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Discover The Real Reasons A Man Falls In Love What makes a man fall in love? A man falls in love with you because he kno

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Discover The Real Reasons A Man Falls In Love What makes a man fall in love? A man falls in love with you because he knows he can be himself around you. He falls in love with you because he feels SAFE expressing his innermost, private feelings with you. He feels this way because he knows that you can handle your feelings. He can sense that. And because he senses that at the most unconscious level, he starts to long for your company, for your touch, for your affection. He may not even know why he feels this way. Once a man feels safe around you, he starts to long for your company, for your touch, and for your affection. He may not even know why he feels this way. All he knows is that there's something special about you that he doesn't feel with any other woman in his life. He's in love. He wants to take you in his arms and keep you forever. This is the "secret psychology" of men and love. I say it's a secret because it's little-understood by women (AND men). It's rare that either you or he will know exactly WHY he feels mesmerized by you and wants to get close to you and pursue you for something serious and long-lasting.

Many of us are wrong about why a man falls in love We think a man needs sex, or has to have a fabulously gorgeous woman with a great body. We think a man falls for us because we're sweet to him, and kind, and giving. ESPECIALLY giving. So we do things for him. We cook lovely meals and offer deep, thoughtful advice on whatever troubles him. We light candles whenever he comes over. We put on our sexiest clothes and buy lacy lingerie.

“We give our bodies, our souls, our minds to him. And STILL he tells us that he's not sure how he feels.” We become exclusive with him without even a passing thought to what WE want, or whether or not he has met our needs yet for a secure, loving and committed relationship. And STILL he tells us that he's not sure how he feels. Or he becomes distant and moody. Or he stops calling or asking us out as often as he used to. Or he does something very hurtful, or cheats on us, or tells us that he doesn't believe you're "meant" to be together. This happens because deep down, you didn't trigger love in his HEART. You didn't connect on the deepest, most intimate level ... his feelings.

How to connect with a man's heart

First, here's what doesn't connect with a man's heart: When you tell a man about what you think about the relationship, or what you did that day, or what you think of the latest news you've read or the gossip at work. He listens. He participates in the conversation. But his feelings aren't triggered. That's because you share everything but who you are. You put up walls with him without even knowing you're doing it. You decide not to tell him the sorrow you felt that morning or how a friend made you happy by calling you and cheering you up. Or, you actually don't even pay attention to your own emotions. You're too busy with your to-do lists and tasks. But if you were to allow yourself to FEEL what you're feeling, and then speak from those feelings, you would make him feel safe and connected to you. It seems like such a simple thing. But for so many of us, it's such a counter-intuitive thing. It's difficult. We're not used to being juicy, sexy, FEELING creatures. So many of us are programmed to be doing, thinking, managing, worrying creatures. Unfortunately, these qualities make a man feel nothing around you. When you become a feminine, juicy, sensual FEELING creature, you magnetize him simply by being what you were always meant to alluring woman who is soft on the outside, but strong and resilient on the inside. How do you do that? It's easy when you know exactly how to use your feelings and emotions to communicate the irresistible feminine quality that lures a man in. In my eBook, I teach you all about how to shift your vibe by changing your words and body language and attract a man's heart, not just his body and mind.

Find out what it takes to have the kind of intense, passionate and loving relationship you've always dreamed of by downloading a copy of my eBook by clicking here Have The Relationship You Want free trial

3 Ways Strong, Successful Women Fail with Men Are you a woman with a lot going for her in all areas... except in love and relationships? Do men stop calling or withdraw after a few dates or tell you they're not interested or don't feel the right chemistry with you? Your intelligence and ambition may have gotten you where you are in your life and career, so why aren't those qualities attractive to a man, too? The truth is that success and independence are actually attractive qualities to a man. Men are not intimidated by smart women. They can, however, be intimidated and turned off by the way you're relating to him. You may be failing in love because of your energy, not because you're smart and have your act together.

Way to Fail #1 - Emasculate a Man by Out-Manning Him If you're a successful woman, revel in your success and happiness! Run everything at work, be firm, be tough, be managerial and multi-tasking. But when you're on a date with a man, or at home, or hanging out together, don't try to run or manage him.

There are subtle ways you may be doing this. For example, he'll tell you about a problem he's having and you say, "You should do this..." or "If I were you, I wouldn't do that..." This makes him feel managed - like he's a child and you're his mother. This isn't a good feeling for a man. He wants to feel respected and admired, not mothered. You can let a man know what you want and need by simply saying, "I'd like that" or "I don't want that" or "That would feel good to me." One sure way to lose a man's interest is to play down our strengths, successes and abilities because we think that men are competitive and want to be better than we are at everything. It's simply not true!

"When you're with a man, don't try to manage him."

Way To Fail #2 - Try to Manage The Course of the Relationship Being a woman means taking charge of your own life, but letting him run the relationship. If that sounds odd and unfair, here's a new way to look at this: When a man pulls away from us, going after him and trying to "talk it out" to get him back full-force again is the kiss of death for your relationship, not the spark that will re-ignite it. Save management for your life outside your relationship with a man - your time, your money, your work, your environment.

But the next time you're tempted to control where the relationship is going - stop yourself. Look inside your heart and body to find and share what you feel instead.

Way To Fail #3 - Do Too Much One drawback to being an accomplished, smart woman is that you know how to get a whole lot done. It's just easier sometimes to do it yourself than to wait for him to do it. The cure for this is to learn to be surprised by a man, and not work so hard to make things happen. Let him decide where he wants it to go. It's always your choice to leave if you don't like where things are going (or not going). I've always been a woman who instinctively wants to take charge, and the way I was using those real, genuine strengths was killing my relationships with the men I loved. Over time, I learned how to harness my masculine, takecharge energy to become successful in my work, while basically giving up controlling a man in any way. This is what turned everything around for me nearly overnight. In my eBook, I tell the story of how I did this - how I saved my relationship in two short weeks! You'll learn how to change the way you speak with a man, what words to use, how to stand and sit around him that will harness your strengths and put them on the INSIDE, where they will feel magnetic to him. I'll teach you how to literally reverse the damage from years of doing it wrong as a woman who is used to being strong on the OUTSIDE. You will read how doing less can actually make a man feel more love in his heart toward you. It's amazing, and it works. Read all about it and try my Tools for free for a

week when you click here to download my eBook and be reading it in minutes: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

3 Steps To Tell Him How You Feel And Create More Intimacy Has a man ever told you that you're a great friend, but he isn't feeling romantic about you? If so, it may be because you're doing a great job connecting with a man's head and intellect, but doing nothing to trigger passion in his heart. You're afraid to let your guard down and show your true feelings because you don't want to be hurt again. But this fear is keeping you from emotionally connecting with a man. Instead, take these three steps:

Step 1: Stop analyzing and obsessing Women believe the lie that men fear displays of emotion. Actually, what men can't stand is "drama," but they fall to their knees in adoration for a woman who can feel something and communicate it in a non-judgmental, noncritical and vulnerable way. Allow yourself to feel every emotion, even if it's not interesting or pleasant. When you stop analyzing why and just feel, you'll feel more fully yourself, more alive, and therefore you'll automatically be more attractive to every man.

Step 2: Get out of your head and into your feelings What are your conversations with a man like?

"Opinions are good for an occasional lively discussion with friends, but they don't do anything to inspire him to love you." If you're in your head, you are probably expressing a lot of opinions and facts about things. That's not very romantic. Opinions are good for an occasional lively discussion with friends, but they don't do anything to inspire him to love you. Instead, notice how you feel about things throughout your day. Whenever you catch yourself lost in your thoughts, todo lists or opinions, take yourself back to how you feel in the moment.

Step 3: Communicate using the phrase "I feel," not "I Think..." Speak from your feelings. Start sentences with "I feel" instead of "I think." This may seem odd at first. You may be afraid that if you do this, a man will think you're silly or too emotional or that you'll scare him off. Actually, the exact opposite is true. The more you're able to share your emotions in a man's presence without going into drama and telling him what's wrong with him, the closer he's going to want to get to you.

The best way to help a man connect to his tender, emotional side is by knowing how you feel and being able to clearly and honestly communicate it to him. When you start connecting with his heart this way, he'll be more affectionate and loving with you. He may even start sharing what he feels with you. Taking these steps changed my marriage nearly overnight. Even now, whenever I spend too much time discussing things instead of feeling juicy and romantic, I remind myself to do these three things and everything shifts like magic. If you'd like help learning how to connect to your own feelings and expressing them to your man in a way that will trigger passion and love (not just friendly admiration), the best way to do that is to read my eBook. In it, you'll not only learn WHY a man is psychologically triggered by certain expressions and a juicy feminine "vibe", but what to do, which words to say, and how to use body language to get him to fall for you as a lover, not just a friend. You'll learn the "secret psychology" behind why a man is drawn to you and wants to put his arms around you and get closer each and every day. You'll learn the common mistakes to avoid, too, and the #1 reason most women, who are otherwise strong, accomplished and put-together FAIL in love, and how you can avoid that painful fate. You can read my eBook free for 7 days and start learning to connect to a man in as little as a few minutes by downloading the PDF by clicking here: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Why All Women Should Date Other Men It's a shocking idea - that all women, regardless of relationship status, should "date" other men. We've been taught that dating means "exclusivity" and marriage means "monogamy." The thought of dating other men when you're already in a relationship feels wrong and foreign to most women. It's black and white - you're either dating or you're exclusive. But there's a much grayer area, and that's how you relate to all men, everywhere, even when you're technically exclusive or married. By dating other men or "dating" yourself and flirting, you can dramatically improve how you feel inside of any relationship and inspire more passion from him.

Exclusivity Does NOT Guarantee Commitment If you're dating or in a relationship with a man who hasn't yet fully committed to you, then you should keep dating other men. By doing so, you'll feel that you have choices and you won't invest all your time and energy into a man who isn't sure yet what kind of future he wants with you. Not surprisingly, this goes against everything women naturally believe about relationships. Women have been taught since childhood to believe that becoming a man's "girlfriend" and being exclusive naturally leads to a longterm, committed relationship. This is a total lie!

The truth is, the moment a woman makes a man the center of her world is the moment he starts to feel less romantic about you. This is because as soon as the man senses that you've devoted yourself to him exclusively before he's given you the commitment you want, he starts to think less of you. It's a demonstration of weakness and lack of selfrespect to him. Being exclusive with a man does not automatically lead to lasting love and commitment. Keeping your options open and focusing on what you need will.

"Being exclusive with a man does not automatically lead to lasting love and commitment."

It Changes Your Vibe If you're married, it's not literally about going out on dates with men. You just flirt and let men come up and talk to you and then "date" yourself. You treat yourself to evenings out doing things that make you happy. You buy yourself things that make you feel beautiful. By focusing on yourself and doing the things that make you feel warm and romantic and wonderful inside, you can completely change your vibe. Instead of feeling desperate, you feel free. Instead of feeling needy, you feel generous. Dating yourself or flirting with other men makes you feel strong inside. It makes you feel wanted and desirable. Most importantly, it makes you feel that you have choices in how to feel fulfilled and happy.

Having the right kind of vibe is the key to finding the right man and inspiring his love and devotion forever. If you'd like to change your vibe using easy, step-by-step Tools and secrets that will work with the man in your life whether it's someone you're attracted to, your boyfriend or your husband - then there's no better place to start than my eBook, Have the Relationship You Want. Early on in my marriage, when things weren't going well between my husband and me, I tried everything I could think of to fix it. I would talk, plead, argue with him. I would think about our problems and what he wanted almost non-stop. I made him the center of my world because I felt so desperate to make it work, but all it did was to push him away even further. Then a light went off in my head. I was focusing on the WRONG person! When I stepped back and stopped trying and doing, and just relaxed into my own skin, things completely turned around. I dated myself by doing things that honored what I needed, and his feelings changed for me overnight. Changing the way a man feels around you is as easy as reading and learning from my eBook - it's going to be like a light going on in your head (like it was in mine), and you'll see immediate results when you practice all the Tools I offer in it. For example, you'll learn an easy exercise that will create more appreciation from your man. You'll also discover the FASTEST way to see immediate change in your relationship when you read what's on page 80. You'll finally understand why all of the things you've been taught about dating and relationships is actually hurting your chances for real and lasting love, and you'll know exactly what to do instead to bring him close and keep him close. It's all in my eBook. So, if you want to start feeling stronger on the inside and be more magnetic to him,

download it now by clicking here:

Have The Relationship You Want free


3 Surprising Ways To Help Bring Him Closer Have you ever found yourself falling for a man you were dating and wondered if he was feeling the same way? Did you find yourself trying to prove what a great catch you are by being sweeter, funnier and smarter in hopes that he would fall in love with you? Focusing on what a man wants and ingratiating yourself in this way may feel like the natural thing to do, but it's the worst way to try to make a man feel romantic love for you. Love isn't a reasonable emotion - and being “nice” and “understanding” and “a good sport” won't get you where you want to go. Here are some ways that will:

Tip#1: Don't give a man more than he gives you Love, and inspiring a man to fall in love with you forever, is all about you being able to receive love. Most of us only know how to give. We give for lots of reasons - because we're taught that's the way to get to a man's heart (it isn't) because we see other women do it, and because deep down, it feels uncomfortable and scary to be vulnerable enough to really get love.

“A man is actually turned off when he gets more from you than he gives.”

A man is actually turned off when he gets more from you than he gives. When you shower him with affection, attention, dinners, gifts, and always go out of your way to drive to his place, it makes him think of you as a mother or a friend instead of inspiring his emotional desire for you.

Tip #2: Don't give away exclusivity if he hasn't yet committed We become totally, emotionally invested in a man when we're exclusive with him because he has all our time and attention. There's no way we can stop wondering about where the relationship is going. But the more we think about it and talk about it, the more we push a man away. When you can think of it in these terms, it's easier to keep your options open and keep your personal power in the relationship. Rather than talking about the relationship or threatening him with ultimatums, you can continue to keep your options open by dating other men. This way, you keep your class, your power, your boundaries, and he has to work to get you!

Tip#3: Don't give him gifts, make him dinner or pay for dates Yes, this sounds unfair, and yet, who pays is often the difference in his mind between friends hanging out together and a “date.” If a man complains about paying for everything, let him know you don't care what you do, you feel great being with him, and you don't want to pay. Walking, hanging out in bookstores, having a picnic in a park can all be fun, romantic ways to get close to a man.

(And forget about cooking dinner, or trying to make dating “reciprocal.” A bowl of popcorn and something to drink is fine.) When you give a man gifts, give him all your attention and energy, and give MORE than you receive, you're OVERFUNCTIONING. Overfunctioning is doing more than your fair share and stepping up to rescue a man because you know you can do a better job. It's arriving from your masculine energy. It feels aggressive and forward to a man. And it's totally unattractive to him. In my eBook, I explain exactly why overfunctioning triggers a negative response in a man, and what to do to stop doing so much and instead get more love and more affection from your man by doing LESS. I'll teach you, step-by-step, how to step out of the “doing” role in your relationship and into the more feminine energy “feeling” role that is so alluring and magnetic to a man. My eBook will show you how to step back, let go and actually inspire a man to feel more romantic toward you. You'll also learn the 4 Rules that will change your relationship practically overnight because they will instantly change your vibe and make him crave being around you. You can apply these 4 Rules in any stage of relationship, whether you're just dating, engaged or married - they're effortless and work quickly. You can be reading my eBook in minutes and try it free for a week by clicking here: Have the Relationship You Want Free Trial.

Did You Become Unattractive to Him

Because You Tried to Impress Him? If you're feeling like you're throwing away your energy, your heart, and your self-esteem on a man who is pulling away, especially after he's come on so strong and practically BEGGED you to give him a chance at the beginning, I can't imagine anything more frustrating. Maybe this has happened to you. You meet a man you're not especially attracted to, but he's persistent about wanting to date you. He calls, he sends you flowers, he tells you how wonderful and beautiful you are. You don't know how you feel about him, but you decide to give him a chance and allow yourself to spend more and more time with him. Before you know it, you're hooked. He's grown on you, and suddenly you're thinking about him all the time and feel GOOD in his company. It seems as if as soon as he's “won” you over, he loses interest. He doesn't call as often. He tells you he can't get together this weekend because he's BUSY. He acts distant when you're with him and isn't looking at you or complimenting you as much as he used to. And to top it off, he tells you that he's not sure how he feels anymore about YOU.

Waiting and begging and pleading for a man to “come around” while you're doing everything to impress him is totally unattractive to him.

Maybe this is a pattern for you. You only feel attracted to a man after he's clearly stated that he's not sure of his feelings. You find yourself practically BEGGING him to fall in love with you. You don't have to do this sort of thing anymore. You can fix it from the INSIDE as well as changing how a man responds to you on the OUTSIDE in 3 steps:

1. Date several men at the same time Dating many men at the same time gives you a way to actually SEE what patterns you're repeating (good or bad). Also, when you're not tied and bonded to one man, it's impossible to pressure him. You automatically create some distance between you that's real because it has to do with the fun and fulfilling things you're doing outside of your relationship.

2. When a man says he's not sure he's “into you” - RUN. If he says he's “not sure of his feelings”, that would be the cue to get out of there. When you're waiting and begging and pleading for ONE man to “come around” while you're doing everything to impress him, you deal a death blow to your confidence and self-esteem, and it's totally unattractive to a man.

3. Learn how to get to a man's heart through his EMOTIONS Not through sex or “being sweet” or being so accommodating (or all the other wrong ways we've been taught as women to show him why he should love us).

I used to do ALL those things before I met my husband, and time after time, I had my heart broken by men. I would actually lower my standards and TRY HARDER to get a man who really didn't deserve me… only to have him slip away and marry another woman. It doesn't have to be that way for you. You can benefit from all the years it took me to finally understand what it means to be effortlessly alluring to a man. If you want to save yourself years of heartache and pain, I recommend you get my eBook. You'll learn how to start a relationship off the right way, by following the 5 Keys to creating a great relationship that you can refer back to again and again to feel MORE EMPOWERED, and therefore create a stronger bond with him from Day 1. In my eBook, I'll reveal how to get to a man's heart, and more importantly - how to listen to your OWN heart and communicate what you're feeling, clearly, and in a way that compels a man to listen. A man will lose interest and withdraw for only a few critical reasons, and when you read my eBook, you'll not only learn what those reasons are, but what to say and do around a man that will bring him closer instead of accidentally pushing him away. Start learning it right now, go here and get yourHave the Relationship You Want Free Trial.

The Do's and Don'ts For Using Body Language to Attract Men

Picture this: You're with a man you are attracted to and you want him to feel attracted to you. You are very careful to say interesting, witty things and engage him in deep conversation. But does it really matter what you say? Sometimes a man can feel magnetized by you without you having to say anything. Here are some body language do's and don'ts for sparking a romantic feeling of attraction in him:

Don't: Lean Forward When you lean forward toward a man while you're sitting or standing, it can feel masculine and aggressive to him. It changes your physical and emotional “vibe” and subconsciously feels like you're chasing him. To counteract this, simply lean back. Just tilt your body backwards when you're around a man and see what happens. When you're sitting in a chair, don't lean forward when you're having a conversation. Lean back. If you're standing across from a man, put one foot behind the other and shift your weight so that you're leaning away, not toward him.

“When you lean forward toward a man while you're sitting or standing, it can feel masculine and aggressive to him.”

Do: Relax Your Hands When women manage and multi-task, their hands get very tight. So do their shoulders and arms. Have you ever caught yourself balling your hands into a tight fist when you're speaking with a man? This kind of body language feels tense and harsh to a man.

Instead, practice letting your wrists go limp and opening your palms. Move your hands in front of your body and imagine they have no bones at all in them. If you're holding a glass or a fork, notice how tightly you're gripping and allow your hands to soften. This small change will make you feel soft, feminine and calmer. It will force you to slow down and drop tension off your body.

Don't: Have Tall Shoulders See if you can catch yourself with your shoulders up around your ears. To a man, that looks like you're ready to pounce. It reminds him of his own tension, and he doesn't want to feel that in you. Keep a watch on where your shoulders are and consciously practice relaxing them and letting them fall.

Do: Step Back If you feel a man pull back or lean away, it's not enough to just lean back. Actually take a step backward. This is especially good in a relationship that's getting disconnected.

Do: Dance This isn't about putting on music and doing a jig in the living room. To dance with a man is to let your body follow his lead in a romantic situation. When he steps forward, you step back, when he steps back, you allow yourself to flow forward. Imagine how this would work with phone calls, texts, e-mails … pretty much any conversation with a man. By allowing his lead, you'll keep from focusing too much on him and losing the rhythm of your own body. Dancing is about responding. It's about being in the moment and not about trying to make things happen.

If you soften your body language in these ways, he'll feel compelled to be around you, get to know you, and will feel more affectionate and romantic toward you. In my eBook, I reveal how to make the subtle energy shift that compels a man to listen and want to be more affectionate toward you. It's not just about body language. It's about embodying the feminine in such a way that it's irresistible to him. In Chapter 17, you'll get a chart of specific words and phrases to use that bring a man closer and get his attention. You'll be amazed at how small words, movements and gestures can make such a big difference in how he responds to you. In Chapter 13, you'll learn how to listen to him (using body language) in such a way that he'll change the way he behaves toward you practically overnight. To read my eBook free for 7 days, and start to absorb all these valuable insights right away (because you can be reading the book in 5 minutes from now,) click here: Have the Relationship You Want Free Trial.

Are You Pushing Him Away by Chasing Him? Are you chasing after a man and don't even know it? When you chase a man, you not only tend to unwittingly push him away, but in the end, you don't give him the chance to show you how HE really feels about YOU. And yet, I know how frustrating it is to sit back and let a man drift away. We want a man to know we're interested in him. We want to make it easy for him to ask us out again. We want to seem enthusiastic and easygoing.

We know we're not supposed to be chasing after him, and yet we're doing it in ways that we're not even aware of. We think being “friendly” is the same as showing interest in a man. We are taught to think that if we act “casual” a man won't notice that we're actually chasing him. But, the truth is, we are. And when we do things that seem like we're “chasing” to a man, it's a turn off for him. He feels smothered and feels an aggressive “vibe” from you that does nothing to inspire him to want to get closer. Here are some things we may think of as “friendly,” that are actually CHASING a man:

“It feels like we're going to lose him by not letting him know we're interested in him.” 

Calling him before he calls you. This includes calling him because you heard or read about something interesting, or because you knew there was a great band playing somewhere, or someone told you about some great event that you want to invite him to or - anything at all. It also includes calling to ask why he hasn't called you.

Initiating contact. E-mailing him, texting him, Facebooking him, sending him a cute card, dropping by his house, or in any way attempting to initiate some kind of contact.

Making suggestions or plans. Inviting him to come and join you, or in any way acting like the social director of the relationship.

Asking him how he feels. This includes, especially, asking him how he feels about “you” or the “relationship.”

These are things we do almost without even thinking about it. These are things that feel natural to us, and we excuse them by thinking we're just being “friendly.” And at the heart of this is one fear: Feeling like we're going to lose him by not letting him know we're interested in him. AND, NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

Everything on this list is the same as putting a sign on your chest that says “Needy.” It smacks of desperation. And, it's just plain not attractive to him. He may LIKE it. He may be flattered. He may have no one else around and so he'll date you. He may even come to like you very much. You may even end up in a relationship with him. But, you will never know how he really feels about you. So, if you can't do those things - what do you do? In my eBook, I show you a completely different way of expressing yourself that has nothing whatsoever to do with chasing after a man. And the amazing part about it is that by NOT chasing a man - but instead doing the one thing that is completely different from what most other women do- you get a man's full attention and interest. You'll discover what that one thing is, and how that subtle energy shift can make a tremendous difference in how a man starts to pursue you for a change. I'll teach you a new way of BEING with a man that makes him want to be around you all the time, that makes him want to caress you, pull you close and tell you he loves you. And the best part is it requires less of the kind of things that scream “chasing” and “neediness” to him and instead feel attractive and feminine. The next time you're worrying that he won't want you if you don't put yourself “out there” in front of him, STOP and read my eBook instead. As a matter of fact, you can download your own copy and be reading it in minutes right now. I'll be happy to let you examine it free for 7 days when you click on this link: Have the Relationship You Want Free Trial.

The Best Way To Inspire Him To Commit It can be so confusing when a man says he cares for you even loves you - but is not making any moves to get closer or commit to you. If you're finding yourself wondering what's going on and what he'll do next instead of just enjoying his attention and affection, you're in good company. It happens to so many of us women: We attach ourselves to a man and invest our time and hearts in him, yet he feels slightly beyond our reach. And because we are so attached, we start making excuses for him when he's not showering us with the attention we crave. On the one hand, we're willing to give him his "space" and be understanding about all the other pressures in his life. At the same time, we become angry because we aren't getting what we want and need. It can get so confusing that no matter what we do, we end up feeling awful.

If We Let People Mistreat Us, They Will I remember how I used to be so forgiving of the men I was dating, even though it would hurt me. There was one man who took time away from me in order to see an old girlfriend who was in town visiting. Yet I kept on seeing him, even though I knew he not only wasn't committing to me, he was humiliating me!

I'm telling you this embarrassing story so that you won't accept any kind of behavior that doesn't feel good to you. Having learned some hard lessons and cried the tears that go with them, I've gotten very good at expressing my displeasure in a way nearly anyone can hear, and in a way my husband just adores. Because, believe it or not, the Tools I teach you don't get tossed out the minute you're married. You'll want to use them for life so your man will keep falling in love with you forever.

You Don't Want Him - You Want A Real Relationship This may sound simple enough, but most of us do just the opposite. Being aware that your priority is a real relationship is something we often forget. We express, sometimes over and over again - with words, our body language and things we do - that he is what we want.

"No man should ever feel like he's your man of choice, he's your "One", or that you're only seeing him. Not until he's committed." When we get so focused on the need for any one man, it's easy to get blinded. That's when we start making excuses for him that may in fact be relationship deal breakers for us. If what you want is an exclusive relationship, yet you keep seeing him if he wants something else for fear of losing him, you're really only losing yourself and all that is important to you.

How To Get a Commitment Without Asking For It If, instead, you speak your truth, then you are honoring yourself without putting pressure on him. You could say something like this: "I don't want a boyfriend. I'm looking for someone to walk off into the sunset with and get married and have a family. And so I don't want to get exclusive with anyone until that guy shows up." And that's it. You don't ask him for anything. You also continue dating other men until you have the commitment that makes you happy. I know this is hard, but trust me when I say you are doing the best thing you possibly can to ensure your happiness. In my eBook, I teach you how to keep your options open while keeping your sanity in check. No man should ever feel like he's your man of choice, he's your "One", or that you're only seeing him. Not until he's committed. This is actually the way dating used to work in the old days. Take my aunt, who has been happily married for several decades. She once told me how, when she got engaged to my uncle, she had to write three "Dear John" letters to men she was seeing! And, by the way, she said this to me as my uncle was sitting right beside her with a glint in his eye. My aunt was a smart lady: She was taking care of herself first by making sure she was committing to the right man someone who completely adored her and wanted to give her his heart forever. You deserve no less. My eBook will give you even more Tools you can use that work like a charm so you can be

warm, soft, and loving, and at the same time never commit yourself to him until he commits first. Open yourself, and your heart, up to the commitment you deserve. Download my eBook here: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Is He Running Hot And Cold? Here's What To Do You meet a great guy who showers you with attention and affection. He tells you how amazing you are, and you feel like all your relationship dreams are finally going to come true. Then, suddenly, he doesn't call as often as he used to. Or he hesitates making plans with you. Or when he's with you, you sense he's not really there, and it hurts. We've all been there, and it feels absolutely awful. The butterflies in your stomach are now replaced by a gutwrenching tension. You're on edge, and you can only relax when he's with you - but you never know exactly when that's going to be. Soon, you start analyzing his every move and talking about it relentlessly with your girlfriends. I know, because before I learned how to deal with this, I was the Queen of Analyzing.

Working Hard, Getting Nowhere I'd monitor his face for any sign that he might be going cold on me, and then I would go into what I call "over functioning." I'd ask him where he was going, what he was

thinking, and ask when we were going to see each other. I made sure I was available all the time and even planned dates for us. I'd try to do it in, what I thought, was a non-pressuring way. I'd ask him things out of "curiosity" or "caring". Or just because my schedule was so busy that "I needed to know how to plan my week."

Four Words To Change Your Love Life One of the things I discovered, and made myself do, in order to get out of this self-destructive pattern was four words: KEEP MY OPTIONS OPEN.

"Exclusivity without a commitment is a trap. It's great for him but not good at all for you." Instead of waiting around for a man to make plans or sit around analyzing why he's constantly coming forward and then moving away, I started going on casual dates with several different men. Note that I said "made myself, because I know how challenging this is! But you have to trust me (and yourself) to know that even when it feels scary to step back and take care of yourself, it's the best - and most attractive thing you can do. The most important reason for dating more than one man until you are exclusive is that it gives YOU the opportunity to find the best partner. The fact that you will become more attractive to the men you're dating is a bonus. The last thing you want to do is put your life on hold and stand around waiting for one man. You're giving him all the

power. It's like saying, "I'm so crazy about you, I'll take whatever I can get." And that is never attractive to a man.

His Secret Wish Every man secretly wants to be with a woman who puts herself first. But he WILL take whatever he can get if you give it away freely. That's why I say that exclusivity without a commitment is a trap. It's great for him, but not good at all for you. Keeping your options open makes it possible to have what you want, and it makes it easier for the man you have to give you what you want, because it completely changes your outlook and your "vibe." I call it circular dating, and I show you how to do it in my eBook. Once he sees that you're honoring your heart, it will compel him to honor you. He'll stop blowing hot or cold and give you the attention you deserve. Or, he'll leave you alone; and you'll find out he wasn't worth your time and heart anyway. You just saved yourself a lot of heartbreak. And since you were keeping your options open, you have a number of other suitors who are happily standing by. Lucky you! I only wish I had started circular dating sooner. Because, as soon as I did, the right kind of men started showing up in my life - including my husband. It worked so well for me that I decided to create my eBook so I could share what I learned with women like you. Thousands of women have dramatically improved their relationships by using these powerful Tools. No matter how brokenhearted or confused you might feel right now, I know that what you learn in my eBook will help you create the committed relationship you

deserve. I hope you'll give it a try and give yourself the chance at finding your happy ever after. To find out how to stop over functioning and start circular dating so you can keep your options open in a way that keeps men coming your way, download my eBook here: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

When A Man Pulls Away, Bring Him Closer With This Move Do you feel like the fire has gone out of your relationship? If your man has stopped calling like he used to and wanting to see you as often as he used to, I know exactly how you feel. I know what it's like to have a man pull back so that I'm starving for the cuddles he used to give me. I've seen him drift away from me -preferring to go to the gym, hang out with his friends, or even sit at the computer alone. It would feel like the death of the relationship to me, until I learned that these ebbs and flows are perfectly natural.

Why He Pulls Away Drifting away is completely natural for a man, even if he's in love with you. In fact, it often happens just as his feelings are deepening for you. Falling in love can make him feel vulnerable, so he'll try to pull back in order to not lose himself.

He'll come in and go out - like a rubber band - while he works out his feelings and digs deeper to find his ability to go the distance in a real relationship. But here's the crucial part. How we handle things when a little bit of distance shows up can make all the difference in whether his rubber band comes back to you, or he goes all the way out, slips his rubber band away from you, and never really returns. There's a simple Tool to help you deal with the inevitable distance that will arise in a relationship and actually help bring him close to you again. I call it “Be His Anchor.”

How To Create Tension So He Snaps Back “You have to anchor his rubber band. You have to keep the tension going and keep his attachment to you strong.” First, you need to keep in mind that a man always pulls back a little, and that it's your job to be leaning back most of the time. If he starts pulling away, and you move toward him, then you're just letting the rubber band go slack. You're making it impossible for him to bounce back to you. You're eliminating the tension he needs in order to come back. You have to anchor his rubber band. You have to keep the tension going and keep his attachment to you strong. We women have been taught the exact opposite thing. We've been taught to move forward when he steps back.

But when we do that, we lose our anchor position. It makes us feel powerless.

Practice, Practice, Practice! That's why I want you to start trying it out right now. Go ahead, put one foot behind the other, plant yourself, and lean back. Just relax your body in bits and pieces, breathe, and stay leaning back. Imagine that you're anchoring his rubber band and that you have to be strong to keep the tension going. You'll also want to be strong so you don't fall over when he comes back toward you and the tension disappears!

Make Anchoring a Habit This is the self-esteem, inner strength, boundary part of my entire Rori Raye Method. In my eBook, I go deeper into how to be Strong on the Inside but Soft on the Outside, so that anchoring becomes something you don't even need to think about. When you learn how to be Strong on the Inside but Soft on the Outside, you strengthen your inner boundaries. Once you've “anchored” a man when he's pulling away, you can dive deep into your feelings and share them with a man using Feeling Messages. There's a way to express your feelings with a man that won't come across as a demand and in fact will make him want to come closer to you. When you communicate to him in this way, it will actually make him really listen to you and give you what you desire. The key lies in connecting to his heart with these Feeling Messages. I explain how this works in my eBook and can't wait to show you just how to tap into

your feminine energy and use Feeling Messages to get closer to the man in your life. You can learn more about how to stop “picking up the slack” when a man drifts away, and how to express your feelings by downloading my eBook here: Have The Relationship You Want free trial.

How To Stop Obsessing Over Him How often have you felt you've lost control when it comes to a man? Have you ever spent most of your time trying to figure out what went wrong, or why he hasn't called, or why he's all of a sudden so distant? If you're like me, you've been there many, many times. Before I learned what I'm about to tell you, I used to become so wrapped up in the man in my life, that I would lose track of the most important person - me. Not only would I obsess about a man, but then I would start letting him take over my life, too. And I remember that happening over and over again, like a record I couldn't turn off. It would be a different man, but the same record.

How I Stopped The Cycle Of Obsessive Thoughts Then I learned something that would forever change my love life: Our men are naturally inspired to move toward us when we reduce their importance in our lives.

I know this goes against a lot of what we women have been taught, but stay with me. Because as soon as I figured this out, the record stopped; and the men who started showing up were completely different than those men I'd been so hung up on. That's when my husband came into my life. And when he did, I was able to fall in love with him, let him pursue me, win me, and marry me - all without hearing those obsessive thoughts in my head. And if I did it, I know you can, too.

Reducing His Importance Helps You Feel More Powerful Here's how to do it. First, stop revolving your life around him. That means no scheduling around him, no making plans around him, no watching what you say and don't say, no trying to make him happy or make him love you, no “nice” and no “understanding” when something he does or doesn't do makes you unhappy. The second thing to do is to make someone else important in your life. And that's you. One easy way to do this is with a Tool I call Out The Window.

“Our men are naturally inspired to move toward us when we reduce their importance in our lives.”

Reclaim You: Look Out The Window Look out a window and imagine what it is that you love (aside from him).

Imagine the love in your heart - all that energy and sweetness and passion - going out the window to that thing you love. This might be painting, or the beach, or giving to those less fortunate, or helping people in your special, unique way. Really contemplate what it is that you love about this thing, how it has enriched your life, and what it is that makes it special to you. Notice how it makes you feel centered and with a sense of purpose. Suddenly, you'll realize that there's a lot more to your life than this one man, and you will feel your personal power flooding back to you. Instantly re-shifting your focus like this works like magic whenever you feel your thoughts drifting toward any one man and what he's doing, thinking, or feeling. I've seen this simple tool work wonders with my clients, and I can't wait to hear what it does for you. You can learn more Tools like this to keep the focus of your life on you by reading my eBook. You see, I used to be a complete doormat to men; and by doing so, I was actually pushing them away! But this Tool, along with so many others I developed, helped me turn everything around practically overnight. I teach you just how to use these Tools to build more confidence and bring men closer to you in my eBook. It's a must-read if you want to transform your love life and finally be in the relationship you want and deserve. You'll also learn how to keep your cool when a man pulls away and how to talk to him so you don't scare him further away. You'll learn how to lean back and watch him fall more in love with you everyday. It's a wonderful place to be. I guarantee you'll finally quiet those obsessive thoughts and stop living in fear of losing him - just like it happened for me.

No matter how scattered your thoughts or how negative you feel right at this moment, I guarantee that what you'll learn is going to dramatically shift your love life for the better. That's why I invite you to read my eBook risk-free for seven days. Learn to put the focus back on you starting right now. Download your eBook right here and start learning from it in 5 minutes: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Learn 2 Steps to Help You Feel More Confident Around Him If you're at all like me, then every day of your life - nearly every minute - thoughts cross your mind like "Why did I do that?" or "I feel so stupid, I wish I hadn't said that." These thoughts are a Nasty Voice inside your head - one that seems to come up every time something frightening or exciting happens. It makes you doubt yourself and keeps you from being your best self. The Nasty Voice can also whittle away at your confidence around a man. It makes you seem uncertain and tense, which makes you unattractive to him. When you can deal with the Nasty Voice, you can gain more confidence and feel more relaxed, and therefore be more magnetic to a man. Here are two steps to doing that:

Step 1: Stop believing the Nasty Voice.

Instead of focusing on believing the good things you want for yourself, focus on not believing the bad things. Let's say you want something from a man (like total devotion), but your Nasty Voice hits you with that old lie: "You? How could YOU think you deserve that?"

“Try a sense of humor. Laugh at the Nasty Voice: Oh, it's YOU again!” Here's what you do: DON'T FIGHT the Voice. Don't argue, or get defensive, or tell it it's wrong. But more importantly, DON'T BELIEVE it. Know that its job is to make you feel inadequate - whether or not it's true. Try a sense of humor. Laugh at the Nasty Voice, "Oh, it's YOU again!" Treat it like unimportant chatter from a nearby table at the coffee shop.

Step 2: Focus on something you like. It could be a dress in a window, the color of the flower on the table, your bracelet, his eyes, a picture on the wall, your shoes - anything you like that makes you feel good. Focus on it just long enough to feel good inside for those few seconds. Then go back to what you're doing. Do this over and over again. Do it until it feels natural. And it will feel natural the more you practice. Remember, your goal is not to get RID of your Nasty Voice. Everyone has one, and yours will be with you for the rest of your life. You can live with it, as long as you don't allow it to run your life.

When you let your Nasty Voice run your life, you end up repeating the same old mistakes over and over again in relationships. It makes you stuck, even when you've had so many experiences and worked so hard to make love work. Your Nasty Voice can make you stay in bad relationships too long, ruin a good relationship, or prevent you from connecting with a great man on a first date. If you're having a hard time in your relationship because you're overwhelmed by your Nasty Voice telling you that you're not lovable, not beautiful, not worthy enough of a man's full attention and commitment, then be kind to yourself and download a copy of my eBook right away. I devote several chapters to helping you gain confidence by giving you simple exercises you can do to start seeing things in a whole new way. You'll start to change the things you say to yourself, and you'll start to believe that yes, you can have a loving, happy relationship with the man you want. If you want this for yourself, click on this link right now and try my eBook free for a week: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Can Expressing Your Emotions Improve A Relationship? Nobody likes a drama queen - that's certainly true. But what may surprise you is that a man adores a woman who is in touch with her emotions and knows how to share them with him.

So, if you're worried that you might push a man away by revealing your anger and feelings, this may be exactly why he's not getting closer to you. Drama is what you do when you're afraid of your true emotions. Drama is what you do when you feel afraid, deep down, of your rage, your terror, your pain - so you work really hard to shut down your feelings and keep them hidden. But no human being can handle this. So what happens? Your emotions start bubbling away beneath the surface like a pressure cooker. Then one day, you burst. You create drama.

Hiding Your Emotions Pushes Him Away Just the effort of keeping your emotions at bay for fear of losing him causes you to become angry. Deep down, you're really angry at yourself - you're angry that you've been ignoring your truth. When you do explode, it's only natural that your man will take the blame for your feelings, causing even more of a disconnect in your relationship. So how do you undo all the damage of spending years stuffing down your emotions and instead learn to communicate with your man in a way that will engage his heart?

Learn To Love Your Emotions “Once you get comfortable expressing your emotions about something outside your

relationship, it'll be easier to express yourself when it's something directly involving him.” This means that whatever comes up - wherever you are, whatever you're feeling - you stop doing what you're doing and take a second to acknowledge the feeling. Feel compassion for yourself and what you're experiencing inside. At first this may not come naturally for you, especially when you're so used to hiding what you're feeling for fear you'll scare a man away or have him think you're flaky. That's okay. In this case, practice really does make perfect.

Undoing the Damage - One Day at a Time You might practice first by telling your man about something you read or saw on television. Instead of relaying what you thought of the story, or analyzing what happened in the story and why, you stay with your feelings about it. Don't try to hide your tears if they come. Look at him directly without turning away or closing up. For instance, say you saw something on the news about a robbery in your neighborhood. Instead of telling him that you think it's time for a new set of locks on the door, you could tell him how scared it made you feel to hear this news. See what he does. Chances are, he'll want to comfort you and show he can take care of you. Chances are he'll go out and get some new locks all on his own. Once you get comfortable expressing your emotions about something outside your relationship, it'll be easier to express yourself when it's something directly involving him.

It took me a long time to understand how to do this, but once I did, it became almost automatic. The best part was that I managed to change the entire dynamic of my marriage - for the better - once I started making these subtle shifts in myself. And we've been happily married for 20 years since. I was so amazed by what happened, that I put everything I learned into my eBook so you can experience the same magical results in your relationships. My eBook is filled with Tools that will help you become more authentic and vulnerable - the kind of women men love to devote their hearts to. You'll learn how to show a man "The real you" in a way that will bring him closer every day. Don't spend another minute hiding what you really feel. Find out exactly how to express your feelings and stop them from reaching the boiling point by reading my eBook Have The Relationship You Want. You can try it free for 7 days and start experiencing a more connected relationship right away. Click here for your Have The Relationship You Want free trial

How I Saved My Marriage In 2 Steps When I married my husband over twenty years ago, I thought the heart-wrenching days of dating angst were over. I thought I'd never again have to worry about my man becoming distant from me or withdrawing. And yet the unthinkable happened: our initial wedded bliss gave way to disconnection to the point I felt like I was living with a stranger.

I tried everything to save my marriage, including trying to talk to my husband over and over about it. I was exhausted from trying to change him until I made an important, lifechanging discovery: the only way to change him and save my marriage was to change me. I realized that I had lost track of myself and my own happiness, and this resulted in my husband doing the same. Once I started to make small changes in myself and putting the focus on the most important person - me - I was able to save my marriage and create a stronger, more connected union than ever. If I was able to do it, you can save your marriage, too. Here's how.

Forget About Him That's right. As I mentioned above, putting yourself first is the key to inspiring a man to put you first. If you don't feel good about yourself and have high self-esteem, you won't have what I call a “high degree of difficulty.” That's when a man perceives that you honor and respect yourself, and you know what you will or will not tolerate. Of course, it's impossible to do this when you are using so much of your time and energy to please your man and give him what you think he wants. Which leads me to the next step that saved my marriage and can save your marriage.

Make Yourself Happy If you only take away one thing from this article, let it be this: the one thing that won't ever work to help a man make us happy is to focus on making him happy! And here's the amazing thing: what makes a good man happy is to make US happy!

One of the simplest ways to do this within marriage is to “date yourself.” That means that you do for yourself what would please you. If you'd like your husband to take you to dinner, tell him you're taking yourself out to a spa lunch. If you wish he bought you more presents, treat yourself to something you really want. It doesn't have to be expensive, it just has to make you happy. This could mean taking an hour every day for yourself to do yoga. Once he sees that you're not setting aside your wishes for him, he'll remember the wonderful woman he fell in love with and what made her unique. A change of vibe like this in you can actually re-light a man's passion and help save your marriage. It's worth repeating: good men like to make their women happy. Period. They like to give presents, they like to take you out, they like to be faithful to you, and they like the way it feels when you feel good about yourself when you're with them. They like the way it feels when you let them know you feel good. It makes them feel like men, and it makes them happy. So if you want to save your marriage, stop exhausting yourself trying to change him and instead focus on making yourself happy first. If you expect that he will do his best to make you happy without demands but by just letting him know when he DOES make you happy, you'll be on your way to more love than you ever imagined. Learn more about what it takes to Have the Relationship You Want. Click here: Have The Relationship You Want risk free trial

Are Assertive Women What Men Like? In our culture, women have been taught that being assertive and going after what they want is generally a good thing. But, is it a good thing when it comes to your love life? While men appreciate an intelligent and successful woman, they typically don't feel very appreciative about being managed in a relationship. Here are the do's and don'ts about being assertive:

Do Be Assertive At Work You won't get very far in your career if you don't assert yourself. In order to be successful at work or in business, you have to know what you want, how to get it, and how to get things done. Being assertive at work is not only a good thing, it's necessary. Unfortunately, it's hard for many women to turn that driven, masculine, "get-it-done" energy off at the end of the day. They think that what works at work will work in their love lives, too. But most men are compelled and magnetized by your soft feminine qualities, not your masculine, assertive ones.

Do Tell Him What You Want Or Don't Want One way assertiveness is attractive to a man is when you can clearly communicate what you want, or don't want, without making him wrong and without criticism.

Express your desires with words like, "I want that." or "I don't want that." You don't like his choice of restaurant? Tell him, "I don't want to eat there tonight. I don't like their food." Not, "Why do you always pick that horrible place?" Is he telling you something that's making you angry or annoyed? Tell him, "I don't want to talk about this. It doesn't feel good to me." Not, "Why are you such a jerk?"

“As long as you're running the show, he may follow, but he won't feel inspired.”

Don't Chase Him It's frustrating to sit back and let a man make all the plans, or watch him drift away when you're so attracted to him. You know you're not supposed to chase after a man because it's simply a turn off for him, but it's so hard not to. In this new, modern era, women are just confused. You may think you're being friendly by texting him throughout the day. You think you're making it easy for him by always making the plans, getting the tickets, or offering to drive. To him, it doesn't feel friendly or convenient. It just feels like you're chasing him, and he feels out of control - and therefore, not very romantic.

Don't Manage The Relationship Asking a man how he feels and "Where are things going?" seems like the natural thing to do. You think you're being direct and honest and showing him that you're interested in him. But it smacks of neediness and desperation to a man.

As long as you're running the show, he may follow, but he won't feel inspired. And you will never feel adored. Being assertive with a man - even though it may seem friendly and nice and "modern" - is a quality that never has, and never will, work to naturally attract a man. In my eBook, I share insights and the TRUTH about what men really want out of love, and how it's totally different from what we think they want. I show you how to use these facts about men to actually do less in your relationship and yet get more love, more affection, more romance, and therefore feel more content with your man. In Chapter 15, I'll show you how to change from having a masculine, assertive energy around your man to having a more alluring feminine energy that will drive him wild with love and desire. Read about all of this in a matter of minutes when you download a PDF of my eBook and try it free for 7 days by clicking here: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Learn How To Inspire Him To Express His Feelings Have you ever experienced this? Things are going well with your guy. So well, as a matter of fact, that when you start feeling insecure about something or want to share something you think he'll perceive as “negative”, you keep it inside. You're afraid that by being honest with him, you'll rock the boat. Even worse, you end up feeling even more scared and lonely because he doesn't seem to be sharing what he's

thinking with you, either. So you start pretending everything's okay, even when you're just dying to ask him if something's wrong. I know how confusing and frustrating this can be, because I used to feel that way all the time. I would tip-toe around the man in my life, thinking I had to just accept the times he would become distant with me.

Myth: Men Hate Talking About Their Feelings Like you, I really believed that men just don't like expressing their feelings. I thought they were just born that way and there was nothing I could do about it. Then I had a big light-bulb moment when I learned that this is simply not true. What I figured out was that believing this myth was preventing me from ever truly connecting with a man.

Truth: Men Are Able To Open Up And Share - With The Right Woman Here's the incredible secret I learned that turned my love life around and brought me the closeness with a man I had always hungered for. A man doesn't like emotional intensity or hidden tension. That kind of “drama” pushes a man away and makes him want to clam up and withdraw. In order to feel comfortable, a man needs to know that he's safe with you. He'll feel safe when he sees that you are in touch with your feelings and able to express them in a clear, non-judgmental way.

Next time you're feeling disconnected from your man, take these two steps in order to make a man feel safe enough to open up with you:

Step 1: Stop Pretending Pretending to feel confident or stuffing down negative emotions in order to avoid conflict is absolutely the wrong approach. It will make a man feel uneasy around you because he'll sense that you're pretending. If he feels uneasy, he can't be honest with you about what he's feeling. This is why trying to look confident when you aren't doesn't work. A man will sense you're pretending, and it will push him away. Instead, allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic. But how can you when you feel like a confused, angry pile of insecurities? This way…

Step 2: Share Your Feelings Without Making Him Responsible The key here is to share feelings, not thoughts or actions. The next time you're tempted to tell a man what to do or what you think, stop yourself. Go with what's going on inside you. Feel your heart beat, your stomach gurgle, and your chest tighten because you're frustrated. Feel yourself getting giddy or anxious because you don't know what to say.

Feel the most concrete, real, simple thing you can, and communicate that. Say, “I'm really sad right now,” rather than “I think you spend too much time at work.”

“He'll feel safe when he sees that you are in touch with your feelings and able to express them in a clear, non-judgmental way.” See the difference? You're simply expressing a feeling rather than asking him to fix it or making him feel like he caused you to feel awful. In my eBook, I'll take you by the hand and show you exactly how to frame your feelings so he won't feel like you're making him responsible for them. I'll show you how to say what you feel - simply, directly, passionately, and with energy and conviction. You'll be amazed at how expressing your feelings this way will inspire your man to open up to you in ways you never imagined. I'll also teach you incredibly powerful relationship Tools small shifts in you that make an enormous difference in the closeness of your relationship. And STILL he tells us that he's not sure how he feels. Or he becomes distant and moody. Or he stops calling or asking us out as often as he used to. Or he does something very hurtful, or cheats on us, or tells us that he doesn't believe you're "meant" to be together. This happens because deep down, you didn't trigger love in his HEART. You didn't connect on the deepest, most intimate level ... his feelings.

How to connect with a man's heart

First, here's what doesn't connect with a man's heart: When you tell a man about what you think about the relationship, or what you did that day, or what you think of the latest news you've read or the gossip at work, he listens. He participates in the conversation. But his feelings aren't triggered. That's because you share everything but who you are. You put up walls with him without even knowing you're doing it. You decide not to tell him the sorrow you felt that morning or how a friend made you happy by calling you and cheering you up. Or, you actually don't even pay attention to your own emotions. You're too busy with your to-do lists and tasks. But if you were to allow yourself to FEEL what you're feeling, and then speak from those feelings, you would make him feel safe and connected to you. It seems like such a simple thing. But for so many of us, it's such a counter-intuitive thing. It's difficult. We're not used to being juicy, sexy, FEELING creatures. So many of us are programmed to be doing, thinking, managing, worrying creatures. Unfortunately, these qualities make a man feel nothing around you. When you become a feminine, juicy, sensual FEELING creature, you magnetize him simply by being what you were always meant to be... an alluring woman who is soft on the outside, but strong and resilient on the inside. How do you do that? It's easy when you know exactly how to use your feelings and emotions to communicate the irresistible feminine quality that lures a man in. In my eBook, I teach you all about how to shift your vibe by changing your words and body language and attract a man's heart, not just his body and mind.

To learn how to achieve the kind of closeness you've always wanted with a man, starting right now, download Have The Relationship You Want and try it free for 7 days. I know you'll be referring to it time and again whenever you're yearning for more closeness in your relationship: Have The Relationship You Want free trial.

3 Dangerous Relationship Myths So many times, we women are operating under false assumptions about relationships that cause us to feel sad, lonely, and disconnected from our man. These dangerous relationship myths are so widespread, it's no wonder so many of us have suffered the sting of heartache. I'm sure you'll recognize these and the pain they bring. Knowing the real truth I'm about to share is nothing short of love-life changing.

Relationship Myth #1: Giving = Getting This myth tells us that in order to get more affection and romance from a man, you have to become more affectionate and romantic yourself. So you buy him special gifts, tell him you love him before he tells you, cook him special meals, and offer him a lot of advice and encouragement. You become a giver, and you believe that, in time, he will reciprocate. While it's true that every relationship is give and take, the truth is that men don't fall in love because

you've given them so much. They don't stay in love because you're sacrificing everything for them. Men fall in love when they are able to give to a woman. They fall in love with you because they can make you happy and nurture you. They fall in love when you take care of yourself and share your emotional experiences with them. Never give a man more than he's given you, including expressions of love and encouragement. Hint: Don't keep telling him you love him when he hasn't said it to you yet.

Relationship Myth #2: Exclusivity Leads to Commitment and Marriage This is the most dangerous myth we women have come to believe. From the time we first started dating, we were taught that the way to marriage is to meet a nice man, become his exclusive girlfriend, and that this alone will naturally lead to commitment. Here's the shocking truth: What makes a man want to give up his freedom and single status for you has nothing to do with the fact that you've given him all your time and emotional energy. That's right - the very fact that you're exclusive with him when he hasn't committed to you yet actually makes a man think less of you.

“Men fall in love when they are able to give to a woman. They fall in love with you because they can make you happy and nurture you.”

The moment a man smells that need and desperation that comes from having an unconscious agenda of how things "should be", his feelings of attraction for you will fade.

Relationship Myth #3: Showing a Man Your Feelings Will Scare Him Away If you've ever been afraid to tell a man how you're feeling because you're afraid you'll lose him if you do, then I'm certain this myth has been causing havoc in your love life. Stuffing your feelings down actually creates more distance between you and a man. The key is not to suppress your feelings, but to express them without drama or blame. In my eBook, I'll explain just how to communicate your feelings to a man that will actually make him want to come closer to you and share his own feelings. This is completely possible when you have my Tools and know how to use them. Before I learned the truth about relationships and turned my marriage around, I was guilty of believing and acting out on all these relationship myths. Once I understood these core truths, everything in my love life changed - for the better. That's why I'm so eager to share them with you. You'll learn how to open up yourself to receive instead of give so that your man wants to shower you with love and affection. I'll also show you how to get the commitment you want without asking for it - he'll think it's completely his idea! And men absolutely adore that. I can't wait for you to learn even more amazing truths about getting the closeness you want. It's all in my eBook Have The Relationship You Want. Try it free for seven days

and make your own relationship dreams come true. Click here to download it now: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

The Key to Going From “Just Friends” to More Than Just Friends Many years ago when I was single, I had a roommate. One day, we were at a record store; and she struck up a conversation with a man who worked there. They had a lot in common music-wise and the conversation was great. But she was 10 years younger than he was, and she insisted he wasn't her "type." So they became friends. They talked music, they went to concerts, and did all kinds of things friends do together. Until they become lovers. Turns out she wasn't really his type either, yet he had always found himself inexplicably attracted to her from the beginning. And, by the time he revealed this, my friend's feelings had already been turning romantic for him. They're now happily married. What seemed (from the outside) like a friendship that could never get romantic turned into a life-long love story.

The Key Was That He Was Always Into Her If it had been the other way around - if my roommate had been totally into him, and he just considered her a pal - this would never have gone further than friendship. She would also have ended up feeling humiliated and wounded.

"When a friendship turns into a love relationship, the attraction was usually there for the man from the beginning." While it may be tempting to tell a man you're friends with that you're attracted to him in a romantic way, you'll get nowhere if he's not already attracted to you. And it won't make him fall for you. He won't want anything more than a fling or a friends-with-benefits type of arrangement. And if you want more, you're only going to end up getting hurt.

What It Should Feel Like A relationship depends on the man being attracted to the woman, so that you never question if he's "into you." When a friendship turns into a love relationship, the attraction was usually there for the man from the beginning. But for whatever reason, he opted for "friends" and didn't pursue the romance. Sometimes, it's possible to change your vibe so totally that you feel like a different woman to him, and the original attraction he felt for you gets ramped up to a place where he's clearly and obviously "into you". In my eBook, I show you how to tap into your feminine energy so that you reveal the most attractive, magnificent, wonderful you - the kind of woman men long to devote their hearts to. There are specific subtle shifts you can make in yourself that will magically cause a change in the man you're interacting with so that he can't help but fall for you. If there's a man in your life who is "just a friend", using my Tools is the easiest, risk-free way to see if he is truly into

you without needing to put yourself out there and declaring your feelings for him first. And if he's not interested in more than friendship at all, you'll find that these Tools will start drawing more men into your life who will want to connect with you romantically. You might even decide Mr. Just A Friend was not Mr. Right after all. You can be reading and learning from my eBook in minutes at Have The Relationship You Want. Try it free for 7 days and get on the path to the romance you've always dreamed of. Click here: Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Can Expressing Your Emotions Improve A Relationship? Nobody likes a drama queen - that's certainly true. But what may surprise you is that a man adores a woman who is in touch with her emotions and knows how to share them with him. So, if you're worried that you might push a man away by revealing your anger and feelings, this may be exactly why he's not getting closer to you. Drama is what you do when you're afraid of your true emotions. Drama is what you do when you feel afraid, deep down, of your rage, your terror, your pain - so you work really hard to shut down your feelings and keep them hidden.

But no human being can handle this. So what happens? Your emotions start bubbling away beneath the surface like a pressure cooker. Then one day, you burst. You create drama.

Hiding Your Emotions Pushes Him Away Just the effort of keeping your emotions at bay for fear of losing him causes you to become angry. Deep down, you're really angry at yourself - you're angry that you've been ignoring your truth. When you do explode, it's only natural that your man will take the blame for your feelings, causing even more of a disconnect in your relationship. So how do you undo all the damage of spending years stuffing down your emotions and instead learn to communicate with your man in a way that will engage his heart?

Learn To Love Your Emotions “Once you get comfortable expressing your emotions about something outside your relationship, it'll be easier to express yourself when it's something directly involving him.” This means that whatever comes up - wherever you are, whatever you're feeling - you stop doing what you're doing and take a second to acknowledge the feeling. Feel compassion for yourself and what you're experiencing inside.

At first this may not come naturally for you, especially when you're so used to hiding what you're feeling for fear you'll scare a man away or have him think you're flaky. That's okay. In this case, practice really does make perfect.

Undoing the Damage - One Day at a Time You might practice first by telling your man about something you read or saw on television. Instead of relaying what you thought of the story, or analyzing what happened in the story and why, you stay with your feelings about it. Don't try to hide your tears if they come. Look at him directly without turning away or closing up. For instance, say you saw something on the news about a robbery in your neighborhood. Instead of telling him that you think it's time for a new set of locks on the door, you could tell him how scared it made you feel to hear this news. See what he does. Chances are, he'll want to comfort you and show he can take care of you. Chances are he'll go out and get some new locks all on his own. Once you get comfortable expressing your emotions about something outside your relationship, it'll be easier to express yourself when it's something directly involving him. It took me a long time to understand how to do this, but once I did, it became almost automatic. The best part was that I managed to change the entire dynamic of my marriage - for the better - once I started making these subtle shifts in myself. And we've been happily married for 20 years since. I was so amazed by what happened, that I put everything I learned into my eBook so you can experience the same magical results in your relationships.

My eBook is filled with Tools that will help you become more authentic and vulnerable - the kind of women men love to devote their hearts to. You'll learn how to show a man "The real you" in a way that will bring him closer every day. Don't spend another minute hiding what you really feel. Find out exactly how to express your feelings and stop them from reaching the boiling point by reading my eBook Have The Relationship You Want. You can try it free for 7 days and start experiencing a more connected relationship right away. Click here for your Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Becoming Your Most Attractive You There was a time when I was so sensitive and insecure about men that I was constantly monitoring what I would say or do around them. I was tense all the time, and men could actually feel it. I was like a puppy - watching for hand signals from my master so I'd know what to do. I would put the man on a pedestal. It makes me cringe just to think about it. After all, I was a successful woman in every other way - I owned my own home and made a living as an actress. And yet, I felt completely at the mercy of whatever man I was attracted to. I foolishly thought that putting a man's needs ahead of my own and taking a backseat to what I wanted was the key to a man's heart. What I hadn't yet learned was that not making myself, and my life, my number one priority was

actually getting in the way of the romance I so desperately wanted.

Why Putting Him First Doesn't Work After much heartbreak, I realized that if a man gets the feeling you're making him more important than you, he loses interest. I know this goes against everything we women have been taught, but it's true. Men don't fall in love with us because of how much we do for them. They fall head over heels because of how they feel when we allow them to be useful to us and do for us. They fall in love when they have to invest in us and work for our love.

“Knowing that your options are open will raise your self esteem. And when your self esteem goes up, you become more attractive to lots of men.”

How To Be The Self-Assured Woman He Wants This doesn't mean that you pretend you don't like a man not at all. On the contrary, a man needs to know you like him, but - and here's the clincher - he needs to know that you value your own life. A wonderful way to do this is to be open to other men. Knowing that your options are open will raise your self esteem. And when your self esteem goes up, you become more attractive to lots of men.

Then another magical thing happens: Either a man will step up his game to fob off the competition, or he'll get lost in the shuffle. And this is how you make room for the real Mr. Right to show up. For step-by-step guidance in raising your self esteem and being open to men in a way that will make them compete for your time and attention, I'd love for you to read my eBook "Have The Relationship You Want." I learned about all this the hard way - through lots of heartbreak. Once I did and started putting these principles into practice, that's when my Mr. Right showed up - the man I've been blissfully married to for more than 20 years. I put this eBook together to share with you all the lessons I learned. It contains everything you need to help yourself feel confident by using words and body language that work with a man and make him want to get closer to you every day. You don't have to live with worry, fear, and insecurity any longer when it comes to men. Download "Have The Relationship You Want" and try it free for seven days. When you start to apply the Tools in my eBook in your own life, you'll start to experience such dramatic shifts in your attitude that men will finally start putting you first. Click here for your Have The Relationship You Want free trial

Discover An Easy Way To Stop Feeling So Powerless

Are you finding yourself working so hard to get a relationship and keep it going? If so, I know all too well how that feels, because trying to keep a relationship afloat always took up all my thoughts and energy. I remember feeling like the sheer effort of it all was swallowing up my whole life force. What's worse, I never got enough back from a man to fill me up enough inside so I could feel good. Then I discovered that this was exactly the problem.

Depending On Him To Feel Good Always Backfires It took a lot of broken relationships and my heart in pieces to finally figure out what had eluded me for so very long. I finally saw that the good feelings I was so desperate to have from a man weren't possible if I wasn't feeling good about myself to begin with. Let me save you a lot of time and pain by sharing a powerful Tool I discovered to put an end to this vicious cycle.

Relationship Tool: I Am All That 1. Imagine that your attractiveness is boundless, your eyes are magnets, your heart is an open pool of gold that every man wants to dive into, and your body (no matter what you think) is a lush place that every man longs for, feels awestruck just thinking about getting close to, and yet feels safe within. Really imagine that's what he sees, thinks and feels.

“They'll want to know what it is that makes you feel so confident, and they'll want to get in on your I'm all that!” 2. When any doubts, fears, and negative thoughts come up, simply tell them to step aside. 3. Paint this picture of boundless attractiveness for yourself in your imagination right now, this moment, and keep it going all day and night, no matter what happens. 4. Once this imaginary picture is in your mind, and the good feelings it brings are in your heart and body, you'll notice something amazing happening. When you're in the market, at the drugstore, walking down the street, waiting in line at the coffee house - you will begin to experience yourself as a magnet for men. Then... 5. Lean back. Actually tilt your body backwards - to keep your energy in "receiving" mode while you're imagining every man you meet (especially the one you may be in a relationship with right now) giving energy to you. We light candles whenever he comes over. We put on our sexiest clothes and buy lacy lingerie.

Watch The Magic Unfold Once you start practicing this Tool - and I mean make it a habit every day - you'll find that your love life takes a huge leap in the right direction. Why? Because you have created the very feelings within you that you have so desperately tried to get from a man. And that is very empowering - not to mention extremely attractive. I've put together many life-changing, self-esteem boosting tools like this in my eBook.

Practicing these Tools, and mastering them, is the first step to feeling so good and so at ease within yourself that men will literally be flocking to be by your side. They'll want to know what it is that makes you feel so confident, and they'll want to get in on your "I'm all that"! I can't wait to share these Tools with you and hear how they'll dramatically change your vibe with men. Download Have The Relationship You Want and try it free for seven days. And be sure to write me with your success (love) story.

Is Your Man Slipping Away? Here's What To Do The main problem women write to me about is that the man they love has suddenly pulled away - sometimes for good. If you've experienced this or are going through it right now and you want to get your boyfriend back, you know how painful, hopeless and frustrating it feels. Your first instinct is an urge to lean forward and do whatever you can to keep your man from slipping away. And I'm going to tell you that you need to let him go, as horrible as this sounds. You need to let him go, because if he is the right man for you, you can get your boyfriend back with the three steps I'm about to go into. If he's NOT the right man for you, then here's the news you will appreciate down the road when you DO meet Mr. Right - he did you a favor by going away, and you learned something incredibly valuable in the process. So here are my three steps on how to get your boyfriend back:

Step 1: Lean Back The very first thing you need to do to get your boyfriend back is resist the powerful urge to run after him, call him, text him, send messages to him via friends and family, or show up at his door. As I said above, this is going to feel really difficult, but you MUST do it if there is any hope that you will get your boyfriend back. We women tend to think that giving and giving to a man will bring him closer. And this includes doing things like checking up on him to see how he's doing. It's what I call “overfunctioning”. Don't do it! A man is accustomed to valuing what he has to work for, so if you put in effort and make it easy for him, he will actually value you less. We work hard because we think that if we don't he'll assume we don't care enough about him, and he'll go away. But this is simply untrue. If you lean back and let go of the reigns, you give your boyfriend the chance to see what it feels like to be without you, and if he's worth it you will get your boyfriend back. Remember this: men commit to you not because they want to be with a woman, but because they can't stand to be WITHOUT you. Let him feel what it's like NOT to have you in his life.

Step 2: Open Your Heart The next thing I want you to do is to stop running from your painful emotions and embrace them. We women tend to stuff down our emotions for fear that a man will get scared by them and run away. But the real truth is that men LOVE our emotional nature - it's drama that they can't tolerate. When we learn to get in touch with our feelings and express them in a non-judging, non-critical way, a man will not feel blamed and will feel COMPELLED to open his heart to you.

And you don't need a man in your life to learn how to do this. Instead, practice “framing your feelings” with everyone you meet and even on your own. Start right now by asking yourself what you feel. Then say it out loud. Say, “I feel shaky,” or “I feel sad,” or “I feel happy just looking at that flower over there.” Practice this everywhere you go, and it will become natural to you in days. Then when you talk to the man you love, use this new way of expressing your feelings. You'll notice a miraculous change in the way he connects to you and opens his heart.

Step 3: Love Yourself Right now, remember how you were when you and your boyfriend first met. Where you obsessing about him? Where you calling him incessantly? Of course not. Chances are, you were focused on your OWN LIFE, and this was very attractive to him. Take this opportunity to get back in touch with you and fall in love with the woman who attracted him rather than spending your time thinking about how to get your boyfriend back. Get busy with your friends, your interests, and the things that make you YOU. Remember: you can lose a man, but you can NEVER lose yourself. If this man is worthy of you and is the right man for you, I guarantee that when he sees you are focusing on your own life he will realize what he's missing. Keep leaning back, opening your heart, loving yourself… if he's Mr Right, you'll get your boyfriend back. Want more step-by-step advice for how to communicate with a man so that he'll never think of leaving your side? Then read Rori Raye's eBook Have The Relationship You Want. You'll also learn how to express your feelings to a man in a way

which will actually make him want to listen and get closer to you.