Epic Heros skirmish


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1 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Welcome to Epic Heroes! This is what the Comic Book industry refers to as an ‘Ashcan’ copy of the rules. This is an unfinished, rough draft, unattractive working copy of the supplement that will be released in January 2013. Don’t worry, Alan and Gib are slaving away making pretty pictures, and me and the rest of the gang are going to have pretty miniatures and scenery pics for the full color book. In the mean time, please don’t judge this by its appearance.

On top of that I wanted to have one High Fantasy ‘Official’ Game Universe, one QuasiHistorical Fantasy Universe, and rules for a Do It Yourself Fantasy Universe. Let’s take a closer look.

Legend Level In the final version, players will be introduced to the Legend Level mechanic. This mechanic is designed to allow you and your group of players to decide just how much Magic will play a part in your game Setting. Players will be ‘Building a Legend’ in the games they play, and with some extra imagination tossed in, can truly tell their own game story.

You will need a copy of the Brink of Battle: Skirmish Gaming through the Ages rulebook to use this supplement. The whole point of this booklet was to let my fellow players enjoy Brink of Battle with their Fantasy miniatures to some degree without waiting for the finished product.

The three Legend Levels dictate the maximum amount of Magic, Magic Gear, and Trait types that are available to the players, as well as control how powerful those items are.

The other motive here was to drop some rules in your lap that might be open to further development for mass market play testing. So your feedback may shape the final product!

The Heroic Legend represents a game setting where Magic and Monsters aren’t commonplace, but are still part of the setting nonetheless. This would be best represented in Fantasy fiction in the writings of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. So Magic, Magic Gear and such will be present, but not so powerful as to tip the scales too much. Any bonuses from these items are at a +1 cap.

Before we get to the main rules that you will use to create Epic battles on the table top, I’d like to share some core concepts that will later appear in the finished book.

Core Concepts

The next higher power jump is the Mighty Legend Level. This imposes a +2 bonus cap for Magic Gear and Traits. It also opens up new Inborn, or racial type Traits to the players to choose from. This Legend Level is well represented by the writings of Fritz Leiber and Frank Frazetta’s work with James Silke.

During the writing of Brink of Battle, my intent was to add Fantasy and Science Fiction supplements down the road. I knew that if I established a core mechanic that played well for historical games and created the Playable Realism I was looking for in a skirmish game, I could easily add phantasmagorical elements to it later on.

The Epic Legend Level is High Fantasy at its finest. Terrifying monsters and powerful wizards face off with heroes wielding magic weapons and armor of legend. Damn near anything goes at this level. It allows access to Big Monsters and Big Magic. Bonuses from Magic Traits and Gear hit the +3 cap. It’s the realm of Tolkien

In creating these new rules, I felt there were three core design concepts that I wanted to communicate. They were three ‘power levels’, for three periods, with three methods of play.

2 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES and Moorcock with larger than life elements everywhere you look.

heaping helping of storyline and role-playing feel to the Epic Heroes Campaign experience. Quest cards will be included in the final product release as free downloads from our website www.brinkofbattle.com when the time comes.

Players choose the Legend Level when they pick their Setting. This is to make sure all players are on an even field when building their forces.

Quests will introduce players to special Objectives and Victory conditions that will be obtained through play. Once a player has accomplished its required number of Objectives on the Quest card, he will have fulfilled his Quest and win the Campaign.

Equivalent Year As with the BoB main rules, players choose a specific year in which to base their games. This establishes the base technological level for the games played.

What’s in this Booklet?

I want Brink of Battle to be the game system that lets players add the Fantasy genre as an overlay to any of the three Periods defined in the rules. Instead of being pigeonholed into the standard Medieval/Renaissance setting, players will be able to create and play games from any time period with as much or as little Magic & Monsters added in.

Being a rough draft copy, this supplement will have only some of the rules available at final release. That being said, they are some very essential rules that will likely remain untouched through the process, unless play testing demands a change. New Traits are included that add to the list of Profile Traits and Gear Traits in the BoB main book. These are Champion, Inborn, Power, Gear, and Source Traits. These are accompanied by a few Profile Traits that can also be used in Historical BoB games.

With this concept you can play Weird West or Weird War 2 games just as easily as traditional Fantasy settings. Sword & Sandal games can happen as you add Fantasy elements to your Spartans or Greeks. Face off against Zombie Gunfighters or Elder Things from the Great Beyond !

New Gear is here as well as Magic Gear which is a selection of different types of magic items. Magic is here in limited amounts. The full Magic rules are very robust, and will be introduced in their fullness in the final release. What Magic is included will get you by with 9 different spells to choose from as well as some Arcane Artifacts for your wizards to use.

Gothic Horror games set in the Roaring Twenties or other periods can happen, as can near future type games with a Cyber Magic feel. Epic Heroes will let you play anything you can imagine.

What’s Still to Come?

Three Methods of Play

The final book will have full rules for Quests, Magic, Magic Gear, new Force Organization variants, Build Your Own Monsters, Build Your Own Fantasy World, and other tasty bits. There will also be some ‘sample’ pre-generated Archetypal Profiles for Generic Fantasy models that will give the gamer some Plug & Play

The final design concept included in the new supplement will be allowing players three ways to play Epic Heroes: As one-off Tournament games, Campaign games, or Quests. Tourney and Campaign games are already part of the BoB system. Quests are new and bring a 3 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES options if he doesn’t have the time or interest to create his own.

bonuses, they do not combine, instead, take the higher bonus.

Getting Started

Third, if the Cranial Fracture Trauma result is applied by a model, and the only viable Trait to remove is an Inborn Trait, it is not removed. Instead, reduce the model’s CMD Rating by -1 point.

Before jumping into the new shiny rules, there are some general items of housekeeping to review. This section will answer some basic questions on how to adjudicate certain combinations of abilities and game effects for the various Traits and Gear that follow.

Adding new Traits and Gear Unless specified in the following rules, all normal Brink of Battle rules will apply to Epic Heroes games and Force building.

Force Organization Types For the purposes of this booklet, when building your Force, you must have 1 Commander model. You may have any number of models up to a maximum of 20. You may also spend your points without minimums or maximums on models in any way you choose. You can also make any number of models Veterans or Troopers as you decide.

Legend Levels For the purposes of this document, Legend Levels are not used. They will be incorporated later. For now, what you see in this supplement you can use as is. Magic Gear Limits

Campaign Results & Trait Combinations

A Battle Force may only include up to three pieces of Magic Gear at the outset. These are defined by Gear that has the Mystical Trait. Any Gear that does not bear this Trait may be purchased normally.

For now, use the normal BoB Campaign rules in your Epic Heroes games. Three items of clarification to note: First, everyone uses the Trauma Table for now. In the final version different Trauma Tables will be added, allowing for things like Undead models to have results more fitting their supernatural status.

Troopers may not have Magic Gear. Veterans may each only have up to one item, and Commanders can have up to two.

Secondly, duplicate effects from Traits do not combine unless they are Stackable. If a model has two Traits that both share the same included Trait, then there is no additional effect. For example, if you wanted to make a Pigman by taking the Stout and Feral inborn Traits, they both include the Durable Trait. The model does not have any additional benefit from the second occurrence of Durable.

So, your Commander could have two pieces of Magic Gear, and one Veteran could have one. Or your Commander and two Veterans could have one each. This rule stands unadjusted for Tournament style one-off games. For Campaign games, the rule above only applies for Starting Forces. Once one Campaign game has been fought, players may use SP’s to purchase additional Magic Gear.

Also, if a Stackable Trait is being increased, pay the difference in the levels as usual, even if the Trait is included within another Trait. If two Traits have the same basic effect but with different

The most pieces of Magic Gear that a model can have is 3 for a Commander, 2 for a Veteran and 1 for a Trooper thereafter. 4

© Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Finally, models may only carry Magic Gear that they are qualified to use. For example, you could not have a non-Arcanist model carry an Arcane Artifact which is only available to models with the Arcana Trait.

For Historical players looking to play some quasi-fantasy games, we have included a small piece on the Dread Europa alternate history timeline to give you a starting point for playing with historical and fantasy figures together.

Fantasy Settings


With Epic Heroes players will be able to create their own Fantasy Setting through a collaborative process. For those who, for various reasons, do not have the time or interest to do so, they can either use a favorite setting from their other games, or they can use the official Epic Heroes back drop Plug & Play Fantasy world set in the Ruins of Vanis-Trymno. That setting’s back story is included at the end of this booklet.

Source Traits Sometimes it is important to know what type of energy, power, or origin a particular effect has to gauge its interaction with other game effects. These Traits will sometimes have actual effects depending on what other Traits they are grouped with, and at other times will only act to trigger other Traits that check for a Source. Each instance will clearly define what that Source Trait entails. Whenever a model has a Trait that requires him to choose a Source Trait, he may do so from the following list:            

Ascendant Cold Diabolic Earth Fire Holy Lightning Mystical Poison Primeval Shocked Water

Champion Traits When a warrior lives in a land touched by magic and monstrosity, he learns that his abilities must rise above and beyond normal limits just to survive. Champion Traits represent such training, experience, or supernatural boon which grants superior ability on a heroic scale.

5 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Acrobat – This model is an expert in gymnastics and feats of tumbling, jumping, and balance. The model with this Trait gains a +3 CBT bonus when making all Jump, Climb, Falling, or Disengage checks. This Trait may not be used if this model is subject to the Heavy Trait. 5 SP

Disarm – A model with this Trait has trained extensively to knock his opponent’s weapon out of his hand. Whenever this model has a Damage Bonus on his opponent, he may choose to Disarm his opponent instead of inflicting Damage with his Attack or CounterAttack.

Claw Fighter – Extensive training and field experience with the Fighting Claws Gear has given this model the ability to inflict terrible wounds on its opponents. This model must be equipped with two Fighting Claws, and may not use any other Weapons for the duration of the battle. This Trait includes the Two Weapon Fighting Trait and also grants the Fighting Claws the Buckler Trait. 15 SP

An opposing model may be Disarmed if it has at least one single-handed weapon its using in Close combat. This weapon is removed from play, until its owning model is no longer Engaged in Close combat with this model. If an opposing model has a weapon with the 2Hands or Bound Traits, it cannot be Disarmed. Model’s that lose their only weapon must make all Attack and Defense rolls with the Unarmed weapon profile. If the model is equipped with another Close combat weapon it may use it instead. 10 SP

Combat Reflexes (S) – Training or supernatural ability has given this model improved defenses in Close combat. This model may add between +1-3 points to its CBT Rating when it is a Defender in Close combat and not subject to the Heavy Trait. 3/6/9 SP

Expert Sniper – When this model executes a Take Aim Action he gets a +5 CBT modifier instead of a +3. 30 SP

Combat Shooter – A model with this Trait is an expert at fighting in Close combat with a Ranged Weapon. Any Ranged Weapons used by this model gain the Sidearm Trait and uses all applicable rules. This Trait does not work on Thrown Weapons. 15 SP

Fast Reflexes - This model is quick to react. Increase any of its Weapon Reach numbers in Close combat by +1. 5 SP

Danger Sense – This model is especially attuned to impending danger. This model doubles its Detection range for spotting enemy models in Ambush. 5 SP

Furious Charge – This model gains +1 Base Attack when charging on Foot. This applies only during the execution of the Charge Action. 15 SP Incredible Reflexes - This model is really quick to react. Increase any of its Weapon Reach numbers in Close combat by +3. 15 SP

Deflection – A model with this Trait is trained in batting aside slower missile weapons used against it. When this model becomes a Defender against a Ranged combat Attack from a Bow, Short Bow, Long Bow, Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, or Thrown Weapon, it may use its Full CBT Rating even while in Open Ground. 10 SP

Iron Will – A model with this Trait has an indomitable will that enables him to push his body beyond its normal limits. When making a Resistance check, this model may use its CMD Rating instead of its CON Rating. It’s CMD 6

© Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Lightning Reflexes – This model is really quick to react. Increase any of its Weapon Reach numbers in Close combat by +2. 10 SP True Grit - The model with this Trait may force a re-roll of the opposed Attacker’s Damage Check. This may only be done once per Turn. 25 SP Weapon Mastery (Type) – Choose a weapon category from the list below. This model is +1 to CBT and Base Damage when using a weapon from that group. This counts on Ranged Attacks for Ranged weapons and both Attack and Defense Checks for Close combat weapons. This does not add when Defending against Ranged Attacks. Include the Weapon category in parenthesis next to Weapon Mastery on the Force Roster so it reads like this: Weapon Mastery (Bludgeons) and so forth. Weapon Mastery List:  Bludgeons (Includes Great Bludgeon)  Bows (Includes Short, Long, Elven, & normal Bows)  Cleavers (Normal & Great Cleavers & Dwarven Waraxes)  Club  Crossbows (Normal, Dwarven, Hand, & Heavy Crossbows)  Fencing (Rapier, Saber, & Main Gauche)  Fighting Claw (Single & Pair)  Lancer (Lance and Mounted Spear)  Longarms (All types)  Polearms (Double-headed Spear, Greatspear, Halberd, Spear, Pike)  Sidearms (All types)  Swords (Normal & Great Swords and Elven Warblades)  Thrown (All with the Thrown Trait) 25 SP

Rating may be modified by other Traits for this purpose. The model’s Armor Rating is still used, just added to the CMD Rating for the Resistance Check. 35 SP Killing Stroke – This model is especially deadly in hand-to-hand combat. His Base Damage with any hand held Close combat weapon is increased by +1. This Bonus adds with all other Bonuses. 15 SP Knight Champion - This model gains +1 Base Attack when charging as a Cavalry model. This applies only during the execution of the Charge Action. 20 SP

7 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


Inborn Traits

It may not Hustle or have the Hack & Slash or Cuirassier Traits. It has the Ranger and Press the Attack Traits included. 20 SP

These Traits represent special physiological conditions that are inherent to a particular fantasy race or creature type. They may only be purchased at the time the model is created.

Amphibious (I) – This model is from a species that can breathe both air and water. It treats all Water Terrain features as Open Ground. When its base is completely within Water Terrain features it gets Concealment and Cover. 5 SP

The first Inborn Trait a model buys does not count against his maximum number of Traits, but does cost Supply Point’s. A model may have additional Inborn Traits purchased at model creation that do count toward its maximum number of Traits.

Automaton (I) – A model with this Trait is an animated construct or summoned being that has the ability to move and act, but without much self-awareness or will to do so of its own volition. It is limited to a maximum base CMD Rating of 5 for a Commander, 4 for a Veteran, and 3 for a Trooper. Additionally, this model may not execute Break Actions of any kind.

Once a model has been added to the Force Roster it may not purchase any additional Inborn Traits thereafter, nor may they increase any Stackable Inborn Traits. Abomination (I) – From beyond the edge of perception or the bowls of the etheric abyss, this twisted aberration was born. Abominations come in innumerable shapes and sizes, and their appearance in the natural world can drive other intelligent beings into utter madness.

Brute (I) – This model is a monstrous brute akin to an Ogre, Minotaur, Troll, etc. It typically stands between 7-10 feet tall, and is usually mounted on a 40mm or larger base. Due to its size and toughness, this model is only Wounded when the Attacker’s Total Damage Score equals or exceeds the Total Resistance Score by 7 or greater.

This Trait is usually taken in conjunction with one or more Inborn Traits that help define what kind of creature this is. Being wholly unnatural and emanating an alien or supernatural intelligence, this model disturbs all other living beings on a subconscious level.

This Trait includes the Long Strider, Great Reach, Heroic Strength, Intimidating, and Obtuse Traits.

This Trait includes the Aura of Madness, Intimidating, and Mystical Traits. 40 SP

In close combat, Brutes count as 2 models for Outnumbering purposes if their CON Rating is 5 or less, and as 3 models if their CON Rating is 6 or more. 50 SP

Amorphous (I) – This race is blob-like, malleable, or able to contort its body shape significantly. It has the ability to increase or reduce its size and shape to facilitate easy transit over its environment. The drawback is that it is limited to slower speeds over land than are its bipedal or quadrupedal counter parts.

Centaur (I) – Models with this Trait have the upper torso of a humanoid and the lower body of a quadruped or multi-legged animal like a Riding or War Horse. The model is treated as a Cavalry model for all purposes except as noted below.

8 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Since the Centaur is one creature, there is no Hit Location Check if this model is successfully Attacked in combat.

If a Centaur model has a CON Rating of 5 or less, it may purchase the Light Barding Gear if appropriately modeled on the upper and/or lower body of the figurine. It may also be equipped with a Shield or Buckler, but not a Heavy or Tower Shield.

If the Centaur model has a CON Rating of 5 or less, it is treated like a Riding Horse for movement and combat. If the Centaur model has a CON Rating of 6 or more, it is treated like a War Horse for movement and combat.

Because of their humanoid upper torso, a Centaur may be equipped with any Weapon or other non-Armor Gear as if a normal Foot model.

Unlike Horses of both types, Centaurs can be Shocked like a normal Foot model. However, they are more resistant to injury than their Horse cousins, and are only Wounded on a result of 7 or greater on the Damage Check.

Centaur models may use all Traits available to Foot models. If a Centaur model has a CON Rating of 5 or less, it may also purchase the Fast Cavalry Trait for +10 Supply Points.

Centaur models fight in Close combat normally as if they were a Rider of a Cavalry model. Weapon Traits that area used only by a Cavalry model work, such as Mounted Charge, work normally for this model. Encumbrance is based on the Centaur model’s CON Rating and do not use the Encumbrance of a Horse.

This Trait assumes the model is a traditional half-man half-horse type of fantasy or mythological Centaur. However, Brink of Battle allows for other Centauroid models to be represented. The game mechanics remain the same, but player’s may feel free to use any halfhumanoid half-creature as their models dictate, such as Boar Centaurs, Stag Centaurs, Lion Centaurs, or Insectoid Centaurs just to name a few possibilities. 50 SP

Unlike Cavalry models, Centaurs have much more control of their bodies than a rider does of his mount when in Difficult Ground. Therefore, a Centaur does not suffer the CBT/2 penalty while within Difficult Ground, nor is its movement reduced to 3” as with Cavalry models.

Construct (I) – This model is an artificial magical being. Most Constructs are nothing more than magically animated golems or homunculi. Some are imbued with more intelligence and ability. Regardless, they all have many common qualities represented by this Trait.

Centaurs get the same Trample Attack that normal Cavalry models have. Use the Centaur model’s CON Rating for this Attack. Just like other Horses, this Trample Attack is resolved after the Centaur’s normal Attacks are first resolved during a Charge Action.

Constructs cannot Hustle due to their slow reaction times and lumbering frames. Being under the control of their creator and lacking their own initiative, Constructs cannot execute Break Actions.

If a Centaur model has a CON Rating of 6 or more, it may purchase the Endurance Trait in place of the Destrier Trait for negating the effects of Heavy Armor or Shields. This model may purchase Barding as for a normal War Horse. This Barding will also incorporate any Armor on the humanoid upper torso of the model. It may also purchase any type of Shield or Buckler. All WYSIWYG restrictions apply for the entire model.

This model has the Durable, Ironhide, Heroic Strength, and Automaton Traits. Constructs are not living beings and are thereby Immune (Gas), Immune (Horrible Stench), Immune (Shocked), Immune (Etheric), and Immune (Panic).

9 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES When purchasing this Trait you may take the Stoneflesh Trait to replace Ironhide for an additional +25 Supply Points. 75 SP

the normal limbs. This Trait grants the Extra Attack+1 Trait, as well as a +1 Bonus to the Maximum Encumbrance limit of the model. This Trait may not be taken more than once by a model. 30 SP

Craven (I) – A model with this Trait is a natural born coward. Others friendly to this model expect it to flee in battle or times of crisis, and as a result, this model never causes friendly models to Panic from Losses.

Feral (I) – This race is brutish and tough, with more in common with beasts than civilized men. This model exudes savagery and thrives on its lust of battle. It is also inured to life in the wild and is more resistant to injury than most.

Furthermore, when other friendly models are Outnumbered in Close combat, they cannot count this model as a friendly model within 3” because it is unreliable for support.

This Trait includes the Savage Aspect, Bravado, Durable, and Obtuse Traits. 15 SP

Additionally, if a Craven model becomes Broken for any reason, it may not benefit from the execution of a Steady Action, and cannot have the Stubborn Trait. Craven models cannot have CMD Ratings above a 3. 0 SP

Graceful (I) – This race exhibits high manual dexterity, slender graceful bodies, and low muscle mass. They are swift to react and have above average hand-eye co-ordination. This Trait includes the Heroic Accuracy, Fast Reflexes, Sprinter, and Slight Traits. 15 SP

Diabolic (I) – This model is a creature of darkness and evil made flesh. It has broken into the material plane and assumed a form with powers and abilities beyond the ken on normal men. Or is has a demonic bloodline that dominates its appearance and abilities. This Trait includes the Ironhide, Immune (Panic), Intimidating, and Mystical Traits. Being a creature of darkest evil this model has the Vulnerable (Ascendant) and Vulnerable (Holy) Traits. 25 SP Durable (I) – The model is naturally more resistant to illness and injury. It is Wounded on a result of 6 or more on damage checks instead of 5 or more. It also gets a +1 to CON on all Trauma checks in the After Action Report. 15 SP

Grasping Extremities (I) – A multiplicity of appendages protrudes from this model. These could be tentacles, extra limbs, fleshy hooks, feelers, webs, grasping vines, or other entangling extensions of the model.

Extra Arms (I) – A model with this Trait has one or more additional arms, tentacles, or other manipulating limbs. The additional arms are fully coordinated and are fully functional just like

These additional appendages will try to clutch and confine enemy models. Whenever an 10

© Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Insectoid (I) - This is a race of intelligent, multilimbed bug-men. This could also be used to represent any crustaceous or hard shelled organism that is not technically Insectoid but has an exoskeleton.

enemy model becomes Engaged in Close combat with this model, after Weapon Reach is compared, enemy models must pass a CON Check opposed by the CON of this model. If the check is passed the enemy model may fight normally. If the Check fails, then while it is Engaged with this model, that enemy model will fight at CBT/2 regardless of other Traits or game effects.

This model has use of additional limbs or appendages that grant it the Extra Attack+1 Trait. It’s hard, chitinous exoskeleton confers the Toughskin Trait as well. However, weapons with the Impact Trait do +1 additional point of Base Damage, having greater effect on cracking through the hard outer shell.

If this model suffers a CON/2 penalty for any reason, and that adjusted number is lower than the unmodified CON of an enemy model Engaged in Close combat, that enemy model is no longer CBT/2 from the Grasping Extremities.

Able to lift burdens many times its normal strength, it is never subject to the Heavy Trait from Gear. When checking Encumbrance, any Heavy Gear equipped to this model counts as one Gear each, instead of the usual two Gear each.

If this model’s unmodified CON is less than the enemy model’s unmodified CON, then there is no additional effect. 25 SP Horrible Stench (I) – A powerful pungent, acrid, noxious, or putrid odor reeks from this model. Enemy models that are Engaged with this model in Close combat are CBT/2 for all Checks as they choke and gag on the Horrible Stench. This Trait includes the Immune (Horrible Stench) Trait. 25 SP

Insectoid models have greater advantage crossing Difficult Ground due to their body structure. They have the Ranger Trait for all but Water Terrain features like Rivers, Lakes, etc. Insectoid models also have the Natural Climber Trait included. A model with this Trait that suffers a second Shattered Limb Trauma result is not Disabled; instead, remove the Extra Attack+1 Trait from this model. A further result of Shattered Limb will Disable this model. 35 SP

Icthyoid (I) – This model is from a race of intelligent fish men, shark men, or other fishlike creatures that walk like air breathing humanoids. This Trait could also cover generic races that live in the sea and have through adaptation or magic come to dry land to fulfill their hidden agendas.

Ironhide (I) – This model’s skin or hide is very resistant to breaking and injury. This model can add +2 to its CON for Resistance Checks only. 20 SP

Icthyoids are unaccustomed to movement on dry land and this affects their agility and combat ability to a degree. They reek with an overpowering smell from life undersea, and their flesh is covered in fine scales.

Just Won’t Die (I) – This model is especially resistant to injury, and is very hard to take out of the fight. It takes 3 Shocked results in the same Turn to cause an automatic Wound on this model. 40 SP

This Trait includes the Horrible Stench, Toughskin, Amphibious, and Ungainly Traits. 20 SP

11 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Long Strider (I) - A model with this Trait has a long stride and stands much taller than normal Foot models.

Checks. This Trait cannot be used in conjunction with the Man-At-Arms, Knife Fighter, or Kung Fu Traits, and includes the Bound Weapon Trait.

It adds +2” to its Move, Charge, and Hustle maximum distances. It may also treat Obstacles 2” or less as Open Ground, and gains a +2 bonus to CBT on all Climb Checks. It’s Move distance in Difficult Ground is 5” instead of 3”.

For additional Supply Points the following Traits may be added to the Organic Weapons: Impact (Horns, hard head butt, club like tail, or kicking hooves, etc.) +10 SP; Vicious (Fangs, Claws, sharp spines, etc.) +10 SP; Savage Aspect (Large Antlers/horns, long spines, unusual physiology, etc.) +5 SP. The player should specify what features on the model are representing these Traits.

Its size does not allow it to benefit from Concealment or Cover, unless such Terrain stands taller than the actual model. 10 SP Natural Climber (I) – A model with this Trait has some form of natural climbing ability or physiological aid which makes climbing easier.

While the Impact, Vicious, and Savage Aspect Traits must be purchased at model creation, if the player wants to spend Experience Points in a Campaign game to improve the bonus to CBT for this Trait he may do so at the EXP cost noted below. This will only increase the CBT Rating for Attack and Defense, and will not increase Weapon Reach, Base Close combat Attacks, or Base Damage which are fixed at model creation. This increase should be clearly noted on the Force Roster.

This Trait includes the Mountaineer Trait and acts as if the model was equipped with the Climbing Rig Gear for increased Climb distance only. 5 SP Obtuse (I) - A lack of imagination, mental deficit, or reduced ability to inspire confidence in others has diminished the leadership capabilities of this model. It is limited to a maximum base CMD Rating of 6 for a Commander, 5 for a Veteran, and 4 for a Trooper. Traits that increase this model’s CMD Rating, such as Heroic Presence, will function normally and are not affected. Only this model’s base CMD Rating is limited.

Base cost per level 10/20/30 SP. Impact +10 SP Vicious +10 SP Savage Aspect +5 SP To increase from +1 CBT to +2 costs 10 EXP To increase from +2 CBT to +3 costs 15 EXP Ratskin (I) – A model with this Inborn Trait is an intelligent, bipedal rat man, whiskers and all. This model exhibits many of the same physical and mental characteristics of that species. He is quick to react and sense impending danger, and is faster than an average man when running full tilt.

Organic Weapons (I,S) – This model has natural weapons such as teeth, fangs, claws, spines, horns, etc. which it can use to Attack and Defend in Close combat. The model has the following Weapon Profile in Close combat: For the +1 level the profile is 1/C/1; for +2 the profile is 1/C/2; and for +3 it is 1/C/3. This model must have some form of natural weapon like those listed previously showing on the model.

Unfortunately, the heightened awareness of danger and path of least resistance instinct inherit in this race makes them twitchy and less likely to stick around and fight when the going gets tough.

The +1, +2, and +3 numbers are bonuses to the model’s CBT Rating for all Attack and Defense 12 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES This model has the Fast Reflexes, Sprinter, Danger Sense, and Obtuse Traits. 10 SP

with a greater sense of self, and has its own initiative outside that of its creator or controller. This model may execute Break Actions normally, and this Trait negates the Automaton Trait from this model. 10 SP

Reptilian (I) – A model with this Trait is some form of sentient reptile. This model is cold blooded and becomes sluggish when in cold environments. In warmer climes, this model is quick to move and react.

Slight (I) – Lower body strength, slender musculature, or a reduced resistance to injury inhibits the physique of this model. It is limited to a maximum base CON Rating of 6 for a Commander, 5 for a Veteran, and 4 for a Trooper. Traits that increase this model’s CON Rating, such as Heroic Stamina, will function normally and are not affected. Only this model’s base CON Rating is limited.

Reptilian models have a natural covering of scales that grants the Toughskin Trait. They are gifted at scrambling up sheer or vertical surfaces and are also granted the Natural Climber Trait. Reptilians are inscrutable creatures and are not easily rattled. As a result of this the Stoic Trait is also included.

Slithering Body (I) – The lower half of this race’s body has a snake-like form. This model is able to slither across the ground at faster than walking speeds and negotiate terrain easier than models on foot. The model has an 8” Move and the Ranger Trait. 20 SP

For an additional +5 Supply Points, this model may have the Amphibious Trait included as well. If this model is successfully hit by an Attack with the Cold Trait and is still in play, it is CBT/2 for all Checks, cannot Hustle, and cannot execute Break Actions for the remainder of the Turn. 15 SP Runt (I) – This model is physically smaller than other creatures. As a result of its small size, it cannot Move more than 6”. It cannot, therefore, Hustle or use the Hack & Slash Trait. Cavalry, Centaurs, Brutes, and Monstrosities Engaged in Close combat are CBT/2 when Attacking a Runt model because they are harder to hit, wot wif being wee gits and all. Due to their diminutive size, Runt models are harder to target with distance shooting. Add +6” to the actual distance of this model from any Ranged Combat Attacker. Use the modified score for calculating all Long Range modifiers against this target model. 3 SP Sentient Construct (I) – A Construct model may purchase this Trait. This model is imbued

13 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Stoneflesh (I) – A model with this Inborn Trait has such exceptionally tough skin or hide that it is like unto stone in its ability to deflect damage. This model can add +3 to its CON for Resistance Checks only. 30 SP

has the Immune (Impact) Trait included. However, the model with this Trait gains the Vulnerable (Fire) Trait as well. The Armor Rating from this Trait can be improved with the use of a Shield as with normal Armors. 10/20/30 SP

Stout (I) – This race is short, stocky, and able to bear heavy burdens easily. This Trait includes the Endurance Trait. When checking Encumbrance, any Heavy Gear equipped to this model counts as one Gear each, instead of the usual two Gear each. Gifted with a strapping physique, this model is able to shrug off injury easier than most and wield Great Weapons with ease. This Trait includes the Durable and Strongarm Traits. As a result of its smaller size and body type, a model with this Trait is only able to Hustle 8”. The Hack & Slash Trait is also limited by this, so it will cost 10 SP for this model instead of its normal cost of 15 Supply Points. This model is also CBT/2 for all Climb and Jump Checks. 15 SP Toughskin (I) – The model possesses tough hide or other types of thick, natural armor that increases its resistance to harm. This model can add +1 to its CON for Resistance checks only. 10 SP Treeskin (I) – A bark-like armor covers this model from head to foot. This could be from being an animated tree-being, some natural body out-growth, or other supernatural means.

Undead (I) – This model is neither living nor dead, but Undead forever! Whether supernaturally animated, or willful beyond the power of the Grave, this model has cheated Death and can walk among the living.

This is a special Stackable Trait. Instead of the normal +1-3 bonus per level, this Trait grants an Armor Rating of 2, 3, and 4 per level respectively. If the highest Armor Rating level of 4 is purchased the model is also subject to the Heavy Trait.

This includes the Immune (Shocked), Immune (Panic), Immune (Gas), and Immune (Horrible Stench) Traits. Undead models are highly unnerving to living beings and this Trait also includes the Intimidating Trait.

The fibrous sinews beneath the hardened surface are more resistant to blunt force than metallic armors to such a degree that this model 14 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Being infused with Diabolic energies, Undead models have the Vulnerable (Ascendant) and Vulnerable (Holy) Traits. 25 SP

If they are Engaged with a model they have Outnumbered and negated Myrmidon or Knight on, and due to game play, no longer Outnumber that model, the Myrmidon or Knight Traits return to normal use. 5 SP

Ungainly (I) – Poor balance, low agility, or a lack of proper physiology reduces the overall coordination of this model. It is limited to a maximum base CBT Rating of 6 for a Commander, 5 for a Veteran, and 4 for a Trooper. Traits that increase this model’s CBT Rating, such as Man-At-Arms, will function normally and are not affected. Only this model’s base CBT Rating is limited.

Henchman – Not being a professional soldier, this model is a hired henchman who follows orders but has very unsteady nerves. This Trait is only available to Trooper models. The Henchman is not able to have more than one Weapon, and may not have more than Light Armor and/or a Shield or Buckler. He is not allowed to be equipped with anything more than that basic Gear.

Zombie (I) – This is an animated, reeking, rotting, once alive meat bag that stumbles toward the nearest living thing in order to devour it.

When first purchased, a Henchman cannot have Ratings that exceed a 3. Nor may he have any other Traits than this one. If playing a Campaign game, he may later purchase Traits, and/or raise his Ratings by spending Experience Points.

Zombies have the Undead Trait and may not Hustle, Climb, or Jump. Nor may they execute a Break Action or gain Experience Points. They may not have any Gear and Attack and Defend as if armed with a Club. 10 SP

Henchmen are not expected to remain calm in stressful combat situations, and as such, they do not trigger Panic Checks from Losses if Wounded while within 3” of friendly models.

New Profile Traits

A Henchman model will count toward determining a Force’s Rout Check threshold of 25% or more Wounded models. However, a Henchman model does not count as a Wounded model for the opposed roll of a Rout Check.

Assassin – This model is expert at remaining undetected while in Ambush. The Detection Range for all models is CBT/2 when trying to detect this model while it’s in Ambush. 5 SP

For example, Kris has a Force of 5 normal models and 3 Henchmen models. For purposes of determining when Kris will need to start making Rout Checks, all 8 models are counted, and if she loses 25% or more, which in this case is 2 models, she will need to make a Rout Check at the SitRep of each subsequent Turn.

Gang Up – A model with the Gang Up Trait is used to fighting with a large group of allies to swamp the enemy with numbers. Whenever models with the Gang Up Trait are Engaged in Close combat with the same enemy model, if they Outnumber that enemy model, then this Trait will negate the Myrmidon and Knight Traits if possessed by the enemy model they Outnumber.

Later in the game, she has lost 3 models in one Turn. In the SitRep Phase of the next Turn, Kris has to make a Rout Check. Her opponent would normally count Kris’ number of Wounded models and add the roll of a d10 to determine the score Kris would have to meet or beat with a CMD 15

© Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Check from her Commander. However, 2 of the 3 models were Henchmen, so they do not count for the opposed roll. Kris’ Command Check will be against a d10+1 instead of a d10+3.

all sources and automatically passes any Psychology CMD Check it is required to make. 10 SP

Power Traits

Trauma Checks are calculated differently for Henchmen. If the Trauma Check is passed, then the Henchman recovers fully. If the Check is failed, the Henchman was Mortally Wounded and is removed from the Roster.

Power Traits are used to represent some type of supernatural power or ability not normally obtained through training or innate talent. The section on Power Checks will explain how to make use of Power Traits that do not have an automatic effect.

A Force may not include more Henchmen models than the Commander’s unmodified Command Rating. 5 SP

Animal Magnetism – A Feral or Ratskin model may purchase this Trait. This model exudes a powerful animal magnetism and is more adept at leadership than others of its ilk. This Trait negates the Obtuse Trait for this model. 10 SP

Ronin – Originally a term for Masterless Samurai, it has become synonymous with ‘loner’ in common parlance. A Ronin model does not wait to take orders from others, seeking his own path of action.

Arcana (S) – The secrets, powers, and disciplines of Magic are contained within this Trait. Any model that has this Trait will gain access to Spells, Familiars, and Arcane Artifacts.

This model generates its own Action Token during the Orders Phase every Turn. It may not be assigned an Action from the Tactical Pool. A Battle Force may only have one model with the Ronin Trait in it at any time, and it can only be a Veteran. Models with the Commander Trait may not have the Ronin Trait either.

The Arcana Trait encompasses wizardry, shamanism, divination, necromancy, diabolism, hedge magic, sorcery, and clerical powers. It is the catchall Trait for mystical powers that are derived through the systematic use of arcane knowledge, focused will, and physical components to render a given supernatural effect. Whether hurling a bolt of lightning, healing an injured ally, or summoning a demon, it is essentially the same supernatural mechanism.

A model with the Ronin Trait may not use the Command Radius of a model with the Commander Trait. A Ronin model cannot be the recipient of an Action Token from the use of the Inspiring or Belay Order Traits. This model automatically passes all Outnumbered Panic Checks. 25 SP

Arcana is a Power Trait, a Stackable Trait, and a Skill Trait rolled into one. It allows access to the purchase of Spells which are Powers, and it also is taken in one of three levels that act as their own Ratings when Power Checks are made.

Slippery – This fighter is very agile on his feet and gets to roll an extra d10 for his Disengage Actions and is allowed to choose which result he wants to keep. This may only be used while this model is on Foot and not subject to the Heavy Trait. 3 SP

Arcana can be purchased at the 3, 5, and 7 point levels. These numbers are used in place of the normal Ratings Profile of CBT, CMD, and CON. So when making an Arcana Power Check

Zealot – The model with this Trait is a crazed fanatic for its cause. It is immune to Panic from 16 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Great Reach – This model has a greater reach than most. Add +2 to any of its Weapon Reach numbers in Close combat. Heroic Accuracy – This model adds +1 to CBT for all Attack rolls. 5 SP

the model’s Arcana Rating is substituted. For notation on the Force Roster, simply list the number in parenthesis following the Trait name. For example, Arcana (5), Arcana (7), etc. This is similar to Difficulty Check listings. The higher the number, the better the Arcanist is at controlling the preternatural forces he seeks to command. This number will be used for all Checks involving the Arcana Trait, and can be modified as normal Ratings are. However, the Spell description will define any such modifiers.

Heroic Strength – This model adds +1 to its Close combat Base Damage and Encumbrance limit. 5 SP Immune – This Trait represents a high degree of resistance or immunity to certain types of game effects. Whenever a model has this Trait it will define what it is Immune to in parenthesis.

Unlike traditional fantasy games or conventions of the past, Arcanists are not restricted to a proscribed list of weapons and armor. An Arcanist cannot cast Spells or use Arcane Artifacts if they are subject to the Heavy Trait from any source, be it Heavy Gear or other game effects that give the Arcanist the Heavy Trait, such as a Spell. Aside from that, they are free to use whatever Weapons, Armor, or other Gear that is modeled on the miniature per the normal WYSIWYG rules described in the BoB main rule book.

For example, Immune (Shocked) means that whenever this model is subject to the Shocked Condition, it can ignore the effects. The model, therefore, cannot be Shocked and would treat such a result as No Effect instead. When choosing this Trait, the player must pick one of the following game effects and pay the associated Supply Points for that type of Immunity. Each type will have a separate cost and count as a separate Trait.

The Magic Chapter will cover additional rules that use the Arcana Trait, as does the Arcane Artifacts and Familiars sections.

Immune to:  Ascendant  Cold  Diabolic  Earth  Etheric  Fire  Holy  Horrible Stench  Impact  Lightning  Mystical  Panic  Poison  Primeval  Shocked  Vicious  Water

Arcana (3) costs 15 SP Arcana (5) costs 30 SP Arcana (7) costs 45 SP Aura of Madness – Unnatural psychic energies radiate from this model. So disturbing are the images, feelings, and thoughts emanating from this model that all enemy models Engaged with it are at a CMD/2 while Engaged. 15 SP Cunning Brute – A Brute model may purchase this Trait. This model is possessed with greater insight and leadership ability than its peers. This Trait negates the Obtuse Trait for this model. 10 SP

17 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


his kind would find debilitating. This Trait negates the Slight Trait for this model. 10 SP

Intimidating - A model with this Trait exudes an above average degree of threat toward its enemies. Whether due to a menacing physical size or appearance, display of combat prowess, dire reputation, or intimidating personal presence, enemies dread fighting this model.

Vulnerable – A model with this Trait is very susceptible to certain types of damage from a specific Source. Damage sustained from this Source will be far more grievous than it would be for someone not so Vulnerable.

Immediately after this model becomes Engaged in Close combat, all Engaged enemy models must pass an Intimidating Check or this model gains a +3 to its Weapon Reach in Close combat for this Turn.

The Vulnerable Trait will have the Source of the vulnerability listed in parenthesis indicating the type of Attacks from that Source that will trigger this Trait. For example, Vulnerable (Fire) would trigger any time the model was successfully hit by an Attack bearing the Fire Source Trait.

An Intimidating Check is a CMD Check that is opposed by this model’s highest modified Rating. If the Check is passed, then the bonus to Weapon Reach is not gained against the model that passed the Check.

When a Vulnerable model is Attacked successfully by the Source of its vulnerability, this Trait makes the result of the Damage Check one step worse than determined by the Check result. If the result was No Effect, it instead becomes Shocked. If the result was Shocked, it becomes Wounded.

It is therefore possible that some models pass and others fail their Intimidating Checks. Apply the Weapon Reach bonus separately for comparing Weapon Reach versus each opposing model.

The following is a list of Vulnerabilities that are commonly found in Epic Heroes:               

The Intimidating Weapon Reach bonus adds to all other Weapon Reach numbers for this model. Once added, use this total to compare with each opposing model. After this has been done, proceed with the Attack Step as usual. Models with this Trait automatically pass Intimidating Checks from other models with this Trait. 10 SP Land Legs – An Icthyoid model may purchase this Trait. This model has spent sufficient time on dry land to compensate for being a fish out of water. This Trait negates the Ungainly Trait for this model. 10 SP Rugged – A Graceful model may purchase this Trait. This model is inured to hardships others of

18 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

Ascendant Cold Diabolic Earth Etheric Fire Gas Holy Impact Lightning Mystical Poison Primeval Vicious Water



has been successfully cast and its effects are executed. If the result is lower than the Difficulty Check number then the Spell has failed and the model’s Action ends.

Nothing defines the Fantasy genre better than the use of Magic. Magic is the Science of Sword & Sorcery tales, a power understood by the initiated and feared by the commoner.

When the Power Check result exceeds the amount it needed to succeed, the difference is called the Success Bonus. This is identical to the Damage Bonus in combat, but the excess points can be used for different purposes depending on the type of Spell.

This section will discuss the use of Magic, the Arcana Power Trait, and how to purchase and use Spells and Arcane Artifacts for your Arcanist models.

When making an Attack with a Spell, any Success Bonus above the Difficulty number of the Spell is converted into Damage Bonus and used accordingly.

Three Types of Magic In the full version of Epic Heroes, Magic is divided into three distinct types, or source categories, that define the nature of the supernatural energies or entities that each type represents. However, for the Ashcan version we will only touch on them briefly.

Arcana Casting Dice While the Arcana Trait represents the model’s training and ability to control and manipulate magical forces, the amount of power he can access is a direct result of his mind and force of will. This is represented by the Command Rating of the model.

Ascendant Magic comes from the higher planes of existence and represents the ‘good’, ‘white’, or ‘high’ magic source types. Primeval Magic is tied to the natural world, Fey realms, and material planes of existence. This magic is elemental, primal, and in tune with natural forces or power sources.

An Arcanist model has a Base Casting Dice number equal to its unmodified CMD/2 Rating. This is the number of d10’s the model rolls for all Arcana Power Checks. It is also the number of dice used when executing Attacks using Arcane Artifacts.

Diabolic Magic is the realm of darkness, death, deviltry, and malice. This magic is considered ‘dark’, ‘evil’, or ‘destructive’ and includes demonism and necromancy.

Arcane Aura The Arcane Aura represents the effective distance of influence around the model based on its personal power. Think of it as a Magical Command Radius of sorts. It is a measurement used often when determining the distance or area of effect a spell caster has when using Magic.

Power Checks The use of Spells will require the model makes an Arcana Power Check. This is a special version of a Power Check that applies to models with the Arcana Trait. To make an Arcana Power Check, roll the number of Casting Dice allowed for the Arcanist model, take the highest result and add the model’s Arcana Rating for the Total Power Check result. If the result is equal to or greater than the Difficulty Check number of the Spell, it

The Arcane Aura is a distance in inches from this model’s base equal to its modified Command Rating. This is a 360° radius around the model.

19 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


Total Number of Spells

Attack using the model’s Arcana Trait Rating (3/5/7) instead of CBT. Those items that do not make these types of Attacks will instead provide a static effect.

Spells are purchased separately by an Arcanist model. Each Arcanist may have a number of Spells equal to his unmodified CMD/2 Rating. These are the Spells known to this model.

Each model is restricted by its Model Type for the number of Arcane Artifacts with which it can begin play, as with other Magic Gear.

In Campaign games, an Arcanist can use EXP to purchase additional Spells once he has survived his first Battle. The total limit for Spells in Campaign games is the Arcanist’s CMD Rating.

A model may not have more than one of the same type of Arcane Artifact at a time. That is, having two of the same type of Wand would render no benefit. Having two different Wands would give the model a choice of which one to use. Models may only use one Arcane Artifact per Turn.

Spells are a type of Magic Gear that is never represented in any way. Nor do they count toward a model’s limit on Magic Gear.

Unlike Spells, Arcane Artifacts do not require a Power Check by the user to cast its effect. The enchantment of the item provides all of the necessary power and focus to create the effect.

Casting Actions The Spells listed here are a small representation of the Spells available in the full supplement. Any use of these Spells is done as a Standing Fire, Mobile Fire, or Stand & Fight Action. The player declares he’s going to have target Arcanist execute the Action to cast the Spell.

Many of these items require an Attack roll be made against a Defending model. This Attack uses the model’s Arcana Trait Rating to make the Attack, and the number of dice used for the Check is equal to the user’s CMD/2 Rating. As with Arcana Power Checks, the Success Bonus becomes a Damage Bonus when making Attacks with Arcane Artifacts.

If the Arcana Power Check fails, and the Arcanist model has not finished the Movement portion of the Mobile Fire Action, it gets to finish this before the Action ends.

Arcane Artifacts do not always function when the user commands, and sometimes lose magical power at inconvenient times. To simulate this in BoB games, they are subject to a Mana Check any time the user rolls a 1 on the Attack dice if applicable. A Mana Check is an Arcana Base Check. Use the Arcana level of the user to make the Base Check. If successful, the Arcane Artifact functions normally. If the Check fails, then the entire Action fails and may not be attempted again this Turn.

When making a Mobile Fire Action, the RoF penalty is substituted with the Arcana Casting Dice number divided in half. All normal rules for Target Priority, Range, etc apply to Spells and Arcane Artifacts alike. When checking Range, if a target model is out of Range the Spell effect fails automatically. Arcane Artifacts

Arcane Artifact Profiles

Arcane Artifacts are items of Magic Gear that can only be purchased by models in your force with the Arcana Trait. These items are counted as Magic Gear, but differ in that most of them have attack based effects that require a normal

Arcane Artifacts that provide a static effect have no Profile. They will always work the same way and their description text will specify this. If they are useable as a weapon with Attack effects, 20

© Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Elvish Steel – The Elven race has its own mysteries of metal working that are renowned around the world and to realms beyond. It is said that Elvish Steel carries a minor residue of Fey magic that makes it lighter without reducing strength. Elven smiths forge the best balanced blades of the Known Realms, and that perfection gives the wielder almost preternatural swiftness when fighting with this weapon.

then they will have an Arcane Profile much like a Weapon Profile. The Rate of Fire spot is replaced with an ‘A’. This is the number of the Arcanist’s Arcana Trait Rating halved; so Arcana (3) would be 1d10, Arcana (5) would be 2d10, and Arcana (7) would be 3d10 rolled, taking the highest result and adding the model’s Arcana Rating to it for a final result.

When using this weapon, if this model is a Defender, when checking to see if a CounterAttack is made, if the difference in scores is exactly the same as the Attacker’s base Combat Rating, then this model will increase his Total Defense Score by +1 point. All Damage from the Counter-Attack is calculated normally, counting the +1 as a permanent bonus to the Defender’s Total Defense Score.

Range and Base Damage of the Arcane Profile are treated just like normal Weapon Profiles. Maximum Long Range is 2x Effective Range. Normal Ranged combat Actions are declared and executed to use these type of Arcane Artifacts. Mobile Fire’s RoF penalty takes the Arcanist’s Dice total and divides it in half, rounded down.

Here’s an example of this Weapon Trait as it stands alone: A dwarf attacks an elf who is wielding an Elven Warblade with this Weapon Trait. The dwarf has a CBT of 5 and misses with his Attack Score by 5 points. Normally, this would not result in a Counter-Attack from the elf, needing to miss by at least 6 or more points for that to occur. However, Elvish Steel increases the elf Defender’s total score by +1 point in this instance which, by increasing his result to 6, will give him a Counter-Attack. And when the Damage Bonus is calculated, it is done so from the 6 result which in this case will be 6/2 or 3 points.

EPIC HEROES GEAR New Gear Traits Bound – The weapon is firmly bound or attached to the model’s hands, paws, forearms, etc. As a result of this, the weapon may not be Disarmed by an enemy model’s use of that Trait. Double Strike – This weapon may be used as a normal Spear. If the model with this Gear also has the Two Weapon Fighting Trait then it may use this weapon as a 2-hands Spear that allows the model to use the Two Weapon Fighting Trait re-roll and the Double-headed Spear Weapon Profile.

Since both Elven Warblade types also have the Riposte Weapon Trait, the Attacker’s CBT is halved when checking for Counter-Attacks. So, adding this to the example above, the dwarf Attacker would trigger a Counter-Attack if he missed by more than 2 points, being his CBT/2 Riposte threshold. Assuming the elf Defender’s Total Defense Score was exactly 2 points greater, no Counter-Attack would be had. The Elvish Steel Weapon Trait increases this result by +1, so the elf Defender actually had a 3 point difference and gets a Counter-Attack with a +1 Damage Bonus (3/2 rounded down = 1).

Dwarven Edge – The Dwarf race is renowned for their mastery of smithing. This Weapon has a keen edge hardened by master workmanship. It is whispered that the Dwarven Smiths forge their bitterness and spite into the metal which makes the edge harder than an unforgiving Dwarf heart. Any Damage Bonus caused by a Weapon with this Trait is increased by +3 points.

21 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


Etheric – Attacks from this Gear target the mind or soul of the Defender. All Resistance checks made against this weapon use the Defender's CMD Rating instead of its CON Rating. No Armor is used for the Resistance Check.

This is the larger cousin of the Elven Warblade. It is an impressive sight to behold in the hands of an Elven Weapon Master.

Off-hand – This Trait is used on weapons designed for use in a warrior’s off-hand. The model must have the Two Weapon Fighting Trait to use this weapon and any other Weapon Traits it has.

Gear Traits:  Elvish Steel  Riposte  2-hands 25 SP

Quick – A weapon with this Trait is light and fast in the hand of a trained swordsman. The Weapon Reach of this weapon is increased by +1 when the model executes a Charge Action.

Great Spear Period – Any Profile: 2/C/2 The Great Spear combines the two-handed thrusting power of a Pike with a shorter and more maneuverable shaft length of a Spear. It will usually have a longer blade on the tip for better piercing damage.

New Gear

Weapons Elven Bow Period – Any Profile: 20/2/3

 Gear Trait: 2-Hands 12 SP Fighting Claw Period – Any Profile: 0/C/1

Elves are the undisputed masters of bow craft and archery. They weave fey magics into their weapons and craft them for perfect balance, strength and accuracy. An Elf Bow has tremendous penetrating force at close range. It also has a greater range than traditional Long Bows crafter by other cultures.

A Fighting Claw is a gauntlet that has one or more blades or sharp protrusions attached that are used to stab and cut enemy combatants. This weapon is securely bound to the arm of the user and is very difficult to remove against his will. This weapon is favored among Gladiators and Pit Fighters.

Gear Traits:  Piercing  2-hands 25 SP

Gear Traits:  Bound  Vicious 5 SP

Elven Warblade Period - Any Profile: 1/C/2

Fighting Claws (2) Period – Any Profile: 0/C/1

Elven weapon smiths craft incredibly fine blades that incorporate and element from the Fey Realm called Truesteel. These weapons have perfect balance and keen edges providing a lethal instrument of defense in the hands of a trained swordsman.

This is a matched set of Fighting Claws. The model using this pair cannot use any other Weapon or Shield during the battle, since he is securely bound into these weapons.

Gear Traits:  Elvish Steel  Riposte 10 SP

Gear Traits:  Bound 22

© Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


This is a normal Spear that has an additional blade attached to the butt end. It can be used as a Spear one handed, or as a 2-hands Weapon that allows the user to benefit from the Two Weapon Fighting rules.

Rapier Period – 1, 2 Profile: 1/C/1

Gear Traits:  2-hands  Double Strike 15 SP

The Rapier is a fencing sword known for its thinner, but typically longer blade. It is lighter and easier to use than a bulkier blade, and in the hands of a trained fencer, highly lethal.

Dwarven Crossbow Period – Any Profile: 18/1/3

Gear Traits:  Quick  Riposte 8 SP

Dwarves are renowned engineers and have brought their mastery of levers and mechanisms into the design of their Crossbows, making them faster and easier to reload. This weapon is not subject to the Slow Trait as are Crossbows of normal manufacture.

Main Gauche Period – 1, 2 Profile: 0/C/1 The Main Gauche, or ‘left handed dagger’, is a small blade used by fencer’s in their off-hand to block and stab in concert with their main weapon.

Gear Traits:  Piercing  2-hands 25 SP

Gear Traits:  Off-hand  Shield 5 SP

Dwarven Waraxe Period – Any Profile: 1/C/2

Saber Period – Any Profile: 1/C/1

Ancient Dwarven smiths held within their sacred Temple-Forge the secret of creating the Perfect Edge. This knowledge was passed down through the generations and is used just as it was in ages past. Dwarven Waraxes are sought by warriors of all types for their incredibly honed cutting edges.

The Saber is a lighter version of the heavier Cleaver type scimitar or ‘butcher’ blade. It is a cavalryman’s weapon and is also better suited to cut and thrust combat. Gear Traits:  Vicious  Riposte 8 SP

 Gear Trait: Dwarven Edge 10 SP

Double-headed Spear Period – 1, 2 Profile: 2/C/2

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Due to its superior craftsmanship and design, it does not have the Heavy Trait and only counts as a single piece of Gear. It is still considered Heavy Armor for WYSIWYG coverage purposes. 40 SP

This is the larger version of the Dwarven Waraxe and is utterly devastating in the hands of a skilled fighter.

Dwarven Guardplate Period – 1, 2 Armor Rating – 5

Gear Traits:  Dwarven Edge  2-hands 20 SP

Dwarf armorers toil for years perfecting the construction of this Heavy Armor. They give this armor to their finest warriors who need extra protection when embarking on special battlefield deployments. Gear Trait - Heavy 45 SP

Armor Bladed Shield Period – 1, 2 Armor Rating – 1

Magic Gear

A Bladed Shield functions like a normal Shield, but has many sharp cutting edges and/or bladed protrusions that allow the user to treat the device as a passive weapon.

Wayfinder’s Boots – These magical boots imbue the wearer with the nimble skills of the Wayfinder scouts who wander the wilds protecting travelers from hostile denizens. This Magic Gear grants the wearer the Ranger Trait. It also includes the Small and Light Traits. 25 SP

This Shield grants the model the Vicious Trait on any Counter-Attacks it makes in Close combat. If the bearer’s primary weapon already has the Vicious Trait, add +1 to it’s Damage Bonus for a total of +3.

Paladin’s Spurs – A matched pair of magical spurs which carry an enchantment that grants the wearer’s mount increased movement. This Magic Gear adds +2” to the Move, Charge, and Hustle distances of a War Horse Cavalry model. This Magic Gear includes the Light and Small Traits. 20 SP

If the user has the Shield Bash Trait, then it may add the Vicious Trait to any of his primary weapon Attacks, with the same increase if his weapon has Vicious already. Gear Traits:  Shield  Vicious 10 SP

Ring of Heroic Protection – Protective magic courses through this ring and grants the wearer supernatural defense against damage from enemy Attacks. This Magic Gear grants the wearer a +1 bonus to his CON Rating when making Resistance Checks. This Magic Gear includes the Light and Small Traits. 25 SP

Elven Warplate Period – 1, 2 Armor Rating – 4 This is one of a handful of ancient suits of Elven Truesteel plate mail armor. The secret to its manufacture was lost centuries ago.

Jumping Boots – These ordinary looking pieces of footwear have been enchanted with 24

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EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES spells of movement and freedom. This model treats all Obstacles as Open Ground if they are 2” or less in height. This model also adds a +3 bonus to his CBT for all Jump Checks and has no maximum distance limit. 15 SP

Attack against this model are at a CBT/2 penalty at all Ranges.

Mysterious Shroud – This Magic Gear takes many different forms, such as enshrouding cloaks, magical broaches, or strands of Diabolic Darkness. Regardless of its makeup, this Magic Gear acts to obscure the outline of its bearer from prying enemy eyes. This model has the Camouflage Uniform Gear from the Brink of Battle Main Rules. No camouflage needs to be painted on this model, and this Gear includes the Light and Small Traits. 10 SP Mystic Markings – A model with this Magic Gear has some form of tattoo, glyph, sigil, symbol, brand, or other type of marking on his body or Gear that has been imbued with mystical power. These markings vary in their powers and appearance, but have several commonalities that are represented with this Magic Gear. Furthermore, the wearer’s unwavering belief in the power of the Mystic Markings acts as the final catalyst to its activation. Therefore, this model may not wear any Armor or Shield that has the Heavy Trait, as that would represent a lack of belief in the protective powers of the Mystic Markings, rendering them useless.

Additionally, a player may purchase up to two additional Glyphs to be included with this Magic Gear from the following list:


Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

Swiftness – A glyph of this type increases the model’s speed and agility. As a result, this model may move as a Riding Horse and gains a +3 bonus to all Jump Checks.

Arcane Diffusion – This glyph grants a field of magic resistance to its wearer which disrupts such attacks. Whenever this model is Defending against a Mystical Attack, it may re-roll its lowest Defense die. This may not be used to re-roll a re-roll.

Distraction – The markings of this glyph are animated and swirl into shapes that warp the perception of the enemy. While Engaged in Close combat enemy models may not use the Man-At-Arms, Knife Fighter, Combat Shooter, or Kung Fu Traits when Attacking or Defending against this model.

Guardian’s Shield – This Magic Gear acts like a normal Shield for all purposes. It holds a minor enchantment that helps the bearer block enemy blows. The model bearing this Magic Gear is considered to be an Active Defender whether or not he has an Action Token ordered to himself. 15 SP

Confusion – This glyph twists reality around this model causing his distant enemies to miss their target when shooting at him. All enemy models making a Ranged combat

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Warding – These glyphs provide a protective ward that acts like physical armor for this model. This model gains a +2 bonus to his Armor Rating when Engaged in Close combat. This bonus cannot be reduced by the Impact Trait. If the model wears other Armor or Shield and is hit by an Impact weapon, then add this bonus to the modified ARM Rating after Impact has been applied to other existing Armor.

Base cost for Mystic Markings is 5 SP Confusion Glyph is +10 SP Warding Glyph is +10 SP Swiftness Glyph is +10 SP Arcane Diffusion Glyph is +5 SP Distraction Glyph is +15

This model has the Mystical Trait. Any game effects or Actions created or taken by this model are considered Mystical for all purposes.

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Fey Spites – A number of capricious Spites from the Fey Realm have accompanied this model to battle. These malicious spirits will pester, attack, and confound by swarming over opponents that approach for Close combat. This model will always Outnumber by a factor of 1, any enemy models it is Engaged with in Close combat, regardless of whether or not it is Engaged with multiple models, or with models that count as more than one model for Outnumbering purposes. This Gear includes the Small and Light Traits. 25 SP

Lightning Staff Period – Any Profile: 18/A/4 This ordinary looking walking stick is an arcane lighting rod that hurls bolts of Primeval energy at foes. Magic Gear Traits:  Hi-Pen  Lightning  Mystical  Primeval 65 SP

Arcane Artifacts – Arcana Trait Required to purchase this Gear for model

Sorcerous Scepter Period – Any Profile: 12/A/4

Fire Wand Period – Any Profile: 10/A/4

Created in the Old Age of Sorcery, this magical instrument of power draws potent magic from the Celestial Forge and uses it to annihilate evil.

This hand held baton has mystical symbols of burning and flame carved on its surface. Upon command it streams bolts of magical fire at its unfortunate targets.

Magic Gear Traits:  Ascendant  Mystical  Piercing  Rapid Fire 65 SP

Magic Gear Traits:  Directed Burst (2)  Fire  Intense Blast  Mystical 50 SP

Dread Staff Period – Any Profile: 16/A/4

Frost Wand Period – Any Profile: 10/A/4 Sigils of ice and cold cover this wand. It sprays a sheet of freezing ice that slows its targets while turning their blood to ice.

Formed from black coral and hardened with extra-planar fire, this instrument of death was created in the Under Coves of the Kthonean race. Riddled with malevolence and spite it blasts the souls of mortal men and leaves them shattered husks.

Magic Gear Traits:  Cold  Directed Burst (2)  Entangle  Mystical 50 SP

Magic Gear Traits:  Diabolic  Etheric  Mystical  Slow 75 SP

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EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Crystal Ball – This clairvoyance device grants the model using it a Line of Sight to any enemy model in Ambush within 2 x this model’s CMD Rating in inches. The Crystal Ball’s LoS will allow this model to target that model for any Ranged combat Action or Spell. Once targeted, the model loses its Ambush status as if Detected normally. 20 SP

Ascendant energies are summoned to calm the fears of disheartened allies. If successful, this Spell automatically makes all friendly Broken models within range Steady as if they had just executed a Steady Action. Resolve each model’s Steady movement in any sequence desired. Once all friendly models have been Steadied, this Spell effect ends. Model’s Steadied by this Spell can be given Action Tokens or use any Action Tokens Ordered to them as if they were Ready in the SitRep Phase of this Turn.

Forbidden Tome – Lost for ages, this magical book drips with malevolence and diabolic evil. It gives the bearer hidden knowledge and teaches how to inflict the most suffering on living beings.

Add any Success Bonus as a number of additional inches of Range. 10 SP

Whenever this Arcanist makes a Damage Check against a Defender, his Attack gains the Brutal Weapon Trait, allowing him to roll 2d10 and take the highest for his Damage Check.

Diabolic Infusion Difficulty (7) Traits: Diabolic, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura

A model with this Arcane Artifact cannot use Spells or Magic Gear with the Ascendant or Holy Traits. 40 SP

Drawing on unholy energies from Beyond, this Arcanist seeks to infuse himself or an ally with pure Diabolic power!

Druid’s Torc – Twisted precious metal is formed into this piece of revered neck adornment and ensorcelled with primal energies.

This model may target itself or one friendly model within its Arcane Aura and make an Arcana Power Check.

Whenever this model casts a Primeval Spell or uses an Arcane Artifact with the Primeval Trait, he may re-roll all of his Casting or Attack dice and keep the new results. He must re-roll all dice or none, he cannot mix and match dice. This may not be used to re-roll any re-rolls. 30 SP

If successful, the target model gains a +3 Bonus to all Checks it makes for the remainder of this Turn. 30 SP Dread Muster Difficulty (5) Traits: Diabolic, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura

Spells The following Spells may be purchased by any model with the Arcana Trait. These may be taken in any combination, regardless of the associated Source Traits attached. See the Magic Chapter for more information.

Drawing on necromantic magic, the Arcanist summons forth an Undead ally that was previously dispatched during the battle.

Clarion Call Difficulty (3) Traits: Ascendant, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura

If your Force has one or more Undead models that have already been Wounded and removed from play, then this Spell may attempt to return one of them to the game. 27

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On a successful Casting, return one Wounded Undead model from your Force to the game, to a point on the table top that is completely within the Arcane Aura of the Arcanist model.

The Base Damage for this Attack is the Caster’s CMD/2 and any Success Bonus becomes the Damage Bonus added for the Damage Check. 20 SP

The target model loses the Wounded Condition and returns to play Ready. It may function normally from that point. 30 SP

Godspark Difficulty (7) Traits: Ascendant, Fire, Hi-Pen, Lightning, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura Reaching into the Ascendant Realm, this wizard channels bolts of pure spiritual lightning from the Celestial Forge and directs them toward his enemies as a devastating plasma storm.

Eerie Mist Difficulty (3) Traits: Primeval, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura Calling on the power of the Earth Dragon, the Arcanist is able to summon forth an obscuring mist that hides the mage and his fellows from view.

Choose a number of target enemy models equal to this Arcanist’s CMD/2 Rating. Upon a successful casting, this model may make a Damage Check against each target model in Range.

If successful, enemy model’s may not draw a Line of Sight through any part of the caster’s Arcane Aura. When the enemy Action is declared, draw a LoS to the target model. Then measure out a number of inches equal to this model’s Arcane Aura. If the LoS would cross the Arcane Aura’s line of measurement, then no LoS can be obtained.

The Spell’s Base Damage is the Caster’s CMD/2 Rating, and any Success Bonus may be allocated as a Damage Bonus between the total number of enemy targets. The Spell has the HiPen Trait and negates Armor Ratings normally. As long as one target model is within Range, this Spell will work normally. 40 SP

The Eerie Mist will persist until the end of the Turn. Friendly models may draw Lines of Sight through this area normally. 10 SP Eldritch Assault Difficulty (5) Traits: Diabolic, Etheric, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura x 2 With an outstretched hand and eldritch muttering this Arcanist twists the fabric of the dark ether to assail the soul of his enemy. This Spell may be cast against a single enemy target model within Range. If successfully cast, the Damage Check is made against the target’s CMD Rating instead of its CON Rating. No Armor Rating is added. 28 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES Tanglevine Difficulty (5) Traits: Primeval, Entangle, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura x 2

This Spell allows the caster to surround all enemy models in Ambush within Range with a bright nimbus of power that exposes their position to all friendly models.

Calling on the forces of the Primeval Realm, this model creates a patch of writhing vines that grope and clutch at enemy models, holding them fast and inhibiting their movement.

Any enemy models within Range that are in Ambush are Detected by a successful casting of this Spell. 10 SP

Pick a Primary target enemy model. If this Spell is successfully cast, it automatically subjects the Primary target, and all enemy models within 3 inches of the Primary target model’s base, to the Entangle Trait. All affected models are also considered to be within Difficult Ground. Both effects last until the end of the Turn. 20 SP

EPIC HEROES SETTING This background is designed to give players a Plug & Play Fantasy world. This will be further developed in the full Epic Heroes book, but for now should serve as an Idea Font for players. The province of Altebec uses Firearms and Alchemy. For purposes of this supplement, players may want to ignore that City State, or use 1550 as an Equivalent Year for Period 2 games.

Thornspray Difficulty (5) Traits: Primeval, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura

From the Distant Past

With a sweep of its arm this model is able to summon a spray of razor sharp thorns that hurl through the air at high velocity toward his enemies.

Far beyond the memory of Man, Dwarf, or Elf the Ancient Ones walked the land. They kept mostly to themselves and their respective realms. Until one day, without known cause, they waged war upon each other.

Choose a Primary target and make the Arcana Power Check. Upon a successful casting, this Spell will hit the Primary target and any enemy models within a Directed Burst (2) distance. These additional models are automatically hit.

From the Great Depths came the Kthoneans. These sentient, maleficent, fishmen and their cephalic masters crawled from the oceans to build their foul temples and shrines above ground.

Make a single Damage Check using a Base Damage of 3. Any Success Bonus is converted to Damage Bonus for this Check. Each target model makes a separate Resistance Check against this single Damage Check Result. Resolve Injuries normally. 20 SP

These malignant spires and twisted edifices mirrored the ones that lay beneath the waters. Not even the Grand Viziers have knowledge of their black rites and bizarre methods, particularly as to why they sought to leave their mark upon the lands above the sea.

True Sight Difficulty (3) Traits: Ascendant, Mystical Range: Arcane Aura x 2

In the arid steppes, desert hills, and darkest jungles lived the Vol-Drakir, bipedal reptile men who walked the earth as its masters. Tribes of

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The Rise and Fall of Vanis-Trymno

Drakira tended to the earth and guarded its sacred places.

As the Ancient Ones retreated into obscurity, they made way for the lesser races to gain a foothold in the world at large.

When the Kthoneans intruded on this land and defiled it with their fell corruptions, the Vol-Drakir united as one tribe and began to purge the land and drive the dread magicians of Kthonea back into the sea.

Thousands of years passed, and the face of the world changed. Of the sentients remaining, the most dominant was Mankind. With shorter life spans and greater ambitions, humans flooded into the world left vacant by the Ancient Ones.

As the two enemies fought for dominance, a third species made their claim to the world above, burrowing from deep within the earth. The insect-men, or Secticans, as they have been called by some, burst forth from the bowels of the earth and became a dominant force in the war raging above ground.

The Elven and Dwarven peoples grew in different directions. The elves mostly moved into the cities and towers left by the Kthoneans, while the dwarves found homes in the tunnels and burrows created by the Secticans.

It is unknown how long the Ancient Ones fought. What is known is that after a time, they withdrew from the world at large and became hidden survivors of a lost age.

In time, each race took its place in history, and was also influenced by its surroundings. The elves were most affected by the fell residue of ancient evil that remained in the very walls of their halls and homes.

The powerful magic used in the Ancient’s War altered the face of the planet forever. As the great sea was burned away in an inferno of arcane power, many of the towers and edifices of the Kthoneans were left intact, yet unoccupied by their crustaceous hosts who had returned to the sea.

The dwarves became reclusive and suspicious of any who would tread on their majestic halls and inner fortresses. Mankind spread far and wide, accommodating other races within the borders of their realms. Cities rose and eventually became City-States. Internecine wars came and went, and finally the most dominant of City-States, Vanis-Trymno, gained pre-eminence among the lesser states.

The Vol-Drakir retreated to their jungles and dunes, while the Secticans withdrew to their caves and hives.

The Empire of Vanis-Trymno covered the lands of men from the northern halls of Skaarsheim to the jungles of Kam-Gatho, and as far as the deserts of Beshoubel to the border of Kor-Zakir, City of Torture and capital city of the Eldritch Suzerain. This prosperity lasted several hundred years and the citizens of Vanis-Trymno became soft and corruptible. Long forgotten were the lessons of history that informed them to the dangers of unchecked decadence. Conspiracies and assassinations were rampant 30 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES among the ruling class, and numerous suppressions were needed to maintain control of the Empire’s borders.

During this time, the civilized races fought to stem the flood of madness and chaos. Petty racial differences were set aside, and even the sinister forces of Kor-Zakir found themselves at times fighting side by side with Trymnese soldiers in a fleeting attempt to keep the Diabolic Host at bay.

The Zakirans to the West had become so influenced by the alien energies that had tainted their lands that they became a blood thirsty and sadistic people. They began calling themselves the Eldritch, and fell first into the worship of diabolic entities from the great Beyond.

In the midst of this time of woe, secret plans were being formed by the few mages and clerics who had not been touched by the lure of dark power. These plans involved closing the Black Gate that was opened as a permanent conduit to the Diabolican Realm in the capital of VanisTrymno.

Numerous infiltrators into the Trymnese Empire had established secret cults among the aristocracy. Before a decade had passed, the worship of Ancient Evils, called by some, Diabolicans, had spread throughout the Empire of Vanis-Trymno. Soon, Diabolican worship was not kept in secret covens and black masses underground, but found its way into mainstream circles with the usual speed and vigor human cultures display.

A league of heroes had been formed for the sole purpose of closing the Black Gate. The assembled members were drawn from volunteers from several key groups. These were Knights Avenger, Judicial Champions, Wayfinders, Gearjammers, Zhakos-Famir, Red Leopards, the Purge, Grand Viziers, and the Order of Echoes.

When a large enough portion of the population had turned to Diabolican worship, interspatial gates opened throughout the capital city and its environs. Legions of Diabolican horrors poured from the black gates destroying all resistance and flooding the world with incomprehensible madness.

The warriors from these groups penetrated the outer defenses of the capital en masse. Only a handful lived to see the Black Gate. Of these many were driven mad while others mutated into fiends and fell on their former allies.

For many years the fallen Empire of VanisTrymno burned from black witchfire and vile sorceries unleashed by gibbering fiends and fell wizards.

Three of the group managed to reach the Gate and dispense with its guardians. Kalabraxas Wizendamn of the Grand Viziers, Zhar’Qainen of the Order of Echoes, and Chaplain Zurbach Sturmgeist of the Judicial Champions combined their rites and mystical energies to form an Astral Seal that shut the Diabolican Gate for good.

The Black Gate The world had plunged into darkness and suffering. Diabolic hosts lead by insane wizards or entities from beyond marched on all parts of the world. Necromancers raised legions of the dead to wage war on the living. What once stood as the testament to Human achievement was trod underfoot by mutants and anarchistic warriors who ushered in the wholesale destruction of civilization.

Aftermath and Reconstruction With the Gate shut, the raw power of the dark cosmos was unable to enter the material plane. Those Diabolican entities that were trapped here found refuge in the dark places of the world. Many of their mortal followers were ultimately killed, but many more adapted to their new 31

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most formidable and at times it seemed the Dwarves would lose the fight.

Mankind began the slow and painful process of rebuilding. The former City States began to reclaim their respective lands over the next few hundred years. Many of the old towns and principalities grew large enough to have influence over the regions to which they formerly gave fealty. The servants became the masters.

Desperate to win at all costs, the Dwarf Kings agreed to seek aid from the Human governments. Some Dwarves found a thriving community amidst the people of Altebec, a human City-State that abandoned magic of all kinds after the Diabolican Wars, and had turned to Alchemy to further their progress.

The Eldritch race splintered into three separate cultures. The Eldritch of Kor-Zakir remained the dominant group and reclaimed their fallen lands. The smaller factions either merged into the cultures of the human lands, or settled in the Wychwood near the ruins of Vanis-Trymno to stand a silent vigil over the Black Gate and the haunted ruins of the fallen city.

Some Altebecan Dwarf clans took readily to the Alchemical sciences, and shared their knowledge of gunpowder and explosive concoctions with their mountain dwelling cousins, who began to detonate tunnels, fortifications, and dwellings underground in their war against the Gnome-Shire Alliance. After about a year of using these newfound weapons, the Dwarf Holds seemed to be gaining the upper hand. That was until the constant use of explosives and black powder weapons roused the sleeping Secticans who returned in force to reclaim their former hives.

The Dwarves returned to their hidden halls in the mountains or to the lands of men as they found suitable. They had some struggles with Gnome clans for dominance of their under-kingdoms, but for the most part they left the rest of the world well enough alone.

The Sectican War lasted 12 years. The Dwarven population in the mountain halls was severely thinned. Ironically, it was the use of Alchemy that ultimately pushed the Secticans back into the dark places of the earth…for now.

The Sectican Wars Time marched on and the lands formerly belonging to the Empire of Vanis-Trymno once again began to thrive. Several centuries had passed since the Great Diabolican War, and much of its history fell into the realm of myth or legend. In the interim, the Dwarf Holds continued their occupation and expansion into the abandoned tunnels and halls formerly held by the Secticans. When the Gnome Houses began to contest some of the same underground territory, a vicious war broke out between them. This lasted for fifty years, and was a losing proposition for the Gnomish peoples. Many Gnomes sought alliance with Shirelings who were disgruntled themselves with the human City States that were expanding above ground once again. The Gnome-Shire Alliance proved 32 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


Present Times

also famous for the Red Leopards that stalk the jungles and savannahs of the region.

Much has transpired in the history of the civilized peoples of the world. Most of the inhabitants of the City-States are preoccupied with their day to day lives and have little heed for old tales and murmurings about the fell beasts from beyond perception.

Unlike other City-States, Kam-Gatho works as a meritocracy. The Primus and all Senators earn the right to rule the republic from feats of arms or magic in the fighting pits. Once they have survived 12 battles in the arena they are deemed fit for Citizenship and may be elected to office.

It has been five years since the Sectican Wars ended, and people are more afraid of common insects than of Diabolican Horrors. This of course, is not true for all. Many of the descendants of the groups that fought to seal the Black Gate hold their traditions as vigilantly today as in times past.

In addition to their Pit Fighters, Kam-Gatho is known for its military Legions who train tirelessly in the art of war. Chief among these are the Red Leopards who act as the Life Guard of the Primus and Senate. Named after the beast, members of this elite fighting force must venture into the jungle armed only with a knife to hunt, kill, and skin the beast whose skin they will wear as part of their uniform.

The Known World Kam-Gatho

Kam-Gathans are comfortable with the use of magic, as well as sacred rites. They are not tolerant of Diabolic aberrations and hunt them to extinction whenever possible.

This southern City-State has the most intact resemblance of the fallen Vanis-Trymno of ages past. It is a well populated, human dominated republic. It has a Senate and is ruled by the will of the people…mostly. The Primus breaks all tie votes in the Senate and has full powers in wartime.

Wychwood The Eldritch who left Kor-Zakir and ventured into the Wychwood have become the guardians of the primeval world. They look much the same as their Zakiran cousins, but have abandoned the dark and cruel ways of that culture. Many who live in the Wychwood have been known to refer to this house of Eldritch as Sylvans or Sylvani. The Wayfinders are headquartered amongst the Syvlani of Wychwood. Whether human or Eldritch, they operate to preserve natural harmony and destroy any remaining Diabolicans or their tainted spawn. Little is known about this region or its secretive people beyond the belief that they watch the Black Gate and preserve the Astral Seal with

Kam-Gatho is known for its Fighting Pits where highly trained gladiators fight to the death in the arena for the entertainment of the masses. It is 33 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


the fleet has a dedicated wizard who specializes in elemental magic.


Vittorio has slowly begun to incorporate Alchemical weapons and concoctions in its military, not being too comfortable with explosives at sea.

Next to Kam-Gatho, Kinswith has the highest population of the Known Realms. Its rival, Altebec, has almost as many human inhabitants, but not as many members of other races.

Yllimiir is a smaller City-State known for its exceptional breeding of high quality horses.

Kinswith operates as a Feudal State, with a King and Queen holding power over vassals. It has the most traditional social structure of the Realms and supports a thriving and cosmopolitan populace.

Highgate Once known as the Kingdom of Eremdor, Highgate was renamed after the Sectican War. Its surviving inhabitants erected a fortified high wall and gate to protect this mountainous CityState.

Kinswith has several rivers that run through its lands and keeps a thriving port on the Inner Sea. Its further most outpost is Farport, an isolated town that holds many secrets. Farport is also a meeting place for dignitaries, emissaries, and spies from the other Known Realms.

The citizenry is ruled by the Grand Viziers of TeMakarna, an order of magi who guide and advise the populace with an eye toward keeping the arcane secrets and teachings codified and free of permutation into Diabolican magic.

Many Orders of Knighthood have their headquarters in Kinswith. These include the old Knights Avenger, the Judicial Champions, and the Knights of Rowanhall.

Some accused the Grand Viziers of taking the teachings of Te-Makarna too literally, and are concerned that they are not allowing Highgate to advance technologically through the use of Alchemy and engineering practices like other City-States. They claim that the Viziers want to have a monopoly on magic, and make their citizens dependent on them for its proper use.

Vittorio Vittorio is a mercantile City-State that has the largest port on the Inner Sea. It is ruled by an oligarchy of Merchant Princes who manage trade, war, and diplomacy on behalf of the Merchant Guilds.


Vittorio is a polyglot society and has a very large community of Eldritch, Dwarves, and Shirelings. It is also renowned for its fleet of warships and merchant marines. Of the Known Realms, Vittorio has the largest navy and is not afraid to flex its muscle on the high seas as a form of diplomacy from time to time.

After the Diabolican War, the citizenry of Altebec took a radical stance against the use of magic. They argued that any use of the arcane craft would ultimately lead to the corruption of those powers. They were told about the horrors witnessed by Chaplain Sturmgeist in the ruins of Vanis-Trymno. They also handed down the liturgies that Chaplain Sturmgeist scribed after that event, and codified his revelations and experiences into a system of sacred rites which were powered by the faith of their practitioners.

Vittorio has a low opinion of wizards, but has found that they can be useful from time to time when it comes to the weather. Every flagship of

34 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)

EPIC HEROES ASH CAN SUPPLEMENT FOR BRINK OF BATTLE: SKIRMISH GAMING THROUGH THE AGES The power of faith coupled with the rites of old were a shield against the Greater Darkness of the Diabolic Void. As such, the Altebecan religious orders passed these rituals down through the ages to the present day, where they are preserved by the Battle Chaplains of the Religious Orders, and the clerics of various religious sects.

seek out and purge the unclean, or are embedded with other Orders of Knighthood to see that they too are staying true to keeping the world from darkness. Altebec has a standing military of pikemen, musketeers, and cuirassiers that vigilantly guard the City-State. They are also the Known Realm’s largest supplier of mercenaries in the form of their Free Lance Companies, or Freelancers. While sworn to return to Altebec if so commanded by the Lord Protector, the Freelancer Companies have the most choice in where, and for whom, they fight.

Since the beneficent use of magic was not available to them, the citizenry of Altebec fostered a great interest in the practice of Alchemy. Over the years since, Altebecan Alchemists have created a wondrous array of concoctions, compounds, and processes that have greatly advanced their technological progress.

Kor-Zakir Ancestors of the Elven race were a refined and cultured people. They were not, however, as industrious as the Human and Dwarven societies around them.

Chief among these discoveries was the formulation and use of black powder. Altebec is the home of a thriving weapons industry, arming their State soldiery with these loud and powerful firearms. They are particular about who they sell this weaponry to, as it has become a significant advantage to their security in the absence of the use of arcane arts.

When they migrated to the West, they stumbled upon the abandoned temples and cities of the Kthoneans. This was viewed as a fortuitous event, since they weren’t used to living outside of the forest homes they once possessed.

Altebec is ruled by the High Council, a group of nine Electors who each rule a district of the realm. The Lord Protector is the head of the Council, and is charged with the protection of Altebec and the appointment of the leadership of The Purge.

Unbeknownst to them at the time, the very ground and air of the place was touched with the darkness of the evil fishmen from the deep. The changes were gradual, and over the course of the first century, they experienced fundamental changes in their cultural conscience. By the Sectican War, they had become fully consumed with blood sacrifices, dark magics, and the pursuit of decadence.

Altebec religion is diverse in its application. However, one underlying commonality exists between all the sects: Action based in Faith will produce a powerful outcome. This concept is what ultimately fortified the Astral Seal that closed the Diabolican Gate centuries before.

The Diabolican Cults were first established in Kor-Zakir. Zakirian practice of Diabolic magic was strong, but due to their own lust for power, and the long lives of their practitioners, they managed to keep the forces of darkness under control, so that they would not become enslaved completely. This longevity based temperance was not available to the people of VanisTrymno, who embraced the forces of Diabolica with a hungry and impatient enthusiasm.

The Purge is an extension of this concept, and is a secretive order of zealots who are tasked with seeking out the signs of Diabolican taint, and eliminating it from the world. They are the secret guardians, and their authority is neigh absolute. The Purge is formed as a military order with Witchfinders and Battle Chaplains that are often assigned their own commands to 35 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)



Kor-Zakir is mostly populated by the ruling class of Eldritch, which is the name the Elves of old gave themselves after the first century in their new homes. They have a smaller population of Humans and Orcs under their thrall, and their armies are comprised of these warslaves who fight zealously for their wizard-kings.

In 1629 Cardinal Richelieu realized that France may yet have to deal with the Habsburg menace as Protestant forces were not decisively winning the war. Richelieu could not wait to see what Gustavus Adolphus would accomplish against the Imperialist Habsburgs. He sent a select squadron of Musketeers to Rome under a guise of traveling monastics to break into the Vatican’s vaults and find the mystical tome that would guarantee France’s supremacy in the West.

The secret police of Kor-Zakir are the ZhakosFamiir. This blood cult of warrior-wizards keeps the realm free from slave uprisings by murdering those organizing such things. They act as an espionage network, and are also the bodyguard of the Suzerain. Zakirians form small raiding bands that they call ‘Sacrifices’. These groups swear fell oaths to sacrifice themselves for the acquisition of wealth and power in the name of the Suzerain.

By 1630 the Diabolicon was on Richelieu’s desk. Despite reports of Gustavus’ success on the battlefield, Richelieu knew he had only one option remaining that would bring the Austrian Emperor to his knees.


Richelieu cracked the ancient tome and began to open the Black Gate in the center of Paris. Darkness streamed out of the Gate as fell beings from the Diabolican Realms poured into the world.

To the frozen North lies Skaarsheim and the Khurzak Steppes. This land is populated mostly by a polyglot mix of Dwarves and Humans. The Eldritch population is low, but no less fierce in temperament.

The darkness covered the world for three days and nights. Millions died in the ensuing chaos. When the darkness dissipated, the world was…changed.

The Skaarsberg Mountain range defines the people of this rugged land: Stark and majestic, yet hard and unforgiving. The Dwarf Holds of Skaarsberg were carved from the brutal stone by their Ancestors, and were untouched by the Secticans from below. The cold weather was sufficient deterrent for the insect-men according to legend.

Monsters and magic were loosed upon the world. For the first few months men of all lands fought desperately to survive against the dread horrors that were set upon them.

At the foot of the Skaarsbergs lie the Khurzak Steppes. The people of this region live in tribes each lead by a Hetman. These tribes form a council of Hetmen who agree on the mutual defense and economy of their tribes. They are known for their superior Hussar light horsemen.

After much turmoil, Gustavus and Wallenstein formally united their disparate forces under one Christian banner in an effort to save what was left of their world. Cardinal Richelieu appoints himself the Black Pope after sending a flock of harpies to slaughter everyone at the Vatican.

Tribes of Vykin wander the snow capped mountains of the Skaarsberg range, eking out a life of pillage and plunder. Renowned warriors and sailors, the Vykin command the Mountain Above while the Dwarves command the Mountain Below.

Welcome to Dread Europa…

36 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)


BORING LEGAL BITS Epic Heroes, Brink of Battle, BoB, Brink of Battle: Skirmish Gaming through the Ages, Vanis-Trymno, Kam-Gatho, Vol-Drakir, KorZakir, Diabolican, Dread Europa, Sectican, Skaarsheim, Vykin, Altebec, Grand Viziers, Grand Viziers of Te-Makarna, Kthoneans, Vittorio, Kinswith, Wychwood, Highgate, Red Leopards, and Epic Heroes Ashcan are all ™ Strategic Elite and Robert A. Faust © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Art by Alan Washburn and Gilbert Leiker.

37 © Robert A. Faust 2012 Jason Pelland (order #4231778)