Naruto Hiden Vol 1 i Naruto Hiden Akatsuki Hiden - Evil Flowers in Full Bloom Akatsuki Hiden Sakimidareru Aku no Hana

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Naruto Hiden Akatsuki Hiden - Evil Flowers in Full Bloom Akatsuki Hiden Sakimidareru Aku no Hana Gaara Hiden - A Sandstorm Mirage Gaara Hiden - Sajingensou Kakas Synopsis: Naruto Hiden (NARUTO -ナルト- 秘伝, Literally meaning: Naruto Secret Chronicles) is a light novel series which explores the stories of various characters after the conclusion of the original manga. Though each book is illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, they are written by different authors. It’s also a part of the Naruto Project. VIZ Media will start releasing English translations of the novels in November of 2015. The Naruto Hiden series is followed by the Naruto Shinden series, which will begin publication in fall of 2015. Novels: 1. Kakashi Hiden – Lightning in the Icy Sky 2. Shikamaru Hiden – A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness‎ 3. Sakura Hiden – Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze 4. Konoha Hiden – The Perfect Day for a Wedding 5. Gaara Hiden – A Sandstorm Mirage 6. Akatsuki Hiden – Evil Flowers in Full Bloom Author(s): Higashiyama Akira Oosaki Tomohito Hinata Shou Kodachi Ukyou Towada Shin Yano Takashi Artist(s): Kishimoto Masashi Year: 2015 Language: Japanese

ii Type: Light Novel Genre: Action, Adventure, Martial Arts, Tags: Ninja,

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iii Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................................... i Vol. 1: Chapter Prologue ................................................................... 2 Vol. 1: Chapter 1 .............................................................................. 19 Vol. 1: Chapter 2 .............................................................................. 40 Vol. 1: Chapter 3 .............................................................................. 50 Vol. 1: Chapter 4 .............................................................................. 60 Vol. 1: Chapter 5 .............................................................................. 64 Vol. 1: Chapter 6 .............................................................................. 82 Vol. 1: Chapter 7 .............................................................................. 91 Vol. 1: Chapter 8 ............................................................................ 103 Vol. 1: Chapter 9 ............................................................................ 113 Vol. 1: Chapter 10 .......................................................................... 124 Vol. 1: Chapter 11 .......................................................................... 150 Vol. 1: Chapter 12 .......................................................................... 171 Vol. 1: Chapter 13 .......................................................................... 190 Vol. 1: Chapter 14 .......................................................................... 215 Vol. 1: Chapter Epilogue ............................................................... 227 Disclaimer ........................................................................................ 245



Vol. 1:

Chapter Prologue Pages 3-4 RAW English 地上五百メートル上空の強風を受け Sustained by the strong wind in the skies, 500 ながら、サイが振り向く。 metres above the ground, Sai turned around. 「ああ」ナルトは、はるか下方にあ ”Ahh.” said Naruto. He glared at the enemy territory る、敵地をにらみつけた。 that was distantly below him,. 「問題ねェってばよ」 “ There won’t be a problem ‘ttebayo” 「だけど、きみの手はまだ。。。」 ”However, your arm is still…” 「あんなやつら、片手で大丈夫だっ ”For guys like them, one arm is enough ‘ttebayo” てばよ」 超獣偽画によって作り出された鴻は、Producing a large bird using Choujyuu Giga, under 夜陰にまぎれて、地上からは目視で the covers of the dead of night, they could not be きない。 seen from the ground. が、ナルトの眼には、ちゃんと地上 However, from Naruto’s viewpoint, he saw the が見えていた。 ground perfectly. Even though it was already midnight, (they could すでに丑三つ時だというのに、標的 see) the targets lurking in the valley of the rough の潜む荒山の谷には、まだ夜警の松 mountains, with the smoke from the torches of the 明が煙々と燃えている。 night watchmen still burning. All around, there were shinobi look-outs who walked あちこちに見張りの忍が立っていた。 about. The steep rock cliffs had lines of it’s 切り立った岩壁と、まるで剣山のよ mountainridge similar to a pin-holder. Feeling the うな稜線が、冷たい月明かりを受け、 chill of the moonlight, they seemed to be getting wet しっとりと濡れているように見えた。 with the dampness. “Certainly, a strategic stronghold of natural 「まさに天嶮の要害。。。」サイが defenses…” Sai spoke what was on Naruto’s mind ナルトの心中を代弁した。 for him. 「我龍はこういうところを転々とし “For Garyo to be moving around repeatedly in such a てるんだね」 scene, eh?”

3 RAW English 「そんで、波の国の人たちを殺して “Because of that, people of the Wave Country were んだ」 murdered.” ナルトは奥歯をぎゅっと噛み締めた。Naruto tightly gritted his back teeth. [T/N] 大丈夫 is “to be alright”, “okay”, “safe”, “fine”. When Naruto says 「あ んなやつら、片手で大丈夫だってばよ」, he literally says, “ For such guys, with one arm, it’s fine/alright ‘ttebayo.” But the meaning here matches better that he’s implying that he can handle his business with just one arm, so what I have is “enough”. 剣山 is like a pin-holder, the kind where it’s a base with needles/long things standing upwards like blades of grass that you stick flowers into. Imagine a pincushion filled with pins, basically. *我龍 is “Garyo” His name is made of kanjifrom Self/Obstinate+Dragon. He is the leader of 龍波武装同盟 , which is the Ryuuha Busou Doumei = Dragon Wave Weapon Alliance. More about this later. His group name was mentioned in the cover page of the novel, but it hasn’t been fleshed out in this part of the book yet.

Pages 5+6 RAW 第四次忍界大戦の終結から一年後、 風の強い九月の夜であった。 しょうしょうと哭きながら、風が谷 間を吹き抜けてゆく。いったんその 場を抜け出すと、サイとナルトを乗 せた鴻は大きく旋回し、また我龍の アジトを真下に捉えた。 「あまり深く考えないことだよ、ナ ルト。第四次忍界大戦は、なにも人 類最後の戦争ってわけじゃない」

English One year after the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War, it was a September evening with strong winds. While howling slightly, the wind kept blowing through the valley. Temporarily sneaking out of their spot, Sai and Naruto were riding on the large bird. While flying around in large circles, they still perceived that Garyo’s hideout was directly below them. ”It’s not something to think about too deeply, Naruto. Regarding the Fourth Great Shinobi World War, it doesn’t mean that the war was the last one for all of mankind.”

4 RAW English 「。。。」 「。。。」 「残念だけど、マダラの思想に共鳴 “However, it’s unfortunate that people who する人たちは、これから先も出てく sympathized with Madara’s ideology will appear in る」 the future from here onwards.” ナルトが鴻の背から飛び降りるまえ Before Sai spoke that, Naruto jumped off the back of に、サイはそう言った。 the large bird. 「我龍のようにね」 “Garyo is the same as them, right?” ゴオオオオオオオ! Booooooom! 空気を切り裂く音を聞きながら、夜 While hearing the tearing sound of cutting through 空を落下していくナルトは、左手の the air, Naruto descended from the night sky. He 人差し指と中指をからめて十字を作っmade a cross with his left hand’s index finger and た。それはサスケとの戦いで右腕を middle finger by entwining (them). Because of the 失ってから、新たに修得した印の結 battle with Sasuke, he lost his right arm. It was a び方である。 newly learned method of (making) seals. 「多重影分身の術!」 ”Tajyuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” ボンッ、と自煙が逆巻き、見張りた Poof! When the guards noticed (that Naruto was) ちが気づいたときには、すでに我龍 surging from his own smoke, it was already too late のアジトは影分身たちに包囲されて as the kage-bunshin were surrounding Garyo’s いた。 hideout. 「敵襲だ!」 “It’s an enemy attack!” [T/N] 一年 can also colloquially mean “ Some time ago” instead of “One year”, but I left it literally because it probably means to include the mini-time skip of 699 where the village is being rebuilt, funeral services, Sasuke’s departure, etc. Sai means to say that just because the last war ended, it doesn’t nessisarily mean that humanity’s conflicts were solved/ there’ no more conflict to be had. It’s all from one hand, the raw actually does mean that Naruto came up with a new way to do his jutsu…crossing his fingers with one hand. o__o’;;~~ 結び方 is literally “to tie a knot”or “means of union/end”, which I take has to do with fingers being crossed on the same hand.


Pages 7-8 RAW そこかしこで怒声があがった。 「我龍様をお守りしろ!」

English Angry voices arose from everywhere. “Protect Garyo-sama!” Because the cabin was expressively built to 岸壁にへばりつくようにして建っている小屋から、そ cling near the steep cliff, and since there してあちこちの洞窟から、敵の忍たちが飛び出してく were several caves, enemy shinobi rushed る。 out from them. The kage-bunshin hurled out kunai, and 影分身たちがクナイを飛ばすと、数人がいっぺんに倒 several people collapsed at once. Naruto れた。背後から敵の斬撃を受けたナルトが、ボンッ、 was decapitated by an enemy that was とはじけて煙と消える。 behind him. With a poof, smoke burst forth and (the kage-bunshin) vanished. From the open centre space of the hideout, アジトの中央広場は、たちまち怒号飛び交う戦場と化 suddenly angry bellows flew about as it した。 changed into a battlefield. Naruto scanned his eyes left and right. ナルトは左右に目を走らせ、事前にカカシから知らさ Beforehand, he had been informed by れていた洞窟を探した。 Kakashi to search for a cave. (It was where there were) sharp rocks that resembled two fangs that were dangling 天井から垂れた尖った岩が、二本の牙のように見える from the ceiling in a cave. In that cave, 洞窟。。。その洞窟だけが、山々によって外界と隔絶 which was inaccessible because of the された我龍のアジトに出入りできる唯一の道なんだ、 numerous mountains, was the only way とカカシは言った。 where one could enter and leave Garyo’s hideout. That was what Kakashi had informed (Naruto about). “If that’s the case…if he intends to escape, 「だったら。。。やつが脱出しようと思うんなら、そ he has no choice but to escape from that の洞窟へ逃げ込むしかねェってばよ!」 cave ‘ttebayo!” The cave was where the kage-bunshin and 影分身たちと敵が死闘を演じている先に、その洞窟は enemies had earlier been battling to the あった。 death. Inside that cave was like the mouth of a まるで牙を剥いた獣の口のようなその洞窟に、忍たち beast baring all of it’s fangs. Shinobi were に守られ、長衣の裾を引きずりながら駆け込もうとす protecting it. There was a small men trying る小男。。。 to rush out, the hem of his clothing dragging along…

6 RAW 「我龍おおおお!」 ナルトの声が岩壁に反響した。 「てめェ、 ぜってー逃がさねェかんなっ!」

English “ Garyoooooo!” Naruto’s voice echoed in the rocks. “You *******, I definitely won’t let you escape!”

[T/N] There’s not really a designated direct translation of swear words…you kinda just end up with different levels of vulgarity to say “You”. So…you can pick your own lol~ Originally, Naruto’s said “Teme”, which is pretty offensive and rude (but it’s normal for him when he gets riled up in the anime/manga)

Pages 9-10 RAW

English Before that echo vanished, a single enemy shinobi stood in the way ahead of Naruto. A その谺が消えるまえに、敵の忍がひとり、ナルトの前に立ちふさがった。雪のように白い忍装束をつけ、shinobi who was 顔には鈎模様のある白い面をつけている。 clad in snow-white attire appeared. Attached to his face was a white mask with a hook pattern on it. “Don’t get in my 「邪魔すんなってばよ! 」 way ‘ttebayo!” Naruto instantly すかさずクナイを飛ばすナルト。 hurled a kunai (at him).


English However, as soon as the tip of (his) sword came into contact with it, the masked shinobi しかし、その切っ先が触れるや、仮面の忍は霧のようにゆらめいて消える。のみならず、気がついたとき vanished like a には背後を取られていた。 quivering mist. Besides, when Naruto noticed, his back had been exposed. “Hyouton: Jisarenhyou!“ // Ice 「氷遁・地鎖連氷!」 Release: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice! The back of his body numbed, ton 背中を軽く、とん、と突かれただけだった。 (/tap sound), and he was just struck (with the attack). Because of that, he fell down a bit, but そのせいで少しつんのめりはしたが、倒れるほどではない。 not to the degree of collapsing. Naruto braced himself with his feet. He turned around, and ナルトは足を踏ん張り、 振り向きざま、仮面の忍に向かってクナイを一閃させた。。。いや、 させよ brandished a kunai うとした。できなかった。 while facing the masked man…No, he was trying to do so. But he was unable to. “Wha—what? 「な、なんだってばよ 。。。?」 ‘ttebayo…”





English There was a feeling as though he was getting scratched on the inside of his body. At the next moment, it changed into a sharp pain. Biki, biki…bikibikibikibiki! (sound of fleshy bits freezing) A countless number of icy splinters began to completely grow out of his blood vessels. The inside of his body seemed to be shredding into pieces.

[T/N] 氷遁・地鎖連氷 was given this furigana: ひょうとん:じされんひょう! Earth/Ground+Chain+Length(?)+Ice. As for 連, Weblio says: shot of chain cable,bay,shackle of chain cable,string,length of chain cable,run,cable length. Basically something long. So I think we officially hit non-canon territory now lol~ Haku was the best! 軽く means more like “lightly” but it made more intuitive sense for it to mean numbing. ビキ (biki) is SFX for fleshy innards moving (like muscles moving), IIRC. I have no idea what this sounds like in English TBH. Basically his cells are freezing, so maybe it should sound like ice cracking?

Pages 11-12

9 RAW English 「うううう。。。」 “Uhhhhhh…” 膝をついてうめくナルトの口から、Naruto moaned as he kneeled. A white breath came 白い呼気が漏れる。 from his mouth. いくら山の夜気が冷たいとはいえ、Although the night air of the mountain was frigid, it まだ九月である。なのに、ナルトはwas still September. However, Naruto’s teeth were 歯をガチガチいわせて、激しい寒さchattering. The intense cold that struck him made に体を打ち震わせた。 him tremble. 凍てつくような寒さは、仮面の忍にSince he was struck from behind by the masked 突かれた背中からさっと全身に広がっshinobi, the freezing cold was spreading quickly ていく。体をおおってゆく霜が腕やthrough his entire body. The frost continued to cover 足に回りこみ、顔にまで這い上がっhis body, including around his arm and leg; it was た。 creeping just up to his face. ビキビキビキビキビキビキビキビキ!Bikibikibiki(sound of fleshy bits freezing) なんとか体を動かそうとしたが、薄Somehow as he was trying to mobilize his body, い氷片が数枚、パリパリと剥がれ落(Naruto only managed) to loosen several sheets of ちただけだった。氷の縛めは、まるthin ice shards, and they crunched as they and fell off で鎖のように、ナルトをがんじがらof him. Bound by the ice, as if completely chained, めにしていった。 Naruto was rendered immobile. 仮面の忍は凍りついてゆくナルトに The masked shinobi did not notice the continuously は目もくれず、我龍のほうへとって freezing Naruto and returned towards Garyo’s side. かえす。 「我龍様、さあ、こちらへ」 “Garyo-sama, come this way” が、我龍は動こうとしない。それどHowever, Garyo did not try to move. On the contrary, ころか、我龍を守っていた三人の忍the three people who were protecting Garyo が、バタバタと倒れた。 collapsed with a rattling sound. 「!?」 「!?」 The enemy seemed to be scrutinizing (something) 鈎模様のある面の下で、敵は目をす with his eyes, which were under the mask with the がめたようだった。 hook pattern. From the darkness from behind Garyo, there was a 我龍の背後の闇から、クナイを握り hand that directly appeared, which was tightly しめた手がすうっと現れる grasping a kunai. [T/N] None, either because there really aren't any, or I accidentally deleted them... :(~ Pages 13-14

10 RAW

English “Come to think of it, I vaguely 「そういや、白もそんな面をつけてたっけな」ナルトは標的の首筋にク recall that Haku wore such a ナイを突きつけた。 mask”. Naruto thrusted a kunai at the nape of the neck of the target. “ Something like this ice technique… You *******, you’re a 「そんで、この氷の技。。。てめェ、霧隠れの抜け忍だな?」 nukenin (/rogue missing-nin) from Kirigakure (The Hidden Mist), right? ” ”As I expected, that wasn’t the real body…”said the masked 「やはり、本体じゃなかったか。。。」仮面の忍は、自分がたったいま shinobi, as he glanced over his 仕留めたばかりのナルトを、ちらりとふりかえった。 shoulder at the body of Naruto that he had killed just a moment ago. “ But considering that (you’re) that- Uzumaki Naruto, who 「うちはマダラを倒したあのうずまきナルトにしては、手ごたえがなさ defeated Uchiha Madara, I すぎるとは思ったが」 thought that you (wouldn’t) have a reaction at all (to my attack). Poof! Naruto’s kage-bunshin that was imprisoned in the ice then 氷に囚われていた分身が、ボンッ、とはじけて消える。すると氷の縛め burst open and vanished. Then, も、冷たい音を立てていっぺんに砕け散った。 the ice (that had been binding the kage-bunshin) smashed all at once and made a chilly sound. Naruto and the enemy exchanged ナルトと相手の視線が交差する。 glances. 「我龍様をかえしてもらおう」 “ Return Garyo-sama (back to us)” “ That’s out of the 「そりゃできねェ相談だってばよ」ナルトは仮面の忍をにらみつけた。 question‘ttebayo”Naruto glared at the masked shinobi. “Because of you guys, hundreds 「お前らのせいで、波の国の人たちが何百人も死んだからな」 of people from the Wave Country have died.” “ It was for the sake of (our) 「理念のためだ」 ideals” “Madara’s ideals? (Those ideas) 「マダラの理念か?それはもうあの戦争で。。。」 are still from that war…”

11 RAW

English “ It was Uchiha Madara’s failure.” 「 うちはマダラの失敗は」ナルトをさえぎったのは、我龍だった。 Garyo interrupted Naruto. “He plunged the whole world at 「全世界に一度に無限月読をかけようとしたことだ」 once into the Infinite Tsukuyomi” Naruto looked down upon the dark little man and thrusted a kunai at him. His whole body was clad in ナルトは、自分がクナイを突きつけている色の浅黒い小男を、見下ろし the firm and loyal ambitious drive. た。全身にまとっている揺るぎない覇気は、首筋に押し当てられたクナ Naruto pushed a kunai against the イなど、ものともしていないようだった。 nape of (the enemy’s) neck. It seemed that he was acting as though it was nothing. [T/N] The enemy really does say あのうずまきナルト. “That Uzumaki Naruto”. っけな or っけ is an expression at the end of a sentence when you’re trying to recall info. Like it comes off as “What was that again? I’m trying to remember xxx” I did my best to fit that nuance in as “vaguely recall”, though it could also be like “I guess that xxxxx” 手ごたえがなさすぎる is like “Response/reaction---not overly doing”. Basically saying “You didn’t react at all/much/enough”. As the enemy implies that since he’s Naruto (who struck down Madara), he expected more from him/him to not get fro-yo’ed. Hence when the shadow clone died, he’s pointing out that it sorta seemed a bit too easy to kill Naruto just like that~ そりゃできねェ相談だってばよ is like “I can’t have that sort of discussion” or “We’re not even going to talk about something like that”. It was too weird to leave literally. So it became more like “That’s out of the question!” because Naruto is just saying that there’ no bargaining talk with him. ものともしない is one whole expression. Meaning you’re purposely ignoring something.


Page 15-16 RAW

English His long white hair was tied up into a bundle. He grew out a white 長い白髪をひとつに束ね、白い顎ヒゲを生やしている。切れ長の眼が、片方だけ白く濁っていた。 beard. On only one side of his almondshaped eyes, the white looked muddy. “However, the intentions themselves 「しかし、マダラの考えそのものは間違ってはおらん」 of Madara were not mistaken” As the hem of his clothing was being 長衣の裾を風になぶられながら、我龍は続けた。 tormented by the wind, Garyo continued. “Getting rid of conflict in the world. For the sake of implementing ultimate justice, (Madara) had no choice but (to employ) Infinite Tsukuyomi. Of course, Madara died. So did the (plan to use) Infinite Tsukuyomi. Because of Uchiha Sasuke, (the 「世界から争いをなくし、究極の正義を実現するためには、無限月読しかない。たしかに、マダラは死んだ。無限月読も、うちはサスケによって永遠に葬り去られた。しかし、だからといって、彼の理念まで死んだことにはならん。ほかのやり方でも、一歩一歩マダラの理念には近づいていけるはずだ。わしはそう信じとる」 plan) was eternally consigned to oblivion. However, while that might true, that ideal (itself) still has not died. Although there’s other means of doing so, step by step, we should be able to approach Madara’s ideals . I really believe (that’s the case). “What kind of thing do 「なにをするつもりなんだってばよ?」 you intend to do –ttebayo?” ” What is ultimate justice? That would be 「究極の正義とはなにか?それは全ての人々の平等だよ。」 the equality of all of the people” “The unhappiness of this world is caused entirely by inequality. And so, to implement equality, what should be done (in order to achieve that)? That (would be) controlling individual freedom. The freedom to make money, the freedom to have ownership of many things (more) than others, or the freedom of another person to be at ease (moreso than another 「この世の不幸は、全て不平等に起因する。では、その平等を実現するにはどうしたらよいか?それは個人の自由を管理することだ。 金儲けをする自由、他人より多くのものを所有する自由、他人より楽をする自由。。。わしらはそんな自由を管理するために戦っておる。わしらの試みが上手くいけば、やがてほかの国も賛同す person)… We fight in るようになる。この世の全ての自由が管理されるようになる。これこそがうちはマダラの理念の真髄、そして世界の新しい秩序となる」 order to control such freedom. If our experiment turns out well, soon, other countries will also reach the point of approval (of our means). To reach the point where all of the freedom of this world will be controlled (by us). This is surely the true meaning of Uchiha Madara’s ideals. And thus, it will become a new world order.” “And because of that, you guys chose the Wave Country as a site (for your) 「それで、お前らは波の国を実験場に選んだってのか?」ナルトは噛み締めた奥歯のあいだから声を押し出した。 experiments?”Naruto’s voice escaped as he grinded down on his molars. In this country, they don’t have a hidden village and such like 「この国には隠れ里なんかねェんだぞ。戦うことを知らねェやつらを殺してまで。。。」 that. (You guys) even killing (these people) who don’t know about fighting…”


13 I’m actually not very sure about that muddy eye thing. It’s just describing his appearance, so w/e… ;__;’;;~~ If it’s important later on as I read the novel, I’ll clarify it. He means that because Sasuke is probably not going to hop on the train to try another Infinite Tsukuyomi, that idea is no longer a possibility because he needs him in order to activate it again. Yeah, this section gets into some deep philosophy, and not gonna lie, I had to look up some of the words on good old Jisho and Weblio. I think I made sense of it overall into English though~

Pages 17-18 RAW English もともと平和だったこの国に憎し From the beginning, there was peace in this country. みや悲しみを持ち込んでるのは、 It seems that you ******s were bringing in hatred and てめェらのほうだろうが」 sorrow.” 「この世が不平等であるかぎり、 “As long as there is inequality in this world, there will 憎しみや悲しみのない国などない」not be a country that is without hatred nor sorrow” 風が洞窟の中へ向かって吹き込み、 Wind blew towards inside of the cave. For Naruto, his ナルトの、腕のない右袖をはため right sleeve fluttered, as it had no arm inside. かせた。 「この国には隠れ里がない。だか “In this country, there isn’t a hidden village. That’s ら、抜け忍たちがたくさん身を寄 why many nukenins gather (to depend on living here). せとる。波の国へやってきた抜け These nukenins who are coming along to the Wave 忍たちは、殺し合うことにうんざ Country, especially murder eachother when they get りして、忍だったことを隠して、 disgusted (with one another). Shinobi are concealed, ふつうの人間として生きようとし while normal human beings live and try to grow old. とる。彼らが求めとるのは、ささ Their requests were modest: having humane living やかで、人間らしい暮らしだ。だ circumstances. However, to (those shinobi) from their が、幼いころより殺し合いの訓練 childhood, they had training in murdering eachother, しかしてこなかった彼らに、」 but didn’t continue (to do so),

14 RAW

English “ So what can they do? For the people of the Wave なにができる?波の国の者たちは、 Country, they despise (shinobi). They think that they そんな彼らを見下し、彼らの尊厳 can buy their dignity with money. When it’s necessary を金で買えると思っとる。武力が to have military power, they take out their money, 必要なときも、金を出してきみの and think they should employ people like you. Without ような者を雇えばよいと思っとる。 contaminating one’s own hands. Thinking that 自分の手を汚すことなく、金で全 everything can be settled with money. Money! Money! てが解決できると思っとる。金! Money! People who don’t have money even don’t get 金!金!金を持たん者は、人間扱 humane treatment/services. For you, even the いすらしてもらえない。きみがい comrades that you are battling now also (understand ま戦っている相手もそうだ」 this).” ナルトは仮面の忍に目を向けた。 Naruto turned his eyes towards the masked shinobi. 「スズメバチに刺された息子さん を病院に運んだら、医者がおらん ” My son was stung by a hornet, and was transported かった。次の病院も、そのまた次 to a hospital. There wasn’t a doctor there. Neither at の病院も、どこにもおらんかった。the next hospital. And even at the next one. Nowhere やっと医者とも言えんような怪し had one. At last, when we found a suspicious shaman, いまじない師を捜し当てたときに who couldn’t claim to be a doctor, my son had は、息子さんはショック症状で死 symptoms of shock and was on the verge of death. にかけとった。 [T/N] Take this time to read back up on the Wave Country on the Naruto Wikia, or think way back to the Zabuza arc, and the fact that they have to outsource to other villages like Konoha to protect themselves. Shock refers to the medical emergency denotation. In this case, most likely anaphylactic (a severe allergic) shock. So his son probably had a fatal reaction that to the sting ;__;’;~~~

Pages 31-32 RAW すると、竹籠に乗った人は、奈落の 底へ真っ逆さまに落ちてゆくのだっ た。

English Immediately afterwards, the people who had boarded the bamboo basket plunged headfirst into the abyss, continuing to fall.

15 RAW English 「そんなもん、オレはぜってーに乗 “I definitely don’t want to ride on such a thing りたくねェってばよ」ぶるっと身震 ‘ttebayo.” (he said as) he shuddered and trembled. いが走った。「お偉いさんを招待す “ As for inviting the higher-ups, is it really safe?” るって、本当に安全なのかよ?」 「もう何度も実験飛行をやってるか “Since already, there have been many aviation らね」 experiments” 「で?お前はそれが気に食わねェん ” So? Because you can’t stomach (those results), だな、イナリ?」 Inari?” 「。。。え?」 ”…eh?” 「顔に書いてあるってばよ」ナルト “It’s written on (your) face ‘ttebayo” Naruto は肩をすくめ、「“本当はそんな空飛 shrugged his shoulders, that“It’s true, we don’t need ぶ船なんかいらねェ”ってよ」 this kind of flying ship” 「。。。うん」イナリが目を伏せた。 ” …Yeah” Inari downcast his eyes. “If the 「飛鯱丸が完成しちゃったら、たし Tobishachimaru is completed, certainly in the Wave かに波の国にはお金がいっぱい入っ Country, it will (generate) a lot of money. てくる」 「それが気に食わねェのか?」 “Are you unable to stomach that?” 「それはいい」 “That’s fine” 「。。。」 「。。。」 “However, for the people whose employment would 「だけど、飛鯱丸に仕事を奪われちゃ be taken away by Tobishachimaru, I think a lot of う人がいっぱい出てくると思う」イ them would leave (if it’s completed).” Inari raised ナリは顔を上げ、ナルトをまっすぐ his face, and stared straight at Naruto. “From the に見つめた。「もともとオレたち波 beginning, us from the Wave country earned income の国は、荷物の運輸で稼いできた。 by transportation of shipments. The people who 荷物を肩に担いで運んでいた人たち carried the shipments on their shoulders, and then や、船で運んでいた人たちは、たぶ there’s the people who transport (shipments) by んみんな仕事がなくなっちゃう。す ship. They will then probably have all the work. And ると、どうなる?みんなが飛鯱丸を then, what will happen? Everyone will come to hate 憎むようになる。そんなものを造っ the Tobishashimaru. Us carpenters who created たオレたち大工を憎むようになる」 such a thing, they’ll come to hate (us too).” [T/N] 気に食わない is an expression that means something like “I can’t stomach that”Sorta like if you don’t like what someone said, or you have a bad feeling about it. So Naruto is asking Inari if he’s satisfied with the claims like “Eh, are you really that confident in the safety?!” Because we know Naruto is incredulous~~ The reason why Inari goes “Eh?” is because of Naruto read what was

16 on his mind. Inari was worried about something else. いっぱい= a cup of, but also means like “to the utmost”or “fully”…just a lot of money.

Pages 33-35 (Last three pages~) RAW

English “Money! Money! Money! “Garyo’s voice resounded in Naruto’s ear. “If 金!金!金!我龍の声がナルトの耳に蘇った。もし波の国が平和だ there’s peace in the Wave Country, というのなら、それは貧しい者を踏みつけ、札束の上に築きあげら (it’s because they are) trampling れた平和だよ。。。 down on the poor/needy people. It’s peace that is built on top of a roll of banknotes…” “Anyway, thank you for arresting Garyo.”Seeing Naruto’s serious expression, Inari changed the 「とにかく、我龍を捕まえてくれて、ありがとう」ナルトの深刻な subject. “Those guys, from the 顔つきを見て、イナリが話題を変えた。「あいつらは、最初から飛 beginning, they had opposed the 鯱丸の建設に反対だった。大工たちが何度も襲われて、何人も殺さ construction of the Tobishachimaru. れたんだ。。。我龍は鬼燈城へ送られるんだろ?」 They often assaulted carpenters, murdering everyone…Garyo is going to be sent to Houzukijyou, right?” 「ああ。。。そうなるだろうな」 “Ahh… something like that, I guess” As for the Houzukijyou, The Five Great Countries jointy contribute to it’s expenses. Constructed in 鬼燈城とは、五大国が費用を出し合って、草隠れの里に建てた囚人 Kusagakure (Grass) Village, it’s an の収容施設だ。もちろん、五大国が共同で管理している。 institution that accommodates prisoners. Surely, the Five Great Countries jointly manage it.

17 RAW

English For Naruto, several years beforehand on a certain mission, it was the infiltration of Houzukijyou. ナルトは数年前、ある任務をおびて、この鬼燈城へ潜入したことが From the outcome of the events at ある。そのときの成り行きで全壊した鬼燈城を修復したのが、イナ the time, the completely destroyed リたち波の国の大工だということは、知っていた。 Houzukijyou was then repaired. (That’s how) Inari (and his crew) of carpenters of the Wave Country knew about it. “Which reminds me, Naruto-niichan, you were once thrown into 「そういえば、ナルトの兄ちゃんも一度、鬼燈城にぶち込まれたこ Houzukijyou, right? But at any rate, とがあったな?どうせ女風呂でも覗いたんだろ」 you probably peeked in the women’s bath.” “But because that was a mission 「だーから、あれは任務だったんだっての!」 after all!” Suddenly seeing that Naruto’s eyes くわっと目を剥いたナルトを見て、イナリが笑った。 ナルトもそ peeled wide open, Inari laughed. れにつられた。 Naruto was tempted to (laugh with him too). “Well, things in the world steadily continue to change ‘ttebayo”he said 「まあ、世の中はどんどん変わっていくもんだってばよ」笑いなが as he laughed (in between) words. ら、言葉を継いだ。「金はクナイや忍術といっしょで、使い方しだ “With money together with kunai いで良くも悪くもなるんじゃねェのかな」 and ninjutsu, depending on the way one uses them, I guess it’s not for the better or for worse.” イナリがうなずいた。 Inari nodded. “If there’s a way for you to use honest(/the right) money, then surely there will also be a lot of guys who are saved ‘ttebayo”Naruto said. 「お前が正しい金の使い方をすれば、きっと救われるやつもいっぱ “However, as for (the proper way to いいるってばよ」ナルトは言った。「よく分かんねェけど、それが do so), I don’t know. I guess that 我龍みたいなやつに抵抗する一番いい方法なんじゃねェかな」 (would be) resisting guys who are like Garyo, that wouldn't be the best and excellent method (to them), right?” [T/N]

18 鬼燈城= Houzukijyou = Hōzukijou = Hōzuki Castle=Blood Prison. It’s a reference to a previous Naruto movie~~ よく分かんねェけど= “I don’t know what would be good”. Naruto is referring to the problem of how to solve the employment qualm because of how the Tobishachimaru will affect the economy and livelihood of the shipping industry. Because of course, it would dominate in terms of shipping speeds and take out the competitors…like monopolizing the trade. And so everyone else will strugglebus and not be happy about it. So the idea is that it will accidentally impoverish others. So when they talk about how tools can be used for good or bad things, it’s about how to solve something like that with the conflict surrounding the new ship.



Vol. 1:

Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Hesitation (1 ためらい) [Page 1 & 2] RAW

English As always, Naruto held a 毎度のことながら、ラーメンのどんぶりをかかえたナルトが、一楽を飛び porcelain bowl of ramen, 出してきた。 suddenly popping his (head) out of Ichiraku. “Kakashi-sensei! Kakashi「カカシ先生! カカシ先生!」 sensei!” On the other hand, from いっぽう、カカシのほうは、ナルトと会いたい気分で はなかった。 少な Kakashi’s perspective, Kakashi くとも、いまは。 did not feel like seeing Naruto. At least, not for now. And so, he began leafing through his favourite book. ..”[Icha-Icha だから、読みかけの愛読書。。。「イチャイチャタクティクス』、しかも Tactics] Besides, in the third シリーズの中でもっともイチャイチャ度の高い第三章「黙ってオレについ chapter, the book had the part てこい」 with the most “Icha-Icha”in the series, [“Shut up and come along with me”]… Kakashi was pretending to be immersed in his reading, trying 。。。に没頭しているふりをして、そのままやり過ごそうとした。 to (ignore Naruto’s comments) and let them go past him. 「カカシ先生ってばよ!」 “Kakashi-sensei ‘tebayo!”

20 RAW

English And yet despite that, for a guy like Naruto, he wasn’t the kind of なのに、ナルトのやつは、どこまでも他人の心情を解さないやつなのだ。 person who understood the sentiments of another person, no matter what. “What’s wrong? I kept calling out 「なんだよ、さっきからずっと呼んでたんだぞ……まだ耳 が遠くなる to you from a while ago…You’re 歳じゃねェだろ」 still not old enough to be going deaf, right?” 「ん? …ああ、ナルトか」 “Mm? Ahh, Naruto?” カカシは心中ため息をついた。 In Kakashi’s mind, he sighed. “No, I’m sorry, sorry…I was in a 「いや、すまん、すまん……本に夢中で、気がつかなかっ たんだ… daze from the book, so I didn’t おっ!義手ができたのか?」 notice…Oh! How is your prosthetic arm doing?” “Well, something about it still 「なーんか、まだしっくりこねェけど 」 doesn’t feel right, but…”

Translator Notes:

he wasn’t the kind of person who understood the sentiments of another person, no matter what.

It should be "Kakashi wasn't the kind of person who xxxx". Above meaning that Naruto is among the other people who don't seem to understand Kakashi's feelings regarding not becoming Hokage right away. It shouldn't be interpreted as that he doesn't understand other people's emotions at all. Naruto is like everyone else who's a bit confused by Kakashi's actions for now. So Kakashi doesn't understand those kinds of people who are pressuring him~ イチャイチャ//Icha-Icha= Flirting, making-out 黙ってオレについてこい//”Shut up and come along with me” is sort of like a

21 crude and archaic kind of “proposal”from a rough guy, never to be used IRL! Oh myyy Jiraiya. まだ耳 が遠くなる歳じゃねェだろ//The comment about Kakashi’s hearing was literally like “ (You’re) not at the age when you’re (supposed) to be hard of hearing”. Except that was weirder to phrase. 義手ができたのか?//“How is your prosthetic arm doing?”= Was literally “Can your artificial arm do (that)? That’s obviously not natural so it was made more colloquial.

[Page 3 & 4] RAW


「まあ、贅沢は言ってらんねェってばよ」 「そうだな」 「それより、カカシ先生、まだ就任式はやんねェのか?」

「え?」 ほーら、きたよ。 「まあ、オレはああいうことが苦手だからな」

English As Naruto was talking, he awkwardly opened and closed the chopsticks that he was holding in his right hand. “Well, I wasn’t asking for too much –tebayo” “Ah, I see.” Besides that, Kakashi-sensei, you still haven’t had the inauguration ceremony?” “Eh?” Kakashi stepped closer. “Well, as for me, I’m poor at that sort of thing”

22 RAW

English Nowadays Kakashi was asked that question wherever he 最近は、どこに行ってもこの質問をされる。そのことに、カカシは少々辟易していた。 went, and he would shrink back a little bit. Certainly, (Kakashi) had made up his たしかに、火影になる決心はした。 mind that he would become Hokage. However, as for himself, Kakashi thought that he wasn’t at the expected ability to be Hokage. After the inauguration ceremony was completed, he could だが、自分では、やっぱり火影の器ではないと思っている。就任式をやってしまうと、本当にも not back out of it う後戻りできなくなる。第四次忍界大戦が終結したいま、そんなに急いで火影にならなくてもい anymore. Now that いのではないか?そんなふうに思うときすらあった。 the Fourth Great Ninja World War had ended, there was no need to hurriedly become the next Hokage, right? Kakashi kept thinking about it in that manner. “But what about the Hokage Monument, it’s already completed” (/with 「火影岩だって、もうできてんだぞ」ナルトは、新しい右手を不器用に使って、ラーメンを ズ Kakashi’s face). ズズッとすすった。 Using his new right hand clumsily, Naruto (noisily) slurped the ramen.

23 RAW

English “But everyone else is paying attention to it too…Firstly, who is the Hokage? It’s not clear (whether it’s 「みんなだって気にしてたし…第一、火影がだれだかハッキリさせとかねェと、よその里にし you or Tsunade). めしがつかねェってばよ。そのための就任式だろ?」 You’re setting a bad example to the other villages –tebayo. That’s the point of the inauguration, right?”

Translator Notes: 贅沢は言ってらんねェってばよ= Literally it’s like “I wouldn’t call it a luxury”, but the usage of the expression is sorta like “Without asking for too much (in return for xxx)”but not quite like settling for it like“I wasn’t expecting that much of it”. The point is that Naruto is being grateful that it’s functional. はああいうことが苦手だからな= Can also mean like “I dislike things like that”or the feelings like“I’m bad at that stuff”. Basically Kakashi is saying he’s just not that into doing the Hokage official business just yet. 火影になる決心はした = Determined (mentally) to become Hokage. Colloquially like “to make up one’s mind” 気にしてた carries a negative connotation. Like people are worried or anxiously conscious that even though Kakashi's face is on the cliff, he's not actually the Hokage yet.

[Page 5 & 6 ]

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English “Because Tsunadesama is still in good 「綱手様はまだまだご健在だから、オレなんかが……」 health. And as for me…” “As for Tsunadebaachan (/granny), 「綱手のばーちゃんは、もうダメだってばよ」 she’s already unsuitable –tebayo.” Naruto bluntly stated such an outrageous ナルトはとんでもないことを、キッパリと言ってのける。 and unthinkable thing. “Because of the recent war, Tsunade was on the verge of death. How should I put it, I mean there’s 「このまえの戦争で死にかけてから、なんか仕事に身が入ってねェっつーか」 some kinds of work that she isn’t putting forth her best effort (/is enthused) into doing”. 「……そうか?」 “…Is that so?” “I think if she’s aimlessly gone during the day, she drinks sake, probably…at the 「昼間っから酒飲んだり、ふらっといなくなったかと思っ たら、賭場で大ゲンカしてみたり……たぶん、 gambling places あれだな、 あの戦争で老いってやつを実感しちゃったんじゃねェ の?」 trying to start quarrels. This war for her at an old age, didn’t (you) realize it?” Naruto roared with ガッハッハと大笑するナルト。 laughter.

25 RAW

English “ Hey, why did you have to say that so enthusiastically?”It was no laughing 「ほら、どうせならパーッといっちゃえ、みたいな?」が、カカシは笑うどころではない。それというのも、matter to Kakashi. ナルトの背後にただならぬ黒い殺気を察知したからだ。 After saying that, from behind Naruto, there was a sense of an extraordinary black thirst for blood. "Well… Tsunadebaachan is also already somewhat of a good age, but it’s 「まあ、綱手のばーちゃんももういい年なんだから、そろそろ隠居して老後を楽しみたいのも分かるけどよ」understandable that she’s gradually going towards a old age for retirement soon, to enjoy herself” 「え……えっと、そうかあ?」 “Eh…Err, is that so?” The thirst for blood continued to increase ますます大きくなってゆく殺気に、カカシはしどろも どろになった。 on a grand scale. Kakashi became flustered. “Tsu…Tsunade-sama, I think she’s still 「つ、綱手様はまだまだお若いと思うぞ、うん、オレは そう思うなあ!」 young. Yeah. I really think so!”

Translator Notes: ダメ= is like “no good”, “useless”, hopeless. Naruto is basically saying that Tsunade isn’t fit for the role of Hokage anymore, so I have “unsuitable” because it seems to capture that a bit better. I explained the nuance for this section [HERE] because apparently people are taking it far out of context. Naruto is speaking in a joking manner, a light tone. He is not saying it seriously or maliciously as anti-fans are claiming~ So please read my [T/N] about the nuance~

26 どうせならパーッといっちゃえ、みたいな?= is literally like “You might as well go allout if you’re trying to say something like that”sarcastically. It didn’t capture the rage very well, so my version sounds more like berating Naruto. 笑うどころではない= to be far from laughing, being too caught up in the moment to even think about laughing. It got clunky to me, so I have it to mean more like, “It’s not something to joke about” 殺気= thirst for blood, bloodlust, seething in anger

[Page 7 & 8 ] RAW

English “To what extent? Although from far away, you don’t know or 「どこが! 遠目には分かんねェかもしんねェけど、近くで見たら、顔なんか細かいしわだらけなんだぞ」care about it, but if you look up close, her face is covered in fine wrinkles” 「わああ!」 “Whaa!” (Kakashi’s thoughts) Just たのむから、もうそのロを閉じてくれ! please keep your mouth shut about it!

27 RAW

English “Well, speaking of which, with an excessively loud voice…” Naruto did not even 「おまっ…そういうことは、あまり大きな声で」ナルトがいらないことを言うたびに、殺気はゴゴゴゴ need to talk と大きくなった。 about it. The thirst for blood continued to grow even worse. “Why are you so 「なに慌ててんだよ、カカシ先生?」 flustered, Kakashi-sensei?” Two glaring eyes were shining from behind ふたつのギラつく目が自分の背後で光っていることに気づかないのは、ナルトばかりであった。 Naruto. Only Naruto did not notice them. “ Well, I can’t talk with a loud voice then. Lately, she’s 「大きなじゃ言えねェが、最近、怒りっぽいんだよなあ ……物忘れもひどいし...」 been hottempered (/irritable)… Her forgetfulness is horrible too.” (Kakashi’s 死んだな、こいつ。 thoughts) This guy is dead.

28 RAW

English As Kakashi closed his eyes, he didn’t watch when Tsunade’s fist sunk into カカシは目を閉じたので、ナルトの頭に綱手の拳骨がめり込むところは見ていない。 しかし、ゴンッ! Naruto’s head. というシャレにならない音は、いやでも耳に入った。 However, Bam! The sound was no joke, whether or not he wanted to, Kakashi heard it. “Who has 「だーれが物忘れがひどいんだ!」 horrible forgetfulness!” Tsunade’s angry 綱手の怒号が響き渡っ た。 bellow echoed. ”As for being irritable, it’s 「怒りっぽいのは、 お前が怒らせるからだろうが!」 probably because you provoked me!” As Kakashi was opening his eyes,he saw that Naruto now had 日を開けると、 頭にでっかいたんこぶをこさえたナルトが、地面に倒れ伏していた。 a huge lump on his head. He had fallen down on the ground. 「カカシ!」 “Kakashi!”

Translator Notes: どこが= Where, but the usage here is like “How far/long” or “To what extent”. たのむから、もうそのロを閉じてくれ!= “By (my) request (/I’m begging you), please close (/shut) your mouth already.”Like a more polite way of

29 Kakashi thinking “SHUT IT, NARUTO.” ゴゴゴゴ= Gogogogo, like the SFX of something ominously looming. 大きなじゃ言えねェが= I’m not sure if the second time Naruto means that he can’t talk about Tsunade’s booming voice, or just that he shouldn’t be saying his criticisms of Tsunade in such a loud voice. I think it’s the latter. The SFX is ゴンッ// “Gonn”but I think you can substitute it with any other English punching noise.

[Page 9 & 10 ] RAW 「は、はいい!」





English “Y..Yes!” As Tsunade glared after startling both of them, Kakashi’s voice cracked. “I..I think Tsunade-sama is still suitably young enough…” “You still haven’t decided on a fixed date for your inauguration ceremony? “ (Silence)

30 RAW

「ためらうのは、よく分かる」 綱手が表情を和らげた。

「私もそうだったからな」 「はい……」

「火影ともなると、 これまでのように気ままに暮らしてはいけん」




English “ That hesitation, I understand it as well”Tsunade’s facial expression softened. “Because I felt that way too” “Yes…” “In becoming the Hokage, you can’t live as you wish, like as the way things were before. “ Tsunade nodded her chin at Naruto, pointing out that he had fallen on the ground. “Also sooner or later for this idiot, (Naruto) won’t be able mess around and just enjoy himself.” Kakashi silently listened as Tsunade was speaking.

31 RAW

English “The Rokudaime Hokage is no 「六代日はお前しかいない」 綱手が言った。 one else, but only you.” Tsunade said. “Naruto certainly became strong, but as you can see, he’s still not yet at the caliber of a 「ナルトはたしかに強くなったが、見てのとおり、まだ火影の器ではない。それに、お前は五影会談のときも、Hokage. 火影になる決心を固めていたではないか」 Besides, also at the Gokage Conference, wasn’t the decision already solidified for you to become the Hokage?” “Because at that time, I still 「あのときはまだ写輪眼がありましたから」 had the Sharingan” 「……」 (Silence) “Since I lost the Sharingan, 「写輪眼を失ったということは、雷切をも失ったってことえす...」 I also lost the usage of Raikiri…”

Translator Notes: I think ギ口リ is supposed to be ぎくり, to be startled. 声が裏返る= “Voice turned inside-out”. It means like it switched into

32 like a falsetto squeak. I think the English equivalent is more like when a voice breaks. I think the Gokage conference that they are referring to is the one after the Pein arc, where Kakashi is almost named Hokage after Danzou died, but then Tsunade woke up before the appointment. It says 雷切 and the given furigana here as “Raikiri”, not “Chidori”.

[Page 11 & 12 ] RAW

English “For Raikiri, it’s because I had kinetic vision of the Sharingan. That’s why I could complete the 「……雷切は、写輪眼の動体視力があってこそ、完成できる術ですから……そんなオレが火 jutsu. If I become the 影になっても、はたして本当に木ノ葉を守れるんだろうかって、つい考えてしまうんです」 Hokage as I am now, I wonder how could I protect Konoha? That’s what I thought about.” 「カカシ…」 “Kakashi” “I’m sorry, Tsunadesama…about this 「すみません、綱手様…このお話は、今回の任務が終わるまで待ってください」 discussion. Please wait until this current mission has ended.” (Kakashi’s thoughts) “You will be the Rokudaime Hokage, Kakashi…” He 六代目火影はお前がなれ、カカシ……オビトの声が耳に蘇る。それから、オビトはオレに、写輪 recalled from Obito’s 眼をプレゼントしてくれたんだったな。 voice. After that, Kakashi was given the Sharingan as a present.

33 RAW

English What am I hesitating for? In his head, なにをためらっているんだ、オレは?カカシは心中、舌打ちをした。 Kakashi clicked his tongue. As for the Sharingan, from the beginning, it was lent to me for a 写輪眼は、もともと期限付きで貸してもらったようなもんじゃないか……ああ、オレはたぶん、limited time, wasn’t 写輪眼に頼りすぎていたんだろうな。 it?...Ahh, As for me, probably, I was overly dependent upon the Sharingan. “He was a guard of Tobishachimaru 「飛鯱丸の警備だったな」 綱手が話題を変えた。 right?” Tsunade changed the subject. “Are there enough 「人手は足りてるか?」 people?” “ Probably at the last minute, and just barely enough personnel. This year, 「ギリギリですね。今年はうちが鬼燈城の当番ですから、ガイ班とシカマルの十班はそっちに出払っsince they’re on duty てますし」 within Houzukijyou, Team Guy and Shikamaru’s Team 10 have been all over there. “ “Houzukijyou…but they should quickly 「鬼燈城か……早く新しい城主が決まるといいのだがな」 decide on a new lord for the castle.” “As for a master like Mui, they probably 「無為ほどの使い手は、そうそう見つからないでしょうね」 won’t discover someone like him too often for the role”

Translator Notes:

34 動体視力= “moving body eyesight”. Though I had to look it up on Weblio because this compound word wasn’t used in the manga. Dictionary says “dynamic vision” or “kinetic vision”. Kakashi means the ability to foresee counterattacks. So there’s new names here and it gets awkward if you don’t remember Blood Prison. This is what is given in the Furigana.鬼燈城= ほおずきじょう= Houzukijyou= Blood Prison=“Demon Lantern Castle”. And 無為=Mui. You can read up about them on the Wikia [here] and [Here] to refresh yourself on Blood Prison. New name: 飛鯱丸= とびしゃちまる= Tobishachimaru. The online reader has it a bit blurry whether or not it’s bi (び) or pi (ぴ), but more likely bi. I realize it gets a bit murky at the end, and TBH I don’t remember the plot of Blood Prison enough to distinctly know about these characters anymore. But since this is the beginning of the novel, the book will probably clarify and go over about them more thoroughly in detail later. You’ll see in the next section, there’s some background to it that sort of recaps the movie.

[Page 13 & 14 & 15 (END of Excerpt)]

35 RAW

English Several years beforehand, by Konohagakure and Kumogakure (Cloud)’s joint strategies, Houzukijyou was annihilated. Before the castle was restored, and the prisoners were controlled using the so木ノ葉隠れと雲隠れが共同で行った数年前のある作戦行動で、鬼燈城は壊滅した。城そのものは修復されたが、called Tenrou 天牢という秘術を使って囚人を管理していた城主の無為は、その作戦行動のさなかで命を落とした。以来、木ノno Hijutsu (/Sky 葉、砂、雲、岩、霧が、持ち回りで看守を出しているのだ。 Prison secret jutsu) by the lord of the castle, Mui. In the midst of employing that strategy, he lost his life. Since then, Konoha, Suna (Sand), Kumo (Cloud), Iwa (Rock) and Kiri (Mist), have taken turns to send out prison guards.

36 RAW

English “For Naruto, since it is necessary that he protects the village, this time Jounin colleagues will accompany me 「ナルトには里を守ってもらわなきゃならないんで、今回はオレが上忍の連中を連れていきますよ。まあ、式典(on the の警備だけですし、問題ないでしょう。船さえ飛んじまえば、お役目ごめんですし」 mission). Well, (as we’re) only the ceremonial guards, there should not be any problems. Even if the ship flies, it’s still our duty.” “Which reminds me, didn’t Guy say that he wanted to do 「そういえば、ガイがその任務をやらせてほしいって言ってきてたな…あんな足で、まだそんなことを言うな this んてな」 mission?…With that sort of leg, he shouldn’t say such things.” “As usual for Guy, he only 「ガイはただ、空飛ぶ船が見たいだけですよ」カカシは言った。 wants to see a flying ship”said Kakashi. “If it’s Guy, he might just depart for Nami 「あいつなら、車椅子で波の国まで出かけていきかねない」 no Kuni (Wave Country) in his wheelchair.”

37 RAW

English “A flying ship…it’s an extraordinary story, isn’t it? As for now, it seems that the 「空飛ぶ船か…途方もない話だな。いまのところ、飛鯱丸の存在は、他国には秘密のようだが、しかし…」 existence of Tobishachimaru is a secret to foreign countries, however…” “Ehh, it will be widely known immediately. If (the information about it leaks), it will be unanimously 「ええ、すぐに知れ渡るでしょうね。そうなったら、各国がこぞってそれぞれの隠れ里に依頼して、波の国からrequested by 飛鯱丸の技術を盗もうとするでしょう」 every village of each nation. They will all try to steal the technology of Tobishachimaru from Nami no Kuni (Wave Country).

38 RAW

English Briefly, in Kakashi’s mind, he gathered his thoughts together. Concerning the permits of the つまり、とカカシは心の中で、付け加えた。大空の利権を巡って、また忍どうしの騙し合い, 殺し合いがはじ heavens and まるんだろな。 how fellow shinobi deceive one another, joint murders will probably begin (over the rights to the sky).

Translator Notes: I thought the Blood Prison was supposed to be in草隠れの里 (Kusagakure, Grass Country) based on the movie, but it seems that it’s actually in the Wave Country, or they switched which village owned it since then. I’m slightly confused about お役目ごめんですし because it thought it was dismissal from duty. The Wikia has [Heavenly Prison No Jutsu] as an entry. I’m not sure if the one that they are talking about here is the same one from the movie. It seems so. I have no insight about this flying ship thing. The book will probably go over it later …If you’re confused, I’m right there with you, lol~ Recall that 飛鯱丸= とびしゃちまる= Tobishachimaru, The kanji is made up of “Flying” + “Orca (/killer whale)”. The ending –maru is a suffix for names of a ship. [Jisho] tells me that 鯱 can also be a“mythical

39 carp with the head of a lion and the body of a fish (auspicious protectors of well-being)”. So imagine a flying majestic, but awkward-bodied whale? This seems to be the name of the flying ship itself. 付け加えた= adding one thing to another. But Kakashi is just putting his ideas together like how we say “Putting two and two together” Basically, Kakashi concluded that shinobi will try to take advantage of the technology for evil if it falls into their hands. People will try to rule the sky with it, pretty much.

End of Translation


Vol. 1:

Chapter 2 Chapter 2:「世紀の瞬間」// Moment of the Century

Pages 1 and 2 are title pages.

Pages 3-4 Even though it was supposed to be a secret event, they held a grand ceremony for the sight-seeing flight on the beach. They break open a kusudama, release white doves, have a parade, throw confetti, and congratulatory speeches are given. Everyone is dressed up in honour of the moment of the century. The Tobishachimaru is 223 metres long, 34 metres in diameter, and has a maximum speed of 70 km/hr (about 44mi/hr). It has six sets of propellers, a streamlined gondola, and guest quarters. The name of the Tobishachimaru is from the huge orca (shachi) with pectoral and dorsal fins carefully depicted on the balloon portion. It’s perfect weather. Tazuna tears up at the sight of seeing his own work come to fruition. Kakashi congratulates Tazuna.

Pages 5-6 Tazuna says that the balloon is filled with helium for buoyancy, which is lighter than air and flame-resistant. The sight-seeing flight is going to be 2.5 hours, only up to 5,000 metres in altitude, where other countries

41 can’t see it along it’s flight course. The fuselage/airframe colour is to assimilate to the light blue of the sky. This info is only known to Konoha. Even though Garyo has been sent to Hyouzukijyou, the remnants of his group are still everywhere. That’s why Konoha’s skills are employed for the mission and will be monitoring the ship. The voice from the platform interrupts Tazuna and Kakashi talking, and tell them that the 57 lucky people with invitations should be heading towards Tobishachimaru for boarding.

Pages 7-8 Tazuna is overcome with emotion and smiles. It’s the moment of the century at last! They laugh together as they watch over the stream of dressed-up people starting to board Tobishachimaru. People are taking photos to commemorate the occasion, but then they suddenly hear panicked footsteps running up from behind. A woman in a long blue dress is running at full speed, waving her gold ticket in hand, telling them to wait up for her to board. Right when she is next to Kakashi, she stumbles on something and starts to fall, screaming. RAW English カカシは、ほとんど反射的に、その体を Kakashi, almost instinctively, catches her body. 受け止めていた。 彼女の見開いた眼と、カカシの眼が、流 The woman’s eyes, which were opened wide, and れゆく風景の中で、おたがいを捉える。 Kakashi’s eyes caught eachother in the midst of 流れるような巻き髪に、うっすら開いた the flowing scenery. Flowing curly hair, slightly 唇、しっとりと潤んだ大きな瞳。。。時 opened lips, and moist, large pupils… Time 間が一瞬止まり、世界はカカシと彼女だ stopped for a moment, and the world became けになった。 only for Kakashi and the woman. ドサッと、カカシの腕に倒れ込むロング With a thud, the woman in the long dress ドレスの女性。顔を上げた彼女の長い巻 collapsed in Kakashi’s arms. As she raised her き髪が、ふわりとカカシの鼻先をくすぐっface, her long curly hair gently tickled the tip of た。 Kakashi’s nose.

Pages 9-10

42 Kakashi asks if she’s okay. She replies that she’s sorry for troubling him because she was in a hurry, and thanks him. She shouts again and starts to rush at the ship, telling them to wait up for her so she can board. Kakashi notes to Tazuna as he watches her run off that she seems to be really anticipating the sight-seeing flight. He also says that it must be wonderful business to be a carpenter. Tazuna responds instead by saying that she was a really beautiful woman, and speaking of occupations, he inquires about Kakashi’s formal inauguration ceremony. Kakashi shakes his head vaguely. He glances back at the woman, and they are now are awaiting takeoff. Tazuna then says this while Kakashi stares absentmindedly at the tail propellers: RAW

English “I don’t understand it that well, but regarding the Hokage inauguration ceremony, I 「よく分からんが、火影の就任式とは、きみと木ノ葉隠れの里の 結婚式の suppose it’s something like a ようなものではないのかね?」 marriage ceremony between you and Konohagakure village, right?”

Pages 11-12 Kakashi vaguely responds that it might be something like that. Tazuna thinks that he shouldn’t be worried, even if everyone has huge expectations. Suddenly, Kakashi’s eyes catch something in the shadow of the ship. Tazuna doesn’t notice, he keeps going on about the lady, asking Kakashi for example, if she tried to persistently press him for marriage. Kakashi’s ignoring him for the most part. Tazuna continues about the what-if’s of an assertive woman, and says that when he was young, he was like a hungry dog, chasing after the buttocks of women. Kakashi interrupts him as he concentrates on a suspicious man who just jumped from the stern of the ship. Kakashi then rushes towards the Tobishachimaru and the ramp where the last passengers had boarded, leaving behind a confused Tazuna. The staff of the ship are preparing for take-off.


Pages 13-14 Kakashi calls out to the man wearing a black hooded cloak, who stops for a bit. Kakashi gets the impression that the man is uninvited. The man dashes away as Kakashi tells him to wait up. They start exchanging blows, and Kakashi does a consecutive combination of attacks. Kakashi feels that the person he’s fighting against is considerably good: there are no wasted movements. They exchange more taijutsu blows and they are reading eachother’s movements. It was an attack pattern that Kakashi seemed to know well, and Kakashi doesn’t feel any bloodlust.

Pages 15-16 Kakashi realizes that there’s no indication at all that the opponent would use ninjutsu . He double-checks his intuition and looks at the man in the black hood and his stature. Kakashi lands a blow on the opponent’s chest. They continue to exchange consecutive combos of taijutsu. The enemy gets knocked to the ground, and Kakashi is exposes him and says: RAW English 「お前がここにいるということは、ガイのやつも来 “Since you’re here, that means Guy is also ているな?」 coming, right? It’s Rock Lee! (….:D~) Kakashi goes through the crowd of other passengers and people taking photos. He heads towards the last rope at the hull that connects the Tobishachimaru to the ground. [T/N] No, there aren’t names of the taijutsu specified in this section. Just fists/elbows/legs moving around that aren’t too interesting to translate. Same thing as in the prologue between Naruto and Sasuke, ガイのや

44 つ= Guy no yatsu= That guy, Guy.

Pages 17-18 As Kakashi crosses by the window of the gondola, he catches a glimpse of the people inside, but no one notices him at all. He goes on the side of the air sac and runs up to the tail of the ship. Kakashi starts thinking about how Lee had escaped the watchful eyes of the Jounin who were distributed around the venue. He muses that perhaps they were bribed. Kakashi struggles to the stern of the ship, hanging with one hand. Inside there’s a five metre long propeller. He guesses that they would have trespassed from here. The propellers start to turn, and the speed increases with a low roar. As they increase altitude, strong winds start blowing, and the temperature is colder than expected. Kakashi gathers chakra at his hands and feet to not be blown away by the wind.

Pages 19-20 Kakashi continues to crawl to the propulsion section. The Tobishachimaru seems to have finally decided on it’s course, and stops for a moment in midair. Kakashi braves against the wind and crawls into the interior just before the propellers start to rotate again, and braces himself. He’s fortunate that the propeller speed wasn’t too high, otherwise he would have been minced meat. Kakashi is relieved. But he’s still in danger of being sucked in, so he gathers chakra again to cling onto the ship. Little by little, he makes progress towards escaping that interior section and checks his surroundings. He notices that the front buoyancy air sac is blocked off, but it’s connected to where he is by a ladder that he can climb down. It seems to head to the engine room. Kakashi hears a strange noise, so he scans the scaffolding that is running in every direction.

45 [T/N] I realize the summary doesn’t really do it justice, but in Japanese, it sounds like an action movie~~

Pages 21-22 Kakashi notices that it seems to be the shadow of Lee, who’s still wearing the black hood escaping. Kakashi jumps over iron railing and the scaffolding. On the bottom of the ship’s hold, there were many wooden boxes. The man in the wheelchair was staggering on the scaffolding that was running parallel to Kakashi’s footing. Kakashi hops over and says “What is the meaning of this, Guy!”Guy suddenly stops his wheelchair. Kakashi demands an explanation and sighs. He asks if Guy coerced Lee into giving him a ride to the Tobishachimaru, as it seems that it’s as if he threatened to cut off their student-teacher bonds. And then Kakashi notes Guy’s condition: RAW

English In the battle with Madara, the bones of Guy’s right leg were (completely) smashed/broken. Since (that incident), he was マダラとの戦いで、右足の骨を砕いてしまったガイは、以来、 車椅子の生活を余儀なくされていたのだった。医者には、も inevitably う歩くことすらできないと言われた。 confined to life in a wheelchair. According to physicians, they had said that it was not even possible to walk again.

46 RAW

English However, astonishingly, by diligently training, this man with such adversity was not only bound to return, but が、驚くべきことに、この男はそんな逆境をたゆまぬ修業で跳ねかえしただけでなく、本気の青春パワーを出したときには、 also when 立って歩けるほどまでに回復していたのである。 putting forth the true power of youth, his rehabilitation was up to an extent of being able walk and stand.

Pages 23-24 And so Guy responds: RAW English 「リーなどいなくても、オレはいつだってや “Even if it wasn’t for Lee, I can always do りたいようにできるんだ」ガイは、まくした whatever I want”said Guy, as he spoke on and てた。「人間、足の一本や二本なくたって、 on. “As a human being, even without one or ちゃーんと生きていけることを、オレは身を two legs, one can perfectly continue to live. もって証明してやるんだ」 Personally, I’ll be proof of that” Kakashi then glances at Gai’s right foot, which is in a cast, and asks him if that’s why he purposely trespassed onto Tobishachimaru. Guy responds: RAW English 「いいか、カカシ。。。オレは忍として、 “Listen, Kakashi…it doesn’t mean that it’s yet to まだ終わったわけじゃないぞ。いまだって、be the end of me as a shinobi. Even now, the left 左足スクワットの千回や二千回、どうって leg (can) squat 1,000 or 2,000 times. It’s nothing ことない。その気になれば、車椅子に乗っ (/not a big deal). If I set my mind on it, whether ていようが、こんな船にもぐり込むことな or not I get in the wheelchair, edging (my way) んざ、屁の河童だ。わっはっはっは!」 into such a ship, it’ll be easy. Wahahaha! ” [T/N]

47 Wahahaha! Is a really dynamic, roaring laughter. Kakashi stares at Guy, but Guy keeps on talking. He says that he wasn’t particularly interested in the ship at all, or for the scenery at 5,000 metres in sky. As for the ship that’s 223 metres long and over 200 tons, he doesn’t care how it can fly. In Kakashi’s head, he’s thinking, “This guy… no matter what, he just wanted to get aboard the ship”. [T/N] Guy is trying to play it cool, but obviously Kakashi can see right through his intentions :P

Pages 25-26 Kakashi reminds Guy about his terrible seasickness. Gai tries to brush off his chances of vomiting, He says that a ship is a ship, but this is an airship, implying that it’s a different situation. Kakashi reminds him that it’s still a ship nevertheless. Guy persists that he’ll be fine, but then his face suddenly gets pale and feels nauseated, as he’s obviously queasy. Kakashi wonders what Guy’s going to do about it. Then they change the subject have this funny chat, starting with Kakashi: RAW

English “For the Jounin who are concealed on this ship, they were reported to the Wave Country in advance. Since we aren’t reported (on the invitation), and if it’s discovered that we are here, 「この船に潜伏させている上忍は、事前に波の国に届け出ることに なってる。届け出のないオレたちが、こんなところにいるのがバレたら、木ノ葉の信用にかかわるぞ。オ (the Wave’s レたちが、飛鯱丸の情報を盗もうとしていると、誤解されかねない」 Country’s) confidence in Konoha will be influenced. If they think that we might be trying to steal information about the Tobishachimaru, there may be a misunderstanding.”

48 RAW

English “It’s not a problem” 「はあ?」 “Hah?” “Because as for this sight-seeing flight, it’s a secret to other countries. “ Guy was broadly grinning and laughing. 「この遊覧飛行のことは、各国には秘密だからな」ガイがニヤリ と笑った。「公式には飛鯱丸は存在しない。よって、オレとお前も存在しない船に忍び込むことはできん」 “Formally, the Tobishachimaru doesn’t exist. Therefore, you and I can’t be sneaking onto a ship that doesn’t exist” 「ああ、なるほどね」 “Ahh, I see” 「問題ない」

[T/N] In the raw in the earlier portion of this section, Gai says うっぷ=ulp= burp or blech, but it’s also used to indicate feeling sick, a bit like gagging.

Pages 27-28 Guy laughs with a “Wahaha!”, saying it was all premediated…but then lurches again. He asks that apart from that, what happened to his favourite pupil? Kakashi says that he’s fine and returned back to guard Hyouzukijyou (Blood Prison). Guy says that he’s probably channeling his power of youth to watch over the prisoners by proxy. He feels sick again. He tells Kakashi that since he put forth the effort into sneaking onto the ship, he ought to push him around in his wheelchair so that they can look around a bit. Suddenly, Guy’s expression changes grimly and stops talking, looking downward at the lower part of the ship’s hold. Kakashi notices as well: there are shinobi. Aside from the Jounin inside the ship that have been approved, there shouldn’t be any others. The steady their balance on the ship and study the situation. [T/N]

49 It makes more sense in the novel because in between words, Guy suddenly breaks his sentences with “….ulp…” and then keeps talking~ Poor Guy-sensei!

Pages 29-30 Guy and Kakashi erase their presence and watch over the people below. From above, their faces aren’t clear, and their clothing doesn’t seem to be different than those of other passengers. They don’t notice Guy and Kakashi and the shinobi squat down near the side of some wooden boxes, and then hastily leave. Guy and Kakashi exchange glances. Kakashi heads over to check the surroundings and find what he’s looking for immediately. Guy asks what he found. Kakashi groans back that things are going to become difficult; he found kunai with exploding tags. Then immediately from the dining room lounge, they hear screaming.

//End Translation + Summary 50/225 pages completed~! That’s 22%!!..... OTL~~


Vol. 1:

Chapter 3 Chapter 3「天空の襲撃」 Sky Raid (“Attack of the Sky”)

Pages 3+4 Guy begins to complain that it’s irritating how they weren’t faster, and how the shinobi should have already been apprehended. Guy urges Kakashi to hurry up as he pushes his wheelchair through the scaffolding that’s hanging in midair, and pass by a warehouse. Guy attempts to get Kakashi hyped: RAW

English Meanwhile, Guy wasn’t shutting そのあいだ、ガイは 一秒たりとも黙っていなかった。 up for even a second. “What’s wrong, Kakashi? (Your) 「どうした、 カカシ? スピードが落ちてるぞ!それでも木ノ葉の忍か、speed is slowing down! But yet, 貴様!」 (you’re) a Konoha shinobi? You ******!” “To you, (it’s as if you) were 「お前には、本当に癒されるよ」 really healed” “You too, let (your) feverish hot「お前も、熱き血潮をたぎらせろ!…」 bloodedness boil!...” [T/N] I bleeped out “Kisama” can pick your own expletive. Kakashi notes that Guy clearly doesn’t understand the irony of the situation. They abandon the wheelchair in the kitchen. Firstly, Kakashi boosts Guy up and into the ventilation duct. He then jumps up himself. The two of them proceed to crawl through the duct.


Pages 5+6 RAW

English As Guy proceeded first, and solely by arm 先頭を行くガイは、腕の力だけで、どんどん這い進む。 strength, he was gradually advancing forward. Speaking of which, this guy wasn’t only doing left leg squats, but also pushups; doing them like an idiot throughout the day… Kakashi そういえば、こいつは左足スクワットだけじゃなく、腕立て伏せも、バカみたいに一日中やってたな。。。前を行くガイを見ながら、カカシは思った。まったく、お前のド根性には癒されるよ、thought ガイ。 (about this) while viewing Guy as he was ahead (of him). Indeed, it was your utter gutsiness (/sheer will-power) that had healed you, Guy. Arriving at the ceiling above the dining room lounge, Guy suddenly 食堂ラウンジの天井裏へ出たところで、ガイが不意に止まる。そのせいで、カカシはガイの尻に顔面から突っ込んでしまった。 stopped. Because of that, Kakashi’s face was thrust into Guy’s buttocks.

52 RAW

English “Don’t abruptly stop…” “Shh!” Guy gestured with his finger to Kakashi.

「急に止まるなよ……」 「シッ!」 ガイが指でカカシを呼ぶ。

From the lattice grid cover in the ceiling, they overlooked the lounge. Next to the lattice grid cover, a large chandelier is dangling. At the corner of the lounge, there is a white grand piano. There’s a neat arrangement of sofa and tables, and even an alcohol bar near the window. They wonder what the shinobi are up to. There are several shinobi who are gaining control of the passengers. They are thrusting kunai at the passengers, jeering, and prodding them in order to gather up them one by one. [T/N] Yes, Kakashi’s face just plunged into Gai’s ass…(This was a 2chan spoiler, but the context was much …milder than they said it would be. I expected worse, lol~)

Pages 7+8 RAW

English The confused men and women of all ages were completely driven like sheep. They were gathered at the 困惑した老若男女は、まるで羊のように追い立てられ、 ラウンジの真ん中に集 center of the lounge. A small められた。 小さな子供が、母親の腰にしがみついて、シクシク泣いている。 child was clinging to his 文句を言った男が、忍に殴り倒された。 mother’s waist, weeping in sorrow. A man who complained was knocked out by a shinobi. “How many are there?” 「何人だ?」カカシは鋭く訊いた。 Kakashi was listening keenly.

53 RAW

English “From where I am, six…no, 「オレのところからは、六。。。いや、ヒ人か」 seven people” “Are the two people from a 「さっきのふたりもいるか?」 while ago also there?” “I don’t know” Now, Guy was 「分からん」今度はガイが訊く。 listening. “How many are concealed 「潜伏してる木ノ葉の上忍は何人だ?」 jounin from Konoha?” 「三人だ」 “There are three (of them)” Before Guy finishes speaking, the jounin move. One of them is disguised as a passenger, and jumps up from the crowd. He hurls kunai from both hands at the enemy shinobi. Two of the enemy shinobi suddenly collapse. Glancing towards the screaming, which is beneath the splendid chandelier, there’s a different jounin crossing swords with the enemy. Since a counterattack from the passengers was unexpected, the enemy shinobi simultaneously get riled up. Because of their good aim with shuriken, several passengers collapse. A jounin who was kicked by an enemy shinobi gets blown into the group of passengers. A man with a large-build from the center of the lounger barks and asks what a fellow shinobi, 華氷 (Kahyo), is doing.

Pages 9+10 It seems like that man is the leader, who’s wearing deep blue clothing and chain mail with a beard. Kakashi keeps Kahyo’s name in mind. The third jounin jumps from the grand piano, both hands grasping tightly on kunai, and leaps at the leader. The man draws out a long sword that is concealed beneath his overcoat, accepting the jounin’s challenge. Both of them do not carelessly use ninjutsu, probably since they are 5,000 metres above the ground in the sky. If they make a wrong move and damage the hull of the ship, they can’t avoid a huge disaster. The jounin from Konoha and the leader of the enemy group clash and sparks fly from the kunai. Guy says that he and Kakashi should go aid them. Kakashi asks what he can do with that body, and to listen up and wait

54 for a second. Kakashi feels an unpleasant uneasiness and apprehension. He had an impulse to want to rush to the aid of his comrades, but suppressed it. Immediately, he understood why. It’s about Kahyo: There might still be a trump card for the enemy among the passengers. [T/N] 華氷 (Kahyo)’s name is composed of “Flower” and “Ice”. There are no jutsu names specified and the jounin are not given names. It wasn’t very interesting to translate~

Pages 11+12 RAW

English And thus, that intuition was right.


55 RAW

English The onset of symptoms appeared at Guy’s mouth. The voice that was urging on Kakashi was becoming a white mist. Their exhalation was white. They simultaneously 最初の兆しは、ガイの口元に現れた。カカシを急き立てる声が、白くかすみだしたのだ。呼気が自い。それに気づくと同時 noticed it, and に、船内の温度が急激に下がるのを感じた。 ラウンジの戦いに眼を戻すと、味方の忍たちの動きが止まって いた。 felt that the temperature onboard the ship precipitously drop. Returning their eyes towards the battle in the lounge, the activity of their fellow shinobi had stopped. At first, they はじめは、なにがなんだか分からなかった。 didn’t know what was what. The three jounin shinobi did not seem to know what had happened. Frantically distorting the 三人の上忍たちにも、なにが起こったのか分からないようだった。必死に上半身をねじっているが、下半身はまるで凍りつ upper-half of いたかのように、びくとも動かない。 their bodies, the lower half of their bodies seemed to be entirely frozen, unable to move at all.

56 RAW

English There wasn’t a metaphor and それが比喩などではないことを、カカシはすぐに思い知った。 such for it, Kakashi realized. (His) shinobi 仲間の忍たちが、本当に凍りついているのだ! comrades were truly freezing! While the thin ice sounded with a “Bikibikibikibiki”, it was just like a creature 薄い氷がビキビキビキビキと音を立てながら、まるで生き物のように彼らの体を這い上がってゆく。たちまち頭のてっぺん continually まで、氷に閉ざされてしまった。 crawling up their bodies. Suddenly as far as the top of the head, they were locked in ice. “W…what..”As Guy’s mouth flapped, his 「な、なんだ。。。」口をパクパクさせるガイの呼気は、もう白くはなかった。「どうなってるんだ?」 exhalation wasn’t white anymore. “What happened?” “The enemy was also slipping into and was crowded amongst the guests” The temperature was rising. 「敵は客の中にもまぎれ込んでいる」温度が上昇していくのを、カカシは肌で感じとった。「どうやら氷遁の使い手がいる Kakashi had ようだな」 known from experience. “Someway or another, it seems that there’s a hyoton (ice release) user”

57 RAW

English “How do you happen to know that?” “From two months ago, when Naruto captured Garyo…”



[T/N] For some reason, なにがなんだか分からなかった。 (Nani ga nandaka wakaranakatta= Didn’t know what was what) was really cool to read…I think if you’re inexperienced with reading long strings of hiragana, you’d be confused, lol~~ Bikibiki is the same sound as in the prologue, the sound of fleshy bits freezing.

Pages 13+14 RAW English 凍りついた仲間たちを見下ろしながら、While overlooking his frozen comrades, Kakashi カカシは奥歯をぐっと噛み締めた。「氷firmly ground his molars. “It seems that they 遁の使い手とまみえたそうだ」 confronted a hyoton user” 「だとしたら、やつらは我龍の手の者だ“If that’s the case, then those guys are Garyo’s な?」 subordinates, right?” 「おそらく」 ”Probably” 「で、どうする?」 “So, what should we do?” 「待て、動くぞ」 “Wait, move.” 「我々は龍波武装同盟の有志である!」“ We are sympathizers of the Ryuha Armament リーダーの大男が呼ばわった。 Alliance!” said the giant man, who was the leader. 「搭乗客は全員、すみやかに部屋の中央“ All of the passengers who boarded, promptly に集まれ!」すると、手下の忍が、おびgather to the center of the room!” And so the え、泣きじゃくる搭乗客にクナイを突きsubordinate shinobi thrusted kunai at the startled つけて、食堂ラウンジの中央に追い立てand sobbing passengers, driving them towards the た。 center of the dining hall lounge. Moreover, approximately four new people hurriedly rushed into the lounge. Kakashi muses that perhaps they are responsible for setting the

58 traps of the exploding tags on-board the ship. The perpetrators of the attack then spread out in every direction, and assume positions for monitoring all the passengers. RAW

English “Our demand is for Garyo-sama’s immediate release 「我々の要求は、現在鬼燈城に不当 from where he is currently, and unjustly being に監禁されている我龍様の即時釈放 confined at Houzukijyou (/Blood Prison)!”The である!」リーダーの雷声が轟いた。 leader’s thunderous voice roared. “If by noon today, 「もし本日の正午までに我々の要求 if the situation is that our demand cannot be が聞き入れられない場合は、十分ご granted, passengers will be executed at intervals of とに搭乗客を処刑していく!」 ten minutes (one by one)!” 搭乗客たちのあいだから、悲嘆の声 Amongst the passengers, anguished voices arose. があがった。 [T/N] 龍波武装同盟 = Ryuuha Busou Doumei =Ryuha Armament Alliance. The first two kanji are “Dragon” and “Wave”. 有志 can be volunteer or sympathizer. Essentially an auxiliary member by association.

Page 15 RAW 「我々は、木ノ葉隠れの里がこの遊覧 飛行の警護にあたっていることを知っ ている!そして!うずまきナルトの力 量も充分承知している。もしも木ノ葉 がうずまきナルトを使って事態の収束 を図ろうとすれば、木ノ葉は人質を見 捨てた里として非難されることになる であろう!」 カカシとガイは顔を見合わせた。

English “We know that Konohagakure Village has escorts (aboard) this sight-seeing flight! Furthermore! (We are) also adequately aware of Uzumaki Naruto’s abilities. If it’s a situation where Konoha tries to (even) attempt to employ Uzumaki Naruto (to resolve this matter), Konoha will then become a village that will be criticized as one that abandons hostages!” Kakashi and Guy exchanged glances.

59 RAW 「我々はこの船の数か所に、すでに起 爆札を仕掛けている。もし我々の仲間 がうずまきナルトの姿を確認したら、 たとえそれがうずまきナルトのように 見える鳥であったとしても、飛鯱丸は ただちに天空の塵と消えるだろう!」 正午まで。。。あと、三十分。

English “On this ship in various places, we already set exploding tags. If our comrades affirm the appearance of Uzumaki Naruto, even if it appears to be a bird looking similar to that of Uzumaki Naruto’s, the Tobishachimaru will immediately vanish into dust in the sky! ” Until noon…there’s 30 more minutes.

//End Translation + Summary //End of chapter 3


Vol. 1:

Chapter 4 Chapter 4「伝えられたメッセージ」// Conveyed Message Chapter lengths vary in the novel. It’s seriously only three pages long (pages 60-62)! So that’s why I might as well just translate the whole thing directly…

Pages 60+61 RAW English 午前十一時三十五分、木ノ葉隠 At 11:35 in the morning at the office of the Hokage in れの里の火影執務室に、矢文が Konohagakure Village, a letter that was affixed to an 射ち込まれた。そこに記された arrow was shot (into the building). The demand written 要求は、その五分まえに飛鯱丸 down in it was the same as what was told five minutes の搭乗客が聞かされたものと、 ago to the passengers who had boarded the 寸分たがわぬものだった。加え Tobishachimaru. In addition, the perpetrators of the て、襲撃犯がいったいどうやっ raid divulged how they managed to creep onto the て飛鯱丸にもぐり込んだのかも ship. 明かされていた。 火影執務室にいた綱手は、ただ Tsunade, who was in the office of the Hokage, ちに事実確認に動いた。 immediately started to confirm the facts. すなわち、第四次忍界大戦のあ Namely, after the Fourth Great Shinobi World War, a と新たに導入した無線で波の国 newly introduced radio established contact with the と連絡を取り、矢文に書き記さ Wave Country. It allowed (for them) the search for the れていた場所を捜索させたので location that was written down in the letter (that was ある。 affixed to the arrow).

61 RAW English その結果、身ぐるみを剥がされ、From the outcome of that (search), they found twelve 両手足を縛りあげられた十二人。people who had their hands and feet tied up and 。。もともと飛鯱丸に乗ること deprived of all of their possessions...Initially, these になっていた招待客たちが発見 invited guests were supposed to be found onboard the された。全員、遊覧飛行の式典 Tobishachimaru. All of them were at the plaza where がとり行われた広場のすぐ近く the sight-seeing flight’s ceremony was held, (but were) の小屋に、閉じ込められていた。imprisoned at a cabin near the event. この時点で、正午まで二十分を At this point in time, there were less than twenty 切っていた。 minutes until noon. 「つまり、この矢文に書かれて いるのは、冗談なんかじゃない “In other words, what’s written down on this letter isn’t ということだ」シズネに周波数 a joke.” They matched the frequency of (of the radio を合わせてもらい、綱手は鬼燈 waves) to Shizune, and Tsunade informed Shikamaru 城にいるシカマルにそう告げた。who was at Houzukijyou. “Shit, what the heck is the 「くそ、いったいどうしたらい best thing to do?” いんだ!」 「じゃあ、我龍を釈放するんで すか?」シカマルは無線機に勢 “Well, will you release Garyo?”Shikamaru braced い込んだ。「武装同盟だかなん himself on the radio. “However, I don’t know much だか知らねェけど、そんなやつ about the Armament Alliance, but if you even swallow らの要求を一度でも吞んじまっ demands from guys like them just once, guys who will たら、同じことをやるやつがど do the same things will gradually come forth.” んどん出てきますよ」 「じゃあ、五十七人の乗客の命 “Well, what should be done about the lives of the 57 はどうすればいいんだ?」 passengers?” 「しかも、オレら木ノ葉の都合 “Furthermore, if we arbitrarily release prisoners based で囚人を勝手に釈放したら、ほ on the conditions(/circumstances) of Konoha, the other かの里が黙っちゃいませんよ」 villages will not be silent (about it). 「この際、そんなことは言って “For this circumstance, you can’t say such a thing!” おれん!」 「ちょちょ……ちょっと落 ち着いてくださいよ、綱手 “ A bit… please calm down a bit, Tsunade様……とにかく、ナルトだ sama……Anyway, please try and absolutely not let けには絶対に知られないように Naruto know about (this). Because that idiot, without してくださいよ。あのバカのこっthinking of the consequences, would plunge into たから、後先考えずに、ひとり (something like this) alone. ” で突っ込んでいっちまう」 「ああ、分かってる」 “Ahh, understood.” このとき、別の声が、綱手の無 This time, a different voice emitted from Tsunade’s 線機から漏れた。 radio.

62 RAW 「あの、すみません、綱手 様……リーです」 「どうした、リー?」 「えっと……じつはです ね……」

English “Erm, excuse me, Tsunade-sama…it’s Lee” “What’s going on, Lee?” ”Err……it’s to be honest…

Page 62 RAW

English “What? If you have something to say, 「なんだ? 言いたいことがあるなら、さっさと言え!」 quickly say it!” “Yes…To be honest, Guy-sensei and 「はい……じつは、ガイ先生とカカシ先生が飛鯱丸に乗っ Kakashi-sensei are riding on the てるんです」 Tobishachimaru.” 「なんだと?」 “What did you say?” ” Guy-sensei said that no matter what, 「ガイ先生、どうしてもあの船に乗りたいって言って…… he wanted to ride on that ship…And それで、今日はこっそりボクが送っていきました。カカシ先生 so, today I secretly went to escort him. はそれを追って。。。。。。すみません!」 Kakashi-sensei pursued this matter……I’m sorry!” ”That Guy…” Tsunade’s voice 「ガイのやつ…」綱手の声は怒りに打ち震えていた。「絶対 trembled with rage. “Absolutely に許さん」 unforgivable!” ”Are you serious…Lee?” Shikamaru’s 「お前……マジか、リー?」シカマルの眼が、いのに飛ぶ。 eyes leapt towards Ino. “If that’s the 「だとしたら。。。」 case…” “Yeah” Ino nodded. “I’ll try to get in 「うん」いのがうなずいた。「心伝身の術で連絡を取ってみる」contact with Shindenshin no Jutsu (/Mind-Body Transmission Technique)” 綱手は眼を閉じた。 Tsunade shut her eyes. In the middle of the silence of the only 無線機だけが、沈黙の中で、ガサガサと雑音を吐き出していた。radio, a rustling noise was emitted (from it). “Shizune” Tsunade commanded as she opened her eyes. “ Immediately 「シズネ」眼を開くと、綱手は命じた。「里に残っているナル assemble all of the remaining (shinobi) ト以外の全員をただちに集めろ」 in the village, with the exception of Naruto.” [T/N]

63 Reminder: Team Ino-Shika-Chou and Team Guy are out guarding Houzukijyou, as mentioned briefly in the prologue. It doesn’t explicitly say who Ino is trying to get in touch with for now.

//End Translation + Summary //End of chapter 4


Vol. 1:

Chapter 5 Chapter 5「処刑」Execution (Part 1~!) This will be the first half of it, then my next post will cover the second half of the chapter~~ I’m starting to read the novel aloud to my friend over Google Hangouts, so I guess when I mean “Summary” it actually means more like I am paraphrasing the light novel…or moreso what I would say out loud? I just don’t have to worry about translating the words exactly as given as much. I hope you don’t mind that’s it’s a bit verbose to read…I try to include as many details as possible, because I can’t imagine another translator is casually going to take the plunge and provide further minor details. ….So if this is the one translation that survives on the internet, at least I tried! (* ̄0 ̄)ノ✎▤ Taking one for the team fandom here.

Pages 64-65 There are less than 20 minutes until the beginning of the executions. For the past ten minutes, Guy and Kakashi have been observing the enemy from the ventilation ducts. It seems that the enemy has a comrade on the ground who has already conveyed the circumstances of the situation

65 to Konohagakure. Not only that, but now the enemies have destroyed the door to the pilothouse (/steering room) and have the pilots under control. In a barking voice, the leader asks if he’s speaking to the Hokage, and demands for the release of Garyo. It seems as though they have begun negotiations with Tsunade. He says that they are not going to wait, and in twenty minutes, they will seriously begin the executions. If Garyo is not released by noon, then every ten minutes, a passenger will be killed. The man leaves the pilothouse and then announces the same information to the passengers. The passengers huddle up, and an unrest travels among them. Guy asks Kakashi what they should do. Kakashi says that if they make a wrong move, the enemy will blow up the ship. But they can’t lower the altitude of the ship …The ventilation duct continues towards the pilothouse. Kakashi asks Guy if it’s okay to entrust a responsibility to him because he seems to be able to crawl. RAW

English “What are you doing? First of all, (shouldn’t it be) 「お前はどうするんだ?まずは起爆札を全部回収せねば……うっぷ!」 collecting all of the exploding tags… Uppu!" “Wahh! You idiot, at 「わっ!バカ、お前、こんなときに。。。」 such a time…” Because of Guy’s grandiose gagging, the perpetrators of ガイが盛大にゲーゲーやったせいで、食堂ラウンジを占拠している襲撃犯が、異変に気づいてしまっthe raid who were た。 occupying the dining room lounge noticed the accident.

66 RAW

English “What…was that just now?” Immediately, it was as if someone had 「なんだ、いまのは!?」たちまち、蜂の巣をつついたような大騒ぎになった。「うっ…… な repeatedly prodded んだ、 このすっぱいにおいは!?」 a beehive, (the enemies) were in an uproar. “Uu……What is this sour stench!?” “Uwah, something 「うわっ、天井からなんか垂れてきたぞ!」 is oozing from the ceiling!” “It’s the ceiling! 「天井だ!天井裏にだれか隠れているぞ!」 Someone is hiding in the ceiling!” Immediately, the enemies fling several kunai at the ceiling, breaking through it. One grazes the tip of Kakashi’s nose. Kakashi and Guy (who’s face is drained of colour) dodge left and right. A lance gets thrust through the ceiling, grazing Guy’s face and through their hair.

Pages 66-67 Kakashi asks Guy if he’s okay. Guy replies by asking what’s happening. They then notice that these are not ordinary spears. They were like icicles, swords of ice. The daggers were tearing the ventilation duct into pieces, persisting in pursuit of Kakashi and Guy. Kakashi beckons Guy towards the pilothouse, and Guy agrees. They orient themselves backto-back continuing to crawl along the ventiliation duct, twisting their bodies several times while avoiding the swords of ice. RAW

English Entirely from below, like まるで下から生えてくる鋭い牙のように、氷剣はぐんぐん迫ってくる。 のみならず、 sharp fangs, the ice 氷剣は前方からも襲ってきた。 swords were gradually approaching.

67 RAW

English “Kuu!” Instantly molding chakra, (Kakashi) unleashes a jutsu. 「クッ!」瞬時にチャクラを練り、術を繰り出す。 「雷遁・紫電!」 “Raiton: Shiden!” ( Lightning Release: Purple Lightning! ) From Kakashi’s hand, a light purple lightning surges forth. With a bang, together with an カカシの手から、薄紫の電光がほとばしる。ズドンッ、という衝撃音とともに、襲いく impulsive sound, the ice る氷剣が木端微塵に吹き飛んだ。 swords that were attacking him were then broken and blown into miniscule splinters. As for Raiton: Shiden, since Kakashi had lost 雷遁・紫電、それは雷切を失ったカカシが新たに修得した技である。 (usage of) Raikiri, it was a newly learned technique. By a hair’s width, the swords of ice were cutting up the after間一髪で、 換気ダクトにあいた穴から逃れ出るカカシの残像を、氷剣が八つ裂きにし image of Kakashi into た。 pieces, who had escaped from the hole in the ventilation duct. 「!?」 「!?」 [T/N] 木端微塵= Woodchip/splinter + atom/particle = to break something into tiny fragments. Kakashi will use the jutsu quite a few more times in the novel. This is only the first usage. Ch. 7 you will see him using it in battle. Kakashi fell into a restroom. When he noticed, he was entangled with the woman in the blue dress. The woman opens her mouth to scream, but Kakashi quickly stops her from doing so. He shushes her, and stops up her mouth. She struggles, trying to escape from him in some way

68 while making muffled groans. Kakashi tells her that he is not a suspicious person. He recognizes her as the women from that moment before. She has flowing, long curly hair with large pupils. It’s fresh in his memory. He tells her that they met a while ago. He asks her if she remembers him from when he caught her as she was falling (=from the scene from Ch.2). The woman then seems to remember him. Kakashi asks her that if he releases his hand, then would she please be silent. With frightened eyes, she nods affirmatively. As he releases his hand from her mouth, Kakashi introduces himself as a shinobi from Konohagakure.

Pages 68-69 Kakashi explains that he’s part of the guards for the sight-seeing flight. He then asks her why the woman is in this sort of place. She catches her breathe and replies that when the enemies were raiding, she went into the restroom. Kakashi asks her if she just hid like that. She nods again. In the bathroom stall, their bodies are nestled close to eachother, and then they stand up. A faint lavender scent tickles Kakashi’s nose. He tells her that at any rate, they should leave there. He looks up at the hole in the ceiling, and sees evidence of the swords of ice has disappeared. He wonders if Guy had managed to skillfully escape. He tells her to escape through the hole in the ceiling, and though she hesitates, she feels relieved. Kakashi smiles sweetly at her, telling her that it’s fine, because the exit will be immediately next to the kitchen. She blinks her eyes in surprise. He asks her what’s wrong, but she averts her eyes in a hurry. He tells her “Lets go!”. Kakashi lifts her up, and pushes her into the ventilation duct. He follows after her, and they proceed to crawl inside of it. They jump down from it once they reach the kitchen where Kakashi and Guy had initially gotten inside of the ventilation duct. In the kitchen, Guy’s abandoned wheelchair is still there.

69 The woman started to say something, but then Kakashi quickly gnaws at his thumb and presses his palm into the floor: Kuchiyose no Jutsu! With a boom, white smoke emerges. Pakkun, Buru (Bull), Urushi, Guruko, Shiba, Bisuke, Uuhei, and Akino…His eight Ninken (Ninja Dogs) appear. The woman is surprised and asks what are they. Buru asks where they are: Isn’t it Kakashi? It’s been a while! Kakashi shushes them, gesturing with his index finger to his mouth. He tells Buru that his voice is too loud. Akino, who’s wearing sunglasses, notes that it seems like it’s a shabby place. He also says to Kakashi that it seems as though he’s still hesitating about formally becoming Hokage. Apart from that, Kakashi asks them to lend him some strength.

Pages 70-71 Pakkun asks Kakashi what’s happening, as it’s unusual for him to seem so flustered like this. Kakashi responds that there’s no time to talk about the details. He tells his Ninken that they are 5,000 meters above the ground in the sky. The facial expressions of the Ninken become tense immediately. Kakashi quickly continues and informs them that in various places onboard the ship, there are exploding tags that are set as traps. He asks them to please find all of the exploding tags without being noticed by the enemy. Pakkun leads the pack of Ninken, and they disperse. Kakashi then asks the woman to please stay hidden where they are, as he tries to turn back towards the ventilation ducts. But the woman pulls on his clothes, and Kakashi asks what she’s doing, especially since the executions are almost about to start and he’s trying to stop it from happening. She repeats that the demands of the raiders is for the release of Garyo, as she heard the rattling voice when she was hiding in the bathroom. Kakashi nods. She asks why it’s not the case that they are complying to the demand. If they continue to hesitate, then the victims will only increase.

70 Kakashi responds that it’s impossible do such a thing, even if they wanted to. The woman asks why. Kakashi responds that if they obey those sorts of people even once, then order will collapse. She laughs scornfully, stating that just a year ago, they were at war, but yet talk about such order now. She then apologizes and lowers her eyes, and then continues: RAW English 「だけど、秩序を口にする人たちは、みん “However, as for people who speak of order, な自分たちこそ正義だと思っている。戦争 everyone surely considers themselves to be は、ふたつの正義が衝突して起こる。そし justice. War occurs when two (forms of) justice て歴史は、戦争に勝ったほうの正義しか認 collide. And so, history only recognizes the justice めてくれない。つまり、力を持っているほ of the victorious side in war. In other words, the うが、いつだって正義になるの」 side that possess power will always be justice.” Kakashi says that he understands what she means. However, as for the Ryuuha Armament Alliance, they have their own form of justice.

Pages 72-73 Kakashi says that nevertheless, they still cannot release Garyo. The woman presses him again, not even in exchange for the life of all the passengers onboard? Kakashi shrugs and responds that no matter what, he will protect everyone. He concedes that there may be a few victims…but as for the lives in front of his eyes, he would like to rescue as many as he possibly can. The woman’s eyes get moist, and her lips tremble. Then Kakashi continues:

71 RAW

English “When two (forms of) justice collide, the most important thing is that one stands from the 「ふたつの正義が衝突したときに一番大切なことは、命をかけて相手の立場に立つことだ。」 ダ perspective of the クトへ跳び上がるまえに、カカシはそう言った。 enemy, at the risk (of one’s) life.” Kakashi said, just prior to jumping up to the ventilation duct. “It’s for the sake of having recognition of (their) own sayings; As for unconcerned guys 「自分の言い分を認めさせるために、無関係な者の命を平気で奪うようなやつらに、正義を語る資 like them who are 格はないよ」 taking the lives of unrelated (/innocent) people, they do not have the qualifications to talk about justice.” Kakashi returned to crawling along the ventilation duct. He smashes open the lattice cover and jumps down and into the dining room lounge. Emerging from the ceiling, the Ryuuha Armament Alliance shinobi immediately rush at him and hurl several kunai. Kakashi bends at the waist, and while upturning the arm of an enemy who’s holding a kunai, he nimbly deals a blow to him. One person is blown away. Without any delay, he kicks the next guy. Without leisure to take a breath, he unleashes a barrage at the third enemy. In the blink of an eye, three enemies lay collapsed at Kakashi’s feet. The remaining enemy’s eyes become bloodshot. The leader bellows at the subordinates to wait, and so their movements stop. He orders them to return to their post, and not to carelessly leave their duty, which is observing the passengers. In addition, since they are fighting the Copy

72 Ninja Kakashi, and they are no match for him. Kakashi scans his surroundings: including the shinobi that he defeated, there’s nine people. The passengers are all gathered in the center of the lounge. Their faces are mixed with fear and anticipation, attentively watching over the situation. [T/N] This is all taijutsu, no names are given.

Pages 74-75 RAW

English “Copy Ninja Kakashi…eh?” the man who was the 「コピー忍者のカカシ…か」リーダー leader was grinning broadly. “Although, now that の男がニヤリと笑った。「もつとも、写 (you’ve) lost the sharingan, (you’re just) "Ordinary 輪眼を失ったいまは、ただのカカシだな」 Kakashi"* 「ま、ただのカカシにだって、できるこ ”Well, even though I’m "Ordinary Kakashi"*, とはあるさ」 there’s something I can still do.” 「なにぃ?」 “What?” 「たとえば、お前らのような害鳥を追っ “For example, at least (I can) drive away such 払うくらいのことはな」 vermin like you guys” [T/N] The enemy’s diss needs a little wordplay explanation :P Kakashi’s name is カカシ via the Katakana writing system (for names, foreign loanwords, etc). With Hiragana (the typical Japanese script for non-proper nouns), “Kakashi” is written as かかし, which means “Scarecrow”, the kind you stick in fields to ward birds away. So he went from “Copy Ninja Kakashi” to “Ordinary Kakashi”=== a“Copy Ninja Scarecrow” to an“Ordinary Scarecrow”. So Kakashi’s rebuttal is that even a without the sharingan, he can still beat those guys === a typical scarecrow can still do it’s job and take these guys on!

Kakashi says that Konoha will not negotiate with outlaws like them. The leader says he wonders about that claim. The enemy boldly smiles,

73 points, and casually chooses one of the passengers. Just like that, the victim begins to moan. The body of the passenger suddenly is encased in ice, frozen with a face filled with dread. The remaining passengers scream. The leader asks again if Kakashi is willing to negotiate. Kakashi shouts for him to stop, but the leader takes it as if it was pleasant compliment. With a satisfied look, the man closes his eyes and raises his arms again like a conductor of a symphony, and then casually points to the next victim. The passenger tries to escape, but is frozen midattempt. The lounge falls silent, and only the sobbing of a woman can be heard. The leader turns to face Kakashi, and says although it was a bit hasty, at any rate, time would have been up. He says that he intended to only kill one of the passengers, but because of Kakashi, he killed two of them. Kakashi curses at him. The leader says that if he felt like it, he could freeze all of the passengers in the room at once. Kakashi glares at the enemy, and says that if he does that, then they would lose all of their negotiation hostages.

Page 76 The leader asks again, will Konoha negotiate with terrorists like them? Whether or not they have the hostages as part of their negotiation tactics, they have nothing to do with it if Konoha's stance will not change anyway. If that’s the case and Konoha does not accept the arrangements of the negotiation, then they are willing to continue killing everyone on the sight-seeing flight. Kakashi grinds his back molars. The leader faces towards Kakashi as he orders one of his subordinates to take a passenger to the pilothouse and report to Konoha what had just transpired. The leader tells Kakashi that if he obediently surrenders to being captured, then he will allow the passengers to survive for another ten minutes. If he opposes that suggestion, then they will continue to kill them off as planned. Kakashi and the leader exchange glances.


Chapter 5「処刑」Execution (Part 2//Remainder of the Excerpt~!!) Must keep typing on my laptop… 【~~~】\_(・ω・`) My hand is going to start cramping soon OTL. I'm kinda slow at answering messages for now. Sorry if you don't get a response~~ o(╥﹏╥)o

Page 77 The man really seems intent on doing it. Kakashi sees both of the enemy’s hands preparing like hooked talons, and has another intuition. If Kakashi moves even a finger, they will surely massacre the hostages. Sighing, Kakashi releases fighting spirit throughout his whole body in resignation. Immediately, the enemies leap towards Kakashi, and bind his arms behind his back. The shinobi that Kakashi had defeated a while ago rise up from the ground, and then proceed to severely beat Kakashi in the face. RAW そのせいで傷のあるほうの眼尻が切れて、 血が滴った。 それだけでは、終わらない。

English As a result of that, there is a cut wound on the side of the corner of his eye. Blood trickled. With that alone, they weren’t finished.

75 RAW

English The leader circled behind (Kakashi) to inspect the condition of the rope that リーダーが後ろに回り込み、縄の縛り具合をたしかめた。次 bound him. At the next instant, an の瞬間、右手の人差し指に激痛が走った。 intense pain traveled through the index finger of the right hand. ゴキッ! Gokii! (/Snap!) The sound of a bone breaking was 骨の折れる音が、はっきり聞こえた。 distinctly audible. 「ぐあっ!」 “Guaa!” Inadvertently, the captured Kakashi 思わずのけぞったカカシを掴まえると、リーダーは左手の人 bent backwards. The leader had easily 差し指も、造作なくへし折ったのだった。 broken the index finger of his left hand as well. バキッ! Bakii~ (/Crack!) 「ぐはっ!」 “Guhaa!”

Pages 78-79 From behind, Kakashi hears a satisfied voice, saying this predicament is fine. He shouldn’t be able to escape. Cold sweat is gushing down his face, and he crumbles down to his knees. He tells them that if they’re going to kill someone, to kill him first. He shouts at them multiple times, but they laugh scornfully at him. The value of his life is a hundred times more valuable than that of a passenger. Kakashi might be useful in negotiations with Konoha. That’s why about ten minutes later, they kill a woman. She was wearing a radiant gorgeous black dress with jewelry. They repeat again that it’s one of two options: the release of Garyo, or they kill another hostage. The passengers can all hear the angry voice from the pilothouse. They are demanding that Konoha gets into contact with them within ten minutes, or else they kill two more people. He tells them that it’s because of Konoha that people are continuing to die. Kakashi curses and deeply regrets his decision. They’re running out of patience. If the altitude was lower, they could do something. Kakashi wonder what should be done. His irritation at the situation is so intense

76 that it erases the pain caused by his broken fingers. His mind fully operational, he hears a small voice that is directly addressing him. Three minutes until the next execution. Suddenly, he hears a voice. “Kakashisensei, can you hear me? If you can hear me, please reply”. Kakashi responds to Ino from her Shindenshin no Jutsu (/Mind-Body Transmission Technique). He asks Ino how she knows that he’s on the Tobishachimaru. She tells him that Lee admitted to it.

Pages 80-81 Kakashi realizes what’s happening. Ino asks if he’s okay, and if he’s been captured by the enemy . Kakashi asks her if she’s able to contact Guy and that he’s alright. More importantly, in three more minutes, another execution will happen. In order to not be detected by the enemy, they had travelled inside an opening in the ventilation ducts in the ceiling. Ino tells him that Pakkun and the Ninken have successfully gathered all of the exploding tags and given them to Guy (who is all thumbs-up about it). She says that Guy will engage the leader in battle, and that will give Kakashi the opportunity to usher the passengers towards the warehouse. Tsunade has confirmed with the Wave Country that there’s a huge box there, and the contents inside of it are giant parachutes. Kakashi disagrees with the plan. After all, among the passengers, there are disguised enemies. Ino informs him that Sai is currently on standby in the office of the Hokage. He asks for them to send over Sai, since with his Choujyuu Giga, he might be able to rescue them. He tells Ino how the members of the Ryuuha Armament Alliace have boarded the ship: by replacing the original passengers. At any rate, Kakashi says that he will cause an uproar and attempt to stall for more time. It’s almost time for another execution. Ino’s voice then vanishes from inside his mind. Spotting Guy in the opening in the ceiling ventilation duct, he firmly gives another thumbs-up and smiles. Kakashi thinks he’s an idiot, as

77 that’s unnecessary right now. They can hear the loud footsteps of the leader returning from the pilothouse. Guy ducks back into the darkness of the ventilation duct. The leader bellows that it’s about time for another execution. He tells the passengers that they should bear a grudge against Konohagakure Village for this situation: since instead of protecting all of their lives, they defending the life of a criminal (Garyo).

Pages 82-83 The leader approaches and the passengers shut their eyes, shrinking away. He slowly raises his arms, saying it’s pathetic, but one of them is next. But then…Boom! There’s a roaring sound from the stern of the ship, and the rest of his words are cut off. The hull inclines to a huge slope, so the passengers scream and tumble on the floor. Of course, the enemies also lose their balance, and needed something to support themselves up. A shrill sounds emits from an alarm buzzer. The leader shouts, asking what happened. There seems to be an outbreak of a fire at the stern of the ship. Shinobi leap out of the pilothouse. Someone seems to have blown up the propulsion component. Kakashi rolls his eyes, thinking Guy did it. He must have used all of the exploding tags that Pakkun had gathered. The leader approaches, and then grips Kakashi’s hair, demanding to know if he has an accomplice and what he has done. Kakashi gives him a cold glare, telling him that he doesn’t know. But at any rate, they ought to extinguish that fire (the earlier the better, right?~). The air sac’s buoyancy component is right above the propulsion segment. At first, Kakashi expects the enemy to be flustered. However, the rage and impatience has vanished on his face. The enemy seems to be enjoying this turn of events. An intense uneasiness runs through Kakashi’s spine. The ringing of the alarm buzzer ceases. The passengers timidly get back up. The shinobi have returned and have reported that the fire has been extinguished. About two of the propellers were damaged, but the

78 buoyancy component was unharmed. Repair of the hole that the explosion had caused has already been tended to. They announce that they are still able to glide through the air.

Pages 84-85 The leader is enjoyably smiling from the depths of heart at Kakashi. It seems that they had anticipated such event that Konoha shinobi would infiltrate the ship. Why wouldn’t the enemy anticipate it with prepared countermeasures? He calls out to Kahyo, and the grin on his face vanishes. Kakashi asks if that’s what their trump card is. It seems that with hyouton (ice release), the fire was extinguished, and the hole was patched. Afterall, Guy and Kakashi had already discovered their first trump card, which was exploding tags. Kakashi looks up at the ceiling, and tells him to look upwards too. RAW

それは空中で、すでにかかと落としの体勢に入ってい る、ガイの姿だった。




English In the air, it was the figure of Guy who was already in the stance of a heel drop (axe kick). It was a rainy day. It was also a windy day, wasn’t it?…In Kakashi’s eyes, (he was recalling after Guy’s) discharge from the hospital. He was watching the figure of a zealous Guy who was training all alone. Irritated at his right leg that would not move as he wished, and where no one could see him, Guy was howling over and over again. Over and over again, shedding tears of vexation.

79 RAW

English Nevertheless, he never stopped training. When he was beside Lee, he was それでも、けっして修業をやめなかった。リーがそばにいるときは、いつだってあのナイスガイ・スマイルでニカッと笑い、親指をぐっと立てた。 always grinning and laughing with a ‘Nice Guy Smile’, firmly giving him a thumbs-up. “Listen up, Lee. A leg is only one component of the body.” Guy had said. “ As for the other components for the essence of health itself, (just because) the leg (became a poor condition), (the remainder of the body いいか、リー、足なんざ体の 一部だ、とガイは言ってのけた。健康そのもののほかの部位は、悪くなった足に付き合ってやることはないんだ、特に心はそんなものに惑わされちゃいけない、右足がダメでも左足がある、左足もダメなら、should) not be まだ二本の腕があるんだぞ。 compromised (to match that state). Especially the heart (/mind), it must not be deluded by such (circumstances). Even if the right leg is useless, there is a left leg. If the left leg is also useless, there are still two arms.” I had お前のことを、少し見くびっていたよ、ガイ。 underestimated you a little, Guy. “Meet Konoha’s Noble Green 「木ノ葉の気高き碧い猛獣、見参!」 Wild Beast of Prey!” Dogoo! ドゴッ! (/Thump!)

The heel of Guy’s foot dropped, and there’s an explosion on the crown of the enemy’s head. The hull of the ship trembled. The force was tremendous, and creates giant hole in the floor. If it wasn’t for the plumbing space beneath the floorboards, the enemy’s body would have pierced through the bottom of the ship. He probably would have been struck out and into the sky.

Pages 86-87 In the darkness of the floor beneath them, the electrical cables that were

80 cut are crackling and sparking. Guy coolly tells Kakashi that he’s been keeping him waiting. Guy addresses the passengers. He’s in pain because of his foot, and has teary eyes. However, he strikes a ‘Nice-Guy Pose’. He tells them to be relieved and to feel secure, since Konoha’s Noble Green Wild Beast of Prey has arrived. However, he cuts himself off... Uppu! He then crawls on all fours, gags, and vomits. His seasickness is horrible. A second later, Kakashi calls out to him to watch out from behind. Guy raises his upper body, and swerves around to headbutt the enemy in the face. The enemy is blown away. Looking at the fallen enemy, Guy mindlessly forgets about the pain in his leg, with a blank look on his face. It seems that the attack also stopped the movements of the other enemy shinobi. Guy readies himself, and he’s surrounded by the careful enemy shinobi. Guy tries to play it cool, saying that it was all calculated, all while he’s hopping on one leg. He places both hands on his hips, and sticks out his chest (Guy gets a ‘Don!’ sound effect for his proud posture). Kakashi calls him out on it, as it’s an obvious rouse, since Guy’s face is ghastly pale. Anyway, Kakashi tells Guy that he ought to cut the ropes that are binding him. As Guy steps towards Kakashi’s side, suddenly…Boom! The floorboards exploded. A giant fist from beneath the floor is punching upwards.

Page 88 Guy leaps backwards. Rubbish is blinding his field of vision. Splinters are raining incessantly above Kakashi. The enemy shinobi shout with joy for their leader, as it seems that he’s okay. Advancing through the rubbish, it is indeed their leader. The man tells them that his name is “羅氷//Rahyo” , as he'll be the guy who will obliterate them.


//End Translation //End Chapter 5


Vol. 1:

Chapter 6 Chapter 6:「必殺! 船酔い拳」 Deadly Blow! Seasickness Fist

Pages 90-91 Guy yells an expletive at Rahyo, who squints his eyes back at him. Guy says he’s upset, and begins to address the passengers and Rahyo: RAW

English “As for the feelings of you ******’s, -this- Might Guy understands them well. No matter how much effort (that you put forth), someone else from the side will suddenly 「貴様の気持ちは、このマイト・ガイ、よぉく分かる。いくら努カしても、いつも横からだれかが、ひょいっとおいしいところをかっさらっていく。しかも、そういうやつが、天才などと呼ばれたりするんだ」ガイは含みのある眼でカカシを一瞥し、さらに力説した。 snatch that delicious situation. And yet, guys like that are called geniuses and such.” With a hidden meaning in his eyes, he glanced at Kakashi, again emphasizing his words.

83 RAW

English “However, watch me! As for now, only one leg isn’t functional, but it won’t corrode to such an extent! Gradually, if I continue to accumulate with perseverance (/patiently repeat) that I can do something, just like 「しかし、オレを見ろ!いまゃ片足しか使えないが、そんなことくらいで腐ったりはしないぞ!コツコツと自分にできることを根気よく積み重ねていけば、オレのようにまた自分の足で立つことだってできるんだ。そして、いずれはその鼻持ちならない天才どもが、 being myself オレに助けを求めるようになるんだ。いまのこいつが、まさにいい例だ!」 again, I can even stand with my own leg. And then eventually, those intolerable geniuses will reach the point of seeking assistance from me. Now as for this fellow, (this is) certainly a good example! ” As he said so, he pointed a そう言って、カカシをビシッと指さした。 finger at Kakashi with a snap.

Kakashi wonders what Guy is up to at a time like this. Guy declares that he will stop Rahyo-kun ([T/N] I don’t know why Guy bothered to give him an honorific lol~), and won’t allow for further crimes. He tells the passengers not to hold a grudge against the world, nor should they resent it. Kakashi notes that Guy usually gets drunk on his own words, but this time Guy is overcome with emotions, and endlessly streaming hot tears. Guy is encouraging them to speak candidly about their troubles. Guy will take care of them with his Full Power of Youth! However, the passengers have already taken refuge in the corner of the room. And then Rahyo drops at the waist, and tells Guy to take his attacks instead, as he forms seals.

「氷遁・ 砕氷槌!」 * “Hyouton: Saihyoudzuchi! (Ice Release: Ice-Breaking Sledgehammer!)”

84 Kakashi shouts at Guy that this is no time to be intoxicated on his own words. Rahyo instantly takes the open opportunity, and catches Guy offguard. His fist goes through Guy’s abdomen. Guy’s eyes widen. However, at the next instant, the spot where the enemy’s fist should have penetrated Guy’s body actually empty! Guy’s body has vanished like a flickering mirage. Guy’s real body has already gone behind the enemy, and rotated to unleash a kick.

「木ノ葉旋風!」 * “Konoha Senpuu! (Konoha Whirlwind)”

Rahyo immediately draws back, and leashes the next punch.

「砕氷拳!」 * “Saihyouken! (Ice-Breaking Fist)”

Guy’s kick and Rahyo’s strong fist violently clash.

Pages 92-93 Boom! A flash of light glints upon impact. The walls of the cabin rattle and tremble. The pair of them simultaneously leap backwards. Kakashi, who is intently watching over the battle, swallows his katazu (固唾= saliva that you hold in your mouth when times are tense. There’s not really an English word for it. Gulps hard?) Guy begins to yell in pain because of his leg that’s in the gypsum (plaster) cast, as he skips and hobbles about. He then says that nothing is impossible with the Power of Youth! Rahyo notes that this situation seems befitting for him with that leg. Guy responds: RAW

English “Even if the leg is broken, the heart isn’t broken.”


85 RAW

English “If that’s the case, it 「ならば、その心もオレがへし折ってやろう」 seems that I’ll also break that heart” “One way or another, even a single word from my mouth seems useless, right?” With 「ど、どうやら、口で一言っても無駄なようだな」足の痛みに脂汗をダラダラ流しながら、 それ the pain in his foot, でもガイは気を張った。「さあ、こい!」 (Guy) slowly breaks into a cold-sweat. Nevertheless, he braces himself. “Alright, come!” [T/N] 心 is ambiguous kanji for either “heart” or “mind” Rahyo yells back that their interference is futile, as he’ll kill them. Both of Rahyo’s arms change into a lead colour. They transform into steel. From where Kakashi is, even he can feel the tremendous amount of chakra that was gathered. His Saihyoudzuchi (Ice-Breaking Sledgehammer) certainly could crush a block of ice. If Guy is struck with it, even he will be helpless. Suddenly, Guy waves his arms, and as if completely by magic, he takes out his Soushuuga (==双襲牙// "Twin Attacking Fangs"), which are his nunchaku. Guy says there isn’t anyone who has attacked him successfully while he’s wielding these Soushuuga. He starts to show off his skills a bit by swinging them around. Two sets of them fly by, cutting the wind, and coil around Guy’s body. The weapon seems like it’s an animal, as if it’s an extension of Guy’s own body. They tear through the air, scissoring his sides, and are entwining around his head and torso. Guy is freely and easily manipulating the Soushuuga. As expected, Rahyo is gazing at Guy in amazement. Kakashi is thinking, “ Alright! Let’s go!”. With the speed of the Soushuuga with Guy’s skillful manipulation, Rahyo is hesitant to attack Guy. Kakashi notes in his head:

86 RAW

English However, no matter how harmonious that it しかし、いくら快調そうに見えても、ガイ seemed, it was Guy being Guy, as expected. はやはりガイである。唐突にピタッと動き Abruptly, the movements suddenly stopped. を止めたかと思うと、そのまま固まってし Immediately after, this time (Guy) had become まった。 petrified. 眉間にしわを寄せる羅氷。それは、カカシ Rahyo furrowed his brows. Kakashi did the same. も同じだった。 「。。。?」 「。。。?」 ラウンジがしーんと静まりかえり、次の瞬 The lounge fell silent. Because at the next 間、ガイの口から、嘔吐物がとめどなくあ instant, vomit began to endlessly overflow from ふれ出したのだった。 Guy’s mouth.

Pages 94-95 Guy starts moaning, turns to stare at Kakashi, and then Guy’s eyes begin to tear up in anguish. He tells him that he feels sick, and that his foot is in pain. Kakashi is horrified that Guy is withstanding these two pains. Since as Guy was watching himself swinging his own Shoushuuga around, his seasickness probably became even more severe! On Rahyo’s brow, a vein emerges. He firmly steps towards Guy, and unleashes a kick into Guy’s poor leg. Guy grimaces. Rahyo aims a Saihyouken (IceBreaking Fist) at Guy’s head, shouting at him to die! However, luck is again on Guy’s side! Because of his seasickness, his legs were having complications. By chance, they were bent behind his body. His right leg had accidentally sprung up in time. Somehow it struck Rahyo’s jaw. On his right leg, there is a large and heavy plaster cast. Receiving that firm kick, Rahyo is blow away. He couldn’t understand what has just happened. His eyes could only blink in surprise. RAW

English However, the person who seems to be the が、一番びっくりしているのは、ガイ本人のようだった。 most surprised is Guy himself.

87 RAW

English “You…You saw it, right?...It…it’s called…” 「み、見たか……な、名付けて……」と、片足でケ While hopping on one leg, (Guy) was ンケンしながら、思案した。 thinking. “Err…it’s called…Fu..Fu…Funeyoi 「えっと ……名付けて、ふ、ふ、船酔い拳!」 Kobushi! (/Seasickness Fist!)” 「。。。」 「。。。」 Kakashi couldn’t help but consider this odd turn of events, and thinks to himself that Guy should just do as he likes. Rahyo tells Guy that he shouldn’t mess around, grinding his teeth. He unleashes an attack with a temper like a raging fire. Since Guy has just thought up a new technique, as expected, he actually was too preoccupied to even think about fighting. As one leg was not functional, and because of his severe seasickness, it seemed like the world around him was distorted. He was unable to stand at times. Sometimes, he crouched down to gag and vomit. Guy was able to dodge the next attack that was on the verge of hitting him in the face. Kakashi thinks that this is completely by chance. However, Guy then parries a second attack. And then a third.

Pages 96-97 Contrary to Kakashi’s expectations, Guy continues to dodge even the fourth and fifth assault. On unsteady feet, Guy occasionally squats down to vomit. He’s staggering, and his eyes are wide opened and peeled back to where the whites as visible. His body is swaying back and forth and twisting. Rahyo is unable to even land a hit on him. From Kakashi’s perspective, this is the second time he’s been astonished at the situation. He’s thinking to himself: Did Guy just master Seasickness Fist!? Rahyo has a heart seething with anger. Gradually, his attacks are getting sloppier. One out of three of his Saihyouken almost graze Guy. Rahyo smashes through a shelf of alcohol. The bottles fall on the floor and are broken.

88 Suddenly in a low voice, Kakashi hears a calling. Before he knew it, Pakkun was by his side. Pakkun announces that all the exploding tags have been collected. Now, he’ll chew through the rope that’s binding Kakashi. While Pakkun grapples with the rope, Rahyo and Guy continue to battle. Guy slips on the spilled sake, and dramatically falls down. Rahyo takes this opportunity to mercilessly unleash another Saihyouken. Guy falls and tumbles, and then Rahyo misses his mark and leaves a hole in the floor. Guy springs back up and unleashes a counterattack, but over-swings his fist. Not only was it entirely dodged, but it left him with a vulnerable opening that Rahyo then leapt towards. Rahyo yells that this battle will be decided with his next move. His eyes glimmer as he sinks his Saihyouken into Guy’s abdomen. A dull sound resounds. Guy’s body is suspended in the air. His eyeballs are protruding, and air is escaping from his lungs. Rahyo believes that he’s victorious, and broadly grins and laughs. RAW English ガイの体から飛び出したのは、しかし、空 However, it wasn’t just air that had rushed out of 気だけではなかった。 Guy’s body. 「うっぷ!」 “Uppu!” 「!」 「!」 気がついたときには、ガイの口からプ When (Rahyo) noticed, something had vigorously シャーッと勢いよく噴き出したものが、羅 gushed forth with a ‘Pushaa’ sound from Guy’s 氷の顔面を直撃していた。 mouth. It was a directly hitting Rahyo in the face. 「ああ…悪い、悪い」ガイが恐る恐る、 “Ahh…sorry… sorry” Guy timidly said. 言った。 [T/N] Guy says 悪い twice. You can use it as an informal apology like “My bad, whoops!” instead of it literally, like “It’s difficult/poor/bad”.

Pages 98-100 RAW

English “I…I’ll kill (you)…” Rahyo barked while 「こ、殺す……」顔からすっぱいものを something sour was dripping and trickling from ボタボタ滴らせながら、羅氷が吼えた。 his face.

89 Rahyo yells, and proceeds to unleash a tempest of barrages, and attacks Guy. Kick. Thrust. From the bottom of his palm. Elbow. Knee. Fist…(//It’s just listed in the light novel as 蹴り、突き、掌底、肘、膝、 拳。。。) Rahyo is mercilessly and endlessly hitting Guy. Kakashi calls out to Guy. By now, Pakkun has gnawed through almost all of the rope, so Kakashi breaks free. Pakkun asks if their task is completed already. Kakashi thanks Pakkun, and tells him that next time, he will treat all of the Ninken to delicious meat! Pakkun smiles and laughs, and then vanishes in a puff of white smoke. Kakashi kicks the floor and soars upwards. And then: RAW English チャクラが一気に流れ込み、バチバ Chakra streamed into (his hand) at once with a チバチと紫色するに放電する。折ら ‘Bachibachibachi’ (/crackling sound) of violet れた指に激痛が走ったが、そんなこ electrical discharge. Intense pain traveled through his とは、どうでもよかった。 broken fingers, but such a thing didn’t matter to him. 「!」 「!」 異変に気づいた羅氷が、血走った眼 Rahyo noticed the disaster, and turned towards をこちらに向ける。 (Kakashi) with bloodshot eyes. 「お前、いったいどうやって…」 “How the heck did you….” 崩れ落ちるガイの陰から、カカシは Kakashi suddenly rushed out from the shadow of 飛び出した。 Guy, who had collapsed. 「紫電!」 “Shiden! (/Purple Lightning!” 敵は反応しきれない。 It was impossible for the enemy to react. が、渾身の紫電をたたきつけること However in the end, he wasn’t able to strike the は、けっきょくできなかった。 Shiden with all his might. シュッ! Shuu! 空気を切り裂く音に、反射的に体を As a sound tore through the air, (Kakashi) opened up 開く。銀色に輝くクナイが、カカシ his body reflexively. I t was a silver sparkling kunai. It の頬をザックリと切り裂いた。 roughly cut into Kakashi’s cheek. 「!」 「!」 As soon as he landed, (Kakashi) escaped with a 着地するなり、バック転で逃れる。 backflip. The pursuing kunai pierced the floor with a ‘kakakaa’ 追いかけてくるクナイが、カカカッ、 (/clicking) sound. At the moment that they stuck (into と床に突き刺さった。刺さったとた the floor), they melted and vanished in the blink of ん、あっという間に溶けて消える。 an eye.

90 [T/N] Chidori from the novelization of The Last sounds like チッ,チッ,チッ,チッ. (Chi Chi Chi Chi//Chirp Chrip Chirp Chirp). But Sasuke’s Chidori in the manga is given the SFX “バチチチチ”(Bachichichichi). Yondaime Raikage’s Raiton Chakra Mode makes the latter sound effect as well, for example. バチバチバチ (Bachibachibachi) is typically SFX for crackling electricity. I will have to look up old chapters to think about what else might make this noise. So Shiden doesn’t sound like Chidori (At least, it doesn't seem to chirp like a thousand birds). It sounds like… sparks? However, they weren’t kunai. While keeping his posture low, Kakashi glared at the new enemy. The ice assailed him from within the ventilation duct. It was the same as the fangs that had attacked both him and Guy earlier! Rahyo shouts at his comrade: “Kahyo, what are you doing!”. It’s not part of the plan for Kahyo to show up. Kahyo casually responds that if the ice swords (氷剣= Hyouken) weren’t thrown, then older brother (addressing Rahyo with honorific 兄上) would have been killed. Kahyo is wearing white shinobi garments with a mask with a hook pattern on it. Kahyo turns to face Kakashi, declaring intent to fight him.

//End Translation //End Chapter 6


Vol. 1:

Chapter 7 Chapter 7:「凍てついた雷」Frozen Lightning

Pages 102-103 RAW

English “ Hyouton: Jisarenhyou!” ( Ice Release: Earthen 「氷遁・地鎖連氷!」 Consecutive Chains of Ice!) 華氷が印を結び、手のひらを床に Kahyo concludes forming seals, and struck a palm たたきつける。 onto the floor. 氷の結晶が、蛇のようにカカシの Ice crystals begin to extend towards Kakashi like a ほうへのび出す。結晶は、たちま serpent. Suddenly, the crystals became huge icicles, ち巨大なつららとなって、牙を剥 (as if) baring fangs. いた。 カカシも、すかさず応じる。 Kakashi responded without a moment’s delay. 「紫電!」 “Shiden!” (Purple Lightning) He struck the floor with the palm of his hand. The 床に手のひらをたたきつけた。薄 light purple electrical current travelled along the floor, 紫の電流が、大量の酒がこぼれて which had a copious amount of sake spilled upon it. いる床を伝い、バチバチと爆ぜな While popping and crackling with a ‘bachibachi’ がら、氷の牙を迎え撃った。 sound, (Kakashi’s attack) assaulted the fangs of ice. ドオオオオオンッ! Dooooooooon! (Boom!) はげしく衝突した氷と雷が、船を The ice and lightning violently collided, which then 揺るがすほどの大爆発を引き起こ shook the ship since it had induced a huge explosion. した。 悲鳴をあげる搭乗客たち。 The passengers screamed. The grand piano gets blown away by the blast. It heads toward a child who has failed to escape it’s trajectory. Luckily, Guy quickly soars into the air to rescue the boy, holding him in his arms by a full-throttle of his Power of Youth (=literally 青春パワー全開). The piano crashes into the wall,

92 which greatly shakes the chandelier on the ceiling. Guy returns the sobbing boy to his mother, and then glares at Rahyo. Rahyo then laughs while rushing at Guy. Fist after fist and kick after kick…every five minutes, it seems as though the intensity is increasing for their battle. They continue to clash for ten, twenty, and then thirty more fists. Meanwhile, Kakashi is eyeing his enemy. He asks if Kahyo is indeed Garyo’s personal bodyguard from two months ago. Kahyo dodges the question, saying that they shouldn’t have thought of that as a victory for Konoha. Kahyo is calmly responding, saying that their message should have reached someone already. Someone ought to make the next move. So in that respect, their group’s will would continue to be inherited by others, especially since they are sacrificing their lives for their ideals.

Pages 104-105 Kakashi responds first: RAW

English “Garyo is merely an idealist. As for the burdensome position of being an idealist, and if 「我龍はただの理想主義者だ。理想主義者の厄介なところは、その理想のためなら、世界をも焼き尽 it’s for the sake of くしてしまうことだ」 that ideal, (he would) also completely burn the world to nothing.” “Such world and 「こんな世界など。。。」 so forth…” “It would fine, 「滅んでしまえばいい」 should it be destroyed?” 「。。。」 「。。。」

93 RAW

English “That’s what you wanted to say, right?” Kakashi, with his eyes halfopen, fixed his gaze upon the enemy. “Uchiha Madara as well. And then a man 「そう言いたいんだろ?」 カカシは敵に半眼を据えた。「うちはマダラも、そしてオレの親友だった who was my close 男も、たぶん、 そう考えていた。だけど、じつはやつらが一番この世界を愛していたのだと、オレは friend too. It 思っている」 seems that perhaps they thought (about it like that). However, to be honest, I think that it’s because those guys loved this world the most.” Beneath the mask, Kakashi senses that Kahyo’s eyes are reacting to his statement. Kakashi continues that he heard from Naruto that because of the Wave Country, they lost a child. He says that if that’s the case, then it’s natural and understandable to feel like that about the world. RAW


「薄氷は……息子は、戦で命を落としたのではない!」 「。。。」 「薄氷は……薄氷は……波の国のやつらに殺されたんだ!」

English “Sooner or later, as long as one is doing things as a shinobi, (every shinobi) will be confronted with the death of someone whom they love” “Hakuhyo…(my) son didn’t lose his life because of the war!” 「。。。」 “Hakuhyo…Hakuhyo…He was killed by those guys from the Wave Country!”

94 RAW

English “So because of that, you 「がから、お前は波の国に復讐を誓ったのか。。。?」 swore revenge upon the Wave Country…? “Regarding death as a shinobi, (the manner of death) is something 「忍としての死は、忍自身が選んだものだ!」華氷が吼えた。 chosen personally by the shinobi for himself!” Kahyo yelled. “When one becomes a shinobi, one can be prepared to die. ..For me…As for me and my older brother, we did not wish for Hakuhyo to live 「忍になる時点で、死ぬ覚悟はできている……私は……私と兄上は、薄氷にそんな in such a manner. And ふうに生きてほしくなかった。だから抜け忍となって、波の国に身をひそめた。だれも傷 so, in becoming nukenin, つけることのない、静かで、争いのない生活を望んだだけなのに。。。」 we concealed ourselves in the Wave Country. Only desiring to live without injuring anyone, in peace, and without conflict…” 「お前は間違っている」 “You are wrong” 「。。。!?」 「。。。!?」

95 RAW

English “Because as long as we live, it’s as if we cannot help but continue to battle.” Kakashi said. “I suppose it has nothing to do with whether or not one is a shinobi, or if one 「生きているかぎり、オレたちは戦い続けなければならないんだ」カカシは言った。「忍is an ordinary person. だろうが、ふつうの人だろうが、そんなことは関係ない。クナイをふり回すのも、札束をEven if one brandishes a ふり回すのも、同じことなんだよ。生きていくことそれ自体が、いつでも命がけの戦いなkunai around, or even んだ」 brandishes a roll of money around, it’s the same thing. Because in (the act of) continuing to live itself, always and at anytime, it’s a battle where one risks his own life.” ”Uwaaaaah!” Kahyo raised a strange voice 「うわあああああ!」華氷が奇声をあげて、突っ込んでくる。「お前に、なにが分か and then retorted. “As る!?」 for you, what do you understand!?” 「。。。!」 「。。。!」 Kakashi calmly continued to handle the attack unleashed (by 繰り出される攻撃を、カカシは冷静にさばいてゆく。敵の拳が空を切り、ブロックされ、Kahyo). The enemy’s fist 蹴りはカカシの残像を割った。 cut through the air. It was blocked. A kick cleaved the afterimage of Kakashi. “As for the death of a comrade, the death of a 「仲間の死と、血を分けた子供の死はまったく違う!」 child (of one’s own) flesh and blood is completely different!”


Pages 106-107 Kakashi stoops lower, as he parries a rotating kick from Kahyo. Kakashi continues: RAW



English “As for the sorrow of losing a comrade and such, eventually time will resolve it!” He pushes up the bottom of his palm (to counter) an elbow strike. “ As for something like that, you cannot understand the sentiments of a parent whose child has been killed!”

97 RAW





English Kakashi firmly catches an oncoming fist (from Kahyo’s attack). “If that’s the case, why are you trying to take away the life of someone else’s child?” 「!?」 The child whom Guy had rescued a while ago was staring at their direction with frightened eyes.

98 RAW

English Even for those people whom you guys have executed, they were someone else’s 「お前たちが処刑した人たちだって、 だれかの子供だろ」カカシは言った。「お前のその悲しみは、たとえ世界を滅 child, ばしても、消えてなくなりはしないよ」 right?” Kakashi said. “As for your sadness, even if the world is destroyed, it won’t vanish.” Kahyo screams again and cuts off Kakashi’s words. Kahyo strikes both palms at the floor again.


“ Hyouton: Jisarenhyou!” ( Ice Release: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice!) Kahyo generated an even more enormous icicle, one that could not even compare to the ones from before, which then surrounds Kahyo. It’s as if Kahyo wanted to freeze all the pent up emotions: the attack was like a blooming flower of ice. To escape the fangs of ice, Kakashi retreats with a backflip. Not only him, but Rahyo, Guy, and the passengers must all escape from the attack. The ice petals gradually continue to spread. The swords of ice pierce the ceiling, lift up the floorboards, and penetrate the walls of the ship’s hull.

99 Rahyo shouts at Kahyo to stop. They’re still flying above the sea. The voice doesn’t reach Kahyo though (=who’s pretty much mentally lost it as this point), as Kahyo further emitted even more chakra and vigorously augmented the force that was put forth into the flower of ice. Boom! Rahyo jumps over the icicles, and is then forced to strike Kahyo in the abdomen. Kahyo then collapses into Rahyo’s arms. Boom! ...But it’s too late.

Pages 108-109 The jutsu ends simultaneously as Kahyo loses consciousness. Before the ice flower had vanished into a mist, it had created a gigantic hole in the hull of the ship. There’s a sudden difference between the air pressure aboard the ship. Air flows from a situation of high pressure to a lower one. It’s a thin atmosphere at 5,000 metres above the ground. There’s a thunderous roar. Instantly, the air within the dining room lounge is getting aspirated out! One by one, passengers are getting sucked out of the hole in the ship’s hull! Plates, forks, knives, spoons are scattered about. There’s woodchips of shrapnel and bottles of sake among many articles of furniture brought onboard for the sight-seeing flight. The chandelier is barely dangling by a few wires on the ceiling. The wind is erasing the screams of the passengers. Rahyo continues to grasp onto Kahyo, as he's holding onto a nearby pillar. Guy is yelling, as he’s floating in the air. Kakashi calls out to him, and stretches out his arm. He manages to catch Guy’s hand, but with his

100 broken index finger, he’s unable to exert much power against the air current (=he says “Shit!”). Somehow, he’s able to catch a powerline that’s protruding through the hole in the wall. They’re both now dangling on the exterior of the ship. RAW

English Similar to a completely torn flag, Kakashi and Guy’s bodies are tormented by the wind. まるで破れた旗のように、カカシとガイの体が風にいたぶられる。上下左右が恐ろしい速 They were being jostled さで入れかわり、何度も船体にたたきつけられた。 left and right with dreadful speed. Over and over again, they were struck against the hull of the ship. “Kakashi, let go of my 「カカシ、手を放せ!」ガイが吼えた。「このままじゃ、お前も落ちてしまうぞ!」 hand!” Guy barked. “As it is, you’ll fall too!” “Ah…don’t be hasty, 「あ、暴れるな、ガイ。。。」 Guy…” “No, let go! I’ll be alright! At such a height, 「ええい、放せ!オレなら大丈夫だ!これしきの高さ、青春パワーをもってすれば、 ど if it’s through the Power うってことない!」 of Youth, it won’t matter at all!” “Tha- that’s nonsense….That’s 「ね、寝言は。。。寝てから言うものでしょうよ」 probably something you’d say out of being nonsensical ” Kakashi’s grip on Guy is loosening, same as with his hand and fingers on the powerline. No matter how much power he’s putting forth into his effort, there’s a ズルズル (zuruzuru) sound of dragging from his failing grip. There wasn’t anything Kakashi could do about it.

Pages 110-111

101 RAW English ”カカシ先生?聞こえてますか、カカシ先“Kakashi-sensei? Can you hear me, Kakashi生?” sensei?” Ino is able to connect to Kakashi! However, the sight of falling passengers are grazing at the edge of Kakashi’s eyes. Ino tells him that the people who were attacked at the commemoration ceremony are under their care. Something akin to a leaf blows by. It’s like a white petal. Ino repeated again, asking if Kakashi can hear her. Tsunade-sama informed the Wave Country about the attack on their citizens a few moments ago. Kakashi focuses on what just blew by. It looks like a mask with a hook pattern on it. He realizes that it’s the mask of Kahyo. Kakashi somehow is then able to detect Kahyo in the middle of the crisis. Inside the ship, still in the dining room lounge and in Rahyo’s arms, Kahyo is completely limp. He can see long, curly hair being tussled by the wind. Ino continues asking questions. Among the people in the Ryuuha Armament Alliance, what’s the breakdown of the twelve people? It’s eleven men, and one woman… Ino seems to pick up on Kakashi’s tone in his response. She asks him again, is he listening? Can he confirm their numbers? RAW English 「!?」 「!?」 その瞬間、全てが消え失せた。 In an instant, everything vanished. 音も、風も、時間までもが。 Sounds, the wind, and even time. ついに送電線が手から滑り抜け、ガイ Finally, his hand had slipped out of the power line, とともに落下していくカカシが最後に and Kakashi continued to fall together with Guy. As 眼にしたもの。。。 for the last thing in his eyes… “。。。女性がひとりです” (Communication with Ino) “…There’s one woman” それは、あの青いロングドレスの女だ It was –that- woman in the long blue dress. た。

//End Translation

102 //End chapter 7


Vol. 1:

Chapter 8 Chapter 8:「死の縁まで五千メートル」5,000 Metres Until the Edge of Death

Pages 114-115 RAW

English Surrounding Kakashi, who had been ejected into the sky , there were also falling 天空に投げ出されたカカシのまわりには、同じようになす術もなく落下してゆく搭乗客が散 passengers who had らばっていた。 been thrown out (of the ship) in the same manner and were scattered about. (Kakashi’s) eyes met ガイと眼が合う。 those of Guy’s. He saw as Guy was beginning to nod in うなずきかけてくるガイを見て、やつもまた死を覚悟したことを、カカシは悟った。 agreement. Kakashi realized that he was also resigned to death. Having said that, if they were to be struck onto the ground from a いくら忍といえど、高五千メートルから地上にたたきつけられれば、行き着くところはひと height of 5,000 metres, つしかない。 there was no other choice. There was only one place for the shinobi to end up. くそ。。。 Damn it…

104 RAW

English Closing his eyes, he envisioned Kahyo 眼を閉じると、青いロングドレスを着た華氷が見えた。 wearing her long, blue dress. “ If you guys hesitate to the extent that you lose your path, then the (number of) victims あなたたちが迷えば迷うほど、 犠牲者は増えるわ。。。厨房に隠れていたとき、彼女はす will increase… “ When がるような眼でそう言った。 she was hiding in the kitchen, she said it like that with eyes that clung (to him). “As for something like that, you cannot understand the お前なんかに、子を殺された親の気持ちが分かってたまるか! sentiments of a parent whose child has been killed!” …Beneath the mask, it seemed as though she 。。。仮面の下で、彼女は全身でそう叫んだ。 was shouting with her whole body. What could I do about it? What was I able to do for her? Even オレになにができた?彼女になにをしてやれた? そこまで考えて、 ふと可笑しさが込み上 thinking about it to げてきた。 such an extent…a sudden strangeness welled up within him. As expected…it’s よそう。。。もう終わりだ。 already over. Finally, death…is coming. To where they (had all gone): Obito, 死がついに。。。訪れる。 オビトや父さんや、戦の中で散っていった仲間たちのところへ、Father, and the オレも行くんだ。 comrades who had died a noble death during combat. I’m going there too.

105 RAW

English And so, when his body was suddenly defying gravity and softly だから、体が重力に逆らってふわりと浮かび上が俄たとき、カカシにはなにが起こったのか、 suspended above (in 分からなかった。 the air), he did not comprehend what had happened. 「。。。?」 「。。。?」 「間に合ってよかった」 “It’s good timing.” As (Kakashi was) opening his eyes, Sai 眼を開けると、自分を見下ろしているサイが、にっこり笑った。 was overlooking him. He was smiling and laughing. “Did you forget? 「忘れたんですか?カカシ先生が、 ぼくを呼んだんでしょ?」 Kakashi-sensei called for me, right?” 「!」 「!」 (Kakashi) emphatically got up. He was (riding) ガバッと身を起こす。そこは 、サイの描いた鴻の背の上だった。 on the back of Sai’s large bird that he had drawn. 上下左右を見渡す。 He surveyed around. They were in the sky far away and beneath the Tobishachimaru. It was a huge flock of large birds made from はるか上空の飛鯱丸の下で、超獣偽画の鴻の大群が、まるで黒い雲のように旋回していた。 Choujyuu Giga (Super Beast Imitating Drawing). They were circling as if they were completely black clouds. Guy was dangling from the large bird’s foot. He 鴻の足にぶら下がっているガイが、ニカッと笑って親指を立ててくる。 was grinning and laughing with a thumbs-up.


Pages 116-117 RAW






English Afterwards, he raised the leg on the poor side (of his body). On the plaster cast that was on the sole of the foot, there were two (kanji) characters written there: “Youth”. As for the passengers who had been ejected from the Tobichachimaru, they were also being added onboard the large birds. Also, there were people who firmly caught onto the feet of the large birds. “It’s fine” Sai said. “Everyone was rescued.” “Do you know how high the altitude is right now?” “It seems like…” Sai followed Kakashi’s gaze as they looked up at the Tobishachimaru. “Approximately 5,500 or 6,000 metres, I suppose? “

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English At the rate at which the furniture and people from dining room lounge had been thrown 食堂ラウンジの調度や人々が投げ出されたぶん、飛鯱丸は身軽になっている。カカシは考えた。おそらく、そのせいで少し高度が上がっout, the ているんだ。 Tobishachimaru had become lighter. Kakashi thought about it. Perhaps because of that, it had risen up a bit in altitude. It was morning without any clouds, but now there were numerous strips of black clouds. 午前中には雲ひとつなかったが、いまや数切れの黒い雲が、西のほうから流れてきている。空気はかすかに、水のにおいをはらんでいた。 They were flowing westwards. The air was faintly filled with the scent of water. “Do you know the identities of 「襲撃犯の身元は分かってるのか?」 the perpetrators of the raid?” “No. However, Tsunade-sama is (in contact 「いいえ。綱手様がほうぼうに当たっているのですが…」 with various people) at the moment" “The principal offender is named Rahyo.” With slight hesitation, he 「主犯は、羅氷という男だ。 」少しためらってから、付け加えた。「それと、その妹の華氷」 added on (to his statement). “And also his younger sister, Kahyo.” サイが、うなずいた。 Sai nodded.

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English Kakashi looked upwards at the Tobishachimaru, カカシは、上空に浮かぶ、飛鯱丸を見上げた。 which was floating in the sky. It’s course was 進路は、西北西。 heading WestNorthwest. Why is it そっちになにがある? heading that way? Kakashi’s mind カカシは、頭をフルに回転させた。 was fully turning. The Ryuuha Armament Alliance’s demand was the release of Garyo. In 龍波武装同盟の要求は、我龍の釈放。人質と引きかえに、やつらは目的を果たそうとしている。 exchange for the hostages, those guys are trying to accomplish their objective. However, of course Konoha would not think about accepting the transaction so easily. If that’s the case, then those guys have prepared しかし、当然、木の葉がそう簡単に取り引きに応じるとは、考えていないはずだ。だとしたら、やつらは交渉が決裂した場合に備えて、 for the situation ほかに手を打っているかもしれない。 where negotiations have broken down. Besides, perhaps they might take some measures (to ensure that they succeed).

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English Their trumpcard is Kahyo. やつらの切り札は、華氷だ。それは、間違いない。 There’s no doubt about that. That was the 自ずと答えが出た。 answer, naturally. “They are headed towards Houzukijyou (Blood Prison). Kakashi’s mouth opened. “Those guys are prepared in the 「やつらは鬼燈城へ向かっている」カカンは口を開トた。「木ノ葉につっぱねられた場合に備えて 、上空から我龍を救出する作戦だ。 event that they 鬼燈城の守りを固めるんだ」 were rejected by Konoha. Their strategy is to rescue Garyo from the sky. Fortify the defenses of Houzukijyou.” 「。。。!」 「。。。!」 Using Kahyo’s jutsu, Garyo will be boosted towards the sky. If they use the icicles of Jisarenhyou (the Earthen 華氷の術を使って、我龍を上空へ押し上げる。地鎖連氷のつららを使えば、充分に可能だ。 あとは飛鯱丸で我龍を回収するだけだ。 Consecutive Chains of Ice), it’s sufficiently possible. Only afterwards will they recover Garyo with the Tobishachimaru. “Ino”. Kakashi called out (to ”いの” カカシは心の中で、呼びかけた。”聞こえるか、いの?” her) with his mind. “Can you hear me, Ino?”

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”聞こえます” すぐに返事があった。"ご無事でなによりです、カカシ先生"

English “I can hear you. ” It was an instant response. “Above all else, you’re safe, Kakashi-sensei.”

[T/N] The novels gives things embedded between quotes “xxxx” as internal communication with Ino. 「xxxx」 means spoken dialogue. Everything else is Kakashi narrating/talking to himself. 西北西 = West-Northwest is a direction in between going West and Northwest. I didn’t know this terminology was a thing. OTL~

Pages 118-119 RAW

English “The Tobishachimaru is headed ”飛鯱丸は鬼燈城へ向かっている” towards Houzukijyou” ”!” ”!” Perhaps those guys are ”たぶん、やつらは我龍を空から救出するつもりだ” intending to rescue Garyo from the sky” “ Understood. I will notify ”分かりました、すぐ綱手様に知らせます” Tsunade-sama immediately” 「サイ」 “Sai” 「はい」 “Yes” “Please return me to the 「オレを飛鯱丸に戻してくれ」 Tobishachimaru” 「。。。」 「。。。」 “I feel uneasy (about it)”, Kakashi said. “Moreover, as for 「胸騒ぎがする」カカシは言った。「それに、残ってる人質を、ほうっては the remaining hostages, we おけない」 cannot abandon them and leave them behind.”

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English Riding an ascending air current, Sai’s large bird penetrated 上昇気流に乗って、 サイの鴻は雨雲を突き破り、またたく間に飛鯱丸の上 through rain clouds. In an 空へ出た。 instant, they appeared at the skies with the Tobishachimaru. The hole in the hull had already been blocked off by ice. It was 船体にあいた穴は、 すでに氷がふさいでいる。 華氷の地鎖連氷によって possible because of the icicles できたつららが、 あふれんばかりに垂れ下がっていた。 from Kahyo’s Jisarenhyou. (The icicles) overflowed and were dangling. 彼女は無事だ。 She’s safe. Simultaneously while feeling ホッとすると同時に、カカシは気を引き締めた。 relieved, Kakashi focused his mind. それにしても、空気が薄い。 Nevertheless, the air was thin. Sai had said that the reading was approximately 6,000 metres. That’s probably right. While searching for a hole to penetrate into the 約六千メートルというサイの読みは、たぶん正しいだろう。飛鯱丸への侵入 Tobishachimaru, Kakashi was 口を探しながら、カカシは計算した。七千メートルくらいまでなら、たとえ calculating. Until approximately 空気を圧縮して船内の気圧を上げなくても、搭乗客がすぐに意識を失うこと 7,000 metres (in altitude), even はない。 if the air pressure isn’t elevated by compressing the air on-board the ship, the passengers won’t immediately lose consciousness . However, the oxygen will become insufficient. It was just が、酸素が足りなくなるのは、時間の問題だ。しかも、カカシの見るところ、a matter of time. Furthermore, 飛鯱丸は少しずつ上昇している。 from where Kakashi could see it, the Tobishachimaru was rising little by little. Perhaps the sorts of instruments in the pilothouse 操舵室の計器類が壊れたのかもしれない。だから、操縦士は機体の上昇に気 were broken. So the pilots づかないのか。。。 didn’t notice that the fuselage was rising?...

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English “There.” Sai pointed. “On the 「あそこ」サイが指さした。 「客室のゴンドラの上に、穴があいてます」 gondola of the guest room. There’s an open hole.” Kakashi leaned his body towards the direction that Sai カカシはサイの指し示す方角へ、身を乗り出した。流れゆく雲の切れ間から、had indicated. In between 侵入口を見きわめようとした。 breaks in the flowing clouds, he was trying ascertain an opening to penetrate through. On the lower portion of the air sac, exactly at the base of the 気嚢の下部、ちょうど鯱の胸びれの付け根のあたりに、人ひとりが抜けられ pectoral fin of the orca, there る穴があいていた。 was a hole (large enough) for a single person to pass through. “Alright, I’ll penetrate through 「よし、あそこから侵入する」 there.” Sai nodded. Slanting the wing of the large bird, they slid サイがうなずくと、鴻は翼を傾け、 空を斜めに滑り落ちて穴のそばでピタ diagonally through the sky. リと止まった。 They suddenly stopped next to the hole.

//End Translation //End Chapter 8


Vol. 1:

Chapter 9 Chapter 9:「綱手の決断」// Tsunade’s Decision

Pages 122-123 RAW

English In the Hokage office in Konohagakure Village, Tsunade was in the midst of a 木ノ葉隠れの里、 火影執務室では、綱手が三面六臂の働きで采配をふるっていた。 flurry and rush of work, energetically issuing commands. Shizune, is there still no contact from the Wave Country? With Ino’s report, it seems that those guys are the leaders: Rahyo and Kahyo. Convey that (to them), and investigate into the identities of those two! How is 「シズネ、波の国からはまだ連絡がないのか! いのの報告では、リーダーは羅氷と華氷とかいうやつららしい。それを伝えて、このふたりの身元を洗わせろ!シカマル、鬼燈城のほうはどうなって Shikamaru, who’s at the る?囚人たちが不穏な動きを見せたら、構わん、 ただちに制圧! サクラは医療班を組織して、 ただちに鬼燈城へ向かえ!シズネ、暗部を待機させておけ!」 Houzukijyou (Blood Prison)? If the prisoners (show signs of) unrest, it won’t matter, immediately keep them completely under control! Sakura will organize a medical team, and immediately head towards Houzukijyou! Shizune, put the ANBU on standby! Afterwards, (Tsunade) closed それから眼を閉じ、心の中で念じた。 her eyes, thinking in her head. “Ino, how is Kakashi right ”いの、カカシはいまどうなってる!” now?” “From Sai’s report, I have the impression that they are still ”サイからの報告では、 また飛鯱丸へ潜入したそうです” infiltrating aboard the Tobishachimaru” The door of the office opened with a ‘bun!’ sound. Leaning 執務室のドアが、バンッ、と開き、サイの肩を借りたガイが飛び込んできた。 on Sai’s shoulder, Guy leapt inside. “Tsunade-sama! (It’s me), 「綱手様!マイト・ ガイ、ただいま帰還いたしまし。。。」 Might Guy has just now returned… ゴンッ! Gonn! (Boom!) Tsunade’s strong fist exploded 綱手の剛拳が、ガイの脳天に炸裂した。 on the crown of Guy’s head. 「おお……おおおお…」 “Ooh…Ooooh…”

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English “ Guy, you ******…..” Guy was grasping his head and fainting in agony. (Tsunade) grasped him by the collar and shook 「ガイ、貴様ぁ……」綱手は、頭を押さえて悶絶するガイの胸ぐらを摑んで、 ユッサユッサとゆさぶった。 「任務をほったらかして、飛鯱丸に乗ってたそうだな!」 him with a ‘yussayussa’ sound. “It seems that you neglected a mission (because you wanted to) board the Tobishachimaru!” “No, such a…tha-, tha-, that’s nonsense! A-, Actually…… eh~, Actually it’s……Oh, yeahyeah, the condition of my leg is awful, right?……Because 「いえ、そんな……め、め、滅相もない!じ、じつは……えー、じつはですね……あっ、 そうそう、足の具合が悪くてですね……かかりつけの医者が波の国にいるもんですから …… my personal physician is in the そうそうそうそう!で、たまたま病院への通り道に飛鯱丸が。。。」 Wave Country?…Yeahyeahyeahyeah! So, coincidentally, the Tobishachimaru was along the route to the hospital…” “You *****….shamelessly 「貴様ぁ……そんな嘘をぬけぬけと」 saying such a lie” “Tsunade-sama, that’s not what it is about for now!” Making a fist, Tsunade was preparing to punch Gai in the 「綱手様、いまはそれどころではありません!」拳を固めて、 ガイの頭に二発目を見舞おうとした綱手を、シズネが後ろから羽交い絞めにした。 「岩隠れのオオノキ様より無線が入っておりま head for a second time. From す!」 behind, Shizune bound (Tsunade’s arms) behind her back. “From Iwagakure, Oonoki-sama is coming on the wireless radio!” “Tha- That’s right, Tsunadesama!” Guy heaved a sigh of 「そ、そうですぞ、綱手様!」ホッと胸を撫で下ろすガイ。「いまは飛鯱丸のことが先決ですぞ!」 relief. “Now, we have to make a decision about the Tobishachimaru!” “You ****...Guy, describe the appearance of the enemies” After that, the radio was 「うぬぬぬ……ガイ、お前は敵の人相を描いておけ」それから、執務机に置かれた無線機に向き合った。「なんだ、土影?」 placed on the official desk, and they were facing one another. “What is it, Tsuchikage?”

[T/N] 三面六臂 is an expression that is literally like “three faces, six arms”. Like the feeling of someone in the middle of doing a variety of tasks (hardcore multitasking?). Gai’s gibberish while he’s stalling Tsunade is my best approximation…lol~~~ Like “そうそうそうそう” is kinda like repeating “that’s right!” over and over again in quick succession. So the best I can really make of it into an exasperated English translation is like if he says something like “Yeahyeahyeahyeah”. A bit like if you’re in another scenario and you got too excited and said “omgomgomgomgomg”. That’s what he’s doing. もんですから is hard to explain. This is a suffix appended to the end of a sentence that means that you’re asking a rhetorical question. But

115 the nuance is that the person who’s saying it knows that they are making an excuse/lying. (So the converse of their sentence is actually what’s true).

Pages 124-125 RAW

English ”Not even a greeting, Tsunadehime?” Oonoki’s voice was emitting from the radio. “Well, that’s fine……Apart from that, there’s 「挨拶もなしか、綱手姫?」無線機がオオノキの声を吐き出す。「まあ、いい……それより、 お前の国の上空にぽっかり浮かんどるもん、ありゃ波の国が極秘に開発しとった something lightly 船じゃろ?」 floating in the skies of your country. Isn’t that the ship that was developed in absolute secrecy by the Wave Country? Tsunade was 綱手は言葉に詰まった。 speechless. “Well, we’re also shinobi. As someone like Tsunade-hime, of course with such a 「おいおい、ワシらも忍じゃぜ。綱手姫ともあろう者が、まさかあんなドでかいもんを、 隠しおおせるとは思っとらんかったじゃろ?」 large thing, did you think that you would be successful in hiding it? “From Iwagakure… 「岩隠れから……見えてるのか?」 you can see it?”

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English “Not only Iwagakure. Other countries should have noticed as well. However, in wanting to respect (eachother) as comrades who fought together in the Fourth Shinobi 「岩隠れだけじゃない。ほかの里も、気づいとるはずじゃぜ。ただ、第四次忍界大戦をともに戦った仲間に敬意を表して、どこも見て見ぬふりをしとるだけよ。あの船の警護は、 World War, we 木ノ葉の極秘任務らしいからのお」 only pretended to not see it everywhere. Because it seems as though it was Konoha’s confidential mission, with those escorts for that ship. “ “This indecisive 「この両天秤じじいが…」 old man…” “However, even for me, of course such (a situation) 「しかしワシも、まさかあんなでかいもんとは、思いもせんかったわ」 is huge thing. (But) I didn’t think about it. “Here, now it’s hectic!” Tsunade shouted. “How 「こっちはいま忙しいんだ!」綱手が怒鳴りつけた。「さっさと用件を言ったらどうだ!」 about quickly saying (what pertains) to this business!” “Well goodness. How impatient of a young person.” A sigh emitted through the radio. “Well then, let’s talk about it. A few days ago, some 「やれやれ、若いもんはせっかちでいかん」無線機からため息が漏れた。「それじゃ、 言おう。数日前、 狼哭の里に見慣れぬやつらが現れ、青火粉を大量に仕入れていったそ unfamiliar guys うじ ゃぜ」 appeared in the Howling Wolf Village. It seems that they were buying up large stocks of Aobiko (/Blue Fire Powder)” 「!?」 「!?」

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English “The way I understand it, Roukoku (/Howling Wolf) Village is a village of doctors……those guys are trained in 「知ってのとおり、狼哭の里は、 薬師の里……やつらが練成する青火粉の爆発力は、 起爆札の数倍はあるんじゃぜ」 the explosive powers of the Aobiko. Aobiko is more than several times (more potent) than exploding tags." “What do you want 「なにが言いたい?」 to say?” “We pursued that Aobiko. If such a thing was brought into Iwagakure, since it’s not something (one ought to) accumulate….Well, 「ワシらは、その青火粉を追っとった。あんなもんを岩隠れに持ち込まれたら、たまったもんじゃないからな……まあ、それはさておき、どうやらいま空の上にぷかぷか浮か aside from that, んどる船に、その青火粉が積み込まれたようじゃぜ」 now it seems as though it’s onboard the ‘pukapuka’ (/sound of flying) floating ship in the sky. That Aobiko appears to be stowed cargo." 「!」 「!」 “The Wave Country used that ship to try to create a commotion within the transportation industry” The Tsuchikage altered his voice. “However, Tsunade-hime, as for the innovative technology, 「波の国は、あの船を使って、運輸業界に旋風を巻き起こそうとしとる」土影は声をあらためた。「しかしな、綱手姫、技術の革新には、いつだって裏の面があるんじゃぜ。だれ there’s always a かが麻酔薬を作ったら、だれかがそれを麻薬に作りかえる。だれかが料理包丁を作ったら、 だれかがそれを使って人を斬ってみようとする。。。」 hidden surface. If somebody produces anesthetics, somebody will manufacture that into narcotic drugs. If somebody produces a kitchen knife for cooking, someone will use that for trying to kill people... ”

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English “If somebody produces a ship that flies in the 「だれかが空飛ぶ船を作ったら、だれかがそれを使って空からの戦を仕掛ける…か」 sky, somebody will use that to wage war from the sky…?” “However, as for other shinobi villages, they are silent for now. It’s because they are trying to see and thoroughly 「ほかの忍び里が、いまのところ黙っとるのは、あの船の進路を見きわめようとしとるからじゃぜ。 もし、あの船が岩隠れの方角へ鼻面を向けとらんかったら、 ワシだって黙っinvestigate the とったわ」 route of that ship. However, if the snout of that ship is aimed in the direction of Iwagakure, even we will not be silent.”

[T/N] Iwagakure is the Hidden Rock (/Hidden Stone) Village. Kusagakure is the Hidden Grass Village The青火粉 (Aobiko/ Blue Fire Powder) is a reference from the author’s other Naruto light novel that was published from around 2012, called Jinraiden: Ookami no Naku Hi. This novel was really well received among fans in Japan, so inside references like this are generally understood. The light novel follows Sasuke’s adventures into investigating where Itachi’s eye medicine comes from, thinking through his thoughts about what has transpired after killing him, etc. Anyway, this powder is a weapon that is exclusively used by the Howling Wolf village and has massive explosive power. So even inexperienced/ non-shinobi can use it and cause some serious damage. (PS. That novel was quite wellwritten too. I just don’t have to translate it in depth~ OTL) This is the little excerpt from page 87 of Sasuke Jinraiden light novel that explains the gist :


「(…) 青火粉は水に触れると爆発するんだ (…)人の吐く息に含まれている水分で爆発させ て(…)」 “(...) When Aobiko comes into contact with water, it detonates (…) the moisture that comprises the breath of a person (can also cause) an explosion(...)”

Hence, Kahyo’s manipulation of moisture into ice means easy activation of the Aobiko. Or someone could just breathe on it…

Pages 126-127 RAW 「……」

English 「……」 “Listen well, Tsunadehime” Oonoki said. “ As for whatever happened inside of that ship, we have no 「よく聞け、綱手姫」オオノキが言った。「いま、あの船の中でなにが起こっとるのか、 ワシは詮索するつもりはない……だがな、もしあの船がこ intention to inquire のまま進路を変えずに、まっすぐ岩隠れの里に飛んでくるようなら、ワシは撃ち落とすぜ」 about it… However, if that ship doesn’t change it’s route, I will shoot it down if it flies directly into Iwagakure village.” If Kakashi’s readings were correct, it’s going towards Kusagakure’s Houzukijyou....Tsunade カカシの読みが正しければ、飛鯱丸は草隠れの里の鬼燈城へ向かっている……綱手は考えた。そして、その鬼燈城は、草隠れと岩隠れの境にある。 thought. And thus, Houzukijyou is on the border between Kusagakure and Iwagakure. “The ship is going towards Kusagakure”. Tsunade scowled at the radio. “If by any 「船は草隠れに向かっている」綱手は無線機をにらみつけた。 「万一、草隠れを通過するようなら、私が撃ち落とす」 chance, it seems to be passing through Kusagakure, I’ll shoot it down.”

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English Tension traveled 執務室に緊張が走った。 throughout the office. ”Hearing that, I’m relieved.” Before ending communications, the Tsuchikage spoke. 「それを聞いて、安心したぜよ」通信を切りあげる前に、土影が言った。「青火粉をどっ さり積んだ船に、頭の上でうろちょろされるのは、あまり気 “Because the ship is 持ちのいいもんじゃないからな」 fully loaded with Aobiko, having it hanging upon your head is not a comfortable feeling to have at all.” As for that indecisive old man, I shouldn’t be relieved and such by trifling matter……In front of the silent あの両天秤じじいのことだ、これしきのことで安心などするはずがない……沈黙した無線を前に、綱手はしばし思案した。おそらく、ただちに草隠れradio, Tsunade との境に、手練れを配置するだろう。 considered it all. Perhaps, immediately at the border of Kusagakure, it seems that I should station skilled (shinobi). Guy, Sai, Sakura, Shizune, Kiba, Shino, and furthermore each ガイ、サイ、サクラ、シズネ、キバ、シノ、それに暗部の面々ー。。。口を開く者は、だれもいなかった。 of the ANBU…No one opened his or her mouth. ザ。。。ザザ。。。ザ。。。 Za…Zaza…Za…. A drawn-out, jarring 雑音を長々と響かせたあとで、無線が息を吹きかえす。 noise resounded. A tone returned. “Hokage! “ It was the voice of a peeved man. It resounded 「火影!」苛立たしげな男の声が、執務室に響き渡った。 「我龍様はまだ釈放されんのか!?」 through the office. “Garyo-sama is still not released!?” 「……羅氷か?」 ”…Rahyo?” After a beat of pause, Rahyo laughed 一拍の間のあとで、羅氷が鼻で笑った。「もうバレちまったのか…」 scornfully. “I’ve already been exposed, eh?...”

121 RAW

English “Change the route, Rahyo” Tsunade strained her voice. “At this rate, the Tobishachimaru will be shot down……Even if 「進路を変えろ、羅氷」綱手は声を張った。「このままだと、飛鯱丸は撃ち落とされるぞ ……木ノ葉がやらなくても、ほかの里が黙っちゃいない。 Konoha doesn’t do it, いまなら、まだ間に合う。波の国に引きかえせ」 other villages will not be silent. If (you agree to change the route) now, there’s still enough time. Return to the Wave Country.” “The route of the 「飛鯱丸の行先は、オレが決める」 Tobishachimaru is for us to decide” “Listen to the 「話を聞け。。。」 discussion…” 「黙れ!」 “Shut up!” 「……!」 「……!」

[T/N] Oops, I forgot to write this note the first time I wrote this about 両天 秤じじい, which I translated as “indecisive old man”. Literally, it is “two alternatives” or “both scales”. So for something that can go either way (like a decision or argument), it refers to someone who kinda stalls and is not completely of one mindset (like someone who’s perpetually on the fence about something) . IIRC, in the manga, it’s because he’s neutral on most issues, so progress goes irritatingly slow because he’s indecisive.

Pages 128-129 RAW



English “Release Garyo-sama immediately! In three minutes…When three minutes have elapsed, if it’s the case that our request is still not fulfilled, the executions will commence!” The radio made a ‘kachaa’ sound, (and the signal) was violently terminated.

122 RAW

English Three minutes….Tsunade roughly ground her 三分……綱手はギリリと奥歯を噛み締めた。そのあいだに、 カカシひとりに、いったいなにができる? back molars. During that time, what the heck can Kakashi do alone? On the other hand, we cannot release Garyo. If we relent to the demands of scoundrels like Rahyo, Konoha will かといって、我龍を釈放するわけにはいかない。羅氷のような、 ならず者どもの要求に屈したら、木ノ葉は五大国の中での立場を失う。仕事の依頼が減り、里の者が餓えることにな lose it’s standing る。 among the Five Great Countries. Employment requests will decrease, and then the people of the village will starve. Damn it, what the heck くそ、いったいどうすればいいんだ…? should I do?... A heavy silence hung over the office. Then, a 重苦しい静寂の立ち込める執務室に、外のどよめきが届く。 commotion from outside occurred. “Oi, look out! “ Kiba rushed towards the window. He pointed a 「おい、見ろよ!」窓辺へ駆け寄ったキバが、空を指さして声を張りあげた。「飛続丸が見えるぜ!」 finger at the sky and raised his voice. “Look at the Tobishachimaru!” Before they all knew it, dark clouds were looming low in the sky. いつの間にか、 空には暗雲が垂れ込めている。その下を、巨大な鯱が、ゆっくりと西へ向かっていた。 Beneath them, a gigantic Orca was slowly heading westwards. ‘Wha-, what’s that!?’ The people in the village shouted in な、なんだ、あれは!?往来をゆく里の者たちが、びっくり仰天して叫んだ。でっかい魚が空を飛んでるぞ! astonishment, heading to into the streets. ‘A gargantuan fish is flying in the sky!’ “Sai” Tsunade crossed both of her hands and placed her chin upon them. She closed her 「サイ」綱手は組んだ両手に顎を乗せ、眼を閉じた。「飛続丸は、あとどれくらいで鬼燈城に着く?」 eyes. “About how long until the Tobishachimaru reaches Houzukijyou?” “Since there’s a tailwind in the sky……” 「上空は追い風でしたので……」サイが言った。「このままだと、二十分ほどで」 Sai said. “As it is now, about twenty minutes” “Tsunade-sama…are you serious?” Sakura nervously broke the ice, and beginning to 「綱手様……本気ですか?」サクラがおずおずと切り出した。「飛鯱丸を撃ち落とすって ……まだカカシ先生が中にいるんですよ!?」 speak. “Shooting down the Tobishachimaru……But Kakashi-sensei is still onboard!?”

123 RAW

English It even seemed like an 永遠とも思えるほどの沈黙が流れた。 eternity of silence had elapsed. Suddenly, Tsunade opened her eyes, and カッと眼を見開くと、綱手は毅然と命じた。 resolutely issued commands. “Sai, standby from the skies! For Ino, report to Kakashi what the Tsuchikage had spoken about! And then afterwards, such that Naruto is not suspicious (of the plans), everyone head towards the 「サイは上空で待機!いのに、土影が言ったことをカカシに伝えさせろ!それから、 ナルトに気取られぬよう、全員ただちに鬼燈城へ向かえ!」そして、言った。「万一、飛鯱丸が Houzukijyou 鬼燈城を素通りするようなら……たとえ風に流されただけでも、即刻撃ち落とせ!」 immediately! “ And so, (Tsunade continued to) speak. “If by any chance, if the Tobishachimaru seems to pass by the Houzukijyou, even if it’s merely blown by the wind, immediately shoot it down!”

//End Translation //End Chapter 9


Vol. 1:

Chapter 10 Ch. 10: 心 // Heart

Pages 132-133 While Kakashi continued to crawl along in the ventilation duct, Ino reports to him about the intentions of the Tsuchikage. He has almost arrived at the opening of the ventilation duct at the pilothouse. In approximately two minutes, the executions are set to resume. In addition to considering that, Kakashi must keep in mind the Aobiko that is loaded aboard the ship. Kakashi is thinking to himself, ‘Damn it, where the heck did those guys stow the Aobiko?’. And then Ino resumes communications with him: RAW English “カカシ先生、すぐにその船から逃げ “Kakashi-sensei, immediately please escape from てください……綱手様は本気です、that ship…Tsunade-sama is serious: if something なにかあったら、本気で飛鯱丸を撃 happens, she truly intends to shoot down the ち落とすつもりです” Tobishachimaru” “ありがとう、いの”ダクトの中を這 “Thank you, Ino” While in progress of crawling い進みながら、カカシは答えた。”だ through the duct, Kakashi responded. “However, けど、そんなわけにはいかないよ” that (sort of thing) is impossible” “でも!” “But-!” “お前がオレのことを心配してくれて “Similar to how you are concerned about me, いるように、この船に取り残された somewhere, there are people who are also 人たちにも、どこかで心配してくれ concerned about those who were left behind on this ている人がいる” ship” “。。。。” “。。。。”

125 RAW English “そんな人たちを簡単に見捨てるよう If I simply abandon such people, then even as the じゃ、オレは火影になっても里の人 Hokage, I won’t be able to protect the people of the たちを守れないよ” village” Kakashi then jumps down from the opening of the ventilation duct. He soundlessly knocks out the enemy who is watching over the pilothouse. Both of the pilots, who are astonished, turn around to look at what has transpired. With a finger to his mouth, Kakashi shushes them. He then introduces himself as a shinobi from Konoha. The pilots nodded. At the window in front of them, they can see a sea of grey clouds that extend around them. He tells them to calmly maintain the current altitude of the ship as much as possible. He tells them that even if the enemy orders them to lower the altitude, somehow the pilots should deceive them: No matter what, please maintain the current altitude! The reason for Kakashi’s request is because of the Aobiko. If there truly is Aobiko stowed aboard the ship, the enemy probably wants to detonate it at Houzukijyou (Blood Prison). The enemy ought to have prepared ahead for that scenario. There are members of the Ryuuha Armament Alliance who are on alert on the ground. They will take advantage of the chaos, and then use that opportunity to extricate Garyo. Thus, they will probably attempt to drop the Aobiko from the sky, from above Houzukijyou. In other words, in order to raise their accuracy rate of success, they must lower the altitude of the ship by any means.

Pages 134-135 Kakashi then hears a commotion from the direction of the dining room lounge. It’s a woman screaming and crying for someone to please help! She says that her child has suffered from asthma since birth. Kakashi silently approaches the lounge, and hides next to a pillar. The child and lady have both been looking forward to boarding to Tobishachimaru, despite his condition. She begs them : If they are to continue with executions, then please

126 choose her next. In exchange, she wants for them to please save the boy. The mother is holding him in her arms. Kakashi notices that the boy is the same person whom Guy had saved from almost being crushed by the piano. (=If you remember this minor detail from the beginning of Chapter 7: [Frozen Lightning]~) Since Kahyo had created a hole in the hull of the ship, the onboard atmospheric pressure had suddenly dropped. The air had thinned…Kakashi then understood: that was the cause of the asthma attack and spasms. Kakashi scans his surroundings in every direction. It seems from the previous commotion, about one-third of the passengers were ejected from the ship. There should be twelve enemies, but now they have decreased to only seven personnel. Kakashi had just knocked out another enemy a little while ago. If that guy wakes up, then there are eight enemies (the one who was guarding the pilothouse). The mother is frantically appealing to the enemies . From the previous disturbance, the boy’s medicine was lost. At this rate, the boy will not be able to breathe anymore. He will die! Rahyo exhibits no emotions, and has cold eyes. He only looks down upon the mother and child. The mother continues to plead with him. However, Rahyo declares that they cannot land the ship just for the sake of that brat. He asks her if they are from the Wave Country, and what her occupation is. She responds that her husband is a doctor. Rahyo’s face then sparkles with cruel delight, repeating her answer. Rahyo says that his nephew died because he was abandoned by the doctors of the Wave Country. He tells her to look at the woman standing nearby. It’s Rahyo’s younger sister, Kahyo. He tells her thatit’s Kahyo’s child who had passed away. The mother’s eyes are welling up with tears, and looks at Kahyo. Kahyo lowers her face downwards. Rahyo laughs, and says that this will also be a form of retribution. Except this time, it will be their child who will be abandoned. Rahyo boisterously

127 laughs, such that it hurts Kakashi’s ears. Kakashi then fixes his halfopened eyes back at Kahyo.

Pages 136-137 Kahyo didn’t budge. Since she wasn’t wearing her mask, her long and curly hair had cast a deep shadow over her face. Before stepping out from the shadows of the pillar, Kakashi looked outside the window. He recognized the shadow of the bird that had passed by. RAW 「その子を助けてやれ」

English “Spare that child” “Hatake Kakashi!?” Rahyo’s bloodlust had 「はたけカカシ!?」羅氷が、 殺気をみなぎらせた。「貴様、また性懲りもなく……」 swelled up. “You *****, still so incorrigible….” “Kahyo” Kakashi disregarded (Rahyo’s statement), and appealed (to her). “Some time ago, you said to me, ‘As for 「華氷」カカシはそれを無視して、呼びかけた。「お前はさっきオレに言ったな、『お前な something like that, んかに、子を殺された親の気持ちが分かってたまるか』と……だけど、お前には分かる you cannot understand はずだ」 the sentiments of a parent whose child has been killed!’…….However, you ought to understand (this woman’s plight). “ Kahyo’s body suddenly 華氷の体が、ビクッと強張った。 stiffened. “I’m asking you to 「頼む、その子を助けてやってくれ」 please spare this child”

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English “You’re an idiot!” Rahyo shouted. “This 「バカか、お前は!」羅氷が怒鳴った。 「今度こそ、あの世へ送ってやる!」 time, I’ll send you to the other world!” (/I’ll kill you) 「黙れ」 “Shut up” 「!」 「!」 Rahyo stiffened because of the カカシの眼力に圧されて、羅氷が固まった。 overwhelming vigor in Kakashi’s eyes. “It is not necessary to make the ship land.” Kakashi’s eyes returned 「船を着陸させる必要はない」カカシは華氷に眼を戻し、「オレの仲間が、 この船につい to Kahyo. “My comrade て飛んでいる。そいつに、この子をあずけるだけでいい。。。その代わり オレが処刑され is flying around this てやる」 ship. It’s fine to just entrust this child to that person...Instead, execute me” From beneath her long 長い髪の下から、華氷がにらみつけてくる。 hair, Kahyo was scowling. “If that’s the case, first of all, show (your sincerity) by dying” Intervening from the 「だったら、まずお前が死んでみせろ」横から口を出してきたのは、またしても羅氷だっ side, it was Rahyo た。「ガキを釈放したとたん、お前の気が変わらないともかぎらん」 again. “As soon as the brat is released, you might change your mind” 「。。。」 「。。。」 The perpetrators of the 襲撃犯たちが、下卑た声で笑った。 raid laughed with a vulgar voice.

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English Kakashi did not hesitate. Instantly, he gathered chakra at his right hand. With his カカシは躊躇しなかった。一瞬にしてチャクラを右手に集め、紫に放電する手刀を、自分の hand poised like a 首筋にたたきつけた。 striking sword with purple lightning, he struck at the nape of his own neck. Rahyo held his breath 羅氷が、ハッ、と息を呑む。 with a ‘haa’. However, the person who was the most が、一番驚いたのは、カカシ本人だった。 surprised was Kakashi himself. 「。。。!?」 「。。。!?」 Certainly, he had unleashed Shiden (Purple Lightning). And yet, he (thought that he) had only struck with a ‘pishari’ (/sudden whacking sound) at his たしかに、紫電を発動した。なのに、手刀はぴしゃりと首を打っただけで、 血も出なけれ neck with the edge of ば、首がゴロンともげることもなかった。 his chopping hand. If blood even wasn’t coming forth, then his head had not been lopped off with a ‘goron’ (/rolling off sound). His right hand was 白熱していた右手が、たちまち冷えてゆく。 incandescent. It suddenly grew cold.

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English From where he was standing, a white chill was travelling upwards from his feet. The それどころか、足元から白い冷気が立ちのぼり、血管の中を氷の棘がこすっているかのよう insides of his blood な痛みが、全身に走った。 vessels felt as though they were being scrubbed by thorns of ice. Pain traveled though his whole body. The ice continued to creep upwards from his 氷がビキビキビキと足を這い上がってくる。 feet with a ‘bikibikibiki’ sound. [T/N] 手刀 is literally hand-sword= ‘hand used like a sword in striking’= positioned like a chop. I shortened it the second time it was mentioned.

Pages 138-139 RAW 「!?」

English 「!?」 Kakashi surrounded his whole body with chakra カカシはとっさにチャクラを全身に巡ら immediately. By then, the ice had already crept up せた。すると、すでに膝まで這い上がっ until his knees. Suddenly, (the ice around his てきていた氷が、たちまち雲散霧消した。 hand) vanished into mist. 「お前が死ぬ必要はない」華氷が静かに “It’s not necessary for you to die” Kahyo quietly 言った。「この子は助ける」 said. “I will spare the boy”. Rahyo becomes miffed at Kahyo because she took Kakashi’s words personally. She interrupts him and tells him to shut up anyway, as it’s not their objective to indiscriminately massacre people. She then peers into Kakashi’s eyes. She tells him that there is nothing he can do anymore. Kakashi carefully kneads chakra. He asks Kahyo since when did she

131 apply her jutsu on him? She responds that she did it when they first met. In order to board the Tobishachimaru, she was racing towards the platform, hiking up the hem of her long blue dress. ..Kakashi surmises that since he caught her when she had stumbled, Kahyo meant for him to fall into her trick. Kahyo then approaches the mother and child. The mother was about to nod, and held up her son with her arms. At that moment, Kakashi saw Kahyo reflected in his eyes, who was embracing the child as if he was her own. Seeing her face in profile, he looks at Kahyo’s sorrowful face. The young boy is gasping for breath. Kahyo swung her arm, and created a crack in the ice that had stopped up the hole in the hull of the ship. It’s enough for one person to pass through. Since the onboard air pressure is the same as the atmospheric pressure outside, no one is getting sucked out of the ship. As a cold wind blows inwards, Sai approaches the ship while riding on the back of a giant bird made from Choujyu Giga (Super Beast Imitation Drawing). Sai had assumed an offensive posture, preparing himself in order to attack at any moment if needed. While holding out the boy, Kahyo addresses him: if she sees Sai again, she will kill a hostage. Sai expressionlessly stares back at Kahyo. He leans forward to silently collect the boy. Kahyo then turns back towards the mother, and addresses her. She tells the woman that she can go with her son. The mother is crying with tears streaming down her face, repeating ‘Thank you’ over and over. She takes Sai’s outstretched hand, and heads out of the ship. However, there is discontent and grumbling among the passengers who are left behind onboard the ship in the lounge. One is yelling that this exception is unfair to them.

Pages 140-141 The man is angry that the mother and child are getting preferential

132 treatment. He scoffs that he ought to have brought onboard an ill child as well, then. Kahyo then blocks off the crack again with ice. Kahyo declares that it’s time for another execution anyway. She freezes the man who had complained. Afterwards, no one dared to open his or her mouth anymore. RAW

English “About when I activated the Jisarenhyou to envelop you” Kahyo (turned to) face Kakashi. “If you do not want to be frozen, you must 「お前にかけた地鎖連氷を発動した」華氷はカカシに向き合った。「凍りつきたくなければ、ずっとチャクラを always be 練って、その熱を全身に巡らせるしかない」 kneading chakra. You have no choice but to (use that chakra to) surround the whole body with that temperature” “I see…Therefore, if you are a normal civilian 「なるほど……だから、チャクラを練ることのできない一般人は、ああもたやすく凍りつ いてしまうってわ who is unable to けか」 knead chakra, then you will be easily frozen just like that.”

133 RAW

English “In order to (stop the progression) of Jisarenhyou, your chakra is preoccupied. Thus, you cannot use 「チャクラを使って地鎖連氷を抑えているかぎり、お前はほかの術にチャクラを回せなくなる。つまり、はたけ chakra to カカシ。。。」言葉を切る。「いまのお前は、ただの人だ」 activate other jutsu. In other words, Hatake Kakashi…” Her words were cut off. “As you are now, you are a normal civilian” “So it was you…the one who has been 「お前だったんだな……みんなを凍らせていたのは、羅氷じゃなくて、お前だったんだな」 freezing everyone. It was not Rahyo. It was you.” “Only I can use 「地鎖連氷を使えるのは、私だけだ」 Jisarenhyou” “Why did you not activate it 「なぜいままでオレに発動しなかった?」 on me until now?” After hesitating a little, Kahyo trickled out (a 少しためらったあとで、華氷の口から、ぽつリ、まつり、と言葉が滴った。 few isolated words) from her mouth. That voice (was filled with) その声は、 苦悩と、痛みと、悲しみにまみれていた。 anguish, pain, and sorrow .

134 RAW

English ---(Kahyo begins (---Page Break Indicator---) her monologue)-You said it a while ago, Hatake Kakashi: ‘Because in (the act of) continuing to さっき、お前は言ったな、はたけカカシ。『生きていくことそれ自体が、いつでも命がけの戦いなんだ』と。 live itself, always and at anytime, it’s a battle where one risks his own life.’ However, there are also people who do not even しかし、その戦いに参加すらさせてもらえない者もいる。 get to participate in that battle. The Kirigakure (Mist) Village 私たちが逃げ出した霧隠れの里がそうだった。 that we escaped from was like that.

135 RAW

English I did not understand it very well, but in Kirigakure, there was something similar to a social caste system (that was implemented) from the olden days. The first distinguished caste was for those whose ancestral and family lineage was born and raised within Kirigakure. The あまり知られてはいないが、霧隠れには、むかしから身分制のようなものがあった。一 番偉いのは、先祖 following caste 代々霧隠れで生まれ育った者の家系。その次は、長い戦いの歴史の中で、 霧隠れに味方した者の家系。そして was comprised 一番下が、私の家のように、霧隠れに倒されてやむなく併呑された家系だ。 of the family lineages of those who were allied with Kirigakure during a lengthy history of battles. And thus for the lowest tier, like for those in my family, that caste was for the families of those who were defeated (in those battles) and unwillingly annexed into Kirigakure.

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English In Konoha, the distribution of contracted missions are 木ノ葉では、請け負った任務を、忍の実力に応じてふり分けているはずだ。 supposed to be given in respect to the abilities of the shinobi. In Kirigakure, it’s different. As for the extremely perilous dirtywork…it was always given to 霧隠れでは、違う。もっとも危険な汚れ仕事は……いつも、私のような最下層の者に回ってくる。実力など、people like me, まったく関係ない。 who are in the lowest caste. It truly had nothing to do with one’s abilities and such. From the perspective of the village, they do not know if or when we will betray Kirigakure. We 里にしてみれば、私たちはいつ霧隠れを裏切るか分からない、いわば危険分子だ。だから、危険な任務を割り当 were dangerous てる。 members (of the society), so to speak. Therefore, we were assigned perilous missions.

137 RAW


English If we easily and successfully handled a mission, there was (nothing else) beyond that (to do anyway).

Pages 142-143 RAW

English Even if (the mission) ended in failure, and even if we lost たとえ不首尾に終わって、私たちが命を落としたとしても、それはそれで結構なことだというわけさ。 our lives, (the village thought that) it was a good thing in that case. With the current Mizukage, the state of affairs seems to be very good. At least, it was said (to be improving) during my era. The previous Mizukage was rumored to have いまの水影になって、状況はずいぶんよくなったようだが、少なくとも、私の時代はそうだった。先代の水影は、うちはマダラに操られてい been たという噂もある。とにかく、そんな霧隠れに愛想を尽かして、里を捨てた者も多い。 manipulated by Uchiha Madara. Anyway, people were disgusted with the civility of (that period) of Kirigakure. There were even many people who abandoned the village.

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English His name was Momochi Zabuza. You 桃地再不斬という名を、お前も聞いたことがあるだろう。 have probably also heard of that name before. The man was called the 霧隠れの鬼人と呼ばれた男だ。 Demon of Kirigakure. He was one of the people who promptly escaped from the village. When he was a child, I heard he was very kind. Do you know about いち早く里を抜けた者のひとりだ。子供のころの彼は、とてもやさしい子だったと聞く。 知ってるか?霧隠れは、その昔、血霧の里と呼ば it? In the former れていた。私たちは忍者になるために、ある試験を受けなければならないんだ。 days of Kirigakure, it was called ‘The Bloody Mist Village’. In order for us to become ninja, we must take a certain examination. The students of the ninja 忍者学校の生徒同士の殺し合いさ。 academy must murder their fellow peers. Perhaps you ought to be informed (up to this extent) about (the exam), too. You たぶん、お前もここまでは知っているはずだ。でも、その試験を受けさせられるのは、 私たち最下層の忍だけだということは知るまい。 didn’t know that only those of us shinobi from the lowest caste were forced to take that examination.

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English During that graduation examination, while Momochi Zabuza was still その卒業試験で、まだ子供だった桃地再不斬は、百人を超す忍者予備軍の少年たちを皆殺しにした。 a child, he massacred over one hundred potential male ninja. And thus, that’s why he came to be called a Demon. And since becoming a nukenin……in order to live, he killed people for そこからさ、彼が鬼人と呼ばれるようになったのは。そして、抜け忍となってからは……生きていくために、金で人を斬るようになった。 the sake of 最後は、どこの馬の骨とも分からないやつに、不意打ちを食らって死んだと聞いている。 money. In the end, I heard that he was killed by somebody of an unknown origin, who had dealt a surprise attack (on Zabuza). My husband was trying to take a lesson from Momochi Zabuza’s failure. Escaping from the village was fine. Even in such a place, 私の夫は、桃地再不斬の失敗を教訓にしようとした。里を抜けるのはいい。あんなところにいても、私たちのような者に未来はない。しかし、people like us 抜け忍たちが生活に困らないように、彼らが生きていける場所を波の国に作ろうとした。 have no future. However, we were trying to make the Wave Country into a place where we could live, in order to live as nukenin without trouble.

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English As you know, there are no 知ってのとおり、波の国には隠れ里がない。 hidden villages in the Wave Country. My husband had set his eyes upon there. But it wasn’t the case that shinobi were inessential. The Wave Country commissions missions from the Five Great Shinobi 私の夫はそこに眼をつけた。隠れ里がないのは、忍が必要じゃないということではない。 波の国が忍五大国に依頼していた任務を、私たち Countries. If we が請け負うことができれば、抜け忍たちはそこで人間らしい生活ができるはずだと考えた。 were able to undertake (those missions), then the nukenin thought that they ought to , and then would be able to, live (in the Wave Country) under humane conditions. From my husband’s reading (of the 夫の読みは、半分だけ当たった。 situation), he was only halfright. Personnel from the Wave Country approached us in order to 波の国の連中は、私たちに仕事を依頼するようになった。そのおかげで、私たちは生活ができるようになった。 commission us for work. Because of that, it seemed as though we were able to live.

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ここから先は……ありきたりの話だ。酒を飲んで、飲んで、飲んで……ついに、ある夜、 海に落ちて溺れ死んでしまった。

Pages 144-145

English However, as for the groups who undertook the dirty-work, no one paid any respect (to those kinds of people). Gradually, (those sentiments) ate away at my husband’s heart. Already, he was similar to that Momochi Zabuza. He was different from Momochi Zabuza though. Instead of turning towards rage, he turned towards himself. My husband started to indulge in alcohol. From there afterwards….it’s a common story. By drinking alcohol, and drinking, and drinking….finally, on a certain night, he fell into the sea. He drowned to death.

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English Triggered by the death of my husband, I left the village of nukenin. Carrying my small son in 夫の死をきっかけに、私は抜け忍の村を去った。小さな息子をかかえて、どうにか波の国の人間として生きていこうとした。 my arms, somehow or another, I tried to live as a normal human being in the Wave Country. I did various work. It was dull work, but it was work that also did not harm anyone. I was いろんな仕事をした。つまらない仕事ばかりだったが、だれのことも傷つけることのない仕事に、私は満足していた。貧しいけれど、息子とふ satisfied with たりで人生を立て直せたと思った。 it. Although we were poor, I thought that I could rebuild my life with my son, with just the two of us. Or so I had そう思っていたのに……。 thought…. My son, Hakuhyo, had inherited my 息子の薄氷は、私の血継限界を受け継いでいた。 kekkei-genkai (/bloodline limit). One day, while he was playing with a friend, that friend was ある日、友達と遊んでいるときに、その友達が、おそらくふざけてスズメバチの巣に石を投げた。 probably messing around and threw a rock at a hornet nest. The angry 怒ったスズメバチが襲ってきた。 hornets then attacked them.

143 RAW

English Hakuhyo wholeheartedly wanted to rescue his friend. So he unleashed a 薄氷は、友達を救いたい一心で、だれにも教わらなかったはずの術を繰り出した。必死に友達を守ろうとした。 jutsu that wasn’t taught to him by anyone . He was frantically trying to save his friend. According to the means that were written into his bloodline, he 薄氷は、彼の血に書き込まれている方法に従って氷の剣を作り出し、スズメバチから友達を守った。 produced swords of ice. He protected his friend from the hornets. No matter how many times he was stung himself, (Hakuhyo) was trying to exterminate the bees that 自分がいくら刺されても、友達に襲いかかるハチを退治しようとした。そのおかげで、 その友達は、ほんの数か所刺されただけで済んだ。 were attacking his friend. Because of that, his friend was lucky enough to be only stung in a few places. However, Hakuhyo was だけど、薄氷は全身を刺されていた。 stung throughout his entire body. And so, what それから、どうなったと思う? do you think happened?

144 RAW

English That friend abandoned その友達は、薄氷を見捨てて、ひとりで逃げ帰ってしまったんだ。 Hakuhyo. He scurried home alone. When the sun had already set, Hakuhyo had not returned home. So I went in search of him; I went to the house of that friend. When I arrived, I was even completely judged and 日が暮れても家に帰ってこない薄氷を探しに、私はその子の家に行った。すると、まるで化け物でも見るような眼で見られたよ。薄氷が抜け忍 viewed as if I の子だと分かっていたら、うちの子を遊ばせたりしなかった……母親にそんなことまで言われた。 was a complete monster. Since Hakuhyo was then known to be the son of a nukenin, they would not allow him to play with their child. The mother had even said such a thing to me. Nevertheless, somehow I received information それでも、私は子供たちがどこで遊んでいたか、どうにか聞き出した。 regarding where the children were playing.

145 RAW


体中が膨れてて……顔なんか、見る影もないほどだった。それでも、うわ言のように、 腫れな唇でつぶやいていた。


(---Page Break Indicator---)

English When I discovered Hakuhyo, the sun had already set completely. Hakuhyo…my son…he had collapsed all alone in the middle of the forest. He was swollen throughout his body……even his face, to the extent that he was a shadow of his former self. But still, as if he was speaking like in a delirium, he was murmuring through his swollen lips. ‘You shouldn’t throw such things like rocks at hornet nests….Hurry and run away…….Hurry and run away…. Because I’ll finish off the hornets….’ ---(Kahyo ends her monologue)---

146 RAW

English Kahyo choked up on her words. The dining room lounge 華氷が言葉を詰まらせると、食堂ラウンジが、水を打ったように静まりかえった。 カカシには、かけるべき言葉が見当たらなかった。 suddenly fell silent and still. Kakashi could not find the words to say. Besides, (I’ve never even) had a child before, but yet I’ll be the Hokage… Above all, I’ll even become the Father of Konohagakure 子供を持ったことがないうえに、オレは火影に……木ノ葉隠れの里の父親になることにも、二の足を踏んでいる。そんなやつの言葉なんて、Village. I’m 偽善以外のなにものでもない。 experiencing hesitation. (If I become) such a guy who says words and things like that, I won’t be saying anything except hypocrisy.

Pages 146-147 RAW 華氷の眼は、乾いていた。

涙が流れるよりも、カカシには、 その乾いた眼のほうがずっと悲しかった。

English Kahyo’s eyes dried. To Kakashi, those dry eyes were even more sorrowful than eyes that were flowing with tears.

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そして、 あれは、桃地再不斬の最期を思い出した。

あれは、第七班としての、最初の任務だった。ナルト、 サクラ、それに、サスケもいたっけ。




English Kahyo had a tightened chest and even vacant eyes. (It was the same as) several people who did not want to see (that sort of ending to her family history). And then, (Kakashi) recalled the last moments of Momochi Zabuza. It was the first mission as Team Seven. Naruto, Sakura—and moreover—Sasuke was there. They were to be escorts for Tazuna the carpenter on his safe return to the Wave Country. It should have been a simple mission. There was an extremely wealthy man named Gato. However, Zabuza and Haku were sent to as assassins (against Tazuna). Zabuza and Haku were both formidable enemies. Formidable enemies to the extent where –that– Sasuke was on the verge of death.

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English And despite that, by no means was such a scene the final act…Gato’s lowly subordinates had ganged up to なのに、まさかあんな幕切れになるなんて…… ガトーの手下の雑魚どもに寄ってたかって刺し殺された鬼人・桃地再不斬、そ stab the Demon: の最期の願いは、ただ白のそばで眠ることだけだっ た。 Momochi Zabuza to death. His wish in his final moments was only to die beside Haku. That scene from back then…It was the shape of Zabuza lined up and laying down on the ground あのときの情景が。。。地面にならんで横たわる再不斬と白の姿が、死んだ息子を抱いて途方に暮れている華氷の姿と、重なった。with Haku. It was then overlapping (with the image of) Kahyo, who was at a loss for words, embracing her dead son. “So about why did I not immediately activate the jutsu on you…” Kahyo’s 「なぜお前にすぐ術を発動しなかったのか……」華氷の唇が薄く動いた。「もしかすると、 私はお前に私たちを止めてもらい lips weakly たかったのかもしれない」 moved. “Perhaps I might have wanted you to stop us” 「……」 「……」 “But it’s already 「もう遅すぎるがな」 too late”

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English I wonder what I can do? Kakashi strongly and tightly grasped (his fingers into a) オレになにができるだろう?カカシは、指の関節が白くなるほど、拳を強く握り締め た。どうすれば、この女の心を救うことが fist until his できるだろう? knuckles were becoming white. I wonder how I can save this woman’s heart? “The legend ends here…” Rahyo 「昔話はそこまでだ……」羅氷が命じた。「こいつをどこかへ閉じ込めておけ!」 commanded. “Imprison this guy somewhere!” Shinobi seized 忍たちが、カカシを取り押さえた。 Kakashi. Kahyo was already 華氷はもう、こちらを見てさえいなかった。 not even looking in his direction.

//End Translation //End Chapter 10


Vol. 1:

Chapter 11 Ch. 11: Tears of Ice~~

Pages 150-151 Kakashi was taken into the ingredient and food storage area of the kitchen. The two shinobi violently kick him into the room, and with a ‘kachan’ (door locking sound), they close the door. The shinobi were guffawing and sneering: “Can you believe it? We captured –that- Hatake Kakashi!”. They keep shouting and guffawing. The other comrade chimes in with even more boisterous laughter: “Yeah! The Ryuuha Armament Alliance is the best!”. Meanwhile, the atmospheric pressure onboard the ship is declining. It’s evident that the oxygen is becoming insufficient. If oxygen is not getting diffused in the brain, humans experience further abnormal behavior and sensations. The enemy shinobi continue to mock Kakashi, kicking and pounding on the door. Anyway, Kakashi continues to think about the situation. After experiencing an uplifted mood, both the ability to concentrate as well as aptitude in making judgments will begin to decline (due to the insufficient oxygenation=hypoxia). And so, there won’t be energy in the muscles. You’ll lose your mind. Before long, you’ll fall into a comatose or lethargic state. Worst case, you’ll die.

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English And so, as it was a high-stakes (/desperate) だからカカシは、一か八か、一芝居打つことに situation for Kakashi, he decided to put on an した。敵の判断力が失われていることを期待し act. He was anticipating that the enemies were て。 losing their ability to judge. Observing the line-up of vegetables and meat 野菜や肉のならんだ棚を見ていくと、牛乳の入っ on the shelves, there were bottles of cow’s た瓶があった。少し考え、この牛乳を使うこと milk. After a bit of thinking, he decided to use に決めた。 these bottles of milk. He picked up the first bottle, and extracted the stopper. With a ‘gokugoku ’ (/sound of 栓を抜いて、まずは一本、ゴクゴクと飲み干す。repetitive gulping), he chugged it. And then それからもう一本、口に含められるだけ含んだ。afterwards, he took another bottle. However, he contained (the contents) by holding (the milk) within his mouth. Mentally preparing and readying himself, he then produced the greatest gagging sound as 心の準備を整えると、口に含んだ牛乳を、なる he possibly could; He was vomiting the milk たけ大きな音をたててゲーゲー吐き出した。派 that he had been containing in his mouth. He 手にゲホゲホと咳き込み、また牛乳を口に含ん was making a showy (display) of coughing では吐いた。 violently with a ‘gehogeho’ (/choking noise). He vomited again with the milk that he was holding in his mouth. When he repeated that about three times, the それを三回ほど繰りかえしたところで、ドアの (situation on the other side of) the door had 外が静まり、敵が耳を澄ましているのが分かっ quieted down. (Kakashi) knew that the た。 enemies’ ears were listening carefully. Without a moment’s delay, (he assumed the すかさず体を "く" の字にして、床に横たわっ position) like the "く" character with his body. た。 He laid down on the floor. Immediately, the peeping window that was on the top portion of the door opened. The すぐにドアの上部についている覗き窓が開き、 enemy’s eyeballs had appeared (in that ぎょろぎょろ動くふたつの目玉が現れた。 space), which were gawking (at Kakashi) with a ‘gyorogyoro’ motion. 「おい……どうしたんだ?」 “Oi…what happened?” “Uuu…Uuuuu…” (/Kakashi feigning illness 「ううう…うううう…」 noises)

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English Pretending to cover his mouth, he plunged a 口を隠すふりをして喉の奥に指を突っ込むと、 finger into his throat. He then successfully カカシは先ほど飲んだ牛乳を首尾よく吐き出し vomited forth the milk that he had drunk a た。 while ago. [T/N] Technically Kakashi was unmasked…. (((( ;°Д°))))~!! The index fingers on both his left and right hand are still broken too. The "く" character means that he makes the shape of this Japanese letter (which is ‘Ku’) with his body. So a bit more open than the fetal position: like mid-way through a sit-up, but you’re on your side. This reference is more intuitive in Japanese, obviously~

Pages 152-153 RAW


「あ、頭が痛い」カカシは荒い息をつきながら、途切れ途切れに言った。「ふ、船の高度が上がって… るんだ…」



もちろん、でたらめである。 「だから、なんだ?」だが、敵は慌てた。「高度と、お前が吐くことと、なにか関係があるのか?」



English “Wha- what?” The shinobi were watching as Kakashi was gagging and vomiting forth a white substance from his mouth. The shinobi were shocked. “Kakashi is vomiting!” “M-, My head hurts” Kakashi intermittently spoke through strained breaths. “Th- The altitude of the ship…is rising…” “What, is that all (that you wanted to say)?” “ Don’t….you guys…understand?....With this thin atmosphere…This ship…probably…is now exceeding over 18,000 metres (in altitude)…” Of course, that is nonsense. “So what?” However, the enemy was flustered. “As for this altitude, what relation does that have with your vomiting?” “Well, don’t you understand?...when it reaches 19,000 metres…it will be the boiling point of blood…it will be at the same temperature as the human body” This is a fact.

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English “And so, what should we do about it?” However, the 「だから、それがどうしたってんだよ?」だが、敵にはピンとこなかった。「だからって吐くこたぁねェだろ?」 enemy did not understand the point. “Even so, you won’t be vomiting, right?” “From how I see it…it’ll be in 「オレの見るところ……あと五分だ」 five minutes” The enemies looked at 敵が顔を見合わせた。 eachother. “In five minutes….If it keeps rising at this rate….in five minutes….the altitude will reach 19,000 metres” 「あと五分で……このまま上昇していけば……あと五分で……高度が一万九千メートル達する」カカシは弱々しく言った。「オレたちの血が……体温で沸騰しちまう……みんな Kakashi said weakly. “ Our ……死ぬ」 blood…it will boil because of the temperature…everyone…will die” 「!?」 「!?」 When the enemies heard Kakashi’s last words, they behaved in a panic. (When カカシの最後の言葉を聞いたときの敵の狼狽ぶりたるや、嘘をついてごめんなさい、と謝りたくなるほどであった。 Kakashi saw their reaction, he felt) sorry for telling a lie, and even wanted to apologize. “Wha-, Wha-Wha-, What should we do!?” One (enemy) was at his wit’s 「ど、どど、どうすりゃいいんだ!?」ひとりが頭をかかえ、もうひとりが右往左往した。 end. Another (enemy) was moving about in complete confusion. “If-, If we don’t notify Rahyo「す、すぐに羅氷様に知らせなきゃー」 sama immediately...” “Well there’s no time for that!” Kakashi roared in a thunderous voice. “ Let me out of here…In such a highstakes and desperate 「それじゃ間に合わない!」カカシは一喝した。「オレをここから出してくれ……一か八 か、オレの技で浮力部に穴をあけて、高度を下げるしかない!」 situation, and with my technique, I’ll create a hole in the buoyancy component. We have no choice but to lower the altitude!” “Su-, Such a (proposition)…but you were 「そ、そんな……だって、お前は華氷様に地鎖連氷を打たれてて、チャクラが練れないん じゃ…」 struck by Kahyo-sama’s Jisarenhyou. You cannot knead chakra, right?...” And so, Kakashi once again plunged a finger into his そこで、カカシはもう一度喉の奥に指を突っ込み、盛大に牛乳を吐いてやった。 throat. He magnificently made himself vomit (copious amounts of) milk. “Who do you think I am…” While wheezing with a 「オレをだれだと思ってる……」ゼエゼエ喘ぎながら、身を起こす。「木ノ葉の……はたけカカシだ」 ‘zeezee’(/sound of gasping), (Kakashi) sat up. “I am Konoha’s…Hatake Kakashi”

[T/N] If you’re interested in the science behind Kakashi’s statements (or if you don't remember gas and fluid laws with their respective/related equations....), please read about [The Armstrong Limit]. To quote Wikipedia, this is why you need pressurized cabins/suits and such:


The Armstrong limit, often called Armstrong's line, is the altitude that produces an atmospheric pressure so low (0.0618atmosphere or 6.3 kPa (1.9 inHg)) that water boils at the normal temperature of the human body: 37 °C (98.6 °F). The altitude is variously reported as being between 18,900–19,350 meters (62,000–63,500 feet, or about 12 miles (10 nmi).

Also, the phenomenon of [Altitude Sickness] for the human body (for those of you non-mountaineers)

Pages 154-155 RAW

English His own name even demonstrated such a (profound) 自分の名前がこれほどの効果を発揮 effect. Considering it was Kakashi, it was the first したのは、カカシにしてみれば、は time (that he experienced enemies who had such a じめてのことだった。 reaction). 敵はおたがいにうなずくと、鍵を開 The enemies nodded to one another. They turned the け、しかも殊勝なことに、手を貸し key. Moreover, it was especially admirable that they て立たせてくれようとすらした。 were even trying to lend him a hand to stand up. カカシの眼が、ギラリと光った。 Kakashi’s eyes glinted and shined. ドガッ! Dogaa! (/Thump!) バキッ! Bakii! (/Bam!) Kakashi knocks out both of the enemies. A minute later, Kakashi imprisoned the two fainted shinobi into the food storage area. He then leaves the kitchen. He jumps down from the scaffolding that’s hanging in midair at the ship’s hold. Once again, he wanted to summon Pakkun and his Ninken. However, the way he could knead chakra had changed. He will be frozen from his feet upwards if he tries to do that. (==His chakra

155 must keep circulating in order to stop the progression of Jisarehyou. He cannot knead chakra for jutsu because it’s preoccupied with keeping him from being frozen). He has no choice but to go on the search for the Aobiko on his own. There are wooden boxes piled up in the ship’s hold. But whatever was inside of them would probably not be suspicious things. There’s alcohol and groceries, as well as parachute vests… When Aobiko comes into contact with water, it detonates. In a normal container, moisture could leech into it. Water and the Aobiko should mix together at an opportune time. So there must be a special container for the Aobiko. However, a vessel like that is no where to be found. An unpleasant sensation travels through Kakashi’s chest. He thinks to himself, “If I were Rahyo, where would I probably conceal the Aobiko?” He couldn’t think of it. Kakashi looks up at the buoyancy component. On the scaffolding that’s hanging in midair, he was thinking about the bottom of the air sac of the Tobishachimaru. If Rahyo intends to ram the ship into the Houzukijyou, perhaps he has prepared and hidden the Aobiko in the air sac. It would likely be the most efficient and probable scenario. For moisture, they could use Kahyo’s ice. With the impact of the crash, the air sac will explode. The ice will dissolve, and then the Aobiko will detonate. Houzukijyou would then be completely destroyed. Kakashi backpedals. He thinks to himself again. That sort of scenario can’t be correct. He had been denying an ominous feeling from the beginning. If the Tobishachimaru crashes into the Houzukijyou, then Garyo might inadvertently die if he gets mixed into the scenario. However, they intend to rescue him. On the ground, the accomplices of the enemy are on standby. Perhaps Rahyo intends to throw the Aobiko from the sky and onto the Houzukijyou.

Pages 156-157

156 And so, while Shikamaru and the other shinobi are dealing with the chaos, the enemy should be trying to rescue Garyo. Kakashi then mentally gets into contact with Ino again. He tells her that he thinks Rahyo’s plan involves dropping the Aobiko from the ship. In that case, a signal is needed to cue the attack. He warns that they should be cautious and watchful of their surroundings. Perhaps something like a beacon will be that signal. Then, Kakashi hears footsteps descending from the ramp. They resounded through the emptiness of the ship’s hold. Kakashi promptly concealed himself behind some wooden boxes. Two shinobi are visible. They are trying to lift up a wooden box, which seems to have an unknown seal on it. The ship’s hull slants because of the wind. One of the shinobi, who is holding one side of wooden box, suddenly falters. The other one who is supporting the other side then scolds his comrade: “Be careful! Do you want to die?!”. With that threatening attitude, the one who almost dropped the wooden box then turns ghastly pale. Perhaps because they are experiencing hypoxia (due to the altitude), their concentration is lacking. They continue to carefully carry the wooden box. They are turning back towards the dining room lounge. Kakashi promptly inspects the remaining wooden boxes. It seems that they had carried away a box that was packed with parachute vests. It’s difficult for Kakashi to follow after the shinobi, since he can’t knead chakra. He runs up the ramp. Going by the scaffolding, he heads back to the kitchen. He was going to use the ventilation ducts, but reconsidered. He needed to stealthily approach the dining room lounge again. If he can’t properly knead chakra, then if Kahyo attacks him with icicles again, he would be helpless. Fortunately, the kitchen and lounge are connected by a doorway. Near that entrance, the grand piano had toppled over. Quickly jumping into the shadow, he watched over the situation. Rahyo was near the doorway of the pilothouse. Some time ago, the wooden boxes had been opened.


Pages 158-159 Overhead, the slanted chandelier is dangerously swaying. The passengers have been rounded up by the enemies. They are grouped near the ice that was blocking up the hole. The figure of Kahyo is also there. Rahyo tells them that the Ryuuha Armament Alliance does not like senseless slaughter. From now on, they’ll release the hostages. The passengers glance at each other. The enemy shinobi are presenting them with parachute vests. There were shouts of joy. Kahyo tells them that they are sorry. She even helps a passenger with wearing the vest. Outside the ship, the wind is roaring. The Tobishachimaru is shaking and rattling. The ship was currently going through some turbulence. The passengers were completely fascinated by their sudden release from their nightmare. They don’t seem suspicious about it. They are all scrambling to get to the vests first. Rahyo shouts at them to not panic. There should be enough parachutes for all of them. Meanwhile, Kakashi’s intuition is telling him that this is strange. He wonders why Rahyo is releasing the passengers so easily like this. However, Kahyo is even gallantly lending a hand to the passengers. It didn’t seem to be out of wicked thoughts. It seems as though they are truly sorry, from the bottom of their hearts. Rahyo asks if everyone is already wearing a vest. If they jump, they ought to pull the string that’s in front of their chest beforehand. If they do that, then the parachute will open. Kahyo swings her arm, and the ice that was stopping up the hole in the ship’s hull melted. The ice vanished instantly. From outside, wind and clouds were blowing by. There’s a commotion among the passengers. They crouch down on the floor. The enemies lend each of them a hand. One by one, the passengers are jumping out of the ship. Rahyo is asking his subordinates what the wind speed is, in addition to what the drop point of the

158 passengers will be. Kakashi did not move his eyes away from observing them. Kakashi is thinking to himself: Why are they freeing the hostages? Why at this moment? He looks at the surroundings outside the window. There’s only grey rainclouds. Kakashi continues to think about the situation: Furthermore, why is Rahyo concerned about the drop point of the passengers? Oh no… In an instant, a bit of insight spread through Kakashi’s body. When they were carrying out the parachutes from the storehouse, the enemies had carelessly dropped a wooden box. At that time, those guys seemed flustered. Kakashi then realized what Rahyo was planning…

Pages 160-161 Kakashi moves his body without even thinking. He yells at the passengers to stop what they’re doing. They must not wear those vests! Rahyo is surprised when Kakashi leaps out from the shadow of the piano. He implores to Kakashi: What the heck are you doing? Kakashi yells back to them:


“Aobiko is stocked inside those vests!”


“With the impact of the landing, it will detonate!”

159 (= Recall that Kakashi noted grey rainclouds outside the window earlier in this chapter. If any moisture contacts the Aobiko, it explodes! So it must be packed carefully... and so you have to avoid puncturing into the packs, or else you'll be exposing it to moisture.) Kahyo opened her eyes wide. She then stares at Kakashi, and turns her head to look back at Rahyo. She turns and fixes her gaze on Kakashi again. The passengers then say that the vests won’t come off: they’re physically unable to remove them from their bodies. Rahyo laughs, and tells them that it’s too late for them already. On Rahyo’s command, the enemy subordinates seize the passengers who are trying to escape. One by one, the enemy is throwing the passengers off the ship; their screams dwindle until they vanish. Meanwhile, Rahyo scowls at Kakashi. Rahyo yells at them once again: If they had released Garyo-sama, this situation could have been avoided. The responsibility falls on Konoha. RAW English 激しい怒りがカカシの中ではじけ、 A vehement anger burst within Kakashi. Before he 気がつけば、相手に飛びかかって knew it, he had leapt at the enemy. いた。 ”Hyouton: Saihyoudzuchi!” (Ice Release: Ice-Breaking 「氷遁・砕氷槌!」 Sledgehammer!) 瞬時に両の拳を固めた羅氷は、カ Instantly, Rahyo fortified both of his fists to intercept カシを迎え撃つ。 Kakashi. カカシは素早く左右に揺さぶりを Kakashi nimbly jolted from side to side (to parry the かけ、クナイで相手を突いたが、 attack). He thrust at the enemy with a kunai. Since in チャクラを練ることができない状 his current condition, he could not knead chakra, and 態では、そのスピードはたかが知 so his speed was limited. れていた。 Ascertaining (the positioning) of the tip of the kunai, クナイの切っ先を見きわめた羅氷 Rahyo opened his body. His fists had transformed into は、体を開き、カカシの腹に鋼鉄 steel. Rahyo then drove them into Kakashi’s と化した拳を打ち込む。 abdomen. 「ぐはっ!」 “Guhaa!”

160 RAW カカシの体から、全ての空気がた たき出された。そして、羅氷の蹴 りで、ラウンジの端まで吹き飛ん だ。 すかさず体勢を整え、次の攻撃を しかける。 「紫電!」 体が凍りつくのもかまわずに、術 を発動した。 「なに!」羅氷がたじろいだ。

English All of the air was knocked out from Kakashi’s body. And then with Rahyo’s kick, (Kakashi) was blown away to edge of the lounge.

Without a moment’s delay, (Kakashi) prepared his stance. He commenced his next attack. “Shiden! (Purple Lightning!) He was not even concerned about his body being frozen. He unleashed the jutsu. “What!?” Rahyo winced. The lightning became a blade as it traveled along the 雷が刃となって、床の上を走る。 floor. Without a moment’s delay, he dispersed chakra すかさずチャクラを全身に分散さ throughout his entire body (to suppress the せ、すでに腰まで這い上がってい progression of Kahyo’s Jisarenhyou). Already, the frost た霜を抑え込んだ。 had crept up until his waist. 羅氷がさっと跳びすさる。 Rahyo quickly jumped backwards. が、カカシの狙いは、羅氷ではな However, Kakashi was not aiming for Rahyo. い。 紫の雷は搭乗客たちを打ち、彼ら The purple lightning struck the passengers. (The が身につけていた落下傘のベスト attack) cut off the parachute vests that were attached を、切り裂いた。 to their bodies.

Pages 162-163 That was a huge gamble for Kakashi. If his aim had been off by even a little bit, the Aobiko might have exploded. One by one, the clasps of the vests disperse into sparks. The passengers are then able to take off the vests, and back away from the hole in the ship. Kakashi is watching over their progress with a sidelong glance. Kakashi braces himself with one knee on the floor. He’s breathing hard through his shoulders. RAW

English Even though he had only roused a bit of ほんのちょっとチャクラを動かしただけで、疲労困憊して chakra, he was completely exhausted. しまう。捨て身でかかっていっても、おそらくあと紫電一 Perhaps even at the risk of his own life, it 発が限界だろう。 seemed as though his limit would be one more shot of Shiden.

161 RAW

English “It seems like this is the end, eh?” Rahyo 「それまでのようだな?」羅氷がニヤリと笑い、カカシに broadly grinned and laughed. He 向かって拳をふりかぶった。 brandished his fists towards Kakashi. 「これで終わりだ!」 “It’ll be over with this (attack)!” 「……クッ!」 “…Kuu!” No strength was entering into the leg that he was bracing himself with. Kakashi 踏ん張る足に、力が入らない。カカシは両腕を頭上で交差 crossed both arms above his head in させ、敵の拳を受けるべく身構えた。 order to guard himself for when he received the enemy’s fists. However, Rahyo’s strong fists did not が、羅氷の剛拳が炸裂することは、なかった。その拳が、 explode (upon him). With a ‘gaki’ sound, ガキッ、と氷の牙にはじきかえされた。 those fists were being repelled by fangs of ice. 「!?」 「!?」 Kakashi was astonished. The enemy was カカシは驚いた、 驚いているのは、敵もおなじだった。 also similarly astonished. “What are you doing, Kahyo!?” Rahyo 「なにをする、華氷!?」羅氷の怒声が轟いた。「なぜ邪 roared in an angry voice. “Why are you 魔をした!?」 intruding?” “Older brother, is what (Kakashi said) 「彼の言ったことは本当ですか、兄上?」華氷は、氷のよ true?” Kahyo’s eyes were as cold as ice うに冷たい視線を、ひたと羅氷に据えた。「そのベスト as she fixed her gaze at Rahyo. “In those に…青火粉を仕込んでいるのですか?」 vests…are they stocked with Aobiko? 「お、落ち着け……華氷」うろたえた羅氷が、しどろも “Ca- Calm down…Kahyo” Rahyo was どろになる。 flustered. He was becoming incoherent. “I (kept those details a secret) from you. 「お前に黙っていたのは、わ、悪かった……しかし、我 My-, It’s my bad…However, it was in 龍様を救うためだ。。。」 order to rescue Garyo-sama… A single tear flowed in a line from 華氷の眼から、涙がひと筋、流れ落ちた。 Kahyo’s eyes. 「。。。!?」 「。。。!?」 ラウンジが、しんと静まりかえった。 The lounge fell dead silent. 全ての物音が、そのひと粒の涙のうちに、封じられたかの It seemed as if all of the sound was ように。 sealed into that single bead of tears. Kahyo’s teardrop was falling. It froze in 滴り落ちた華氷の涙は、空中で凍りつき、床に落ちて、ガ mid-air. When it fell onto the floor, (the ラスのように。。。砕け散った。 teardrop) shattered…as if it was glass.

162 RAW

English And then, as if they were completely like seeds sowed from the Earth, they すると、まるで大地に蒔かれた種が芽吹くように、氷の牙 budded. When the fangs of ice roared, が轟きながら床から生え出して、カカシに襲いかかった。 they grew forth from the floor. They attacked Kakashi. 「!」 「!」 At once, Kakashi threw down his body とっさに身を横に投げ出したカカシを、鋭いつららがかす (into a) horizontal position. A sharp icicle める。 grazed him. Kahyo unleashed jutsu in rapid 華氷は、矢継ぎ早に術を繰り出した。 succession. The fangs of ice were completely 氷の牙は、まるで蛇のようにのたくり、どこまでも追いか writhing as if they were serpents. They けてきた。 pursued him from every direction.

Pages 164-165 RAW







English Kakashi kicked off from a wall to escape. The icicles then destroyed the wall. As Kakashi jumped up and into the air, the icicles were piercing into the ceiling. Gathering his remaining chakra into his right hand, Kakashi leapt towards Kahyo. “Shiden!” He noticed a sense of unease as he was trying to strike Shiden at Kahyo. His body did not freeze over. Simultaneously realizing (what had happened), (Kakashi) also noticed that Kahyo had closed her eyes.

163 RAW

English Bloodlust escaped from the electrical discharge in Kakashi’s right 華氷の顔のニセンチ手前で、放電するカカシの右手から、殺気が抜けていった。 hand as he stopped two centimeters from Kahyo’s face. “Why didn’t 「なぜ打たない?」 you strike?” “It’s because of (what you did). Why did you release (the Jisarenhyou)? Moreover, why did you 「きみのほうこそ、なぜ術を解いた?それに、きみはわざと攻撃をはずした」 言葉を切 る。「オレに殺してほしかったのか?」 purposely (divert) your attack (so that it would miss me)?” His words paused. “Did you want me to kill you?” Slowly, Kahyo opened her eyes. Her face was no longer like that of a stern shinobi. It was (similar to the expression) of when they first met…when she had been pretending to ゆっくりと眼を開けた華氷の顔には、もう忍としての険しさはなく、はじめて会ったときの。。。よろめいたふりをして、カカシに術をかけたときの、あのなにかに困惑しきった悲しみがあ stagger and るばかりだった。 had activated the jutsu onto Kakashi. He was at a loss for words, perplexed at (her expression) that was something like complete sorrow.

164 RAW

English “I had been thinking about your words… all this time”. Kahyo’s eyes could not be seen. They were being covered by her long, curly hair. Her voice was quivering. “(You had said that)『When two (forms of) justice collide, the most important thing is that one stands from the perspective of the enemy, at 「あなたの言葉を……ずっと考えていた」長い巻き髪に隠れて華氷の眼は見えなかったが、 その声は震えていた。「『ふたつの正義が衝突したときに一番大切なことは、命をかけて相手 the risk (of の立場に立つこと』……私は……私が求めていたのは、それだけだった……あのとき、 もし波の国がほんの少しでも私たちのような者の立場に立ってくれていたら、息子は死なず one’s) life. 』. に済んだかもしれない」 And so I…That was the only thing that I wanted (to do)…Because at that time, if the people of the Wave Country were similar to us (/like those kinds of sympathetic people), and had stood from the perspective of another person … even just a little bit…perhaps my son would not have died.” Kakashi was カカシは黙っていた。 silent. “But now, I…I’m doing the same things as 「でも、いま、私は……私がもっとも憎んでいる人たちと、同じことをしている……私は ……」 the people whom I hate the most… So I…. However, those しかし、その言葉が最後まで語られることは、なかった。 words could not be finished.

165 RAW



ズドオオンッ! 「!」

耳を聾する爆音が轟き渡り、火炎が 一瞬でラウンジをなめ尽くした。

船底から船側にかけてあいた大きな穴が、 ゴウッと火を噴いた。

English At that instant, the hull of the Tobishachimaru swung on a grand scale and slanted because of the turbulence. Because of that, finally the last wire of the chandelier (that was attaching it to the ceiling) was severed. The chandelier dropped. (It fell) on top of the wooden box that contained parachute vests. Zudouoonn! (Boooom!) 「!」 The roaring sound of the detonation deafened their ears. Flames instantly spread across the lounge. There was a large hole from the bottom of the ship to the side of the ship. The flames emitted a ‘gouu’ sound.

Pages 166-167 So because of that damage to the ship, several of the enemies were thrown out of the ship. The border between the air sac of the buoyancy component and the drawing room gondola made an ominous moaning sound. Then, they tore apart. The dining room lounge inclined, and the ceiling was torn. Kakashi yells for everyone to escape to the stern of the ship. The passengers have fallen onto the slanted floor and were tumbling around.



“Hyouton: Jisarenhyou!” Kahyo created icicles in order to hold back the fire coming from the hole. However, the wind coming in from the hole is agitating the fire and feeding the flames. The blaze suddenly becomes a pillar of fire, and reaches the bottom portion of the air sac. The crimson fire is spreading. Kahyo’s Jisarenhyou is pushing back the flames, preventing them from spreading further. Her ice covers the air sac, as she won’t allow the fire encroach upon it. Kahyo is frantically making seals. She then takes a backward glance at Kakashi. Meanwhile, Kakashi is guiding the passengers towards the kitchen. He tells them to continue straight ahead, and then they’ll reach the stern of the ship. From the pilothouse, they can hear the frantic pilots. They have fallen and are also trying to escape from the area. The pilots tell Kakashi that the gondola is falling! Kakashi grabs their hands, and then pushes them from behind into the kitchen as well. They need to hurry! But out of the corner of Kakashi’s eye, he spots Rahyo. He’s running. However, when the floor sank, he slipped. The grand piano then slides out of the hole in the ship, taking with it even more enemies.


English “Come, Rahyo!” Kakashi stretched out his body onto the floor, 「来い、羅氷!」カカシは床に身を投げ出し、必死に手をのばした。「オレの手に掴ま れ!」 and desperately reached out his hand. “Grab onto my hand!” Since Rahyo was 羅氷が、びっくりしたように、眼をぱちくりさせた。 astonished, his eyes blinked in surprise.

167 RAW

English “Hurry!” He roared in a 「急げ!」一喝した。「もたもたするな!」 thunderous voice. “Don’t be slow!” When Rahyo grabbed a hold of Kakashi’s hand, the floor tore off (in an 羅氷がカカシの手を摑まえるのと、床がめくれ上がるのと、ほぼ同時だった。羅氷の巨体が upward motion) almost 宙に浮く。 simultaneously. Rahyo’s bulky body was floating in mid-air. 「……クッ!」 “……Ku!” A sharp pain traveled through his hand that was holding onto 羅氷を摑んだ手に激痛が走り、カカシはいまさらながら、自分の指が折れていることに気づ Rahyo. Despite being a いた。 while later, he had now become aware of his own broken finger.

Pages 168-169 RAW 力が入らない。 それでも、歯を食いしばって、羅氷を繋ぎ止めた。 「な、なぜ……」と、羅氷。「なぜ敵のオレを……」

English He (could not apply anymore) strength (into his grip). Nevertheless, he was gritting his teeth while securing himself to Rahyo. “W- Why….?” Said Rahyo. “Why for an enemy like me…?”

168 RAW

English ” I understand the sentiments…of your group” Kakashi put strength into his arm. 「お……お前たちの気持ちは分かる」カカシは腕に力をこめた。「だが、正しい目 “However, (as for thinking 的のためなら、どんなことでも許されるなんて、そんなのは戯言だ……」 that you can) allow anything (to happen) just for the sake of a righteous cause…that sort of (thinking) is nonsense….” 「!」 「!」 “If you want to change the world…no matter what happens, and no matter 「世界を変えたいなら……どんなことがあっても、どんなに苦しくても、自分が正 how much you suffer, you しく在り続けるしかないんだ」 have no choice but to continue to be righteous for yourself (and in all your actions)” Rahyo opened his eyes 羅氷が眼を見張った。 wide. 「兄上!」 “Older brother!” Somehow or another, Kahyo extinguished the flames. The floor had どうにか火を消し止めた華氷が、いまや斜めになった床を駆けのぼってくる。 が、 become slanted now. She すでに遅かった。 was running up (the incline). However, it was already too late. When Kahyo stretched out her body to try and grasp 華氷が体を投げ出して兄の腕を摑まえようとしたとき、突き上げられるような衝撃と onto her older brother’s ともに、船底が抜けた。 arm, the bottom of the ship fell out because of a shock that had pushed it.

169 RAW

English Because of the great force, Rahyo was wrenched away from Kakashi’s hand. 大きな力が、カカシの手から羅氷をもぎ取ってゆく。空中に投げ出された羅氷の顔は、Rahyo was thrown into the いったいどうしてこんなことになったのだ、と問いかけているようだった。 sky. (The expression on his face) seemed to be asking ‘Why the heck did such a thing happen?’ 「兄上!」 “Older brother!” 「羅氷!」 “Rahyo!” They were not able to do anything (for him) anymore. Because of the もはや、どうすることもできなかった。重力の法則は、その大きな手で、全てのもの laws of gravity, and with を地上へ引きずり下ろそうとしていた。 that great force, everything was going to be pulled downwards to the ground. “Hatake Kakashi…” As he continued to fall, Rahyo’s 「はたけカカシ……」落下してゆく羅氷が、不意に表情を和ませた。「お前のよう facial expression suddenly な忍もいたのか」 softened. “ Did shinobi like you even exist?” Kakashi was embracing Kahyo to his chest, who was screaming and crying. 泣き叫ぶ華氷を胸に抱いて、カカシは間一髪で厨房に飛び込んだ。 Kakashi (managed to) leap into the kitchen by a hair’s width. A second later, the gondola was torn right in half. (One half of it) その一秒後、まっぷたつにちぎれたゴンドラが、飛鯱丸を離れて、落下していった。 separated from the Tobishachimaru, and dropped (into the sky). [T/N] Kakashi’s quote is kinda hard to get into English concisely. But it means like you can’t be excused from the things that you do, just because you think it’s for a good cause. No matter what, you

170 should always do good things. So even if the end-game is a good thing, don’t do a bunch of horrible things as a means to achieve that end-game. =Horrible things are not permissible, even if the intentions are good. So just keep doing good things all the time. = Rahyo shouldn’t execute people (that’s bad!) on his way to achieve their group’s goal of equality for everyone (which is presumably good!). He shouldn’t do whatever he wants and justify those means for his end. He should figure out a way to do good things on his way towards making equality happen.

//End Translation //End of Chapter 11


Vol. 1:

Chapter 12 Pages 172-173 RAW

English Even from the courtyard of Houzuijyou, they could see 上空で爆発炎上した飛鯱丸は、鬼燈城の中庭からも望むことができた。 the Tobichachimaru in the sky as it burned from the explosion. “Oi! This is getting bad!” While pointing at the sky, the 「おい、やベェことになってるぜ!」空を指さしながら、収監者たちが口々に叫んだ。「このまま、落っこprisoners ちてくるんじゃねェか?」 shouted several times. “At this rate, isn’t it going to fall (out of the sky)?” Shikamaru saw (the situation) それは、シカマルにも、ちゃんと見えていた。 exactly like that as well.

172 RAW

English A few minutes beforehand, several parachutes 数分前に、突如、鬼燈城の上空で落下傘がいくつも開いたのだった。 suddenly opened in the skies above the Houzukijyou. Shikamaru concluded that Kakashi had successfully freed the passengers. In order to rescue the people who were falling, he had stationed カカシが搭乗客を首尾よく逃がしたのだと判断したシカマルは、落下してくる人たちを救助すべく、リーとLee and Sai on サイを天守閣の屋根に配し、サクラ、チョウジを引き連れて、収監者でごったがえす中庭へと走り出た。 the roof of the castle tower. Taking along Sakura and Chouji, he ran out and into the courtyard, which was in a commotion because of the prisoners. The Tobishachimaru was engulfed in a flash of light. 飛鯱丸が閃光に包まれたのは、シカマルが落下傘を二十一まで数えたときだった。 Meanwhile, Shikamaru counted up to twenty-one parachutes.

173 RAW

English However, the fire seemed to have been immediately extinguished. Afterwards, the 火はすぐに消し止められたようだが、そのあと飛鯱丸から落ちた者たちの落下傘は、けっきょく開かずじまpeople who いだった。 were falling from the Tobishachimaru were eventually not opening their parachutes. And so, the Tobichachimaru lost control. Little by little, it そして、コントロールを失った飛鯱丸が、少しずつ小さくなっているのは、見間違えようがなかった。 was becoming smaller. There was no mistaking it. Considering the direction of the wind in the sky….Shikamaru calculated. The 上空の風向きを考えると……シカマルは計算した。飛鯱丸が鬼燈城へ突っ込んでくる可能性は、限りな likelihood of the く低い。だが。。。 Tobishachimaru plunging into the Houzukijyou was endlessly low. “This is bad, so 「やベェぞ、ありゃ……」 they…”

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English Although he sensed Chouji’s glance, チョウジの視線を感じながらも、シカマルは飛鯱丸から眼を離さなかった。 Shikamaru did not release his eyes from the Tobishachimaru. “The gondola fell. As for the ship, it’s as if it 「ゴンドラが落ちやがった。いまのあの船は、重石を失ったようなもんだ……どんどん上昇していくぞ」 lost weight now…it keeps gradually rising” Chouji gulped and swallowed his saliva during the tense チョウジがゴクリと固唾を呑んだ。「どういうこと、シカマル・・・・?」 situation. “What are you talking about, Shikamaru….?” “When you reach 19,000 metres (in altitude), the boiling point of blood will be at 「上空一万九千メートルあたりで、血液の沸点は体温と同じになっちまう」シカマルが言った。「船に残っ the same たやつら、死んじまうぞ」 temperature as the body.” Shikamaru said. “The remaining guys on the ship will die.” 「!」 「!」

175 RAW

English “What should we do….?” Sakura’s 「どうするの……」サクラが色をなした。「まだカカシ先生が中にいるのよ!?」 countenance changed. “Isn’t Kakashi-sensei still aboard!?” “If it rises to that extent, even Sai won’t be able to do anything 「あんなに上がってしまってちゃ、もうサイにだってどうしようもねェ……」シカマルが苦しそうに言っ anymore...” た。「とにかく、オレらはオレらにできることをやるぞ」 Shikamaru painfully said. "Anyway, we have to do what we can" “Parachutes are descending!” 「落下傘が降りてくるわよ!」見張り櫓の上で、テンテンが叫んだ。 Tenten yelled from atop the watch-tower. ” From the side of the castle tower!” The faint sunlight that was being obstructed by the rain-clouds 「天守閣のほう!」雨雲にさえぎられた淡い陽光を背に受けて、最初の落下傘がゆらゆらと天守閣のほうへwas shining 流れていく。 upon their backs. The first parachutes were slowly swaying and streaming towards the side of the castle tower.


Pages 174-175 RAW

English When Shikamaru looked upwards, Lee シカマルが見上げると、天守閣の上でリーがうなずいた。 nodded from atop the castle tower. A crosswind was blowing. The 横風が吹き、落下傘が流される。 parachutes were blowing away. A cord was fastened from the parachute to the person….but the hanging cord was getting tangled. Because of that, the person’s body was swinging like a pendulum: swaying 落下傘と人を繋ぐ紐。。。吊索がもつれ、そのせいで人の体が振り子のように、右に左に大き greatly from right to く揺れた。天守閣の上で待ち構えるリーたちの手をすり抜け、そのまま監房棟へと落下してゆ left. Lee and his く。 comrades were laying in wait on top of the castle tower. However, they slipped through (the shinobi’s) hands. At this rate, they would continue to fall towards the cell buildings. “ Kiba and Shino, 「あっちにはキバとシノが待機して。。。」 standby in that direction…”

177 RAW

English The landing point suddenly became incandescent. Shikamaru’s 着地点がカッと白熱し、シカマルの残りの言葉を、爆音が吹き飛ばした。 remaining words were blown away by the sound of the explosion. ドオオオオオンッ! Doooon! (Boom!) 「!?」 「!?」 The cell building was enveloped in white 監房棟が白煙に包まれ、すぐに火の手があがった。 smoke. Immediately, a fire broke out. 「な、なんだぁ…?」 “Wha- What…?” “Shikamaru!” While he was standing motionlessly, Ino’s 「シカマル!」立ち尽くすシカマルの耳を、いのの金切り声が打った。「落下傘のベストに青 shrill voice hit his ear. 火粉が仕込まれてる!」 "There is Aobiko stocked in the vests of the parachutes!" 「……はあ?」 “…Huh?” “I was in contact with Kakashi-sensei!” She projected her face from the window of 「カカシ先生から連絡があった!」天守閣の窓から顔を突き出して、いのは声をふり絞っ た。 the castle tower. She 「すぐに敵襲があるわよ!」 shouted at the top of her voice. “There will be an immediate enemy attack!” 「マジかよ…」 “Are you serious…” The next parachute fell immediately 次の落下傘は、城門のすぐ外に落ちた。 outside the castle gates.

178 RAW

English The ear-splitting sound of an explosion 耳をつんざく爆音が轟ぎ、爆風が城門を吹き飛ばす。 roared. The blast blew away the caste gates. The prisoners looked at one another. They did not understand what had happened. However, with the 収監者たちは、顔を見合わせた。なにが起こっているのかは分からなかったが、次の爆発で塀 next explosion, the が崩れ落ちると、まるで夢から覚めたかのように、歓声をあげて走りだした。 wall crumbled down. As if they had woken up from a dream, they all cheered and starting running. “Whee! At last, I can 「ひゃっほーい! やっとこんなくそ溜めからおさらばできるぜ!」 say good-bye to such a shitty cesspool! “ “Keep falling down, parachutes! 「もっと降ってこい、落下傘!こんなところ、徹底的にぶっ壊しちまえ!」 Completely destroy this place!” That wasn’t the only chaos. (The 混乱はそれだけでは、収まらない。 commotion) wasn’t settling down. 「我龍様!」 ”Garyo-sama!” There were shinobi in black clothes. They 黒装束を着た忍たちが城内へなだれ込んできて、 大音声で呼ばわった。 came rushing into the castle, yelling in loud voices. “Where are you, 「どこにおられます、我龍様!」 Garyo-sama!” “Urgh…. This became 「チィ……めんどくせーことになったぜ」 troublesome…”

179 RAW

English In the midst of the unmanageable chaos, he aimed at the シカマルは、手のつけられない混乱のさなかにあって、地面に落ちた落下傘の影を狙って、術shadows of the falling を繰り出した。 parachutes (that were heading) towards the ground. Shikamaru unleashed a jutsu. ” Kagekubishibari no 「影首縛りの術!」 Jutsu!” (Shadow-Neck Binding Technique)

Pages 176-177 RAW




English Shikamaru’s shadow started to elongate with a ‘gunn’ sound. It grasped onto the shadow of a parachute. That shadow became a support. The body of the parachute suddenly stood still in the sky. “Tenten! Without damaging the vests, only destroy the clasps! Tenten leapt from the guard tower. Simultaneously, she was hurling ninja weapons. She destroyed the clasp on the vest of a man, who was suspended in mid-air. The man’s body then smoothly escaped from the parachute.

180 RAW 「うわああああ!」

English “Uwaaaah!” “Urgh!” Chouji caught the 「ふんぬ!」落ちてきた男を、 チョウジがガッシと抱き止める。「どっせい!」 falling man with a ‘gasshi’ sound. “Yeah!” Still attached to the empty vest, the parachute 空っぽのベストをつけたまま、落下傘が風に吹き流されていった。 was blown away by the wind. There was still 息つく暇もない。 no time to catch a breath. One after another, the human bombs 人間爆弾は、次から次に、空から降ってくる。 were descending from the sky. “Kageyose no Jutsu!” 「影寄せの術!」 (Shadow Gathering Techinique!) With the form of his shadow, Shikamaru suddenly (created) a countless number of tentacles. All at once, he nailed down ten people from the air. By nature, the usual jutsu was used to draw 実体を持ったシカマルの影が、たちまち無数の触手となって、一度に十人を空中で釘づけにする。本来は影を使って物質を手元に引き寄せる術だが、その物質を...つまり落下something 傘を、元の場所にとどめておくこともできるのだ。 towards himself with the shadow. However, the substances (that he was pulling)….was ultimately the parachutes. In other words, he was able stop (the falling people) in their original location (/right where they were).

181 RAW

English In the direction of the castle tower, the 天守閣のほうで、爆音が轟いた。 sound of an explosion roared. “Garyo is going to escape!” Tenten shouted as she was 「我龍が逃げていくわよ!」ベストの留め具を壊しながら、テンテンが叫んだ。「どうするの、シカマル!?」 breaking the clasp from a vest. "What should we do, Shikamaru!?" ‘What should we do…’ Shikamaru (thought). He could not move because he was using a jutsu. From the side of his eye, (he どうするったって……術を発動しているシカマルは、動けない。黒装束の忍たちに守られた我龍が逃げていくのを、眼の端で追いかけることしかできなかった。いったいど could see that) うすりゃいいってんだよ!? Garyo was escaping. He’s being guarded by shinobi in black clothing. He could not pursue him. ‘What the heck should I do?!’ Sai continued to quickly snatch the 落下してくる人たちを、サイの鴻がさっと空中でかっさらっていく。 falling people in the air with his large bird.

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English In the sky, Shino’s Kikaichuu (Parasitic Destruction Insects) formed a black cloud. They swarmed towards the passengers. The insects 上空では、シノの寄壊蟲が黒い雲となって、落下傘に群がっていた。蟲たちにベストの留め具を食い破られた男たちが落下してくると、リーが跳び上が って空中で受け止めた。 were eating away at the clasps of the vests that were attached to the men as they fell. Meanwhile, Lee leapt upwards and caught them in the air. Kiba, Chouji, and the ANBU chased after the prisoners who had escaped. Simultaneously キバとチョウジ、そして暗部たちは、逃げ出した収監者たちを追った。 牙通牙と肉弾戦車が同時に発動され、収監者たちをなぎ倒していく。 unleashing Gatsuuga (Fang Passing Fang) and Nikudan Sensha (Human Bullet Tank), they mow down the prisoners. In the midst of the swirl of chaos, 混乱の渦の中で、シカマルは空を見上げた。 Shikamaru looked up at the sky. There were four more 残る落下傘は、あと四つ。 parachutes remaining. “Shino!” Shikamaru shouted. “Can I 「シノ!」シカマルは叫んだ。「落下傘のほうは、まかせていいか!?」 entrust you with the rest of the parachutes!?” “Yeah” While manipulating the insects, 「ああ」蟲を操りながら、シノがうなずいた。「お前は、我龍を追え」 Shino nodded. “You (should) pursue Garyo”

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English In Shikamaru’s eyes, he perceived that the gang in black clothes was in the group of people ahead. There were fluttering and falling maple leaves that were changing colours. On the other side of them, (he could see that) Garyo was being protected by shinobi. “Wait up!”

Pages 178-180 RAW




English Several people turned around (to face Shikamaru). They quickly hurled out kunai. “Move!” As Shikamaru avoided the kunai, he made seals while running. “Kagenui no Jutsu!” (Shadow Sewing Technique)

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「ど、どうなされました、我龍様!?」面食らっているのは、 黒装束の忍たちも同じだった。

「さあ、早くまいりましょう! 」

English Shikamaru’s shadow became sharp needles. They pierced the legs of the enemy, at one at a time. While bleeding from their legs, the enemy shinobi noisily collapsed. He continued to pursue Garyo. However, before he could take several more steps, his gait stopped. 「……?」 What? This is weird. Why is the enemy facing us and running towards this way?! “Wha- What are you doing, Garyo-sama?!” The shinobi in black clothing were also similarly confused. “Alright, quickly come (over here!)

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English “Move!” Brushing off the shinobi, Garyo faced 「どいてよ!」忍たちをふり切ると、我龍はこちらに向かって大きく手をふった。 「シカマル!」 (towards Shikamaru), grandly waving his hand. 「なんだぁ…?」 “What…?” Shikamaru wrinkled the middle of his forehead and furrowed his brows. That guy Garyo, he has such an effeminate シカマルは眉間にしわを寄せた。我龍のやつ、あんなオカマっぽい声だったっけ?小脇を締め、まるで少女のように走っvoice? Garyo てくる我龍に、シカマルは身構えた。「止まれ!」 was running completely as if he was a young lady, tightening his arms under his armpits. Shikamaru put himself on guard. “Stop!” “What are you even saying? Because I seized Garyo…. You, Chouji, and his 「もう、なに言ってんのょ……我龍はあたしが捕まえてるから、あんたはチョウジたちと逃げた収監者を追って!」 comrades (should go and) pursue the prisoners who have escaped!” 「…… 」 「……」

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English “(I’m saying this as their) 「なにボーッとしてんのよ……あたしよ、あたし!」 boss….It’s me, it’s me!” 「ああ……いのか?」 “Ahh….Ino?” It seemed like with Ino’s Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind どうやら、いのが心転身の術で、 我龍の中に入り込んでいるようだった。 Body Switch Technique), she had infiltrated into Garyo’s mind. “It’s fine you guys!” Ino…in the form of Garyo…faced towards the 「いい、あんたたち!」いのは。。。我龍の姿をしたいのは、敵の忍に向き合った。「あたしに指一本でも触れたら、enemy あんたたちのボスを殺しちゃうからね!」 shinobi. “If you guys touch me with even a finger, we’ll murder your boss!” The shinobi 忍たちが、あとずさりした。 stepped back. “What are you doing, 「なにやってんのよ、シカマル……さっさと行きなさいよ!」 Shikamaru?... Go quickly!” 「ああ……分かった」 “Ahh…I know”

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English He did not understand why he was doing something like this himself. When he なぜ、そんなことをしたのか、自分でも分からない。気がつけば、シカマルはいのの……我龍の尻をさっと撫でて realized (what いた。 he was doing), Shikamaru had quickly and gently brushed the buttocks of Garyo……and Ino. “Kyaa!” Garyo…and Ino (who was in Garyo’s body) sprung 「キャッ」我龍が……我龍の姿をした、いのがぴょんっと跳び上がった。「なにすんのよ!?」 up with a ‘pyon’ sound. “What the heck are you doing!?” “I was always interested (/curious) about it…Whether or not (you would) even do such a 「ずっと気になってたんだが……そんななりをしてても、やっぱ『キャッ』て言っちゃうんだな」 thing (while you’re in the body of someone else). However, as I thought, you would still say 『Kyaa 』, eh?”

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English Ino…borrowed Garyo’s fist. Ino’s punch シカマルの頭に、 いのの……我龍の拳骨を借りた、 いののパンチが,炸裂した。 exploded into Shikamaru’s head. Still, no one had noticed three flowing objects to the 大混乱の鬼燈城のはるか西を流れる三つの星に気づいた者は、まだいなかった。 far West that were emitting light, due to the chaos at Houzukijyou. No matter how they viewed it, it looked like a shooting star from somewhere. However, they were different than ordinary どこからどう見ても流れ星なのだが、普通の流れ星と違うのは、この三つの光る物体は空から落下してくるのではなく、 shooting stars. 逆にグングン上昇していることだった。 Those three shining objects were not falling from the sky. On the contrary, they were steadily ascending.

[T/N] Shikamaru just copped a feel on Ino/Garyo….for science!? Eh……..@_@’;;;~~~I read this like three times to make sure I wasn’t going crazy when I first read this section OTL~ This is really strange for comic relief…


//End Translation //End of Chapter 12


Vol. 1:

Chapter 13 Pages 182-183 Kakashi embraced Kahyo to his chest in order to shield her field of view (from the sight of Rahyo falling from the Tobishachimaru). Grief-stricken that she had lost her older brother, Kahyo beat her fists onto Kakashi’s chest. Kahyo buries her face into Kakashi’s chest, freely screaming and crying out. Her wailing then changes into sobbing. Kakashi holds her close and tightly. He must tell her something, so he starts to speak: RAW

English ”At such a time, I don’t want to say such things….however, 「こんなときに、こんなことは言いたくないんだが……どうやら、飛鯱丸はどんどん上昇している。it seems as このままだと、オレたちは全員死ぬことになる」 though the Tobishachimaru is gradually rising. At this rate, all of us will die” There was no 返事はない。 response (from Kahyo).

191 RAW

English “On this ship, we are still able to save lives” Kakashi spoke tenderly, as if he 「この船には、まだ救える命がある」カカシは、まるで子供をあやすように、やさしく語りかけた。 was soothing a 「上手くいくかどうか分からないけど、オレはできるかぎりのことをするつもりだ」 child. “I don’t know whether or not it will turn out well, but I intend to do as much as I possibly can” Kahyo’s face is still buried into Kakashi’s chest. She murmurs back in response: ‘What should we do?’ Kakashi responds that they will create a hole in the air sac of the buoyancy component. Since he heard from Tazuna, the old man who manufactured the ship, Kakashi knew that the air sac was filled with helium gas. It’s non-flammable and noncombustible. And so, even if there’s a fire, there will not be a huge explosion. If they can skillfully create a hole in the air sac, perhaps they may be able to land the Tobishachimaru. RAW 「……上手くいかなかったら?」

English “What if it doesn’t turn out well?” “(Have you ever) pierced a bulging, 「パンパンに膨らんだ風船に針を刺したことは?」 inflatable balloon with a needle?” 「……」 「……」 “As for popping such a large balloon, it 「こんなでかい風船を割るのは、 オレもはじめてだよ...」 will also be my first time…” Abruptly, Kakashi stopped speaking. Kahyo bawled her eyes out, and then raised her face. She asks him what’s wrong. Kakashi waved his hand at Kahyo to motion her to be quiet, as he couldn’t hear Ino very wellin his head. Kakashi asks Ino if Garyo has been secured. Ino answers that he’s been taken care of, but Shikamaru and the others are still pursing the other escaped prisoners. Just a few moments ago, Ino was in contact with Tsunade. She was told that the Tsuchikage is heading towards them. Kakashi looks out from the tear in the ship. Beneath the swirling grey

192 sea of clouds, Kakashi can see their preparations as well. There’s three objects that are emitting light, which are approaching at a staggering speed.

Pages 184-185 Kakashi reminds Ino that before the Tobishachimaru enters Iwagakure, the Tsuchikage intends to shoot it down. Kakashi urgently thinks to himself while looking down at Oonoki’s comrades below: If that’s the case, then creating a hole in the air sac may backfire. The gas will escape the hole, and should push the ship. If he creates the hole at the front of the ship, then the power should work in the opposite direction. It should push the ship back the other way… The wind is tussling Kahyo’s long, curly hair. Seeing that, Kakashi realizes that the wind is blowing from an East to West direction. Kakashi must reconsider creating the hole at the front of the air sac. The Tobishachimaru will be going against a stream of wind. In the worst case, they might be jostled by the air current. If such a thing happens, they would be thrown about and possibly die, as if they were in a washing machine. The speed of the points of light have declined, and seem to be standing still from below. Kakashi doubts for only an instant, but then he understands the situation. The Tobishachimaru is not within the limits of the Tsuchikage’s flying range. In fact, the ship has risen higher in altitude than they can reach. Kakashi then resumes contact with Ino: RAW "この船は、撃ち落とさせない" "ええ、そんなことにはなりません" "…なに?"

English “I won’t let them shoot down this ship” “Right, such a thing won’t happen” “…What?”

193 RAW

English “Please listen closely, Kakashi-sensei” Ino said. "よく聞いてください、カカシ先生" いのが言った。"綱手様からの指令です、 “They’re orders from ただちに 飛鯱丸を爆破してください" Tsunade-sama. Please immediately blow up the Tobishachimaru” “Wait a minute….There are "ちょっと待て……船にはまだ生存者が…" still survivors onboard the ship” “I understand” Before terminating "分かってます" 通信を切りあげるまえに、いのは感情を交えずにそう言っ communications, Ino spoke た。"それは 綱手様だって分かっています" without emotions. “Tsunadesama understands that as well” Kakashi’s eyes travel to inside the kitchen area, to the people who are crouching on the floor. Several people have already collapsed. Their mouths are open wide, struggling to breathe. There was a sudden decline in temperature, so everyone is shivering and shaking. Kakashi then asks the pilots what the altitude is right now. One of the pilots, who’s squatting and holding onto his knees, raises his face. His lips have changed colour to purple. He responds back that they don’t have the instruments necessary in order to read exactly how high they are… So he isn’t able to say much for certain. However, judging from the thin atmosphere, he thinks that a while ago, they have already exceeded 13,000 metres in altitude. It hasn’t even been ten minutes since the Tobishachimaru had suffered extensive damage.

Pages 186-187 Originally, the ship had been flying at 5,000 metres in altitude. But because of the previous chaotic situation, their flying altitude had risen. During that time, Kakashi assumes that the altitude was 7,000 metres.

194 And so, he assumes that they have risen 6,000 metres in ten minutes, if the pilot estimated that they are currently flying at 13,000 metres. In ten more minutes, they should rise another 7,000 metres in altitude. In other words, if they continue to rise at this rate for the next ten minutes, the ship will reach an altitude of 19,000 metres. The blood within their bodies will boil! He cannot allow such a thing to happen. Kakashi is frantically trying to think up a solution. Firstly, due to the difference in atmospheric pressure, the air sac will explode. To prevent that, they should just create a hole in the air sac by their own means in order to lower the altitude. At least in that case, the air sac will not suddenly explode on its own and take them by surprise. RAW

English However, if I destroy the air sac within this air が、この気流の中で気嚢を破壊して、いまのオレに飛鯱丸をコントロールできるのか。。。? current, will I be able to control the Tobishachimaru…? “What is that point 「あの光の点は?」 of light?” It was Kahyo’s voice. However, it did not reach 華氷の声は、しかし、 カカシの耳にはまったく入らない。 もう一度同じことを訊かれて、 よう Kakashi’s ears at やく我にかえった。 all. Hearing the same thing once again, he finally returned to himself. “It’s the Tsuchikage from Iwagakure” 「岩隠れの土影だよ」と、どうにか返事をした。 One way of another, he responded.

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English “Since they know that this ship is fully loaded with 「この船に青火粉がたっぷり積まれていることを知っていて、岩隠れに入る前に撃ち落とすつもり Aobiko, they intend だ」 to shoot down this ship before it enters Iwagakure” “It’s not only that. Just now, I received 「それだけじゃない。たったいま、木ノ葉から指令が入った……オレは、この船を爆破しなきゃ orders from ならない」 Konohagakure…I have to blow up this ship” “That (sort of command)! Kahyo 「そんな!」華氷が叫んだ。「この船には、まだ生存者がいるのよ!」 yelled. “There are still survivors onboard this ship!” Kakashi painfully カカシは苦しげに眼を伏せた。 lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry…..” 「ごめんなさい……」と、華氷。 「ぜんぶ私たちのせいだわ」 Kahyo said. “It’s all because of us” “I am a shinobi. I am prepared to die. However….as for the people who are onboard this ship, surely they should 「オレは忍だ。死ぬ覚悟はできている。だけど……この船に乗っている人たちは、きっとこの遊 have been really 覧飛行をとても楽しみにしていたはずなんだ。まさか、こんなことになるなんて……」 looking forward to this sight-seeing flight. By no means (should they have expected) something like this to happen……” 華氷が、唇を噛んだ。 Kahyo bit her lip.

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English “I’m sorry…." Kakashi continued. 「すまない……」カカシは続けた。 「きみを責めるつもりはなかったんだ」 “I did not intend to blame you.” “No” Kahyo shook her head. “It’s 「ううん」華氷はかぶりをふった。「責められて当然よ」 natural to blame me” There’s 「オレにはもう……打つ手がない」 nothing…that I can do” “Before entering Kusagakure, should we make this ship land?” The colour and facial 「草隠れの里を出る前に、この船を着陸させればいいのね?」華氷は顔を、決死の表情で染めた。 expression of 「だったら、気嚢を破りましょう」 Kahyo’s face indicated that she was prepared for death. “If that’s the case, then let’s destroy the air sac”

Pages 188-189 RAW English 「ダメだ」今度は、カカシが首をふる番 “It’ll be no good” Now, it was Kakashi’s turn to だった。「気嚢に穴をあけたところで、 shake his head. Even if we create a hole in the air この船は気流にもみくちゃになるのが関 sac, the most we can do is jostle this ship in the の山だ」 air current.” 「私は『穴をあけましょう』なんて言っ “I didn’t say such a thing like『Let’s create a hole』” てない」 「。。。?」 「。。。?」 「『気嚢を破りましょう』と言ったのよ」“I said 『Let’s destroy the air sac』” カカシは眼をすがめた。 Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

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English “In such a high-stakes and desperate situation, 「一か八か、やってみるしかない」大き perhaps we should try it” Kahyo said so as な瞳に決心をみなぎらせて、華氷が言っ determination swelled up in her huge eyes. た。「もうこれ以上、だれにも死んでほ “Because I don’t want anyone else to die しくないから」 anymore” As Kahyo was speaking, Kakashi faced towards the stern of the ship. Across the scaffolding that was suspended in midair, there was an iron ladder. It’s the one that he had initially used to sneak aboard the Tobishachimaru in the propulsion component. He finally managed to reach the area. Because the pilothouse and the guest room gondola have both fallen down, the propellers in the propulsion component have stopped rotating. He climbs up the ladder and scaffolding that the workers typically use for maintenance inspections. From there, he was close to touching the air sac in the buoyancy component with his hand. RAW やるしかなかった。

English I have to do it. If the Tobishachimaru continues to rise at the current このまま飛鯱丸が上昇を続ければ、 rate, everyone will die anyway. No, before that, it どうせ全員が死ぬ。いや、その前に、 will just arrive within the territorial airspace of 風に乗って草隠れの領空を出たとた Kusagakure because of the wind. As soon as that ん、土影に迎撃されてしまう。気嚢 happens, we will be intercepted by the Tsuchikage. を破っても、たちまち火の手が回っ Even if we destroy the air sac, flames will suddenly て、みんな焼け死んでしまうかもし surround us. Perhaps everyone will be burnt to れない。 death. 「行くも地獄、退くも地獄か…」 “Damned if I do, damned if I don’t?...” 搭乗客たちは、すでに船倉へ避難さ The passengers have already taken refuge in the せている。 ship’s hold. 深呼吸をひとつつくと、カカシは気 Taking a deep breath, and all together with a scream 合もろとも、チャクラを込めたクナ of fighting spirit, Kakashi hit the air sac with a kunai イを気嚢に飛ばした。 (that was charged with his) chakra. ガキンッ! “Gakinn!” (Boom!) クナイの刃が気嚢を貫き、火花が散っThe edge of the kunai pierced the air sac. Sparks た。 scattered. バチバチ、とい、という小さな音が Cracking with a ‘bachibachi’ noise, the small sounds 耳朶を打つ。続いて、ヘリウムガス tapped against his earlobes. The helium gas が勢いよく噴出した。 continued to vigorously spurt outwards. 「!」 「!」

198 RAW そして、やはり恐れていたことが、 起こった。 はじめは小さな、赤い火だった。そ れが、ほんの十秒後には、気嚢の後 部を焼き尽くしていた。

English And then (the situation became) just as he had feared. It was the beginning of a small, red fire. Merely ten seconds later, it burned down the stern of the air sac.

Page 190 RAW ゴオオオオオオオ!



English Gooooooo! (/Sound of flames bursting) At once, the exterior layer of the air sac burst into flames. The blaze was swallowed into the air with a roar. In a flash, fire surrounded the entirely of the buoyancy component. Simultaneously, the nose of the Tobishachimaru pointed towards the ground. The ship began to fall.

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English Kakashi jumped off the ladder. He ran back onto the scaffolding that was suspended in mid-air. Overhead, the airsac was being licked by カカシは梯子を飛び降り、宙吊りの足場を駆け戻った。その頭上では、炎になめられた気嚢が、まるで神に消しゴムでもかけられているかのように、骨組みだけを残して、どん the flames. It どん消えてなくなった。 was even as if it was beginning to be completely erased by a God. Only the skeleton remained as it gradually vanished. The buoyancy 浮力が失われていく。 was lost. When he jumped into the kitchen, Kahyo had already 厨房に飛び込んだときには、すでに華氷が印を結び終え、術を発動していた。 finished her seals. She had unleashed a jutsu. Hyouton: 「氷遁・地鎖連氷!」 Jisarenhyou! Even though that voice was erased by the その声は風にかき消されたが、彼女の術のほうは、そうじゃなかった。 wind, her jutsu seemed (to not be drowned out by the wind). A large shock pushed up the 落下する船体を、大きな衝撃が突き上げた。 falling hull of the ship. 「!?」 「!?」

Page 191

200 RAW 飛鯱丸は一度跳ね上がり、次い で、華氷が地鎖連氷で作り出し た氷の板の上に落ちた。 その衝撃で、またゴンドラの一 部が崩れ落ちた。

English The Tobishachimaru jumped up for a moment. Subsequently, the ship dropped onto a plank of ice that was produced by Kahyo’s Jisarenhyou. Due to that impact, another portion of the gondola crumbled apart. While Kahyo activated the seals, she had a grim look 華氷は、印を結んだまま、険し on her face as she was concentrating on the jutsu. い顔つきで術に集中している。 Since it was probably a great burden that was よほどの負担がかかっているの dependent upon her (will), (Kahyo’s) arms shivered だろう、その腕はブルブル震え、 and trembled. Her hair stood on end. From tightly 髪は逆立ち、ぎゅっと結んだ口 (clamping her mouth shut), there was bloodshed from の端からは流血していた。 end of her mouth. チャクラをまとった氷の板は、 Because of the chakra embedded into the plank of ice, まるで飛鯱丸の船底から生え出 it seemed as though it was beginning to completely してくるかのように、その行く grow forth from the bottom of the Tobishachimaru. 手にどんどんのびてゆく。 That path gradually continued to extend. 雲海に頭から突っ込むと、雲が Beginning to plunge into the sea of clouds, they were ブワッと押し広げられ、船を吞 forcibly spread apart with a ‘buwa’ (/whoosh) sound. み込んだ。 (The clouds) engulfed the ship. 気流に流されそうになるたびに、Every time the air current (attempted to derail) the 氷の触手が船体を強引に引き戻 ship, tentacles of ice forcibly restored the hull (back した。 onto the plank of ice). 「このまま船を着陸させる…」 “I will make the ship land as it is…” Through the space 食いしばった歯のあいだから、 between her gritted teeth, Kahyo pushed out her 華氷は言葉を押し出した。 words. 「絶対に成功させてみせる」 “I will certainly make it succeed” 雲の中は灰一色で、なにも見え They could not see anything, aside from the single ない。 ashen colour from within the clouds. Due to the sudden drop, their ears could not adjust to 急激な落下に、耳が気圧の変化 the change in atmospheric pressure. They gulped the についていけない。固唾を呑む saliva that they were holding within their mouths due と、耳をふさいでいた空気が抜 to the tense situation. Closing up their ears, the air けて、風の音が鮮明になった。 escaped. Then, the sound of the wind became distinctive. 気嚢は、ほんの一分足らずで、 In just under a minute, the air sac had become merely ほとんど骨格だけになった。燃 a skeleton. The remnants of the burning framework え残った骨組みが、黒くくすぶっ (was emitting) black smoke. ている。 [T/N]

201 Ear clearing is actually a [thing] to equalize air pressure within your ears.

Pages 192-193 RAW

English The fire should still have things to burn through, as though it 炎は、まだ燃やせるものがあるはずだ、といわんばかりに、前へ前へと侵攻 could invade further and した。カカシと華氷の頭上には、青い炎と灰色の雲以外、なにもなくなって towards the front. Overhead いた。 Kakashi and Kahyo, there was nothing but blue flames and grey clouds. As the Tobishachimaru continued to fall, it broke through the clouds. Each time 飛鯱丸は雲を突き破って、落下を続けた。右に左にぶれたが、そのたびに華 the ship shook right or left, 氷がつららでガードを作って、船が板の上から滑り落ちないようにした。 Kahyo produced guards of icicles in order to prevent it from slipping off the top of the plank. The Tobishachimaru sustained 大破した飛鯱丸は、ぐんぐん高度を下げていく。 serious damages. Steadily, the altitude continued to drop. Then, they felt as though their と、体がふわりと浮き上がるような感じがした。 bodies were gently floating. 「!?」 「!?」 For an instant, Kakashi’s body カカシの体は、実際、一瞬宙に浮いていた。 was practically floating in midair. 「どうしたんだ!?」 “What’s happening!?” “There’s not enough moisture!” 「水分が足りない!」華氷が叫びかえす。「氷を作るための水分が足りない Kahyo shouted back. “There’s の!」 not enough moisture in order to produce ice!” 「!」 「!」

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English Peeking through below the torn kitchen flooring, (Kakashi saw that) the plank of ice that the 破れた厨房の床から下をのぞくと、それまで飛鯱丸をのせていた氷の板は、 Tobishachimaru was placed 跡形もなく消えていた。 upon….had vanished. There were no longer even traces of it. Far away below, the yellow ground stretched outwards. はるか下方には、黄色の大地が広がっている。紅葉している山々、そしてキ The mountains were an autumn ラキラ光る川が流れていた。 colour. And then there were glittering and sparkling rivers that were flowing. The Tobishachimaru lost it’s 氷の支えを失った飛鯱丸は、ほとんど垂直に落下していた。 supportive ice. It was almost falling vertically. As the altitude cut through 5,000 metres, (Kakashi) knew 高度が五千メートルを切ったことは、待ちかねたように飛来した土影を見て、 that the Tsuchikage would be 分かった。 impatiently waiting and come flying (towards them) Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi were 黒ツチと赤ツチをしたがえたオオノキが、飛鯱丸にならぶ。 accompanied by Oonoki. They lined up at the Tobishachimaru. “Oi! Kakashi, one way or another, it seems like this is it!” 「おい、カカシ、どうやらこれまでのようじゃぜ!」土影が呼ばわった。 The Tsuchikage shouted. “If it’s 「お前らだけなら助けてやれる……女、カカシ、飛び移れ!」 just you guys, I can save you…Lady and Kakashi, jump (onto us)!” Kakashi and Kahyo exchanged カカシと華氷は、眼を見交わした。 glances. 華氷がうなずく。 Kahyo nodded. (That was the only thing he それだけだった。 needed). With just that, Kakashi それだけで、カカシは彼女が自分と同じ気持ちであることが分かった。 understood that they both felt the same way.

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English “What are you doing!? If you 「なにをやっとる!? さっさとせんなら、お前らごとその船を撃ち落とす don’t (jump over) quickly, both しか。。。」 of you might be shot down with the ship…” However, Kakashi deliberately が、 相手に最後までしゃべらせるほど、カカシは悠長ではなかった。 did not let his comrades finish talking. From Kahyo’s mouth, an ‘Ah!’ 華氷の口から、あっ、という驚きの声が漏れる。 escaped with a surprised voice. Suddenly thinking about whether or not to rush off, ドッと突進したかと思うと、カカシは破れた床板を蹴って、船外へ飛び出し Kakashi kicked off from the torn ていた。 floorboards. He leapt out of the ship. その体が宙を舞った。 His body fluttered in mid-air. The wind tussled his silver hair. カカシと大地の間には、数千メートルの、空っぽの空間しかなかった。風が A strong will was dwelling その銀髪をなぶり、その眼には氷のように固い意志が宿っていた。 within his eyes like ice. 「よし、こい!」 “Alright, come!”

Pages 194-195 RAW

English However, Kakashi jumped over Oonoki, who was leaning が、カカシはのけぞったオオノキの頭上を跳び越え、赤ツチの頭をトンッと蹴って、さらに backwards. Kicking off 跳梁した。 Akatsuchi’s head with a ‘tonn’ sound, he jumped about again. “Wha- What are you 「な、なにをやっとるんじや!」 doing!” “Kakashi!” Kahyo shouted after the 「カカシ!」華氷も、土影に負けじと叫んだ。 Tsuchikage had also undauntedly yelled (at him).

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English Kakashi gathered all of his chakra into his right カカシは、全身のチャクラを右腕に集めた。「オレが絶対に雨を降らせる!」 arm. “I will absolutely make it rain!” 「カカシ!」 “Kakashi!” “I will entrust the rest 「あとは頼んだぞ、華氷!」 to you, Kahyo!” Grandly drawing back his right arm, which was becoming incandescent to the まぶしいほど白熱している右腕を大きく後ろに引くと、カカシは渾身の紫電を雨雲にたたき extent that it was つけた。 radiant, Kakashi struck the Shiden with all of his might into the rain clouds. 「うおおおおおお!」 “Wuohhhhhhh!” ドオオオンッ! Dooooon! (Boom!) With the excessive intensity, the clouds parted. For an instant, there was a glimpse of そのあまりのすさまじさに雲が割れ、一瞬、青空が垣間見えた。カカシ自身、自分の技に、 blue sky. It was (a 自分自身が吹き飛ばされたほどだった。 tremendous force), to the extent that Kakashi himself was blown away by his own technique. The Tsuchikage’s eyes 土影が、眼を見張った。 widened.

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English Lightning surged forth from Kakashi’s entire body. Completely as if they were tentacles, (the lightning) extended outwards in every direction and カカシの全身からほとばしった雷は、まるで触手のように四方へのび出し、雨雲を貫く。 pierced through the たちまち雷が雷を呼び、雨雲が寄り集まって、バチバチと放電をはじめた。 rain clouds. Suddenly, the lightning invoked thunder. The rain clouds gathered, and began to cackle with a ‘bachibachi’ sound from the electrical discharge. “It’s dangerous, Tsuchikage-sama!” 「危ない、土影様!」赤ツチが叫んだ。「早くワイの影に隠れるだに!」 Akatsuchi yelled. “Quickly, hide within my shadow!” “That’s needless help!” Oonoki yelled in a 「いらぬ世話じゃぜ!」オオノキが一喝した。「まったく、木ノ葉のもんは無茶をしよる thunderous voice. ぜ…」 “Seriously, the people of Konoha behave recklessly…” The rainclouds roared with thunder with a ‘gorogoro’ sound. ..Flashes of lightning ゴロゴロと雷鳴を轟かせる雨雲。。。ピシャッと落ちた稲妻が、地上の楓の大木を、まっぷ crashed with a たつに引き裂いた。 slamming ‘pishaa’ sound. A large maple tree on the ground split in half. “Kurotsuchi! Save that 「黒ツチ!あのバカを助けてやれ!」 idiot!”

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English In accordance with the Tsuchikage’s command, Kurotsuchi immediately pursued after Kakashi. He was 土影の命令に従って、気を失って落下してゆくカカシを、黒ツチが即座に追いかける。 降 falling and had lost りだした雨の最初のひと粒が、黒ツチの頬に当たった。 consciousness. There was one bead of rain at the onset of the downpour. It struck Kurotsuchi on the cheeks of his face. He seemed to have lost consciousness considerably (for quite ずいぶん気を失っていたように思えるが、実際にカカシの意識が飛んでいたのは、ほんの数 some time), however, 秒のことだった。 he had actually only lost consciousness for about a few seconds. Cold rain fell upon his face. Kakashi then 顔に降りかかる冷たい雨に、カカシは薄目を開けた。 opened his half-closed eyes .Just then, a huge とたん、巨大な影が、目の前をかすめて飛んでいった。 shadow flew right before his eyes. 「!?」 「!?」

Pages 196-197 RAW


English Kakashi opened his eyes. Within the torn gondola, (he could see) the figure of Kahyo, who was frantically making seals.

207 RAW

English The rain down poured incessantly. Having invoked Jisarenhyou, now 降りしきる雨が、地鎖連氷に呼び寄せられ、いまや残骸と化した飛鯱丸の船底に、氷の結晶を作っ the bottom of the てゆく。 Tobishachimaru had changed into wreckage. (Kahyo) continued to make crystals of ice. The crystals of ice extended forth from the bottom of the ship. A 船底からのび出した氷の結晶は、 天空に輝く白銀の滑り台をどんどん継ぎ足していった。 sparkling silver slide gradually extended into the sky. Gliding on top of その上を滑走する、飛鯱丸。 that was the Tobishachimaru. As soon as the ship passed through, the tracks steadily broke apart. (The ice) glistened with 船が通り過ぎるそばから、その軌跡がどんどん砕け散り、キラキラ輝きながら宙に舞った。まるで radiance in mid-air. 飛鯱丸が、ほうき星かなにかになってしまったかのように見えた。 It seemed as if the Tobishachimaru had become something like a comet. If there was something to be もしも天国への階段というものがあるとしたら…… called a ‘Stairway to Heaven’…

208 RAW

English A thunderous roar resounded as the Tobishachimaru continued to slide. As Kakashi was seeing it off, he absentmindedly thought (about the 轟音を鳴り響かせて滑り落ちてゆく飛鯱丸を見送りながら、カカシは考えるともなしに、そんなこ ‘Stairway to とを考えた。きっと、こんな感じなんだろうな。 Heaven’). He pondered such a thing. Surely, he thought that a (‘Stairway to Heaven’) would have such a feeling. The sky was full of pale crystals of ice. 天空いっぱいに、青白い氷の結晶が、音もなく漂っていた。 They were drifting about without a sound. “It seems as though this guy awoke” (Kakashi) 「こいつ、眼が覚めたようだぜ」耳元で声がした。 「どうする、じじい?」 heard a voice close to his ears. “What should we do, old man?” Kakashi was being carried on カカシは、黒ツチの肩にかかえられていた。 Kurotsuchi’s shoulder.

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English “It seemed as though this guy intended to die” The Tsuchikage said. “We had no other choice. It 「こいつは、本気で死ぬつもりだったようじゃぜ」土影が言った。「どうもこうもあるか。 あの厄 seems as though 介な船は、どうやらワシらの里へは落ちてこん。じゃったら、こんなところに用はないぜ」 that burdensome ship won’t fall into our village. And so, we have no business in such a place” “Ah” Akatsuchi raised his hysteric voice. “Something 「あっ」と 、赤ツチが素っ頓狂な声をあげた。「鬼燈城から、 なんか飛んでくるだに」 is flying towards us from the Houzukijyou” Sai silently approached サイは無言で、鴻を黒ツチに寄せた。 Kurotsuchi with his large bird. The Tsuchikage nodded. “Arayotto” (/’Off you go!) said 土影がうなずくと、黒ツチが「あらよっと」と、カカシを鴻の背に放り出した。 Kurotsuchi. She tossed Kakashi onto the back of the bird. “Tell Tsunade-hime that the victorious feeling will also steadily end. Even 「戦勝気分もそろそろ終わりにしろと、綱手姫に言っとけ。ワシらもそろそろ次の世代に道をゆず we will gradually る頃合いじゃぜ」 hand over our ways, in due time, to the next generation”

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English After imparting それだけ言い残して、オオノキは飛び去ってしまった。 only those words, Oonoki flew away. Then for the first time, Kakashi noticed that they were considerably approaching the ground. このときはじめて、カカシはずいぶん地上へ近づいていることに気がついた。見下ろすと、白煙を Overlooking (the あげている鬼燈城の中庭で、人間たちがアリのようにうごめいていた。 scene), white smoke was rising from the courtyard of the Houzukijyou. The human beings were wriggling like ants. Surrounding the castle was a spacious meadow. The Tobishachimaru slid down and onto 城を取り囲むだだっ広い草原に、飛鯱丸は滑り降りた。鬼燈城の季節の過ぎた草原に、もうもうと it. Seasons had 土煙が舞った。 passed through the meadow of the Houzukijyou. A dense cloud of dust fluttered about. The Tobishachimaru slid on top of the 飛鯱丸は草の上を滑り、そして、前のめりになって静止した。 grass. And then, the ship leaned forward. It then stood still.

211 RAW

English The commotion was on the side of the castle. Immediately, a figure of a small person rushed out 城のほうがどよめき、すぐに小さな人影が城門を飛び出して、飛鯱丸に駆けつけた。それは、どう from the castle やらサクラのようだった。 gates. It came running towards the Tobishachimaru. That figure seemed to be Sakura. On the South side of the castle, intense battles were being fought. A whirlwind arose, which blew away 城の南側では、激しい戦闘が行われていた。旋風が巻き起こり、逃げ出した収監者たちがいっぺん the escaped に吹き飛ぶ。リーの木ノ葉旋風に間違いなかった。 prisoners one by one. There was no mistaking (that attack), it was Lee’s Konoha Senpuu.

Pages 198-199 RAW

城の中庭で伸び縮みしている影を見て、シカマルが踏ん張っているのだと分かった。 収監者たちをなぎ倒してゆく大きな球は、チョウジの肉弾戦車だ。

English In the courtyard of the castle, he saw an expanding and contracting shadow. He understood that to be Shikamaru, who was bracing himself. A large ball continuously mowed down the escaped prisoners. It was Chouji’s Nikudansensha.

212 RAW







火影になるということは、守るべき者たちが増えるということだ。つまり、いつ何時、 オビトを失ったときのような悲しみに襲われるか、分からない。オレは、そんな悲しみを背負う覚悟を、まだ持てていないと思い込んでいた。

English Dashing on a straight path leading up to the castle, (Kakashi thought that) they must be Tsunade and Shizune. There were Shino’s insects, Tenten’s ninja weaponry, Kiba and Akamaru…Gazing at such comrades, something hot began to well up inside Kakashi’s chest. It couldn’t be helped. As the Tsuchikage had said, it will gradually be time for us to inherit those ways. At this time within Kakashi, a definitive change occurred. Since I lost the Sharingan, I suppose I was using that as in excuse to escape from being in the position of Hokage, right? Suddenly, he thought of that in such a manner. Speaking of becoming the Hokage, the number of people I must protect will increase. In other words, at any given moment, I will not know when I will be attacked by sorrow; (Grief) that will be similar to the time as when I lost Obito. I will be resigned to being burdened with such sorrows. I was under the impression that I was still unable to endure (those feelings of sadness).

213 RAW

English As for the comrades of the village, even now at this moment, they are silently supporting one another. It’s as if morning is approaching, and they are seemingly 里の仲間たちは、いま、この瞬間にも、黙っておたがいを支えているのだ。まるで朝が来たら眼が覚めるみたいに、当たり前の顔をして。ナルト、綱手様、シカマル、いの、ガイ、リー、テンテン、チョウジ、サクラ、サイ、ヒナタ、シズネ、イルカ、シノ、キバawakening (to 。。。 the sunrise); they make (supporting one another) look (like a natural instinct). Naruto, Tsunade-sama, Shikamaru, Ino, Guy, Lee, Tenten, Chouji, Sakura, Sai, Hinata, Shizune, Iruka, Shino, Kiba… …Everyone’s faces 。。。みんなの顔が、次々にカカシの胸中をよぎった。 successively flashed across Kakashi’s mind. And so, for such comrades and Konohagakure Village, I thought そして、そんな木ノ葉隠れの里を、仲間たちを、心から誇りに思った。 that I was proud of them from the bottom of my heart. And so, Kakashi thought: If those guys need me, then I will swallow all of their collective もしも、こいつらがオレを必要とするなら……と、カカシは思った。オレはこいつらの悲しみを、みんなまとめて呑み込んでやろう。そう、当たり前の顔で。そして、こいつらといっしょに、悲しみにのたうちまわってやろう。 sorrow. That seems right, (like a natural instinct). And then I will writhe in sorrow with them, together. Speaking of becoming the Hokage, perhaps 火影になるというのは、たぶん、そういうことなんだ。 that’s (the meaning behind) such a (position).

[T/N] No obvious shoutout for Sasuke? ;__;’;~~ 当たり前の顔= “Natural/ordinary+ face/countenance”, but it made less sense in English on context if I left it literally… so I have “Natural instinct”. Like an intuitive reaction to something, or a usual task. This last section was an absolute killer to try and fit it all into comprehensible English…and yet I still think it’s semi-awkward OTL~~~ It was quite the strugglebus to attempt to retain the original meanings without sacrificing the nuances too much.


//End Translation //End of Chapter 13


Vol. 1:

Chapter 14 Pages 202-203 RAW


鬼燈城の混乱は、 一段落つきつつあった。



English Before long, the rain stopped. The dark clouds were blown away by the wind. The chaos at the Houzukijyou had reached a stopping point. The fire at the castle was extinguished. The tenacious prisoners who were escaping were then gradually being cornered by the ANBU. The windy, wintery-blight blew through the field. The wreckage of the Tobishachimaru laid down upon the ground. The shinobi of Konoha warily surrounded it.

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English As for the Tobishachimaru, the buoyancy component was completely burnt off. Because of the impact of the fall, the supportive skeleton of the air sac had 飛鯱丸は、浮力部がすっかり燃え落ちていた。気嚢を支える骨格は、落下の衝撃で、ほとんど砕け飛んでいる。まるで大きな手に半分もぎ取られた almost かのような客室ゴンドラに風が吹き込むと、木端がパラパラと落ちた。 shattered away. It was as if a giant hand had torn off half of the guest-room gondola. The wind blew through it. Woodchips fell with a sprinkling ‘parapara’ sound. The first figure of a person staggered forth from the side of 最初の人影が、破れた船側からよろめき出てくると、 綱手の怒号が轟いた。 the torn ship. Tsunade roared with an angry bellow. “Raise both hands over your 「両手を頭の上に挙げて、ゆっくりと出てこい!」 head, and slowly come out!” At the signal of that voice, Kiba, Chouji, Shino, その声を合図に、キバ、チョウジ、シノ、リー、テンテンが慎重に飛鯱丸に近づいていった。 Lee, and Tenten were cautiously approaching the Tobishachimaru. There might be enemies who were hiding 搭乗客たちの中に、敵がまぎれていないともかぎらない。 上空では、サイが待機している。 amongst the passengers. In the sky, Sai was on standby.

217 RAW

English “Are you okay?” Only Sakura bustled around the passengers. She was examining 「大丈夫ですか?」サクラだけが、搭乗客のあいだを駆けずり回って、みなの怪我の具合をあらためていった。 「怪我をされた方はいませんか?」 everyone on their condition and injuries. “Is there anyone who’s uninjured?” One by one, the exhausted ひとり、またひとりと、くたびれはて、 やつれはてた搭乗客が船から出てくる。 passengers exited the ship. Everyone looked upwards at the sky in amazement. They were cautiously stepping with their own legs, as if だれもが茫然と空を見上げ、そして、自分の足が踏みしめている大地の感触をたしかめるかのように、ゆっくりと歩を進めた。中には、地面に足をascertaining the 下ろしたとたん、崩れ落ちて倒れる者もいた。 feeling of the ground. They slowly stepped forward. As soon as some of them lowered their feet upon the ground, they collapsed and fell. When Tsunade nodded, the shinobi wrapped up the 綱手がうなずくと、忍たちは搭乗客を毛布で包んでやり、水を飲ませてやった。 passengers in blankets and offered them water to drink.

218 RAW

English When they fell, there were people with bone fractures, as well as 落下のときに骨折した者や、流血している者は、サクラが手当てをして回った。 bloodied people. Sakura wandered about to give medical treatment to them. 「動くな!」 “Don’t move!” Before Tsunade’s 綱手の視線の先にいたのは。。。華氷だった。 gaze….was Kahyo. The Konoha shinobi quickly 木ノ葉の忍たちが、さっと戦闘態勢を取る。 prepared for battle. However, Kahyo silently and merely stood still near the completely destroyed ship. Her large eyes seemed as 華氷は、しかし、大破した船体のそばに、ただひっそりとたたずんでいた。途方に暮れたようなその大きな瞳は、なにかを探しているようだった。 though they 長い巻き髪を、風にたなびかせながら。 were perplexed. She seemed to be looking for something. Her long, curly hair was being tussled by the wind.

Pages 204-205 RAW 「龍波武装同盟の華氷だな?」 綱手を認めた華氷が、小さくうなずいた。 「船の中に、まだ仲間が残っているのか?」

English “Are you Kahyo of the Ryuuha Armament Alliance? Kahyo acknowledged Tsunade with a small nod. “Are there still comrades onboard the ship?”

219 RAW

English Slowly, Kahyo shook her head. And so, in response to Tsunade’s question, she didn’t ゆっくりと、かぶりをふる華氷。それが綱手の質問に対する答えなのか、分 know (what to say). Even so, it からないということなのか、それとも、いまさらそんなことはもうどうでも was now too late. She accepted いいという諦めなのか、だれにもなんとも言えなかった。 whatever (would happen to her). She wasn’t able to say anything to anyone. “You did an outrageous 「だいそれたことをしてくれたな…貴様らのせいで、 木ノ葉の信用はガタ thing…Because of you ******s, 落ちだ」 Konoha’s credibility plummeted. “ 華氷は、沈黙を守った。 Kahyo remained silent. “Even the Wave Country completely abandoned plans for the development of the 「波の国も、飛行船の開発を完全に断念したぞ」綱手が押し殺した声で言っ airship.” Tsunade’s spoke with た。「このまま、ただで済むとは思ってないな?」 a voice (that sounded like) it was being crushed to death. “As it is, did you think that you would get away with it?” With a look of resignation in her 眼に覚悟の色を浮かべて、華氷がうなずく。 eyes, Kahyo nodded. “Haul her away!” Tsunade waved her arm and issued the 「こいつを引っ立てろ!」綱手が腕をふって、命令を飛ばした。 「追って沙 command. “Until we deal with 汰があるまで、 牢にぶち込んでおけ!」 this incident later, throw her into prison!” “Please wait a minute, 「ちょっと待ってください、綱手様」 Tsunade-sama” Not only Tsunade, but also all the other shinobi その声に、綱手だけでなく、ほかの忍たちもいっせいにふりかえる。 simultaneously turned around to that voice. With a facial expression with a 驚きと、安堵の入り混じった表情が、華氷の顔を赤く染めた。 mix of astonishment and relief, Kahyo’s face turned red. Over there, Kakashi was being そこにいたのは、シカマルに肩を支えられたカカシだった。 supported by Shikamaru’s shoulder.

220 RAW

English “Kakashi!” Tsunade’s voice 「カカシ!」綱手が声を張った。「無事だったか」 strained. “You’re safe?” “Tsunade-sama” Separating himself from Shikamaru’s 「綱手様」シカマルの肩から離れると、カカシはすっくと立った。「彼女の。shoulder, Kakashi then stood 。。華氷の処分は、オレにまかせてもらえませんか?」 upright. “Her…Kahyo’s punishment…Will you entrust that to me?” 「なに?」 “What?” Tsunade’s and Kakashi’s eyes 綱手の視線と、カカシの視線が、 つかの間、交差した。 briefly crossed. 「なにか考えがあるのか?」 “What are you thinking about?” However, Kakashi did not が、カカシは綱手の質問には答えず、 華氷と向き合ったのだった。 answer Tsunade’s question. He faced Kahyo. Wind blew through the space ふたりのあいだを風が吹き抜け、言いようのない懐かしさと、悲しみを舞い between the two of them. It 上げた。 swept up ineffable nostalgia and sorrow. “Until just now, it went badly 「ついさっきまで、あそこにいたんだな」 over there” As he said so, he looked そう言って、カカシは広大無辺の天空を仰いだ。 upwards at the limitless sky. From the spots inbetween the remaining rain clouds, faint まだらに残った雨雲のあいだから、 淡い光が射しはじめていた。 light was beginning to shine through. “It’s good thing that we 「よく生きて帰ってこられたものだ」 華氷に眼を戻す。 returned” He restored his eyes upon Kahyo. “However, it doesn’t mean that 「だけど、 みんながオレのように運がよかったわけじゃない」 everyone was as fortunate as me” 華氷が眼を伏せた。 Kahyo lowered her eyes. “Among the 57 passengers who 「搭乗客五十七名のうち、十八名が亡くなった」カカシは言葉を継いだ。 boarded, 18 of them died” Kakashi continued to speak.


Pages 206-207 RAW


華氷は唇を噛んで、首をふった。 「華氷」 「。。。はい」


「あの。。。」背後からの声が、カカシの言葉をさえぎった。「ちょっと待ってください」 ふりむくと、女性がひとり、子供の手を握って立っていた。



English “With the exception of you and your two comrades who are imprisoned in the food supply warehouse, (all of your other comrades) died. Do you have something to say about that?” Kahyo bit her lip. She shook her head. “Kahyo” ”…Yes” “I’ll announce your punishment. As the perpetrator of the attack upon the Tobishachimaru, you will….” “Umm…” A voice from behind them, interrupted Kakashi. “Please wait a minute” As he turned around, it was a woman. She was standing and grasping the hand of a child. Kakashi narrowed his eyes. “I….from back then…I’m the person whom you saved” That woman lowered her head to Kahyo.

222 RAW

English “With my son who had a spasm of asthma, I was freed from that ship by you… Thanks to you, my son’s spasms lessened. But what you guys did was impermissible. “ 「喘息の発作を起こした息子といっしょに、あなたがあの船から解放してくれたんです。 おかげさまで、息子の発作は治まりました……あなたたちがしたことは、許されること She glanced at ではありません」カカシのほうをチラリと見やり、「それでも、ひと言だけ、どうしてもお 礼を言いたくて ……本当に、本当にありがとうございました」 Kakashi’s direction for an instant. “Nevertheless, I have only a single word. No matter what, I want to say thank you…Truly, truly, thank you very much. ” Kahyo painfully 華氷が苦しげに顔を伏せた。 lowered her face. The boy became completely healthy. He すっかり元気になった男の子が、母親の手を放して駆けだす。 separated himself from his mother’s hand and began running. He came running up until where Kahyo (was 華氷のところまで走ってくると、上目づかいで、ニッコリ笑った。 standing). With upturned eyes, he grinned and laughed. “Thank you, oba「ありがとう、 おばちゃん」 chan (/auntie)” 「。。。!」 「。。。!」 “Even though I was really scared….” He then quickly whispered 「ぼく、とても怖かったけど…… 」そして、小声で急いで付け加えた。 「でも……ちょっとだけ楽しかったよ」 something in addition (to what he had just said). “But….it was even a little bit of fun” He returned back to his mother. In Kahyo’s eyes, she 母親のもとへと走り去る男の子を見送る華氷の眼に、涙がふくれあがった。 could the boy running off. Tears were welling up (in Kahyo’s eyes).

223 RAW

「華氷」カカシが呼びかけた。「飛鯱丸襲撃の主犯として、お前には死んでもらわねばな らない」





「……どういうことですか?」 「オレの見るところ、お前の地鎖連氷は使える」

English “Kahyo” Kakashi called out to her. “As the perpetrator of the attack upon the Tobishachimaru, we should put you to death” 「!」 “It’s for the extent that you caused (so many) victims. I seems that it’s a suitable punishment” “….Yes” Kahyo’s voice was quivering. She was exuding (the feeling) that she would accept responsibility for everything. “Whatever kind of punishment…I’ll respectfully receive it” “However, if you can prove that you will be a useful human being for the Five Great Shinobi Countries, I will reduce the capital punishment to life-imprisonment” ”…What do you mean?” “From how I see it, your Jisarenhyou will be useful”

Pages 208-209 RAW 「……」

English 「……」 “What are you talking about, Kakashi?” said Tsunade. “What the heck is it about her ninjutsu that makes her useful?” “Tsunade-sama” He stared at Tsunade. “If an ordinary person is struck with her Jisarenhyou, they will be instantly frozen. However, if it’s a shinobi who can knead chakra, that chakra must be used in order to surround the body with heat. That prevents the body from being frozen. Therefore, if you are struck 「綱手様」カカシは綱手を見やり、「彼女の地鎖連氷は、普通の人がかけられたら、たちまち凍りついてしまいます。だが、チャクラを練ることができる忍なら、そのチャクラを巡らせて熱を作り出し、体が凍りつくのを防げるんです。だから、地鎖連氷を打たれたら、つねにチャクラを練っていなきゃならない。つまり、収監者たちは、逃亡のためにチャクラを使えなくなるんです……どうでしょう?いま、鬼燈城には収監者を監禁できる城主がい with Jisarenhyou, you must ません。彼女こそ、まさに適任だと思いますが」 constantly be kneading chakra. In other words, the prisoners cannot use chakra in order to escape…What do you think about it? For now, there isn’t a lord in the Houzukijyou who can confine the prisoners. Do you think that she will certainly be suitable (for the duty)?” 「なにを言っているんだ、カカシ?」と、綱手。「こいつの忍術が、いったいなんに使えるというんだ?」

224 RAW

English “I see…” Shikamaru nodded. Mui, the former lord of the castle, used a jutsu called “Tenrou” (/Sky Prison). It burns the body of the prisoners if they knead chakra. ..This woman’s Jisarenhyou is the converse (of that technique)…Tsunade-sama, this person might be good at (the duty). Because of 「なるほど……」うなずいたのは、シカマルだった。「前の城主の無為は、たしか収監者がチャクラを練ったら体が燃えちまう天牢って術を使ってた……この女の地鎖連氷は、その逆ってわけか……綱手様、こいつはイケるかもしれませんよ。第四次忍界大戦で、どの里も疲弊している。どこもかしこも人手が足りてねェから、このくそめんどくせー監視当番から解放してやったら、木ノ葉の株もちょっとは上がるんじゃないですかね。それに、 the Fourth Great Shinobi いい見せしめにもなりますよ」 World War, all of the villages became impoverished. Since there is insufficient man-power everywhere, it’s damn troublesome to take turns monitoring (the prison). If you release us (from this duty), won’t Konoha’s (reputation) rise a bit? Besides, it’ll also be a good lesson.“ “Lesson?” said Tsunade. 「見せしめ?」と、綱手。「なんの見せしめだ?」 “What kind of lesson?” “However, as for that guy Garyo, didn’t he advocate for his form of ultimate justice , which was the control of individual 「だって我龍は、究極の正義ってやつは、個人の自由を管理することだって説いてるんでしょ?」シカマルはひょいっと肩をすくめ、「だったら、てめェの思想を信じてるこの女に...」 freedom? “ Shikamaru quickly shrugged his shoulders. “In that case, if this woman believes in that ****’s ideology..." "That ****’s individual 「てめェ自身の自由を管理してもらいましょうよ」 freedom will be controlled by his own ideology. ” Tsunade carefully considered it, and then 綱手はとくと思案し、うむ、とうなずいた。「この件は、カカシ、お前にまかせたぞ」 nodded with a ‘yes’. “I will entrust this matter to you, Kakashi”. “Thank you, Tsunade「ありがとうございます、綱手様」 sama” “However, we’re going to 「ただし、就任式はちゃんとやれよ」 do a proper inauguration ceremony” 「……」 「……」 “Make this your first order of business as the Rokudaime Hokage” 「これをお前の、六代目火影としての初仕事にしろ」 綱手がニヤリと笑った。「まさか、 いやとは言うまいな?」 Tsunade broadly grinned and laughed. “ Well, you probably won’t say ‘no’, right?”. Kakashi firmly looked into Tsunade’s eyes. He deeply カカシはしっかりと綱手の眼を見て、強くうなずいた。それから、華氷に向き直った。 nodded. And then he turned around to face Kahyo. On the ship, you said that 『The side that possesses greater power will always be justice』. If you become 「船の中で、きみは言った。 『力を持っているほうが、いつだって正義になる』。 鬼燈城の城主になったら、きみはその力を持つことになる……オレにきみの正義を見せてくれ」 the lord of Houzukijyou, you will possess that power…So, show me your justice” 「……」 「……」 「やってくれるね?」 “Will you do it?” ”…Yes” From Kahyo’s eyes, tears endlessly flowed. They trickled down her 「……はい」華氷の眼から、涙がとめどなく流れ落ちた。それは頬を滴り落ちる、けっして凍りつくことのない、熱い涙だった。「あ、ありがとうございます……ありがとうございます……」 face, but were not freezing. They were hot tears. “ThThank you ….Thank you….”

Pages 210-211 RAW

English “Well then, I’m declaring this as the Rokudaime Hokage”His voice strained. “Kahyo, you will be personally confined in Houzukijyou. The time-limit is 「それでは、六代目火影として申し渡す」 と、声を張った。「華氷、お前の身柄を鬼燈城に拘束する。期限は無期限。ここで己の行いを反省すると同時に、収監者たちの監視業務に従事し、ひ indefinite. While とりの逃亡者も出さないよう日々努めよ!」 simultaneously reflecting upon your deeds, you will be engaging in guard duty for the prisoners here. Make an effort everyday, such that no fugitives ever escape!” 綱手が、うなずいた。 Tsunade nodded.

225 RAW 忍たちは、誇らしげに、新しい火影を見つめた。




「……」 カカシは首をねじって、自分の背中を見た。 〈六代目火影〉


その後ろでは、 里の仲間たちが穏やかな微笑を浮かべていた。

燃え尽きた飛続丸が、 そよ風に吹かれていた。

English The shinobi proudly gazed at the new Hokage. “I’m not worried (about it)” Kakashi’s eyes even suddenly softened. “Because you are someone who understands the pain of another person” “In order to meet your expectations…I’ll do it with all my might”Kahyo wiped her tears. “If I can be useful for Kakashisama…I’ll even do anything (for you).” “Kakashi” Tsunade softly hung the haori upon Kakashi’s shoulders. “Yup, it suits you well” 「……」 Kakashi twisted his neck and examined his own back. 〈Rokudaime Hokage〉 Kakashi tightly grasped the haori, which was considerably heavy. Behind him, his comrades from the village were gently smiling. The burnt-out Tobichachimaru was blowing in the gentle breeze.

[T/N] The haori / 羽織 is a type of Japanese formal kimono or overcoat. It’s probably the Hokage cloak that he’s wearing on the cover of the light novel~


//End Translation //End of Chapter 14


Vol. 1:

Chapter Epilogue Epilogue: 「拝啓、 六代目火影様」// [Dear Rokudaime Hokage-Sama,]

Pages 214-215 RAW

English In the western forest of the village, Kakashi 里の西の森で、 カカシは大きな楓の根元に腰を下ろした。 sat down at the base of a large maple tree. Although it was March, it was warm to the extent that he perspired. Sunlight 三月にしては暖かく、頭上をおおう針葉樹の梢から降りそそぐ陽光は、汗ばむほどだった。 rained incessantly through the coniferous treetops, which were covering him from overhead. He took out a letter from his breastpocket. As soon as he 胸ポケットから一通の手紙を取り出す。封を切ったとたん、そこはかとない、いい香りが鼻先 cut the seal, a faint をかすめた。 and pleasant aroma grazed the tip of his nose.

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English That fragrance (triggered) memories of that incident from four months ago…That was right. その香りが、四か月前の、あの事件の記憶を。。。そう、飛鯱丸が龍波武装同盟に襲撃された、 The Tobishachimaru あの日の記憶を呼び覚ました。 was attacked by the Ryuuha Armament Alliance. He was reminded of the memories of that day. And then unexpectedly, he enjoyed himself a little bit (back then). Just yesterday, they had そして、この偶然を、少し面白がった。つい昨日、五影のあいだで、鬼燈城の管理運営に関し merely exchanged a ての正式な合意が取り交わされたばかりだったのだ。 formal agreement amongst the Five Kage regarding the control and management of the Houzukijyou. Afterwards, the Tsuchikage, Mizukage, Kazekage, and the Raikage visited the Houzukijyou for an inspection. Because あれから、土影、水影、風影、雷影が鬼燈城へ視察に訪れた。雷影などは、華氷の力量を自分 the Raikage (and the の眼でたしかめると言って、彼女と手合わせまでした。 other Kage) said that (they wanted to) ascertain the ability of Kahyo with their own eyes, the Raikage even had a bout with her.

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English According to the stories of the people, who happened to be present for the occasion, the Raikage’s strong fists その場に居合わせた者の話によれば、雷影の剛拳は城の壁に新しい穴を数個あけただけでなく、not only created 年甲斐もなく、雷塾熱刀まで繰り出したそうだ。 several new holes in the castle’s walls, but that he was also acting unbecoming for his age. It looked as though he wanted to unleash a Lariat. Of course, nobody thought that the Raikage was making a serious effort (during their battle). However, even if the Raikage had not given out only もちろん、雷影が本気を出していたとは、だれも思っていない。しかし、雷影が五分の力しか one-fifth of his 出していないとしても、並の忍では、華氷ほど優雅に戦うことはできなかっただろうと、だれ strength, or (if he was もが口をそろえて言った。 like) a normal shinobi, perhaps he would not have been able to battle as elegantly against Kahyo. Everyone unanimously said so. While exchanging attacks with the Raikage, Kahyo plunged into her 雷影の攻撃をかわし、華氷は相手の懐に飛び込んだ。そして、雷影の顔の前で、パチンと指を opponent’s chest. And 鳴らした。 then, in front of the Raikage’s face, she snapped her fingers with a ‘pachin’ sound.

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English With just that, (it was それだけだった。 the end of their battle). The Raikage’s beard 雷影の、ヒゲが凍りついた。 froze. ”Urghh, when did you 「うぬぬぬ、いつの間に術を…」 use that jutsu….” “I’m sorry, Raikagesama” The Raikage’s eyes opened wide. (In 「すみません、雷影様」眼を見開いた雷影に、華氷はにっこり笑ってみせた。「素敵なおヒゲ his eyes, he saw that) を台無しにしてしまって」 Kahyo was smiling sweetly and laughing. “I ruined a lovely beard”. That bout ended without any injuries to either of them. The Raikage lost his この手合わせは、どちらも怪我なく終わった。雷影は自慢のヒゲを失い、雲隠れの衆に陰でさ prideful beard. Behind んざん笑われることにはなったが。 his back, he expected that the people of Kumogakure were harshly laughing at him. As for the other Kage, ほかの影たちは、この一件を面白がった。 they were amused by this incident. “That unruly child looks like he’s completely 「あのきかん坊の、鳩が豆鉄砲を食らったような顔が見えるようじゃぜ」と、土影が言っ た dumbfounded” It was とか言わないとか。 implied that the Tsuchikage had said so. At any rate, the other Kage precisely saw いずれにせよ、きちんと自分自身の眼で見て、ほかの影たちは結論を下したのである。 the conclusion for themselves . [T/N]

231 The Tsuchikage used this phrase: 鳩が豆鉄砲を食らったような顔が見えるよう. The literal expression is sorta like “Your face looks like a pigeon that has eaten a peashooter”. (A peashooter is a mini-gun that’s loaded up with little beans). It means that your expression is so shocked, you look dumbfounded. The English equivalent of this idiom is like “You look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm”

Pages 216-217 RAW






English Kahyo’s aptitude was on par with Mui’s, who was formerly in the position (of watching over the Houzukijyou) from Kusogakure. With the exception of Kahyo, there was no one else as appropriate to become the lord of Houzukijyou. Everyone supported the command of the Rokudaime Hokage. The letter was folded into fourths. Kakashi opened it. Dear Sir, as the Rokudaime Hokage-sama, how have you been? As for me…. “Okay!” Echoing within the forest was Guy’s sweltering, loud voice. “Today, let’s go with a full-throttle of our Power of Youth, Lee!” “Yes, Guysensei!”

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English And then, he made Lee push the wheelchair. They were in front of Kakashi’s eyes. そしてリーに車椅子を押させて、カカシの眼の前を、エッホ、エッホ、と何度も行ったり来たりするのだった。 They were going back and forth multiple times, making an ‘ehhoehho’ sound. “Oh?” Guy said. He was surprised. “Over there, isn’t 「おや?」と、ガイが驚いてみせた。「そこにいるのは、六代目火影のはたけカカシ様ではないか?」 that the Rokudaime Hokage, Hatake Kakashi-sama?” 「……」 「……」 “Also, that letter….” Guy whispered into Lee’s ear. He was deliberately intending to be heard by Kakashi. “That guy Kakashi, during that incident with 「そして、その手紙……」ガイは聞こえよがしに、リーに耳打ちをした。「カカシのやつはな、飛鯱丸の一件のとき、オレが搭乗客の命を救わんと奮闘していたころ、なん the と破廉恥にも敵のくノ一をひっかけていたんだぞ」 Tobishachimaru, and while I put forth a strenuous effort to save the lives of the passengers….How audacious of him ! He picked up a girl, an enemy kunoichi. “ “Everyone in the village was talking about it. 「里のみんなが言ってたことは、本当だったんですね」リーがひそひそとささやきかえす。 So it was true, right?” Lee whispered and murmured back. “I won’t become 「ぼくはあんな大人にはなりませんよ、ガイ先生」 that sort of adult, Guy-sensei” “It’s you guys, eh?.....” Kakashi folded the letter 「お前たちねえ……」カカシは手紙をたたんで、胸ポケットにしまった。 and placed it back into his breastpocket. “I said that Kahyo and I weren’t like 「オレと華氷はそんなんじゃないって、何度も言ってるでしょう?」 that. Didn’t I say that multiple times?”

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English However, Guy and Lee disregarded what が、ガイとリーはカカシの言うことなど無視して、 片足スクワットをはじめてしまった。 Kakashi had said. They had started on one-legged squats. “My pupil, you’ve said it well!” With his left leg, Guy easily continued with the squats. “Although such a 「よく言った、我が弟子よ!」ガイは左足一本で、スクワットを軽々と続けた。「あんなやつが火影でも、オレがちゃんと補佐してやるつもりだ!よおし、今日は片足スクワッ guy is the ト五千回だ!」 Hokage, I intend to assist him perfectly! Okay, today it will be 5,000 one-legged squats!” “Yes, Guy「はい、ガイ先生!」 sensei!” Kakashi lifted up his back. He カカシは腰を上げて、 そっとその場を立ち去った。 quietly departed from that place. The next place that he attempted to read the letter 次に手紙を読もうとしたのは、茶屋の店先だった。 was at the storefront of a teahouse. He ordered a cup of matcha green tea. (While he was waiting) for 抹茶を一杯注文して、茶が運ばれてくるまでのあいだに、華氷からの手紙を開いた。 the tea to arrive, he opened the letter from Kahyo . Dear Sir, as the Rokudaime Hokage-sama, 拝啓、六代目火影様におかれましては、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?私は。。。 how have you been? As for me ….

[T/N] 聞こえよがし is for when you’re intentionally saying something with the clear purpose of letting the intended person overhear you. So it’s like a ‘loud-whisper’ in that you want the other person to hear whatever sarcastic or mean comment that you have to throw. Guy is so sassy~ 女の子を引っ掛ける means to pick up a girl~ So 敵のくノ一をひっかけていた = picked up an enemy kunoichi. Though the root verb is sorta like “to

234 catch/cheat/ensnare/trap”. 女を引っ掛ける basically means colloquially that Guy thinks that he seduced her :P Pages 218-219 RAW 「おっ、カカシ先生」

English “Oh, Kakashi-sensei” Turning his eyes, (Kakashi watched) as Shikamaru and Chouji 眼を向けると、シカマルとチョウジがだらだらと茶屋へやってきた。 slowly came around and towards the teahouse. “What are you reading, Kakashisensei?” Chouji asked while he was eating potato chips with a ‘baribari’ crunching 「なに読んでるの、カカシ先生?」ポテトチップスをバリバリ食べながら、チョウジが訊いた。sound. “Ah, by any 「あっ、ひょっとして、カカシ先生が職権濫用でものにした女からの手紙?」 chance, is that a letter from that woman? Kakashisensei won over her heart because of an abuse of your authority, right?” “Excuse me, you said 『Won over her 「『ものにした』って、あのねえ……」カカシはそそくさと手紙をポケットに押し込んだ。 heart』…”Kakashi hurriedly pushed the letter into his pocket. “As for you guys, there still seems to be a misunderstanding. However, that 「お前たち、まだ誤解があるようだけど、あれはオレの火影としての初仕事であって、けっし happened to be my て職権濫用なんかじや。。。」 first command as the Hokage. Well, by no means was that an abuse of authority….”

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English “Well, don’t say things like that, Chouji” Shikamaru said, covering (for Chouji). “Even for 「まあ、そう言ってやるなよ、チョウジ」と、シカマルがかぶせた。「カカシ先生だって、 Kakashi-sensei, he’s とっくに三十歳過ぎてんだぜ。女のひとりやふたり、いたっておかしくねェだろ」 already exceeded over 30 years old. ” One or two women, it’s probably not really strange, right?” 「いや、だからね…」 “No, that’s why…” “That Kahyo person, she was beautiful.” 「あの華氷って人、きれいだったもんね」と、チョウジ。「年増だけど」 Said Chouji. “But she was middle-aged” And then while the two of them were それから、ふたりでニヤニヤしながら、 カカシを眺めていた。 grinning, they gazed at Kakashi. 「……」 「……」 Without even drinking any tea, Kakashi just カカシは茶も飲まずに、金だけ払って茶屋をあとにした。 paid the money. He left the teahouse. Walking along the main street of the village, the villagers 里の目抜き通りを歩いていると、里人が次々に挨拶をしてくる。が、どうも通り過ぎるはしか greeted him one by ら、クスクス笑いが聞こえてきてしまうのだった。 one. However, somehow only in passing, he could hear them giggling.

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English That’s strange…Kakashi completely thought that he had become これはおかしい……すっかり自意識過剰になっているカカシはそう思った。なんでオレが華 overly self-conscious. 氷から手紙を受け取ったことを、みんなが知っているんだ? How does everyone know about the letters that I’ve received from Kahyo? Kakashi walked into カカシは歩き、だれもいない路地に入った。 an alleyway where there was no one. Surveying both ends of the alleyway, he could not see the figures of any 路地の両端を見渡し、しつこいほど人影が見当たらないことを確認してから、またぞろポケッ insistent people. After トから手紙をひっぱり出した。 he affirmed (that he was alone), he pulled out the letter from his pocket yet again. Dear Sir, as the 拝啓、六代目火影様におかれましては。。。 Rokudaime Hokagesama …. 「見てよ、あれ」 “Look over there” 「!?」 「!?」 “He’s grinning. How 「ニヤニヤしちゃって、いやらしい」 disgusting” Quickly turning his head back towards the direction of the voices, (Kakashi saw) 声のほうをさっとふりかえると、サクラと、いのと、ヒナタが、板壁の上から顔をのぞかせて the faces of Sakura, いた。 Ino, and Hinata. They were peeping from over the top of the wooden wall.

237 RAW 「わっ!」びっくり仰天いたカカシの手の中で、手紙が躍った。

English “Wha!” Startled and horrified, the letter jumped awkwardly inside Kakashi’s hands.

Pages 220-221 RAW 「おま、おま、お前たち……どこから現れたんだ!」






English “You-, you-, you guys…. Where did you guys come from!” “Look at how flustered he is” Ino said. “It’s a guilty conscious in his heart from what happened. That’s why he’s so flustered” Sakura’s eyes turned towards him, as if she had also seemingly saw something filthy. “So the rumors are true? “ Hinata said. “ (I heard that) Kakashisensei pressured Kahyo-san into an exchange for the post of being the lord of the Houzukijyou…” “Ah-, ah-ah-, As if such a thing would even happen!” Kakashi shouted. “Who the heck is distributing such a completely false and unfounded rumour!?”

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English However, the girls were already not listening. They were whispering and murmuring amongst each other, as if they were three が、女の子たちは、もう聞いちゃいない。ひそひそとささやき合っては、まるで三羽の雀のように「えー、ほんと?」とか「信じらんない」とか「もうそんなことまで?」とか、 ピーチ sparrows クパーチクさえずるばかりだった。 tweeting with a ‘piichikupaachiku’ sound. They were merely chirping “Ehh, really?”… “It’s unbelievable”… “It’s already to such an extent?” Kakashi started to カカシはまた歩きだした。 walk again. Somehow or another, it seemed as though the office どうやら、プライバシーを保てる場所は、火影の執務室しかなさそうだった。 of the Hokage would be the only location where he could maintain his privacy. Return onto the main street, he walked trudgingly along. Then, he happened to come across a 目抜き通りへ戻り、とぼとぼ歩いていると、ちょっとした人だかりに出くわした。人だかりのむこうで、だれかが声高にわめいている。 small crowd. On the opposite side of the crowd, someone was yelling with a loud voice. Everyone who was gathered 集まった皆の衆が、ドッと笑った。 there then burst into laughter. “I’m serious, I saw it with my own eyes ‘dattebayo!” The 「オレはマジでこの眼で見たんだってばよ!」人の輪の真ん中にいたのは、ナルトだった。 person who was in the centre of the ring of people… was Naruto. “Kakashi-sensei tore up the letter that he was writing. He was writing it and 「カカシ先生が、手紙を書いては破り、書いては破りしていたんだってばよ……ありゃ、 ぜってーにラブレターってやつだってばよ!」 then tearing it up, ‘dattebayo….Jeez, that guy was definitely writing a love-letter ‘dattebayo!”

239 RAW 「……」

English 「……」 “As the Rokudaime Hokage, I wonder if it’s alright for him to be doing such a thing!” Naruto raised his voice in a happygo-lucky way. “No, I’m not saying that he didn’t fall in love, but jeez, it’s a little bit of a 「あんなんで、六代目火影として、大丈夫なのかなあ!」ナルトは太平楽に声を張りあげ た。「いや、恋をするなとは言わねーけどよ、ありゃちょっと重症だってばよ……こないだな serious illness んか、花を摘んでさ……こうやって一枚一枚花びらを引っこ抜きながら、好き、嫌い、 好き、嫌い、なんてやってたんだぜ! ‘dattebayo…. Something like the other day, he was holding a flower. In this way, one by one while plucking off the petals, he (was saying) such things like ‘she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not…’. “It’s you?...” Kakashi made his eyes glisten as he 「おまえか…」眼を光らせたカカシが、ナルトの背後にそびえ立った。「おまえが、あることないこと、言いふらしていたのか」 stood behind Naruto, towering over him. “….Eh?” Naruto turned around. A colour of dread vividly rose into 「……え?」ふりかえったナルトの眼には、恐怖の色がありありと浮かんでいた。「カ、 カカシ先生!ちょ、ちょっと待って…」 his eyes. “KaKakashi-sensei! Wai- Wait a second…” ゴツンッ! Gotsunn! (/Thud!)

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English “Why the heck are you doing something like this!” Kakashi swung his fist and dropped it onto Naruto’s head. “ Because I won’t allow you to make this matter even worse!”

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English “But- But-…” Naruto was teary-eyed. While rubbing his head, he complained. “I was the only comrade who was left 「だって、だって……」涙目のナルトが、頭をさすりながら、訴えた。 「オレだけ仲間はずれにしてさ……みんなが鬼燈城で戦っていたのに……カカシ先生が死にそう out….everyone else になってい るときに、オレは里でボサッとしてたんだぞ!」 was battling at the Houzukijyou…When Kakashi-sensei was on the verge of death, I was doing nothing in the village!” 「ナルト……」 “Naruto…” Naruto briskly ナルトは腕で眼をゴシゴシこすった。 rubbed his eyes with a ‘goshigoshi’ sound. “My bad, (sorry for) hitting you” Kakashi said. “Besides, there was reason why we concealed (that mission) from you, 「悪かったよ、殴ったりして」カカシは言った。「それに、お前に隠していたのは、オレになにかあったときでも、お前には里を守っていってもらわなきゃならないからだ」 even though there were times when (you could have) done something for me. It’s because we needed you to protect the village.” “ I understand that 「そんなの、分かってるってばよ……」 ‘ttebayo…” “Ahh, it’s the person who didn’t know about the joke” Shikamaru and Chouji came around from the opposite side of the street. 「あぁあ、シャレが分かんねェ人だな」シカマルとチョウジが通りのむこうからやってくる。「このバカがあることないこと吹いて回ったところで、だれも本気でそんなこと信じ “This idiot went ちゃいねェよ」 around places, spouting half-truths and a mixture of both fact and fiction. By the way, no one seriously believes in such things.” チョウジがうなずいた。 Chouji nodded. “That’s right!” From the opposite side of the street, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata also 「そうよ」通りの反対から、サクラと、いのと、ヒナタも連れだってやってきた。「ちょっとみんなでカカシ先生のことをからかっただけじゃない」 came along. “Everyone was only teasing Kakashisensei a little bit, right?”

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English “Naruto-kun, are you okay?” Hinata lent out her hand so that she could help Naruto stand-up. “Doing such a thing like hitting you…Kakashi-sensei, that’s awful” “Eh…but that guy Naruto…” “Naruto was wounded” Shikamaru said. “(Even if you’re) the Hokage, I guess you don’t understand (what happened).” “No, but I even wasn’t saying such things…” “We think you should apologize, Kakashi-sensei” Sakura and Ino chattered with a ‘gya-gya’ sound. “It was merely an innocent prank, wasn’t it?” “Ah, that’s right!” Finally, Kakashi let out (an exasperated) cry. “I understand…I understand…How can you forgive me?” Naruto and Shikamaru exchanged looks (and winked at one another). They broadly grinned and laughed. Damn it! As soon as he saw that, Kakashi himself understood that he had been placed into a trap. “In order to heal this wounded heart of mine….” Naruto said. “There’s no other choice but ramen ‘ttebayo!” 「……」 Since it was a tense situation, everyone gulped the saliva that had been collecting in their mouths. They awaited Kakashi’s answer.


Pages 224-225 RAW

English “I understand, I understand…” Kakashi raised both of his 「分かった、分かった……」カカシは両手をあげて、降参のポーズを取るしかなかった。 hands. He couldn’t (help but stand) in an ‘I surrender’ pose. “Well then, let’s 「じゃあ、いまからみんなでラーメンでも食いにいくか」 all go to eat ramen now” “Yay!” The broke out in 「イェーイ!」歓声があがった。「やったあ!」 cheers of joy. “Hooray!” “It was a successful 「作戦成功だってばよ!」 strategy ‘dattebayo!” Oh dear goodness…In Kakashi’s mind, he shook his head. Suddenly, a strange feeling welled up within him. Even though I became the Hokage, wasn’t I doing the same things? Everyday, I am eating, sleeping, やれやれ……カカシは心の中で、首をふった。不意に可笑しさが込みあげる。火影になっても、やってることは同じじゃないか。毎日、食って、寝て、つまらないことで悩んで。 and worrying オレの務めは、こいつらとこうやってバカできる日を、一日でも多く守っていくことなんだろうな。 over trifling things. It seems that even my responsibilities are to continue to protect them. (For as many days as possible), perhaps I can (protect those days for when) those guys can be foolish in such a way. Hey, isn’t that なあ、そうだろ……オビト? right, Obito?

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English And then, in high spirits, he pursued after それから、喜び勇んで一楽へと向かう生徒たちのあとを追いかけた。 his students who were heading towards Ichiraku. The sunshine 降りそそぐ陽光。 was raining incessantly. Somewhere, a どこかで、ウグイスが囀っていた。 bush-warbler was singing. Dear Sir, as the Rokudaime Hokage-sama, how have you been? As for me, I’m being pressed by my daily work. 拝啓、六代目火影様におかれましては、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?私は、日々の仕事に追われていますが、日増しに春めいていく季節のなかで、心穏やかに務めを果たしておりま However, day by す。。。 day, while the season is starting to show signs of becoming more like springtime, I am calmly fulfilling my responsibilities… That’s right. Before long, it 春は、そう、すぐそこまで来ていた。 would be springtime.

[T/N] Even though Kakashi is saying 分かった = I know/ I understand over and over again literally, he means more like “Urgh, I get it already!” or “Okay, okay, enough!” because he’s just frustrated at everyone for trolling him and chastising him about hitting Naruto. The last line has a subtle connotation to it. Usually when ‘Spring is just around the corner’ is mentioned, it can sometimes be a metaphor for ‘blossoming love’ (=the romantic kind because of the blooming sakura trees in the spring). It don’t interpret it to mean that (I think they have a friendly/platonic work-relationship going on). But this line made 2ch explode on this light novel’s release day… because of the way that you could read it.

244 The other way to interpret the last line (the way I would put it?) is that it refers to the ways things will be changing and looking up from there onwards (like a refreshing new start on something). The time-skip in this chapter is March, so you could also take the ‘Spring is coming soon’ to be literal~

//End Translation //End of the Epilogue //End of the entire light novel~!! (And Kakashi getting hardcore trolled~)


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