The Making of The Attraction Code

A Behind the Scenes Look at: The Making of The Attraction Code An Interview with DiClassified Trainer, Brian Pettit Zac

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A Behind the Scenes Look at:

The Making of The Attraction Code An Interview with DiClassified Trainer, Brian Pettit Zach B What’s the purpose of this report? Brian Pettit: Well, since we announced that we would be releasing a new book called “The Attraction Code” we have been getting somewhat overwhelmed with emails from our readers asking all kinds of questions. Instead of answering all of those individually, we thought we’d just answer them all in this interview and clear up a lot of the myths and rumors that surround “The Code.”

Z Let’s start at the beginning How did you meet Vin? BP: I met Vin in the middle of 2006 after stumbling onto some of his writing online. I took Vin’s bootcamp two weeks later because his writing stressed fast, powerful escalation - without having to change one’s personality. That was precisely what I wanted.


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And that weekend, that’s exactly what I learned how to do. It was incredible.

Z I was speaking with Vin earlier! and he mentioned that before he hired you! you almost worked for another company? BP: Yeah I in talks with competitor removed about becoming a coach. I was really excited to work with them, they’re fun guys and we had a blast together - but when I saw Vin in the field, I knew I HAD to work with him. I’m not saying Vin is like... so much better than everyone else, it’s just that I prefer his style. It just cuts right to the point, doesn’t ask you to be someone you’re not, and produces marvelous results with clients. At first, it was intimidating because I was worried I wouldn’t be able to hang at his level. But he’s a great coach and made everything really easy. That’s gonna be our word of the day here. EASY.

Z That’s Great What did you see? BP: Okay, how can I put this… He impressed me in one really specific way.. I was impressed impressed by how unimpressive he was. I know that sounds strange, so let me explain. He was approaching and escalating with the most beautiful women in the venues with what looked like zero-effort. 2|

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I mean he was calm, relaxed, no gimmicks or clever routines, no “show” whatsoever. He was just being himself, but to a degree that was much deeper than what these women were used to. Now Vin is an extremely laid back guy. It’s really hard to get a rise out of him. So when I first met him, I figured he had some smooth tricks up his sleeve, because he just didn’t strike me as animated or entertaining. And that just shows you where my head was at back then – I thought pickup was this big fancy show! He looked like a natural, and he was, but he wasn’t born that way. And let me say one other thing. Vin is shorter than average, small-framed, and definitely not what I’d consider goodgood -looking.

Z Ouch That’s harsh   but… I’m interested to know more about what he was doing exactly Well I knew something else was happening beyond my awareness, and I was very determined to figure out what it was. I eventually learned that what Vin was doing was communicating specific “cues” to women and they responded by both becoming attracted and complying with his escalations. He wasn’t using techniques. He had structures and tools that he used, but they were more principles than scripted routines. For example, on the first day, he used a specific “tool” which would make a woman attracted in a situation where he had accidentally upset her. It wasn’t a script, it was a structured structure d principle that you could fill in with your own words, your own style. You use your natural personality to “cue” a woman to feel attracted to you. 3|

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Naturally Attractive men use behavioral cues to communicate to women on a different level, and the words they are saying don’t really matter. Mindsets and beliefs are the underlying “juice” behind what he does, and if you shift your focus to internalizing these, you will create and utilize your own techniques that are 100% congruent with your personality. This is the realization that spawned the Attraction Code. What makes the Attraction Code so different is that it goes beyond techniques. Techniques may work in the short term, but often don’t lead to lasting success.

Z I understand you played a pretty big part in researching! discovering and ultimately ‘cracking’ the Attraction Code Can you expand on that? BP: Sure. In the fall of 2007, Vin mentioned to me that he had been thinking of writing a book, that just by reading it, a person would experience dramatic shifts in their consciousness, as well as their belief system. He kept referring to this concept as the “Bootcamp in a Book”. I was thrilled by this concept since nothing like that really existed. I knew it would be a monumental challenge, but hey, most worthwhile pursuits in life are. We had been coaching the DiClassified Drills program for over a year, and had spent a lot of time learning, analyzing, and applying Vin’s ideas for myself.


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As chance would have it, Vin told me about his book idea at the same time that I had a profound breakthrough of my own.

Z I’m all ears man Keep talkin’ BP: Well, I had been running his DiClassified Drills Bootcamp for nearly a year. And I did that almost every weekend. We learned TONS of new stuff and reached new levels of awareness, which went beyond traditional “knowledge”. One thing was for sure, our students were getting amazing results, FAST…and they were developing a very noticeable improvement in their presence by the end of the bootcamp. And with each new bootcamp or private client I trained, it became a little clearer where this was all was headed. You see, my main job as a trainer is to give tons and tons of feedback to students, and I focused on how to do that to the best of my ability. I knew that as a company, if instead of coming up with yet another “pick-up” system, we put just as much effort into developing a “student feedback” system, we’d be light years ahead of everyone else. So that’s what I did. The feedback system is called the FSE (Focus, State, Expression) and it’s it’s the exact same feedback system we use in our Drills 2.0 Bootcamps.


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Z Yeah it’s really great Vin was giving me a brief overview of the FSE It’s revolutionary Tell me more about how this plays a role in The Attraction Code Well, I began to review my own personal journals that I kept while training with Vin and began to sort through them. But the problem is that this guy has so much experience, and is such an intelligent guy, his knowledge goes WAY beyond what he can put into words. This is no flaw on his part. Let me point something out – anyone who’s ever analyzed the DiClassified System for a little while will soon see that it is a structure without structure, structure it is a both linear and nonnon-linear, linear and each level can be understood on its own, own or also in terms of the other levels. levels I can’t get into that too much right now. My point is that the guy understands pickup and seduction on a level much higher than which most of us are used to thinking… how the f@#& f@#& do you put that in a book? So, needless to say, the traditional methods of writing a book wouldn’t apply here. If I just told the reader what to do, it would be like every other book out there. Plus it would end up being 500 pages long. I had to find the elements, the all-pervasive principles behind what he was doing, and combine them with my own dramatic transformation that I had experienced personally, from Vin’s teachings. We decided that the reader would have to be forced to see the world through new eyes, with a new set of beliefs. Using Vin as the model of a man who can spark attraction faster than I have ever seen, and using the FSE feedback system, I helped Vin design a book that would guide an inner shift, so that the guy would be thinking, feeling, and acting in an attractive way, without compromising his natural personality. 6|

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Z What was the creative process like between you and Vin? BP: I can’t lie. I felt overwhelmed. No one had ever done anything like this before. So I had an idea. Charged up on Red Bull and adrenaline, I printed out all of my old journals I accumulated from both my private training with Vin as well as the personal journal entries I had been making for the past year and a half from working with students on DiClassified Drills. I started taking notes, and jotting down any commonalities I could find between the students that got the VERY MOST success out of the bootcamps. Now this is very exciting. I get chills when I think about this. I realized that the FSE feedback system was causing my students to have the same exact realizations that I had written down in my journals. Sometimes, wordword - forfor-word. It was like something out of a movie – I got a total sense of déjàdéjà-vu. I thought I had cracked Vin’s code. Originally, that’s what we thought the book would be - a book which taught you Vin’s method… But then I realized that all of the most successful clients adapted their OWN style of pick-up while on bootcamp. It wasn’t just Vin’s Code. It was The Code. Code .


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It could be applied by anyone, anywhere, whether they could afford a bootcamp or not, and make dramatic changes to their mindsets and belief system and in essence become absolute absolute naturals naturals with women.

Z So why has no one ever figured out the Attraction Code yet? BP: Well a lot of people have, but either they can’t articulate it or they are not talking about it. See, there’s an interesting phenomenon that occurs in the pickup community. Guys will read and write post after post, ask supposed “experts” for advice, buy products, etc. And then some of these guys “get it.” Then no one hears from them again. I actually remember a guy who posted in our forum for a brief period. Now I followed this guy because I identified with him through his writing. He started out like everyone else, disappeared for a while, and then came back and just posted Lay Report after Lay Report, and each one was more simple and smooth than the one previous. And then… it all stopped. This is very common for ex-students of mine. I will get a couple emails after a bootcamp. Then for awhile, they seem to disappear off the face of the earth. And then I’ll get a short email saying how easy everything is, and how his life is completely different now, he’ll thank me, and that’s the last I’ll I ’ll ever hear from him. I don’t think this is selfishness on anyone’s part. It’s just too hard to look back once everything clicks for you. 8|

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This may sound like a bold statement, but to my knowledge, no one has broken attraction down in such an easy and instantly applicable way. I don’t think this is due to a lack of intelligence. Quite the contrary – it’s clear that most of the PUA’s out there are really intelligent guys. But they are looking in the wrong place, so they apply their energy in less than optimum ways. Most PUAs focus on looking good for the first 10 minutes of the set. They only focus on openers and storytelling, but ignore what happens next. The Attraction Code is based on the assumption that you will not only get attention early on, but you will also sleep with the girl and create a very powerful relationship with her.


So what’s the format of the book?

BP: The Attraction Code is about making inner shifts in the real world, which will lead to positive reinforcement. This solidifies and internalizes your improvement permanently. What will actually happen is that you will feel like you are being yourself. yourself. You will never go back to the old way once you see how much more powerful this approach to dealing with women is. Your interactions will be smoother, easier, and more fun. You will escalate without miscalibration or having to over-analyze. Sex will be more passionate and exciting. And your relationships will be healthier and more satisfying. You will see that the Attraction Code is already inside you. 9|

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Our book will give you a simple structure that you can apply right away to cultivate your naturally attractive personality, and eliminate any personas you may have.

Z You keep talking about personas mean?

What does that

BP: The persona is THE killer of attraction. I mean bad breath will hurt, or having dog hair on your jacket if she’s allergic. That stuff can hurt attraction. But personas KILL attraction. attracti on. Unfortunately, other companies actually teach guys to have personas. personas What they don’t seem to realize is that women can tell when you are saying something that doesn’t truly come from you. Women actually screen men on one thing: thing: “Does “Does he have a persona, perso na, and if so, how much?” much?” Now we all put on masks from time to time – with our boss, our family, etc. But when you wear a mask with a woman, it shows that you are scared of her, and you are ashamed of who you really are. Not only that, but it also can convey that you have bad intentions with her. If you are using a script of routines, or doing some kind of tactical maneuvers to make her like you, she will see this, and instantly lose any initial attraction she felt for you.


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Can you give examples?

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BP: A persona can express itself as smiling too much because you are nervous, but a guy can also be using magic tricks and made-up stories to impress her. A common persona can be when guys get drunk and present an exaggerated tough-guy image. Another clever way that guys use personas to pickup women is by manipulating their perceived value. The problem with this is that it stems from the mindset that you have to impress her. The way to impress a woman is by not trying to impress her, and believe me, she can tell if you are faking – she’s used to it. This may sound paradoxical, but it is easily understood through the attraction code. One way this “technique” is used is when guys try to use false disinterest, by pretending they are not actually into a woman. This is laughable, because it is so incredibly unnecessary. True, flirting means having fun with a little push-pull dynamic… But there’s no need to ignore a woman, when it’s far more effective to pay attention to her for the right reasons. reasons And those reasons are not different from your true, masculine desires! Finally, and my (least) favorite, is guys waiting for girls to make the first move, as if they are waiting for some imaginary “green light.” A man should be proactive and take the lead. And he should notice signals and act on them. Either way, he is leading and going for what he wants, and women LOVE THIS. Here’s the bottom-line, having a persona means presenting a false personality, and it is the number one killer of attraction.

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So what should guys expect after reading this book? http://w w w . A t t r a c t i o n C o d e B o o k . c o m

BP: I think a lot of guys get into this “pickup stuff” for one real reason. It’s true, they want to meet more women, they want to have more sex, and they want to have better girlfriends. But I think underlying all of this is the desire to feel better about them selves, to feel happier, and to achieve their potential as men. That’s the ultimate goal of all this, but paradoxically, it’s also the means to being better with women. So where does a guy start? What is truly attractive is a man who is himself completely, and enjoys being who he is. He doesn’t try to please or manipulate others. He is selfcontrolled, self-guided, and self-validated. When you are lacking these very vital elements, is the exact time you will have a persona. We want guys to have an easy way to be their true selves with women. When they do that, they will naturally attract women they meet. You know that old dating advice, “just be your self.” It’s actually true! It’s just that no one seems to know what it really means. We break that down for you and put you in the driver’s seat.

Brian Pettit is a DiClassified Trainer, working under the “Godfather of Natural Game” Vin DiCarlo. You can learn learn more about the company and live training opportunities at The Attraction Code can be obtained at

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