Coca Cola Layout Flow and Product Design

4.0 Layout planning Layout planning is an important technique that a company cannot missing it. Layout Planning is the p

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4.0 Layout planning Layout planning is an important technique that a company cannot missing it. Layout Planning is the planning and arrangement of all process about the machines, tools, workstations, customer service, material storage areas, aisles, offices and computer rooms within a facility. This technique can let a company to improve their working efficiency and also can improve the quality of the product. Coca Cola Company is fallowing the standardized process for production which is produce a large number of difference types of beverage.

Coca-cola process layout and flow


Layout Product Process Manufacturing Process of coca cola products have different steps, which are cited below- • Ingredient Delivery • Washing and Rinsing • Mixing and Blending • Filling • Capping • Labeling • Coding • Inspection • Packaging • Warehousing and delivery. First we need to prepare all the ingredient in ingredient department. When all the ingredient are prepare completely, send it to the washing and rinsing department to wash and rinsing the ingredient by hydro wash in order to make sure all the ingredient are clean and fresh. Then next is the mixing and blending department, mix and blending all the ingredient such as add sugar, carbon dioxide and include other secret process. After that, send the solution to tableting department to compress all the solution into tablet form. Then is the tube type bottle production, first capping the bottle and then labelling the coca cola brand name. Next step send it to the inspection department and check the product is complete, after checking is package all the product. Lastly, the product are completed can be delivery to customer.


Flow of production Process Step: 1. Pure water is subjected to sophisticated filtering, softening and disinfecting to remove all impurities. 2. Sugar is added, along with the appropriate beverage concentrate to produce a ‘syrup’, the basic component for the soft drink. 3. The mixture is saturated with carbon dioxide at a low temperature and under high pressure to give the drinks their renowned ‘fizziness’. 4. Automated machinery dispenses the mixture, then compress the mixture to tableting by using the tableting machine. 5. In precisely calculated quantities, into sterilized bottles while another cans, caps or seals them. 6. The containers move to another machine which applies labels and bar codes, after which they are automatically inspected to guarantee they meet all requirements. 7. After final checking, bottles and cans are transported to machines which pack them in cartons or boxes before being laces on wooden pallets. 8. The packed beverages are delivered by trucks to storage facilities to await delivery to customers – and to be enjoyed by consumers.

Product Design






This idea come from consumer feedback, consumer found that every festival they need to buy a huge quantity to full fill their consumption or used by their shops. They need to buy a lot but large quantity of the coca cola is very heavy and their car might can’t to put it, they need to come and back twice. So that we need to settle this problem, we might design our product become more lighter and convenient to take away. We design the new product “POPCOKE”, we are design coca cola form big bottle or can into the tablet form. We differentiate the coca cola version by using different shape as shown as above. The attribute of this “POPCOKE” are they are small like a pills, we compress the liquid form to become a very concentrated coca cola tablet. When the “POPCOKE” meet water, it will directly melt in the water. It becomes very convenient to take away. But the weakness of the “POPCOKE” is cant directly drink immediately. But if the consumer need to drink immediately, consumer can purchase the old version mean that the bottle and can coca cola. We just giving the consumer more choices to choose and full fill the demand of the market. We are targeting age of group of customers range age 14-40 or even older, the teenager group is the one of the big group target by us. We design the product which have different shape such as normal pill form, stars and football in order to attract the teenagers. Because teenagers a which is generation Y now will be attracted by using something especial and beauty. That is the reason we design our product with different shape based on studying of the characteristic of the new generation. It also suitable use in party, any self- service restaurant which can reduce their cost and also environmental friendly.

Packaging Product Design

For the outer packaging product design, we produce a new tube type bottle. We are using the vacuum-packed packaging. Vacuum packaging is an easy and efficient way of packaging a variety of products. This is any form of packaging the atmosphere around the product is altered from the external atmosphere. Benefits of vacuum packaging is quick and efficient. With the proper machines and materials, vacuum sealing can be a very efficient process enabling hundreds or thousands of products to be sealed per hour. Besides, vacuum packaging eliminates the need for chemical preservatives. With the right mixture of oxygen to inert gas, products can last longer without the use of commonly used preservatives. The earth's atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen which is the most commonly used inert gas for vacuum packaging.

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