6 Week Training Plan

6-Week Fitness Foundations Program WEEK 1: “Pre-Test” Beginner Advanced Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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6-Week Fitness Foundations Program WEEK 1: “Pre-Test”











"Alactic Power"

"Aerobic Power"


"CP Battery"

"Lactic Endurance"


A. Close Grip Bench Press work to a max B. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x 8 reps per leg work to a max dumbbell weight C. Build to a max weighted pull up

Row 30 sec All Out, rest 30 sec x 4 sets

“Ms. Helen” 3 rounds for time: Run 400m 21 Russian kettlebell swing 53/35 12 Ring row

Position hands shoulder width apart on bench keep your chest up and weight in the heel on the split squat use a pronated grip on pull up

If you do not have a rower do all out runs 30 on 30 off there will be a level of attrition, don’t worry about it

Russian swings must break the 90 degree line above shoulder height no “kipping” the ring row

A. Front squat - build to 1RM B. Close-grip bench press (CGBP) - build to 1RM C. Weighted chinup (WCU) build to 1RM

Burpee repeat test 40 second max repetition of burpees to 6” target overhead 20 seconds rest x4

Helen 3 rounds, for time: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell swings (KBS) 55# 12 Pullups



A. Build to a max Back Squat B. Take 85% of Back Squat Max and do 1 set amrap set (max rep) C. Tabata Push Up (20 sec on 10 sec off what is lowest push up round score?)

For time 500m Row

Work to get that chest to the ground on the push ups without “worming” up

Can substitute 400m Run if without rower

A. Power clean - build to a 1RM

For time 500m Row Rest EXACTLY 90 seconds on rower 500m Row

Rest EXACTLY 8 minutes following max

Enjoy the day!

Enjoy the day!

B. 8 minute AMRAP Power clean at 90% of maximum A load Build to the heaviest possible loads in each piece and then add A, B, and C max loads together for a fourth metric score

This is a four (4) minute ALLOUT effort test Record your bodyweight (BWT) this day

Standards: KBS = locked overhead Pullups = chin over horiztonal plan of bar

All VERY easy recovery/ breathing work today

Copyright OPEX © 2016

Repeatibility tester, top scores example for males, 315# max with 30+ repetitions in AMRAP

Hint: perform first row JUST under maximum - 97% to aid potential going into second row Record your BWT this day


6-Week Fitness Foundations Program WEEK 2











"Alactic Power"

"Aerobic Power"


"CP Battery"

"Lactic Endurance"


A. 3 back squat @ 65%, rest 60 sec x 6 sets B. emom (every minute on the minute): 7 min 8 close grip bench press + 10 rounds continuous: 10 kettlebell goblet squat 5 hand release push up

3 sets: row 90 sec at tough pace (not 100%) rest 4 min

Close grip is at a weight that is challenging but not crushing goblet squat is where the bell is pressed against the chest

These are meant to be close in distance covered.

A. On the minute x10 1 PC + 2 Jerks @ 70-80% + For time 50 Front squats @ 75% 1RM Each break perform 5 HSPU

Row sprints 150m @ 97% Rest 3:00 x10 Rest 8:00 between sets 5-6

Take 75% of your max FS from testing week for mixed piece today

Aim is for EACH sprint effort to be the SAME time

A1. Dumbbells at side Rear foot elevated split squat x 10 reps/leg, rest 30 sec A2. Weighted chin up x 5 reps, rest 90 sec x 3 sets B1. close grip bench press x 5 reps, rest 30 sec B2. 10 strict ring row, rest 2 min x 3 sets

5 sets: 10 russian kettlebell swing 15 sec Airdyne sprint rest 3 min

5 sets: all same pace of 3 min amrap (as many rounds as possible): 5 burpee 10 air squat 10 dumbbell push press not heavy rest 3 min

60 min walk or hike relaxed

Do split squats then chin ups then back to split squats etc. If you need assistance on the pull up use it but go tough reps for 5

Run 100m if you do not have an airdyne

A. Power clean - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 B. Front squat - 4x5 @75-80% C1. CGBP - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 C2. WCU - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

At 97%+, complete: 5 Hang power snatches , build per set 100m Sprint Rest walk 3 minutes x6-8

In 2 minutes, complete: 500m Row - moderate to tough Max burpees over erg in remaining time Rest walk 2 minutes x5

5 minutes AD @ 70%

Push/pull couplet on C shows that you perform C1 set 1, then C2 set 1, then C1 set 2, then C2 set 2, ect Ample rest between all sets and exercises

97%+ shows just under max HPS ought to be light and fast TAKE THE FULL REST .. Each effort will be maximum if complete recovery is allowed

Different intent than yesterday However, still attempt to hold pace and burpees per rounds Good exampl = 10, 10, 9, 9, 9 Bad exmaple = 14, 8, 7, 5, 5

All VERY easy recovery/

Rest walk 1 mintue x6-8

breathing work today

Copyright OPEX © 2016

Enjoy the day!

Enjoy the day!


6-Week Fitness Foundations Program WEEK 3











"Alactic Power"

"Aerobic Power"


"CP Battery"

"Lactic Endurance"


A1. Dumbbell at side rear foot elevated split squat x 8 reps/ leg, rest 30 sec A2. Weighted chin up x 5/4/3 reps, rest 90 sec x 3 sets B1. close grip bench press x 5/4/3 reps, rest 30 sec B2. dumbbell bent over row x 8/arm, rest 2 min x 3 sets

5 sets: 7 burpees as fast as possible 18 sec Airdyne sprint rest 3 min

5 sets: all same pace 4 min amrap: 200m row 10 kettlebell thruster not heavy rest 3 min

Working for more weight (always with good form) on split squat, chin up, and close grip bench

Run 125m if you do not have an airdyne

If you do not have a rower run 200m

A. Power clean - 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 B. Front squat - 4x5 @80-85%% C1. CGBP - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 C2. WCU - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

At 95%, complete: 5 Thrusters, build per 20 second AD sprint Rest walk 3 minutes x4

3 minute AMRAP 2 Muscle ups 6 Burpee box jumps (20”) 45 Double unders (DU) Rest walk 3 minutes + 500m Row @ 85% Rest walk 3 minutes x3

Jog 90 seconds @ 70%

Alternating between AMRAP and row

Preferrably done on soft trail for reduced impact

Rest as needed At 97%+, complete 5 Hang power snatches, build per 100m Sprint Rest walk 3 minutes x4 Build on loads from last week!

Pull back a bit on the first pairing to prep for the second pairing (i.e 95% v 97%+)

Swim and play around in a pool for 60 min

A. 3 back squat @ 65%, rest 60 sec x 7 sets B. emom (every minute on the minute): 8 min 8 close grip bench press + 6 sets: 10 wall ball (20#/10’ male, 14#, 9’ female) 10 push ups 10 lunge steps/leg unweighted rest 60 sec

4 sets: run 400m tough (not 100%) rest 4 min

Enjoy the day!

Go at a pace that is challenging but that you can recover in 4 min to go again

Walk 90 seconds x8-10

Copyright OPEX © 2016

A. On the minute x12 2 Power snatch, start light, build to heavy + For time 5-4-3-2-1 Front squat @ 85% 1RM Strict HSPU Box jump (36/30”) Rope climb

Row sprints 250m @ 95%+ Rest 3:30 x7 Rest 7:00 between 3-4

Enjoy the day!

DO NOT try and reboud the high box jump Grinder piece today, constand smooth effort is the goal


6-Week Fitness Foundations Program WEEK 4










"Alactic Power"

"Aerobic Power"


"CP Battery"

"Lactic Endurance"


A1. Dumbbell at side rear foot elevated split squat x 6 reps/ leg, rest 30 sec A2. Weighted chin up x 3/3/3 reps, rest 90 sec x 3 sets B1. close grip bench press x 4/3/2 reps, rest 30 sec B2. 14 strict ring row, rest 2 min x 3 sets

5 sets: 8 kettlebell swing 5 burpees as fast as possible 20 sec Airdyne sprint rest 4 min

4 sets: all same pace 5 min amrap: 200m run 7 wall ball 7 situp rest 3 min

15 sets: jog 30 sec, walk 30 sec + 45 min walk/hike

A. 3 back squat @ 70%, rest 90 sec x 7 sets B. emom (every minute on the minute): 8 min 10 close grip bench press + Chipper: 30 wall ball (20#/10’ male, 14#/9’ female) 30 push up 30 kettlebell deadlift high pull 30 box step up (total) 30 burpee

Run 150m if you do not have an airdyne


A. Power clean - 5-7x2-3 B. Front squat - 2x5 @80-85%, 2x3 @ 87.5-92.5% C1. CGBP - build to 3RM C2. CTB pullups - x5-12 after each set of C1

At 90%, complete: 5 Thrusters, build per 20 second AD sprint Rest walk 3 minutes x3 Rest as needed At 90%, complete 5 Hang power snatches, build per 100m Sprint Rest walk 3 minutes x3 Rest as needed

4 sets: row 500m tough (not 100%) rest 4 min

Enjoy the day!

If you do not have a rower then run 500m each time A. 5 mintue AMRAP @ 80-85% 200m Run 12 DL - moderate 6 HSPU Rest walk 3 minutes x3

1k Row then accumulate 60 second FLR Rest 3 minutes x7

Rest as needed

A. On the minute x10-12 3 PC, TnG @ 75-85% + For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Shoulder to overhead (155/95#) Toes-to-bar

Row sprints 350m @ 90-95% Rest 4:00 x5

TnG = touch and go .. No resting the bar

Begin to find the pace you may row the repeats at

Enjoy the day!

B. 5 minute AMRAP @ 80-85% 350m Row 12 Wall balls 6 CTB pullups Rest walk 3 minute x3

Row sprint 45 seconds @ 90% Rest 3 minutes x3 Part A shows 5-to-7 sets of 2-to-3 repetitions. Ranges built in to allow you to dictate loading based on the day, ideally work up to a heavy set of 2

More in this type of session means decrease effort per bout a notch

Complete three sets of A series, then three sets of B series

FLR = front leaning rest Accumulate = can be broken into multiple sets to achieve volume

Copyright OPEX © 2016


6-Week Fitness Foundations Program WEEK 5










"Alactic Power"

"Aerobic Power"


"CP Battery"

"Lactic Endurance"


A1. Dumbbell at side rear foot elevated split squat x 4 reps, rest 30 sec A2. Weighted chin up x 2/2/2 reps, rest 90 sec x 3 sets B1. close grip bench press x 2/2/2 reps, rest 30 sec B2. dumbbell bent over row x 6/arm, rest 2 min x 3 sets

5 sets: 10 kettlebel swing 5 burpees box jump 20” 22 sec Airdyne sprint rest 4 min

3 sets: all same pace 6 min amrap: run 200m 5 box jump step down (24” male/20” female) 10 situp rest 3 min

Run 175m if you do not have an airdyne


A. Power clean - 7x1-2 B. Front squat - 5/75%, 3/85%, 3-5x1/90%+ C1. CGBP - 5x2-3 C2. WCU - 5x2-3

At 90%, complete: 5 Thrusters, build per 20 second AD sprint Rest walk 3 minutes x3 Rest as needed At 90%, complete 5 Hang power snatches, build per 100m Sprint Rest walk 3 minutes x4 Rest as needed Row sprint 45 seconds @ 90% Rest 3 minutes x4

Part B shows a set of 5 at 80%, set of 3 at 85% and three sets of 1 at 90%+. 90%+ means you can go BEYOND that weight in the final two sets to something tough

Same format as last week with one more set per pairing, compare results and match, if not break times

8 minute AMRAP @ 80% 200m Run 3 Muscle ups 9 Shoulder to overhead, moderate 27 KBS, Russian (55/35#)

20 sets: 30 sec on 30 sec off Airdyne rest 2 min after set 10 + swim or play in pool for 30 min

A. 3 back squat @ 70%, rest 90 sec x 6 sets B. emom: 10 min 10 close grip bench press + row 750m rest 1 min, then 3 rounds for time: 20 lunge step/leg 15 push up 10 wall ball rest 1 min row 750m

3 sets: run 200m row 500m rest 5 min

If you do not have an airdyne do this with running

If you don’t have a rower run 600m

If you do not have a rower then run 600m each round

90 minute hike, unplugged

A. For time 30 Snatches @ 60% 1RM

Row sprints 350m @ 90% Rest 3:00 x6 Rest 7:00 between 3-6

Rest as needed

Enjoy the day!

Enjoy the day!

B. 5 minute AMRAP 30 Double unders 3 Power cleans @ 90%

Rest 5 minutes 8 minute AMRAP @ 80% 350m Row 3 Rope climbs 9 Heavy wall ball 27 Box jumps, step down (24/20”) Rest 10 mintues, repeat both A and B

With perform 4 total sets today Heavy WB through greater load, ht, or both

Unplugged = no phone, music , or electronics

Copyright OPEX © 2016

This pace will be what you want to row your first repeat at


6-Week Fitness Foundations Program WEEK 6: “Re-Test”











"Alactic Power"

"Aerobic Power"


"CP Battery"

"Lactic Endurance"


A. Close Grip Bench Press work to a max B. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x 8 reps per leg work to a max dumbbell weight C. Build to a max weighted pull up

Row 30 sec All Out, rest 30 sec x 4 sets

“Ms. Helen” 3 rounds for time: Run 400m 21 Russian kettlebell swing 53/35 12 Ring row


A. Build to a max Back Squat B. Take 85% of Back Squat Max and do 1 set amrap set (max rep) C. Tabata Push Up (20 sec on 10 sec off what is lowest push up round score?)

500m row for time

get nice and excited to crush your previous numbers!

HANG IN THERE! If you do not have a rower do all out runs 30 on 30 off

Pace her right and leave it all out there at the end!

stretch and recharge your body!

Setup well and fire up that squat and then hold that posture and technique on the amrap set!

You CAN hold on! If you do not have a rower then run 500m for time

A. Front squat - build to 1RM B. Close-grip bench press (CGBP) - build to 1RM C. Weighted chinup (WCU) build to 1RM

Burpee repeat test 40 second max repetition of burpees to 6” target overhead 20 seconds rest x4

“Helen” 3 rounds, for time: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell swings (KBS) 55# 12 Pullups


A. Power clean - build to a 1RM

For time 500m Row Rest EXACTLY 90 seconds on rower 500m Row

Rest EXACTLY 8 minutes following max

Enjoy the day!

Enjoy the day!

B. 8 minute AMRAP Power clean at 90% of maximum A load Refer to week 1 for a comparison -- beat those results this week!

Aside from absolute score comparision, has your BWT changed significantly in six weeks? How does that impact this test?

VITAL to use same track standards on the run as in week 1 -- same route, same conditions, honesty in assessment

Copyright OPEX © 2016

Ultimate result is an increase in BOTH a maximum repetition and increase in submaximal repetitions

Did one or both scores change? Record your BWT this day -- weight is a critical factor to take into scoring consideration


6-Week Fitness Foundations Program

Reference Guide: Strength Any program needs to have a component of absolute strength, structural strength, and movement across the strength continuum so that you continue to increase (or maintain) you max lifts and so that you have a good structural base to perform better Alactic Power Think of alactic power as maximum revolutions for a short period of time. It is by definition "all out" so don't hold back but don't cut the rests short because to build this system you need to be able to push 100% and you won't be able to do that if you aren't rested between sets Aerobic Power Most people don't think of aerobic workouts to be "powerful" but power comes in different form. Are you able to increase your ability to build your aerobic system? You need to take these workouts as they are designed which is to be sustainable. You should not suffer! Z1 Think of this as recovery. It is NOTHING more. You can think of this as "slower than slow." You are just moving blood, getting loosened up, and preparing yourself for your next workout CP Battery This is often a new idea for a workout for people. Think of CP (creatine phosphate) batter training as building your ability to do challenging things with lesser rest. An example would be increasing the number of reps of a back squat that you can do in a maximum rep set at 85% of your 1-rep max. This is something that must be built intricately so stick to good percentages and rest times. Lactic Endurance You guessed it...pain. But, this is a system that needs to be built. You cannot just suffer to suffer. You want to move at specific efforts so that you can maintain your fast pace for the length of time prescribed. Rest times in between interval sets is a must here because you will be pushing your system very hard.