CMPEN 331 Homework

`timescale 1ns / 1ps ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /

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`timescale 1ns / 1ps ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// // Company: // // Engineer: Michael Gidaro, Erick Johnson // // Create Date: 4/26/13 // Design Name: CPU // Module Name: control unit // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool versions: // Description: Handles all control signal for the cpu // // Dependencies: // // Revision: Erick Johnson // // // Additional Comments: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// module control_unit ( rst, instruction, data_mem_wren, reg_file_wren, reg_file_dmux_select, reg_file_rmux_select, alu_mux_select, alu_control, alu_zero, alu_shamt, pc_control ); //-------------------------// local parameters //-------------------------//-------------------------// Input Ports //-------------------------// < Enter Input Ports > input input [31:26] input

rst; instruction; //get opcode alu_zero;

//-------------------------// Output Ports //-------------------------// < Enter Output Ports > output [3:0] data_mem_wren; output reg_file_wren; output reg_file_dmux_select; // Refers to the mux that //feeds the wdata bus of the register file output reg_file_rmux_select; // Refers to the mux that feeds the waddr bus //of the register file output alu_mux_select; // Refers to the mux that feeds the operand1 //bus of the alu output [3:0] alu_control; output [4:0] alu_shamt; output [3:0] pc_control; //-------------------------// Bidirectional Ports //--------------------------

// < Enter Bidirectional Ports in Alphabetical Order > // None /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin Design /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------// Signal Declarations: local params //------------------------------------------------local parameter FETCH1 = 4'b0001; local parameter FETCH2 = 4'b0010; local parameter FETCH3 = 4'b0011; local parameter FETCH4 = 4'b0100; local parameter DECODE = 4'b0101; local parameter MEMORY_ADDRESS = 4'b0110; local parameter LOAD_READ = 4'b0111; local parameter LOAD_WRITE = 4'b1000; local parameter STORE_WRITE = 4'b1001; local parameter ARITHMETIC_EXECUTE = 4'b1010; local parameter ARITHMETIC_WRITE = 4'b1011; local parameter BEQ_EXECUTE = 4'b1100; local parameter J_EXECUTE = 4'b1101; local parameter LOAD = 6'b100000; local parameter STORE = 6'b101000; local parameter ARITHMETIC = 6'b0; local parameter BRANCH = 6'b000100; local parameter JUMP = 6'b000010; //------------------------------------------------// Signal Declarations: reg //------------------------------------------------reg [3:0] state, reg [3:0] next_state, //------------------------------------------------// Signal Declarations: wire //------------------------------------------------//--------------------------------------------------------------// Combinatorial Logic //--------------------------------------------------------------always @(posedge clk) if(rst) state