Sales Budget and Price Strategy

Monthly Budget Budgeting Incoming Funds Membership Services Amount $ 14.500.000 $ 28.356.300 $ Total Expenses NEEDS $

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Monthly Budget Budgeting Incoming Funds Membership Services

Amount $ 14.500.000 $ 28.356.300 $

Total Expenses NEEDS


Income Rent Supplies Advertising

Discretionary Expense (wants) $19.555.625 Flower arrangements $2.000.000 $300.000 $1.850.000






Total $25.855.625 Total of expenses= $26.010.625 Incoming – expenses = $16845675

Total $155.000

Justify your final result. PROFIT: AFIM monthly has approximately $ 15,000,000 (Fifteen million pesos) of monthly profits DEFICIT: AFIM had deficits in the first two months.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.