Catfish Aquaculture in US

Catfish aquaculture in U.S Commercial farming started in the 1960 is the biggest aquaculture crop in the U.S. Catfish f

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Catfish aquaculture in U.S

Commercial farming started in the 1960 is the biggest aquaculture crop in the U.S. Catfish farming grow rapidly and reached production of 660 million pounds. Missisippi produces the most of any state. Location is ideal for levee pounds. Most of the farm are in the delta region. Competition from Asia about 79% of the catfish and catfish like imports are from Vietnam. Prices for the product dropped in 2002-2003. The U.S catfish industry has been one course since a high mark in 2003 when 662 million pounds. Catfish are fed a grain based diet that includes soybean meal. Catfish need about 2 pounds of feed to produce one pound of live weight. In Missisippi between 1998-2005 -

Farms decrease 404 to 386 Seles decreased

Most of the the production is big large commercial operators

Species Most of the catfish produced in the U.S are channel catfish Channel catfish, latolurus puncatatus. Channel catfish, latolurus puncatatus belong to the family lactaluridae, in the large catfish.

TAXONOMY AND DISTRIBUTION Since the channel catfish have been widely Hybrids between the seven major species of North American catfish were first researched and evaluated in 1966 The hybrid is the c hannel catfish female blue catfish (i. furcatus) male (demared as the (. B hybrids)


They are usually found where bottoms are sand, gravel or rubble, in preference to mud bottom. Channel catfish generally prefer clear water streams, but are common and do well in muddy water. Most movement and feeding actruidy. Feeding Channel catfish usually feed near the bottom in natural water but will take some food from the surface Young feed primarily on aquatic insects. P. Primarily detect food with their sense of taste Taste buds are found over the entire external surface of P. as well as inside the mouth pharynt and grill arches. The organ of smell olfactory organs may play some role.

Age and growth P. grow best in warm water with optimum growth accourig at temperature 85 age ever recorded for P is 40 years.


F. the max

P. in natural were are no more tolerant of high levels of ammonia and nitrit than farm raised P. but are seldom expose to lethal… Spawning P. spawn karena berada ditemperatur di antara 5 dan 85 0 F (23 sampai 30 0 C) P. are cavity spawner sand will spawn only in seclude, semi dark areas. Air yang natural P. laki laki ingin membuat sarang Setelah jantan memilih dan mempersiapkan saring fanning out as much. Become mature at 3 tahun Om the wild they may not spawn sampai 6 tahun Temperature air dibawah 18 derajat C dan above 30 derajat akan menyukseskan pengeraman. Pengeraman telur terjadi 5-20 hari

Life history characteristics


Rata rata berart 1,5-4 kg Rasio pemijahan 4 betina 1 jantan Pemijahan sukses 50 – 90 %

Hatchery survival Telur to hatch 60-95 % Fringering to market : 75-90% Temperature air untuk tumbuh 38-30 derajat celcius

Environmental requirements Oksigen terlarut > 4,0 mg/l DO < 15 mg/l Hydrogen sulfide