Clase#36 Voz Pasiva

Passive Voice La voz pasiva se utiliza cuando se desea expresar una acción poniendo más énfasis en el objeto que en la p

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Passive Voice La voz pasiva se utiliza cuando se desea expresar una acción poniendo más énfasis en el objeto que en la persona que realiza dicha acción. Por ejemplo: You boil the water for two minutes. Esta oración indica que alguien hierve el agua durante dos minutos. En la siguiente oración, sin embargo, se expresa lo mismo pero sin importar quién realiza esa acción. The water is boiled for two minutes. Para formar la voz pasiva, se toma el verbo en cuestión y se lo convierte al participio pasado. Luego se agrega el verbo to be en la conjugación y tiempo que corresponde al nuevo sujeto.Por ejemplo:  The police rescued the boy.  The boy was rescued by the police. La primera oración se encuentra en voz activa. La segunda, en voz pasiva. El objeto de la primera oración (the boy) para a ser el sujeto en la oración en voz pasiva. El verbo de la primera oración (rescued) se convierte en "was rescued". Recordemos la regla: Se toma el participio pasado del verbo y se agrega el verbo to be conjugado en el tiempo que corresponde (en este caso el pasado) y para la persona que corresponde (the boy). El sujeto de la primera oración (the police) pasa a ser complemento agente en la voz pasiva, agregando by delante. El complemento agente no siempre es colocado en la oración. Solamente se agrega si es relevante. Veamos otros ejemplos de frases en voz pasiva: That horse kicked me! I was kicked by that horse! The police arrested the thieves. The thieves were arrested by the police. I peel the tomatoes. The tomatoes are peeled. El objeto indirecto también puede pasar a ser sujeto en la voz pasiva: They gave me the Oscar in 1998. I was given the Oscar in 1998. En el último ejemplo, no es necesario colocar el complemento agente (by them) ya que no agrega ninguna información adicional a la oración. En cambio, en el ejemplo que sigue, se puede colocar el complemento agente (by the Academy) ya que indica quién realiza la acción.


The Academy gave me the Oscar in 1998. I was given the Oscar in 1998 by the Academy. A continuación, algunas de las modificaciones del auxiliar TO BE de la voz pasiva en función de los tiempos verbales y de algunos verbos modales. Present Simple: The car is washed every week. Present Progressive: The car is being washed at the moment. Past Simple : The car was washed yesterday. Past Progressive: The car was being washed yesterday at 10 o’clock. Present Perfect : The car has already been washed. Past Perfect : When I arrived, the car had already been washed. Future “will”: The car will be washed tomorrow. Modal verb: The car should be washed this weekend. Exercises A. Escribe las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva.

1. They arrested her last week. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. John wrote a letter. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. They invited ten friends to the party. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. They have just built a new house. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. The police caught the thieves yesterday. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. The maid will clean all the house for tomorrow. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. My brother hit me. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. They removed two cars from the street. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. They have just cleaned the room. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2/6

10. We will build a new house. _____________________________________________________________________________ B. Completa el texto con la forma pasiva correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.

The building in front of you _________________________ (call) the Summer Palace. It ________________________ (build) in 1728 and nowadays it _________________________ (consider) one of the finest examples of baroque architecture in the country. The south façade of the building ___________________________ (restore) several times since 1728, but the rest of the








___________________________ (own) by the town hall and for the last ten years it ___________________________ (use) as a home for the Art Museum. Last year one of our most valuable paintings ___________________________ (steal) from the museum. At the moment a new wing

___________________________ (add) to host the contemporary art

collections, with special security conditions. C. Completa las frases con la voz pasiva de los verbos entre paréntesis, en el tiempo

verbal adecuado. 1. My flat ________________________ (sell) last week. 2. The room ________________________ (not paint) yet. 3. I think the results ________________________ (publish) early next week. 4. The door ________________________ always (lock) in the evening. 5. The votes ________________________ (count) now. 6. Don Quixote ________________________ (write) by Cervantes. 7. When I arrived, the furniture _______________________ still ________________________ (unload) from the removal lorry. 8. In the morning they realized that the painting ________________________ (steal) during the night. 9. English ________________________ (speak) in many countries around the world. 10. If you worked harder, your homework ________________________ (finish) on time.


D. Ordena las palabras para formar oraciones correctas en voz pasiva.

1. the ago cleaned days windows were two The _______________________________________________________________________. 2. just prisoner been the has released The _______________________________________________________________________. 3. redecorated moment house being our the is at Our _______________________________________________________________________. 4. electric glass made bulbs of are Electric ______________________________________________________________________. 5. tomorrow results be the will published The _______________________________________________________________________. 6. the Friday hostages rescued been by have will The _______________________________________________________________________. 7. urgently paid the to needs be bill The _______________________________________________________________________. E. Rellenar los espacios en blanco con la forma activa correcta del verbo que aparece en la

oración pasiva.

1. The window was broken by Tom. Tom __________________ the window. 2. The excursions are organized by the school. The school __________________ the excursions. 3. Most medals have been won by Jennifer. Jennifer __________________ most medals. 4. The dress will be made by a famous fashion designer. A famous fashion designer __________________ the dress. 5. The car is being driven by the bride's best friend. The bride's best friend __________________ the car. 4/6

6. The shoes have been bought by her mother. Her mother __________________ the shoes. 7. The reindeer was hit by a car. A car __________________ the reindeer. 8. The exam envelopes should be checked by the supervisor before the exam. The supervisor __________________ the envelopes before the exam. 9. The presents won't be opened by the children before midnight. The children __________________ the presents before midnight. 10. The computer is being used by Tim. Tim __________________ the computer. F. Existen otras maneras de expresar la voz pasiva en inglés. Una de ellas es con el verbo “get”

seguido por el participio pasado del verbo principal. Por ejemplo, “My house got broken into last week”. Las estructuras con “get” pertenecen a un registro informal y se utilizan sobretodo para hablar de acontecimientos negativos o imprevistos.También lo encontramos en expresiones idiomáticas como “get divorced/married/engaged”, “get dressed/changed”, “get started”, etc.En el ejercicio a continuación relaciona las dos partes de las oraciones formando expresiones con “get” correctas.


G. La voz pasiva no siempre requiere la expresión del agente en un complemento preposicional

introducido por “by”. Hay contextos en los cuales la expresión del agente no es necesaria, porque lo podemos sobreentender (The robber was caught stealing; no hace falta decir “by the police”) o porque no sabemos quién es el agente (My car was stolen). El complemento es necesario cuando el agente es conocido y no se puede sobreentender (The play was written by Shakespeare). Transforma las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva, añadiendo el complemento preposicional “by” si es necesario. 1. When I open the door, a waiter was serving lunch. When I opened the door, lunch __________________________. 2. The police have arrested the mugger. The mugger__________________________. 3. My father invented this machine. This machine __________________________. 4. Manet painted Déjeuner sur l'herbe. Déjeuner sur l'herbe __________________________. 5. Somebody built this monument in 1709. This monument __________________________. 6. Someone has offered me a better job. I __________________________. 7. The farmer will sell the vegetables at the market. The vegetables__________________________.
