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: EESTP-PNP-YUNGAY : MODULO : III PERIODO :32 horas académicas : 02 horas académicas : : 16 : MEJÍA MONTES MOISÉS :

II SUMILLA En la actual era de la tecnología y la información, el idioma inglés es una herramienta de utilidad para la obtención de información que se encuentra en el idioma inglés. El conocer el idioma inglés se convierte en una fortaleza para los estudiantes, quienes podrán comunicarse mejor siendo conocedores del idioma inglés y expuestos a una nueva cultura en tiempo real. Los estudiantes quienes dominan el idioma inglés tienen una ventaja que les permitirá desenvolverse en este contexto global, donde es un desafío y necesidad comunicarse con el idioma de mayor uso del mundo. De acuerdo a los objetivos por el Ministerio de Educación del Perú, la enseñanza del idioma inglés es una de las prioridades para lograr que los estudiantes usen esta herramienta para la investigación y la comunicación con extranjeros de habla inglesa. III.

CAPACIDADES El alumno PNP adquiere conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas en la siguiente área de Inglés.

A. Usa el idioma inglés en un contexto real de acuerdo a sus necesidades como miembro de la Policía Nacional del Perú. B. Lee, comprende y analiza con sentido crítico textos en inglés que simulen situaciones en un contexto real relacionados a la carrera policial. C. Se comunica utilizando expresiones significativas en una situación real para ponerlo en práctica durante su labor policial. D. Contribuye en la adaptación a un mundo globalizado en el cual el idioma inglés les permitirá estar acorde con los avances tecnológicos, y les será de ayuda en un contexto real. E. Comunica oralmente con naturalidad, espontaneidad, coherencia, demostrando habilidades expresivas, utilizando el vocabulario y expresiones básicas aprendidas en aula. F. Elabora un trabajo aplicativo con la orientación metódica del docente sobre temática policial. IV.


INDICADORES DE LOGRO SEMANA ACADÉMICA CONCEPTUAL Primera “I GONNA INTRODUCE semana MYSELF” (03 horas) - Wh- questions. - Vocabulary: Age, occupation, cell phone number. Diagnostic assessment. Segunda semana (03 horas)

WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Grammar: Present Continuous. Speaking Listening

CONTENIDO PROCEDIMENTAL • • Introduce themselves according to the template. • Solve a worksheet about • • personal information.

ACTITUDINAL Muestra interés. Trabaja en pareja. Sensibilización con el tema. Actitud reflexiva Asume responsabilidad la adquisición de sus aprendizajes.

Deduce el mensaje de diferentes textos escritos. Completa información específica teniendo en cuenta la • Participación activa información recibida. - Responde preguntas • Trabajo en equipo utilizando la información brindada.

RECURSOS • PPT sobre el tema a tratar. • Fotocopias • Computadora • Equipo multimedia. • Normas. • Material didáctico.

• • • •

Videos Laptop Equipo multimedia. Normas.



CONCEPTUAL Tercera semana WHAT ARE YOU (03 horas) DOING? Grammar: Present Continuous. Speaking.

Cuarta semana (03 horas)

MY DAILY ROUTINE - Present Simple Tense. Affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

PROCEDIMENTAL Deduce el mensaje de diferentes textos orales. Reconoce vocabulario específico en diferentes diálogos. Se hace entender con expresiones breves. Intercambia información oportuna con su interlocutor. - Hace uso de una correcta pronunciación. Deduce el mensaje de diferentes textos escritos. Completa información específica teniendo en cuenta la información recibida. Responde preguntas utilizando la información brindada. - Utiliza diversas estructuras gramaticales y lexicales según la situación comunicativa.



Trabaja en equipo

Videos Computadora Equipo multimedia.

Actitud reflexiva

Muestra interés Es proactivo Participación activa Actitud reflexiva

Laptop Equipo multimedia.

Deduce el mensaje de diferentes textos orales. Reconoce vocabulario específico en diferentes diálogos. • Muestra interés • Se hace entender con expresiones breves. • Participación activa • Intercambia información oportuna con su interlocutor. • Hace uso de una correcta pronunciación.

• Videos • Laptop • Equipo multimedia.

• Identifica el uso del Modal “can” al expresar sus habilidades y deporte. • Expresa sus habilidades de • Trabaja en equipo manera oral y frente a sus • Actitud reflexiva compañeros.

• Videos • Laptop • Equipo multimedia.

Quinta TALKING ABOUT • semana DAILY ROUTINE (03 oras) - Present Simple • - Speaking.

Sexta semana I CAN DO (03 oras) EVERYTHING - Can/Can’t - Vocabulary: Sports and activities.

Séptima I AM DOING KARATE. • Menciona sus semana Review habilidades y las (03 horas) - Grammar: Present acciones que realiza en Continuous. Present su rutina diaria. Simple. - Vocabulary: Sports. • Resuelve su examen con responsabilidad y respeto. Mid-term exam Octava semana (03 oras)

WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? - Was – Were / Wasn ´t – Weren´t Vocabulary

Novena WHAT WERE THEY semana WEARING? (03 oras) - Exercises - Complete and match the correct sentences.

• Identifica el pasado del verbo To Be. • Dialoga y expresa ideas.

Décimo tercera semana (03 horas)

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Grammar: Going to Vocabulary: Verbs/Activities

Participación activa

• Trabaja en equipo • Actitud reflexiva

• Laptop • Equipo multimedia.

• Videos • Laptop • Equipo multimedia.

Muestra interés • Reconoce el uso del was Participación activa – were en sus tres formas.

Décima I SAW AN ACCIDENT semana - Regular and Irregular Verbs• Reconoce el uso de los (03 horas) - Vocabulary verbos en pasado. • Dialoga y expresa ideas. Décima THERE WAS AN primera ACCIDENT semana - Exercises (03 horas) - Complete and match the correct sentences. Décimo segunda REVIEW semana (03 horas) II Exam

Muestra interés

Trabaja en equipo Actitud reflexiva

• Expresa sus ideas a través de un dialogo. • Usa los verbos en pasado para formar oraciones.

Muestra interés

• Usa el verbo To Be en pasado (was/were) en oraciones. • Usa “was” y “were” para describir una fiesta en tiempo pasado.

Trabaja en equipo

• Usa “going to” para mencionar sus actividades del siguiente fin de semana.


Participación activa

Actitud reflexiva

Muestra interés Participación activa

• Laptop • Equipo multimedia.

• Videos • Laptop • Equipo multimedia. • Laptop • Equipo multimedia. • Flashcards

• Flashcards • Laptop • Equipo multimedia. • Laptop • Equipo multimedia. • Flashcards

Décimo cuarta semana (03 horas)

Décimo quinta semana (03 horas)

FUTURE WITH GOING • TO Grammar: Going to (Interrogative form) • Vocabulary: Party items


Usa “going to” para describir sus planes futuros. Completa ejercicios usando “going to” de acuerdo al contexto.

• Completa oraciónes usando verbos en presente, pasado y futuro. • Resuelve un quiz usando “going to”.

Décimo sexta semana (03 horas)

Muestra interés Trabaja en parejas Participación activa

• Flashcards • Laptop • Equipo multimedia.

Trabaja en equipo

• Laptop • Equipo multimedia. • Flashcards

Actitud reflexiva

Examen Final



El método deductivo se trabajará haciendo uso de la técnica de diálogo, de acuerdo al tema y vocabulario asignado por semana. B. MÉTODO INDUCTIVO

Partiendo de un caso o un contexto imaginario para un futuro servicio policial se trabajará con la técnica de diálogo para la aplicación del tema, vocabulario y gramática asignada por semana. C. MÉTODO ANALÍTICO

El Método analítico consiste en la desmembración de un todo, descomponiéndolo en sus partes o elementos para observar las causas, la naturaleza y los efectos. D. MÉTODO SINTÉTICO

Haciendo uso de este método y mediante la aplicación de técnicas como lluvia de ideas se espera llegar al análisis inicial, y final de un texto o un diálogo en el cual se aprecien los contenidos gramaticales y vocabulario programado. VI. EQUIPOS Y MATERIALES El docente para el desarrollo de la asignatura empleará los siguientes recursos didácticos: 5


MATERIALES Y MEDIOS AUDIOVISUALES ✓ Proyector multimedia, video, computadora, internet. ✓ Normatividad, libros, separatas, fichas de trabajo. ✓ Pizarra, plumón, tijeras, goma.

VII. EVALUACIÓN La evaluación integral se rige de acuerdo al Manual del Régimen Educativo Policial. El proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje será permanente, comprenderá: A.

Evaluación Formativa Interactiva, en relación a la participación activa del educando en el aula. El promedio de las intervenciones orales constituirá Nota de intervenciones orales.


Evaluación Formativa o de Proceso para comprobar el rendimiento académico, pronosticar posibilidades de desarrollo y reorientar la metodología, compromete la realización de: ✓ Dos exámenes escritos parciales (7ª y 12ª semana), enmarcados en las capacidades conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales; pudiendo, además, contener preguntas tipo desarrollo y situación problema, en las que prime el empleo de la capacidad reflexiva, la correlación de criterios, el análisis y el pensamiento lógico. ✓ Un trabajo de investigación monográfica que se valorará en su forma y contenido.


Evaluación Sumativa orientada a comprobar el nivel de desarrollo cognoscitivo, reflexivo y del pensamiento lógico, para lo cual se aplicará un examen final (16ª semana), de similar característica empleada en los exámenes parciales.


El Promedio General se calculará en concordancia con las disposiciones establecidas en el Manual de Régimen de Educación de las Escuelas de Formación de la PNP, conforme se detalla a continuación: PG = PEP (3) + EO (1) + TA (2) +EF (4) 10 PEP = Promedio de Exámenes Parciales PO = Examen Oral TA = Trabajo de Investigación Monográfica EF = Examen Final VIII. BIBLIOGRAFÍA BÁSICA Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España. (2003). Habilidades Comunicativas en las Lenguas Extranjeras (Primera ed.). Avila: OMAGRAF. Seligson, P. (2013). English ID . Oxford: Richmond . 6

▪ Vocabulary: Personal information ▪ Social Language. Talk about themselves. Ask for information reciprocally. ▪ Grammar: Wh- questions Verb to be ▪ Expansion Activities: Role-play. ▪ Personal Expressions: Expressions for celebrating.





▪ Vocabulary: Verbs. ▪ Social Language. Talk about actions in progress. ▪ Grammar: Present continuous. ▪ Expansion Activities: Dialog ▪ Personal Expressions:


Write the -ing form for the following verbs: clean










1. Look at the picture. Write sentences about Jane. 1. (have dinner) ________________________________________________________________________ 2. (watch television) ________________________________________________________________________ 3. (sit on the floor) ________________________________________________________________________ 4. (Write a letter) 12


5. (wear a hat) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. (read a book) ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. (play the piano) ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. (laugh) ____________________________________________________________________________

2. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.


3. What are they doing? Write sentences.

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


▪ Vocabulary: Verbs. ▪ Social Language. Talk about actions they are doing. ▪ Grammar: Present continuous.

▪ Expansion Activities: Communication in Practice

COMMUNICATION PRACTICE 1. Check ( √ ) the sentences that are true for you.


_____ 1. I’m holding a pen

_____ 1. I’m holding a pen

_____ 2. I’m sitting nex to a woman

_____ 2. I’m sitting nex to a woman

with glasses.

with glasses.

_____ 3. I’m looking out the window.

_____ 3. I’m looking out the window.

_____ 4. I’m wearing comfortable shoes.

_____ 4. I’m wearing comfortable shoes.

_____ 5. I’m wearing a watch.

_____ 5. I’m wearing a watch.

_____ 6. I’m wearing jeans.

_____ 6. I’m wearing jeans.

_____ 7. I’m thinking about the present

_____ 7. I’m thinking about the


present progressive.

_____ 8. I’m daydreaming.

_____ 8. I’m daydreaming.

Read your sentences to a partner. Listen to his or her sentences. What are both you and your partner doing now? Tell the class. Example: We are both wearing comfortable shoes. We are not holding pens.


▪ Vocabulary: Verbs – Daily actions. 17

▪ Social Language. Mention their daily activities. ▪ Grammar: Present Simple ▪ Expansion Activities:




Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs: 1. I study. He ____________________ 2. I fly.

He ____________________

3. I finish. She ___________________ 4. I go. 5. I watch.

She ___________________ He ____________________

1. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. 21

1. Margaret ______________ four languages –English, Japanese, Arabic and Spanish. (speak) 2. I ____________ my job. It’s very boring. (like) 3. “Where is Martín?” I’m sorry. I __________________. (know) 4. Mark is vegetarian. He ________________ meat. (eat) 5. Sue is a very quiet person. She ____________________very much. (talk) 6. Andy ___________________________ a lot of coffee. It’s his favorite drink. ( drink) 7. It’s not true! I _____________________________ it! (believe) 8. That’s is a very beautiful picture. I _____________ it a lot. (like)

2. Study the information and write sentences with like.

1. Ben and Sophie like classical music. Kate ________________________________________________________________ I _______________________________________________________classical music. 2. Ben and Sophie _______________________________________________________ Kate ________________________________________________________________ I ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

3. Make questions from these word + do/does. Put the words in the right order. 1. (you /early /always/ get up) ______________________________________________________________________ 2. (you /want /what/ for dinner) ______________________________________________________________________ 3. (your brother like football) ______________________________________________________________________ 4. (what/ you /do/ in your free time) ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe your typical day. 22

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary: Actions. Social Language: Daily activities. ▪ Grammar: Present Simple ▪ Expansion Activities: Answer questions about preferences and daily activities using Present Simple.


Vocabulary: Sports and activities. Social Language. Talk about their abilities. ▪ Grammar: Can / Can’t ▪ Expansion Activities:

1. Complete the sentences with can or can’t. Then, match the sentences with the pictures.


a. He _________ make biscuits…………. b. He _________ play the violin. He ________ play the guitar. ………… c. Mickey _________ make paintings. ………. d. Bob ______ cook delicious kangreburguers. ………. e. They _________ cook alone but they ______ cook with their mother. ……….. f. Donald _______ drive a car. ………… g. They _________ swim. ……….. h. He ___________ sing. He has a terrible voice! i. He _________ speak German. …………

2. Complete these sentences about you. Use CAN / CAN’T. a. I __________ read long books. b. I __________ jump high. c. I __________ play video games for many hours. d. I __________ fly. e. I _________ ride a bicycle. f. I _________ play the piano.

Ask and answer: Can you … ? 1.

Can you



Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

2. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

3. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

4. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

6. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

7. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

8. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

9. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

10. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

11. Can you


Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

5. Can you


Word bank cook – dance - play the guitar - play the piano - play tennis ride a bicycle - ride a horse – sing – skate - skip - speak English - swim


▪ Vocabulary: Verbs and sports ▪ Social Language: ▪ Grammar: Present Simple Present Continuous ▪ Expansion Activities:

This is Mrs White. She …………… (be) a primary school teacher. She …………………………… (teach) English, Maths and Geography. At the moment, she …………………………… (teach) Maths. She …………………………… (live) in London and ………………… (be) married to Georges, who is French. They …………………………… (have) three children. They all …………………………… (love) animals, but they …………………………… (not have) any pets because they …………………………… (live) in an apartment. Mrs White ……………………… (speak) French as well as English, but she …………………………… (not teach) it.


Mrs White’s niece Sophie …………………………… (stay) with the Whites for a few days. Sophie …………………………… (live) and …………………………… (study) in Liverpool, but she ……………………………… (enjoy) her mid-term break in London at the moment. She …………………………… (plan) to do some serious shopping and sightseeing. Mrs White’s son Arnold …………………………… (not like) shopping, but he …………………………… (love) hanging out with friends. They

Write the verbs in Present Simple usually …………………… (go) to the local park where they ………………………

1.- Martin .............................. (wash) his car every Friday. (play) football or basketball. 2.-Daniel always……………….… .(run) in the marathon.Today, however, Arnold ……………………………….…. (not play) football or basketball; he 3.- (Martha …skateboard).………… ……. (not laugh) with my jokes. 4.- Mr White ………………… (work) for a multinational co Lorena often …………..…… (wear) mpany. He ………………………… (not work) sunglasses. ……………………………..

5.-The baby often today, however, because he ……………………………. (not feel) well.…………...…. (sleep) He phoned in sick. 17.-Blanca ………. ……(visit) her uncle in the afternoon. 6.-William …… ………….…… (not tidy) his bedroom. 7.-Leonor ……… ……... (help) her father in the shop. 8.-We sometimes … (eat) fish and chips.


at the weekend. 18.-Today the sun ……………… (shine) 19.-The wind ………


(blow) at night. 20.- Lorenzo ……………. (not ride) his horse.

9.-Patricia …… …………………...….. (not understand) English. 10.-Miriam …..……….…… (clean) the furniture. 11.-toThat woman ………..………. (go) shopping on Mondays. 12.-Ralph …………………… …. (have) a nap after lunch. 13.-My granddad … …….…… (smoke) a pipe. 14.-You ………..……. (watch) television in the pub. 15.-These men …… ..…… (repair) my windows 16.-Josephine never ……….. (do) her

Write the verbs in Present Continuous

1.-Look! The bus …………….…… (come)


the football match.

2.-Julia ………..….… (teach) Spanish this

10.-Those cats …..……….... (play) with a ball.

term. 3.-Carol …….…….…(study) French

11.-That bird ………….………. (fly) very high.

right now.

12.-The mechanic ………..….…… (fix) the

4.-The kids …………….…. (sing) a song.

cars. 13.-My sister ……………..…… (do) some

5.-We ………………..……..(not surf) in the


web. 6.- Tina ………….……..….. (wear) a

2714. -At the moment it ………..…..……..

black dress. 7.-My brothers ……………… (sit) on a bench. 8.-Barbara …………….………… (go) to school. 9.-Christine ………..…….… (travel) by plane.


15.-My mother biscuits



16.-The Harrison family ……….……. (enjoy)








▪ Vocabulary: Police situations. ▪ Social Language. Ask and answer questions in a Police Interview. ▪ Grammar: Verb to be in Past.



▪ Vocabulary: Verbs in Past (Regular and irregular) ▪ Social Language. Describe past events. ▪ Grammar: Past Simple. ▪ Expansion Activities: Answer questions about past events.

Past Tense To put something in the past in English, you usually add –ed to the verb. Examples:

block blocked sign signed walk walked rain rained stop stopped call called Irregular verbs are different. You do not add –ed to make the past tense. Irregular verbs change their forms in many different ways:





have had

drive drove

The past of the verb to be has 2 forms of the past. Just memorize this:

was I wasyou wereshe was he

wer we e you werewere they were

Rewrite the following paragraph. Correct the underlined words to put the paragraph in the past tense form. I run the stop sign because the tree is in the way. The tree blocks the sign so I couldn’t see it. When I see the sign, it is too late. I stop too late. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______


What to Do If You are In An When you have an accident: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Be calm. Stay away from angry people. Move the cars off of the street (if it is safe to do so). Call the police to make a report. (If there is no problem, don’t call the police.) If there are serious injuries, call 911 first. If there are no serious injuries, call the local police. 5. After you call the police, wait. 6. The police will need to see your: driver’s license registration proof of insurance If the accident involves another car, write down the car’s license plate nu mber. If there are any witnesses to the accident, ask them for their names and telephone numbers. Write them down.

Writing Practice 1. What number do you call if you are in an accident and someone is badly hurt? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______ 2. What number do you call if no one is hurt? It is not an emergency. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______ 3. Why is it important to write down the names of witnesses? _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _ ______ 4. What do you do if the person who hit you is angry? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______ 5. Why do accidents happen? Talk with a friend about reasons that accidents happen. Write them down. (Example: running red lights, drunk driving. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 40



More Practice with Past Tenses Regular:


walk walked file filed hit hit talk talked watch watched run ran see saw try tried do did



Rewrite the following paragraph. Change the underlined words to the past tense. Yesterday I see a bad accident as I walk home from work. A truck hit a little dog as it run across the street. I watch the driver as he drive off. He see me and he drive away even faster. He do not stop. He do not try to help the little dog. He do not talk to the person who is with the dog. He do not file an accident report. It is a hit-and-run accident. It is very sad. I try to help the little dog but it is too late. Adjectives: Words that Describe Circle the words that describe this car. NOTE: In English, many words that describe nouns come in front of the noun (a little, blue car). Or they come after is, are, was, were. (It was blue and dirty.)

This is my car. It is old, but I still like it. It is orange. I wanted a red one, but the price was right on this one. It’s sort of the color of tomato soup, isn’t it? It’s a convertible. It is very dependable. It’s a very big car. That’s fine, except when I try to park it on the street.

Describing an Accident One day you were driving your pretty white car along Smith Street. It is a one- way street and you were going the correct direction. Suddenly a black car hit you headon. Neither car was going very fast, so you did not get injured. But your car is totaled and his car is a mess, too. Richard I. Gotcha was driving the black car. His wife, Ono, was with him. They live at N. 4th St. in Pasadena. You called the police right away. While you waited for them to come, you filled out a form your insurance company gave you. You filled it out as completely as possible. Then you referred to it when the police asked you questions.

Writing Practice Read about the accident. Then

fill out this accident form.

▪ Vocabulary: Important words (information) to report an accident. ▪ Social Language. Typical phrases we use during an accident. ▪ Grammar: WAS – WERE ▪ Expansion Activities: accident they have seen.

Write about an

Conversations Conversation 1 Driver 1: me?

What happened? Why did you run into

Driver 2:

I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.

Driver 1:

Well you better watch where you’re

going. Driver 2:

Okay. I will.

Conversation 2 Driver 1:

You totaled my car!

Driver 2:

Look what you did to my car! It was your fault.

Driver 1:

No, it was your fault. You ran into me.

Driver 2:

That’s because you ran a red light.

Driver 1:

I’m sure it was green.

Driver 2:

We need to file a report.

Conversation 3 Driver: Operator: Driver: Operator: Driver: Operator: Driver: Operator:

Hello. I need to report an accident. Is anyone injured? No, everyone is okay. What is your name, please. Harry Potter. Where did the accident happen? At Garvey and Atlantic, in Monterey Park. Please wait there. An officer will come to take your report. 44

Conversation 4 Driver: I want to report a hit-and-run. Someone ran into my car and then took off. Operator: Is anyone injured? Driver: No, no one’s hurt. Operator: Did you get the license plate number? Driver: Most of it. 3-E-D-J-4, but I didn’t get the last two numbers. Operator: Describe the car that hit you, please. Driver: It’s a black Mustang convertible with a tan roof. It looks like a new car. Operator: What is your name, address and telephone number? Driver: My name is . Operator: Thank you. We’ll send an officer. Work: Make a dialogue with your partner.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..


▪ Vocabulary: Party Items. ▪ Social Language. Describe a party using was and were. ▪ Grammar: Verb To Be in Past Simple. ▪ Expansion Activities:

Complete the following sentences. Use WAS and WERE 1.

I _________________________ hoping for better marks on my report card.


Where __________________ they going to go after the show?


I ________________________ worried about my math test.


They ____________________ worried about their math test.


Where __________________________ Jane yesterday?


Where _____________ you yesterday?


I ______________________ hoping you would come with me.


I think they _______________ hoping to talk to you.


There ____________________ students in the classroom until quite late.


1. Read the text. Select True or False.

Buckleford was a big industrial town in the early 20th century. There were a lot of people, stores and factories. The town had five hotels, and on Main Street there were twelve stores, including a grocery store, a bookstore and three bars. There weren't many cars, but there were a lot of trolleys, and the downtown area was busy. Because Buckleford was an industrial town, there was a lot of pollution. But there was a green space, the Miners Park. And there was culture, too: next to the park there was a library, and across from the library, a theater. Today Buckleford is very different. There aren't many factories, and there are fewer people living downtown. There aren't any hotels, either, and there are only two stores and a bar on Main Street. Of course there aren't any trolleys anymore, but there is a trolley museum. Tragically, the old library next to Miners Park is now a parking lot. And finally, one of the most important changes: the theater is now a supermarket.


1. There was a park in Buckleford, but today there isn't one.

2. In the past, there was a lot of pollution because of the factories.

3. There were twelve bars, but today there are only two.

4. The library is now a supermarket. 47


5. There was a trolley museum, but today there isn't one.

Grammar - was/were 1. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of be. 1.

How ___________________ the movie?


When ___________________ you in Toronto?


What time ___________________ your interview?


___________________ you at the bar last night?


Where ___________________ the party?

Grammar - Verb be questions 1. Match the parts of the question. 1. Were

a. was the party?

2. Weren't there

b. was at the party?

3. Was

c. she at the barbecue?

4. Who

d. any bars downtown?

5. Where

e. you at the concert?


| Grammar - there was/there were 1. Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct and False if incorrect. T 1. No have the Internet when my mom was a child.

2. There were a bathroom in the basement.

3. There weren't any people at the party.

4. There was no hot water.

5. Was there no a table in the dining room?



▪ Vocabulary: Verbs ▪ Social Language. Talk about future plans. ▪ Grammar: Going to. ▪ Expansion Activities: Describe their plans for the weekend.


Put the verbs into the correct form (future I). Use going to. .





1. Read the text. Select True or False. Madison Gray - Blog of a New Woman It's New Year's again, time to make new plans! This year I am going to make a lot of changes in my life. Most people say they are going to exercise more and go to the gym. I am not going to go to the gym ever again, because I have a plan! Most of my friends say they are going to look for a job when they graduate from college. I am 51

not going to look for a job. In fact, I'm going to quit school because I don't want to be a dentistI hate teeth! I want to be an explorer and see the world. I'm going to travel for 12 months. In February I'm going to move out of my apartment and leave my things with my mom. Then I'm going to take a plane to Quito, and then another plane to the Galapagos Islands. After that, I don't know. Chile, Argentina ... Antarctica! I'm having lunch with my friend Eduardo today. He's from Chile. He's going to tell me about South America. I'm also taking Spanish classes with my roommate Matilde. But the hard part is going to be tonight: I'm having dinner with Mom. I'm going to tell her that I'm leaving town! She's not going to be happy, but I'm going, anyway!


1. Madison is going to go to the gym more.

2. She is studying dentistry.

3. Chile is Madison's first destination.

4. Matilde lives in an apartment with Madison.

5. Eduardo is from Ecuador.



1. Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct and False if incorrect. T


1. I'm going to buy a new car.

2. They're going work in the USA.

3. What you going to do this weekend?

4. Is he going to get married this year?

5. They not going to start a family this year.


What are Jim, Susan and Eve going to do after school? And what aren't they going to do? Example:




Jim Susan and Eve + see his friends + do some shopping + call Susan and Eve + wash their hair - cook - play computer games - do housework - visit Jim Jim .................................................................... Susan and Eve ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................

What are you going to do tonight? And what aren't you going to do? Write true answers

• ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 54

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Put the words in the correct order. 1 you / to / tell / him / going / are / ? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 going / him / I’m / tell / no, / not / to _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3 later / are / what / do / you / going / to / ? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4 watch / I’m / a / to / DVD / going _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5 Steve / going / is / to / be / the / barbecue / at / ? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 6 going / to / what / wear / you / are / ? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7 wear / I’m / jeans / going / a / T-shirt / to / and _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 8 late / we / are / going / be / to _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


▪ Vocabulary: Party items ▪ Social Language. Talk about future activities. ▪ Grammar: Going to (Future) ▪ Expansion Activities: Mention their future plans in front of the class.

Student A Worksheet: Ask your partner these questions: What are you going to do this weekend? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ When are you going to go? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Who is going to go with you? ___________________________________________________________________ What are you going to (do, buy, see)? ___________________________________________________________________ Where are you going to go? ___________________________________________________________________ How are you going to get there? ________________________________________ 56



A: Are you going to the party on Saturday? B: I was thinking about it. Are you? A: Yeah, I heard it's going to be a lot of fun. B: Really? Well, what time does it start? A: It starts at 8:00 pm, and I really think you should go. B: Well, who else is going to be there? A: Everybody from school. B: How do you know it's going to be so fun? A: This party is going to have a DJ, food, and drinks. B: Wow, that does sound like it's going to be fun. A: So am I going to see you at the party? B: Yeah, I will be there.



▪ Social Language. Talk about how you get to places. ▪ Grammar: Present tense – Past Simple – Future