[Solved]-Dev C++ Permission denied

While using Dev C++ compiler, sometimes you may face error like "cannot open the output" or "Permission denied" or "path

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While using Dev C++ compiler, sometimes you may face error like "cannot open the output" or "Permission denied" or "path:collect2.exe returns error(1)". In this case, the problem looks like the .exe application is still running and you can't modify it.

I have used the following steps to overcome the above recompilation problem on Dev C++.

1. Kill your running .exe application from the task manager. i.e. for Windows press ctrl + alt + del -> select your .exe application ->press delete and then Enter key. for Linux versions type "kill PID" of your .exe application on the terminal and press Enter.


2. On Windows, click on Start button-> Type "Resource Monitor" in the search box and open it -> When Resource Monitor dialog box appears, click on “Overview” Tab-> search your .exe application -> right click on it and then select "End process"

Now you can recompile you C++/c code using Dev C++.