Beau Wolf Reaction Paper

RECTION PAPER TO THE MOTION PICTURE BEOWULF Beowulf is an epic story of a man so strong and mighty that he was being hel

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RECTION PAPER TO THE MOTION PICTURE BEOWULF Beowulf is an epic story of a man so strong and mighty that he was being held so high by the people of his era. He is called by, whenever there is a battle to win, or when some creatures or demon so powerful that an ordinary man cannot defeat, he renders service to beat the same. The story takes us to Anglo-Saxon period to the land of Danes (Denmark) and Geats (Sweden). Danes as the story started were being terrorized by the Creature named Grendel and nobody in this area could defeat the monster, enter Beowulf who is also a prince from Geats and described as the strongest of all in the world, he vowed to defeat Grendel, the King Hrothgar who is desperate of a Hero to save them from the misery that is Grendel promise Beowulf half his treasure and his wife. The King Hrothgar has this famous mead hall where the merry making is being taken place before Grendel terrorized the place and drank up all the blood from every human that he sees in this hall, the sound that the people are making in this hall are so loud for Grendel that he could not take it and does act on the killing of this people who are having joyous time in the hall, thus the King ordered the closure of the mead hall. But Beowulf insisted that it be open, for Him and for his men to eat and drink because they came from a long travels, but he has an agenda also, to lure Grendel into the Hall and to slay the same. True enough Grendel appeared, the battle between him and Beowulf was very intense to say the least but in the end Beowulf out smarted the large Grendel and causes the amputation of Grendel’s arms and soon he banished away to his lair. The victory of Beowulf was regarded so highly and the whole of Danes rejoiced. But the happiness did not took long because as Grendel was dead, the monsters mother becomes furious and killed so much more people. Beowulf took upon himself again to go to Grendel’s mothers lair, but instead of fighting the same, Beowulf was lured to the monster’s transformed beauty and in the end did not kill the monster but made a pack that He will be given immense power and wealth in exchange for Beowulf giving the monster another son in replacement of Grendel. The monster vowed that as long as the golden cup that Beowulf was carrying remains in her possession, Beowulf would remain powerful and would rule over his land. Beowulf return to the Danes and pretended to have slain the monsters mother, but the King who seems to have the same experience with the monsters mother and appeared to be the real father of Grendel, have known better, due to the Kings guilt and overwhelmed feelings of depression He killed himself and willed that Beowulf will inherent his kingdom, his life and his wife. Beowulf as a king was living the life Grendel’s mother promised him, but eventually every misdeeds his done caught up with him the golden cup was no longer with Grendel’s mother, a Dragon was again terrorizing his land, which the movie suggest that is the son of Beowulf with Grendel’s mother. Although Beowulf may be presumed as a Bad person at least in the end he assumed the responsibility of killing the monster and he did not throw another sacrificial lamb to the Monster, he died defending the welfare of his land as what a noble King should do. The movie translated the epic poem well, overall it capture the life of Beowulf his strengths, vulnerabilities and the adventures that he went through. This story repeatedly tells us that being greedy and selfish will never give us true happiness in the end. All our politicians or leaders should read this kind of ancient epics, to make them realized the fact that great power JELLA B. DUTULLO


should come with great responsibility to serve, not to put their personal desires and intentions first, because the universe have a wicked way to punished them one way or another.