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EXPOSITORY ESSAY OUTLINE TOPIC: Domestic Violence NARROWED TOPIC: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Families Introduc

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EXPOSITORY ESSAY OUTLINE TOPIC: Domestic Violence NARROWED TOPIC: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Families

Introduction A. Attention Getter: “I saw my father hit my mother in the face” this was a statement from the awarding winning actor Terry crews in his speech to the 23rd Annual Championships Gala. B. Background Information/Introduction of Topic: Like Crews, domestic violence affects many families around the world. C. Credibility Statement: According to the US national statistics, on average nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, (ncadv.ord) and in 2014 the World Heath Organization reported that globally 38% of murders of women are committed through domestic violence. D. Thesis Statement/Overview of Main Points: The results of the global statics on domestic violence are alarming; domestic violence leads to the obliteration of the family environment, results in emotional and psychological trauma in children and often leads victims to isolate and segregate themselves from their extended families and friends due to fear of victim blaming, shame or violent repercussions from their attacker.

Body A. Topic Sentence 1: While statistic will show that a great amount of victims of domestic violence remain in the household especially women, there are various reports that show that after the occurrence, the family environment and the sense of safety that a home is supposed to give is eradicated. 1. Supporting detail: Domestic violence the leading cause of divorce and separation

2. Supporting detail: Domestic violence may lead to homelessness 3. Supporting detail: Domestic violence may result in victims having to move frequently to evade their abusers 4. Clincher: There is need for more shelters and government assistance geared towards tackling this issue. B. Topic Sentence 1: It is often said that children will outgrow and forget about some of their childhood experiences but reports have shown that the experiences of domestic violence, though they may seem to be forgotten, results in a few underlying effects in children especially that of emotional and psychological effects. 1. Supporting detail: Ongoing anxiety and depression 2. Supporting detail: Aggressive Behaviour and attitude 3. Supporting detail: Academic failure 4. Clincher: Children who experience domestic violence are toe counseled so that the effects of the experience can be minimized. C. Topic Sentence 1: From fear of victim blaming and shaming victims isolate themselves from their families and friends. 1. Supporting detail: Isolation

2. Supporting detail: Fear of further violence from abuser 3. Supporting detail: Extended family assuming that they did something to offend the victim. 4. Clincher: Extended families are to look out for signs of separation and isolation and communicate with victim with a reassurance that they are there to help get the victim through the difficult time. Conclusion: A. Summary of three points or recommendation The effects of domestic violence are tremendous especially on families. Due to the fact that it may cause damaging impacts, it should be tackled at the root. Clincher: Domestic violence is no joke and so reducing its impact on family life should be regarded as high priority.