RhinoGold Summer Guide 2012

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Welcome to Summer Tutorial Guide 2012 Thanks for download the new tutorial guide! We hope you enjoy and learn with these new 30 tutorials step by step.

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About RhinoGold By taking advantage the power of 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) and making it jewelerfriendly, RHINOGOLD lets you design 3D jewelry while generating a detailed color preview image that can be printed or emailed as well as generating a full report of the piece. RhinoGold is a 3D Jewelry design software to design jewelry in 3D and then, output the file, compatible with any Printing Machine which generates dimensionally accurate models ready for casting. More information www.rhinogold.com

About TDM Solutions; TDM Solutions is a company that provides CAD/CAM solutions to a variety of industries, focusing in jewelry, and also including the automotive, casts and molds, prototype, footwear and general mechanical industries. Developer of design and manufacturing applications, enhancing RhinoGold, and others as RhinoMold, RhinoNest, Clayoo and RhinoShoe. TDM Solutions was founded in 2001 and the headquarters are in Barcelona, Spain. Nowadays is working over 25 countries with more than 80 resellers. More information www.tdmsolutions.com

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Diamond Ring



Basic Ring



Two Arms Ring



Three Stones Ring



Text Pendant







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Ring with Texture



Solitaire ring



Celtic Knots Pendant



Wedding Ring



Channel Ring








Extrude Ring



Text Ring



Dice with Gems



Overlapping Ring



Wire Ring











Square Pave Ring



Star Pendant with Pave



Enamel Ring



Ring Channel on Bezel







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Leaf Shape Pendant



Gems Earrings



Butterfly Pendant



Signet Ring



Pave Ring








Earring Flower and Pearl






Articulated Bracelet



Cluster Ring



Heart Ring







Diamond Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Gem Studio, Text On Curve and Boolean Operations.


Ring Wizard

Under the Drawing tab with the Ring Wizard tool we can define our ring’s rim, in this case with 1,5mm height and 4mm width. It’s important to know the ring size for further operations.



Now, under the Modelling tab, we can use the Extrude tool to create a solid from the curve created previously, it's important to make the extrusion in the top direction and above the ring’s rim.

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The next step, under the Drawing tab, with the Rectangle tool in the top view to create a cut section. In the commands line we should activate the options center and rounded.


Boolean Difference

Then, still under the Modelling tab we can run the Boolean Difference tool to remove the cut section from our ring.


Gem Studio

Now, under the Jewellery tab with the Gem Studio tool we can create a Gem according to our needs, in this case with 2,3mm diameter.


Boolean Operations

Now it’s time to remove the cutter from the ring, for this, under the Modelling tab run the Boolean Difference tool and complete the process.


Boolean Difference

The final step to finish this ring is to remove the letters from the ring to create the engraved section. For this, use once again the Boolean Difference tool under the Modelling tab.

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Cutter Studio

The next step is to define a cutter for the Gem. For this, still under the Jewellery tab with the Cutter Studio tool, we should select the gem and define the parameters.


Text On Curve

Then, under the Drawing tab with the Text On Curve tool, select the curve who defines the ring size and adjust all the parameters as needed. The result shoud be a solid for each letter. To create this curve, the Gauge option can be used, or to create a section in the central part of the ring.

Ring With Texture In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Ring Wizard and Texture 3D.


Ring Wizard

Under the Jewellery tab run the Ring Wizard tool and start by selecting the ring size, in this case is the number 18 from European measures, then choose the pretended profile and define the measures. In this case is 10mm width and 1,5mm height.


Texture 3D

The last step is under the Artistics tab, choose the Texture 3D tool and start by selecting the surface to apply the texture, then choose the pretended effect and define all the parameters acording to the desirable result. In this case is with 0,4mm height.

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Now we can create a fillet to break sharp edges. Under the Modelling tab run the Fillet command and define the angle, in this ring is 1mm.

Extrude Ring In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Gem Studio, Ring Size Creator and Bend Deformation.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.



Now, we will create a line with the command line in the Drawing tab, about 7mm from the center. Next, we can cut the circle with the Trim command.

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Gem Studio

Still under the Jewellery tab we can use the Gem Studio tool to create a Gem, in this case with 5mm diameter. It’s important to leave about 1mm distance from the ring size as the above image. The grid can be a great visual aid.


Curve / Auto Connect

With the Curve command (Drawing), we can make the red curve. Pressing the command we can activate the Start Tangent option and then click at the end of the arc. Once we have the curve, we can use the command symmetry horizontal to create the other curve. When done, use the command Auto Connect to join.



Now, still under the Drawing tab, with the Offset tool, in the front view, to create an outside curve, in this case with a 1,5mm distance.



After defined the previous parameters, we need to Extrude the curves to create a solid. For that, run the Extrude command under the Modelling tab, in this case with 2,5mm for both sides. The Cap option must be activated.



With the command Tube (Modelling), we will create a tube. First select an origin point of the plane (you can type 0 and press Enter). 2.5mm outer radius, inner radius 1.5mm and 1mm thick. Use the Gumball transformer to position the tube under the gem.

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Then we should select the curves and run the Blend tool, under the Drawing tab, to define the ring’s top section. Then run the Auto Connect command to unite all the curves in a single one.


Taper Deformation

Now from the Right viewport, we can stretch forth the bottom with the Taper tool. The concept is very simple, the first two points are on the axis of symmetry, the following item (3) is the reference distance, and finally (4) what we want to strengthen. Do not forget to activate the Flat option.

10 solid.

Boolean Union The final step, in the Modelling tab, with the Boolean Union tool, we can unite both parts in a closed

Basic Rings In this tutorial we will try out one of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. A powerful tool called Ring Wizard.


Ring Wizard

Under the Jewellery tab run the Ring Wizard tool and start by selecting the ring size, in this case is the number 16 from European measures, then choose the pretended profile and define the measures. In this case is 6mm width and 1,5mm height.


Ring Wizard

Repeat the previous steps but with different parameters, the idea is to explore this powerful tool and be aware of its potentialities.

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Ring Wizard

Move the previous ring anywhere else and repeat the process again with other profile and measures. We can activate the tickness option and define the value to remove the interior.

Solitaire In this tutorial we will try out some of the most common commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Gem Studio, Bezel Studio and Ring Wizard.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 18 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.


Bezel Studio

In this tool, still from the Jewellery tab, we start by selecting the gem to apply a besel around and then we define the multiple parameters from this option, which can be completely customized. In this example enabling the divisions with a curve from the library.

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Gem Studio

To create a gem, under the Jewellery tab, we can define the desired shape, measures, weight and material, following the standard types. With the option pick point, we place the gem acording to our needs and the result, in this case, is a 6mm diamond.


Ring wizard

Now is time to create a rim to our solitaire. Run the wizard and choose the profile from the library, or create a new one and define the multiple parameters available in this powerful tool. Don’t forget to select the same ring size choosen in the first step.


Auto Cut

Now in the Modelling tab, run the Auto Cut tool, select the curve created to define the ring size in the first step and use it to cut the besel exceeds in form to respect the ring size.


Boolean difference

Back to the Modelling tab, select the boolean tool and choose the boolean difference option, select the first group which in this case is the rim and the second one is the cutter created in the previous step. Preview and confirm the results.

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Gem Cutter

Back to Jewellery tab, select the gem created in the second step and use it as a reference to make a cutter, in order to retire the rim exceeds. For that, run the Cutter Studio and define the parameters acording the proposed objective.


Boolean union

The last step is to make the union between the two objects, the rim and the besel. For that, run the boolean tool again but in this case choose the boolean union option, select both objects, preview and aprove the operation. Now the ring is ready as just one part.

Text Ring In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Text on Curve and Boolean Operations.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.


Ring Wizard

Back to the Jewellery tab, with the Ring Wizard tool we can define our ring’s rim. In this case is important to maintain the same size as the one given in the first step (16 from European measures) and adjust all the parameters as needed, in this case with 2,75mm width and 1mm height.

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Text On Curve

Now we can create a text to apply on the circle created previously. Under the Drawing tab with the Text on Curve tool we can define all the parameters as the above image.


Polyline / Boolean Operations

Now, under the Drawing tab with the Polyline tool we can create a curve to cut the rim in the text section. After defined the curve we should use the Auto Cut tool to remove the rim’s exceeds. Then, under the Modelling tab with the Boolean Union tool to unite all the parts in a single solid.

Two Arms Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Boolean Operations, Gem Studio and Head Studio.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.


Arc: Start, Point on Arc, End

Under the Drawing tab we can choose the tool Arc: Start, Point on Arc, End and in the top view define it with the Snap option activated. In this case 2,5mm length and 3mm heigth.

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Gem Studio

Now with the Gem Studio tool, under the Jewellery tab, we can create a gem according to our needs, in this case is a sapphire with 12mm diameter. With the pick point option, we place the gem aproximately 1mm above the ring size created previously.


Mirror / Auto Connect

Now we can select the Arc and under the Transform Tab, with the Mirror Horizontal tool we create our pretended profile. Then, under the Drawing menu, choose the Auto Connect tool to join both sides as one single object.


Add Profile

Back to Jewellery tab, under the Ring Wizard we choose the tool Add Profile, then we select the open curve and we give it a name to be saved in our profiles library.


Mirror: Symmetry Vertical

In the Top View we select the rim and under the Transform tab, we choose the Mirror: Symmetry Vertical. Now our rim is completed.


Boolean Union

After defined all the Head Studio parameters the elements are a group, so we need to unite them as well as the rim in a single object. For that, it’s only necessary a Boolean Union which is under the Modelling tab. We define it as an option because this operation is not necessary in the latest generation of RP machines.

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Ring wizard

Now is time to create a rim to our ring. Run the RingWizard and choose the profile created in the previous step from the library, define 3mm width and 2mm height, then click on the points 11, 1 and 12. Now we can change the 12 profile position for example 4mm.


Head Studio

With this tool from the Jewellery tab, we start by selecting the gem to apply the prongs around and then we define the multiple parameters from this command, which can be completely customized. In this case we still using trinangular profiles. See the help of RhinoGold if you want to know this tool deeply.

Celtic Knots Pendant In this tutorial we will try out some of the most powerful commands in RhinoGold. Useful tools as Celtic Knots, Pipe and Taper Deformation.


Celtic Knots Studio

Under the Artistics tab, with the Celtic Knots tool, we can create our own pattern. It’s just a left click on the pretended square on the left side and then select the pretended effect from the ones available on the right and so forth. Then define the style to be applied and pick the point on the grid to place the object.



Now, with the Join tool under the Drawing tab we can unite all the different parts in a closed solid. Be patient, this calculation is complex and may take a few seconds.

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Under the Transform tab with the several scales commands available, We can use for example the Scale by Dimension. Select the object to scale, click the padlock to keep proportion, and set in X 40mm. Do not forget to activate Delete Original, and then click OK.



Still under the Drawing tab with the Ellipse tool, we can make a curve in the right view to define the pendant bail.



Now, under the Modelling tab with the Pipe tool, select the ellipse created in the previous step and make a pipe around it, define the measures as needed.

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Taper Deformation

The last step, under the Transform tab with the Taper tool we can adjust the pretended measures on the pendant bail. The first two points are the axis, then the reference point (3) and finally, section 4, define the new size.

Dice with Gems In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Gem Studio, Cutter Studio, Fillet and Boolean Operations.



Under the Modelling tab with the Box tool we can create a cube, select the center option and define the measures, in this case with 10mm for each side.


Gem Studio

Now, in the top view, with the Gem Studio tool under the Jewellery tab we can place a Gem with the insert on surface option, in this case with 2mm diameter.

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Then, under the Modelling tab with the Variable Fillet tool, select all the edges to round, in this case with 1mm angle.


Gem Studio

Then, repeat the previous process but this time in the front view and place two Gems as the above image.


Gem Studio

Now, the same process as the previous steps but this time in the right view and place three Gems as the above image. NOTE: Remember that with the middle mouse button you can change the active view.


Gem Studio Now, the same process again but with five stones and in the left view.


Gem Studio

Then, repeat the previous processes again. This time in the back view and place four Gems as the above image.


Gem Studio Then, in the bottom view, the same as the previous steps but this time with six Gems as the above pictu-



Cutter Studio

The next step, under the Jewellery tab with the Cutter Studio tool, we can start by selecting the Gems and define all the parameters to create his cutters as needed.

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Boolean Difference

The final step, in the Modelling tab, with the Boolean Difference tool select as the first group the cube, and the second group the cutters.

Three Stones Ring In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Gem Studio, Head Studio and Ring Wizard.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.


Gem Studio

Now, still with the Gem Studio tool, under the Jewellery tab, we can place another Gem with the pick point option, in this case with 3mm diameter. Important: If you click in the Top viewport, we can switch to the front and keep our gem orientation.

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Gem Studio

Still under the Jewellery tab we can use the Gem Studio tool to create a Gem, in this case with 4mm diameter. It’s important to leave about 1mm distance from the ring size as the above image.



Then, we can select the Gem and with the Rotate tool, under the Transform tab, replace the Gem according to our needs. If you prefer, you can use the Gumball transformer.


Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal

Now, still under the Transform tab, with the Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal tool, in the front view, to create another Gem exactly with the same parameters but in the other side.


Boolean Union

After defined all the Head Studio parameters, the elements are a group, so we need to unite them as a single object. For that, it’s only necessary a Boolean Union which is under the Modelling tab, we just need to select the elements and press enter.


Polyline / Auto Cut

The next step, under the Drawing tab with the Polyline tool, we can define the section where to cut the ring’s rim. This should be a closed curve. Then, select the curve and run the Auto Cut tool, under the Modelling tab to extract the rim’s exceeds.

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Head Studio

Then we should select the Gems and run the Head Studio tool, under the Jewellery tab, to define all the prongs parameters as needed. You can find details about the options in the Help.


Ring Wizard

Then, under the Jewellery tab, with the Ring Wizard tool we can create our ring’s rim. Define all the command parameters following the pretended results.


Auto Cut / Boolean Operations

The final steps, in the Modelling tab, with the Auto Cut tool again, but this time to extract the exceeds from the ring’s head, for this, use the curve who defines the ring size. Then with the Boolean Union tool we can unite both parts in a closed solid.

Wedding Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more commands in RhinoGold. Very useful tools as Ring Size Creator, Gem Studio, Head Studio and Dynamic Polar Array.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.


Head Studio

With this tool from the Jewellery tab, we start by selecting the gem to apply the prongs around and then we define the multiple parameters from this command, which can be completely customized.

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Gem Studio

Now with the Gem Studio tool, under the Jewellery tab, we can create a gem acording to our needs, in this case is a diamond with 2,5mm diameter. With the pick point option, we place the gem aproximately 1mm above the ring size created previously.


Boolean Union

After defined all the Head Studio parameters the elements are a group, so we need to unite them as a single object. For that, it’s only necessary a Boolean Union which is under the Modelling tab, we just need to select the elements and press enter.


Dynamic Polar Array

Now under the Transform tab, with the Dynamic Polar Array, we select the gem and the prongs, then in the front view can be defined the angle and the number of copies, in this case is a complete turn so choose 360º degrees and the necessary number of elements for repetition. Then justify the array to the correct axis.


Auto Cut

In the Modelling tab, run the Auto Cut tool, select the curve created in the first step to define the ring size and use it to cut the ring exceeds, in form to respect the choosen ring size. After this the ring is ready.

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Boolean Union

In this stage it’s the moment to transform all the metal elements in a single object, our ring, for that, we use again the Boolean Union tool under the Modelling tab, the same process as the step number 4.

Overlapping Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Wizard and Boolean Operations.


Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc

The first step to do this Overlapping Ring consists in create a profile, under the Drawing tab with the tool Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc we can define our section, in this case 4mm height and 2 mm width.


Fillet / Auto Connect

To finish our profile, under the Drawing tab, we use the Fillet tool to create a round angle between the two Arcs, then run the Auto Connect tool to join all the curves in a single one.

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Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal

The next step is to complete our profile section, under the Transform tab with the Mirror: Symmetry Horinzontal command to create the other side of our profile.


Add Profile

Now under the Jewellery tab run the Add Profile tool and select the open curve created in the previous steps. Give it a name and from now on it will be available in the profiles library.


Ring Wizard

In this stage we need to use the Ring Wizard under the Jewellery tab. Select the profile created previously and define 3.50mm width by 1.75mm height. Click the point (10) and (2). In the profile 10, change the position to 4mm, and in the profile 2, change the position to 4mm. Choose the size 16 from European measures.


Boolean Operations

Now it’s time to unite both parts in a single object, for that, under the Modelling tab run the Boolean Union tool and select both parts.


Auto Cut

To finish the ring use the Auto Cut command under the Modelling tab and select the ring and the curve created in the previos steps. This function will cut the ring to the pretended size.

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Ring Wizard (once again)

The next step to complete our ring is to repeat the Ring Wizard tool, this time with different parameters acording to our needs. Choose the size 17 from European measures, considering that the desired size is 18.


Ring size Creator

Then under the Jewellery tab with the Gauge tool select the desired ring size, in this case is 18 from European measures. It will be created curve with the pretended diameter.

Text Pendant In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Dynamic Profile, Gem Studio and Boolean Operations.



Under the Drawing tab, with the Circle tool, we can create our circunference in the top view, in this case with 35mm diameter.


Text Object

Under the Drawing tab, with the Text tool, we can create the text to insert in this pendant. There are a few parameters to be defined as the pretended results. Select Solid with 5mm Height and 3mm thickness. Choose the font that you like. It can adjust the size with the Gumball.

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Dynamic Profile

Then, with the Dynamic Profile tool under the Jewellery tab we can define our section and its parameters to be applied on the circle. You can define a size of 3 mm in width and 1.6 height. It can reduce weight activating the thickness to 0.7mm.


Polygon: Star

Still under the Drawing tab we can make a star to apply in our pendant, in this case with the Polygon: Star tool as the above image.



In this step select the star created before and with the Extrude tool, under the Modelling tab, to make a solid from it, select BothSides=No and Cap=Yes then define the height as desired.


Cutter Studio / Boolean Difference

In this stage, select the Gem created in the previous step and with the Cutter Studio tool under the Jewellery tab to make a cutter adjusted to it but if needed we can define the parameters. Then remove the Cutter from the Star with the Boolean Difference tool under the Modelling tab.


Ellipse In the Drawing tab, with the Ellipse tool in the right view to create a curve to define the pendant bail.

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Gem Studio

Now, under the Jewellery Tab with the Gem Studio tool to create a gem to apply in the star with the insert on surface option, in this case with 2,5mm diameter.


Torus / Boolean Union

Now we can make a Torus with this tool from the Modelling tab, we should define the parameters, following the pretended results. Then we can select all the parts and make Boolean Union, still under the Modelling tab, to unite them in a single object.


Dynamic Profile

Then, under the Jewellery tab, with the Dynamic Profile tool to define the parameters of the pendant bail as needed. You must define two sections as shown in the image.

Channel Ring In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Channel, Ring Size Creator, Polar Array and Boolean Operations.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.



Now, under the Jewellery tab with the Channel tool, we can create our ring using the curve and the surface as reference and then it’s only define all the parameters as needed.

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Then, under the Modelling tab we can use the Extrude tool to create a surface from the curve. The extrusion value is indifferent because this object is only to support the next step.



Then, under the Modelling tab with the Box tool we can make an object to cut the inside part of the ring. It’s important to use the several views to place the object exactly where is needed.


Polar Array

Now, under the Transform tab with the Polar Array tool we can multiply the box created previously around the inside part of the ring. It’s important to multiply exactly the same number of gems.



Now, we need to create a section for the gems inside the ring, for this it’s necessary to create a profile which can be done with Polyline under the Drawing tab, the place must be the intersection between the gems and the channel.



Boolean Difference

At this stage we can remove the boxes from the ring, for this we should use the Boolean Difference tool under the Modelling tab.


Revol / Mirror

Now we can select the curve and run the Revol tool under the Modelling tab to create the section around the ring. Then make a Mirror of this section to the other side under the Transform tab.

Boolean Difference

The last step is to remove the sections created previously from the ring, for this we should use the Boolean Difference tool under the Modelling tab.

NOTE: We can remove the steps 4 to 9, using the Cutter Studio tool, but we believe it is more appropriate as we have shown in the exercise.

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Wire Ring In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Multiple Pipe and Boolean Operations.


Ring Wizard

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Ring Wizard tool, we can define our ring’s structure as the pretended effect. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. Define a narrow section at the bottom, then click on profile 12, and change the width and height.



Now, under the Modelling tab with the Extrude tool, we can create a surface using the curve as reference. It’s important that the curve make a complete intersection with the ring.

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Arc Then, under the Drawing tab with the Arc tool to create a curve as the above image.

Dynamic Polar Array

Then, under the Transform tab with the Dynamic Polar Array tool we can make a circular duplication of the surface as many times as needed.


Extract Surface

Now, under the Modelling tab with the Extract Surface tool we can Split the ring created previously in two surfaces, then we can delete the inside one because we only gonna need the other as support to the next step.


Duplicate Border

Now, we need to create another section for the ring, which can be done with Duplicate Border under the Modeling tab, for that, select the ring surface as the above image.


Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal

Then we can select the inside ones in the top view and make a mirror, for this, we can use the Symmetry Horizontal tool under the Transform tab.

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At this stage we can create the curves around the ring, for this we should use the Intersec tool under the Modelling tab and select all the surfaces. We no longer need the extruded surfaces, select them and delete them.


Multiple Pipe

Now we can select all the curves and run the Multiple Pipe tool under the Modelling tab to create the wires around each curve with the pretended measures.


Boolean Union

The final step, in the Modelling tab, with the Boolean Union tool, we can unite all the parts in a closed solid.

Hoops In this tutorial we will try out a few more powerful commands in RhinoGold. Very useful tools as Dynamic Profile, Gems by Two Curves, Cutter Studio and Prong Studio.



Under the Drawing tab we can choose the tool Arc and in the front view define it with the Snap option activated as in the above picture.


Gems by Two Curves

Still in the Jewellery tab, run the Gems by Two Curves tool and define the parameters to place the gems around the hoop. Select the inner edges, and click Preview.

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Dynamic Profile

Now, under the Jewellery tab with the Dynamic Profile tool select the arc and define all the parameters to create the hoops according to our needs. We recommend to use the section of the image.


Cutter Studio

Then, select all the Gems created previously and under the Jewellery tab we can choose the Cutter Studio tool to make the cutters.


Boolean Difference

Now, under the Modelling tab, with the Boolean Difference tool to remove all the cutters created previously from the hoop.



Now, under the Modelling tab we will use the Box command to create an object as the above image which will support the ear wire.


Prong Studio

Back to the Jewellery tab, with the Prong Studio tool, we can define all the parameters to create the prongs that will support each gem.


Boolean Union

The final step, under the Modelling tab with the Boolean Union tool, we can unite all the parts created previously in a closed solid.

NOTE: We don’t have included the ear wire because it’s common to do it using other processes for several reasons related with metal proprieties and finishes, but for those who want to, under the Modelling tab is the cylinder tool to do it easily.

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Leaf Shape Pendant In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Gems by Curve, Prong Studio, Cutter Studio and Bend Deformation.


Arc: Start, Point on Arc, End

Under the Drawing tab, with the Arc: Start, Point on Arc, End tool, we can create our arc in the top view with the pretended dimensions. We recommend 40mm long by 10 wide. Use the Snap if it is more easy.



Under the Drawing tab, with the Offset tool, we can create an outside line, in this case with a 3mm distance.

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Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal

In this step select the Arc created before and under the Transform tab use the Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal tool to create the same effect in both sides. Then use the Auto Connect tool to unite the curves.



Still under the Drawing tab we can define the top of our pendant, in this case with the rectangle tool as the above image.


Trim / Auto Connect

In this step select all the curves created before and with the Trim tool, under the Drawing tab, to remove the inside curves. Then, use the Auto Connect tool to unite them all.


Offset In Out

In this stage, select the curve created in the previous step and with the Offset In Out tool under the Drawing tab to make two more curves as the above image. In this case the both offset distances are 1mm.



In the Modelling tab, select the curves created in the step number 7 and with the extrude tool define a solid to cut the previous one to create the Gems section. In this case the extrusion distance is 0,5mm.

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Now, under the Drawing Tab with the Offset tool to create a curve between the others. For that, select the inside one and give a 1,5mm offset distance.



Now we can select the two outside curves and with the Extrude tool from the Modelling tab, we can create a solid, in this case with 1,5mm thickness.


Boolean Difference

Then, under the Modelling tab, choose the Boolean Difference tool to remove the solid created in the previous step from the first one.


Bend Deformation

Under the Transform Tab with the Bend tool, we can create a new effect to our shape, for this, in the right view to define the pretended one. It’s important to make this operation with the solid and the middle curve which will be used forward.


Gems by Curve

In the Jewellery tab, choose the Gems by curve tool to place the gems as the above image. Then, click on the surface and select the inner surface. Insert 12 gems of 1.8mm diameter. Click Justify, and select the option: Fit to start point.


Prong Studio

Now we can create the prongs to the gems. Under the Jewellery tab with the Prong Studio tool, it’s just to define all the parameters according to our needs.

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Bend Deformation Now, repeat the previous step but this time in the front view, but activate the option Symmetrical =



Mirror: Symmety Horizontal

Under the Transform tab, select the Gems created before and with the Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal tool in the top view to create the gems for the other side.


Cutter Studio

Then, still under the Jewellery tab, choose the Cutter Studio tool to create the cutters for the gems applied before.


Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc

Under the Drawing Tab with the Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc tool in the right view we can define the section for the pendant bail.

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Now, under the Modelling Tab with the Pipe tool to create the solid around the curve created in the previous step. Then, select all the parts and with the Boolean Union tool to unite all the parts in a single object.

Earrings Flower & Pearl In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Revol Rail, Cap, Twist and Bend.


Vertical Symmetric Curves

Under the Artistics tab, with the Vertical Symmetric Curves tool, we can make a curve following the pretended results as the above image.



Then we can cut the internal part of the curves under the Drawing tab, with the Trim tool. Then, with the Auto Connect tool to unite all the curves in a single one. Alternatively we can use the command Boolean Curves .

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Dynamic Polar Array

Now under the Transform tab we can use the Dynamic Polar Array tool in the top view to create a circular duplication, in this case with six elements.



Now, still under the Drawing tab with the Curve tool in the right view to define a profile to the flower as the above image.


Revol Rail

In this step, with the Revol Rail tool under the Modelling tab to make the flower surfaces following the curves created before.



Then, with the Bend tool under the Transform tab we can define the pretended shape to the earrings. Do not forget to activate Symmetry = Yes.


Twist / Boolean Union

Now, in the Transform tab, with the Twist tool to adjust the Pearl wire as the above image. Then, with the Boolean Union tool under the Modelling tab to unite both parts in a single object.

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Cap Now, still under the Modelling Tab we can use the Cap tool to create a closed solid.


Now, under the Modelling tab with the Box tool we can place the Pearl wire, in this case in the center of the flower.



The last step, under the Modelling tab with the Sphere tool to create the Pearl, in this case is with 8mm diameter.

Square Pave Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Size Creator, Boolean Operations, Gem Studio and Pave Along UV.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.



Still under the Drawing tab we can choose the tool Arc and in the front view define it. Start by selecting the center (0,0,0) and connect it with the two points of the rectangle created in the previous step.

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Now with the Rectangle tool, under the Drawing tab, we can create in the front view a rectangle according to our needs.


Trim / Auto Connect

Now we can use the Trim tool under the Drawing Tab to cut the underside of the rectangle, select the Arc as the cutting object and then the side we don’t need. After this, choose the Auto Connect tool to join both sides as one single object.



In this step select all the curves created before and under the Modelling tab use the Extrude tool to create a solid. In this particular ring the extrusion value is 10mm for both sides.


Scale 3D

Still in the Tranform tab, select the Scale 3D tool and activate the copy option in the command line, then, define the inside object which will serve to remove the inside to be with less weight, in this this case it will be with 1,2mm tickness.


Boolean Difference

In this stage, use the Boolean Difference under the Modelling tab to make two operations. First is to remove the cube from the inside object and then the inside object from the ring.

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Now under the Transform Tab we will use the Taper tool to adjust the bottom to our needs, in this case it will be with 8mm in the right view without changing the top of the ring.


Planes and Cubes

Now with the Planes and Cubes tool from the Jewellery tab, we start by selecting the object created in the previous step to apply a cube on the bottom half to be removed. If needed use the Move command to adjust the position.


Pave Along UV

Then, under the Jewellery tab, choose the Pave Along UV tool to define the Gems position. Start by selecting the surface where it will be applied and define all the parameters according to the pretended results.


Extract Gem Point

In this step under the Jewellry Tab, start by selecting all the gems created before and use the Extract Gem Point tool to serve as a reference for the next step.


Cutter Studio

Still in the Jewellery tab, choose the Cutter Studio tool and select the square gems to create a cutter for each one, then, define the parameters as needed.


Prong Studio / Boolean Union

The last step is to create the prongs for each gem. Under the Jewellery tab, choose the Prong Studio and select all the gems, then define all the parameters as needed. To finish the ring use the Boolean Union tool to make the prongs and the ring as a single object.

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Gem Studio

Now, still under the Jewellery Tab we will use the Gem Studio tool to create square gems, in this case 2mm. Then, with the option: position by points, place the gems exactly in the same place than the ones created before.


Bolean Difference

Back to the Modelling tab, select the Boolean Diference to remove the cutters from the ring. Now we have a square around every gem. The square gems can be deleted just because they were used as support objects, we still have the round ones.

Gems Earrings In this tutorial we will try out a few more powerful commands in RhinoGold. Very useful tools as Pave Automatic, Boolean Operations, Gem Studio and Head Studio.


Arc: Start, Point on Arc, End

Under the Drawing tab we can choose the tool Arc: Start, Point on Arc, End and in the right view define it with the Snap option activated as in the above picture. In this case 10mm length and 2mm heigth.


Ellipse Still in the Drawing tab, run the Ellipse tool and make one who connect both Arcs created in the previous


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Arc: Start, Point on Arc, End

Now, in the front view, the same process as the previous step, but with a bigger length and the same height. In this case 22mm length and 2mm heigth.


Patch Surface

Then, select both arcs and the ellipse created previously and under the Modelling tab we can choose the Patch tool to create a surface which will be used as a support for the next steps.


Pave Automatic

Now, under the Jewellery tab, with the Pave Automatic tool define the parameters to place the gems as needed, in this case we will use 2mm diameter.


Bezel Studio

Now, under the Jewellery tab we will use the Bezel Studio, just need to select the gems, then adjust all the parameters to the desirable result and it will create a bezel for each gem.


Boolean Split

Now we will use the surface created in the previous step to define the earrings back side. Under the Modeling tab choose the Boolean Split tool and use the surface to cut all the exceeds for each bezel.



In this step the idea is just to delete those gems created by the Pave Automatic that we won't need, in this case three from both sides.


Offset surface

In this step we will use the original surface created to support the Pave Automatic. Under the Modelling tab we will choose the Offset tool to create another one with 1,5mm distance from the original in the bottom direction.


Boolean Union

Then it’s time to unite all the parts in a single object. For that, under the Modelling tab, choose the Boolean Union tool, select all the bezels and it’s done.

NOTE: We don’t have included the ear wire because it’s common to do it using other processes for several reasons related with metal proprieties and finishes, but for those who want to, under the Modelling tab is the cylinder tool to do it easily.

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Bust In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Curve Network, Revol, Loft and Offset Surface.



Under the Drawing tab with the circle tool to make a circle with 100mm diameter and move it 220mm in the Z axis.



Now, with the curve tool under the Drawing tab we make two arcs, one in the front view and another in the right view using the previous lines as reference.

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Still in the Drawing tab with the Line command in the front view we make a line with 270mm from the center of the circle and another one with 280mm with a distance of 50mm under the circle. These are only support lines for the next steps.


Curve from Two Views

Still in the same tab we select both curves created in the previous step and choose the 2Curves tool to create another one.



Curve Now we can create four curves under the Drawing tab as seen in the image.

Offset Surface

Then we can select the surface and still under the Modelling tab choose the Offset Surface Tool with a 6mm distance from the original to the inner side.



The next step under the Modelling tab consists in the creation of the surfaces on the tops of the ones created previously. For that we use the Cap tool.

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Network Surface Under the Modelling tab with the Network tool use all the curves to create a surface to the Bust.

Loft Surface

Now it’s time to run the Loft Surface command to make a section between the two surfaces created before, for that, it’s only needed to select the out sides of each one. Then, use the Join tool to unite them.



Now we can make a curve in the right view as you can see in the image. This will be the support to create the basis.


Revol Surface

Under the Modelling tab, with the Revol tool, select the curve created in the previous step and define an angle with 360º degrees rotation and cap the top and the bottom. Then we can use the Boolean Union tool to unite the parts as a single object.

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Star Pendant with Pave In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Boolean Operations, Cage Edit, Pave Automatic and Prong Studio.


Polygon: Star

Under the Drawing tab with the Polygon: Star tool we can make a Star with 40mm in the top view and in the commands line we can edit the number of sides.



Now, with the Offset tool under the Drawing tab we make a smaller star to the inside with a 1mm distance from the original.

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Fillet Still in the Drawing tab with the Fillet tool to break the Sharp corners of the star.


Then, under the Modelling tab with the Extrude tool, we can give a 1,5mm extrusion value on the big one and the other with 1mm. Then move up the smaller one about 1mm again.


Boolean Difference

Now, under the Modelling tab with the Boolean Difference tool we can remove the inside Star from the the other one to create a pave section as seen on the image.


Pave Automatic

Now under the Jewellery tab choose the Pave Automatic Tool to place the gems on the pretended surface of the star.


Cutter Studio

The next step still under the Jewellery tab is the Cutter Studio tool, we can start by selecting the Gems and define all the parameters to create the cutters as needed.

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Then, under the Transform tab with the Edit tool we can select the option Bounding Box to define the points to control the shape of the star, in this case X4 Y4 Z2.


Prong Studio

Then select the Gems and run the Prong Studio command still in the Jewellery tab and define all the parameters to create the prongs.


Boolean Difference Back to the Modelling tab with the Boolean Difference tool we can remove the cutters from the star.


Boolean Union Now we can make a Boolean Union between the star and the prongs in form to create our closed


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Butterfly Pendant In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful commands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Boolean Operations, Pipe, Head Studio and Revol.


Vertical Symmetric Curve

Under the Artistics tab with the Vertical Symmetric Curve tool we can create a curve in the top view defining the butterfly shape.



Now, with the Circle tool under the Drawing tab we make several circles of different measures to define the butterfly’s body..

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Then, in the Modelling tab with the Pipe tool to create a wire of 1,5mm diameter following the previous curve.



Then, under the Drawing tab with the Trim tool, we can cut the inside part of each circle, and after that, with the Auto Connect tool to unite all the curves in a single one.



Now, under the Modelling tab with the Revol tool we can create the solid that represents the butterfly body.



Pipe Now under the Modelling tab with the Pipe Tool to create the solid around the Arc.

Mirror: Symmetric Horizontal

The next step, under the Transform tab with the Mirror: Symmetrical Horizontal tool, in the top view, to create the same effect on the other side.

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Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc

Then, under the Drawing tab with the Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc tool we can define the butterfly horns.



Sphere Then, still in the Modelling tab with the Sphere tool, define the last detail of the horn.

Vertical Symmetric Curve

Back to the Artistics tab, again with the Vertical Symmetric Curve tool, we can define all the interior of the butterfly wings.


Multiple Pipe

Now we can make a Multiple Pipe, under the Modelling tab, for this, select every curves created in the previous step.


Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal

Then we can select the Gems and under the Transform tab choose the Mirror: Symmetric Horizontal Tool to create the same in both sides.


Boolean Union The last step, under the Modelling tab with the Boolean Union tool to unite all the parts in a single ob-


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Gem Studio

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gem Studio tool, select the places and sizes of the Gems to insert, then, if needed, move them up.


Head Studio

Now it’s time to select all the Gems and run the Head Studio command, under the Jewellery tab, to make a section for each one.

Articulated Bracelet In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Dynamic Polar Array, Boolean Operations and Bend Deformation.



Under the Drawing tab, with the Polyline tool, we can define the pretended shape and dimensions in the top view.



Now we can select the Curve and under the Drawing tab, with the Offset tool to create an inside curve, in this case with 1mm distance from the original one.

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Fillet / Auto Connect

Then, still under the Drawing tab, we can use the Fillet tool to create round corners, in this case with 1mm angle. After this select all the curves and run the Auto Connect command to unite them in a closed curve.



Then, we can select the first curve and under the Modelling tab with the Extrude tool, create a solid, in this case with 5mm height.



In this step we can select the second curve and with the Extrude tool, under the Modelling tab, define a new solid in order to remove the inside part from the existing one, in this case is an extrusion with 4mm height for both sides.



In this stage, we can create a section for the gallery, in this case with the Polyline tool under the Drawing tab.



In the Transform tab, select the solids created in the previous step and Copy them to the other side in the top view.

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Boolean Difference

Now, still under the Modelling Tab with the Boolean Difference tool to remove the inside solid from the first one.



Now we can repeat the process from the step number 5 to create the section to cut our solid in order to define the gallery.


Boolean Difference

Now, under the Modelling tab, with the Boolean Difference tool to remove the parts created previously from the first one.



Under the Drawing Tab with the Circle tool, we can create a curve to define the wrist measure, in this case with 50mm diameter in the right view.


Dynamic Polar Array

Then, still under the Transform tab, with the Dynamic Polar Array tool to duplicate the object around the wrist. In this case with 10 copies in 360º degrees.


Dynamic Polar Array

Now, select the cylinder created before and repeat the process from the step number 13 with the same parameters. Then, we can use the Boolean Difference tool to remove all the cylinders from each module.

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Bend Deformation

Now, still in the right view, under the Transform Tab with the Bend tool to adjust the solid to the pretended curve.



To finish the bracelet we can make a Cylinder under the Modelling tab to define the articulation between parts.

Enamel Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Create Border in Plane and Boolean Operations.


Ring Wizard

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Ring Wizard tool, we can make our ring defining all the parameters following the pretended results.


Extract Surface

Then we can copy the surface under the Modelling tab, with the Extract Surface tool and with the copy option activated to duplicate the ring’s outside surface.

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Now under the Drawing tab we can use the Ellipse tool in the top view to create a curve that will define the enamel section.



Now, under the Drawing tab with the Trim tool we can remove the part of the surface we don’t need and keep the other side to create the enamel section as the above image.


Offset Surface / Boolean Difference

In this step we can create a solid with the Offset Surface tool under the Modelling tab and define the parameters, in this case is 0,4mm for both sides. It’s important to keep the original surface to be used in future operations. Then, with the Boolean Difference tool under the Modelling tab to remove section from the ring.



Smart Curve In this stage, with the Smart Curve tool under the Drawing tab we can define the pretended design.


Then, in the Drawing tab, with the Trim tool to remove the surface outside part in order to keep the pretended design.

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Create Border in Plane

Now still under the Modelling Tab we can use the Create Border in Plane tool and select the trimmed surface as the above image.


Apply Border in Surface

Now, under the Modelling tab with the Apply Border in Surface tool we can place the curves created in the previous step in the original surface.


Offset Surface / Boolean Union

Now, under the Modelling tab with the Offset tool to create solids from the trimmed surfaces, in this case with 0,5mm tickness to the inner side. Then, to finish the ring it’s only need to unite all the parts in a single object, for this we should use the Boolean Union tool under the Modelling tab.

Signet Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Size Creator, Boolean Operations, Surface Network and 3D Texture.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.



Still under the Drawing tab we can choose the tool Arc and in the front view define it. Start by selecting the center (0,0,0) and define it as needed.

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Now with the Ellipse tool, under the Drawing tab, we can create in the top view a ellipse with 14mm in X and with 12mm in Y, then, in the front view, move it up 14mm.


Arc: Start, End, Point on arc

Now we can use the Arc tool under the Drawing Tab to complete the section, select the Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc to do it easily.


Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal

In this step select the Arc created before and under the Transform tab use the Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal tool to create the same effect in both sides. Then use the Auto Connect tool to unite the arcs.



In the Modelling tab, select the circle and with the extrude tool define a solid larger than the ring section. This object will be used in the next steps.


Surface Network In this stage, use the Surface Network tool under the Modelling tab to make the surface of the ring.

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Now under the Drawing Tab we will use the curve tool in the right view to define the other side of the ring. Then we can repeat, with this curve, the previous step and the the section is complete.



Now we can hide the extrusión, for this, we will click on the mouse central button and choose the icon that shows a light bulb off and with the Ellipse tool from the Drawing tab, we can create an intermediate section at the height of the external quadrants.


Cap Then, still under the Modelling tab, choose the Cap tool to define the top surface, as the above image.


Boolean Difference

In this step under the Modelling Tab, remove the extrusion created in the step number 7 from the closed solid with the Boolean Difference tool.


Boolean Difference

In the Modelling tab, choose the Boolean Difference tool to remove the solid created previously from the original one.

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Scale 3D

Now, under the Transform Tab we will use the Scale 3D tool to create a smaller solid inside, in this case the difference between them is 1,2mm. It’s important to actívate the copy option from the command line.


3D Texture The last step, under the Artistics tab, is to select the 3D Texture tool to apply a relief from an image.

Cluster Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Boolean Operations, Head Studio and Prong Studio.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.


Head Studio

Then we can select the Gem and under the Jewellery tab, with the Head Studio tool to create the prongs around and also define the multiple parameters from this command, which can be completely customized.

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Gem Studio

Still under the Jewellery tab we can use the Gem Studio tool to create a Gem, in this case with 12mm in the pretended shape. It’s important to leave about 1mm distance from the ring size.


Extract Gem Curve

Now, still under the Jewellery tab we can choose the tool Extract Gem Curve. The result is the Gem outside curve.


Offset Curve

In this step we select the curve created before and with the Offset tool, under the Drawing tab, in the top view, define a new one, in this case with 3mm outside distance. Then move it down about 1mm.


Extrude Surface Tapered

In this stage, we use the Extrude Surface Tapered tool still under the Modelling tab to make the surfaces of the ring’s head. In the commands line define the parameters as needed but the extusion distance should be inside the curve that defines the ring size. Then remove the caps with the Extract Surface tool.


Auto Cut

In the Modelling tab, select the circle who defines the ring size and the solid created in the previous step and with the Auto Cut tool to remove the exceeds.

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Loft Now under the Modelling Tab we will use Loft tool to create a surface between the two curves.

Duplicate Border

Now we can use the Duplicate Border tool still from the Modelling tab to create the curves from the bottom of the surfaces. Then, repeat with this curves the step nº6 to create a surface between them and after this with the Join tool to unite all the surfaces as a closed solid polysurface.


Ring Wizard

Now, under the Jewellery tab, we choose the Ring Wizard tool to define the ring’s rim. In this case is with 6mm width and 4mm height. Don’t forget to keep the ring size created before.


Polyline / Auto Cut

Under the Drawing Tab with the Polyline tool, we can create a curve to cut the rim section which match with the ring’s head, then, with the Auto Cut tool select this curve and the rim to be cut.


Cutter Studio

In the Jewellery tab, choose the Cutter Studio tool and select the gems created previously to make his cutters.


Prong Studio

Now we can create the prongs to the gems, under the Jewellery tab with the Prong Studio tool, define the parameters as needed. Then, we can use the Boolean Union tool to unite all the parts in a single object.

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Gem Studio

Now, under the Jewellery Tab we will use the Gem Studio tool to place the gems with the surface option, in this case with 2mm diameter.


Boolean Difference Under the Modelling tab, with the Boolean Difference tool, remove the cutters from the ring’s head.

Ring Channel on Bezel In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Gem Studio, Bezel Studio and Prong Studio.


Ring Wizard

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Ring Wizard tool, we can define our ring’s rim giving a greater thickness at the top as the above image.


Bezel Studio

Then we can select the Gem and under the Jewellery tab, with the Bezel Studio tool to create the ring’s head defining the multiple parameters from this command, which can be completely customized.

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Gem Studio

Still under the Jewellery tab we can use the Gem Studio tool to create a Gem, in this case with 8mm in the pretended shape. It’s important to leave about 1mm distance from the ring size.


Ring Size Creator / Auto Cut

Now, still under the Jewellery tab with the Gauge tool to create a circle with the same ring size given in the step number 1 from this tuturial. Then, with the Auto Cut tool under the Modelling tab we can cut the Bezel interior exceeds.



In this step with the Circle tool, under the Drawing tab, in the top view, define a curve as the above image, in the middle of the Bezel top section, then move it up to the same level than the Bezel top.


Boolean Difference

In this stage, we should use the Boolean Difference tool under the Modelling tab to make the gems section in the ring’s head. For this it’s just remove the solid created in the previous step from the Bezel.


Extrude Tapered / Boolean Difference

In the Modelling tab, select the circle from the step number 5 and with the Extrude Taperd tool to create a section to cut the ring’s rim. Then, with the Boolean Difference tool to finish the process.

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Dynamic Profile

Now under the Jewellery Tab we will use Dynamic Profile tool to create the Gems section, in this case 0,5mm below the ring’s head and 1,8mm width.


Gems by Curve

Now we can use the Gems by curve tool from the Jewellery tab to create the Gems along the circle created in the step number 5.


Head Studio Now, under the Jewellery tab, we choose the Head Studio tool to define the prongs for the central gem.


Prong Studio

Under the Jewellery Tab with the Prong Studio tool, we can apply the prongs to the gems, it’s just need to define the parameters as pretended.

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Cutter Studio / Boolean Operations

Now, still under the Jewellery Tab we will use the Cutter Studio tool to make the gems cutters, then, with the Boolean Difference tool to remove them from the ring’s head. To finish the ring, we just need to select all the parts and with the Boolean Union tool to unite them all in a single object.

Pave Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Wizard, Gem Studio, Pave Automatic and Prong Studio.


Ring Wizard

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Ring Wizard tool, we can make our ring defining all the a greater thickness at the top.


Extract Surface

Then we can copy the surface under the Modelling tab, with the Extract Surface tool and with the copy option activated to duplicate the ring’s outside surface.

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Smart Curve

Now under the Drawing tab we can use the Smart Curve tool in the right view to create a curve that will define the pave section, it’s important to activate the symetry option.



Now, under the Drawing tab with the Trim tool we can remove the part of the surface we don’t need and keep the other side to create the pave section.


Offset Surface

In this step we can create a solid with the Offset Surface tool under the Modelling tab and define the parameters, in this case is 0,5mm for both sides.


Pave Automatic

In this stage, we can place the Gems in the ring’s pave section with the Pave Automatic tool under the Jewellery tab. If needed we also can use the Pave Dynamic to adjust some positions independently.


Boolean Difference In the Modelling tab, with the Boolean Difference tool to remove the cutters from the ring.

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Boolean Difference

Now still under the Modelling Tab we can use the Boolean Difference tool to remove the solid created previously from the ring and the pave section is created.


Cutter Studio

Now we can select the Gems and with the Cutter Studio tool still from the Jewellery tab to create the cutters for each gem.


Prong Studio / Boolean Union

Now, under the Jewellery tab, we can choose the Prong Studio tool to define the prongs for each gem and if needed we can also use the Dynamic prong to adjust some positions independently. Then, with the Boolean Union tool under the Modelling tab to unite all the parts in a single closed solid.

Heart Ring In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in RhinoGold. Very powerful tools as Ring Size Creator, Boolean Operations, Surface Network and Pave Automatic.


Smart Curve

Under the Drawing tab, with the Smart Curve tool, we can create our heart in the top view. In this case it is only half.


Ring Size Creator

Under the Jewellery tab, with the Gauge tool, we can choose our ring size. In this case it is the number 16 from European standard measures. The result is a circle with our desired diameter.

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Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal

In this step select the curve created before and under the Transform tab use the Mirror: Symmetry Horizontal tool to create the same effect in both sides. Then use the Auto Connect tool to unite the curves.


Arc: Start, End, Point on arc

Still under the Drawing tab we can choose the tool Arc and, in the front view, define it. Then, if needed, we can adjust it with the Edit Points tool. Repeat the curve to the other side with the Mirror tool.


Smart Curve

In this step select the Smart Curve tool, under the Drawing tab and in the right view define this section of the ring, remenber to make two curves, one for each side.



Network Surface In this stage, use the Surface Network tool under the Modelling tab to make the surface of the ring.


In the Modelling tab, select the circle and with the extrude tool define a solid larger than the ring section. This object will be used in the next steps.

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Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc

Now under the Drawing Tab we will use the Arc: Start, End, Point tool to define the intermediate section of the ring then, the same to the other side and with the Auto Connect tool to unite both sides.



Now we can select the surface created before and with the Cap tool from the Modelling tab, we can create the top surface.



Then, under the Drawing tab, choose the Offset tool to define the Pave section. In this case is with 0,8mm. Repeat this process again but with 0,4mm in the Offset distance, this intermediate curve will be used in the last steps.



Under the Modelling Tab with the Extrude tool, we can create the Pave section, for this, we give an extrusion distance of 0,5mm.


Pave Automatic

In the Jewellery tab, choose the Pave Automatic tool to place the gems according to our needs, in this case with 1,5mm diameter.



Now we can create a Sphere in the center (0,0,0) under the Modelling tab with the Sphere tool, in this case with 0,8mm diameter.

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Boolean Dynamic

Now, under the Modelling Tab we will use the Boolean Dynamic tool to create our ring, select the Boolean Difference option and remove the heart (Pave Section) and the circle extrusion (Ring Size) from the closed solid created previously.


Prong Studio

Under the Jewellery tab, select the Gems created before and define all the parameters of the prongs to apply. After this, if needed, use the Dynamic Prong tool to adjust some missing prongs.


Dynamic Array

Then, still under the Modelling tab, choose the Dynamic Array tool to multiply the Sphere along the intermediate heart curve created previously.


Cutter Studio

Under the Jewellery Tab with the Cutter tool, we can select all the Gems and define all the parameters to create the cutters for them.

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Boolean Dynamic

Now, under the Modelling Tab we will use the Boolean Dynamic tool to create our ring, first, select the Boolean Difference option and remove the Cutters from the ring, then select all the parts and with the same tool, unite them as a single object.