Science 3 primaria

3. Circle the correct option. a. Flowers are the nutritional / reproductive organs of plants. b. The stamens are the mal

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3. Circle the correct option. a. Flowers are the nutritional / reproductive organs of plants. b. The stamens are the male / female parts which produce pollen. c. Tiny pollen grains form on the stamens / petals. d. Respiration / Pollination is the movement of pollen from the stamens to the ovary. e. The ovary / corolla is the female part which contains ovules. f. Sunlight / Wind can carry pollen to other plants. g. After pollination, the ovary / calyx grows and becomes a fruit with seeds. h. When seeds germinate, they open / close and small roots grow.

6. True or false? Decide and write T or F. a. A fish’s body is covered with thin, shiny scales. b. Fish use their gills to swim. c. Fish and amphibians are oviparous. d. Sharks are bony fish. e. Amphibians stay in or near water to keep their skin dry. f. Amphibians without tails have a long body and four similar limbs. g. Amphibians without tails have long, strong back legs and a long tongue they use to catch their prey.

a. : one substance changes into another when it reacts with oxygen. b. : the object is divided into small pieces. c. : this occurs when a living thing decomposes. d. : when the temperature of an object increases, it gets bigger. e. : when the temperature of an object decreases, it gets smaller. f. : when an object or a substance is