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Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

Program > Unit > Evaluation First Period

Online Study Guide 1

Read and complete the 30 questions (Unit 1,2,3,4,5 and 6) Total score: 14.00 Score of approval: 9.80 Incorrect answers lower your score: No Open: since 15/06/2020 00:00 until 21/06/2020 23:59

Achievement Date: 06/17/2020 4:24:46 PM Achievement time: 00:58:11 Number of times done: 1 Quantity of right answers: 29 / 30

13.53 Passed

I LISTENING SECTION LISTENING SECTION                (5 points) Watch and listen to “Why reading is important”. For each question choose the right answer.




Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

0:00 / 5:24

Choose the best option Which is important to read in order to participate in a conversation in a better way? Fiction and Non-fiction  

Choose the best option What is the flow state? When you are totally focused on reading  

Choose the right option If you have problems sleeping, reading will help you. True  

Choose the best option Reading helps improve memory  

Choose the best option Books help expand your vocabulary  

II VOCABULARY SECTION   https://evirtual.espe.edu.ec/evaluaciones.cgi?wAccion=verevaluacion&wid_evaluacion=7918986&id_curso=16434



Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

 VOCABULARY SECTION                       (10 points) Read the text below and choose the correct word per each space.    MY FIRST WEEK WITH THE IPHONE Last Wednesday, my life changed forever. I got an iPhone. I consider it the greatest thing to happen to blind people for a very long time, possibly  ever. I changed my life in 24 hours. I went to the store with my mom. We asked the salesman about VoiceOver, a program that reads the text on the screen as you touch it. He (6)_______ about it and how to activate it, but he didn’t know how to use it. “Can he get text messages on this?” my mom asked. “”Well, yes, but it (7)_______ the message, “the salesman said. Mom’s hopes sunk, but mine didn’t. Well, let’s see, try it.” I suggested. She pulled (8)_______ her phone and sent me a text message. Within seconds, my phone alerted (9)_______, and said her name. I simply swiped my finger and it read her message. Hi Austin. She almost cried. The other night I downloaded an app that identifies colors. It uses the phone’s camera and (10)________the names of colors. Some of them have very surreal names, such as Atomic Orange, Cosmic Hippie Green, Opium and Black – White. I have (11)_______ experienced this before in my life. I can see (12)_______ light and color, but just in blurs, and objects don’t really have a color, just light sources. The next day, I went outside. I looked at the sky. I heard colors such as “Horizon”, “Outer Space” and (13)_______ shades of blue of gray. I used colors cues to find my pumpkin plants, by (14)_______ for the green among the brown and stone. I spent ten minutes looking at my pumpkin plants, with their leaves of green and lemon – ginger. I then roamed my yard and (15)_______ a blue flower. I then found the brown shed and returned to the gray house. My mind felt brown. I watched the sun set, listening to the colors change as the sky darkened. The next night, I had a conversation with mom about how the sky looked bluer tonight. Since I can see some light and color, I think hearing the color names helps my perception and enhances my visual experience. Amazing!

Choose the best option does not read

Choose the best option me

Choose the best option out

Choose the best option https://evirtual.espe.edu.ec/evaluaciones.cgi?wAccion=verevaluacion&wid_evaluacion=7918986&id_curso=16434



Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]


Choose the best option saw

Choose the best option knew

Choose the best option many

Choose the best option looking

Choose the best option a few

Choose the best option never

III GRAMMAR SECTION GRAMMAR SECTION            (5 points) Read the sentences and choose the correct option.

If the weather………..nice, we…………a picnic isn’t / won’t have won’t  be / have          https://evirtual.espe.edu.ec/evaluaciones.cgi?wAccion=verevaluacion&wid_evaluacion=7918986&id_curso=16434



Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

is / won’t  have isn’t / will have

By the time the ambulance arrived, the man……….. had died died was dying dies

Have you done the project………? yet ever always never

I don’t think computers………..the way we communicate in the future. will change going to change change are changing

It’s by far the funniest of the pictures It’s a lot funnier than the other pictures. It’s a lot funniest than the other pictures. It’s lot funnier than the other pictures. It’s funnier a lot than the other pictures




Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

IV READING SECTION READING SECTION                       (5 points) Read two articles from two different sources on global trends. If it is true, mark T on the space provided.  If it is false, mark F on the space provided. If there is no information, mark NI on the space provided.   1) THE ENDLESS CITY Urban drift is now “unstoppable”, the director of UN-Habitat, Anna Tibaijuka, states sadly: “The rural population is decreasing fast. At the moment, just over half the world lives in cities. By 2050 that figure will rise to 70%.” We are going to see the world’s cities merge to form an increasing number of urban “mega-regions”. Some of them will stretch for hundreds of kilometers and across more than one country. This process is already happening in China. The largest of these megaregions – The Hong Kong-Shenhzen-Guanzhou region – will be home to about 120 million people by 2030. It will certainly create more jobs, but the gap between rich and poor will grow as people move in from the rural areas in search of work. “If these new cities are going to be successful, they will need to know how to reduce these inequalities,” said the report’s co-author Eduardo Moreno.   2) MOBILE DEVICES TAKE OVER THE WORLD In developing nations, 57% of people now have mobile phone access and this number is going to increase rapidly. While internet use is also increasing, UN reports say it won’t go up so quickly because of higher costs. There are currently 5 billion global mobile phone subscriptions, compared with about 1 billion in 2002. It will gradually turn into “the most prolific and desirable consumer device of the planet.” The difference is that in Africa, mobile devices will be used in all aspects of life, not just to chat with friends. Mobile devices will be used, for example, for the movement of money, for finding jobs and even to follow university courses.

The mobile phone will be more popular in Africa than in the USA T F NI

The number of urban mega-regions is increasing.  T https://evirtual.espe.edu.ec/evaluaciones.cgi?wAccion=verevaluacion&wid_evaluacion=7918986&id_curso=16434



Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]


Internet use will develop more slowly.  T F NI

Mega-regions are very large urban areas.  T F NI

Mobile phones are really cheap in Africa T F NI

In Africa, mobile phones will be used for chatting, moving money, finding jobs, and studying.  T F NI

In developing nations, mobile phone use is not going to increase fast.   T   https://evirtual.espe.edu.ec/evaluaciones.cgi?wAccion=verevaluacion&wid_evaluacion=7918986&id_curso=16434



Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]


According to UN report, the advantage of these regions is to create more jobs.  T F NI

The rural population is becoming bigger and bigger.  T F NI

The movement of people from rural to urban areas cannot be stopped.  T F NI



