Direct - Indirect Speech

DIRECT – INDIRECT SPEECH A. Direct Speech Direct Speech (kalimat langsung) adalah kutipan asli suatu pembiacaraan tanpa

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Direct Speech Direct Speech (kalimat langsung) adalah kutipan asli suatu pembiacaraan tanpa adanya suatu perubahan. Ciri-ciri penulisan direct speech: - Direct Speech selalu diapit oleh tanda kutip dan kalimat selalu diawali huruf kapital. - Tanda titik dua ( : ) atau koma ( , ) diletakkan sebelum Direct Speech jika kata penghubung/pelapor (reporting verb)-nya berada di depan. - Tanda koma ( , ) harus diletakan setelah Direct Speech jika kata penghubung diletakan setelah Direct Speech-nya. - Tanda baca seperti tanda seru ( ! ), tanda tanya ( ? ) yang menunjukan jenis kalimat tidak mengalami perubahan. Contoh: - She screamed: “Don’t open the door!” - My mother says to my sister, “Clean your bedroom now!” - “What are you doing?” she asked me. Keterangan: - She screamed, My mother says to my sister, dan She asked me adalah kata penghubung/pelapor (reporting verb). - “Don’t open the door”, “Clean your bedroom!”, dan “What are you doing” adalah kalimat langsung (Direct Speech)


Indirect Speech Indirect Speech (kalimat tak langsung) adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kembali pembicaraan/pendapat seseorang. Untuk mengubah kalimat langsung (Direct Speech) menjadi kalimat tak langsung (Indirect Speech) harus menyesuaikan jenis kalimat. 1. Kalimat Perintah (Imperative Sentence) Contoh: - Direct Speech : She told me, “Clean the room!” Indirect Speech : She told me to clean the room. -

Direct Speech : Indirect Speech :

My father asks me, My father asks me

“Don’t make so much noise!” not to make so much noise.

2. Kalimat Berita (Declarative Sentence) Contoh: - Direct Speech : She told me, “I am fine.” Indirect Speech : She told me that she was fine. -

Direct Speech : Indirect Speech :

He says, “My computer cannot work well.” He says that his computer cannot work well.

3. Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Sentence) a. Yes / No Question (Kalimat tanya yang membutuhkan jawaban Yes atau No.) Direct Speech : She asked me, “Are you sure?” Indirect Speech : She asked me if I was sure. She asked me whether I was sure. -

Direct Speech : Indirect Speech :

My mother says, My mother says My mother says

“Do you know my purse?” if I know her purse. whether I know her purse.


b. WH – Question (Kalimat tanya yang membutuhkan jawaban berupa keterangan.) Direct Speech : Yenny asked me, “Where do you save your money?” Indirect Speech : Yenny asked me where I saved my money. -


Direct Speech : Indirect Speech :

Arman asks me, Arman asks me

what time do you sleep every day? what time I sleep every day?

Perubahan-perubahan Penting Ketika merubah kalimat langsung (Direct Speech) menjadi kalimat tak langsung (Indirect Speech) ada perubahan-perubahan penting yang harus diingat, antara lain: 1. Pronoun (Kata Ganti) Kalimat Langsung (Direct Speech) Kalimat Tak Langsung (Indirect Speech) I He / She You Me / He / She / them / I / him / her My His / Her Our Their / Our Your My / His / Her 2. Adverb of Time and Place (Keterangan Waktu dan Tempat) Kalimat Langsung (Direct Speech) Kalimat Tak Langsung (Indirect Speech) Now Then Today That day Tomorrow The next day The day after The following day Next . . . The . . . after The following . . . The . . . before Last . . . The . . . before The previous . . . The preceding . . . . . . ago . . . before . . . earlier Yesterday The day before The previous day The preceding day The day before yesterday Two days before Here There This That These Those 3. Tense Kalimat Langsung (Direct Speech) Present Tense (Verb Present) Present Continuous (is/am/are + Present Perfect (have/has + V.3) Present Perfect Continuous (have/has + been + V. Ing) Present Future (will + V. 1) Present Future Continuous (will + be + V. Ing) Present Future Perfect (will + have + V. 3) Present Future Perfect Continuous (will + have + been + V. Ing) Past Tense (Verb 2) Past Continuous (was/were + V. Ing) Past Perfect (had + V. 3)

Kalimat Tak Langsung (Indirect Speech) Past Tense (Verb 2) Past Continuous (was/were + V. Ing) Past Perfect (had + V.3) Past Perfect Continuous (had + been + V. Ing) Past Future (would + V. 2) Past Future Continuous (would + be + V. Ing) Past Future Perfect (would + have + V. 3) Past Future Perfect Continuous (would + have + been + V. Ing) Past Perfect (had + V. 3) Past Perfect Continuous (had + been + V. Ing) Past Perfect (had + V. 3)
