Vocabulary Activity Human Rights 71608

VOCABULARY Human rights 1. Access 2. arrest 3. asylum 4. charge 5. choose 6. conscience 7. consent 8. contrary 9. cruel

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Human rights 1. Access 2. arrest 3. asylum 4. charge 5. choose 6. conscience 7. consent 8. contrary 9. cruel 10. cultural 11. degrading 12. deny 13. destruction 14. dignity 15. discrimination 16. duty 17. employment 18. equal 19. form 20. frontier 21. fundamental 22. guilty 23. hearing 24. impartial 25. impose 26. incitement 27. independent 28. innocent 29. interference 30. jurisdictional 31. law 32. liberty 33. life 34. limitation 35. manifest 36. merit 37. moral 38. movement 39. nationality 40. omission 41. persecution

42. personality 43. procedure 44. prohibited 45. protection 46. proved 47. punishment 48. recognition 49. remuneration 50. reputation 51. rights 52. security 53. servitude 54. sex 55. slavery 56. spouse 57. suffrage 58. tolerance 59. torture 60. will Homewok

1. Find the meaning of these words in the dictionary. Write them on your notebook. 2. Place the correct word under the picture. 3. Complete the sentences below using the words from the vocabulary.

Complete the statements about human rights. Use the given words. Asylum, degrading,

innocence, law,


1. His father died when he was three, his mother when he was only seven, and he grew up in a brutal and _________________ environment where he learnt to hold human life and human dignity in contempt. 2. Assuming this violation occurred, what is the _______________ for breaking this law? 3. Julia is studying __________________ and Rachel is majoring in business. 4. He loved her fresh ________________, her selfless courage. 5. The land which, a millennium before, had been a prison for the Jewish