Dracula (BurlingtonBooks)

Dracula by Bram Stoker Te a c h e r ’ s Material C O N T E N T S To the Teacher ....................................

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Dracula by Bram Stoker

Te a c h e r ’ s Material


To the Teacher ....................................................................................................................... 3 Before Reading...................................................................................................................... 5 After Reading: Extra Challenges .......................................................................................... 6 After Reading: Group Work ................................................................................................. 7 Possible Answers to Group Work ....................................................................................... 8 Worksheet 1: Chapters 1-5 .................................................................................................. 9 Answers to Worksheet 1 .................................................................................................... 10 Worksheet 2: Chapters 6-10 ................................................................................................11 Answers to Worksheet 2 ................................................................................................... 12 Final Test .............................................................................................................................. 13 Answers to Final Test ......................................................................................................... 14 Answers to Questions in the Reader ................................................................................. 15

Before using the following teacher’s material, we recommend that you read the Burlington Reader Series general information leaflet.

Copyright © 1998 Burlington Books






Count Dracula: a Transylvanian count, who is a vampire. Jonathan Harker: a young English lawyer sent to Transylvania to meet with Count Dracula on business. Mina Murray: a young English woman who becomes Jonathan Harker’s wife. Lucy Westenra: a good friend of Mina and one of Dracula’s victims. Professor Van Helsing: a doctor specialising in rare diseases who heads the fight against Dracula.

P L O T S U M M A RY Jonathan Harker, a young English lawyer, is sent to Castle Dracula in Transylvania to finalise some business with the mysterious Count Dracula on behalf of his employer. He keeps a detailed diary to share his experiences with Mina, the girl he is engaged to marry. On arrival Jonathan realises that there are no servants in the huge, ancient castle and that he is the Count’s prisoner. He discovers that the Count is a vampire who sleeps in a coffin during the day and that there are three beautiful female vampires roaming around the castle. Shortly thereafter, the Count leaves for England, and Jonathan finds himself recovering from shock in a Budapest hospital. When Mina learns of Jonathan’s condition, she joins him in Budapest and they get married. Dracula arrives in England, planning to create a whole army of vampires. One of his first victims is the lovely Lucy Westenra, a friend of Mina Murray. Professor Van Helsing of Amsterdam and others combine forces to try to save Lucy. They fail, and Lucy becomes a vampire. They subsequently have to kill her in order to free her from the curse of the vampire. Mina and Jonathan return to England for Lucy’s funeral. Van Helsing holds a meeting to discuss how to fight Dracula. He tells the others that Dracula is stronger than 20 men, can control the weather and can change into an animal, fog or dust. Van Helsing adds that vampires are repelled by garlic and holy objects, such as the cross and Host, and can only use their powers at night. Jonathan says that he has discovered that Dracula arrived in England with 50 dirt-filled boxes. Therefore it is determined that they must find the coffin in which Dracula sleeps during the day and destroy him, along with the boxes, which he uses as hiding places. Van Helsing and the others find all the boxes but one. Into each box they put some Host to make the earth holy. In the meantime, Dracula has infected Mina with his vampire blood and wants to use her against those who want to destroy him. By hypnotising Mina, Van Helsing learns that Dracula has boarded a ship back to Transylvania with the missing box. Led by Van Helsing and Mina, a group of men follow Dracula back to Transylvania to kill him and free Mina from his power. They finally catch up with the vampire along the road to Castle Dracula and kill him. His body immediately shrivels and turns into dust.






Abraham (Bram) Stoker was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1847. Stoker was not a healthy child and so had plenty of time to read and develop a taste for literature. As a university student at Trinity College, Dublin, however, he became a champion athlete. Later, he joined his father in the Irish civil service and worked as a drama critic for the Dublin Mail. Stoker met his idol, the famous actor Sir Henry Irving, in l876 and from then on devoted himself to managing Irving’s career. In l878, he married Florence Balcombe, a former girlfriend of the author Oscar Wilde. Stoker published several books: Mystery of the Sea (l902), Personal Remembrances of Henry Irving (l906) and Famous Imposters (l910). His first book, Dracula, published in 1897, was by far his most successful and remains popular to this day. It is based on Eastern European myth and superstition. It was written in the form of a Gothic horror romance and is strongly reminiscent of an eighteenth-century comic book. Bram Stoker died in 1912.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND • This map of Romania highlights the region of Transylvania, where Count Dracula lived.


• Vampires: These creatures are part of the folk tradition of many countries. In Eastern Europe, where most HUNGARY BUKOVINA MOLDOVA of the tales originated, vampires were believed to MOLDAVIA be the victims of other vampires, doomed to TRANSYLVANIA sleep in their coffins by day and to drink the blood of the living by night. Garlic, holy water, the cross, Host and the light of day could all be BANAT used against them. It was believed that vampires WALACHIA had the ability to turn into animals, as well as into fog and smoke. People thought that they had superhuman strength, hearing and sight, and that YUGOSLAVIA BULGARIA they were able to control their victims and read their minds. To kill a vampire, it was necessary to drive a stake through its heart, cut off its head and fill its mouth with garlic to prevent it from being restored by other vampires. It was also believed that the vampire died if exposed to sunlight. In many countries in Europe, from the late 1600s to the early 1800s, people dug up graves searching for vampires. • Count Dracula: The character is based on the historical figure, Vlad the Impaler, a prince of Walachia (see map) who fought against the Turks on the borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 1400s. His father had been granted the title Dracula, “Son of the Dragon”, for his services in defending the borders of the realm. Vlad and his brother were sent to Turkey as hostages when they were boys, and it is speculated that the cruelty Vlad encountered there may have unhinged his mind. After he came to power, Vlad became known for his ruthlessness towards the enemy Turks and his own people. It is said that he handled the problems of poverty in his domain by inviting the poor to a feast in his fortress and then ordering his archers to shoot them. • Bats: While bats are often thought of as frightening creatures, most bats are harmless to people and perform a valuable service by consuming huge amounts of insects. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Many live in caves, usually in large groups of thousands or even millions. Others live in churches, trees or barns. Wherever they live, they sleep during the day, hanging upside down by their toes and only come out at night. One type of bat, the vampire bat, bites the skin of a sleeping animal with its sharp teeth and feeds on its blood.






In pairs, students ask and answer the following questions. Alternatively, you can ask the questions and elicit the answers from the whole class. (Some suggested answers are provided in italics.) 1. Where is Romania? (southeast Europe) What do you associate with the region of Transylvania? (Dracula, vampires, Carpathian Mountains, Transylvanian Alps) 2. Do you believe in vampires? Why?/Why not? 3. Have you read any books or stories about vampires? Have you seen any films about vampires? (Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Wolf) Why do you think Dracula is so fascinating? 4. What are the similarities between vampires and bats? (Both sleep during the day and come out at night. Both the vampire bat and vampires have got sharp teeth and feed on blood.) 5. Have you ever visited a castle? Describe what it was like. 6. What are some of the superstitions you know about? What do people do or not do because of them? 7. Do you keep a diary? Why?

K E Y V O C A B U L A RY 1. Pre-teach the following key vocabulary on the theme of vampires. evil eye sunlight

coffin blood

vampire churchyard

wolves chapel

Host bat

garlic cemetery

2. Ask students to make a diagram like the one below and to write as many different words and expressions on the theme of vampires as they can think of.


BEFORE READING ACTIVITIES The Before Reading activities in the Burlington Reader Series general information leaflet, pages 8-11, can be applied to Dracula. In addition to the activities in the general leaflet, students can then do the following activities. 1. Look at the picture on the front cover of the reader. Why do you think that one of the characters is wearing a cross? 2. Look at the picture on page 10. Can you predict what kind of story this is? Is it frightening or humorous? Does it appear to be a sad or happy story? Describe why you think the picture is sad, happy, frightening, humorous, etc. 3. Read the fourth paragraph of the chapter on page 11, which describes Count Dracula. What kind of character do you think he is? What do you think his role will be in the story? 5


AFTER READING: EXTRA CHALLENGES MAKE YOUR STUDENTS THINK Here are some points that more advanced students can be asked to consider after reading the book. 1. Do you think that Jonathan, Mina and Professor Van Helsing continue their fight against vampires after they kill Dracula? Why?/Why not? 2. Why did Dracula choose England as the place to create his army of vampires? Why is the city of London better for a vampire than a castle in the mountains of Transylvania? 3. A bat comes to Lucy and Mina’s window several times. What do you think Lucy would say if she were asked about the bat’s repeated visits? 4. After Mina is saved, do you think she remembers almost turning into a vampire? Do you think Jonathan should tell her? Why?/Why not? 5. If you were going to make the book Dracula into a film, how would you do it? (Mention actors, scenery, costumes, special effects, etc.)




1. Write an interview with Bram Stoker about the book Dracula. 2. Look in the encyclopedia and other sources for the history of Transylvania and Walachia. Write what part Vlad the Impaler played in the history of the area. 3. Write a brief report on either Transylvania or Romania. Read about these topics in an encyclopedia and other sources. 4. Pretend you are Dracula. Explain from the vampire’s point of view why you chose Lucy and/or Mina as your victims. 5. Write a letter from Jonathan Harker to Mina Murray describing Count Dracula, the castle, his fears and life as a prisoner of the Count. 6. Write out what you imagine one of Lucy’s nightmares to be like. The setting is the old churchyard. 7. Pretend that you are Lucy. When you wake up in the morning, you have got two little marks on your neck. What do you do? What do you think? Write your thoughts in a diary or in a letter to Mina or Arthur Holmwood. 8. Write the entry that Mina makes in her diary when she reads Jonathan’s diary and discovers what happened to him in Castle Dracula. 9. Act out a scene in which you pretend that you are Professor Van Helsing hypnotising one of the characters in the book. Why are you hypnotising him/her? 10. Pretend that you are the captain of the Czarina Catherine, the ship on which Dracula makes his return journey. Look at an atlas or map of Europe. Write down the route you would travel from England to Romania. Which cities on the coast would you stop at on the way? 11. Do you like the way the story ends? If not, write a different ending.



AFTER READING: GROUP WORK ACTIVITY 1 1. In groups, choose four or five actions performed by different characters in the story. In turn, the groups act out or draw the actions. 2. The other groups try to guess who the character is and what he/she is doing. Each time a group guesses correctly, it receives a point. The winner is the group with the most points.




1. Hand out the following statements to the groups. 2. The groups discuss the statements and provide examples from the text to support them. 3. The group spokesperson reports the group’s ideas to the whole class.




Discuss the following statements. Agree (Yes) or disagree (No) with them. Support your opinions with observations and details from the story. Statement

Yes (✔) No (✘)

Examples to support our opinion

1. When Jonathan comes to Castle Dracula, he soon realises that he is Dracula’s prisoner. 2. Vampires are attracted to holy objects, such as the cross and Host. 3. Mina is evil. 4. Professor Van Helsing thinks that Lucy is suffering from flu. 5. Lucy is responsible for the disappearance of children from a London park. 6. Dracula needs money. 7. Dracula wants revenge against Jonathan and his friends. 8. After Dracula leaves England, he cannot harm Mina.

See the Burlington Reader Series general information leaflet, pages 13-15, for more After Reading activities.


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ACTIVITY 2 1. When Jonathan comes to Castle Dracula, he soon realises that he is Dracula’s prisoner.

Dracula: tries to bite Jonathan’s neck scolds the three vampire ladies turns into a bat sleeps in a coffin travels by ship attacks Mina

Yes. While at first Jonathan is welcomed into the castle, it is not long before he discovers that he is Dracula’s prisoner. 2. Vampires are attracted to holy objects, such as the cross and Host.

Jonathan Harker: explores the castle writes in a journal faints stabs Dracula

No. Vampires, which are evil, cannot bear to be near holy objects, which are good. 3. Mina is evil. No. She is a kind and supportive friend and wife. Even after she is infected with Dracula’s blood, she fights against evil.

Lucy: sits on a bench and looks at the sea sleep-walks tries to bite Arthur attacks children

4. Professor Van Helsing thinks that Lucy is suffering from flu. No. After he examines Lucy for the first time, he thinks that he already knows what is wrong with her.

Mina: reads Jonathan’s journal drinks Dracula’s blood is hypnotised sits inside a circle of Host

5. Lucy is responsible for the disappearance of children from a London park. Yes. After Lucy becomes a vampire, she carries off children from the park. In the morning they are found with two marks on their necks.

Van Helsing: treats Lucy hypnotises Mina hunts down Dracula destroys the three female vampires

6. Dracula needs money. Yes. Dracula needs money to escape from England back to Transylvania. 7. Dracula wants revenge against Jonathan and his friends. Yes. Dracula knows that they want to destroy him. Dracula fights them by infecting Lucy and Mina with his vampire blood. 8. After Dracula leaves England, he cannot harm Mina. No. Until Dracula is destroyed, Mina is doomed to become a vampire as well.



WORKSHEET 1: CHAPTERS 1-5 A. Use the adjectives and nouns to make word pairs. You can use a word more than once, and there is more than one correct answer. shining sharp

old long

huge pointed

kind small

beautiful unusual

1. ........................... teeth

7. ........................... breath

2. ........................... feeling

8. ........................... fiancée

3. ........................... razor

9. ........................... storm

4. ........................... waves

10. ........................... marks

5. ........................... smell

11. ........................... chin

6. ........................... castle

12. ........................... diseases

terrible evil

B. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the box. fiancée below

kindness outside

pointed weak

bench longer

on the coach above

1. Mina Murray was Jonathan’s ........................... . 2. The people in Transylvania treated Jonathan with great ........................... . 3. The passengers ........................... made the sign against the evil eye. 4. There was a light in one window high ........................... in the castle. 5. The Count had ........................... teeth and long nails. 6. Jonathan saw the Count climb out of the window of the room ........................... . 7. Mina and Lucy liked sitting on a ........................... in the churchyard. 8. There was a large bat ........................... the window. 9. In the morning, Lucy was very ........................... and pale. 10. Professor Van Helsing noticed that Lucy’s teeth looked ........................... than before. C. Below are some sentences from the story. Write whether Dracula or Jonathan said each sentence. 1. Good! I like old houses and shadows. ........................... 2. Our customs are not like your customs and many things here will seem strange to you. ........................... 3. I had a terrible shock. ........................... 4. Is this how you thank me for my friendship and kindness? ........................... 5. I am going on business for my employer. ........................... D. Circle the correct answer. 1. Mina (can’t / shouldn’t) worry. Everything will be fine. 2. (May / Should) I speak to Jonathan, please? 3. (Could / May) you come for a walk with me? 4. You (mustn’t / couldn’t) tell him the secret. 5. Jonathan (couldn’t / wouldn’t) leave the castle.


Worksheet 1: Chapters 1-5

ANSWERS A. Possible answers: 1. teeth - sharp, beautiful, small, terrible, long, huge, pointed 2. feeling - terrible, unusual, kind, evil 3. razor - shining, sharp, old, long 4. waves - small, huge 5. smell - terrible, unusual 6. castle - old, beautiful, huge 7. breath - terrible 8. fiancée - beautiful, huge 9. storm - terrible 10. marks - small, old, terrible, unusual, huge 11. chin - pointed, small, long 12. diseases - terrible, unusual B. 1. fiancée 2. kindness 3. on the coach 4. above 5. pointed 6. below 7. bench 8. outside 9. weak 10. longer C. 1. Dracula 2. Dracula 3. Jonathan 4. Dracula 5. Jonathan D. 1. shouldn’t 2. May 3. Could 4. mustn’t 5. couldn’t



WORKSHEET 2: CHAPTERS 6-10 A. Match the words from the box to their opposites below. agree darkness

safe allow

empty loudly

harm nobody

1. unusual


6. careful


2. forbid


7. light


3. help


8. full


4. softly


9. in danger


5. everyone


10. disagree

careless ordinary


B. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1. They ........................... (bury) Lucy in a tomb. 2. The wind ........................... (blow) the ship to the shore. 3. Dracula ........................... (grab) a handful of money from the floor. 4. Mina ........................... (shiver) as she told the story. 5. When the mist ........................... (clear), the stranger wasn’t there anymore. 6. The Count ........................... (sail) from England on the Czarina Catherine. 7. As Dracula died, the sun ........................... (sink) below the horizon. C. Write True or False next to each sentence. 1. Dracula can control the weather. ........................... 2. The evil Count can use his powers in the daylight. ........................... 3. Vampires cannot change into animals, fog or dust. ........................... 4. Vampires must sleep in a coffin or box with dirt in it. ........................... 5. Dracula is stronger than 50 men. ........................... 6. You cannot see a vampire in a mirror. ........................... 7. Dracula can control his victims’ minds. ........................... D. There are three false sentences in exercise C above. Correct them. ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... E. Fill in the blanks with on, at or in. 1. The castle is located ........ the mountains of Transylvania. 2. They could not leave Mina alone ........ night. 3. Dracula left England ........ a ship. 4. Van Helsing caught the Orient Express ........ Paris. 5. Van Helsing arrived at the castle ........ foot. 6. ........ last, Mina was safe.


Worksheet 2: Chapters 6-10

ANSWERS A. 1. ordinary 2. allow 3. harm 4. loudly 5. nobody 6. careless 7. darkness 8. empty 9. safe 10. agree B. 1. buried 2. blew 3. grabbed 4. shivered 5. cleared 6. sailed 7. sank C. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True D. 2. The evil Count cannot use his powers in the daylight. 3. Vampires can change into animals, fog or dust. 5. Dracula is stronger than 20 men. E. 1. in 2. at 3. on 4. in 5. on 6. At



FINAL TEST A. Choose the correct answer. 1. Jonathan Harker went to Transylvania a. to learn about diseases. b. to meet his fiancée. c. to finish some business for his employer, Peter Hawkins. 2. Jonathan could not see ........ behind him in the mirror. a. Mina b. Dracula c. Lucy 3. When Van Helsing examined Lucy Westenra, she was a. pale and weak with two small red marks on her neck. b. healthy and beautiful. c. on a diet to lose weight. 4. Lucy was afraid to go to sleep because a. bats kept waking her up. b. she had strange dreams. c. Van Helsing made her wear garlic flowers in bed. 5. ........ could not get into the circle to join Mina. a. The three female vampires b. Jonathan c. Van Helsing 6. ........ sank his knife into Dracula’s heart. a. Jonathan b. Van Helsing c. Quincey 30 points (5 points each) B. Choose the correct answer. Professor Van Helsing, Dr Seward, Quincey Morris, Jonathan and Mina Harker met after dinner to (1. decide / decided) how to fight Dracula. “Dracula is a (2. power / powerful) enemy,” said Van Helsing. “He has a lot of (3. experience / experiences). He can (4. control / controlling) the weather. We (5. know / knows) he can change into animals, fog and dust. But vampires have some (6. weak / weaknesses). They can only use their powers (7. at / in) night. We (8. can / cannot) use garlic and the cross for protection. We can kill him with a stake through the (9. heart / head). Vampires (10. must / mustn’t) have a place to sleep during the day. We (11. can / cannot) destroy Dracula’s hiding places.” After their conversation, a big bat (12. was flying / flew) away from the window. A few days later, the men (13. opened / did open) the lids of the coffins, and they (14. has placed / placed) Host inside each one. Only one coffin was still (15. missing / missed). 45 points (3 points each) C. Choose one topic and write a paragraph. Your paragraph should be at least 40 words long. 1. What happened to Jonathan when he went walking around the castle? 2. When the friends met for supper at Dr Seward’s house, what information did Jonathan give to Van Helsing about the Count? What did Jonathan’s friends do about it? 3. Explain how Mina helped in the search for Dracula. 25 points


Final Test

ANSWERS A. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. c B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

decide powerful experience control know weaknesses at can heart must can flew opened placed missing

C. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Possible points for inclusion: 1. When Jonathan went walking around Castle Dracula, he found a door that was not locked. He pushed it open and found a room covered with dust. He looked out of the window and saw Dracula crawling head first out of the window below and down the side of the castle. Jonathan sat down at a writing table and wrote in his diary. Later, he felt sleepy and lay down to rest on a sofa in the room. Suddenly there was a cloud of dust and three beautiful ladies were in the room. Their voices were like music. One of the ladies whispered, “He is young and strong. There will be enough kisses for all of us.” The most beautiful lady bent down towards Jonathan. He could feel her teeth on his neck, but he could not move. Dracula appeared and threw the lady away from Jonathan. Jonathan fainted. In the morning he was in his own room. 2. Jonathan told Van Helsing that Dracula sent 50 boxes of dirt to the chapel at Carfax. Jonathan, Van Helsing, Dr Seward and Quincey decided to go to Carfax to find the boxes the following morning. Van Helsing gave everyone a silver cross, some garlic and a gun. As thousands of rats attacked them, Dr Seward blew a whistle. A pack of dogs arrived and chased away the rats. 3. After Dracula made Mina drink some of his blood, she began to change. Dracula knew what Mina was thinking. He could control her. Mina asked Van Helsing to hypnotise her so that she could tell him what Dracula saw and felt. Mina told Van Helsing that Dracula was in a small, dark place, but that he could feel movement, hear waves and smell the sea. Van Helsing understood that Dracula was in a coffin on a ship heading to Transylvania.



ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE READER These answers relate to the questions on pages 45-47 of the reader itself.

Chapter 1

Chapter 6

1. He is a young English lawyer travelling to Transylvania to meet with Count Dracula over a business affair. 2. They know that Count Dracula is a very dangerous creature. 3. She gives him the gold cross from her neck and advises him not to take it off. 4. He wants to share everything that happens to him with his fiancée, Mina. 5. He becomes more and more frightened.

1. Children start to disappear from a London park in the evening. They are found in the morning with two marks on their necks, looking weak and pale. 2. Van Helsing thinks that Lucy is a vampire, and he wants to see if he is right. 3. Arthur must kill the vampire Lucy so that the real Lucy can rest in peace. 4. Arthur hammers a stake into Lucy’s heart. Then Van Helsing and Dr Seward cut off her head and put garlic in her mouth to keep vampires away.

Chapter 2 1. He is old but strong with pointed ears, red lips and sharp white teeth. He has got large hands, and his nails are pointed like an animal’s claws. His skin is very pale and his breath has a bad smell. 2. It is a dark old house with high walls, and it is surrounded by trees. There is also a chapel. 3. Dracula reaches for Jonathan’s throat, but when Dracula touches Jonathan’s gold cross, he pulls his hand away. 4. He realises that he is Dracula’s prisoner.

Chapter 7 1. He wants to rule the world with an army of vampires. He is powerful, can control the weather and can turn into an animal, fog or dust. 2. They are attacked by thousands of rats. 3. Mina. 4. He promises her that they won’t be careless again and that they will look after her.

Chapter 8

Chapter 3

1. He wants to put Host in all the boxes to make the earth holy so that Dracula won’t have a hiding place. 2. Money falls out onto the floor. 3. He thinks that Dracula plans to leave England. 4. He hypnotises Mina, who describes a ship. Van Helsing understands how Dracula has escaped.

1. Dracula wants Jonathan to help him prepare for his new life in England. 2. He warns Jonathan to sleep only in his own room and the living-room. 3. Dracula appears and sends the ladies away. 4. He discovers Dracula lying in a box full of earth, with open eyes and blood-covered lips.

Chapter 9

Chapter 4

1. It is the ship on which Dracula travels back to Transylvania. 2. He knows that Dracula must be destroyed. If Dracula returns to his castle, he will be safe and Mina will be under his control forever. 3. When Van Helsing hypnotises her, she is able to help the men locate Count Dracula.

1. There are 50 large wooden boxes full of earth. 2. She is pale and weak, and every night she walks in her sleep. 3. She receives a letter from Nurse Agatha in Budapest, who tells Mina that Jonathan is ill. 4. They are married.

Chapter 10

Chapter 5

1. They go by train to Veresti, where they buy a carriage and horses to travel to Castle Dracula. 2. He draws a circle on the ground and puts Host all around it so they can’t reach Mina. 3. He leaves Mina sleeping in the circle and goes to Castle Dracula, where he finds the female vampires in their tombs and kills them. He also puts Host into Dracula’s tomb so that the vampire cannot use it again. 4. Dracula is stabbed by both Jonathan and Quincey, who were following the cart that was taking Dracula to his castle.

1. He cannot find the cause of Lucy’s disease. 2. He feels tired and ill, and wants to go home to sleep. 3. Lucy is not wearing the necklace of garlic flowers. She is very pale and almost dead. The marks on her neck have disappeared and her teeth look longer and sharper. 4. She tries to bite his neck, but Van Helsing stops her.