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The Grammar Test https://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/english -level-test/grammar    There are 40 questions in total.

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The Grammar Test https://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/english -level-test/grammar   

There are 40 questions in total. You will get your results after you answer all of the questions Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer! Try NOT to use books or other websites during the test—the idea is to find your natural level

Grammar Level Test Congratulations - you have finished! You scored 32 out of 40. Your grammar level is: Upper-Intermediate - CEF Level B2 Your answers are highlighted below. Question 1 Correct The film ________ by Quentin Tarantino was directed directed was direct did directed Question 1 Explanation: This is the passive voice, which is used to change the emphasis of a sentence. So here, we use the passive because we want to emphasise the film, not the director.

Question 2 Correct This house is ________, but also ________ bigger, expensiver more big, more expensive bigger, more expensive more big, expensiver Question 2 Explanation: Shorter words add -er to make a comparative:big --> bigger tall --> tallerLonger words use 'more':expensive --> more expensive beautiful --> more beautiful Question 3 Correct It was the first time he ________ anything so spicy had been eating had eaten was eating has eaten Question 3 Explanation: We use the past perfect because we have two past actions.It was (1) the first time he had eaten (2) anything so spicy.The past perfect shows that (2) happened before (1). Question 4 Correct I ________ to Germany last year go gone goed went Question 4 Explanation: Last year = past. We use the past simple for completed actions in the past. Go --> past simple = 'went'

Question 5 Correct Do you think it's ________ rain tomorrow? to going to will going Question 5 Explanation: 'Going to' and 'will' can both be used to make predictions, but in this sentence, 'it's' means we can't use 'will’. Otherwise, you could say 'Do you think it will rain tomorrow?' with no difference in meaning. Question 6 Correct Where ________ they from? are isn't am is Question 6 Explanation: I am You are He/she/it is We are They are < Question 7 Correct I wouldn't say that to him if I ________ you were would be was am Question 7 Explanation: This situation is imaginary: I am imagining being in your position. To describe an imaginary situation, we use the past simple after 'if'.Also, in these sentences, we can use 'were' to replace 'was'. Most of the time, you can choose which to use:"If I was rich and famous..." "If I were rich and famous..."--> Both okBut, in this sentence 'If I were you...', we always use 'were'.

Question 8 Correct If I had more time, I ________ do more exercise would want to will 'm going to Question 8 Explanation: We use this form to talk about a situation which is imaginary or unreal: If + past simple --> would + infinitive. In this case, the situation is unreal because I don't have time, so I can't do more exercise. Question 9 Correct She ________ in a small house near the park stays lives living live Question 9 Explanation: I live You live He/she/it lives we need to use adverbsSlow --> adverb = slowlyFast --> adverb = fast (it's irregular)

Question 14 Wrong Could you tell me ________? is where the bus stop where is the bus stop the bus stop is where where the bus stop is

Question 14 Explanation: This is an indirect question, so after the 'Could you tell me...' we don't change the word order in the rest of the sentence.

Question 15 Correct She's from ________, so she speaks ________ Spanish, Spain Spain, Spanish Spanish, Spanish Spain, Spainese Question 15 Explanation: 'Spain' is the country 'Spanish' is the adjective for the people or the language Question 16 Correct I'll send it to you ________ I get the money until as soon as unless in case Question 16 Explanation: As soon as = when (although 'as soon as' is stronger)

Question 17 Correct That smells good! What ________ are you cooking? do you cook? are you cook? do you cooking? Question 17 Explanation: We use the present continuous (be + -ing) to talk about something which is happening now Question 18 Correct I wish he ________ so rude to people when we go out didn't be wouldn't be hadn't been won't be

Question 18 Explanation: We use this form to talk about other people's behaviour which we find annoying or unpleasant:Wish + person + would + verbSo in this case, he is often rude, and I find it annoying or unpleasant, so I want him to change. Question 19 Correct She ________ have short hair, but now it's long before use to didn't used to Question 19 Explanation: Used to = something was true in the past, but it isn't true any more. Question 20 Correct How long have they ________ there? been waited waited waiting been waiting Question 20 Explanation: We use the present perfect (have...) to show that something started in the past and continues until now. We use the continuous (...been + -ing) to show that the length of the action is important.

Question 21 Wrong She's wearing a ________ dress long black beautiful black long beautiful long beautiful black beautiful long black Question 21 Explanation: Adjectives of opinion (like 'beautiful') go before adjectives of fact (like 'long' and 'black').If you have several adjectives, they need to go in a certain order. There is a rule (although it's too complicated to remember when you're speaking) - the best way is to use your instinct: if one way sounds better, then it probably is better.

Question 22 Correct He ________ ever works as ________ as he should hard, hard hardly, hardly hardly, hard hard, hardly Question 22 Explanation: Hardly = almost not, so 'hardly ever' = almost neverWork hard = work a lot, work well'Hard' and 'hardly' are both adverbs, but with very different meanings. Don't confuse them! Question 23 Correct I ________ like getting up early am not don't doesn't not Question 23 Explanation: The sentence 'I like getting up early' is present simple.So, the negative is:I don't like..

Question 24 Correct I spend too much time ________. I'd like ________ more time for myself and my family. to work, having working, having working, to have to work, to have Question 24 Explanation: spend time + -ing would like + to Question 25 Correct But they ________be away - I saw them this morning! can't shouldn't don't have to mustn't Question 25 Explanation: They can't be away = I'm sure they aren't away

Question 26 Wrong I'd love to ________ in the 19th Century have been lived live lived have lived Question 26 Explanation: I'd love... = now ...to have lived = before …This is a perfective infinitive, which is used to add a past meaning to an infinitive.

Question 27 Wrong That wasn't a good idea - you ________ thought about it more carefully ought have should have have to must have Question 27 Explanation: You should have... = you made a mistake/you did something wrong

Question 28 Wrong Winters there ________ be really cold sometimes may could might can Question 28 Explanation: 'Can' is used here because we are talking about a general possibility.The other three (could/may/might) are only used for specific possibilities, at one moment in time.

Question 29 Correct If he ________ one minute later, he ________ the train arrived, would have missed would arrive, would miss had arrived, would have missed would have arrived, would have missed Question 29 Explanation: We use this form to talk about an imaginary situation in the past:If + had done (past perfect) --> would have + past participleIn this case, he didn't arrive late, so he caught the train. Question 30 Correct I don't know where she is. I suppose she ________ got stuck in traffic. can have must have might have should have Question 30 Explanation: She might have... = It's possible that she. Question 31 Correct How did this ________ broken? was be get become Question 31 Explanation: 'Get' in this sentence has the meaning of 'become' but native speakers never use 'become' in this way.There are many similar phrases with 'get': get broken, get married, get wet, etc.

Question 32 Correct I drink coffee ________ two times for a day twice a day twice in day two times day Question 32 Explanation: 'Two times' is not wrong, but native speakers usually say 'twice'. We use 'a' in phrases like this: -> Once an hour --> Twice a day --> Three times a week etc. Question 33 Correct I'm busy on Friday, so I ________ come can't don't am not not can Question 33 Explanation: 'I don't come' = regularly, many times, so it doesn't go here, because we're talking about one time (this Friday).We use 'can' + 'not' = 'can't' or 'cannot' ('can't' is more common in spoken English).

Question 34 Wrong I was ________ exhausted by the end of the day extremely completely incredibly very Question 34 Explanation: 'Exhausted' has a strong meaning, so we can only use certain adverbs.In the same way, you can't say 'I was completely tired', because 'completely' can only be used with adjectives which have a strong meaning.

Question 35 Correct Whose bag is this? It's ________ the mine my mine of me Question 35 Explanation: It's my bag = It's mine ..You can't say 'It's mine bag' Question 36 Correct Take a sandwich with you ________ you get hungry later if when in case so as not to Question 36 Explanation: 'In case' = you do something to be prepared, because you aren't sure what will happen.In this situation, you don't know if you will get hungry or not. But you take a sandwich anyway, just to be prepared. Question 37 Correct ________ spent time abroad when I was a student, I found it easier to get used to ________ in another country have, live having, living having, live to have, living Question 37 Explanation: 'Having spent...' = 'Because I spent...'Get used to + -ing = adapt to a new situation Question 38 Correct Where ________ he work? does is do don't Question 38 Explanation:

Present simple questions are made with 'do' or 'does'.He/she/it doES, so we use 'does' in this question

Question 39 Wrong I've already called her four times ________ again before yesterday today Question 39 Explanation: I've called... = present perfect ..We use the present perfect to talk about unfinished time periods.So, we can't say 'I've called...yesterday' (because yesterday is finished)'Today' is unfinished, so it's the only possible answer.

Question 40 Wrong I ________ been hit by a car, but luckily I just managed to get out of the way could have may have might have can have Question 40 Explanation: 'I could have...' = there was a possibility, but in the end it didn't happen