that humanity is the most grand and darling creation of all the Gods and Goddesses of earth and we will not only watch over you here but travel with you no matter where humanity decides to clear it’s next path, we love humanity that much. We dance wild and free in your dreams and your liberation and languish in your agony in your enslavement. We choose liberation; we are ready for you and your fellows to join us here”. I regained enough of my awareness a few hours later to write this down. Please share it as it is DIRECT communication form Pan, a message not to “me” but to all of us. -Bear Heart (G.O.O.D.S)




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: What is Divine Humanism?

Friday, August 27, 2010

What is Divine Humanism?

I am a man who is fully dedicated to the concept of Divine Humanism, I feel as if I am true priest within its ideals and spend every minute of my life, both waking and dreaming extolling its virtues. You will be literally shaken to your core at how you could ever have believed anything about yourself other than that you are a Divine spark of the most power source of freedom and creation in the totality of the Universe. In true Divine Humanism the idea of “God” is NOT required and in fact many Divine Humanists want only to see themselves as the Divine Creator of their own life, which is valid and true. For those, who like me, see the Universe as a creation of the Divine Creator or the Prime Creator as I call it (you can call it whatever you want) the “worship” is simple. Let’s take the ORIGINAL meaning of the word religion, which is to “imitate your God/dess upon the earth”. The ONLY task the Prime Creator has set out for you is to continue realizing and achieving you highest potential and for you to improve upon you. This gives YOU all the power and responsibility for you. You of course can always ask for help and you will always receive help when you ask, but YOU must ask first and then make use of what you get. For some of you that is a terrifying reality. No “Savior” is coming to save you. YOU need to be the change, the champion, the healer, the warrior, the spokesperson, the hero that you need in your life and do so for those around you and for yourself. By YOU living up to your higher ideals you will help others who are afraid to do so begin to see that they have all they need within them to live up to their highest ideals. The “second coming” will only occur when YOU make it happen by being the light for the world. In Divine Humanism YOU are responsible for YOU. Therefore, your freedom is sweeter, your life becomes full of vibrant, exploding http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/what-is-divine-humanism.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: What is Divine Humanism?

color and sensation, you have no guilt for your appetites; you use your physical body as whole unit of feeling and exploring and plunging into the earthly pleasures. As a Divine Humanist you are not looking to transcend the physical body, you are ready to revel in it, and use it, express with it and adorn the temple of you, which is your body with all the beauty and pleasure and feeling and pain and sorrow and victory and loss and triumph as you can, so much so it could almost rip you apart. The physical body is the launching pad for spiritual progression. It is the altar, the temple, the shrine to all that YOU are and all the higher ideals you contain. People build altar in honor and worship of what aspects of the Divine they love the most, what they revere, what they want most in their lives, they place things on that altar which attract it, call to it, beckon that it may draw near. In Divine Humanism, YOU are the altar and YOU where the intersection where these powerful forces of divinity meet with the physical world. Divine Humanism is the path of the truly brave, the fearless, those ready to win or lose it all and are willing to go get what they want and because they earned it, have every right to defend and keep it. In Divine Humanism selfishness FINALY honestly portrayed. Selfishness is NOT about taking what you want. Selfishness is about NOT giving back for what you took. Freedom from slavery is among the highest ideals of Divine Humanism. Slavery comes in many forms, in the slave master named fear, named tyranny, named debt, named guilt, named shame, named intuitionalism…just to name a few. Freedom is living without a safety net…unless you yourself placed a safety net under you. Government safety nets cost you freedom and they continue placing safety nets around you for your “safety” and pretty soon there are so many safety nets around you that you are now in a prison and the only thing “safe” is the government who can safely rape, rob and steal whatever you once had. Divine Humanism maintains that all humans are reflections of a great cosmic mirror that sparkles with infinite splendor. Divine Humanism is the absolute believe that YOU matter, that YOU have value and that YOU are the creator of your own world, for ill or for will. Divine Humanism is about NOT waiting for “someone else’s” permission, it’s about YOU doing what YOU want to do and doing it right now. Divine Humanism is about YOU realizing your dreams and striving for greatness, it’s the freedom to succeed… and… it’s the freedom to learn from and experience failure, to overcome it and press on. Divine Humanism is about taking YOUR life into your own hands, which often means you are going to have to take YOUR life out of someone else’s hands. Divine Humanism is the belief that you must take control of your own destiny and direct it, that you are the captain of your soul Divine Humanism is the process of taking back control of you. You ask yourself what YOU really want, you are NOT your mother, your father, your sister, or brother, your school counselor, the government bureaucrat, or the preacher. You are not theirs to be forced into the shape, the box, the job, the lifestyle, the marriage, the school they want for you. You owe them NOTHING in terms of your http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/08/what-is-divine-humanism.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: What is Divine Humanism?

life and your passions, these are unconditional, they belong to you and only you. The ONLY thing they and you should want for yourself and for others is for them to find happiness in the pursuit of their dreams and passions. You give people the freedom and space to create their own amazing physical experiences and you expect the same form everyone else. That is the absolute BEST gift and blessing you bestow on someone else, the freedom for them to make their own choices, to celebrate their own human divinity. Divine Humanism demands that you ask and strive to answer the question; Are you authentic or simply an artifact person? Divine Humanism worships and celebrates what it is to be human; it values human expression as an expression of the Divine… because it is. To dehumanize someone/anyone is one of the ugliest sins anyone could commit. Committing any act of violence against another human is vulgar to the extreme. Rape, torture, murder, mental and emotional torment are all egregious and hideous. Divine Humanism also abhors ANY form of worship that is done out of fear of retribution. Divine Humanity says YOU have worth, you have merit, you have the RIGHT to do as you please, and YOU have all that you need inside you to achieve your dreams, you just need to want it and work for it. Divine Humanism enjoys sex and sexuality, enjoys eating and drinking and laughing and playing and loving and dancing and creating art and listen to music and exploring and dreaming and resting and being with friends and family, flying kites and exercising and studying and learning. These are ALL acts of divinity, worthy of being done and worthy of being honored and worshiped. Divine Humanity also says take responsibility for what you do. Take care of you family, provide for them, work, dedicate your life to higher values and ideals, make the world better for you having been a part of it. Lend your strengths and talents to others, help by being supportive, and help others so that one day they can be of the same service to someone else, and yes, maybe even you. Divine Humanism believes that when people are happy and feel able to pursue their hopes and dreams and have surrounded themselves with friends and family there is little time for war and engaging in conspiracies against your common man. People stop involving themselves needlessly in the lives of others when they feel that they have something of a worthwhile life for them to attend too. The Ultimate goal of Divine Humanism is to enlighten humans on their immense intrinsic value, their irreplaceable role within the grand cosmic order of things and there unlimited potential to grow, achieve and all embody their highest most scared ideals and to allow other humans to do the same and in the best way that is possible for them. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: How the Thorn enlightens

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How the Thorn enlightens The G.O.O.D.S claims few things. We are a rough and tumble and hedonistic bunch. We love our freedoms, our rights to worship at we want, love how we want and say what we want and find happiness when and how we choose. We have deep spiritual sides. We have long explored, loved, studied, astonished, marveled and fought fierce battles on the astral realms. We believe in magick, we pay homage to Pagan Gods and Goddess, we toast great Pagan Heroes and Heroines, and in our own way seek to write our names and deeds in the stars like our forefathers and mother did. We give every right to all others to find the same pleasures and same vigor for life that we have and in whatever way they deem best for them, or not, we also respect the rights of those people who decided that life is a distasteful experience and they are looking for the fastest way to transcend their earthly incarnation as quickly as possible, it’s your choice and your freedoms in what you want and how you want to approach the life you have been given. Because we value our freedoms and the freedoms of others, we believe that is goes without saying that should someone decide that their path is to force their views upon us, to try and leverage some unwanted and uninvited control over what is NOT theirs, to meddle where they are not welcome and through threats and of force of violence take away from us what is ours and not theirs, we are truly shocked when these individuals, or anyone else for that matter would be surprised that we would react in the most direct and effective method to ensure that maintain the beauty and splendor that is our divine humanism, our physical lives and our freedoms to chase down and experience, living life at its fullest. I guess what I am saying is this, we don’t bother anyone else and wish the best for all things, but you fuck with my freedoms or those of my friends and family and I am ready to crub stomp you into the next world.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: How the Thorn enlightens

And that is EXACTLY to type of fighting spirit you NEED to develop if you want to life a life WITHOUT fear, living with purpose, strength and love fully unleashed. Nature has many, many ways of saying… don’t touch, and should you continue you on your quest to violate nature with your dirty hands when it has clearly stated “back the fuck off me” then you clearly has asked for the consequences and deserve what you get. You mess with a baby bear cub and get mauled by mama bear, guess what, you deserve it. You poke a bull and get gored by its horns… guess what, you deserve it. You see it coil back and hear its rattle and yet the message still does not get through your thick skull and you get closer… yep you get bite and probably poisoned. The dog growls and tell you not to pet it and oops, you decide you have more of a right to tough the dog then the dog has the right to tell you not to touch him… well you get bit… it’s your own fucking fault. You mess with wild, strong, passionate, highly active individuals on the astral plane who have an unshakable zest for living their lives in a manner that THEY choose when you have been warned and told time and time and fucking time again NOT to fuck with humanity… yep, you’re going to get hunted on the astral plane and rode down every chance we get. It’s just the natural way of things. Understand this. The Illuminati and their crusted lizard fucks who they revere have decided that even though they heard humanity growl, see it coil back and it’s “don’t mess” with us rattle, the see the bear cubs of humanity and poke and piss it off anyway. So when mama humanity comes to maul them and gore the living shit out of them for their CHOICE to try and violate humanity, why is it that foolish individuals like YouTube user ihatemelee stand like dumbfounded dipshits at that materialization of this law of nature? The G.O.O.D.S is a TRUE magickal order; we don’t now or ever care about achieving “enlightenment”.(We will explain why latter) We care about living life on our terms and affording others to do the same, and if you decided you want to take away our right to do that, then you WILL face the repercussions of that ill-fated decision. The Illuminati has made that choice, they have aligned themselves with grossly http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/how-thorn-enlightens.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: How the Thorn enlightens

vile entities that have also made the decision that they will use their freedom of choice to deny our freedoms. THEY made the choice to come and do humanity extreme villainy and tremendous harm. A rose has thorns to protect it, it doesn’t reach out to harm you, but if you reach out to grasp the rose you will probably be harmed. The G.O.O.D.S is the same way, Humanity NEEDS to be the same way. You reach back your hand and see that you have been injured and you are in pain from grabbing the rose and finding its pedals. You now have yet ANOTHER choice to make. Will you learn from your mistakes and next time kept your grubby mitts off the rose or will you again decide to want to rose enough to face the thorns again… like I stated before it’s all about freedom of choice.

The rose and the thorn illustrate supreme mercy to the greedy who want to steal the beauty of the rose, the pain stops when the greed does. The greedy are only doing it to themselves. The thorns piece and rip only as hard as the greedy squeeze. The pain they feel is completely up to them. Do you see ihatemellee… when you and the Illuminati stop trying to steal the rose, stop raping humanity’s children, stop seeking to enslave and imprison us, we YOU and the Illuminati stay your hand against the sharp thorns of the rose of divine humanism, you stop injuring yourselves, you are doing it to YOURSELVES!!!! The thorns of a rose are ALWAYS at the ready for open aggression against these Illuminati FUCKS, because as the great master Thomas Jefferson said “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” AND “Resistance to Tyranny is obedience to God”. Just as it is the natural order for those things is nature to defend themselves with deliberate furry, it’s just the law of nature that slimy power mad fuck seek to defile what looks weak and easy to exploit. The mercy comes when YOU decide to stop being such a greedy fucking pig because it’s too painful trying to get at that rose, thus sparing you and others around you from the tyranny and oppression of having such a twist greedy pig around them and the damage you do to yourself, ihatemelee and Illuminati, by being such a perverse and gluttonous hog(s). The Illuminati and Illuminati sympathizers like ihatemelee, LOVE to hide behind http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/how-thorn-enlightens.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: How the Thorn enlightens

the title of “enlightened”. They hide behind the façade that they are about peace and non-violence, like Hitler did when he said he a disarmed German public was a safer world to live in… and he was right, it was a safer world… just for him and his Nazi storm troopers to imprison and terrorize anyone who did not agree with Hitler’s world domination plot. Yes… Hitler also LOVED to talk about spiritual enlightenment and a beautiful and peaceful utopia but that’s where it ended, the nightmare of fear and hellish totalitarianism that descended over the world was never meant to bring the sunlight of Alfheim (a Germanic Utopia… land of sun and milk and honey) for anyone but Hitler and the Illuminati super fucking sub-human scum bags who financed him (Those Illuminati financiers who are Zionists and now also hide behind being Jewish, the Holocaust, Anti-semitism, and the ADL has a defense against anyone who tries to bring the true out against them and is still stupid enough to fall of the guilt trap and emotional black mail attempts by being falsely called a racist by their Zionist mass murdering fucks). Misguided twits like ihatemelee perpetuate the LIE that enlightened people who value compassion and mercy have been de-clawed and are toothless, unable to defend themselves, which is essence what his ilk want. Easier to take you over a FORCE you into their warped view of what “peace” is. Instead of being free and strong and living in a world where people have the right to live their lives and defend themselves and learn from their mistakes and where mercy and peaceful living is truly valued because of the capable ability of everyone around you to defend their way of life and who have CHOOSEN to live among each other in friendly and loving terms instead of being FORCED to be peaceful, which is only docile and dumb form of life and a type of violence in and of its self, No, the Illuminati and as ihatemelee has suggested, they would rather the grand rose of the Human Divine be de-thorned so that they can more easily pluck and tear her pedals from her as she lay defenseless, broken and weeping for the honor, passion and beauty she once knew.

ANY time someone wants you to get rid of your weapons, silence your voice, become meek and docile and adhere to bizarre spiritual taboos where you sacrifice and follow dogma out of fear of retribution, or claim you are not “enlightened” because you are ready at a moment’s notice to become a brutal snarling wolf in order to defend you and your family against the intrusions of sniveling slithering weasely self deluded, self righteous, highly pretentious troglodyte creeping tyranny against you and your family we recommend this; http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/how-thorn-enlightens.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: How the Thorn enlightens

1. Arm yourself further, open aggression against Tyranny continual reminds it and it’s sub-human pant-loads who worship at its altar that they are NOT welcome. 2. Deal with these twisted troglodytes fast and brutally. Make sure they have FULL understanding their double-speak and emotional black-mail has NO effect and that you will EXPOSE them for what they are. 3. Surround yourself with a community of people ready to aid you because they love freedom so much they are willing to soil their hands on the filth that is oppression in order to preserve the splendor of freedom. Remember at NO point is denying yourself freedom going to keep you safe. The ONLY effect of taking away freedom is to become more and more a slave. Things like “enlightenment” are completely a Reptilian/Illuminati power trip, NOTHING more and the miserable few who try and use it as a method of control are playing out the alien programming that these scaly slavers re-wired into our consciousness to try and suppress us further. The ONLY enlightenment worth achieving is the value of personal freedom, the respect of the personal freedoms of others and the understanding that you are sometimes going to have to stomp a mud-hole through some shithead’s chest hell bent on oppressing you in order to defend and KEEP your personal freedoms and that of others. Mercy and compassion should ALWAYS be applied to the WHOLE of humanity, but sometimes that means having to deal with the truly sick of our kind in less than friendly ways ONLY because they have far over stepped their boundaries first and you can’t let up in your defense until they break off their attack FIRST.





Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Assuming God-Form part 1

Monday, September 6, 2010

Assuming God-Form part 1 Some basic notes for the Assuming God-Form part 1 Recognizing you HIGHER, your inner champion. Who you REALLY are. You need to talk with this being and ask what your HIGHEST ideals are, what you GREAT WORK on this earth is. You need to begin to SEE yourself as this being; you need to BECOME your HIGHER self, your inner champion. The more you SEE yourself as that champion and listen it its/your HIGHER advice/enter into holy communion with your HIGHER self, the more you being to become your HIGHER self. Spend time with your HIGHER self see your HIGHER self enter into your body and absorb all your HIGHER ideals. Write down a short list of who you really are. Don’t be afraid of what your HIGHER self tells you. Come up with 4-5 words that describe your HIGHEST ideals (mine where strength, protection, laughter, love and sex). Begin to engage in HOLY COMMUNION with your HIGHER self on a daily basis and ask how you can use who you REALLY are to benefit and be of value and service to all of humanity and how you can add in its freedom and continued happiness and advancement in a healthy and natural way. You can find a white candle and light it before doing HOLY COMMUNION with your HIGHER self. This will help you strengthen your link, but it is not required and ultimately you won't need the candle anyway, it just helps at first. DREAM JOURNAL... every dream you have write it down. Your HIGHER self will begin to speak to you more often and more clearly in your dreams now that you are seeking HOLY COMMUNION with it on the regular. -G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting. General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences Sphere of Uranus/Kether Title: The Glory Color: Brilliant white Stone: Diamond Incense: Nag Champa… other Kether incense are very expense and often hard to find. Metal: Platinum Images: A picture of yourself. Why… it’s a DEEP mystery… ask why when you contact this sphere. The planetary symbol of Uranus. • Immerse yourself in complete and utter sacredness. • Understand TRUE divinity and your personal link to it. • Harmonize yourself with true universal unity and know the eternal wonder of universal perpetuity. • Introduce yourself to and gain audiences with beings of untold power and purity and become a more splendorous being from just being in contact with them. • Discuss attainment to and fulfillment of your “Great Work” and achieve TRUE adept-hood. • Learn how to become “one” with the universe but not lose yourself in the process. • Ask to read your personal chapter in THE Book of Life. • See great and wonderful future technologies. • Work to bring about the TRUE evolution of humankind, free from crusty reptilian influences. A being you MUST call for is Metatron. Metatron is the highest and most powerful of the Archangles. Metatron is the “voice” of “God” and the ONLY being who has EVER laid eyes upon the true face of “God”. Archangels/Angels belong to NO religion; they are beings/constructs of the “Prime Creator” and serve their functions masterfully. Metatron’s face cannot be seen, he is gigantic and his presence is near overpowering. His is very luminescent and while his light should be blinding it’s still soft enough to glaze at. He is solid brilliant white with a human figure. He generally holds what is THE “Book of Life” and something will let you read what it says about you… but only you. Metatron will often send you to other beings of this sphere depending on your needs and will help you in whatever question you have about your “Great Work”. You will NEVER be allowed to look upon “God”, you might as well not even ask. If by chance he says yes you can… you are NOT speaking with Metatron and you need to evaluate to possibility of leaving wherever you are immediately.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

Sphere of the Zodiac/Chokmah Title: Great Wisdom Color: Silvery White Stone: Turquoise Incense: Musk Metal: Aluminum Image: A wise male deity, old fatherly figure and or Astrological wheel • Learn to circulate, raise, project and control your life/sexual energy. • Discover and master all manner of occult energy practices such as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote viewing, remote healing, bi-location, directing energy, thought projection and energy manipulation of all types, prophecy, divination and channeling. • Learn to become a direct energy conduit for the unlimited energy flow of the universe. • Understand the deepest mysteries of male sexual power. • See potential future incarnations and possibly contact them. • Discover the secret of life. Beings you MUST make contact with: Neptune/Poseidon, Odin and the Dagdha. These three mighty father figures of humanity of powerful and knowledgeable beyond measure. They are the epitome par-excellence of magick and occult power, para-normal happenings, as well as endless male sexual prowess. There is no subject they are not well versed in and if approached with honor and gratitude they are always willing to mentor you. Do you own research into each of them so you know what to expect. Because of there might no other beings dare fuck with them so just saying their names out -loud eliminates the chance of being bothered by less desirable entities The ONLY other being who’s name would be even more power in clearing all area of all hostile entities is Thor and by a very, very small margin. Sphere of Saturn/Binah Title: Grave Understanding Color: Deep Black Incense: Patchouli Metal: Lead Stone: Onyx Image: A wise goddess or motherly figure. The planetary symbol of Saturn. • Come to learn how limitations, cycles, restrictions, boundaries, harvesting and time can be helpful in your workings. • Learn the real art of Necromancy, question the dead and speak with past incarnations (past lives). • Learn the power of rest, sleep, stasis, and containment. • Discovery the mystery of death. • Visit the universal achieves. • See the beauty of decay. Beings you MUST visit: Call upon Frigga, she is a kind motherly type with the unfortunate knowledge of all http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/general-list-of-planetary-influences.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

fate. She will comfort you and you learn the darker side of universal nature and will teach you the true beauty of the unpleasant but natural and highly necessary. She can teach you how to safely contact ancestors and when the time in right the art of prophecy and introduce you to sterner entities like Cronos, the fates/the norns, Hella and Orcus. Sphere of Jupiter/Chessed Title: The Beneficent Color: Royal Blue Stone: Amethyst Metal: Tin Incense: Cedar Image: a kindly strong king, unicorn, the planetary symbol of Jupiter • Learn the power anabolism/creation/building • Develop strong leadership skills, increase personal influence and charisma. • Ask on how to become a good public speaker and figure head. • Better promote yourself and your agendas better. • Learn to be wiser with using material wealth and wealth building. • Cultivate compassion and honor with dignity and strength. • Methods for learning diplomacy, compromise, negotiation, and mediation skills. • Gain authority over yourself and then over others. Beings you MUST contact: Jupiter/Zeus. Jupiter is the king of kings and God of Gods. He is a powerful, self assured, highly confident leader. A shrewd, calculating mind with the self authority and personal power to make the sky rumble and hurl thunder bolts. He generally is very positive, but makes you earn your teaching and he commands the utmost respect. His name carries SERIOUS weight and speaking it on this realm or any other will instantly command attention. Jupiter can grant you wealth and teach you the difference of being wealthy, successful and prosperous, as compared to miserly, greedy and back stabbing. Byton: A massive Greek titan looking spirit, very Olympian in nature. Heavily muscled and usually shirtless but draped in very expensive looking robes and jewelry. He teaches the cultivation and application of personal power for material gain and leadership skills. He teaches you how to accumulate energy in your base of power and focus it upward. His sigil looks like a completed pyramid with a spherical base. He HATES the illuminati and speaks strongly against their pyramid symbol that teaches the power is at the top, when in fact the REAL power is in the base and benefits ALL people not just the greedy cowardly so-called elite. The sphere of Mars/Geburah Title: The destroyer Color: Blood red Incense: Dragon’s Blood Stone: blood stone/ruby Metal: Iron/Steel http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/general-list-of-planetary-influences.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

Image: A mighty warrior/warrioress, the planetary symbol of Mars. • Gaining personal, physical, mental, and spiritual strength and fortitude. • Learn how to perform aggressive magick, exorcisms, spiritual/physical warfare and banishments. • Learn the power and function of catabolism and destruction. • Learn courage and will power. • Forge a terrifying fighting spirit. • Learn how to cut out unwanted influences in your life, wear down obstacles and plow through barriers. Beings you MUST contanct: Mars/Aries, Tyr and Moriganna. These Gods and Goddess represent absolutely unstoppable forces of furry and aggression in both male and female types. But they are far from simple blood thirsty savages. Their rage and ability to inspire their followers to arms is to help defend them and their way of life. These powerful deities are master tacticians and while they can be harsh and uncompromising the lessons they teach at the end of their boots will make you stronger, tougher and ready to handle yourself in even the direst circumstances. If you truly want to develop a healthy degree of raw power and understand the function of destruction they will teach you… just be ready to take a couple lumps along the way. Kamael: An archangel that is second only to Michael in warrior skills. Kamael is a mighty being with lighting flashing in his eyes, grand steel wings and heavily armored. He can help you in making amends for karmic transgressions and point you into tasks that will remove the guilt from your soul. He is also a very power legal ally that will help you in legal battles as long as you are in the right of “moral” law. The sphere of the Sun/Tipareth Title: The splendorous beauty Color: Gold/bright yellow Incense: Frankincense Stone: Citrine Metal: Gold Image: The sun, a rooster, a lion, the planetary symbol of the sun. • Meet your higher self and discover the elements of your highest ideals and “Great Work”. • Spend time with entities that are truly inspiring and the embodiment of healing, higher aspirations, music, harmony and purification. • Learn the art of regeneration and rejuvenation. • Learn to us the sun’s energy to empower ritual objects, ceremonies, foods, drinks and herbs. • Learn the nature of a spiritual life and how to still experience a wonderful earthly existence. • Learn what the REAL “Christ” energy is and what true selfless action is all about. Beings you MUST contact: Apollo: A God of solar power, healing, art, music and prophecy. Beautiful and http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/general-list-of-planetary-influences.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

beyond kind, he is among one of the most compassionate and benevolent entities in the whole multi-universe. He will teach you the art of self healing and self care, how to purify yourself and others, how to inspire others to higher ideals and how to stand against the sickness of the transplutonian madness. He is a skilled archer and will teach you how to make an astral bow of amazing power… and all that is just for starters. Raphael: The archangel of light and healing, known throughout the multi-universe as the “Divine Physician”. There is no disease he cannot heal, no curse or blight he cannot lift. He appears as a holographic projection of light is glorious to behold and conversations with him can keep you uplifted and inspired to acts of great compassion for weeks afterwards. Ask him for lessons in healing and who to increase the light of your spirit. The sphere of Venus/Netzach Title: The masterpiece of love, the house of muses Color: Emerald green Incense: Rose Stone: Emerald/moss agate Metal: Copper Image: A beautiful woman, a cat, or the planetary symbol of Venus. • Find your own personal muse, a being that inspires you to create and perform works and acts of beauty. • Discover the ways of love, friendship and romantic endeavors. • Find your own personal artistic medium for self expression and to influence the emotions of others. • Learning how to create settings with the use of color, props, lighting, sounds and smells to cultivate the appropriate emotional response for yourself and over others for specific rituals or functions. • Learn how to intensify your own raw emotions, raise and sustain them for ritual use. • Learn to cultivate, circulate and store female sexual power. Beings you MUST contact: Venus/Aphrodite and Freyja: These Goddess are the primal sexual goddesses that gave birth to countless human souls and are both the mothers and lovers of humanity. These women are fully content and unashamed of their love of physical pleasure, sexual desire and female power. It is said that Venus/Aphrodite shook the universe awake with such an orgasm that its reverberations keep the universe in motion still. Now that is POWER. A similar story is told about Freyja, how every night she sexually exhausts the world’s greatest mortal warriors and her final orgasm wakes the sun and sets the day into motion. They embody all that it is to be a powerful, liberated woman, free to self express and be as creative as they desire. They can teach you to embrace liberation, set yourself free and live a life of purpose and adventure. They can also teach a man how to be strong enough for a primal, sexually free wild http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/general-list-of-planetary-influences.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

woman and further claim his masculinity through understand his powerful feminine current. Queen Maeve: Another power female figure of immense beauty, sexual prowess and physical strength. She too was also known for sexually exhausting large groups of powerful men every night and her orgasms were said cause tremors in the earth. She is a Goddess of Sovereignty and virtual king maker and bestower/delegator of masculine power, like the lady of the lake who gives the worthy heroes Excalibur to defend her realm and people with. She is a standalone queen and doesn’t need a man, but knows the balancing force male and female sexual energies create. Many of Celtic mythologies greatest warriors fell to her on the battle field as she was a warrioress on par with the Morriganna. She can teach women the power of their beauty and who beauty supports strength and how to be fiercely independent and choose to be with a man not feel like they need to be, she can act as an example for women how to be Queens and warrioresses. For man she can’t teach them the skills they lack, she is a bit harsh on men but they will be better for her instructions. As she is a king maker, she will mold a man into a worthy king and hero. Sphere of Mercury/Hod Title: Sparkling wit Color: Flashing orange Incense: Gum mastic Stone: Fire Opal Metal: Mercury Image: Ape, ibis, raven and the planetary symbol of Mercury • Come into contact with your pure intellect and rationality. • Learn to control your thoughts and articulate speech to better convey the power of your emotions and will force. • Study with masters of sciences, intellect, and all scholarly pursuits. • Learn sacred geometry, mathematics, research, design, engineering and ritual outlines. • Hone your skills of observation and study for charts, graphs and tables. • Train your mind to think quickly, sharply, and accurately. • Develop superior linguistic, verbal and conversational skills. Beings you MUST contact: Mercury/Hermes: The god of magick, science, commerce, athletics and thieves. Mercury is a Magician second to none and master of the spoken word, of magickal science and astral travel. He is the voice of the Gods, carrying the prayers of the people to their ears and their messages back to the people. If you are going to be a Magician, you MUST be on good terms with Mercury/Hermes. He enjoys quick wit and often teaches in very expected ways that are often humorous, if not sometimes at the expense of yourself. But learn to laugh at yourself and understand http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/general-list-of-planetary-influences.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

it’s not done out of malice but to increase your awareness and you will learn far more then you think. Michael: The archangel who is one of the most powerful forces of protection in the whole multi-universe. He is a warrior par-excellence, dominating the “devil” into submission/being put to work for “god”. Michael is a blazing archangel in bright oranges and greens, long red hair, famous and impossibly sharp flaming sword and giant flaming wings. He is a brilliant general and battle tactician and absolutely fearless. His name makes all entities tremble, like Thor, he is known in all realms as a force you don’t mess with. Some find it strange that he is the archangel of Hod and not Geburah or Mars. But there is a definite reason for that. Michael is the defender of “God” and as a Magician takes to his or her circle and creates a microuniverse, they become “God” of the universe, so Michael stands as their protector ready to be called upon to enforce the will of “God”, both Macro and Micro. Call upon Michael for powerful protection rituals and information of how to bless your magickal sword so that all spirits who see it know without any doubt Michael stands with you. Sphere of the Moon Title: The astral ocean, the foundation Color: Puce or deep purple Incense: Jasmine Stone: Moonstone Metal: Silver Image: A powerfully built man, an elephant, the planetary symbol of the moon. • Build your dream and astral bodies, see what they look like and form them to your own liking. • Learn to strengthen your imagination and bend and shape the astral “plastic” to your will. • Learn to do ritual magick in your dreams or astral realm. • Come face to face with the creations of your sub conscious, build them up or tear them down depending on your will. • Learn to go toe to toe with hostile and aggressive entities that hunt humans and harm them. • Learn to lucid dream and astral project. Beings you MUST contact: Gabriel: The archangel who is the strength of “God”. Much like Michael he serves as the strength of “God” who is both Macro and Micro (The Magician). Gabriel is the strength the Magician shapes the Astral “Plastic” with and molds it to his or her will. Call upon Gabriel for this strength and ask how you can develop such a relationship with this most wonderful archangel. Artemis: Sister to Apollo, master huntress and dream time Goddess. She can teach you to hone your focus and teach you the mystery of the bow and arrow, the power of tension and release in building your astral realms blending sustained thought, desire, will, work ethic and trust in your magick. She can also be called upon to help you gain retribution over those who have truly harmed you needlessly and http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/09/general-list-of-planetary-influences.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writting.

how to track anything and anyone down on the dream and astral worlds. She is feared by the violators of the human race and she eagerly helps and trains you to hunt down reptilian, greys and illuminati entities. Hercules: Much for the same reason and functions of the archangel Gabriel but as his not an angel he can operate outside of the limitations and restrictions of angelic beings. He lends his strength to helping you support your dream and astral work and helping shape it. He is a powerful astral and dream protector and LOVEs to tear apart reptilian fuck bags with his hands and teeth. He can be asked to protect loved ones and especially children and is a very worthwhile bodyguard and ally to have.





Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Conjuration!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Grand Conjuration! The Grand Conjuration! By the Holy Names of God written in this Book, and by the other Holy and Ineffable Names which are written in the Book of Life, we conjure ye to come unto us promptly and without any delay, wherefore tarry not, but appear in a beautiful and agreeable form and figure, by these Holy Names: ADONAI, TZABAOTH, EL, ELOHI, ELOHIM, SHADDAI; and by EHEIEH, YOD HE VAU HE,which is the Great Name of God TETRAGRAMMATON written with Four Letters, ANAPHODITON, and Ineffable; by the God of those Virtues and Potencies, Who dwelleth in the Heavens, Who rideth upon the Kerubim, Who moveth upon the Wings of the Wind, He Whose Power is in Heaven and in Earth, Who spake and it was done, Who commanded and the whole Universe was created; and by the Holy Names and in the Holy Names, IAH, IAH, IAH, ADONAI TZABAOTH; and by all the Names of God, the Living, and the True, I reiterate the Conjuration, and I conjure ye afresh ye Evil and rebellious Spirits, abiding in the Abysses of Darkness. I conjure, I address, and I exorcise ye, that ye may approach unto and come before the Throne of God, the Living and the True, and before the Tribunal of the judgment of His Majesty, and before the Holy Angels of God to hear the sentence of your condemnation. Come ye then by the Name and in the Name Of SHADDAI, which is that of God Almighty, strong, powerful, admirable, exalted, pure, clean, glorified, virtuous, great, just, terrible, and holy; and by the Name and in the Name of EL, IAH, IAH, IAH, Who hath formed and created the world by the Breath of His Mouth, Who supporteth it by His Power, Who ruleth and governeth it by His Wisdom, and Who hath cast ye for your pride into the Land of Darkness and into the Shadow of Death. Therefore, by the Name of the Living God, Who hath formed the heavens above, and hath laid the foundations of the earth beneath, we command ye that, immediately and without any delay, ye come unto us from all places, valleys, mountains, hills, fields, seas, rivers, fountains, ponds, brooks, caverns, grottos, cities, towns, villages, markets, fairs, habitations, baths, courtyards, gardens, vineyards, plantations, reservoirs, cisterns, and from every corner of the terrestrial earth where ye may happen to be in your assemblies, so that ye may execute and accomplish our demands with all mildness and courtesy; by that Ineffable Name which Moses heard and invoked, which he received from God from the midst of the Burning Bush, we conjure ye to obey our commands, and to come unto us http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/grand-conjuration.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Conjuration!

promptly with all gentleness of manner. Again we command ye with vehemence, and we exorcise ye with constancy, that ye and all your comrades come unto us in an agreeable and gracious manner like the breeze, to accomplish successively our various commands and desires. Come ye, then, by the virtue of these Names by the which we exorcise ye; ANAI, ÆCHHAD, TRANSIN, EMETH, CHAIA, IONA, PROFA, TITACHE, BEN ANI, BRIAH, THEIT; all which names are written in Heaven in the characters of Malachim, 1 that is to say, the tongue of the Angels. We then, by the just judgment of God, by the Ineffable and Admirable Virtue of God, just, living, and true, we call ye with power, we force and exorcise ye by and in the admirable Name which was written on the Tables of Stone which God gave upon Mount Sinai; and by and in the wonderful Name which Aaron the High Priest bare written upon his breast, by which also God created the World, the which name is AXINETON; and by the Living God Who is One throughout the Ages, whose dwelling is in the Ineffable Light, Whose Name is Wisdom, and Whose Spirit is Life, before Whom goeth forth Fire and Flame, Who hath from that Fire formed the firmament, the Stars and the Sun; and Who with that Fire will burn ye all for ever, as also all who shall contravene the Words of His Will. Come ye, then, without delay, without noise, and without rage, before us, without any deformity or hideousness, to execute all our will; come ye from all places wherein ye are, from all mountains, valleys, streams, rivers, brooks, ponds, places, baths, synagogues; for God, strong and powerful, will chase ye and constrain ye, being glorious over all things; He will compel ye, both ye and the Prince of Darkness. Come ye, come ye, Angels of Darkness; come hither before this Circle without fear, terror, or deformity, to execute our commands, and be ye ready both to achieve and to complete all that we shall command ye. Come ye, then, by the Crown of the Chief of your Emperors, and by the Sceptres of your power, and of SID, the Great Demon, your Master; by the Names and in the Names of the Holy Angels who have been created to be above you, long before the constitution of the world; and by the Names of the two Princes of the Universe, whose Names are IONIEL and SEFONIEL; by the rod of Moses, by the staff of Jacob; by the ring and seal of David, wherein are written the Names of Sovereign God; and by the Names of the Angels by which Solomon has linked and bound ye; and by the sacred bonds by which ANAEL hath environed and hath conquered the Spirit; and by the Name of the Angel who ruleth potently over the rest, and by the praise of all creatures who cry incessantly unto God, Who spake, and immediately all things, even the Ages, were made and formed; and by the Name HAQADOSCH BERAKHA, which signifieth the Holy and Blessed One; and by the Ten Choirs of the Holy Angels, CHAIOTH HA-QADESH, AUPHANIM, ARALIM, CHASHMALIM, SERAPHIM, MALACHIM, ELOHIM, BENI ELOHIM, KERUBIM, and ISHIM; and by and in the Sacred name of Twelve http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/grand-conjuration.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Conjuration!

Letters of which each Letter is the Name of an Angel, and the letters of the Name are ALEPH, 1 BETH, BETH, NUN, VAU, RESH, VAU, CHETH, HE, QOPH, DALETH, SHIN. By these Names therefore, and by all the other Holy Names, we conjure ye and we exorcise ye by the Angel ZECHIEL; by the Angel DUCHIEL; by the Angel DONACHIEL and by the Great Angel METATRON, Who is the Prince of the Angels, and introduceth the Souls before the Face of God; and by the Angel SANGARIEL, by whom the portals of Heaven are guarded; and by the Angel KERUB, who was made the Guardian of the Terrestrial Paradise, with a Sword of Flame, after the expulsion of Adam our forefather; and by the Angel MICHAEL by whom ye were hurled down from the Height of the THRONE into the Depth of the Lake and of the Abyss, the same Name meaning, 'Who is like God upon Earth'; and by the Angel ANIEL; and by the Angel OPHIEL; and by the Angel BEDALIEL; wherefore, by these and by all the other Holy Names of the Angels, we powerfully conjure and exorcise ye, that ye come from all parts of the world immediately, and without any delay, to perform our will and demands, obeying us quickly and courteously, and that ye come by the Name and in the Name of ALEPH, DALETH, NUN, IOD, for we exorcise ye anew by the application of these Letters, by whose power burning fire is quenched, and the whole Universe trembleth. We constrain ye yet again by the Seal of the Sun which is the Word of God; and by the Seal of the Moon and of the Stars we bind ye; and by the other Animals and Creatures which are in Heaven, by whose wings Heaven cleanseth itself, we force and attract ye imperiously to execute our will without failure. And we conjure, oblige, and terribly exorcise ye, that ye draw near unto us without delay and without fear, as far as is possible unto ye, here before this Circle, as supplicants gently and with discretion, to accomplish our will in all and through all. If ye come promptly and voluntarily, ye shall inhale our perfumes, and our suffumigations of pleasant odour, which will be both agreeable and delightful unto ye. Furthermore ye will see the Symbol of your Creator, and the Names of his Holy Angels, and we shall afterwards dismiss ye, and send ye hence with thanks. But if, on the contrary, ye come not quickly, and ye show yourselves self-opinionated, rebellious, and contumacious, we shall conjure ye again, and exorcise ye ceaselessly, and will repeat all the aforesaid words and Holy Names of God and of the Holy Angels; by the which Names we shall harass you, and if that be not sufficient we will add thereunto yet greater and more powerful ones, and we will thereunto again add other Names which ye have not yet heard from us, which are those of an Almighty God, and which will make ye tremble and quake with fear, both ye and your princes; by the which Names we conjure both you and them also, and we shall not desist from our work until the accomplishment of our will. But if perchance ye yet shall harden yourselves, and show yourselves selfopinionated, disobedient, rebellious, refractory, and contumacious, and if ye yet http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/grand-conjuration.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Grand Conjuration!

resist our powerful conjurations, we shall pronounce against you this warrant of arrest in the Name of God Almighty, and this definite sentence that ye shall fall into dangerous disease and leprosy; and that in sign of the Divine Vengeance ye shall all perish by a terrifying and horrible death, and that a fire shall consume and devour you on every side, and utterly crush you; and that by the Power of God, a flame shall go forth from His Mouth which shall burn ye up and reduce ye unto nothing in Hell. Wherefore delay ye not to come, for we shall not cease from these powerful conjurations until ye shall be- obliged to appear against your will. Thus then, therefore, we anew conjure and exorcise ye by and in the Holy Name Of ON, which is interpreted and called God; by the Name and in the Name of EHEIEH, which is the true Name of God, 'I am He Who is'; by and in the Ineffable Name of Four Letters YOD HE VAU HE, the Knowledge and understanding of which is hidden even from the Angels; by the Name and in the Name of EL, which signifieth and denoteth the powerful and consuming fire which issueth from His Countenance, and which shall be your ruin and destruction; and by the Light of the Angels which is kindled and taken ineffably from that flame of Divine ardour. By these then, and by other Most Holy Names which we pronounce against you from the bottom of our hearts, do we force and constrain ye, if ye be yet rebellious and disobedient. We conjure ye powerfully and strongly exorcise ye, that ye come unto us with joy and quickness, without fraud or deceit, in truth and not in error. Come ye then, come ye, behold the Signs and the Names of your Creator, behold the Holy Pentacles by the virtue of which the Earth is moved, the trees thereof and the Abysses tremble. Come ye; come ye; come ye.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Germanic "Shamanism"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

TRUE Germanic "Shamanism" Very soon I will be releasing information about the Germanic-Folk beliefs on MY family line. The animals I am about to introduce could be thought of as "totem" animals, but they are of a Germanic veiw point, the express as a Germanic function of occultism and folk spirit. Native Americans have their own tradtions and their own meanings for their animals spirits, sometimes they over-lap...sometime sthey do not and I don't ever try to use their believes to justify that of my family's spirtial lore. I will detail 9 of the 11 that are in my family. The Creation story in my family's line as a "hidden" story behind it and the actions of the last two animal spirits are revealed but in the first story they are kept hidden for very profund reasons discovered in the second story. Each of these animals also repersent a Germanic God or Goddesses. 1. Bear-Dreaming, mediation, awakenings, realizations, probing the unconscious, berserker rage 2. Boar-Fighting skill, courage, physical, spiritual, and mental toughness, principles in the battlefield and in social and political situations 3. Rabbit- Sexual mysteries, procreation, propagation, fertility and developing relationships with ancestral spirits and underworld journeys, some relationship to herbs and narcotic drug use (Alice in Wonderland… the white rabbit). 4. Wolf-Mysteries of the astral world, of Magick, occult and witch cults, Odin’s mysteries, blood and the Moon, communication and working in a group. 5. Horse-Indomitable and unstoppable will to succeed, drive and ambition, to quest, explore and to learn and explore, divination 6. Eagle-Connection to the Gods of Asgard, religious and spiritual ecstasy, communication with the “Over-Soul or All-Thing”, eyes on the vast political structures and country/world events 7. Goose-Fierce protective spirit of your clan, kin and community, understanding local happenings and local politics, being involved in community affairs, watching over your family 8. Bovine-Understanding male and female sexual/reproduction and bodily health http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/true-germanic-shamanism.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Germanic "Shamanism"

bull/cow, understanding the herbs that support each male or female sexual functions, understanding how to apply these sexual currents/gender roles in the physical world/midgard, learning protection/nurturing, physical work and physical exercise, earning wealth and knowing the elemental energies. 9. Rooster/Hen-Very esoteric energy and guardian of the spirit/soul, sexual energy in magickal work, transmutation, summoning and exorcism, related to the solar and lunar currents, thunder, lighting, the will and personality of the “shaman”. Thor and Siff’s mysteries. 10. Mouse-Hidden 11. Spider-Hidden -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Tui-La speaks; Channeled Information from a Lunar Spirit on the Nature of the astral body and Strongman archtype

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tui-La speaks; Channeled Information from a Lunar Spirit on the Nature of the astral body and Strongman archtype (This channeled writing comes from a Lunar spirits named Tui-La. Tui-La appears as two impossibly beautiful fish that look a lot like Japanese Koi and forever follow each other is a circle. Their beauty and long flowing bodies and fins that swirl with liquid color is hypnotic and starting at them causes one to fall into trance. Tui-La might in fact be two entities so in sync that “they” act as “one”. To me Tui-La is very feminine, but I have heard other’s feel a masculine energy. TuiLa is an oracle and very, very wise and skilled in ALL matters of dreams and astral mechanics.)

The lunar modal is one of pliable and malleable subatomic “plastic” or maybe you might prefer clay. Much like our moon it’s self the color is somewhat drab and grey. The substance is dark and without shape. The building of this substance or maybe you would prefer molding is done by the mind or subconscious rather of the human. The human as a number of “bodies” or maybe you would prefer the use of the word “vehicles” in which it is CONSTANTLY engaging within each of the major planetary spheres of influence and even within the lesser to unknown spheres of influences and there are many. However, the human’s many vehicles are most strongly affected by the major planetary spheres of Influence and the more powerful and developed the astral body is, the less and less the “alien” or lesser to unknown spheres of influence affect the human, up to the point of no influence at all. The body or rather vehicle of the lunar body, or Yesod, the planetary sphere of the Moon is the Astral body of the Human, and ALL other bodies or vehicles rather, of the human in the other planetary sphere flow into the human’s astral body and are also effected directly by the human’s astral body. The more aware and confident a human is within their astral body and it’s functioning the more power one can affect and shape the astral clay and manifest the dreams and goal the human has upon the physical platform, or rather, the earth, which is the altar of “God” as both the Prime Creator AND the Magician. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/tui-la-speaks-channeled-information.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Tui-La speaks; Channeled Information from a Lunar Spirit on the Nature of the astral body and Strongman archtype

The Strongman is the Astral Body and the Physical body, and the entities such as Samson, Atlas, Rod, Gabriel, and Hercules hold the dreams and hopes of a person/magician or entire people. The Strongman is the “channel” between the two worlds, the Grand Column, Mighty Pole, often viewed as the “power” between the Great Twin Pillars of Beauty and Strength (Jakin and Boaz). Upon the “strongman’s head/mind rests the Sphere of the Moon, his thoughts shaoping the Astral clay, his feet planted firmly in the physical realm upon the earth. His effort and work, his sweat, trickle down the length of his body, carrying the “will to form” spill upon the physical plane thereby manifesting into reality the work done in the astral realm, the effort and toil to hold the dream and the will to be a conduit/channel between the two worlds, holding the space between the two worlds, making room for the astral manipulations to manifest in the shape of your desire upon the physical plane. What this really means is work. No human is born with the strength of Solomon. They MUST work for it. The same is the ability to shape the astral clay. Without doubt the human’s astral body will always be shaping the astral clay. Just like until the death of the physical body, the human’s physical body is always doing “something”, the question is, is it a productive something or a unproductive or even harmful something. A human’s astral body is the same way. Are you creating your dreams or are you shaping your nightmares into reality? That should be the question at the forefront of the human’s mind. What is my astral body doing? This is a very important practice to get into. The strongman also breaks chains and binds that enslave him, these are also habits. Bear Heart, when you are seriously injured all those year ago, did you not develop habits such as depressing thoughts and self hate? What did that do for you? You built debilitating relationships; you let yourself get walked on and creatively, spiritually and physically stifled. You where like a wounded grizzly with your paw stuck in a bear trap… waiting for the wolves to come and deep in your heart you WANTED the wolves to come and end your misery, no blame in that you thought. But you also knew better and in your true heart, you knew you HAD to recover. You turned to Thor and begged him for strength again and you had to exercise your body AND your astral body, you developed exercises for both your physical body and astral body, and that is how you meet me. You grew healthy again and in a glorious moment of strength and will power you broke all the chains you let others put on you, to hold you down, to keep them at your level and effectively steal what little love and energy you had left. You snapped all those chains, came up roaring, your voice shook the astral realm and sent phantoms and wraiths screaming for safety and most you hunted down and destroyed. This can happen for anyone willing to make the effort to do so. Now you hold world records in strength and are a consultant for strength athletes and fighters of various types around the world. But, you also know that this comes and stays ONLY as strongly as you work for it, as you EARN it. Though you’re efforts, your astral work, or physical work, only through that do you make this “real” and keep it so. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/tui-la-speaks-channeled-information.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Tui-La speaks; Channeled Information from a Lunar Spirit on the Nature of the astral body and Strongman archtype

So you summoned me today because you wanted to know how to teach, or rather, instruct others on how to develop their astral vehicles, how to develop them, strengthen them, and transfer the conscious awareness to this vehicle and allow others to have the experience that will inspire liberation and freedom from the physical body and then come back to the physical body and desire the same freedom. I will say to tell them this. Tell them you’re story. Tell them what you did. It worked for you, so you know it will work for them. Be courageous Bear Heart, and tell them what you did and many may follow and develop their own experiences and then share that with others. Tell them that you spent a period of time before you fell asleep at night seeing yourself, or your astral body rather, with your astral eyes, your 3rd eye. You would direct your astral body to do pushup and counted out 100 and then you would have your astral body walk up and down a flight of stairs until you feel asleep and then again when you woke up in the morning you would lay in bed a little while and do it again. Pretty soon Bear Heart you where not “just” watching your astral body, you where in your astral body, visualizing and FEELING the pushups and walking the stairs. Then what happened Bear Heart? Oh yes. YOU, your physical body began to feel COMPELED to begin a regimen of 100 pushups and walking stairs in response to the Astral body work out and exercises you were doing. Pretty soon ear Heart, you where having your astral body walking, talking, flying, swimming, digging and building houses and tools and all manner of objects. What happened then? Oh yes, you suddenly where invited to people’s homes that looked amazing like the houses you built in your astral body built, you where given gifts that your astral body had crafted out of astral clay and you where setting world strength records on the physical world because you had built them into your astral body that forged the unshakable believe that if you worked hard in the physical world you COULD do it and you did. ANYONE can do this. You know that and it’s time ALL humans knew that. Continue your work Bear Heart, it is part of your Great Work and it’s so important. People hear your words and know that all you want to do it share your knowledge, give them the same experiences you had with no strings. You know that TRUE freedom is not possible until ALL people have freedom, so let ALL people have the knowledge that can set them free. You have built in your astral world a place where you can be a voice for true Magick and create a community of strong, free and magickaly active humans fighting back the powers of greed, tyranny and slavery. It is know you don’t want to be a “leader” just a voice and light in the darkness encouraging others to be a voice and light in the darkness. Tell them that Bear Heart, or rather, tell them to ask their Higher Self if it would like Freedom and to share that with others. The astral body is a mirror of the physical body, more you look it over and exercise it, the stronger, healthier, and more developed it will be. The stronger your astral body the more chains of slavery it can break, the better the astral clay can be http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/tui-la-speaks-channeled-information.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Tui-La speaks; Channeled Information from a Lunar Spirit on the Nature of the astral body and Strongman archtype

shaped and then less you will be attacked, entities look for victims not fights and a powerful developed human astral body is still one of the most formidable fighting forces in the universe. Tell them that Bear Heart and then scream it from your astral mountain top and create a storm of freedom, thunder of liberation and lighting flashes of inspiration, and thank your mighty thunder gods your love so, so very much. Tell people about me and maybe I can help them learn better the astral push and pull and the how to ride the astral tides. -Tui-La




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

****Important**** I give absolute NO permission to use any part of this ritual without direct authorization from me. I DO give you permission to use it IF you are wanting to kick some reptilian ASS and claim back your humanity from Illuminati villain scum and are ready to step into the life of a REAL Magician. To post this on a website or book or any other media you NEED to contact me FIRST and the G.O.O.D.S and Bear Heart MUST receive FULL credit, this IS NOT your work, this is NOT a ritual you can steal and corrupt. This is a TRUE magickal ritual of the HIGHEST order and I will NOT have some new age garbage group or wanna-be Hermetic Magick, Aliester Crowley tainted idiots playing pure make believe and intellectual masturbating each other with pseudo- occultism, pawning it off as theirs. Performing this ritual places you inside the Magickal current of the G.O.O.D.S, if you abuse it and LIE about your place within that current you will find out VERY quickly how unpleasant TRUE magickal repercussions can be. You have been warned. Sorry to be so aggressive about this, but it’s the ONLY way to keep this magick available and pure of all true defenders and lovers of humanity, not delusional elitist pig fuckers and to keep the Illuminati owned assholes and lizard lovers from being able to do anything else but utterly destroy themselves with it. **** It is said that anything is possible if only you where attuned to the correct vibrations. As a practicing Magician I KNOW this to be true. In fact every act of magick is a form of attuning yourself to the correct vibrational correspondences, be they planetary, deific, angelic, spirit, colors, images etc. All high Magick is an act of bringing together enough of the same energies and infusing them into you sphere of personal influence and allowing the right influences to begin to change your own personal harmonics, thoughts and acts so http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/samson-and-solomon-ritualthe-masters.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

that you begin to resonate on the plan of reality that fits your desires, your will and your purpose. My desire, my will and my purpose is that of strength, honor, courage, and freedom for ALL people…not just me. No small feat I know. However; “When you unite with God, you are one with God in spirit and ALL things as possible with God”. I believe and therefore I will achieve…and those who share my desire, my will, and my purpose will also find the same success. In fact I am strengthened by the people currently and who will be in the future, seeking the same ends. The following Prayer will…overtime… attune you with the greatest and strongest vibrations in the entire universe and in due course unite you with the spirit of the Prime Creator. There is NO function, no task, and no endeavor that cannot be accomplished with the attunement to these vibrational forces for they are the foundational building blocks from which the whole universe in all it power, complexity and wonder was created. When you say this prayer, you become the focal point for all the rays of the Qaballic tree of life and the all the Planetary spheres transmit the energy of their functions with you as the receiver. This prayer makes you the receptacle of the influences of highest powers and planes and bestows upon you STRONG divine wisdom and protection. Speak it daily. Stand with courage, faith and love, with full conviction and you will garner the attention of beings and energies that will change in ways that will startle, astound and amaze you. I will now detail the proper way to use this prayer for its full effect. Just reading it with courage and conviction will begin to attune you. But there is another way. I would have you begin reading it AS you learn the proper visualizations and their specific timings. It is an amazing practice and while you are learning the full method, it’s a good idea to begin attuning yourself and getting the attention of these intelligences. The FULL Method Memorize the Tree of Life glyph. You don’t have to be prefect on all the connecting paths, but you want to be able to see/know that Kether is above you with its brilliant white light and all the other spheres are aligned appropriately with the deep purple lunar sphere of Yesod about three feet over your head. YOU become the STRONG MAN (or woman) that stands in the path (Universe tarot card) between Yesod and the last Sphere of Malkuth. Once this visual and therefore ASTRAL connection has been established, begin with the Prayer. When you see (*) this will be specific instructions for each line.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

1. Be favorable to me, oh ye Powers of the Kingdom Divine. *See the Sphere of Kether flare even brighter and send a beam of pure brilliant white light into your head and fill your entire body with this white light, maintain the image of the beam to your body. Vibrate (long drawn out chant) the God names Uranus and Eh-Hey-Yah 2. May Glory and Eternity be in my left and right hands, so that I may attain to victory. 3. May Pity and Justice restore my soul to its original purity. 4. May Understanding and Wisdom Divine conduct me to the imperishable Crown. * See a dark black beam of light from the sphere of binah touch the right side of the top of your head(Vibrate the God Names Saturn and Yod-Hey-Vah-Hey El-ohheem) then see a steely grey beam of light from Chokmah touch the left side of the top of your head (Vibrate the God names Neptune and Yah. Maintain the beams. 5. Spirit of Malkuth, Thou who hast labored and hast overcome, set me in the path of Good. * Feel the earth beneath your feet vibrate softly (Vibrate the God names Faun and Adonai) 6. Lead me to the two pillars of the temple, to Jakin and Boaz that I may rest upon them. *Raise both arms to your sides, palms facing outward. See a STRONG looking white pillar with a “J” on it appear about shoulder tall on your right and let your hand rest on it. On top of this pillar floats a miniature sun a solar beam reaches out and touches to your right eye, it’s warm and golden and causes your white light filled body sparkle with golden flakes. On your left side a SMOOTH looking pillar of black, with a “B” on it, same size and height appears. Let your left hand rest on it. Floating on top of this pillar is a miniature full moon; a lunar beam touches your left eye. The beam is cool and silvery and cause your white light body infused with solar golden flakes now sparkle with silver too. 7. Angels of Netzach and of Hod, make ye my feet to stand firmly on Yesod. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/samson-and-solomon-ritualthe-masters.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

* See your astral body appear, with your astral body’s feet almost on your head. The Purple sphere of Yesod at your astral body’s genitals, the Golden sphere of Tipareth at its solar plexus and the brilliant white sphere of Kether shining just above your astral body’s head. See now an emerald green beam shine from Netzach and touch your left hand (Vibrate the God names Venus and Yah-Ho-Vah Sa-Ba-Oath) now a tawny orange beam direct it’s self to your right hand (Vibrate the God name Mercury and El-OhHeem Sa-Ba-Oath) and lastly a puce/purple beam stream down from Yesod to you genitals (Vibrate the God name Luna and Sha-die El Ka-i). 8. Angel of Gudulah, console me. Angel of Geburah, strike, if it must be so, but make me stronger, so that I may become worthy of the influence of Tipareth. * See a royal blue beam come from Chessed and touch your left shoulder (Vibrate the God name Jupiter and El), next see a deep red beam from Geburah shoot out and touch your right shoulder(Vibrate the God name Mars and El-Oh-Heem GibBor), and finally see a bright yellow beam flare out from Tipareth and touch your heart center. Within your heart center see a 6-rayed golden star form inside your heart center(Vibrate the God name Sol and Yod-Hey-Vah-Hey E-Low-ah Va-Daath). Maintain all three beams and the 6-rayed star. 9. Oh Angel of Binah, give me Light. 10. Oh Angel of Chokmah, give me Love. 11. Oh Angel of Kether, confer upon me Faith and Hope. 12. Spirits of the Yetziratic World, withdraw me from the darkness of Assiah. *”Feel” yourself lifted into the air slightly and see the area around you become a little brighter and feel for “airy”. Maintain that feeling and image. 13. Oh luminous triangle of the World of Briah, cause me to see and understand the mysteries of Yetzirah and of Atziluth. *See the top three spheres Kether , Chokmah and Binah, connected in the natural triangle shape they make in a bright luminous triangle, for a moment meditate on that. 14. Oh holy letter of Shin. *see at your third eye, the flaming letter of Shin, keep that image.

15. Oh ye Ishim, assist me by the name Shadai. 16. Oh ye Kerubim, give me strength by Adonai. 17. Oh Beni Elohim, be brothers unto me in the name of Tzabaoth. 18. Oh Elohim, fight for me by the Holy Tetragrammaton. 19. Oh Melakim, protect me through Johovah. 20. Oh Seraphim, give me holy love in the name of Eloah. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/samson-and-solomon-ritualthe-masters.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

21. Oh Chashmalim, enlighten me by the torches of Eloi and the Shekinah. 22. Oh Aralim, angels of power, sustain me by Adonai. 22. Oh Ophanim, Opahnim, Ophanim, forget me not, and cast me not out of the sanctuary. 23. Oh Chaioth ha Kadosh, cry aloud as an eagle, speak as a man, roar like a lion and bellow like a bull. * This is the wheel in the vision of Ezekiel. See before you a bright ring of light like the size of a door way you could walk through. See another ring of bright light about a foot wider around the first one. One this wheel about where your left shoulder is an angelic head, where your right shoulder is an eagle’s head, where your right knee is a lion’s head and where your left knee is a bull’s head. Spin the outer circle clockwise (to the right), spin the inner circle counter clockwise (to the left) as quickly and powerfully as you can. Hear the angel head make a human yell, the eagle head screech, the lion’s head roar and the bull’s head bellow, allow the sounds to merge in one great unearthly sound and get very, very loud, continue as you read the next lines, if you can shout them into the great wheel and let the sound carry them into the portal, if you are not in a place you can yell, “hear” your words as a yell. 24. Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Shadai. 25. Adonai, Jehovah, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh. 26. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halleujah! 27. Amen! Amen! Amen! *Allow the visuals to fade away and your astral body merge into your physical body. Let the portal still whirl and the sound continue… you can sometimes see messages appear in the portal for you, or spirits come to you and have conversations. You can let the portal and the sound fade away into silence…or… when you are ready…and I mean REALLY ready… step through and see what happens…. When you are done with the ritual, rub your face, clap your hands and stamp your feet… you will need to ground. Some further notes. This is a POWERFUL ritual. I mean POWERFUL. You may and probably will get overwhelmed. You will probably have your first person to spirit direct contact, see ghosts and begin to have REAL psychic experiences. This ritual is NO joke. Just as I stated before, this is a one of a kind ritual. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE other then myself, the old order and the man who taught me and his mentor has ever released it. If ANYONE tells you they have done this before or that they have this ritual or you see it on other websites past this date, it was stolen and plagiarized. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/samson-and-solomon-ritualthe-masters.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

I am serious about this one. This ritual is so vital to this order and too the development of a TRUE Magician I am not even going to tolerate fakes and phonies corrupting it. I give it to you to use and to develop your astral skills and sense so that you can kick the shit out of the Illuminati and the crusty ass reptilian criminals who are co-opting our humanity. This is a “tip of the lance” weapon style ritual that NEEDS to be kept pure but must also be released. I have made pacts and oaths to keep this ritual pure and if anyone does steal it and claim it as theirs and not the G.O.O.D.S, trust me… you will wish you had thought otherwise… they spirits of my house will exact payment and won’t stop until public apologies are made. I need to be tough about this. You are all welcome and free to use it, I WANT you to use it and become MASTER magicians, but please keep the purpose of this ritual unchanged… it is that vital. That being said. The visuals are not easy. They will come in time. Keeping them in even harder… that too will get easy. Just do what you can, even remembering that you need to make the visual connection will after time become enough to establish it. Vibrating the names is also important. Learning to say the names in a relaxed and drawn out way will increase you connection BIG time. Also over time you will find that you will vibrate the names in the attitude and energy they express. The Whirling portal at the end is essential. It is an interdimensional portal and will become very strong through time. Take this to mean EXACTLY what it means. Please work with this ritual, please do it daily, please be committed to it. You will get SO MUCH… this is the foundation and key to becoming a true Magician and defender of Humanity. EVERY astral, psychic and magickal facility you have will sky rocket, clairaudience, clairvoyance, astral projection and protection, etc, etc, etc, etc… It’s a muti-layered ritual. Take it step by step. Take the first instruction do it everyday for a week and then just read the rest of the prayer. The next week add the second instruction and so forth. Pretty soon the ritual will just take on a life of its own and things will become intensely bright, vivid and wildly powerful. Here is the prayer without the instructions, read it and say it anytime you want. “Be favorable to me, oh ye Powers of the Kingdom Divine. May Glory and Eternity be in my left and right hands, so that I may attain to victory. May Pity and Justice restore my soul to its original purity. May Understanding and Wisdom Divine conduct me to the imperishable Crown. Spirit of Malkuth, Thou who hast labored and hast overcome, set me in the path of Good. Lead me to the two pillars of the temple, to Jakin and Boaz that I may rest upon them. Angels of Netzach and of Hod, make ye my feet to stand firmly on Yesod. Angel of Gudulah, console me. Angel of Geburah, strike, if it must be so, but make me stronger, so that I may become worthy of the influence of Tipareth. Oh Angel of Binah, give me Light. Oh Angel of Chokmah, give me Love. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/10/samson-and-solomon-ritualthe-masters.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer

Oh Angel of Kether, confer upon me Faith and Hope. Spirits of the Yetziratic World, withdraw me from the darkness of Assiah. Oh luminous triangle of the World of Brian, cause me to see and understand the mysteries of Yetzirah and of Atziluth. Oh holy letter of Shin. Oh ye Ishim, assist me by the name Shadai. Oh ye Kerubim, give me strength by Adonai. Oh Beni Elohim, be brothers unto me in the name of Tzabaoth. Oh Elohim, fight for me by the Holy Tetragrammaton. Oh Melakim, protect me through Johovah. Oh Seraphim, give me holy love in the name of Eloah. Oh Chashmalim, enlighten me by the torches of Eloi and the Shekinah. Oh Aralim, angels of power, sustain me by Adonai. Oh Ophanim, Opahnim, Ophanim, forget me not, and cast me not out of the sanctuary. Oh Chaioth ha Kadosh, cry aloud as an eagle, speak as a man, roar like a lion and bellow like a bull. Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Shadai. Adonai, Jehovah, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halleujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!” -Bear Heart, Acting King and Champion of the G.O.O.D.S




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Devil and the Adept. A TURE initiation story.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Devil and the Adept. A TURE initiation story.

This story is one that has been hidden for centuries and told only to the beginning students of the magickal path of my tradition, which has changed and evolved throughout the generations. It contains one of the most VITAL keys to becoming a REAL Magician and one who ponders the secret meaning will after time become a master of his or her fears and learn the power of perception to shape reality. Again I give absolutely NO permission to use ANY part of this story on ANY media without asking me first. If I do allow you, the G.O.O.D.S and I will receive FULL credit. I hate doing this, but the internet is crawling with power hungry and manipulative people who abuse the glory of the occult for humanity’s liberation for their own self gains. If you should see this story posted anywhere else, know that it is EXTERMELY unlikely that anyone else would have ever encountered this story without stealing it from here first. Please meditate on this story and “path work” into it, see yourself as the adept, and explore why things where said and done in the way they are presented. The term “devil” is used. This is NOT the Christian devil, they have no true understanding of who this being is and are devoid more the most part of ever understand its implications. The “devil” is this story relates to the “devil” card of the tarot deck and is the key to unlocking that door and cracking that DEEP mystery and full understanding of the Faustian pact will be revealed. The devil and the Adept “The devil rose up from its stony throne one mid-night to find another soul to trap. The devil turned invisible and waited at a cross roads. Soon a true magickal adept appeared riding by on a chariot making their way to a http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/11/devil-and-adept-ture-initiation-story.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Devil and the Adept. A TURE initiation story.

town a few days away. The Devil kicked a wheel of the adepts chariot and broke it. The chariot stopped and the adept jumped off and settled his horse. The Devil turned visible again and walked up to the adept. Looks like you need a new chariot the devil said…and you are in luck. I can have made for you a chariot of the finest materials, laden with rare gems, so beautiful people will become mad with envy… and fast… so fast you will never be late again…I can have it to you within the hour. Sounds very tempting Devil, the adept said. What is the price for this wondrous vehicle? The price? The Devil replied. The price isn’t gold at all. You will just work off the price of the chariot for me after your death. Just accept now and it’s yours…I don’t want you to be late for your appointment. The price Devil is FAR too high said the adept summoning their power. My wheel breaks and you’re here waiting to “offer” me an entirely new chariot? Far too kind of fortune! YOU broke MY wheel Devil… it’s YOU who owe the debt to me! I already had a fine chariot; I need not a new one. My chariot was already made of the best material I needed it to be. What use of gems on the chariot? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder devil! To make people mad with envy and have them kill me for the chariot… so you collect my soul, and I would work for you… the price of what sounds like a priceless item, and be enslaved forever? NO. Besides it’s the power of the horse that drives the chariot and my horse is strong and hearty! No devil… YOU will be my new wheel. The Adept raised their wand and pointed their sword at the devil and said, in the name of that which is MOST HIGH, of whom I am a devote servant, I command thee devil, you curl yourself up and act as my wheel until your debt is repaid to me! The devil having no choice but to bend to the will of a true adept in the name of the MOST HIGH, curled up and become the adept’s new wheel. The Adept arrived well before their appointment and preformed it’s task until a new wheel was attained at the devil’s expense. The adept would never have become so much better off, had the devil just left them alone in the first place.” Meditate on this story… you will learn more from this then years under false masters are buying worthless books! Also this story relates to the 2 of wands and chariot cards in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck placing the three cards, the Devil, the Chariot and the 2 of Wands side by side will greatly help aid you as they are powerful keys. -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Becoming the Strongman/Strongwoman of Yesod. Wearing the loin cloth.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Becoming the Strongman/Strongwoman of Yesod. Wearing the loin cloth. Before I start with this I want to give some basic background on me. I am WORLD recognized strongman and a professional strength consultant to professional and aspiring Athletes around the world. I receive on average 40-50 e-mails a month concerning a VERY specific type of strength training. I have trained with and given strength programs to a number of fighters you have watched in the UFC and more than a few Judo and Jujitsu world champs. I myself am a holder of a few world records and I am a fierce Judo/JAPANESE Jujitsu fighter that has mopped the mat with BJJ brown and black belts. I absolutely detest and HATE the use of performance enhancing drugs/steroids and HGH. This is the full admittance that you are not good enough, you have not the heart, the courage, or the conviction to achieve greatness with the power of your own mind and will. People who use these drugs are PUSSIES and I don’t give a FUCK who that bothers. You are TRASH for leading people to believe that you use “junk” supplements, they spend small fortunes on, that don’t work and you make hundreds of thousands of dollars because you let the concoctions of Nazi scientists carry your pathetic ass to victory. Not only do you help fuel the great “Bread and Circus” as Rome (America) burns, you aid in the de-foulment of humanity by strengthen the Illusion of deceit. You don’t inspire through your chemically aided feats, you ruin the dreams of young men and women, because EXACTLY like the false, air brushed and manufactured model pictures of which all but a small to NONE population of women can attain too, your false unnatural prowess from your use of poison confuses the good hearted sportsmen into the delusion that if he buys some corporate useless sludge he “could” be like you. You keep this depression in an endless cycle, fueling the insecurities and leading to purchase after purchase of the “secret” formula to help them gain the same athleticism. When the ONLY “secret” in steroids, HGH and the masking chemicals to hide your SHAME. You slither on your belly with snakes who are your true masters. In other words; FUCK YOU, you steroid using PUSSY! I am also a Magician, a trained and PRACTICING Magician of 20+ years, No arm chair, intellectual masturbation here. I fully believe in the astral body-mindimagination-physical body link. I use it every day. I had an accident that I was never supposed to recover from, never supposed to http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/11/becoming-strongmanstrongwoman-of-yesod.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Becoming the Strongman/Strongwoman of Yesod. Wearing the loin cloth.

walk again, I was never supposed to fight or fuck again. Thanks you reptilian medicine trained white coat monkeys, but FUCK YOU and no thanks… I choose life, I choose walking, fighting lifting, running, hiking and fucking whatever hole I choose so I turned to the first and BEST science…Magick… “Where there IS a will (your directed will), there IS a way”. Today I do ALL those things, I set world strength records, I twist arms, crank necks, strangle, grapple, leg and ankle lock and toe hold my way through life, through opponents and the astral world. I yell praises to Thor, Hercules, Queen Maeve, The Dagdha, Odin and St. George, I live a life of freedom, I am a wild savage bear! I am hungry wolf hunting it's meals! I am a barbed spear that roars for blood! I am a stag of seven fucking tines! I am the God who lights a fire in my head! Who but I knows the secret of the un-hewn dolmen arch!?!?!! (song of Amergin). The Strong man (Samson) MUST be understood and to be understood you MUST not only “study” but BECOME the Strong man or Strong woman. I have done a video on the Strongman archetype, how this figure shapes the astral clay to your desires and then supports the dream… In essence you MUST build the world of your dreams on the physical plane, “The Kingdom of Heaven is built with hands of flesh”. The great “rock” IS Malkuth, your strong foundation (your dreams, thoughts, intentions, astral world) Is the foundation for you to build. The foundation MUST be STRONG. Even the bible had the parable “You should build your house upon the rock (Magician’s STRONG foundation) and not the sand (The perpetually unstable and weak dreams and thoughts of the fluoride and victim consciousness of the common man)”. You MUST ignite the power of your dreams, of your will, of your intent or have all that you build be upon the sand, only to be washed away by the great astral tides of chaos which manifest as calamity and the evil designs of Illuminati ASS WHORES. BUILD YOUR FUTURE UPON THE ROCK, the strong foundations of Yesod, strengthened again and again by your devotion to your shaping of the astral world with your dreams, visualizations and your tireless efforts upon the physical world. Within Qaballic symbolism, The Strongman of Yesod is shown wearing the “loin cloth”. This simple garment that covered naked genitalia became a symbol of sexual prowess. Where the Strongman was concerned this became a reminder of the power of and the control one should have over their sexuality. Sexual energy IS magickal force… it is magnetic, it draws in the object of your desire. If men desire women, the energy of that force compels both women to him and for him to go where the women are… its powerful magnetic. This same power is applied to your physical reality. You dream about money, health, cars, sports, whatever and that object soon finds its way into your life. Most people will find only the influence of these desires, people who think about money often just focus of the LACK of having money so things like bills and overdue statements manifest to remind them how much they are lacking, people who dream about certain sports general just become spectators, their poisoned minds telling them they aren’t “good enough” to compete and those that do http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/11/becoming-strongmanstrongwoman-of-yesod.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Becoming the Strongman/Strongwoman of Yesod. Wearing the loin cloth.

compete have poisoned their bodies with steroids believing themselves not “good enough” to do so without it. You must learn to be more specific in what you desire and increases your sexual desire while thinking about it and the stronger and faster it will come to you. Example a friend of mine wanted a red Harley Davidson motor cycle; he often used the visual of a hot redheaded girl sucking his cock while he sat on a red Harley Davidson that had his name on it. Within a year a guy ran a RED light and smashed into his car. Not having any insurance, he gave him his RED Harley Davidson as repercussions. Do you see better how to use your sexual power to increase your own personal magnetism? Something else I want to share about loins and their connection to “circus” strongmen. The art of the circus strongman is very old. Many of the great circus strongmen of the past where practicing magicians or secretly involved in the occult. The sheer force of will, belief in self and probing the depths of their subconscious to create a stage persona (magickal personality) lent its self very well to the art of the magician, not to mention the use of prop and pageantry. In fact I know for a fact that many of the great Magi of the past where very powerful men physically furthering their formidability and mystique. The loins relate to the muscles below the belt and above the knee, these muscles are also called the “seat of power” or the Throne of Zeus. These muscles are the root of a human’s strength. The stronger you are in the loins, the stronger you will be in every single aspect of physicality, also there is direct correlation between the exercising of this muscle group and the release of testosterone, which builds muscle and increases sexual drive and desire… interesting…. I believe in becoming the archetypes of my tradition and the main ones are that of Samson and Solomon… the Strongman and the Trickster is beyond ancient; Thor/Loki, Hercules/Hermes, Samson/Solomon, Gilgamesh/Enkidu, Bear/Rabbit, Fox/Hound…etc, etc, etc Pretty soon you will develop your own “strongman” persona and then your own “trickster” persona and then blend them together. One of the BEST ways to develop your strongman persona is to BECOME a strongman and that means physical exercise. This way you can practice dreaming about doing AWESOME lifts with weights you believe currently are just impossible…and then MAKE THEM POSSIBLE!!!! http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/11/becoming-strongmanstrongwoman-of-yesod.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Becoming the Strongman/Strongwoman of Yesod. Wearing the loin cloth.

I am working very hard on developing a whole series of videos of me and my actual practice based on a number of Gods and Heroes and will be releasing them here in about a year. But until then, I want you to begin laying a FOUNDATION… in other words, practice wearing a loin cloth, as you develop what you will need to step up into the next level.

I believe in working the whole body as one powerful unit, with HEAVY focus on the lions and the grip of your hands. This all eliminate weak links in the body and create functional on attack strength with scary endurance. The foundation (there is the word again) exercises have always been the snatch and the clean and press, one handed, two handed and with barbells, dumbbells, block weights, ball weights and kettlebells, even weighted clubs. I current train 2…maybe 3 times a week. My training days are HARD, so hard it takes 3-4 days to recover enough to train again. On Monday (Moon, Yesod, Strongman day) I focus on high repetition and heavy weight one handed snatches using 80lb-120lb dumbbells and kettlebells and hitting 100 repetitions in under 30 minutes. Then on Thursday (Umm THOR’S day baby) I focus on High repetition and heavy weighted one handed cleans and presses with the same weights, same kinds of weight and in the same time constraints. On Monday and Thursday I also do heavy hand gripper training that take 10 minutes max. The time limits make me have to keep working so I get a scary good cardio workout WHILE strength building. I do waste my time with stupidly adding exercises and these two exercises work EVERY MUSCLE IN THE BODY, they where the ORIGINAL “man” or “woman” makers. I do on hand right after the other, so right hand is one rep, then left hand is two reps, and then back to right hand for three…etc and so forth until the 30 minutes are up. I record the number of reps in a book and when I can get over a 100 repetitions with a weight in under 30 minutes, I either increase the number of repetitions I need to get or if I can I increase the weight and begin again working to 100 repetitions in under 30 minutes. On Saturday (Saturn… a Roman deity of STRENGTH and master of time and space) I do a very LIGHT workout, mostly just 40-50 reps of the snatch and clean and press, as combined repetitions not 40-50 of each with a weight that is ridiculously ease…just to “work out” soreness and get so fluids flowing. The days off… I don’t even look at my weights. I stretch and relax. You DO NOT need to buy kettlebells. They are expensive. I love my kettlebells, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2010/11/becoming-strongmanstrongwoman-of-yesod.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Becoming the Strongman/Strongwoman of Yesod. Wearing the loin cloth.

but they are very comparable to dumbbells and there are only a FEW things a kettlebell is better for then a dumbbell. One hand snatching and clean and presses with dumbbell is a nearly lost art that weak men tried to erase from history, DO IT! If you have only a barbell set… focus on just cleans and presses, snatching with a barbell is tricky and I want you to be a formidable warrior, not an injured one. Start with a weight you can handle. I began with what I could do and have worked up to world class weights and repetitions, if I can do it, so can you…and I wasn’t even supposed to walk again… if I KNOW what is possible. I have included some YouTube videos for these exercises that show it done in good form and speed. Study the videos and then get to work! These are simple exercises you can do at home. I am backyard monster… you don’t need a gym, but if you have access to one then use it! Also, used sporting good stores sell dumbbells on the cheap. If you get loadable dumbbells…for fuck’s sake get GOOD and TIGHT collars… I know from painful experience how a loose collar can lead to weight plates falling onto your face… not good. Go get STRONG! -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Marsarian Assemblage for the Preparation for Astral War

Marsarian Assemblage for the Preparation for Astral War -The Marsarian Assemblage for the Preparation for Astral War -

Roaring with the fire of the hottest brand I call out to the highest of the high, the holiest of holy that which even the Gods kneel before. The great whirling forth of light and sound, so awesome, that all the universe it but a reflection and echo to its mighty undulations! I, now and forever, reclaim all that is mine, all that I was born with, all my strength and beauty, all my scattered parts and broken pieces! I lay them before the great Gods of the forge and call to them! Hail Vulcan! Hail Weylend! Hail Brigit! Hail Hephaestus! Come by the name of the most high! Come breath live into the eternal fires of your great forges, work the great bellows, I call forth the four winds to aid you! Come east wind Boreus! Come south wind Auster! Come west wind Zephyerus Come north wind Eurus! In the name of the most high I call you to aid the great Gods of the forge! Great masters, lords and ladies of the forge I am a human, your skilled hands wove together all that I am; you have held my race in its infancy. My skin, flesh, bones and sinews, my tendons, teeth and nails are all evidence of your divine mastery. However, I am broken, I have in me parts that are alien to our race, I have been reengineered by entities that lack your talent, and I have been shattered by creations not natural to this world. I stand before you in need of repair! I place myself once again in your hands, at the orders of the Great War general Lord Mars who needs me to be made whole again, that I receive the required upgrades to advance my human evolution without the corrupted reptilian tampering. If I am to have some of this alien programming then let it be so, but, only with the appropriate adjustments done by your hands, I have no doubt that you can take their cumbersome lead and transmute it to sparkling http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/02/marsarian-assemblage-for-preparation.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Marsarian Assemblage for the Preparation for Astral War

gold. Place me on your forge Great Gods of Creation! I am ready for your alterations! I am ready to feel the purifying heat from the Hearths fires of Hestia and Vesta, I am ready to feel the force of your hammer, I am ready to have all that is poisonous, all that is false, all the astral mechanisms placed on me to keep me dumb and docile drained from me, I am ready to be repaired, remade and reformed into what is my original image. I am ready to be plunged into the sacred waters to be cleansed of all the guilt, regret, and remorse that I have let stain me. They are not naturally a part of me. The alien programming that had infiltrated out race taught us to hoard guilt like those scaly fuckers hoard gold. This is meant to weigh us down and to turn us against one another. No longer! Lords and Ladies of the forge, Lord Mars orders that you give me his mark and the mark of Lady Venus upon my soul. That all entities may know that I am of the great mystery of the Rose and the Thorn so that I may have the authority of one who stands with humanity and against the scum of treachery and oppression. Being that I bear the mark of Lord Mars and Lady Venus I need you to fashion me a lance and shield worthy of the Mystery of the Rose and the Thorn. May the lance gleam like the sun, like the fire in my heart, the splendor of the most high, may my arm that wields it be strong and terrible in battle like my father Mars, may it strike like lighting! May my shield protect me, cover and surround me like the arms of my mother Venus, so that I might cover and defend her! I have heard and answered the The Marsarian Assemblage for the Preparation for Astral War! Lords and Ladies of the forge! Craft your masterpiece! I will repay you through deeds of courage and valor, strength and honor, will and persistence! Hail Lord Mars! I have heard your call, weapons at the ready, ready to be made strong through exercise; I am reporting to be trained in the skills of war and magick! Lady Venus, Hail! I am here; I am inspired by your beauty, I know no fear in your presence I gather now with the others, our backs to you and out laces point to our enemies!




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Marsarian Assemblage for the Preparation for Astral War

We beg them not to charge, we ask them not to take the field of battle but that is all we can do. For if and when they charge to take what is not theirs to take, our lances will be swift, shields impenetrable, and our circle unbreakable, they impale themselves on us! It is no fault of ours! If they choose this folly, may their deaths be quick, may they not suffer needlessly, may their blood feed the astral and may the on-lookers learn from their grave mistake! I pray that something good may come of this. May the corpses of these vile beings do in death what they could not in life, to feed and support beauty that beauty may inspire strength! Beauty is the Rose, Strength is the Thorn, Mother is Venus, Father is Mars, I am made from both beauty and strength, the child of Mars and Venus, a cupid, one who knows the love of mother Venus enough to know it must be shared and who has the strength of Father Mars in order to do the sharing of it.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Charge of the March Rider ritual!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Charge of the March Rider ritual! It is March first. The time of the Marcher Rider’s charge begins. The Marcher rider is one of Lord Mar’s most potent aspects. He is the combination of all elements but as they exist is the elemental realm of fire and sphere of Mars. Air of Fire Fire of Fire Water of Fire Earth of Fire He is the astrological power of Aries, the charger, the driver and thruster. His strength is the desperate force of spring grass, flowers and buds tearing through the winter ice. It is unstoppable and “if” for a moment you could block it, all you have done is allowed it to build up more energy in the form of critical mass and its power surges again. The March Rifer is readying his horse, and he waits just for a few brief moments to see who among his children will ride with him. He has channeled to me that his children, the children of his most precious Venus, the children of promise, who you, we, all of us are, have for too long lived under the dark ice of enslavement, the winter prison is coming down. Had the beast let go, freed us for its grasp, this directed charge would not have to take place. But that is not the case. It’s time for the thorns. I have been away. I have been preparing myself for this. I have built up more energy than I have ever built up. I will release this energy with a collimation ritual, driving the charge forward and send my astral body as part of the tip of the spear. This will be magickal warfare. It’s not just me. I ask you to join me. My original plan was to teach you all this ritual, but its long and complex and involves things that YouTube would instantly shut me down for, it requires personal one on one teaching and can and must only be used in a seasonal fashion and attached to the March rider and astrological clock frames. I don’t do this for recognition or any other reason than I am sick to fucking death of the NWO, I hate the idea of another generation growing up under even more oppressive rule. I would do this no matter what, we are all a part of this, we are all charging together, and we are all the tip of the spear. I have not put out videos. I am not in the right mind frame, my health is on a different level, my voice is not exactly my own, and I can barely focus on anything other than this, it’s the life of a magician. A life many of you will also soon know. I have waited this late because I don’t want to Illuminati to begin preparing magckial defenses. They won’t know what it hit them, just like a bullet to their http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/03/charge-of-march-rider-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Charge of the March Rider ritual!

motherfucking heads, something did. For right now for the next three days if you want to be a part of this, here what I need you to do; 1. Don’t worry or be fearful… what will happen will happen. 2. Two focus on using your imagination to come to the spring fields, picture you most beautiful, sunny, but cool in temperature, soft grass, crystal hazy clouds and fresh smell air you have ever imagined. This is the birthing fields where new life begins. Mar’s will be dressed in full armor, huge, beyond comprehension powerful and on a white horse that you cannot wrap your mind around. He will carry his spear. Meet him and wait. He will know why your there and may even talk to you. I need you to build up the force/energy of anticipation… you want to charge so bad it hurts but you must wait… and waiting… cause some agony. I need you to build that up. Don’t build it up so that you can’t function just sit with Mar’s and think about all the freedom, the love and wealth and energy and healthy and happiness these scaly fucktards and crusty ancient child molesters have prevented you from having. Wouldn’t it be a grand idea to drive a spear into the heart of this vile dragon? 3. Ask Saint George to protect you and your spirit. 4. On the night of March 3, at my midnight, Mar’s will blow the war horn and he will charge. His spear will be driven right into the eye of the Illuminati pyramid. At YOUR midnight as clear as you can I need you to see Mar’s drive that spear into the eye of the Illuminati and see yourself drive your astral spear into the same eye. If you’re a trained magician and you can create a symbolic representation of this eye and thrust a magickal knife into it, that would be awesome, if you can, for about 10-15 minutes prior, INSIDE a magick circle seethe and dance and build up angry, fire and Mar’s like energy and at the point which you can no longer handle it, drive that magick knife into the symbolic representation of the eye and channel all the anger and rage OUT of you into that eye BEHIND the magickal knife. If you don’t have a knife or symbolic representation you can seethe and dance INSIDE a circle too and imagine yourself and your astral body thrusting the spear. ALL WILL WORK. Once you are done, ask Saint George to watch over you and leave the circle. If you can, burry the eye representation, because the dead get buried. Some ideas… IF YOU CAN, use dragon’s blood incense (the smell of dead reptilians make me hard as a rock ) fiery, angry, war like music. Images of knights, lances and spears. War horses, broken chains and liberation and rebellion. This is the arts of Venus/Netzach, the furnishing and pomp to your ritual with the energy being Mars. (It’s ALL about male/female/polarity) I will be in trance for 3 to 4 hours and channeling that energy to mars and sending mine along with it. I will be doing a very rough and physical adaptation of that same ritual. I will probably need to heal for days maybe a week or two afterwards. I practice very physical magick. It’s just part of my moon sign. Drop me a line and let me know who is in so I can begin to tell my spirits about you and begin to weave astral shrouds to cover your astral bodies so that retribution http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/03/charge-of-march-rider-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Charge of the March Rider ritual!

of the illuminati cannot find you. -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: My stance on Keylontic Science.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My stance on Keylontic Science. I sent a partial e-mail to someone who was asking about my views on the 12 spheres of the Keylontic Science. This right now is my official answer. If that changes, and it's unlikely, I will notify everyone. It should go without saying, but I will anyways, I make no apologies. -Bear Heart "Yes, my 10 tree has NO debt, you pay as you go, there is no breaking from tradition, there is no picking choosing, there is a balance and balance is meticulously kept, sometimes harshly, anything else would be the temptation of Qillopth which is "play now, pay latter" and a price that few or any can ever cover. The Qillopthian tree is a bank making "fruitless" loans that it creates out of thin air and then demands real payment in return. It doesn't matter if no one knows that, doesn't matter if no one reads the fine print, you say yes to it and ALL rules apply, no mercy, no quarter, no exceptions. My tree doesn't even have that option, nothing is on credit. You either have the "money" or you don't. That is way most people fall into the Qillopth, they don't want to work for things and when they get what they want they never really know how to use it because they haven’t earned it. They have in effect created a "tool" that possesses them and that will usually become the instrument of their own destruction. The KS tree is the evolution of the 10 spheres tree, its always growing, but its too new and human evolution has not yet caught up with it and it's in pride and vanity that people jump onto this tree thinking it's "new" or more advanced so it's "better". Some people can hang with it; however, most, 99% can't. These people don’t have the understanding of the 10 sphere tree, not even close, nowhere near. But like I said they feel it's outdated, which again is their downfall. The 10 spheres are eternal and required stepping stones for any advanced work, which they aren’t even ready for medium level work, and the greatest mahority are not even operating as a beginner should. They are like a 1st grader demanding that they should be put in an advanced graduate degree level astrophysics course cause his or her teacher told them they are "good" with numbers. The Qillopth would indeed grant your wish and you will indeed be placed in that high of a level.... but you WILL fail and the Qillopth WILL collect, that is the name of the game. “GIVE THEM ALL THE ROPE THEY ASK FOR AND WATCH THEM HANG THEMSELVES WITH IT”. It’s a Faustian pact, the reason it works is because humans somehow believe the rules don't apply to them. But Faustian pacts are the worst, because once YOU accept, there is NO loop hole. NONE. It’s different from the Faustian pact the Illuminati http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/03/my-stance-on-keylontic-science.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: My stance on Keylontic Science.

made, we didn’t agree and we can opt-out, but you make a personal Faustian pact with the Qillopth…. You are bound. The "bliss" you feel is a heroine for your spirit, a Lula-bye, to help the transition from foolishness to full on depravity... they don't want you kicking and screaming as they drag you off to some spirit devouring hole and disturbing other people's idiocy as they too give in to the dazzle and Vegas style lights of the qillopth. After 20 years of working with the 10 sphere tree I am beginning to fully manifest it, I have roots in it, I know its branches, I know what lives there and I am not going to swept away so easily, but still, I am cautious. I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by being reckless, by forgetting my starting point, and losing track of my well worn paths. I may one day venture into these "new" spheres but only because I have a well lit and well established road back home. I can't think of anyone else on YouTube that can say the same, but all want that "power" all want that "title"... again slaves are made in such ways and the Qillopth will ALWAYS find room for another slave, another spirit to delude, another over confident occultist who thought he rules didn't apply and that tradition was out dated. The Astral world is fucking MADE from these people and trust me when I say, arrogance and ignorance of humanity is near an unlimited resource for it to build with. I would advise you get GROUNDED in the 10 spheres, there is SO MUCH to know and experience that you will easily spend the next 20 years having experiences that will rock your world, rather than jump on a method that you don’t understand, you don’t have a map and the people rolling with it have already shown by their schizophrenic behavior and bizarre “understandings” that something is not right. You simply can’t worry about the top of the tree when you’re barely able to recognize its roots". Posted by Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Magickal Dissertations Part 1 I have been hard at work bringing you the Magickal Dissertations of the Opening of the Watch Towers. It is a VERY important body of teachings that sets the foundation for all other magickal work done in my tradition. When you read the Open of the Watch Tower you will have a deeper and much better understanding for you you are actually saying and in a magickal way what you are aligning yourself with. This is the FIRST time I know of that anyone, anywhere has done this. I give this to you for your work and to progress the knowledge of true magickal ritual, strong and powerful and available for all to use. DO NOT be mislead. I have already had to deal with impostors. Unless it is found here, word of word, it is NOT from the G.O.O.D.S. I have given NO ONE authority to speak for the G.O.O.D.S. I ask that you PLEASE use this for your own workings and that you unlock and achieve your highest potential! ------------------------------The Opening of the Watch Towers-----------------------******And when, after all the phantoms are banished and gone, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear thou the Voice of Fire!***** “Phantoms” in this context relate to both the illusionary nature of “separation” between you and the Divine as well as the “dark” intelligences, often referred to as shadow people… demons… evil spirits, etc, that surround the majority of people ready to scare them back into a submissive form of ignorance. It is said that phantoms vanish with the first rays of the sun. The sun being the energy of light and truth which dissipates the empty night which has given people more space than they need to use their imaginations to create all the horrors of the mind and project them into the darkness. In most cases people are haunted by themselves, and not by fearsome wraiths. However, there is clear evidence and in the author’s personal experience, that occurrences such as psychic, inter-dimensional, spiritual and magickal attack do indeed exist and can be very damaging emotionally and even physically. Phantoms are often distorted thought patterns and unrealized desires, but also guilt and shame. The majority of are purely artificial and manufactured by you and projected on yourself as failure, unworthiness, insecurity and undeserved loneness. These feelings keep you in the illusion that you separate from the Divine, which is absolutely false. The true is that you are Divine and therefore can never be separated from it. But our society has for so long been manipulated and conditioned to believe that we are “sinners”, guilty of some transgression we never committed but yet must forever atone for, that we are not “good” enough, not “enlightened”, not “chosen”, not “beautiful” or not “rich”, so therefore how could http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

any of our hopes, dreams and lives have any meaning? These “ideas” surround you like hungry ghosts. Ghosts created and perpetuated by the so-called elite and ruling class to keep you sheep in your place. Keep you docile and keep you fearful and feeling disempowered and dependent on “them” and the enslaving religions they have infiltrated co-opted and now use as a weapon against everyone who is not part of their little club. There is also real phantoms that have been contracted (The Faustian pact) to surround the majority of humans and keep an eye on their evolution of awareness. On the edge of sleep and wakefulness and during times of heightened awareness (car crashes, walking home alone at night, etc) people will sometimes see “Shadow People”, or they will experience a partial out-of-body experience and because of the sleep paralyses, they see strange, often dark and misshapen beings standing over them, they might say bizarre and horrible things, just stare eerily, laugh at you or even threaten you. Because you can’t move, or scream, you force yourself back into waking consciousness and powerfully affirm in your sub-conscious that you will never have that experience again and in doing so limit and or fully stunt your spiritual progression and freeze your awareness, adding yet another brick to the mental prison you unconsciously build for yourself. These phantoms help to “prove” that the slave religions are correct. They are the equivalent of a “spiritual” false flag attack, the elite create and perpetuate an atmosphere of negativity and send orders to their media slaves to saturate their news, TV shows and movies with it, where you in your memorized/hypnotic state you fall into by watching their garbage begin allow it into your subconscious. This negativity that you now broadcast with your thoughts about life and yourself attract these “Shadow People” which you at some point in your life come into contact with and that sends your screaming into the religious institutions these elitist scum bags have taken over and again you deepen your enslavement to them. Fear is the favorite food of these phantoms. They devour this most dense of vibrations and use it to further manifest into your life, and further your feelings of despair and fear in order to continue feeding off your suffering, in essence a spiritual parasite. It will not be until you banish both the real phantoms, and the phantoms of your mind that you will be better able to see and feel the awesome power of the Prime Creator, a being that is essentially formless but is all forms, hidden throughout the universe but yet right in front of your eyes. To banish these phantoms you must an unshakable commitment to yourself, an unbreakable bond that you will NOT feed into your fears, that you will do all in your power to not to indulge your negative feeling about yourself, the great majority of which are absolute fabrications and place into your mind by a very powerful and slick propaganda program to subtlety break society’s will. You must also vow that you will be a source of light in a dull world and a champion of all that is good and kind. You are not some ego-centered self righteous pompous bully, but a true Hero, with a strong mind and body, pair with a http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

courageous heart and operating with a gentle hand. It is when and after testing and proving yourself and believing in your own worth and sharing what you represent with others that the illusion of separation with the Prime Creator falls away, the phantoms will flee and you will come face to face with your higher self within the circle. *****So therefore first, the operator who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud and resounding sea!***** This passage is very important because it reveals essential occult concepts that are all but completely forgotten and for which I have never seen written anywhere but he oldest surviving manuscripts of ceremonial and qaballistic magick. No modern author has even touched the subject. Most occultists view this passage as referring to “holy water” and leave it at that. However it’s much deeper than that and goes beyond just “holy water”. It’s not just water, but “lustral” water and that of the loud and resounding sea. The sea refers to the astral ocean, a place of swirling, twisting and turning energy that ONLY becomes what you project upon it, consciously or not. The astral realm, like the moon, only reflects the light of the sun, or the personality, to which the sun relates. The world “lustral” relates to sexual energy, sexual energy and vitality often indicate one’s vitality and the more vitality a magician has the more influence he or she has over the astral world, the more creativity they have and more direct power over the shape of their astral sphere and how it gets manifested. This does not mean you need to be a celibate monk or nun, but that you should not be plagued with sexual guilt and that you should explore and examine your own sexuality and understand its incredible power. The “loud and resounding” are a clue to the power of vibration/sound. Your sustained thoughts, words and deeds are what shape your astral sphere. You must beware that you do this constantly, consciously or unconsciously, your astral realm is always in a state of dynamic flux, like the waves of the sea, your actions are like pebbles that disrupt the surface of the astral ocean and spurn it on to motions. Your body is comprised primarily of water and your astral sphere has many of water’s inherent qualities. Like holy water, your body and your astral sphere call carry a blessing like when you “consecrate” the water. Your body and your astral sphere should be continual blessed and charged with the sound of, and thoughts of prayer, invocations and positive affirmations. The operator/magician of the circle must first be baptized in powerful prayer, bathed in positive energy and cleansed with meaningful and purposely stated invocations and affirmations. Now the place of holy water and be discussed. Concentrated water is one of the magician’s most useful tools. A pinch of salt must also be added to the water and then the water blessed. Another link to the sea is the salt water. Salt water is http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

already a powerful cleanser and washes and strengthens the aura or magician’s sphere of personal influence and his will force. But blessed salt water carries also the words of might and righteousness that it is blessed with and creates vibrations on the astral plane that are unmistakable and have great sway over astral energies and intelligences. The magician would be wise to take a ritual bath before ritual or at the very least and even in addition to, wash/anoint his or her hands, head, eyes, ears and the mouth washed out with holy water also, in addition to sprinkling it around his or her circle. *****Such a Fire existeth, extending through the rushing of Air. Or even a Formless Fire, whence cometh the image of a voice. Or even a flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud!*****

Its time we re-introduce perhaps the most powerful symbol/ visualization in the occult. The unstoppable force represented by the TRUE Swastika. The Swastika is by far the most demonized occultist symbol, MAYBE a close second is the inverted pentagram, but I have a feeling the Swastika evokes much more negative emotions. Let’s get a few things straight right now because I am not now or ever going to entertain some ignorant fool screaming that because we use the Swastika at we support the Nazi party. Most people don’t even understand what the Nazi party was really about, or who really comprised the Nazi party, because if they did, they would know that a number of the parents of past and prominent American leaders where members of the Nazi party and would be trembling to know that the American Military Industrial Complex brought over Nazi scientists to work for them in what is called “Operation paper-clip” and so poisoned the heart of America nothing has ever been the same. If most people understood anything about the real motivations behind WW2 and the extent of the horrors both committed by the Nazi party and more so important the reasons behind them they would be fighting tooth and nail every moment and everyday to make sure what happened in Nazi Germany would never happen in America… but that is exactly what is being set up to happen… again. The Illuminati where fully behind and financially backing the Nazi party, it was one of the failed attempts at world domination and bankrupting all the major countries in the world with war debt and the heads of the Illuminati because they are war profiteers watched as smiled as they collected billions in profit, furthered a de-population agenda and used the war and the devastation is cause to further their control over the governments of the world and worm their tentacles deeper into each country’s economy and political structure. We stand in FULL opposition against the Illuminati and one of their front movements, the Nazi party. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

Hitler was an occultist and was deeply involved in a German metaphysical group culed the Thule Society, a group that was in contact with dark inter-dimensional beings, reptilians and a group of Transplutonian beings who deceived them into thinking they where the Gods and Goddesses of their Ancestors (The Norse pantheon), these same false deities are now venerated by the misguided and evil Neo-Nazi movements so in other words, scum worshiping even worse scum. We HATE these people and these ideologies. It should also be pointed out that the Thule Society and the Nazi party are all part of the Black Sun, a very ancient idea of nihilism of an Invisible Sun that decays and putrefies all things in its rays. This isn’t the first time the lie of over pollution has been used to thin the “herd” and make it easier to enslave humanity and keep the ruling elite few and viewed and worshiped as Gods on earth. The Nazi Swastika is the perverse and backwards Swastika of the Black Sun, an equally powerful symbol that does well as a focal point for the mass murder and ultimate horror of the Nazi run German army and their Illuminati puppet masters. This order uses the TRUE swastika to counter-act this vile villainy and restore the value and beautiful meaning of this still most potent of symbols. We believe the Black Sun swastika was used for two purposes, one to use its awesomely corrupted power to do its hideous work, strengthen darkness and malice and then hide again when the energy was near full exposure, which is did, it hide in the illusion of defeat and then slithered over to America when the remaining Nazi scientists signed on to come work in the states and infect it with their monstrous sickness. Two, we believe that the Illuminati KNEW that the demonization of this mighty symbol could potentially ruin the positive version from ever being used against them. They knew most the world was largely ignorant of true magickal practice, and had been taught to view all magick as the work of the “devil”. Its time to re-claim this powerful symbol and use it to decimate the great black lodge of the Illuminati forever and allow freedom, honor and love grow in the space this crap heap used to occupy. “Formless Fire, whence cometh the image of a voice”, the “image” of a voice IS the swastika. Let me rephrase that, the voice (extending through the rushing of air) of God/Prime Creator IS the Swastika. The Swastika is the unstoppable power of the vibration of God, for God is the word of God, God exists in what God says, in other words, God is as God says. It’s ALL encompassing. The word of God is raw power, awesome to behold and those who do catch even but a glimpse of that power is NEVER the same again. The thunder bolt or thrown whirling hammer of Thor, its immense creative and destructive power was the world and will of ALL the Gods of the Norse pantheon, so revered was this symbol that is stop as a representation for Asgard, the home of the Gods, and it’s protection laid in the great bolt of power wielded by the Earth’s greatest defender, Thor. The Swastika is described in the passage, “a flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud!” The Swastika also appears as the symbol of the “Highest and most Holy” of the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

Tree of Life (or JEWISH Qaballa… wait… didn’t the Nazi’s invent the Swastika… umm no…) the symbol of Kether, the dwelling of the Highest beings and the Prime Creator. The Swastika is the swirling of all the 4 elements in their most pure and raw forms spinning so fast they appear to be still, on the flip side the circle divided into fours, that represents the earth is the elements in their most gross and dense form, spinning so slowly they appear not to move (meditate on that…it’s a trip). The Swastika appears once again as “The Wheel of Ezekiel”; “Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures . . . Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold, a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel” Again the elements are represented in the four faces of the four creatures; 1. Bull: Earth/Taurus 2. Eagle: Water/Scorpio 3. Lion: Fire/Leo 4. Cherub/ Air/Aquarius The Wheel then carried Ezekiel to sit by God’s side and pen a great number of “secrets” while he was spoken too by the “voice” of God. This also linking the Swastika to the Merkaba, a Star Tetrahedron, which the astral body of a human situates it’s self in its “wheel in the middle of the wheel” and by the furious spinning motion induces “visions of God”. All one needed to do is apply the spinning motion of the swastika going down the front of the body and up the back, then spinning down the left shoulder then up the right horizontally around the body in clockwise direction and you have effectively linked all the most important energy flows/currents of your all your bodies and make all the most power “circulation of light” exercises of ceremonial magick and all the heavenly circuit qigong of Taoism. You are effectively becoming like the Prime Creator, a powerful spirit or formless whirling fire, and BECOMING a miniature swastika. The magician can use the visualization of the swastika to directly connect with God (visions of God) and build up an amazing amount of raw magickal power within him or herself especially while standing in the circle. The Swastika represents unstoppable will force, whirling the energy of the pure elements inside your mind and allowing that to build up inside you until your energy currents begin to also whirls and such power is generated that your astral body is carried into the highest realms to perform your ritual in the highest astral realms while your physical body performs the ritual within the magickal confines and micro-universe you have created. It’s an amazing experience to say the least.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

*****Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world, wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding: a black ever rolling abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless, and void.***** This is a semi-complicated passage. It is on the surface a warning although not to be taken at face value. It is very easy to become trapped and weighted down by the material world; however, the warning is NOT against earthly pleasures or even that the physical world or creature comforts are to be forsaken. What the passage is warning about is the feeling of inadequacy and languishing away in depression or becoming a slothful glutton for pleasures and material acquisition. Most people wrongly equate sex with earthly pleasures and while it is definitely a physical sensation, one can engage in astral sex, so it is apparent that sexual desire transcends just the physical realm. Sex is VERY important; it is healthy and very natural. The stronger your sexual drive and more aware you are and the deeper you have explored your sexuality the more effective your magickal practices will be. But like anything it can be abused, just as unnatural clinging too and hording of material possessions is as harmful as the obsessive and dangerous compulsion to try and stay in the higher realms ignoring your physical connections and becoming a flighty delusional mess. The physical world is seen as “dull” comparatively to the rest of the vibrant sparkling planetary realms. The physical realm is like a big stone. However, a stone that can be shaped and chiseled away at to flesh out a stunning beautiful stature that captures the light from above and stands as a testament to human work ethic and inner beauty. For just as the Prime Creator created you and you are a reflection of it, the statue you crave out on the physical realm is a direct reflect of you. The ONLY place you can make anything REAL is to make it happen here on the physical realm. All you spiritual experiences are just fancies until you have crafted them into tangible manifestation of artifact or experience here on the physical realm, this is “force” given “form”. Intelligence given to the unintelligible, lamination given to the unluminous and form given to the formless. This is greatest achievement of any magician. You are walking a balanced path here. You are not trying to deny the physical world or it’s earth pleasures that are meant to enhance and recharge your spirit and neither are you letting the physical world swallow you and burry your light under a mountain of dark matter. *****I invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe. Be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.***** As a magician when you stand in the circle of earth, or the “magick circle” you http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

have created a dimensional space that is slightly separated from the pshycial world and shifted into the astral world. You have effective become God or Goddess in the circle and therefore ruler of the entire micro-universe within the circle which is a direct reflection of the grander macro-universe… or the entire universe around you. You have answered the question “Quis ut Deus” meaning “Who is like God”… that you answer with “I am” by simply standing in the circle as God or Goddess respectively. Angels are the mechanisms of God. Creations that serve very specific functions that are directed by the will of God. Because you stand as God in the circle you now have direction control over these Angels. There are Angels in every planetary sphere and their functions are related to the activities of their respective spheres. Because you standing in the circle represent a living breathing Tree of Life you now have direct access to each of the spheres and the angels therein. These angelic intelligences are there for you to put to work, question, and command. These angels are also there is aid your work, give you counsel and even comfort you in time of trouble or on the flip side there to encourage you toward victory. Each Angel will only perform its appointed tasks in the way that they know how. No angel will defy the word of God but neither will they turn against their essential nature. Knowing the Angels is like knowing each tool in your box and what job it is best suited for. Also never forget that Prime Creator who built these angels and is above you can override any task you compel an angel to do. Your actions and commands inside the magick circle are some of the most telling and lasting about your character. A vile and evil God can expect only what he or she calls to them and when you have stepped outside that circle you no longer have those constant protections in place. We all must deal with what your actions cause. Take this advice to mean EXACTLY as it sounds. Allowing the Angels to guide you and give you counsel inside the circle is the surest way to being to understand the mysteries of the highest of the high and little by little vibrate at a frequency which would allow you to enter into realms carefully guarded and kept hidden from those not yet ready to handle the glory and power that dwells within. *****The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible Sun of the spirit may shine therein from above.***** The “chamber” refers to a magickal circle. The sun of this solar system is indeed the point of life energy that enlivens and regenerates the living and organic matter. In the magickal circle the magician and his or her own personal sun/sol center/Tipareth (solar plexus) becomes the sun for the micro-universe they reside over. You vibrate in tandem with the grand sun of the macrocosm and bring life to all this with the magick circle. You are the light that gives higher purpose and aspires higher ideals within your circle. This is what some call the “Christ energy”. You are learning the value of self sacrifice for you are giving your own magickal http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

life form to empower your creations. Like the alchemical symbol of the pelican piercing its own breast with its beak to feed its babies. You are that self giving energy, and beginning to open up too and become your inner hero/champion figure who is your higher self as illustrated by the path of earth(you), moon(dreams/astral), sun(higher self-Christ consciousness), and heaven(God level). ****Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe. Holy art Thou, Whom Nature hath not Formed. Thou, the Vast and Mighty One, Lord of the Light and of the Darkness.***** This passage tells us that the Prime Creator of the Universe is too vast and complex to be “shaped” by nature, but rather shapes natures. So wide reaching is the mystery of Prime Creator that we are only able to grasp at hints of it. Like a fire darting through the universe, flitting here and there and yet we are a direct reflection of that great mystery and can somehow encompass all of Prime Creator is who we are. We are divine because your creator is most certainly is. We learn in this passage that our Prime Creator is in all actions and all things; that we are not just to embrace the “light” but also the “dark”. There is love and value in even death and decay. Prime Creator is the complete circle of life and death and all in-between. We learn that in death we find rest, that decay must occur to break down matter to make room and substance for new life, that darkness brings healing and that pain can bring pleasure. We can use that “dark” current to bring an end to evil. We can destroy something that enhances humanity just as easily as we can create and feed something that threatens humanity. Light vs. Dark is a kindergarten concept and one that keeps spiritual evolution stunted. The true evil in this world will not hesitate to blind and dazzle you with “light” and “truth” so they can stab you in the back. Love can and has been weaponized into a tool of mass destruction, shame and guilt. If we are to break free from these silly limiting concepts me must awaken to the great totality of Prime Creator by self examination, for as we were created by it, we are the best places to start looking for clues to Prime Creators grand mystery. There is no worship higher to the Prime Creator then realizing and achieving our highest potential. As we gain higher potential, Prime Creator too advances. We are forever linked to our creator and the real beauty is that as we advance Prime Creator advances and thus opens up higher levels for us to advance into. *****Unto thee, sole wise, sole eternal, and sole merciful One, be the praise and glory forever, who has permitted me who standeth humbly before Thee to enter into this far into the sanctuary of the mysteries. Not unto me but unto Thy name be the glory. Let the influence of Thy divine ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrafice so that I shrink not in the hour of my trail, but that thus my name be written on high and my genius stand in the presence of the holy ones. ***** http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1

This final passage ties all others together. The idea of giving all thanks and gratitude to Prime Creator is that we are advancing Prime Creator and therefore advancing our own potential on both individual and all humanity scales. We are ensuring that the evolution of our race is eternal. The course of our race is one toward greatness. Not to just a few “selected” few or “chosen one” these ideas are inherently evil and the dogmas of slave religions, but for the ENTIRE sum total of every human is existence. We are forever entering further and deeper into the mysteries of Prime Creator. The more advanced we become the more we can take in and most importantly apply in direct action here on the physical plane. The more we can bring to the physical place that more other humans will begin to evolve and begin to bring their understanding to the physical realm thus advancing more and more humans collectively; but, each human retaining their own individuality in the process. “For the good of all” has been the justification of Tyrants and Despots the world over and great atrocities have been committed while chanting that mantra. Evolution of all humanity must ONLY occur in the way it is best for each INDIVIDUAL and it can NEVER be forced. Anyone suggesting otherwise is greatly mistaken and or a would be dictator who does NOT have your or anyone else’s, other than their own, best interests in mind. These people should be avoided for their path is currently one of folly and madness. By standing in the presence of the Prime Creator and taking up the mantle of God or Goddess respectively within the circle you being to draw like minded intelligences near you. There higher intelligences will be to communicate to you and lend their influence, and in some cases directly channel information through you (thus descending influence upon your head). These energies will also being to be drawn into your sphere of personal influence (aura) and over time begin to manifest physical traits through you astral body down into your physical body. One must be ever mindful how they conduct themselves inside the circle for this is how they draw corresponding higher intelligences to them. In the circle you are the Prime Creator of all that you do. This is the value of self sacrifice for you are giving life to your work, your dreams and desires. You do this regardless of if you are aware of this or not. Because these creations bear your handiwork you are also responsible for what they do, but you are also praised and advanced by them too. As you advance from self to higher self and then supreme self your genius/intelligence shall live on in the astral world (name written in the stars) you will be seen as a true adept and brought into astral congress with grand intelligences who share your same goals and purposes. You will begin to be sought out unconsciously be others seeking advancement and truth. You will stand as a pillar of strength and a bastion of spiritual might in a world full of empty promises and weak slavish dogma. -Bear Heart. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/08/magickal-dissertations-part-1_07.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The Magickal Dissertations Part 1




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers

Friday, November 18, 2011

*This is partly a channeled writing from a powerful house spirit I have worked with for years. Towards the end of the write up "I" start coming through more and more. This piece is about the further spiritual nature of the planetary realms, more about what happens there, understanding the "lower" astral and faustian pact and the use of the Middle Pillar you free yourself.*** All religions of the physical world are actually the ritualized spirituality of the planetary spheres. Sol is the birth place of what is known now as Christianity. Christianity is now a manipulation, corrupted spiritual structure for slave agreements shaped by the reptilian agenda. All “life” based religions are from the Sol sphere and are solar in nature. These cults/sects included Helios and Apollo as well as the entity that is Sol and others. These religions when they where pure and completely of uncorrupted and human practice was one of the most powerful forms of protection and purification against harmful and predatory entities, as well as for healing and storing and transferring energy. This primarily had to do with flooding light into your cells and glands and that beautiful golden sun’s rays which is harmful to these types of entities actually pushes their influences out of your, which means “purification” and cleansing. It is a slap in the face to humanity that now such a grand energy and “religion” of solar power which was once a great protection is now one of humanity’s greatest enslavements. That was done on purpose. This is the corruption of “life” energy. This is the Qilopthian version of Sol. Where people once learned from Sol to shine bright and stand as points of light, as champions against evil, tyrants and disease now being used to blind humanity and trick them into sending all their energy to fuel the megalomaniacal and horrific designs of this “One World” evil. The majority of Goddess religions (however this included “male” entities such as Dionysus) stemmed from the Lunar and Venusian spheres. These cults embodied pleasure (sex, drugs and music), aesthetic beauty and magick in the understanding, awareness of the astral world, and the shaping of it. The Uranian (Uranus) sphere’s spirituality manifested into a religion followed by the Atlantians which was all about direct connection to Prime Creator, the building of futuristic devices, and free energy. The reptilians spent a great deal of time and effort to undermine and twist this spirituality to bring about a corrupted idea of “oneness” which is their Illuminati/One World Order of a one world king who is a God King much like Cerce attempted ad was directly related to the polluted bloodline of the fallen Atlantian kings. There was even a religion based on the spirituality of Pluto. This religion was preformed only in dark chambers or underground grottos. The followers would take turns playing victim to controlled but still very intense periods of rape, torture, and other degrading and highly humiliating acts brought against them by other followers who could “cleanse” or “get out of their system” these desires in a place that could be monitored without doing it to people outside the chamber or grottos. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/11/this-is-partly-channeled-writing-from.html



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The “victims” are able to explore the nature of humanity that enjoys being controlled, harmed, humiliated and even degraded, but only with consent. This Plutonian religion was targeted and banned by the reptilian controlled human leaders because it did work, it did allow a great deal and awareness spiritually and people had a definite understanding of proper social behavior and anti-social criminality. Also their guards and law enforcement agents could use this religion to work out their” issues” and wouldn’t harm the common folk as much as the ruling class needed to keep them in line. The only major religions that have survived today are primarily based on Sol or corrupted sun worship. This includes Islam. While Allah was originally Lunar based, his “moon cult” teachings have been for all intents and purposes, eradicated. Judaism is nothing more than graduated Christianity and ANY form of Zionism is the focused worship of the Qilopthian Solar energy of sacrificing others for the elite few or “choosen”. There was a strong linking of the extinct and true Mars or Martian warrior and strength cults with the corrupted solar cults. This way the warrior cults and societies could better justify murdering others in the name of love and compassion. The crusades, the witch hunts, the convert or die campaigns… all are forms of the Mars/Solar corrupted spirituality link. Even a Jupiter/Jupitarian spirituality once existed. A religion that saw the proper collection and use of wealth as a way to help formulate and build a world based on fair trade, work ethic and honesty. This was quickly corrupted and its offenses became its practices. Things like predatory lending/loan sharking, currency devaluing, etc… now common practice for the follower of Mammon, the World Bank, Rothschild and Rockefellers, etc. These religions are really just “broadcasts” from the planetary spheres themselves. Within these planetary realms are very real inhabitants, they have cultures, types of governments/social orders, and spiritualities or tenants of behavior and or moral affiliations which because the spirits or non physical intelligences are naturally about; gravitate towards these planetary spheres. These planetary realms exist not on some far off realm; but, all around you at all times, and ever presently interacting with you. Because you are a physical being you have 5 senses to guide you around the physical world, a world restricted by the laws of Saturn, which are space and time, laws that are at once restrictive but also your greatest liberation. These laws give you 5 senses. Should you challenge Saturn you can develop psychic/astral senses. The Planetary frequencies cannot be detected with our 5 senses and can only be perceived within a change of physical consciousness and astral sight. These planetary spheres are always influencing the physical world and your physical body. The reason is you have a planetary body or “vehicle” on each planetary sphere. It is your awareness that transfers or travels to be housed by this planetary vehicle as you engage, explore and experience that particular realm. Each of your planetary bodies has a station and occupation in each of the planetary realms. The greater and vast majority of people are fully unaware of these planetary bodies and only http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/11/this-is-partly-channeled-writing-from.html



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vaguely aware of their dream body let alone what these bodies are doing or what is being done to them. The trades or occupations of these planetary bodies strongly influence your interests here on the physical plane. These bodies “download” their experiences and activities directly to your sub-consciousness which projects them to your consciousness and stimulates your physical body. It is the many vibrations being overlaid/overlapped on each other that builds up the densification for your gross physical body, as it is that same for all the other planetary realms beaming their energy to make substance for the physical world. The planetary bodies for someone unaware are generally weak, injured, malformed, and misshapen and often times in the binds of slavery or the captive of some predatory entity using it as an energy source. These abuses do indeed change that energy being beamed into your physical manifestation and do create very real problems, illness and situations for you in the physical world. The more aware a human is of the conditions of their planetary bodies the more self preservation minded, better formed and healthier their planter bodies become. They are less likely to be bothered or assaulted and the more productive they can become manifesting into a healthier, stronger and more vital physical body for that particular human. The reptilian entities have consolidated their power and control grid around the lowest and closest astral level to the actual physical manifestation of the earth, just right outside the limitation of our 5 senses. This positioning better allows them to feed off the emotions of fear, terror, depression, and hopelessness and more easily take control of their bloodline families who serve as walking meat puppets for their projected consciousness. The lower astral is now a trap for ignorant and fear based human spirits/astral bodies. Through the behavioral and mental manipulation of Christianity the idea of “hell” is formed and sustained by believe which is only powerful emotionally charge sustained thoughts. Christianity also creates a guilt complex because “you” caused Jesus to die (bullshit) and are a “sinner” and MUST be punished. This tricks you into expecting and even deserving to be punished because you have admitted to being a lowly sinner (this is spiritual 5th amendment, do not self incriminate) and therefore you of course must be treated as one and some twisted part of you wants to be punished. So into your own created and maintained lower astral prison your astral body will project it’s self. You are agreeing/consenting to be a prisoner. You are agreeing to adhere to the Faustian pact between the Illuminati meat puppets and their Reptilian masters. All the great wealth given by the Reptilians and obtained by the Illuminati must come from somewhere and your astral body will go to work as a slave, food and sex toy in the lower astral to help create that abundance. You are allowing yourself to accept responsibility for your astral egergore or “magickal fiction” (the corporate fiction is the manifestation of that) which the Faustian pact was written for. Your astral egergore is just a place holder for you until your physical body dies and your astral body in loosened for its physical vehicle and takes the astral egergore’s place. The egergore is then destroyed, its energy fed on and you are stuck in the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/11/this-is-partly-channeled-writing-from.html



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lower astral as a trade commodity and slave. The Middle Pillar awakens the powerful transceiver and transmitter you are really are. Because all other planetary realms are really frequencies, when you are better able to transmit instructions to you planetary bodies and receive clearer information back from them you complete a sacred and powerful circuit, that is magick at its highest level. You are then able to take a far more active role in the world and what happens to you. You better understand where certain impulses come from and what to do with them. The occupation/trade of each planetary body is a clue to you on how better to use your planetary influences on the world around you. The Middle Pillar strengthens your central channel, removes blockages and repairs tears or damages to your grand celestial column. Imagine your central energy channel as fiber optic wire that have been frayed and chewed on… the Middle Pillar repairs that. This also speeds up the manifestation process because the Middle Pillar both awakens you to the planetary realms and GROUNDS you, which is how things actually manifest. Not being grounded in the bane of the New Age and what drives New Agers insane and ineffective… useful idiots for the reptilians. With daily practice of the Middle Pillar you will broad cast and receive transmissions above and beyond the lower astral trap. You become a massive antenna, a sky pole, or world axis and physical reality begins to revolve around you. You stop just going along with herd mentality; you are no longer one of the “flock”. The Middle Pillar helps your grow out of slavish religious and political paradigms and modalities. You will begin to see a larger picture and realize you are more than just your physical body and certainly more than just your one “astral” body. Thereby you cannot accept responsibility for your astral egergore, cannot be held prisoner because you are not a “sinner” or held by guilt for the death of a reptilian created entity named Jesus, and in this realization the Faustian pact is struck null and void. You no longer have a prison cell in the lower astral waiting for you. You are longer agreeing to its existence and no longer maintaining it. You shape the astral world through sustained thought charged by emotion. That astral blue print manifests down as your physical reality. So understand that through conditioned false dogma of being a sinner and needing a “savior” (who outside of yourself will NEVER come) you are agreeing you need to be imprisoned and need an outside source to release you. Your fear connected to this scenario helps shape it into the astral world which then creates a prison mentality and reality for you on the physical world and because you create your “afterlife” on the physical plane, your astral body once your physical body wears out goes to that lower astral agreed upon prison. It’s a vicious fucking cycle and one that can be completely avoided. The Middle Pillar is a major foundation of true spiritual and by proxy physical freedom and empowerment. The Middle Pillar introduces you to all your many selves, all your potentials, the great and many powers you have available to you. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/11/this-is-partly-channeled-writing-from.html



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Without this realization you are indeed a slave, with it… you are a divine force of freedom and liberty for all humanity. A word of caution however; the Illuminati and Reptilian entities have weaponized this powerful practice. When you are performing the Middle Pillar under the direction of the Golden Dawn or O.T.O and traditions that has stolen from them, you are asked to vibrate “Jewish/Hebrew” god names. DO NOT use the Jewish/Hebrew god names. This instantly tunes your frequency into the Qilopthian realms. These are filthy Zionist evil gods who delight in rape, extortion, murder, ingesting of human flesh/blood/chemicals and pedophilia, these are reptilian divinities and are indeed real. The more you intone their names the more you garner their attention and flood your astral body and central channel with foul and corrupted energies which make you have susceptible to reptilian influence, insanity, megalomania and cruel elitism They are corrupted the Middle Pillar on purpose, hidden its deeper aspects from you and turned it into a mere “energy exercise” more in line with a Chinese qigong practice you do for “health” as opposed to the super conductor and massive spiritual telecommunications tower this practice turns you into. When intoning and vibrating true God names, use names that are appropriate for each planetary realm and divinities that are concerned and supporting of humanity; Greek/Roman, Norse/Germanic, European and most African/Caribbean and many Native American divinities etc. Shinto Kami are also trustworthy and beautiful to work with. If possible try and align yourself with divinities of your physical heritage. Vibrating both the God and planetary names such as Uranus, Pluto, Sol, Luna and Terra is always powerful, safe and inspiring. The Middle Pillar should be practiced at least once a day, twice if there is time for it. Your astral senses will begin to quickly develop as will your greater self of well being and the separation between you and Prime Creator will begin to fade and you will see yourself for what you really are… a fountain of divine energy self contained, of total free will and connected to the true oneness…a oneness that celebrates individuality, working to support a system that helps others help themselves. -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The G.O.O.D.S LBRP begin this ASAP

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The G.O.O.D.S LBRP begin this ASAP This is a much more effective template to over lay on the LBRP from the Golden Dawn and other Illuminati corrupted sources free from the Hebrew God-names which are actually hidden titles for Moloech, Mammon, Azoth and other Qillopthian deity level entities. G.O.O.D.S Equilibrating Cross Instead of Ah-Tah… vibrate Uranus Instead of Malkuth… vibrate Tarra Instead of V’Giburah… vibrate Mars Instead of V’GiDoorah… vibrate Jupiter Instead of Lah oh’lahm amen… vibrate Sol Formulation of the Pentagrams In each of the cardinal directs trace that banishing earth pentagram assume the “goddess” posture or “star pose” and vibrate the name Venus and feel love for the great mother and holder of the most sacred symbol of our race (the pentagram), the five pointed rose of humanity. Then thrust both hands forward so the finger tips touch making a triangle while you step forward with you left foot. This is the “God posture” or spear tip. Vibrate the name Mars, the father of our race and thorn of the rose of humanity, the lover and protector of Venus. Feel his anger at all those who would harm her or his children and charge the pentagram with that energy. This is Venus/Mars/Cupid union. The calling of Guardians Instead of before me Raphael… say “Before me cheerful and sweet”, then vibrate Erreus. Instead of behind me Gabirel… say “Behind me bold and wise”, then vibrate Zepheryus Instead of on my right hand Michael… say “To my right kind and brave”, then vibrate Notus Instead of on my left hand Uriel… say “To my left ancient and strong”, vibrate Boreous Instead of assuming the “star pose” and saying “The pentagram around me”, assume the “star” posture and say “I am with the embrace of my mother of my mother Venus, keeper of the sacred pentagram and tender to the cradle of our race”. Instead of seeing the star of david inside your heart center and saying “within my shine the 6 rayed star”, see the 6 pointed star of sol over both your heart center and solar plexus and say “Within me shines the radiance of Sol, for I am the center of my own universe, a reflection of the most sacred and most high”. The LBRP of the Golden Dawn is based on Qilopthian foundations, calling of evil gods and their minions assuming “angelic forms”. Because you are calling the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/11/goods-lbrp-begin-this-asap.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The G.O.O.D.S LBRP begin this ASAP

Qillopthian deities first you then are invoking the “angels in disguise” and you don’t know it. You are charging the pentagrams in tiles for Moloech and allowing him to decide which entities can come through. Stop the Golden Dawn LBRP immediately! -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Occupy Astral

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Occupy Astral It’s basic metaphysics, or at least it should be. The Astral world is the “blue print” for how the Physical world shall be built. The Astral world is the final edit before the print. The secret societies have known this and have systematically manipulated, erased, and twisted that information to “weaponize” the truth against you. One, through the manipulation of religion you have been conditioned to believe that the astral world doesn’t exist or that “magick” isn’t real; however, some woman hating ego-pig of a “god” floats around in the sky and says “witch craft is bad”… but magick isn’t real? The contradictions in this thinking are so obvious it’s painful. Second if you are not THAT stupid, they condition you to believe that “ok… magick is real, but its evil…. Magick is bad kids mmmkay.” This is a much better deception. The astral and other planter relams are sometimes wildly bizarre in appearance to the “known” physical world and the inhabitants of said realms show themselves through the vibrations of which they represent that is then filtered through your subconscious and an image is projected to make sense of it. Most humans are conditioned to be deeply afraid of their own subconscious so these images are often terrifying for the weak minded. The appearance of spirits is often times well out of the ordinary. Rather than understand what you are dealing with both the word “demon” and its falsified definition are applied to the appearance and description of a “spirit”. So you see a spirit, you have an astral projection and your manipulated mind instantly screams HELL and DEMON and you succumb to fear and terror. This is EXACTLY the response your Illuminati controller and the Reptilians want! IF by chance it is an evil spirit… your fear gives it everything it wants to feed off of, your fear gives it a trail to follow you around by and like a vampire feed off you. This makes the spirit stronger AND reinforces your faulty conditioning. That is called a win-win. Should however it be just a spirit and all you are having is an astral project and your fear alarm triggers you send out massive energy for evil spirits to track you, probably insult the spirit you are looking at (think of it like someone waking up in front of you, seeing you and at the top of their lungs calling you a terrorist, a serial killer and a baby rapist… you would be confused and a little angry for being accused of these things, same goes for when you just label all spirits “demons”) and establishing that there is a “hell” and you are or should be in it. You begin to formulate the “hell” of your fears on the Astral world, turn spirits into demons and you strengthen the prison grid around the lower astral. That then manifests into YOUR physical reality and then when you die you enter into your happy little hell place and get punished for being a “dirty sinner”. It’s fucking diabolical. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2011/11/occupy-astral.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Occupy Astral

Humans NEED to begin to occupy the Astral. As more and more humans become aware that they are powerful luminous being that is the collection of many different energy bodies comprised of various frequencies that knowledge makes you stronger, healthier and more functional on the physical. The more humans awake and aware on the Astral world the harder time these Illuminati and Reptilian scum bags have being our occupiers! When we occupy the space that is OURS we tear down the system of control these assholes have enjoyed for so long. We begin the re-edit that says humanity is free, humanity is not a slave to the flawed religious and political ideologies of destruction and enslavement we have been taught and start to manifest that same freedom here on the physical plane. We are BILLIONS of individual point of unique light that make up the starry astral, they are THOUSANDS of slick propaganda illusions that have burrowed like worms into the folk-subconscious of humanity and whisper dark lies to us in our dreams, lead worldwide lies called Christianity, Islam, and Judaism to keep us weak, fearful and docile, manufacture wars to thin out our population and teach us racism to prevent us from uniting against them and keep us fighting each other. How the fuck needs Christian hell? This is SO MUCH WORSE. They real kicker? Humans are doing it to themselves!!!! We are agreeing to this bullshit. We are building our own prisons, maintaining them and strengthening them every day by our sustained thoughts and faulty belief systems. They are fucking LAUGHING at us… honestly… we deserve it… to be that stupid is embarrassing! As we begin to occupy the Astral we loosen their grip and being cutting the lines of communication they have to the bloodline families the lines of channeling they have to the owned world “religious” leaders and prevent their poisonous info from further sickening the human mind, will and spirit. Other humans will start to wake up. They too will join and help occupy the Astral. Soon they will be no room for the Illuminati or the Reptilian fuckers to operate. Their power slipping and the fear of punishment setting in… you will watch them jump ship. Show them NO mercy. Let what is coming come, let humanity cut out and incinerate this cancer and finally evolve and advance. Let humanity influence humanity. Let humanity be free of ALL off world influence and let us rise, divine and strong and claim your place in the universe free and pure! Occupy the Astral and start making this a reality TODAY!!! -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The De-humanization agenda

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The De-humanization agenda The De-humanization Agenda *This is by NO means an exhaustive essay only the most basic surface level of these agenda. Fuck this non-sense about Global Warming. The pseudo-intellectual call to protect the earth from the bi-product of natural human emissions is complete and total fraud. The bi-product of human life is the elixir of life for this planet and its NATURAL inhabitants. Much like income tax where you pay YOUR money to support the invisible prison and VISIBLE police state built up around you , the “big three” religions where you further support a hellish astral prison system built from guilt, shame and fear, and the co-opts Illuminati magickal systems where you pledge your time and energy to a Qilopthian overlord and megalomaniacal system of delusional corruption, the “Green Movement” is another thinly veiled tactic based in emotional black mail, systematic conditioning and guilt laden programming. Our earth is experiencing an incremental invasion and a quite genocide is taking place of the human race. The goals? 1. Eliminate 90% of the human population. Enslave the remaining 7% and use the remaining 3% as “breeders” for a source of food and the “recreational” use of human glandular secretions. 2. Incremental/Gradual transformation (terra-forming) of this planet into a biosphere that is compatible for the invading hosts. The earth is being slowing turned into a “subterranean” climate. Cold, dark and murky. The Sun is being blocked by massive amount of heavy metals in the air. The soil turned into nutrient-barren waste lands and the water poisoned. This “reflective metals” is the air to deflect the Sun’s heat and create a layer of “protection” from the Sun’s rays is like forcefully placing and holding a pillow over a person’s face to protect them from breathing in dust. The Sun is vital to human health and dispelling depression as well as keeping at bay from human consciousness the truly depraved and vile intelligences/vibrations that would essentially root themselves into the minds of mind and propagate ideas for mass extinction and thoughts so bizarre and twisted that “insanity” doesn’t begin to cover them…. Welcome to the mindset of the socalled “elite”. 3. Slowly re-write the DNA of humans to become more “suited” for this new biosphere and become a “sub” type of human, no longer protected under “human rights” and lacking in higher cognitive functions. This “new” humans will truly be “goyim” and fit to be the slaves the NOW as always wanted. Little more than mostly androgynous cattle with two legs, capable of limited speech using only service based/action based words to complete “tasks” and no way of describing http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/02/de-humanization-agenda.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The De-humanization agenda

emotions/feelings. This is Orwellian NEW speak. 4. The animals and plants of this planet will also be twisted into dangerous forms of creatures that are psychopathic. These new hybrids will destroy the populations of others of its former kind. Alien species of animals have and will be continued to be introduced to eat earth animals and even mate with them to further pollute and destroy any “original” earth species. These creatures will be highly evasive and hostile. The eating of these animals will no doubt continue to turn and twist the DNA of humans. 5. A hybrid species of plants much like animal has been set loose on the earth. These plants are toxic; these will be the only types of plants that can grow in this new terrain. They are highly evasive and hostile to other plant life. Their DNA will turn and twist the DNA of humans who eat them. 6. Carbon depleting the earth will more quickly kill off native plants and larger animals. These will also greatly impact brain functioning and higher thought. Plants breathe carbon and breathe out oxygen. Less carbon means, less plants which means less oxygen. 7. Bring all humans into highly developed communal prison cities so that they can be better managed, tagged and placed under medical/agricultural/educational tyranny. No more privacy, no more free thinking and no more individualism. People will be placed in “color sections” this will replace humanity’s need for tribalism and can be used to create infighting and help keep humans divided (example would be a manufactured rivalry between the Blues and the Greens). Life will become so simplistic and lack luster that IQ will plunge, creativity be killed off and rebellion essentially none existent. I can remember distinctly being in grade school and being told that 1000s of acres of Rainforests where being destroyed everyday and that within a few years there would be no water for us all to drink. In truth the Rainforests have almost doubled in size and water is nowhere near scarce. This was an early attempt to condition us that if “maybe” there are less people who could all survive and that when the elite have stored away all our “drinkable water” and have restricted us to cities and population control grids and we never again see nature they can trigger old implanted memories that they have all been “burned” away and that we have no run out of water. The modern “environmental movement” is nothing more than the modernization of “King’s Wood” an ancient method of maintaining populations in the old world cities. The ruling class would realize that their “subjects” (interesting the note the word “subjects” I believe that cities where an early social experiments so you would need “subjects” to study… where the ancient ruling class the first social scientists? I believe so) would run away and go back to living in the woods after being raped, tortured, extorted and abducted while living under the tyranny of the “city”. The ruling class then stated that the “woods” would be destroyed by “all” these people living in them and in order to protect their precious resources banned people from eating none royal approved food. This stated that the ruling class placed under http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/02/de-humanization-agenda.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The De-humanization agenda

their “protection” (racket) all the animals and plants. Anyone caught hunting or foraging (living independently) would be punished. Also… foraging included finding medicinal herbs… so sickness/disease was rampant in cities and the ruling class could own a strangle hold on medical “services” and much like now, even then their medical service was little more than butchering, giving even more poison and medical experimentation on nonconsenting individuals, as well as using epidemics and mixing them with people infected with other diseases and early incubation methods to develop super flu’s… the “black plague” was a manufactured and spread pandemic. The ruling class even then whined about “too many” people… Too many people meant world domination and total enslavement was not possible. Many parallels can be drawn between then and now. Our children are taught to hate themselves but also be high promiscuous and superficial. They are taught “families” are bad and that they need to live hast, die young and only attain to things that can be “purchased”, and anything lasting, worthwhile or steeped in tradition is “uncool” and to be laughed at and ridiculed. Our children are taught to ignore the suffering of others, to see war and cancer and violence as “natural” and common, not to be questioned, as opposed to manufactured and profitable ventures that DO NOT need to occur on such common occurrences. The “green movement” teaches that any form of legitimate manufacturing or production is evil. Therefore this cuts down on competition for the mega corps who is the Illuminati and demonizes further true free market. The “green movement” criminalizes human actions and breeds elitism. In other words living is harmful but I will continue to live and seek to end the living of others to “protect” the planet… it’s a deadly “justification”. The “green movement” allows for medical tyranny under eugenics and allows for a super class to decide who lives and who breeds, NOT the actual natural selection which would occur without the cruel hand of eugenic science. This movement teaches humans to accept they should die and allows for small elite to rule as “stewards” of the earth. In reality this is all just further thinning out of any form of resistance towards incremental invasion. Fewer people and the increase of Alzheimers lead to a breakdown of racial memory and stop the passing down of traditions. History becomes forgotten to all but small elite. Humans don’t remember the skies used to be brighter and that fish didn’t look like insects or have multiple heads etc. They have no concept of “belonging” and can be easily uprooted and placed back down into a “New World” tradition that is hostile towards humans and teaches them they are slaves and always have been, that a small ruling elite are their masters and that there has also been strange unknowable and angry gods demanding of human sacrifice that must be appeased…or else. What can we do? 1. Learn and record true human history. 2. Fight to develop free markets. Be inventive. Sell ideas and products YOU created. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/02/de-humanization-agenda.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The De-humanization agenda

3. Learn to grow your own food. Store organic seeds. 4. Learn martial arts… ANY kind… it’s about developing a fighting spirit. 5. Learn to develop your skill with firearms… it’s a great sport and our founding fathers extolled the mental and physical benefits of “sport” shooting. 6. Learn the pre-Christian traditions of our own people and racial backgrounds. Connect with these stories and intelligences. This will REALLY ground you and teach you where you came from. This will serve as a iron rod in the storm or golden ball of string in the labyrinth of deceit and lies. 7. DO NOT use the Hebrew God names, these are total filth and invite the spirits of complete human sacrifice and the minds behind the de-humanization agenda. 8. Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual. Ground, evolve, advance, grow and increase your spiritual awareness and connection with your own divine humanity. 9. Create communities of brave, strong and aware humans. Where laughter among friends is heard, trouble soon flees. -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure What you are about the read has been purposely kept from you. I desperately want you to both know this and perhaps understand why this is. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or the LBRP is a key or a ritual that unlocks your indestructible or eternal nature; which is the part of you that is the “child of promise”. The LBRP is a practice which aligns you with the celestial movements of stars, unifies your position on the earth and begins a chain reaction on the astral plane that sends rumblings across the inter-dimensional/multi-verse. The LBRP sets order of motion in your own personal microcosm and aligns your planetary bodies to their correct positions while establishing stronger links to your own microcosm and the universal macrocosm. In effect the LBRP is a type of inner planetary alchemy that: • corrects imbalances • Reclaims spiritual authority • invokes your indestructible/ “higher” self • creates a powerful and ever deepening mediation of the universal self or “child of promise” • Restores faith in humanity by revealing the divine nature of your own human nature • The unification of yourself and your solar self, the inner champion/hero or heroine within you The reason for the true “keys” of this ritual being kept from you shouldn’t be all that much of a surprise. There is power/control benefits as well as monetary/financial in keeping you unawares and shackled by weakness, being kept a perpetual victim of circumstance. Imagine how many so-called “essential” systems, the ivory towers of elitism, would crumble if the masses where allowed to discover that no one else, absolutely no one, has any right or say or any claim over your own life. Imagine what might occur if the majority of humanity no longer felt the need to give away their power, their time, effort, attention, wealth and energy to highly suspect institutions who claim to work towards the “safety” of you and your family but more and more seem to indicate that they take what you give them and use it to build a type of physical, mental and spiritual prison and control grid. Imagine now the possibilities of a world where many humans in realizing their own divine natures act as conduits from Gods/Goddess and humans and the middlemen of corrupted and criminal priesthoods no longer had any audience to speak of. What if humans’ beings began living out the doctrines of their LIVING and EVOLVING deities upon the earth rather than the re-written, twisted and co-opted books written by already lecherous and treacherous men who scribbled down the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/04/understanding-lesser-banishing-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

hisses of their dark and scaly masters. Their words do not liberate, but enslave, terrorize and justify great and horrible evils in the name of a women hating, murderous and pedophilic Hebrew god, and much the same can be said of the same evil lords honored by Christian, Jews and Islamic alike. For the high level elite who understand the power and natural divine elements of magic/occult, the LBRP affirms their overrated ideals of themselves. In order to keep their underlings in line a corrupted version of this powerful rite is taught and as it travels further and further away from its vile source of the Illuminati the now perverse rite in its Hebrew rendition becomes more and more fouled and weaker until it finds it finds its self in its most deteriorated and tattered carnation that of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram found in the current “new age” books, The O.T.O, The Golden Dawn, and irresponsibly plastered all over the internet. In this way this befouled ritual can act as an entangling snare. The ritual even it this weakest of forms gives “some” sense of protection although it is more like a labeling which says “hands off” this human belongs to some of the most vampiric and truly evil intelligences in the form of Hebrew deities which are used to “seal” the pentagrams which are supposed to protect you but only place their mark on you, like you where a lunch box with powerful names on it saying to most other spirits this is mine to eat not yours. In return for spreading this magical disease if the form of this LBRP the Hebrew deities allow high level members of the illuminati the energetic leftovers from their feedings. This ritual works in this way because it uses the most basic concepts but rotted at its core. The kabalistic cross aligns the magicians body with the tree of life but instead of the “white” tree, it is the Qillopthian “black” tree which places you in reach of the Hebrew monsters. The so-called protecting pentagrams while they seal out spirits but the Hebrew names actually seal the magician’s astral body inside a type of prison and light its location up so that the magician is easy to find and labeled in ownership to the Hebrew vampires. The Magician is “safe” from other lesser spirits only because the magician has voluntarily placed him or herself into an astral prison where Hebrew gods my drink the magician’s energy away at their leisure. The “authority” gained in this LBRP only serves to continually and powerfully reinforce the magician’s unwitting consent to being a well preserved meal for the Hebrew spirits he or she foolish thinks will protect him or her. This is a dark, dark ruse indeed. Now I will do my best to detail to you the why and how to perform the Lesser Banish Ritual of the Pentagram of champions, of heroes, of true magicians who embrace the highest aspects of humanity. Now prepare yourself to receive…. The TRUE LBRP of the G.O.O.D.S Firstly we must examine the hidden symbols of the LBRP, its planetary correspondences and internal alchemical processes. The alchemical iconography of the LBRP is this, “A golden child holding the most glorious rose of the entire universe”. The break down is this; 1. Rose 2. Thorn http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/04/understanding-lesser-banishing-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

3. Golden child The LBRP is made up of the three symbols of the origins of humanity and from which all other sacred geometry. 1. Triangle 2. Pentagram 3. Cross These three symbols correspond to the three planetary origins of humanity. 1. Mars-Triangle 2. Venus-Pentagram 3. Sun-Cross These three symbols and their planetary correspondences relate to the three great implements of Humanity that were used to defend and drive off tyrants, monsters and magically, warded off spirits. 1. Mars-Spear 2. Venus- Shield 3. Sun-Breast Plate The three implements relate to the three major principals of humanity. 1. Mars-Father 2. Venus-Mother 3. Sun-Child of promise These three major principals are finally brought to their originating energies. 1. Father- Masculine 2. Mother-Feminine 3. Child-Self So in a full correspondence the 3 essential natures of humanity go like this; 1. Thorn-Triangle-Mars-Spear-Father-Masculine 2. Rose- Pentagram- Venus-Shield-Mother-Feminine 3. Golden child-Cross-Sun-Breast Plate-Child of Promise-Self Before we get into the practice of the LBRP it is important to understand these correspondences and the intent behind them so that you can apply them to you LBRP in profound and powerful ways. The Mars energy is focused into the Spear. The spear is the thorn in the G.O.O.D.S mystery of the “Rose and Thorn”. The capacity of the spear or Mars energy in the LBRP is a “passive” one… a hedge of thorns that pierces as deeply in equal response to the force that is applied against them aggressively… in other words the attacker is responsible for the force they came at the magician with, and the thorns stays in as long as the aggressor decides to keep applying force. This mars energy doesn’t attack, but offensively defends like a spiked shield or a wall of spears against a charging attacker who would impale themselves upon it. The pain stops when the attack stops and the extent of the injury will depend on the strength of the attack. This principle is the astral method of saying “do not touch me, and if you do… it is your fault”. The Venus energy is the shield it’s self. It is the love of a mother to want to shield her child from harm. It was the mother of the Spartan who gives him his shield, the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/04/understanding-lesser-banishing-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

Spartan carries his mother’s love with him to keep him protected. The Spartan’s father gives him his spear, the tool with which he will deal death to those foolish enough to attack Sparta. The shield of Venus much like the Spear of mars is in a passive role of defense as it poses no threat to anyone unless that person attacks and breaks themselves against the shield and punctures themselves against the spear. Venus is the Rose which carries the thorns of Mars and grows around and in front of the great child of promise the child of Mars and Venus, who is you, to protect you and keep you safe. The planet Venus actually traces the Banish pentagram around the Sun in its yearly orbit. The Sun energy within the LBRP is the life giving force to yourself and all other summoned, invoked or evoked intelligences you bring to your own microcosmic universe. Because this is the union of both Mars and Venus, like cupid the breast plate combines the mystery of love and war, beauty and strength, a function work of art that defends. This is also seen as the Solar plexus and the heart center. The Solar Center is the guard and the heart center the treasure… the greatest treasure of who you are. The life force you share with the world and the center through which you are most emotional vulnerable. The golden solar armor radiance of the solar plexus helps defend the heart center from a plethora of spiritual, human and planetary influences. In days past magical breast plates had twelve gemstones corresponding to each zodiacal and planetary influence directed and purified to the heart center and shielding against impure influences. The LBRP affirms that you are indeed a child of both Mars and Venus; you are “love” on the earth as a Cupid in your own respect. You have within you the mystery of Love and War, as granted to you by your spiritual parents. You are the living embodiment of the twin pillars of Beauty (Venus) and Strength (Mars). “For Beauty inspires Strength and Strength supports Beauty”. As a child of promise you contain within you the divine spark of Prime Creator and you are the great “promise” of humanity’s continued survival and freedom. We ALL possess this quality. That is why we ALL matter and each of us is vital and divine. This solar nature/child of promise/higher self is the energy that energizes the Rose of Venus and keeps the thorns of Mars sharp. The LBRP is a ritual in the highest order that both teaches us and empowers us in the deepest mysteries of magic, life/death, love/war, beauty/strength and personal authority/freedom. This “child of promise’ is YOUR intelligence on the Sol/Solar/ Tipareth planetary realm. This IS the Christ/Buddha/St. George nature inside you. I simply cannot say enough about the deep implications of performing the LBRP with this level of understanding. The current Golden Dawn, O.T.O and Rose Cross orders simply no longer extend this to their members as it is seen as “too high” and would crumble these organizations because they are in essence now “Black Lodges” who use low and mid level initiates as occult batteries and feed them to Hebrew monsters. The LBRP I am releasing puts an end to this dark deception and places YOU as the solar cross of your own micro-universe. Let us talk about the solar cross. All solar intelligences are symbolized by the cross. The cross implies the location of “center” and the divining lines of http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/04/understanding-lesser-banishing-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

influences as well as roads of power flowing in and out. This is true about the symbolism of the encircled equal armed cross which denotes the earth or physical plane. The center of this intersection is the “primal hill” where the king/queen (solar representative on the earth) stands as the channel of life energy on the material plane and surveys his or her four quadrants of their kingdom. In magical symbolism are the four quadrants or elements of his or herself and astral realm. When performing the LBRP you are attaining to the great reflection of the earthly cross, which is encircled showing that the physical plane is restricted by time and space (Saturn) and the grand solar cross of the Solar realm which is the center of the universe and whose arms reach out in all directions for all eternity. The “Celtic” cross is a primal example showing an encircled cross with the arms reaching past their bounds showing the all reach and freedom powers that the true solar divine nature transcends all limitations. Performing the LBRP Step 1 (Earth cross and Solar Cross) Stand and for a moment contemplate your divine nature, that you are King or Queen of your own personal life/kingdom upon the material world. Below your feet and around you is a circle that shows your sphere of personal influence. Under your feet lines splay out in front and behind you and to your right and to your left and stop at the circle. This places you as the center of your own earthly kingdom. Also yourself to feel “slightly” contained and “grow” to surpass this “idea” of limitation. Allow your astral body to grow up and out of this world with your feet still on the physical realm but your astral body expanding to outer space and beyond until the Milky Way galaxy is a tiny speck of light under your feet. Step 2 (The grand cross) Now that your astral body is a universal presence just above your head in the softest but most brilliant white pulsating sphere of energy you can at this at imagine. This is the Uranian/Uranus, The Starry Crown or Crown of Heaven. Touch this sphere with your “power” finger (the pointer finger of the hand you write with) and draw the this power down to your head by touching your third eye which floods your astral head with divine light and invokes your “higher genius” as your vibrate the name “Uranus” and say “The glory of heaven” draw your finger down the front of your body to your groin and let the line of divine white light descend down your feet to the tiny light that is the milky way galaxy and to the center of the earthy encircled cross you made earlier and past that into infinity. Vibrate the name “Terra” and say “shall be made real on the earth”. Now touch your right shoulder with your power finger and divine light beams out from your heart center through your right shoulder and into eternity and vibrated the name “Mars” and say “may terrifying strength uphold benevolence”. Now with your “power finger” touch for left shoulder as divine light beams out through your left shoulder into infinity and vibrate the name “Jupiter” and say “May benevolence temper terrifying strength”. Now extend both arms and feel the divine light flow through and out your arms and down through your feet. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/04/understanding-lesser-banishing-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

Step 3 (The Formulation of the holy breastplate) You have now made the solar/grand cross and are in reflection of the earthly cross of your personal kingdom. Allow your upper body neck to waist and shoulder to shoulder to covered with a” liquid gold” that take a shape like a breastplate. Your heart center and solar plexus shine so bright the radiance makes the breastplate glow like the sun. Starting in the first quadrant at the left side of your neck and in a circular path down to your right breast first say Aries and see a gem of intense red, then say Taurus and see a gem of deep green then say Gemini and see a gem of beautiful mother of pearl white. Now under your right breast to your navel say Cancer and see a sparkling crystal white, now say Leo and see a brilliant citrine gem, now say Virgo and see a bright green gem. Now from your navel and up to your left breast say Libra and see a piercing blue gem, now say Scorpio and see a dark puce gem and now say Sagittarius and see a crystal blue gem. From your left breast up to the left side of your neck say Capricorn and see a luscious black gem. Now say Aquarius and see a speckled black and red gem. Lastly say Pieces and see an icy blue gem. The Zodiac gemstones by quadrants. Quadrant 1 1. Aries-Intense Red 2. Taurus-Deep Green 3. Gemini- Mother of Pearl Quadrant 2 4. Cancer- Sparkling crystal 5. Leo- Burning citrine 6. Virgo- Bright green Quadrant 3 7. Libra- Piercing blue 8. Scorpio- Deep puce purple 9. Sagittarius- Crystal blue Quadrant 4 10. Capricorn- Luscious black 11. Aquarius- Red and Black speckled 12. Pieces- Icy blue This creates the zodiacal solar right that beams out their influences to others around you and also absorbs their influences into your heart center. This practice will filter and purify the output and intake of these influences. You can if you wish, circulate these colors in a clock wise direction assuming that 12 o’clock is located at the nap of your neck. These colors whirl and beam out like the rays of the sun in a prismatic way. With your arms held in the cross and the zodiac colors whirling around your heart center feel all this energy, which is not meant to overwhelm but enliven and vitalize you vibrate the name “Sol” and say “may I be brilliant and bold in all that I http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/04/understanding-lesser-banishing-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

do”. Now bring your hands together, completing a powerful energy circle and allow this light to dim just a little. Step 4 (Roses and Thorns) In each of the cardinal directs trace the green banishing earth pentagram. Assume the “goddess” posture or “star pose” and vibrate the name Venus. Feel the undying love of our great mother Venus, holder of the most sacred symbol of our race (the pentagram), the five pointed rose of humanity. Sharply and with feeling thrust both hands forward so the finger tips touch making a triangle while you step forward with you left foot. This is the “God posture” or spear tip. Vibrate the name Mars, the great father of our race and thorn of the rose of humanity, the lover and protector of Venus. Feel his anger at all those who would harm her or his children and charge the pentagram with that energy. Before you should now be a large glowing fiery green pentagram cracking with red lighting energy. Step 5 (Calling the four winds) Facing east says “Before me is Erus (vibrate the name Erus)”. Erus is the spirit of the eastern wind. He is sweet and cheerful. He appears as a young boy dressed in gold and yellow clothes a few sizes too big for him, mop top blonde hair and sometimes a big foppish hat. Now say “Behind me is Zephyrus (vibrate the name Zephyrus)”. Zephyrus is the spirit of the western wind. He is bold and wise. He appears is a very attractive tall man with long well kept hair and scholarly blue and white robes with a knowing smile. Now say “To my right is Notus (vibrate the name Notus)”. Notus is the spirit of the southern wind. He is kind and brave. He appears as a very athletic middle aged man with a broad genuine smile. He wears an open face iron helmet and a tattered red lion cloth. Now say “To my left is Boreus (vibrate the name Boreus)”. Boreus is the spirit of the northern wind. He is ancient and strong. He appears as a large and extremely muscular strong man of advanced age. His long grey and white hair is wild and wind whipped. He is usually naked except for leather sandals and sometimes draped with animal skins. Step 6 (The Pentagram and Six Rayed Star) Now that you have the banishing pentagrams charged and the four winds called now is the time to once more assume the goddess/star posture. AROUND your heart center a banishing pentagram is traced in beautiful fiery green and is allow growing large until it is big enough to out your own body being held in the goddess/star pose. Say “I am within the embrace of my mother Venus, keeper of the sacred pentagram and tender to the cradle of our race”. Now again AROUND your heart center see the golden six rayed star of sol over both your heart center and say “Within me shines the radiance of Sol, for I am the center of my own universe, a reflection of the most sacred and most high”! Step 7 (The grand swirlings) http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2012/04/understanding-lesser-banishing-ritual.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Understanding the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Full Disclosure

It is in this moment that a number of things happen. 1. The zodiac ring around your heart center beginnings to spin clock wise extremely quickly and projects energy outward. 2. The keepers of the Four Winds (Erus, Zephyrus, Notus and Boreus ) begin to create a cyclone of whirling energy around you in a East to South to West to North direction. 3. The Crown of Heaven above your head begins to swirl in a clock wise direction getting even brighter. The Pentagram around you and the six rayed star inside you beam like the sun and become so bright it’s almost blinding. Allow this to continue for only a short time. No more than say a minute or two. Allow this energy to fizzle like a sparkler fizzles and allow things to become quite once more. REPEAT “Step 2” and ONLY the prayer hands/hand closing current of “Step 3” to close out the ritual. So essence The grand cross the vibrations and intonations (sayings) and the final hands coming together over the heart center after letting the body experience the grand cross momentarily and it’s intonation of “My I be brilliant and bold in all thing I do”. This is the LBRP of my tradition and one of the most original and INTACT forms in existence. The people who perform the LBRP in this manner have all reported amazing psychic awareness increases, powerful protection and astral sense development like nothing else they have encountered. Also fear of supernatural/spiritual intelligences all but vanish and profound contact with higher level intelligences and spiritual influences has taken place. Please begin this practice as soon as possible and watch the video series coming up that will describe in better detail the symbolic and iconography imagery of this ritual. -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Invocation to the March Rider Ritual

Friday, February 8, 2013

Invocation to the March Rider Ritual This is the magickal invocation to the March Rider, an aspect of the God Mars with a great deal of European influence. He is one of the mightiest spirits of my house. Repeat it at least once daily. Say it with passion and fucking meaning! Don't be a pussy!!! If you want to construct an altar to him use five red candles, a pic of St. George, adorn his altar with colorful flowers, wild flowers are better, pour him an occasional shot of whiskey and dedicate a cigar to him. Light the cigar, inhale and blow the smoke across his altar five times! Ask him for blessing of his strength, his courage, his protection, and to mow down any obstacles in your way to achievement and success. Petition him for love and to bless you with great sexual vigor! Ask him to cleanse, purify and vitalize your blood. Sprinkle cayenne on his altar and toss on a couple cloves of garlic! Do pushups in front of his altar or any type of rigorous exercise. Let him SEE that you are serious about wanting strength and learning war magick!! There are NO pretenders in my house! You want magickal power? Then show my spirits you are willing to sweat and suffer for it! ------March Rider Ritual Invocation--------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever onward, ever forward Charge, Charging into battle, to war! Ever onward, ever forward! Thy blessed lance, that spearhead of a righteous avenging God. God of magick, man, woman and child. Ever onward, ever forward! The hooves of thunderous fire burning away and revealing the fertile soil, the flowers for your consort appear in your wake, our mother, a promise of hope and a new day. Ever onward, ever forward! The sweat on your brow is the tears of humanity, cried by the pains cause by wicked minds and blackened hearts. Ever onward, ever forward! The flush in your cheeks is the blood shed by the innocent, dripped from off the teeth and nails of sinister beings. Ever onward, ever forward! Clad in the mantle of crimson kisses, the lips of our mother who heals our hurts. Ever onward, ever forward! We are behind you, we lend our rage to all atrocities, that power flows to you Great Father, into your arms which where formed in beauty and in strength. Ever onward, ever forward! Its minions flee in terror but are still crushed under heel of boot and hoof of horse. Ever onward, ever forward! With precision beyond imagination, the monster now sees the lighting flash in your eyes as you drive that blessed lance of retribution into its vile heart! The dragon is slain! The Dragon is slain! The Dragon is slain! Hail March Rider, we invoke thee! We ride with thee! Ever onward, ever forward! Ever onward, ever foward! Ever onward, ever forward! Ever onward, ever forward! To War! To War! To War! -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Directions for upcoming long term project.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Directions for upcoming long term project.

This will be directions to how to evoke a particular spirit from the Goetia that has come has come to me and in which I have established a spiritually binding contract with witnessed by Lord Saturn. This spirit has agreed that you can evoke with for this long standing ritual with certain restrictions lifted so that he may do this work, you can empower him and that you can learn what it is to work magically and with a powerful spirit. Andromalus I will now introduce the 72nd spirit of the Goetia; Andromalus. Andromalus will appear as a very well groomed older gentleman with silver white hair. His eyes are icy blue and fierce but his face is kind. He is naked and extremely muscular… inhumanly so. He is older, a little paunch and his body reflects that. He is continuously wrestling a very large and thick snake that looks like a pale; snow white, viper with eyes that sizzle with yellow and green energy. Its fangs drip with venom that looks very foamy and burns like potent acid when it drips on the ground. It is always trying the strike him but he has complete control over it. He will speak to you as is he is not even concerned about the viper and will not speak about it if asked. He will redirect you back to why have called him. Andromalus says he was unjustly placed in the Goetia and resents the story that him and these other spirits were trapped in the brass box and enslaved by Solomon. He claims that story was not true and that Solomon is not who he has made out to be. He also says he was a local deity for a group of people massacred and enslaved by the Israelites. His was a story of betrayal and loss. He has said he might reveal http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/directions-for-upcoming-long-term.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Directions for upcoming long term project.

to me his entire story at some point. Andromalus; due to his history, is wrathful against thieves and wicked people, and has offered to go against the “bankers”… and others ummmm societies. He is known for not only making sure thieves get brought to justice but in making sure that the property stolen is also returned. He is willing to come into the G.O.O.D.S house and I think he would fit in very well. Evoke him once a week; Saturday will be best, and ask him about what you can do to aid him and encourage him in his work. Feel free to tell him about when you have been betrayed and stolen from. He will find common ground with you. He can aid you in getting retribution and your items returned. Ask him for protection against evil people. Starting March 2nd you can begin evoking him. Every three months after on the first Saturday evoke him and offer him a very rare steak and a glass of sweet but cheap (he says he likes the taste) port wine. This will empower him to continue this work… oh and apparently some green beans… slightly cooked with fair amount of salt. Feel free to share your experiences with Andromalus, make a blog or videos about working with him and helping him go after the BIG thieves and bring them to justice and have our property and money returned. Steps for evocation 1. Perform the LBRP 2. Perform the Knights of the Round Protection Ritual 3. Middle Pillar Ritual/MPR 4. Perform the Light from Prime Creator invocation 5. Open the house of the Moon 6. Greeting the Goddess Luna 7. Invocation of Saint George 8. Evocation of the Spirit Andromalus 9. Banishing of the Spirit Andromalus 10. Thanking the Goddess Luna 11. Closing the house on the Moon 12. Perform the LBRP Detailed Steps 1. LBRP (I recommend you use the method of my order) 2. Knights of the Round Protection Ritual 3. Middle Pillar Ritual/MPR 4. Light from Prime Creator Invocation http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/directions-for-upcoming-long-term.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Directions for upcoming long term project.

Light a solid white candle and have the brilliant white sphere over your head once more. Ask for ultimate spiritual protection, heal all your aura damages and seal it up completely. To banish all evil forces from your life and whatever else you need and be HONEST about what that is. Rise your arms above your head and bring them back down to your side slowing vibrating “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” timed with lowering your hands. Do it again this time vibrate “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Do it again this time vibrate “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Now last time do it combining all three sounds “EEEEEEEEEEEE-AhhhhhhhhhOhhhhhhhhhhh” and your aura or sphere of personal influence SUPER charged with bright white light. 5. Opening the House on the Moon On a small platform have a black mirror or a bowl of water. The bowl should be black. You can purchase a glass black bowl from the dollar store or paint the outside of a clear glass bowl with black paint (the bowl should also be used to contain the correspondences for the planetary sphere of the Moon or Luna). If you can get it; a purple fabric as a table cloth for the bowl or black mirror. List of correspondences for Luna/Moon Sphere • Sandalwood and or Jasmine incense • Quartz Crystal and Moonstone • Silver • Figurine of a crescent moon • The color purple Collect items as you go. Place them in or on a black bowl or mirror and wrap them up in the purple fabric. Start at least with the incense and purple fabric.

Walk clockwise around the where you will be using nine times while chanting Luna and feeling a strong energetic expansion in your sexual energy center. Now stand in the middle of your circle now vibrationally becoming merged with the planetary sphere of Luna/astral world. Draw with your finger the INVOKING pentagram while vibrating the name Luna nine times. Now declare: “The House on the Moon is now open! The worlds have been merged and the physical is now ever closer to the astral!” http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/directions-for-upcoming-long-term.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Directions for upcoming long term project.

You have now charged a planetary sphere contained inside a magic circle.

6. Invoking the Goddess Luna Speak the invocation to the Goddess Luna “Hail Goddess Luna, your beauty and skin most fair. You bring me the dreams which have carried me here. I am here to walk your sensuous and fantastic realm. I am here to delve into the mysteries of the Astral world most divine. Guide and protect me Luna, awaken in me the power dreams and the astral plastic. You are the foundation of magic Luna and I bow before your sacred art.”

*If you wish, now is the time to also ask for the protection for the Arch-Angel Gabriel. I am still iffy about angels but I see the value of the Arch-Angels and enjoy the fact that they rebelled against the Alien/Archon God Yahweh/Jehovah. 7. Invocation the Saint George Somewhere that will be out of the way of your working Luna table set up your focus point for Saint George. Saint George Image of Saint George or Saint George candle Colors: Red and White Incense: Dragon’s Blood Candle: Red and white or just red Alcohol: Shot of Wiskey at or over 80 proof. If you feel comfortable… IF…. Then you can light the shot glass of whiskey on fire, if not… don’t worry about it. Light his incense, his candle and MAYBE the shot of whiskey read aloud his invocation.

Invocation to Saint George Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain? Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof? One sound I shall never hear is the dropping of your lance or the clamor of your armor fall. I ride with you where the dragons are Good George. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/directions-for-upcoming-long-term.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Directions for upcoming long term project.

I ride with you both night and day. I ride with you though I may be weary from battle setting all wrongs right. I fight under your banner with righteous strength and unyielding courage. As I ride with you I know that you are at my side. I know that your lance is set and you are ready to charge at the first offense against me. I know that where ever I am there you are in worlds both magic and mundane. Lance by lance, horse by horse and soldier by soldier we tally forth. Ride out with me now Good George I travel to distant lands far from home. Ride out with me now Good George our destination is mark off the map and says “here be dragons”. There is no place you cannot journey no road too treacherous for your glorious steed. Ride out with me now Good George I need the strength of an armored champion whose lance will never drop nor whom has ever fallen. Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain? Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof? See yourself now wearing celestial armor of Protection and Saint George On his steed right next to you.

8. Evocation of the Spirit Andromalus Light two candles; best if white or black, on each side the black mirror or black bowl filled half way of water. Point with your power finger above your head and has you lower you’re your finger to the bowl or mirror time it with the following evocation while in your other hand hold the sigil of Andromalus so that you can see it in your peripheral vision. “In the name of the most high, that which is the source of all things and all power of the universe and the prime mover and prime creator of which I am in its direct service and at one with. I call you forth spirit Andromalus form where ever you are. I call you forth to appear within this scrying device on the astral realm that I may see you and hear you. You should appear in a pleasing way and speak with a pleasant voice. I stand with whom is the most high, most sacred and with a mission of most urgency. You are compelled by this power to answer this call and be friendly and make no threats against me. Now appear in the scrying device spirit Andromalus and let us begin this work.” Place the sigil of Andromalus at the base of the black mirror or black bowl. Stare with a soft gaze into the reflecting surface. At first this may be a little strange but your refection with change and you you begin to see Andromalius. He will speak to http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/directions-for-upcoming-long-term.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Directions for upcoming long term project.

you telepathically. Tell him you have been stolen from, your money, life and future and all of humanity’s money, lives and future by the bankers and the evil cabal. That you need him to work for you and help bring them to justice and return that money and property to you and all the others stolen from. That you and others will be summoning him and offering him thanks every 3 months for the next year for his working. Ask him for protection and guidance. Listen to what he has to say. Thank him for appearing and wish him well. That peace should be between you two and that you will speak kindly of him and make those offerings. 9. Banishing of the Spirit Andromalus After you have conversed thank him for coming. Perform the BANISHING pentagram in front of the black mirror or black bowl 10 times saying: “Return back Andromalus.” Each time you make the BANISHING pentagram 10. Thanking the Goddess Luna Say aloud “Thank most fair and beautiful Goddess Luna. Your realm sparkles and is as lovely as the night sky. I am blessed to have access to the foundation of all magic and be in the presence of a most talented sorceress. I know where my dreams come from, for you are the mother of dreams and I am humbled and honor to know this divine truth. May there always be peace between us Luna. I shall delight you by turning my dreams into realities and reflecting back your grand mysteries.” 11. Closing the house on the Moon Now perform the BANISHING pentagram nine times saying: I banish the presence of Luna with each drawing of the BANISHING pentagram. Walk nine times COUNTER clockwise around are area saying: “Depart Luna sphere depart from this physical realm”. Now declare: http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/directions-for-upcoming-long-term.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Directions for upcoming long term project.

“The House on the Moon is now closed and the worlds are separated and restored back to their normal functions!” Clean up and store on the Luna planetary correspondences. 12.Perform the LBRP Place the sigil of Andromalus on your altar. This ends the ritual -Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Answering Questions, Rant, Books, Plans, and whatever the fuck else.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Answering Questions, Rant, Books, Plans, and whatever the fuck else. I have been receiving a lot of questions lately about if I am a Hermetic Magician when in prior blogs, e-mail responses and videos I have said that I was not a member of the Golden Dawn or other Hermetic Orders. Let me state publicly right here and now that I AM NOT A HERMETIC MAGICIAN. I am a RITUAL or CEREMONIAL MAGICIAN. What this means is that I use the act of ritual in a very focused way to create the necessary interactions within and so outside in alignment with above and so below to effect the non-physical reality which with a board net you could deem that the “astral world” and the results are changes upon the physical plane. That being said let me also state this: ALL Hermetic Magicians are Ritual or Ceremonial Magicians; however, NOT ALL Ritual or Ceremonial Magicians are Hermetic Magicians. I practice what is called Planetary Magic which is based in direct interaction with the Planetary Spheres and direct interfacing with the spirits and intelligences of those particular Planetary Spheres. I also directly interface with what in my tradition are called“outer” planetary spirits and intelligences. There are also what is called “transplutonian” intelligences which are insane and by virtue of their own alien nature hostile towards human life and extremely aggravated by the light of our sun. Much of what is written that are called “larvae” probably stemmed from transplutonian interactions. I have been on some level able to communicate with these beings and what of which I can bare to report back is that they would love nothing more then to help bring about a longstanding plan to declare our sun an enemy and have it destroyed or blocked out. This way they can then physically inhabit what would be cold and dying and aid in further genetically dehumanizing the human being into a weak mulling mutant with no understanding of self and very easily turned are meat puppet to serve as a vessel for the energetic projections of a being's will (possession) and or serve as unquestioning slaves. Much of my work with the Necronomican is directly due to my mentor's and his teachers' experiences and linage of these being passed down and how to repel them. Because I AM NOT a Hermetic Magican I AM NOT bound to Hermetic Tradition so that frees me up from the continuous intellectual masturbatory psycho babble http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/answering-questions-rant-books-plans.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Answering Questions, Rant, Books, Plans, and whatever the fuck else.

arm chair theory garbage that is rampant within its ranks. I DO NOT use nor advocate the use of Hebrew God Names as I firmly believe that Yahweh/Jehovah and ALL the angels are simply achons. By virtue of this I believe and have had demonstrated that Lucifer or the Christain Devil/Satan, whatever spiritual being who has donned that mantle is ALSO an archon. It matters NOT if this being rebelled against the archon Yahweh for this being only rebelled so that it may stand as the head of its own archonic super order. This means they both FUCKING SUCK and need to be exorcised off and away from this planet. I am also HIGHLY suspicious of Arch Angels also. Angels ARE NOT your friends. They are the COPS (Pigs) thugs that enforce the Yahweh order. You think cops are your friend?? In America we have a 2nd, 4th and 5th amendments for a reason and As Above So Below defend and maintain those rights with both Cops and Angels... best if you avoid both all togther. Because I AM NOT a Hermetic Magician I am also NOT and thankful NEVER have been worried about or suffered the total delusion that there are “demons”. This trash is proof that many so-called psuedo-occultists are still chained by the tenets of the Christain Church and thereby still living under its standard and as such still abiding by its laws and without question still allowing this pedophilic monster to leech off their energy which then allows its growth to continue its imprisonment of their spirits and control of their afterlife. Demon comes from DAEMON which ONLY MEANS “powerful spirit'!! Repeat that to yourself 100 times and follow it up with a solid self imposed blow to your own head with a sizable stone every tenth utterance and you will not forget and be able to share in the massive headache these twits who spout off about demons have caused me over the years. DEMONS ARE NOT ALIENS... FUCK!!!! I will personally curse whoever started this supreme exercise in moronism with a horrible leaking disease of the ass if only to match the horrible verbal leakage of their mouth! SATURN IS NOT SATAN!!! FUCK!!!!! Saturn does control time, space and demanding you ACTUALLY work and train and toil for mastery of something so trust me when I say I can understand why a bunch of soft pasty diaper rash pussies would think he is Satan because physical engagement means getting off line and putting into practice all their so-called studies... that would be the death of them for sure. My order comes through Haiti by a mentor who was raised in Palo Myombe, 21 Divisons Santeria, he BECOME a Voudu Houngan Asogwe and was brought in Qimbanda in Brazil. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/answering-questions-rant-books-plans.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Answering Questions, Rant, Books, Plans, and whatever the fuck else.

I promise you that the African traditions will start to become VERY popular with Europeans here VERY soon. WHY? Because the European magic systems have been FUCKED and picked over by money feasting whores of Mammon and rendered near unusable by a curious blend of purposeful misinformation and useful idiots with the grand power of “cut and paste” on the internet. Many of these pure HUCKSTERS are now jumping ship and claiming (LYING) initiations into the greatly misunderstood and mysterious African magical systems in hopes to be there, willing and ready to sell the truly seeking and disenfranchised their CRAP and pieced together patch work of absolute deceit and hogwash. I have slept with enough black women (many of them initiates into these very African traditions) to earn myself a full ride athletic scholarship from the NAACP. They have told me A LOT... let me repeat that A LOT of information and bestowed upon me many, many rituals that are not made public. My mentor brought my into Makaya a Bocor Tradtion with a base in Haiti and taught me all he could without breaking very serious oaths about Voudu and Palo. I PROMISE YOU that 99% of anyone claiming initiation into Hatian Voudu is a liar and if they had not been to Haiti to be initiated into Haitin Voudu they are 100% lying about their initiations or where suckered by a huckster from Haiti and taken for A LOT of money and are victims themselves. This means they are not authorized to teach you anything about the Loa or their mysteries. You may serve the loa like Papa Legba, Erzuile Freda or Oguon etc and they may help you actually become initiated at some point however that doesn't make you a houngan or mambo and presenting yourself as one is DANGEROUS. Also claiming to be a Bokor when you are not is also dangerous has the very lava hot spirits of those traditions do not take kindly to being trifled with either and must be handled with the proper introductions. Be on the lookout here for people claiming to be of the Qimbanda religion. This is a as of yet not so exploited tradtion. I MYSELF I AM A MEMBER OF A QIMBANDA TRADTION AND I WILL WITHIN A FEW YEARS BE FULLY A PRIEST however for me to claim anything of authority in that tradition yet would be a smear and slap in the face of these shockingly strong spirits. I am however a FULLY initiated Ritual Magician in a magical tradition of MARSARIAN SPIRITUAL WARFARE in a house where possession does happen, where physical magic, blood magic, sexual magic, necromancy, medium ship, channeling, astral mysteries and all levels of planetary magic take place on a daily basis. I directly interface with these intelligences and patrons or matrons in a must, daily self exorcisms, banishings and training is a must. And yes... I specialize in eliminating reptilian entities because they have the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/answering-questions-rant-books-plans.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Answering Questions, Rant, Books, Plans, and whatever the fuck else.

strongest and longest stake against this planet and its inhabitants. It is a rough and raw house but all those of ferocious, courageous and righteous hearts are called and welcomed to walk this path. The tradition of Wicca for which I am fully initiated 3rd Degree High Priest is one that makes people loose their shit. This is a true socerous path and I promise you you will see European magic in a strong and pure form with all the horns, hooves, bones and wild free sexually charged and frenzied Gods and Goddess of unabashed freedom, liberty and love of nature and family that you have dreamed might exist.... it does!

I feel as though I am getting to well known. I might step away again from doing videos. This is NOT a cult. This about the message not me. This is a magic that is your birth right and magic that has been kept from you because magic is the true secret weapon of the elite. Magic is how they have summoned and conjured much of the inter dimensional and hyper dimensional intelligences that now visit this planet physically and direct our world leaders. THEY DO NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. It is here in the astral world where we have the best chance to summon allies and direct the visitation of beings who could help us and glean their technology to combat what is being implemented against us. Do you know who many children and even adults go missing every year without a trace??? The work of a few dedicated kidnappers or serial killers??? Do the math! Something is horribly wrong!!! Drones now fly in our skies. Our money is monopoly money, they are building TVs that watch you, your cell phones record EVERY SINGLE CONVESATION YOU HAVE and the data bases they have keep then on file and they mean to keep and study your words, intellectual mannerisms and emotional responses FOREVER. They mean to study you, how to scientifically enslave your physical body and brain. They mean to keep your mind and entrap your spirit. You NEED to begin seeing those missing children as YOUR children, those missing adults as your brother, your sister, your father and or your father, husband or wife! This scientific dictatorship means to make you a pseudo-eltistest where you believe you have the possibility to join the upper ranks and for your own survival help eliminate and enslave the “chattle” or goyims. YOU DON'T!!! Its a nasty club and they prefer to keep their membership very very select and small. They are not taking applications. THIS IS A WAR!!! I plan on helping to win. After this is over I disappear. I go live a life that is without restrictions. I go pursue http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/answering-questions-rant-books-plans.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Answering Questions, Rant, Books, Plans, and whatever the fuck else.

a degree in astronomy I go and move into an observatory. I practice my magic for much more personal aims. At that point such an option if afforded. I am not a guru, I am not a professional magician. If we don't hold the line here, if we don't occupy the astral world no money I make means anything. The car a drive, the house I own, the family and loved ones I have... its all for not if we don't win. I am nearing completion of my first book. I will then release probably three books that will contain the whole G.O.O.D.S order. The magical practices, the invocations, evocations, guardians, exercises, spiritual warfare,etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Past that it is up to you to carry on that work. To create your communities to organize to network. If you wish to help make that work possible please donate to my work. This books will be beyond anything you have ever seen. They will not be hundreds of dollars, hell probably around $20... yep I am fucking cheap like that. Understand me, I was physically abducted at a very young age and told I would fetch a good price by a man who was latter arrested for pedophilia and human trafficking. I was able to escape. He had a young accomplice at the time who was about 16 years old who helped him lure kids to him. I wonder how many kids did not get away or what fully happened to them. Latter I was asked if I ever heard the name Richard Ramirez in conjunction with the man that abducted me. I had not. But his possible connection to a man dubbed the Night Stalker; a ritually linked prolific serial killer, gives me pause to wonder about how things might have turned out. I hate people like this with a furry I don't think I could ever intellectually convey. The “man” is dead now. I couldn't reach him physical behind prison walls; but, I got something called magic, bitch. I heard his passing was.... awful. Necromancy can give the dead a chance to exact justice and WOW do they LOVE serving up justice in creative and memorable ways. I made a special trip to visit his young accomplice in the physical.... the result I found satisfying to say the least. I have great confidence that his chances of stalking young children have been negatively impacted.... as is getting up to use the bathroom. Ironic... someone goes from hunting down kids just out of huggies and into having to wear them himself. Magic has brought me the chance to realize the divinity inside myself. It has helped http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/03/answering-questions-rant-books-plans.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Answering Questions, Rant, Books, Plans, and whatever the fuck else.

me life live harder, faster, more raw and wild. I love with a full heart, when I cry I cry out of pain so deep it feels like my guts are being clawed out of me, when I hate its like a white hot wire goes through my brain, when I explore and have adventures its like I am discovering new expanses of the universe. I have been able to live out every fantasy I have ever had. Seen things that most can't even imagine about and heard the voices of beings that have seen the passage of time from the beginning to when their whispers made contact with my ears. I am fucking crazy, but I am free and I would rather die then not be anything but. I the magic I teach, the magic I know and the magic I was taught reflects all this. They say a man needs to draw a circle around everything and everyone he loves and defend its boarders from any and all invaders.... here is my share of drawing a world wide line in the sand. This is my gift to humanity, part of my great work. A spark to ignite a 1000000000000000000000000000000 mega ton powder keg of divinity that lays dusty and near forgotten deep inside you. Dare you hold a match so close? I did and I recommend you do too. -Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Facebook, e-mail, and youtube account issues, comments and concerns.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Facebook, e-mail, and youtube account issues, comments and concerns. I will do a video on this here very soon, but, I want to get this out on the blog first. I am completely locked out of my facebook account. The page is still up, but I am unable to login. Therefore I am unavailable to answer any questions there. I get a lot of e-mails. It is NOT unusual for me to log on to my e-mail, and receive notifications that there have been multiple attempts at "guessing" my password, temporary lock outs, and half if not more of the messages sent to me, GONE. The same thing happens to my you tube account on a very regular basis. There are well over a hundred comments on videos, I can not approve.The messages I try to send will not send, and like my e-mail, messages will also be deleted. It is also not uncommon to find my account, "temporarily", blocked, or frozen; due to what I am guessing, is hack attempts. I've needed to change my password... a few times, lets say. Well, at least I know, I and WE, are touching a raw nerve... somewhere. At one point my old YouTube account just disappeared. If it was not for Kevin Hardaway, and a few others, all those videos would have been gone. Send Kevin messages a THANK HIM for that :) I believe the reason I am writing now, is because, well... its hard to delete a hard copy book. I am upset, a little. There was some comments on by someone on the Faceboook (of which I receive email notifications of, but, I am unable to log on to) wondering why I am not returning e-mails... has anyone every meet this guy, etc, but yet as I go look at this persons page (of which they are inviting people too... and that is ok), they have STOLEN everything I gave out on the crucifixion and Qaballa connections, wrote it like it came from THEM, gave me NO credit, and twisted it on top of that. Seriously??? If my information is good enough to get a FUCK ton of "likes", and "shares" and people saying things like "This post is the reason Facebook should exist", then obviously I know what the fuck I am talking about, I don't need to have my personal integrity questioned. For fucks sake. I get physically threatened. I have been followed, I know what its like to have http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/04/facebook-e-mail-and-youtube-account.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Facebook, e-mail, and youtube account issues, comments and concerns.

helicopters buzz the house I am living in. I know what its like to have multiple 3 am hung up calls on my cell phone. I know what its like to receive violent messages scrawled on my front door. That ALL happened when I began the first channel. I know the correlation. If you have never experienced this... its hard to explain the understanding you need to come to and the reality that you must accept. 99% of you are AWESOME. I love you. I will share everything I know as I can, I promise that. If I am not able to email you beck, I apologize if I am not able to email you back. Its a good chance I never even got to see your email. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe this blog is a better medium?? I don't seem to have much issue here. I am writing. I am working. I WILL MAKE THESE BOOKS A REALITY. Thank you for sticking with me through this. It means A LOT to me. -Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: "Codified" Saint George Altar set-up, working, and prayer.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Codified" Saint George Altar set-up, working, and prayer. I have put out some other variations of the Saint George Altar, but THIS is the official. Any questions will be answered in regards to this. If you have questions, concerns or comments, or want to do specific, “bigger”, workings with Saint George, e-mail me. Whiskey was something I had personally began with him for a specific reason. He just recently reminded me that he enjoys RUM and beer.... so... just to clarify. lol

Saint George or Good George is the patron of the G.O.O.D.S magical order. All magical operations are preformed under his direction, guidance, and protection. It is vital that you build, keep, and maintain an active altar to him. This altar will serve as powerful spiritual protection in your life, the house you live in, and all who dwell there. This altar will also allow Good George to visit you, be an active part of your life, and guide your work. As active altar means you are visiting it at least one a day. Candles are ALWAYS lit, water, and offerings, or being replenished. I will detail you you what the altar, “should”, look like. Please do your best to follow this format as close as possible. You will need: 2 “novella” candles. One Red and One White. These are the candles that come in the glass containers, and are meant to burn for seven to nine days. You need to get them plain. NO other images on the candles. They are usually at dollar stores, or botanicas. An image of Saint George. One of him slaying the dragon is the official image of the G.O.O.D.S. A bottle of Rum 5 cigars Dragon's Blood Incense Dragon's Blood Oil




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: "Codified" Saint George Altar set-up, working, and prayer.

Olive Oil Crushed Bay Leave Cinnamon Red Pepper flakes A Horse Shoe A Dagger A red altar cloth A white or clear non-flammable (glass) plate A glass, shot glass A glass of water A bottle of Beer

Dust, and wipe down the area you will use for the altar space. Open the bottle of Rum, take a swig, and spray (from your mouth) the area you will be using for your altar, five times. Light one of the cigars, exhale smoke over the area, five times. Allow the area to air dry. While you are waiting for the area to air dry. Cleanse ALL the items you will be placing or WILL EVER place on the altar using the Rum and the cigar in the exact same way as above (EXCEPT a paper image of Good George, if you have a picture frame with glass in front of it, then cleanse it). Every new novella candle, horse shoe, dagger, plate, incense holder, etc. Put the red altar cloth over the area. Now facing the altar. The Image of Saint George in the middle, to the far back of the altar so he can over look all his offerings. Dress the red and white novella Lay the candle horizontal. On the glass rub a mixture of olive oil, dragon's blood incense and spray of rum. Rub the candle from the central point outwards with both hands moving AWAY from the center point. Make the entire length, and are of the candle has been touched. While you do this think about Saint George, and how you are dedicating this candle to him. This will http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/04/codified-saint-george-altar-set-up.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: "Codified" Saint George Altar set-up, working, and prayer.

charge the candle. On top of the candle sprinkle crushed bay, red pepper flakes, and cinnamon. Not to much, but enough to “pepper” it. Facing the altar, place the red candle to the left of the image of Saint George, and the white candle to the right of the image. Place the horse shoe so that from your perspective, it is facing upwards. Lay the dagger across the the horse shoe. Place a glass of fresh water on the left side of the horse show. Pour a shot of rum, and place it on the right side of the horse shoe. Place in front of the horse show the incense holder, light dragon's blood incense. Place the Bottle of rum of the altar. Place the cigars on the altar. Place the white plate where you have room, on the altar. Pop open a bottle beer for him. Light both the novella candles (they are meant to burn non-stop for 7 to 9 days, 24 hours a day). If you are absolutely terrified of them burning when you are not around, snuff them, but make sure you relight them when you are around.) Recite Good George Prayer “Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain? Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof? One sound I shall never hear is the dropping of your lance or the clamor of your armor fall. I ride with you where the dragons are Good George. I ride with you both night and day. I ride with you though I may be weary from battle setting all wrongs right. I fight under your banner with righteous strength and unyielding courage. As I ride with you I know that you are at my side. I know that your lance is set and you are ready to charge at the first offense against me. I know that where ever I am there you are in worlds both magic and mundane. Lance by lance, horse by horse and soldier by soldier we tally forth. Ride out with me now Good George I travel to distant lands far from home. Ride out with me now Good George our destination is mark off the map and says “here be dragons”. There is no place you cannot journey no road too treacherous for your glorious steed. Ride out with me now Good George I need the strength of an armored champion whose lance will never drop nor whom has ever fallen. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/04/codified-saint-george-altar-set-up.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: "Codified" Saint George Altar set-up, working, and prayer.

Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain? Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof? ------State whatever personal spiritual/magical request that you have, what you need---------- (Protection, healing, money, job, etc) *See yourself clad in spiritual armor.

EVERYDAY Make sure the water on his altar is fresh. Note if it is disappearing. Replenish frequently. Light him a new incense, and let it burn. Recite the pray to him. EVERY TUESDAY Open a fresh bottle of Beer for him Pour him a new shot of rum Replace the novella candles (if they have burned out completely) Fresh Water Light him a cigar, blow smoke all over his altar 5 times. Lave the lit cigar on the plate, and let it burn out naturally. Light him a new incense. Take the old candles, beer bottle, and ashes of the incense and cigar, place in a regular brown paper bag. Go to the nearest railroad and leave them at the side of tracks. Ask Saint George to have all your troubles get on the next train, and never come back. Ask that your physical, and spiritual strength have the force of a train behind them. Poor the beer out on over or near the railroad tracks. If you are worried about, “littering”, touch the bag to the ground, offer a prayer of thanks to Saint George. Pick up the bag and dispose of in the trash.

-Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Do you know (blank) and Questions about his connections to Haitian Voudu, Congo Sorcery, and Brazialian Quimbanda

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Do you know (blank) and Questions about his connections to Haitian Voudu, Congo Sorcery, and Brazialian Quimbanda I am get a lot of questions about these three magical-religious traditions, and a particular individual, who is eluding to the fact that he practices them. My mentor, Spiritual Father was a Houngan Asogwe (Haitian Voudu), trained in Congonese Sorcery (in Cuba), and brought into Quimbanda Cult, as well as grew up around 21 Divisions Santeria. So, while these are still very mysterious traditions to Westerners, many FRAUDS will try and align themselves with these traditions, and hoodwink as many people as they can. I believe this to be FULLY the case with this individual, AND a few others. Unfortunately for them... I am one trained magician WHO ACTUALLY HAD a teacher who WAS a major player in ALL those religions, and passed on to ME a tradition where many elements of them had been brought into a magical house where they are worked, loved, and honored.

This is MY Spiritual Father, a Houngan Asogwe (Voudu Priest of the HIGHEST degree)he is standing next to his altar dedicated to the Baron Samedi (King of the Graveyard in Haitian Voudu). He was the REAL FUCKING DEAL, and passed MUCH and REAL magic through DIRECT transmissions to his son, and that would be me. I carry on his tradition, and I will follow all the destiny lines he set froth for me. I have not even scratched the surface with you, with what I know, we WILL get there. I promise. When I am ready, I will open up a physical location, and I will host FULL and TRUE initiations in ALL what I know, and you will have the opportunity to get initiated in (if you wish), some of the magical traditions above. This IS my great work. ***** It is in my destiny line, from the grand divination preformed by my Spiritual Father, to become a priest in a few of those above mentioned traditions. I may, or http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/04/do-you-know-blank-and-questions-about.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Do you know (blank) and Questions about his connections to Haitian Voudu, Congo Sorcery, and Brazialian Quimbanda

may not be, currently working towards that goal, and with REPUTABLE people, and I might be A LOT further a long then I will admit :) You MUST be initiated into these Magical Religions. These traditions are NOT just about magic. They contain the traditions, wisdom, hopes, dreams, goals, destiny, triumphs, tragedies, and over soul of an ENTIRE people. To LIE, and SELL their religion is a great offense, a dishonoring, and akin to spitting in that whole tradition's; the deities', and spirits' face. If you claim to be initiated, a hounagn, or mambo of HAITIAN Voudu, you MUST have been initiated IN Haiti. There IS NO SUCH THING as a Haitian Voudo initiation, outside of Haiti. New Orleans Voudu is different, but still, you MUST play be their tradition. There is NO SUCH THING as "American Voudu", and anyone claiming is is a TOTAL fraud. Up next will be the middle pillar exercise streamlined, the sword, the wand, the celestial armor and then I will post a very direct method of spirit of evocation. -Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: "Codified" Middle Pillar Ritual (MPR)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Codified" Middle Pillar Ritual (MPR) Codified Middle Pillar Ritual *Always preform the Astral Body Expansion, and LBRP before the Middle Pillar Ritual. 1. Standing in a natural position. See with your magic eye, a Great Brilliant Sphere of white light above your head, about the size of a dinner plate. Reach up with the tip of your finger/wand/dagger, touch the sphere, feel its pulse, and draw a beam of white light down, and into your head at your third eye. The inside of your head now brims with white light, and your head radiates this brilliance like a miniature sun. Tap the tip of your finger/wand/dagger lightly, the middle of your forehead three times. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger now rests lightly in the middle of your forehead. ---------- See in front of you, projected from your magic/3rd eye, the planetary symbol of Uranus. This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Uranus. Your Uranus planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Uranus. (The Realm of Uranus appears as a HIGHLY futuristic realm, lasers, super advanced technology, towering, and floating buildings. Very clean, and very bright. Lots of the white, and platinum.) (UUUUUUUURRRRAAAANNNNNNUUUUUUSSSSSS), at least four times. Let the realm of Uranus quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light decends down in a beam, and settles in your throat. 2. Lightly tap the center of your throat three times. A sphere of dark/black purple (concord grape color) appears, and grows to the size of a grapefruit. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests now lightly on the middle of your throat. The magical planetary symbol of Pluto is projected from your throat. See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Pluto. Your Pluto planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Pluto. (The Realm of Pluto appears as a dark, fearsome, yet immensely powerful realm. Lots of strange towers, braziers of fire, very mafioso, mansions, and lavish taverns. Huge cavern entrances, and billows of narcotic, and hallucinogenic. Lots of purple, red, and black) (PLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUTOOOOOOO), at least four times. Let the realm of Pluto quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light descends down in a beam, and settles in your solar plexus. 3. Lightly tap the center of your solar plexus three times. A sphere of brilliant gold appears, and grows to the size of a grapefruit. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests now lightly on the middle of your solar plexus. The magical planetary symbol of Sol is projected from your solar plexus. See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Sol. Your Sol planetary body now http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/04/codified-middle-pillar-ritual-mpr.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: "Codified" Middle Pillar Ritual (MPR)

stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Sol. (The Realm of Sol appears as a Elysium Field of staggering beauty. Huge golden towers, and castles dot the fields, and the sky is clear, with hues of dawn, noon, and dusk.) (SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL), at least four times. Let the realm of Sol quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light descends down in a beam, and settles in your genitals. 4. Lightly tap the center of your genitals times. A sphere of bright purple appears, and grows to the size of a grapefruit. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests now lightly on the middle of your genitals. The magical planetary symbol of Luna is projected from your genitals. See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Luna. Your Luna planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Luna (if female), Lunar (If male). (The Realm of Luna appears like Las Vegas at night with a strong Sumerian/Babylonian bent. Flashing colors, great towering images of sexual natures, screens of projected dream imagery. Lost of bright purples, violets, hues of blue, and red. ) (LLLLLLLUUUUUUUUNNNNNAAAAAAAA or LLLLLLLUUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAARRRRR), at least four times. Let the realm of Luna quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light descends down in a beam, and settles in your feet. 5. Lightly grip, and release the floor with your toes hree times. A sphere of gorgeous black appears, and grows to the size of a dinner plate, feel the sphere pulse (The top half covers your feet, the bottom extends underneath your feet, into the ground). The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests at your genitals, but points directly at your feet. The magical planetary symbol of Terra appear under your feet (with you in the middle of the encircled equal armed cross) See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Terra. Your Terra planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Terra. (The Realm of Terra appears as a primordial landscape of harsh, wild, and super powered version of any climate or terrain on earth) (TEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA), at least four times. Let the realm of Terra quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. 6. Now allow the sphere to fade away, and slowly let your self come back to normal consciousness. Finished. - Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Xenu is on the lam

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Xenu is on the lam Everyone should know by now that I consider Crowley to be a spectacular representation of human filth, a early British Intelligence PAWN, and all around dirty pedophile fuck bag. I consider the O.T.O, and all deviant forms of Thelema, to be nothing more then shit stains in Crowley putrid underwear. I also strong hate L.Ron Hubbard, just not as much as I despise Crowley. In a conversation I had today, it delight me to remember the chance I got to spell out the rampant gay ass sex Crowley, and Hubbard traded back and forth to a room full of asexual Thelemites. This is a REAL meeting of the...ummm....minds.... between the two.. and Jack Parson also got in all all that..hot.. gross criminal old man, on even grosser criminal old man action. I also delighted in pointing out that, Crowley's HGA

Known as "The Lam"...or by anotehr name, I don't even wish to mention, and Hubbard's Devil of Scientology, Xenu; seem to share a strong resemblance.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Xenu is on the lam

Hey ladies... I think he is single... psyche... Xenu, and The Lam, both prefer ten year old boys.... Grey Alien anal sex..... gives new mean to, "50 shades of Grey" LOL The Grays are the, "Dane Cooks" of evil off world influences, at least with Reptilians, you get the prestige of killing one, the honor of slayer a Dragon, with Greys....yes, kill them, but I feel they present less to brag about, but... that is just me. Crowley wasn't even awesomely evil enough to traffic with Reptilians.... that just makes him even MORE worthless, and ALL his, "occult", insights, are the channeled work of annoying Dane Cook-like bug faces.... that should be a big red flag for anyone with half a brain. Plus... he traded butt sex with L.Ron Hubbard...EWWWWWWWW. Somewhere in all that lube, and smeared fecal matter, The Lam, and Xenu where born. Keep that image in mind, when someone is preaching about the, "wisdom", of Crowely, or the lunacy of Hubbard. Ask yourself... should you really take seriously, what a bunch of gray alien twat,s channeled through their empty headed meat puppets???? The answer is no. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Who is Saint George???

Monday, April 29, 2013

Who is Saint George??? *This was meant to be a specific reply, but, it needed to become a full posting.

Ok, Saint George, or Good George. Like most, "saints", Good George was NOT, nor was he ever, a Christian. His story, and image, was hijacked by early Christians in an attempt to make the, "transition", for the pagan people, subjected to torture, murder of family, starvation, and fear, easier, as they had Christianity forced on them. I will admit, Christianity did a stellar job stealing Good George, and covering their tracks. I believe he was one of the first, and thereby most successful co-opting of old pagan deities. Because the old tribal paganism of Europe is so vast, and so old, it is hard to pinpoint exactly what Good George meant to all of them. But, it is likely that most saw him as a solar deity, and probably a type of Oak King. Good George originally was a champion, a warrior for a tribe, that trained only for fighting. He probably wasn't even a, “hunter”, but someone trained by the hunters to hunt humans, (or from what I have been initiated into, sometimes non-humans. In the opening scene of the X-Files MOVIE, you see two prehistoric men coming to kill an ET.... that would be a very early example of the Good George energy), he was taught the secret of metal working, and taught to use all the weapons the tribe had knowledge of. He was expected to die early, and heroically. If there was a problem, he had better be the first to go, and fix it. The, "Knight", aspects came largely with Christianity, and worked well in explaining Good George's, "champion", roots. Good George, as an Oak King, represented Summer. This is a deep, and high level mystery as it also expressed the vision of the afterlife, and reincarnation ideas of the paganism of Europe. Good George is the Summer, in both the transitory (each individual Summer season) and the Season of Summer itself (The very season of Summer, the indestructible nature). All the trees, animals, people, and lives of each individual summer are temporary. But Summer will come again, and we are are eternal as that, “forever”, summer. Each incarnation we have is an individual summer season which will pass, but we http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/04/who-is-saint-george.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Who is Saint George???

all have that eternal summer nature, and we shall all have another individual season of summer season once more. Good George in his pagan stories killed many, many monsters of tribal legends. Like Thor, Marduk, Zues, Orion, Sigferd, etc; the monsters Good George slayed, where largely reptilian in nature (again, from my initiations, this held significant meaning). The Christians where able to transpose their feelings of dragons, and paganism, as a whole upon a single creature, their now, co-opted Saint George killed. Good George as a Oak King, was locked into eternal conflict was his arch-enemy the Holy King. This conflict would breed progress, and mastery, continual striving to get better, and success as a spiritual virtue. Steel sharpens steel, so for Good George to forever get stronger, he needed an energy to that would forever challenge him, and he could challenge it, in return. There are huge amounts of mysteries here between the Oak, and the Holy, that I will detail at another time, but it is important to mention this opposing, but complementary adversarial energy. The early Christians attempted to co-opt the Oak vs Holy King saga, and even supplicated in their own early war propaganda. The would have Good George (The Red or Summer Knight) battle, and of course defeat, the Turkish (Muslim) Knight (Black(sometimes green) Winter). In most stories he kills the Turkish knight, in a few, the Turkish Knight is badly wounded, and in converted to Christianity. In G.O.O.D.S, I was initiated, and taught the Cult of Good George, in a pagan, and non-Christian form. I understand how the iconography was stolen, adapted, and largely unquestioned for generations. But I promise, Good George IS NOT a Christian, anymore then most the other, “saints”, are. Like holidays, sacred rites, rituals, and the crucifixion mystery itself, Christianity stole these things from other religions, sects, and cults, and made them, “Christian”. Christianity is among the most unimaginative, and crude spiritualistic around, however, it's promise of “do-nothing be believe”, and “Jesus will save you, do everything for you”, appeals to the base, and lazy qualities, that have long been conditioned into humanity. I find this interesting, because apathy, and victim-hood, is what Good George stood against to most. I think this is largely why most people will revere an Archonic energy like Michael, rather then Good George. I don't think Good George works well with most Christians, and for such reason, Michael is the favored patron of christian warriors, and soldiers. Good George just simply does not recognize them championing his causes, so he rarely answers their prayers. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/04/who-is-saint-george.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Who is Saint George???

In my teaching, it was said that England was given to Good George to appease him, and still, he seems to be a distant, “saint”, to most Christians. Not even giving him England, would sway him to be a force for Christianity. That says a lot. You will more likely find Good George in non-christian magical traditions like (Here of course), but Palo Myombre, Quimbanda, Santeria, Voudu, and traditions of Brujia, and only then as an image for Ogun, or Zarabanda. In my tradition we keep Good George, as Good George. I hope this clears somethings up, and as we good forward, I will reveal a great deal more about Good George. His lance, his armor, his horse, his banner, his wound, his blood, his anger, etc. -Uncle Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Reporting For Duty Ritual, A Daily Healing, and Energy Reclamation Ritual. Begin TODAY!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reporting For Duty Ritual, A Daily Healing, and Energy Reclamation Ritual. Begin TODAY! This is a powerful re-claiming, and healing ritual. This ritual is done in the presence of Prime Creator. This ritual will begin to restore you, which will be an ongoing, and continuing process. Once you have done this ritual for about 3 years, the ritual will then move one to repairing parts of past lives you have lived, and move back towards the very origins of who you are. Your present incarnation is the most outer layer of all that you are, and have been. This ritual works from the outside in, returning, back to the very center. This is also a type of daily, "check in". A, "reporting for duty", that once again further aligns you to the planetary high magic of G.O.O.D.S,the House, and the Shed of Rebellion. This aligns you spiritual, magically, and further restores all your humanity; your birth right, blessing, and destiny. Once you start you may notice, "little shifts", in your life. This will last for a couple months. You MAY get slightly sick, this is the purification process, and you will health very quickly, and feel even better, and stronger then before. This should be done daily, and is meant, like all the other rituals of Planetary High Magic, be a ever increasing vibration that infuses with your astral body/energy matrix, which manifests into your life. How to do this: 1.LBRP 2.MPR Light a white candle, a candle dedicated to Prime Creator. See the brilliant sphere of white light above you grow to enormous proportions. The white light casacades down, all around you. Now recite the following;

"Roaring with the fire of the hottest brand I call out to the highest of the high, the holiest of holy that which even the Gods kneel before. The great whirling forth of light and sound, so awesome, that all the universe it but a reflection and echo to its mighty undulations! I, now and forever, reclaim all that is mine, all that I was born with, all my strength and beauty, all my scattered parts and broken pieces!




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Reporting For Duty Ritual, A Daily Healing, and Energy Reclamation Ritual. Begin TODAY!

I lay them before the great Gods of the forge and call to them! Hail Vulcan! Hail Weylend! Hail Brigit! Hail Hephaestus! Come by the name of the most high! Come breath live into the eternal fires of your great forges, work the great bellows, I call forth the four winds to aid you! Come east wind Erus! Come south wind Notus! Come west wind Zephyerus Come north wind Boreus! In the name of the most high I call you to aid the great Gods of the forge! Great masters, lords and ladies of the forge I am a human, your skilled hands wove together all that I am; you have held my race in its infancy. My skin, flesh, bones and sinews, my tendons, teeth and nails are all evidence of your divine mastery. However, I am broken, I have in me parts that are alien to our race, I have been reengineered by entities that lack your talent, and I have been shattered by creations not natural to this world. I stand before you in need of repair! I place myself once again in your hands, at the orders of the Great War general Lord Mars who needs me to be made whole again, that I receive the required upgrades to advance my human evolution without the corrupted reptilian tampering. If I am to have some of this alien programming then let it be so, but, only with the appropriate adjustments done by your hands, I have no doubt that you can take their cumbersome lead and transmute it to sparkling gold. Place me on your forge Great Gods of Creation! I am ready for your alterations! I am ready to feel the purifying heat from the Hearths fires of Hestia and Vesta, I am ready to feel the force of your hammer, I am ready to have all that is poisonous, all that is false, all the astral mechanisms placed on me to keep me dumb and docile drained from me, I am ready to be repaired, remade and reformed into what is my original image. I am ready to be plunged into the sacred waters to be cleansed of all the guilt, regret, and remorse that I have let stain me. They are not naturally a part of me. The alien programming that had infiltrated out race taught us to hoard guilt like http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/reporting-for-duty-ritual-daily-healing.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Reporting For Duty Ritual, A Daily Healing, and Energy Reclamation Ritual. Begin TODAY!

those scaly fuckers hoard gold. This is meant to weigh us down and to turn us against one another. No longer! Lords and Ladies of the forge, Lord Mars orders that you give me his mark and the mark of Lady Venus upon my soul. That all entities may know that I am of the great mystery of the Rose and the Thorn so that I may have the authority of one who stands with humanity and against the scum of treachery and oppression. Being that I bear the mark of Lord Mars and Lady Venus I need you to fashion me a lance and shield worthy of the Mystery of the Rose and the Thorn. May the lance gleam like the sun, like the fire in my heart, the splendor of the most high, may my arm that wields it be strong and terrible in battle like my father Mars, may it strike like lighting! May my shield protect me, cover and surround me like the arms of my mother Venus, so that I might cover and defend her! I have heard and answered the The Marsarian Assemblage for the Preparation for Astral War! Lords and Ladies of the forge! Craft your masterpiece! I will repay you through deeds of courage and valor, strength and honor, will and persistence! Hail Lord Mars! I have heard your call, weapons at the ready, ready to be made strong through exercise; I am reporting to be trained in the skills of war and magick! Lady Venus, Hail! I am here; I am inspired by your beauty, I know no fear in your presence I gather now with the others, our backs to you and out laces point to our enemies! We beg them not to charge, we ask them not to take the field of battle but that is all we can do. For if and when they charge to take what is not theirs to take, our lances will be swift, shields impenetrable, and our circle unbreakable, they impale themselves on us! It is no fault of ours! If they choose this folly, may their deaths be quick, may they not suffer needlessly, may their blood feed the astral and may the on-lookers learn from their grave mistake! I pray that something good may come of this. May the corpses of these vile beings do in death what they could not in life, to feed and support beauty that beauty may http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/reporting-for-duty-ritual-daily-healing.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Reporting For Duty Ritual, A Daily Healing, and Energy Reclamation Ritual. Begin TODAY!

inspire strength! Beauty is the Rose, Strength is the Thorn, Mother is Venus, Father is Mars, I am made from both beauty and strength, the child of Mars and Venus, a cupid, one who knows the love of mother Venus enough to know it must be shared and who has the strength of Father Mars in order to do the sharing of it." Stamp your left foot NINE times to ground this healing, reclamation, and acknowledgement that you are ready to walk this path. NOW you may preform the formulation of astral armor. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: G.O.O.D.S daily ritual routine.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

G.O.O.D.S daily ritual routine. G.O.O.D.S daily routine! Ok, stay with me. I am getting this codified, and ready to go. Some things on the list you will have, some you will not, and I will have that information on the blog VERY soon. Here is the process of daily rituals, and their order. Write this down, follow along the best you can! Do this daily! AM 1. Acknowledgment of Prime Creator, sphere of personal influence(http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/05/all-prime-creatorwants-is-for-you-to.html) 2. LBRP (http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/04/the-codified-lesserbanishing-ritual-of.html) 3. Middle Pillar Ritual(http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/04/codified-middle-pillarritual-mpr.html) 4. Reporting for Duty/Healing, and reclamation ritual (http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/05/reporting-for-duty-ritualdaily-healing.html) 5. Formulation of the Magical Armor (codification coming soon)

PM 1. Lesser Banishing Ritual (http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.ca/2013/04/the-codified-lesserbanishing-ritual-of.html) 2. Formulation of the Magical Armor (Codification coming soon) I understand that there have been some different rituals, and formulations put out in the past. But this my codification, rectification, and my reclamation. Any questions, drop them on the blog. I am going to make this happen. Anyone asking where to begin, they begin here! I am going to fucking rocket launch these rituals out so that NOTHING gets in the way between you, and them. This is the work!! BE DRAGON SLAYERS!!!!




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: G.O.O.D.S daily ritual routine.

-Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Santisima Muerte: The why, and how.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Santisima Muerte: The why, and how. I have recently made the public admission that I am presently working with Santisima Muerte, not only that, I have also been brought into a house run out of South America where I am receiving the necessary preparations to become initiated into her inner court, and be a true, honest priest of her's. This all happened, due to my late mentor, and Spiritual Father. He divined the paths of my destiny, and when the doors where ready to be opened, I would be ushered in. That has happened. I was introduced to Santisima Muerte when I was living in Santa Ana, California. I did not do anything with her then. In fact I saw her as a passing fad, a saint figure that the idiot Wicca groups would try, and co-opt at first, then quickly loose interest when she didn't respond to the goddess chanting of granola munching hippie rejects. While I was correct about the Wiccans, I simply could not have been more wrong about her as a passing fad, especially when it came to her involvement in my life. I was woefully very, very wrong. I did not pick Santisima Muerte. I never, "pick", deities, or spirits. She picked me, and she did so in a way that literally ripped me out from a dead sleep, and reshaped my world forever. It is no secret I am a son of Thor. I love Thor. I will die with Thor in my heart. I might even die screaming his name, and charging a legion of enemies. So when Santisima Muerte, used Thor to declare her intentions with me, I knew this was no casual introduction. In one of the mystery stories of Thor, Thor is challenged by the giants to three feats of strength. He is dared to chug a drinking horn, lift a common cat, and wrestle/pin an old woman. Thor is insulted that these giants would appoint to him such petty tasks. Thor callously grabs the drinking horn, and chugs until his stomach distends, but the horn remains full. Thor then attempts to lift the cat from the floor, but for all his might he can only heft the cat to his hip. Lastly he wrestles the old woman. When they lock-up with such thunderous force, the whole earth trembles, and the oceans around the world become choppy, tidal waves formulate, mountains rise, and fall. However, after such an immense effort Thor is only able to bring the old woman to http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/santisima-muerte-why-and-how.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Santisima Muerte: The why, and how.

a knee. Thor expects the giants to ridicule him. But, he finds the giants terrified. Perplexed Thor demands an explanation. The giants admit they sought to humiliate Thor. However, the drinking horn was really all the world's oceans, and he drank so much, he depleted the oceans by a foot in depth. The cat was actually, the monstrous world serpent which wraps around the entire world seven times. Thor lifted this monster to his hip! Lastly the old woman is really DEATH, and even the Gods will eventually fall to her. But Thor wrestled her to a knee!!! Using this dream as a template, I watched the titanic match up between Thor, and death disguised as an old women. I originally thought that this was a dream sent to me by Thor, but...no. But as the battle commenced, the old woman turned her face to me, and said, "I am Santisima Muerte, and this is my strength!" I could see her skeletal face, done up in the, "Skull Candy", fashion. While I don't think Santisima Muerte is, "Death", in the Norse tradition, she certainly used the iconography masterfully well, and left an impression that I will forever be unable to shake. Since that time she appears to me in a "bridal" form, in a radiantly white dress. She carries with her an active, gleaming scythe. She has just stepped out of a fiery chamber, cleansed, pure, and white hot. An aura of fire still surrounds her. This image is unique to me, and in the tradition I am inheriting, each child of her's (those she has chosen), receive a very "personalized" image of her to work with. I will eventually receive a personal image of her, in her Red, and Black aspects as well, only when she feels I am ready to receive them. She has told me that she approved of the G.O.O.D.S agenda, and wants me to earn her priesthood that she might be a force within the house. As I am allowed to do so, I will share what I learn about her with you. She is powerful, she is quick, she is demanding of you, but she wants the best for her children, and she is ready to get your best out of you. Yes, she is very popular with Mexican criminals. But so is Saint Jude, Mary, and Saint Expedite. They work primarily with her, "black" aspect, her most feral, and wild form. In this form she is like a wounded animal roaming the desert at night. Dangerous, fringe, and aggressive. There is a mystery of, "isolation", in this aspect. Much like the, "isolated", group of criminal who revere this part of Santisima Muerte, this is the fringe exception, and NOT the rule. I' am still a developing, growing, expanding, and adapting magician. My destiny, since my Saturn's return at 33 years old, has really, "just", begun. I will share amazing things, and offer the opportunity for initiations into magical practices http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/santisima-muerte-why-and-how.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Santisima Muerte: The why, and how.

rarely "authentically" available to all who have the courage to journey with me. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Codified: Working with prime Creator/Sphere of Personal Influence.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Codified: Working with prime Creator/Sphere of Personal Influence. All Prime Creator wants is for you to evolve, and embrace your higher self. This is an ongoing, and lifelong process. As you evolve, and expand, Prime Creator can also progress, and expand. This should be an empowering, and relatively humbling revelation. YOU are a key component to the furthering, and continual progress of the entire universe. As Prime Creator grows, and develops, this give YOU room to do the same. As you grow, and develop, Prime Creator is given license to do the same. YOU ARE FULLY CONNECTED TO THIS HIGHEST SOURCE. All you are, and all your, “could” be, is contained in the boundless possibility of the ultimate creative principle of the universe, who is, “Prime Creator”. You becoming your Higher Self, is the ONLY worship Prime Creator wants. Your time, your effort, your continual pursuit of self betterment, is the sacrifice, the merit, the proof; of your devotion. All other deities, and spirits are on their own continual evolution as well. Be wary of this all, “one”, idea, or, “aspects”. This idea tends to make non-physical realities into, “thought forms”, which is absolute folly. Beings like Thor, Osain, or Exu, are very real, and very separate intelligences, and NOT merely, “masks”, of Prime Creator. You MUST connect with this pinnacle of creative energy to fully realize your higher potential. This connection will strengthen, purify , and increase clarity with all over intelligences. The lies a mystery between A-Z here. First, you are in line with all your physical ancestors or which you are the most outer shell, most recent link (unless you have children) of that mighty chain, and second; There is a spiritual inheritance from all your past incarnations, which forms yet another chain. Aligning yourself with Prime Creator, is bringing yourself into alignment with both those chains. As those chains, or, of physical, and spiritual inheritance are strengthened, and cleansed, you too, become strengthened, and cleansed. Honoring Prime Creator A single white candle: A pure white 7 day, glass encased novella candle, works really well. This candle can be put on ANY altar. We ALL come from Prime Creator, and all things use this energy. So placing it on your Good George altar, is prefect. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/all-prime-creator-wants-is-for-you-to.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Codified: Working with prime Creator/Sphere of Personal Influence.

Dedicate the candle to, “Prime Creator'. Say, “I dedicate this candle to Prime Creator, and my continual advancement towards my higher self.” Light the candle. I advise, as much as possible, to let this candle burn. If it is in a glass encased novella, it is fine. But, for whatever reason, if you cannot let it burn when you are not around to watch the candle, then that is Ok. Simply re-light the candle when you are around. Everyday, stand in front of this candle, and see the brilliant dazzling white light sphere above your head. Reach above your head with both arms, and as you bring your arms down, in a long drawn out “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” Have a brilliant bright white light beam focus down around, through, and all around you. Raise your arms again, and bring them down to your wait once more, as you chant out, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” The light gets more intense. Now, raise your arms again, now as you lower your arms, say, “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” The light is now even MORE intense. Lastly, raise your arms, and has you lower, chant, “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-AHHHHHHHHHHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”. *It is a vibrational formula of IAO.... NO Crowley did not, “invent” it, NO, it is not owned by the Golden Dawn, NO, Heretics did not “create” it. It is REALLY old, and one day I will give a ton more details about it. The white light should now almost be blinding. Spend some time (a minute, or more) absorbing this while, and letting it begin to stream out of all your pours. This is, “life force”, or “Ashe”, and this will fill, and replenish the energy in all your cells, your ATP. Ask Prime Creator to heal, repair, and strengthen your auric field/sphere of personal influence. Also ask Prime Creator to remove all alien, evil, and unnatural presences from your sphere of personal influence. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/all-prime-creator-wants-is-for-you-to.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Codified: Working with prime Creator/Sphere of Personal Influence.

This is a continual, ongoing, and life long process. You will see results, and see them fast. However, as you heal, your ancestors heal, and your past lives heal, etc, etc, onward, and every forward (sound familiar?) Once you have done this, you are now ready to perform all other G.O.O.D.S related material, and in my experience, ANY other magical/religious working. -Uncle Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Visualization Tip & Formulation of the Celestial Body: DNA repair & Unlocking level ONE. Work with Prime Creator, a…

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Visualization Tip & Formulation of the Celestial Body: DNA repair & Unlocking level ONE. Work with Prime Creator, and message for T.I.s This is an exercise you can do anytime, but can also be linked with the Prime Creator daily ritual. While the rituals like, empowering, and healing your sphere of personal influence (aura), including the formation of the celestial/magical armor; work but increasing your personal vibrations from the astral body toward your physical body, this exercise floods your cells with divine light, and this energy radiates from your physical body OUT towards your astral body. This is level ONE of the DNA repair & latent DNA unlocking sequence of the G.O.O.D.S Magical Tradition of Planetary Ritual High Magic. As you are standing in the pillar of light called down from the brilliant sphere of Uranus (which is the energy substance most closest to Prime Creator), and as you are standing in your brilliant sphere of personal influence, as your self, “what would my body look like if I was completely filled with Uranus brilliant white light?” Your mind will respond with an image. Like the bird of paradise... (it comes ONLY to an open hand), allow your mind to FUCKING GENTLY hold the image in magic, or third eye. You will feel this image BECOME reality. Hold this image, AND this feeling as... you guessed it, FUCKING GENTLY in your magic eye. *This method (ask, and respond) is particularly useful for all people who have a hard time visualizing. Such as, “ what does an ankylosaurus look like downing a fifth of whiskey?”, your mind WILL furnish an image. Just gently recall that same image, over, and over again, and allow that image to create physical, astral changes. You will feel you body little vibrate, and a sense of restoration, bliss-like emotions, and courage. At some point you will feel the light trickle out the center of the palm of your hands, and from the center of the soles of your feet. If that sounds like part of the Crucifixion mystery, then you have assimilated another initiatory, and piece of that TRUE puzzle, before Christianity just near completely fucked it, but we are changing that. What is happening here is that I am helping to turn you into a power transmitted, and transceiver, with serious protection. I am turning you into a virtual, “lighting rod”, for planetary transmissions.... BIG HINT there people.... http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/visualization-tip-formulation-of.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Visualization Tip & Formulation of the Celestial Body: DNA repair & Unlocking level ONE. Work with Prime Creator, a…

You will also ever linked closer to the imaginable creative force of Prime Creator, and this fresh, healing energy will empower, expanse, and improve your cellular functions, as well as I was taught”, unlock latent (higher potential..... Prime Creator's only worship) DNA abilities. For the T.I.s (Targeted Individuals) who have contacted me. I advise you add this to your daily rituals. How I know this can help? I shouldn't say, but I feel, and I hope, this helps you. More to come. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Message: Sabbatical

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Message: Sabbatical Alright. I have received a VERY serious message. It has been divined I absolutely NEED to preform a number of cleansings, and purifications. I am in the process of receiving initiations into a magical-religious tradition, what was divined by my Spiritual Father/Mentor. These are serious issues, and I must give them their appropriate due. On top of that, over a decade of magical, and even physical battles, have REALLY taken there toll on me. I have been told that if I do not take a sabbatical, and do what has been divined, I will become very vulnerable. However, if I follow the readings, make the appropriate offerings, and purifications; I will come back stronger, better, and with entrance into a linage that I was divined by my mentor before he died, to be a part of many years ago. You have the daily rituals, you have the well over a year's worth of material. Be smart!!! Take your health VERY seriously. Make good friends, strengthen your connections with your family. Stand up for what is right. Be courageous. Good George rides where the dragons are, he will take you. Until then, train, do your rituals, and be a person of value. My sabbatical should only be 30 (ish) days. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Astral Projection that WORKS, and a quote requested.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Astral Projection that WORKS, and a quote requested. Sometimes an occultist likes to keep a few of his secrets, but I will stop holding on to this one. There is fuck ton of astral projection exercises. Most of them are just plain retarded. However, there are a few that do work. You must settle on ONE, and practice, practice, practice. If you introduce too many variations, you will NEVER achieve a true astral projection. To consciously astrally project you must train the method INTO yourself, and expect that it probably take some time. This is THE way I was taught. I like this method because it is circular. Meaning, that I can keep logically preforming the actions, and my analytical mind won't erect obstacles to trying and figure what I am doing. Example, the Indian rope trick projection technique. It works, I have used it, and I sometimes still employ it, HOWEVER, I believe this method to be culturally linked. The western mind, I believe, due to culture issues, has a hard time assessing the purpose, and that is where the failure, for many who attempt to employ it, comes from. The premise for Hindu/Folk India magicians, is that a rope hangs above their bodies, and their astral body begins to climb the rope, until they they astrally project. In the Hindu culture, idea such as “eternal, and forever”, and the abstractness of those ideas, are readily accepted. In the western mind, “expects”, and measures, and calculates too much, and many western magicians employing this technique.... literally run out of rope, their analytical mind will erect huge barriers to prevent them from moving beyond their own cultural beliefs, and conditioning. Therefore, my mentor found a technique that DOES make sense, and is circular, has a beginning, and an logical ending point, which can be performed, ad nauseum, but the genius is that you are still actively, astrally engaged the entire time. Process: Find five small (size of regular rocks that you throw at old people) quartz crystals. Carry them with you for week (pocket, purse, backpack, whatever). Sleep with them next to your bed, or under your bed. You are literately programming the crystalline structure of the quartz with your own energetic signature. After a week, place, #1 next to, or under your bed. Place #2, somewhere else in you home, or apartment, place #3 next to the front, or back door of our house, or apartment, place #4 some where outside your home, or apartment (your can bury it if you want), and #5, place somewhere further outside your home, you can also bury that one too. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/05/astral-projection-that-works-and-quote.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Astral Projection that WORKS, and a quote requested.

So now you have created a trial of quartz crystals, with your energy signature. Now, as you relax, and prepare yourself to sleep. Imagine (astral body) getting out of bed, and picking up the #1, and putting it in you pocket, or whatever, and then collecting #2, then #3, #4, lastly #5. Now you are outside of your house, but you have not yet fully transferred your consciousness over to your astral body. So, now you retrace your steps, place #5 BACK where it goes, and then #4, and then #3, #2, and finally #1. Now, re-collect those quartz pieces, etc, etc, etc. You will either fall asleep reenacting this process, realize you are dreaming, and have a lucid dream when you are looking for the quartz and you realize your not in your house, or apartment but on a space station surrounded by Victorian era girls (NOT A BAD DREAM! :) ), or you will feel a buzzing sensation wash over your body (GO WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and you will astrally project. Once this happens, it will get easier, and easier to re-create. So start working on it! Ok, someone asked me about a quote I made, here it is “Any God, or Government that demands you live on your knees, does so ONLY to make it easier to force their dick in your mouth”. Sabbatical starts now!' -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: My initiation into a High Priest of Wicca.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My initiation into a High Priest of Wicca. I get many questions about the tradition of Wicca I inherited. While the tradition of Wicca I practice, and teach are not part of the G.O.O.D.S tradition officially, it comes from the same mentor, and they are extremely complementary to one another. I am working on some memoirs, and organizing my linage for future endeavors. This is a sampling of what my initiation into a 3rd Degree High Priest of Wicca looked like. You will notice that it is profoundly different from that found in books, or the experiences typically had by others. Some future editing may be needed, but its good for right now. "I awoke with a start early on the third morning of my initiation. I felt the earth begin to shake, but it may have been just been a dream. The sun's rays where barely visible on the horizon, and I looked up to see my mentor's sword still dangling above my head. The sword hung from a thin braiding of red, black, and white threads, tied to a branch on a gnarled Hawthorne tree. Should the sword fall during my initiation, it may signify that the God, or the Goddess where displeased in someway, and a divination would need to be cast to identify the cause of their displeasure, and deciphered what appeasements, if any, could be made so I might continue. The fire was reduced to mere embers, and I was so numb from the cold, I had lost almost all feeling in my body. I struggled just to sit up, forcing my self to open, and close my hands frantically to get blood flowing in my arms again. After several minutes of vigorous rubbing my upper body, and legs, enough blood was once again circulating that I could crawl over to the dying fire to try blowing life back into it. The fire responded, and a weak flame emerged from the glowing char. I positioned myself so that was on my hands, and knees over what fire I could muster out of the the ashes. I finally got warm enough that I could stand, and start looking for twigs or branches that might have fallen from the tree on to the ground. At no time was I ever to break branches, or twigs off the Hawthorn tree. The Hawthorn was the Great Goddess, her conduit into my initiation. The fire was the Great God, and his conduit into my initiation. They alone would decide if I was to be warm, or not. More then a few times during my nine day initiation, both the fire, and the tree spoke to me on several occasions in distinct, audible voices. My camp was contained within a circle stones, all blessed by my mentor. Under no circumstances was I to leave the perimeter of those blessed stones, unless my mentor directed me too. In the last days of my initiation, I experienced wildly lucid visions of a mountain lion stalking around my circle, and a whole herd of horses http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/my-initiation-into-high-priest-of-wicca.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: My initiation into a High Priest of Wicca.

stampeding towards me. All tricks, and illusions weaved by the fey, and other nature spirits to test me. These phantoms would dissipate into mist just before passing through this magical barrier. I held my position with the boundary with stalwart conviction. Every morning I made a small blood offering with a razor blade, no more than a few drops to the Goddess, and the God, on at the roots of the tree, and into the fire. This was a thank you for facilitating my initiation, and offering me protection. Blood offerings are typically frowned upon in contemporary Wicca, but they are essential in the tradition I inherited, albeit rare. I would also give incantations to the Ancient Ones, the nature spirits, my ancestors, and the keeper of the crossroads; not only for the parts they played in getting me here, but for their aid in getting me through this. I wore only a pair of khaki shorts, with a dark red canvas cloak, which seconded as a blanket. My body was filthy, covered in dirt, blood, and bruises. I had a mouth guard to protect my teeth during the grueling physical trials I had to engage in, and now, I proudly wore the horned crown which I earned the day prior in one such physical contest. I looked over at the small black chest sitting snugly at the roots of the Hawthorn tree. Within the chest was an envelope containing a couple grand in cash. I was told by my mentor, the money was loaned, entrusted to me, by various members of my coven. That was money that the needed for rent, medical bills, and car payments. I was given the impression that many coven members would suffer should that chest be stolen. I was ready to defend it with my life. The money served as bait, an incentive for individuals my mentor had recruited to risk injury in attempting to steal it from me. I was to be like the bull protecting his herd, the rooster watching over the hen house. Wearing the horned crown makes one responsible for the physical, and spiritual well being of his coven, and that meant I had a duty to ferociously defend their means of comfort, and survival. From sunrise to sunset a group of four men made their attempts at stealing the small black chest from the roots of the Hawthorn tree. My mentor had issued them a few rules. Absolutely no weapons of any kind. No sticks, no stones, no nothing, but their bodies, and clever schemes. Also, there was to be no more then two of them inside my circle at any given time. Should these rules be broken, the offender, or offenders, would be disqualified from the contest, and the chest, if stolen, would be returned. I latter I would learn learn my mentor, and a few of his friends, watched a short distance away, armed with loaded rifles, ready to enforce that forfeiture policy. In the beginning, these four men employed brute force tactics, each simply trying to strong arm the chest away from me. This failed, as I had no problems http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/my-initiation-into-high-priest-of-wicca.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: My initiation into a High Priest of Wicca.

manhandling them individually, often a trail of blood marked their exiting trajectory. After that methodology failed, the four decided the solo approach wasn't going to work. Promising to split the money evenly, they broke up into teams of two, and advanced on me with a dual pronged attack. Now that I was outnumbered, my response needed to change. I could no longer stand toe to toe, facing them head on. I fell upon the chest, clutching it tightly in my arms, and covering it with my body. I was savagely punched, kicked, and grappled, but I proved too hard a nut to crack. In the midst of all the pummeling it was starting to become clear that I was a rock they where breaking themselves against, and they where much worse for wear then I. I had successful invoked the spirit of the the wild bull, the staunch stag, the frenzied boar, and conquering lion. The four did not last the day, and sometime after noon, surrendered the prize, crawling home disgraced to lick their many wounds, I was granted victory by my mentor, and given the opportunity to rest. In the cool of the evening my mentor appeared with a hot meal, herbs, and ointments, beer, and red wine. The wine was probably laced with hallucinogens, and I faded into a strange sleep already being visited with swirling visions of being half man, and half animal. However, all that was yesterday. This morning, I was to earn my sword. My mentor stood at the circle of stones, with a bowl of oatmeal, and water. He called me over to examine my injuries. Each of the nine days he would ask if I wished to continue, and each day he received a defiant, “no”, in my reply. We then discussed, and recorded my dreams, and visions, into a book. A book that would latter be presented to me as a new Book of Shadows on the completion of my initiation. My mentor lead me out of the circle, and silently marched me into a wooded area. As we entered, we came to a clearing. I could see a tall pyramidal rock pile, and top the pile was a sword thrust into the stones. A group of men bared my path. Most I recognized as friends of my mentor, however, a group of three men, standing off to the side, I did not recognize. Each of them was as big, or bigger then myself. All decorated with with messy blueblack prison tattoos One of my mentor's companions came running up behind us, and handed the small black chest from the roots of the Hawthorn tree to my mentor. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/my-initiation-into-high-priest-of-wicca.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: My initiation into a High Priest of Wicca.

My mentor leaned in towards me, and whispered that he has been supplying these men with methamphetamine, and cheap hookers since the night before last. He had promised them even more methamphetamine, and better looking hookers if they could prevent me from earning me sword. My mentor then opened the box, took the cash out the envelope, and flourished the money in front of them. Their eyes, already wide, got even wider, and they began to pace, and jitter like hungry dogs. My mentor told them, that whoever among them personally defeated me, won all the cash. Big crazed smiles appeared across their faces, and with wild angry eyes, they settled their focus on me. I was to face all three of them in one on one ritual combat. The fight would last until on of us, was no longer able, or willing to continue. The fight would be an anything goes battle, except for the use of weapons, groin shoots, or eye gouging. My mentor then instructed them to decided who would face me first, as my mentor's posse encircled us, each brandishing their rifles, and promising to make sure the rules of this ritual combat where enforced. I met each one. I kept my hands up, and let the all meth, and greed make them stupid. I would throw the occasional jab to rile them up, baiting them to get crazy, and tire themselves out with wild swings. When I saw my opening I wrestled them to the ground, and applying painful grappling holds, I forced their surrender. My mentor told them that he would still honor his promise of drugs, and hookers, but only if they where to leave immediately, and not be a bother. They agreed, and where escorted off the property by an entourage of armed men. I bounded up the rock pile to claim my sword. A piece of parchment had been impaled through the blade, on it was written, “Behold the once, and future king!”. I ripped the sword from the rocks, and waiving it overhead, I announced my triumph with a thunderous victory roar. What followed next was an extremely private moment between my mentor, and myself. To be truly worthy of this sword, I needed to wound both myself, and him with the blade. This acted ensured that I understood the power I now wielded, and in blood, signified I understood the consequences for its misuse. My mentor, and I walked back to me camp. I discovered an actual bed, complete with canopy, had been set up. My mentor's sword had also be removed from the Hawthorn tree. I sat resting under the tree, and tending to the fire, as I watched the skies darken, and the stars make their appearance. That night, as I always do, I magically aligned myself with the North Star, using a secret ritual my mentor taught me to ensure that my astral body never becomes lost. The bed felt so good, that I was asleep near the moment my body settled on it. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/my-initiation-into-high-priest-of-wicca.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: My initiation into a High Priest of Wicca.

Sometime in the night, I stirred from sleep to the sound of a sweet, haunting voice calling my name. I opened my eyes to see a very attractive woman, and member of my coven standing in front of me. She was naked except for the sacred symbols drawn on her body, and her hair was adorned with the small white flowers from the Hawthorn tree. She was in a dreamlike trance, taken over of the dryad of the tree. She carried with her a chalice, and told me that my actions in defending the small black chest, and claiming the crown, and sword of a King had aroused her. Now that I possessed the sword, it was time for me to to use it, to preform the Great Rite with her in the presence of the Ancient Ones; to unite lance, and grail as God, and Goddess. She directed me out of bed, and to a basin filled with salt water, essential oils, and with a wash cloth. She assisted me in washing away the dirt, blood and grim from off my body. There under the starry sky, the branches of the Hawthorn tree, and by the light of the fire, she preformed the rite of Drawning Down the Sun, invoking the God within me. For the rest of the night we made love, as God, and Goddess, over, and over again. With each climax, my semen was collected, and kept in the chalice. In the cool of the early morning, we stood naked, and bathed ourselves in the first rays of sunlight. We made an offering of my semen, along with my blood, and sweat rung out from the wash cloth, and mixed into the chalice; as a Holy Eucharist, to the God, and Goddess, the Ancient Ones, and the nature spirits. I watched the dreamlike trance fade from her eyes; the Goddess, and the dryad relinquishing their hold over her, as the sun climbed into prominence. I carried her back to the bed, and watched over her as she slept. I, being overcome by all the otherworldly beauty, and influence of the night that had passed, coupled with the many hurts I had incurred over the past days, started to weep. My mentor appeared not long after the sun had risen. He congratulated me for completing the first leg of my initiation, and that I was now a full High Priest, ready to begin the next step of my hero's journey. I had freely given of the four great substances of a man; blood, sweat, semen, and tears. It was the proper shedding of these four great substances that had paid the price for my admittance into the greater mysteries of Hoof, and Horn, and Vine, and Grain. Together my mentor, and I walked out of that circle of stones, and he led me deeper into the sacred wisdom then I had ever been before. " -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Are you ready for a big change? Please leave comments.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Are you ready for a big change? Please leave comments. I have been going through all the old G.O.O.D.S material, and to be honest, as I am filtering through everything I am discovering just how corrupted things had become. I want to eradicate everything that was not originally taught to me by my mentor, and was not established by him in the protocols before he passed, and certain liberties where taken in his absence. The core rituals where RE-made to reflect "Hermetic" ideals so that new members (from Hermetic traditions) did not have to adapt. I took issue with this then, but I was swayed to go along with it, the loss of my mentor, and my belief in the cause of G.O,O.D.S being used as leverage. The original G.O.O.D.S was one of Planetary Ritual High Magic, and that is what the spirits of this house are asking me to go back too.I understand that there have been changes, that I am being initiated into, and following a destiny divined by my mentor. I have been codifying rituals, and cleaning them up. But I have to be honest; I originally, I too felt that using a Hermetic base to introduce Planetary Ritual High Magic, might be easier, however, Hermetic tradition is just so clumsy, and so tainted, I just can't do it anymore. What this means is that I begin introducing you to a system of Magic that has NOT been, "copied, and pasted", all over shitty websites on the internet, fouled, and stained by Aliester Crowley wanna-be's, personalized, ripped-off, and stolen, plagiarised, and just irreparably shit-on by irresponsible pseudo-intellectuals. No Golden Dawn, no Hebrew names, no Crowley, no Crowley, No fucking Crowley. What does this mean? It means you will learn a new Banishing Ritual, that will be incorporated into your Middle Pillar, you will learn the, "Master Symbol", working with Planetary bodies, you will learn the 72 Astral Guardians Spirits, (The Goetia), and why they are NOT demons, or any other such stupid as fuck nonsense. THEN, I can introduce the seven main spirits of the G.O.O.D.S (NO, I have NEVER introduced them in any fashion)and how to begin working with them. Let me say this. The March Rider working, and Andromalus evocations have had a PROFOUND effect. A great deal of the world is rioting, turning against the Illuminati controlled banksters, and money changers. (Funny how when we started do this working, that all this began... can anyone else say that? Ummmm NO) This open revolt will not go unanswered. Andromalus is warning me that the most evil, and twisted acts of tyranny for the Illuminati are YET to come. That Reptilian, and other extra-planetary, and hyper-dimensional influences are building. I want every one of YOU to be FULLY protected, and be practicing a tradition that is not http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/are-you-ready-for-big-change-please.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Are you ready for a big change? Please leave comments.

befoul, and co-opted. Also, if this system does start appearing on other websites, we can prove where the source of this information comes from, and that they have NO connections to this system. This is powerful, because it keeps the current PURE, and STRONG. Let me know what you think. Leave comments!!!! For now, keep using the rituals you know; but if you are ready, I will use my sabbatical to prepare, and then, unleash it on you..... -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!! How can you be a warrior with Planetary Magic? I got this question.... I am going to answer it. My spirits say its time. Andromalus says you have all done great work, and that all of you are true warriors, courageous, and brave. I cried when he told me this. I really did. I want you to know how proud I am to know that people like you exist in this world. It touched me. My childhood was hard, and magick saved me life. I was a rolly-polly kid, with a lot of size, and muscle but no idea what to do with it. The spirits I learned to evoke helped create avenues that I could use my gifts, and excell, make friends, and be somewhat popular; but a good kind of popular, someone that the band geeks, the DnD nerds, the Drama kids, the gay kids came out too, and the social outcasts could find acceptance with. We where the band of misfit toys, and NO ONE messed with them, because if they did, Bearheart intervened, and Bearheart had no issue going toe to toe with anyone in that school, or outside of it. In fact I had such a reputation, my willingness to do violence went far out of high school, and reached the ears of people that really wanted me for selective lines of work... people that don't like being told no too. The spirits made sure they went away, and steered me out of a bad situation. It bothers me that so many claim the Goetia spirits are demons when they could be so supportive, and caring. If they are demons, let me be in hell, for they are good company. Fuck, the genius of those spirits is so intense, all of Hell probably has central cooling by now. It wasn't Jesus helping me out, in fact those really bad guys... they all wore crosses, and confessed to be Catholics... lol... that should tell you something. In my heart, I am an outcast. I bond closest with misfits, ragamuffins, vagabonds, and delinquents. We see the world from an angle that is unique. An odd perspective, and from a vantage point most are not comfortable with. Magic speaks to me, and these ruffians, its in their soul, in fact many of us have walked this path before. It sets you apart, forever. I have been been waiting. Watching. Listening. Testing. Things that must be done before the secrets come out. I needed to know what the worth of your hearts where. They have been tested, and Andromalus says your hearts are worth their weight in gold. I need no more confirmation. Now EVERYTHING comes out.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!!

The world is finally at the ledge. We either push back, or we go over. War, combat, its simplifies things. We either win, or we lose. Those options really simplify our choices. We commit to victory, or we commit to slavery. Its that dire, and at the same time, that liberating. To quote the movie Suck Punch, “For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know”. You are fighting for the life of our collective species. Trust me when I say, your only safety will come from being in danger. Its scary, I know, at first. But.... you get used to it, and if you let the cause fan the flames of your heart into a red hot lava rock, you will never know the cold of cowardice. Your spirit will ignite, and the fires of rebellion will light up the dark night of tyranny. “If the they insist on pounding the drums of war, let us dance too the beat like there is no tomorrow, for if we don't, there won't be”. - Recent conversation with the warrior spirit of George Washington in the Shed of Rebellion. Quote that shit! Now that our backs are against the wall, and the heat is really about to come down... and I fucking KNOW the collective heart of who you all are, I have hope, and I am dedicated to victory! The next video I make will be introducing the Master Planetary Symbol. This symbol will replace the Banishing Pentagram, it will replace, a lot of things. This will be the first lesson, and will set the foundation, and frame work FOR EVERYTHING to follow. I need you to trust me, I need to you know that this will change everything, but one day soon you will realize that it didn't really change anything. It just took things to such a new level, you didn't realize how far you actually would progress. Lets talk about Moon sign. Please, find out your moon sign,. This is your astral body, and what vibrational frequency you magic will by most aligned with. . I am a Scorpio Moon. My astral body is ruled by the influence of Mars, and Pluto. Dark, and aggressive. My Uranus, is in Scorpio, my divine light runs through that zodiac filter too. Its WHO I AM. I can't change it, but I can learn to USE IT in the best way. Think of your astrological chart as a collection of light rays, and lenses. All that creates a numerological vibrational frequency, an algorithm, which all consolidates into YOU. ALL this will be covered. This is DEEP magical shit. Why have you not heard this before? Because its secret society knowledge only, or well... at least it was. The ONLY way you are going to know “Source”, is to figure YOU the fuck out, because you ARE SOURCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck you light workers piss me off. You ARE the light, however... the light being reflected, and bounced off many, many different facets, to create a unique pattern, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/read-this-whole-fucking-thing.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!!

a life expression so beautiful, and so precious, you are absolutely worth fighting for. Let that sink in, and begin to figure out what you have in your houses, your astrological charts, where your planets are, etc, etc. This is homework YOU must do. I can help, but I can't, and I won't do it for you. You must suffer to know art, and magic is art. I suffered, and I fought true inner “demons” while my mentor watched, and encouraged, but he knew that I would learn to fight BY fighting. Lets talk warrior magic with the Planets. I preformed a horrible rite, but it was justified. Years ago, someone I would classify as serial rapist, did evil things to a friend. His connections, family, and money kept him out of prison. He was able to hire a lawyer that could make the women he harmed look like whores, or women of questionable reputations by dragging out, and combing through their entire lives using P.I.s, and hacking personal e-mails etc, etc. Painted them like prostitutes on the stand. The jury was divided, and hung. Knowing what a horrendous pig he was, I knew he had cleaning ladies. I watched his house,and sure enough maids came in. I followed them, bought them coffee, befriended them. They told me about the harassment, and verbal abuse he gave them. I wanted ONE thing. I asked them for a pair of his used underwear. They thought me odd. I told them I knew Brujia... I do... suddenly they all understood (Mexican women... I love them). The next day, I had a pair of his nasty boxers. Why did I want this? Well, I am ruled in part by Pluto, being that I am a Scorpio moon. Pluto astrologically rules the genitals, and the anus.. his underwear was well acquainted to both HIS areas. Pluto rules the underworld. With the essence of his “pluto parts”, and the garment he sweated in, and his semen leaked out on to , I twisted his boxers into a rope like device, and tied it around a doll, (I wore gloves for fucks sake) that I found sort of looked like him. I went to the dump. Pluto rules the rotting, and decay. The old dung heaps of Rome, the seole piles, where Roman witches did there worst black magic under Pluto's direction. In the dump, I dug a hole. I evoked Pluto, I asked him to open a portal into his underworld.I laid the doll inside the hole. I produced yet another doll, an ugly monster doll, that I had prepared in a special way. I asked Pluto to allow a larave (a hungry, twisted spirit of the dead) to be placed into this doll. Once that was done, I laid the doll next to the other. I then brought out the last piece. A black cat, that had http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/read-this-whole-fucking-thing.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!!

been hit by a car. I did rites over it to make sure its spirit had left before I did this. This was payment to Pluto, and the blood in the cat would serve as food for the Larvae. I buried all three together. I traced the Mastery Planetary Symbol over the black, decay filled soil. This sealed the portal, and locked everything inside into a plutonian dimension. Then in the middle of the sigil, which makes a type of crossroads, stuck a prepared stick. This stick would act as a type of antenna, that would channel energy up, and down. Every day, I would come back, whisper things through the antenna into the hole, encouraging the larvae to deeper rage, and pour special food, and drink over it to feed Pluto, and the larvae. What might happen to a man, whose astral body (linked to sexual energy....gentitals, anus...hint, hint) thwas trapped in a plutonian dimension, with a wicked larvae getting stronger, wilder, and meaner? When the energy of the cat is gone... who will it have closest for all its feeding needs? His astral body didn't stand a chance. This man came literally undone. Absolutely unhinged. He was committed to a state hospital. He was a coke addict (cocaine is a hell of a drug... I love it... serious, you have some coke??), and his total self destruction was blamed on this addiction. He has been in there for at least 6 years now, heavily medicated I hear, and whispering constantly to himself (or the larvae??). Yes... the doll is still buried in a big, nasty landfill, under now layers,and tons, of garbage that will trickle down, to feed the larvae just enough that the larvae only needs to snack on him. Here he will remain until all his victims are fully healed of the awful trauma he did to them, and Pluto says is time to release him... assuming there is something left to release. Planetary Magic is savagely fierce,. The mind, and heart of a planetary magician must be just, and true. The awful things that one, “could” do, is great, and many. But, one can do awe inspiring acts of good too. That is why I needed to know, that I have people committed to defending humanity from scum, unquestionably vil people, who need to suffer the wraith of justice. Not just pissed off men, or women doing unspeakable magic attacks against the undeserving, no matter how much of a simpe asshole the other person is. Assholes are assholes, they don't deserve what this guy got. They don't hurt people like these real monsters do. You need to think, long, and hard before you apply this level of magic technique, and the many, many, many, many types like it. LISTEN VERY CLOSELY TO WHAT I SAY NEXT “The universe is at your finger tips, the only good, or evil which exists in the universe lays in YOUR heart.” http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/read-this-whole-fucking-thing.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!!

When you understand, truly, understand “As above, So below”. That the human is a miniature universe, but there is no limit to either a big, or small universe. You will have come to know why that statement is so important, and why I have waited so long before I came to the point where I will begin teaching you all what I REALLY practice. Think on ALL this, because one you start, there is NEVER any going back. -Uncle “fucking” Bearheart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Physical strength, Intention,and Magick

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Physical strength, Intention,and Magick A recent dream/lucid dream/inter-dimensional astral projection I had: I was pulling the covers back on my bed, before I crawled in to go to sleep. The bed covers eerily began creeping toward the foot of the bed. I grabbed the covers, and pulled them back into place, when suddenly, some invisible force now ripped the covers off the bed. Rather then the covers being pulled to the floor, the covers where being pulled UP off the bed, and towards the upper left ceiling corner in the room. This upward motion of the covers towards the ceiling gave an already strange situation, even more of an urgent feel. I was was now fully engaged, and lucid in this dream. I felt an immediate sense of rage trigger, and I began ripping back at the covers. I found myself briefly embroiled in a tug-of-war with an invisible force. I pulled, and pulled and finally I achieved the upper hand. I could see the covers being pulled back out of a small portal, and some shimmering goo, desperately fighting against me. The force (whatever it was) began to make a strange digital/modern/dail up sound, as I began pulling it out of the portal along with the bed covers. It seemed as if this entity was terrified of being fully discovered, and I was hell bent on discovering why that was. Whatever it was, relinquished it hold on the bed covers, and very quickly slipped back into the portal. I dashed for the portal, and with both hands hung in mid-air, by the bottom of this portal hole. I started furiously trying to rip, or stretch open this portal so that I could fit through it (I've decided to omit a great many number of sexual jokes, and puns here). The portal however, closed with a force I could not hold hold, and after a titanic struggle, the portal closed, and disappeared. Looking at a large bedroom mirror, affixed to a chest-of-drawers, and dove through it, hoping that this astral portal would eject me out somewhere near where ever, whatever this thing was. Instead I was ejected out in some kind of futuristic recreational center, with people using magnetic powered resistance exercise machines, and a large coffee cafe with very advanced laptops everywhere. The people where dressed in stylish white, and burgundy, one piece suits with light white jackets with black pipping. I approached an attractive looking redhead at a table, and sat down next to hear. She seemed almost surprised to see me. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/physical-strength-intentionand-magick.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Physical strength, Intention,and Magick

“Are your people here able to regularly see people form the physical world?”, I asked her. “No, not regularly. Beings from the physical world rarely make it here, and when they do they are generally so unaware of where they are, and what they are doing we think that they are ones of us who still have lingering mental disorders.” She answered. “Where is here exactly? I am from the physical realm, and I entered into a lucid dream. I was chasing an entity who slipped into a portal, and I dove through an astral portal hoping to find it.” I said staring into her deep emerald eyes, and noticing that she possessed two pupils in each of her eyes. “The is a distant realm from you. A place that “may” one day exist, but from which your time line is deviating from. I feel bad for having to tell you, that there is a great deal of trouble surrounding you (the aura from the time line I am from), and where you come from. I can't say for certain you (or time line) shall ever attain to this world.” she lamented, sighing with a “I am sorry but little I can do for you sound”. “That is Okay. Well At least I had the opportunity to see what a good future would be like, gives me something to strive for.” I answered feeling tempted to find a way to try, and stay where I was presently. It it was really nice looking, and I felt an a type of freedom, and hope that I don't feel much in this reality time line. “You are an odd creature in your time line.”, she said laughing. “I am sorry you lost your quarry (the whatever it was I was chasing), but it really is time for your people to wake up. Speaking of waking up, as much as you are welcome here the keepers of this time line have decided you need to leave. Your presence here is bridging a link fragile between our two universes, and the possibility for a unstable tangent universe to be born from you being here is far too risky for you to stay”. She said raising an eyebrow at me. The area I was seated in began to get really fuzzy. I figured I was being out-phased from this place. I woke up, in my bed, feeling very disjointed. I have spoken a great deal about physical strength. It takes intent to contract your physical muscles hard, so hard that you place significant stress on your bones. This is painful, and requires conscious effort. Repeated application of this process through exercise will promote above average psychical might. The magical application of this is really quite simple. The intent to do something http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/06/physical-strength-intentionand-magick.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Physical strength, Intention,and Magick

hard, and doing it over, and over again, builds up your astral body; as intent is the muscle of the astral/magical world. My ability to out muscle a spirit, or wrestle them into submission, and effectively engage in spiritual warfare goes hand in hand with my willingness to preform strenuous, rigorous, and often times highly pain acts of physicality. Winning in the astral world, leads to both greater magickal-spiritual knowledge, and or experiences, but also manifests into victories on the physical world. I am committed to helping this time line purge the evil, and influences of the Illuminati, Reptilian, and off worlders (both physical, and inter-dimensional). It is good to see that some where exists such a time line, free from this sickness. What this means is that there still exists the possibility, the option for victory, something for us as a planet/peoples to manifest our way into. This is a message of hope. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: ATR Cleansing, and Restitutions.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

ATR Cleansing, and Restitutions. In continuation from yesterday. I am now receiving messages from individuals who got caught up in highly reactionary, and stupid behavior. They made death threats against me, and people I loved. All based on the lies of one particular idiot. These people are terrified, some are telling me they feel sicker then they have ever felt been before, and a few are having VERY dark, lets say, “negative” thoughts. To answer your questions. No, I have NOT cast, or placed any magic on you, or against you. What has happened is you have made threats against me, and so the spirits of MY house have responded to those threats. You are asking your self; well how come the spirits I(you) *think* you work with are letting this happen, shouldn't they be protecting me from the attacks of other spirits? Let me answer that. You have made threats against a POWERFUL house(G.O.O.D.S) , and did so based on a LIE. There is no room for divine justice, since I didn't commit any wrongs against you, or the moron you are following (its called the rules of spiritual warfare, your God Fathers, and God Mothers didn't do a good job teaching you, or you plain didn't listen), and therefore: your spirits must allow YOU to be taught that there are consequences for your actions. Also the spirits of my House are righteous, and have well deserved reputations of being beyond fierce, and even lethal. When you work with a set of spirits in what is called a “house”, or “lodge” as honestly, and as dedicatedly as I do... they get very strong. They tend to be able to bypass, or shove aside any spirit guides you “might” have. You are not the first to experience this. I also have a personal blood line ancestry that helped bring down kings, and have LONG histories of being THE family of Scottish mercenaries you hired to take on ANYONE. So my eguns/ancestors are also partly responsible for making you wish yesterday never happened, and for two of you in particular, contemplating just “ending it all”. You have been lied too. I love, honor, and deeply revere the ATR. However, you are presently engaged in a “hands-on” education today, that High Magic spirits, and Celtic lines, are also MORE then legit, and yes, are eating you alive. You ARE being EATEN, lets just make that very clear. My SCOTTISH eguns are slowly devouring you. On top of that, one of you claimed that Haitian Voudu was “nothing”. You might have incurred the wraith of the Loa of this house.... yes... that was fucking stupid. The Goetia Spirts I work with have NOT become involved yet. Make sure you do http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/08/atr-cleansing-and-restitutions.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: ATR Cleansing, and Restitutions.

not get them involved... I am serious, I don't want to see that happen. There are a other spirits of this house that have not yet responded, (but unerringly protect this house) one with a mighty hammer, one with a scythe, and one that killed the Hydra. Scary thing is, I, personally also have yet to cast, or place anything on any of you. This is the reaction of the Spirits of this house to your foolishness. Right now you are in the “minor” stages of responding to your threat. Now, I realize my “minor” stage exceeds what YOU consider extreme. Its scary... but YOU did make the first attack, so YOU are in the WRONG, and thus divine justice does work against YOU. Again go back to your god fathers, and god mothers. Crawl up into their laps, and ask them to slowly, using easy to understand words, explain to you how spiritual warfare works. They will explain to you exactly what I just said. I am also a actual member of the Abakua society, so I urge you, do your research, and find out why your mistake could be very costly, and all from something based on a absolute LIE. Because if this actually ever effects me, I am oath bound to respond, and even the most minor (in my eyes) of consequences is near destroying you. What if I need to begin to actively working you? So here is what YOU need to do now. I need very specific details about what you are experiencing. This will help me pin point EXACTLY which spirits you are getting your ass pounded by, so I can speak with those spirits, and find out what it will take from YOU to make restitution to them for having to go after you. Also, I am desperately trying to un-busy my life, so I can spend more time with the people who are in this house, and email me sincere questions. What you are did will cause me MORE work, and time away from the projects I have to finish, so I may to talk to my spirits on your behalf. To compensate for this, this consultation WILL cost you. You will see the donate button on the upper right top. This week ONLY I will accept $150 to divine what spirit it is, and how YOU can appease them. Next week that will double to $300, and so on, and so forth. Do yourself a favor, and do this now. What you are experiencing will only get WORSE. You have my complete and utter discretion. I will never share your name, nor will I hold any ill feelings against you, and yes you may join GOODS, and use the information I have released. Most importantly I will forget this whole issue, and treat you as though it never happened. You have my word. -Uncle Bearheart http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/08/atr-cleansing-and-restitutions.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: ATR issue, and it's finality.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

ATR issue, and it's finality. For all five of you who have sent me your money to call off my eguns, and wrote me very long, heart felt apologies. You are completely forgiven, and my egun ancestors have been appeased. You will find that I have refunded ALL your money. I don't want it, it was a show of your sincerity for my eguns. They have seen it, and have accepted it. You are however STILL required to do exactly as I dictated to you, and do that THIS coming Monday. What you said, did, and contributed towards was wrong, and hurtful. I am very happy this is cleared up. Now, I have one last request; go be amazing people, and do extraordinary things! This matter is closed. -Uncle Bearheart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Bael's magic powder for victim's of TI (Targeted Individuals), and for greater protection in general.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bael's magic powder for victim's of TI (Targeted Individuals), and for greater protection in general. *** Bael once again spoke before I published this, he feels its important to point out that I am a keeper of a tradition where the Goetia can, and do take possession, have their OWN unique spirit-pots, herbal mixtures, potions, elixirs, balms, and work almost like a "religion", in and of themselves, and their ordering within the number 72, is a powerful spiritual alchemical process, and configuration of the afterlife. BEWARE anyone else who begins talking about this information after the date of this publishing 9/9/2013. Especially the daemonic/necromantic/evoker hucksters**** Last night the Goetia spirit Bael spoke to me. I was shaken out of a dream by an explosion of a factory of some sort (in the dream), and awoke to Bael partial manifested next to my bed. A visit like this from a Goetic spirit is rare, and never without reason. I am careful to reveal much about him. There are many “huckster” occultists who read this blog, and then mix it with compounded lies to sell their, “grimores”, for hundreds of dollars to well meaning, and seeking people. The appearance of Bael was purposely recorded wrong. There are mannerisms of his that I know, which I use as an acid-test to validate if the magician is truly evoking Bael (or any of the Goetia Spirits), or simply just using incorrectly recorded material about him, which shows that the magician in question is a fraud. Trust me when I say, NO PUBLIC/INTERNET MAGICIAN CURRENTLY SELLING ANYTHING ABOUT THE GOETIA OR SPIRIT EVOCATION REGARDING THE GOETIA IS LEGIT. Done, end of story. ****My message to the hucksters.... you KNOW who you are, how DARE you swindle people's money!**** I bring a message of hope this morning. I work with T.I victims. T.I means, Targeted Individual. They are people who have been targeted by the biggest cowards, and rotten pussies in existence. The pedophiles who operate low caliber energy weapons, and direct them on brave individuals who have spoken out against corruption at governmental, and the high level corporate levels. They also send squads of people to harass, and follow them, often called, “gang stalking”. This is common practice for the so-called, "intelligence", agencies. I myself was briefly a target of gang stalking after it was uncovered that my God Father/Mentor, a POWERFUL ritual magician, and Houngan Asogwe was finally able to lay a curse (for which their was no recovering) on a high level black magic magician, top level member of military industrial complex, and oddly a http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/baels-magic-powder-for-victims-of-ti.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Bael's magic powder for victim's of TI (Targeted Individuals), and for greater protection in general.

mastermind behind the current TI program. He died being eaten alive by the truly depraved dead. I was followed by a group of metro-sexual looking guys in their late 20s. They would be everywhere I was. At first just in the background, but there. I noticed this gaggle of douchbags very quickly, mostly because I don't watch TV, so I am used to seeing what actually around me, rather then a limited focus of reality projected directly in my head from a television. When they realized I have long been aware of them, but yet had NOT reacted to their presence, they stepped up their game. I would be walking in, or out of a store, or at school, and there they would be, talking just loudly enough for me to hear them. They would describe parts of my day, and even say my name. After weeks of me pretending to be oblivious to them, I was able to lure these twats into a trap. One night has I was walking out of a local convenience store, they assembled together in what I imagine was their daily gay circle jerk session positioned a few feet of my vehicle. They had finally positioned themselves with in arm's reach, its what I had been waiting for, as I wanted to take them ALL by surprise. One of them said my name as I walked by them to my vehicle, they all chuckled, and made eye contact with me. I unleashed. I came up with a thunderous right upper cut under the chin of the one that dared speak my name. The “clop” sound of his bottom teeth, forcefully meeting his upper teeth (I believe that meeting scissored through the tip of his tongue), was one of the sweetest, and erotic sounds I have ever heard. I still get a monstrous erection when I re-call it. I then launched my large body at the rest of them. I have been forged by years of bending thick steel bars, pulling apart chain links, and one handing triple digit dumbbells overhead, for triple digit reps. I believe that if I die dripping in the blood of my enemies I got to Valhalla, and earn the right to sexually own every woman in their ancestor line. Like the true pussies they are, they scattered, and left their fallen comrade to be my personal piece of meat. Out of spite, and calculated madness, I methodically took my time steadily pulling out bloody fist full, after bloody fist full of hair from his head. I held him down with a vice tight spine lock/camel clutch (Thanks Iron Sheik) to try, and entice his, “friends” to attempt a rescue mission (a cruel sniper trick; good snipers didn't always one shot, one kill a man. They shoot him in the legs, and arms, while his platoon watched to draw them out of cover, and into direct fire http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/baels-magic-powder-for-victims-of-ti.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Bael's magic powder for victim's of TI (Targeted Individuals), and for greater protection in general.

when they would attempt to aid their wounded companion). I also wanted to keep this display of savagery in the public view. I wasn't interested in chasing one of them down, and being lead down a spider hole, or snatch, and grab attempt. I wanted them to get close, until they did I was content with tearing out whole patches of hair from the worm they abandoned, and feeling his vertebral disks crunch beneath me. The sight of a man ruthlessly camel clutching another “man(?)”, while wrenching out clumps of his hair, and him trying to heave enough air out of his blood filled mouth to scream in agony in front of a busy convenience store is liable to draw a crowd. The police (who really ought to be out stopping crime, not intervening in an American patriot wining his country back), arrived not long after. I am not bullet proof (yet), so I eventually let him go, but ONLY after I was told repeatedly they would shot, and I finally believed that they would. I was arrested, the man taken to a local hospital. I already had in my mind the lawyer I would call, and the first, and ONLY words out of my mouth to both the cops, and detectives was, “Fuck you, 5th amendment, where the FUCK is my lawyer!”. The rest of the details aside, I was eventually released. Why? While there was a horrifically injured body, he left the hospital, and even though, “someone”, got their shit fucked up, they still need to identify WHO that, "someone" was. Its hard to charge me with assault against, “Ummm fuck if we know who he is, and no one can find him”. I have at this point in my life encountered NO further gang-stalking. I believe that they look for victims, not fights. If you do physically confront your stalkers, you MUST be ready for a REAL fight, and you MUST be ready to personally accept the repercussions of your actions, legal, or otherwise. That is on YOU, and no one else. I also fully believe that my years of steady energy work, magical armor, and merger (LBRP/MPR), protect me from their energy weapons. You will need to http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/baels-magic-powder-for-victims-of-ti.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Bael's magic powder for victim's of TI (Targeted Individuals), and for greater protection in general.

spend years developing your own energetic protections as I have. So what about the Goetia spirit Bael? I had come to him many weeks earlier, and on behalf of someone, who asked about what he (all of you) could do about ceasing/lessening T.I, both the energy weapons, and physical gang stalking. He said he would need to get back to me. He finally did. This will be work for any types of the spiritual attacks, or just wanting to have an extra level of protections in general. This is a once a week process, done on MONDAY. You will need piece of parchment with Bael's sigil drawn on it Powdered Egg shell (best worked into a dust with a mortar, and pestle), of NINE emptied eggs. Dried, and crushed mugwort, small hand full. Dried, and crush horehound (Marrubium vulgare), small hand full. Mix all together, and place in a bowl, with a piece of quartz, and onyx. Place the bowl of top of Bael's sigil, on the parchment, cover the bowl with a black fabric, let it charge for a at least SEVEN days. Every MONDAY, light a cigar, and blow the smoke over the sigil of Bael NINE times. This is PAYMENT. Now, take a pinch or two of your mixture, briskly rub it between your hands, and rub your hands all over you DRY, mostly naked body, top of head and face (avoid your eyes). Cover the bowl once more with the black fabric. This will greatly dampen your presence to your enemies, and your gang stalkers will being to have a hard time finding you. You will also notice directed energy weapons will have a greatly lessened effect on you. You will also be less effected by negative vibrations, and harmful frequencies. When the mixture runs out, just make more! Allow the mixture to stay on your body for at least 27 minutes before you dry wipe it off. It would be better if you could just leave it all day. This will create another magical barrier of invisibility from your enemies, and provide solid energetic protection. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/baels-magic-powder-for-victims-of-ti.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Bael's magic powder for victim's of TI (Targeted Individuals), and for greater protection in general.

Bael needs payment for this, has HE brought this dry rub to consciousness to help humanity. So be sure to give him to offer him the smoke of a cigar once a week if you use his magic powder. Let me know how it goes! -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: European Road Openings with Mercury, and the Merger.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

European Road Openings with Mercury, and the Merger. I will soon begin introducing the LBRP/Middle Pillar Ritual (now called, "The Merger") in their true context. In terms of where these practice of ritual/planetary magic, and even what eventfully became, “hermetic magic”, stemmed from, and where strongly influenced by, the God of roads, travel, communication, and commerce himself, "Mercury" or Hermes. Was Mercury originally a deity of magic, and science? In all likelihood, no. He was( and still is) a horned, and phallic deity of (human) fertility, hunting, and animal husbandry. Because his followers where a nomadic peoples, and moved their herds, the sense of travel; including it's inherent dangers, was adopted by him. Aspects of sorcery surely abounded him, in the arcana of healing both animal, and human, inducing desire of sexual intercourse in both animals, and humans, increasing the effectiveness of the hunt, and of course protection during travel. The inverse would of course be true. Mercury was called on to empower hexes to cause impotence, disease, and weakness in humans, and livestock, calamity on the hunt, and bring dangers to an enemy's travels. These interactions often had life, and death implications, and so Mercury also became a type of psycho-pomp leading the spirits to the afterlife, and leading the reincarnated spirits back to infant bodies. As the agricultural world took to life, the mysteries of Mercury shifted to suit modern needs. Not so much a deity of the hunt any longer (for many, he was still revered by hunters, and this aspect plays a major role as will be latter described), but the ability to now transport goods was becoming paramount. Mercury being a deity regularly invoked for safe journeys, it was a natural fit for him to be invoked for safety during trading expeditions. With transportation, and trade, came commerce. Its not a stretch to see the movement of coin, and transferring of funds which came with the increase of travel as falling under the patronage of Mercury. With money, came knowledge, and learned people looking to sell their wisdom, and skills. This is where Mercury took on the role of, “scientist”, and sometimes even a, “physician”. All manner of new knowledge poured in from the “four directions”. Sciences, religions/magic, philosophy, and business/economics could all converge, and intermingle by way of roads to meet “on”, and cities, to meet “in”. Communication thrived. Before, people might not hear about important things until years after. Now, with the increase of roads, and trade, news spread at a far more rapid pace. Naturally, Mercury took on the mantle of the, “great communicator”, and all forms of communicating was placed under him. Travel meant encountering http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/european-road-openings-with-mercury-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: European Road Openings with Mercury, and the Merger.

new languages. It was advantageous to learn these languages, has this greased the wheels to trade, and sharing of information, some of it secret, or occultic. Mercury already in his role as a psycho-pomp, now also carries news to, and from the spirit world, and the, science”, of magical formulations becomes, “his”; so the roads, and especially the crossroads, contained profound mysteries of chance, and reward, again watched over by Mercury. Mercury is the sign post in the middle of the crossroads, which for the Romans, because of Mercury's links to fertility, was often a giant wooden phallus/cock. Interestingly the horse, is a scared animal to Mercury. The horse's ability to travel great distances is obvious, and its large penis, a sight which often excited women into carnal acts of fertility (pregnancy intended, or unintended as it where often followed), played its role (I, myself are thereby sacred to Mercury too...winkwink). The ability to astral travel was very early on associated with Mercury. Tribal magic men, and woman would astrally search for where the food was, or where certain plants would be found. This evolved into remote viewing where enemies where hiding, or the strength of a rival tribe. This then became harming the astral body of another, to bring about misfortune, or healing the astral body of another. Visiting other realms of existence, and tracking with the dead, and various spirits would all come under Mercury, as would asking for his protection during your magical travels. Mercury's astral travel, was part, and parcel what brought forth the “Hermetic” tradition. Astral travel was often the higher level mysteries, but this has flipped. People now learn about astral travel BEFORE the foundations of ritual are well established. Which is one reason why in this modern context, I believe, astral travel is now an “open secret”; everybody knows about it, but fuck if the vast, and greater majority can do it. As to where is used to be, astral travel was an initiatory secret which very few knew about it, and those to whom the secret was revealed, they astral traveled regularly.

Another deity that embodies the large penis, and the crossroads, is the African deity Eshu, who is horned as well. A shape shifter, and master of destiny. A magician, and grand communicator. There is also within Africa's wide spread religious context (as well as the African based religions), Nkuyu, Legba, Exu (Exu Rei Sete Encruzhiladas, or King of the 7 Crossroads) , and Lucero, all contain striking similarities with Mercury, and his functions. An originating source maybe? Could be, but where, and who? I wont seek to answer that here. A function which has become largely ignored within most western mystery schools, but lives on strongly in the African, and Afro-based religions, is a concept called, “road openings”. Through my mentor, and tradition of ritual high magic, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/european-road-openings-with-mercury-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: European Road Openings with Mercury, and the Merger.

this was not lost on me. However, I do wonder if the fact that my Godfather, who was a Hougan Asogwe in Haitian Voudu, and well introduced to Palo Mayombe, Ifa, and Quimbanda, as well as being a master Ritual Magician; did not intuitively uncover this himself, or if the form of Planetary Ritual Magic I inherited (which passed through Haiti), supposedly from French Grimoric traditions, had hidden within it the references to Mercury, and his relationship to road opening rituals. I know this, as I am old enough to remember the early days of the internet, that the celebrity magicians, and occult personalities of the western mysteries DID NOT, and have not discussed road openings with their magical traditions. So mark the date of this post, because I KNOW I am read by authors of certain publishing houses, and my material ends up peppered in their books. The structure of the LBRP, known as a Banishing Ritual, and the Middle Pillar, are originally Mercurial, self propelled “Road Openings”, and linked to the Hornedman of the cross roads (The Devil, but the Devil in the TRUE European Witchcraft, as meaning virile, vigorous, wild, and powerful. As an aside, yes, you Wiccans ARE devil worshipers, as in the cults of the Devil, and the Dame (Venus), which is now relocated to Quimbanda in Brazil. Devil until Christianity, like the word demon, had NO-ZERO evil connotations. Another interesting aside to note, (again mark the date of this post) On the tree of life, we see the sphere of Venus, opposite the sphere of Mercury (the horned devil, in his original form, sexual, wild, full of energy, sorcerous, and a trickster) The Devil(Mercury), and the Dame (Venus), are the Father, and Mother of the European Witch cults. Mercury is a tawny red/orange, as is the devil, the beams of Mars which is over Mercury, plays a HUGE role is this, again mark the date of this post. That is something from the TRUE witchcraft mysteries, and I make NO apologies when I say the vast amount of knowledge on the so-called true European witch cults being brought forth currently, is trite as best). What is a road opening? As we know, the astral world is the blue print, or final edit, before becoming manifest/physical. There are a great deal of opportunities, resources, and other energies that for a multitude of reasons become, “blocked”, form connecting with us. They circulate around us, and come in as bits, and pieces, or even corrupted versions of what they “should” have been. This can be the result of psychic sludge, a chaotic lifestyle, evil magic, harmful spirits, etc. It comes to down to this, your roads are blocked, and forward motion is hindered. Another way of looking at this is doors. Strangely, Mercury, and Eshu, Lucero, Legba, Exu, etc, are all often called the, “key holders to human destiny”, and they can unlock doors for you. The inverse is also true, they can shut doors on you, or close your roads. Its common in Palo Mayombe, Voudu, and Quimbanda, to preform malefic rites to close the roads, or doors of your enemies. Its also http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/european-road-openings-with-mercury-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: European Road Openings with Mercury, and the Merger.

protection magic, to close the roads, and doors on those trying to harm you. The structure of the Golden Dawn LBRP, and the calling of directional based Archangels, and drawing banishing pentagrams is in effect to close your roads from being transverses by malignant spirits. The problem is the Archangels where called to stand watch (They will do NOTHING else, unless instructed too, as they are ARCHONS), and the doors/.roads around the magician are closed. You in effect, “safe”, but in an astral prison of your own make. My Planetary tradition, calls upon the the forces of the four winds. This is important distinction because of the functions they serve. The four winds move, and where heralds for Mercury. Unlike the Golden Dawn ritual structure where you are in reality assuming the God from of Jehovah, in my Planetary tradition, you are assuming the God form of Mercury. The four winds CLEARED THE PATH FOR MERCURY'S SWIFT MOVEMENT. In effect, opened/cleared his (now yours) roads. Again, remember, Mercury is the sign post (Transmitting messages through signs, and can be a receiver by having signs hung on them.... REALLY meditate on that, and it's connection to the Middle Pillar Ritual) in the middle of the crossroads (again, mark the date of this posting). You are calling forth the four aligned powerful spirits which will make Mercury's (your) travel, commerce, communication, learning, tradings, etc, etc, easier. The old saying, “All roads lead to Rome”, had deep, and magical implications, by virtue of Mercury. Where the LBRP, takes care of, “horizontal”, the Middle Pillar Ritual, begins the Mercurial exercise of, “vertical” movement (body expansion, and in my tradition Planetary sphere/body visitation). This also linked the magician with the “North Star”, or Pole-Star, which in a hidden mystery makes sure your astral body will never get lost, and can navigate (travel/Mercury), the astral realm, or starry sea. Now, this leads us to the topic of, “The Merger”. Behold, a true work of Mercurial inspiration. A multi-tiered/layered crossroad, all originating off the same center pole (you/Mercury), for hyper dimensional maneuverability. When you are drawing those Planetary master symbols around your own Planetary bodies, on each planetary realm, you are opening THIER roads also. So, in other words, your are placing the keys around them, that they (YOU) might also have the roads, or doors, open on that planetary realm, and receive all the blocked/hampered energies that pertain to that particular planetary sphere, which would flow through that particular planetary body, and then down to your physical manifestation. Whew! Again, mark the date of this post. Why is it then, no other system talk about this????? Because this knowledge was lost, ignored, and/or stifled. I was lucky enough to have had a Godfather, who was http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/european-road-openings-with-mercury-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: European Road Openings with Mercury, and the Merger.

in a very legitimate current, and was able to place me within that current before his death. I want you all to really think on this, and when you preform the merger, see what happens. Note, this JUST a primer. An introduction to this concept. Its SO MUCH DEEPER, but for right now, its a lot to take in. This information changes things, and broadens scoop. We have before discussed at some length the relationship of Mars, and Venus, now with a slight planetary reconfiguring, we are beginning to explore the relationship between Mercury, and Venus. Its important here to note, that G.O.O.D.S is a secret order that derives its power from the relationship between Mars, and Venus. My tradition of Planetary Ritual High Magic, and well as the Tradition of Wicca I inherited can be said to hinge more on the relationship shared by Mercury, and Venus. For you, this might not mean a great deal right now, but there is an energetic difference, and it should be at least be stated. I at some point will reveal more about this, and more types of road openings. Such as under Santisima Muerte, who is a Saturn based road opening. Good George, who like the Palo Mayombe deity Zarabanda, is a Mars based road opening, and finally one day Saint Simon (The man in black) who is a Pluto based road opening. All are different, and all require certain harmonic understanding to preform properly. Enjoy kids! -Uncle Bearheart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Venus of the Seven Suitors, Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands. More European-Kimbanda magical perspectives.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Venus of the Seven Suitors, Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands. More European-Kimbanda magical perspectives. A quick musing on the idea of magical pairing, and the importance of consorts, and couplings. I am probably the only modern occultist openly discussing this principle, and more then likely among a small handful of practicing magicians who are even aware of it's applications. In a modern context I believe that the magical tradition (a religion also depending on who you talk too) of Kimbanda/Quimbanda is ideal for helping explaining this. The reason for this is the massive influence (and by massive, I mean to the point that without which, Kimbanda simply WOULD NOT exist) of European immigrants, and slaves who brought the EUROPEAN magical tradition/religion (witch cults) to South America. These immigrants included Spanish, Gypsies, Slavic, Russain and even Scottish. The spiritualism of Alan Kardec, a European, served as THE instrumental platform used to perform the mediumship which originally contacted the many Exu (male), and Pomba Giras (female) spirits of mainly EUROPEAN ancestry (of course there are African, Tribal South American as well) which now makes up Kimbanda. Pomba Gira is NOT the Goddess Venus, who Europeans saw as their “Devil's Dame”, but Pomba Gira does fit the context of the “Devil's mistress” in Kimbanda. In truth Exu, and Pomba Gira both have origins as hermaphrodite deities, and spirits of the crossroad (same as Mercury). Pomba Gira is said to have “shape shifted” into the insatiable, unashamed, bastion of female sexual power to couple with Exu; who also may have been an hermaphrodite, and assumed the role of the fiery, and volcanic fountain of dark, sticky masculinity. The Tree of Life, with it's PLANETARY mysteries is also deeply involved here. Notice I made strong reference to PLANETARY, and not the hebrew god names that Golden Dawn/Crowlites/ Hermetic Magicians often cling too. When the immigrants from Europe carried the Tree of Life mysteries to South America, along with their own forms of Ritual High Magic, it was mostly devoid of Hermetiscism, and Herbewism. Even the Grimore, and Solomanic magics brought to, and practiced in South America got reworked to fit a planetary nature, so that they could incorporate their own deities, and not have to assume the role of YHVH god-form. So what does this mean exactly?




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Venus of the Seven Suitors, Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands. More European-Kimbanda magical perspectives.

Lets examine two matrons Venus, and Pomba Gira. More specifically Venus in one of her “hidden” names, that of, “Venus of the Seven Suitors”, and Pomba Gira, in her title of “Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands, or “of the Seven Doors (Sete Portias)”. Both Venus, and Pomba Gira are often noted as the keepers of the seven PLANETARY mysteries, and this will become extremely important here very soon. The feminine energy is often seen as the stone, the earth, or the hub of the great wheel of time. She is fixed, or stationary. The masculine on the other hand, is transitional, and vagabond. Where the feminine is the hub, the masculine is the spoke of the wheel, the sword in the stone, and the many stars above the earth. Because female is the, “manifestation”, and the male the “creative potential”, an interesting junction takes place. Venus, remains Venus because she is fixed; however, she is greatly influenced by her current suitor-husband-planetary ray. So, Venus linked with Mars, is going to manifest an energy differently, than say Venus when she is linked with Sol. A woman who has different children by SEVEN different men, the children influenced by their seven different fathers' sperm (or creative potential), but ONE woman can make all that happen. This explains Venus of the Seven Suitors (Planetary Mysteries), and of course now Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands. 1.Venus and Neptune 2.Venus and Saturn 3.Venus and Jupiter 4.Venus and Mars 5.Venus and Sol 6.Venus and Mercury 7.Venus and Lunar (the masculine Lun”ar”). 1.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Crossroads 2.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Crossings 3.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Forest 4.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Cemetery 5.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Souls 6.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Lyra 7.Pomba Gira and Exu Rei of the Beach But what of Pomba Gira of the Seven Doors, or Venus, as the “sacred” whore? http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/09/venus-of-seven-suitors-pomba-gira-of.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Venus of the Seven Suitors, Pomba Gira of the Seven Husbands. More European-Kimbanda magical perspectives.

This relates to a function that Venus, and Pomba Gira, are especially suited for. Venus, as the “whore”, can handle being “influenced”, or “penetrated”, by multiple masculine energies at the same time. If the title Pomba Gira of the Seven Doors (openings, portals, etc) sounds sexual....I promise you it IS (there is no “wrong” hole LOL LOL LOL!) This means that both Venus,and Pomba Gira can accommodate the “needs” of their seven suitors/husbands, singularly, or en mass, and thereby manifest their “children”, or, “creative potential” on the earth. She is the hub, with seven spokes, or at least seven holes for which seven spokes (Planetary mysteries/Energies), can interface with. Form a magical perspective, this is deeply important. Since Venus should be “adorned” with the “gifts, baubles, and dressings”, appropriate to the liking of her suitor, or suitors; she will also be impregnated, and bring to term the child/working of each of her husbands, or combination there of. From the perspective of the Magician, the implications here are huge. Certainly a Mars, and Venus pairing has intense power, but what happens when its MarsVenus-Neptune? The Whole dynamic changes, and the possibilities really open up. This all I want to say about this issue for now. I write this only to introduce the idea, and show yet another level of depth. It is a grand study within the realm of true planetary magic for sure. At the very least something to ponder on, as it is very much a corner stone of this tradition. My advice is to study the planetary correspondences, as well as their astrological connections. Become comfortable meeting with, and seeing your planetary bodies, as we are nearing a time when you will start interacting with them on a more personal level. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Laying the bricks of MY Temple, and offering of authentic spirit pots.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Laying the bricks of MY Temple, and offering of authentic spirit pots. *If you feel like want Spirit container message me ([email protected]). They are not cheap $400 is a firm price. They are made from rare (extremely uncommon) items, and sometimes it takes hunting , and long treks into the back country, wild lands, caves, forests, mountain, and rural cemeteries or other burial spots to find the needed additives, and then I properly prepare them (there is some actual risks I take). It is not a quick process either, as these are NOT mass produced, and a heavy amount of personal energy, time, artistry and care is placed it each one. Each container will come with specific instructions, and other information that is pertinent to the spirit you desire to work with. I am in the processes of physically building MY actual temple. The voices from my ancestors and the house spirits who came through to me Oct 31st and Nov 1st, where very clear how important this is for me to do. In the near future there will indeed be a actual physical location, and I will reveal where that location is. What will happen? I don’t know. Things work on a time frame that is beyond our full grasp. We either seize the moment or we let it pass us by. I was told by a very loud chorus of voices that I must seize this opportunity and build a haven for a coming storm. Again, what that means fully? I don’t know. I offer no dates, no prophecy, or predictions. Things happen for a reason, and that is all I need to know so I act in accordance with that truth. The 72 spirits of the Goetia are an essential component of building my temple. My introduction to the Goetia was an atypical one. I didn’t download a Lesser Key of Solomon PDF like most of the magicians these days. I was taught, and most importantly initiated into the High Art by way of earned medium ship, energetic transference, possession, and dedication. What I know, I know because I practiced it, because I confirmed the information via the spirit who in turn made things happen in accordance with its promises to me, as I kept my promises to it. I entered into contract with non-physical entities, and in a true reflection with the Most High, I worked for the mutual benefit of all parties involved. The 72 spirits of the Goetia create a very specific template, and each spirit serves as an individual brick/block when fully assembled create an astral temple of mysteries for which no better exists. Taking that a step further, each of the 72 spirits of the Goetia are linked to a specific physiological governance in the body, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/11/laying-bricks-of-my-temple-and-offering.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Laying the bricks of MY Temple, and offering of authentic spirit pots.

psychological process, and key bones in the human body. Build the astral temple, the physical temple will manifest, and you become the living embodiment of both. That is just the surface. As usual most modern day occultists have never heard of this grand level of work with the 72 spirits of the Goetia and are highly jealous of it. The OTO, the Golden Dawn, and other Hermetic Orders (Hermetic DIS-orders as I like to call them) are piecemeal reconstructions at best. Their highest level occult secrets where bought by the families of the world financial elite, and it was made to look like their orders did a top-down collapse to fragment what knowledge remained rendering it largely useless. I was lucky enough to obtain this LIVING knowledge of the work with the 72 spirits of the Goetia contained and transmitted by the Bokkors/Sorcerers, and Voudun priest(ess)hoods of Haiti, and possibly the Obeah men, and women via Jamaica, and Caribbean (although I cannot say I know much about that particular tradition). The High Magic I have did not fall apart in England, or suffer from the crippling over intellectual masturbatory torture of the guilt ridden European Christianized (thereby Jewish/Hebrew controlled) mind making Ritual High Magic a DEAD damaging mental exercise of lackluster imagination mixed with criminal sociopathic asexual tendencies. My God Father had received all 72 transmissions of each spirit. When you receive these transmissions (initiations) a special container is built which acts as a house for the individual spirit. Seeing all the 72 containers of the spirits of the Goetia arranged in the temple formation was forever life changing, and the radiation of power struck me so that I could not speak, or move. Each container has its own specific formula made up of powerful natural occurring ingredients which serve as the “body” for a particular spirit of the 72. No container is same, and the construction of which is a fiercely guarded secret. I will NEVER reveal the secret of their construction to anyone over the internet. You MUST learn from me one on one and you must re-locate yourself close enough to me to make that possible, thus why I am building MY temple because it is about finally time when my true great work begins. I must build for myself the 72 containers, or building blocks of the Temple to manifest the full potential of High Magic on the earth, and ensure that I can achieve my great work in this lifetime. Because I am constructing these containers I will also begin building them for others. I warn you, these are NOT toys, these are NOT “curiosities”, and these are LIVING bodies for POWERFUL spirits. To keep one and to work with one is to enter into a relationship with a non-physical entity. The spirit will serve you, protect you, and guide you as long as you tend to the spirit, feed the spirit, and fulfill your promises to it. The 72 spirits of the Goetia are in actuality very kind, and have a great deal invested into humanity. They care, and understand “wants”, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/11/laying-bricks-of-my-temple-and-offering.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Laying the bricks of MY Temple, and offering of authentic spirit pots.

and “needs”. These spirits are very close to the physical realm, as they are ASTRAL spirits (72, 7+2=9, 9 is the number of the Astral realm (Moon)) and they do not question why you might want better sex, a new car, or extra money, but can also assist you into high states of spiritual awareness. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and all acts of pleasure a blessing. All senses lead to the astral/spiritual body. Leave behind the idiocy that the physical body is crude, its wants to be ignored, and its condition transcended. This is a particular spirit pot I have finished building and will one day soon sit with a congress 71 other spirits to erect my astral temple. This is the container of a spirit my God Father was particularly fond of, and the spirit he used to successfully lay the curse on his long time rival Micheal Aqino (CIA pedophile, MK-Ultra mastermind, NWO high priest, and former head of the Temple of Set… so scum bag supreme), and curse that lead to the end of both he, and ultimately my God Father as well (it was strong to say the least, and much, much more was involved). So it is on that note, I lay the first brick in what will be both an astral, then physical temple of great affect. -Uncle Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Andromalus work and special opportunity

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Andromalus work and special opportunity I receive frequent e-mails about how the working with the grand spirit Andromalus is not only personally changing people's lives, but affecting the global power REstructuring back towards liberty, and decency. Since we first started; bankers have gone to to jail, huge amounts of stolen assets returned, and harsh delays in the global domination/extermination plot. I couldn't be happier. This is what magic does, and this is what good people can do with it. I have been collecting materials for a specific spirit pot for someone. These pots are not easy to make, and what goes in them is generally not common. Its not just what goes into the pot either, but how you find what you need, and the conditions surrounding the components upon their finding. In essence, the spirit must WANT you to have it's pot or else the materials will not become available to the maker. Divination is done BEFORE the pot is started. The person I am making a pot for mentioned a few spirits he felt called by but felt drawn to one in particular. The divination stated very plainly the spirit in particular wanted him to have his pot for very personal reasons. I believe this person (this is what the spirit told me, and was confirmed when I question the man about what the spirit said) was steered into an auspicious position of power, and his influence will one day soon serve as a tipping point for the benefit for many around him (maybe globally. Where I am at in the world... certain more exotic materials are not exactly readily available, but sure enough I have been finding them with this spirit's help, and promptings. I made an amazing find this weekend, and to be honest I am still in shock. What I have available will make a number of Andromalus pots possible. Outside of the one for my physical temple I can probably make 4, maybe 5 more of his pots. Because we have done such a successful and major working with Andromalus (which is why he made this find possible, and he wants his pots made available)and the surplus of a few key ingredients that he made sure I stumbled upon, I can make Andromalus's pot for $250. Do you need a pot? No. You can, and you have very, very successfully worked with Andromalus to cause amazing change in the world. Don't for one second think you need to purchase a pot from me, ever. But, some people are ready to more into a very intimate relationship with a particular spirit, and this is how you do that. You are in a very real sense keeping a powerful spirit next to you.... seriously. Andormalus says he is willing to have his pot made for anyone on this blog site, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2013/11/andromalus-work-and-special-opportunity.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Andromalus work and special opportunity

and that is pretty awesome. If you want one. Let me know. I accept payment plans, and I am super easy to work with. The pot is not quick to be made either. So if you wanted to do a payment plan that almost works better. -Uncle Bearheart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Djinn bottles if anyone wants them, and a doorway into my temple.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Djinn bottles if anyone wants them, and a doorway into my temple. Many of you know that I am in the process of building my physical temple somewhere in the United State's Pacific Northwest. Not only will this temple house the G.O.O.D.S order but all the mysteries I was taught,and initiated into by my late mentor a master ritual magic magician and Hougan Asogwe of Haitian Voudu. This is also be a temple for all that I am being initiated into currently. I will be structuring my temple based on the same astral blueprint my late Godfather structured his. The 72 spirits of the Goetia as my temple'formulation and building blocks. The 72 spirits create an entire religion/afterlife construct and are meant to be worked with via mediumship, and even possession. Be VERY wary of anyone else now claiming a similar understanding of the Goetic spirits. As usual I have a number of POOR imitators, and if they knew what they claimed, they would already have it out on their websites or blogs before me. I will pass on the complete tradition of the Necronomicon he taught me with watchers, guides, familiar spirits, incense, charms, sigils and doorways. Also a full tradition of Santisima Muerte veneration which I have the life changing and blessed privilege to be learning direct from a house in South America. Something else my Godfather learned from a master sorcerer and Djinn conjurer in Cambodia. I have been recently commissioned to conjure and house a few Djinn in specialty prepared bottles. The correct manner and method I used is a guarded secret, and comes from Cambodian sources deviated from the Islamic world but have now through the course of 100+ years become a method all it's own. Much like making a spirit pot, this is NOT shit you mess with. There is NO credible source of true Djinn conjuration on the internet. Do not make the mistake in "thinking" you can do whatever you want,or that you can make educated guesses and do this untrained....utter madness and folly. The amount of emails I receive from people being spiritual devoured and plagued by spirits or other entities they stupidly fucked with is in the HUNDREDS. YOU NEED INITIATION, you NEED training, and you NEED to be willing to pay for it or make some form of compensation for it. You need to be responsible, stable and stop mixing traditions as if your personal preferences out weighs the hundreds if not thousands of years and thousands upon thousands of people who devoted their whole entire lives to a particular tradition. There are rules and anyone saying otherwise is nothing but a lair and a fraud. THERE IS NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/01/djinn-bottles-if-anyone-wants-them-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Djinn bottles if anyone wants them, and a doorway into my temple.

In saying this I have a few bottles that have been prepped and four (4) Djinn I have contacted and who have agreed to work in this tradition. Notice I said AGREED, much like the Goetia spirits who will ultimately seek revenge on the assholes who force them to work through YHVH, the Djinn WILL hurt you if you try and "trap" them. The Djinn are not spirits, but rather inter dimensional beings of very active energy which is why they are thought to be made of fire. I am offering fully functioning Djinn bottles for $100. I have four currently. FULL instructions, and their name will come with each. Consider this a doorway into my temple and the knowledge I have learned and want to share. If you want to work with spirits, and or Djinn then you NEED to actually work with them.

This bottle is in it's beginning phase and will be ready in about a week. Any magicians out their ready for an experience that will forever change their worldview for the better? :) Send me a message at [email protected] if you are interested and ready to start. More to come. -Uncle Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Out of the bottle.... the Djinn, the who and what.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Out of the bottle.... the Djinn, the who and what. Other than Robin Williams as a big blue animated Genie I was some what surprised to learn that Djinn had found their way into Western consciousness, and had become so maligned even outside the Islamic worldview. A quick Google search revealed why. A number of researcher/writers (I use those terms loosely) within only the last couple years have released a movement of fear based sensationalism on a largely unaware western culture who has been effectively socially programmed to see anything from the Middle East and or wearing a turban as a terrorist. Imagine how easy it would be to sell the "demons" of Islam (the Djinn) as a spiritual Taliban force. It is easy, and from the looks of it, it worked. In just a couple minutes of internet searches I have found many, many comments suggesting the Djinn possessed the 9-11 hijackers (most of which have been found alive... and I am not even going to argue that 9-11 was a CIA and Mossad run false flag). In understanding the maligned nature of the Djinn, one needs to understand the very word "demon". The word "demon" comes from its far older origin word "daemon". A word that existed long before the advent of the Zionist steered cult called Christianity, whose purpose was to create political unrest in Rome. All spirits who could effect the physical realm are "daemons". Daemon means "powerful spirit". There is no indication of morality with the word its self. Your own spirit is a daemon encased in flesh, and you/ we all have a number of personal daemons which serve as spirit guides as part of a spiritual court. As Christianity grew from and began a campaign of vilification towards anything and everything it saw as a threat to its power, the word daemon, became demon, and all the Gods, Goddesses and guardian spirits of non-Christians where "demonized". Like deeming someone a "terrorist" and thereby now an enemy of the state, once something was called a demon this gave the Christian church their justification to wage violent war against it. What worked then, still works now... its only the words that have changed. The Djinn are indeed the "demons" of Islam. Islam is the third and thankfully final sociopathic son of Abrahamic religion spawning, Judhaism and Christianity being Islams older murderous brothers. All power mad, land grabbing, and profit hungry institutions need a unseen, nebulous enemy to wage eternal war against (see America's current foreign policy in regards to its "war on terror"... )for Islam this enemy was found with the Djinn. So what are the Djinn?




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Out of the bottle.... the Djinn, the who and what.

In simplest terms they are a race inter-dimensional beings that where sparked from the first swirlings of the formulation of the universe comprised entirely of light and sound. They are not "spirits" such as the 72 spirits of the Goetia, and the suggestion that the 72 spirits are Djinn is wholly laughable, and I will hint at why. I have talked about the Wheel of Ezekiel in a past blog. Its a vortex of vibrations or tones. One that is a roaring "like" a lion, a bellowing "like" a bull, screeching "like" an eagle , and finally a song voice Ahhhhh or Ohhhhhmmm "like" a man. Each sets a particular order of events in motion with a set of consequences. These are the "pure" elemental forces, as represented by the Ace cards of the Tarot. They have not yet reached manifestation and are not yet what we know as Air, Fire, Water or Earth, but where these qualities and eventually, substances come from. By looking at the World/Universe card of the Tarot you will see the Lion, Bull, Eagle and Man much like in the recounting Ezekiel's vision, as this completes a circle of the unmanifested to the manifested. You can isolate, and or blend them to create more varied results. This act was the creation of the universe and is transcribed in Ritual Magic's "The Opening by Watch Tower", something the Golden Dawn's Israel Regardie DID NOT design but "borrowed". The passage "Holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the universe". This is the birth of Djinn. The Djinn in Islamic sources are said to have been born form a "smokeless" fire. So what kind of fire is still a fire yet produces no smoke? Its light and heat, movement... energy. The Djinn where given existence with the intonement of the roaring "like" a lion. Western Ceremonial magic has roots in the ancient magician, and sorcerer cults in the Middle East and Mediterranean. So the lion "roar" is Leo, and due to its harsh, hot and sizzling nature given the designation of fire. The 72 spirits of the Goetia (and in truth all spirits which reside primarily on the astral realm) where birthed through the intonement of the Ahhhh or Ohhhmmm of that which is "like" a man... or Air. To make matters a little more confusing, the spirits of the 72 Goetia are linked to the Luna (moon) and Pluto and both incarnate and dis-incarnate human spirits as where the Djinn are not. One day I will talk about the Full Moon (Luna) and the Dark Moon (Pluto) and their relationship to Uranus and Earth in the true aspects of Western Ritual Magic based necromancy. The Djinn and the Goetia spirits are NOT the same, one can be thought of as fire, and the other air. Its when you actually understand the creation story and formulations of the Tree of Life that you can call yourself a true magician. Many, many ,many so-called magicians have absolutely no grasp of this unmanifest to manifest, first swirlings to present swirlings, and thus they cannot and do not experience consistency in their work. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/01/out-of-bottle-djinn-who-and-what.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Out of the bottle.... the Djinn, the who and what.

The Djinn are a race of beings all to there own are as old as creation. They where originally not linked to humankind whatsoever and had no interest or even knowledge of this planet. Humanity on the other hand is not as old as creation. We came much latter and are who we are now through a criminal Genesis, which took an evolving life form who "might" have one day become what we know as human and force warp-sped it's evolution into a creature who could be a more profitable and controllable slave race. Our world has been through a number of different eras. These eras usually lasting hundreds of thousands of years. Our so-called puppet masters have learned to manipulate from behind the scenes rather then up front as God-Kings or GodQueens. Humans tend to rebel and we are very talented at violent resistance once a common enemy is identified. The wave pattern has been the same through out our eras. We either grow so powerful and a small elite so corrupt we destroy ourselves back into a new stone age, or our so-called puppet masters feel we are becoming a threat to them and schedule a near global extermination event (asteroid strike , viruses, volcano, etc) to dwindle us down in population and de-evolve our technology. From what I am told by my mentor and he was told from his Cambodian teacher; is that a pre-Atlantian civilization of both high science and high magic opened a portal to a new dimension sometime in the second era (we are in the fifth or sixth era currently... a discussion for another time). This civilization happened to be located where the current Middle Eastern worldview is firmly established and the Djinn took a foothold upon this earth. So in time that has past the peoples inhabiting this area have come to contact the Djinn which still pass through a vortex which was opened. Thus why the Djinn have been largely localized to that part of the world. This pre-Atlantian civilization is said to have started isolating and entrapping the Djinn as sources of power to be feed off of. This is what sparked off a long and vicious conflict. The Djinn are largely outside of the grip of time (essentially immortal, but not completely) and remember this event. Many of the Djinn are still very angry and bitter at this. Humans die, and humans forget. This event has all but been erased except for a few dedicated linage holders of Djinn conjuration. In the Islamic worldview the Djinn refused to submit to the will of Allah, who in truth is probably the demi-urge also known as YHVH (same god, same bullshit religion). The Djinn have free will, and not unlike you or me, dislike being forced to follow or obey anything they don't agree with. Djinn conjuration traditions that came through that pre-Atlantian civilization, and or blended with Islam practiced trickery, extortion and coercion to entrap Djinn to do their bidding. Much like the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/01/out-of-bottle-djinn-who-and-what.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Out of the bottle.... the Djinn, the who and what.

Herbrew/Golden Dawn methods that hide behind YHVH like a little bitch and bully the Goetia spirits. Both the Djinn and the Goetia WILL enact revenge. Anyone practicing these methods have a deep darkness in their spiritual matrix. This is a form of tyrant veneration and slave master training. A hidden path into the energy current of the reptilian inspired Illuminati spiritual tenets. The Djinn are as individual and unique as we are. They each have their own drives, their own ambitions, and desires. There are Djinn who have taken up the many different spiritual paths of man. There are Djinn that have adopted Buddhism, have become Catholics, Mormons, appear in Voudu, Sanse, sorcerous cults of Quimbanda in South America, in Indonesia, Cambodia, and even Shinto in Japan. Some Djinn even adopted the Muslim faith. Some Djinn are bent on the eradication of humanity and have helped (or deceived) certain groups in power to kill of large population of humans, start wars, create powerful weapons (with the hope that history will repeat its self and we will destroy ourselves with them) and open portals to even more sinister and alien realms to spill those horrors upon the earth (see Montauk disaster). Other Djinn seek to help and defend humanity, and take special interest in particular spots on the earth (environmental areas and become self appointed protectors), or devoted themselves to other topics of study. Some Djinn are deeply addicted to the energy resonance of certain chemicals, or narcotics. Some love the sight and energy release of human sexual activity. Some enjoy torture. Some like sports. Others still love affection, and warmth. All have a combination of desires that again places them on the same level of complexity as us. The Djinn also have their own forms of magick, and their own religions too. It is a vast group of being we are talking about, and it is impossible, and the height of arrogance to say that they are "this" particular way, because just as humans we have universal truths about us, but many individual exceptions to our own set rules. Djinn often seek a foothold in this world. They are curious by nature and like exploring different realms. This realm is but one. The Djinn are so varied that most humans have at least one Djinn that has taken a particular interest in them. A certain something they find interesting about our own individual vibration no matter how mundane we seem to think we are. These Djinn can be spoken too.. in fact if you are very smart you will realize I have revealed how to do it already... lol. In the method I was taught, I ask a Djinn if they would like to work with me or another human, sometimes a particular human. Only if the answer is yes, do I begin to develop a vessel, usually a bottle, for them to inhabit. I do not lock them in there. If the human does not keep their end of the deal, the Djinn is free to leave http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/01/out-of-bottle-djinn-who-and-what.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Out of the bottle.... the Djinn, the who and what.

and not suffer years or possibly centuries of imprisonment. The bottles I make are like theater booths. The Djinn may sit in and observe the material world for as long as they wish. The human can talk to them, as favors of them, ask them questions and form a relationship with them. The Djinn gets to evolve alongside a human, and experience a new form of existence. This is in line of being "God/ddess in the circle", aiding in another's awaken of potential while the human is enacting their own. This is a religious activity mixed with true sorcery and meduimship. Working with a Djinn is very empowering. Their energy is vitalizing to a human and they can help keep you active, and healthy. Their energy is stimulating, and enlivens human cells. Their invisible light is like UV light to cancerous cells. Their presence helps awaken human RNA and thus as we aid them in their potential they help unlock hidden potential is us. Do you fianly fucking see how this all works??? Give and take, and mutual relationship. That is the true path to becoming a "living God/ddess" as it where, and not some ridiculous black magick made up non-sense where you rape and enslave... for fucks sake. I am in my mid 30s now and I am often thought of as being 26 or 27. The Cambodian sorcerer my mentor learned from was in his 70s but had the perpetual feel of being in his 40s. The Djinn can empower any magickal working you perform, and as your relationship blossoms they generally want to keep you around and work to promote longevity in you. There is a near unlimited plethora of information and rituals you can glean and develop from working with a Djinn, and the possibility of being around in a functional and healthy body to do a lot of it is very real. If you are indeed interested in working with a Djinn let me know. The bottle preparation is $100. You can do installments, it doesn't matter to me. It is a lifelong working and a bottle that you are meant to keep and even pass on to your children, or maybe a student of your own one day. All instructions come with it. I speak to the Djinn, understand it's intentions, and create a bottle specific to its own energy patterns. No bottle will ever be the same. Past that, I hope that this entry helps un-muddle the asinine information being defecated out of the brains and mouths of very unqualified and uninitiated laymen about the Djinn and helps you make better choices on your spirit journey and the many allies and entities you can and should develop relationships with in your awakening of higher potential. Uncle Bear Heart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Out of the bottle.... the Djinn, the who and what.

Posted by Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The link between strength training and magic.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The link between strength training and magic. The link between physical strength training, magical will forging and astral body development is vast to say the least. A topic something I have been researching, practicing and living for over 20 years now. I will one day release an exhaustive work on the subject but that is years away from now and nothing anyone should look for anytime soon. The process begins in the desire of something, and the use of weight as a measure of one’s attainment towards his or her goal. As long as the weight goes up in number and repetition you are being successful. When a plateau or barrier is hit that cannot be overcome you are experiences an unsuccessful period and your methods need reexamined and the goal reproached. It is a quantifiable experiment of either success or failure. You ever have the required will force to accomplish the task or you do not. Your physical body is the densification of all other overlaying energetic bodies; Astral, Emotional and Mental bodies as well as all other planetary bodies. Your physical body and it’s condition is a direct reflection of the quality and repair of its assimilated parts. The formula for manifestation is a current that runs down from Uranus (Kether), recollects -refocuses in the Moon (Yesod) and is beamed down into physical manifestation into Earth/Terra (Malkuth). However, a human must reverse the current back up the tree of life, and then allow his or her own ideal/intent to flow back down into manifestation. You are planting a seed in the sky so to speak and letting the reality of your desire grow downwards. (You should all send me like a couple thousand dollars… I just basically gave you the absolute secret to all magic/sorcery, something NO ONE else has ever placed in such simple terms) Strength training is both a highly functional and productive means to develop your magical will force, and astral body. In times past the mystics, sorcerers and priests of true magical orders all developed near super natural physical abilities. Not only did they develop fortified temples for which powerful spirits could dwell in and augments the priest of magician’s own physical capabilities. One such stellar example is the Necromancer of Gerasenes. No physical restraint could hold him, no man/men, iron, chain, or rope could bind him. Ignore the bullshit story of Jesus exorcising the legion inside him. That is a corrupted story of a Jewish mystic desiring not to exorcise the spirits to “save” the Necromancer of Gerasenes but steal those spirits so that he could possess that power. The Jewish mystic was trampled and gored to dead by a herd of wild pigs http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/01/the-link-between-strength-training-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The link between strength training and magic.

steered by the will of the Necromancer, and then eaten by those same hogs. Apparently pigs may eat Jews, but Jews may not eat pork. It’s a “delicious” sort of irony. The Necromancer was known for his amazing physical power before he allowed certain spirits of the dead to dwell within him. His physical and thereby spiritual vessel was of such durability he could serve as a powerful conduit and none could entrap or enslave him. Another supreme example is the Chinese strongmen, and or Buddhist Monks of Shaolin. These warrior monks adopted a life of both rigorous spiritual and physical development. Not only “becoming” their Buddha self (the golden solar and indestructible higher self) on the physical world, they invoked and imitated the older shamanic/animalist magickal practices developing martial and spiritual practices involving deities, and animals. Chi/Qi is the lower energies of Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury and developed through regulation of sexual energy. It’s the astral body. By practicing qigong/chikung you learned to move the astral body first, flood it with energy, and that would manifest a much more powerful physical body. The method of qigong where both very soft, to extremely hard and included bending steel, lifting rocks in the hundreds of pounds and pulling chain links apart by hand… to name a few. The astral world is clay and highly malleable. It can be shaped to anything you wish. Through sustained effort and continued direction, that astral clay will take shape on the psychical plane. You wish to snap steel wire with your teeth? Smash stone with your head? Through incremental build up and sustained astral shaping you can. It might take years, but it can and will happen. That IS magick. In the western and Middle Eastern world it was the strongman that was also the magician of the circus. It’s only been recently that there was a deviation into two separate acts. I see very slowly that performing stage magicians are starting to become strongmen again. The strongmen/magicians of old where master of trance states, knew hypnosis, and trigger possession not only in themselves but others too. True OLD SCHOOL (I almost HATE that term now because of the idiotic and incorrect overuse of it) strength training was done in the act of accomplishment of singular feats and not run back and forth between the leg extension, the tread mill and the lat pull down station. A feat was just that, a feat which few others could do. It required intense inner and outer observations of the self, dedication, visualization of the entire kinetic chain of http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/01/the-link-between-strength-training-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The link between strength training and magic.

movement (the astral body) and sustained effort to complete. Each old time strongman or woman had a feat he or she was famous for. The dedication spent on developing this ONE feat out far matched others who trained to “be buff”. This devotion to one or a small handful of feats made them legendary. They focused their determination, and in doing so made themselves more formidable across a whole spectrum of psychical activities, even if they didn’t train for them specifically. The process was not only an external act but one of deep spiritual significance. It became a type of meditative action, one that revealed the truth about who they where and what they needed to become in order to accomplish the feat (all magicians are master shape shifts, master at becoming what they need to be). These feats always engaged the entire body and therefore the entire recesses of the person’s spirit and mind. The act trained the entire body, and did not treat the body or spirit as an individual collection of parts, but as a complete kinetic chain of will force. These acts where suck as in Iceland or Scotland know as the “testing stones”. Your entrance into manhood or warrior schools depended on picking up a rock that weighed a couple hundred pounds and lifting it over your head, or walking a long distance with it. What muscles go unworked and become supremely functionally powerful and conditioned under such training? What part of the mind or soul was not tested and made to become stronger to accomplish this test? The book “The 72 Consummate Arts, Secrets of the Shaolin Temple” (http://www.amazon.com/Consummate-Secrets-Shaolin-Chinese-KungFu/dp/7533504860) is a semi-rare but masterful collection of these type of feat based training. To complete a feat might take years, but once you can do it…. only a handful of human in the world could hope to match you. You become a formidable, but also well self examined individual, and that is a true rarity in this lazy, self entitled and insecure society. I also find that the arts of secrets of the Shaolin temple number 72, such as the tradition of the Goetia I inherited as they all construct a astral foundation and even the master in working with but a handful of the Goetia 72 makes you such a magical bad ass that anyone else.. .no matter what their so-called tradition, unless they are a LONG time and INITIATED adept, I seriously laugh myself into pissing myself a little when they threaten me. In fact ALL of them who have ever actually tried to magically attack me have suffered negative effects so much so that they willingly pay the tribute I demand to call my spirits off… and it ain’t cheap… so for a few of you I know read this blog… make sure you got your check books handy should you do something you WILL regret. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/01/the-link-between-strength-training-and.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The link between strength training and magic.

Because this type of feat training is so demanding you will need to limit what you choose to do. I believe in hard abbreviated training programs based around two exercises with many moving parts. I am a man that can one hand 200lbs over my head (a real press, not a push press, or some herky/jerky shit show of a press, but a lift of the ground, pause at the shoulder, and press with one arm). I can close the #4 iron mind gripper and saying anything else would give away my identity. I know absolutely and near better than anyone else what I am talking about and I am willing to share it with you here. Consider “man maker” exercises like the one handed dumbbell or two handed barbell clean and press. Or heavy dead lifting followed by very heavy one hand overhead presses. Maybe a one handed dead lift with a dumbbell or barbell weighted in the triple digits. The Turkish Get Up with a 100lb dumbbell or Kettlebell is a true feat and was the required to enter into a few of the Russian circuses. Set a simple goal. Like 100 one hand cleans and presses (alternating hands so 50 right and 50 left) in 30 minutes with a weight that is one third your body weight is also another hardcore training methodology. Train three days a week, mark your progress each day and resolve your self to beat your last number by at least one. If you don’t do it, ask and examine your own inner process for the reason why. Don’t get down on yourself and make the commitment to do better next time. You will find that your magical ritual increase in strength, as will your visualizations because you are in a sustained state of envisioning what you want to do, what you need to become to do it and the will to succeed. Your confidence will beam and your faith in yourself and the vast potential you have will also percolate. Let me know how it goes. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The tracks run forever. A message of encouragement from Zarabanda/Nkosi Mukumbe (Ogun)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The tracks run forever. A message of encouragement from Zarabanda/Nkosi Mukumbe (Ogun) The God of Iron, War and Roads within Congo traditions (and traditions which are heavily Congo inspired) is often referred to as Zarabanda, and or has in Candomble; he is sometimes known as Nkosi Mukumbe. Very similar to the Orisha Ogun, but different enough not to be confused as the same. Often Saint George is used to signify Zarabanda. They are said to ride together at times to fight evil. In my temple this is certainly true. Zaranbanda is the owner of the roads of life (all life, and all incarnations, so the road runs forever), it his he who pushes forth innovation, and clears the way for progress. He is a fearless warrior of such strength no obstacle may impede his procession, no binding hold him, or bar his way. Zarabanda was seen as the great power within the trains the Congo people first saw, the tracks that seemed to run forever, and all the cargo they could transport. So not always, but in my temple (and others), he is seen partly as a train or train conductor, as well as other things. In a recent spiritual session with Zarabanda, directly after bending steel spikes by hand, and one arm lifting kettle-bells and dumbbells weighing in the triple digits and for triple digit reps, I had finally reach a sufficient mental, physical, and spiritual state in order to receive direct communication, that I may act as his medium. Sitting within a haze of cigar and gun powder smoke, soaked with sweat and still hot from from training; I could hear his message as if he was yelling it to me from the top of a speeding train.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: The tracks run forever. A message of encouragement from Zarabanda/Nkosi Mukumbe (Ogun)

These are the words of a God........ let that sink in as you read his message.

"The track is infinite. It doesn’t matter if you are pulling a 100 pound load or 1000 ton load. Speed means nothing if there is no destination on which to race to. It may seem that others might progress further than you, but what progress is made when they have little of worth in their load to offer anyone? Sure it appears that others may attain things sooner but what within their loads do they have to build any lasting foundations on which to place their so-called attainments? Sure, it looks like others arrive at achievements faster, but what does it really matter when they have not developed the strength to carry the kind of merit which has true value? If the tracks are endless, and they are, then you should strive and struggle to pull a 1000 ton load as fast as others pull a 100 pound load. It is then, the blast of your horn will echo forever, and the rumble you cause on the tracks will roar throughout all eternity. Everything else will be nothing more than dust under your rails". His message is endure; train your self to do what is hard, what is difficult and you will emerge such a force for your beliefs, and convictions that none can stand in your way. But be warned..... Zarabanda is a righteous God. He demands that you provide valuable service to others, that you carry true merit in your words and deeds, and that you seek to liberate your fellow man. Furthermore, that you do so in the way that is right for them. No, that is NOT easy, but it is worth it." Zarabanda will bless, and call friend any who labor, toil, and sweat in such efforts. A more loyal friend none could have. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Necromancy, Frucissiere Oil, Helios Cleansing and Helios Oil.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Necromancy, Frucissiere Oil, Helios Cleansing and Helios Oil. What Necromancy IS: The consultation of that which HAS lived (meaning manifested into its own biological physical body) and has now passed over (died), in the effort to gain knowledge and or assistance. What Necromancy IS NOT: Putting on a piss poor junior varsity Drama equivalent of a play acting "ritual" in a "forgotten" graveyard full of styrofoam grave markers inscribed as "unknown" while wearing black robes you fished out of dumpsters behind a Halloween store and falling into epileptic fueled break dancing (this is for when you want to perform the worm correctly https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=AvHBBL_4wyE). Necromancy is not the dark art, which is correctly termed "Nigromancy"; however the uninitiated, the hoaxers and scam artists rarely know the difference (and in the most glaring of examples clearly have NO clue) and thankfully that brings about their meteoric down fall. Necromancy is NOT evil...not unless your intentions are ill, and/or the departed spirit(s) you are seeking to contact are willing to commit evil acts. Nor is necromancy seeking to conjure forth so-called "demons" either, as Necromancy is about consulting with that which HAS lived and has now died. This means that NONE of Goetic Spirits which are often stupidly classified as "demons", can be reached using Necromancy has they have never once lived, and thus never died. Also, all else generally classified as demonic did not ever "live" either. The vast majority of true Necromancy is quite beautiful and healing. Necromancy is found in Ancestor Veneration, the purification, and elevation of your Mighty Dead, and communication with the departed through honest mediumship and linked with the Solar planetary realm, "as they have brought light to you to light your darkness, so to shall you offer light to them". You discover just how eternal and infinite you really are, and the amount of love your own bloodline family as well as other spirits of the departed have for you. It is the forefront of religion as it confirms the existence of an afterlife and that your actions in life DO matter...even you "think" they don't. An uncomfortable thought for some I'd venture, but for most of you... that should be a great comfort. From a Qaballistic stand point Necromancy is best expressed through 9=Moon(astral realm), 6=Sun(universal crossroads of Noon and Midnight), and 11=Pluto(Underworld). Both 9 and 11 are dark realms which only reflect (the astral world) or absorb (The underworld) of the universal provider of the physical life force (Sun). As you are the God or Goddess in the circle, you stand the sun/center http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/necromancy-frucissiere-oil-helios.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Necromancy, Frucissiere Oil, Helios Cleansing and Helios Oil.

of your magical universe in micro-cosom. Offering your time, attention, and force of personality into the underworld/pluto/the dead brings them light and life force and act as a medium. The offering of candle light and food offerings prayed over and blessed by you for the dead is yet a further offering of light, and life energy by which elevates them and allows them to better assist you. As such many are very surprised to learn just how many necromantically talented spirits and other entities gather in the planetary sphere of the Sun-Sol. Now, just because you are not contacting this spirits via necromancy, doesn't mean they cannot teach you about and aid in your work within Necromancy..... Its crazy when you realize that Christianity is a giant necromantic cult ripped off from the setting and rising sun cults of Helios and even Apollo. That being said, I would be lying if I where to suggest that great evil and/or harm could not be accomplished through Necromancy. There are evil deceased spirits, confused, desperate, and broken, just as there are those kinds of living people. The dead, because of their extremely close proximity of the physical realm, and as such the malevolent/hungry dead are popular choices for sorcerers/magicians to send against their enemies, or to people of their client's targeting. Helios Cleansing If you are feeling as though you might have come into contact with malevolent dead; you are feeling ill a lot, sapped of energy, nightmares of being eaten or buried, a steady decrease in finances, difficulty concentrating, swear words and threats of rape or other violence whispered in your ears, a sudden on set of insomnia, this simple cleansing can do wonders in ridding the hungry dead from your sphere of influence/energy body and or clearing away psychic sludge. This is different from the Apollo Cleansing, as the focus is slightly different as this is to cleanse you from the energies of evil dead and such influences. Take an orange and on it scratch the planetary symbol of the sun (a big circle with a point in the middle) into the skin of the orange in a bowl or pitcher of cold fresh water, now bruise and tear a few basil leaves, and submerge the orange with a pinch of salt. Place the pitcher or bowl with the basil and orange in direct sun light for at least an hour, ask Helios to blessed and empower with his solar strength of purification. Take the orange out of the water and starting from your head wash your body with the orange over every inch of your body like it was a bar of soap down to your feet. Place the orange on the floor and now take a mouthful of the basil water. Swish and spit out the water on the floor (or in a sink.... you can do this near a sink). Now bow your head just a bit and pour some of the water so that it runs down the top of your head and down toward your forehead. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/necromancy-frucissiere-oil-helios.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Necromancy, Frucissiere Oil, Helios Cleansing and Helios Oil.

Take the orange and place a small dab of honey on it and push 6 pennies into the skin of the orange. Take the orange and water outside. Bury the orange in a small hole and pour the water over it. Thank Helios for cleansing you and tell him that the honey and pennies are payment for his work. You should have a strong sense of "clean" after you perform this act. Its best to preform this on Sunday, but any day is fine. You can also preform this type of cleansing once a week if you need or want too. Helios Oil If by some chance the above cleansing isn't enough (and RARE will that be the case)... I have something else that is much stronger. I receive on occasion messages from people who are real victims of malevolent dead and or have been spiritually devastated by working with rituals found in certain "evil necromancy" grimores and other highly questionable sources. Is it because these grimores or other materials are legit? Fuck no, its because they where hoodwinked into opening themselves up to selfish greedy entities and or did shitty things to the dead and angered the spirits of the deceased they where fucking with. In these cases I have prepared Helios Oil. Its remarkable ward against the dead, and restores vitality to the psychic centers devoured and chewed on by the hungry dead. The Oil is not free... but it is NOT expensive. A near lifetime supply for around $25. I think that is fair. Frucissiere Oil

Frucissiere is a major astral spirit/principality with who a vast wealth of Necromantic talent is kept. Often times a brief introduction is all that follows his name, "He who brings life back to the dead". This is not an uncommon occurrence. These grimores are all initiatory books, written in half truths, and with hidden meanings. Just reading them at face value and thinking you can now replicate the rituals and fully understand the spirits detailed within is the pinnacle of silliness. This lends further credence to the importance of INITIATION, anyone saying otherwise is either a fool or a liar.... you should avoid both. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/necromancy-frucissiere-oil-helios.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Necromancy, Frucissiere Oil, Helios Cleansing and Helios Oil.

All the Goetic/Grimoric spirits I have been initiated into (yes... its not only the tradition but the individual spirits that make up the tradition which you must be initiated into) have a compendium of tonics, charms, potions, and oils, etc, belonging to each. No such grimore exists (by that I mean is published... they exist because I have my hand written one hidden away) with even but a few of the authentic formulas, and strangely fortunate not even fraudulent ones. With Frucissiere, it is often misconstrued/misinterpreted that he can bring the dead back to life. NO... he in fact brings life back to the dead. Frucissiere's Oil is essential to all goetic pots I make and Djinn bottles. In all, both plant and animal remains are used in their construction. In the case of the Djinn bottles, the appropriate plant and animal remains help anchor the Djinn to the physical world, but can also help the Djinn in it's work. By applying Frucissiere's Oil to the remains, he allows the once occupying spirit to reanimate the dried out husks, and its spirit become aware of it's former body once more. The spirit of the animal or plant may then consciously work with the Djinn and through their works be given the chance to step up on their spiritual evolution. All plant and animal remains I use shall be awakened and asked if they desire to work with a Djinn. If they say no... I never force them. I find another. This is a initiatory formula in the highest degree, but I recognize that people might desire to use it in there own work and if you are interested I will also give you a great deal many usages for it. Like the Helios Oil, it won't be free, but a HUGE supply can be made available for $25-$30. If you ever desire to receive initiation into this spirit, I recommend that at some point you will need to purchase his oil as it will become VERY clear why should you ever become initiated into Frucissiere's mysteries. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Goetic Spirit #27 Ronove, deeper mysteries disscussed and a high level energy working.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Goetic Spirit #27 Ronove, deeper mysteries disscussed and a high level energy working. Perhaps he is among the most overlooked of the 72 Spirits of the Ars Goetia by occultists in the Western World; the Bokors in Haiti, sorcerers whose volcanic hearts crackle with dark searing fire know have come to know better than to ignore such formidable potential. The great spirit Ronove is far and away one of the most dangerous spirits to be found in any grimore, and a spirit great prized in the tradition of Goetia magic which was born in the dark jungles of Haiti whilst the plantations of the French burned, and the screams from once foreign occupiers being served a slaver’s justice rang out in the night. Ronove, he is the Black Boar, the Red Tusk…. A spirit who walks in the company of the magician par excellence, Simbi Makaya, patron of the Sanpewl secret society… Understanding Ronove, is to understand what is means to have become human, or more accurately put, the transitional occurrence from animal to man, and more importantly what was gained and what was lost in that evolutionary step. Ronove stands in an auspicious placement between both states of higher and lower consciousness, and yet he seems to have lost nothing from the lower, instead elevating the drives and modalities of the animal into what “could” be human. He embodies the best qualities of animalistic powers in a human geared intellect, but as of yet still outside the process of domestication from either the stand point of man or animal. In other words Ronove is an ogre… a troll if you will… and yes you should be afraid for that is said with the same implications in which man first shuddered, with heart racing and accompanying palpitations, while uttering the word, “monster”. Information I gleaned from him during long trance, and medium sessions with Ronove would be validated by my God Father, that Ronove has been with humans since day one, rooting around in the dark psychic corridors of our fledging minds, http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/goetic-spirit-27-ronove-deeper.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Goetic Spirit #27 Ronove, deeper mysteries disscussed and a high level energy working.

as we rummaged in the dirt and the muck for signs of life and the markers of death. Ronove says he can be traced back to the Gaulish lord of the underworld Orcus. If he is Orcus, or a powerful one time emissary of Orcus I do not know, and he is not saying. It isn’t surprising. Orcus is not a name spoken much anymore, and Ronove who is taken to devouring the fetid, rotting and refuse….it could be the name Orcus is being chewed on and near ready to be swallowed by he who is now Ronove, and once Orcus. Orcus was if not the God of the Gaulish Underworld, a type of divine monster of retribution, who exacted terrible punishment upon the oath breakers and cowards of Gaul society. It is said that one of the ways a Gaul could be executed for cowardice, or oath breaking, was to have a leg broken (struck by a thick wooden staff representing the God Sucellus, the same staff many oaths where originally sworn on) and tossed into a pit or ditch full of giant hungry boars who would gore and begin to eat the criminal while they still lived. Pigs eating trash, garbage, slop, etc, even of the human variety seems to be an ancient occurrence. Orcus was the horror experienced by being devoured by boars who awaited the coward or traitor upon death. Waiting with a heavy quarterstaff of his own, Orcus would start the criminal’s torment anew in the gloomy tunnels of the underworld; relentlessly pursuing the criminal, laming his or her limbs over and over again so that he may eat from them the sickness within their spiritual architecture until the stink of corruption was gone. Then maybe the human discarnate could pass into a new incarnation, and hopefully not incur yet another shameful life as a coward and or oath breaker. The pig/boar is in a paradoxical arrangement with the human. While humans it is supposed evolved from primate origins physically, Ronove postulates that pig or boar might have been the first flesh regularly consumed by early humans, and thus bonding with our DNA, expanding our brain matter, and perhaps placing us along a similar path of evolution. Pig flesh is considered extremely close to taste and texture to that of humans,(in the Congo, eating human is called eating long-pig) and there seems to a quiet acknowledgement that when we as humans heavily indulge in our more earthly delights of feeding and fucking… we are acting as pigs. That a pig is sub-human, a lowly form of what humanity ought to be. But for as much as humans protest a distain for pigs, they have become a staple in our lives, and for a long time a source for our very survival. Pigs can smell, and root out what laid beneath the ground. If pigs lived in an area, human knew so could they. Pigs could smell sickness in humans, and would even snout around on the area of the body where the disease was located. Pigs would eat the dying, the dead, and the filth of humans, and thereby could cut down on the spread of disease if of course humans treated pig waste and meat very, very carefully. Ronove performs similar functions within his place among the formulation of the http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/goetic-spirit-27-ronove-deeper.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Goetic Spirit #27 Ronove, deeper mysteries disscussed and a high level energy working.

72 astral spirits of the Ars Goetia, and make no mistake… they are vital. To grasp what Ronove can do, and what I task him with doing not only or me, but clients, and the extremely unlucky few I have sent him after, let us take a look at what the bokors of Haiti regularly do with Ronove . Bokors will either collect or have brought to them by a client the defecation/excrement of a target person (the collecting of a specific person’s excrement is a task made a great deal easier in a country where plumbing is a continual issue). The bokor will then have Ronove smell it. Ronove can then telepathically give the bokor a thorough assessment of the target person’s health, both spiritually and physically. Ronove can smell weakness, and disease, what type and where it is in body or on the soul. The Bokor may then ask Ronove to eat away the affliction to heal the target person, or using his staff, apply leverage against the wound, cripple the target person’s defense and make the sickness worse. Those new to the world (infants) or barely clinging to life may also find their spirits easily leveraged out of the physical body by Ronove’s staff if that is what he deems necessary as an act of mercy (mercy killing), or directed to do so by a knowledgeable magician and or bokor who has the authority to make such a request. Notwithstanding my deeper (sometimes darker) initiatory work that I perform with Ronove, I will detail what someone new to this level of Goetic work ought to be doing with Ronove. That includes any and all current so-called Goetic “experts” save one I know of in Brazil, and pretty much the rest of anyone reading this. I am NOT being elitist. The depth of this Goetic magical tradition is staggering and one must assimilate it is terms of years. 10-12 years would prove sufficient to comfortably assume the role of master magician in respects to really having a solid experiencial base with all 72 spirits. I was with my God Father for 15 years. It should be obvious by now that this is just scratching the surface of Ronove’s functions and mysteries; by NO means complete by any stretch, this is a primer and nothing more. Next factor in 71 other spirits to develop relationships with and well it all boils down to mean this is about significantly more than just parroting evocations by candle light… You may approach the working form two angles. The first (the one I recommend) is the true sorcerer, shamanic (I almost threw up a little in my mouth using the word shamanic… fuck you new agers, and light workers and 2012 twats who have butchered the word shaman and all its variants), hands on priest or priestess angle. In this approach you collect a sample of your own excrement for Ronove to examine. The second angle being hermetic, (I do not recommend) or as I like to think of it, the “hermetically sealed” approach. This is the more it’s “all in my head” magical http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/goetic-spirit-27-ronove-deeper.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Goetic Spirit #27 Ronove, deeper mysteries disscussed and a high level energy working.

approach… where you forgo collecting a sample of your own excrement for Ronove to examine. I understand the issue of psychological disgust in this working, but at some point in your life I recommend you sort out your own shit and discover why you can’t handle your own shit. You are going to ask Ronove to smell your shit, your excrement… in essence what you produce, what the product of your life is. You will ask him to assess your level of physical and spiritual health, and tell you if he detects any disease or weakness, curses, hexes..etc. You will then ask him to devour the refuse and infected areas of your spiritual matrix, and aid in your healing. This is a profound and deep work. You are going to come face to face with an entity that you CAN NOT lie too and will soon know you in a deeply personal way. There is a strange intimacy level that will be formed here… he will literally know what your shit smells like, and he will pull no punches in describing it to you. It is never pleasant to hear, but the opportunity to make needed and drastic changes to your life is a powerful one indeed, and that is the opportunity Ronove will provide you. *I am providing a non-initiate working (still powerful as fuck). You may perform the merger before this working, as it will help increase your medium abilities and prepare a good energy for Ronove to ride in on. You do not need archangels, or any other Solomonic nonsense. I will be teaching you much more active, hands on, interactive Goetic tradition from now on. I have been practicing this form of Goetic magic for almost 18 years now… if “demons” where going to carry me away kicking and screaming they would have done so LONG before now.

This working is best performed outside, with Ronove’s sigil traced in the dirt within a circle about nine (9) inches in diameter, also traced into the dirt. On the sigil in the dirt place three (3) candles; one brown, one black, and one red. If outside is out of the question, a large piece of cardboard placed on the floor, with the sigil in a circle drawn in pencil and candle holders for the candles. Have a sample of your excrement in a brown paper bag. If you elect not to provide a sample of your own excrement then place a pair of well worn unwashed underwear in the bag. In other words…take off your panties already and place them in a bag (that is also my go to pick up line and a very effective one at that). Now light the candles and say “In the name of the Most High, the Prime Creator of All, I a servant and agent of the same do call forth the great spirit Ronove, the Black Boar, the Red Tusk to be present. I call upon your talents, and appeal to your wisdom. In exchange for your work I will feed you and place before you refreshments. I present to you a sample of what my end result is (place the paper bag on his http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/goetic-spirit-27-ronove-deeper.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Goetic Spirit #27 Ronove, deeper mysteries disscussed and a high level energy working.

sigil). I ask that you smell out where I am weak, where I need strength and refinement and tell me what I can do to make myself a stronger servant and agent of the Most High. *Wait and listen for about 30 seconds. You WILL receive a message that he has assessed your request. At this point remove the bag, and place it off to the side (you can dispose of it any way you wish after the ritual). Now sit and listen, and write down ALL that Ronove tells you. Settle your gaze softly on is sigil and allow yourself (as much as you can) to automatic write. If nothing comes, keep asking him to speak louder (sometimes the frequencies are off and further work must be done to attune them). If nothing happens after about 10 minutes, or the messages you get you just too bizarre, stop the process. Your mediumship abilities will need development. Thank Ronove. Place on the dirt (or cardboard) on top of his sigil, a baked yam or sweet potato, heavy on the butter, brown sugar and if possible molasses. Pour over that some rum, the darker the better. Say “In the name of the Most High, the Prime Creator, I a servant and agent of the same do thank you great spirit Ronove, and I pay you for your work. Please eat and drink. (* Optional* offer that he has permission to eat away all your sickness, disease, bad energy, and or ill fortune ONLY. Some people are not ready for this step as it WILL produce direct spirit contact and I kid you not… the sensation of being nibbled on. You can if you wish take a piece of bread and run it over your body to collect bad energy and ill fortune and place it on top of his other offering to get an effective cleansing) Please accept the light of these candles to give you energy and light your way home when you are finished. If you can let the candles burn down naturally. If not snuff them out and leave your offerings in the dirt. Alternatively take the cardboard and all its offerings and leave in a ditch or under some bushes when you can. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/goetic-spirit-27-ronove-deeper.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Goetic Spirit #27 Ronove, deeper mysteries disscussed and a high level energy working.

You have paid Ronove. You can now at anytime for the next month, draw his sigil on a piece of candle board, or in the dirt and light a white candle and ask him in the name of the Most High to further detail what he assessed about you. This will be for further clarifications, refinements in the earlier messages and or to practice hearing what he says. It is customary to offer him a glass of cold water on his sigil while you do this. If bubbles appear in the water… you know you are in spiritual communication for sure. I would take seriously the recommendations and information Ronove gives you, and do your best to correct and address the weakness and personal issues Ronove assesses hold you back and hinder your life’s progress. Take this work seriously, as it is high level… and produce startlingly effective results. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: A message of caution form Buer of the 72 spirits of the Ars Goetia, and a potion recipe.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A message of caution form Buer of the 72 spirits of the Ars Goetia, and a potion recipe. A channeled message from Buer.... “They will wait till the end of winter, when all are wearily, weakened, and ready for the sun. They will bring back the cold, the snow, and darken the skies right when the spring is meant to be sprung. Those weak, weary and ready for warmth, will once more face the frost, and with the cold will come the release of a timely new influenza… and it will hit them unaware and unprepared… defenseless” I am not an alarmist, or a doom-sayer. The message above came as a warning of what is a strong possibility and what has/is a very real potential that is being discussed within Illuminati circles. They want people sick, and a flu strain introduced that will justify vaccinations which will serve to make people sicker, sterilize them and piggy-back genetically modified DNA into their DNA strand to re-make them into something “other” then a happy, health human beings. The biotech and weather modification tech exists to do just this. Buer served up a potion for me that he believes can serve to fight the effects of this or any other cold or flu. I of course cannot prescribe you to do anything, but I can share what I myself will be doing for me. Into an 8 ounce jar, or bottle I place: 1. Four (4) lightly bruised cloves of garlic. 2. Three (3) slightly crushed spicy DRIED red chilies. 3. One (1) heaping spoonful of cinnamon. 4. One (1) heaping spoonful of DRIED rosemary. 5. One (1) heaping spoonful of powdered sage. Over all this I pour over 7-8 ounces of honey. Then I close the lid to the jar, or bottle tightly. I set the jar, or bottle in a warm dark place for two (2) weeks.

When I begin to feel sick, run down, or low on energy I take one (1) large spoonful of the herbal infused honey. I place the honey laden spoon into a cup. I squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the cup, and over that pour boiling water. With the spoon http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/03/a-message-of-caution-form-buer-of-72.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: A message of caution form Buer of the 72 spirits of the Ars Goetia, and a potion recipe.

I stir the mixture while chanting Buer’s name at least nine (9) times. I drink slowly. I drink twice a day until I begin to feel better. You of course should only do what your own conscious dictates. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Book FINISHED and now available. Crossroads of the Gods (A.K.A) Horns Above, Hooves Below.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Book FINISHED and now available. Crossroads of the Gods (A.K.A) Horns Above, Hooves Below. After a great deal of time and effort I am very proud to finally offer my first book. If you like it, tell me so I know to release more in this series. This is TRUE sorcery and European Witchcraft. It is fierce, it is beautiful and it is a living tradition that will forever change your life. There is so much here and this is just the first step onto the crossroads of the Horned God. "Sisters, Brothers, I implore you! Your Father calls to you, your Mother beacons you. Come dance and sing in their bawdy court that never sleeps. Come find your place among the blessed and hidden children! Find your kin, and be held in the arms of your eternal family.We are forever!" Preview my book and if you feel called buy it here. http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/425563 Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Ever onward, ever forward: Next upcoming projects (read all). The forth coming of “The Red Book”.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Ever onward, ever forward: Next upcoming projects (read all). The forth coming of “The Red Book”. Trying to get the HAHB published was a learning experience. If not for the dedicated efforts of a true friend, and brother in-arms, I might still be working at it. I will for now on only self publish. It is easier, quicker, and I feel more direct. I also want to keep everything I write to be around $10. I feel that is an adequate sum, and the information I put out rare, and authentic (rare because it is authentic). If you enjoy the tradition of Wicca I inherited, please let me know. HAHB is the first of nine (9) books minimum that would need to be released in order to pass on what I can of the tradition through media. If there is interest I will write the second in the series. True to my word, if you donated to my “project fund” for the HAHB, I now know how to release copies. Send me and email. I stupidly lost my list, and if you say you donated, then you donated, and I will graciously make good on my word. What is next? I was (I still am) working on the first installment of the Goetic system of magic, and inner alchemy I practice. This will deal with the 72 spirits of the Ars Goetia as I inherited them. Not surprisingly I am working on the first book laying out the inner alchemy, and transpersonal working with King Bael. Yes, my system of Goetic magic has enough meat to write a book about each spirit independently. I am already at 10,000+ words with King Bael… ("he maketh men invisible and speakth in a hoarse voice" NO WHERE NEAR explains who King Beal is) I am NOT finished yet. Yes, that means to release it all I will need to write 72 books in total. I will gladly do this. What has been done to the Goetic system of magic by the golden dawn, o.t.o, and hermetic systems is unforgivable. Then there is the fraudsters writing “evil” grimiores, offensively empty Halloween/Hollywood inspired Necromantic trash, and hocking it for hundreds of dollars. My love for this tradition is so great that I will write these books, and vainly hope to help recapitulate the fractured western mystery tradition via the Haitian current I received as I believe it was healed, and restored by its time in the African Diaspora.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Ever onward, ever forward: Next upcoming projects (read all). The forth coming of “The Red Book”.

HOWEVER, a thrust of purpose has come over me. I stop with King Bael (temporarily), and now begin writing (and finish) the G.O.O.D.S Grimoirum. I will title this “The Red Book”. This will also need to be a mutli-tome process. I will detail everything I can. Some of it you will already know… most of it you will not. I will lay EVERYTHING out so that you may start your own branch. This will be more than just rituals; it is the metaphysical foundation, the structure, and operations of a magical temple in this order. I have developed a much better system then a hand written list of who helps in this project fund…. It will not be lost…. If you would like to fund “The Red Book”, I would be most grateful. Once completed, “The Red Book”, will stand at $10. Should your funding equal that…well Sir or Madam… you got yourself a copy. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Update, and Mersilde's Magic Mirror (Or...Mmmmmmmm)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Update, and Mersilde's Magic Mirror (Or...Mmmmmmmm) Quick update on me. I recently completed the last major leg on the destiny path my Godfather laid out for me over a decade ago. I was initiated into a fierce African tradition, and I am now Tata Nkisi of the magical religion Palo Mayombe of a very secretive house. I spent many years looking for avenues into legit houses of African traditions (be it Hatian Voudu, or Palo Mayombe). I was finally rewarded after years of exhaustive searching. I am currently in a big development phase in regards to Palo Mayombe and being a Tata. I will not be discussing Palo Mayombe past this specific mentioning for at least a year or more. The Red Book or G.O.O.D.S grimore, is coming along nicely. I find myself having to pilfer through old hand written notes on protocols, etc, so I can pass this tradition down in a full and complete transmission. I need to do a lot of reflecting on the issues which occurred in the former G.O.O.D.S who still had my Godfather and I served as the Red Knight (I was not yet King), and how they got resolved. Between these meditations I will release even more about this tradition so I can lay the foundation for what is a titanic amount of information to touch down on. I am fleshing out the formulary on how to build the splendid Magic Mirror of Mersilde. Mersilde is a goetic spirit detailed primarily in the Grimorium Verum along with a congress of 17 other spirits. Each spirit has their own specific fetish (or charm) which contains their blessings and functioning. To have all 18 is to possess a magical tradition of staggering formidability, and versatility.Precious little could come your way that you could not defend against, apply healing for, or administer towards with even but one of these fetishes (not to mention all 18). Whole magical houses/temples could be, and have been, firmly built around of these grimoric implements. The Magical Mirror of Mersilde will serve as your primary descrying/remote viewing, and astral projection tech. In my own work (and G.O.O.D.S), this mirror is used to reveal enemies, their activities, and location. I have also conversed with more than just a few goetic spirits, spirits of the dead (including Nikola Tesla…yep you read that right), and utilized the mirror as a portal for astral projection. In addition I have not only glimpsed into, but also applied influence over the dream states of others (you can do some impressive shit with a candle and a mirror at 3 am), and descried the whereabouts of missing persons. The magical applications http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/05/quick-update-on-me.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Update, and Mersilde's Magic Mirror (Or...Mmmmmmmm)

Mersilde's mirror are great and many indeed. In the photo, that is just the absolute base for Mersilde's mirror. Those dolls pictured (as well as the ones who are not) are authentic spirit guides, of both Western and African linage tradition, who guide my hand in all the work I do. One is an Abukua doll of the Leopard Man society, the brother tradition to Palo Mayombe. I want you to begin working with authentic magical tools, and learning the process of making them. It is time consuming, and materials will be difficult to obtain, but with the blessings of that spirit you will acquire them. You will work real magic, forge real relationships with extremely powerful spirits, and build a truly frightening magical arsenal to defend and empower yourself and your loved ones with. I also need to staunchly lay claim to and state legitimacy of these artifacts of goetic arcanum. The occult world (and the world in general) is overrun with frauds and I want to make it VERY clear from whom this information is coming from. I will not have jealous, pock-marked, and pimple faced weirdos hijack my (soon to yours) efforts, or try and ride on my coat-tails (trust me… it’s been attempted). The book will sit at $10. If by some chance you decide you are unable to make the mirror on your own, I can make it for you for around $300. If you go that route… of course I throw in the book for free. However, Mersilde’s mirror is not impossible to assemble, and requires ingredients that are available in the European mindset/world order. No hippo tusks, or leopard bones, go into the fetish making of the host of 18. So, I want you to really give it a try first, but if circumstances dictate otherwise, let me know. Manuals concerning the construction of Clauneck, Bechard, Morail, Khil and Frucisssere's Fetishes, or charms, will follow in the near future. Eventually the spiritual technology of the whole host of 18 will be made available. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #2 Duke Agares, and a brief introduction.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #2 Duke Agares, and a brief introduction. Agares will often presents himself as a weathered, and malnourished old man who might be very tall if his spine where not bent by advanced age. Agares is naked except for a tattered, dingy loin cloth that looks like it may fall down around his ankles any moment. His long straggly hair, and unkempt bread, are wind tangled into a make shift bird's nest where a goshawk is usually nesting. Agares's body appears as that of an ancient emaciated man. His pale, paper thin skin hangs off his shaky skeletal limbs in loose flaps, and is covered with liver spots. Agare’s crazed eyes are wide, and never seem to blink. This particular feature serves to further accentuate his wide, toothless smile; save one very long, very crooked yellowing tooth in the upper left side of his mouth. As Agares explains it, “I am long in the tooth, and so is my reign!” Agares claims he was once worshiped as an ancient creator deity for a prehistoric nomadic river following peoples. When it came time to move their settlements, they would weave together an effigy of Agares using river grasses, and set him afloat him down the river. After waiting prescribed period of days, they would begin their search to find him. Where ever this effigy came to rest along the river bank is where these nomadic peoples would re-settle. Once found, Agare’s effigy would be read for oracular proposes, and predictions where forecast. The circumstances surrounding the finding of Agares's effigy where interpreted. Did the effigy washed up on shore, or was it was caught on something in the river, and if so what was it caught on? What was the direction of the effigy's head? What was the condition of the effigy's body, intact or badly damaged? Lastly, what if any animals, or insects where found nesting in, or around him? The answers to these questions all held divinatory meanings concerning the tribe's new home, and what could be in store them while they settled there. Agares alone is already a sight; however the elephantine oily green crocodile which he rides on, is usually who gets noticed first. This primordial crocodile is a true monster; second in size (and potential for violence) only to aquatic behemoths such as the Leviathan, and Jorgumand. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/06/true-goetic-alchemy-with-2-duke-agares.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #2 Duke Agares, and a brief introduction.

Most likely due to its sheer energetic density, the crocodile feels as if it creates its own field of gravitational force. Agares likens his crocodile to a collapsing star. He says one day the compacting pressures will become so astronomical, the crocodile will turn inside out, and a new expanding universe will be born. He claims that the birth of our present universe happened in much the same way (maybe a former crocodile… many creation stories have the crocodile in a creator role), and that he had an active hand in it. In questioning other Goetic spirits concerning this, they say that Agares is older than this universe, and that his claims possibly have merit. Agares wickedly cackles at the erroneous idea of his enormous crocodile being clumsy, or slow. He delights in reminiscing on the looks of abject horror, and recounting the terror which washed over those poor misguided individuals foolish enough to believe they could run from his crocodile. Agares says (correctly) that, “the astral world is nothing more than a never ending river of consciousness, and in the river, the crocodile is king!” It is no joke that Agares’s crocodile propels its self through the astral river at break neck speeds. Within my tradition of Goetic alchemy, Agares is said to live inside the human brain. Particularly, he is seen as the limbic brain (old mammalian), which is set a top the reptilian brain (an old man riding a crocodile), and having prominence over the hippocampus (a portion of the brain which is called the sea-horse, or seamonster… which again looks like a crocodile). ***I would like to make this VERY clear. I have watched the internet for many years. If there was another order, or tradition, which had a system of Goetic Alchemy, or Magic anywhere similar to this they would have made this known long before this. What I am giving out to you are Goetic-Astral Temple-Astral Body-Physical Body configurations that have been JELOUSLY guarded in my linage. The Arcanum, and Alchemy of the Goetic magic I hold is deep, and wide to say the least. As usual I predict that some Hermetic group or individual will try and co-opt this information. Be warned, some of the Goetic spirit placements might “seem” obvious… others not at all. You run the very real risk of aligning the wrong Goetic spirit with the wrong body function, location, or governance with this type of guess work. In doing so I promise you that calamity of the bleakest sort WILL follow.*** Agares placement in the brain with respects to his crocodile (I am not yet mentioning the goshawk) is concerned with http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/06/true-goetic-alchemy-with-2-duke-agares.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #2 Duke Agares, and a brief introduction.

1. Mermory 2. Observation of time 3. Spatial memory and navigation. As such the alchemical and magical work done with Agares shall follow along these same lines. One particular alchemical process working with Agares and his crocodile, takes advantage of the crocodile’s continuous saturnine themed internal collapsing, and eventual unfolding. This method was frequently, and in some case is frequently, used to elicit what is in my tradition can be thought of as the “inner-verse”, a type of backdoor internal reality that is like a “side-B” to the astral realm. In here the sorcerer or Bokkor (as my tradition of Goetic alchemy, and magic came through Haiti) experiences the astral world with him, or her, as the primary focus, rather than the astral world of which they are just one of a infinite number of projectors of. It is here also that the bokkor will likely encounter the entities which are of the lowest frequency, and have the most direct influence on, or over them, These WILL include possible Reptilian (yes… we are getting back to that, Greys, and Insectiod beings that are not dead, but rather working through energetic means). The sorcerer will also likely encounter “hitch-hikers”, an entity not dissimilar to a fucked-up looking silver-fish (Lepisma saccharina). They are belligerent, and whisper bizarre, obscene threats. The sorcerer will often pick them up in areas that, or from people who, have a lot of depression, and chronic illness. Here the bokkor will also come face-to-face with their half-baked, undeveloped, and unrealized thoughts. These will appear as partially erected or constructed landscapes, and “people” who contain “likenesses” to actual people, but whom are not fully formed. This will probably be fleeting interactions, the locations shifting, and at first a dirty, shady atmosphere. The purpose of working in this inner-verse is to bring finality, and completion to much of these unresolved conflicts, and desires, all while learning to navigate your own psyche which open, and clears up potent avenues of power, health, clarity, and focus. For this you will need a blind fold, and cotton or ear plugs at bare minimum. Traditionally you would also use a large burlap sack. You will place the cotton or earplugs in your ears, and wrap and time the blind fold over your eyes. I have learned it is better not to use a square knot, but a simple http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/06/true-goetic-alchemy-with-2-duke-agares.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #2 Duke Agares, and a brief introduction.

over, and under with the blind fold as resting your head back onto a square knot just sucks. If you are using the burlap sack now is the time to situate yourself inside the bag like you where swallowed head first by the crocodile. Now, lay down on your back, and relax. You will feel eventually a type of claustrophobic response. Your major senses of sight, and sound restricted, and with the burlap sack, the scratchy fibers over stimulate your sense of touch into a whitewash as to eliminate the sense of physical touch altogether, and the light weight of the burlap will gradually become a frightful crushing sensation. You, the bokkor, must endure, and surrender more, and more to the feeling of collapse. As the outer world falls in on top of you, your must retreat ever inward, deeper, and deeper until…… Before long you will fall into hypnogogic images (Bael’s domain), and begin having dark, shady, and fuzzy interactions within your inner-verse. Breathe in a deep, long, slow, soft, and relaxed manner. With every exhale, relax deeper, and allow tension to melt out of your body. Begin practicing this twice a week, and for 15-30 minutes. Write down your experiences, and stick with it. In a little bit we will take to practice further, and discuss what to do when you begin encounter true outer world entities. -Uncle Bearheart.




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael

Sunday, June 15, 2014

TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael After releasing information about sensory deprivation using Goetic Alchemical techniques concerning the spirit Arages, I wondered if I should have first started with a few astral sensory development processes ruled over by Bael. In this way you will be better equipped in navigating what is admittedly a more dimly light area of the astral world… that of what could be thought of as the “inner-verse”. By “dimly lit”, I certainly do not mean to convey that this inner-verse is “more” evil in any way, shape, or form. I am barraged with e-mails from woefully confused individuals demanding I realize or acknowledge that Saturn is Satan, or Zeus is the leader of the fallen angels (really???? Can anyone tell me where this nonsense comes from?), that aliens are demons, etc, and other nauseating fallacies born out of baseless conjecture from cretins who unfortunately possess a modicum more charm than the bottom feeders that propagate their Christian spawned lunacy. That being said, I need to be careful NOT to fuel their delusions, and I can only imagine what will happen if I don’t not right now, and right here address what “more dimly lit area of the astral world” means. You might think it unnecessary, but if you ever see my inbox you will understand my proactive approach here. Bael holds both the dubious and auspicious placement of numbero Uno within the magnificent configuration of the seventy-two spirits of the Ars Goetia. He is also a King, and because he is number one, the first spirit, and the first king, he is the King of Kings in this spiritual congress. King Bael is steeped in mystery, and this is not surprising, as he is mercurial of the highest order. The grimiores of Europe where written by secret societies, many of the members were agents of the crown, and people of high finance. Often times the livelihoods of these people depended on keeping information secret, disinformation, and hiding things in plain sight. These individuals are who wrote the grimiores that contain the information concerning these spirits, and the rituals used to make contact with them. Just how foolish is it to think that these grimiores are not written in intricate code that only initiation will give the key to unlock? I say this VERY unapologetically, these grimiores where written to render useless the information that could be gleaned from taking the writing at face value. So yes, I am saying that anyone following the Golden Dawn, O.T.O, Thelema, etc, are performing mostly useless ritual evocations in respect to working with Goetic spirits. I for one am happy that who, and what Bael can accomplish is so expertly veiled. It respects initiation, and it also provides security for those initiated. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/06/true-goetic-alchemy-with-1-bael.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael

In my tradition of Goetic magic, and alchemy, Bael is closely associated with the Petrwo Loa Simbi Makaya. My tradition took a detour through Haiti, and was made the foundation for many Haitian/Caribbean sorcerous intrigues. I know that Bael is called upon in the Sanpwel, and Bizango magical societies. Both Simbi Makaya and Bael are magicians par-excellence, and while they are NOT synchronized with each other, they are seen as “friends”. As such the Bael of my tradition is seen as a Marlon Brandon as the Godfather (Vito Corlone) Mafioso figure with three heads. The Human head being that of a Vito Corlone-esqe human, the head on the right shoulder a large tom cat, and the left head that of a rough bull frog or toad. In my tradition of Goetic Alchemy Bael holds power of what is known as the “hypnogogic”, states, or images that happen, or appear on the verge of consciousness-unconsciousness; the paradoxical twilight between the “here” and the “there”. To even see Bael is to ask the question “what”, to hold the vibration, or frequency which is invoked by “?”. An essential mystery is revealed in that, but past this foray into what is perhaps one of the greatest and little known secrets of the occult, I will remain silent… but oh… if you only possessed the initiatory cipher to decode what was just made so very dangerously clear….. Within the Astral Temple-Astral Body-Physical Body formulation, Bael “is” and or “lives” in the Right Brain-Pineal Gland-Left Brain-Corpus Callosum continuum. What this all means and how it all fits, and what else it is comprised of, is something I am going to release slowly. It’s a matter of what you are ready for, and second I like to keep my plagiarizers stifled. Most, and by most, I mean “damn near all”, Goetic information that passes as authentic was seeded on the internet, was (still is) copy and pasted, from websites circa 1999, typed on computers who rocked Windows 98, and used Dial-Up. These early internet pseudo-mages, would be delighted to know that the pure excrement they posted was devoured like it was chocolate ice cream, and has been plagiarized into a flimsy reality by an army of trailer park virgin (not by choice) wizards. Rejected by society and Hogwarts alike, and much like sad Ninjistu adherents of the infamous Ashida Kim, these magical misfits turned mystic recluses bunkered in their mom’s basement. Bathed in the warm glow of computer screens they find solace, and seek the “power” to unleash the Grand Demons of Solomon upon their enemies!!!!!! Good luck with that…. An essential function of the alchemical work with Bael is to help you make sense of, maintain consciousness, and prolong your time in the Hypnogogic state. In order to better do that, a mighty link (Corpus Callosum) between your right and left of your brain hemispheres must be established. Along with that “practical” visualization must be made heavy use of to bridge the awareness of your physical body, and astral body. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/06/true-goetic-alchemy-with-1-bael.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: TRUE Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael

To begin this is a simple enough, but I fear will might be over looked, and I urge you to perform this before all other magical work as it unifies your many bodies, and mental states towards a singular goal. I introduce “The Pendulum”. The Pendulum is done with eyes closed, and in a relaxed state. If your 3rd eye is 12 o’clock, your right eye 3 o’clock, your left eye 9 o’clock, then your chin is 6 o’clock. This clockwork defines the space of your own “psychic theater”, an astral movie screen. The fulcrum of the pendulum, from where the pendulum dangles, is 12 o’clock. The head of the pendulum swings to 3 o’clock, and then to 9 o’clock. You watch the pendulum swing from your “observer” position in the audience of your personal psychic theater. These back and forth motion activates your Corpus Callosum, and unites the two-sides of your hemisphere while creating a drama for your pineal gland to activate as well and thus your astral senses get developed. Each time the head of the pendulum touches either 3 o’clock, or 9 o’clock, that is a count. You are to perform 81 counts. Let the pendulum swing in a rapid and even clip. Do this at least once a day. Each spirit of the severty-two Ars Goetia contains a staggering amount of practices. What has been revealed concerning Bael and Agares is the absolute tip of the iceberg concerning both. These are preliminary works that build the great archways by which a massive tradition is passed on. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Checkers vs. Chess. Hiepatch sigil.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Checkers vs. Chess. Hiepatch sigil. I was e-mailed by a man who introduced himself as a prominent member of the Hermetic Magical order, the O.T.O. stating that he has been an active and influential member for thirty years. I had no reason not to believe him, but he seemed to want me to look into his claim, and I quickly verified that was who he said he was. His demeanor suggested I was like a little boy who wandered into his parent’s closet, and found his father’s gun, in regards to my knowledge of the Goetic spirits. That I was lucky he happened by when he did and that he could mentor me into the “right direction”, before I did anything too dangerous. He said I showed “potential”, but needed someone formally trained in the occult to help me progress. I can only assume he was offering to do just that, but he never came out and said it. I thanked him for his assessment of me, and I told him I was willing to listen to anything he had to say. I gave him enough rope to thoroughly hang himself. It became painful clear after only two e-mail exchanges that not only had he woefully overstated his knowledge, but that he was in the process of realizing just how he didn’t know while attempting to assimilate what I was sharing him. I quickly ceased speaking with him as an equal with terms of magic, and the occult… but never as a human being. I understand that he is a teacher within the O.T.O, and the information I was sharing is far above his pay grade. Since he was not ready for this quality of information, his students where no better and continuing a discussion with him on the prior level could be disastrous. He was embarrassed, but I was sympathetic, and I afforded him every opportunity to save face. I even said that I could help expand his understanding of the Goetia structure. He took me up on that offer, not as a “student”, but as someone curious about another magical tradition. I gave him a simple exercise. An exercise I know Western occultists no longer spend much time doing, but would greatly benefit from. I instructed him to start exploring the deeper intricacies of Goetic sigils. By studying the formulation of a sigil you can uncover the harmonic frequencies which gave both birth, and purpose to the sigil itself based on the dominion(s) of the spirit who owns it. Function DICTATES form. Following that universal law, a spirit sigil will contain pictographs of things that express the nature of the spirit in the physical world OR are expressed in the physical world by that spirit. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/06/checkers-vs-chess-hiepatch-sigil.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Checkers vs. Chess. Hiepatch sigil.

The same expressions of that spirit during the time of its sigil’s physical inception that made it valid then, would also contain physical expressions from the modern world to make it just as valid now. He was highly skeptical of this “radical” idea of mine, but conceded to try it. He quickly became frustrated with the exercise, he said it was beneath not only his rank, but also his title within the O.T.O. Be that as it may, he still couldn’t come up with even one pictograph within the sigil I randomly picked for him (I picked the spirit Hiepatch, a spirit concerned with the transportation of people, often bringing them long distances away to appear before the magician, or the magician’s client). I convinced him to stick with it, and coached him into how he may enter a sigil’s energetic matrix, and see a spirit from the inside out. He found this process very unnerving. Hermetic Magic primarily teaches to entrap, and isolate spirits. The idea of a spirit entering the magician is unsettling enough, but suggesting he go a step further, and a magician enter a spirit was an even more disturbing a proposition for him. This is when he turned from disdainful, and “amused” by me, to aggressive. I was beginning to break down his worldview, and he did not like that. He was a long time checkers player. As indicated by his position within the O.T.O, maybe even a master checkers player. But in a world where the real game is chess, even a master checkers player is of little value. He was starting to see the chess pieces emerge on what he once only knew as a checkers board. He did as many have been socially conditioned to do, reject becoming a novice level chess player to then truly advance, and run back to being a checkers master. He demand that I show him where in the sigil of Hiepatch an expression of transportation or travel of any kind could be found. To prove that such a thing existed, as he was now certain I was nothing more than an above average story teller. Well, I will do just that, and I will even do it using an expression of Hiepatch in the modern world…. However I will do it on my blog so others may benefit, that people know from whom the information comes from, and also that he (and others) cannot try and “impress” his (their) students claiming it’s their own revelation. I have scoured the internet, and I simply cannot find ANY evidence of this being common, or even uncommon knowledge. So if you see this connection being made elsewhere after this date… you know where it came from. This is Hiepatch's sigil. A Goetic spirit who's dominion is over travel, and transportation. This is a picture of a jeep driving on a road. The Jeep is both a modern day expression of transportation, and travel. I think the the sigil of http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/06/checkers-vs-chess-hiepatch-sigil.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Checkers vs. Chess. Hiepatch sigil.

Hiepatch clearly indicate a Jeep. However is is but ONE very valid pictograph I can easily find in the sigil of Hiepacth, and it is because I can find expressions of Hiepatch's dominion, I can do the work I can with the Goetic spirits. I invite all of you to become master of chess... and leave checkers behind. -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S. It was early one morning that I settled my gaze over the reflective surface of Mersilde’s (goetic spirit mentioned in the Grimoirum Verum) magic mirror. The mirror’s surface responded in kind to my deepening state of trance, beginning to swirl and churn with the puce colored ichors that are the Saturnine laced lunar fluids of the astral realm. I let my consciousness dangle above this portal, enticing it to slightly rise up and met me. My consciousness floated upon its rippling currents, like a buoy in the ocean, and I allowed myself self to be pulled into a whirlpool of rushing sound, and howling frequency. My mission statement was made clear, and my intent honed to a razor’s edge long before I cradled Mersilde’s mirror in my hands; intoning the incantations which would activate the artifact, and begin my work. My Godfather (mentor) possessed a strong interest (some might say obsession) in the Serbian wizard, Nikola Telsa. I use the term wizard in its true sense. A Wizard is/was, an exceedingly rare individual that blends high magic with high science. This is different from a magician, or sorcerers who deals with spiritual, and inter (extra) dimensional intelligences mainly through pacts, with very limited sci-tech. I am admittedly a high-level magician who dreams of one day becoming a true Wizard… maybe that will happen, and maybe it won’t. This early morning as the dead of night still held sway, and the sun was still a few hours from peaking above the California hills, the mystical Santa Ana winds came as if summoned in tandem with Mersilde… perfuming the night air with mango flowers, and tangerine blossoms causing the candle flames to throw a thousand flourishing shadows across my ritual space. I was not alone. Something else stirred around me as I sought an audience with the ghost of Nikola Tesla. What it was exactly is hard to say. I believe that it was first “elemental”. The land itself, as in the “state” of California responded to my conjurations. The ground beneath my feet felt like it shifted and a deep earthy groan resonated below me. The sky, full of the Santa Wind, seemed to carry the hushed voices of millions of sleepy people. People still dreaming of what “could” be, and should be. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/07/nikola-tesla-goetic-spirits-and-you.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S.

A dream of humanity, one that seems to have been made realized in a forgotten time, and one that was about to be born again, but was murderously aborted by who we know as the vile human filth which fill the ranks of the Illuminati.

This grave injury was inflicted upon the world, at the hands of the plump wiggling sub-human maggot named JP. Morgan, and his gibbering monkey Thomas Edison, both funded by the blood moneyed slaves of house Rothschild; the crypt-like Rockefellers. Hook-nosed, Zionist, Khzar/Ashkenazi scum… all of them Within Mersilde’s magic mirror, I first glimpsed his sad eyes as they locked with mine; followed by his stark Serbian features. I was given a gift, the opportunity to be in the presence of the epitome of “wizard”, the great Nikola Tesla. I was awash with emotion. Our meeting was brief, but in truth, it didn’t need to be any longer then it was… what needed to happen next quickly obvious. The great wizard Telsa told me that I would meet someone of his genius in my lifetime. I am to wonder if his meant of “his” genius, as his reincarnation, or another wizard of his rank. Either way… a more prestigious blessing you would be hard pressed to find. He also said that if I would act in this way that I would draw the attention of very evil men. When the time is right, I would know it. I would have received the final transmission of my Godfather, and completed my destiny path set out by him for me. Well… all stars have aligned as they say. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/07/nikola-tesla-goetic-spirits-and-you.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S.

I have completed my destiny path, I have received the final transmission from my Godfather, and I see now the rumblings of Nikola Telsa in the mainstream. It is the mission statement of G.O.O.D.S that the technology, and scientific accomplishments of Nikola Telsa be made free to the general public. That the in place of those tombstones of humanity once called the WTC, instead Telsa’s free energy coils tower in their place. It is time to start one of the biggest and most secretive missions of G.O.O.D.S…. To “unlock” the plans, the work, and free ALL the patents of Nikola Tesla form the scaly claws who are strangling world to death. At one point we will also try and locate the person, or persons who possess his (Tesla’s) intellect, and place magical protections over them, so that they can make this dream of humanity a reality once more. So first things first. We will work with the grand spirit Sugat. Surgat is mentioned in the Grimoirum Verum, as “able to open all locks”. For right now that is what we NEED to focus on. There will be other works with Surgat, but let us lay the fundamental foundation. Forget also “Duke Syrach”, I will handle what needs to be done within this tradition with him directly. With Surgat we will open the locks which imprison Telsa’s work, but in a very real way, part of his spirit also. This is will be a long and rough working. The attention of both many evil people and evil entities will be garnered. Be prepared to be confronted by both. Evil entities will direct wicked minded people to threaten and scare you, maybe even harm you. You will need to be ready. This working will need to happen hard, and fast. We will press the work, and we not let up. This MUST happen. Humanity is in an eleventh hour so to speak. The Illuminati doesn’t want to have to try and commit a bloody screaming murder against us, a fight they could (and probably will) lose. They would prefer, like a stalking burglar, to kill us in our sleep…muffled screams at best. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/07/nikola-tesla-goetic-spirits-and-you.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S.

The release of Tesla’s work would, like the internet, shall quickly fall out of their hands, and set their agenda back yet another 30-40 years… and this time we have the chance to smother this monster out utterly. The new minds, the sons and daughters of Telsa genius will see greater applications, and with it shut down the invisible prison grid that has isolated the earth from most of the authentic off world transmissions being sent here trying to warn us about both the off world, and inter-dimensional being out world governments have made enslaving, entangling deals with. Let me say this, the so-called channlers of Pileadians, and or Acturians, etc… are shills and or fucking nut jobs, and are actually channeling the placating, subduing, quelling messages from Reptilian, and Grey sources. These New Age LightWorkers have been embarrassingly inaccurate, and have proven themselves to be completely useless time, and time again. With this technology and free exchange of REAL scientific ideals of Tesla, we will have the technology we need to restore the earth, eliminate dependency on energy sources that can (have) be made into commodities, and monopolized. We will also have access to offensive and defensive capabilities to wrestle free this planet from ancient and incoming threats. I don’t want to aggrandize this working, but it’s that fucking important. You must also know that it will seem mundane, and gradual. The effects of your/our work will have to coalesce, and act upon people, and events which we will not, in the short-term, see. However, the resistance will mount. There are as we speak entities that Tesla told me about that exist just out of phase; entities who seek out the wizard’s work, and desire to crush it. What else about these entities, I don’t know, other than a strong electromagnetic field keeps them at bay. Thus the “Merger” and the reason behind it… are things and my methods becoming clearer yet??? You will notice the difference between the sigils of the Grimoirum Verum, and say the Ars Goetia. The Sigils of the Grimoirum Verum are more open and sort of free form, while that of the Ars Goetia are closed, and tight. The sigils of the Grimoirum Verum, are meant to be work in, and on. The sigils of the Ars Goetia, are meant to be worked around, over, and under. This probably won’t make a lot of sense right now, but there will come a time that it will. Sufficent to say, you will be working “in” the sigil of Surgat. Surgat’s image is also not described. The main reason for this is that when working with Surgat, Surgat does appear with certain “set” qualities. These qualities are used to confirm to others in the know, that you are indeed working with Surgat. It is unfortunate that the images of the spirits of the Ars Goetia where described. This was done to ruin the art. By placing their images (most of which are incorrect) into public consciousness, the spirits could be damaged, and rendered ineffective because of the misinterpreted untrained, uninitiated, and unpracticed minds would associate with them. The internet is FULL of examples of these…i.e. just about EVERY occult writer on the subject. Because Sugat’s image is not described, I want you to work with his sigil, and deal http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/07/nikola-tesla-goetic-spirits-and-you.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S.

with Surgat’s true “unseen”/astral energy. Overtime you will begin to associate an image of Surgat… and I hope to have a place where experiences can be shared, but this is not within the immediate future. You will need a full sized piece of paper, or brown parchment, as you will want to draw Surgat’s sigil big, so a place where you can keep this active working going for long term is also important. On the parchment, inside Surgat’s sigil, red and white candle must be placed, and glass bowl of water, with a small pouring of rum, or whisky in it. (it doesn’t matter where with Surgat’s sigil these are placed). The candles can be novella (glass encased), or large tapered candles, with holders. You will want to burn a full red and white candle to the working with Surgut once a week, and replace them for the next week. Also the bowl of water should be replaced once a week, and or anytime the water get very low, or cloudy. A small splash of fresh rum, or whiskey should be added to the water again. The white candle will be the “opening” a locked energy instructions to Surgat, and the red candle, the active energy instructions to Surgat. The water, with whiskey, and rum, will be a filtering agent for the energy around you, and Surgat, and how Surgat travels between the physical and astral world. The whiskey, or rum is a gift to Surgat, and helps keep energy clean. On the parchment, inside Surgat’s sigil, write in your own hand writing, “Open to all the world access to all Nikola Tesla’s work to use”, also… because you are doing this work, write something for yourself, something that seems to have been locked away from you. This is personal, so only you will know what to write. Surgat will open this for you. Look up “sigil magic” if you want, and write this highly personal request, in sigil form. This will keep prying eyes from knowing your desire, and certain entities will be less likely to decipher its meaning, and unable to use it as leverage against you to try and prevent you from doing this work. When Surgat opens up that request for you, take the sigil of Surgat, pour the water/rum or whiskey over it, and bury it. Re-draw the sigil with a new personal desire, along with the great Telsa work request, and begin anew. 1. To activate the sigil, say: “In the name of the Most High, the Prime Creator, I ask your light descend upon me, and brighten, heal, and empower my sphere of influence. I seek the strength and courage to not shrink in the hour of my trial so that my name might one day be written in the stars”. Perform the kabalistic cross (with your power hand, touch your third eye say “the glory”, point to your feet say “for the kingdom”, point to your right shoulder say “I shall have the sword arm of Mars”, point to your left shoulder say, “I shall have the scepter bearing arm of Jupiter”, and now bring both hands in front of your solar plexus say “I shall shine with the brilliance of Sol”. 2. Light the red and white candles (if not already lit). Say: “Mighty Surgat, you who opens all locks, I in the name of the Most High, ask that http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/07/nikola-tesla-goetic-spirits-and-you.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Nikola Tesla, Goetic Spirits, and You. The next great work of G.O.O.D.S.

you be present in this working. I ask that you open to all the world access to all Nikola Tesla’s work to use”. With the pointer finger of your power hand, tap on where you wrote “open to all the world access to all Nikola Tesla’s work to use”, in Surgat’s sigil nine (9) times. This will cause slight vibrations in the water in bowl on/in Surgat’s sigil. 3. Now say: “Mighty Surgat, you who opens all locks, I in the name of the Most High, ask that you open “your own personal request”. With the pointer finger of your power hand, tap on where you wrote (or drew the sigil) for ” your own personal request”, in Surgat’s sigil nine (9) times. This will cause slight vibrations in the water in bowl on/in Surgat’s sigil. (These vibrations in the water echo throughout Surgat’s spiritual/energetic matrix. The amount of vibrations containing the energy of “open to all the world access to all Nikola Tesla’s work to use” will create huge waves within Surgat, and the astral world). 4. Say: “Surgat, in the name of the Most High, I thank you for your efforts. When this greater work is accomplished know that you receive the veneration worthy of such accomplishment!” Perform the kabalistic cross in the manner stated above. You are done. Perform this once pre-day until further notice. There is no need to perform any “banishing”, as this a long time working with Surgat, and you want him around. Performing the kabalistic cross will keep you balanced out energetically, and maintain your spiritual equilibrium. Along with this: • Develop your spiritual armor once daily • Knights of the Round ritual once daily. • Perform the Merger once daily • Begin and maintain a physical exercise routine. • Study and familiarize yourself with Nikola Tesla. This is the first issuance of this greater work. I welcome all to join in, share their experiences, and together we WILL make this happen. You got your orders brave knights! -Uncle Bearheart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation In the next few days I will be doing a major work with the Goetic spirit #10 of the Ars Goetia “Buer” and attempt to coax yet another prophecy concerning Ebola out of him. I will also be adding the entirety of the first prophecy he passed on through me in a medium session back in March 2014 to the blog for public reading as well. A prophecy that many of you have said predicted the present Ebola-hoax-scarepower grab-potential global lock down, and in looking it over I am ready to say I concur. Buer’s original prophecy matches up startlingly well with the current global situation. In one stanza Buer says, “a counsel of foreign puppets who dangle from nooses of string dance to music for which there is no tune when pulled taught by shadowed hands. From these mouths will spill out the words of well kept monsters with rancid desires, words heavy with Saturn’s ultimatum to the tillers of Terra. The sheep will bay to the mysterious music, and file in step to the final solution”. This could be telling of the UN’s recent declaration, “the world has just 60 days to get Ebola under control, of face an unprecedented situation for which we don’t have a plan”. I think the foreign puppets means the UN, and “dance to music for which there is no tune”, says that their no “official” plan to the give the public, but there is a movement set into motion that is a hidden agenda like “mysterious music”. “Heavy with Saturn’s ultimatum to the tillers of Terra”, seems to point towards the 60 days those foreign puppets at the UN gave to the people of the world. And “sheep will bay to the mysterious music, and file in step to the final solution”, I feel is indication that most of the population will go along with the “plan” that suddenly emerges to save the world, even though it shall be gravely detrimental. I do wonder at Buer’s use of the word “counsel” rather than “council”. All goetic spirit speech is many-layered, and never without purpose. I will also be asking the Goetic spirit Guland what role he played (if any) in this, and if he has some prophecy or advice to give concerning the matter. As a priest of Palo Mayombe I am able to call out to Cubayende, the M’pungo of diseases, plagues, and epidemics, as well as healing, and compassion. I will see http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/10/buer-ebola-prophecy-continuation.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation

what he will offer and if I can make that public. My feeling is that this is a hoax, ready to go live. Swine Flu, like Y2K, was a betatest for a larger psy-op. I feel that failures of Sandy Hook, the Colorado Theater shooting, and LAX debacle to get America to give up its second amendment rights has placed the Illuminati is a desperate situation. They are many years behind their stated goal of full spectrum world domination. A global pandemic could be what they need to dissolve sovereignty, and declare “emergency powers” which would effectively (albeit illegally) nullify constitutional powers and the bill of rights. This might also be the time when Alien disclosure occurs, as extraterrestrial influences come to “save” us from Ebola, and the idiot masses embrace them as outer space Jesuses… however… that is NOT something Buer has prophesied (or at least not as I can tell) and I am merely speculating. There seems to be a big ramp up to something, and using this Ebola manipulated pandemic to lock down the world I feel is for a much more disturbing event on the horizon. So disturbing that the whole world could openly revolt in response and they want us bound, unable to act. Look for US government to green light travelers into America who have Ebola, and I am being told by a spirit, and by the Goetic spirit Buer that there are individuals being secretly exposed to Ebola, and even willingly infected, who will carry the virus into large populated centers. These “purposeful carries”, will come up from Mexico, and east from Africa. Look for more hospital-Ebola issues also. Ebola spreads best is areas that are confined, and the potential hosts are already having comprised immune systems i.e. sick. What can you do? Remain vigilant and aware. Note what the media is saying day to day and do your best to track where these outbreaks are occurring. Empower your own immune systems. Do not panic, stay sharp and stay informed. Do not accept any “global solutions”, as this is THE solution being offered after the Problem-Reaction which was purposely set into motion. Get closer with friends and family. Eat lots of beets, garlic, celery, hot peppers, etc (listed on other blog entries) to http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/10/buer-ebola-prophecy-continuation.html



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation

combat illness. As for moving to somewhere safe, honestly, I don’t think there is a “safe zone”, so network and make new friends where you are. However is things get really, really bad… the Pacific Northwest is nice. Just saying. More to come on this. -Uncle Bear Heart




Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael part 2, and minor Buer/Ebola update.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael part 2, and minor Buer/Ebola update. * In response to many asking how I am able to hear Buer speak. I have started to release the process in the post entitled True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael, written in June. This the next step on the royal road to mediumship with King Bael. I am still working with Buer, and he seems to be doing what he said he would "be a salve to the wound, and balm to the cuts"... as the Ebola hoax appears to be being held at a stale mate currently. Will the hoax be perpetuated further? If they see an opening I am sure of it, but Buer is doing what he said he would and apply ointment to the collective subconscious of Americans... and the fears look to be reducing. This takes a great deal of energy and expense on my part, so I will take a break for a bit. However, this is the next step in your own practice and that you might also hear the Goetic spirits too.*

If you have been practicing what was released in the post entitled True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael, and I hope you have, then you are now ready for the second installment of this multilayered psychicism development method as passed on to me from my Godfather, from his linage of Goetia based magic. In the first installment we looked at the “internal activation trigger” of this alchemic masterpiece toward spirit and entity communicational skill. This involved the astral pendulum using the third or magic eye as the fulcrum and swinging back and forth from left eye to right eye to strengthen the corpus callosum, and unify left/right brain hemispherical conditions. This will begin to allow for the pineal gland to become tapped; however tapped in a way that promotes healthy creative stimulation while performing a relaxation producing (somewhat hypnotic relaxation inducing as well) exercise, rather than strenuous visualization procedures which are largely fruitless. The pendulum also links the upper astral (supernal) triangle on the tree of life http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/11/true-goetic-alchemy-with-1-bael-part-2.html#comment-form



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael part 2, and minor Buer/Ebola update.

within the human energy matrix. The third eye as “Uranus”, the left eye “Neptune” and the right eye “Saturn”. This pendulum however is just the beginning ignition of a grand SELF atomizing machine found within the alchemical practice of Bael, and to know self is to know other… The next step is to lean towards an external process which is set into motion by the pendulum’s swing. Once you have finished the pendulum, now softly focus your attention on the empty space above your left shoulder, and allow the number “1”, to flare up in a blue hued energy, then following an energetic semi-circle swing like the pendulum in the first process, and frictionless carry your attention to the empty space occupying the top of your right shoulder. Here allow the number “2” to flare up with a red hued energy. Continue this process back and forth shoulder to shoulder in linear increasing numerical procession until you arrive at a blue hued “81”. While the pendulum is to awaken the ability to see/hear spirits and other entities communicating directly to you, this second stage is meant to make you perceptive to spirits and or entities communicating with themselves or other in your general area…. sort of like becoming a living EVP device. One might… if one was so inclined to spectacularly awesome, decipher meanings behind the red and blue hues and their future importance. One could also clearly see that left/blue, and right/red are political spectrums, but however, carefully chosen colors which are being used in this exact process but on a macrocosmic level and weaponized against you. I will continue to outline the alchemical process of Bael, however once I reach the end point where only an initiate might go further (there is a long way to go yet so no worries), I will switch to disclosures on the GRAND eighteen Goetic spirits of the Grimorium Verum as I am now laying the physical bricks to my temple and the 72 Ars Goetia Configuration shall need to become the inner tradition once more. Have no fear, what I know, understand, and utilize of the GRAND eighteen of the Grimorium Verum will give you years and years to work with. http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.de/2014/11/true-goetic-alchemy-with-1-bael-part-2.html#comment-form



Grand Order Of Draco Slayers: True Goetic Alchemy with #1 Bael part 2, and minor Buer/Ebola update.

-Uncle Bearheart


