Unit 6

UNIT TRANSITIONS 6 Lesson A A. Match the stage of life to the description. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. infancy b old age e adulth

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Lesson A A. Match the stage of life to the description. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

infancy b old age e adulthood a adolescence c childhood d

a. b. c. d. e.

an adult a baby a teenager a child a senior citizen

B. When do most people do these things? Write the stage of life. 1. learn to talk infancy 2. get married Adulthood 3. stop working old age 4. have their first boyfriend or girlfriend adolescence 5. learn to read childhood 6. finish their education adulthood C. Circle the correct form of each verb—simple past tense or present perfect tense. 1. I don’t want to eat at Pizza Palace tonight. I (ate/have eaten) there twice this week. 2. Jessica (knew/has known) her best friend since they (were/have been) six years old. 3. I (worked/have worked) for this company since 1998, and I like it very much. 4. Marina (had/has had) a baby last month. 5. I (finished/have finished) my homework, so I can go out tonight. 6. We (saw/have seen) that video before. It (was/has been) terrible! D. Have you done these things? If so, when did you do them for the first time? Write sentences with the present perfect tense and simple past tense. 1. I’ve ridden a horse. I rode one in 2005. OR I’ve never ridden a horse. 2.

I´ve danced very terrible. I danced once and it was terrible.


I´ve never played tennis


I´ve never taught


I´ve been sick. I had fever




Lesson B A. Unscramble the sentences to make a conversation. (hear/you/the big news/did)(to drive/is/Mark/learning) Beth: Did you hear the big news?? Mark is learning to drive. (but/16/he’s) (to/that’s/too/young/drive) Julia: But he´s 16! that´s to young to drive. (about/oh/I/know/that/don’t) (careful/very/he’s) (teaching/and/his father/is/him) Beth: oh I don´t know about that . he´s very careful _and his father is teaching him________________. (a few years/think/true/that’s/but/I/he/wait/should) Julia: that´s true

, but I think he should wait a few years


(the best age/well/to drive/what/do you think/is/to learn) Beth: Well

, What do you think is the best age to learn? ? (graduated high school/I think/people/should/their driver’s

license/after/get/ they’ve) Julia: I think people should get their driver’s license after they´ve graduated High school


B. Melissa is 15. She just got a job. Write a new conversation like the one in exercise A. Your friend: Did you hear the big news? Melisa have just to get a new job You: What!! But she is too young to get a job Your friend: Yes, she is working in her aunt´s business You: Ohh, I didn´t know that her aunt has an own business. Your friend: Yes she had her own business and Melisa is working with her. You: That´s so good she can get experience and be able to save money C. Say these words out loud. Circle the unstressed syllables with the sound. e 1. important 3. pizza 5. animal 7. listen 2. travel 4. apartment 6. woman 8. transition



Lesson C A. Read the meanings and unscramble the expressions. 1. stopped working: (dertrie) retired 2. with the energy of a younger person: (flotuuyh) youthful 3. between 30 and 39: (nirhetthrsiise) inheritress 4. acting like a child: (ilshidhc) childish 5. old enough to make good decisions: (tremau) mature 6. looking and acting old: (yeellrd) elderly 7. between 40 and 60: (eilmdd-dega) Middle-aged B. Read the sentences. Use how to ask questions about the underlined words. 1. My friend Lana is very tall. How tall is she? 2. My brother sings really badly. How bad does he sing?

3. I just found out that Mr. Sloan is very wealthy. How wealthy do you find mr Sloan?

4. I love to eat at Janie’s house because she cooks so well. How well does she cook?

5. The test was really difficult, and now I’m worried. How difficult was the test? C.Katie has a new boyfriend, and her parents are asking a lot of questions about him. Fill in their questions with how. 1. How old is he??

5. How does he speak English??

He’s 19 years old.

He speaks English very well. He’s spoken it all his life!

2. How does he study?? He studies very hard.

3. How mature is he?? He’s very mature. 4. How does he drive?? He drives very carefully. He’s never had an accident.

Lesson UNIT D 3


Transitions E

very country has special celebrations to mark transitions in life. Here are three examples of important days for young people in different countries. Do you remember your first day in school? Many children feel scared, but in Germany, the kids are very excited. Their first day in school, when they are six, is a big celebration called Schulanfang. All of the kids have new clothes, and their parents give them a Zuckertuete, a big colorful cone full of candy and small presents. Parents take pictures of their child holding the Zuckertuete. Then they meet their new teachers and classmates, and they sing songs and play games to celebrate. There is also a party for the parents after school with coffee and cake. Girls in Mexico and other countries in Latin America are very excited about their fifteenth birthday. For them, it marks the transition from girl to young woman, and there is a special celebration called the Quince Años. The girl gets a beautiful and very expensive dress that looks a little bit like a wedding dress. On the morning of her birthday, the girl goes to church with her family and all of her friends. In the evening, there is a huge party in a restaurant, with a big cake in the same colors as the girl’s dress. People enjoy music and dancing until very late at night. For young people in Japan, their twentieth birthday is very important, because that is when they become adults. There is a national holiday called Coming-of-Age Day to celebrate this. On the second Sunday in January, each city has a ceremony for people who had their twentieth birthday in the last year. All the new adults go to the City Hall to listen to

speeches and get a present from the town’s mayor. Everyone wears new clothes, and many women wear beautiful kimonos. Their families take lots of pictures.



A. Complete the chart with information from the reading. Transition Country

Schulanfang Germany



Age of people celebrating When

Six years old

Fifteen years old

Twenty years old

First school day

In their Fifteenth year

At School

Church and Restaurant

In the coming of age day City hall

All of the kids have new clothes, and their parents give them a Zuckertuete, a big colorful cone full of candy and small presents. Parents take pictures of their child holding the Zuckertuete. Then they meet their new teachers and classmates, and they sing songs and play games to celebrate. There is also a party for the parents after school with coffee and cake.

On the morning of her birthday, the girl goes to church with her family and all of her friends. In the evening, there is a huge party in a restaurant, with a big cake in the same colors as the girl’s dress. People enjoy music and dancing until very late at night.

Where What do people do?

Quince Años

Coming-of-Age Day

All the new adults go to the City Hall to listen to speeches and get a present from the town’s mayor. Everyone wears new clothes, and many women wear beautiful kimonos. Their families take lots of pictures.

B. Answer the questions. 1. Which of these celebrations sounds like the most fun? Why? I think the quince años is the most fun of these celebrations beceause it has more thinks to do than the others ones. 2. Which birthdays are the most important in your country? Why? The most important is the quince años because the celebrate the transition from the girl to a young woman, that’s why is important


Write about a celebration of a life transition such as a birthday party or a wedding. Who was the party for? What was the person celebrating? Why was it important? What did you do at the party? I was in my cousin's fifteen, we were celebrating her fifteenth birthday, we went to a restaurant to eat pizza and to the ice cream shop to eat ice cream, it is very important since we celebrate the transition from being a girl to a young woman, she was dressed with a very elegant dress and we took pictures, I was eating a lot at the party and sharing with her friends and my family