Test 3 Answer Key, Listening PDF

 Test 3 answer key with extra explanations Listening Part 1 Questions 1–7 1 The correct answer is B: In the recording

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Test 3 answer key with extra explanations Listening Part 1

Questions 1–7 1 The correct answer is B: In the recording, you hear a man explaining why he has arrived late for a meeting. He begins by explaining that he had problems with his car, and that it ‘broke down’ last night. As he wasn’t able to use his car, he went by bus instead, which took a long time. So A is not correct because it shows a bus that has broken down – but it was the man’s car that had broken down. The woman then asks the man if the rain had made his journey ‘difficult’ – but he explains that the weather wasn’t the problem when he says; ‘that wasn’t it’, so C is not correct. The man says there were ‘long delays’, and that these were caused by ‘traffic lights’. When he says: ‘I don’t think they were working properly’, he’s referring to the traffic lights. So B is correct. 2 The correct answer is C: In the recording, you hear a radio presenter giving some traffic information for drivers. The presenter mentions three events that could be the reason: a cycle race, a street party and the making of a movie. When she talks about the street party, she says: ‘there’s a street party next weekend and the road will be closed for that,’ but this isn’t why the road is closed today, so B is not correct. When she talks about the bike race, she says: ‘just like the weekend when the bike race came through town’, telling us that this happened in the past, so A is not correct. When she talks about the filming, however, she says: ‘They’re filming a movie’ which tells us that it’s happening today, so C is correct. 3 The correct answer is B: In the recording, you hear a brother and sister discussing plans for their grandparents’ wedding anniversary party. The man suggests a ‘smart new restaurant’, but the woman thinks this is ‘a bit far away’ so she doesn’t think this is a good idea. So A is not correct. The man then suggests ‘a river cruise’. When the woman says: ‘That’s not a bad idea’, she’s saying that she likes this suggestion. When she adds ‘I’ll make the arrangements’, she’s offering to organise the party on the boat, and the man says: ‘I’ll leave it all to you’, he’s referring to arrangements for the party, and showing that he agrees. So B is correct. Although the woman mentions a ‘garden party’, she’s saying that this is what they did last year, so she’s not suggesting this for the party, and the man doesn’t say anything about this. So C is not correct.


4 The correct answer is B: In the recording, you hear two people in a restaurant deciding what food to order. The man begins by telling the woman that he had ‘chicken and chips’ the last time he came to the restaurant, but that he’d like to have ‘something different’ today. So A is not correct. The then man says that he’s ‘thinking about having the pasta’, he’s saying that he hasn’t decided yet, but that it’s a possibility. The woman then says that she had pizza the last time she was in the restaurant, that it was ‘delicious’ and that she ‘can recommend’ it. When the man says: ‘If it’s as good as you say, I’ll try it,’ he’s referring to the pizza. The man is saying that he’s decided to order the pizza and not the pasta. So B is correct and not C. 5 The correct answer is A: In the recording, you hear two friends in a furniture shop discussing which armchair the man should buy. The woman asks him what he thinks of one armchair and he says ‘I like the stripes’, but B is not correct because the man then says: ‘but I’m looking for one that will match the rest of my furniture’. This means that he isn’t going to buy the striped chair. The woman then suggests: ‘If I were you, I’d get this plain one’, adding that the chair isn’t ‘too big’. From this we know that she’s talking about A. The man then talks about a chair ‘with a cushion.’ but he says that it is ‘too large’. So C is not correct. At the end of the conversation the man says: ‘I’ll go for the one you suggested’, he’s referring to what the woman said and so A is correct. 6 The correct answer is C: In the recording, you hear two friends talking about some concerts that are part of a music festival. They talk about a rock band called Buzz that the man is going to see, and the woman says that she ‘saw them recently’, but this isn’t what she’s arranged to see at the festival, so A is not correct. They then talk about possibly seeing something together and the man suggests a jazz band, but they don’t go and see it as the woman says: ‘I’d rather get tickets for something else instead.’, so B is not correct. When the woman tells us that ‘I’ve got tickets for that’ she’s referring to the concert by the folk singer and guitar player called Billy Ryan. So C is correct. 7 The correct answer is A: In the recording, you hear two friends talking about a meal they’re cooking. The woman is giving the man advice about how to make the sauce. She says: ‘Why don’t you leave the tomatoes whole?’ advice. This is the advice he refers to at the end of the recording ‘OK I’ll follow your advice’, so A is correct. He doesn’t accept the advice immediately, however, pointing out that the recipe says that the tomatoes should be sliced. But C is not correct because at the end he follows the woman’s advice rather than following the recipe. The man did suggest opening a tin of tomatoes. But the woman convinces him that this isn’t a good idea when she says: ‘That’s cheating, I thought you wanted to do this properly.’ So B is not correct.

B1 Preliminary, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening2

Part 2

Questions 8–13 8 The correct answer is B: In the recording, you hear two friends talking about doing exercise. The woman suggests that the man goes to the gym near his home, saying that it’s ‘at the end of your road’. So C is not correct. The woman says that the gym is expensive, but when the man replies: ‘I know, but it’s when to go’, he’s saying that the price isn’t the problem, so A is not correct. Later, he talks about buying a bike, which will costs as much as going to the gym, so we know that he could afford to go to the gym if he wanted to. When the man says that he’s ‘at work all day, often until late’ he’s telling us his reason for not getting enough exercise, and so B is correct. 9 The correct answer is B: In the recording, you hear two people talking about a meal they have had in a restaurant. They begin by talking about the soup that they had. The man says that it had ‘an unusual flavour’, and the woman agrees that it needed more ‘pepper and garlic’. From what she says we understand that the soup wasn’t very spicy, so A is not correct. The woman then says her salmon was ‘wonderful’, and the man says that his tuna was ‘gorgeous’. From these adjectives, we understand that they both thought the fish dishes were ‘very tasty’, so B is correct. They then talk about the desserts. When the woman says: ‘I couldn’t eat it all’, she’s telling us that her dessert was large. The man says that he isn’t ‘a fan of desserts’, but he doesn’t mention the size of his, so C is not correct. 10 The correct answer is C: In the recording, you hear a woman telling a friend about her neighbours. The woman talks about the fact that her neighbours have lots of visitors and play music in the evenings, but she tells the man that she ‘doesn’t mind’ this. So A is not correct. She mentions that her neighbours ‘always smile and say hello’, so the problem isn’t that they are unfriendly. So B is not correct. But when she says ‘What bothers me’, she’s telling the man what the problem is, and she mentions ‘the mess they leave outside’. So, C is correct, because she thinks her neighbours are untidy. 11 The correct answer is C: In the recording, you hear two friends talking about a new museum. When she says she’d like to have stayed there longer and: ‘it’s a shame it closes so early’, she’s saying that the opening hours don’t suit her, so B is not correct. When she says: ‘I wouldn’t mind having another look around’, she’s saying that she’d like to visit the museum again, and so C is correct. When the woman says: ‘I’m amazed’ she is expressing surprise, but what surprises her is the fact that the man enjoyed the museum. However, she wasn’t surprised by the things on display, so A is not correct. 12 The correct answer is B: In the recording, you hear a man telling a colleague about a hotel he stayed in. He mentions how much traffic there was near the hotel and says: ‘I was worried it’d be noisy in my room at night’, but then goes on to say: ‘but I hardly heard anything’ – so he wasn’t disturbed by the traffic and so C is not correct. He also talks about the size of the room, saying that there wasn’t much space. But he goes on to say ‘It was fine for me.’ So the room was small, but not too small for him, so A is not correct. The man also tells us that the hotel ‘wasn’t walking distance from the city-centre’. He was surprised at this because the advertisements say that it is, so the location wasn’t what he expected and so B is correct.

B1 Preliminary, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening3

13 The correct answer is A: In the recording, two passengers are talking on an aeroplane. The woman talks about her new job and the fact that she needs to travel long distances. She explains that this makes the plane ‘a better option than the train’, so A is correct because she finds it a convenient way to travel. Although she compares travelling by plane and train, she doesn’t say she prefers either, so C is not correct. She agrees with the man when he says that flying makes him feel nervous, adding that she ‘can never get comfortable in the seats’. So she doesn’t find flying a relaxing way to travel, and so B is not correct.

B1 Preliminary, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening4

Part 3

Questions 14–19 14 The correct answer is 08.15 or quarter past eight or quarter past 8: Question 14 is asking about the time the bus leaves on the trip to Gulum. In the recording, the tour guide explains that the trip is tomorrow and is giving the tourists some information about the arrangements: ‘we’re meeting at eight in the morning’, he’s referring to the group of people he’s talking to, not to the bus specifically. He goes onto explain that the bus ‘will go at exactly quarter past eight’, so 08.15 is correct. 15 The correct answer is entrance: Question 15 is asking where the tourists should meet if they are going on the trip. The first word of the answer ‘Hotel’ is given, so we know that they will meet somewhere at the hotel. The tour guide mentions two possible places, the entrance to the hotel and the reception desk. He explains that the reception gets ‘quite crowded in the mornings’, so he’s asking the tourists to meet at the entrance ‘rather than’ the reception desk. So ‘entrance’ is correct. 16 The correct answer is palace: Question 16 is asking about the ‘First stop’ on the trip. This means the first place that the tourists will visit as part of the trip. The first three words of the answer ‘ruin of a’ are given. The guide mentions two sites of historical interest, ‘an ancient theatre’ and a ‘palace’. But when he says ‘a magnificent ruin just outside Gulum’, he’s referring to the palace. When he says: ‘it used to be a palace’, he’s telling us what type of building the ruin was in the past. So you write the word ‘palace’ in the gap. The guide tells us that the theatre is ‘ancient’, but he doesn’t say that it is a ruin, so ‘theatre’ is not correct. 17 The correct answer is W A K I Z I: Question 17 asks for the name of the restaurant that the tourists will visit. The tour guide says: ‘We’ll drive to the Wakizi Restaurant for lunch’. He suggests that the tourists go online to look at the menu. Wakizi is a difficult word to spell, so the guide tells the tourists how to spell it, letter by letter. So when he says ‘That’s spelt’, he’s expecting them to write the word as he says the letters slowly. You should write the word in the gap at the same time. Don’t try to write the word the first time he says the name, wait until he spells it for the tourists, letter by letter. 18 The correct answer is diving: Question 18 is asking about the afternoon activity that is planned for the tourists. Part of the answer is given ‘or beach volleyball’. The tour guide says, ‘there’s a choice of activities’. So we know that two alternative activities are offered, beach volleyball and one other. You’re listening for what that second activity is. In fact the tour guide mentions three activities. When he says ‘one option is to go diving’ he’s referring to the choice of activities, so you write the word ‘diving’ in the gap. The guide also mentions a ‘volleyball competition on the beach’ and ‘sailing’. But he explains that sailing ‘isn’t possible due to lack of wind’, so sailing is not correct. 19 The correct answer is sun(-)cream: Question 19 is asking for the thing that the tourists need to bring with them on the trip. The guide mentions a number of things, including towels and beach chairs, but he explains that these ‘are provided’, so this isn’t something that the tourists need to bring with them. When he says: ‘Don’t forget the suncream’, he’s telling them that this isn’t provided, so they need to remember to bring some with them. So suncream is correct.

B1 Preliminary, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening5

 Part 4

Questions 20–25 20 The correct answer is A: In the recording, the interviewer asks James how he first became interested in trees. James talks about his mother and explains that she was a garden designer, but he doesn’t say that he learnt about trees from her, so C is not correct. In fact, he says that he ‘wasn’t allowed to go up the trees’ in the gardens where his mother worked. So B is also not correct. James then talks about his mother’s friend whose job was ‘to take care of trees’ and James explains that this person ‘offered him a job one summer’. When James says: ‘What really got me into them’, he’s referring to trees and he goes on to explain how he got this job. So A is correct. 21 The correct answer is B: In the recording, the interviewer’s second question to James is about a course he went on where he learnt how to climb trees. James talks about the other students on the course and says that he ‘expected’ them to be ‘young and fit.’ When he says: ‘In fact, there were middle-aged people, children, even old people!’, he’s expressing surprise about the other students, and the thing that surprises him is ‘the wide range of people in the class’ so B is correct. James talks about the equipment needed to climb trees, but he says: ‘there was obviously special equipment’, so he wasn’t surprised about this, and he doesn’t talk about the ‘amount’ of equipment, so C is not correct. James mentions how long he spent in the trees, but not how long it took to become good at it, so A is not correct. 22 The correct answer is A: In the recording, the interviewer’s third question is about James’s own experience of teaching tree climbing, and she asks him what he enjoys most about it. James talks about the weather, and says he likes working ‘in the open air’, but ‘not so much in the rain or when it’s very hot’, so C is not correct. James also says that he ‘likes working with people’. When he says ‘particularly teaching those’, he’s telling us the sort of people he likes teaching most, and he mentions: ‘those whose jobs involve having to go up trees’. So A is correct, because he enjoys helping people who ‘need the skill’ for their work. James explains that most people he teaches come because they have ‘happy memories’ of climbing trees as children, but he doesn’t say that he enjoys teaching those people most, and it isn’t a new experience for them, so B is not correct. 23 The correct answer is B: In the recording, the interviewer’s next question to James is about his travels in the USA and why he goes there so much. When James talks about ‘this country’, he’s talking about the country where he lives, not the USA. He explains that nobody wants to climb in his home country ‘in the winter’, and that is why he travels. So B is correct. He mentions ‘every US state’ to tell us that he goes there regularly and has travelled widely in that country, so A is not correct. When he says: ‘there’s more interest in the subject abroad’, he’s referring to tree climbing, but he’s talking about other countries in general – not just the USA, so A is not correct.

B1 Preliminary, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening6

24 The correct answer is C: In the recording, the interviewer’s next question to James is about the fact that he likes sleeping in trees, and she asks ‘why that is.’ James mentions birds, but he talks about how noisy they are and that they wake him up, so A is not correct. He also says that people think that ‘it’s uncomfortable’ to sleep in trees but he says: ‘you get used to it’, he’s referring to sleeping in trees, but he isn’t saying that he likes it – he’s agreeing that it’s uncomfortable. So B is not correct. When he says: ‘it’s a great place to get views of the night sky’, he’s saying that he likes to ‘look at the stars’, so C is correct.

25 The correct answer is C: In her final question, the interviewer asks James how climbing trees in the rainforest is different to climbing them in other places. He explains that it’s not harder to climb trees in the rainforest, so B is not correct. When he says ‘it’s an important environment’, he’s referring to the rainforest, and he says ‘you have to be careful not to damage it’, he’s talking about the need to protect the trees in that environment, so C is correct. James mentions the insects in the forest, but he talks about the problems they can cause ‘you’re likely to get bitten’, but he doesn’t mention studying them, so A is not correct.

B1 Preliminary, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening7