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Vocabulary. Rosalba Girón Castro Tenth. June 1st-2.020. Second Term Practice Time: 40 minutes

Jousting A. Fill in: knights, opponent, tournament, helmet, glamorous, royalty, commoner, battlefield, comeback, life and limb. 1 Sir Ewan was defeated in the last round of the TOURNAMENT . 2 Anyone who takes part in an extreme sport is risking LIFE AND LIMB . 3 They carried the injured soldiers from the BATTLEFIELD . 4 Sir Roger drew his sword and his OPPONENT attacked. 5 Jousting may look GLAMOROUS to the spectators, but in reality it’s very dangerous. 6 He hasn’t made a film for twenty years, but he’s trying to make a(n) COMEBACK. 7 ROYALTY would look on as competitors charged at each other. 8 Courageous KNIGHTS would compete for money or marriage. 9 A(n) COMMONER was not allowed to joust; it was only for the nobility. 10 The HELMET protected my head, but it was difficult to see out of. B. Fill in: colonise, control, bend, fool, stir, emerge, stretch, sweat, spin, upset, restrict, spear, hack, preserve in the correct form. 1 Look at that! He can CONTROL the game by using brain signals! 2 The alligator EMERGED from the depths of the river and swam towards me. 3 Ken added milk and sugar and STIRRED his coffee slowly. 4 I PRESERVED a piece of fish from the crate and threw it into the sea. 5 The authorities have RESTRICTED the number of alligators hunters can catch. 6 Do you think mankind will have COLONIZED other planets by the year 2100? 7 It’s going to cost a lot of money to SPEAR the Crystal Cave. 8 You can’t FOOL me; there’s no way anyone has travelled in time! 9 Mankind will suffer if we UPSET the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

10 I SWEATED so much in the intense heat that I had to change my shirt. 11 The magician BENDED a spoon right in front of us without even touching it. 12 The alligator SPUN its prey around in a death roll before ripping it apart. 13 Someone HACKED into the bank’s computer system last night. 14 The muddy swamp STRECHES as far as the eye could se C. Word formation Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets. 1 Only Westerners consider eating insects USUALLY

 . (USUAL)

2 Some insect CONTAMINATION in the food we eat is allowed by law. (CONTAMINATE) 3 Danger is UNAVOIDABLE when training sharks; there is always the risk of being bitten. (AVOID) 4 So far, there has been no SCIENTIFIC evidence that time travel is possible. (SCIENCE) 5 The device needs brain signals and FACIAL movements to work. (FACE) 6 INVISIBILITY is an ability that a lot of people would like to have. (INVISIBLE) 7 If he ever completes his INVENTION Ronald Mallett will be world famous. (INVENT) 8 Gonzalo works TIRELESS to protect the Crystal Cave from certain decay. (TIRE) 9 PARTICIPANTS in the jousting tournament must wear protective clothing. (PARTICIPATE) 10 Insects are a food source that is in PLENTIFUL supply. (PLENTY) 11 The atmosphere inside the Crystal Cave is DEADLY without breathing equipment. (DEAD) 12 There are endless POSSIBILITIES for the mind control device. (POSSIBLE) 13 Jousting was a COMPETITION event in the Middle Ages. (COMPETE) 14 The Crystal Cave is a GEOLOGICAL wonder that needs to be preserved. (GEOLOGY) 15 Violet Beauregarde was ACCIDENTALY turned into a giant blueberry. (ACCIDENT)